,.)!,. I- tirretion- weredra... W,,r ' X-ii mnl 'I " 5tm tvisUi l. swot-racy a, mis prU4 there waa ue i-sue befoie th. country or 9ato, and he did not appreciate th. ir at nifieatity. II would not hair South Caroline lied to the organia -,ion of thin ity or any other parly that did not M-t with the party of tmih and lij-ht I'e be lieved tLul if ibv good mm of tbe North of fe,e4 aid we should ncrep, it. not en, our eire off fic-ru tli. ir sy mpatl-y mid support V. o of the S-i'ith are on a tnin.-, and -hould b tHant, lint we inn-, hate the true and good un-n of the No-th t. -u-,ain u- . He would not bend So,r. Ciirr'ii. to nnv f.ietion ' for Vtter'or wor-.-" The Smith ftokid be one. Wr hiu d ! n; led and berrrt jwak to fnr mil-, nd n.ind ful lw, on tiie r ei pi Kn'- tj -t-'ou. from out our oh niid-l. we were v-A W'e should be firm and hi.nii'n. AH l! e opposition wamreanf i.ieli th South eomplained in the tt thirty )Har -be her- I rt It inancurated. Wahincton and J. ff.-r- i rcn. iff the matter of alavrrv. set the evil eiample The North borrowed it from them Tbe Hank of the Limed States origiuateiJ wun me cou:l. i ne o'lin. nna,r oihc ni And it wa tbe aan.e with the internal in,, rne -trad i pi on'v in our ouii '' but in the i. w rf the who'e eoui.itT fhnuld t ! for a uin eni ai:o our peep!. to be lulled, by l epra of pre-eniep the f'nion. in'o .-.pathy or the belief iht to ac cmij.iish or -erure rru.th wouid rot re qiiire al! their l i!. tit. all their energy, all llieir astpl taine-s. nil their eourape, and a perfict Nt'c of ua on and preparaiiou to fike diei.-ivi Lieiiuris on the eLortet uo- tu Mr Hammond mid he wa opposed to y further at.nexaiion of Territories He .1.... :r .. .1 . I -..li any iicirnr'i mil our manii. l uertiny iiiou u wjrko it n own re-u'ts lie a ihed the c-i-.jiilrv t.i l,.ne notlin to do with L xico or Sou:h America Mr Oalhouo m n'j.ht ill detiCUIieit'i' the M, t'rin .r ! i. li t- ha- e p; . red ii j.,riofa. and the epeiiit.p f r!.fe! . rsute-'ho created an utipre- fedetited i xrrtue to be cniittrT, at:d U tbe ee-v-of a corrnLitm.. d.eeii. and t.r. fli pacy ti.ati ). ever en k Il betore. tolh: n. etid rut cf Coi-pn-. 1 '. e tic :'Le, let u l.av 1 i.uan'i'pte or I'errnia. we wntit aityi it I y tali I. ti e t;rl t ol . I ut l e w a die aeti. n l r ..ll.'v and I v y I O; ie- w I : r n in f;vr t cf r-l or p.,. V.'e on. I.t i;. ail il ii ,,r. bi liily ; i.l.i' rur j i oi. and tra'l :;m. , r n rt" our ( !; ni - I 1.. S. i.i J-iwdvr lit ; fr.r. I :,t. !. ( re ie tat i iv lr-e S III. I,th eipher e hepe. t fri.r- t d ii cai i oi It di-iyi-t-i! mat ri.rre fljri.-er Ol. I ro:iel.',e the rt e ' it If 0 I MeX'CO? MsX C J W a- -i fi, vi cn tie sea in a stite of She v. dnltiiisf i.p a.s.! I n 'CtiT de-ire to m ..e lb., t'.ke her si oird li.,t , f r fun- be to u- with her -:x t iron, -1 .1 --.!, -.Ml onM - cf ill ij- Ir. -h erf'ii,.., iie.l ries I tittia lis to ni: x-, ai.ri 1 cre-j" Stai.i-i, race' i in t r j va-t rre'ons nosr. If it ou- mr. t'tiy to h.-ve thetn. Ui"ii'e-i d. in) tinrr it e per.rer time. e ,'.! ,,i r,.. o-ir.. If - to the di-vt-iftnient cfour c-n ii t- rnal re-.j-ire. ai.r1 t!,e ar! i. true r 0f fvu'.hi rn l- ,:., r I pT,er i -l,. Cu1, , ;.er ready, if t:. re-arv. to d,-o!vr v. 1!-. tweeo the citli. i., or i;...,rjis and South ''.rolin i f f. ii a.-.ired that s th jr. fj ' srolii irn I i U yve : re. ti g to lie lordr 'jsrc of Geor.ia. and . the bold ?itatiii.h t-t p,l ,a(., !,,,. j,, f,i,.,i ( aalute. so 'i, ore'iaus aud Car-jllisi,. will be rut sfn.ut.-d Pintii'st C mt Bm.l r.i'fM A eor rponc,'ent of tn- f'bi?iio I're-s and Trih t:.e. writing from At'a.,;". l.gun cour.'v. Ill , e-crli - the sintrnisr t. "-..'nation of the Founh x-f Ja'y P-i'I in that ton.: "Il sppears f'uat the iiniivi.r.. of ssy. eral dj-si.,ee, sett social imitations to ti e l.i.it. rs of tl,. tsrioiis churches in t. wr.. ti at:- nd tl e rlanre. thinkin to hnve Pf,"d '"Ji b to thui selve. o- r it ; I ut to tl e u- ti-t ff tl o- t r. et I. after tie ball I .d i-l i r fuii I--!y. f .jr cf tl.e a f.re-s'.l ti. I i.i-u r- tiade ti.. ir ar p -, r .-. r rr in the !!,' ai d sr,on were n-in-lm wi'h t1 'Jl;e sr. " Iti,, ihrourh. the 1 aa nn.d. tl t t,e lull.i-'ers r.'.'ie te.l lo an (i.i. de-irei III,,, : Miotirir. it., t.f a as hsi-rr I. . 1 1 -c.'.if t a p'.r'i'.n 'f the tin tt .Ul. wi.i'-li a n. net d tl.e e';. Hue pr.i,.l.-.l. s'ru-k up a eecd t tl. d.. t e- r-. weii, lit h te ti.ke. 0-de -l.mi'd 1 e. s t s sit for ree.1 '1 to Thru COtll i str- I of li,r :. . anil aii'.ih.r I i tun, I., n ii- r ere ei- n- to pro ' St 1 1 I I it .f n. e- -1, si.-! ! -,a :l r :l s Uiii i-iei- lo Ho ;', ri A'. t'. ir i nt ti.i- U . ''1-iD-J and in th. 'IV lb nr,f M T.TK - A. t,f Be .:. , -, a'.it-r a... it.. ie l-ssl Pi tj,, .00 , ,J , I HSV 0:, I- s 1- f (f i tl rr ,-,.- ,r .,, j -e I e u,. n.. : u- ' ir. tinier, - E i- (-i t ,r. '.kn of c-rr-p' i .1. i:, ... ., i -r.-to-d 1 ; ii - o i, i -i 1. st,.ed ij Ml,,,.. ) n ,., a. fT- et cr tsi -, tr . re t.i elo- n I . i. p . ,, , i v in res.M. . m tr-etly rm , r. I.. i,-, ,.,! Ii.e.jl - si d i ii lis f I . .', - , puaa tl ui-elte. iu , i i i s sr oarli and sub . s- . i I . l.e ii u-llsl. hi- ll - -.t v 1 . "I le.t ' ' ts rrisMV to fltii.cl eils, and he desired tlx ir f-lto" provetneut.. Then, if the South h,d done 1 Mm every thing upside down. It will be , P' t'v ." col,duc,j)1f, f ' c7tv 0f "nd r,Lou8h differing widely from fcoulh clr(fe ,,(.r c,rfi0f bflonptn lo the Trie tlieje thin and unrfotir them. ha she not acPn th.it the result iu thi county is rery , ))e ,ir(,we 1)T ),nciw tllll r 'ars 1Bt Carolinia politicians pencrally, the senti- j pr,r , Company, and will go to St. .lohn'a th power, if Mil! ui.il-d. to control T Henc-; ,,.ff, r(.t fr9m rrc,!ic,i0 0f ome of the ' .oiductor haa been made' use of Hirou-h- exprtased by Senator Hanniiond in 'for coal, whence she will proceed to Halifax, he bad hone for thr naer and po-ition ot i ,. . , , ... , , , , . , r. : .e-- x- , . , . . . PYKliS W. FIKLD. .. , ? . ' , . ' . , . I Ilrniocratu tropin t. Dr. PritcLard lias out the ciwhzed world, tint tlirouph it wg- Uiis fitwhia tbe mam, meet our entire i.mio .rir.i.i. tlie Niurh m the I mon. A cubtantial iue I ' , . , . , ,. 7 v i r - K . ,. ai.ould roi !,.', ice n .eccde ah-Mi- ,5,1, i been eleeted aa one of the.f ....f,-mia ln.li.v. f.i- Vrk lo .'Mt,irrrCf. Tic aaj.in ipe.Vmg of the, fM, ... .JJi-rJrinisin 1 .,i,-e81lntj. The- r.m did all they could and th.ouphout he lengtL and. .qutQm 01 ,oe rca,jon., of the North I WHAT (WST1TITES A DKMOfBATT in the Union and atrivin m mfu ly to ! for tllP rPpu!nr nom e.. but it waa no po. i Zf eh et'le .Teaul' ur't.H. d'ti'irone ' Soutli, be would pel .., be thought, J The Puffalo Ceniniereial ask, tbe .bore rr et u.e nr.,,. 1, Mr. H-nnend -aid ' "" o.Laie.,,r ,t i-rmin i-moerai. hi . -- --.. ur , rt,1(..v fins to ns la-i wcck. HI too ciipant Ihe leeirerer.t of Iemoeroey , aulho- ' , . . , ., , .. , I o fud i.iru with air, a poi i'j l h ta:.t it. th? fnion it ..- outof theqi-sti.,,. -j.ity ox. t Dr. lUm-ey. lis ; Davie to ..t c.t . new for, ,e po,,ey that ,8te f ,r us to notire. Tl;e following is the : riled lo sp.ak" cutl.e.Ua, whl.e ever, i.'T 1 1 ?! ' l" of,,'.e Mo,!""J wotkrd b, ,i, n en, ,,. brou .1.1. . i . , -..,m.,rSe,.eaUe aid ti-,o,v rj.e-; l-cr f,, . ; result .!o,.t,l,l. Con u...,-. Fie,,.. . " .over,:,,t ot 1 -nth the ..Id j . tr.n lli2 .Uve oheva. iP s Tni .T P"" ' ,77 ' double strefg-hencd .,. m.d, and.Lat.o Mneit on, f ,., U .d. ij '- ".d II a.l, 1 M..ocr.,-. Si.cr;ff. W. A. ,n'' oi Id under bonds to keep a per- , . " . . . ' The Washington Union seem, to le of '"T! D'. " M'- appliance, ,b,t the tno-t liberal (en,,,! Amerii. r r . l-.wh-r.. w ptu-lp-ee It dilTicU to an.te.p.u- pension. : P . Uri lnl s- , r,,.ellK.n ! 7 'f , 77"? "tVi "-ct tould s,.g,e., w. ,c read, fr b , ".at inpi.ie. Whv siio.ld v S.o.v.-e. I '" sl E'.i'.s -si. ; Mcl'ae 654. fen. 'he e ,a,,;s, ,1,,, lLl, ,r,u,,:r h of Aineriesi, H'f S,.,r,t ; llie ALbe roomette- ..,,, higl,'lt rnMt . representative eat, I ' lttt ,U f,b'r of Ui II. -a. sorrowed by inte'i ... . t'e site cf cur rr',.v . ,he S-itM- V". ' M-te. 041. Vw ' ..d l.r.,,.b aki.l and ,g..,y will effect, j A lent ; January to M.y j vh.sv.l!,; . err tion I eour.ge aBd buaaMty. lie d.l ,.. , V,o wmiid pu, s-.ve.in K:.t -! r m,,, r.-, cu-d Sh. ,,ff Sth.tos ot Stoke-!. ' ' nio-t coti-ervaU, . ; L. I J U V.VAe Pi '"rta rjy. trt., or sueh thing. It SW.MU. M A TlfMt.-A Ut. ten. water c,,er, tniee. sev.n lues. Ti.s t.io would put ,h ....: ," or.y.h.J.J l-i. .Lflaen,, ,.c,;- cud.ny Tu. bond of, 77'' J 11 J ' V ' ' "J year. old. named Gsorg. Priekner. it. .on I at the Ir-ki of ,b. air pump .r ., . tien V. I if,". a I . . l- c i r t.-- ur ra rr a(i - a no toiee ra ph. aud tRe do wcr- ' ' n - ' ,1,c " '''CI'0 '' Pin'er.t ; :uiinrt ' r. . , ' . , . . , . , , e I rne to, i, r J " .' . rtr,r'r - for El- J f the, LtpU I We tbo.pl.t that Vi,er." Ae ; JUL; My ! " tl.e trailer dot ttanda, far more I of G'rn'n idos re.,d.nf in Brooklyn, th. might of earn ,:,r,xU. I..-, f.H V.l 'l AT ' "u ' T.- te0W- v"' c., MreU an', ,i LMfi o,r : The Mini..' I,..,; Jt -U- at any former p-riod of history, -e d.sa, pear, d on Fnd.y 1,.,, a.d th. current ,o ,b. KVd d,.e,. .,, tit v.rw.reno. -r,,... -t.-k.rp . x,. a msjorty of l.li over Worth. Win. I!ao , .-,;,.,,,',..;.. ,!, , " ti.e South : The Peel's Tiu-I in hia s.-ot. ' rnainlain that a fuilure to abide ly the laws m,sa,np. t,tU Monday morning when' lad the eoui age to tru-t then, H.,r. ' uro-.d-.f .n.:,,., ...,,.,.., Helpb no, he.rd fioM, ; Worth no doubt . '1'? " '"V" e::,r0"-,e " u'n- r. t ; i ' j .V .?'. of the IVmoeratic r.rtv. i. tl.o I -,,e.. U dead 1 od v a. found iu a l.re. t. auk 1 . a. bis In a tfa. W l, I e sn e 1 . Yl' if, i TilUI.v 1 1 Ij 1 I li l dlillll ( 17 I'll) llli CHARLOTTE: Tn'S(). A IIUS 10, Thr Clrrlmn. On Thurday ln?t, the eVction for florer ! "or. i'ieuu.era oi tue J.episluture and aiienll.- ( took place throughout the c t ...'I e Stale. In this1 , ! eff wiibout mu. h ! , but at nijjlit it ! plare, tbe election pasaid . j . , . i ferme'1 tts if "", PPOl,,e wrre ' ""!""' ' be fiieudu of Pi'i'chard ran hiin iu r ! follonin is tlie state of the oil- : i 1 - 372 IS j ue ? is at Lif 417 413' 4 T , I J 4H 13 2.; 33 67 13 fin 05 43 id! 14 61 26 , Ati 31 i9 40 tU 4i IS 42 42 tj , l H 10 11 71 e ?9 ft ;5 . 37 20 4 1 32 37 lb a KJ.i 14 1 i4 asd 4.'m ;i.'5 !e.'5 e53 ! vl '"'e " ". ', .M' 1 h w : liif. ( ll-.rt;', ! i K T.f'r','r rc 'e,i "ill ! TI o-iiiota. feet Wing l.. 0 t.t. U,i. n Cout-ti,. Wm. I'. Pax ; i son. S. W Wallace and II. M. Pritchar "''' f et.rei t (!. liio rat, t. . t Gml-orttVyt llovrnor. MoRne 1"!9. jlKilU -ill'. S. i ate, Pa i h tin ti II, without epjo-iii 'ti Oon iiien. t.ov. .1. M. M.i'e head I V Cahiwfll and Col Abram t'iapp Mierfl, Co! Cn!. !. A. Iiocn. Jh ri i.n VRa" 1(0 nojrity. S. n life, t etiton (' I'onthitt (.'en .in i II. n ry al-nr aud IJirini W. Jii uniit.eil, all Vhis. by a larpe ni j rity. K. D II n.p tor r- r1. ct d ."beriff. 0--..;.?-y. Hae 57?. E":s 4 JO. E li Ljrti, big, elrcted to the Ccuiinors. w.v Iaetii' pirie ; K!!i 1 1 3. Mi llie Ccu mons. J -eales and enj I'.er.ey. cem Win. fii-nt. ei. e'-d Sh- r 5 attt r-on ii.uepen er T. T. Turner Democratic non.ime. J' hi.s'on ( b ..; l-'.li'.s. 617 j McRae, V!-. Sm.te Dr. J T. L- arh, Aim-r, fc.".T ; A-a liirne, D m , wo. CV-inrn on Willi- IJ Sai.eer-. Di- . 99 ; Lit n IJ Sin ii. r-. l. , H II 'J't-m :i,.-o,, It. i,,. ; S P Hort- i . D n, , 7dt. .; h. riff W. H. I"o..oin. el.eted SLer-ff. fy,,r For iio.trnnr KW'ii. 1012; .M. L.ie I 0.(7. 1'or the Si uav Csuieiou, 'tin,. 10 4; Tururr. whi. MCti. Ccm ti.ona Jriies, dt-m , 1. 3 i; N-.rwood. d.-m. Ill-'-; Mc.Msnt.en. whi-. I. 30. Sheriff K- M. Jone-, dem , 1.5! J; N. Latti w! -iL., .'.'1 ;-(r For fio error Ellis. 1 fW3 ; Mel.ae, 7s-:J. Semite Taylor, drn. , I, lti'J; Cannadav. Ii,.. f,'j.", Commons liar-yrov.-. dein , l,lJ Yet at.le. li-.. G-t; IS i l-elc.dem.. l.lfil ; Ami-, di-., 7 17 ; Ly on, detn . I.4D.' v. .ted for l both f artii's. , i ,r.,i Kiii--7u' ; Melis'e, 10.1. ... ate Pi'e lifcrd eh rted. Comriiori, Diakc a:.d II .11. d-,.- . prolally eh-et-d. : ( r iVii (oii0y 'Hi- eruity i- r-ror-,.-d lo lave "-.ne f r E!i;- by an ii..Ti-a- 'i niaj riiy. F.at.i.er, -11-,, i- elect, d to the "eiLte ly a sn -aii iii-ijori'y Ciu.ti.riiis J . d. n: . el-eted ov. r Ciaik. di.-t , and P-.n .-iected I v a larje m-jn.i.y. Lnoir ( ov-'' Eilis is rejort -d to have gained iu ihi coii.1- 7j,-i-Mcl:a 4"--., Ellis 33fl Mear-- i-l. er.-d to the C.-.,.' oris wilho.;, otro-iiio'i. Jor.es for S. Litor, j.as 1 1 tn j r' o-. -T M-- Dowell A,.Sf, ur.l I ,., C, S. .'I Waliup eleet.1 Sna,or l y a snmi! maj iri v. y.-e --Governor. Meliac 2T,:i, Kili ; S-r ate, L 15 Cat tnichsel ; C-mn.ou-, A. S n onion and A J! K (iai her. r"-,,, -(;-,, rr.tr. Me Use 5.u. Mlli. 371 in j law. gain on l.ilu.er 1 Con'. I pre"-. '.jiic.- .I';'.', At- ry i ti, -j -JJ-! clear on C in. ..nun and Cat miclia. l a vo-e .f 4"'i. S. rate. V. ' Mill. r 013. J. A D.rs-oi. 2'j7 ('. ii.n -. Ti.o- .1 ti.,'a 'f.i.J.i.n Hsy- 157. ; W.IUrk 101, J. T M.- I 131. Whig, elrct.i Ii i- report..-. ths'. Vane bss alojt 'Mi n,..j i-i Vaint)L. and a giu iu i.kck over in if-1. 1 '-. vo'e. Lkv !,, O r-rr 'r. El'is '. -0, Mel'ie 7. 1 Coi.re-s, Vai.er !)13. Avery 7 ".I -ei,atr. Vst.c. y 7 I ;i, Lit, . ;. li. i.ty 1-1 oii.n on-. Hut'.l, I,' i , y.'M i, ir'grr A. 7 . I A fri. nd w liiii.;. Ii-.u. A-l.evi'ie M.-, We ' 1. e no (i, jl I or sl.r. c .!, n gIV- n up i y li e I hi r ri. i j .,y J.. -.l.o .at Clii.j man euts a vt ty er Cjut-i sitce tl - c tic II. fine Ifpir. We w re j rest , led .1 I. !y a 101 ! tie j 1 h s I y (V, u sr. it Is llnie. J q . I I . s,i , ciof ty. '1 1 ' y re , try 1 ice aid 1 n 1 1 set d nun a-iii. s of m.u. tir i'i lie wili ie aicipt our ' I i-i is Mr. lie j le if (iiii.p- a t cod di sl of a 'i Ml. 1. to tLe isis ol fioif .cl"thr, tr.,:iLliLisi lu jits, a Tut IllanUc Tclrsraph. .V ? : il Lro.cU u. the graufymg .ntelligonce. . that the Atlantic Telegrrpb Cable had been I Ob Frid-n .'renin lt. the Foulhera, .onrsnri Cabla tad been (..... ............ v.. r - toceessfully lid, rid tii at ID steamer . Lnder tlun constitniicti, ne iT-mci cn ,ft(ri,oon 0r ,ne 29th. The teesel Niagara bad arrived at Tiinity Dy on the of Columbia shall be considered aa a Pnrt 1 then separated, the Agamemnon and Vale 4ili in-taut. and the cable would be landed .f State of Maryland, and a Territory )ro09 l(JUld for Valencia, ud th. Niagara ea the utb. A rniionai aiui was nreu oy , our citizen for tho auccen of tins cm ntilio wonder. Tne cable la 1 ,fi!W nautical nod 1,000 natute n.ile.i in lniptb, and for more than two-lhirdaof the dUtanee it in in J "ho et ,he dfrd ( a.) plr.g., nas Lenguo of Ullilfj Soutllt.r,iera, aays that a I The cable waa payed out from the Apa , . . been notified that e oou as both tuda of P,,rol)ati0 of ,ie instli Con.proiuiae, I nitmuon at the n.e apred aa from tho Ni- - ,u. cable i, landed, Quern Victoria would f; l,WOi.,pton aen.imenta, ,?.. n(I ,5?"'UlM j i Cii . ,i. n,c... i l,;, ...rf tbnt tl.n - reived through the whole lenpth of the ea- 1 38. '1" r.t e.g to I. m, and that the Beclu8 tj b tbe illinip(liate n,otiTe of Mr. lu ( morttA cat e wou a ic Kerr iree tin ne eoum ri-iuv. , , , ', The Colnnihia Cuiotitiiun inauen the follow. inp coinnieuts on tbe suceesa of laying tbe cable: For n.or.tha the pullie mind baa leen en - .. ' , ... , pated in Kunntnes aa to the erenUiatioii of ,nlt.rF,rjw. rhoe mapniiude mm a and and upauda with the n Ueotion beMowed i UP" e may atiahtc the priuciplea aim .luieriea iiu a nervous iirui as Drr- J f.dil; and iiiithate that of the bun.an l eon-rnuiion. Imt Mill, all these prc-exi:- lug facta do not adequately prepare ua for the erand achievement which our telegraphic ' c.iuiiina announce. An ocean of three thou.-aiid tmlea eii anse ban heeu spinned, ni ,1 imu mbat-i-nr i !. r. ..- ... ,ai.d now, what, ver Uck-. il.e ucnou. sy- tern of ilU-rrot.tiuetc.ii:tai.tniieou!v will i be f, li in the nthi-r ,.,!,i I :. vnr." v ' te ""Bwinaied lo dav in Pari- to morrow it would le announced in cur col u mi. s : and 35 ' llie prospects of I'm. eh leo! ilion would 1' Ime it. i ff. et sitnu'tatieou'ly on the ttock iiiai ket v I arts, London and New i ork. '.. The emion buyer of Manchester and Lvons . wili know i soon o the cotlon seller hiin- f. self does the qiaiiiitv in the market: while . the cotton seller will al.-o know as so"n a 1 th piiver now tnueu l IU the Store tiO'J-C cf the manufacturer. Tbe margin for fpecu- :itt ii will te very much re-ti tried, and the i entore and pnmLlin that piny upon tb a!t of a steamerV urrival wili be dissipated, iu a great iiseaMire, by the removal of the few dav of ipnorat ei: upon which they are pntliea'ed. Itwiilso inerete 1'ie bond of iiittre-t between the two continents, that we tray Wtlldoi.l t wh.tl.cr i:i tho cour-e e , . ., . , , ... of mm nine, ij.e iiiipicm ct llie two WM rot he so idi ti'iS. 1 ai d iiiterwcvn , that the , , ., .,. Ihatieel y sfi nn and tele-rap i by the acute sympathy ot their nervous svsteins .: . r, i . .. c . , e iii lint I s loiiuerd t v the ctiforcriuent of , i . - . not too much to an ! tici1 -ite that tl is alliance will he followed !7 departure from our policy of avoidin: our o ii comitrv. Ii is uot , much to aav that il wiil have a similar t ff.-et, aud an in erea-ed propor'ioti, in the nlat ocsof Ea- ror e and A neric-i who bate r.ev.r rl, ',.,7,,-! of ,!, fi.,.1 sun.ination f die o! i. ct cf the Trans At- !..... u- 'Mecrrrh (Wr.,,. Th se-i.,.e. and meehatiieal skill of Enrland and the I'liiletl Sfatra bad -oroiioiii.ee J it .,o,i,,i. lley l ad dem.in-tri.t. d its fe.t.-;!,,lity so c.eaiiv as to rr.li. t in in ii. h,i;f ti e aid of ea ijiiou- -it,d circaiii-r.'-et ranltali-ia. W . .. ... itifetr. d that the rlemoti-tration must have been very clear, wheu men could be f -und toadeuiure n.i.iions of dullars in il, and when the Piiti-ii and American Coverr,-niei.t- eculd be induced to d--d,o..to a fleet of rti inner- toits -ervice. lii'Urisn at lh Viiiih. It I -is It-en noticed that some of the dis- .. . ... ... ol tlie Svjth, w ith t . L. lai.eey at thi ir head, ha-l eeii foruiiii' a " Di-union 1 arty a, the ?ourh lobe styled the -'Sou-h em I. 3 Any C-.e or nioro Southern e',iz-n-n.ay fvnu a ptimary Lts-ipiie by auh-crib- 4. The Mlate League -bii t,e formed bv ' tl, t-rimirv L.-a-'ues it,.,u ,l.'.Sat.. 1 ...ii U.e Le-i.ij.-s of S..ut!iei ti S.-au-s shall he liii.t-ii by tl." I'nion of the State Eeig'ie Each League shali el.e, a Pre-idc-Lt, .ee-Preside,.,, S.-cretary, Tr- aurer, a jd such oil and lU. 1 r ' fleers as it may 1 efu ofhi.-.-r- shall bo! 1 their iff.. war, and until tli-ir surcossor-. shaii teen elected. bare A 1 s,,.jU a, jt slull ).e s'et-rtaiiisd that ll.11 e pi -luary Lea;u-si. 1 e hi tn orgat.iid, the Pn-.-i'ttnts th. re'.f or a rn j .riiy of tl.i m -lull agree u; on a time and place f,r the organix-ition of tleSiafe Ee-i.ju.-, ,,.,) . oii.na. l, it sl ol :! , meeting iirect tbe l;uie and place 7. And. - soon a. it ,hsli be- a-ceitain-ed that tlree Sl..,.- L- a-.j.- I.smj htm or es.!, "l, ,li.-Pre idenr tl er.-of, or a nii joiity ol Hi-1.1, shall aeree u; on a time at.d a p. sec lor the oreaLijijiion of ihe League ot 1 l.e .-nun. .in Slates, tnd, whin ii, a nixe d , i! sl.all uin 0 1 lie t,u.e ai,d pUtt- of Us meet in -a. E Hi any r ti e ael, p.n.are Lesfue niny send as pre-, nlurivts ns i, n.av St 'ect ,0 U I. 3 cf ths Sll.le I aclies, but il. II le eonit.d in ropitioii to the of i's ,1 en l.-i. vole it nun hi r . U I.. r J ie-i ,.i Oil of lb' tut ti,.!. Or 1 ad. S'ate I.i aeijc n, ny s i.d a- mat y ni - a - it ti.sv seltci tolhe eouri- 1 .' . :e cf ,i'.e H.utLern Sj.r.s 'h.:i lave Ut cn. vote. IJ 4 U.tti,.j U ,U Lc: rue over wLieh he ...-..,,.., ,uV iv a j i.e mar ... .. " ' anii in land Iiii.i the Mimn will lit- unities I'. n,.yuiui uul u.-.jrauiESIIon IQ -.-v.. .v.. 4. ..ii? ui..i . . 1 . f i ' . . t. , . .. t .1 . ... ...... . . 1 1 i- . 1 . . . " . . . e ing me neeessarv prrparatio'it lor bia 1 , .5. . . . .' . esL-ues. 1 i.sj t'jiioiru,i co'i-tiit,t.oi-. on liaii'l at 1 tunes. p m 1. 'Ocreuru. ana siieiicc ami 1 00,11 rtiin un .. . r ' ' . Jo He. d is it- r n i n. nd .0 iU... i t.i is tr.e't a-is ot tl.e orginixiliou Ii v.l.i j'-i ii eejt our thai k , ui-turtieq. it w as , ik u ju-i tetoru .way ; ! lo ,f4 lores, , lis, sktt- n 1 ai k-,t!isl I r ' 1 is said a Lumber of signature, have been1 Ut in a .. ,-k or two, there wa. a li!, on ,t , I, i, ,huVl that the I!.inbri.!e IVrrv I ',"' lf ,l ll ,n',e 1 "'""" Ua;'";d: . j The Maryland eonrtefAppe.,.h.re:K.tr 1. I he n.ernL'.rs of 1 1.!- orainritlon ; decided that railroads in that State are not It has locked very desolate iu the moon 1 f lj, 1 rn. W "',ce 0"T de' ) cribtd aa an iu-ip.d, mad.lv tr.- ., ' .r . shall be know, 1 1 I.,.. of the 1 re-pon-ible for injury lo cattle ; but owners light for a few evening r..t, .rj(c of ' " "P" ' " " 'T' ""'''"h stream. father it wa. ,l,e co,rs- . Sou.!; ;" and our motto shall he, A S,utl, ,r, lishle-if the, do not keep their cattle i j" for; Many , of , " ZnU ' - 7 f ' " mi J'.ef-uh.ic is our only sad, v.' . : bt lie, e it is ret v ' -nirit banned. ' " . .. ' . "'"'"r wi.i ne sen I m,,l,. .. : . ui'-n sus.i niiiisry jetjurs, " ' . ' State I.i .-WHS, t nd a Loj- oe ol the .'iuutli another is a Ire-pass, and il,,, aw up- I ern hlatr-. I 'fteside. whenever tie Minn oeem -! n any r,a,e n.., v r,.. of the Southern Slates, whenever tna K cf $ucU niBJ dww it ,dlU .li' l I ' - r. - ,0,c, . shall be be 1.1 to be a State. v T , nominate a '.IC liall enr nominate 1 cnttrlid ate for any ( ffee of profit or of honor under the federal or nnj ale fotfrnmriit . ut cl J.e(ier fluui roie r.itor.nnK i i j " ,luAc , " The Eichtuoud Li ijvi rrr ,n rolioing tbit v i . lanceyslate movemetit. , , j.pffrI flf Sfn1,)r Kmmul v , ,, ur.rr..V. nf Sen. '..,, . f ,. r.pn r,,,, a'or llauinioud of south 1 arohna, at isecli T , . , , .M", "ch will be found in to-dny s pa- per.. We confess lhat w hen we fiist perused it, we were never more surprised in our lives, aim it nuuiu ene nun ineauro lor nia ; hearers to take what he aaid in the spirit j whjrn j vaa uttered. Put it .tenia that . . , , . , . "Feech cou,d "ot r'' us au1 tlie treeiueats oi aoulo t arolina too, lor the iirr. cuty. a day or two after its publication, i . ... . , Ciuic out ftll(ed that the report of the I , ,- , , Fcf,e' published waa not a correct one. " W'c s,icl ,0 ,l,e one we rubliu nt sny rate and ak our readcra to pive it a care 1 ful perusal, OH TABLE. We have received the t No. of the ftb volume of the L'niver.-ity Magazine. It baa j tcir corp. of Editor', nud tbey mukc their 1 I . :,t, . i . i ti n i r i bey confer livings and promi.se to do their ake lbepre.nt volume equal to ! any of tbe other volume. The follow ing j, a aMc 0f i,a COnteiiU : 1 ,..: i r., . c . . " Life and Character of Samuel ,T:hnton ; My-tery; The power of Love; How Zihea I.-...1...1. II . 1 ! I- -t .1 . II T ' ' ,', . ,r, '. bentarle ; raradie at.d the IVri ; The IUipn , ... , ... v , t . , T, ... ,. ! , x. . 1 T ,, 1 1 hree tndu-a of Nature; Editoria Tab , i, ,- i r .le ',, , 1 . , , , . ,. i Corr. -pondenee of James Iredell the t a . ' , . ,, eat!Ti tlie rourtb I oiuuu ncenicut the lid Msrshala Married." We have also rectived I.usst',1 for ream ; letlie ; I rosj rf Ir-.'r lraliin ' E'beralisni j Editor's Tnl ' ; Literary No- Tbe North Carolim l".in'er for Au- ' Ua l'''fo'! u' Our agricultural 'rit,r"' find the Plant-r worthy of their ' Datronare. and ahonlJ aid in bavin- at one agricultural paper in the State i ' ' Feterson for Aug-r-t his also rowe to bntid. It Las its usual amount of readin ' " nistte", fashion plate and patt'-rns of diff- r- i cnt kinds jT the Indies rrl!ilnrj rakes. (In Friday morning l ist, our elite wat rejsled bv verv liberil rrrscut of este. - from Mr.Joarph Mead, who was consider- , , . at. iv eiatea at me election ot Ur. 1 iitc arit. I Tl .. v rs verr r l.-e sr.l 1 ,1 J J ' J ,ee ,r.,a esme ,0 ,r, just f . iTu',".' '""'ig.u; when, presto, there is a change. The j M W IMin.on A- Cn I i i. j- j . I o. tunmure ,s brought out and carted away.j in time. And I y onr friend that keep a general supply cf old J . " Wear'- p, aa tl.e entry 01 caitieon tl.e posse of another is a lre-ras. and this law an p!ie, to land owned b, railroru companies! ,, . 1 as weil as a private owner. 1 ppointtnenis pul,,i-l,e d intbe H-ileili Hmhr.l,it the 7lb inst . we learn that Itithop Atkin-on will tisit Char- -- lotte, on Sunday, the 10th of October next L'lfivii.i.r, Aug 2. EKMU' KV El.r.(TI(iN. In the eity pro per, ti.e American Judge of the Court of Appeals has timjority ; and Ihe Ameri can r.jiiuy r ffrer are probably all 1 iecied by sriinil n sjorities. Polls priierallv qoirt Capt. liou-M at, w at da, gerouly wounded by a pistol shot while iu a beht with Dr. Mlandi.'ord. The diflicully ro-e partly fiom an oid giudge, and partly from political fediug. IV It ia a fact jii'tiifJcantof the nro-rrss of An.enean manufaciurinif skill thai the Pi 1 11 me ban. ( Mnelish) manulactu, iis m.iiale ,rv,r. ('P'-lleU Willi ana,) au ultuche of the trade 11 ;.,ks of Amtriean inaiiufaetnn d ,I,e ""d-on Pay Con pany, traced the riv eutl. ry. and sell it as in 01,1 d fi 0,11 the - r (Jo" " 'or ali ut lix hundred niilet to ita l int, d Staie. 1 he London 'J inx- i.f the mouth, in the Gulf of lrori-i. From him fir-, iiiHsru I as a lepr.rt of a trial of tl.e ny v, Peevet, in which it was .,.r,,.,.- n,uii pioMd that lit latter in. Hal. d ail the tiade u.sik. cf .1.0 fo.mer,.,. American conipany, eun ,0 f,.c .!,..-!. of S. W. Colun's sitna,nre,,rhUst,.r,p,don,he cutlery. HAij.,n -i t-i- . ., , , 1 T.7 . ,? trm'""',f For Pr' .1 I , J I '!. 1 I tar ' ' I 1 1. .... 1 . r. .. - n .J ', .. . ,' la- Tut Cablic Fleit. ; Trinity Pat, Angus 5. Tho telegraph fio tailod from Queens. low uu lie -y, - 'reran, did made I be p l ice hi oua o oinck and Gorgon for tbit pluei, where they ar . . ---- i - ; r)v,.d yexlerdar- Hie callo w ill be landed , 0 ; t ,j CB0 jjj js j rpS nlut;cllJ ,nd J t. , ,)r)0 ttalut(I nilU!t oll, jr( linn, ll.o Ti-lexranli llouac at llull a Jiay to lie lieaU 01 ti ta tia harbor, and for more (ban two-ibirdi ,t.t uUtance iu water over two mile deep. perlect. I be machinery tuo-t satUfactorily, and waa not Mopped for a a'ngle moment. (!apt. Hudson, Mesnra. Krerrtt and i oodhouae, tlie engineer, clec triciana and effieera of tbe ship, and, in fact, ferJ man on noaru ir fe vfg to tho ulniont to '"" ,,lu u" , aueeeij-ful, and, by th j ProrK.enee, they auee every man on hoard the fleet, txerted them to make tbe rxpeditioo te hleaxing of Divine succeeded. Alter the cable ia landed and connected wilb the land line, the Niapara will (lit ' -, , 1 ,,,, r it.' Jir, ULa:tht eiuiou pure ' IVmoet.t say. : I . , . , . . , , " I' ' eh.ractf r.Mic of a gooj Democrat " "c -"" "-"'"i i . , " "" e V"' rate in the miik be ffida it to be tiu i. n- . ,,. i, i' lo avy the ithnlt ot hit ""'V when he ' ia promoted to lender.-bip he i xr' d '" "f'r!'f"" lo the authority wLiib has been vested in bitti." Tben a pod Democrat (saya the Cem mercinl) ia an oi, or as, or any fiber beaM of biriben. Could aervility po further? To le a Deirioerat aerordinir Id tbia man ! Ilonnev. is te be a lave. to abandon all ' right of opinion or apcech, lo Irueklc to ' n.v CDI aeei.l. nt may have made a iau r, 10 go in tiuiin iuu ti.t nig urn.; leant r, to I j put hear Mr. Honney further : I .-When we elcoted Jamc. Pucharan Pr si d. nt of tbe I'nited States, we ei-o at the jsnnie time eltcted l.iin frttitlrnt of the I I ftlim. ulic l'nrtv : and he. to 'ether with bia Cabinet, the DeBiouiatie Senators and : Hi preariitalivra in Conre, ai e tiibunaU wlneh the party ttaelf set up in I'ioO.fOie. tltirr ii li 't tire Ihtuvrntie ilix trine uwl ' Ihrnmrtilif nirtisum " ' Mr. 11. bat tbe merit of frankness. He speaks out squarely that doctrine, which others like hi in handle mote aoftly. Mr. jll'ichanan and bia party are not merely rx. -cutiie officers, but source of opinion. 1 he White IIuct a Vatican and its cc crime that b.esue wc arc fully cenvlnc-sd there ia no! possible way. that there are to known n.Mtn V, I, i. i. ,K sIT'r. r.t r. . i... I I bion cm be conducted, except through tbe agency of the Deiuocratic party. Ibis may n3, ,!lc r'"'Z of 'ifcma partisanship it " mn? ,o,,0a br,u! ', 'i;-ia Wilmington Jlcrulif. A lAUNTrn ii.t;sr -The New York r- xpres stys : " In one of i lie most fa-lional'e ami een Iral localities of the city, at tbe corner of: two pleasant streets, stand a bouse of clv-i gam 1 lienor, men lias cren unoceupieo mr years; many .uca tiaa 1, nemtaxenny parties either ignorant of Us mystciou- eharaeter. or tleler l..inr(l uo, to hen! neen eviueri lor a ,ew aiv ; can loan furniture have bei n taken in, and the n - .c 1 ..:i.i.... 1 .1 ...1 - i the window shuiiers are closed, the place Is A F"N " SvrK S" ASIA ('li Ibc las, trip ol ihe Cunard team- . NfW y . u , ,.tIUWil ... I experienced very thick weather from the . " " ' "'g oauuj nooa uni.i titer pa- ', Cfe ,u. 10 " '- 10 rcdcr it . .. , . ., ,, ' ' J a , " fui . bt .f" . . , 1. I'-.1 J.J .1 . ;. ,,.,,1 .,.v v,..,l .1 : 1 iiuiioc. j ne Lonia o, u.e sia Were yii I in) ii in I e ly launched, and thirtetu out of a crew of twenty pi rsons rescued. A tub sorption waa started, and ei-bl hundred dollars collected, which waa presented to th. 111 the day previous ,0 tbe etrttal of the A-ia in Liverpool. Tbe Aiia bad letter not visit any French pott, or she wili le seized and htr owners Le mulcted iu dam- 'J nt Dim ovtitv i.- I iiAZiKii a tivR. Fi sxit r a riier w as first know 11 in 17'..;), and " f"'r:' J lo P'iiish Coiernment by A- '' gander Mi Kenxie. In Mr. Simon ,at,-H ' I'ST.-Mr. Emilia f"'" ureyed the rier carefully from j , cnaravitir, wr uctci fj.iiii-u uoi 19 necu 111c q i - l- ' popular rumor; a bu.-.le of clean-Jug b..1,.'"''' , 'VV't!''' n 1cru,.'l" ?ff f f 1., t j .,b. . ,l,e coast of tuba, the U.iiiibiidL is on the, . -r - -- - ...... v. j ,,.,,,.... ,.,rs aiieoonnee at llie sale of Lota . mcutt. 10 K-ll J.ai.gl.-y, in Ihe Hudson , J- ('..pai., ' tcl.oon. r C.dboro, tie said! '.'''C ',0" ''', and the lia ligation f 'le v,r lo ,ha, ,... is .0 tl, ,),,. ( PtKATir. r THlt l'MUD STATr.S 7 coioas at ,b. 1'l.iI-Ueij.hi. . . . . ..K.r ...il es-tinrt s. l""'v " A Prima Donna iji Luck Tbe Paria eorreapondent of the New York Timet ritea aa Mlowa t Not lonff agfl I lold you of flie mapnif icent preeut made by llmhnir lo the Vice royalty of Fpyp', Aol met Pi-eba, to an Italian cirl at Parii", who bd lauf:" lH Frencb durinjr a year a reaidi nee in thm city The teftan.et t of ihia unfortunate yung l'ritcc laa jut lien epi tied, and "f the liiurMaw found one of a million ' fraica to Sr.tl ie Cruwlly, li e late prima iloiina at the Jral.d Cf cia, now the Harotf c Vigier. It appears that during hi tea idence at 1'aria, Ael met Paclia el.ared tbe general admit alii n fur the brilliant youug enntatriee. and. tei kinn ail inter iew, laid bia heart and pallet l.la loriune at neriet. B1(J ,Le ,rcllivt.. of C,,,,),, (Aud wbenleaya part of hia fortune, it iuru,.A While ihia borril.le m,e , ' uiui-t be rerollirted that the entne l"fuH j,,,. 0u, imili.r Crimea were coinnmi,.,i ,, ! of tbia Prince H e.tim.led at $50,000 'U !) I F ie Uon,u,e. , y, aj0Ii.M, 1 Not niore fortunate than the Prince Pret dent of the Id public, who, more than once, made oterturea to tbe proud Sophie, he waa n iceli d wilb a leaaon on morale that made - an jnipreeMOD on bia better man. 'J hia ia . aaid lo be the true bi-lory of the lepaey li lt to tbe liurotieaa Vipier by the younp Prince who baa juat petii-hcd ao ignouiiuiousl iu the watera of the Nile." An Inoemov Swimuimi Dopq A young lady iu Albany, the other day, en tered a grocery ttore, and after takinjr a teat on a cbair near the counter, ordered a variety nf article', vhieh were weiphed, tied op aud handed to her by the attentive and polite store keeper. Aa each package waa given her, she dropped it into an earthen vase which she held iu her lap. When the bad eon pleted her purchases, she plaed the lid cn the vase, aud setting it on one end of the counter, requested the atorv k ep er to allow it to aland there for a few min utes, while she attended to some business in the vicinity, elating at the same time on her return she would u tile the bill. Short ly after tier departure, an atteadant of the store had occasion to move this vase ; it was fouud to be eonaidet ably lighter lhau tbe number of atticlra placed in it weald war rant, and on removing the lid the secret wa di-covered there waa no bottom It it! It ia supposed that the inpenioua female hz! a poeket in I he fiotit of her dress, in which to place the article as they were banded lo her. It is netuless to lay lb it she did l.ct return fur the vase. Fi.nol'I.ab fimi' I or A IIusbanh The London Court d'cilur furnithes the fol lowing : An aeconip'i-hed and beautiful younp Engli-hw oil! a n Miss E. Sou'bal! I a fal len in love with and recently married Juau Ftinanilit, a celt bratrd lull fighter at Mail rid. The atrnvu and agility of the Span iard may l e imagined from the fact that be frequently tired nut the fiVrcest bull by si.lnn.. nt. ,;. t,.,b ...A . I...... ly Died" that the infuriated animal, findin? every fffort to di-lnlge b'ua iu vain, would at length fill eihauted beneath It hercu l.sn ,t... . . .i .i.. .v,.. i..-;..j er ehr-l of bis mother. ( mother was absent, Ihe deeeaed tn V P'T ',u companion, and evidrh;ly got ! into the trunk lo conceal himself a hen i el( adju-ling Iwk closed the lid npon him aii'i us ssi sDioinere'i. .unn f slnrilay and Sunday 'he fiiend and neighbors looked in every directum to 8ud the bev hut without success. I In Monday muruing, the mother was ind ic-d lo open Ihe ehesl by a strong smell which seemed to emanate from it, eirtrrtint; to find the body of a rat, but lo ber atouuhmeul the fiund the body of Ler HiUsing aor. Vr-ssrw rort TfiK pAaA.il ay Kapr.t.1 t.- , , . . , ; Hallif-d , ,, ... . ; in- . -. . .. I . " ' j 1 ' r. r t nauir.iiogo ami t erry will te onlrrrd f . u.;... ..l .1... I. : ... 1 i ' m ,- ,ra, squadron. The expedition iil ,h- , ' ' J ord-r lo ...,t . the arrival of lie I'anibndi'e and Perrv (;,,.,.. ,.,. l .,.,' j f. " .1 J j 0,u Tm First JUlb of Nv l'rtAn CiT tun 1 Lis diitirguisbrd visitor arrived iu our city yesterday, by tbe Florida boat. It waa raicd on the plaulatiou of Mr Allen (Jibson.of Wacahootee. Marion County. Fla ..,.1 : 1 . ai i.- ' ... i- .nsirura 10 jirrsn r. t vi ii &. 1 1 a r . "Lo ,yId ' ,0 .-ber Pro. , at 1 ' per pound. Ii rlasse bare mid d lii ir. and is somewha, trashv ...! il.. not good, being injured, a Mr. G'ihson writes, by the excessive raio. Mr. Gibson also state that if the wrt weather continue- he fears the injury in this way will be both g'neial and serious uraitiuh Hijiub- lvunt !,. C Wheat-We leatn, from tie Pal- nore Patriot, that a c.r;:o of North Car- n V best, eonii-ting of Three Thousand 1 1 more olin bo hel-, raised bv Col. J. 0. Job linson. was oiu 111 tual city cn Wednesday last, for seed wheat, at ihe high priec of 81,7(1 cental per bushels. This i aomewbat encourag- I ing 10 our fanning fiimds, after having; made aurh rborl crops. j Tna Tun t tn.s.. f, w 1 I (ays the Favettevill, - - ...rr, nun Ob-er.e,) that, here waa a large att. Ldni, atiee al lh sale of Lola ill Carolina Ciia ,,,d Mori-bead Citv on I-eaufort Ha.lor.laM week, 'lie Carolina 1 iiy Company soid about tl O11 worth of ' lot. ...d ,h.f Wort head C,,,' Company . uiuck larger au.ount. BI IMS Mil r.l.lUI'Sl. l, Af f . , ... . . " "a'"" "'-u pans ol tu. FURTHER DETAILS Of THE MAssi, , ATJIOOAII. A letter from Aleiandria, dated il,e , iiiatant, and publish. i in the I'aij, Cii pond nice of the Timea, givea, euiuug r,n delaila of the uiaacre of Jidduh, tu. ' ' loainp partieulnra of the 1 1 it k U French Couaulate: "About aiih.r( .. ' 15lh of June, the boue of the Kj;i. V , fotirul etJiddeh waa uddeuiy , " ' and invad, d by foiue bund red, uf l", ! (ii,,ul ilat.ts of Southern Ar'b w no iteo i ne perou oi me t on.ul, u cd grietou-ly, and tben flunj.' hiiii,Mj til ni lit wii.doT itilo thr ilriet, r,F njob ot tbe tame fuiiatiu butUl 1.,, . into piecn. 'J be Lou e wai thru 4. tnearrtanto aim iwo urajemer. an... tacked by a band of faualiea whop. ,, ed into the house by the indows,tV ly wounded by sevcru! .ahre cut. I!,. , waa killed ly a dagger thrust iu h-rlr, , after having defended In r-elf cournp,0ll. killed the murderer of her bud.i,n , wounded several other. Her dau.lii.-r year old, aocceeded in escaping by i, door. In the erxt room were the , lor of tbe Consulate aud hi- eer v u.t. latter M a Mussuln.au, and au old .,' who formerly fervid iu a batlalinD of k, tive A Igeriues. These two left and lie Consul's joii; daughter defi tided themselves so li. r.JC : thai tbe murderers letreaU'd for a in.m.,, Ihev soon returned lo the charge, li )t i, time employed a stratagem. A II nlrin. an acquaintance of the chancellor pronched him, and said "Come out , with me j I wiili u save yoi from -p. death " Colliding in thee pr,,i.f , brave young man quitted the rn im ; I,, , instantly struck wiih a poinard, wm,;, slightly wounded him In the arm. , . ed down by the blow, hi- ihr-isi ., , by llie aasin, and be wa on the j.... perishing wbu t lit eon-ul's djuh' t;,,, her-elf on the assa-sii, aud lit I.i si, .0, . . ly in the bead that be was fined to i . 1 hereupon another of these wretr!,. , , lacked the courageous j outig giil, nni her a sabre Cut across the face. M:.- n-nselt s, but the chancelbir, l o bad -p to hi feet, inflicted a blow on I ir ,.i , ss-io. Meanwhile the (Tiat.ceiler . . vants, atrupplitig with adunn b r r against the mi-creaiits, killed ih:sr f m Wuundi d several other-, and so n.cr ill cnvetiiif the flight of the cvn-ul a ... f ler, of tbe ( hat ceil, r, and r f a who bate ail arrived tin- cveniii, , . patiy of the brave sulHi. r. at th" r n of t'efVn-uI IJc.-nrol .l" Kr-jtie-, i andria." (aexv, tiix lt v ti tt A P.n. D rp Ijieen, the fsumua lulmariiir who lately ajfiderlook lo po doaniti ' d ,0 ,"'"e ,("u" of lh,,il li car'0: ' nif'tlonale Atlanlie, wi I ptei slly rli - more. 1 he artpia'ti.d Inn. An ern paper ay of the perilous eip! it : tbat the air at that dipth. a- ti e u , y fo,ted i, trj Lim, erat k"l aud 1 1. ' ,be fnir of Lut fat. in il.s, n, n . j netl of the j uu.p f. !l cn h - I ie , !ue n;ow oi llie eiow l-r. J ou fo o. niore tor ,' said , l.e kind bi sn i e i '. w be loo. by lnui a- he esine i in'en-ity ef a'l i.is i rien.-e. loo darinf man la . -,i f-r ihe r Iv of anotl.et trial. 'I l. . i.tl, u-st. i 1 '"it tli" diier in-i-t.-l on -.oil ' i . a binnlf. U,- wnt. i d t. i..n. i) sr lynd mart, and,yusi b-i.timg lib- n ( nt; The cltri-t boult at li- r Z "L t'S.i.. , I lurl-ed The a aU-r 'i.l forovd 1U1 .1 i- , J.l poi r of eo, or gi ia H I . t. li J O B II A .S , 1 A s;.r,.., I f f,:. II. ...... ... give. th,. deeerip.h,,, of Jorda l.,,ks: - . . i- , . A hu !'"". low forclbt I bell course cf lh sari- ,i ie, lhiog"h beauiilul, I know no, ; hjt it (lid se that nioment of Ha first re, el, ton longing eyes, ihe perfection of ealui holy loveiiness. , is Jiardly aawid. ' Mobaak, at Plica, but faf n.ore r.' ! impassioned In rts Caw Indeed, rt .1 1! rivers I have ever seen, the Jordan I iV fj. rci-st eurreiit. Its aster is by uc clear, but i, aa linle de-t ,vc . tl..: m"' muddy. Al the plaef where I fn i it. tradition a-.i .i,s l,.i,i..i., ot i ''ou''. and also the miraculous cr -1., .' children of Israel en fhfir entr i-" . i 'I'" promised land. Like a ,ru 1 1.. n " 1 ' '' d in its wat. r, and pick. I 1 ' pelble fiom i,a banks, a tokens nt I oiembranee t.f ,bc mot famon- ruer in ' " (world. Three mile beta the sp-t " I ' r""" '', ' "oL!e '""-"'" "nlhn ol I'te-soddenly ihrow- : ,'" " "' ""r"1 U"im of lVS (ikl. Ja' KS"S A VlR'.lslAS ' w-rrter iu tl.e Cbarlestowu, 'a , Sj n ', " lends that lien. Andrew Jaek'ou, b-a ' Perkley county, Va., and wa cai m ' 1 J liis parent iu 17(H to V ihaw seinennH. N. (". lie Sttbstantialea bis alaii-Miiit, ' recollection of tome revolutionary "r- ... ... - . I.i ;,ri,,r) ,h. )rr ,prrr , n.t . : . .i" , 1 1 I. 1 ... 11 1I...I 1 , 7 '"" , " flX" ' ( 'T-" '''"'..V ,i'lw' " ' (," Zj urpes ,lie buii'Kng ' I aau Monuineiit in Kithinolid. Frnnllin seiaed lirfhtt intf by '! ' '' .on il. tauvht it tar. ad and II.-

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