Vr-m tlie. New KnjUnd Farmer. " It lh fields be joyful. nJ H that tlifrein.'" Pmlus. . Far as tlie eye stretches over kill and meadow tlere U venture aud lilooui, auil everj wLere. LrfLt lirds ire fl'rt. rinjr on impatient ing, and pouring out llifir free, glad life in song. All rpeaks of life, and hope, and jo;, and tin re ia nought to aug get to llic heart tktfUtLlt f decay and aid ocas. Tbc lloeom lav fallen from ike bougie, to be replaced by tbicklj duMering leave wLotm shadows plaj am one '',B '0D? gr""' and Kith tbc whita aud red aWrr of tlie awett scented clover i and ike tirda dart in and out with Hie lrecr.es that pi a J all day Ion; amid ihe interlacing branches. And Oh ! Low exquinitelv beautiful are tie clouds that float languidly through the aa of summer Utie, impelled tj ihe soft eat breaibib from tLe Sooth, and adding tbe charm of their presence to the jreat carnival of rtitjte. They come and go, trailing lijjht shadows over tbe bill and fields, sometimes mulling away as we gate, onetime trooping off to gladden the aailor opon ihe shadowless sri, and alwaj beau tiful in their form and color and noirelet motions. If" the aoderout astronomer be road," what ahall be aaiJ of him who revel among thii abundant beauty, this exee. of melody, who. ilibales c'ailv and nightly thin jWfuuif, that, like iuconre, rises toward heaven, and fcela not hi whole oul pene trated with gratitude towards Him from whose baud comea every good gift! For the observing rye ami nicely attuned ear, for tbe appreciating aul, what offering meet for His acceptance shall we pre.-enf. ! . TVe do not understand Cod's purposes iu erudtiuu, if we make not Ui works a meau, a lit1 not an end ; if I Ley forra not a stroog tie between our r-pirita and Hi; and, niurh a.i we niay rejoice in them, if they help Dot to purify and m'.l oar nature!, and Co pre f ire u for Hi presence in tLe land of per petual Llooui. lie peaks to its is His most persuaMie accents, wben earth pots no her beautiful garmett. We turily recognize Iiis toice in tbc low-toned uiuruiuriuj of the wave-, in the gliding of the willow-fringed rirer, in fie rippling of the rueadow stream, in tbe rlaabiug of the penuu'.oos leaves, in tbe hum of the insect throng, in tbe declining melo dies of tbe prolonged t;lir'bt; we surely see lliui everywhere, from tbe blue dome, studded with nijrbt's panoply of Mar, to tbe dim rceer of earth's mot sheltered rale. And in oar own heart shall we sot look for II id prefence ! shall we not hear iiis voice ! Surely there i He preaont aith us diily aud Lou'ly. By our bopes and fears, i J our jejs and sorrow, by our tearful oi appoiutmenti si;d abundant b'ersiogs. lie rpeaka to us as a father ;o bis children, and beseeclie us to be reconciled to Him, t j bear nrepintngly our let, to be grateful eveu when deuied, to bless lim alike auiid the storms aai suuahiue of life, since lie rules all . Though tLe bright hours of owr eiperi enre be many, we know that for all are re atrttd some that are dark and dreavv, and for tbt-te let the sou fortify iitelf ia tbe day cf iu happiness and ctrentb. There BotLing abitiing on tb earth, change it writ ten everywhere, from the vinnlnu-Mar of i heaven to the decaying leaf and erunjbJiijjt rock ; auJ if we regard ourselves and our i friend, we nd they are aubject to tbc tiamc j removed readily with the hue. Oceaaion rei!e decree. I ally the bugs will get iuto tbraa earib box- Wa need somethiog on which to depend ea; but, ali things considered, I prefer theia tbat i not like ail else that w surrey, to any tuode I prelect the yoong plant from ' pjs-ing awsy." V'., find this only iu tbc (the eold winds. tuvi-ibie ot,,, the Immortal, b atats re- j 4. Tt MaT0M eow AXwa ASD Aaovit lv ,u "r" tna "oro Da "i w.- lean cUeshcre, we i-bsl! fiud cur broken I t i -1 ,,,,l,!; , I -, -,, -. L. I 0 certainly iBii.e very IaoraL,y ot it. Jt 1 11 u. ose the beauty and glory of the eT be,r ttc cbse of U .,,, to save earth, ao profusely .bed around u, aa aid! 010 seed ibnaply an'i in large qusnti to the better uuder.t.ndia of lira, who is ' Le. perfect fruiu may be ec'.eeted alone our Lope, our atrene-tb. our conaola lUu lW 0ed fer Jeur .j,, er0J( , t.jr. lie Lribgs tbe beaUuf balm of nature : rol.rin2 vour wtw or oti,cr ti. Jroo t, aootLa our wounded Uarts. He brings j a.-r mu.ic ana er bloom to reader our bap- ; piness more complete; tud in all. atTd i ibrougn a. 1, lit oa tbOeatorwo read His jra'puw.?, win 10 loiiow me paiua 01 peace, t...rd. L.eh ttey tend Let u. fc0 MSMlW llaMs csf,flt!!., ...j ,Lro f-at. J 3JU CWH OaUOe 1IL lllUi ID i ICtU- SJ pie .,04 tb.Jt: wuli h.yds, aad -editate np ! , frtr.,rJog Jour ,0Bi, tetJ fcr u that other temple, where w, bope to wor-; fira . , foff bourfi tu(, tbeB arp Him when ,be tide of earthly life Las j lLtBl llU 6ftttB or tutJ t;uif, tUif tue ti it close. j mo-iiit of wood tr coal aches sifted. Slir Tbo rbU we u.e wi!y and well the.e ; tLtlu mM ,ogell,T. Io lU u.e of ihU c&lu. brief, le.ot.M days, that come with bene- pouud jou ,iu t., ,ow Je, tc((, d.e.uo0, au- dep.rt bea.iug such b.tdeo ia j B( pMdiij CTe1,y ..u(1 ecolJ0Uli. we please to lay on ibtui, bearing s.eb . MJf tlkU )ou Cfcu,j if U). tQ iUm r.coru a. tttiuiljr cajuot tfface. alone 'I' I It is fotiittimea rtcoa.meijJd to bring TWO f KIlVj'cES. S 'mV I00' ,0B"t0" I"" PUrpe , , . but leu, tken trsia-biabt tbeiu U your u- "I kuow, wiui ewton, what tbe world i j .1 i -n 1 . .1 , , ' 1 cumbers atid other billa, bat I Lit method , m do, snd what il cant.o, do," ,M Ucd- Le tQ0 fllcUu fcr llo mtm 1. ) .ear., a pious r..,,l.-b cCcer, . Lo per- j iuj ffitrke ,,srilebpr. 1- Ltd in luu war of ll.e ("rinica. "It cau-I , ,, . . I 5. Mixtuies of rauK wfcii luu it, pla 101 aooil.e tbe wounded coni-eieiice, or eu-j ',.,,,,,. l 1 1 . ri ! Tr., ssMr-, UjLE, tie latter being n;d sb.e o to meet death Willi coui.'ort. I have , , , . . , tried Loin e,v,ees. Fur ..... fr y.ar, . l ,duCe lL ,0L"1OU f ,L berthings, I l-vr-d u,,d..r ,b, voke of Vo The revro- I flt'; U ,ud i:b ,uor or k" ooJ spectof ,f. UU i. now mUer.bl. to L Priiou of -.L i. too ,.ie ; y-t, I. fore I ... tnuAt by .be Spirit1 ' 3 'jait,""e luru F1'"- - vf God, I thought lJ e.'led it a life of u'torc ' " ls. u iPrfct pro- 2- Lat,, 1 b. v.r, uu.e, .Un .pplicd to 1 ttei'0 ' " "" " !ei",l thtJ hiVt Ueu u, now m.kes my heart .Wk-u Kv-u ' "l"""' '.y al.o need re then I could never er:;o, ,t,ii, ,1 ier "'" imperfection . 1 . . tuai.ui-a vi n,k.e uij auu lu.ull jou my coicleLce was tiiiei' No, no Liurr il.cricuce La. tawbl u.e thai tbe .. r. sea to tLe wicked.' 15.es.ed It. OuJ, now 1 a lu pardoned and neoLeiied iLrouh the d". atb of Hi- tun How Laj py i. the CLris - tjjc'a UU wUji la. thia aawurauco. gricnllual IHE HKITIFTON CF HiE YELLOW I IP 1 1 1 M 11 Ml KIN VIM S, Ac. lrtfra. Ttrltr aid f'ct 3 If cff of vrgetallis liablo fo the nttfck cf the yellow 1 nc. iLeiili l.ot Msplea, re jcr important. The poD pkin, as ordinarily cultivated by the farmer, in the eorn field, ia valuable ii connection w ith the fall feeding of beef nd port, aiid tho production of milk. ' It is lb) more rnluable 10 Ihe farmer because, nbci culrtvnlcd ia connection ith corn.it Ufro rluceiJ so cheaply. TLe v.iuicr rqush is i valuable itrtn to the slorca of tt family. Thn cucurtber in July and August, au melons of all sorts in August aud SepUiu ber, become cheap luxnriea wherever ihert it. a light foil nnd a sufficiency of heat to li pea llnw. The greatest obstacle ofteu to tbiir production is tbe attack of the yellow bag. And yet his repulsion fs readily and cheaply accomplished. Ml DM OF RM-l'LStON 1. Com the hill, just as lb plant be gin to appear, with thiu beta of cotton or ' flax tow, eccuriug ibcru against the wind by earth placed on the edge. The rising plauta will lift op this coieiiug. It may be re moved altogether wheu tbe plants make the fourth leaf. Such covering excludes a poition of the fight and air frobi the plant while, on the other band, it secure it from barb wicda nnd light pests. On rmall scale is a private garden, I used tbi mod with great success in my bojhood. - 2. MilumI ccvciiED boxes. These are made about 1'' or lo inches square, and about 6 or b high, of tliu boards, the top being covered with JlilHcet, put on with carpet tscks. A light brace ought to be li iuto tbe top of the box, across one course, to prevent tbe box from working oat Of shape, lefcre the covering is put on. This bcx is also a protection; against wiild and light pests, though, by shutting off a por- tion of li lit, it hinders the growth some-! what in fine weather. Eveu without the adJiiwn of the niilfiuet thhr b-X U uiaally ! a protection against the bug. 3. DlhT SliVlS. In lit.ht, santly soil arid for field or market car den rise, lb irkct caractJ ue, this , ,. , , ready ana Cheap than n.ode is niorb more the preceding. Prepare yourself, 6r.t rusk- ' P" '''" tn lo.uiing. of u Cl..r. I Ktt flrticu -r . . . . ' j lout-, York an N. C K.nl RU. T!i adval.ta. j -g-t, Ia jT, able ing a mouiuiug name. l uis uone nj ; taking f ool pine boards about 8 inches wide saweJ into four pieces so as to wake a beveling boi abort one foot square at the bottom, and fifteen inches at the top. A brace bouM te let ia and n.iiled firmly a cimi one of tlie eorueri, the whole , thing being made like lue box in No. 2 above, I except that it u made bcteliB aud much stronger. l'iace this box around your bill of mel ons or cucumbers. 3 ben kf tbe earth be (,'. K.nl..,! aroi.r.H l.ai nI.M. nr. . lb. , . . 1 top oi me ici. i uen siriae tne oox a ngni ( blow on one side to losren it a little, wheal I it may be lifted out, leaving a firm, sloping back around your bill. Two men should always work together in making tbem stand- , kit i many years in a market garden. Tbev may , - , in-"- It . be made probably for one half cent a piece. W oei nrooerlr made tnev wi!! atand a i heavy tain onirijnred. The second time of! working among your plants they snay be YOVB T15B LAMv Thia plan baa often I v ,.,,, ,jj i i. ... . , i ... ! . ' 1 , few uajlto Med, .(b lhf Bi ,bJ , ejrcle , t!Qntii them lktn covcr up jht wtt9n ,U1 up a. oon a the vine., BDJ gain height fatter., bt-b your ilaes i -atcf tbe wayof tl.e bu;, pull upjour' l c r ' "r . , tbeiu attrud:ni their one i the almost imr.iw.i. ! " r Lii ty of applying them lo the lower aid. of ,Le P',ut- "bt,e efte" iU lu2 ,,k4 f" 1 l'p:i;tiou of a cheap wash with a j yringe a waeb baviair a permanent and clT.aaiva odor and laote, but oua not acr'J, might beVcful. Of ht ucb a vrash abould be constituted, experience alone can determine. Many tbingt highly effensivo to ono rpeeies of animal are not so to an other. . . : .t... JO COtiCIUslOO, mj eaPerR1i. back on the nulliutt covered lox,or ine i . j I : it,, fheanest and tnailiet gatden, as being Ibc cheapen ana surest Diode of defrrce. C. K. CiOODBICt. Uticn, 18.17. COLIC IN IIOKSES. ,. i'. JS'urtlivrtteru farmer : Allow me to give tbe readers of the Farmer a ree!pt or cholic in horsea. Take a bed fuilt, wet t thoroughly in eold water, wrsp it around I !i tirtl rnur nn cold ...er. I'b.ve known the lives of borsea aved iu this way when tbe veterinary sur- ;con said they could uot live many min i.rj.and in fifteen or twenty minutes would be up and eating, and K'C lo get well. This is no humbug. Try it E. S. FnrLPs, Jr., in Xw! hunter ii J'arwer. UAKONESSE S PUDDING, Three-quarters of a pound of tact, three quarters of a pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of raisin, (weighed after ston ing.) aud a pinch of sail. Mix well with new milk aiid boil in a cloth four hours and a half. We can recommend thia pad ding, snJ advise our tuUcrifcirs to try it as soon at they fosaibly can. Filix Ginger chad. One quart. xb laie, half a pound of batter, fix egg., one pint of rour milk, half an ounce of ginger, loves and cinnamon, one ounce of soda and cream of tartar. " N -'Hi ('ar'lin Mineral Springs . CABARRUS COUNTY, M. C- 1V 1LT. oura a H HOOt. for pkls, at iWtt ice 4ui Um l.lof July. b.rd oan Im had at 7 nr $S per iwootli. fur TMitmn, such as Heading, Wrilibf, AnUiitKtio, Grammar and Gw( rapby, si i r-r tuonlli. Pau.tiiTf and Needle Vo.k il rrqum-d. 1'um valus of tins water ia known to many Hi tough lhiaonnty. It h.a etirrd Dvap-p. am, biaeisis of Ihe Lin-r and la'iewyaad Ner. rout AfTucliuna. Tins Mineral Spring it Uul a placa of nubhc resnrt, aa many of our watering; nUeca. I rcaervud it r the aito ilmti 4r wlucia it U now offere.l, and will b fje frum euulageous ltcl lMn 1 ' . ' . ' - SARAH SOSSERMAN. "" C" . . Tn Hilton PlanicrSa - 'H'vllE nndcraitnrd la prepsrrd to e!l the Lft ,,tj t'ulton (i.ns.wilU IU ineb a-e.t g, a Hicm Uina hare over tunas ui'fu li oiaer . State ith..t they will lt long r,on at I of rib being equal Ui tbrte. flio bru.li U.ng covered wuU In msle-iU of clolli aud being. easily j npaircd aud lk twimsc. ! A rrgirua n apeio ultaueae win, quaniy oi liol ud aieiurf e of el..o seed. I woiiiu retor lo i M. I.. WaJ.ice, Jl-rrow' 'J-. O, In E. ii. Pulior, I KurUtld, awd A. U. Uvmiii, t:iiarotir. J A JltS il. KLUU1T. It i..te, .Vt S3, IbjS. 1 l-6m Cash Paid for Hides, BY S. M. UOW r.tL, 3 doors Sguth of the Miin.Km Ckurilt, Afiil 6, 1S3. Slf f H afk GALLONS PURE I.IXs-F.El) OIL, (jy 4) ; Whoi uleole anH B. t F r L Q 1 ( 'i S ' ' riUTCUARDS. 5Stf IaiUinl)cr Yiu'tl. M lie sutMeno:ra inform ine ems na or t nar. Menbi:ra inform the eitisinao Litre anH vicinitv, lnt liny bars eatabli ed a I.I'M BLR YAHD in town, wher thry in. M - d keeping aupply of w kiuoa of l.l.VlliEU fcf b01i r,,.nd prpo.r.. Mr. j....a liu- diaill is Ihrir agent m t.. Appllrnlioa cart be j MILLER Jk FUUIER. Oel. 13. 16i. - t . ?. . f - 1 Urate ttlttgncsia. 1 V agrrajable rrfrislianl snd Uzalive.ss pica. Isk ul Ui the laate a o!a water. by U. M. 1'IIITCUAUD, Dec. I Irwin's Corner. Saponif'trr, so R CO.Ni'ENTBATEI) LEY, Warranted u, blr. The best anlelie:.pit artil in ?. P :-2i ar.u oU ecnli call. IVilil uv II. M. PRITCIIARI), L"ii.'a Coiiicr. IX-e. I Wanted, 1d4) g tOKUS OF TAN IIAIlk. for. mP f W wuicb Ihr e..h wil' b pid. 1 7 51. 11. TAYIJI1. ! Vy3l.lei. IStf II ti L r' Itrin;i .' ! ' ' UK auiienoriiyif linaaMieUorert 1 'W".;f. -.- nruel. , intuitu. , no eSidrrn, l onn'iralioneil t 'on. .'tarrh ' ot' drrl for by the in. I UlCal UCU.IJ. Kull Up.ll v at '1' JUTC HARD . S Fumvy Vivg Siixt. AV; 15. Ie.17. I .-iiturrw, or Train Oil. I.O!l Ton' aud Plautrra oo iadr.D(- nd proving iKa,,,.,,u ri .,.. j..., .ai.b, iliter and H irur. ki M. II. PiUTCIIAKU, IM C. I DeGralh's Electric Oil, 4 fell PLY of Ihi erlcbrated U.l fur al at fl. my Urotr btor, Irwiii t'oriirr. " II. M HillCHAUL. Ad, 13- 3tf S MS 4t4i I fiire ground MIIITi: JL t.lJII LKA I in u.l ai.d ...wied krj.a.iuat reel lied and loi for ( 'atn. al j I'unciiAiiDs, Fth. 9. iiriu'r Cvrner M'urt i i tilth Ili um'. 11. j HOLI.A.Wl) C.ia, Whiskey, ffirrry nd Port Winrs, Loi.jun Ale and Purli r. for medi. cul nc. ai.ilj by IX e. 1 H.M.i'iaTcirAiii). Stttrrh, IB I I. i r. I cp,T r. omgi r, naaiug I.J WaW.it I irr,('ioi. i.Hl:i. V.it. larlwr, Nuliiit;a, M .rr, ( iom , Cloves and f'l.'Vorinjr ltr la u( ktbtj. l or Hale al wl.oitaalr ai.O r t..lj 11. M. l'UH CHAKD, Die. I Ii win' lain r. I'rt-nh CiiKici ttalt-r, IN ibl Ix.ltiea -jliat reclined irulll harato.'a Sj.ni.jp. I. j 11. M. PKITCUAUb, J I 1. lrwm'a t'urnwr. ! EL'LI'KNAS for aalu at tLiat Co. Important Land Sale. IVIJK3 dvtrrmiiied to remove to the 'A HAVING d.lrrniineJ to remove lo ! "' West, I ..ffer lor snlo my volimble ai. ut. Koeky fiivrr, roilea wet fliii .fj-nrnrH-fiilnrrnseoiin. '"I itf! oft Xi - ty. ! tv.ntmili fri'intliel., linvs,aa crUiilBoaif. One tr.rl of 6CO . I V I IHi oil i, , ti,cr- , 0 nigti state qi ' tion and onrpsrd rielmrw nf snij. Ar...tlir , rMUir. ,,,, well-iixpravcd, having exrelleiit Uutiuiiif". C fJ . Mnii p ui it ! nny luisymaliKi r, r - -- IX B 9 irru.uve,i li by n-(io, nil kliH. & t. Ir m H - , - lf.ee, ami cures sit Nuiimlciii and iietvoaa lu-ad. with all suitable fisluna fur m.eisffu luinra , ( iu.uiir ,! n,r H.liowi,,,. . i.i Unnii.f slid fnimitg. lv Inmls arc ( ell.teil. snliibniMi. in UieulitJ anil Isrir. ...... f)nv,-r. N. 11.. tU. I P.I". Iiroporiinn ot woc'dinr.o, imorun . vt)pi'lyf fnod Vimlier. rurehaters caM ! wH t rxniinii ", ns it ia seldvtti thai o rieb and well uiin.vd farms areediaraeU & V.'nABRIS. , Aia$,m8, ' ' . ;.; -i ' ?'r ' I.arlUe Slulu tl l ire l.M.r. nitre roiii;i" ? I U HIS COMPANY euatinoKK to t risks a. Jt rinl low by fire, on Houses, UorsJs, l'ro. duee, &e , st usuul rales.. - ' " - If Offico betw-CTB Park's Store and Drawlrj s BuillihK. 'ni'Finita. M. B. TAYLOR, jTetident: C. OVERMAN. Ti c J'resi,lttit. E. NIK HUTCHISON, 6''. j- Treat'r. PIKKCTOBH. ' " M B. TAYLOK, C. OVERMAN. J. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCARtt, S. T. WU1ST0N, A. C. STKftLE. John L Brown, S. T. Wmsios and A. C. Sieklk, Ureeulivc Committee. Mae 18, 1858. JOtf S; M, HOWELL, f m Saddle & Harness Kanulgciurer, THREE HOORs SOt'TB OT Till MANSION E0U6X, (irtmcmi, s.c. tTAHkindaof Pad. Me. and Harnraa made al the shortrat notica. , trRKt'AlltljrG promptly executed JJ. 19. leid. 37tf . COMMISSION MEUCIIAM', 1 17 CHAM Br 118 STREET, . V. lll'YS and fnrwarda every kind of mtrcban. M9 one lor 3 1 cral. I w.wiiMwa. Kclna lo (.ova. Swain tan Mureluad. N. W. YYuKtnn, J. W. Uaborne, ('. I'. MrOOt nh.ll. A. M. Goraiao, Eaqa. aa) lit?. (". f. IXema, Ikn. W. A. tirakam, aud( others. Peuier in i'lanos, Me!i!ea, Orn, Harp', (iuiUrs, Muie. Sewinj M.chinea, Iron! Sana, Pmp, irden Engine, Sic. 'A printed iintot n n ninctri-.t nnntri, r-miti im fmri mve f,n. PiiWi.hrr e.f ai eletaiit lithojraph of mrlm, Oe ," N. f. ($1.) and in ( rimo.j lift of ali Hi flittcre -t makers, kttiat and pritra oa, Jmjia Uiik to lira ble fimi't atfmorr should be in every houao. ll treats of ali uiKaac. lias a eopiou -,r, tnd re-rili the rem from miturc'a ; br.uiitioua alorea, r..r all our n firu ilie a and inia.j fortra. It is printed on fine white piper, baud- j aomcly liound fowrlli ediiion, 3U0 p-.jr anJ ia 1 mjltj fr j , dollar. ;,. )naFwood Piano, 1)50. ayj f ly ' y SANDS IN QUART BOTTLEiS. FOR PUItlFYITYCr THE BLOOD. And for Ihe I are wf - - ; , SaoKl'I.A, Mfc'li:lAI. Ilwa-..-, Siratvait 'u I Irt, Klin an M, 1 trn'i i'.iai ii,-i.iu, an I'uweuuW. i!ii hti-. iiinvv, i.t)sinnn.., k'.Vfcai.S.iii... hi"n'i.A', KtM. 4.owii.jmvi, .,r Ai'i-..- ttTE, I'meija, Hll.l-. i.M.R-lL i'lrati tTl, .Vi:. l'.rrv revlne yer arAm -.! .mi.U Tiri!i-r m I wi.:w tW wrft-int"l r'-n'?l..a u 1 '".nri J- (. I "iir "T . l-ia n.t.U. m-tiip. WmiK' If I" J. Imb ,mi rfn.Hi f- I uniml fc.ifi'l a'n. ti-r Otr t ilii' ! !-. tu fioi I an Impair Ma -f li.- I I I A. . ,.!,. .,,,u-.,i. ..l-r.'u. i a4 (..i.l.-. U o.aii 1 IV tiirr :ii. 1 :,-4t r,.i, -4 tor- i J no. Il pun.". wrtf!. an.l r.Iji,. T.m raj.i iliy iI - 4 wliieh lor HEALTH AND RTHTJOTH V tld rn.lr l.ilt.wi.'" l tar'i i.. i -li tl l vv-l r..rn.'l. Li Hi. ri'r ,.f ! Another Curo of Scrofula. t-..t n. r . a- .i I. ia rr A r. t !-..--r.,i ,,y 1, , , ,. r.t o...irr bi"l; mi to r.-air I .1 .,: It , iat I lft-, MI f!. .1. l'olI.M.a . " " " " . , KlimiiW JCiXUs iiAIidiiifl. F ir Walt aud tuilair.ed Fy ;. Tl.i- I:. n wsaM4 maav ra in i - f ii- K V L I D 9 AHK I f.ii. Ktrll.irl.1 Co.. iii ..- ..iui r.tr.r. .! nin araa.o ft v. A" m .1 r u,r. il.. 1 Ur l"i tiHtu...; ..r . ,;y Kspw-t i.. ar.-..t- ii.. . -M. II, ,1 t..flii.r t.". a o .-iaj ! Hros h i-trl.t. -i XI NEB I. MLCRAKIC3. .il'.m i'i" -''." U:'j"t. Oiii. -I. .a 4 nrv. i Un ti.ai Im '. r-;..r.. . ,!,! I.v I. II. .V II. I-.IMI-, , SANDS' SAL? RHEUM REMEDY, 1 '" "" ',"T' " ( rat X'.lia.i r.in-Worm, Te-ttar, 8l l-UeJ, r'a Ivan, liltcnea, j. fb" .lln. -t-allt. N.I-r UOhrrn 5u l.w. i . i...i .to JtU.nt a - .a irwin.r. tlri- 11 "l s . t r II. V l. MK, IV ! u,u- II. M. riMTCItAIil), lwi'a( iiimi, i it t, -r,ri X-' "IT ? If f kl.S a IM. of all i llliir oraliyj or ,N..rii..i a ! I i. j ftfti hLA.VK DKEDS for aalu at tlis on. 'IB . nrrnr aT aT5 ' -, ' J , . . . - . gQ l0fig TlH3UCC38tfuUy 80Uft ,wnn it ItESTl) I S Pr.K.viANr.n i i.i IJi ,.,. . i4ii) al IT! nriirHiiit enliil I c. T,. huuri inily the Md hud removes an umi. j ff ( j ihJ m vcminln, - "l'l head oml all i"' JiiVm iit. ,ir ,i,,y..mt irh.. mOF. O. J. TTK)1) lb ( 0 -i-ii tits : Within few iaya we hiv" rrwived an mmyi orders and Cilia lor Prof. O. J. Wood's Hair Ki a-niliv,4hl lo.day we were eoiunelled Ip aend.lu lioatun Jiis o qiimititv, (the C ilou n yojt forwuriled all Itinj a..il.) w hile w o nils lit n:dcr a quiiuUt? froui yon. .Vfiy 'otllt are Ate iid serair Ip induced 3 or 4 scut cvs'umcts and tlie iM-ohuliuii, si d jml runiivu it reeeivia frnui moat awUkiulwl aud wo lit? tilifi'" of our vir.initv, fully omiim a that It is A MOST VAJX'A W-E I'Ky AHA'l'IOM. f i nr1 u aa a.n a may be mi (riivaol l im j nnd on dosun 91 ai; and believs oa jours (try teriH-etfully. (Signed) rAMFI.LATII0UP4.ro. llirld.ry (Jrore.St. Charles fo.,M.v.Nov. IQ.it. ' PKOK. 0. 1. WtlOB t'eiirf-ir: Some liiiielnal swinmir we were iitdwred to tue sowic 'nf your lijir l.'.alorulive. and its rffiet" Were an wonderful, we firl ilnnr duly l jouand llieifllielnl, lorvportiL Our little son's Lead for some time had bu n per. feelly coverrd with aiires, and win eallrd it seald head. Tlie hair aliinwt entirely eninc off in eon. H'iiiriica, when a Irii nil, sreinx liia aurlermg ,ad vim.ii ua la ue j our llertorslivr, wo did o Willi lull liopr of auccra, but lo our urpriae, and thai of all oor friend, a very few application remover lli. J.ivaav enlirriy.and a new and luturianl erof of hair anon stark d not, and we ean now say that I our boy Im iMnilthy a ralp, and a luiuriaol a crop of hair aanny i-tlir eliild. W enw mere, forr, and do recommend your Rsatorattvn, per-h-et rsinedy for all diacwa of Hut soalp aud hair. Wo WIT, Jooa rrprel"lly, ... UKirHUK W. HICGIXROTCIAM. SAKA11 A. HIljtilNIttn'HAM. C.r.lim-r. Main. June 21. IMS. l'KOF. O. J. W Ot)tl Dear rir ! I huVr naed 9 boltlea of Prot'eor Wiawl'a Hair Ite.toralive, and can truly ay il ia the grealial diaroreiy of Im ago for restoring and rhanging Hie (lair, flrfore uaing il I was a man of aetenty. My lljir tna mw atuinad its original color. V"U can racoui. mend il b ln worUl.willu-wt liioseaal Iiwr, aa igy ICjsc waa one of lli worst kind. ! Youra, rcaiwrtfiilly, DAMM. v. mvrpiiy. O. J. WOOD A. CO., Proprirlor, 318 Broad, way. N. Y, ,iu lue gnat N. Y. Wire K.irii.. Ka. tublisiuunl)atid 114 Market ali.tt..HL liui,Mu. And aold by all Drnpr't in l;'-n and by II. M. rRITCHARD, t23 VUartotle, X C. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, rja tiik ratio eta nr (oUm, Casuahit, outl IIonrcnow BaiwnfL. UiM.. filet 1. tk-f. J.(X Atr: lvSsjCtwttavil'T IW Lxt fCfHWlT I It flMttil ar OKtafltB ltfMMOtatm. iDfllWflM. wVlill lltal tartWlHa owvrtHsMaatwf Ciaa. kfvMtr Ijmi r rar-Tu III tiMMW latv preUem mmd mf fwtnily fbr Il a In r rk. kul ej- IT. U. 1. taU JrfArw iMfl Mt rinr Tflrttawi tar tbs tremtnu A & NOKTtKV. ri-,of t'Tir, N. V., rltj: -I m a-rawt f-rtr fCt mr wjr-rf Mart la ft! tHiiilT vr fslrwr V M Irifriikd tft. uJ hrt It lU Ut MrJrtn fur H llir wrwOT frVt HI. Willi fwlal I Haflil tssntasir l-ar tw-aair t ia4aaw (u(wvW Umm 4m MlMnat M, WC Uava auJ utLr rvt'Jt " Croup, IVkoopiRff Consh. InAnnxi tVaM.rrritt, Hi-aa. Mb. 7. XnM. Unmnm. Am: t will rhmmfaUy omif ur ISm-wl V he?t vVftrtawrly w wi r th crtrt ot lwoxi( foajtli. rTwuy. an-l tlM ckU mwi f itaUtrwm. mr fi-lrulty Iu tli KtMlii pfwCtaUa jjug oaufl, Bal -Jtmmni jwtr mnUumm 9 onr pvf'aj. II I HAM COSfUX. D. T.RIV Momnir. vrttM. 5-1 Jm l51 1 b-wl a IUuatafl Imitmmm. wfa nifla4 iia Hb siirrt B.f fk; I-- "vm. atf-lkliMNi ttbMiC flW. fli.a'ir ra-. .aBr Ht-W OT (W .I(M trf xr rTTrvHS. Th ftr rtv. tii imoi m lit my tBarvawt Ofaal lau.r ; fa fM haalf III butll HtW IBM nMalple-lavt wlflt Your nMdKtrwi v Ik clMUtM wil m tia awwt m ran huy. u4 wm awtswaMfj too, Ajt-taw, tuad ttur yiiwit tk- Um par Birj iVtmd - Aathm or Ptwthiaic and JVoackUitw m VT Wt MfJUMML, Vl. r. 4. ItwMs. tft I'm CWry Vrrml to mmtmummm eil"m nrwi la Uu wwffcm. Il hm riiw rsrt trvm mmw ln st Bifdmitfl tmmtmpum. ! t Vt catrtng mJ h Kaa HDuW llMiot rf tl Unsra ft. tk Iwrt tvrtj temrf. HKMiT L l wHKS, SdUvctMiu A. A. HwiyRT, M f.. LMn, Mmm O. nrt, wrrt'sw, pVI 4. H..l: " thtt ln ) pirutHiwa' BwMV ) -1 bar daMiul fMrfMnf .viimI u finr C"it Vrfnroi fcr K mt "Ml natlW 4W iMMaaaWftlw tdlaa. Of MUMtg Mrh m ar CUTabl.4 fro inrfhi atitl wyinmai af tMbMww, tmt lb Mqat Tlif cvfoMf th t Utowtaf Uirt rwnMiTy la tmt4 in lt OWtJ HBO trttal. ConnamplloM fnhmttf m mm ItMl; bra-t ttr i m vM r)iltt. cunwj au vutaw .umI gucti (UnKamMM aTtvva u Uta. IVnaw bo hiiMravn at4 ct Mcb bM rt IfrtlMM Uw (Jerry XtWlai Jlfato nUarf wVQd Jafii , , ! 4 ATo H'Wwt Mr T K Citt. Vwh I, lial t TiACTW Arsm. Lemn IMlii tii faH pi' mm mi f. Infrarni T-W wWwt T M rrrf fVitYBlkH b My waua, tUaW hm bmmm ftw-j tawirv. UUimsrr ttwasW dto wWeaw srvroai fimptuvna u! Ommmpt lu IVuM wUte nH ) cns.M mstr fm hem nr rlkf fatsaj IH awwliif ftt'i- tr. utxM O. ipwe. of Uvk t?hT( lv -Mnwif tv d lr, wiNMfkV'l ft triavl nf yr-ajr ttwlkin. W t.M ikkB kinsiiwM. mm ato Tmr oliiHi fc-r Im toM iwwrwai fium tlial Uv. hht a tvr J mm t'rwag al Uwsw4 ip Irv, bail U tW frm hr "! flb bcntlf -U. v'rMit.mrVtWj. rW art A.-wparlr tltl foaj h-tt ttW4 Aviai'l CUCHHT fulVML. I to vavi-to J of' lia rvfart IttaxJaraJ rlx-niisHa It (l r-r1.. Ml il carr all arm nil m bs-atajai to kih Mrtto mt iu THtua. t'mHpim Ltf. Aycr's Cathartic Pills. TwtllC aafcTaa f rU-wftlrtry bt4 Verbis- Wt ta Uju-4 tln-k mtmnem to pruiur Uito Laal, mmt (mm fwet fxirr-vtiva l(W4i ia ktoTarB ia tmrnm. laiftwiaraUa fwtm ar ahoa ttiatt tbM YlUm bar Ttrtura wtumh mu tvm la airltr itM arrttofsry ffAvttrlnaa, fJ thai IWa win rrn aWWiitrvJlf fKi ttoj aiaarw f aH awo. TTWr araMto ami pUaftBaul to Uka, lt ptffBl to rvr. TWrtr tona rna( KfPrtla'YlutB M.rsaTtil.auf iba Imi1 rstufivB ta o4VUoUvm mi Ha Organ ft. purtfy Iba lrka-4, aotl aipl fit a a- Tbj prge aut tb (thiI huntor Ukft trvi anrf rtjr tflwfm, MImi1U tltifrWIi or lvwja drwwri orrtna tnUj llvvir aataral actV-a. asd LMMrt Walt by UrM Kh rtrrnajUi U Hi 1t'ito ajrvtrca, hm imfy tto IImv mr lla mney-4mf eMBplalnto of an- bad. Hit alt rbrmitola saal rtoyrrma l tkas Itow toRM tti Im f hvuM ftkili. W ulto liw pro lac pnwrrftil rfsWta. tbajr are at th aaat Uroa, la dirMlnlahl A-, lha ifil and kvac pbyair taal ran to arilvvf aaj lor dHMrt-a. 11-Hi if anaCaV-eavfaNl, awawf ara pUsaaasut Irt Uka ; and tMrtag sraly tcrt-UiU, ara Umm Uemm tmf riak of ton, t ar Uav bs. aad abich anrnBta ballof ia Uy aU tl atatitialxl ( awn nf aarh alalia pir1ttva bimI cltarartar aa Ui trlM Ilia aitavU-ina A anlrutb. Many alKnl c.rjjaa- aoi phjaklaitaaaa toot tbnr Haaaca to frrllfy Us paWia tba iavtrllitf of aiv tvntarfba. whito arfaara ltva mi a- tba aaaauanaa of tWHr nrkt a that air frciMratlstia ftratt iluU ioiaaMaacl Ui Uia raJlof i tof afCtHd, atif1bt1o(r toltoa-aian. Tna AtfaeM bato taavoM-al k -M u faniMi ffnitia nr Aiariraa AImnae. rrmtatDlnsT rUrrrtiarna fcx Ukp4- aaaoiid oailivtraiaa of Owar cafa, of tt.wM..,n.ii auaitolto? Co1 1 !. IlilHrtia Cimplainia, fthmmatltom. lrofwT, llawriirtiro. lls-tatoWia arUUsa fnioi a Mawi, N-a-a. In.lrar 'h-n. lrtxl Ina- tUm M iho Hsr.rli Can arlai'MC t-c' l'"iM. llaiulrm. u ArtfariHa, all Lkr ia Mi'1 riitatta-vna tiafia ahkb tw-( ui ra an - winf ww-.s-t..-, H. Mf-U-r Ku.f't Kfll. Th-r .latv W purify. iuu ali ' "d at)anlaUii Iba (tMB, euro atany .viiUiiiU.)Mi tl amld l l- BMi-rwMj iUmt emild r.-Kl,. ai,rb lrwfitrM. I irtial ftllndifw. Nnmifl. nt,d Aer.mK IrrttaliXII. ilwf ii "a f tba Uw.rH Rft nry. U art. and oilMT (ftaarwH a.a..Miii artatnn aWrat a la.wy lla U '! ba-siy ur otmii acllvo 4 IU) riiitcllnaa. Ihi aU ba Hit off by o,lMci(.lawl dtjatora aiUi aano rflr psll l brf aaka taora rtU na Aak fur Arva'a IMLW, and taka atotblnff vfa. Ko atbar thr eaa ' i 4ih.m wjtn t3.to la fM htri"' t aarattr xrwro. Tlta aick aanl Um lat U lliara la lr ttmt and It.-; abtiktd tiw iC ,. y J ' Prcponxl by Dr. 7. C. AYERt Practical and Analytijl Chtniat, Low all, KaiA. J'auut i Lia. ra iitx. m .jx tvm $ 1 ULii if' H. M. J'KirCII AMU, Ct,nrlr,ttf, II AVI la .V.N D, STKVKNiON 4 CO, LLurUilun, H. C. pit. ii. .tj. n ii a f I LI. e .li-.rd lo r--rir r rr.IV i.,i, I C,, V ir. Hie rtiri.ini ,.( MLDK INK ami SI K '.KH If. I mra. broli aa.. n .11 v .-.;,,,i,r r.-H.o ai niareaiiciMu-, rv.it Al ill t), u,,i. I Y..ik U.auict 6.C. ' ' I If S.H.RANS0M.C6. , """"3 AY A 1 T fflll THE iY A fifi Of. MiYi. afOk ? .7: A1- BLVVuat Im luyia liimuiw " Would rrn-el.nllv aVn.Vnee lo ll.e inl al it.nl. rl "on? tlietr OI.' fcu.1.0. lo No. 1. (Jr.ni.e P. w. wl..r. orll., one of Urn moat cxrrnsiva a..rin.ii... . Ever offered in Norlh.fn.lina. aw-Mi wWV i'l UWLm.m.-m a'a-a :hd wl.ii 1. lias rained uch s famuo. repatalwei hfll' 1I...K10,. h warrant alr.r So any Cwa.iir. oiiauini a lr fuel, and doe mora wor in a put one Iw.id. uy other Slo.e of the m aie t. U lail.it IM.Ii-.. .n Il it work in a iveii lin.e, he will Torfeit ll.e piee ol II felon, and quit l.mf snd I... d.ail. lor the belter on. . - w . - a-vwi ALSO, AEE KINDS OF PHE-OB. & BOX STOVES. ne has, and eonaluutly keep ow hand, an exten.io ami arad t-H k f TIX AXD S1IKKT IKOaV, u Aip AH' AYia lauiaiirAMniiA yAU2ia ;:. ss IaI.tti.i.s, r.isr uto.v iu vsti.ius, HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, &c, Allot wliirli will ! anlil. VVbnl4'Nt saisil llrlnll. Inaser Ihnta Im s--r bei'N ollrri tl Its t latw Vtrlnitj . I would rrtorn my tliank W my friiiid and erMHon.er fo lli vei- liter-l .rr. i.j,r idry l. be. lowed Boon u. ami tlisy may real uwrd, ll.t 1 Hatl vmli-svnr, Wy rio aitri.t.on to ki.amraa tortUr Willi s detrrmrnlion lo plee, to try snd niml a eoolinuxn of Ilia nn. . Lndirs and (it-iUli Dirn art- piirlifubrlj invilt dlu call actl aamine fci. ISiork. AMEISJi 02 JOB ilWHi'sl) SO WEL'ISld2t?. ,V. B. will irll vow why I head tny adiirliaeii tnl " V jit so m W. a,"-a Ucaax r hv lkrs wajfsi.n e.utanily Iraie ln j iluout. ll.e . oui.tr y w ilk flotia. Rr ,ilt tirUtrt trill be faithfully etitfl jir;tl.v iiltt vitrei to.jsn A.A.X.Al.TAYLOli. CktUf,Jf If., I Ml. ' . 3il Kiicurac Home Industry a AVI.M; I CUl IlAa.LlJlU )MUHh.M'. S JL TUUY. I am prepared o 611 all orutr lor 0ituLeigt, iluctut$, liirtmpt. (iiii'n liiigyhtg, I Lucy lhiii,.g. I'h J urtL, Caryrt ( iiaiK, If'nij-J'iiig .'J'u-ime. Jam onketr mi r liric "f kill r llie p f ! It I a ! atu I'lir, Wiiri d l'r. far. mer ana Troiince bnr'in will rinu il n liirir ii raiillo wo it. ' All nrderrlram a nnlanot, will Im iuWiii wtik wrouipinr. J. WcDO.N'AUi. Ctmi. Ort. 3d. 1 06. .. .U Dissolution. faiHK iMrtvi-rlii Iw rrlo ttt n.alin Wtwren M . under. 1 ! oay a).-iet by mu(l ei.ai. All pMwiii m.irUrd lo wa at rtqul4H U be prcpand Willi Uic uo.obi.I llaey re due ua in a ' ( w daya," a Sa-tiieiocnl niBl l nar. joy a a kidi?ill; V. S WHIFXANT. ' jjti Aug. 18, 18.7. . . . SiWli I' i( I will atiil or foand at mj hlai fUiiiing Mill, irrj.ared lo (i.l all eiilto Ii r .... Sash, lilirils nnd.Dcors, ' (ll, .. v4 LtMiakwr tl. eu..lry .few. r. lo toy ahrtp. a no aoneil r.ftieia lor work in mv line . of nnrirw. IF I.liiHtr r t)iewrd lo order 1 rmrt nlie- priU. Mouwiow. wild upon italivt rs of Ilia work. , J. UtDlSILL, Am- IS, lei", . fit rrlirinj; fn ru O.r fiini l.m ai.foi tairlmg um'if tl aaii.e of I.'u. i.iil A. Li.ri.ii!, I no ao wilh ti e kn.lt. l Hi fil J li-waril ll.r eitiu ha of Charlotte and aurroui.nihi; rouf tiy, tor Mi p.l r.mK liberally tli ateo U.n us, and nlh I lie ki'owleuga tlo.t the boat will frcarriau on trjually aa tiped-lioua we lu.r Hot.r. I'.g. WIIlSNAST. Aug. is, it;:. .Mlll'l IM tlltll MA nutual life InsuidDfs oinpia;. VFFti E. UM.l.iUU. .N. ( . fBlilrl f on pane inaurc tiie l.vea nf ind.vnlu M. ala . one j ear, a term of yenra, i.r riir lile, on llie Mutual Pr.t.eiplt-, Hi aurrti a.r 111 par ticipating an lli profits of 1 1. a t 'owipany. Kor ' pi. licit grantol lui tl.u wliole Uvui of I.l, when the pri miuiii tio-riior ainouiita to fr.'!', a , not may I givrn for one half Ike mm. uii! ol tlie premium, beaimj; "interest at 6 per em I. wiilmul guaranty. I 1'nu proiapl in-uinrr m wliieri all !oe li ; been paiu by tliia conipany.tot tl.t r with tlie low: ralra of premium, prtatnt grtal inilucennlit to ru. Ir aa are !M)iM'd to inanr. ' Mmn are inrurrd li.r a larm l I nan ana to fi y y.-iirv, liiir two-Ill. nts lit. r vaiu. Ail lmr are i ui WHhm 9U llaya utter ati. factory proof is prearnteu. Dirt Kit OI(:. ri.r!r, F. J.ihnaUm, Wm. If. Jonr. W,... W. Iloloeii, Mi l t ook. J. I.. V1.II1..W.-, II H.t lli,.i.-.t. yu. nin e U0.011. V, r. I', rau.i, vv in II. MiK.-r, K. I'. K. I Hi-, I In, 1 1, a U. Ilool, 1). la Fowl.-, Kicll'd If. U.ttle. yrriCiiUei. Iir. :"ii.niia K. J.il.nn.n, I'reaiiiint. M . V. II. ,1.i.n, Vic- IVtaidciit. H. II. kllllr.a.eicl.ri. .. .. ' V, lt.au.. II. J..i,.r.', r..urer. If. W. IIu.lt.1. Ait.ri.i y. ' - . li. .Vie. Wa.. II. iVJeh.B, kdul Ktamin-r. Lttrulitr t omnnttn. H. ltualnv, V , II, K'. !,!. II. hoot. Mxlutt Humid ' I tmt.illBUmi 4iail K. J..li..n, M. II, VvkIi.u, II. .M.Kii, M. U Cirfd R. Iliywi-..!, M.J., For furttier iofirrtnarioii, tl.e pwblic i rrr. rial lo III innipbli l,and fciail ut pf.aor.iks illivli m y be obtaMod at Hh (ltlie.,r tb Company, or any of it Ai '.ena. I'oiiii.iulliealloliS .l.nul.i be a.l.lr. (jxiat. P'"'),U' K. II. 1JATTLK, Seiretmug. . SrmUt U, lda7. -jaij ,ii4,;.,l ' .. r " " HA I 1 C'H Kl-d V ein.ly. ifcnl he .. rrmov.d U Ua now u eahibit.o., j.al rvev.v.d fro. tl.. " ' "Itfhrate.r . .o, n b-'H'm Bjs Soiill.. rn fonnlry for t! I. at eiyl.lr, ., .,,t,.. K1e n-w In we It i. sin ,r -n it.ir.i e. .r.n., war. He " '". "" -J " " 'I lf .rllt. Mi'oliit.i I : I it AM jstf:: cf TTssfal Informatloa. rfltdK uwiirr"inrd piawora tn polil.ak I A l.llul Jt't aw ! Join l'Al, Ut lite akoVe lilU, drluli u raclorivrlj 111 lias fi.lMa- .u-ti.-o of Sluli t c 1 Infurnialu-u. Tlie w.ili.f rn a Jnurnal ia tilt by tjtry in. tellia-rnt ntuia, wl.w trirr to bri n. l ali )uaiolail with Ui rtaumree of lli ainlt., our air acol cokaition, lulur tr'-ui eta, Av., ana l.y bv ao loueh aa ny our Iivlati.fa. . I'h. I w li.'e no r- eulir ) ti n. of t.ti.li. a, raannt ka aWnUila.l any wan! of nia-irul 'I'lr r at( sno-wnt ui valuabav rnil n-Urta-ting infimaiion catti.rtd Uironrlt our lajiaia. Iit .no h.eolir llwiiv ii.liii.il lirrmua, i.ic:i in llie.r prlaekl iti..M.. h i all prjcl't.. pu', , HilfoS SWll few In It. f Irmra lal.f, u-rr Ii. n:ia wi st aor Ltilali arrbifia t.mta.a. our licwria Ollin (.uklKU talnoUie Ul.alioal lo ll, mi't or, wlnil. la r.t) ir lort, 14 il ium by a ry 'ew, i so imoinenn nl in rinu win .. .i.l ' id, I...I tl.r ( rl atw n lorg.rflen. "I lata -.. c niay U .o of Hie Ileui .t aou riuiin.rm lioiu , l'a lo li anil kj mm anauip ali c.....i . and .ill. era tognja! 111 Maa.ii'at luics, Muiaa, t 001. t nirrri . Ac. 'fVi eolUrr II. s var'oca in ira of inform .Inn, ana r1 turiM 15 tn puLii m a artapt y i.l r. lifltiMa) aj.ll lor pvrpcUial piewrlValion, wril Ui gainer Irum all eiUi.l iouait, .i)ll.n.f j kaaril'I ttlrrrl.y or inilirirl' j tu our a llli. rf--prriiy tad intfwrtr.v, is tl. orna ol tl. J..H11..I arww lifiRl t-r paklic paUi.U'l. ; fro U hi II. pi-n tor ci.o wriior Ikr "ns k bua mrlpltit,!!. fin of llic a 'I A I JT w.il 1 Ititi tril lo lli tllil.iniilil of at - cli .t.lr i-aUl.njr looar r. pol.'tl.'n Arm ullur. t'uannxire, Li U' a- ... 0..ia, l.... ..... t. M ...1....... I',.'.. i ,iU,ht, a,,,, m.,,'. . f. r,,,,,,".. , curat ni Innr eoiieiin-i. autl our prorraao in en i. j It ia a!ao ui i(in--d lo iajlilai.1 Il. tl Ol U tn 1 jfrnirJ) of ll.e rubnt 1 a.aier, t t....a.N.ai n "I tna an-kmr rii.il, boiarii.l. nclei.l of I . mm. - i e-tUaila. ai. .11 olWr hlH.a Ollicrrsantl J..-r. a .i), Jtl. wom 1. la and Rp..itaol Ii. e iinei aii'i pri-urta ot If Vaiioua Haijroails and i-li. gutlon too. panic. 1 he TA1 lT will l.e poi to priaa a. a'-n a a .,-ll'iSH.iit awwlHr of rapi4iiriti namr are "b tiiutcil Ui pay i lapem.-! ililir.l...o. 1"c nun.Ura will contain rath, not it loan I.'" P- f r. of rloarly prilitrd It. r, lo k ir g a li. i l ' 3 tl pifra, r nion-, to wbiih will be m.ttu a Iu 1 auil couptt nitca. 1 KIOIS: 'I lists lli li ass nr ia.aii -tl.M I'duii M' f'irrv t'aavs, lor an 1 ,l. ; p.). u.e win. n filial nnn.biria fraity f-r uti:.i-.tt..i., ai..in f-ct Will b- Willy anni-ninrrrt III lb pulilte nrw-p.pria. 'I nor ia rn tati-otln.f In p.ilr..n.c In J;.uriinl will nil tl.t-ir ro-.tit lo mr uml raiit waln ut tbl y, a it ia rtia r.blclu iau lue lii't nainbtr aa o,ii aa ijilta (Jl'KXT. UL'SUKK. rigk. j.m i:,u. I V ,h l ir. 1 WJ aWaawfW ibr AIIVaI.M. IIIX'I I Id , f .,r ( i.in i,., t'olti, 1.. flu. ...-, ( i.aliii i i.i, 1 1 Ani ctirina wt tl kitttirt a ma lllaoi.i r, i. 1 Irunorrhui, l.l.el, ll. W Lilt. i-t.kiiear ollii r r rm.ile t '1 .nplaiiila. Tl ic j-t I bollii c. lit. and II 'J. Gold .Mine JJalsjim, or Dyajupiit Ililt.ita 1 r Tim tur Tonic Nainnr A leltur from J. K. IVllum, Hiugk.al, iUiun S. f., iiu led Aug. 14, IM; 1 Ur. ). kliql liear Kir; Your intuit ten ri.iirr siilialiii lii n 111 tin t 1I11 11 ol ii en- Iry. TV Aliymia M.slurr ei I.) . i"i " 1 ly appro ml ol. It bi nvr failro to enre m " I eut il il w l"l, liial 1 never hail t m i'1'i' (" 'up;.ly ll.e u.-iuanu. Veu will tdtaar atnouii a I large aupply ol il aa ..a.ll up you fit - I J. U. (' A I.I.I'M- .AllfoN'IH. Wn., . Hour 1 r..U at.i l-r'i " 'T. Long, Korkinebai., j l'lillir I or k ,d fT. .1. H"1i-.n ami lr 1. V. f.llinrr.f liarl. He. ' A Sill ami J. II. Lnniaa, tlaliabur j ant.L- ' i ry, Lositiitoii. , ;-tiioifjicij ii )l;b 11.1 it 1.0 i Tj ) :, ll,l,irai;lir. in Ihiaimd ti adjaini.ir In a ami will .1llr.1l to iij urolra.ioii' im .e 1 lilru.t' d to III eare. ( Win"', bad. I if