1 I II, Indians killed, and ten men wound f Servant B-". of 11 V? "'"""S- , scrccant dia-tingtiiMicci liiinseir cry ,", during the action and we all hope lie ii vet come In. . " " .' t'npt Taylor wwahot through the neck, i lieutenant GeMton-through lha body, "' .. both foil fighting gallnntly. ' The com ic, fought brt 'ely. like true men. Wo I '" our hories buck lo good condition, ' me nho'it thirty, which were lio in the ''iV JJi'foro the battle wa near over the ! J I'i.ua'pied up i.ino of their dead ; bow ,. of tlu'iii were killid I not known, !,"," c,o count fifweii ; they acknowledge i inl f0,y wounded." iilie lat datea Col. Stoptoe was at Fort V a.U Wullo, wiiiling for riint'orceiiientg. 'lu'r hv0 ccn 'ur,tcr trouble in the iriiii'T 'ort r''',r,' tn" Indiana ld ' tricked a ,r,,i" b P"'' ,nu'fg belonging jlie Unite) States, taking fourteen of tho if. anil kiilit'g on pmrker. On the other '" 'l feuitccnJuditifl" had been killed while ..,;. to Mcnpe when en the toad to a re ...'vaiion. Another I Iter m : CaptJiin Tajlor and Lieutenant Gaston ,, rt killed while leading their men in charge ,, in about the fame liuio. Litutetiaut , ,.1011 had two borsea killed miller him . llC Indiana succeeded In girting his body, 4. .(Hiti a be and his Orst aergrant fell, the , luii'ig no one to 1 ad tin in ou or coin uihI thcin, dcrjertcd. They were rallied .t... i'olon.-l and I.in.itoi.Hiit (iroirrr. and JffV ,tT.t made to recover the body of j i, but without fleet. Cart. Tay ' ' i . . i . . :.. i ,i m u rn. u a icii. rumcu in niiu r.i.,1 bis body from the Indian-, and bore .',g ,he held. All are loud in their prai-c : ,:,., gallant fellow! who fell Holly a.biig ll'i.r uien. In ..ivinjf in vor-ion ot I tic battle tictwfen ,, M. plot' 's cotniiinml and the Spokan lu- the Oregon Mntinaro, mm rehaie sain in anjiuer arucie. mere : i l!r,,., ou the way from the Dal U; an olullon ,cui for,h (hnt )B sp(J ,,e for .lie mine, by way of ih.a lud.an llalion of , pro,.ce( fr01fl t'he aIlIry, more thnn two hundred well armed of ,,; , , b ti(, m ,r,. A out one hundred more will start ri colltr,c, u co(rcl, pb t!.i,h , for the, are by no mean. p,rOM proprt. ,nd ,abir ffLoU ir,fcdly.hc refortol tbia battle Oniret ,, frPe,otll. Anion 1L. 'V,. ,her bin ..bey s,eme.?er to brea. j s f u ...f IkIi'H d.ff,ulnra; and in the ,Un 0Bl. ,Uvc , ,,,, , lolJ rfown ,r""t" hff '"- ",,h ! r-I,''''''1We ih the fnion, the Constitution, Ueligion, ,v ,s.urrd that tbe-e miner, will be- (l)e rUrc gm, lh( iLlcK.t , , .,, important ..X,h.ry to I be troop. i(jd j,,,,, r jiiri ; tne aho'e force of tl.e I ltd iitt.a i, li e ujip-r c-juntry, and niking tho j ' .vre ron'c triu Dallea to Thompson riteri Tho hwiiug lutelliifctieer ays: .r Iraiu Indijn depredation, and tLat, io0 T,e fleik of an up town grocery, a few i t.rj shirt liine." daya since, opened bis ryes wider, and was It stated that Vf.lt. Mullen, I". S. A ,, ,,-ijed with a tiert nusiiesx akin to the ' buck ! in about stanin.' npoo hi military j f,.V(.r. l,r eniplj ins a sack of Kio cof- I surrey, had md a requisition upon frB 1C (!iPOiered in the middle of it two Siejioe for an i-eoit, and Col St.-ptoej n: all cotton eloih bags or pursca. On es--r:d tl.at hia who'e cmniaml would not nntiniiig th. coilelits r.f one of the bags he u. lent to escort bim tliroa-n llie in-1 ti r . .ntiy with tafi ty. FAL-KIlOoD NAIL';i) TO TIIU C O i; N T K H . An artiele i going tin round of the . hotl.ing paper f ilraelfil from the , ,, .. . .i r . ,i . t J contetits of the other bap proted to be twelve V!l r.i."-''.,. to the t fl -et that Jnc . , ,, , I ; i k tr '5 lai.er bo, a little larger than Our do at . waa heard sr, in a speech in 1 n,: , , . , u .... pieces, also of lirarniau coinage, and mark er low. r part of I(3au county, "a- t s i t. .in .1 . c plainly with the fiirutca ' i'K ' 4 J, -iK the 1'utcti, a thoe pipera eirres - ' J o i i . i -ti. i i .. I r and . -that be wished he bad " lunga of iron : i a threat cf steel," I bat he might be a-j . r to ''depUt the evil of Internal In.-, J'Efl-S r Kliiipean Em.-uh atiov .-v.mcnt " I ' ir''fal of emigranta at New York du- Wc h-arn tl.at, in Surrr, week, Judge : l!,e rnd.fg Friday, sbowa a total : pronounced thi- slaiemert a fa.el.ood ;' of .'-'"n. m.kii.g the aggre.l., from 1st of i, a further refutation of he calumny, ' t n.i'te the folloning cstr.ict from Jadge .' 'pe.rh in the Legislature of la4l ; j Ate, Mr. Pp-krr, and if I understand i e deuir-cru of North Carolina, they are and wid continue to be, in fafor cf a cf Improvement throughout the ei!.i.t of the n.ifc'. limited only tv ' r wjr.t atirl our uieana." j I The sreeeh from abich we taVe ibia et. ' j-nct t.l bt found in the Standard of that: i it. f iHj reprte.1 and revised ly tba au- 1 ' ;r .a'nhury Jijtuirr. ' If (here i a ' f j!,ehood out, il i a l,t t t- i j' - tn Mr. Kill an-l witnesses of the bieliest ' fiUl ib.y. who were present at the time1 ! i - t ' ic siove nsineil and beard r.i.ia use I'1 e la!ius iinpuled to him in the Kipres. 1 1! it le a " f.e-ehoud " it is one in which the ji.ip'. i in i.oM.-e implirated, a.-id in no ji.Jiii.er re.pon.il.le for, a we r ported up I'll the ami, nrit. if -...1 ,1,1. f. 1!,,. j ' i n " f ,1-ehood." if any reliance mlit J - t'ciin human testimony, that loom. ' -r-M.e!y above the f.,,irr for teraeity . runar.i .uineio.n, ana luai ouritig tne "l JH,.e Kill, too, if ke deny nsiv the f. sttitie. of the 1th not a person .a aeen "...,,.in sub.tanre.in aspeccbto whieh 41 f,r "toM be discovered, under i '.i-ior, lui been made ! t,,c ,"flue"c' H"or- lt ' J""' The K., ,-, MMcmet.1 that Kilia wa. r-"b"r7 I"IUI" " "''ttiai improvement man in 1MI4 proteai . tl;ipz ff,r a man of hi, protean principle! FarMCR'H IUnk The rivmonth trier. ! :-d love of office; lie was opposed to inter- chant,, as we learn from the "Owl " have "improvement about the year 1 10 when r;Ved not to take the note of the above li !f","I,l the, ' 1,t mong tt j incitiition, under the impression that il is I 'eli of Kowan. , f,fe to An ao. M would sat upon pood I nutj,,c J,i;i, an ,,!( ue r,f the lan- ltil0rit y that the Hank i in better eondi--";t asfttbed to him- in the Fiptea, orliou daj ,,, tlC i, for , 0M? te-i.rk pro tanto the same i well known; ,jnie rti Bnfj ,aiiy improving That she "" i tn .Sali.knry , Stcvi!le, the t x- j j, ron-tai,tly redeeminp her notes, and that ''ion " lungs f iron and throat of Meel ,i,CT n,v(, ..t. in ,tee ,lf, ,rr.;J 0f ,1C I n,,,, leecti.e , ly ord in this place ke-i MoclhoIJra some fWjttm and l.er eireula '''" i publislied in oar , ,jon j, nnm Comparaiivily snm:!. There is ,. . no ilanixr in takinz the notes. 1'Jiitilnth II Stllllllniir nltslmt. IaI, I . . s not our intention to liavu n;ain re l lo this matter, as cf little importance, 't .c iijiit nf partina ho are peraonallj ,E:" '"' Kllis, alio heard hun niaka his fpei h, and ho Kf nTrl informed .,11 vote I '"liui, ; lim.l.M... l.-.lu ...II .. .1,. 11... kai,lfr. ,y ,heir declaration made it a ".. .iter of trr,'tittjt e cannot rem iin sil. "i'Jer the mutilation of oriinaliii a f .lse. hod, i,i!l(, wg mtiu), nol rf0,0 iT,j,tr, 1C ' ftir.n of personal cneiny, and leaa a po '""al nproneiil mere!. 'r J. K. Moose, a hiihlv resneetnlile "'thr,t of fsJi-hury, wa are infoimed.i m present in, l)pnra Mr. Klli. make hi. j , "n we have tiO clouht that Mr. i lo"-e a ill inform the editor of the Manner "r r'-J Oh el-n lh.,1 lb. t-.ir... ho. r..r,,. .'. M"1 Pch correeilv. We refer to Mr. '''ne not only because ha waa at the spceeh Foi'M) AT I Ar A remedy that not on ";a'B(t but he is politically friendly to Judge ly relieves, hut cure Consumption and ita hl'i, fipeela to vote for him, so we are in- i.umrroua satellites, which revolve about it '""tied, r BM huainesa boti not one! the shape of rSughs, colds, inauenta, ri"1 from the Jianner office. Mr. Moose, 1 bronchitis, Ac. This remedy is Dr. S istar'a "pu not our informant will, doubl'eaa, e what lo heard said on the occasion rt,'rred to if called upon. Stah-svUt Li- "AI.Tlt OF CIIARI.MTOM. The Menu- ,"e se that, while in tho icTen daya ' " I'li'laT lt, if. included, .New York C"S had -l-J'.' deaths, I.rooklj n, ita sister r,'y. ban bad 10, and CharleatoD, durir-g the rerio.1, about Stl." by are sailors bi.dly ff ir, Crst clals ' T' lVcausc they are rxpectcd to scrte "'fee mastert. A a Tnteresti.n'u Discovkhy. We eo it stated, upon what may be considered rtli bl. authority, tlittt thirty lliousaml ClirU tinns Lave been found upon an island north of Cclubea. It waa ruuiored for a time thcro WaM there a Christian people forgotten and fornoknn, which, hu'revcr, yet possessed three ISiblcs, and eontinucd steadfast in t ho faitb. When luii'fioii n rin first liui.Ioil on the ii-land, they uu-t wtili chool teacher and liii pupil who repeated in the May layan tongue "An the heart pantetli niter the water brook, so patitelh m soul after Thee, 0 Lord." No liible were found, but the precious promises of the liible writ ten upou the bark of tree. They knew the ApoKtlc'a Creed, and tljo Heidelberg Cate cliisnl, and had OliriKtifs 11 customs. Twen ty churches and schools yet eiinled. The KfFEfTS or Jealousy. On the 5th of July a picnic party, consisting of two young men and two lalic, procce.ded over to the Anne Arundel ahore for the purpose of passing the day in rural sporta and paa tiuica. After re -embarking for home the (lemon of jealousy took poMcasioti of the breast of one of the young tnr-n, who fan cied that bin belle inclined n too willing ear to the iiff' Ctionnto cndeariuetita of the oib er. A viotetit altercation ensued at once, followed by a collision between the two be.". us, in the midst of which they were both precipitated into tl o water. Fortunately one of the young ladiea had the presence of 10 tt,e'" n oar to one of the men, "":' cr......i0 u.. ..... ... terwaida ntno.it. his coumaiiion. J be re . . , , ' . . "'iidrr 0f the trip pasacrl .way peaceably, m ',,,er PHf luS ",ll,ng Ttiame the K'jn Mad I'.t vATiri.M FTonnin Cr..t PilrMV. On .uaiuiday, in llie refrom (?) convention at Kiilland, eruiont. Mm. Ju - ir.i, r v-- v.i :...i.--J - ... found a note on the Itoyal Hunk of :rai, with the characters of a ' SI IMMI,' purport ing to I c paj able nt that institution for val ue I (Ceiled, t'ated also a piece ofsil ver coin, .'.bout the sire of a quarter of a dollar, of 1'raxilinn stamp, i.ued under the reiiMi of ' I'ctros 1 1,' and dated 1 :t7. The aouarj io nae, i . i ne arnva.s uu- ritij; the first m months of last year were 11. Olio showing a falling off in 1-.'H of The immediate eiue of thia lifeline i sufT.ciently obvious the refusion both in the I'nileil Stales and Kurope diminishinz ,,lC "'"''" " 'be meana of emi- P''"S - J!"' addition to Ibis, som- of be Goverun rnts of Kurope, particularly J"0 ! erni.-ifiy. have of late been muk-i lnP s.renuoo. .-.i.i.i. ... arresi , urain oi 'bell pcrulstion that threatened Serious if- fceU - M.' r t,w lt "P"" ' " f ' fitli ii.start. for the town cf l'eru a ton of about 1 ,'irid ii. habitant, on the fireen Mountains, in the Southern patt of Vermont that within the lat ten year, there has not been a criminal proeeitinn in that "n n"T ','w ,uit hud ""llin " t ,,.,t,C W ", P""Prr or, l i'tj I xtmrrr. man who married a .Teirejs, shorllj f,, r""rJ j0''""' ,he. teti perai.ee society, ani never aareu to kisj nti wiro iroin mat ,,reu" he considered himself prohib ited hy the plede'a from meddling with Jew-lips (juiips ) A "SwrKT" rBOsTEi-T. JJelow Point Coupee, l.a.. is one trovl 6'ld of sujar cane. coenrii mirty ttiou-aini acres, ih'a ,re Tom". four U)i Mrs; U , ,rrow. milea in lenofli, and as At one point the traveller ran count Blteen brick sugar houses at one glance. lial.am of W ilci t. berry Peatii or Wm, T. I'oiiTin Win. T. Porter, Krq., the will known editor of the " Fjirltof the Times," and niore recently of " Tortcr'a Spirit," died at bis residence iu New Yoik ou the lUth instant. Lust Jird Final Notice! 18 brriby f inn, msi an noi i .erouius ...... to Ihe oiu mm ol Uruekir it tsommeia will In m.oil in li e bunds of an silotney, if not selil.d and l beforl Ihe ed lo clou 1 1. 1. b. r .( if, us we are d. It rniin. hi l.uil.i. as. Charlotte July 37, If.'.f- ini. HYMENEAL. Married, (in llie ISili ini.ti.nt, hy tl.e Pet. It. U.l i. in. .nr. ..., m.n ii.v n ii. nr.i.L, l.l .ll J AN K C. AIKXANUKB, all ..f this c.nnly. At D,.viHon Collece. on llie Uih inotint. afli r nn illnriaut four f,..y, Mr. i. V. U1BUS, i.l Flur. iiln, a to. lent at llie t'oilrue. In Iti.w.... county, on the 14tli mutant, Mr. M. M. GOODMAN, ton of Jucoh Uood.nan, Kq None knew him but lo luve liim. M.iy euiiM.la. lion (r.mi nl-ove dwell wnh llio ffl.elcd purtnta anil frienda, who mourn not as those wlin liure no ''"I0- tJ. I.rllrr Ire 111 n kn iil'liysU iiiii llAvrniui.i., Maaa., June I, KC' B. W. Fc.wi a & fo.-(.'ioi; While aiiflVr. iD from I)ys.e)siu aome yenra ainee, and trying nlninat every thing tor its removal without any benefit. I wna aeei.fentitlly led to make ue of llie Ozyu'iiatrd Uittrit' unit alter a short tri.il of them, found my lienllli improving Biid in lime my di$m,- radically rrmt,d. Smee then I have ..aeij llie... in my priieiier, nno groernny win. goad auecesa. I know of no medicine so well n. dnptcd lo the cure of Dysp. psia, in msny of ita agpriiraled forms. I linre seen the moat stub, born cases, whieli hud resist, d ili.inst nil the prep, arationa cou.uionly used tor Indigestion, yield as by magle upon the administration of a few doses of these Kilters. Such results have ineressed my confideiiee in their medical powers, rind aire ngth encd my eomicliona of their a i.wriority over all other imtriiineotulitiea, in the treatment of the compUi.ita fur whieli Iney are recommended. I would certainly advise those troubled with Pyspepsia In use the Billera, ..rid 1 a... confident all who do ao, will rei.p great benefit if there ia nothing to contra. ic.iie.ate ihc-ir tire. a. it. rouTi:rt, m. v. I7"Tur. Wunus.erut. Fcct-raa or Da. Hostet. Tra'a Celebrated and Unrivalled Htoiiach Din-sas, from the time of its introduction to the public, proves conclusively its unnifcst superiority over any other preparation of the kind now mnul'..c. lured. ) action on tho digestive orjuns isof llie most plea.'it'g character, removing oil discuses or morbidity, au.f S"""S ihr ')'""" li...ltl.T tone. It "urea ot Dyspepsia, loss of i.p l of t.'e. general mental or physical 11 i.koe.s", its nine of llie iindrr nic- operation is most u ncheel . en , I direful casea llmt have ci r jrr lie) treatment lure txen ent.rrly rurtU ny una great agent. Aa a tome, tlurlelie.- ijiuera r. moat delightful. e"ciully b'fire nie-.'-St.'d by Truirei' rrhi r-, ami by IIOSTHT. TKR A. SMITH, Sole Pror.ri. tors, .'.h H atrr not, 58 Front Klrt-ets. I.' laliurgh, ami l.y H.M.Prilch. srd.Charh.lte. N. '. e Hi. Itjst. I m THE GTtEAT ETA'GLISH EEISEDTJ. Kill JAMKS CLARKE'S li limit l I cMi.ttc rill. 1'irpiiml Jrom a jirencrijiliun of i-ir J. Clarke, M. D., I hyskian Lrlruorei- imrtj lo the ijiiien. This invaluable medicine, is unfailing iu the eurc -.f all those painful and dunj.'eri(US discsaea to winch the female constitution is aubject. It inoiieratta all racer ami removes ill obrtructioi.a and a speedy cure may be reli. .1 nn. 'IO MA It It 1 1 I) I.ADIIK il is neeulisr'y suited. It wi'l, in a short time, '-ring on the monthly period will, rignl.rity. Kiel, bottle, price line Hollar, bears the liar, ernoirnl rilii.tip of Uieat UriUm, t" pr. vent coun terfeit. 7iee )'ilit mlmiU not I Wn lyfrmatn durine Iht HUST TllUi.l: UOMIISof 'ffjr...e. they ttte gttif fating a MiMfitiviget tiui mt any , efter lime tkry are fttj. j In ..II esses of Nervnn and Spinial Afi"ectonr, I'ain in tur H.ek ns I.imbs, K..tigne n slijlil ei. rl.on, I'. Ij, Halo. ii uf the Heart, Hysterics, and h.iea. Hh se t'.i Is w i II i tie. t n cure iii n i I nth er meai. a have failed, and although c powerlol re.us.fy, in ol coots. n iron, eaion.tl antimony, or any thing bort'ul to the constitution. Sole Agent for the l.iiled St.. tea and C.na.b, JOD MOSRS, (Ite I. C. It. fdwin it Co.) It..cnr..cr, N. Y. N IJ.-11.00 and 6 pont .ge slumps enelo.fd to any an'horiied Agrni, will insure a bottle ul the Til a hv n torn nia.l. Kor sale by F. SCARU. k CO. fair ag'ttlfjnr I hnrlnltr. JIAYILA.VP STKVKNsON k CO. It toiiiili: jtgmtt. Cam salon, A". C. 080 I!. J. O. Kinrs Tobacco of a I ,.isl ree. it. il soil for s .lc bv. M. W. KOHINSDX, A. Co. July'- , s5s. If iMojer's St winj Mnrliinrs. yaIIK.'sK ...sehinis. aie upenor lo nil others M ..r family use, lei.lber Hoik, t..ilori..r. phin tsiinn sn.l every kind of sowmr;. Can be hurt of Ihe un.iers i.ned st Nrw York prices. J r I Imve a person llioroiiBhly co.netent to ttacli pnrcli .sers Ih.w to oprrsie. I, S W I I.I.I AM?,- Apr nt. of I. I. Singer 4 Co. Jl Q7. IMS. ' 3t. lr;it i d or Molni r ni!OM the lot of II. Siser, of I.ineaste On trlel. K. V., on Ihf nijlti of Ihe S'.'d inst.inl. i H,y MA UK, s..n.e 14 nr 15 bines hirh and a. bout B Viois old, both bind feet while from above the p.siern jninfa. No other p,.rtic :lar m-irka up. on Iter. Any person tuning up s.nd mars vtiii plesae address the subscriber at 1'lean.nt V.il.y I'. I ., I, .neaster 1'islrici, ' AXSOX SIZKU. Ju!r!7, 1M(. .' CAKES. Ot.I) MR. MF.AI) bss commenced billing- in good enri.nl "II ro.ts, from a pimcer to ti.oae int. mild for the delicto teelh of a bri.i. and her friends, and from a " f inter bun" up to them " fine films." Folks who hsvn't col sweet I.Kilh and want one b..ri b. -tier try the virtue of an i vih lintent with bra baked ware. II.- may he found slwnys .l his post, st l. IIol.i ..sou's & I u i.l onleetionnry , one Hi of Uprmc'a corner. ( hatUMe, July SO. I ?.'). ,.r North Nolire lo b'clmol Trnrhrrs ! 1KRSONS dr iri jr to Teach Cotnman '.li be e. 1 ft, hools of M. cslinbiirg County ainined .1 Ihey willapiwsr i loite Insurance Compnny, ihe. flieeof thet bar. uesdcy ntorninjr. 1'ie J7ll; insunt. j. r. r.oss. CWn. M. 1). JUHNSTUN. E. NYE 11U1 CHITON, .ily an, 1838. 't 1()N-l M)'TlON The Iter. P.rct. Ilnrnelt. .j aeveral years a .Missionary in Houtlirrn .., rli.eov. red a aia.pe sod ferfaia rure for I ottnump. turn, Ant.mm, I'lamclittie, tiriojula, Cuuuln. t utile. am Aritoiis I fiiWy i also an easy aim .tt'eclu il mode of llilnlnn Ihe It.loedy method by w hich the etfialir properties o. the Medicine st. direct ly addressed to tl.e diseased nrijsna filial the intir. umriil. Aetuntid by a desire to benefit his a.if. ft-riiii fellons. he will cheerfully send llio Krciie (free) lo all who desire ll, with fall and explicit riircciimia prepsrinf and suee.aaiully using the Meoiciiic Applv to or address II KV. C. S. Pl'RNKTT. H3I Ilroadwa;, New York. July 20, l?5n. Cm. T-LANK DEEDS for aale at this office. FAAjKS DA LK CI I A LYKEATKSTATK OF NOIITII CAROLINA, BBF.AU'riFL'M.Y aitimtrd on the anM rond SLM lei.ni..! triiin Tnyl'irsville, AlexinHer C"iu. ly, N.t:., lo J..nb'irii.'li. 't'ciin., via Lnoir.-i. TlieM Pprii.ga lii.v Ihm-ii iit. il l.y p-ri.n, ftm lie South lor U'e ll jcar. I nr. iieaimp qim. l.ii... .r il... muu-r l.nve tu rn tale.l liv L""t) iu.i. ! and nioiii.ce.l to be the henl wnterof llie km. I ln , Hlnte. P. r"iis w ihiii; to upeuii iln- Sum. 1 mi r i.n.onK llie Al..uiilnin 'il enjoy m.nii: of n.e j luxurt. r- of I'm up com.lry, won lit .In w-ll to c.U I on llm aulircriher, w lm Will l ike (ili-naun- in r. m. j .U-rii g all lon.forli.ble that nmy mil "n him. III. li ii.hile ia f.."t iitioroviC,,"'r'-' "te t' r. il-nnj, butliii aa. Itourd cl.cii-r prnbit.'y. ili.m any ,i,. ilar ulace. Call and see Ihr youraelf. Tit. is s r.nvn 10 i.ra HV of VitdofrUlt, S. f. July ti, I8.5H. 12 (JrcatJJcduclicn in Prices! BTK will coiniiw riee -Mii.p. nn i.ml i.lt, r llie ) 8!)lh June, anil rnniiniip lo ii.. . ,,, , the 1st Fei.ti niln-r, our Entire Sloek of Siimnit r iinndn ul I OST. Our obj.-et ' r"" '"r uur ''a" Sloclt We bate a la L.AB1ES Dr,ESS GGGD? Man(illns,Ponncts& Ribbons, ' Suimiirr riotliini, ki. Cull aonn. if von wish to liny (ooda ot loiter mi. ctt thi.n v ever bne lielii J.JtOWN, STITT& CO. 29, IK.18. IIH Morehead. G PAT FAI.E cf Lots on a Credit ! fS the 2Hil. and Sllih of July, f:5!, nt the If City of Mo.et.e.-,.). J. M. MOrri'FAP, Trea Pbeplmrd'a Point Lund t mnpnl.e. J,ir.', 21 le.-.H. 120 COLUMBIA FOUiNDUY 3I.l('IIINJa SI! or. joii At. i imji k a ti'., con .v'Uia.s. c. Illr' snb'cribera rr sneetr.illy inform tlieir pat ro.is a, d ."le public r n. ral'y, that they are 'I ...If i l.e old kIsii'I as above, snd ns reno s ' r. , (r,.;i, ,nll,,'rf ii llo ir lirc.-.'f I. as Ml I.I, (.faiiim;, pieam ' KNOix !... t;iv c;kab. INti, fAW MILLS. PA.V OUST l.ni.NF.KS, 1c, oj any sue or riccnoiioii, on tl.'; rhoitest no. lice snd li.ost reasonable terms, 'j'.' ty also b. p le:.ve to e; II the attention of all to tn-ir Chinese fugar Cane Kills, as the cleanest ever fifed. Ti er would further emind their frienoa and u'l cihcirned that they still coulinuc to CtUT lltV IAV. (Sunurty rjeepled,) Whieli nnf.lhfT Konndry in Ihe Sl.itr ones, and enns.qnenlly ilu-y run . ff. r f.ciliti.a not lo 't ot.ti.ii.ed elsewhere. Friers of Cliivrse Sugar Ct'hc Mills. 3 Roller. (Vertical.) 1.7 inrh. dinnn ier, . 3 Roller. (V.rt.enl.) in ii eh. oinn.etcr, .. 2 lioPer, (Vc.t.o.1.) 15 i;.eh. .ie.i.iei. r, .. 3 Holler. (V.-rlual.) I'2 il.rli. . i. n.e!. r, . 2 K iller, (Verticil.) Iii inch, di t.-r... 2 Holler, (V. rncl.) 10 inih. diameter,.. S... II hand AMI CO .- ....to AO It r0 3 Itoll , (llorirnnt.il,) ft) inch, ointint. J ticrs n' f-'vgnr IVm, ...loo SO ral'm t;o csti-i 0 r.ill"i l'n I'sn 2 ...IS ... 'i l ... :o JOHN ALKXAM'KK, JiOHKHT M.TH liJAL, IIKMiY ALKXAM'LK. IL1;' TO BE A I.AHfif: ami t O.MI'I.KTi: ASSORTM r NT 21a. ol I'lain and Jsp:.i.ed r.Bi:Bi.rQr'v.xi .bb at Wholesale o- l.'einil, lower tlmn tvrr. st S. T. WRI? l"OX'S 'Jin nttii lrr .-hnp. A I KW of H ose sui .1 I erne I'OTS, lor i iipcri. r I innishru It. intl ,- by S. T. WUISTON. fJlOIU'T PETS, a snprrinr art f.-r s.ilc ' 1 Ja. si S. T. VHLT( iN e?. IASM. Dei su.'e by pire end lVinin lit KSfttr C T wni. 'l'nv t- i. it li I.' -1 1.. : S If 11 TAN I A 'I TA VT. for a.-.!.- nil S. T. Will ETON'S. ATI.IJ t OCl.K.l:S. s first rale art.ole, for S. T. W"HITON. TT1' lAM.K I TTI.ITY, Cook'. I..-.ilrs, Ppoons, .JL Kiel. F. A.e. (-ori,!e.i 8. T. WHISTOX S. K1!'S P. tci.l IceCrenm Hi I.l ZKMS, t! e Ji best Free ers now in use, lor s.tle by 8. T. WHISTON. tjr. ? A' ItTIIKP'St Self Sealinp Hil ' A.NS, Willi tlnna how to use thrm. ..t 8. T. WHISTON S. 0(AD II! ON St, the bc.-t in this market, for sale 7 S. T. WRISTON. 1 sorliociil of 1 hiel. rnnimt i J ntirr Siovt in tl , ii.si.ee, by st.y s.le l the Tu. ( prui us corner, WHISTON. 15lf mall. ft. i-ers Car S. T ( avltt',y C-, IS.'- M lONSTANTI.Y on band, a f J (( (IK S'l I S MaX'KI.RMIl'RO COUNTY. jy Kquirr Duvid Willi.. mien MiidAmcli.-i, bia wife va J. D. Cushion, ITappearinff lo the a..tisf..etinn of tl.e Conrt, thi.l the Deli-.iilant is not a resident of this Mite, b t lli'l'nre OrdrrpH, Ibnl pnhlicn t.i.f. be nin lie aia week in llie North Carolina VYhlf, u paper published in t'li.irlntle, iiolifving a.ii.l de fen. Istit to he und npici.r nt our in si t'onrl of f-kiui. ly to fie held lor tl.e Cunty of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on II. e I lib .Monday after lbs I Monday in Aucust neat, then and there to plead, titis-er or iieiuor, "therwise judg. me.it will be entered pro Confess i.e.iin.t bun. tit.n I) It. Uui.lap, I rrrU and Master of our snid Court, at tiiee, the Utb M'ind.iy at'ler tl.r 4t. Mi.mlsy of Kebrnai v A. IT. fH58. I), it. DUN LAP, c. M. it. June 2!). If:.8. Prinler'a lee i'2l STATK OF NOirm CAROLINA, MECKt.KMlUKIl (tifNTY. yv FJjl JTV h. 3. Ilswl. y H. Rube and J, T. fffair. ppeiriny t. tne snifslHefion 01 the c 6urt 1 tb. fl. tin I It. II. .Ite nntl J. I . illair, tl.e rler.-ndai.li in tin ease, lire not residents ot ll.ls M-tlo, il l rfore Oid-rnl. tl.at publie..lion Ik- made six I as in tin N.t-. Whip, a paper i.tihlisl.ed in Char. ! bate, uotilvinc s.'.id defendant to he nnd i..pe.- r 1, t our next Cnurt of Feuity to be held for tne 1 County of Mecklenburg, nt the Cosrl House in I Charlotte, nn Die 1 1 tl. Monday uller llm 4th Mo in August in it, then and then- to plead. nnw or demur, otherwise judgment will be entf.r'.d p Coxtesso, sgaiT.st lull.. Witness I). It. Dui.lnp.Clerk snd Master nfonr i The Frineituil .l eni.l Court.sl eflice, the llth Monday otter theiferlsin the moral 4th .Monday of F. bruarv A. I). IK'.H. IX 11'. 1 liNLAl", c. W. K. Junt 5f, IfjH. I lllittl's lee ft'.. til 1 i w.r. ;,; i Mcrcluint STEAM MILL. 1 Ami olltci' lrtM rt , fir a!c;. I CHARI CITE, K. C. 1 S Trustee of I.eroy Springs, I will ext-ore lo J public sale, n Saturday, the "th of Aueusl next, a Valuable Stesu. MERCHANT MILL. nrw und pt rfV-M, villi fix pnir of Frrrifli Itnrr launncr6, n hirf, it-w rmd ntiicl Kiiginc, li.flli. ( r will) ult 1 1 1 f - iiiUf-liincry fid npiilnu.ccF ii.rcrn. ry to c:.rrjr on a lurpf ar.i t-x rxf'ive nntnutiiciur m',0 hi.ffinf-Mt. 'I'liit. .Mill ir Miuoh.l in C l.irlolti-. N. ('.. wlir- ivrc are two R..i!ro:d, mid a third r. urse of c. nstruelien, pissing tlirouyh a high, shb v, nnd t xeecdii.e ly productive und infer- si- ? country. The i.n ntion ol I'rnducr M. rehonta i be in i; nfCb.irI.rlon r.nd W ll t e.f to ibis property. LrA edit cl One -in. Tu I i. rs will he giien. j And on the san.e tern-.s ner! uf tl.e psme time i nn i place, I will offer two b.ree Mill K STOKr S, to stories biell, in the bus:mss pint of the town, j These Stores are esneeinlly B.i.-.t, d toll e pro.e. j cution of n Isrge and xt.-nsive I'roduee business. .ile to take p.uce without reserve. W. K. MYKR3, Trustee. (fniilvllr, June 13, lfoS. til Valuable LAND for Sale, ON the wiitm vf f!ii? Sinjnr Vrvr k, jriiniiip the lutfin ..f ,1. hi. lirit-r, Kq., li. il Mi-Ut.tt. rll, John Wtlliaitnn nnH ntlit-r. roiil;i ihiup 4'0 ,irrrs, on hoi li ucru of liij Snjfiir t tr k unit little Sfom ("r pk on whirli tire fme B"itfiinn n"w in cultivatifin ntiH aUo a qtnifitily ot ki)KTi"r ood IhiiH. Thi lunri in 8 n.ifen S-utli wcul irr m ( l:;.r. ;,.;(: ntilf fri in .M'rnwV Turn Out, on the Uul'..tU' S. C. Uu'H RaH. Any yvtnnn Wirb. j in? to pti -r h: c T I Hi' hie Jond nn Snpnr ("ml, in h Pooci neiifhhajrl.rM.'. ot.M do well In cull on J-. ! it-it ii niir : gen oi 'Ui.V-y Hi l'rii.Hr, f.r K. Ilnwficn who nt. ''iV on the prpni- hnnndriiCHnl ihe lumi. A liberal jtricc svi.1 ulV e in .cyineit nf I--: ntis in lugru propiftj or ou very rt.fsiti.uble Urm fi r r; eh. JOSKI'H SMITH, AGENT AM) A TTOF EY KiB, N. W. UAltVKN i Wife. Junt 2, JtiH. 3in. Not ice. rjHF un.!ersipnet .i,l ntleml in Charlotte nt J. the Stre l' !:. ,M. Onies &. t'o.. nn I'ri.lov ! nnd S:ifur;iy iif enrh ! July, for Ihf pnrp..r E turiin in paid Heat. ; ffitir up and elilibt ti'i hie lot. I June 21. 1?:.S. Wft k, niirinff tne nf t;.kiiip in iht Re All tlif'e concerned i!l ir jtroperty und save u ut-u. j. r. iiuss. j. '. jVotice II. ers, vi-hose Noli s nnd Arcoiipf.. nre ta ooe.owinj; lo the IllirSersigned nsTiustee, esri.estlv r.eesltd to call antf a. ttle, as it is nport nit tl'.nt llie tio-t lin.H be miir-lmlli-a nt ss earlv r. eiiys ss m ! cannot he ei'rta. Mbie. fie member, indulgt-Bi W. R. MYKES, Trustee ol l.erov Springs. ' lull' AKiiil'ii::rt:iii: A NO civil i : c: i . i : k k i f.-. II II subscriber, n pr.ictieal Arelnfect and Ci. I r.ip;iiiecr. tms taken Ko n. No. 5, lluvid. i's buildniff, where he ni;.y iv fonud prep. red Pi nil I'hte nod m.-ike l.timntrn in all uepi.rt. nients ol his profesrion. 1'artienli.r iiiier,tion will l.epi.i.1 loSiirvevii.rf of Phintslions and Kurnis for tiin niol-ii p ol MAlSor t IIAK'lof the same, with a i'rswint'thc plant .lion msnsi-n snd its r.q.rsiUs. livery 1'ii.iii. i sl oolri be possest-ad of one or nn re of Ins Cotoniii. They Can pe rot up in r.ny rtyie, u.iii w Iu n framed make a bvautitu. ornament lor snv 1'arlor riotii'f ano lay me out of t.rounds Mini l.awns for lloriieniinral ami Ori.anieiit.il rnrpnsiawill he 1.11, 3 ' Young -lung lo Income acquainted branches, will be tatiehl in the no most liberal teri'i thorough manner. ai:.i on the ltooL-!irc;iusr In nil its most approved plans, will be t.in.-ht, in cluoinir B.i 11 kmc and F.fhai;-s. R. It. ljiisiiiess, j sitennihoat do., F'xehanees, boih Kore.jii uu.l Io. ! mestie and in tart all that is requisite to a tho. j rime.li hnowle.ifce of ItooL Keeping 10 alt its forms. I'. SAlTiS. ! June 15, 1 ll-ly 3.100 ACKKS OF LAND ron s.ti.n. OI'FKR fur sale in iii I coui fy t'V- I 'liar Creek and Insked fek, known as the Smart stcasa 1 Land. It ha en surveyed into three tracts one tract eonlainii.sr V :j!M acres, one null acres and one !JS0 acres, ail Contieiious lo each other Said I.M.il is Wl 11 aiiatei! to I he eUlt.V alien ef'eot ton, corn, wheat nnd other small cram, and Well situated lor jrraxii-rr purimscs. It is nearly all w.d-lnd snc well. limbered, within a convenient dist neeof Ihe I liarlottc and Wilminglni. Hail, road, and is siliialed in Ibe fold reirion between tiol.l Hill and the Howie Mine. Cold has already been oiseovrren on that part of the Land known sa the Little Mounlain. I also otter for a .le a TR ACT OF LANH lyii.r in York Ihstriet. S C, mi ltiS Snear Creek, join, ing the Lands ol llaxt.T Sprinjcs and nlhers, eon. t..o,,na acres. Saiol.ami has hern consider. ed one f f llie best Cotton Plantations in York Pip. iriel, and there is no In Iter land tor com or wheat. ll desired, I will divide any ot the aforesaid Land to suit purchasers; 1 -id the purchaser can h.ve his own lime to p y the money, provided he makes it secure. Al p'y to me in Charlotte, W. F. PAVIPSOX. June, 15 1816. I4tf We are authorized to announce Pr. II. M. I'RITt HAKH, aa aw lttleciident l .i9cr..fie Camii duto tor the II-.usu uf CumrHona, le ihy 4, law, V c ai-iiotborizcd toannnwnee K. C. (iltlKft, Rsi)..ss a enndr-1 lute f.. rre.elertii.li n. the office ..I j Sl.rrifTuf tl.e couoly of Meeklen burir, at the ensnixg August election. A pril 311, 1 858. j iiccky HIvcr iicadcnif. Uk f:i-..:.Se of the nrit session A. 11 corn. menernn ths.Trd Moednt f 11111)4 Julv rte,.i Tl ia Imped that atf.1et.ts will attend pnnetMiilly nt i the hi ginnii e nt the si ssl.il. , us the burn. oi.y ot the t school and the sueeeasof ihe sfu.'f-h'a e.'pift.l '. miieh on early utt. ndanre, as to. lias dilit ef.f. twr. severing n r i.l ir r. I i..tl to stndv eurieg ll.esessrt.il. gra bis bullring, itnabntinf ef. ml int. Ileetu.-.l training o! tiu.s p'need under his ca.e. He i pnpti.Ml to aeenlti. nindute some field or ten tH.or.iera. nnd eond I o rd. ing enn be bsri at other pl.Tes eori.-.iient lo lha Academy at t sml p.r n-onih. 'tuition ss heretnlV re. 'J uiln... ties I'll.- at the clrse of inch session. J. T. 1IARHV, rrhmpnf. May s:.. ie:,8. 1 1 if D is so lu I io n. MILfiimeflEi MWTM& rrifF'TAINi J this llv ' l,s ird.il. ved bv niu'ui.l cniisi nt. Arr. Sl id firm i.rr n quest, d come toiviard imni'diatflu slid niske (.;. n.e.tt, tit tl.e Luair.i rs ol Ihe firm msnf be ch.red. It. W. IIF.CKWITII W.J. UKITTAiN. 10, HIi?. Mtf Notice. TraAVlNG lotn-h 1 1 lie en lf it (U C- Jfl of I Kl ' IV , 1 I 1 f j ttlliuu illCjirS, J( AVCIrV. ft C, cf f.. rkr.Hl. & Iltittnin, I fbnll e. utinur il l- III rims, i.t II. ir ..Id si I..I, v. lore 1 shall It bsppy tu Intel my old frii i ds s.ni eoatom. tr. R. W. J:ECK WITH. Jure 10, 1 8.-8. Hlf Charlotte Machine Shop, VI. T. PINGKNEY & CO. Tngineera. Hi'draulic Fress Plakers ard JTInc'liiiK'ry in f.iio. 1. 1, TJ R AVE coinnirneed business in Chnrlotie, in Jl B lite ab-vs line, snd are pre.tared to rTKA! I-'..fiIN KS of any lorn, or construction, If V'lrnt.lic Cotton Presses and everv otber nescrrp. lion of Miiebmery. They also bep lo inform t'ne innnnf.ieturers nnil f.tr.iiers pi-iierl!y, tb.-it Ihe v bnve recelilly nride.1 a to tlieir cst;iblisifTtf-nt, snd are prepared to fnrnisli cistins in Imn, rtr..ss. or any otber n'elf.1, at a ilmrt nolire and nl rciisninble pric-es. 1 purticu'sr stlft.tion will be s iven In tbe mas irr , pud repairing of Tlir. sliiii M... Iiint-s. Horse 1'i.sr. Iers, Cou:'U l.ins. Mill WotK, snu Ajri.Bllur.il Mieliiiifrv. ILr We also keep sroi !men for IJIfl rkslll i I ll I ins. Jlbiii U'oik, Vmjii Hoik j and Ilrs- siineliii. tr oi'R i i:i;.ms ark cash.j J?-Shops on Colli-re Pir. el, adjacent to Jonas RiKfisiU's Stenm riunief Mill j-j Charlotte, ilirrh 3n, I C,",8. 4 tf THOMAS r-KOttATI EMOtt,. J A. ESTF.S. J. A. ESTES k CO., FACTORS AM) COM MISSION j IJOU the ssle of Colfnn, Groin, Flour, find alt : kin. :s of Country rro.iuee. Office, North Atlantic Win. r ves, Charleston, S. C. ! 1 r According to Ihe t.-rn.s of Ihe Co. partner. slop, we will not srrrii.ATa, directly or uidirtct ly, 111 any Produce stiippeu lo our house. i KreraKNf rs O. Mills, S S F , Hr Co., I.aniieaii, Sooth l.il.n 11, Thoinns J. &. II. Moise. ( barliston. S. C; Col. li. Anderson, K Hoik-, Collimhi... S. C.; Thomas Mtl.ure, t-r., N. It. Kavs., A Q. Ih.l.onilll, Chester, S. I .! Col. P. c.lfe, I iiii.n.S.. t ., ti.l. I. I). W.lheraimtn.J W. Avery, W. A. I.atta, K.io., Col. S. N Siowe. Dr. J. ll. limtinn, 1 f.rkv.iie.s,. t .; Pr. tlarpoii't. ll i.hiirv.N.C 1 J. .. Ihi June 1, leisj. , K. .-xvilie, Tenn. Silver Plating, 1 Uti pi)l(Jt wlrt r, It.-ip mui hM fcini. of mrlnl Jk wo'k rt pu in cl . ('o.icli niiitirr at a tlnttnnc-c tnal mav want their wmk fione, no. V have : ' f ' c nnu no. in 1 in n e oesi eiiie one imn.ireu yarns norill 01 1111- court honse and neat efonr to Overman ii Wilson's eoa JOHN M. MASON. Htf. (inn and Lock Smithing. Ai work in tin? sibt'Ve luinrit acpi tork ifip, will Uv pin cUii'li y a f tt mli d tu nrtM fin. it-hctt in tlic best niiiMur ot workfit.iitflnp, ul try 1ii.i north o( Hip cf.nrl ln5i', m st lo (urniun and Wilr-ru'it couch lmn. JOHN M. M,S' June !, !:. liif Umss & Ccir prit un Castings. g AM prep tt to uisnnfaclure all ktndeni work in the above line of business. ) would call the o irtietilar otti ntion of those that have nulla of I'aclorys. or any kind ef machinery flu.1 .1. eds comMisitioii of nnrabi'ity thr mill inks, ll... t I have one of ftiy own, slid I hate net. r heard of any 1 1. 1 re rs that wnnl.i stand half equal to it. 1 will warrant them to run five years. There are some of my mal.e that hale b. en running; fi teen and twenty years. 1 cold furnish more th in a hun. tired eerlifictcs ol its durability. To IVrsons nee.nf.e AMI Inks snd emipcons I will furnish the set lor eight i.oiiars. Try thelu and save yoiirseivt s Ihe tto.il.!,- of stopping join null when all else is rieht. JOHN M. MASON", June, 1, IS;. f2ii fC' -Notice. I INFORM Ihe Ta Payers of AlecHenl-lir; eciiniy that I now have in my handa the T..i Lists for !!.) oi.d I am ready to receive the T.. es due snd nr.... I reeeipia. 1 ho- mine inter. s!t. wiil obl.ee me so far ss to rail rar; and utile as it will save me nuieli time sn.l tmnhV. K. C. (ilUKU, Sherif. April V, 18.-?. Tif co- , o t 1 r 1:. II AVINli bnoshl the entire stock nf B(X)TS, SIlOKS, it, nf l,.".ie A Co, I shall e..l. lino.- tl.e hi.sines. al their old si .nn, where I t-hall be li..ppv to meet .nv old frieiis sn.l enstom.-ra. .1. R V. HOONK. Huy3, 18..8. 134 Thr YI;r1.i fr. COHUICi.TltD m It. M. OATBS & CO. CHAKLOTTK, Jl'f.Y 2R, IWSt. RM'ON. Hams, new " Sides Hog ronnii, Phorrldera, .- nggiug. (ninny. Beef. ... flntter. .1, Itteswax. t Heaiis..-. HraiMiy, Apic. ' Peach Cotton, new,. ..... Corice, Itio ....lb ....lb ....lb ...Jl ,.. vo ....'lb ....lb.. ...lb....... ..bushel, . ,...g-l.-.. If'l ......lb II. .... ...... I2J Cj II' j ID ft- Ill) (, 17 (.. 5 fe 12, -.'U ('., IM) Oi) (", no (; Ji ('- 14 II 15 no Jura, ...lb . IK (.., Candle , Ada ot. or tb ...28 (r, 33 Sperm., Tallow, ...lb I3 (o. SU .ia (.. bO Corn, old,.. , new t'hiekens, 1 'loth. I 'opiras,. I.indsey,.. :l'(!S Kh.ur Featbera.7.'".'.'.'.'.'.' Lard Mutton Mackerel hnaliei S' bushel I'O each.-...- 15 .....12J (e, .'.i 10 M (" ,,...3 (', ..,..:! (-- .,..131 f.i. ..... 5 (", .....yurd. 30 124 twr no 3". 1 ti OU 35 I'D ..Md.,,, .h gs.. ...Ib...v .I.I.I.N.. I.....l ...Kills :mn or Moln a.N.O , V.I , ... fl.r o :7 ( .8 Of ....i't 0 " Meul . bllsl I ... hid..- II. . IMiilh Saili " Oata. ( Wiimi.igton) 3(1 7 r..rk I'.-as ..hnshi ,-hllshi Potat 1 lt.ee Sug.i " St.... .'.0 0i ....4 ..14 Sl ...a.-.el. ....7(1 ...45 iskey, .North. N.Car .l,(he.t lieor 55 ina,...gal... a) w-.-is-l.rd. li l. w .-.si. . rt W. ...22 .110 tn - 7am COM Mill A MAKKFr (.'ote.winjr, Jaff M, leftfl. ( 01' I'ON'. Our c. tton m . ri.it is ei st.- nn, us we unl not bear of a unele ble htinif sohl yest. r.'.iy. and therefore we can only quote li--in i i .i I U J f-o l'2i cents. b'Al t.fN, hoe round, ., I ll(. MAS AT. ,. H.oiit , ...10 o, ...10 K .. l -"f, ..nu CHAKI IToN MAJtvfcT. C'lisni.rsToN, July S3, 1Sj8. " l OTTUV Tlic tr-insaclio 1 OOtl b.l.s yiltl of Hindi w.is i to.di.y rt-.iclied uld nt fjj els. Concord Male School. JAMKS R. McAl'I.KV, 'rinriHil. lilil'liY J.ACY, Jr, Assifltu,'. f !!: neat Pe-sin., of this Scliool JBL villi cotnin. nec on Thursday the Intl. of September, IBiS. TERMS OF TCITION. Knjinh itr i.it iin, air. on l i..ssica m.d .M..tl.Liii.ities $0 un Conlii;eiit Fee, J HO lloarti from $!) to I0 p.r month. Tuition r. quired in advi.iiee. Jue '2-2, Ifoi. 127 liO.AL HAVAxNA I.OTTKHV. The m at or.linsry rlr.-.-ir f,fi,c Poynl Ilsvs; na Lottery contineled by f he r.t!intstt '.sotef i.n.vnt, Bn.!er (lie snitertision of the Ci.pti.in Uener.iI of Cobs, mil tiikc l.ice at lluvuna un TUESIiAY, Anjnst 17, 1S-5S. $300,000- f:0 M MVUO ORPI.NARIO, t'AI lTAI. I'lili: $IOO,00!! 1 priaenf 10.000 t 4 prir.es of f2 OOO 1 " SO fietl ft .4ls I .0I0 I !,-2 " 6t 1 " lo.tioo I m:i -ion I " fS.Oi.O I an Apr'iim's H.taOO 4 Apptoaininliofis to tlie f inn.l.titi tbini escl. ) of 4(hi to :,i.i,nf'fii A nf HOO to S3ij,fifi0 : i of 4 , I"U to tlll.flllU; 4 of ilrfl t.i t:lH'k W hole Tickets f ','(l; Halves I0 qnarters.r I'riiea cashed nl sipht ol ii per emt. ducount. Mills ou all solvent Ranks lakm at par. A drawing will he lornarded n seon aa the re sult becomes known. Communications n.!.lrr,,., ! TJON nOIirtt. Gl'K.. (. are of Ci!y Post, Charl.-ton. S. C.) un. t, nlt. nn, ( August, will be attended to. orcl rut; Ticket plain und gtte their il! lense write Ihf if t cfl,crt ctitiutjr atiil p-Dissolution. T flrirmof DOO.NK Jt l O wag dissolved on e afaih 11. st. .i.t, bv nintual consent. All per ns iutit bteu to then, are f.ot.tietl flint their J4,,lc, ,nu tecounta are fu the ha f C. M. Kay for collection, and they areearneaily rtques. ten to eon.e lorward immediately and pay up, aa llie b'lslliess 01' tl.e finn inosf be . Inset. J. R V. JJOONK. 31. 15. TAYLOK. .lory 31, 18JJ. tLM Female Educatiuii. YOCSt; LADY, qualified lo leach the d.f Jm. fcrint lir .iich. s ol an Fntiis!i Fnucativn, nno Kive lesions on the Piano Forte, is animus to procure 0 situation as uistructrt s in a resecta ble private family, or Ac.id. inv. 8 hi., nn tfers t.i teach, al the rate of a jil p. r n st-.n of 'Jd weeks, iiielu.iu rf Imsrdin);. Aauriss M. AL, Viechteter, "u."i n eounf v. ?. t . tl 3 Olfircof tin V. & c. II. ItOad, I t HIB1...ITF, Al.IV 16, IfoS, I f fpl'E conjiers due on the BonOa. of Ibx Com JL pany 011 the I.t of July I,,,,, will tic re-ai-emifl ul this ajeney nln.,,,,, pr,-,.ti,leii A. II. MARTIN, Jewf. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! T it 4 I.KS pow! HAt ON in stnre, JaX.Fl f whiei. will tt t.jd lo tor t Ml. .1 Y. BKYCE fi CO. Juu" May I l:a. I Paper, I'aper, Paper ! -ya-' I', are now receiviiij in Store, asiorfej si. j WltAri'lXG PAPF.II. suitafile for Alerehant. an.l Prueeiaia, ar.-t can li.rii.sh al abort notice sneh description ol P. per as are nsed ny I'riniion tlrtices and Cntuxi F'ae. tones, anu will allow a fair price lor the waate v( the Utter. J. Y. PKYCE it CO.. Agent Jor It tfcoi tVi iIU's. May 18, lr?..J. Imf Slierifs, ii'nrt rrrr eirtr Qi,f! ('aim I'rrt's ' FOR SALK IIKUE. II no on a. is 37 71 iltl 75 Oil MY te c-'i

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