g..'J:'J'-gtf,'g . , VpBu 1 1 1 saaaJTrirsiiawii sniiaiiisiii ..nwwii , L aaaaawBaBasaaBBaMSaaaitaMSSBwOT-iii ... . . - "T ..-, i i rft X.rf .s'.?i?XiT '... -' 2 ! n t a 7'fc 1. 1 r: H 0 " "WHY WD V'OU NOT JUAKB MB; : 5. v r h f Tn tlii time- ofCod'sv niir-reifuT visita tion,", we. bavrj tad rentiiBuruice of. the preseuoo of God' Spirit. For weiieral sue-', ecsaive evening, beloved and fniihful uiin inter preached Cbri-t, snd dim crucified," to mi atteuiAVund solemn udipiH.it God 'a Spirit, was there) we knew it by the rum oat k't intion, (ho aokutu stillness, the fall ing tour. " ' ' . " ' ' , Eveulng after evening, at tlio clone of the discourse, tli pnntor invited all who full concerned for tlielr salvation, to rcuiiiin fur conversation nud prnyer. Some remained ; other wont homo i souin, it may be, in the solitude of their own room, to consecrate themselves to the serviea of Christ; hut mora, il is to be feared, to drown tiie voice of conscience, still a eouviution, sad to bar dgu, themselves in their fuiponileace. -One evening, after faithful aeruion, the minister, renewing the invitatiou to inquirer to remain, narrated the following faow He wan awikeoed at midnight by a me ago from a young lady viuking in a decline, who wifbed to ue aud convorso biir, A be entered the room, he not'ued a youn ger sister of the dying on, ho was evident ly fast following her into eternity. He com menced asking the dying girl of her pros peets, and aa be did o, the younger ni-fr arose with" Took that said,' plainer tlmo wordu, frhe did not with to bear tbe conver sation, and abruptly left the room. Dtit be continued, aud was rejoiced to find that the dying pill waa leaning on I ho (tronj arm of bar Jjeloved, and that, as her feet trod lb dark valley, Hi rod aud Hud comforted bT. . And m ne diud iu hope. . Only a fww week from her death, he was gain ent for ; this titue te visit the youn ger M.-tcr, who aa to soon following the liter to the grave. A' be went to her bed side, she lookod lip with great anxiety, and :ked, Mr. M , do you remember, when you was here before, and began to taik with my i?ter about death, I left the room ! ' " Ye ; hy did jou do so!" I5.eue I did not winl) to hear bt you would aay ; and now see where I m. Ob, Mr. ! -, why did yit not f-Muxp mo and limit me boar!- .There waa agony, even dvpair in her tone, a flit ai'tl it) and thrn she ad ded, "Oh, it is a dreadful ibiug to die." And before many hours she died iu des pair. " Never, never, said be, " cbail I forpot tint scene, and never shall I eeaso to urc Hiencra, even to J'ollutv them, if need be, that they may be warned of their danger and led to their Only Refuge."... . , Oh; whenill we as Christ's follower, reinriiib- r thi", that not only aru we to warn the impenitent bra the j rnic to weigh ed down with a seme of their exceeding !n fulnesa, but that wa are to J'oltmc tlieni with tireUn love for their aouU, J in all fla re, at all times, and all season, tell be) i of their eon'liti'.n, ond " make them liteu." Then should we more tx-ariy rremUf. our divine Mater, aud siuners would more fre quently be beard asking, What mut re do to be tared V a. l. a. t:ih teaciikrs fiust wayku. F. - L , tbe daughter of piou pa rents, bat herself without a Christian hope, wa about leaving ber borne to eoage, for the first time, ia leaching. ' She was younjj, and though possessing uncommon energy and hopefulness, the re sponsibility vbttb she wa to assume pres sed heavily upon ber. " (low en I hope to succeed without God's blessing f" wa a questioo rl.: pondered more and more, a the lima drew near for ber to ;n ; aud be fore leaving bouin, she resolved solemnly before God to make it ber first concern lo see k bis fiver and the way of eternal life. Thus resolving, she met ber pupil on the first aneruiiig of school. She had not defin itely eoasiJered bow she should begin her work, but aishe looked about upon ll-e froup around lur, she felt ber oeed of a higher wimlotti to direct, and as she thought of the resolution she bad made, conscience whis pered that sbe ought lo Ltiii her stbool w th prayer. Cut ho e could sbe ? Yoiniif and ineipi rienced, w it L no hope I but she was a Chrin riun, sorrounded by sa unguilty neighbor hood, wbwre there ws no one to whom she could louk for help in religious duties, how eoulil she t.-.ke so bold a stand T J'.ut tli'ri wa no lima for delay ; tin vebool wa wailing; the Cr-C step must be tiken, and if that step was a wrong or.e, she felt that sli after-step would Le st ron-s al so. " If I shrink from thi duty, will God bear mo when I k him to lea.l me to him aelf?" waa ber thought, and this ileei-lerl ber. bo led the school in prayer, on. I then she wa olle 19 go on with '(iiietnesa to the remaining dctie. And thus she continued, iliy after day, asking before ber scholars for the blessiiift of (io.l, although for two full weeks no light daaaed apon her soul a to her eeopinhfle ilh him At the close f tha' V rr.ss f!iyist Kf'psftren1, and she eoiild rejoice in bim n ber litlit and her alvs tion. 8pnkiiigo( this sfirrwards, sbe said, " I believe it w thnt ileeided set tht turn ed the acsle with me. Had 1 refu.aal to do what my conscienco toM me I o.igl.t to do. I am sure I eould have bad no hesrt and no hop lo continoe seelinjc my own sslv lion. I should bsve f it that liod look.d upon me a mocker, and tl.t he eould not consistently grant me hi aid," Doe not thi etsrnpl speak lo others who nre inquiring the way of eternal life? Ib way of obedience 1 the way of light, d to'fucul. tumbly endlently walk! THE " AUTinCUL , MANURE QCES i i that way, trusting alone in the merit of i - TION. ' , Cbrlt for acceptance, will lb true light t Ai'i weetln of the' Oxford Tarmer a pass niM fot im : In ecn p:ny with-a youthful convert- in lb fresh,. and jlow e'f bis Ert-t love, I trti viriitnej' ftcni haunt lo heusc, aiming to erjre ttonluiuie of the gospel upon evetv In dividual. -: v 4' ' One jounjj man,' lilting by himself iu the villnjre tavern, presented a peculiar cno. He had been avakeutd, and bad thought he beenme a Chtistinn in a former revival, and then exhorted lie tot.ne friends to give their heart to Christ, lint he had relnp. ed n t s stupidity, and fallen into open, fla prit sin. " I thrie yet any hope of bini f" II nx not the giicved Spirit U ft him utterly T Who knows? Pasa bim not by." These thoujlit passed rapidly in my mind. I tried him once more, f W , is not your aoul a preciou a thoe of oth er bo are now anxion for their salration?" Ilia eountcnane grew tolriun, and trar atarted. He the subject of thorough ooll,jc,ioUi ,d of hopeful eoiivcmon, foi- lowed 1y credible evidence of true piety. Hod that opportunity been neglected, con- firmed hnnluejs of heart mif l.t have i nued, and that young muu's soul baru been )nt for ever. . - gricuKuaLv Vriim the Country Gentlrmun, CULTIVATING PLANTS WUILK TIIK DKW IS ON'. MaaiiK. El'ITOlii : At let fiftcD jesrs sgo, I noticed a plot of eabbses, of hich the large, firm beads I eouid not account for from anything apparent in the soil. - Ou askinjr the oner bow be made from e such a sou as one nnu unnorm a emp, I found Li only sreret was that " be hoed them mhile the dew wa on.' He thought tbat in this wy be valrrnl thi m, but of course the good resulted more from lbs am monia lhau ibe tnoi.-ture of the dew. I adopted tbe practice the year following nil with iRe result wi wtll satisfied I tli at I have since continued arid recommen ded it to others. Iu luy " Gardening for the South," published two years siuee, you will find (page 1CI) " tVey (the ealbjge tribe) especially like to bate the soil about them thoroughly wtt'keil rkilt the iltvc is ' .. .. .,, , . i-f ! on Uwm. There i'.l be a very great d.f , ference between the growrh of two plots of eabbsges, Iresled iu other respects alike, one of ebieb shall bo hoed at ennrise and tbe other at midday , the groethof the former will sorpririrnjly aeeed that of the laUer." . , . A story in point some time tinoa weut the toonil of t'ie agritu!tirl press, cf which ibe substance is as fi.'oni . A sma.1 plot of ground waa divided cal!y betaecn the i :-- i i.. I -r . r. ...... . .. I.:. ann ,k. I eed of it culture to bo th'ir own. They ! planted it with rorn, and a bet wa mad by them as lo which should inake the best crop. At harvest tbe Swu fame out some quart bebiud. lie could not under stand the reason, a be had hoed, bis twice a week until laid ty, mhile he bad not seen tl.e hired lad euiiivste bis plot at all, and yet ibe Ulter hud gainid the wager. It turned out the winner' crept L:d been bord quite frequently, but before Li rival w op in the morning. I'rovtJttict, t sretHt Jal.'uitt th' hat of ll,t tarty risrr'vith a tfcial anil incttntrd tncurd. but there are cieeplion. Cuttiva ting while the dew i on, manifestly bene fit such gross feeder a eihbage and corn, but there are plant very impatient nf being distutLed wLile wet. The com mon garden snsp and running bean are eisniples ; and if woikrd ahile ct, uveo with dew, tbe pore of the leave seem lo brcime stopped, and the whole pistil is apt lo rust and become grently injured Whether the Lima beans and o'br lea guinea are sa iii.pstieiil of I ring l.oed in tba dew, ( have not asccrtniued. Kiperi ruent should, however, bo tried the aoiu ioir tiasou on all hood emp. W.M. N. WIUTK. Athens, Ga. HANDLING STKK11S. If you would snrceed in this bii-inr, te prtintle, in every stage of your undertaking. CoX the little fellows into tbe yoke, let them get used to it, then cons them Iu travel to gether. ?pe,ik jeiitly, and be spirinj of the abip or coed. We bsve seen brutal fellows, aho, in Iskinjj fleers ti bresk would lasb about and corner tin in op, poll them ip to tbe yoke a a hu'eber pull a beet up to thn bull rung then, a soon aa they were cnplured, bitch a yoke of oxen before tbm and anrihrr yoke behind them, at I shake the poor friuhteneii innocents along by the heads, with blow snH yell like, ail. I In dian. Thi i wrong ; there h do need of breaking toer so that you must alway yell tiJ them lo be obeyed. A kind even voice i just a ff. ctunl, and a prcst deal pleas anter for both parties. Gie the steers ft resaonnhlo timo to lrsrn almt wsuted of ibem, and do not expect tin m to enme rlht inr their work until tbey know bow. Tbe bad habit of turning the yoke, crowding, hauling apart, running away, and rkulkinr, are oftanvst forded upon them hy unreason able management. If tbe driver does tint know enough ta tesch them so-ss to avoid these, he is not fit ta educate pair of steer. Hub, en Wedoetdsv, Jan 14, tbe follow Jngf reeolutibnT proposed JJy Mr., Meln, and seconded by Mr. Coppln, weaoarrlad unatti tnounly t ." That' this Club eonsidcra tha use of artificial manure still too much Km ited i'that Feruviait guano, ai a standard, ia the best top-dressing for corn crops) farm-yard manure, guano, nitrate of oda; and bone-dust for grass land ; 'hat it.ixed manures . are the for root crop and that without a liberal ne of artificial ma nure the present rxlent of land In this country could not bo kept in cultivation, there U no'tLing that has tended more ta asui.t hieh farmiotf than the introdue- tion of nrtificial manure and. finally, that this Huh doe not eouider tbat the decsv of the rout crj ii altribulable to the lav ish cppliesiion of manures.'' - - ' ' - ' - HK.N - M ANUKK. . More thuu one cones pondvtit haa lately asked : How shall I prepare Len manure for use, what crop docs it most benefit, aud bow and when should it be applied! To which mo reply: Ilavj ou baud a lot of old barrels, and ahovel the hen mauure in to them, mixiug it as you go, with tic ju bulk of loam, muck or ssnd. It i ou eiejllrnt plsn to scatter fresh dirt or pi aw-1 tcr under the beo roota every few dsys. .'I I. is ccn'post thoroughly mixed together, I in T be spplitd by the single handful to every hill of com. , Forty but lit U of the ii. i a tu r w ill iboroujihly manure an acre I It may be applied not only lo corn, but al-' to to cucuuibrrs, nielon, squashes, f;rspe 1 vine, aud indeed to everything growing iu j earden. ' Il is quite aa actire a fertilix. r a Peruvian Guano. iVIhCiir'lin Mineral Springs , CAEARftUS CCUW7Y.W. C. TT Wil l, oifq a F IIOOI.iW C"'s. s Hi., utaw Ilia 1st ol J.ilt. UiMtrd ... km lind r.i $1 f ! f-t Tu.tin... ..rh IU..i.o. w riimf, Arillunettr, tr.-it.nt.ir anl ;4.rs,lis. at It irt month, r.ii.l.i.g iNt-edl Vkmk it ftqutisd. 'I'lia value ol tl.iaw.ftrr I hnnsn ! .ny ll.io tiuoU;li Una connly. It Has r.ur4 Uysn p. f ...... An". .,. 'li... M.......1 ;... .. ...1 . . .... , ..... - ploee ..I onl.li rra.irl.aa many nf om wal-fine (I ces, I resused it fur vnr siiu .tnn fnr l..eli .... .- .,,....,..,...., ..U.K LI.. diaessr attrole Any e.fiiu... 1 ...I. w.li reriTe sauaii sosi;r.M.N. 1'ianrrr Millt, C'o'iil r., A) tl M. InoH. To Cotton Planters. ' JIIIL uiwlr.r n.J it- rrpnrtl IomH hc Lrl ft. qtji.: ot 1 tit.n i.iiiP, ati IU rrliutiili tHK nndeia.cnd is irri.sr. d to a II ih U-at i hi sw, -li Susrrd st iImp laaiat.vs !' tie I liar. l..ilr. lk anlf.N.t . li-ll lioada. I tr wlf gis u.v Cm li over innm Ht.lca is, llu.1 ll.et will Ust I. lj,'r- fc ll.'isr ftlitppr Ir'-lil 1I. r ' r.rine set mi r.ha ' h lasil.e Cf-Varrd i 'lh l.n msiesri ul cloth and U ing uiore easily rr aircit and l rtsa Si-el sr. , Aa records t m snvtil ul llH-aa C.na. qtHlilyf.f 1'itl a oi. hsrr ni etc so as-. 1 momiio rrler In i W I Wall.re, M.-rre' I . I . to K. ts. P.lmrf. I I suliolil, .Oil A. li. INiri.laM., t a ro-llr. f JAM 1. 4 M. KI.hloTT. H .rs.sro, ,Viy If.'.H. I I - m i Cash Paid lur life, V & M. HOW KM. .nit, of M W Al-nsiuo l.i.r. ' Ipsl (.. IS. ilf 99 l..l.l.o.S IT If i: J 1N.I.KI Oil., hi.li s.'e -n.i If. l-.it, t ' riMTCIIARD'S. I fri. 9. I .". Lumber Yard. II t. solseriU-r. inf. of n. .t. i.i.i I. tie so., tteio.l . I I VI I! t- It V Alill y lull I find ktr.i'e sop'y . binds i.f I I'MtU-lt lor bum.. ni soil oti.rr pin w.ra. Mr J ..... Kit rit.,11 llir.r iirtilt lo 1"M. A ,i,r lion r mad U iiini or tu mnrr ii tor urilr.'(nr''. MILI.Hl A I'UKlhR. Ort. 1.1. iOi?. ti tilrttlf tllttfitii uht. X N sjrrrral . il l tin e rr.'reshsht an-! I.asiirr.ss plr l.islr s.-i. ts.i.T. Nu'd hy II. M. IHITi'IIAltl, Irtr.u'a l rn Stifiomfitr, R l)N( KSTH ATHl l.l) l Wsrnnleri to p W.ll.ont Inns, mi.l ill. 1,M( If, .,1 hi.. The and rl,.tp -t ,n-i ir iu ue. 1'iite Vi tad SU irsis i en. kwl.t t. ii. m ritFCHAiin, Ifve. 1 Ir i tu Wanted, 1,000 t oiiom i.f i a.s n vrk. f..r i lltr es.li ar.l! hr o.iu. M. Il, 'l AYMUl. vi f I ', My11,lu.-.8. Ilrrl-rw I'arina.' ' S V I; Fui.rrin.il ri' ihissrliele nsrf I 'oro Flareh fi. 1'ap.ura, e.ir' Ar-, s. an srtu Ir of n i fi nasi. (la anil eSll..ra, ts eo9.1rsl.of.aa l.y ll.r ma lirial Inr ml 7 K11II ni.l a! l'KLP'HAlM) A'.mny 'r .Via... Si I A, lrA7. V!if 'I iiiiiit i , or Trttiii Oil. Bt:iT im. rij"-ra ua in iirrpmmf attj I .ehy. M. II. MCI ICiJAIlD, DcGrath's Electric Oil. A Ht'l l'l Y .W, I, I8--8. .a r. M.nt. .1 11,1 f..r smIs , Irwin's t.rn.-r. II. M. I'llIirilAKD. if ft all. JK d e-H t.l'.H I rr Pr end IV It I T F. nod isaorlrd I IK A I) krjsJHsl F'K n. retted and iota for t'ntm. st I'll li CM AMD'S, 1 lefn'i 'rarf I'ttrr Tt rnrh ISt tttttii, HOI, I. AMI din. Whiskey, Mirrry.nd Port XS.i.is, Ij.nii. n Ale sii.i 1'i.rti-r, for nn.il.l Hol.l hy IVe. 1 II. M. rRITCIIAIlD. siarr It BBJ.Af'i; Tepprr. (iioeer, fl.Uinf. rind W.irh'ni( i .Hurt ... t rrnin Trlr, N itim s, Alicr, ( inns .. .. m, ( lours snd Fh. r .t. tig lljlrmts of rr.ry kind. For sale at wlioli a.il s,.. r.i nl. hv ji. m. rniTciiAnn, Hie. I Irwin's t oner. 1'i rall llltl t'a.a tnlfl', . IV p.nt hntllrs Jnst reerivnl rrfiin Hjrstnra Mprit.j.. hy II. M. PRITCHARD. I, e. I- Irwin's ( .nrr. MAVIMi Jelerniiii Remove U tin PonlJi. Wt, I otiV-r tut tl )' ViJull snrl high If fnrproved I.Aftls4" line y Uiveri a mne urCoii.oid.t'olwirru eonn. t. unrf li niilr fmin the N. If .il fine tmet Of U owes, lyme oi Uolll sums n ri", , ' tiu ui,H iiD.rw.d riclme.. of will.., Ai.nllu Irsrl r !l0 ncrrs on lct I re...e, uiisumly well.i,,.rowi, i..vinir'-'t'l"'"'. Bi; u.Ua " tl.eJm.r 1 1ymWill piem ll I" m, -W ubV tataV J '. ' ,,,, tf br ,!, ..II I Willi all suitnlilu fislures fnr snrrt-fsfiil biirtness in ti. nun. a snd f.riM TI.e nl'uve ti well. slrrrd, si. I uliriuu iini.rin.n of w.wiiIIbiiiI, !n 'it.. lily and Isry rl'uriiii.g sit cj(liaulkfti ii.iU of k 1,0,1 tin.lH-r. 1'ur. Iium r wuulil Uu well tn rxuuune soon, ns il is I.I..M. ll.ul ricll slid well ini.nid farnis nr. offered in nwrw.,. (J. T II A KRIS. Aptil 6, Jr1.W. ! lllll lollv .TllllHitl Viftt IllMlf' anff t oiiip.l"? 4HIM.S COMPANY continues to tnlir risti a. Jk rninst loss hy lire, on Houses, Guilds, Pf o duee. Aif:., at usili.l rules. 1 I Mlm U'tw-ern Psrk'a Plore and flrswley's liuil.li.iK. cirFicKn. , M. H TAYLOK, prttidvht: C. OVKKM AN, Vm I'rrtiilnt.. V.. NYE HUTCHISON, Secy, j- Trcai'r. lllUKPTOBK. M M. TAYLOH, 0. OVERMAN. J. L. JUtOWN, WM. JOHNSTON, K SUA It It, H. T. WKISTON, A. C. STKELIC. Inns L Huow.x, 8. T Wnti tom ond A C. Stkki.is, l'.xteuttvc UammUUt. . 1 ' Af.iy IH. 1 4.".. . . 10lf -&-. ' T Saddle t Harccts EanuiacUrcr, TURKIC POOR l.l;TH r TUB UAAbllltl III it HE, II tUMI ITi:, ,.t . Sy-Al's.n..si.rFaddl. snnA Itarncs miiii si the llortesl no. n r. . . t" BITAIKINi: prompt! neeuted. Jm. lit. STlf J.V.HF.S m. i:i.i.v, , com mis n mi: ; ciu r, 1 it c 11 tuiiKiiM art ni.i.i, . 1 . I'Ml sod forwards fsery kind of BMfeti: . Br ja ,,, ' ( (J.trne ..r9J r ttnl t o?'itstim(. li. l'-T tn .r).tuA. W.W. W.,fi... J, W. Vnhll. A. M (initumi, Kq. t,.n VV. A sf-l.-n., m1 I'tanni. Mtlmlftitio, (lrf'iu, ifir, htiif ,( jcliiiici, lrti Irn e, A prtnUrt irlit ItidKrln, fcittn ! pnc r i.f af rttstnt lniifjrr-(l ot N. ($1,) antl l"r "( ttwrno. , !siuj Hunt tj MrMM " i uttitrt w -((, rr ia try f a1) rttatn, I KH Cep'-Ht. .i r ilr rrin'LM (Vimi nuturr' f ail; bur ll.fifa It, it rflid Ntlat. l Ms j, ... . L- ... ,, ,ahl llarps is, M ' Klrs, P..n,.-, ..r li.l ,l 11 ins mfl, , seat J.'t. I'i.'.l.. 1 I" l.r.fy A.I t,,r, I IK I iil.in.i i os . I " ! ''i''1 ' J"- om. It lrr,.ls s. i1 r s ,.r- '..floors. It Is pril. ted oo ti t.e h.lr p Klfrlv remind lonrth r,i,lo,, 3Wl p.. r and .IMS' rs fur mmt dUr. . I. a hosi soosi I i-eos, IliO. 10k. Hi, lo.MJ. ly I IN QUAtT B3TTLCS. 'tor purifyi?;3 tiic blood. ( ui f.ir Hie Chit t.f I S li,,,, s.rr, . ,.s; , -. iiu. - . - . - ' - ,w-.l" 1 ,"' ' ,.. j k u HEALTH AND riTitriNCjrH I ..s. I .a. , , Ir ...... I " Another Cars of Ecrofuli. ROMAN EYE BALSAM, I "or VVeslt and lul.'.rifl ry.n T - !' . t . ! rr e-s- r ; V. -. . . ,c t: V t i I D S A II R INr'LAM K I; . MINER. M h C 11 A N I U . S.M)j' SALT RKLUIiT REMEDY, i.'. ' inn, Tott. luh, U hit all. e, Sr;.i! I-Ke.t, 11. m rniTni.r.i, In Kin! ttBrri, Afy 4. '.is). j: H PI! IN I IM- "I all kirxia will .sArr.r. nrrrtitrrnml Quit llmtti limit'. IHR SALK IIKRK I y-tessssV. k if ? n P Bo long unsuccetifully 8nt!Uf, FOUM AT 1 AST ! 1 H-v OH IT B E r It KS Pf.KMA.VKN I I.V ...GUAV 1UJH TO l'l .rMfiiwl "l"( "v ., ,, . i. r ,. , lus.urwt.lly lW U rtxm'Vea all ill II serol'iilrt-, oild liend und sH ,rull, nci.ins (i.lieiiltl.jr. "I'd Bio ily in.iiini.l.lu Mg, Holel.es, .. from tlic j (mhi.i ure u'l .Muarlau iim vi.u he.d- l.d tl.e Ii llu l..g. ,,, T. X)"Vr, H. II., Fi Ii. 3d, ISiJ.; l'KOF. O. J. ;V ( D A'. U G nls ; Willnn a few day li- r.divfd so innny orders and cilia lur I'mf. 0- J- Wuu' ll.nr Krst..n.Ue, lln.t to iUy 1- aria roii..v!led In s nil l' fl..sl..ll lur qiiunl.t. . ttl.e 6 il.-ten y.-u f..rwned all eeii.g mhiI.) wliila e.i((lil '."'n a quantity from ynu. .'nsiy 'or irr hart mild stwi la hurt jmnlurrd 3 r 4 rf"ns ra and ll.c ).pn.liii..i., 01 d .i.t ru.i' Cu it receire I'mmii t!. most sul.stantial und wurlliy ! I ix.-i.s. ni !r v.i-li.itv, Inllv fnuun us thslll.aAMtlS'i VAt .Ivtni.KI'liKI'A RATION. Mend us as s.hiii nwy be unc yr.asl 41 sik m.d niiu .Iniitn Si siwj and htlicvt us yours very rs'et'iillv. ''"'-'- - .x'!!1"") uanjei. i.Ai iiunr it CO. ! l,ra..rtnroe,St (1isrle.( n.,Mo. Nov. 10,al5. 1 I'HOK. U. J Vi I "H IVailMr: Hume lime last i 'su.i.lKtr we werr imiiiei d lo use aijli.f of yolir ll.tir j 11. .l,.rulirs. nml lis . ft. el Were si. U l.mlerdll. We I " ... ... .. ,. . M l . .,r d..ly I., yon anu im -amie., ... .r. . .i. fi rtlv eosered W.lll sores, and s liic Callnl it bcjIU hriaU. I Mr lisir ..In.. .st si qui nee, wlian a friend. iht. lr mime "If in ci.ii- . lug Ins auAi-riiigs.ad. 1 (..id as Ui e your II. .Ii.ri.lne, we did s.. Willi IiiINt l...wof su. eras, hut n nir surprise, slid thnt fall our frienils, very frw applies tiuua nuioved 1m disease ci. l.ieiy ,snd s new .nd luxurisiit e.op of lis" r soon stUd nil, and wa e.in now y tli.t or buy '. .a i In . i 1 1 . T su.lp, and as luiiirni.t a erup of ti-lr as any ..il.er el ild. We cm U.ere. (re, and do rreomni-'Ml your Rralnralive, a per. f. i r iidy tot all flisassea .r Hi siwlp una liair. VV. axe, your r. s,-ei'utly, i.f.ntfi.H W. ftlfitimtOTHAM. t PAUAlt A. IIIUIJIMidTHAM. j . (;r.l...rr: aloine. June 92. HS3. Pl!f 'F. (. J. WtMlH lar Sir : 1 bsic swd J jo-. tins. if rrofessor V.,m!'a II r ltrl..l.luf , slid Ion Imlt s.iv it is Hie rreslist disenverv nf the for rislnr.iif slid rl.-nf inr the lls.r Urfore of il I waa a I....H ul sesri.l. My II. ir lia ( w sti iineii lis orij;in..l rolor. V" 6n ri coin. L-nd it t tli world itlo.nt ll.e leust ft sir, us my v.,,,..,.;,. v r (I. J. UOOH A 0, Pmpr.m.ra, 3I J Bros.l. j was, V. Y.. ( H.- C't N V Wire I(..,lir Ka. ' t.t.l,.i.o..i.i;od IN M..rl ttl. st. St l...o,s, ,... t And aold by all llrjirvisia in the Uwn und by JI. .'1. I I. I II-li AU1, CUaitotte, A. C. . AYER'S Call untie I Mis, rxmiH COATEIJ.I sua m ink TO CLEANSE THI PLOOD MUD CBPE THZ BICK. IiivkIU., SMlliri., .V..ll.rr., Pm I'talUolhrnpUIS, rrl thrle :HVrs, nd Jtiriaia of lltrlr Vlrtiara. I 'll TIIK I I i.t or llendnel.i , I. Ilead.tehe, Konl tom.ieh. t. J. r. li I I i .!. I lo. .hi. ..-.I in w. i i;rui.r. . llil.ous Hianrders end l.lver CntnptHinta. n-i.k. i. .... , Ib l- 4, I M.M'llVrfn ,.. ,1.1,... Ik, I II ll.l u-.i lrrt-r.,,lly J.s,. ij.sn h.ii.. n K -,.!, 0. -1 II:..., Ursentrry Ilrloi, nml Worms. it.. L ', !.. Nr. !.. Is . ... II- J- .1" 1-e fci,.lt-ih . it -i fa SmI 0iii i u, . -..a en.. T e. J - ......I l-.i.' '.it.-l ir,. .M-M Ih-M, ... .1 ..! t'. . M-s slivk is N.iu.-ly Imlicestion unit Imparity ol the Hlnod. It I I. ,.., IS. V ."s f...i. ft. .h. i ..I. .ii-j Ti- ii sn l.i.-H il-. i I i . . . II 1 l t.H. W. I V. !. o, Kr tw.a Sis eatsTsa AihI lnrtf IU' .-l..fl..n Ur.-I I uiH.irH uiiti ?itll Ithfiitn v-s. rt Pvst.rf, tVvrefi' r, i.mt u 4. 1' m. f' V.veif CU'a r- th 'r' f mil thl kt fT"M in His.. - T hM Ctirrwt P t itlTl. .Ii.ltf,.l-r nf uirrrm tkvrrs llp-m "H hain U u4 4-e-t ll't lis.1 pr itawfj iM trM t- fl,' HJ- n.kfhr-. tO S.-.S.- ar.l. IS... I e'H.-J ra.fv. I I (' f .tar! ti t t ikm m..! in MIN. ui H... hasl-cslfsal K. A WiiUK I!h'Miii.ntit.m !Nfiirnltin nnd (AHI. fMfikr ftt lr It-wltt.ft f "VS. !. ' turrfi. H4.wBI li e, U,J-t,. r. IHtC ft -s-Ft. an I .J U ill (i.lrr.il U t.wlwlW J. JI kill kt f - IM l 1 ls1 '? tV-Tt K-t i-aasaf -.. M .w.t.1 wtltw I my lt 't ln(tit r lrf Kficlltx c-li."lvU'.t. 1 l.ii 111- Iw.f tf tsI.--i'Ml.. tit illteHtau (r. . ,.( -.1-.. UssMI. l-t tv.r M,i. 4 Vrtir H"t. U ul ttvni tn ItraMimesrav l-T tlv k. . I trta-rt' mir ftllaa 1 :'lf rfTviUi HvH I.M UIW. Hi t-V-tl(lli I Ul U 4 th' n, mm b t-tiilrwlf s.'l. Nf Hit. tfr.t.,1 f(. IIW.l"! tm l!'. rRlk i.iW4 S Oillii Mi .-i n. .i .T si.it. 1 1. klnfrrd ( nir r'nr lrnHr, rtetneira, ,lnl.tls. .,.ans o M.v f fits Rnpptrsaiosi, I'nmly.is, InrliimmR. tion. IU . .. llrofni ... .1,1 l-.i ilnl llllnrl. la. .a. Imis sn cuir-1 If Hi. Stl.l.lli. S.IH ! Ilinoi 4 1. r.Ks Ml i-.i, l.i.ti. l . H..I tr- !. ,ll. t,.l III AVKirs CIIERUY ri-CTURAL '. Tt'K hwii i t nr. T III c.ll V ll.i. IIIMIt..M., INSI.I . S N I, . .! Ill ll, IIIX.I'IMi .11 4.1. , t ll.lt I, A -1 11.111, IN. tllMI-fcT t'i!t SIPlll.K, S II.. . 'M i.r rno.iia il-. . .11.1. 1. In .-t.-niid A II... if. to ,1.. i. l-Minhi hat. mart It nlirs-ls Sm-.si S. ........ in .1 , 1-1HI1,. J ,.i.i , .-. .11. .... .i. us; .i.. i.r,,,. .J l . II .1 o..l.l.Kl. .1,. . I.-.S tl.. h 1 l. I' . 1 ... el ... I - Bvrffi. .o.... .4 IS. Ihr f noil Oil ,1 . ..I p- ..Tlel notohilr r.-t Ssksii 1 Itrlilt S..J il.tiB.ii.us.l-rai. ,.l Mi. U .1 tl . I '.-...nl-St BliU -t l.l r..--M I I Ii Innis bmI smiliB ,is ku.s II Sli.rr W-.01.. Hi- ..... IS. or W Hi-Si iinpirml. '' I s. l II r--.nl. II.-.. ! ! " s.i.l n... ..... .-I.-. .1 lr.hr. Ssr. n rrv Hi Mrs . Iti. o n- rs. (j"-r i-r I. - I Mi ni 111.III 1.. I,. I... an -kill ... s.'-i II.. in... ml If i.i k.r II . I l.i,i...l . 0 II.. !..' si. -'U. III. a.... AH His ilrs.!ri.l oiiale Inns l.ot.rit- sn sa II. , r. 1 .. 1. n o-Hi' in. 01 il is si. 11 . 1.1.. 11.. I... ' ..ii I - nn .-n-i, ,,1 r-rs, r.i l.-ll l-i l-w .lin-r i lb. ,i-l )rf-.t I- s.il.1.. sml Urns r H" shn r-l n h lli. Is-l s i .11 ,! k ..10 .till, sr. Si.ni.fc Sa ltv.ll rim. PBITJRVB BY DR. J. r. ITP.R. Fracticsl sad Anslyties Ckemtst, Lowell, Vat a . l i 11 1 1 t r 11. M . rmrniVun. chnriiu. HAVIL.M HTKVKNSON' A W . . Vh irtnlon, C. . n. n. vtnitt lf.l.lr. pieas eeivt Profi ssiiinslCU, pat 1n11.ua ol MKi( IM.ami I St UiU'.RY. t'llless t. he "v hr found at VZ.' 1'"'.'' i: roai Fort Mill Hr, I It , fit , 4 . 1 "VS.H. RANSOM. U.CS- - "5!! WAIT FOR 1IY 't cans he luij , Ins $I()H:& ir.nn fflj.:.-iiyy;i ii,t.i..it..'r.is .....II... tn 11:1' Hi lis In l.'t f-l ; wu,o "''.,1 , v 1 firBniie lt.,w. ftorlll, ,,c ol Hie ninsl eill lisirc rtmenla ot f 3 i Ul Alt - & Bver offered in ...nli-C ur..Una,ain..i.X wi.ici. i r st V7 :TX, 4 7ajia j -.. ,, f,ne.: s.ie.l. s fan...ua repul-tw-n . tl.e ... u......'!.- ...i. .i.,ri.,r U iiov tookme ' ,.'.,, . furl, anil does more work in s given snnie ..r in sjfivm timc.lie will forfeit tl.e prief el Hie i' tlrf art. ' " I ALSO, ALL FjaHlOBs & eonsiantly keep .n hand, sn Ha h ; . -TIN AXi) .SIIKKT IK OX m:.fs iit.tTi.i.s, itsr ino.v is i: if st i .., HAT HACKS, j V , .llol tthirli will ! solil, lioliiiil"" ' lt-l II. li ihmt Hi;, ii ! ever iM-ril ll-rl Ifi lli V.lrlssllj.' I I Id r. lorn mvll.anks to m v friend a m1 e iis miii r fur I he vr r t ' i' ers ! m i t -i ; , , ; , hrstoweu upon us, and they may rest n together illl a ii. li iiiii.alion le -.ii sse, I ..... ... ,.,r. . ., ii Ml ' I.iidirs and .Iriitlnnni nre jiitrlinilnrh iniH(i lo rail md pxnmiiif w I III UTui Oi1 J03 "vv OSS &i$WbTi M WISH EBIi'i a:-, j N. H. I will nil ynu why f In ad my derlis.-mri.l W it mania Wimih," a , .,, we have three ..j:;iiis c..ul 'i.lly iravellu $ 'hroni;! the eouotiy M ill. Inu,. j fr .III unity trill br faithfully ttntl prt.tny.tlij ttlltmhtl In I J""" 16. I"57 Encourage Home Industry a avinu rc nrjiASFDiheroM OUDf Ar. li I'tll! V. I soi pup-ind lo li.! all urtirrs fur li..' Tv..n . ' OnlHI lift fr$, iiirliiivf, ' SA;;io, i (iniin Jiusrg'ftf:, J Vi ,trA, 1 I sni niik.nt sn Tliiel,.v HcjKt, hut ma i !.,, ( 'firj i t Liiiih, J K'l J'llig Th ii:i: r of lolli t.r tl.r I. nil.. .. jf Ohiin lMU rioiir. Wli.-at and Corn. F..r j wiers and frooaea butifi will find il to their ad. in I.f i- lo use it. All iil.lrrs 'fno. a dislaoes aill j he alunoculo is tli. pioiopli.r.s. J. Mf Dd.VALD. j f'osr.r., Orl. I1-, 1 'Of. 3t.ll . . f'M" I'ISSOIllllOn. f VMI-i CMp.irlnv f-lnr lit rttn.rc rxmiini l l-en JL 'it ui..;- r.t iuti, it ilita t: ts-t-l vtu li tviUu'-l .tffti ul, AU ,toiip irtiblnl liiaa are rt n in pi. d to I.f nit ttetn rf w;th i-fnount llicy rc I' tin n in JONAS IiriMSILL. r. S WIllS.SANT. MtTicr. I ill 1m- f- nml at in St an rininiup Mill, rttFO tu liij etlt truer !r Sash, Dlir.ds ni:d Dunrs, with as jooti I.nn.hrr aa the linlry ffi.n'i, n nn.re purtieulmi iK-rlilijf lo ri. Voir n.y attention l.l inv shol..!snu sui.c.l oltleis l.-r or, iu niy iiii s. 1 prthra a i.Im r ... il in erate paid up. at short iioiiee i. rv of the .,rl 111DIS1LL. lii relinmr from t'ie firm heretofore existing nui ir ll.r n-li e ol hum, ,ll , lnM,. nl, I Oo sn IS III! tll. klMH si :" V 1 1 1 L- l.,Mi,ti!s the l lt r. IIS nt t h.trli.ite st-d s.irroiwiiiiiit; eoni-trv, f.'r tie i. ..t r'.nsrr so l.befi.lly l-rtomed i)mp ns, aim will, tl.e know Ut't e thnt the boaii.rsa ill It euiried nil t qil ill V as feXptdltious as r l.n e nunc. 1'. S. WltlNANT. Aug. H, IK.7. VOIt I ll- ItOI.I-V A n tit rial life Insurance oniny orm t:. k h.hii.h. a . T innv 1 110 u r. tin Ii r vesr, len.. of yesri I'ni.eitili-, l;.e srsnreit 00 Ihc .Mfi tun ,r lur pur any. For 11 01' hie in s:'i., .. 111. I 1 I the t, Willi.. ut ticipistiog the prohls of (he I on nted h.r llu- wtn-lt- t. ! wOiii tin. prrinittiii thi rri.-r alio tie 1 j oi.tr nmv l fiv.n tor nin- hull tin- ,. 1 j priniitiiii, lH-siintr ititcr.-sl at ti tier tint, w I guaranty- 1 Iiu pron.pl nmrtirr in l.ieli .1! n.rs 1 hi 11. p.iiil hy llu. eoiiii..ny,tot.'ell.i ' mil. l) II:. le 1 h.n- I rnli-s of pieiiiiuto, pri s. nt ereul rll.nils to lit one tu IU aatis- 1 are diB-in il In Sin I five yi irs, for !.. (Inrds tin 1 All losHis are p,iid mil. 1.1 UO faclory proof is presenteu, Dili i:t 'I XM.S. f'hiirles K. Johnston, Wm. If. Jones, Win. W. Hidden. W. D. im.kr, J. (J. Williams, II. W lln.i-a. Qui iiime llo.lire, P t. Pi send, Wm. II. iM. hie. K. P. H.uile, t liarl.s II. lioot, t. (.. towls, fiieh'd II. Il illr. OFHl.-K.KS. Ir. :-hiirh- K. J1.hn.0n, rresi.lei.t. W. W. Il.il.ien, Viee I'rcaideiil. . U. II. ll.illle,N.eril.iri. W .III.,,... II. Jones, "I --iiri-r. II. W. lliMtid, A.lo.iirv. Hr. Wm. II. Mekee. M.diei.l F.x-iiniiiee. Ji'xrrnliee ( 'msiirtrt t. flu-hit, . tl. .Me. bar. l.l.nr i. li. k.H.l. ilf.difoi .'oiiij of foMiW'i'...i I'hiirh s K... J. hnsun, M. I., Will. , in II. W, k.v, .M. t 1,'ich'il II. Ilnm.md, M. II., For fllitl.ee iill'nrlioil'iin, the pnlilie ia refer, fed lo the pnn.hlets,atld h.'ins lit prua.s,i, hiel, .nay he nl.t.H.e.l at I'lO H!l.'i.l.l ll.c to.opsnj-, 01 soy of lis Ay. m i. .. ('o.iiiuiileiit..'i.s shnulii 1 n'llriasti!, fpo.t. pi.ii!) U,. - " 1 II. II. lUTTU:, Se.-rttry. . Arpfssoer H.lf.". "Mj THE HAli (SO . i" .n ......... (. t HA f!Tm IB sprf s 11 l 1 1 v AVi on l lie li.i now "I wlare he l. new . exhihitmn, jnsl , W , li? J Ui) will be f..i.n.l the eelehrated ml tUe ee av an .kv at a. mm-.m j, 1 ', , r ' ' i FoelWrn t oantry for tl. l..sl e.fl.i Hon -new u ose.lt ia vu.pli in as , Il i.n . nt . ll.i r lnr .,-v. mr In O'r l'nilt-d M: Irs. ntn: if i tin btovr, and null elliiir "ode ir'.'m'' V 1 KIM)S OF BOX STOV vUk-Ji exL-nsiee ami vsried rUxk of . CIiAI)Li:S, &c, Il.tl'liiA v.vvj t I -Mai ndt-yror, hy e'ise nils. I. uirril u eniitinu.inrv of ihr anioe. A. A. X. II. TAVLoi:. 'I he .Atil lll-r:troliii:t t:t!i . ANt His i zh'.e cf Useful In for r.i tM : l Unit ti'U. ti tfnt tpt,mtl ttic nlrsive tilii, flciistrti cjlt.utni ii ;. in. I, "li ui M .it .ticis In turu.atu i.. Thti W Hi -I r-Uf II a. J -L. mat l l It tfll-jft itl citivfi wlio (?efc,r i l. iVc-m. . U8H irfl with thr Troc of I-t St i. .it ccj. .AiUon, iuti ,rfirrii. Vc. ii.. n-acit t by ritir 'iirtitiin, 'l li .l w.' Lve n i r-j;uUr -lfi rinnl be ntlriNulcH t at)) u.nh! f t u 'I itt?rv are forge ainriurtU or VeniKh: tiiip iuffriiiti r u csltrrH liiruut'!) ' I-Wr. i.n Lumtivt lht uiui nl a in Kn. . . 11. tlll'ir TIH.I H t'tt, i..f .U i.,tl . MM, llt'Pttt Of ftii l? ifl list ( ItM.f M 1,: . Uisuu 1 at -or !.rjiiivf arti.tr. f r I ut ii.ti't r rill n i.uthi-h ml n:. bit- ut i j.ono'tn.hHl. .'..Ihcrlo-..,,,. vrry Irw. i tt.cmti im M tt r; p. v I rti. il itt th f..rm r- J. r..i,i.. ! j ft- J tn vuin nl" v Krpirt tit.i rt j n tune In tin. ti.xflr bf h utcortst.ri t Iu! others iiuneeu: in M.sului lufi, .M : merer. A-c. To i-olUil tl.io raru.us llnm f , : and jilt tin in tu till pnldic in .1 so i . li-rt-i re and tor pt-rfo-myl presi rv..tn i.. to g.tlicr trm sll rv.itsl.le rvwiuoc. - lierii.p dii.etiynr in..rec liy on .ui nrriy snd ti.uu.lrr, ia tl-r cesin o: . no ollree l.-r puhlie enlronrp,.. So f.r as Itie ph.li lis coin oelioi- ! . . I.ecu moiuree, th. ..isol In, f-'l A 1 I d video in the 1. n.i iif 1 on nl ol sueli 1 : -tiiiiui r.ij.ul..tii.n Ajrru wltur .1 nn-.t ct tion. Tin-lie ln..r.iv iiiri ls. .l.,oir. 1 in rirs. Mine ism n. 1 in I Sii.ti.iifs n 1 pres. nl tlH:ir condition, sno uor pu. It IS ai.a ntsl;nt.o lo tollUiu Iiii- I" , Jrns,il) of tlo Puui.eTreKsurer.lnni. - the fiiosinrf Knn. I. Sneeriiili mil 1 1 : eh.ils, nrd all other lt..tr Ulli. . r : 1 a iilsn, Suili-niei.'s sod Kipoits ut t; . .tin proitsaof the vauoua Uniiri.-i s .. Cst.i.n e.-u.psniea. The STATIST i l br- put !, ot 1 a-. thru 1.1 nmi. ber of rep st.iI.I-- im . i.iinrd I.. p..y the expenses ol (int.ht- t nuinl'i'is tviU coiiU tn e..eh, lt. I l. s- t' C. s ol cli -.ly pi.llti l 1...IUI, 11, i.ii; 3. II p. fi , ot llmrr, Ui hieli ili . .ind roinp'ele ii.'irr. TI.IJMS: Turn I'm l.s. s r urn iiiii-Hm I Kinr I r.M's, lor s s iimul.'.; pn..i . 1 I 1 iwiiher he tlnlr , il.v NT -..lh: i I... uneei! in the put.!:, mis Illti lldil.0 to tin ir II nir. In It. 1 I !, in... gir.NT 1;; llil .M UIVI I M- F ir t'oiij he, i.Iiib. Iiillnrii.,!, (..: AHi-eliex.s ot tl hnin. vs sr. I' , ' li, in rrlio a, (.1, el, tl.e I. .1-.. 1 .11.11 Feni.,1 I .Mopmni.. Ti ., ... e. nl. and 1 25. Gold Mine Balsui'. or Pj sjM ptic Uilteis er Tin. lint 1 . 1 ' A lettec fioni J. K. I ..I. ..in, Unit' ' N. t:., .inii n Anj;. 14, IM7 lr. J. kl.iil-lic.r Sn ; V0111 11 . ' riven 1 tittle sail. I';ii t"'l. llitln. s. ' : try. The Ahys.oina Mivture . .1 . ' ty approved of, tl has n vet linien 1. -. ' .11 IX' It sells Sll fit a t. Unit I ner n '' supply the ileiiiiim.. Vi-n mil "m" " ' lntMip,.!; of it a. so,. 1" 1 ' ' .1. 11. t' A i-l ' ' At.'KXTS - Wm. V S..i,.'. 1. ' T. I li, I(ek.l,t.l.n. ; Pi .hr A ' T. J. II..I1..11 ami ir J. F. t.iin . r.. ' ' ' Sill mid J. II, I'.nnisi, S.. liI ni . ' ry, I.exuiton. 4 i3.im.oTTi:. .v ' MXpnieiiee ir i' i am tin euirusled to bn .le. J-.O. 'J . ' I EL . t I V S II s-svil si st ?r, IL .1,1 afV sii.u, :