gsBBtfaMasaaMBavaaaMBMaMawBaBBBBBaaKaK jliuto Turing. Vtom the Siulhcrn I'hristian Advocate. ALL ATTIIK 1MCAVKR MEKTINV,. We were travelling for pleasure a party of us in Vermont, in tbe summer of 18") heo t the close of a wurm afternoon, we niched (lie pic aritt village of " After taking tea at tlie quirt hotel, wefro4l rd out to look at the place and enjoy the srenery, lu-n the church bell fefjtaa ring ing, anl then tolling, and me nefired a Urge numWr of people comini out of the varums , ikif knrilrl the villnee street. 1 ... ; and passing on in the direction ot toe oousa of God. Supposing that only some unusual occurrence the presence, perhaps of onie popular lecturer, or of some HiMingninhed mate-man or poMlician, could call out to large a proportion of the inhabitant", two of our party fill in with the current, and go ins on, entered the church. One after a uotber, family by fanu'y, aud individual af ter iudivi'lual, tbc people cime in till the f .1.. I,,,,., was. mil Slle.l. !r the time.l,el.e:ihaddoretf):in,M.lWMi:; when, with a Mep. not tome dMi. . . , i ... .....'..., truisne'i :rner, uui i-r ... y t ... .u. .:.t ..) ,; pir u., waiacu yH ,i,e .eat below, in front of the p-.lpit. With his eye. closed, bis head lent for- ward, and Lis face covered iih bis ban.!, a moment wa, given to silent thou,bt an I , praver, and then rising be gave out a! l,..n -l,;..h .J.hout instrumental aid lias 1 uo; mo-t scru.Iy and by the ' .Vat, be called pon , lead iu prayer, -lieh whole exmre zation. ro of the brethren ta was done with such eamcfaiess ad feeing as eoud uotbut be prottt .T,le o all. Then be rl a chapter fro one of the gospels, fo:ioir- it wilb ft plain, in-tructive, and address" !e materials ur wuica can ni-( et;t;y been gathered frsm personal im.r cur-c with bis people. And at the close of Lis remarks, turning tu u.yself as a . per whose presence be presumed evinced : .1, : l. , I. A ,l.,t mi iuicnr-i , tut uas liatf regular tcfkly pruiirr meet : i c and iiivitod me to address tbtw. I did so willingly, aud after pre-enting a few thoughts that seemed appropri-:e to ll.e oceastuu, bifore siilin.' .:own I ttirijed to the niiui-ter and said, Ma, ' I take tue lib tr:y, sir, to o.-k if tLi- i- LJii..UL' more than tbe usual icrcily fii'i,ir turning Ila naming oecurre 1, or is there no uausuai re-' I: iou intere-t iu t be v Liag-", to Call oui so Urge. oumW.of people! Aud what Pro. ro'tionof the member of your church aie, here this ev,uigr .n rep y. he assured m- that there was peculiar religious in- t-reat amra.' the people no more th3Q Had. V-n manifest for a lor; time, that this was l .t the or.iina.-y ape of their e. kij . r- . ver10e. tin7. aal looiin? round upon the i a i i',ei:ee, he added in anw,-r to the latter; I .rt of my titslion. " I believe u!l the mem j ier- of our church fevery one who is iu the v.;...e aud io Lealtl) are here. la it not; so Ileaecn 1! V " Yes," nid the fiood dea- U,.:;,, round uon the Dcork-. " ves s - I lelieve tLtv are all here.'' I a-ion ehe ill le it!i me. ' . ..... Ail the niemUitot the A i. l I came awav thinking ho LUst wa that M-tor a:m that church; and resolved,! ' 1 when I ret jr11r.1i Lome, to he more than ever faithf'jl to tb-j wetk'j prajcr meeting. eo in! ty au e xoeileiit layman -a tucmk er ; of one of our churches. I Lave thought of it fre.j ...iii'v ; and finally concluded to writ. it out, aud send it to your paper, for it s j?2sU lesson? that ought to be sent out .! . ... ... .L.. !,.... I, ...A . ,..,l.h ,.( tl Ur.rl a!.d pandered by every dicip'e of Chri-t , All t'.e '- httf'i at 1 lie 1, iyrr inertia Whit 10 eneouragement would it betojiany a diseoira.jed sud almot worn out pastor 1 What a te-tituony to the siorld Cliris. tiao were ir. earoe-t in their profe ion, and they lovjl coiiituui.ini with God! IjjW would it make termon and means of lul'. cf intere-t, and life, and power,! ilat I,os.--siau:iao4;if;e.s! Mow would i MOST EFKBCTUAL ME.VN3 OF TUE it pr ji..')t rtuin grace, and honor Chri-t. VEN'l INtJ TI1K KUT. -A I'jicteri real, anl inerne -piritual.ty, Jn Scotland, hen the potato rot was in sni (ua'se thecburch or.e-rth ii. ihecl.urch ful hia-t," and destroying aimo-t the en iu heaven! L-t ull the thureU j- reiolar- tire crop of that country, Mr. David Mar ly at the prayer meeting, and a'! oi.U be tu 0f Muirhead, Fife preserved his crop fai.L'.ul, aud active aud u-efu! ; all o.jil perfectly free from all dieaes, hy forming b a be'p to the pa-tar and to eact o'ln r : his driila in auch a manner that they threw a I would feel the power of the j.'0-p..M ;n th. .1 Djf the rau, and did not permit it to enter own Learts, and thus be l-uri.inp and fh.r. , ,ue BOj rltar the ateina of bi potatoes. iuj lights; and men wjii'.d take knoa'.ede u , letter to the Dundee Courier, he states of them that thy hao; hen wnn Jesus'. , ,hat be had not a di-eased potato for th; See ta it, Chri-tian real.r, thrt you do .t three years, hy sdr.piing tbc fullowing vour part towards having aI the eiiur' h ul r,Un I make Uiy drills three feet apart, u t th' j K.yi 1,'f'ttr-. , and as soou as I be rtaiks are formed I bend II K s T IT U T ! O N . A etrri-pi'idcnl wri'ea to ihe Iudpend tnt : A nuu.Ler of ea .KtltUtl'aB S I e some ni.dtr my nt.i.(.o. i.u looiiu.' young man ca.led on u.e and -tiled ii.t h fe.t his need of reiijji'n. i,ul ti.e-e. a a luatier in the way ahoul allied i.e f-itreal ', uneasiaes. years a-o be bd rob-' aai At'jbfull of soapsuds, farmers should b. d Lis employer of a tutu of money, ami ', is worib a. much aa a wheelhar ,. . ...e'uaiev.r known it but himself and fc""-"1 ""- 3 ol od. .Now fceabeib.s.i.'l.lofel.aufi'iab.. t',a matter came up" before PW'f '.I tiiu aith ;-M at darklie did not know what Im t I t'jld'tiiio th-' road Wat I lam, he u.11,1 Lit un.' that iui Uf,re 1,A and kno.u ooiy la Lx M"truU'1 bim and the siuner. reri .ired u-j con I " ftssiou, but be uu-t pay up and iq.are the bouka. He apiaiijc up and saij ' I aiU." 1 taw him a few day after, hapy iu tlie love f l.ia Sav. ur. You aou. j he a-tomhed lo bear bow many of these cases are. eon- atautlj coining uuder uj Secret ai.W, keep mire me', from coming out, . . . . , i good Christian than almoit an, other A lady called on me on a Mooda, morning, , not Ions aao, atd stated she was much con-1 cemed about be. Mul, bat abe bad . dim- cult, it. Ihe of her coming to the Sav, .,n ,at dow0i wcl)t t0 icur. f-be bad in a fit of jealousy gross!, ce,reJ the board in some vfandcred a neighbor, and slio wished to twe'Xy ,ove, and was about withdrawing know if hecon!d obtain case of mind with-j in contempt, when he was arrested b, a vr; .7"z-" 1, informed that .-he ii.nt brmg fortb frutUi 8tt,rnatlon of ,1,'e hero and the looker on. met for repentance ' b, going to the iijur-j,, jfliy J TOIir name, Sir T" said Mr. S. ed part, aud making restitution. It was a1 Certainly, Sir," replied his youug n,af-0"- barJ road to travel, but abe went and made j re,p.r.,i0I1, . . .. and found rot lo her soul. J v. EBULY CUTTING 01- HAY. I have observed in several agricultural PP, article enjoiuing farmer, to cut their La, as early a at the time that ,t mines out in blossom, for even earlier,) be- cause it is sai'l. it properly curea, me - ha, retains us ueauu.u, green c.Ur, .u Jibe nu.ri.ious juiee, of tbe plant to a much j ' greater degree than ,f .uffered ataud un-! til the seeds are fully formed. - i eruap. iuis j " -h-- clover, but I am satisfied that it IS not in regard to timothy or the other ' grasses.'y At all events, my experience is that green timothy hay is not as palatable to c.t.le, j or to stock of any kind, as that which is eut after the feeds are fuliy formed, and j indeed so far ripened as to " abell " a little , wheu tbe hay is " nousea.' cuun. v -v --j i t l . 1 I- f , t.motuy grass o-.ore ru-., ...u . the blossoms bad entirely fallen off. It was cured in the very lest manner, and phced in a Jiow to which I could at anytime Kave aeeess. After harvest, aud when the seed had hcemc to ripe as to shell out , considerably, I cut tbe same kind of gra.-s in the same field, and phced it in a sep- aratc mow. At a favorable time (.n the j (nY.nmtti" Winter 'l for in akin ' a ftir eXDeri- i incut, I carried out to my catile, hay from the n.ow which I had storeJ which ba.! been cut while green, (before harvest,) aud fed to each a separate parcel. ' , . . , i e .i ..-j -j -po. it I carried to each a p.icel of -u'ea h'I bcc cut after harvest, a, J fro,., whiei, the seed .helled out w b- it ( w" haud.ed. la eierj in-.ame the .wier mey uau id.iij c,..,l ul.Ca i. u- imuieuiaieiy .jj.i iuc a...... k.ut Lay," and ate up, clean that hich was cutj after barveat before ?aio toucliiif the for- j er. Indeed, in many in-tances they threw form their mouihs tbe preen buy, the soon- j cr to git at ihe other. I repeated tried the 1 "me eipt rimetit, ar.d the reult was the fame iu every iDetance. Tbe reii.-ct. of the j preference snowu oy u.e caiuc wr i .e naj. cut after harvest, 1 suppo- to be thi: leave and needs 1 tlje Dutritive matier 11 po'ceu no green, and nh (icnie additions, t ... ' , , , .1 - rlued from that earth and at no-rhere. ouer and above that of the green bay. The green, early cut bay, although it rc-1 taiued its green and beautiful appearance, ras toujjb and difficult to uia-ticate : and ; very probably tbe crude and uiulahorat. d : v . 1 . . , which was disagreeable to tbc palate, ami deleterious to the health of tbe cattle. lie this as it may, tbc experiments fully Balis- j fied me that tbe cattle were most fond of, the later cut bay; that they would eit more 0! it, au 1 Keep 111 tjetier conniitou up- on it than upon the earlier cut green hay. j I have not ao perfectly experimented in re- , gard to horse and sheep, li-it I have ob- 1 served that they alwaya tuade tbe samej choice aith the cattle when opportunity ol- ! fer'.d ; no doubt fr the tame reasons. J. j II. II , Stwca Co. Country Gent. t tiicui a!i to cne aide, and raise up the earth aeil to then, ou the other, making a deep furrow 10 that the rain la came l away Irotu the roots. 'J he potatof-a grow out ofj the sinei ot tue daiils, au'l 11. this position r.-c.ive no injury fr j.n the rrj that falls djiiL'T thunder storujr. " """" wnere.i an. '- 'l'g'den is a good ami bul lu ro ' of grupetiue, ouug ircc or '" tjwi of lhauort will do as well. L..Af Caks Wilb 3 cup rj milk, I enp of augar aud i cup of yeaat, make a thick batter and let it stand over iniit. Iu tbe morning add i cupa tj. jrar, cups butter,! ejrg and sj ice to I, king "ftr Mr. Morphy. who ibj thj Africa Q'lictl? wa Iked into the St. Ueorpe I J',, nij,ht Utt week, aud, after i,cnt;u(, jr. Lewen, w ho U a recognised champion, with the greatest ease, offered a challenge to Mr. Staunton, tha V' W Dame " ""Vl- , " . .... A" :"., . ,u.t am sorry, i'ui a uv. y i- a uow. I chouM rather not ri.-k another game just at present." And so Mr. Uniitou withdrew. The event has excited quite as ijrcut sensation in the world of chess as was bred in the world of yachtsmen ny me vie torv of the America ; and Mr. Morpli, naa , maue up a match witu AUi.ersou, mo n.i- narixn. II 1 1 01 which all Ella-land that pla,. eili chess will, of course, be vehemently bet ting in the course of a tortn,ebt. You ma, regard this as a setoff, perhaps, agaiust tbe defeat of Mr. Ten Kittii'k'a horses, though it should be rcuiembersd that the battlo cvon there is Dot yet given up. Times. Mrs. Kliz ibetb Parker, tbc oldest person in Maine, died in Durham, Cumberland county, on t on tho 22.1. She was born in tlirt4.tnroe years before the DecU- ,leoce Ta, sh(J W3S a. . jeJ bo(3iy ?i;.or 8uffi. an employment she took great delight in. Ciir'Hlill MilRTcll SprillgS CABARRU3 CCUKTY, N- C J or $s M f WIU. os-n a eX'IIOUl. for girls, at this lslol July, iuro can i-c n.o , For Tuition. ueli as Heading, i Writing-, Arithintt.e, lirninmar and (iecgrapliy, I at f j pT moiltll. rolliliog unu -s. eoir " i n rtquina The value of tins w ni r is Known ui I. il,,. .,..,.,!. It hs currrt llvsnrp- "J-;--'- 1,1,4, ,d K.d..e,ad JS,r- T(U, Alr,-ction.. This Mmiral Spring not a of anb. -or,, ...jafaa. -unng jt ip ,1()w nm-n-o. and will be fiee eontageons disease,. Any directions, f-t P.i. w.ll alUiition SARAH SO-JSERMAN. i'ionrfr Mult. Cat arrui rs., Ajn" U, ISJ. fJ'() t'OttOIl PlHIlt CI"? fVIIlK und.rsi.ned is iwinr sell l" hrt T ah HI .nth saws iiiii.c l tlie ' 11 (,iv,"rd Bl n, ii,-, Y- is nn : s''.V! 'l.Tll,. . linl KoaflB. I ie aoTaina. ivc over slni'prd from oiln r fi will last l.,,gi r, one l of ribs tx - mj ,1 to three. Ti.e b.usli co. r. ii wiin un insicao oi noi. i ii.u .... j rep ureu anu at less ipense. J'; M. . Wall .. ..rrw'. T. O.. to K. G. Paltuer. F..,fiW. and A. ; UOTT. h ii, ,. s, .V.. ii5. Isj-. Il-tim tl ,d llt , Ciisli Paid fur Hides, JV K M. IIOWU.U 3 '"J" tu'1' of ,1,e 5 M H-.e. casi.a.'e, n( u, i:". jtr 500 wJ ;.AI I.ONS I I 1!K I.INSF.tD Oil., anu at HUTCH ARDS. Ftb. 9, 1 8.-8. Jasimihei Yard Ii HI". aulier.bera i J lotie :.nd vieioit the cit.i. ns of t h; r. tv. tllal they have establish. I.L.MHr.K VAlD in l.-wn, here they in. tend keruinv a soiolv of all ..f IX.VlBr.K rpmg f..r bui!i 11 di.ili is th am. '.Ila purrties. Mr. J-. t,,n. Applieattol as Ku- Ulde to llllll 1 Oct. 13. I Si MILLKU it I'UUIKR. 1 Hl-alr aVrrifW!.. :,r;rre,b:e r, frtahant ami l..xative,aa pie l.t to the tasle as sou:, water. Ndd hy II. M. I'KITCIIAUl), I Irwin's t'orner SnuOMtflVI' roN(.Tr(ATf:I) lkv'-W .rr.n ... p without lime, aim aith Imle iron best and eluapest article in use. rnce s. its a tan. Sold bv II. M. I'KITCHAHD, Dec. I Irs in'a Corner. Wanted I tOIIDrt t)F TAX tUniC. f. which lor ell ail! Is- pan). M. U. TAYIiOK. lattr ,Vy3l,lKV3. II it ii r'w I';irin:i I v Ii K sui.eriorilvnf this article over ( orn Marrh ; Tapi.a. Sago, &c., as an nrliclo of iliet lor 1 ihvmIi.ib an1 thtidirn, ia unquestioned by tne me- I oical UcullV. Full U.plv at I FIUTCIIARDS famity Dm; Store. ' S'j 15. IK.7. a'ltf j I I .illllt'l a, fr 'l l ilill Oil. I tlOlt Tannefa and Planlera ua in dressing and ; ' preserving l.alher and Harness. For sale by I M. 11. riti iiiiAi'.w, l)t-c. I Irwin's Corner. DeGralh's Electric Oil. a M I'IM Y ot th s eelehrat.d Oil for sale at Ira,..'. f.,roer. 11 m. j'KirciiAnD. my Dr .Wii 4, I- m w 4 d t I.l:si. p0rn ground WIIITK rl HPfniflfd - ki'd"1 (J ttl w rr Celt., ttt j flill'CHAHDS, ! iirn'l ( urnrr. j M'nrr ii'iirli tiramly, n f Ol. I. AM) G.n. Whisker, Kherrjr aud OI.I.AND G n, Wlu.kejr, Hherry aud Port' -Win. s, la.i.'j'.n Alt ami Purur, lor nicdi. I 1 1 use. S-.ld hv I JJce.l II. M.lT.irCIIAUD. I Afnri, Ii I.A' K Ptl r-r. C CakitlK d Washiny ! . t re. Ta , Nutii.i J.i , t inn. 1 , I Mai K Kur... I ev. rjr kind. : sale at wlioits.le ret .il. l.r 11. m. I'khciiahu, D. c. I Dam's t orter I ll-all i lillfcU'wai llilil l', I N .ii.l bottles just rteeired from Haratoga I -i-iinis, Dee. I. 11. m. rniTcii.uii), lrviii' Corner. A LAKGK SLTPLV OK Constable Vurrants FOR SAlaK UKRKi Important Land Sale. .wiviv i .i-i. tn remove to the Pouth. JM. West, 1 i.flYr for sale my valuable ml h,f m raw Iv Improved I.. I "n 4 eft nVy River, 8 milea west !- ofConeord.raharruacnon. I . .t r, .nil,., fr..m the N. CKailRoad.' One tract of 0 acres, lying on b.,11. l,l,n of ll.e river, in a high alale of eulliva. tiou mid unsurpassed of soil. Amitlier ....i r nerra on wmen mim, mi..; II. improved. hvii.jr excellent l.u ilrfin t. a good ilh all suitable fivmrea frr u.e...ful huaineaa , t.nnii.g and f.m.ii f. 1 '" ''" ,re ll.alered, auhilinoi" '" liljr a large. proporlinn of ".! d. an supply of good timher. Purchasers would d.i will U ra.inune km.ii, as it is seldom thai o rich and well unproved farms ar. offered in markU. C. J. HARRIS. April 6, ltS8. ilf Charlotte .fl ittiml Tire lustir- nuve t'nii:n'. XTlHIS COMPANY continues to lane risa .imi.t loss by fire, on lluuacs, Oouda, Fro. c.ui tr Ottice between Talk's Store and Brawley's Building. OFFICERS. M. B. TAYLOR, I'rtsiilet.t: 0. OVKKMAN, Vire l'resiflctit. E. NYE HUTCHISON. Sec y. J- Treas'r. PIKKCTOBS. M B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN. J. L. BROWN, W.M. JOIIXRTt iX, F. 8CARR, S.T. WKISTON, A.C.STEELE. Juifji Ii. Known, S. T. Vki8to.n and A. C. Stl, Executive Committee. A.fl8, 1858. I0tf S. M. HOWELL, XL Saddle & Hamerj ICanufectorer, TUIIIK D0OB8 SOV TH OF THE MANSION HOUSE, CII.-tKMTTE,X.C. trAllkindsof Saddleaand Harness mule at the shortest notiee. t7 REPAIRING promptly riecuted. Jan. 10, JfSS. 37tf .1 A 31 KS 31. K !' F. V. COMMISSION' ME II CIUS T, 1 17 IIIAMBEHS STRFI.T, X. Y. Xl"YS and lorwarda every kind of merehan. M !,r VT 'ssjaissia. Refers to 0...vs. Swain ana .Mort load. N. W . W unufiii, J. W. Osborne. I". P. .Mmilenhall, A. M. Uormin, Esqs. and liev.C. F. Deems, Hon. W. A. Graham, and j others. Wrr ta 1'ianoa, Mclixlrons, Organs. I Harps, (Juiiars. Mu.ic. Staing Machines. Iron) Sul'.s, Pumps, tiardrn Engines, Ae. A printed I..I of alt the differ, lit makers, kinds and prires I ssat free. Publisher nf an elegant lithograph of- Hfinrj A'l Cap," N.C. (l.) and the " Cnrso. I ! sra I'livsicia ; i.a, lsnias t.oiua to II'.tm." I f ,Mliry ,H ,.,;,,, rrl,H,.. ,.., n-ture'. W?. j.mely bound lourih e.niion, 3(i0 p.e.., anJ is sra t'livsicia : i.a. Isnias (mu to H'.tm. ma.ira' fret for s Jollar N w Rosewood Planus, $lv0. y,U. 16. 13.18. IN QUART BOTTLES, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And for the (lire nf S.-n-L. M Hiisi a T.-a J.n vivi , I'll T re!' rthp s.M 1-1. , od t.a.1. h 'Kr o.f.-r a. . ' v f ,: j.f.,h.rt'.. , II .e.-. m:W-. ' r. r s. I Ii.- ri ... ras b tbe l-al.e'.t HEA-TH AND fiTRENOTH .l. r ll.l. I.,. 1. ii I- ,. a r.i reSe.i, .4 ,q.,.Ml I.. I , , II. r(, I.. Another Cure of Scrofula. T... V V - ;. V -n, I, Hall . '. 1 .,.,.- M,. . irl,. V I: All V -t I-' 'II I.M W Prerl.l awt s. i.1 ') . II. A l. M-. a--.. ,.,..!,.,.. n -..:,..-i,e.i, Sm V...S s...l '-j iu,;.,.l. .aeruly. ROMAN EYE BALSAilT For Weak and Inflamed Eyw TV- Ra-'am wa. s.a ...av r,r. h. the .n,.... I. . ... . . i,ri..l ta-'oi.l l.h ll.e it. ,1. 1 1, , . h.-r t,. K YRLIDS ARK INFLAMED. I.,e,. .,el M IX E KS. SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, alt Hheum, Rina-Worm, T"tter, Peal.l.Itea4, Uart-r'a Ith, Ulot. hes, An. lie .1 I.) ii, ...i nn. 1..1.I1I he Bile.. l mt I . . It, 1..1.I1I he ni e.l l I I'V l Fa.iut L. t Mix. w i, tr,a. if. m. I'RiTniAi'.n, lawia'at uim .W.y 4, 'SB. fill prin mm; II a. no. wi II he lie. II, a ,S..rtn.l s. f ... i- LU I KNAS forsale at this office. ITS GREAT BEAUTIPIER , &o long' unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST ! OB IT RESTORES PERMANENTLY 1 fiR AY HAIR TO ITS original cmor : co i....,r,,...ilv il. r bald head I removra all dan diufl. jtclling A ,crofiilii. acald head and all .,,.i.,ik tlie Hair soil, iieniiny, ami gis. ay; and will preatrve n in aj iinagiouo.n n moves, aa il by nmgie, all lilolchrs, A c. from tho face, and cures all Neuralgia and nervoua Heart t( culur anu ine innowing. DoTer, N. II., Feb. 2.1. 1857. riiOF. O. J. WOOD A. t O Uenla I Within a few days we have received sn many orders and ealla for Prof. O. J. Wood's Hair llestomtive, that tn.ilav we were compelled tn send In lloslon lor aiianlitv, (the S doien you forwarded all being ...I.I . while we inipht order a niiantit from y ICcny lollir ire r $u!d iremt to hart prmluetd 3 mr 'I Hrie estiers anil lit.' approiianoii, ami pai. roniee it reecivis from the must substantial and worthy ciliiena nf our vieinitv, fiillv eonvinfe ua that it is A. MOST VAI I'A III.E I'UKPAU ATION. Send us as soon as may be one gross ol tl liar; and one cloirn l ane; and believe ua yours very respeetfullv. (Signed) PANIF.r. I.ATIIORP &. O. Ilirkorv C.rnte.Pt. Charles Co., Mn. Nov. 10,50. I'ltOF.'O. J. WtK)D IH-ar fir i Some time lust s ii ii, in. r we w ere imhieeri to use tome of your Hair lUsloriilivr. and ila rffeel" were an wonderful, we feel it our duty to y uand the i.fllicled, toreKirl it. Our little sou's head lor some lime had hen r. fretly eoverrd with aores, and soma called it seald head. The hair almost entirely came oft" in eon. aeo,ui'iiee, when a friend, aeeing hia auftcrings, ad vised ua to uae your Restorative, we did so with little hope of sncciaa, but tu our surprise, and that of all our friends, a very few appliealnma removed Ihu disease cittiieiy.snd anew and luxuriant crop of hair oon atarlid out, and we can now say thai our boy has aa healthy a sealp, and aa luxunai.t a prop of hair as any oiher child. We can thrra., and do recommend your Realorative, as a per. IVet rrn.edy for all tliaesses of Ihe seslp and hair. We are, yours repia etfully, UKOIHiK W. HltilJINiiOTHAM. SAUAll A. llll.tilMfOTHA.M. C.r.liorr, Maine. June Si. 1855. riH'K. O. J. WOOP IVsr Sir : I have used 8 bottles of Professor Wood's Hair lle.toralive. and can truly say it is the grealiat diseovery "I Ihe nge for restoring snd ehanging the Hair. Itetore using it 1 waa a man of seventy. .My II nr baa now attained ita original coh-r. Yu can n-eoin. mend it to the world without the least fear, aa my Caae waa uae of tlie worat kind. Yuurs, rcaiiectfully, DAM EI. X. MI RPIIY. O. J. WOOD k CO., Propriet-.ra, 312 Broad, wav, N. Y., (m the grrat N. Y W ire It iiling Ea. tahiiahinnt)and 114 Market st, .et. St. Iiuia, M., And sold by sll Druggisls i.i the I'rnn and by ii. m. i-uncnAitn, t23 Charlotte, Y. C. AYER'S CHERRY PIXTORAL, rill THE RAPID CI RK OF f'oMa. Coiiah. nud llourf !. R.lsi'U. M . 't. D-r. 1V. ta J C.Aria: I .a. h-.llsUfc.T th lal r'tll I "T In,m4 I'.atlM. I,tf.nsa inrttwata. sn-l tha s.ltlant ympCnti.s.aj bO-M.IsS" Rill rTiaslaL. U r.tfMt-l Ua Ifl V . nl my fmy w but f i v..n In rm-m -vtp- CA KI1KM KMOIIT.M. I. fair pnvtlr itiisUIdU. A 0 MHRTI.KT. Kj I'tk. X T.. writer "I Wal ruur -rMf m?if mrft ia mj fcrntif mwmr ntiw - init,t. tC fthf. !. II hm Iw Bxdl- Ii It fllttTwaV put "Mt, Hilh It lta faaiaj ask'suUI pOMf ar iwntv f..llrc f-f UrUi litM tf., ithMit 11, uf UXm n uth- rvfua-ly ." , Croup, Wboopiac Coaffli tmtlarnt, hrtiri.LD, Wt. ri 1, 14, Ravritm At: I t)l cKsfftihy certify ymr Iti-tr! i (h- ls.t rmiy mh fite bm ruf o b-t.'lt rti,rtt. t-miI. ianl the Aimt 4imiHM rtttWw 4 -tstur tn th tVmlH frrtt yr ktU Wa4 arb4 f tr ttlkiu Iu tmr pT'l HIHAM CONKLff. K . AMOK I.r.C. ta. M iwrniT, I writM, 3s Jn. I It. I Mt ImAhm. whx-h r-H.llis,! m In 4wt ttf mny ndtrtw ttli1 r-lMf ; inajily triwt jnmr rt-"tl l !) lrn omt rtmrgymnn, Th A rate fm rltifxt th wiwiMf tn mt tlir'wU .nl In ; thM v htlf lb bisttl nk m comtlr-iy wrll. V nr mlt-t. mrm ti rlvf-Ml m rll m ttm mm Mm tmy. wm uvm jm, burt, ai4 ymt rvirtii't m lh (srwir mmu't fri(nj Avthtnn or PYithHIr, nnd llronrliltU. Wrrr tUn ninil. H., Vk 4, I'SA. Pit : T'nr frry tctml M p-rf intil g nmrvaalMwrt enrm In tht as-tMn. It hm rwlil vl frv-m yar--nr ainHna flf ramwnwtpfpm. n.l hi ftm rtt r1it mn lv. ha. tola-! b kr mm nr1to mt r )nnr to lM f-rtj yms. IIKHV I. fHKJ, Mt-L A. A. R4M-HT, M 0 Aimw, Mrr. To, Ift, vrttM, iVspf I : " Dtirtim mj prrtirw i mmnf fjf9 t ha ftirwl nMhmf mnnl t T if frry md fr rtvtnf meAj rlto lo rjjtiMptir mUmiU, or wrtnf Kit m arm turim.'1 V miflit mA wrAmmmm of syr(War, Y-ui ihm wvi ft. .Irwin proff nf lUm f Uiom ut this rm-l to ff-l im IU tttnClA upo. tli-J. IVvhahlj n on f-nwjy bu iwf m knovv vhkti cnr-1 mm mmnj ftml nth timmciunm emmmm mm thta, Bomm 00 hxaPftn -id rmn tmmek . hm to . ItM 0rrj Ietmrml ff-afU rrlkaf mt4 nnbri. Atm tf'if-i, Nrw T l Cttt VvrH , l- Dwrnl Am. UlL: I Mill ti'y mn4 pmmr ii' tntVarn f-t mmi f -nr Vmrr Hrlmrmi Hm 4n W iy wif. flw hi l-a-n ft mtmihm UlTifi nn.Wr th- Uv rwxild nrwTir lsrmrth rlr M wtMrlllf vWtl- tn. ntll In-. im. at tnm witj. wh-r wa nit, ri-Vti irw. nf yMr BJmM. -Hill. Pef trm tKM tmy. h- hi ,-v a. Hs Aa a .1 S3 Im, tail is fis rmm Im v.ngtk. an4 mils BTaslf arU. .ars silk fTtt.nW mi4 sarH, osnnsi Harts r ua. AsiiaarAWi. do aol irfnlr till f har. trV4 ta's CH.sar eser.Mi.L. Il la m.W b, mm rt lha hl aMstkal cllnMS B the vnrt-l. uwl M ma .11 srsin4 us twatak Ua !.,(.. iAml. IU !. ftim-ltlyt,m Lrdf. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. T. H K s.kav.s of CtiwaWrr and MMins. Iiass lseti Uasrf their .isssl to idac tha last, r m tairrsllss ahlrli Is knna lo msn. Inaaatmbls pre are lK,a Ibea. Pius has. flrttwa ahlea rpaM la at nHWirs lha ordinary mdlrlasa, and that thr mm aa lenknledlr ni tha s-tf sf sll m. Tv-y sad obaMht as uka, Vart pewsrlul to rara. Their pao Irallnt "psltlsaalmal s lha snaaaetlrMWanf Ik nod;, rma tha ela) of Ita (sua. pwrtfy tits blood, aiat aspsl dlas.. Ttsty sa'ss! Hi" tai'' kassofs ahkw br4 and gm9 dwli.wr, stimabkU ltias.h ar dia ded nesan. 1st Itotr astaral .'H'Si. and laaart Saallby ton. HN Mrsaslk to th. br.l. arasa. M sfttr do Iher 'art lha erUr miupl.lSU o nrj taslj. hot li tnvja and dai.aiss. diMM tl..t bar. latlled ,. hert af hams, skill. W ails tkr seodwa pnaarnal .ffecta, the. ar at lbs nma Urns. Ir. dtmlnl.h.4 .V"., lha saM and lt ehyMr thai a t miplsrist ta; rklldi i. Heies .asarioausf. they ar. plsamnt In take ; and Ma sarriy tataa. ar. In fmia any rkat sf harm. Caiiai ha.s law. aiade ahleh rarvaa. Mlmt as lly at k atanthUed hy aisa T .ark eaalUa! s lliua anil rhanartor m to rl!d th. aoik-lna of anlralh. Many rnitnenf rlsrarmen aad y.lanahaelen thslr nan s to rm olfy to the puMk th. reliability of say rsmodUa, al.lU others Lav Mint as. las asaaransa of lln-lr mnlai..n that aiy Prenar.llon. erailrlLat. Iranwnsely as s rstM of P.y aflllele.t anderlns feH..w s n. XI,. Aaei.t lak nsmad M ptsasM tn fn i.h real I. sir Amerlraa aiaiw.raiBinf dlnwUiai. fur thslr aasand rtiflralM of thir runs, of Uie kSlhiwing nrm.faMnts : Caartte eM. kilsssl Hh aMtiwn. I n . Ilwrl.ur.i. Ii.'.s. l. .ri.l... fr a Sal. M.iieh. H ln.UiiMri..n. V...rtad of th W .eU a.l Tata .el-..,, Hslalewj. I' . nlla. sll f leer a... .ltd t'tllaiMam. isonss. nl.teh m lulrs an e.aeonnt, ,.. Kii.'. Kll Th-y ls by fullf. ( ib l.kxal and Mln.ul.lins 111. .ji.U run many o.l.i..l. ahh h II a.mld i.-S l IT" d lhy ".aid re. th. ..Kb M iMfiies, I'aeluvl l.l.ndn.v. N raist. ait h. r..Ki. Itrilal.llily. iMn MiU lb. laser n l KUt-n.-js. li-mt. .nd sonit'laliila artMn. rmm a l,.w stale 'A ll ur .dirnelsa. t It. I..seiaia. Us n4 l pt. by anprln'll.lMl dwle altk mmm ntl pill they make a.or. pndlt oa. Art Arta's Pl., and Inks ssrfblns Wa all'M Uly aa 1e y..a o ipar allh Ihl. Ir IU Intrlnrie ralue . rarstlsa p..we . Th. rich aai.l the dm! .hi la Sw tliera, sad tl.aj .hmild have II. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY EH, raetinl aad Analytical Cbsnlst, Low all, Haas. Pairs aa Ova. rra IV.I. Fits a.isa a. 1 1, wi.u nr II. M. riUTCIIAUI). CUrUie. IIAVIL VND.S I KVKNSON & CO., Ch trlrstan, S. C. iic. it. n. co it it V 1 r ll.l. l e plesaed to rreeire rr..f. falls W V in the ilrnarimrnta nf MKI'K INK am: M UI.KK V. I 'nlraa prntraaionallr s , he may ha lound at his rrsidenee, tort Mill Isspnt. York lliatriel . . feh. I a. I..&. 1 If r ' I "Ml WAIT FOR THE A Gil 0.1 II V ia it jmk as L a' - - ' Bee.u.e he bay. hisiVUI M Iron, 1 .A.S. II. Would rr..etfullv ...iiennee to the i.ihsbit.nts -I I UA tl Oil K and v.. he I... , from their Old M-'n... to N. I.Oranil- II. w. ahtre lit ha. now on eil.ib.l.on, just e,,ud i-u V....I. ., nfthe ...oat extensive assortments ol 8 S Qi Ever offered in North.t arolina. among wl.ieh will which ha. eaiiiesuch a fanmiia reputation in the Pouthsrn ( i.i.ntry for ll.e Inst rielit.,,, This Stove he a arrant, aupi rior lo any tockinp Stue ..... in is simple in ,t. .,,,.,., less fuel, and doe. more work in . " th... any ..the, M.. .... , u.e. , any other K.ore of Ihe same s.e ,n the I ml. d M.t. .. and ,f .1 ,1,,,. .., ,,, 1 . . .n ,. ll.e i.r.ce of the a nil unit sillirir and co hm:... wora in a jirri. (.ilia, -s w r e ALSO, AlaiL KINDS OF FilaHXiOH &, BOX STOVSS. He has, anil constantly keep on hand, an rjienaivc TIN AM) .SIIMliT IKOX. it n,i. s Ki.TTi.i.s, r it:o.v itr.ns i i .ids, HAT l.ACKS, CHAI)IjI:S, &c, &c, Allot wliifli will !. all. li"l.f- It-1ml. li H-r llmti h rrer bmi ull-iil In tills V Ml nil). I won Id return my thanks to mv friewls snd cii.iom. rs fur Ihe very i.b. r,.l i,..r, tl . , bestowed upon us. and they may rest assured, Ih.l 1 shall ci,.. I,. ., t ' , tojethrr with a delerniinalion lo please, to trj ai d in. rit a r.o. ..I ll.e same. nvmi win & ivmvl vmm: Ladies and (leiitlciiirn are piirlicularU iioiit tl ! rail an! riiii;iiic l is m N. II I will tell sou ahr I h. ad n.y re have three waesons ronstaiiilr traveling ihroujl. Ih. (Sr .III oi 'h rn trill br fnilhliilli rrft,7e Ifi. i ..?. Encourage Home Industry AVI St. ri'Rf IIASI.P iheCTlSt Ol! Il KAI '. 1JL 1'UKY, I am pre par. U to fill all urtiiia lr Oft)tlrs', Tlitrthlnfr Vmliiif!, l'il iir li, SAiVririo-s, II 'II lloyit, 'iiiiin I'iizx'iii", Ciirjvt Cham, lliiiri I'nltiiig, H iii jing Tu 'iiir. I am ma! r an article of loth or the pmp.isr if atlBi,, I'll. sir. Wheal and t orn, r nt Produce huvers a i.l find it to fl.eir ail. vantage to ir it. All iinlera fr.mi a instants a ill Ik atiendeula with pr.iii.pinr... J. Mt IX N ALU. faarairf. Off 2H. Is.'.C. 3l,ll $3 Dissolution. f Will KeopBrlirrlnp hi r-r (.? ' -',f "- ' JL Ihx UlidrraifltrtJ,. t lht rtT iJiAouitrtl by utuat eon.rnl. Alt aerwii.a in.l. hlid In u. are reaue.l.d lobe prep-Ir.l with ll. antoul't Ihl Ii w dsya, ' as sail leinswis In al be made. JONAS IU DilLIa. , 18. I. s win .sna nt. A-g- 18. 1W,. till . Vil'l'll'l' ' I Kill still he foiihd st try Su sin Mill, prepared to till ll vidua h S;bli, IJiinds iii.d Doors, ' ' villi ss food a. ll.e 'out. try a tt..nls. rt. I" devote n.y sttrnlio. n.ore patlirul.ily la n.y .hop.and aoneit ordera h.f sail ia toy ln.s of hus.lirss. If l.ilinlirr dirsstd lo vriler st sliorl Itoliee J. KUJIS1LL. Awg. 18. In rr.iring frmn lite firm hrrrloforc rmtii-f amtrr It.r namr ..f Ku.tif.ll & Wl.imnnt, to m. w itlt the kind' M fftlirpt 1'ivariii the eilm urn i.l hHfloil- md nir riii;ni' n-uMry, tr (Im p-it-rntiHe libemllj hr,f.rit um n ua, ii'd wilh tlir K Ff JT " ti,-t (h I'titiiu mm Will It rarnrd on equally i iprdilmnt Ume dnr. 1'. S. Wllli-NANT. Aug. I-, I8i7. .all Ml 11-CMItOI.I H A Plotiial Life Insurance ornpiny. Otm tl.H a i . t rtlllS Conipsny inaurra Ihe I. sea nf in.imdu JL ala f..r one year, a term nf years, or lor lite, in the Mil I Hal Principle, tha aasured lor lile p.r. tieipalihf in the prohis of the t oiusny. It.r Hilieies gratitrri lor Ihe whole term ul llln when the pr. iinnili there lor amen ma to ?ll, n, .le may U given lor one. lull the amount i.l ll.e premium, bearuts; mteri al at 6 per cant, w itkviit guaranty. Th prompt manner in which all haea have bien paid hy thia company, togethi i with the h.w ratea ol' premium, present grrat indvcementa lo ""wares" "re nlaeVVr'aTe-rm of from on. lo fire yeara, lor their v.lua. All losses are paid witlua !)U days sfler satis, faehy pruol is presented. fl.arlea K. .l.-hoalon, U in. II. J.ines, W H.iblen, W. II fie.ks, J. i;. tSill.ams, II. W . II,,.. yee Itu.bee, P. r. l-.-eud. ,. II. M.:K. e. K. P. Haltle. I h.rl. s II. Boot, l. t;. Koale,'d II. H.tlle. ' (iKn Kii.i Dr. fhsrlea K. Johnson, President. W. W. Hidden, Vice l'r. iu..,t. It. II. Hal lie, .Secretary. W illi. u. s II. Jones, Treasurer. II. W. Iln. led. A.torui y. Dr. Win. II. ,Mi Kie. Medical . ner. ilrrise I Wailltl. 14. Iluslac, W . II. Me. ken. I h.irlrs II. Knot. Mnlift Itmid f fsnsuiWioa. I harle. K. Johnaon. M. II., Mill. am II. Mike", .M. D Itieh'd II. M.iva.a..:, M. I , further information, the public ia refer. r d to the p.miphh ta, and li.rn.a ol proa.s,.l, whirh may be nl.ta.m-d at Ilia OHine f Ihe loin patty, nr any of ita At'em-iea. t'oiumunieations should be addrrsaed, (p.ail. paid) to. H. II. 1IATTLE, Secretory. He-drmhtr 8, IHU1. iillj Tzxtfif-- tii.ij.f i S.H. RANSOM. U.CS. AblANY. the Mannfaeturers. sells Stoves ii TAYLOR W ES IB W found ll.e celebrated - - and varied stork of it r.. otry a ill. H..v mul pi t. mi-llif title, tufal lo j A. A. N. 31. TAVI.OII, 3n 'I lie .Vil'llt-t ;n!iii. Mali AM H a ga ilr.e cf Useful In for mail fl'IIK ander.iyned pr.ip.aea to pull, B t .l ul K- (.'',. se-i aas..i J., ll.e boc title, del. I. 11 11 .1, lo ., I I. Il 1.1 ll,.t ,f M l. I e.l ti I. 1 Tlie W .1,1 t teli.j;. at i ilif n a ho i.e.... li.l. i.e.. ,. oil o a illi tl r r. ...urn ol Ihe M .' , ,. si i.t c...,u,l ion. I li 1.1 re pr. sa r I., & r., ...o : ... I.,ueh -a hy our I.. (,.Ul. is. that as have n r...u!ar syle.i. of .1 esMM.t ts stlrihiilid to any w.i.t ol ii, ! . 1 l.eie ate burs imi uMi vl valtt-ha- el.o I I. eg .. .Hi lid lllolijl. i ll I l,,e., Kleei.1... iLeijoielil.-i.-i Ii in their pr t ri'il.ti, o. l.r . I pr ' I . -1 M a, might a. w. M la- ii, li e ( I n.i.r I.i It. ..Or. a I ll our lerirl-lisr ! hill . r..i I i, a.;.ars oil. n puhl.-h v .t..i,i. (..r, ahull I. sillier l-l, . ll pie.. I a very lew i. so in..,,... n.ei t t f,i. a I i .I. that Ihe ...... f,.. l tel.. 1 . nuy Im: said I Ihs l(ep.,Ms i.u M.l.o.-r., y ( t.u.e "1 till a li.ane .y our in-aa.- p. r , It I' n in,r.. ee.t . .. n..,., ; fee, ae. lo lle.ev.r. u, ,.. i I u. g.lner ir.,.n all ....I.lie r. ...... j b r mi; ilin lly or iniiiri etly oa our a e in piriiyiiid ii.iui.lri, is the de.ijn oi ll,. J. I now itT-rid for pol.lie p,tiea.;a. , p., r, ,r ,an f,.r e.ji.'.t.-tlnf ll.e . ir ! ir, K Btrr, u,r e.a of the M t l l T f, : tiun. I'ul.lic In.pros. i... ,M Im... ,.,,,, n. . i.l dit.ti.iii it,i,n,i j. .. f,rLut the.r eoodiiion, ai.d our .. m j (, BPen,d i t,,,,!.,!, t, l(e.iri. irmmti) of Ihe l aaiic Tr. asulrr.t . ion.,.., i , k . t',,,,,1. Sum rn lent of I.i S h.a.l.. and all nlhef Nl .le tllliier. ami . ' .. also, Sttatrnietila snd' the t sn1 pr.. (ress ol ll.e i.i, u.,...l. all'J l.1.Hiem.ip.n.... The hTAl I.- I' itl U put l pre.. ...-a a s. then lit i.lMf of n .H.,.i..le iii.ii,.. a r ti.'md lo pay the . i..,i. i nf pul.lie.. i..,n 1 nun. twts will sontaiii r.u h. lu-t I. .. tost, la, p. ol closely pllllleil r, IK ..llijf a ! ' J,,U p., more, to which a ill U .i:u a : and luii.plrte iiiilt I. TKHMM: Tnass H.,ti ass per am u.e f Us I'm i is Kirrv tr srs, It.r ..a moult., i p ,) a i . hi .1 r ia n .ny l..i puhi.t in.)., 11 ' a. II Im ualr vin...iii,ie.i ii, II, e piihl.e in ! I r This r.. .a ii.lei.iln e .Ii. i. l. I J. utaal will .iinl Ihur i. u.e I "'i' a ilhoat del y. sa il n n.i.i.l,!. lo isu. L ' number .a soon aa .sil.le km. ix'?m: Hl;gl,Jn. I1..8. aaaa a .... , i.l il II 1 I .M .1 I . I I III. f I 'out: I s, (''. '" '". f i.sliiei r. I : A fin ih.i.s ot the hn,i.v. .,in. (l..iit,i r. t... I ..,i,rrl,.i ., t.l.rl, the i I, it. a. VV . .. k , ti:er Knnlr t oinplaiiits. I'nti p r boll.-. cent, and tl kti. ', j (jOlll aMl'llC DlllSUHj nr l),,, ,,tlr l,ti. rr Tineturi I. hm .N.ih j A ,,,,,,.,, j . ;U, ,.,. t .ti..' ' N. ('., dated Aug. 14, I "'l" ' Ir. J. hhul Hear Pi i I'"" ."""' aalialarl..... in tin. set In n I "X- I h. .Mialure ia,.. eiailj ' J ; aiirnetl ul. ll '" ta.len to . .f ; eas -it sells so I n. v. r h..u . supply Ihe .le ni. Y u will ilia. s. im l.rvr ol it as so.,n ss vol. eel '" J. U. CA 1.1. I'M a;i:ntx - Wm. w . s.t,.,. t.. w .i-' T. I g, K.ii kinifh ; I'hil. r A. V ik . "C1 ' T. J. Ilohon ami Dr. J. t . f.ilin. r.t barb m i ? o. Sill anil J. II. Kl.lil... Salisb.ll) i a.n.l.. ry, f ... x 1 i.j. tun . .C. VJLLUItlSOIt, 1 11.1 m. ';,. ' ll.l.praelire iu tins and th' adom. ir r"a 1? Ii a and will attend In all profi.." ""' sin-s enlru.t. d to hi., f hmlMr, Jan. 35 ibl. Itf

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