--Jlntnhn 2U;ttiing. t'tom the New KiiglaiiH Farmer. " Sec tlmt ye wi.lk circumspectly." Enir.suxa. All will acknowledge that iu the varied interest of lift), there is abundant need of circumspection. There ore so many unwise friends, so many covert foes, no ninny pro pensities that lend man sway from good, that ho alone is wise who distrusts himself, and so is led to seek strength where alone it c:to be found. The parent whom the child regards from infancy, as counsellor, eieuiplar, has surely a powerful incentive to lead a blameless, nn exalted life. iVbat ha nliall say and do will live after him in the characters of those little immortal clustering abjiit his knee. To him thev will refer in after days; when upon his breast may press the clods of the j valley, and they will bless him, , how rev. you have come to the end : " by, begin rrently! for the path of lilit he trod, or to read it again,'' replied the mother. Hut bury deep in their breasts his blurred and will you not lump it all J Whin you bare blotted memory. read other books, you put them away and Good seed planted in the tender minds ; read aomelhing else-. Why do you read the of his children, will blosoui perhaps centn- j liible so many times?" " liccause," answer rie hence, npm the earth, nud bear fruit ; ed the mother, " the Bible is always new ; throujh eternity ; and what can a get.erous if we study it nil our lives, we shall not ex heart require, more than this, in recotii- i hatist it. It is like a rich mine of gold ; you petie for its labors? Jitter than wealth may dig, and dig iu it, but still the gold is or fame is the legacy of a holy life, and ; not gone. Hundreds of years ago men be tbou.'h 'dying; unknown and penniless, any j gau to dig in this Dibit! mine, but there is parent can beq icath this inheritance to thoso J enough left for us and for all that shall j who are dearer than life. The teacher, neit the parent, is reri'iireil to examine himself scarchinoly in this mat- I er. Are his opinions, his habits of expres- : ion, his deeds, such as he would wi-li faiih j fully copied by thoso towards whom he .tnn.lj ... c.-t if.tiitiiittt finrf fmrmrt-iftt a ri P. " " , . , . ' l -r 7, , , , , , . . 7 . i faithful and cheerful submission toils re- rim ri.it: 1,1. . rues ins pupus snow n.at t ha bem with J."is and learned of him ! There is another class, and a j;rent army are they, who hive within a few !.nt montus professed a radical eh wine in their motive. )e!,j, M j,.t0 ule, beant'.ful action, we can ' 1 , . . I ' il. sires, hopes who have joined Christ s vis- pleased with it and see that it is a hap. 1 , ' , . ,,. ' 1','e ohiireh and approached lits cniiimu. ,( ; f r r v at j , , ur . . ,ut . ' .,. ... itJ'n ni.n 1 hey slanJ to tho worbl 111 ditl.Tent ; , ot ,,;,,. our,.lves upon it it is God that ' . ill 1 1 iniiiiwii nun. ...a. ... "u1 j -. - j , . . fere, placing themselves apart as professeu I 1 '...! t ui iu, in in Ilis st.-p, anil Ii.ij.iiig to siir.ro witu ; Him the crown of vietnry. j Upon siiib, many observant eyes are fas- j te'T.'d eirc ri v.-i ihern. M-iny a vuicelens 1 'tn.'-tion i- a-ked. Sjme of the coiivrt.'d I in. ay have ii. -rrtcfore led arj impure life. Knoiich iii be ready to oh-e've if the blood J cf Chii-t l,a;h indenl ws-hed them clfinj snd if tj.cy wiil fraii-ress 1 1 1 luly law of j irity no liiisrc. j oil; in Jens' t sme hare laid !own the , iiif-xicaiing cup tu-t urt such walk cir- eiiin-t 1 : t' v ; f t r !.:? can kc well as fir the i-.trre-ts ..f t'l,;i-t's kin'K b-eoii... ll.e ly word of sc. Hers ! 1 It.vl they ' I r. there not ann? tl.i tnulflfide ' v.,v vithhold front brothers, frki. I', l:ei,:li. 1 .11 . ! i t t lor-, tin ir irj!iet due, ana linn bring tneir ; .. . . , , ;. 1 these roi I o'ie I.. Ifve in a cuver-iou nccoinp-iiiiuJ by prompt sctioa in whit i' ril.t, houjralj'e, trj? Can there be a Cliri-liaii ; whoso ideas of morality are so br-cloil'led, that he cantiot see hi vain hi-! cfferiiip'S to i 1 1 wilh hulids stained wilh the pui!t o f w ithho'.ding a feilow creature's righteous due? - "Fay what thou owest," restore If every ni3ti Lis own, or mock not . the majesty ef Hi avc . -"ith faithless prayer'. 'J'hcru n. ay be morality without region, but woe unto l.im who fl vttcrs hiiii-e!f that ho is rei:i"U', while he u-es unu-.vfuUy j n hat Is not his own, and .-lips over the w ro tig In: could not re lro.v? He may deceive pas tor and friends, but He who cannot be de- ; reived wiil one d iy thunJir in b.s cars.; " Woe I unto yo'i, htpiciite i Ii.ar t the f.i'itiiful heart is Chri-t's cause ' on earth, and it wiil do raiht to hiin re pi-oach up-iii His Ufitne. He has heretofjre j l.M'ti " nio-t irrievo.js'y wounded in the very hou-e of Ilia friends," l..r the seo.T.T has! jone thei'-, ti'.t to learn of Ilim, but to ex- . p ,c tL.; treachery of H i aeeuiinjj support. I irs. T,. t n'.t one r,f us aid in doinsr Ilim this J ore-it wro . Let u' b " ciicuui-pect," ' 1 1 at 1. fill everywhere, ju.-t ti all, kin I, t' 1 ero'M, for-'i-.iiir; ill shoit, li t us i.-t ss We. profess, anl His Kingdom wiil eiteud with! rapidity before unknown, ! '' I. wide dt"rcp'iticy biit.veen prof -!"i-l and pract.ee has driven mnre from " tS" fild " thaii ail otlcr cireijmtances co:ubin el. Caitivsi eyes tvi-r hive ! ,-1."-f the fihari'T, eareles cars have heard his pray er, snd such have believed tint this was all reliijn. l'atl iiii.-i.iku, from which God pusff us sll '. II. J. L. christian r,i:n ijt.k, a woirw WITH Vol '. W'f werrj strack stne time aL" w'uh remark made by roini-teri.il ac.j .aiutancc j " I dare not "said he " p"y fr the con- s' r-im of situitrs ; fir the church is not pee. psrei) 10 receive thetn into her foM, sd.1 caro for them properly." I'erona j J -t be- I'iiininj a t'hi isti m life reri iire iii'truetion, . ,, , , .,.. h.'in hel l in this city anl eNcwhere pray-j era arc mu'ln Cr tJi" eonerion of sin-I tiers, anil it is proper that sucli a petition I fallow as possible, aua at fjrtliewt, mice' ttjt liitlr,, 114 itsi elcnirnt nre tli-rirt-il riiain sho.ilil he ofT-reil ; f.,r the conversion of the j ;n two weehs. This was worki ahont v-1 ly from the atmosphere but tho potato worlrl is the mission of th (lopel. When ' prs i days, putting a little earth to the top exhausts more than any other TPi;eta fiirly te'tej, the Uospel ia always atten'ti-tl 1 ,.orn. ahould have said thflt the roller hie, as its elements arc derived more from with converting power. Hut we fear Ihe . wa, psed over ihe Sandy part nt plant- tho soil. Potato tons, then, should nil bo chnTches sre not rei'ly to receive lare nc c's.ions of new born converts. W'e fear the j a'lno phere of our sanctuaries is so cold that I . il rs in Christ nii-ht freer.e and die j there is not sutteivijt lijtt '! warmth. The.su) fears may not be well founded ; ire nope they are not. But it will not be amiss for us to examine ourselves in view of the reli gious tnovetiieut going on. AVo may each do well to ask, Am I right befote God? Am I prepared to meet the responsibilities and perform the duties devolved upon me by my position and opportunities I We should pray not ouly Lord revive thy work," but also, " Lord, revive me : Lord bless me," When each Individual believer is blessed, till are blessed and when all the church is Messed, then blessings aro poured out upou perishing tinners. T'rom the American Mtefner. IX) K 3 THE IiliJLK GUUW OLD! " Whstl y on do, when you have read your Jliblc through T" asked a little child, as she looked curiously at the marks in her mother's Hible. " What will you do when come afier us. o, the liible never grows 'old. So Ion as Ihe world lats its books j will still be new and living, and ' able to save to the uttermost' all who believe in them." I,0!,J 0f etli.i,' down any good we i i . 1 ia, W0"r cwucre"".,B,jn'"mS ' c"u ; n UOl, " r'" ' w 18 I h ,Pr9IIIlfi i ffrt QnA a claim on us. j ij0 n;M glt ull u, n,,.. goodness, these gooii works, and we arc .so mueh more in debt : l4ve 0 mud, more reasou Tor thankfulness all( obedience to him When his Spirit' iihi 11 one 11 ill! sioue 11 as ui aoe us 10 uiiicr from (he children of di-obedieiice. The more ;you in ip oursc.i, lue more uuu wi.i uc.j y..-i 3liiTicuI(iial. -i l'i"xa the S. ( '.trw" .' ,' niter. APVANTAGK-i .t;F HKK1' I'LUiVIMJ. y.KJ. ?r.in'.B My Irar Sir: As I have the sciene e.f ajrie tltrvre and yjur iu'livnl'i il j rospvrity at heart, I cTinnot ""' r"7 1 "I P". '"TJ J P1""""- or '"' ' ''"'"1- advaiiU'-es of deep fj'lrw iti'' .better, than 1 r r n ' pic you the result of a beautiful eiperi- mint of the Hon. N. W. Wood fin of North Caroiii.. lr Wood in i a profound !w. yer and a judicious husbar.dinao of the "Old North Slate." 1 proceed forthwith to give yoi his admirable aopjesliows, ho ping they nny mat. riiKy aid you. In a hitler to myelf, the Hm. gentleman says: " I raised in 1'iS, 7 s'res of land, kXt bu-he!s of corn, and on 'J acres, inclu iiii" 1 nii 1 ...(...I. hi l...l.ta t tb tl aere. beinj the best p.rts of a lar.-e field, not nlanted with a view of mea.su riui The beat orew ou upland, a stiff, red clay,! t. 1 . r .i... i.:n ... .t:. :.. to a reclaimed maple s.amp, which had I11'"iUrc ,u w' Lt"1 ,0' been 10 years in timothy, without manure. : c,'f' The ridre land had bnu worn out before - If you wi-h to rid your orchsi d of I p'irchaed it, in I'-.H. It had been ma- a thousand grubs and insects, make a ho uured and cropped in col li, wheal, osti pature of it the present seasou. 'J his will and clover, on a five years shift ; had, how- be specially expedient, if you do t'i wi-h ever, been for four years in clover, ud t to plow the ground. A friend of ours pur-'ener-illy fed off to stock. I had endo-cd sue l this course wit la an orchard that had several acres of it to f itteu my hogs j in been in sod fur many years. He d juhled two years about H were put on it, and the by this course his crop of sj pics nud of corn cut and hauled in while preen, and gras in a -ingle year. Icnrrs scattered over the ground abundant-f 3, As aoon as the weather i dry e ly, so as to bo roote'l iu by the stock. It'nough, and before the ground becomes too had been in com the lit year, '51 after dry, clean tip and burn any odd corner of bein.' subsoi'.ed from II to 1 2 inches, was pasture or half cleared land that you may top dressed in IVhruary, ''", with 0 'i n to cultivate. .Some of the finc.-t crops yard manure I suppose, not more than of corn and potatoes we ever saw, were two hore lo-ads per acre, and turned iu ' raised on land that had been thus cleared. pretty deeply, llie low .ground was well i ,,,! iurijcd over wilh tlio plow just boforo i drained, ami haj been in corn the year planting. 1 previous, '51, aNo. It v-t subsoilcd to 4, liemcmber y iur u?ar apparatus. j about the same depth, wiili a l;ttU mvjli, not 1 t the poor sea-ott re-ult in your Inure. On t'm best of it none was put .1 '. neocctini ti nlnee all tubs and other thines !a portion was exhausted sandy land, on 1 I the river's mlg. That was well lop dres. - led with swamp muck, and about thirty j , loads of barn yard inanure, and plowed ' j shallow. The ground was well stirred be-i j fore r.l intitig, a single furrow run on a lev-, icl surface, and tk corn dropped in it and, covered with a tiliw. I drill, certainly ' .lllce, these rows three f,et apart, except j ,.e 0dy land, where they were a,1 planter! one grain of medium sine, at the po-sihle. A tree, is so miirh more prnfit rlisiaucc of ahont J inehes iti thr. strongest1 ;, ,tof, Jat ,,,' runner. soil, anl rtij;iiij to the strength of thfj i ; lan'l. Soon after thr corn ia np, tho plow I. .... .. V, '., corn, an-1 replanting. It is then coltivu-j trvl in the usual way, plowing, however, as ' The I.trpest corn is not the best, for us, it retires too much distance.'' I have, Mr. IMitor, been thus partieu- j hr, in order that the farmers and planters th men who f. d and nlutbu innnkind ' -may know the Wilt. .rk.a a. they are. of d.s.Dtegr.t.ng the so.l. . ... The subsoil plow is the grand eureka 01 llie planter, it is luaiwuicu i i"""-'""-ixing this country and making fresh and vigorous our apparently wornout soils. Wondrous changes Las it already wrought. It is to planting, what machinery is to manufacturing. The great retiovutor and beautificr of all kiuds and every variety of soils. I consider it the very key to un lock the hidden treasures of our earth. My brother agriculturists, use this key plow deeply. Truly yours, W. S. Don as. Sylvouia, March '.'.Id, IMS. SMUT OX W1IKAT. Smut seems to be n rarasitio fungus, of which i hero are several varieties, as on In- diiin corn, wheat, eto. Jbe Hack dust Ol matured smut is to be regarded as its seeds. each particle of which, however light and evanescent, is capable of germinating and producing its kind when brought into fa vorable circumstances. It is difficult to say precisely how these seeds find their way into the rec ptselcs of growing w heat Hut it is probable that they adhere to the kernels of wheat wleo sown; and we know that in some way they are carried upward with tin growing plant; and are develop ed at the base of the newly forming ker nels, simultaneously with the bursting of the "I"ho ,rum "uln,u' ur l'"P t.elore the hcail makes its nrpearance From this time the fuugus grows and de velops it'df more or less rapidly, as the weather favors or otherwise, drawing its nutriment from the plaut, thus partially dc- priving the forming wheat of it. appro pri-la food, as well a. iu-inuating a ; ruJ;cll hurt- Now, on the suppasition that tho smut j in shcat comes from t-porules (saint see Jo) distiibuteil with the seed wheat, which we 1 , , . :f ..,.' ,, , ., , .' , , I ccubl wash the seed before sowing, perfect- ; . , ... . , ' Ir clean, there would be no smut iu t.ie 11 crop, for however warm, (lamp anil Iowcry ! ,, , ... , . the season, smut will not grow, unless there . , - . M - ,, 4 . . is seed for it to gow from. Jiut it is 1111-- ... , , , , ' thesa sporulcs or smut seeds. They are i, '.in 11 , ' too minute to le all ws-h.d away; and ti.eir vitalifv is not destroved bv nure wa- their vitality is not destroyed by pure wa- t r. Hence the impottauce of ws-l.ingsecd wheat in feme solution thst w.ll detroy the vitality of such of the sporub s as fail to be washed out. I u , , . .. . . . 1 ra.i, piasii r, iptics-liinc, arsenic, su.puaie of crrer and other tl.it:'" hare been re- con.uifudtd. The first is always at hand, and the next two are seldom far absent from the farm ; and we believe that these are setlicieiit. It the scc tic fir't wa-tieri iu puro water, then in a weak brine, of say cne quart of salt to a pail full of water,! and then dried in piaster or (juiek lime,' (the Istter not to be ued too fresh nor ; very freely, lest it injure the vitality of the ' wheat,) we think that there wiil I19 little; danger from smut, and tint the operation will be favorable rather tban otherwise to .be germination and early jrrowth of the' seed wheat Kt. i HINTS foil THK .SKASUN. I. Have you had haytaeks which ar partly or wholly fed out cf the ground T r-'jatter the manure that has accumulated, evi nly over the ground, fr some distane ' " Oi ith the aecumula of h ay around the has. of the -, j manure I'.e'O pics of hard Vuu will thus tlisnose of the under cover, and to put everything in ei- j Tl r,.rrit coii.lition f.r next year. The next' ' Spring will be no less likely to bo a good 1 1. ,g,r Mnn, tieeanc this ia poor om. i !' Jet out uoi.e but the b.--t trees. A;.n"n ive fr hundred years or ! .,, , ,.)0r j, iaJ. .c , n.;g testimonial to I ,,.., ami skill r.riiinil.n , I'r ?J .., ( Jour ncIiju-tice or bad j uck. n, to i.,ve ft.w of , alf,.r j HINTS A1HMIT l'nTATO TO PH. A Yorlt "n''i-nlor say.; The pitsto itclf eahausts tho mil Iul ! carefully buried when find where they nre Hiijj. If this prnr lice were universally f,,l- lowed, no crop would exlriut the soil lea Let the farmer try the eipi riinent and write the result for the hem lit of others. fo lm SsllC. I , .ulcflllilleJ , rcino ,0 llie South j j j Wc( , Iiff:r fM Mk my Villlubio ami inii ly improved! I. A l4 Kcteliy Kiver, 0 nines i. jj tv. anil miles from the N. C. It... I Koad. One tract of lO mires, lying on bntli siilrs of thu river, in a Inch staiu of culiivu. lion iiml unsurpassed richness of soil. Annllier truct of 300 arms on which I resmr, unusually well. in. proved, havine. exeellciit tui Iim H " It'"" r ."vfiv. j Km a wilh oil suitable, fixtures fur sueressful bu-ines in tunning oiid tannine. The nhove Isuiis ! well.wiitcrfd, salubrious in locality unil a h-rjn proportion ol wooul.iid, ulVuiUinj; an ul.aulU. supply ol' gimd lin.l'ir. Turehasert would do w.-ll to i ininino soon, n: il is P.M. .in I luil 'O rich i.nd well ini.roviii luriiD are offered ill market. C. J. HAHUIS. Ap,HG, sir t hai lollo TIuln:l l ire Iiinr- I mii'i" 4'iii:n.' hCMHIS COMPANY rontin... to tuke risks a. Houies. Good, Pro. I dore. ie.. at u-nl rslf.. II I Htlicc between Purk'a Store and Urswley" Ituil.liin;. M. 11. TAYLOR, J'rrtiile,,!. ( OVKUMAN, Vfr nsi.fttf.' K. NYE HUTCHISON, Secy. .J- Tir.ur. ' IIIKK' TCRS. M 15. TAYLOU, C. OVKltMAN. J. L. imoWN, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCAlllt, 8. T. WUISTON, A. C. STKKLH. John L Uhows, S. 'I'. W'uistos and A C. 'IKKI.I!, r.jrrtutive dnnimllrr. Miy IS. iotr S. M. HOW KLI Saddle II Harness Manulactnrcr, TURF.E DOORS Hot' Til (T Till MANHloM Ho.'hC, li t Ki.tii i 1:, y.t , ,1',,',' J ..rs.i n.t I! imr n.xtr alt:.' I t H F P A IRIN'f; promptly en tuteil. Jin 19. 3Tlf jamks 31. i:dm:v. , COMMISSI OS mi: II CIL I S T, 11? en i it 1 : it h si ai l r, . . , 1 MB Ii.iwar.l. every luidof nnri:in- lllld lor l-f (emt. i IIKM.MHII. Krl' r t' U.r. ......f. .S. W. ...Hi., , J. W. '!. rnr, 1 . I'. t. ' r.l. II. A. M. (iimm, K.k. mil ltr. I'. F. Il.rn., IU. W. A.t.r.li i.d ,. w i-,.,,,,,.. M, 1M,,, ,,,,, lljru. I.u.ur. Mu.ic. Srwii.r .w.el.inrs. r.,n Haru. l.u.i.r.. Mu J'J ! .Iiit! '' "' Puiii.li -M, '.",', -t' t A ,.. 11 ltd .lit makers, Kil.ns still print r of so elegsr.l lithograph of ' ,N l (H.) .ml I... niso. ,i us ; oa, tsnoi t.eiiiL To IIi.th " uloul.ie emi-f sriser sl.onld i.c 111 every Il tresis of all uisriiti, l.ss a copious 'Iiusn house. ssry 1 ll.e 1 oie.ins In. . u.n-MUtir lure Slid ''nV.Ti .lie while p.. p on, 3l'0 p.,-.. fourth ' .,u Pi "wi.'eJ ft" fr . 'C. b:.i. t.Kl. y r l v.- ' "m AiTleJ "VNEVV- IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, Anil for Ihe f ore of Mt-si-Hi! ltri Tiw. I erssio.es I 1 1 vari.Aisf. liai.v. nnis. ' .Ilia. I II11 rSne . ..., 1.. I n...esll. a 'I -fvsso-l 1 Is nis-n-sae. fi-'' " 'Hi " .1 I kn.. f... I i- .-n.e ,.t s ! srl ,,..i.s of ths M.-A As . ,M .-r. 1. .. I,-. II . . i.e.. Hi. Itiree ..i t I I ..-ror. II ....i-f r..,.'f-e 11 I... I. HEALTH AND STRENGTH Another Cura of Scrofula. T::- T N T I-. 1 V .-. S II f t f.ittlMW ROMAN EYE BALSAM, Fur Weak and Inflame.. Eyrs. Tip" T. -urn tiW'l ft rnun rnr In Hm- itt' tVKllDI ARE INFLAMED, 1 a.1 set- sis..-. .-I ...tS MINERS. MECHANICS. SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, Bait rtheum. Kin. Worm, Ti tter, Heal.l-lleatl, llarlier'a Itch, lilotohs, Ac. Mst .ll-ssvs ..r .h.. .kin. sxl.llii, 11..,!.-, .tiS.r. I.I f.n... s'..t '-jrii "" --" v A. II. A l. IMH, Ml,..;,.., . ,..., ,4 'i l.s.... N. V,.,k. II. M I'ltli'tMIAliP, ItWI.VM OI.M.H. I'l'i.-.i M.iy I, '.'.fi. 1.1, I rt P It I ft I IN; of nil "in.ls I'.I.NK lKK!S for sale nt this ofliee 1 trcSsn4ie Hup 3 YVZTst VTf-YORVe '-!s frJ GREAT BEAOTIER Eo long unsuccefully sought, FOUXl) ,rr LAST! Eion IT IJ F. STOIt f;r f I'.R.M ANF.N'M.Y .1 ( l( A Y HAlIt TO ITS orijiiiul cnlnrj co. vers liixuri.inily the bald In ad ; removes all dim. Iruff, itelnng unil all scrofula, euld lieud and all riipliini.; iiii.kes the luiir soli. In altliy, mid fbn- y i anil will iire.erve il to nny imiiKiiinble nge, . ini.vi , as il by 111 '!;!, nil liloieber, Ac. Iri.m tliu nee, 1111. 1 cures all Neuralgia mid nervous bead. ehu. Ke tirculur and ll.e following. Dover, N. II., Kib. Sri. I8:,7. 1'HOK. O. J. WOOD 4l t () Oenl. : Within a il,.y we liu v.. r. cimil ao inuny orders 11 1.(1 lulls tor I'ioI. O. J. Wood's Ili.ir He...r.itive, tlut 'o.duy wu wi re compelled to send Iu lloslon lor a I hlv, (Ihe 6 iti.ni n you foiwsrded all being ...In.) while we might nroer a quantity from you. I'.rfiy t'oilir ire hurt atttd itrm& to hare inodurtd 3 r 4 itrie ruftumr and the approbation, and put. romK il reecivi-s from the mott suhntuntial and irorlhy cilixrns of our viriintv, fullv convince us tlmt II is A MOST VAl.l'AULL I'UKPAltA I ION. Si'lit1 lie as ei.nn ne niuy be one roesot 91 eiftr; mid one doxen i'J sue; uud believe ue yours veiy ropei Hully. I (Signed) DANTKI. r.ATUORP A. CO. i 1 liekory Ororr, St ( barks To., Mo. Nov. 10, Sfi. I I'liOF'.O. J. VOll Dvurbir: Some time ln.l euionii r wr were indiieed to use some of your Hair Iti inriitive, and Ms eiUels w. re w wmiileriul, we i i I it our only to you unit the ulflicted, to n port it. I Our little sou's htud lor some lime bad been per Cerlly eovererl Willi sores, and mine caili a It seubi I.I ...I. The Iwur uliin.fl mlirly 1..1111 oil' ill con n ..i. nee, wlien Irienu, iM-emg lilt uHi rn.K,il visetl u to use your Keftnrutive, we uid so will llllle ooM i.l' surci sn, bill In our surprise, mill III., ol sll our friends, a very few applications remove llie lieic enliieiy, and a new und Iiiauriuiil rri. of hair soon slurUd mil, ami we cull now say tb.. our b..y I. .a ss I.e. .liny a sealp, and us luxuri.11. 1 er..p ol h..ir any oilu r eluld. We e hi there, fore, and do recoiniiiri.d your l(loraiive,iis per Iti t ii oiiuy lor all disoses of the s.-nlp and hair. We are, jour, rise- I'n Mr, (.i:oui;f: w. imo;iniiotham. SAItAll A. llli.(;IM!OTIIAl. Ounlii.. r, Maine, June 02. IHJ5. I'lii K. O. J. WlKlD IK-ur tsir : I huve used 9 hollies of l'rol'ioor WuiHt's II . ir litsloralire, and on truly any il is the greatest iiiseon ry of llie se for restoring and el.urigine: lle Hair. Jh-forc using it I wss a man of seventy. .My ll-ir has ii-.w uttained its original color. You can rt colu mn. d il to Ihe werlu w ittmut the leal ti ur, as my e.re w..s o of liie vrnlst klnt. Vours, reselflillv, HAMI I. N. MIRPIIY. f). J. Wllfll) At ( .. Proprietors. 3t'i llrond. wav, V V.. (in ll.e great .V V. Wire It .ilmg K.. I. LI,. ni) 11. d 114 Muradsti el, St l.o.s, M., And n.!d by til D ncrisH in ll.e t o.n and bv II. M. ritlTCHAltD, l CliuiloUe, A. C. AYER'S (MLK RUV PI'CTOUAL rui Tim k vrtti n kk or Colli. Coiiiilis. anl llonr4'iir. n-irmo. M.a Hb Iw.lkH, . Id. r U.n.l. I Hi i... t. - .. h io r .i- n tirim Ss- ll tr-atmnl M tl.. J' kSS" ..,.U,.,i. MIKS K.M..1IT. M. II. SR W11IITI.I.V. I'jmi ,o I N nM: " I hsv. J f.nir lrl.,d in.ir .a. in si! as.ilr Fr sines I in.rnl.J II. aii. 1!. l laa I -l s.tina oe us j Is.si. f . I. sr. f. . Oottlr U.ui Sa s.Utwul It, ur ; s .0, oi l,e e no-l, - j fronp, vVboopInc rotten, In.luenin. i 1 tr : I ..II . ..-,1 Ih st.ptsruls j IMIT Skill, Su4 ..... t.,.,.1- ...Ir- HIIU4 (..XKt.If. m n MV l.rr, r.. Viirmii. Ii . rli-,.1.l J.n HJI: I ha l . 1... laSa-iiu. -Io. Il r,.,,lnol m- I.. .., 1,, ,i,-,i,, r,. ji.-.fSl ... i,: .-I I. in.-. II.. v.. II lass o v. art. . ss U.-Osl a.tarr an aS.. la-n..l liwln.a lis) ,.. IIKMIV U l-AIIKS. Mneluuit. RVVI-rV, M I).. Alsi s. M ..! r. Il. . I S IS.V.: "lISMft,.. eoO-OS.rf M.sitf -s.s ...4 mttni, s-jial I. ..ai I err Voral . s sn.l rsli.t to cMumplS sttM.IS, at euiiag ... 1. 1 Wt mlarM 'H fintrtaj r4 An?i. hut lh IT" cvfl- ln-ir.f Pr-- f r-f th Tifttt . tltu rmH If 1 in Xm ie-rt afin trial. ronMimplion. rr-b-MT nn nn fPtiii; Imu ? hn knnn .ush rurrsl inair tii itn-li tn rjtii rm- a lht. fMstM t h min a rmn rwk; Uil Ut lfam Uw 0trrg A.m Nr Y -i CnT. Mt.-rh S, lt.4 r,'T' Am loit : I fei II ttiTT and k )nwiir f- ittt rtn .n trUsil rmr fhrrrf itftf hv 4m my rn.tr. h li.f! t-n At. mm'Um IsUrtti? u tf.- ltM"1n r.. i.ir.rinft.f .'. tn (. ftr. Utorh ih M mm rwili( pH-srf rrm hrtn--H n-lissf frhr !-. tlv foil. tr.: anltl tto HtrMf ttf tbi rtlt, mi r- hmr eiwiw tvl.i. c, r...irirtmis-.l Itml rf f ui Bssiktii. Ms-an I.M hm .. r aklll . fe .. I t ft "til t. Mi ! IV it ft u trrri mm ta- ahI to b, t.t k (.esr (r.sni Ut rrMiffh. n.l rlls hw .1 -lL V. ur- r.!ilid' r l m-iA, oc.l.AMN MH.I HV, rt 9rwrvnLM. AiffWfV.. 4. n. t r.fir till T-vtl Kt rt. Avm'I fiiril f M' Ti'tiat,. It t m-l bv orv of Kt bt nti-flKal rl.fittsa, in ti -!.( '( ! imm- nM rrstrd tt 1-jcjij Hi- III! mnlla of II titttw Fhteiitl,! Iifyrr. Aycr's Cathartic Pills. IMIK vi-M.-f tf f l.rmftry Burl Mr.tirin n 1 (fair-l ll.rlr tllmoat U I'tiwltlH tht bill, B1'l fml (W P'ti ("s'ls-e. aflne-h u km wn tn mitn. Iiintiairfahli (vnts p .1, .rn till I rm " i.itiirt M. Ii rrjmm in aM'1s'ti thf nt!iiir.TT in 4-41 ,Hv. and tlmt ths-y win nn- -lf4-t-litil U,H1 tk llaX'tll "f fll Slt1. Tttaxf ftrsMto Kti'l pi- tit In tmm, t ut po.rtul tortire Tttrftr n IrklirtR pCfpr1l1lm-tla. thf titn fftTrtJtff Hi fcnttr, rvtii" til fUtrt Mtl f It (trffATlt. JWlj tit fcWatlsl, rtn-l a-ips-l iliav-Rtr. 1 b; nrr tmi ihe f tii ltuimm tit ll hr.T.I ixt tlntnt-r, HmoUte IuBpuN r tIior- rVrl ; iltli iiaiurid wrimn, ittd tviwrt hHrif ton wilh rtilt la tlr h! tyHrm. S on It do lhT citro Mm 9mry Uf e-..m t l.lt.K uf r-vT b.M. htil r.rni.:.Mf rvd dACt-rstn r tlmt hit Nfflnl ih t of human ahtll. Whilw ih? rflir pwtrlVf lTrt. Ost Mr att Hi Mim tlDHw. In tit(tlthd , ihe it p. I and 11 i ln.ir ntn hp i...mt(s.I bn rhlldrrn. K- .. a.tsn . .-I'r.J. lh"? At r-WMtuf l tkp- und rwri ftirrlj vpculd, r-w fr.mi ..f rl-k of hirm. ( urw !,- l--ti mi.lf hl h wtiti.M tlu-f w-m Ih not tub nlaiiitiHlM hv mon f ii' h 'i-H"l -Kl -n t..l rh.vi.r ...Ih. Un? . !-.. m-n sn.l .t.Tl. Is.is hs.r I. ..I Ibr.r in.. . ihs ptii-ll'- il.s iluhilltt of mf rrt.t.sll.4. i It. w-nl m lite sssursiov if lli.tr fi.m irl p...;.srl...ii e..nlrll.nts immfltsrl U tXtt rfrltfy ..Is ..Ih. is 11 llst n.r of e.y r f. II... Ths Sire.it In lsv ssms-t flsse.1 lo rnrtiiK es-t!s me linrilisn S Is.sss, o.nlsltn riirstjis. hit ll.slr nm sh.1 f lh.-u rniMS. of tl,s fxllssira mimplsints: i.ii.rlslnl. Nl.nin.lli. l.,., . II' irh. N. . SI" I In f II,.- Is .. I I'M h...l...i . I l l.im.n. sin. h . ..I "ii.- ...ls. IV ,. II,. I. n.S I- ,..l pill il,,, n, .if lis fiti.rlsins. ' iini'tliiPii-M tl.-slsis allh sm n,.n-s .rfl .4. Ak for Ami's is Nn .al.sr Ih. Yms cUs s.,n .min,.rM stth ll.ls m il infrinnt- rslss or enrstlss p..srrs Tl.s irk s.i.l IIh II SI'I I lists l for tl.sm, si.,1 II, .y .1, mill l.s.. II. rrrpnrotl by Dr. J. C. AYEU, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. 1'snr -4.1 t't. e.s r. .s. Iiti ih.iti r.w 1 1, sol.li 11 V 11. m pr.nciiAiiit. ci,,,rtte. llAVIIiAMl.SlKVKXMi.N ,V Ctl , ('i irlnlnti, C. VWjTrJnfjXll Clilil, nn. it. .11. 01.1: I I.I. he I.I il tn ri etive Troft sinnn I fulls ,1111, nis of VKIilt'lNK ,. s prnl'esslonHlly shselit, lie I reai.lenre. Fort Mill IV'wit. 1 If II. 1 Ud.llllY . I n! ' 1. V I.r loilllll III I I York Distnet S.C. I frh. I'i, H.fi. dc WAIT FOR THE WAUIilll. 7 !IY is it 3k " lJeeause he buyes his aiui J. irom A.A.X.1I. Would respectfully announce to the inhabitants of from their Old liiii, to No. l.iJrenile II. w. where North, one of the moat extensive assortments of ffi d in North-Carolina, among which w ill whi b bns gainei; such a famous reputation in the S..utl. rn Country for the last i .t. hi, . , ,. , . . Tins fHove he warrants superior to si.v fooling M-e n w iw asc.lt is sm p!e in it .nr. , . ., ... eoosuioes less fuel, 11 rid does n.orr work in a givi n linn , than mi v other Stove now .1. n- . , put up one beside anv oilier Miove of ll.e same size in I he I nite.i St.. I. s. uii.i i I il . ... . ,,. , , . work in a giten lime', be will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit selling and go l .s ,,, ALSO, ALT. KINDS Of PARLOR &, BOX STOVES. Ife boa, and eonsiuntly keep on hutiH, an extensive oml varied stoek of tin AM) shi:i:t iitox, JAsPJiij AsHl lUsiiUiIYA 'JullIi, mt.iss IaI.tti.i.s, cist iho.y nrits t i.mw HAT HACKS, CHADLK.S &c, &c. Allot wltirli ts ill lf ll, N luilrsiili- :iul Itrlii i I, r Inn per lli.u, l,-,, v r ! 11 ll r 1 i I lt V u i ni 1 1 . I would leturn my thanks to my friends and customers f..r the v. ry M era p:-tr. 1 -e. t. . , Ih-s lowed upon us, and they limy rest assured, thai I si, si1 emieaw.r, be . lose i.tt. .tt. 1 . , tofether will, a d. lernillislion Io please, to trv and no r.l eoiitll.u .lite ol the saint . iwvM 4iti ruitz math 'miy;:;' Lndirs and (icnlli men nrr liiiliculuil iiailid Io cull ;n d f.viiiniiic Lis N. II. I will I. II j..u wl.y I head my advertisement " M sit ios s"- ,..,"-a we have three w t(mi constanlly travellii.f ihroujl. the country ill. Moves. IV .III tmlii h trill bv faithfully ttml jm.tnlli tilUiK'nl l jj A. A. X. 31. LW I.OIi. Cha, lotte, June 16, 1J7. Encourage Home Industry UAV1N rritrll ASED ihefONC OKI) I' AC. I UK Y. I am prepared to fill all oiucrs lor I )milrrg, Vr, ..', Vn; o-, f train I'tt'jins llunj I)r,li;z, I am mak.ntr an 'I'lirtflmi' ll"2"S, IU, I nr.h, Hal l! .!, (Vry rf Chain . ll'iiijij'ihtr 'j'umr. e of loth or the purpose lllfii-liltf I'loiir, W limf tnd l orn. Y I nicr onu rrmlui'v Imvt ra w Jl fintl il to lUvir ari I e.ti iL'e t tier it. Alt nr.irfit irmii a tiutsii.cr will fit- . lit-not t, to Willi prui('lii(-R-t. J. M DONALD. j f Dissolution. BS.II l; cj... rln. rsh.p Inn to nre i lislmc bet ween the ui.iii rsipiiit, is line ris.v niSM.uru hy uliiul e.. ns.nl. All persons iniifl.l. l In us ore jiiisti.l to!.. p....ri Willi 11 ...ml tin v e ens us in a 1. w djys," us si llleiiirnts must JONAS KI'DIMLL. I'. S. WllIS.N AST. Aug. If, i'ju mitk r. I will still ! foiinii si 111 t St am ri .iiilrg iri.anit to fill sll 1.. .iris for nsli, Minds and Doers, with as jsk1 I s ( tins in ii, v. inl'i-r ss llie eoimtry ..rTo'its, e 11. v i.ll l.liou nn. re pi.ll.el.tst t.iieit urotrs l..r work in n.y l.i to n.y sl.op nil ol lui'llirss. 1 l..i.nUr .riles nioiieis tl in or. Iti liooll IT at short I10t.ee 11 Im iv . ihe sor J. lll'l'lSlLIo I! In rell 11.1t r ti e Ic'l 1.1 I; with II, e sil.ilrst t liarlolle i.tS r..n..ie so hi.ersl 1 III p s t.'sto. ll.e sonwltt'ie tlist I ttjilahy as ip. S.tw.1 Aug. I", le,-.7. r. s. wnii-'NAYr. i oit 1 M- A itoi n. rititnal l ife Insuranro Company. Ill I tl I.. HM.Kii-H S. i . rB IlltS ( onip.iliv insures J! :ils f..r one e..r. a ler 011 llie Mi.ln .l I'ru.eiple, Il It lltts of olyei.r., 1 sssureti to tirip.illi g in Hie prohls f liie t'olni.. r. I'..' ot" I.t. J.'ll, I siirii ll.e prt loilllll theremr nun. mil.. 11. ht Ui ;ivrn lor oik Imll tin prt'iiiiiitn. In .tring interest at Ii pi It. Iti ..It It"" ..nl 'llie ninpt manner in wl.ii k nil losses I m, Ihiii 1 I.y tins company, lop,. II, n illt llo low rntt s 1.1' p-i n. nun, pres. 1.1 great in.itii'.-ii.t'i.ts to siletl as nre iispt.siu to msuie. SI, .vis art- nistireil for a term ol' ffiu one to five yours, tor two Hums tlie.r value. Ail lusst s are paid w illnti UU aula niter si.ti. l,n:tory prtKil is prest ntttl. Ii 1; Kt'i'i )i;s. rimrlee K. Jolinston, W ,. II. Jne, Wai. W. II..I.1.11. V. I) I'te lte, J. t;. Willisnis, II. W. Iliisi.,1, W H"ie Huslite. V. I. I', seii.t, Win. II. ,M. Kt ,', K. I'. Itatlle, t'lmrlea H. liool, i. (i. roale, Uieli'd II. Itatlle. OKFU I RS. Pr. TMiarles K. Johnson, Prrsitlrul. W. V. II .1,1, i,, Vieu I'resnlelil. li. II. Ilullle, S e'rlary. W illiums II. Jniies, Treasurer, II. W . Ilii-leil, Ailornev. Ir. Win. II. MeK.e, M.-rlieal Eiamim-r. 4'rerwrlre 1 'omwiiftee. l Itusnie, W. II. .Mr. k. r. ( I.allt s U. k,.o. ,.,r 11m, J mf CoHfultaliKK -Cln.rlo. Y... J.il.nsoii. M. II.. Willis... II. .MiKee, ,M. ! h'ieh',1 II. ll.iyw.H,,', M. IL, For fitrtlier illl'nrni ilioii, (lie pulilin is rer,T rrl lo the pniiiplilols.nnil tonus nl proposal, iiieh may he ohlsineil nt the lls,. ,,( Uw -,,mpny, or niiv ot'itM Ai noo s. t'oiimmnieslions sl.oiil.l to- aihlressc,!, (post. 0 '"' It. II. HATTI.K, Sr. rrlanj. Srfm'T 8,IH.'i7. Crttj p S.H. RANSOM. O.C6- Zp$fa ? .r!,,,"!' oi - TAYLOR f II A lil OT1 K end vicinity, (bat b, he bus now 01. exhibition, ju.t r.ii WIS he found the celebrated 3tf The .t lli-('.iioliii.i i.ttti AM) Ha ga zlr.e cf Useful Inform a? ir 'MIK liniler.ifll.il .t..n.ses to Ii. J f,ly ! i.. .-I., a .... .r,..i.l J . ll.e s'.ove title, ei u.l. il u. lusivilj lo l.. . ill., t,. n el' M.,i...l"-.,1 li,!'..riiii.li..,. , Th- wn.ti! iu Ii s J.inrn .l is I. ,1 I i . i I tellipi lit tilu. 11, M ' ilisin s In bin 11. ' IqiLiliitrd w ll.i the ri s.-urei s ol tl.( St ii , . : si i.t eoi.iiilH.n, tutiire r. j.i rts, &e.. i v , s.i ii.ulIi ss by our I. j; is... u.rs. ; rani.ht be atliitule l. any w.n.ti.l . 'lli.-reire I. rye ii.t.ui.ts ol v.iiti.l... . ;.. ' tin in!f.riiii.lii'i. .'..iltrtd tl.rooi.1. . I j live sn.l Fa. r utile 1 1. .en i.tr 1. 1 I.. I Ii. . :. -. w 1 in Ih. ir pr. sent si'ii .t11.11, ti r nil i.r :.. I si s. might s W. ll U II. Hie I l.ili. .. .. I ;i, . I Ih iv w l at ur Ia eisl.. Iie i.rri. v. t e... I 11 pel . I. i..lu. .-le Huh .tl.ir I.. a v.tv ti-w, ni, II. sl tl.i l.cl. ure sihiii ot Ihe l.'i (M.rls "8 y It lilts .Mann 'i'.J lo ll.e I 1 hi. 11 l-.r p.rpela..l pi to ..tl.rr Iron, ail v..i!..l .i l.i ..rii.e ilir. elly or im"r. rt! perity snrl iiiritislry, W. ll.e now .ft n.t f..r pu .lie putro us In ..r . tini: 1!,. .- I A I s i t 11 nidtureiJ, ll.e p .-i s ol li t rTntril to the i.rr;. n ft-in.o I ot" ..our l'i.fnt..li..i Arif urlllro. .en, I'nt.iic lii'proeti. I'ls, .M US, M.I..S M... S..II,., M..IISII. nl tl.i .. .In It ..) ol' II.. Sn.kirc I'lii,, I'm.. ..lit I Mil. . ., Ii. p. Ii.,.:r. js'i A i wni lo p..y ll.e ,,r, rs will eonljiu 1 tics, iy prililt J !, t.; .11. . 1. put top, p.. I s,i.!. .. ,s of ,,', Ii. not I, , I ti nn. 1m ill. 10. .1. I mire. I. 1 l in l T., fhi 11 r 1 K ill lo I.I.IV ! 1 r l'l,..'f J umul aill 1 Hi.. 11! .:. I y litiiubcf as .t K.iith, J. tt'KNT. HI'S I tr.sM .Ta l. 1 t III ,., t'ouelis, fnlns. 1 n !' i.,n ; ., , , i , All. elioi.s ,1 tl .. Kill.. . , , . . I. tonorriina, t.l.tl, tie Wl . ot.or ttiui.ie I po.ii.ts. ,,, i. e, iu mill l tiu. (iold sMinc JJalsm:, or 1vsh pin Unit it r Tn.et A i. It. r li, ,,i J. If. t ..linn N. I'., iiati u Auj;. 14, i-4; : I'r. J. klrnl Dear Sir: Y. ptvi u entile s.itistm lion in t Iry. 'llieAby i tv approver! ot. una .M.lt. in ll I iu i. r , il st lis bo last. Hint I lit m r li. : ' - i supply tin- ii - mo li ; . You wiii i. .ia-. .i" ' larji supply ol It as soon lis y. u tt l I . i ' I j. l;. t'.v im v. ! AI.I.M.-. W iu. W . s,,,,t . r. V. . I T. I if, Kockieeliiin. i I'l.f. r A T. J. II. .lion i.n.1 Ur J. f. I.,:,,,, r.i . . . ' " & Sill ...i.l .1. II. Kmiiss. Sal.seurj , ... r I i ry, l.esiiij:lin. n.t:inn ts , . ( .. W 1I.L ur.ictui it, tin, ,o, li . , . i , 'I tits .n't wdi u. mi .. -i pr, i ' mii-n , ntru.leil t his e.irr. t kat little, J. 3 i, . e.e.'.