THE KINGS HIGH WAY OF IIOLl S ESS, This wny "cast up for lh redermed of t'ue Lor J " is so plain thut the " wayfaring Dim though fjol need not err therein." Yet plain as it in, the subtle reasoner, who tries to light up the way by 'reason's dim riy," instead of entering it with the i -plicity of chiUbood' faith, get hi mind io beclouded that the way rectus to him veiled in mystery, and he knows not Low to enter hiuisrlf, nor to lead others tbercin. It in dangerous for one who ban not I couie deeply grounded in the truth to at tempt to argue with such ressoners. For while those ho have entired the way, see light, a far brighter libt than formerly, jet there is danjer of being led to fear that the cheerio iibt in which they have so much ri'joiecd. is a false light; and then of giving way to fear until the lirbt becomes fin-t dim and then vaui.-Le, as coLfidcace iliniiuiucs. Sad iui-tatieca have there been of thin. We bare known the youthful chri.-tian to ' leave the first principles of the doctrine of Christ,' and so rapidly ' go on unto perfec tion, as to attain a ripeness of experience, not enjoyed by many nho have grown grey, groping along after the manner of surround ing cbritian. Joyfully such could arie and speak of the bappine-i of living by faith alone, eve..-strong iu faith, without regard: to feeling-" Rejoicing evermore," resting , iu tlie full atonement. Sad to say, after a lonj season of rcjoic- j iug.the light has gradually dinr-nUbed, the I testimony of such has beeu les and iess sat-i-ftctory, until all a'lu-ian to this free and lull salvatiau has be o avoided. Inquiry' ha- beeu made, why such a chsnge iu ore: who ran well for a time? The answer has been fiven. he has fallen into the views eu- tertained by some others, on this eubjt-ct, ... . ... ... 1 ho think Christian perfection ujt to be ob- j taiuel tnui speeduy, but only to be aiu.ea , at, and gradually maybe, when. must leave tne world, a soon as the bngbt : B)ecu,ie ,ftl( aDJ fcieDC,.f. The prosper, light daaus ou tl.eir minds to make tueui'j,.. allj crcaU)C;iS 0f the Slute depends iu l. 1. . -..;.,...! l;..!, ,1, . 1 . .vu -u . M.u.uj, . t" . Leeds to eii.i -uteu its darkuess. iuc'j dociriue, we think, was not 'earn-, tJ from the liible, but draws from mao's provided, aud from the Yitw and kind for. , , , ,p, , beara ce of our Leaveuly rather towards . , , . . thjse who iie deferred the receiitiou of i this fail salvatioD, uLtil the elcveuth hour.l (Jiadiy would our merciful Father bave iin-, paiud i: soulit, if they would have receir- td it Let all who have entered the K leg s joy- 01s HLh vrs y, earefullv walk therein It ' U a b'.rtsed way: let ail who-efeet have!lu0rj moe certain, would bave a wider been placed iu that way prai-e the Lord aud more beneficial influence than if Bp f.T his woudious oi.-rej. However the j plied to a class inferior in number. Maine lu y stumble tie Lord will not let theiu fall Farmer, as long as they refue to turn aside to uu- etruiu giimuietiLgi. WEARING OCT LAND 1 DETERIO- j LOST, LOST! I faritj man, id od of ihe coal dis-; trku cf Knpand, lo-t his way, one fi.y' biht aud after wauderiug loiijf and not, kuowir.g what dangers niht be before him ; be deteriLincd to at ay wLerc Le w as and cry ' for help. lie stood .till, and rbouted Lo-t, ' ' ' i lot !' A joor cottager who Lspp- ned to "er out the planting Stales w ituiu the tjext be awake at that late hotr, LearJ bis cry,! 50 or flJ years, and we be obliged to abau a id dreitiK himself ha.-tily, tock a ii-hli dou them or atarve. aod sought for the poor wan Hrer He bocd Dr. L. 15. MERCEIl." found Lim staudin; 00 the brink cf a de-j The above extract briogi to the consider lerud coalpit, where another step would atioo of the Southern people, one of the mo.-t Lave plunged hiiu into destruction. Now U iuiportant subjects to be found io the vol there not many a poor tinner who stands ou' nuie of agricultural philosophy. It is a sub- the slippery verge of the lLferml pit, and jet is iu-en-itle to his danger. Oue sup more aod be is gone, and yet be cries not Ur help. Th. Great Shepherd cf Israel,; who nei-.her slutnhera nor sleeps is ever j ready to bear their ery; for be came to seek l1 to fare that which was lo.t. But be! himself with the delude hope! that be can ecap the m-iv. cf sin, and shall. I and Lt. without he'n. Ujt hi. danger is eveiy moment increasing as he is te changed, or we are beyoud all question, nearif the dreadful gu'ph. None J , rultitd people. Tb-jsauds of pianlatious will ever find ti.em a way, noce evci did, 1,, D(.eu biought from the woods into cul ii'.ne ever ean, withoot l;tht from above. j titatioo within the last 50 year, and uorn Note ever e-cape the dreadful fall, the ; out, ai.d its vnxmr fotcrdlo I'nV it orst-trve. c'l.ajful end, but ibo-e who leel aud cry I ke this poor waoderer, lo-t, lost. Dear reauer, did yon ever realixe your lo-,t eoa- j dition : call for and oUaiu a beaveuly guide? j If nat, do il before the nxt sU'p it taken, and ere tl.e latt ttd pltnge is made I do think wheu death comes, and wLeu you ; are sl fp.ig down tMa precipice, aud wbeo. tiO lal", pethapa you wiii fe. snd ery for L. ip. lie wise iu seasou. WirLlij Menage. H'.UK. D. ltied. ays Kev. V a tlaK:nuilied 1 Kurotieaii cier.'vinan : I Lave hern doimr ' - ".grewmg uiairicva, aa i nave eieewoLie re- j Wbat Lad iai'J 10 Uiy power I Mr the la ta..l . e years, Ly press and voice, for tbe evival of true re'igion tut I inuat now txf.rtna it as n.y soleinn conviction, that e Lv ground fjr nj.ectiug any exten sile awakeum? and convictioa of the care-le-s and un-od j, until ibe nuiniaters of re- H-iou and Lbiiotisns tei,era..y ao-taio from ; w tbe Sutb Legiu to growl stronoer and intoticatitg leverage; declare lliuai-il- j atroojer, and Ler nmtilutioui Le placed up ves untumtsiiy ou the ,i.Je 0f ,0l,r.,v j ol, . j,ljUi0,alle tasis. Vours, Ac , and ll.rja ; II. I V ll. .h t l Ly tLe! liquor ti afie, i). !. rn.ii,, d i0 to i lack tL le'ijiis of ii.r. n j.., and Ly I, remit jf aoyjcsles of a L an 1 pro 1 iLilion, do tLi ir utmost ar,tr.jj- 9 pjj I .'hi tie armies of tLe alien,.' OCCUPATIONS. Men khould be respected, not for their occupation, wcrlih or station but for their virtue, intelligence aud usefulness. As members of the same community as cit ixens aud men whatever maybe our occu pation, we are all brethreu. No useful, bon- rut ci.lii'ir. can dttrsctfirm the merits of "1 ., t.,.'j i . ,,.), ,v. spectcd and valued iu one as iu another. ! out of the side, cf the drills, and iu this po In a l..;d of intelligence and equal rights, receive uo injury from the ra.u that it betrsys a contemptible weakness and want f lar.11- thunder storms. of patriotism to endeavor to estahlih petty di.-tluctions or custet smoug our founded ou difference of occupation, when remember, is worth as much as a wheel bar every occupation is necessary to our nation- j row of good mauure. Every bucket of soap al pro-perity and greatness. Isn't the far- suds .vhould be thrown where it will not be ! worthy of respect ! Let him ho cou- tends that he is not, go hungry aud mau- age to live independent of farmers. IsuV the mechanic to be respected J Let bim ' who saya lie is uot, entirely dispeuse with his service go without bouse, clothing, aud the conveniences of cii!ixed life, until 1 I ean oivn a belter reasou for wilULolJiiiL' from any useful man his due. There are various occupations which are necessary to the prosperity of a civilixcd community. These must all be attended to There is also an eqal diversity of taste and talent. .o one Las a right to be idle aud u?t.,csi AoJ eVfry m&a u fif j for some one of these occupations. Let each select ,ht which best comports with his U.-t and talet.t.4 for which he feels that be is best fitted in which be can obtain an honest 1 livelihood let hitu pursue it with iudustry r , ' I and iutelligcnce, and so far he is entitled to our respect he is a useful member of so- v ciety, let tils culling be w hat It may. 1 Iiese .;.. u ...a . . 1 otl,er. v9 ,re t iutercsted iu he pros- r tr I pfrity of agriculture, whether mechanics, .,..,, ,S) or if in otber callings, as well M fjrBler,. aud al ,re iBlerested, farmers' . . . . sou.e degree upon every usetul occupatiou, ; and each iu its appropriate place is useful to all the others. " We are all brethreu," "many members, yet but one body," not the symmetry, health aud perfection of the . . , V , l who. e, aud of each other. .. . . . . . . l'eihnns in one respect the agricultural class may be considered ths moot important, because the most numerous of any io the commuuily. Whatever leuds to elevate the frirmer, as a class to increase Vir proSt aou 'e enjoy ineiifc, lacilliaw iiieir up eratioc, and to render their reward of their KATION ANl liUIN ! , S-LuiaK.: Ci ltivatob " I think 1 could detuonstrate, would the Jinuits hicb I mod necessarily confine u. yself j in a monthly agricultural paper allow Die, that our preaetit Lumler of slaves w iih their natural increase, will, ui.le.-s there is a r ad- ical clause m our sys-teui of a-ricuhure, c ' jeet etniueotly worthy the profoundert 1 minds, aud should create more fear iu the ranks of our people than any other sulj-ct, Northern .wgreasiea " not excepted. The j ,yatetr. of agriculture iu the South is doing j more thso any and all other caues to pull i down our peculiar ius'itution." No mau j wko ax refll;Ct M Le iLouM up0D tLe j.-ct, cau help from arming at the coiiclu-' .K. ,t ... y e ' speak of things that we know, and j testify of things that we have sccd " no ni,j be so " about it i Ood a truth. I Aud if plantation after plantation ktu beeu ' exhausted in the short apace of a few years, ! D.l the occupants have absolutely been1 Jriveu from them to keep from starving;! will not the same caui produce the same' ,,,.,... ! eff-ctupon a.l the land in cultivation in the , South that is subject to deterioration, and J that, Uo, iu the life lime of some that live ? . Obrletua, for goodness sake, change our. sy-b-m of plantation economy. Let us quit moving. Iet the Dianterd of the old cotton 1 j- . . . . it 1 t i Cj inarVed, feel tliemselvea at Lome. Lut tbeia Gil up tLe old gul.ies, improve the old red I l.ii's, rrunc the old orchard, improve the old homestead, enjoy the society of frienda, u-it the old B.oes coiered cLurch, 1 l - ch,' in whose yard aluniLers the remains of long j departed Iriends. Theu. and uot until tbn, C. I). HAlt.MON. lit, iilt Co, aVus. May, ItuulUei n Cultivator. Mist KlIlflLAL SIgAVg 't Pnr-VENT- io tub Hot. Iu Scotland, wLeu tbe po-j tato rot was iu " full blast," aud destroying almost the entire crop of that couutry, Mr. David Mattin, of Sluirhead, Fife preserved his crop perfectly free from all disease, by forming bis drills iu suoh a manner that they threw off the raiu, and did not permit it to euter the soil near the stems of his po tatoes. In a letter to the Dundee Courier, he states that be bad Lot a diseased potato for the last three years, by makiug the fol lowing plan i I make my drills three feet apart, aud as soon as the stalks are formed I beud them all to one side, and raise op the earth well to them on the other, mak ing a deep furrow so that the raiu is oarried away from the roots J he potatoes grow 1 A tub-full of soapsuds, farmers should! loL The gardeu is a good and conveuietit place iu which to dispose of it ; t ut the roots of grapevines, youug trees or any thing of that sort will do as we'.l. Life ltlusttuted. Hoof Ointmlwt. Take one pound each 0f ur auJ tallow, and mix them with half . nn.l r,r inrr.-niiim iC a. stone waro di.-h. Stir them well together until th,,y re thoroughly incorporated together. 1 This forms an excelletit dressing for the sore hoofs of horses aud oxen. I iYth Car'iin Mineral Springs I CABARRUS CCUWTY, N. C. fW'II.L oin a SCllUt)L fi.r girls, at this plorc- 011 the lat ot July, ft.ard ein be h.u at J I I or f S per iiikiiIIi, J-or 1 uition, such as Iteaoing, Writing, Aritlunetie, Grammar and Oei-grapliy, ' - V' n'ih-, P-";1" i I Needle VW..S. it p-quired. Tlie value ot this waier is known to many through tins county. It hs cured Dysprp. "f "'f,'" ""d .K'a',':3, toui Affections. This .Mineral rn- is 11-t a place of public rr.ori, as many ol our watering places 1 rniTiul it t..r me biiuiioii lor n:u it ia now off. red, ami will be free from contageous Any directions, Post paid, will receive 'eution. SARAH SOSSEUMAN. J'ienrtr MiiU. (uuurrus cs., Ajnu 'JO, 1608. To Cotton Planters. 'V1K undersinrd B oil Jits of Colli, n is prepared to sell the best Uins, with IU .nrhsawsst tJ o r .w. -lelivi-nn 1 1 iln- laiiiin g 01 ine 1 nar. yrk 4no N r.,,,. ti,, .dvanta. t' thee (ims have over th' sitipped frout otht-r 1 M.. tes i. that they will bat loi gi-r,"ne set of ribs I beinr iqmtl to three. The bruh be.lig covered lin instead ol clctn and being more easily As regard I ' e a-ed of these tiins, qoality of a"d u'harf of clean s.o. 1 would rei .M. L. Wallace, Morrow's T. O . to t. O. Pa r'irtitiu and A. V. I."'"i, hurloiir. ' T . , I L- M L I I IflT en, I would reter to Inter, JAM KS M. ELLIOTT. 11 inmOo. .V Si, lUS. 1 l-tim Ciish Paid fur Hides )y S. M. HOWKLL, 3 doors South of the M,.. M r. Oors.e. Aotil 6. Irt.'iS. Stf a" at m SIX H AM.ONS ri UK I.IXPEED OIL, JW W hole : anil It. I, at rKITCHAP.D'S. a'jif Ftb. 9, ie.-,o Lumber Yard. ' (Hr. sulcribera inlorm ins cini'iis ir iiar. I 11 I. .fir ...... a. rioil. tlie have clUbllall. rU . LL l HLK YAI.D m town, where th. -yin. Unu ai"" ufHJ of kl"1""1 IXMBEU ; tor butioii;g anu other .Mr. J.-oas Itu- ,mI1 h n,, ir agent 11. Appneaiiou ean be "" u' lu r' '7."' .unpVnf7r"p 4 ilmtt mllaziH siu. t sree't.e .r..i ..s , piesa. .1 ai.l lo Inn L.1 r l.riH). Waler. S .ldb II. M. FKITCHAUD, Dec. I Sttpomfn "r, K COXCENTKATED I.E Y Warranted t ke s.Ktp wilh'.Utilll.e.aliu aim hiile Iron. 11 use. Price 2i bl.'. Tl.e beat and rluuprp article 1 snd JU teota a can. Sold hv II. M. HUTCH AUD, Dvc. t Irwin's Corner. - VcLIlteCLj "g 4i4 OHM OF TAN BARK, tit J W f J AxOR.' Af, 31, 18,-,8. 12if ' lief Isl-r'n I':irin:i .' invaloia and rMden, is unqiusiioncd by the iue. dlc;'' laculiy . rull.uppi PRITCIIARDS t'umuf llmg Start. .s,i n 'I ;iiiih i , or 'I'r.'iiii Oil. f lOI. Tanners snd Planters use in dr. . . it. g and uraaerVllig Ira e lid 1 1 rii, aa. Ii.f by I M. 11. PKIiCIIAKD, I), c. I Irwm'a Currier. I DeGratlVs Electric Oil. j A SLTTI.Y f una eelehraU-d Oil for sale al .m. my ilrog Store, Irwin's Corner. II. M. I'UIItHAKU. iUt 4, iit'.n. atf f JWWfc M'APurrgroun nd WIIITK M. W ,r W V l-r..U in o.l ai. k x Ilttll,d tlti for ( ,. , d ss..jfted , Pit ITCH AKL S, FtkJ- b'' ' M'ure llftlfll Idem fly, ..OI..AND O.n. W l, She,, snd Porl II VVm. lA.1.1 i Ale auu Fo,U,, lor meui. 1 1 li. hy I I 'ee. 1 II. M.PKITCIIA1LD. .Mareh, LACK P:." r. liing. r, II. king and i. i art,, iNutiiiega, M.ire, I laoa r'l. I ..... I. ..I ... . a k.nd. r aaie .1 wooics.i. sod r. I, ll.M. Pltn Cll AKD, . , '". I itwl: ( suiKieaM nalrr, IN .ml br.tilea just received from fcratog j .V.g'.by I. II. M. PKITCIIAI'.D, i Il.e. I. 1, win's Corner. ! SL'l.i'KNAS for salt al this lirnj, M'arre,.lttntil Quit Claim Detdl FOU SALE I1KUK. Important Land bale. h Tf WAVING iVINU determine"! w re.o 77 "V 11 West, 1 offer lor sale inyvaluaoiesiio ........ iir-i:ri'""fl C. Itsil Riiad. On. tract of 60 acres, lying on both ailr of the river, in tug state ' culuva. lion and unsurpassed riennrss ui - j, ,r, neiiing and sll scroiiim, " nu. tract of 0 seres on winch I rrsicie, unusually ,. , k Hi- him soft, healthy, and gb.s ..11 in.,,..i I, -vine exeellent building, a good . :,, ,,.,. ,1 my imaginublti see, J . mm a 9 w ith all suitable fixtures for sorcesslu buinees in lunniig und fi.rii.n g- """" ' . well.wnleicd. salubriou- in l-enlitj and a large proiMirtin Midland, snorumg .. i-i...w supply ot rood limber. Furchaaer would do well to rxmiiine soon, as it is seldom that .0 rich und ell unproved lurins arecfleredinm-rseu c j. j,AURIS. April 6..45H. S,f Chailullv .VI 11 In I Virc Iiimit- nt r ( oiiiJiiiy aJlalUS COMPANY continues to take risk -sib aV vxinst Ions by nre, on, Ouod Fro. dure, Ac., at usual rate , .. at nsil'il rea. IT Ollice Ulwetn Purk'u bture and urawiey a Building, PFFI'IBS M. B. TAYLOR, I'rrsidet.t.' C. OVEK MAN, I'tV irrsvhtit. K. NYE HUTCHISON, Stcy. Tieas'r. D1BECT0B8. M B. TAYLOR, C. OVEKMAN. J. L. lUtOWN, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCA11K, S. T. WTUSTON, . A. C. STEELE. John L Bbown, S. T. Vhibtos and A. C. StKL. KjcttuMt CummilUt i ' " S. M. HOWELL, t -ad, Saddle & Harness Ulanbtrrturer, THREE SO0B8 SOUTH Of Till MANBIUN IIOVSK, Cll AIILOT'I E, X.V. ITAIIkindsof Saddlesaud Harness made at the shortest notice. 17 REPAIRING promptly executed. Jum. la. 1B58, 37tf james 31. i:om:v. COMMJ&SJOS SlEUClIAST, 1 IT tllA.HULItS STKEKT, N. V. ll I'VS and forwarda every kind of mirchan- dixc for S rer ml. CoHvmr'ssiea. Hetrrs to Swain ano Morchead, N. W. Wo.efio, J. W. (J. borne, C. P. .M. ndi nhall, A. M. (joriuan, Eaqa. and Rev. C. F. D,ein., Ilor. W. A. Graham, sod etifrra. Jrulrr in Pianos. Mehalrooa, targins, l.rp, tiuilurs. Music. Sewihg Machines, Iron! Sales, Pumps, Garden Engines, Ac. A printrd list of all the different maktrs, kinns snd prices: Irnt firt. Publislwr of an elegant lithograph of' " Hirlnrj iVol Jep," N.C. (SI.) and tlie "Chfso. xex Pnvsicta ; oa, Ivnus t.iiur to Health." I This invaluable Jvmi y adrisrr ahuuld Le in every j house. It treats of all cistssrs, a copious 1 shsarv and prescribe the reniei.s from naturn's booitt.ous stores, t.r all our infirn.ities snd mis. fortuius. Il is printed on tine white paper, hand, inn.elr bound fourth edition, 3UU p'gts, .nd is mu !.' frrt for tnt dollar. Nrw Kosewoou Pianos, IliO. tth. 16. Itii. ly a r -r ? IZW-YOPK.' IN QUART B3TTLES. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And for the Cure "( 8-a.jrtrL. M.k. i a', l Hi. i. tST. s i..t! luia. l.H L M ATI' If . .'iTANE'.ra K.lietl'.N.. 1 . 'T Liu. C..iiKi.AiT. Bn. HiTM, S.i r I'.m Coi si-th.n, K..v.a ii i.. A y-HLs I 'oaeLAiN.. r Aeri. V11L, l'lJ.HL.-a, liiLfcM. IjlLU.vL 1 . til i u v. d:c. Frfr r"l.b.eeraf M.b . 1 ..r.-a.1 r l,r wr.l-mrrib4 rrp..t.ll..n al..l .(.-wi.! p..p. a.. IIh. 1.1---1. ' . b- tl.rra n ifllWv sii4 ,.l-e,.l ib. ra. .tity itb -...a. It .urav l Ulvb lb. tt.l HEALTH AND STRENGTH via. thl. Ifl.l. IMI....... t. a...r-.l,... 11. near m In b b ll I . ...1 I . I"1 ;.t.l I llirredlili'.) .U. It .d IU real Another Cure cf Scrofula. N. 1 . .1 I l.a.. a. f il .1 -ay an. t R a I .' hi.. - U. I ..t.-i ; a-l ll I l!ti. t. . lulk.o.t a..ill I'lllll.MVN. .,,,1 ,ld l.a N.. .ai tail :.ur..iy. lti.a,i.u ROMAN EYE BALSAM, Fur Weak and Inflamed Eyes. Thl. l:a".a.n araa i'ae.1 ma.i tear. In ill- prim .r l.-a i.r . -'.. r.led .K;aaal .lib Uhi gi. ' a.--... In ij.r b. rr (b- EYELIDS ABE IWr'I.i MED, r. ,... , p.!. dl-. a . . I lb 1.. ..! .leairoy il..- -i.-ii MIIEKS. MtCHANICS. eii.p .. i . , r.,l.l- l. t 'iL Sj' u iH-,.-r be a I'rap.r-.! -nd aabl br n. A II. UMI- Uwat. Naa .,rk. I SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, bait Hbum, Kins;. Worm, Tatter, ficaid-IIead, liar'.or s Ilch, illotchoa, tta. .t.,.H.i.'ala. It. a l, W', r ot Wl llun. Na V II. M. l'RITCIIAIil), Iswis'stossta. May 4, '58. :nP PsJTTJTTTT,' a ..all l! fhl.V I I.V; of all amus t xinraitioliaiv s.evlfl al I a.l Kfiea LLANK DLLDS for sale at this office. GRAT BMFHHER . , ,, .,,, ( SO long UngUCCBSEluuj buubu.i 1 found at last. !roR IT R F. SToTes FKI.MANF.NTLY 1 UHAy HAIR TO ITS original coli.ri co. ,rr. t,xnHaa.tly the bold head J r. move all dan. I removes, as il by 1n1.rie.all bloiehes, Ac. from the I face, and curas nil Neuralgia and nervous neuu ,.,.,, ulld ,,0 toOWii.e. Dover. N. II., K. b. 3d, Irii7 I'liOK. O. 3. WOOD OO. nls 1 Williin a f..w dava wa has received o want orders calls tor Prof, O. J. Wood's Hair Hesl..ralive, thai wo were compelled to send Iu Hi.alon lor a qnaiititv, (the 6 dosen yu forwanled all being sold,) while we might order a quantity from von. Kerry ana Ao so seems ( e pioJuttd 3 or A new eesiumer and I lie approbation, anil iat. ronage it receive fr.oo the moat siibatanlial and worthy oiliteoa of our vieioitv, fully eonvinee lis that It 1a A MOST VAl.l'AliLK I'K KP A RATION. Suit us as soon as may be one gross ul tl aise; and one doieu t3 size; and believe ua youra Very reapeetf'ully. (Slgi,ed) DAMKI. LATIIORP & ( O. Hickory Grove, St ChsrlesCo., Mo. Nov. 10,50. I KOr . O. J. t)UU I'ear e-ir 1 Dome nine iaa aumnitr we were indued to uc some of your ll;iir 'Idslnrative, und ils 1 tTecU were so wonderful, we frtl it our duty to yuu and theatllielrd, to report it. Our little son's head for some b. en per. feelly covered with sores, sod some called it scald head. The hair almost entirely came off in eon. sequence, when s friend, seeing his vised us to use your Krslorative, did so with liltle l.ope of success, bulto our surprise, slid that of sll our frienus, a very few applications removed the disease eiitueiy.and a new and luxuriant crop of hair started out, and we can now sy th. II our boy has as lie. III. y sculp, and as luiuriai.l a crop of hair as any ulher child. We can tl.rrs. fori-, and do recatuimend your Restorative, as a per. fret remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. We are, yours r-recltully, ;k.ou(;c: w. iih:ginimtha.m. sarah a. iiiuginuotham. Gardiner, Maine. June 33. H5i. PlillF. O. J. WOOD Ier Sir : I have used 9 bottles of ! Professor WckmJ's Hair lleahmtive. snd csn truly say il la Ihc greatest disosery of in. in f..r reslorinv snd ehaugmg the Hair. Before using il I ws a nun of seventy.- My lUir has' now attained its original color. Y"U can r. com. mend il to the world without th least fear, ss my case was one of the worst kind. Yours, reapeell'ully, i DANIEL N. MITil llY. O. J. WOOD A. CO . Proprietors, 3IS Proid. j way, N. Y., (iu the great N. Y Wire R.iling Es. ' Ublis'iimnt)and 1 14 Market si. .rl. SI Iiuia, M... j Aud sold by all Dmciris'a in ll- 1'i-n and by ! ll.M. riUTCIIAliD, j t23 Charlotte, jV. C. AYEIl'S rga Cathaitic 1M JtaW' (UVUAR VOArZU.) a as HAi.a tu Cathartic Pills, CLIAHSS THE PtO)D AHD CUEK TTfE BICX. Invalid., Kslla.ra,, Fl.raleiaua, i'Lillai.lI.eoplala, their ft.ST.cU, aad Jds of ihslr Vlrtslsa. iiK Til It Ct KX Of lleaduehe.M. U HendHehe.Voal SliKimrb. l-imami. I'a . a. I. Iw. I"a J. C Airs. Sir I I Sat. baa rvalll ".red "I .1. bMwi..rh. ... taalr can !... b. a -I., of l.a .a-n. rilt ll m t.a.iaa fiuet . fc.1 Siawb.abab i:r clew, al nar.. It IIk lll rars MUars a. tay " kse, IImf IkI ....Ill kooili. uoia lib MI naixl, l W. rtrM.f, .rr..arr Hllious Disorders nnd l iver Cosnplnmls. ll'c"; at. 1-4U l, I ban road ri- fill" l "'T ""''"XJ'l aa lla.f ai U.. laat cwUailu- so.i. T.. r.. Urinff ...OrV o.i llw. I.rar M Hnifk aad Ur. Sied. c,an,ua al ia Ilia a.lal.ala rva.a.1, Srf nVras.aoianlaor 1 11 ... lu.W.1. I U.. a-bS m Ituul a e.aa.a1 . aUa. Saa. au "l"i"lr Ibaa I. dej aol ISM I. than, tnteruall. yoara, 1U'I HI.US . tar., a Sun"' lltfUt. Dyseatrry, Relnx, aarl Worm. rU.H. I.. M.. .. 1. ISM. ta. km.: Y.r I'.Ma aea th. .act.4 ol .Im la. TW, bAiad. .. m, S- a. Sl Ibaa I ea I..I SI., hjd b- akS ..-1 Mi.l a.y . uutb.. a,it .11 Iu l j.-1ueaa1 mi r.S". b"l batlW. Mv the mm.nrHl la..... ,.air I'lil. .liab a., ctttrd baa, t.v . ltalbas tar, qe.anllllra 4 .ar.a t.lrMli Kar ra.l. Thy a.larwar.U eiirad Sea w.4 r .. cblbiea u I4w.a4, Jvaenlara. I b.a uw nat.bta.ra SmI . li4.a4 a. , .ib, bus nb l " evn- b'". labara aj.aotj aa mI n.aa Sr. I" I'.'! Uulair. aVa f..' b. lla. M Ual r..n.b ."..a. baa.'S a..rra) aallrrly rr rhrn, I.-. . nul.,1.- ., bbb at artaallj ruwl aod sueaat, sill 1"- e.liaH Lam lilrf. i. oKISrllS. NoaSr. Indigestion aad lotiiuiity it tbe Mood. Sa, A-afc J. I', .a.,.. Uw a ral nurrh. tfaa. I. I fco.a ual roar rilla.itb ri..Uia... wrn. in (.,...! a and man., tboa. I a. a.lled ! In .llafraa.. i r r.i!a lha apM wl diraatam a:U n,tre I, lb. LI-.1 lite. a. a tlw vary b. r ..! I ba ..a k . u. 1 caa rvwndaaUl racMMOia.Hl tba.. h. ray arda. i. V. IIIMKS, Wisj... W voinss fa. H Vt. 14. u.. Ds.S Sia : 1 aiu Ma.( f al Calbail lllla m .f B.W-IV-a. mm finS lh-H aa aaralbif r-irealiv. (w rlaauaa Uaa I.alau. and trltj Uia l .nlama ,4 ll Hal J.III.N U. IlkSI'IISW. M Eryslpelna, Herofoln, King's Kvll, Teller, Tumor., ud Hull Itheuot. Frmm S SWaa.rd.ay ecaa, . f h 4. t. Int. tra: V.aar Pllla ar. lha fimum ot all Ibal arai id Kialb iiaa ll.ry bar. enr-H an llllb. dwihtar M Ma upu hr baoda and Sart II..I bahl piuiM herarald. k .nr. Ha. sadlMT bad baaat MH. Itlr.'. I, .maud aiib bb4.lea aud oat s-ar ak.a and la bar bair. Aft, .air rb.ld aa. urd. afc .l-r- triad ana Pllla. aad tba, b... enrad bar. ASA SluKUKILaja. Itheuinntism, Sfeuntlgin, nnd t.oul. r sat Ua Htm. Dr. .. i) V AlrtiVaSia) A'i. eo. PlLAaSI MI.S. S.r.aa,. O.-J.a. a l4. n'.a-aru r : I b unral(ul l ll.a.alW It bill baa bnaabt tn. It I did t... eayaart a, tmm la y.aa. A c.W arttlad II. .U and Imaiabl ... eirrartalt,. tin. attie ll.a, aliieb a.alad In .h.tar rl.aHm.liaa.. hatailb.lw.dias I had lb. la-t TVbiia. la. diaa. raw a.ara ao.1 Wfm. aulll. Ij lb. arfa M ,.r ... N lt.UiOK.rfc Irr la. katui I toad I IIU. llMd. arV.U aea mU.m. m .a... Hj oa.aa.Mll.l Is lbs aa of tli'l... I s I'. eoUl'lj al. Sen Cn.aara. It.a... HoT.e. I ... t tba-, I'll. tm. A.a: I b.ra la-el. ...Orel, ear, I l7 ,m.a I'll!. A l ltaiinullk Gwat a laiulal daM.w bt Itl.'.arl aas Sn-years. 1 1 M ...NT I I I.H.L. l or Dropsy, I'lrlhora, or Liadred C on ulalwla. rvl.lug aa sal... eu'S a., aa aa,.b For Coatleeaeas or Constiptiliow, and aa a lllaarr I'lll, ll aea ,.ea.l.l. ..! .IW.ia.1. I ils, Huiptci.o, rntMlyaia, laflnmma. Iia..,..,d .n llrala..., al Pa. .11 MIlHat. a..., bat. bvmm eutad b, lb. slla.aU.a aclHr vi Ibaa. fine l..t of lb. PUI, a awfcel er ar.h. Vaaenry. a abb, ab tlMH..b a ,.i.ul.l. a..le ,n akitlwl baa.SK M danaae' aa I.I a publb- pill, r.'an lb r. ...a.i a,.ea Ibal Ira H ..II. a. II... II. In..,. ua u. Tbaw contain on lacr cory a B.uarrai .ulatM.... AYEB'S CHERRY PECTORAL I'm tiik it KK or tOK.MII, l !.!). mlOHUfkhV; INfLt at, HHO.N IIITlJa. M IMIOPIKU tUtlill, i ltOtP, At'l II HI A, iriK!ST 01ftl 91P1 !, pnrl fi-r ttc fl-He-, "f UstllUl'Ut 4lifUU (A aW..tKJ Msastr ut U.t? dtai-sWi. tM ir--k iss ti ft if ftiu, T.iMnist.nrtt sra tumn. I aitlti1 nrfj bssBiIswt af Irssf AiMs-tiraifi ftteiasj, H .snahil bi ol .i.lmirte ftm a.ttinm imt mmrlm It ulr .. wtnii. N. (Vt ar th it rtflhaU-tJ rt-tiniry oft ttiW rvittr'it Kh mii Msnio fMsrw.iiai -i(t.tirr cf .i tffurii : atift mry4 thm r. triiMirltsts moy whart, bt.w Dot -DHsaai flsfa m um i ti.e( I,, i.f .. hi l.-f j mrr lha -ntH nihI 'tan KtletMI rtlSeSaH Isf ttr tllllinl llltrf fDt. V lltle H ill -t uiarrml aviiliiloltf td t. nmi 11 lis Omiil- d and dapeeaa rliaaaaa. td tba pul.iM.Mry ar .aa. iba lb. pi.anba! aad wlat Tamed tb. Ti-e It ead Sir UiImlu aad ?" n.a I'araaia abnabl lilla. ,-ft. nnp.,rad. W a h ... abundant rr.aiiai. , llw '. It)nnl . sa ll'a by ll a It yrrv,t. ibaa Iboa. N enra.. Kaea U by l-t ibeai anill an bnntaa ...II r. a.a.l-r lb. lo-a..l.b. tbirt. Iaamad lb. tllala. eata ...... b a.aa. All at... tba S.t.lll, d lint dla..b-ra. aod aa lb. kn-a Pa. II,. .Irt.ia. uf Una ratued) . as Dead sot do i,..a h.a b aaaura Ibau. II la atli) a.-i.W ll- 't It raa la . a epae. n an ear.. M " d.K. It lb. Mat pertart r.a.ll.. and tb..a air.rd I raa ab. ralj a UlUa U-l .n,l .blb.'Ut .killcaa luialab f.T their ca.a. ruEpmrn bt db. j. r. ater, Praetieal sad Ansly tiesl Cbemist, la wall, atasa. .An toil Br II. M. PKITCriARD. ClvuhJte. IIAVILAaD, STKVKNSON k CO., ClmrlrUun, K'. C. i'SOSEXwIOSAS A2iD, im. it. ?i. t o it it "l TjL be pleaaed to receive Professional Tall ? in Ilia iieparnii. in. 1 Mr.DK INK .d rt'Kt.I-UV. I'lilrss nr.ifeaai.iriiilly abseni, he o.av hs found at his rvsi'icnce, Port Mill Ijooot York D.sirtelB.C. VS. 12. 1856. tf WAIT FOR sa7HY is it js 7X Uccuuas he luyes his H W 1 I" Would respectfully si.ii. to the inh. bitsnls el II API Oil K i H ibal he hi.. ft."" their Old l N. I, Gran le If. w. where he has now 01. exhibition, just received l,vfc North, one of the most extensive ssaorlmenis 01 O QJ ilma, among which will a&sjv rm-m m Eysr offered in Norlh-C'srolma, among which . mm.mmm" mm.' ' SB - which hss gained such a famous reputation in the South, rn Country for the last 1, ,, ,n, This Stove he warrants superior to soy Conking Slo.r ti..w in oar It is sm ple 11. u arra,.,,fl eoi.suiws less luel, snd does more work in s given time, tl an any other Sl. vr now in u.r. r ,. ,.. h.i.i. an other Slove of the same sue in the I tilled Stales, and It il dc.r. n,. ,., work in a given lime, ne win ia,o .... t-.. the belter one. T1 A I aisSU A J at I PARLOR &, BOX STORES. a has, aud eousuntly keep on exleusits and vari.d sUwtk of tin AM) sih:b:t ie;on, ;:. n v Ki. t ii.t s, t.isr tttv.v in iPsn .'iirs, HAT liACKS, CHADIsES, &c, &c, Allot liich Will l" ll. Ik.I.shIi- iisitl Italii ll. t Imii per II11111 ,u, rter Isri-u saflt-rt I would return ny lhanks o my friends snd ' bestowed urnm us. and Ihey ma y real a.surrd, tortliaer with a delern.iosiion ! t.lrssr. to Iry ai.d mrril a eoi.iinw.ure of I he ssn.e. I his mn'o is " iiMut mix & simll urnm: Ladies nntl llriilhuiiii iiic put tirularh iiuilnl tu fill I ;in! i;iii'iiic y j ass nsii$ jos ose in&.iru so v lit imia j N. II. I will lell you wny I head u.y au.irtiai in. ot " tit torn ths t suti," il i. u.. we have tlire wsggnns cunslaMlly Iraullu g ihroiigl. Il.e country will, ftotes. IV , onli rt irilt be faithfully timl pintniitly etitimlnl la Caarevle, Jt 1C, lfil. Kiicotirnc Home Industry UAVIMJ PI l(( 1IASKI1 th.COM oRI I AC. TUKY, 1 am ure pared to till all uruers lor JJC.raa"s 'l'hmhitifr litmus, ludor.L, Ihntibcriri, SJiertingM, Siirtintr), (iiuim iuip!!'""' llnirif Drulmir, ji u'i :i , Curyit Lluim, i'HI'ii'X Twine. am waking an arlielenl lot 11 or lb purpe jf Ullipi Ilia I'l.n.r, Vt' snd l orn. to. ttiers sau Produe buyera wi'l find H l tl.eir a.l. vanlagv to use il. All orders trr.m a dialanec will be allendvdlo Willi pr..ii. li.eaa. j. Mcdonald. ( mars', Orl. Ii. 1 15. J'.i I k Dissolution. fB ll r. c.psrtnarahip htrelo on J. tl.e Ul.oeraigoed. is 11ns 1 log b. twern ay uisanitrd a.ulil.l eoDarnl. Ail pe-raor.s III. I. bird Io us sr requrated Io be prepared Willi II. an.ouat they are use ua iu d H w day a," as st llieu.ettls louat JUNA8 111 1MSIILL. P. S. MTlIi5.NA.NT. .ti Aog. 18, !Bi7. NOTH I . I will still be f. und al o r Steam Plaining Mill, prepared to fill all ortitra I t, Blinds nnd Deer willi grubtj I,uii'tcr lli ri.uistr y nlT.rJ, r. (HClm U trtffolr ny llrt.tUin n ii pmliruidrt y Io uy iiop.iiiitJ tuiicit ur . -r work in y Jin of hueiiitsta, Srl.oiKbtr dirpMd to tUlrr ( .,r pfsta UsWssjiiU'-. iia.d ume (sVhvt r f th o. k. j. kCllsill. Ag. 16, tyt. In rrtirif f from tlir firm hrn tfor rsiclihf om'rr the tiaiiiie ol Niutifiil 4k l-iinl. I do po iti lie kivdfl bring t'itt-r! lie eiliaurip of t hurlolte nnd nurrnuiMiinf y. for li put. rnnir imp lilaer-lljr trolomrd ulc'I ua, nnd with tti klinwlei tlmt Ihr holtH will ltp Curilcd tio eijualljf txpfdil.oui we liMte done. 8. WHISNANT. Aug. 1, lii.47. OIM ll- t IEOI I K IHutual Life Inanrance oinpiay- OFUVE, KALl lUtt. A.C. Uie If uf indiv.i.n r yaar, a term of years, or lor lite. 011 tlie Mutual Piioeiple, II. f aasureii f..r hie ticipatii.g in th profits of the t run pan y. Por (ailieie granted lor the whole trrrn of lif when tl.e pr. 1. nun. then for aroounia Io .''U, a ...... ..... 1 r... ..... h.irn,. a.... 1 ..1 .... premium, bearing interest st per without guaranty. 'Mis prompt manner in whieli sll (...see hive been paid by this eotiipany.togetlier with the low rates of premium, ,.1 great inducements to suoh aa are disposed Io insure, Mlavea are insured ..r a term of from oi. to firs years, lor two-thirds their value. All !. are paid within SIU uaya alter satis factory pruul is presented. lilllKt'TONH. Diaries K. JohnsU.n. Wo, II Jones, Win. W. H.ihlrn, W. II. loose, J. li., II. VV. Ilualrd. J 11. hill. liuabsr, P. I. Vt aeud, Win, II. Mi Kea, K. V. Il.llle, trhsrk li. Hoot, 0. U. Puwle, Kicb'd II. Uallle. OH K KIIS. Dr. r'lmrli e K. Joluiaon, President. V. W , II. .l.ini, Vice Presid. ul. H. II. Battle, Ktcretary. VV illiaios II. Jones, Tr.aiurer. II. W. Ilualed. Aib.ruey, Win. II. Mekr. Medieal Ki. miner. A'sreWlM I vmmilUl. tg. Uusbic, W, II. Mc. Ker. I l.arle. H. ItiM.t. Mrtltcal lloaiU of ('nsarliot I'lisrle K,, M. II., Will,...,, II, Mikce, M l Kiel.'d II. Ilaywoo.:, M. ll., For fur I Her iuforit.ali..n, lh puhli ia refer, red Io the pait.plilela, and ft-rn.s of proimaal, a may be obtained at lb Ofiieeof the Company, or any of its Aeeneiea. roniinunieatioria should be aijdrcaaeil, (awt paid) to. It. II. li.tlll.L, errnnry Stpttmbtri.XM. Slj Hi S.H. RANSOM. UCS. 5am - I I Ati ANY. THE WAG (JO 1. ,m . 7a: . ma . ' - w mm. sells . tilt yes I.is7trt4 Irom the MsnnUclurers. A.A.LM. TAYLOR w K &J be found the eclehrstcu m. mm. ' will be found the celebrate M -''; - .... uclll j . via ai JV 1 i I 9V d lis I In n inll ) . eu.i. rs for the very liberal pair thai I sliall rnd.-svor, by rl,e sltroi L A.NJI.LWI.Oi;. 3l." I J lie Aoi llial ;ii-oliaa M.iti.t i AND I'lagazice tf Uiefu! Informatic fB'HK un.irraijn.d .l 1 C.ty ol It..,.:.!., . t Ses to til.bu.h il. seaai ass., J I ISO 111. .butt lille, dex.le.l Io ll. . Illation of lr?..rmalon, 'I lie Waol r.l tUl h a J. U.lial 1. I. It by rlel trll.grbi eilnert lu brt.-ti.e at... iiia...led win, lbs ra.ureesul ilie hi. le, . r s.l.1 t.,f..l.on, lutur .r.4cla, Vc., .l.u i k s.. inu.h as by our 'I U.t w no r. i,elar .yati toof si.f ee.t b alir.buleu I, stiy want ot io. .n. Titer til iarg. all... bills Ol VaiUable all.l I. I. I.Hg III lion sr. tiered through OOI .j lit.. ud r.seruli.c Iburt.ertts a . u It re. .11;., si lit th ir pr. seol siiual...!., I.r t pract.r.i p ae ., u.igl-1 a well las 1.1 114 t In tie a la.vs- 11 SMKS Wl'Sl f'Ur la glslall. aftlllttS C..M..S Ri.aprr. oft. n l.ublieb valuable slalialo.i foi iiiati.'ti. wlnrli la rlthrr hail, nr ,1 ,,r.a(tt. 1 tut lis, it la ittronvenu M I. Is no I., a a by;il.ll..l ll. I. el. are Ma, li.r.,,11. u. 'I ... . . m.y u ol Hie aud Mlaltn.rsll ' I lit,. I. time by our M.r..r,..r le.l e. u.p.t . aod ..thrrs engaged 111 M.oulat tut t a. VI . 1.1 a, 1 , Ae. u roli.ct the.e items of 111. f ItB t HI tu tUm J-tlUl f Ml ll l..ft t- ftrrurm fcnri f'r y t pr I a i pri errvsituiii, tn e-it'rcr frH all rr-iitiri' rt-twttsirrra, t r bratriny lirrtiif or wi'rtly on our wr I I . prr.ty sn4 H UO-l.T. it td crMti ul Uc Jt, iuw i.tT fri lr i 'litea, Hi, t-r ihr Mi-n lor c..i,t.L' hrrii mturtJ, ti.e K.f.- of tit 11 A 'I l1 dt vofrrt tu ll ttrrbinf nirtii of nnt h lliirt n f luur I. iuiImIm.h At ncuittir-.l omitieicc, I lion. Tut tic ln pri.i u.ri.Hi. .M .ttuf-iluri. J" ru , M . wiMi K 1 1. I .Ulinlit r.t.rr-i y, prrriil lltnr rontlitMiti, nnd our vrnfrn n i Jt i ! li-trni tn ettfiUin the Krtort if4 I rts.jrV) of I he Public Tn Mttitrrr, t sntitt'ia-i'-r ftclMfiU, nd nil ottirr tSMt iHlcfuht i nt prntrrt-aa of ti.e iniuiii Utltoii no fjiicn cowpftini. The hTATI?-T will U put U prr.e " ffuffieirtwt ftuoitrrf of rtrppvitmiKtr f Uinrd to pT tle rinrt'itra of i.ulil nuiolrere will rt-nUiit tch, ntrt d i..n j( p n n .irtjf pruitrd main r. m king 3 '0 patfea, or tiiorv, to w hit it witt b adum nd coiit(t:te inuci. litftrc I -t t prr uh'.un Our 1i i Kirrt i rtvni, fur aix noiiti! pt.f .blr 1 hi-l itOMib, r ja trmiy for ubiir .linn, iut ! will bf dulv anns'iincri m Hie public I T Thii 1. rax'tia nl.'MiHi.j io pMri-fU J'-urnal will tnJ Ih-ir n-ntra to Ihr unttr r without ilrl y, it la m airable lu laouc H fauiiitsrcf tvooti aa oaaibi f KmUlgk. Jan. IK.'-H. iwa-iwil Sjiaaaaaa W aa. atr All a ' '""a1"' '"'is. lull ( oalltei.e.. ll Allien. 1 ol tbe hi. n. m niu ll,..i,:tr. t'l'1' loiliorrhua, lal.rl, Il.e W c ..sir.. .. ' ollie, Penisla I otiiplailila. I'liil j't r b. ll.'. ' etnla and II Ua. Cold .Mine Dalsain, or I)ys-plie Hitters er Tinrliire 'I. .im erti1 A letter Ir J. It.r.lluiti, Druggist. .M N. C, daled Aug. U, lfi 1 Dr. J. K'hul Dear Kin Your wr.lit inrs given ia Ibis se In n of et" Iry. 'Hi Abya.inis Mmnre rseislly is ''; ly spproved ol. It hssnrver Isileti loeo's ia- caae ll sells to faat, that I n. Vrr hail rr" l'fl: siiiily Ihr demand. Vtu will olraae s. nil s ' large supply of It ss soon as yu gel bi o '. J. 11. CALI.l ! AI.KNTf -W tn. W. Panders, Ws.nsl. ro'. T. l.o. g. Iloeliiugl sn.l I'liiferA Y or k . ",f T.J. Ilolion sort lr J. r. I.ilmer.t bi'il't"' ' A Hill and J. II. I.nuisa, faliabury; am. I- " ry, Leaing loo. A.C "WIIXIAHSOrt, I I.I. prarliee in On. ami ir f F ti sand t all professional 'r i smeaa rntru.led In his t ikarUtlt, Jan. Sj .&d. ltf