aatyWU!) aa TLKCTIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE, 1 8 8 9 . " '. I,. EiiHor of tlio Klrdrxi Mnfti.ine, d. , of iiiff"-'" iw eirculM,,0U ad l' ,, in inrfuln m literary journal, ...,fuj o!icim jour patuoiinge aou at- L to ii n.orif. : , For thirl"" years Hie holoctiO-las ' ,i f.vor with the pnHio, sud tiijli com. "hl:on from th p.. for ' Sterling trnil pi-tninii-i: lu P'et- i t. dcrii II '"' Pul PrS(' ' ,0 pl'"T"t ,0 "' i .ii. rliniffrt tn aetirp.of thonght. ''he' 11'""' P,0(1"l',io,M' "' Kuropi'ii wri ilii y ,,,,r '" ''''' I'i end Pe- ic3'e ol lii"1 I "II Hi ii ii ru i uu i. on 1 1 lie nr. , ''lP, .ouree lurnirh tunny of l lie iiui" ol tl" litrry rtiivity of tho J.lcaf lit fnim of thought, liei, and ""...inn. These euoru the page of I Thi plnn of M-If-ctins tit choicest sr.. fJ fiiiii tli I'i'bl family of Kuropenti i dintl, fornii-lif" i. mount of literary ,;.. uliirl) could hot be ol.ininfd hi l :. .Tr.irm. I'icei't at an t lothitaltt eoet I 1 1 1. r excellent and attrartiveiieaa of w bich ,i- nnini"9 could hope to cftul. It t ...... .,.,;! uiilimil dross mental rutri- i for'joiiili or a.'! wfcbotit tiiorul poison, ' . ' J ... .'..!!,....:.. ...J ..... I value (jive il just clu'in to a Ucr in . cll a'.'licted public and private li- T Fit. MS. f.c'.t ctia i issued en the fir-t ef ee .,ki IN" iiuU baa li-i larja oo i Me, on tin piper, neatly stitched in ' rover. Twelve numbers, three trol iih iit' "d indeica. Twelve or ..'einl.-ii.-huiHin, and ueoily 1 f OU pa. in n iMf I'riO". 3- W. il. LMI''Vi LL. P.il.ii-li. r, No. 5 llei'krii'iu Street, N. V. io ai? given a fi-w of td rery nu U. fi-ttiii' liiala lately rrccin-d in faor c Li'1. Clio. . . r .v;.lKMAT!0 CF TIIK KM.miKJ. . r;i I. ft. Vr. Cluxtnn. n srn niiifinrc wiih tlir prinrlpnl con of in l.-adnif; Korean Migmin i ..., J,i iiiili-jwn-ilia tu I'fory on -w hi .) k ip pfn i"i ton prore-n ol :h! siil of knowlciljf? i ta our day v arc. li.MCcri-r, ro !nnj and to eo-tl)-, t lew cm ol"ii ir rrrii f-ad tlin r' i i!,.in, Tic ' heretic pi rtorniN wii ike I ; ,.f iiiii(iin Ike ulifnt rim tlip'1- ucaliuii', lliii' making nt1- uinot vat t in t:itir pagra iicrrMiir jo ip asii i K U1li.L l'LA.TU.. i .c.ci.nJ. Ma a i, 1".j7. !u ii,c alovtf opii.iou of IV. C'sxton 1 v r!.i rf-ill an i brariiij coiicur. I- HAM IN I. 11 V, hit." S' VorV, Nor. , I - " 7 . 1,0'.4 l'.JL I Uli i l l I'iUtuurt, I lite taken lh'- Kcifdic from ii com- romclit a I hi k'Pf-t KKCli'JM of f.Jll'ij.'n r, .uirsl liiiraiure whw li I he b-n a ud.'aiu. I I Inii k I lii f'icUoiia ai-i.noa-Ij iiiad. nd lb woili i tr in! l;-pectfii!Jy jcur. XlntAfp Km i.mhri." il m Rrr 1ii. .S,.r.f r, 2W if llimfli tf J A i Tal l idle iul."iiiii ir lh wortli Jf- rn!n.' Ill a it r mliM-lj i i ahundatil ti.e-e Jiia. and whicli ii. doitijf to wucli ,-t, I. in, in I lie la-la and nioraia, cpr- 1 1 i'i. ,ninf. we tmk'- plca-ura in r t nun n iiii? tli Kcl.ciifl Ma-atiii, at a i-.r.e iiot onlj for tlie liirrar and pro .jinl line, but a'-ij for ah) iulUigiii. -on ii jii-r llm t-t Crlii-lcn from the . t. Hi-vir lo liic!i I lie aL!ct nien Kinpf are in lie hi'it of fivin llnir I t.'Uniii pro ucd.ju.. It will inler- I u:d !nt not bn rlra- I . ihe ilirraiy tr-b tiich unfortunate. -o i lei ii-trihulid ainon our pro , !ii!e it cjii nut fi.il Ui ruUro iba in-i.-n.re ttii rli-al lli lale oi all who it uHv p-rm it. 1 hf prrninntnt Till "f in arrirlra ar in airiLinif rontrat ii tiic C j j 1 1 1 1 g , rpliciueral literature of lav ' litll' Utxili, ici.r! TraTrlihj Agr-l.t for Eclectic A Msnv niitt Cask The New i'otk inn i.-.li thu (ei!lntng : " An euterpii.iiijr jour.g ms.i In Albany, few jear. aj;o, who bad, what be com-id-I) la a val.iat'a ii.edieilie, which hr Ifd to reli for the benefit of niaakiud, 'railed v.pon an eld fellow of bU ao : ii.,t! ce to j ira bliu in ! :re., and fur- I. !nui with the uiceiuary capital to fo '"al witb. lie came i New Yoik, and ' "riee riitcrrd tipcii a mot profligiil and .:i iu f-.iiri of ailiprtii.ij which at lam, i " t. d ii,i. uliirni of the oil c;cnlietiian iu '' ". who cjiiio ilowo to in-pecl ihe ac ui.t. of ;1.. eoiioern, ati l t i bi utter eon- riisti.,i 1 1. rii-covircd that hi' prodigal itiin r had i,: hia ei.tire capital the Bral J ar in aili Mii.iiiy. IJut, eia.iiliii.ig a lit ' fi.i'iur, he rli-envirsd that there waa 'ed lo cr. ilit n.ute than file linn a the I'l'i.tof (he capital be bad fund-bed, aa ' -h iro of tbe p.oCla. The a-t ui-hniei,t in pior old jreni !. man proved too much ' Imti, f ir he w ;it home and died in a fit. no tcliai.t. do nut ai.t to prl ru b too fast '7 'Lould hu Care.'ul Out tu a-'vettUc.'' A " IuMTI0 HliMANf K." A few dayt 're an lii.h doini rtic in tbe employ of on ! tlie "fin.1 fainilie." in the Nineteeiilb 'ard, nu aith a tnot ainc;ulnt good for ""'i in bcitijr united by marriai;e to a "a'lhj .outhi'tiicr. The atoryta, that the "'i' l.i i in r n in amiic romni.tio insinier, H'llleu aith her ehatliio, and propo-d niar when he waa liron.ntly accented. The ;'ir doiiieatie went to her liiitroa and tear iiiiy re-i.neil ihe rbariro tif the kitcheu, '''ilitiK thi ,m ., tended to ta-nnir the du of the parlor. whe liuti departed in a airi.ee, and axon afleraard, in fine dre.a, C'lCuded to ii.-po-e tf her fjtii.tr ward ul.e lo lor leva loilulmlc friel.da. the waa V)" a;;er married to ber " lover," who turna "t to be a wealthy aouthertier with jilenty f rrp,rtj in ,. aomherii Stalca. The """"of the patlire bate not vet tratia- f' BTnllp It may intere.t our ' rut,,, r, ol tic piei-a to know that IR. J Ant of I.owi-11. flirt iv Pictorsl and ' "liatiie PilU,) Laa e..ectialed with Lim, lieilu t Fnui riik Ai r. Kra .lonrr and avoial,!, known at a leading rj.etchanl of "t.t. Mr. Ayer wiil conduct tbe wide ') xtc ruled lueineaa of ihe firm, which "f w teaibiato the ec inuicicial tiationa of '"'I' Iru.i.pl.iria. abile tb Doctor wtllde ,ct I, inn II to I i- irut.t'fc invtMiostiona p-rtuita. Mocuuttc Journal, A FLEA DNDER A MlCnogrorB. When! o fli-a U made to appear a largo ai an el-' pliant, we cu ace nil the wonderful parts of, U t i i n . t IU formation, and are aoniHl.ed to find that It ba a coat of armor much more fomplelfl ' iban ever rat rior wore, and composed of! Hiro,,,; poliahed pint., filled over each otlior, ...k . ....... i i i ... i H . cavn luintu imo u luriome mh-ii, ana where the ect, hundred! of atronit nuilU projetit, like I hone on the' luck of a porcu pirn, or bdii'ltog. - 1 here are the arched ln-ck, tbe bright vy, the trautpureni cae, pii'icc rs to puncture the k 1 ii . a rucker to draw iwny the HpoH, cix long joinlcd four of wbicb nm folded on the hrenM, all tvuij at at' me tin i.t lo tievkrowtmut wili Ircnirlidoua force for tint inn P hicb hold- rri. one w hrn tliPT waiit to catch him. and ul the end of rach lee booked claw, to in- ii . . . i . i vi. ,!. !.,, l cl.ntr to whatever healijrhla op-jj c tu. A flea can jump a hutidreii time hia own length, .w Inch i the r-nnie na if- a man jumped 10 the lu ij ht of fiif ft et j and l.e 'can draw's load Htltf timed his weiifht I,! i ' 1 7 ' liaweiglil. Llmmhtf i Jottmu. l . . i -Tits pBimir-M's IHsuk. N O T It I N U Htbiokb imam WineKfcy Mr m., Wot- COalCllpt " Prrideiit Uuthanan ' dritika nothing (HtniL'Utinp, i xrrpt old rje whhkey. I told . J- !-- i . . . 1 . .a I . T m iircniiee lo t vou and e'ei bim ., if tou bad it. . " Could jou let n e bate a barrel, cr eten a half barrel, of the tei-t jou ever" made T, Wtile Die. I will aend a, keg of it lo the old chief, if I ran jritit " Whereupon the New Vo.k Kxpreaa aaya, "old r).' whikey " i only aloul ultij pr rent. ( Hie altfcbol. Wbnt do they ton-lder Hini.g drink at the capital? Char'tiltm, v"""r'- NfW (' TTfN Tbe two lalt-a of Hew cot- tou ticiired at New Urleana, Irom Tenia, fill lb '.'jib inat, Wer acid ilttuediately for 15 eent-per pound. Tbe Cr.l airiva! of the . i ., i- i,., i new rron lit sear was ou the loiuvt Ail. gU't. . . i I i iiTtr ("Afr I ix a .Tn-v -On I l.e 1'ib1 ft.'H.tiiHt tf N C New Voik el li?. (5 per ceM l oiditoid in Virginia U?, QJ. Arrnnrn Nt'Tri.TT. Atntnp ihe novel liea ol ti e aeaeeu la a Ladira' National K (iteelrian ('uiivention, to he held ou the Mb : .y ot pteither, at the I'nion It ace Coure, i Ijii, f I.lotid. An. rt g the imiuci n.t tifa tol i liter iho li't " ou ihe 6eCaeion, ia ihe r ff, r of line pi:zi to be avaid.d to the he.t fi mile riit r. The lady adjudged the mo-t j rkidlul in feala of lt.ei.aee mil rictiie a -plci cid piano tuite, a.'ut J et not la than Wltr Y.T Yt'C StU'EB? Ityrpepais ia a brief, but ct li t it ( i ii-ne teiiu lor the ,.,.. .ii...... . I.,..h .(V.., a ih. .io,,,. , , . r . .. , ... acn, liref, and ill fact, the whole eyelelii. : ' ii, Li.t.1 lir. Oiiene lin-cover-H (he Clxjgeiia.l li d lillti-re, medical acii I, c bad tlhaualed il-rlf iu tain atl.n pia tu cute tbi diacaet I I liYraEHEAL. M irrini. on the 37'.li oil., near l-v..).ri C..I-; bre.hy ti,.- hr.. I.. 1 1 Jimk Mr.Jo.-r.l II It., .ll I.Uli PI", to M.. a hAi 1. 1... .u.htir ol Air.: J ... I!, 1 ugl .... j The riitn an remeioliereil. and nnr frien.ia nil p'n.r eecept our ihi.nk. lor Ihnr tin, tin. May bappioeaa and proapvrity atUad tluiai tblv' l.re. M4rrie.l, i Ih.a eonnte. on the 39lh ult., by J. I Mime. t.,o ..Mr. da.mh. MVE.v.of York lia triit, S I .. io Mi.. .MAh l (ilill.ol Mn kiroburg i e.,Mi.ly,N.C. j u t oa placr, on Sunday morning lt, ae a I abort itlora. of purttierl re-vei, Mra. l.r.tiNOKA , A. I link, wile ol Mr. Mili n, A. I it, a. i ra.ul 'JV ye-re. leaving a hu.band o tlirra aaa.il. en. .dim Iw mi urn it.eir iireparablo Iota. A!-., or. the e.me moir-ing. Mia. CATHARINE A I.I I -ON', a i:e of Mr. Ti. ...aa C. A:l.a.n, ... ihe; t lli y, ar of ber '. T'.e eunj ct ol Una imlire ; haa been aBln-t-d l,.r 4 or a yera ill, rpilriilie f.lr, and ber Irirnita bd fee ii lid l-i alii rriiiicv 11, ey roulil bear ol, hut mito.-ul ben. rtil lo brr. Ab.mt iwo mc-ie ago, a .l,j,airi..o rre.ei.trd Inn... II to Ihe lamily wlio aiatrd li. ,t he had liern v. r t auieexf.il in troaling that e.a ca.e. Aniou to netora hi r lo health il poaeilil. , her friemla at once a" ted Ihe ie,(.rlu,i,ly .a tl,ey l..l,,! r t.-d. of having hi r hrullh rviored. lie pnar. ih.o io bi r eaae, and Ik. re waa a ,'ieinedj iioprovrnieut lor the belli r, but uofortniuli ly he ,rra atlioulaling ber. Aa .a.n, li..i rr. , hrr llm-r waa lu formed of Ibia ureaeripiioii hr aimoed H pliynci..n and rrquralrd him lo t lo give ber apiriir lie ,rre..ted and the reea't waa,, Hut tl Uta returtiril in a mro aggr.r.ie.i o,r.n an I e.inlinued until tin y r. aulted lo tier death. On the tl. of July, t?., at the bou.e of Col. Wi.li.,,, M. t.rer, ol ' KSrvl lre.b. Mi cab nhurf I euuniy, Norih Caroiui.. in tin- Ihirl anili ) rr l..(., .M .rrJOIlN lil.tJW.1i LEW IS. ...n of too late Samuel .nd M.ue,.a li. bin, ot Cheer Uialr.rl, Soiiib Carolina te aving a wile and two ehilMreu. Ilia illme i protracted, yi t he o,j i, He. led niuiU o .ti, neo aad l.irlilu.v, and in ul. .a i. Kliuvid, at piaei- a ill. O ai, ami with hi. f !)., mi n. Of an un.ialruene and u i.ir i.)hkiioii, hr bad nil falle.1 to attach to biinaelf H ,tli Im.iii ho came ir eo.ilirt in the world. Ot rrvolulmnary ancertry, the epirit of pat,-n,t. lam burned di rpy tn 1,1a vol; alio Inn a call f.-r the Mes.e.n war waa mane nimn hia natne I). ..ni t, he lelt Ihe Seminary at Due Weal, and enrollril lilin.ell a. a loelol r III C"f.ipany It., Un ntr l':,t .iii (now l.rneral.) Puunovnnt. He Link Iraieol bia lannly I" -in hia eomii.iiy.arn.iii mMid by hia tirothi r, Ir -.iali W. l-ew a. Tu .t brother, njam reaching ihe place ot remit ivoue, rrlu-ru to return, end man. baled d. Iriiuin.ln n Inj.iin hia youihtol eoioradea ami ae.oci.tea .n lin , hi Ida uiilid field. Iln.wn, boning hie reso lution m t Ui lie .haki n. Irom filial ..flielu.n lo hi. wioowcd nmilier, with the approbation and aiivicr ol hi. beloved eoinniaiider, letutned home. His In.. II. 'I ri ci veil bark one aim, hut parled wilk another. That otnrr waa eoon erni back by hie e. iiipaiiiona io anna, not upon In abield," lor they had not yi t f.-aebed Ihe acrneuf war'a deal.l. ly .trite, but a vn-tini to exposure, and tha Ural of Ihat gallant regiment, whiea mu-ured more than iia complement, of which but liw retnruid to recount llmr l-iia and larahi. He dud Hi e.m.i at I liurlealou ua bia aay tu the bailie ficln of Metieo The ashjeot of tine nonce remained with lit mother until hia younger hrollu r grew opto man hood, lu October, IB.Va, he murri.c and alter oiue veara. finning hie health tailing, he aellleu dean on a plantain n in Mecklei.bu.g C i'.,l,n. icai In bia mli 'a rtlaliona i., Norll, and the rhurch of her ehoie. Alaiat the Isl of May, fmdieg hia hcalili lie. eliinng ery last, Mra. liner, wileol t el. W illiam M.t.rirr, and aunt of Mr. Lewte, bad l.im r moved lo her In ure, -nd from Ihul nioaiciit tu the hour ol itieeolulmn, wal-bed over bun Willi un rrinilttug attention. Tho sisterly, nay more than si.lsrlv, the motherly afteclron n.v.r flagged. II,. tl, day and night witneased her eeaeeiiea ef Inrta to'aoothe Ihe pillow of . ffl.rt.on, and render Ihe aiifferer'a dcrcent to Ihe lombaeeaey aa poa.i. ble. The friend, of tbe oeceaeed can never lor gel her disuileri eted a inline, aor thai of ber gmernua bnsb..d,wh. ar l.oiiao baa iv.r been Ihe lo, me, not o I Iriim a nniy, i.m ...... the dying home el I he Irmidlraa alrLiigcf ll leininding one very le.ribly of what waa aaid rnd experienced hy ll r ancient apniile. ul (...d. wiiLii kwth been a m.M...r l luauy.aud ot B&n.erj, tut U1 r of C'oliciern Irctn lVntl-yl- t apirilui.l 4,UrM. n liiel.t of etirnal dark-1 I Hr.1 ! iM.miPlS & .ill lOFl. """r' Oirf'red. Ihat publication be made aix iil.ia, WtitiOlf a Iflt.rtO one cf Li- COII-ti tiea.Lu.r Ihere ahall be no ,.iBUt there." I.rd i ) Illil-l" MH)UIU. ) ,t.k. , N.-. n p.M.hed ... (h,r. lue.,ta,aLdVhuUL..rr,,.ow teen allow- .';f-;'l . Ul lof ,1,,. deeiiabl. , 111 OUT Clollline. &C. X i . it , -i, , . . ji, ,i fn . I ha'iii,ee, niiU ai I our aonla a h ncii'i 'or the full i "ur oiiiinnr i rmij in w nein .or me t d to ret llito tlie papir,add tbe following frullwa L0 fi, u,iv,,,n.t of it 'ud Peter, i : Tall eoon, il yo wiel. to buy t ia at ea-erari. ( nutilv of Meeka ihorr. .1 the Court lln.ae ij t 4 II. A i Una niDitri Imir l,'i r'. , lif.rlotie, on Ilie I in .iionoa alter Hie 4IU Alnn alf al." An4rln "Tba Lord ('it merey fnta '"" f Onaaiulmroii, for lie ul'i re ""wrl.Tf'"- ' . r.i r ' i .,' 1 : liilfcl irn nimntaof tlile fnhiilT, tlie eoiiimunlnd r ,he j., .u(ip,r w i At. anciutu Kriiirmcil c.ni)friK.iii.ii of Btreie Cntk, ""' Mr.Lrwia wm cm, n-red irom hia itk elmm ' i"' '" "''""t''' the ,ly m hue i.t ih iiiior. Iliirinv Iiu aicknraa be iimer murmur. he id, nor complained of lii i.fllirliona. hut irc eij a deairo tu ba reainrd U I lie will of .tlio AI liiHrlily. Ahout in id di.j i( the Hlli liiaeyircioaril UH,n all rurililjr accnia, ieuoini,' a k.Hci. numr, mul a life of purity iuiiiu tu lio lU aircd. L t ua liupe, llmt Miet-piiit liuU..cn Irnnnlcrrid to a It if; It er, a purer apbi-ra, where it limy tun mi uudim meil lurevcr where nil liirHiir anrrnwa ahall he lrj!i.lliii where no finr li-r the fiiinm la enUr. tuu.eii where im in ahall kfl'icl no a.rruw af. (ln.lu,i luiijri r i.flri(hl whrrniill leara ali.ill he (ted from Ihcir iyr till n.rmw buui.iid I Hie lrl. mid cviriuaiini; inva ihwm' ilie miuI. , '" P'"c "'"I'". ' no ncn.l fi.t tlie nut am Uiniiln lur mlcrnii wureliiii mid or. ,.' .. UlH) Mmil,ht ,p L jnli ru the trmp'a of it." Nu neeil i"r a houm- ' pmrrr, fur tlmau who wmit nntluii to prar I f"r " "cud "' i'ii' r and orilinuno, a to te I 'h"'" k""l'"lK ' perfect no mad of tocramentahy nl.ich to n mniib. r 1 hri.t, fort ,iu , ,ut, , (-P,10 llwu f ,tlc , teacn the for thry neturul lli;ht of the ami and mion. liir Ilia aun of rivet, al..i..lh lonair. God .. all. and , all o i, ii aiicn. oi i minion, icni, inunn, ana ceerr. i i.... i..i.. ... i -I...L ... ..;i..t York DiMrirl, 8. ('., July 9th, lei-". THE QPEAT E.r'GI.I?H FFMEETf . . SIR JAMES CLARKK 8 4 rl lirnlrtt IVm.-iM' I'iltw 'rrpcn fd Jiom a prescription of t'tr J. Clarke, il. J)., J liysiciuu Lxlruordi' miry to the tyuten. 1 invaluable nn'ilieine ia nnfuilin; in the core lf , ,h(iM. pilifu, Aanett dlw,M u, w,.rU the temalu ennetnu'ioit ia auhjict. It rnodin.tr a all excceaaod remorea all oh.lructi. u ,a , ,-ny ear maybe reli.d on. It) JI A It It 1 1 I) l.ADIIS j it ia peeuiury auileil. It Will, in a eliort tune, j brin on ttte iiiL-nliiiy pertou t'A f g-ui.irity. j Ejch bottle, price line Dollar, ta are Ihe Cv. I ' ern'uenl Slump of Ureal Uritam, to pnvti.t conn. I U,r"- , , j 7,eae fill, mhmlj not Ir lalrn by frmalrt Jmiifl ,. ,. ,,, ., ,. ?V i ifAryarr aoie ro tiiot Mfcurrioct, lnt l tnu , elier limr Ary erj niji In a!! caa. a nf cr and Siial Affntiona, am ill the H.ik ai., I.iml... F.t.gu. (,,b evcrtuin, Palpiiaiinu ol the Jlt-frl, Il vti rira, and I. me. tin m P.ila will t fleet a eure l u all oil. rr n,i ana have failed, ti it although a powerlui reinrily, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or any thing burtlul to the c,nt!tu!ioii. h'dr Aeet for the I'nilrd Sl..ea and Canada, JOU MlKbi. (LaU- J. C. HJd.in & Co.) RiM-h.ali r, .N. Y. N II. H.I O and C e t.,ge at.np e.i( hoed to any aiitliontad Ai'ilil. will ...eure a bottle ol too Pii'a hy ri Ir.rn mail. For aalu by . F. CAIi.n. k CO. full sg a'a for I hnrlmllt. HAVJJ.AND SThVKNfl'N 4 fO. klrnmle Afnif, t ifilrtlnm, H. C. !irlll l' iiisttr I ti wl i ti; t. faj 111 F. Excreirra of Ihe KT'OOL will be rea A nied on the I Alb ol K. pinnln r. 1lierhi. ," . , .- . , . ,f,. Ual.e year .a ri.vided into lo ai ,n of twenty wtrh e.,h, erre.r.nimg nli the ek-aeiona of Iatidf.ii College. Addrraa II kV. II. tUUWKLL, Af. 2. 185. t hiT'otie, N. C. ( iiailoltc Male irrdniiy. XntlE rxereiar. of Ihia Inalitution will Ult. ar, of Ihia MuniUv. 1 1 M. r '.Mil of Anrtim. D. JOHNSTON. 3t. A.C- 3, Ie.'.8. Doudas lVebit & Co.. I ' ! Foiwarcli g ajid General CtmaisMca MI-HCIIAM, i i te.iir tu. , v. -., ?llf. attend to I be f.rw.rii.ng of (u'a, the f ..ilmg ot Cotion. Frour and oilier I'roauce, acl pureha- OiMida on eon. mieemn and attend to l other buameaa, in their line with punctuality and , I, -p. ti ll jt ulas MtjiT. A. MACPONAI D. R(FnE?rrn. ft. Mil re. Char '.Inn, S C. E..I W.ddill.CherawC ll P . nT V Co.. do. dn. A. Si.if farlin, do. J e i. If. nir.u.iriea.nn. J. l iniugi.., 1.1 ti.l ochrnn A. t o.,N York. S. S, Arnold, Waoeaboro. i Imtlritum, SC., .laeat, l&iri. VI tf Distribution ! HAVING rxngl t Ihe entire conaern foimerly owned by J. C. Miaire &. I o. Wc are now prepared to diairibute lo the citit, n of Charli.tte and the aurrouuui.ig country a fine aaaor'.menl of i.Jelhia, Cat.upa, T..ye, fancy goale, Ac, at prieia Ii r'y bomM-tition. Al.ni.n hand a liMioaon.e el. ck W resacti'ully invite all to ot itHuly groeenee, ut a c. 'I t r ina country prodm-e t'tk. I'loUSTON, it IIUN'TKR. Clutluttt Aug. 3, tejrJ. tf. TOBACCO. Boxea J. O. King Tobacco of a 1 iF grade, jii.l reeei. dano lor aale bj M. W. ROBINSON, A Co. July 27, leit). if Finjri r's h'rwin Marliiues. yVllFK niaehine-a. aia superior lo all nlhrra H tor Jumily uo, leather work, tailoring, plan tation and ev. ly kind of sowing. Can b had of tlio uiuicr.igned al New York prieea, " have a pi-ron thoroughly competent to teach purchaacr how to opsru.e. L 8 WILLIAMS, Jgrnt. of I. M. Isiugor A Co. Juh 87. 1P58. 3l. Mr.-i.tt il or MhIcii SRO.M the lot of II. Sixer, of Lancaster Die ' trlct, S. C, no the nighl of the tK'd mil i t, a Bay MAKE. . n. 14 or 15 ham, a high and a. bout H yeoti old, both bind leet while Irmn ab..ve llie ptstern jninta. No other parlieular marka up. nn her. Any person taking up aimi mare a ill plena address tin- subscriber at Pleasant Valley I. 0.. Laneaater Di.lnct. S. C. ANSON SI7.KR. juiy?:. ie. 29 CAKES. OLD MR. MEAD haa cnmnieiiead baking in good earneal all soil., fr.wi a guogrr to tmaai intended for the duliente teeth of a bride and her Iriends, and Irom a "ginger bun" up to them" fine ft una." folk a who hain't got a sweet tooth and want one ban better try the virtue of an experiment w ill. Ilia b ked wrcs. He may be Inonil tiwaya at hi pnel, at M. W. Hiiluiison's At t u's. Cuniictiunary, one door North of Spring' corner. ( a.l.le, .Ai.y2t. 188. 3t. 1.PM ar.d Final jNolin, ! IS hereby given, that all note and aceountadue In Ihe nil! firm ot Dtnckir A Son.mei will ba pieced in ll a banila of an allornry, it not settled before tli let el Octi ber next, aa Wa are di tnruuii. ed so clnee the old Biiaines. ( Arsva-ta A'j'-7, 10 im. KLLEX DALE ftllAIYEDEAT BEAUT1FI.XLV aituated on the graded rood h iiiui.t: from Taylorftil', Aleamider conn. ly, N to Joniabiiroo(ili. 'J nil., iu Lenoir Th!a Fprit'ga ln. been iaiteil by pcrai.ua from the 5ntilh ln the hial J jer. liii- healing qun. liliraof the water hh?e hieii tcaled hy (fond jiiuyua and pri.ni.ui.tn-d lo tie the beul water ol the kind in the Sluuj. Pcranna wiahing lo fiid the Puni. nur Biooig the M-uniaina ano H'J-y a-me ol the lumriea of tl e i.p nontiy, w.o:n on mil in cu'l on the fnh-rriher. ho will Uke pleeawre in ren. mriiif all u n.liTli-hle that tm-y enll I n linn. Kl. ii luvt iinuiKVioi! tnere nre . ni irca buiiiraa. Ihuuit ehenp r -roli.b'y. limn any aim. iler idace. tail aim re i-r yooraelf. THOS S. liOYD, 'id milit Meat of rlntiil Ik N. V. Jul,, 6. I HSU. x CiVaTHcdr.clki. fiTl! ices ! W arr K will enrrinii nee ai Jlii'g. on ami nficr the W 'Vlllli June, and rimlinue In lit n mini th lat Si nti inhcr. nr r.i lire r.ii.rk or iniinier' ! Un,(. ,t t OST. Onr oljietin eo Heine ia lo I I ,,, i,,r ur Fall Kli.ck. We hate a lame i u l , m n TTrr, rrrV0 r r"J)jrc ISLiiLCu kJKli l . - v""lu ?r..rr Junt SO, IS".8. Hcrthead. GRAT SALE rf r0t o i . dTN the 2rih and ilh vt Ju! , tf u at II, Kt ' Mwi T' Mr T .. r- . n J. M. M' I I I " . , ., n -i , , r .i JiiKr.'JO IPig. iJO () V, I) I 1 V t V X Pi ?J V , V U li L -Illllil 1 U LI' U JI I .11 A CHI Mi MFOP. JCIM JII.I ItHll! A CO., C0L1 VB1A.8. C. II F, anSeeril era rrapretfiillv infn'm ihur l: t rrna and ihe public e-'neraMv, that they are elill at I he ntd eland aa ala'.ve, and aa ready aa e. '"'man anv.o.r g ,r in. ir nne.Mirnaa F.ARIM.'. STEAM FX.INK. C.IN t.F.Aft I 1MJ, SAW MII.I.H, SAW MSI l;t'RNEHr, I Ac, of any atr.e or de.rriplion, on ibe ai mleat no. ! Iiee and moat rcrei.nahle ti-tmr. Th.y alao bjr , leave to call the attention ef all to Itieir Chinese Fcgar Cene Eills, I eelhe ebeapeat iver elTcud. They wniilii further rrrnind Hinr frirnea and nil cmctrnid lhatthey ; alill continue to ;. tlT I.VI RV PAY, (nrd excepted,) Whirti nn other Foundry in Ihe Plate doea, ard c, .ii-, aucntly tl.i v c. n cffir facilitiia not to be i.l.l. incd clury, here J'rirn of ( Li If If Svgnr Cctf Mil .1 Roller. (Verliral.) Ij inch, dmmelrr 3 Roller. (V. rtieai.) 10 ii, cli. in.. meter !! holler, (Vei ticiil.) 15 iiieh. dirmrh r, 3 Roller, (V. rnenl.) 12 inch, eiameter 2 Roller. ( Vertical ) 13 inch, dianieler 3 Roller, (ViMieiil.) IU im h. diameter Pim.II bann M il. 3 Roller, (llorimnl..!,) 10 inch, diameter,.. piifti of Sugar Pnx. IO gallon Pun ;0 gallon Pll fat gallon Pa ;0t rallon Pa. ..' ...fiO ..T5 ..10 ...SO ...ss ',' .. 100 '20 I ...IS .. -J 1 1 JOHN ALKXA.M I'.U, POHK.ltT Mi lKlCAL. IIENUY ALKXANDKK. Junr SO, IP29. i-'S nA ara-aj aa a-a. ar. rm -"a-aa awe i w a mmr 1 I.APtiE.nd t OMI'I.El E ASSOK'l MENT j of Plain and Japaned ru? JX -S--.- ,ff3k B c uz at Wboieaala or Retail, li n-i-r than ever, nt ST. V RISK INS j tl FW ef ldr.se enprrhr I'luiiisdm lea arid luffee POTS, let aale by 8. T. WR1ST0N. ri'OM.KT FET., a aupirur artu e, ! r sale JL at t. wi;i Dr.s-i. e. A 1 ASH, TVed, Spii I s for aa'e by t. win i JfRITTANIA TEA FFTs. V S. T. l.- l tar ATFR rOliI l.l.S, a f.r.l ra., W t aale by ;0N. -.vs. cle. I I''N. S. T. Ml!. I.n.ili. ynaAPLE ClTI.Ff Y, Co JL l.t-b Forka, are. t.,ir M . S. T UHTC'N s. TB ASSER'S Patent lei ( re in t'UEI ZH.S.tlie IT aV beat 1 rei n. re now i A TtTHEICS Self Sealing I- Rl IT CANS, with directii.ns lu.w to use tl. an. nt S. T. WHIST0N 3. SAhr AI Ir.ONS, the heat in thia market, for anle ( S. T. 'w KISTON. ar aONSTANTI Y' on liarul i f mil ".eortmentof which cannot Im- an iied in perlormenee, by any ml,.. Smer. in the market. Hi enle al the Tin and Stove Shop, S hy S. T. VfRlSTOX. i Jarf-a.Ja.'wia.iaiS. 'f I VA) SI ITT fi CO. 1 1 H n tae, Mr ue l y 8. T. v KIST0N i ri ;-s':wvparai , f.;-''.'iT'.'lL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , MtLftt.r.NBURO rOBMV, IN LQL'lTy D.i rid Willmuixiii anilAnirlia, hia wife J. D. (.itifttnri, IT appearing to lh aatiat'iction of t!ia Court, thai the Dcfriiil ,nl ia m t a rtrndciit of II, it lli!. ia llirrrloit Orrirrril tlmt niiMii.uii..n l, niurte ai wi-eaa in the Nurlli Camlina Whip, a p,r ptihliahcd in I'll irlutte, niitifvinir a-'id lie. e,1(M,,t t he and appear at our n. xl Court of Equi- ly t., be held for the fnunty of JI. cklenhiire, at tlw (0ri i,.u.f. j I'liurioite.on ihe I llli Munilav ri,.r the 1th Moiivj in Aiitiil next, then and i,L.r i p,.art, unawer or nenior, otherwise iudir. m meet will la ei.lrrrd iim eonfeaan aeuinl Inni. Witoiaa I). H. Uimlup, Clerk and Maeter of nur aaid I'nurt, at i Dice, the llih M-noay after the 4lh Miuicay of hiuar A. II. I.'.S. ! I. It. DI'XLAP, c. m r. Junt S!), I8..S. Prinler'a fee ?6. i.V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MCrKI.ESKUHO (OUNTV. .V luVUITY L. J. lUwIcy H. Rahe and J. T. fll iir. I B VTaTi. . 7l' T i, Ttf. Ir. ............. 'in Ihia ea.e. are m.( reaiifrnta ol Ih a Ki.le. I, It in A i, itii. l nrtl. ihi n and tl.i li- pleuit. n-eri or ii.,or, o,.,er i.e junjineni win ue eiuereo pro, eoiitraan, , g.. in.l nun. Wilni.a U.R. Dnnlap, Clerk and Mnater of our aaid lonrt, at i fliee. the fill. Monday aflrr the 4lh Monday ul February A. l. Ih.d. V. It. L I M-tfl', C. M. E !9, IPJ. I'riuni'a in ti. t2l tu i.nti.j: Mcrclmnt STEAM MILL, I id ( I lie i' l'r'n i ly, lor ?:ilc sit tHARlClTE, B.C. I S Tru.tie of Irfroy Sj.rii f a. I will xpi.ee to J fiihlic aale, i n Saturday, , 7th ! Auguat next, a V aluable KEKCDAKT MILL new and pirfeei, with aix pair of Fr ni b Burr Itunncre, a lurge, nt w and perteet Frgiue, togeth. . r a, till a, I the n-acbincry and upplihi.cea lu-ciaa. ry to carry on a luree and ixIibmvi ninnutaciur. il c kliu i. 1 hia Mill ir eiia.led in ( hrloltr, fi. C., wbeie there are to Rnilroi.de. and a third hi ci iirfive' ei ntruetion, oaiaing ihrnugh a high, ticol ey, and i xrccding ly proiiuelive arm inlerert. mg country. The alii lit on ol Produce Merehaiila o! Charloton and Wilo ingtoii are leioiullr call, erf ;.i tliia property. U A credit ol One anu Two Yrara will lie given. And on the name tim e and at Ihe aame lime mi I place, I will . fl'.r to large Bl.lt K TOi:i:, n alone, high, in the lna:nfea pnrtot the tewn. ' 1 Theae Ftnrce .re lallv i.iim ( d lo i he orore. I ,.!,,, ef , Inrro a xti uaiii Procuce buaint.a, btllt . ui,cr , ,i,ue reacrve. . li. 3JYEKS, Trvstre. ChntlMIt, Juki IS, I-j. f.'I Valuable LAND for Sale, ON the watera of nig Fugar Creek . joining the land, ol J. hi. S. Urn r. K.q , 3.11 Mi IJo. ell. Join Williainioit and ollu re. confining 4H0 ' acne, rn belli aide, of Rijj hugar Creek and littie cultivation and-aleo a ouantity ot .i.ierior noou land. 1'hia land ia 6 roilra r, nil, mat lr"iii ( h r. lntte Sl milea from Mrrow'a Turn Out, on the .Charlotte Ac ti. C. Rail ICond. Any nerrui wiali. ing to putchaae luable li.n.1 on Sugar Creek, in a good neighboring, wniild dn well lo eail ou Jo. ec.h Smilh our agml At nllorney in Charlollr.i.r on W. K. Bowden who now reeioc-a on the preiu. laca, mho will lake piearure tu ahewing Ihi m the boundeiiraof ihe land. A lib. ral price ill begiv. en in pavmei.tof aaid landa in negro property or , on very reaaonable tern. a lor e.ai.h. JOSF.PH SMITH, AGENT AM ATTt'RN EY FOB, N. V. IIAliYEN Wif. eai- 52, IMS. 3 in. T HF uti.'er.lpned will nttend in Ch.iru.tte at the Store of R. M. Outre Sl Co on Friday 1 end S..tur...iy ef each week, during the n Ih of limit in aaid Beat. Ail thnae concerned will come up and enlt.t their property ond aave a den. ble tax. J. P. ROSS. J. P, JuntH, 18J8. t'JU JVotice LI. pcranna, where Nntt-e and Arrounle are 2 due, owing lo the underrignrd aa Trurtee, are earneetly ri queeltd lo call and a. ttlr, aa it ia important thai the trnet luud be marahalicd ataa rlv rinyn ip iH)ib.c. (tt-mrnibcr, indulrrnce can nil be ni&n. Y. R. MYF.RS, Tr jrtce ol Lrro) Springe. Jfie09,U.,. JCtf AltCHI'll:f,'lLlJlJ ann CI VI la V. N CI I . F. Kit INC.. it U II K tanbi-criiHfr, (ir-ctiml Arcliilect and Ci. i. il K.niiirer. Ua t.iluii Hi ni No. 5, I.vkJ. t-nn'te- buiitimif. ln-rt he nmy U iounti pri'pnrcd li Via ji l loti und make fanmatr in all titart nu nt it lit proltM-ion. I'-rl-t utar atl ntHin will U initl ttiSurrrt ttif of FI.nt ttttfio anu Fur mi f..r tin m-ikii c ol MAI'S or HARTS of the t-inic. m-1 1 a nr.?vii.p o! tle pUnt ttton mnnain unj lit r- q-iinU. Kvi-rj I'tur.lt i ai mjlu bo potspeni-wi ct' t ir iim rt' oi bin -.main. Thi-y can e gift ap in i.nv tyle, and when trained ttike a be-ul.t'ui t.rn- UM'itl !ur an Parlor I'-.ttinip u ml Uyint; nut of (Jrounti and Lff-wna for tl'iriirulturHl mm 0, 11-mvuUt purputt a ill t Mind fit to if nicilt-tl. 3LT Vun( men wiliing to brfome nrqijJitntrd willi any r allot' llie abova hr-tnehea, will be tniitrbt in tbe nnml tliorugli m umcr. aud on tbe mottt liberal term. In nil it mnrt tipproTcd f I it will he tan.M, in. ciudmir B-nkin and Exfb-ntn, K. R. Buaiiic-tn, JSif; nir.oi.l iln., f ibt;e, tutlU Foreign and IK-met-tie Niid in irt -II tbul i rquiaite tu a tho. r'Ug' know lcugcf Book Kti ping in all itit forma. P. SAl IiS. Jut 15, 1M8. 1-l-ly 3,400 ACHES OF LAM) ion s.n.r.. on Clear Creek and Cria.ked Creek, known aa the Smart Land. It haa Men surveyed into three tract one tract outaining 3 UOO acres, one 500 acres and one 2.10 arcs, all contiguous tu each other. Saul Liniit is well attnpt.'rl to llie cnltivalinn ot cot t..n, eon., wheat and otnrr amal! grain, and well situated lor rating purpner. It ia nearly all woou laud and wcirtunbi red, within eoiivrnicnl dial nee of the t barb.lte ami W ilniing li.n Rail road, and ia situated in the gold region between tiold Hill and the Howie Mine, todd has already k... .i...nt..rcil nn thai nart nf the Ind knola n a. ,h. I..tt M..uni..n. . AKn ... in York lii.tnct. S C. on llig Sugar I rrek.j ihe Muds ol B.xier prii g ana oincrs, con. , and others, con. K tZi .v.. 7 8- - lnr, hnVen confer: . f Ih. h.l Co.inn Plantation. ,n York II Uiet. and there i. no b, tier land for corn or wheat. II dcired, I will divine any ol the aforesaid f and to suit enrchaaers; and Ihe purchaser can be, hi. own lime to na, the money, provided h. I Aptly to nic in Charlolto, W. F. DAVIDSON, 1 jut li, 1856. ttf I OFFER for aale my I.im,! JJ?X in EnioM eout ty, lying aS a-vaa We ae aothnrired fo nfioOfic I Pr, M. M. PltlTt IIAHO, aa an Independent IXuweratie Cunill. I dn(a for Ihe lluuac of Coinniu.la. We are authorised toannonnea E. ('. CUIKR. Lq..ee a eandl date for re.eh eilim to the i. (lice n PlierifTofllurenonly of Mcckltn hurg, at Ihe ennollHf Adgfrsl elcctimi. April Sn, 1 83B. Dissolut ion, f lit: firm of l:Et KB I'M! 4 I PITTA'.' a-aa M line ilea rnamltei, hr n ulual couai i l. All r ,Bri iwm,Jwl,lv and n,!'e lain ,he ,llfill,. , ,,e fil, mutt hr cl( ' Ir I I I I II. W. J. 1,1111 JAIN. Jum, 10, Il?i8. l4lf Tf a AVIN't; hniiehl ihe entiro. toek li of a,. W nlrlics, Jewelry. &r of Id ekwilh & fir, Hum, I ahall c, lit in ue t) e hu aincea at tlx ir nid eland, wln.e ahali Ih Imppy to iel a y old Ininrla and eneimnere. R. W. BF.CK WITFf JUH, 1(1, 14lf Charlotte Machine Shop, W. T. PIWtKNEY & CO. I'ngireer. Hydraulic Press Makers atd liM litiK r y In s iioimI, "WW AVE eoniineneed hnaincea in Charlotte, in Si H the ab.ee line, and are fir.pared Ui ...ake- M'KAM F..V.I.NFS of any form or eonatrnctii.n. Hydra nlie Cotton Preaaea and every other descrip tion of Mai'l.iu.ry. , 1'hey alao Leg to iriforn. t'ue munnfaclurere and fi, ruicr. r cerally. that they have recently auded a POUKDRY to their rta Minium r.l, and are prepared to fun, lull c.etinga in Iron, Braee. or any other metal, at a abort notice and at rearm able price?. i Particular attention will Ik-g ,ven to the makicg and repairing; nt Threading Machinea. Ilorae Pow. ere. t niton t.ina. Mill Work, and Agricultural Machinery. St Wealan keepwerkmen for Black, lullll tnc. JobbMis M'oik, aVuKti H in k and II.m .i- 'I3. JTOCIt TERMS ARE CA?II.n; JjTalioja on College Street, aciji eent to Jcnaa RodinWa Steam Phunog Mill rj i'haiUir, Mutch 3D, Ir7i8. 4tf J. A. ErTEr. THOMAS tlEGBAlrEMUtll. J. A. ESTLS k CO., FACTO ItS AM) COMMISSION S.'Olt the aale of Cotlon, Orain, Flour, and ali kinua of Ceiuutry Produce. Ofiire. North Atlantic Wliarve,Cliar!etnii,S.C. J r According to the tcriue of the Co..arlncr alnp, we will not errm at., directly or indirect ly, in any Produce al.ipied to our houac. KF.iraexrM O. Mille, S. S. Farrar, llrothera eV Co., I.., n ne. u, Snulli Ai Whilom, Tlmn.aa J. A. C. II. Moire, Cbarli aton, S. C; Cut. It. Andtr-on, K II,.,-. ('.,I..,.,I0,. K i: t'lw.i.ia. Mi-I.i,r, Sp N. t. K., A u ix,ovanl. Ch. atrr. S. .: Col. F. Sc.iife, Foioii, S C , ('!. I. I'. Witb.-r.r J W very, W. A. I.alla, jt,ur. J. f J. L. 1 Ken., Cnl. S. N Kti'wc. Dr. lie, S. C; Dr. Ilappul.lt, Sal. irhury, N. C i J. L. Dixon, Kuoxville, Tenn. Jane I, IcSrj. - Jy Silver Piatinff, I Ml gold, eilvi r, br .aa and , all kimli nf metal di.taliee ! f wim k repaired. Coach maker, at . t mav want their work done, may have it at. ( tended io at the abortr.t. notice and liiii.lied in lias ! beet alyle. one buudreu yarda north of the court bouae and next dcar to Overman Ac Wilaon'e ! eoacn ahop. JOHN M. MASON. Jtftf. Junt I, 185H. Gun and Lock Smithing. j I.I, work in the atM.ve hu.uiess, except rtoek. ii, g, will be pu. ctu .lly attended to ami fin ished in the beat manner of workmanship, at my ahop norll. of the court huuae, next to Overman and Wilaon'a cuach ahop. JOHN M. MAS-W. Junt iau" ltesvl Ci n, position Ciistiiiss. j C AM prepared to manufacture a kindsolnurk I 1 in Ihe al.ove line of busuios. I would rail ti e particular attentinn of tnose that have mill or factorya. or any kind of machinery thai need : eompoailiun of Jarability for null inks, that I have one of my own, and I have never beard of any thing that would aland half iqoal to it. I will warrant them to run five ycara. There are acme of my make that have hern running fi teen and twenty year. I could furnish mxre than a bun- ; dred c'erlificte of iia durability. To Persona neemng Mill Ink and pndgeon 1 j will lurni.h ihe set lor eight oollar. Try them and ave yourselve the trouble of atupping y..ur null when all else ia right. JOHN M. MASON. Junt, I. 185t. Kif fy- .Notice 1 INFORM the Taa Payer of MecUcnliurg county ihat I now have in my handa the Tax Leal for 1857 and 1 am ready to receive tha Tax ee due and grant receipt. I dope those interested mill oblige me o far aa tu call t.rly and eeltic. a it will aavo me much time and trouble. E. C. GHlEll, ikertjf. Ap,il W, 1858. "tf (CTkOTH i:. H A INO bought the entire slock of TMIOTei, 11 SHOES. 4c, of Boone A Co.. I ahall con. ' l.mie the baa.neaa al their old stand, where I .hall be happy to meet my old tried, ami run"nrra. J. B. F. hoQNK. j .Vy3l,lf58. 134 artONSl MPTION Vy several yrara a M The Rev, Poet. Bnrnrtt, j larionary in aitie. a Atia, i timpte t eifaia rure h.r t fntump. I A!,, HmnrhUt, ern8. '.. . i. t fin. tnit Hrrifut I eoilile ! iln in er ,i ,hciHl ' - .-. . ,.' Vcd.etne are dirrrl. nUeol ,.,n.iing me m mr. j. " - '"' ' ' tlnr r.r.,.r, properUr. of the Medic." ly a..n- - tto J tul.y n" K."v fe'.ng tell. .-' 1 ' "rwllh7fa .d rxpl.cVt Itree) to an wbooi direct lew. S.r prepynj ..-J ,d succt-astully uam address KV. v. BURNETT. S31 Broadway, New York. faui. Jul) 80, 158. The .Tint;. r(ai i C6RHKTTED n R. M. 0ATE8 It CO. CllAltLuri K. Aft Jl'.ST S. ij5 13 (S. 12, ...It fV, r,, Il) c) u .....HO (3) tlU ...IU (ji leg ..... 5 U; n .....12, ') IK ( 2i DO fTi", on B.tfW, Hnfrie. .'...'....'..lb 8idca. ...'.... " flog ruunu, " Rhftulilira. . Hatting, Utir.ny. .... II ii Her ii I'tei'wax. ..i. Ufa lit lira liny, Apple " Peach. Cotton, new, Coiree, ttio Jaaa, C'aiidlr.a, Aiiaiiiiiuiiin ' fprm Tallow Corn, oh! ... ....lb.. .....lb . tb ........ ... yu........'. ....lb ....lb... , ....lb......... ..buahel, .'.. ..v.; fal ...in lb 'b ..O.l ii ui ,....fl (at I"' ....Hi (Zi 111 .....rl4 A l.i io m a (.;-, s ....4.i ('A 6" ij H 01 J, fo 5 ..(iO r.e, UK ..,.ll l-'i Ii, 1 l.' ,. ,.-.--3 ( 3" ; (! IJ ( t75 2 0, 2JU IU 'ii I J i U) li j ) li ....ill! It, f0 ....:iuO fi, 35 lb lb .....huahel.. .... l,ft .ihe!,. i cash.... J"" yard..i. , iioaen ... bhl b g , ib Ib Ib ... .hl.l K.I. U'lllK.... Chirk, na Cloth, ' upper m ' l.mHaey, i'et Flour. Fe.it her'a'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Lard Mutton Mackerel Mo'a.aea. N tl ,.jal 5S ,', ( ej W. 1 riil...'., 37 to, 4'J Meal tui.l,.: ',!) f( 6.5 Millll.(Wili..ingl..n)...l.hl If, f.J Naila. Northern it - 5 CO 0 ; " .'iiiithcrn Ih 5 ('i u. lOnta buahe 'M U. 37 ! Pork !b 7 7i Pi- '.ui.hr' e. ft, Ult 1 PotatiH-a, lr.fl butelii'l i'.H (') S I aiwl Iiuahr' tlO (C t1 ittie.e hnlli:l, 4 Oi, ttui ! Sntar,l.,i.if. !h 1 1 (7 IS I ' Prown Ib 8 f.r. rJ, toee.Warc -ul...... (. 9 Salf ,.,.... .aai-k lfil) fit. lh.7 Tea lb 5 (.. t Wheat, while, huahei Tj fu- t!i red hu-liel 7H (t, '.' Whiaker, Northeri gal 45 i'i 55 ' ' N. Caroline,...-...! :t.i K- 37, 7!, .'beat Georgia) wnal.eil 'J7 d 2 iinwnahe.' VJ f?u Sft V:.rn hal 1111 (i Oil COTTON. There ia ao little chmtgu in Cotton that it ia uinVnlt lo eatabli-h a price. We conti nue lo qaU! Irwin PJ lo I Ij. fLOI'R. Flour ia in demand ut the price, quu teti ill table, and hut little cuiuiiig to market. WHEAT Wheat ia in good drmnnd and pri. cea tiiMi. Prime while will readily bung eta. nd prune red SO cent-, if well cleaned. There la o much wheal comte to mnraif in aueb bad coo. union that it injure. Ihe aa!e at hart i lo 8 tenia icr buahel. CORN The aupply of Cofu ta abundant for the demand and Coiim qneiitiy the price, have a downward tendency. (VI 1 MI1IA MARKET- Col.owa.a. Ju'y 31, JT." ( OTTtJiV. We havo no iuuteri.1 f )tw;f I, icu in the price ol enll'ju to ery Hcring war hot aboit iriidniiiig. i, Tbe Qii.. lily nd thertlurt It r.a not a Iroe teat ol the value of a fine artiel IlAl ON, boj.roun.1, 1 1 (t, 1 1 lOR.N 70 (i 73 PEAS S) 8 OATS Oil (,ri 1)0 FLOUR (a, 0 lIIARt F-STti.N MARKET. fuauTsTiiM, Juiy 30, Bbi. COTTON The tranaicl.ona lo day reached a. bout .iUU bale., and were made atrxtremea r-.nj. in 5 Ir.iin 11 In, l'J cent-. The inarart w.,t ut. pre.ae-d, anu pucea were tu lavor ul buycra. Concord Male School. JAMKS It. McAULEY, rrincipul. liltl'UY LACY, Jr., Asshtuii'.. ri'HE mil Seraion of thia Scbnol . will cinnmenrc ou Thuraday, Kth of S-n'1 ."rw r. 1 (?oS. TERMS Or TUITION. Ellgil.h Braoel.r lj 00 ( luaaiea and M ,ll.eoial,c J0 I, II Coniingcul Fee I 01) Board from f.1 lo $111 p.rnioiilS. Tuition re. quired in ndvonce. Jui, SJ, WM. 157 IIOUL HAVANA LOTTKIIY. Tl, c next oriiitnry drawing of the Royal II. I,. I nttcry c.,nf i.eted by the Spa nieh t.over.iine ava ioveriiincnt. ,,. 1 1,,. aiin.rviHh,n nt tho Cii ,,! in (., i.era I of Cuiial Hill lake place at iluval.il on U'Ei?IAV, Acpst 17, loS. $800,000. StUiTEO MM FRO 60-.l OKDINAIilO, ( aph ai. it.izi ioo ooo:: 1 prlxeof S100.OOO1 4 priicaof 1 OOO 1 ' 5l OHO 5 ' I. OOO I 'l.i.OOO I 52 ' &00 I " 10,1(00 143 ' tOO 1 A.OliO I JO Apr'xim's S l00 4 Approximation to the lOPViP. fUUO each ; 4 of 9401) to .v.i. I" Hi; 4 ot tlllli to ;Ki,UUU ; 4 ot t-(Ki to till, l''; 4 of H0 ta 5,tlll(l. WholuTickelrliO; Haiv-vtlUj Qnartcra 5 Prizia cashed at eight al 5 per cent. diecount.j Billa or all aolvent Banks taken at par. A drawing will be forwarded aa eaoii a tlie re. suit bcciiiiie known. Cnmiuuuici.tiiin addressed to TfO.N ROPRI. l.l'EZ, (ure of City Post, Charleston. S. C. ) un. til Ihe 17th of Aupusl, will be aitciuicd to. Persons ordering Tickets will please write their nature plain and give their post ortice, county anI atale. DiSaSoIutiuu. f IIIK Firm of BOON K A. I O. wua dmrolred rr JL fie !4tli iiiftunt, ty iniilu.il cicnt. All pt-rona indt-btrd to theui are iiolified .hut tht-it Nott and .-rcountM are in tha hund nf C M. K.ijr for colltchnn, and iht y arc earni-stty rt-qucs. t'.'U to come forward immtJittleiy and fuj Up, ua the bumncFa ot tlie firm mutt ins i loiti. J. B. F. HOONK. M. IS. TAYLOR. .Way 31, lei!?. I'Jl Ot flic of llli' C. iS; .- K.I'O-irl, I ( HJliunr, .Miv lu, Im. i fwilIK coupons du ci. Hie B .n.ia of Una Com JL pany ou me lat of July next, will be l On men at thia agency wi, i.. v-r p.rerei.tio. A. IJ. .MARTIN, Jgeit. Bacon, Bacon, Baccr. ! I j.k.ii ItAi O.N in aloMi, wbicii will bo mho low tor J r. BRYCE & CO. lutf Aay 18. 165- Taper, Paper, Paper ! l K are now receiving; in Store, aaeorteii ai aea.f WIIAIMMXC P.U'P.U. nilahle for Merchant and l'rjggista, a.d can tntni.h at short notice such de-scriplion ol P rr a are used bv Printing Office and Cotton Far. torirs. snd will allow a fair pne lor the waale of Ibe latter. J, Y. P.KYCE A CO. Agtntfor U'acoeia Mu. Mau 19, 1S58. "if