r uitM mil i m www DIRECT TRADE. There are two diaabilitie under wliioh ?n(li labor, wliicli will forOer pro ,.ut the rcalination of her liope in reaped f the et:iblihment of Direct Trade, nnlea l.y are ronofcd by Congreionul legi-da. Tliwe two obataolm will nooount, in fom'o flrgrsn, for tli inlility of tho Sqitb t, rcnlizallie Inng cherished but utill defer c, hope of commercial independence The flrt of tlicfo is (lie " forcicn ralu l'.m " yfin", a established bjr t Ii t present 'J iriff. When llio aystciu of aprcifio dulie ., iboliidied, "H'l the ad rnforem "yalcm t,ili.tittid in im place, it was-provided that ll,,. vnlonlinn of nil pood t xportcd from p,:,in l:inil to It Cnilcd Statu should 1,0 in abroad lint ia, lit tlx" point from ,,,- lliry "err "hipped. Thtta, a mrr o!,nnt in New Ymk importing a carpo of H:j pood' from France, paya duly upon i,,m riot :irrordin to tru home valuation, (il, ,t I their ralue in New York when they jrrive thrro) bd, eerorriiiir to the valua t mi iinda in Franc when tho goodi n re j.ji.iid. There ia nothing unfair in tbia ,r-iem p" i but cxptrienco baa. proved j it leads to llic nrW outraproua frauds. V,',. do net riactly understand bow it is ,; I, ut ("very importing merchant know t!i.,t by fJ'c invoieet " ua they re called tii,. fiovi rnnicnt it annually cheated out of 21 I : rt'e amount of duty; and t lie importer not pxy ni t iloirm iipnn the real . Hue value of t lie goods that iro ship- i 10 him. Hy I hu system of specific; duties, it is Im n..ili!c aliuo't tint frauda can be commit i, 'I he importer paya o much per pound, J ,.. r jard.or per gallon. Ibit by the ad fi-j j , , .y.tem, lie pay nrcoram to tlic value L I if the article iiiporl ed. It i n a ui fre , 1 I tin I ri-, tnat if ti,e ftlic'e i. undervalued, ' i , imperii r ilomnot :y what he Oubl to i ii im!1 ' and tin- (iovrr linient loi n And j 1 ;i ';. i, i: .twih to all I"a itnlin r with the subject 1 i , it ll. re i" a Kr''1 dcnl of tbi undervalue-1 ! t;".-i .. vii whether y collusion with ' i i Ijn i,-ii mcichaiil or not, at' ii r nut know , -i.t l' hirb the imrKirler pa la than the ! iutr, tin' Uof.-ii.nie M w eliatl, ind , j in .; " fraud npon t!i ref rs'io." of which j t v i . r no uiuch, arc p. tpetrat. d. j i l'.:in ?!! ate in the Senate, n bcrt ' :n" (.", lien rne of tho A pf ropriitijn i ;, m) up fir eotiilTulion, an amend-j ! t. . M ' maied by a ISeiiutor, pr.i iilin ' ! ' a Ii 'i.c v-ilii tion on importa, int''ad "f . .. f.r'i.'n filiation a it now eiia. Ilia' ! c. be aid, ai ta prevent tij. se n.itori- j i. " fra'i-!a iij"0 the ri-voj.' " which Wife' 'I..- r..'j i of t tie foreign f aluation ytm ::. 1 iNa ta ii;criie the rcttnai-a of the I i- . r;;iiii;r.t do eo omeb needed in the, t " ml en brra'-rd eondition of the Trtaa i u-T lijt the proposition wn roti-d down, -.-! i'ii namcOid fy-ttm jot coutinue. T'.e way in bit h the ayten w -irk to ii c It.j ry cf tlio Sk'tb it tl.ia The Northern! :::. jriiii; then b jut will, witliont eonipytic-j I in. ti 3 party to tho fraud. lit- fill Cl- ' i'oai'h the fvrciti idiipp-r tbe tlie , r; m mi Itrva i.jcJ, an 1 think i; no har'n ' . ti.e'l (iovcituncLt 1 hi i fnmihinjf vh ch the Souttirro mcrrlart wiil not do. j i ; the Northern in. j v ti r, by j raettMng ' ..'f.e-ty. o'lliin an vltuiiaje or.-r the '-.i.i-ro-r. an J drire the lifer out. cf the i . r. o'tinf biimie. In the tit bate to which !.' ah ire al'uJe l, il wa atated that a bo j-c in Nw Urlcatu bad proclaim-j . I tint they co'i'd bur t'oolin New VoiU '.etpi-r tiin th-y coubl import them them- te for tiie New Vork in. porter, by' r i l i'. r. t inr i:ce, pai f o much leu duly - 1 1 ; e New Orleam m rchant would pay i -r r .1 : ii tr an hcncM invoice, that he could i. 'i. r-e i tbc Ne ( trtean' mert hat.t at the !'.ron rtorr 1 hua do nefee how the r''i !ii,o-l tiinn p.ili'ra the iinpnrtin; : i in. jf t'jo routitry. It ia done by fraud t , lr ie but it maii. a no i.ff..renc praeti 'il to il,e Sus'h hr,tc it i rlon.', 0 that it it i''';r. I be r.-"iilt i eviili i,t that the South irn Mietrlnt i!! b.i obliceH to abandon the iti.pirt;nc t U'iiiea aiioether, and buy hia ' ir'.ie from the North or ele play the ,'"' ' f fraud uf'.n the floe ernment,' '? f 'it; party t j tin fraudulent in-, I ! 1 ' ei ,1 c. n be remedied ef;!n by a re-1 'i-n m ti.e n!J plan of apeci6e dutiia, or by ii -iiiu'in; horn ralualtoo for the for-i- ."i Aa f,r xx the preaent condition of tii'nt eoii!:u., , thera ia no propect of 'T lality and fur flay fir the Jio-jtb. ! I he oii.er diabniiy un.Ier bich the 5oulh iv.oror, rather, the other arfrantape "cii the North baa ia in the ay-tem cf '. vrrnmeiit tubiention ti ateauisbipa. The 1 o- fia l.tir of ei. an.era, for arnral year, ' e-it... a aobt, ntinn of half a miiiion a l r IH,i.y, i hoy eouid carry the liVht ;'r aM,r;e ol nn-rehandi-c for murh lca 1 1: in any conipetini; lint. For in prof or-, j'mijt their pny or Uiail aertice aaain j 'f, -el, m same propcriion could they! i ' their ri.-a of freight. What show : I "''I'd a hi e from Norfolk h-itc, for intancc i " "'r'' receive ii tiling from tloverninrnt --a-nn.i ,l,o Collin, line, r.-ceivi,,,; half n.iinn per ariliiirn ' (Vuld there he any j " .' I.'.- fair eomp. .itioii ? Would imt the j i n'h-rn hue have uini, n.urahly ihe ad-, . n it... , n, tlni drive the tuiherD line . . -f..t corrective- of Ibia ia al.v within the, ' "r of t;.ivertniu lit e'thi r ly Innkin, j .nie sui .ci iption lo each and ibtn put I a. I npn tertua of ett'iality or by j i .ji i .,( . pr, ,t rei'ier, and iv I''.: them all to a fair competition. Tho "'r sreina indeed, 1 he the bet method j' '. ' i ii.e could complain of il for brinej ' ..i r in,, j, mk,., ,, ditlVri nt e to the I ''"!'" ''llir they pay the tnoi ry lo im i iff - sel il.re.-il v out of the 1 renauiy, ' , "' it in the shape'of a litue hivl.ei tine ! I'M,., L-I'.ie tl,, gouiL. then, entcra upon the V '' ! n-e cf direct trade, it o.ipht lo be 'idcrej a hether there ate not ol st.icli a ' t:'' bieb aould pievetit fail coin- """' 'H't re u,,y l0 cher.. be-id. a J .i-e ae have Bieiilimird. I,, t ii. have a r' ""I'l.i. all the .outh a-ka-bnt we have f ' ir field at preeriit and the il ter- f" ' I 'M. of C, Olil-rea. si II,,,.. I,, la, in.,,k,.,r 'lvc it to ii. We ourbt not lo eii'er ihej "''-' at a t'iadv atitau,., l, i, perchance, a I "''"ii. e jpeiiinent al the b. piui.in? j "'"Id po-tpone still lonrer the ralii:imi of T hop,-, I. lj ,,, f;l, )t,ltun. 'M-t.uTt-rv (aixvuiHloN Private lellrra '"" "l" Hon. Uote.,1 Di.U Owen, fnited. Minister at tbe Court of Nnplt?, writ " bit friends ,t Ncw II,IDiony, an '"fn lb.' raiifyinj; inf rllirnri that be li'foinc converted to Ihe Christian rc Mr. Owen ia well known through ,l ll,IH f'T bia scholastic altainmeola, '" 1 ii tl-icrcn l,ai rrer been weakened "I'me l y ,i, h,.trro,lnI v;fwi (,f (',ri!1. ''"J I titrnrrM lml. Con tte. N, C. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM. PANY. Tin following atatemcnt will ihow tho operations and condition of the Company to June lat, I85SS No. of I'olioioa in force to Juno . 1st, lk&7, (laat report,) No. of Folioiea isnured tbi.a year, 2,1 OH 417 No. of Cancelled and Kipired Folicics tbie year, Now in force, Uf nbioh 10".ri are alaTrf, atid - 40-2 are aLilca. .. it r.r uti'iM. A mount on band ri r laet Re- ll'l ' port, CI 11,1 13 29 Amount of Premiums received nn . . Cn.li.O 41 0,?78 51 to June 1, 1 H.'jR, Amount of nili reel, " overpaid by Agcnta, 2'J ea ; flMJ,(JJ5 00 Deduct amount of noted cancel led and expired t Lis year, C.COD 02 fHn,r4J 01 DIHIUUhtME'.TS. Ani'lit paid a bile loaiica, Glo.710 3- A m'nt paid alave Joe, 14,4:1:1 no c:io,140 in Salaric to offi cer rt lo tras--eline Apent for sixt'n montha, A tii lit paid C0111 miafioui to oi A?eLt, A mot paid 11- mining l'by-i-eiana fcea, ad vertia'g. print i i IT . alatiouary, t ffice rent. poet tft, taica, Ac , Dilaneeoterpaid i.y Arent, a prr last report, :.0'j;i :,a 2370 00 .'2 48 A m't of Premium Noyt-a dranin ia per Ci nt in ternet. Am i of Stock in lUnk of Capo Fear, Ain't of indirid. nal Fond", Am i iu bat.ua of Act nt-, Ami in bands cf Tre ieuri r. 0,:i3 71 into (0 2.',Cf 73 0,0-0 71 10.139 17 142.IH) 75 ClO.-H-J (i4 Na loea due art! ntpjid. All 'oeaea paid on I l.e flay when due. or before. The compinv hn paid, rliirino the nine jeara of i" r xnti i r, diii ieiiJa amountiii. lo it'i per (ti t, aterai'ino In per ci i.t on the annual prriniut:i panl in. K. II P.ATTL1:, Seerrtiry. I a The nnper idea ome of ibe Northern f pie hate of the eaerrdresa of the marriage relition, is will illustrated by the following from the Cincinnati Knquirer : " A lady ranic to tbia city a day or to ao, and made application lo a lawyer for divorea, eayin? abc wti? from the 'lafc of New lork. ainl bail come here for the pur-po-e of 1 ff. t tiiir a expiration, e ip. clinp to do er in alout laenty four boura. Kbe ap peared much disappointed aben loid ahe mii't be a resilient in the State for a jar before sbe eouid obtain bcr aih, and eaid that if she Ltd to wait ao loti a that ahe aouid n tj'n to brr hutland aain, ai ihe c.nuee of their toatrel aaa only about a bonnet, a bich ahe wbed In throw anay, j and lie bad urj;ed her lo wear it atother 1 month. Ilrntil and niontroaa aa that cir- j eurr.stanee hid shown bmi, rha ibonght he ; 11 -ht endure bia pre -c tea a littia ahi'.e lotiser." ! Ti ar ('ifirt RmiiTa The f)ction ' whether the l'ot (iflice Ihparini.it ha. certain riphta and pritileca oter the con ' tents cf the tiiaila which baa Irm much ci'cu'frd of late ia now on ita way lo a settlement. Jud;-c youthcrlatid of New ,'ork, haa prartcd t I. n porary Injunction j in the cae of pnt(ica who no w ha t e three or four thousand lrttrra.it ia aaid , detained . be the Ilenvrtment a-'sin.t Post Ma-tcr! .. , ', , , " r r I- lowlet. pri.lnl.iin-; him from for at dine to lie tieni ral I.wtiMttce any litter, an- ten.ite. d reec 1 to tl cin, ai.d also eigi.innijj l.ini, I TWe I'i'.'t w.V ni I tulen f.y f.me.V dmiing hi n'i-tita, Ac, from op. nixig or rta.iing t Ii:sT Tllltl'i: MU.STlis of I'lrpaonry. a the Inter.. The I'o.l C llTici- Ih par'tni-lit ""V 'ni: ea Mi.,-.,., i.Ve, M at any . , , . . . Qtltei limt thru art $nle. re.-i.rila iht bun in riue-lioii a. ni titiou. ; , . ' rf ., . , , , . In all eaa.a of Nirvooa ind Si.rrnl Afr.ctH.ns, and upon thai proun.l alone, if for no other ,,iin m lhr lUrk nJ , imhj r n rM reason, of the fuhlic pood, il i. aaid that ,rI, ,. ',.,iaiin ,,i toe ll..ut. Hysteric., an,: the ! p-irtm. tit have ti undoubted ri'ht W hues. lh. r. Tills w ill t tie, t . cure a h n nil ,. Hi lo crder all iheir lell. ra lo l e eetit to lhe'rr ''a' 'ail.-d. and aUi,..ucli a ..riui ii ail lt iter rffiee tinder an ai t of Centres, oiviiio ihe 1 1, pa 1 1 inel t that auihoiity over fictiti,ju letter.. Anf. IifU Hi "rtn-tr . lIi'MMivc. I'mi's' TtiNOirs TLr tongue 1 cf a ti ii iii 111 i ii e; hird i Ti ry curiou.. It ba two tubi nli'iin.idc r f each other, like Ibe tulc. of a dtiublt'-barrcli'd (j ii tl . At the! tip of Ihe tongue the lubea are a little separ- ated, aud their ends arc shaped like apoona. I 'Ihe honey i. spooned up, a we may ea j. and then it ia drawn i- ihe mouth through the lon tub, a of the tongue, lhit the bird j use. it. tongue in another way. It catcho. j in. eel. null it. (or it livca on ihe.r a. w.-il a. on honey. It calchea tin in in tiiia way : : the two spoon, pra-p the itistct like a pair of toti, nti'l the lotiguo bt lidinr, put. it in- j lo the I ird a mouth. The tongue, then, cf j ihe humming bird ia tiol merely one in.tru- j meiit, hut It contait.afcieral llleti ullielit. to prilier two pun, pa, two spoon, aud a pair of tonga II ittturH Titiliir. The Naw 5i.orP cr-WAii. The nccom-pii-hed cotistrut tor at tbia naval station (aaya the Norfolk Herald) ia now enpajred in pre paiin); thfl model for Ihe new Mcam iloop- of aar otdcrcd lo be built here. W orknit n ..: l l er li e! and ol h. r norlion. ; . - , of bcr work, and rapid progress will be made towards bcr ci mpletion aa loon aa all i ibinpa are ready. 1 Le length of the vt-a- 1 el bet a cell pcrpendiculara a ill be 1! feet ; 1 beam, moulded, :.'! f . ( I i dnift of water I 4 fict. Mm will carry lour run., lo tru- inch bore and two ' piMindera. Tontiago 1 ,1.00 tuna. DvsrmiA and Consumption. Which vi tuee uieeaaca uccafions ine ficiini ine a- . n.i . ... tnocl aumTingT I bo Dypeptic aill aay tho former. It in, therefore, a Cnnaolins . , ,,. , lact, uini. nzypciinicu uuiers cure tno moei i difltrcei-injr complnint. ftn the I'Jth niet-itil, at hie reii.Iener in cnuiilj. api. lllMlll.ll ItLAt K, ill tlin , Clh vimr nf In. An l.m.e.i .... Wtat work. Democrat pltaac eoiiy. . CAKES, OLD MR. MKAD lma commence.) h.Hnj in pood enrntal nil mi., ..m a fai.pi-r to tln.ee inlcnilcd f-r the drlie;.te teeth r.f a l.ri.li ' ,rln"'. and troin a " cineer him "up to ; lliem " lint nVma." who liii't e.,la .w.-ct j tooth anil wi.nl m.e linri lii ti.r try tli virtue of an xpetiirei.t Willi lim hiked mrr. lie may he fouinl alvrayn i t hi poa', at M. W. I(.ihin,..ir. i ( o'. ( on f, i:iionarv, one door North of Srriniai enrm f. cu,iuttr,juty an. at. Nnliff! lo I'flinol Tcnclirrs! I PERSON .'e.irinir tn Teach School, of Meeklinbnrr I'e I p mined if I hey w iM appear in the t only, r-n be ei. fliecof the ( hr. i . He Toruriuice Company, Tut-d-ty muriiinp, the 1 S7tl i iii-innt. I J p. r.n?a ri,,n'n. M. D .IflllNSTOV. K. NYK HUTCHISON. July 20, IP:,". 11 CtONH M1TION The Tit. D'-l. Ilurn. II, , . y..r. a Mia.ioo.rv Hi .W;,., A. ili-env. r.-d a timp't nnd ieriria ture h.r ofiawmp- tONi I'M f TION 1 ili-env. r.'il a timp'e nnil reriria ture l.r ottmn .. Atllmn, Hion'liiiit. Srtufulv. Courln t'o'i'e. nnd A'eiretia Irhilittf; alao an euav nnd ifl'ectoal mode of inhain.r I lie tl medy 1 nielimd hy arhlell Ihe rurttirt prnp.-rtiea M' the M'dicme are irrecf a nitdrepiied to ihe diaimaed orcana anil the it.ti p. lime 11I. Aettinled by a il'iaire to Iwnefil h anf. ferine felloa. he ail! cheerfully rend Ihe Jfrrit (tree) lo all who diaire it. Willi full and 1 iplicil oireei.una fr pnpcriii. and eticctaaiully uiii.p tie Mniicine. Applr 1 or d.ire I. I V. t'. S. PC'RNETT. Ml Ur.e cway. Near York. July n0. IfL3. Cm. I.' 1 1 it I it ti n It in I' I'll t li 11. Ilavrniiu.. Mas , Jm.e 1, lc.r.f; S.W. E. wir I o f.-eai.ma; Wi.ili .nil. r. inj frniii Ij pna ai u.c yi r nine, and tr yu g -1 it,-a t every thilf fur ile rrtnnv.l aiihoul any hrncnt. I c-i.ir ntnlfy led to make ur of Hie Vzyfpatti Cu.'en," ami after 1 them, t. und my heulth iinpmviric my dtttutt toJical'y irmi-ttd. &.n u liott trial el' 0. and ip tune ea ti.i'l. I have peneral:y aiih 11 ise ao well I in ninny of ita nxii il.eni 111 my practice, 1 pnnit ,ucceaa. 1 kiu.a nf n.i ...pltii to the fore rf Dyrp. p K.rrivat. d fir I hire rrii the ino,t aiuh. h.,rn eaaea, a i.lcli hail na'atr 'U linnet ail ihe prep. .lra!lnf Colnnu.lily died lor J ndii ali.m, yit 'd a I.y inaie Uwn li.c atiiuiiiit.trt.tiun nf a ft a tlua. a nt tin ae Jlittera. Such result a have inereaaeti my roiifidrnce in tin ir Ni.die.il pnarrf, : nd etrenili. inc. I my convictii.tis uf thur siifa-rinrity ever nil oilier inrtruniei'talitii a, in the trt-utniint nf the eoinpUitita fur a Inch they ore reconitrended. I aoulj certainly adv. ac tho Iroubkd aitli pvepipe. i to ue the Htttrrp, t.n! 1 i-m roi.fu:rnt ail a ho do an, will reap pri .t htli. f.t if there a nt.tl.ini; to Cfii-tri ilwncale i e.r n.e. A. Ii. I'OltTI H, M. P. LT Tur Wi.Mirarci. vi a'a Ci!cl,ral..l m.d 1' Da IharrT. lUACH Ditti as, I., the public. d St. trom lh time of iia inlrm'iit tmii provea e iciaaively ila mamlest an p. rior i ty fct. r aor nihi r preo.ir'.linn of ibt kind row manufae. titled. Ita sdli'M on (lie tligeeli ve orgsna isnf I he most p'eisrnf; character, removing all diacseie or mnrhidily, and pivinj. tiie system a soand anit tualtl.y lone. It curia of Pyspt-paia, l isa of op. petite, fjtnere! ifl met flf en', indei d : acmeoflhe nm.l direful raeee that have ever Vcn under n.c d.eal trea Hi.ci.l have bt en ent.rciy cured by Una jrest .i,;enl. Aa a tonic. Host, Her'a Bitters ar. n.ost d. hrhtfui. e.pi cially before mt la. S.'d hy li uggi.tac i rya here, i.nd by IIOSTP.T TKR K SMITH. R'lc rroprietors, iH Water end A." Frnr.1 Streets. P. H.-bure h, and bv II. M. Prilch. . ( I.' ..lie, N. C. Im THE GnEAT ENGLISH RFMEE?. SIR JAMES CLARKE S ( rli lir;il l I'ruittlt- I'illat. 1 rrtpnrrd from a prescription of ir J. CluiLe, M. D., I hyttcuin Lztraorui- ' utry to the ''Jurat. Tuia u.va'ua!i!e medicine ia inifaihr.; in the. cure if all Ihn.e piiliful ami .'anpemna diauaea to h lh the femal cnnst.tulinn is sohj. ct. It I inodrralia all ticissami reumeea all obitruelions ! and a spee. y enre may be rcli.J on. j III VI lit II 1 1 I) I. III IS it is peeuli.iriy suited. Il w, I, in a short lime, tr eg un ll.e mniiHi.y frinu aitli rep ul.. ril y. r.veh Bottle, pr.ee tine nr. ,,, t,,,,,,,, , t.uat Itrit-m, t. K-irh boltle, liner Cine Pull pn wot cu iv, un a.-t c-.it..in irnn, rnloiuel iiiilinionv, i.y tl.niK hoituil to Ihe w le Af.-nt for Ih. Cn I. d Si Jolt Musks, (Uie I. A lo.) I;, eh, el. N n- V cull, l a hv 1,(1(1 and 6 pnaltfe staml. e oru. d Ai-ent, will insure a b,. r. turn mail. .Ic by F. SCAISK. CO. ag nf$ fmr i hnrtvttt, HAVILANI MEYENf-ON A CO. ( ImrloIIi' FuiEilc InslilolP. HllK presint ses.inn of the Chsrluttc Femnle l.isltlute w, ill clnse un i ue..i .y n,e join at nek. A', address to Ihe Pnpila will be de. I bv the I!iv. Ah under Sinclair. I ,, liver " iJ,, I, use inlerieled is. Her a. hunlnre invited lost, rt. Ti.e next aesaion will commence cn the It of September. July 13, ICiM. J i : i . i a i-; i a i.e 1 1 a is v i : i : v t i : KAn iFCI.I.Y sitm.te.1 no ihe Rr ,.!..! r, leaiimr tro-n Tavlnrst il'e, Aleiander en N. C.. lo JnliesburnllEll. I ctin , via la nmr These Sprll ja have been Halted by pcranoa Ir Ihe Soillli fur the lsl 3 yenie. The henllnr 1 ,ii,aof "" ic water have bi en tested by i;,hiiI Jim niiec.l lo lie the beat .,t, r nf Ihe k , ,M Slate. rers.Hia Wlshilli. ti. spend the l miran J""' mp Ihe Mounlaius and ei ,,y smtie u . of Ihe up country, would , o well t llh.etlh. r. a lio will take pleasure is II rmillnrMile that may call nn hnu. 'he ci'l , mi- 1 Kl. deni.ir al hndalc n ..I iii.prntmc there ate .1 Stores Hoard cheaper prnbub'y, than any C all ami see lor volira.ll. TIloS 8. HOYP. .nnc in milet Went rf T,y'a,ttMe. .V. Ju'.y C, leVif. j (JfCilt I.CdUCtiOIl jfl Pri(TS ! WmrK will ennnnenca .-IliPf, on ami Bn-r the y V tl'tih J me, ourl cniiiiinie to ,io , ,lntil ' September, nur Ktir.. Stock f .,., Goo.l at ST. Our ..I ji rt in n ,.,iif i. to ,,, room ,r , yM st.,ek. We i,ave , ll)rR, i.t:L;.Zj& iJi'itttu 'cU';.U'j Mantillas, Bonnets & jliblion?, j Funinier CJoibrif:. kt ( i.ll anon, if y-.u tl'icli to hny f.'ooHi rt iir fri. tte tlii.ii mo iver have I clLre. FROWN. STITT i CO. Jum 2'.l, flr.. 1 If Iflorehead. GRAT SALE cf lots on aC-ti'.it! the SSih and 2!illi of July. I', .-.t ll.t J City ol Morth. J M. MOI r.IX.VD. Ph. hru'r I'uii.t I. mi! i'.oi ". ' t'.'0 7i.re,'S9'lff.-. r, , . , r, T... ,. OLt M J) I A I (j I 4 1) 11 V ' AM .11 en 1: siio JOIlt AM X !) I IC A TO., f Oi l Mill A. S. C. .uhrerihira ri efnll v inf.mii il.. i.nd the pnhlie e, m r i 1 1 j , t t' eold it .ad at ch.'fe, i- nd :n ren i T 1i!l nr. r n ..t 1 1 ver fo (ornit.li npvHiinp in tin tr lin, uclna Mill , (. :a If I Mi. S'l F A.M F.MilM v (.IN hF.HI INU, SAW MILES, PAW DOT hCKM.r.S, ; A e., of any or de.er mi Ihe ahorte-l nu. Lee ntid nnet ren.iniil'. l.rir.a. 1 hi y aleu x p It- .ve to call the oil. t,i:..n of ull to tin tr 1 C hirc:e iugar Cane Mils, 0 the ei-f ? peet 1 v r r lit ri d. Tier a ould fort her rinniii' ihiir Hum. a i.nd i.)l cnciri.itl that ihrv rlil. r. II 1 1 'T i:Vi:KV HAY. O-wttyt eecpted,; Which t.onih.r Ii.nndi v in the Ft le do, ar.d c.-ne. qiienilv tli( vf ..n i ff. r fti!iins not to be o I. 11.. .1 i!..'w h.r"e. liters 0'' (hirt:r Ft Celt Mi's. 3 K. ll. r. fVertieal.) IS inch, diameter !0 3 II. ili r. 'V.-rtical,) Id inch, tiinmrier 4 2 li..l'cr. (Vc.l ei.l.) 15 1: eh. 1 to 3 Rnllc-e, (V. rlienl .) I !i 11 cli. iismelir 7 3 l(..ller. (!l..rrnnl;.l,) 10 11, eh. diameter, IttO 1 i R..ller, (Verticil.) I J inch, ciitin, t. r AO 5 R..ler, I V. meal.) HI in. W. diameter 40 i rJmnll hand M li 'iA 1 irrs of 40 c.' ".n l'..n t.41 g.-.lli.n Pan ail (.lion l'..o IOD euilon Call r Yars. i 812 ! ... IS ; ... a 1 1 ... tfo 1 .InlIN AI.K.XANUKK, ROHKUT Mt IK .10 A Ii, IIK.M'.Y AI.EXA.MiKU. X'l.VtJ ACAIU'MV. R UI.MiY J. Illilssl N .N, .,m ( li.ir. lesion, le-p. eltnlU 11. 1. rr, the l.ndi. a .ilirt I., nllemt n of I liarh.tte :.i..: vie nity , 1; : t hiaeh-sa. e. hit il.atriictnn il. Il I ring l li.. . k ii 1. 1 A I. et .nder'a l.nng ;,a,m, nt .-r i 'hma I1..11, and mil he eontinat-.l tiur.t.j; the Summer sceun. The latest iiaoeea ii.clntln e the he..c":'ul Lan. fflt ttfffll tl.'e with Ihe rip.n.l fflir.a l.n s. ipuUr in P..ri ni.n i ih. r Kiimneuii eji.e a-nl ! I-he lit a ilh nil the other Drawn 1.1 I ttAUCE ami CO'II'I I TI AS.-'iCTMI.NT. el riin sod J.pMied St l.o'.enle or Ktlail. I. ae' H -.I, ive, t 8. T. W KISTON s 7 rn ami tci- .-hf p. trnv rr ti,.c st, C i ff. e I CTS, t, r riion f:t fi ts, a J. at I" .. n i ( ' i lea and : hv "YUIsruN. arlic c. f r ai anper; S T. Will? H N S. and Dress, rr Bt F.S f S. T. WI'.ISTON. c CASH. Pec ,'e hv RITTAN1A TKA SITS, f.r s "t '. S. T. WHISTUN s. AT F.R C PCI.EKS, a f r.i r-'c r' de, for S. T. V r.I'TCN". rgaAHI.E f I'TI.KR Y, Ci.ttV l.adlie. Spoors, t. Fiesli Fork., tVe. r,.r sale i t ' .s. T. WKISTON".S. 31 Assi:i:-sr.. beet I r.ir. I IceCremi FI! FF?Kr.l, Da lu-.v in asr, tor s.i ie l y S. T. WRISTOX. iCiaif' liTIIFR'S S direclii'iia 1, Valine I Kt'IT CANS, ith lo use Il.eni. at 5. T. WPuSTOX'S. best in tii, a ni.nkcf, for ..! S. T. WIIISTOX. i .1) IIH'NS, tl ey KINSTA.NsH Y , ftil K MdV I S i,,r',i cannot h other Slnv, a in the and Stove Shop, 'i d, ,,y e, bv am market. r e-.le I lt.e Tu !.-' curni r t ol Spr S. T WIUSTON. ISlf ha, ll lte, J,, Shcrtff't, Wnrrrntrenmi C '.' lifedi FOR SAI.K II n li K. . 1 I Private iiss- i.a fiu if r. ejuircd. T mod. ! i" Jvr,r S2. IMS. if I ; TO 312 SOLD, ; i W7w 1 a .l f 14? C. ,STATE 0F NORTH CAROLINA, MB Ki rvill'IKI etiOSTV. .V EQUITV id Vill,i.in unit Amrlia, hi Da- wife .. H. faehion, 5T ap,:irire . e-.tiiti'.ieiion of Hie Court, H11.I the ,.'eii.lnl in n..f a reiodent of tina Hut.-, i thrirfme Oitlrrnl. thnt piililie.ilinn ho j ninue p. ff.rii. in me rt. trill ti.rollTlH tllje, a k::'!;;':,;1 I III I IMrinlle, itntllvilltf F..IO III!. lid npm-ar lit ouf 111 nM'onrt "f r.ui- ty t.. be held fur ihe County l Mickii-iiiinri:, at Ii. c I otirt It. ur'in l liar.,iilt..,on I tie I Itii .Hominy after the 4tli Momljy in AutMi't neat, then and there lo pl.M.I, nimffer or tlemrtr, ..therweae ju.!i. IM-nt Will he el teled pro eonti wi nfurnt lino. Witrieaa I). It. Il inhp, li-rk rin.l At.mt" r l.nr 'lilt f.ill't. l . ffice, Ihe I llh .t..,.lay afl tii 4ib M..n.i 01 Kthrunrc I). I:.rl. I). K. UFNLAF, r. m k. Jirnr 2S, tR'S. I'ruil. r' tie in. iWl STATF. OF NOR'I'II CAROLINA, MK' KI K IIDIKI 1 IIVI'Y. is luji n y I.. .1. H.wl, y R. R..I .n.d j. t. ni.; i .1; r.eirinn to tl-e pitliefuclinn . th.,t It. Ii .he n.l .1. T. Hl:.ir, t! f the Cor! c ti.-f. nihil. 11 il. tin ri...., are l.i.t. rtaiiietila ol li.ie St le. ti tkrr.fw n.il'inl. Hint f flt.!i-:-tit.n he n.rOe en wei k 111 ti.i N.I'. Whir, :i fcper onhliehi -d in Clu r . lie, n.. in;, 111' irniil ..-''. 1 ..h.i.l In r-i- and a(..e:. t our ri l t oiirl uf I 'r 11 i t v lo he h M f.-r Ini I i.tinlv nf Mrel l. nl urj... nt ihe ( ,rt H"ii 11 I b .rh'tie.nn He 1 1 'h .Mmidae ihr t!ie 4'h Moo An t in l, tin 11 thi to , !-.. imir, i.lhtrwiee j.i en, I (,..,.! I nn. ml nil h.- i n tired pr U H111 ee I). Ft. Il-lilap.fl. rl. end Mrt.r ofetir nni I'.iirl.al Hire, He lllh Mindi.j after the 4th Mtniuuy ol Ki I ruin v A. P. IK' ft. I). H. I FN LA P, c. Si. E. Ji nt id, I'Jr1. I rinlir'a in J6. t'-il f.Ii I .till. I'. I Mtrcliiiht STEAM 3IIJ.L, Anil I It a 1 I'rupi rt , Ini' ;ile sil 1 LHARLC1TE, N.C. a p T nncf of r.. . puhl e a.ile, .n .c it, a V..lu..h. Slea .y Sprit f. I ,xnnfr .turd-v, Hit 7 1 ii of Au(U MERCHANT MILL, new mi l perfi-c, with a Hum., f, a ! rge, ! i.n.i t r a itli u.l the ii.aehiiif ry rv 1.1 ifl-rv nn a I rte am li ir hnailu'ea. This MJ1 N. I'., aln re ihrrc arc t 1 in c iim of c. i.elr 11c 1 inn. .i.ir nf Kn nch flurr i !ret Entjiue, ti.r.th. ' nd tan neirt munuri.eur. ; t eiiu-i.d in i'l...r!otte, j I!.. ,l-i...n. end a third ..jiB.i'i.' thruuifh a hieh, ' liesM.y, .lip enoi nt Charl (0 lo II, lid t ie.-, nn.i I t prnciiclivc an n ul frcdinc mil ri et- try. T Me rch 'l nta Iv e..ll. .0 'J a n nd W ilininet..n s-e riH I r A t ricit nt On III ht And til M H e .en.e Hmc. unit kmokks, part 1. ( the t. wo. , I t..l In ihe prose. Pmrucc baameaa. n 1 ph.ee, I will 1 A. r lo lur lo atones biiih, in Ihe ima 1 These Stnrea urn repiei.tlly : eutina o' .n h.ree rnri 1 xt. 1 si all- to t.,!u .Ihoiit W H. MYK!;?, Trvtoc. j. l-.. tii Valuable LAND for Sale, J ! ON the watera of Bij. Sueur Crcrk laads nf J .hn 15. liner. L.o., 3 nip the MrDna- : ell, John W 'ilium r, eaniiui.irr v j ecrea, on trlli aidi-a cf I m;iir Crttk tno little ! Money ( riek on a hirh nre hue li .tloina n..w in cii!t-r.itien end l'so u einrtity of supermr word I land. Tina mm is c nu es Sninh west fn m t ln.r. ! lie Sj miles trim Morrrw'a Turn Out, on the : Charlotte & SC. ttsiiiload. Any person wish. iii(? to purchi.se v.luiihie land on Siif- .- C reek, in a enc.d neiehhoihnoil, wot.'ld do well lo rail on Jo. 1 sc.h Si .itu nur mt ill 4 attorney in Charlotte, or on W. K. bna ilen a l.o now resitlea on the pri m lees, a ho a ill take p:ensure in shewing tin m the houn'Mriies uf Ihe land. A hbt ral price a ill be e. v. rn im pfiynif i t nf fafi I:.p(! m iifgro protrly or n vrr y r i-.t ab!t- ttrnp r rnh. JOSEPH SMITH, ACEM AM ATTOHMV TOR N. W. I1AKVKN A Wife. Jum C"3. lf,'y, 3ui. IVotice. T V.I1K nndersirned a ill attend in Onrl. H at rent IS. M. Oalea St Co.. n Frinatr i,,i S.iinriijy i f each areck, during the mniiili nf Ju". for ll.e p,irp..:,c r.f taking in the T-x Ra lurna in si. id I!, .it. All those cncerneil will eome up and tnhet ti.cir property nnd save a dou Me t.x. J. P. ROSS. J. P. S--nt S3, is:r. tati Xotifo fJU. St. ! p...,, bli- it ia i t aa enee in.portNi iied he in 11. niein'. early n n.,ys .,a rnnwit be rirni. W. n. MYEKS, Truslcc ol Lir, v S.n,, ' I etc Jiae ','3, 1K."8. via iu i iii hi: ! civi r: m. i v. u. 1 t I I"; enbecriiKr, a practical Architect andt'i. I I JL v, K.fisites. has taken Un. n. No. 5, David. eon's hu'ltiinp, whin: he may b fount! pr.p..red , lo i'ln't 'I and make I. imKcs in all m pari. u. His ut his pro fission. 1'arlnu.ar alien t ion ail' .in In Surveying ol Pianl , tu.tis ami Far ma for il, o making nl MATS or C II A II I S uf the aamc, ; Willi a nr. wine ot toe pi .nt-.tmtt mansion and ila r. quia i ti . I. vi t y 1'ie nn r s1 ou In be possessed of 1 lit-y can pe pi t up mid when fn ke a urn.-iiiet.t tor any I'h tlinj aim fa; Or lloriiciutiiral be ler.lcd to if l IT Young mei, ailh i.ny or all u it otil of ttrouni'n nnu inn Ornmnci.t.. pu'P'nt I. Willi P.-lirit-.i. n Wijaiunf to br-enmr ct it the fci-ovr hr.ir''h, t ii. it.. ut-Ii ni. nritr una tulfht in the n most 1'heral le- ltilOr.-It'4'ilS In all its n'nst npprovid pi., cludmr MniKine 'nd F. i Kiennioo-.l llo., I xciiSt-Pis. ' mesne ,.n,i m t.-t .11 tn.i , rough know lecce of liooa h : Jf,n, 15, is:.?. ta, wil' he tincht, in. a-.... K. R. Ru.mes., mil, Foreicn aim Do. is rt qmsile to v tho. i pinf in all its forma. r. SATRS. U-ly 3.100 aAfREaS OF LAM) v;4 s.re.r. OITTIt fur sale my Land ajaJCTJeA Imnn com it. lytite viijC Yti n , Clear Crtek and I'roeke Crcea, known sa the Soon I, to l. It has been snrveved into Ihrcr irat-U one tract conlamitij 2 1100 acres, ene SOO acres aud one 250 sens, all contiguous to eat-lt other 1 S. 1,1 I.., no is well ailapleif In I lie cuil .vnlinn of eol t- n, corn, wheat and of.er ain.iI' grain, m i well -ittl.led for aseatmr rnrreosn. It is near'y all 1 wou.iland n,l well, lim hind, a-. thin a convenient ,l:el nee of Hie Charlotte ami Wilmington Rail. 1 rien.l, and la a,tll ,t-dlll the fold r. nmn between ! t;,.i,l Hill an.l tin Howie M.t.e C.ul.l hi. alreaoy ! bn-n discovered on that part of the I.ind known I aa the I.itl'c Mouniain. i .1... ..ffr for sale a Tl! CT Or I.ANP Ivinj in Y. rk District. S C , en B.g Suer t r. i k , jo n. I nn- lhr I. an, la of INvt. r S,,rn c and mln-re, con. ; I..H1 si j; :! ane.. S.l l.ill.l II.,. been eonaiil.r. ed one el lhr hi el Co'ton I'll, n 1 a turns in Yrk Dis. tro t, an, i tin re is ro h. tt, r land li.r crn or a-hiai. I lid, sired, I a, II divide any nf Hie a foresaid Land t p., the ed he Apply In in Chnrl .lte. F. PAVIPSOX. Htf June. 15 Iri.tS. We are antliorieed tej announce I Dr. II. M. FIIITt IIAIM), aa an Indciiciiaenl Dt inocr.it.e tendi. j tl.ile liir the llouat- of t 'nminofia. Weiir. a.itl.t.rizf.l tonnnounce E. C.fJKIKK. K,q.,aa a endi - tlnle for fe.eli ction to th.-. tficcof !h. riTol tht coiioly ot Mi t n g Aug net fit el lull. l.ockv Hivcr ;c;u!en:v. I f 5 S II I: Evieieea rf the llejl Bc.i..p iP cin. ; i 3 inei,.ei.n the.lr.i M..re.-i) (Mill )..fii!y mi i. Il ip hep. d th- t a'ncVi.ta I'l'nlt. iM! pun. tir'lly "l ! tl-e ' c .ni.. r ff the r,,j..r,,,,f tie h.-.rm. 11 v of the 1 " aehunl nHd 111 nce.aa of 1h itila iii I'lliyet'l. Ihe aeel it.nch 11 e:r'r etterdrnce, na teM-r'ti"? eprn:ei,to.a toatlidv 1 ht Prit'Cil'iil phdfea hi. Ht tirirc. l.nah.-.tine f.-rle in tl-e ninrri I n nd iT-felleeiintl t ruin int. of th plntid under ) i en e. flc ia prepared to ac . n.ui!..t. enine 1 Irjht or t'-n hun fiie ra. i' l-.l rond ho;i nip rat. he hi.' at other pi. ecu Mimi. nt hi Ace.. 11. vat 7 nnd f per niinth. Toitn-n h. ri ln...ri . 1 uitmn lrc due at Ihe elrae ot ea J. T. HARI5F, l rh,cirl. J' I .". 111!' I) 1 ss o 1 ii t io ii. fg'l'i: firm ol HEi KW 1111 A. f 5 n TAIN a 6 II. ia n . y i.iaeo ti 11 I.y nului I ri.nei ft. I ptranna nditttd In erii! fit 111 ire i.c.utafrt: eiie 'oranrtl iwmi tlivtily and n.nl-e paynnet, 1! 1 1 1; a 1 1. 1 a a ol the firm oitva be clmrd. II. W. HFCKWITir. J. PR ITT A IN. Jtif June 10, Notice. AVIN'fJ henjl.t the entire, I'M- Walflics, Ji w i li v. &.T., ri, a iih A Hritmin, I shall e. nimiie tl , 1 at tl .ir 1.1 Fi. I d, all re I .hall be III 1 1 11 y old fritiu's and cuainineia. It. W. JKCKWITII. r :o, if.-p. i4tf Charlotte Macliine Shop. W. T. PIWCKNEY & CO. rnglneera, ITydrEnllc Press Makers ard ?Ih Iiim I y in ct'i'ii'l. B i VK eoninicnce.I business in Chnr'.-Hr, in nd arc preri-rcd I. ST HAM ENGINfSof ana fe s'rutii'.p, r dt -crip. 1 1 v tiro i. tic CoMnn rrtssL-s anil cvt ry Hon nf Machinery. Tjar also r lo inform the mnnu farn.trs trenrrtiliy. Hint ti.i y htvr nc ft tl' oily , , their c-h.l.li-hi astinra in Iron hurt nntif-e nnd Particu'nr all' eil to furnish J r nicl.il, nt a prepn ly ml, Ilr nshh pnci n will I r'ven lo the mar il'f anil n t rr rr, i otter. ofThresl.inr M-chims. Ilorei Tew. ins, Mili Wuik, end Aeruuitural .Al.tchincry. ILTlVc also keep werV men for Ulfl rh III 1 1 II Inc. .V I; l i ai c lvik. 1Vciii Itmk and lnr- a la ! hi;. rr OI K TliRMS Ahi: CASI..;-r IT Shop, on I 'oiler Street, at'j cil.t to Jonas Itudi.iT Sle.-im Plmn c Mill ( har'.otie, March 3u, IS..8. 4tf J. A. EsTEd. inOMAS PEfiRAri KMCIfcr. J. A. ESTfcS & CO., FACTO Its AM C03I3IISSIO" V7PR the a Ic of t'otlnn, Groiu, Kinur, and all ; , klnoa 01 C . untrj rrnence, ! Offire. Nnrlli At, antic Wharves, C hnrleslon.S. C. ' i I i' Accurdii'r to the terms ot the C'o parm.r. shi, ae a .11 r.ol srrri-iATi, liireetly or in.Jirt.et. ly, in any rruiiueo sinnped to our house. j Rrirsrvrr. O. M ils. S. S. Farr.ir, Troll ers A. fo., Lmneaii. Smith k W i id, n, Th. nia s J. &. V. II Moi.c. C herleatun, S. I .; I'oi. U. Andir-. n F. II...e, t-ohinitn., S. C :Thmi.aa Mi l. lire, Sr., N. R. F.nves, A Q. iHini vanl, I hesler, S. I .; C'. l. F. Senile, Vniun.S. f . Col. I. P. Wilherspoam, J V Averv, W. A. L..lt, F.sq , Col. S. N Stnae, lr. ' J. R.'Ur ten, Y. rkv.lie.S. (' ; Ilr. Ilpit!,:i. S.,1. ishurv. N. C : J. I. D.. n, Km xville, T. nn. June I, l!-5-. ly j Silver rial i 112:. j a Nd) rn'il, silv ND C'.M. nlver, lv j wink repaired, l oach makers at a that n av want their a oik done, in:- v h- tendi d lo al the .horteet notice anil finish least all le nnc hurdi north nt' H,i house and ntxl coach shnp. jum i, r tu Overin i. W JOHN M. MA?ON. U'if. Gun nnd Lock Siuiiliin. rk in lite i.b' t hwt rxr fit nil Kt- pin rtn !! a tt i-oi .1 tu ni r ichtd in li'C beat timnmr nt WMrkini.iilnp. t n ilu)i ncrili (il ti,r rurl i.i.u-f, pi il to Cm Tin, and W i If on cirh utmp, JOHN 51. MA?nX. Jvnr 1,1 8.'?. IJtf lirass&Crji.-pnsiiirnCasiiug! , p.ind to tuanutaclu'e ali k i above line of bLsineaa. I lhr n irtirula ' allrnt, l of I er thai h, tacturv. nr anv kmrt of ni-cii-nery ll,sl ntii:a romp's. Ii..,, nf u inability for mill inks, th.l I have one uf mv nan, and I have ut vrr hiard of suy ihiujr that would stand half iquil in it. I will warrant Ihrni tu run live vers. There are a. iuc nf li, v ni.ke II,. t have b- en runninc Ii ! n and lwei.lv vear.. I lomd fori. ie h m r . lliaii a hun dred e'ertlhcles nf He dtimhil.lv. To lYrsons neet it j M II loss and gtidecnns I wi.l Hirnieh the sit mr etphl .n.ii.rs. Try I Item and a. VU y. urseivta the Huuhli ol stoppui; your mill when all i,.e ia ripl.t. JOHN' M. MASON. Jan,, 1. 155". liif j I U , '' 1 " INFOi; M the T Paver, of M. eoumv Ids! 1 nnw have in un hares Ih, Tu . f. r 'lS.,7 ami I sin reai'v m receive the T-a ea due and (traiit rerelpts. I ho'e ll.nae inleri sir, willn'.hce n, so far as In rail carlv -.r-d siitle aa it will save me much tune sou t.nul.V K. C C.KIKIt, sheriff. April -yn. iiAa. "' irr aotii'i:. 1 II VIn h.liehl ll.e entire '-ck of HUO'IS, IIOI?i. Ac . ul II Co . I ah, 11 c.mi tinue Hie hil.ineea.l their old St.. no, s lifts I el,.. II be happy Co tt"' ulil trieda J. li. nd , F. liOONK. .Vfty 31, lS."e? ; bajrif, at Hie ennii .1)11 V", IS.'.I. Jja . '.-; SI J r .,,,.!!, ''Adh"aV.Vii 1 2 9 1 j ' new Il Sfr. " a,ta )) :'lotl,,fo;.,,r.ae ARLOTTE j Klt.iir.... 1 lie A'arLf V. t OBItW TED BY H. M. OAIM & CO. CHARLOTTE, JU.Y 19. IKSH. r u-ON ,. 1 .. iidea ! .. I lot- roil 111 ; Shniilnt-r ...Ib.... ...lb ...lb ... ...Ib .... ;. I2J fin ,. MjtV. O'l ,...l:T fi) II ...til) fit fill ,..17 ft ini ... .1 h'l H ...laj 0; J.i ..-jl) (.. Ul ...nt) f.rt .01) ...On f.o nil ...nn .,i hO ..iu ic ni ...laj nr. IS ...In f, 2U 31 ...ij ''., b'l ...-!o till ...;,) It, lh ...nil f.' I"' ..IS It. U'l fi, , Ji ...i." !'.. f" ...10 l'Ji .si; iu sou ..:m (', 3 ...lij fi, 1:1 ... s c,, n .. I S I,,. rj ..fMlO (J, 3j VI, (;, ...37 a, 4.1 ,...itt fi, oir ..ii 1.1 ... 5 f t, on ... A (, ....3ii (ft, -37 ....7 (..) 14 ....H f.t. !HI .....,0 iy. 7 ....mi Of. ...l t., tin) ...II (.., IS - 8 ' ' 121 ... H (.,. 9 .. I j (.'- n:l ...V. ( l ...Tj HI ...TO ft "'1 ..4o ... 5". ...'hi I;. 371 ..J (' 25 ..'." f.., 8.1 ll'l "' til fin cr nr . tin r " v . ., ; Peef . ib. JiuUtr .. ca 1 . ...ib.. ...Ib . ...bushel. ...unci.... hhl N., ...Kilty. Molaeeea. .N 11 W.I Meal Mnllri. ( I'm, Nail,. Northern cl-n)...!.!.; Smith, Onte Rice , Sut... r PtuncWi .V-.lt ..!! iliehc... .ilehel.. , while. .. red ev. North N.C., l.lt I.e., I I MIMA MARKKT' ( uti Moi, July 17, IMfT. ( I 1 "I IN Thr hell i rn I -1. 1 111 p. T I active at 1.1 v.ncn. woutl nt ei 11. in- I! At UN, hi i.ru I t'KN I IA? OAT. ' ni, 1 ni thi ill I'.1 4 Cllil ..inj q, rn )- w UU a, WJ fi. 9.1 UU fi.3 n.ui h ( Ii Ahl l SIDJi MACKr.T. ,r. n , J u ' y !C, .i tery fund r'OTTON for Una art.e e 1.1 llillv I i ID In pnee 33 b.,;t u 133. i s. ..I Hi, I pnee.. Ili; In- .',t 13). I lie at CoiU'onl .Male School. JAMES K. MrAl'Li;y,'nrtitj. liKLUV LAlV.Jh, ylii.'r;i'. tyliT. n, i Steeicn of this Sihool ill con. ni, nee un Tiiursa.), Ii.th of . pi. ,1,1,, r, 1-oa. TfcllMS I F TflTlHN. frlish lir.n. hes C I..SSX s ..1.0 M..ll,lln..l.l's Cnl.lll tu t lie R. '.rd from f3 lo Sill ... r n.: nth. uircii in aiH..iice. Ju:t 20, irie. 00 . I I'd Tuition tC7 liOUL I!,V..N. I.OTTKIIV, The nest ore I I.oll, ry cum m: r the sunt i.flhe llovnl lh. nf Ihi 1 li. t C ..pt.illl Im In r.il of TrKS!).V, July 27, h-is $800,000. sonTro M'Mrr.o coa orpinaki'. v. rnw ii rnizi: ifioo.ooor! I pmcoi frIOODOO I 4 prim of 2 OOO 1 ftO.OI'O I 5 " I. OOO 1 3 OIICI I .".'.' - ,"0 ! 1 1U.4.O0 14J ' 400 1 " ,0.0 I i'O Apr'xiin's S 0O 4 Aperolimntlolie In the 11,11. Cl'h $l,llO el. eh 4 uf t lUOatn ;.ii,iifi! ; 4 ..t el.'U I-eJu.ijbU ; 4 ol t4HI lo (111,11. II; 4 ol $IIJ t. j.l'IHI. AM.uUTicki Is t'.'U; lhilvisl(li Qn. iters 13 Trues cashed at eiuht at ;i pi r etui, discount. I'olia all soltflil H, line l. II ul par. A ,ir..rit.B will he fur a iroid as .a She re- suit h. c. ine. known. PON RODKI- sl. o. S. '.) uil. 'Ji f.Z. C ere of t ily I'ust. Charltst. I I Ih. o;i,, ,,1' July, a iii he altio.'ei. Ti laotts ordering T:t k. la a ill plea minis plain and jjive thur post mil' Dissolution. T Jilt: r.rr vf M K.K lO tiTmoUi.I pt 4t!i tnntnf, hv inutiiul crn-int. 1'fict li iiiut litoC to lin n, itre nutilicu Hint tin r N- U and Attounl arc iti tlx: luiitie vi v. . .M. id v for ci'lii cticn. rtnc tht t art- rami ally r qurs ti.o to rti.: li rwi.ro immrtitnlfly mid pay tiji, ai tin LUa.ritM dl' Hie Ut in mutt lit c Iim cJ. J. R F. BOONE. M. It. TAYLOK. Vny 31, 16-8. t'Jl Female Education. A Yt'i'Nci Lady, qii.iifu'.t m tech the dif o.'. fcrclit tirani'lks ul an linulisli F.oucatioii, an,i K,Te lessons on t;,f Tiano I'orte, is anxioua lo procure a situation, as instru, lrca in a rteoicta i.lc privit,- faintly, cr Ac demy. She nrofl', rs to leeh,.H Hie rate.,1 $1311 p. r session ..fill auks, mr'tiuii r noaro.ni;. Aat.nas ill. M., W mclnsu-r, Lioi n cuuniv. -N . C. May lr, Ie5.t. Hi iiir'i Ui- r. vv .r. ii i:o;ii, f Cusaiuivc. Msr It-. I?.i!l. rjHF coois ns due en tnr It s nt no. Com. & pany on ti e Isim J i v nut. a.h be re cumto at His miaiv '' i. ' i "'. ilea. A. 11 MAK I IN, Agent. Eacon, Bacon, Bacon ! a-y, aw 4, i ' I!S K HACO msl J Y. mYCE A CO luf .1Mb lr.'8. Paper, Paper, Paper! nmrnx; r.trFir. iila'de l.r Merchant, and IVucc for Merc l short n ni nv I'r Ml Wi l all oi P. iir Him K.,c. Wa.U o( fill,-. ir pr.ee to J, Y. HKYCE X CO., Aft :t Jlit li'rh.'OH.'aii Mti.'t. May IS, ISoO. M .fkerel m-il rJ