hi I loa"ing. A lat, na fdi$ waa eno evening loikini; up.i.i her child, and wondcrin. what coiild be the reason of it striiii.o conduct, I be tern We idea flashed upon tier sou! , My child is nat'iral J runka rj J "' She - .hricked aloud; bur liu-hand, w ho bnp-tar-ned to be within Innrim., cams to "her. ? ShJ Ml upon his neck, and exclaimed, )i.,,r hu-band, our little George i born ' B , She could proceed no f.iithcr, '. but swooned away ill her huban d's arms. From t!it hour the father of the hoy , pvpr ia ted a, drop of wpirits. The iht of hi-" ryes, and the Leavings of his h-art f i.iit'ely curtd him of Ms habit. He seldom l.s upon fibs Uiifo.-tuii.iio little George. yvftboit ,lirdJiii! a tear over I hat. sin which rutailcd upou Iritn a life of oh-curity ami urMchrdu, lie ha. livr.J. I rrj .ice to 'ftid,s6 a t. redeem hi character; and he i now the ' futhor of five children, all of ho;u are Iri-ht. ami beautiful, end lovely, .-rptiii. only the one !iae destiny wa thu blat. .1. ' Tbi principle, of iuhrfrui"! trait an 1 characteri-iic.. however, i Ku.epiiMe of nn i t. tit -tii.it- number of iilu:ratioii. It 1 a bee, one a privcrh, and it i su-taip-d by aii hi-t rv m.d o'. -t r v n t iiti , tlint ihe eff F ring of libidinous ciiiiecih.iiti ar uniform ly marked by a strong tendency to improper passions, wliiio the ubi qieitt sou nnd liau.-btor "f the. f-imn j.-u. i.taL'p. whei thorough rep. -i.taueo ku taken pUce, are in genera! virtuous. UOVPTIAV M C MM V Ti.'.OS IN A.VanKRE r.-vPka-M I L t. A. cnre-pon.it i t cf t".ie Journal of CiuiiiTCe, writing ot the pa per-mills at Gardiner Me., says : Yesfi-piay I i-ited. in enn.p-it'V .!: Mivor U'o-K. of G ii iirer, the . prinei pai" paper faforlea. and t.i asW-ri-t ed in looking at t;e million of pur-d ft ri.. j iit d up in wareli-JDe or Tread of. r n r. s r.f crouiid. to find that p rti..n rf '.. m h .u rr.t-Hl'i, iifiivfd : out .l.'i" '' 1 ' '" 7'j'p.'. Tbev were v;.- .'.i . .r. e .M-- 0- lorifi-r.-viis old e'othi- tbat 1 hive rii . l the bal f:.rtune t.i nie!l. Tlii-. don' -ji 0lr,; ti tl.a faet t'"it a nrt if t; 1-111 ere in a J imaL-'d ta--. I he K . y - -u r.i.-s hid been e '!.-. ted frvn all tin- fir- 1- ers of the l'ueha's ti-11. i isir.i. from l'vinj shd the der.d. 11 o m y e i-t . ff jta:u:i.ta of ilowa.ij's and II . '; ho lii-iUV fiis c-f I i'. bo-', 'IVki-h nj-.-el t-,.e'r!ie. ; and 1- ,n,:T Io-mI p. e. -. in the haj-- .M' old drff-1 tiii'al.-. the d. pn. l;n:t..i'h ..'. lhi' tt e nv-t -it L"d r "t'l tl. cluli-t i 1 i-i --Ii - r.f the t.o'.e ti :by M.i. c:.ic U-t fr.-.ii tb.- liii.h of tb, pr.-- at ration oftta-e;:. r j-: "-r :to-. tut-, oo'.'.i. i and sai i- of l'..-vpt bi.t tr? inn pl;:ndi r r - f r :i L'k of 11--n. i u' k, eie-dite. and cat, fo'ii from the tv-P' c..t t!e t r-r v. .., r of the -n e. V hat a FCece t f up tilt- ..'liiii p-,t '. And wh it a ..Vseer.iti- n. too. It f.ke tb- iraruif u- 0f the Pt.at .....b. Riiie-e-. end of sa.-r.-d l boiy cr-cc.:i'- ai.d '-nil- Ca'-. and toir.-'it: tilt til Willi the till. in MO-I ai les of the sl.ave rat.d herd of 11, . i.-rn K . J ti an", to f b p t'" ir to 'In- oil,, r -i i- of ti-- or'd tu a l .n-l wl.ieli I't"'- 1:1 v ' n "P b.d m 1-h.m f-r- tii. re to find tb.-.ii tin to the Mu-ie of rn2 he-i and tne f.'U of 'he Co bo-e CotJ.ee ! Ho '.:tt! did the re'.i.-iou oi.i K.yj ri -i.- tiiii k fi t tn. v were fiim may s.'-j:.- l'jr the !'u-..'r c .-ti fe".unt of Tuiion ai.s. t:4 thai ti.e '.it.- ti f :,i- whifh Tap there '. 1 ere crouud up and c-me forth li in.kl in f .tid embrace ami in the t,ur.-t l.iie. It La beta acer;r,imd that s one of the F.-rVi-tiaii ra cbtain ab jut forty lereent.of du-t an J dirt. The d.j-t d.n.l.t- 1 tf.ti-1-i or many fane partiei.-- 0; J'oa ;'s cui'.uln;. J t 't i-it-. but ii.,t a f-w rao th- mo iern razs seetiia lo have s,ra 1 P5B i-e finds at the Nile, ami T-s. ited a it tit of the Hue e.rtu 1 1 -1 t.a wa-bed loan Irotn the mouLtaii. of Av v--inia Tbi "adds to t'.e weight ; 1 'it Vai.k. s i,i v-i L' &'.J tio ia tnis luaiur.'' ly OVEKi IS THE MavI'K.1 lltxt i Leathei:. The Olio Fanner u. rtlon an ijipjftat.t di,.overy ia the in a but;. -.., re of It'L-r, ty vLi. b (Lt- j iccesa of ta;.i.;n- i, f etfortoed iu a uiry day a it f-.r.n,;'v I quire' U:in'!,-. Lea;l..r, it i- l.u; n fjru,ed ty ti.e onion of ilin. cf w i .- ti tl.e skin ii ti.i, fly rm.-jjused, and t-ni'-en, a j-itsnce f .ai.-l u 1 bo lark of :!. b -u vi'i til t ;r..-u, i in a fe - ri-,-Mi-, the oui.v. .Vs. For tanrtit.z r .r; --. in.Biclise brt !.h-- of ,',..-e-t l.ve a . luu dcttrajeu a:,d t..e supt ' cf i :, .-. i- teadily d-crei:i,-s, wi.i.c tie ! fi.-ir-.J f.r i-aTl.eriner.ase,. Many n.iner .1 a-..; j tmtie .j.ti.Cf bive been tr.- I a- - -j:,. y.t ite. but pitba'at "M-ee-. an i tat., ei aie Ihjw jt.' ji i to impuit h. n.' ir k ft a pttit oint.i.o-.- aud U a e -'j-'.jut.y in-n. j-,-iyj ,c-t. It has r-.e. lit') bei 11 d:-e -.v-r r-d, . a v '.. Fatn.-r, "l,u!.e hive .'r iiin.--. .11,1,,,. o-i-iy it, great ,1,1- a 1 o , . r - i-, try. ib ev.ry Stale and T-r ':t in . I i.;ofir and we l.iieve u 1 v, r 11 j - . 1...,. a lot be-no ain. j. woTti.h --. si -i i.rv ir bl . .-jibe flint. I.ut wiieu c .ntaii.a an n u:. anee of tannin ' We are 1 'it n- rin. : b ,t ! e : at i., I i,t lie i.i--- v 1 r. a M' .1 ti., i. hu'.ii I', have s-i '-ii-.- n ii- t r j - r-ti- aftf r inat y y ara tf ear. fal -fj-y at.-t lt efilliel t ',. li. f,. J.r . I,.' a riifM.iu in tan ai d a ha ' .!-,y-, vii .ei, form ?lv .i lii.d f' Hi-no n, if. Tl.e luvei Ti.-n ha- i 1 -1: , ..; , ,. , i. covrf-r by l.t:,r .-,..-! t ..f !,: I 1. -itatef, and ij'j-iitei it i.l :,; t j cur t.e aauae ij Jluio; k. A ti-W l.-'c !!-.e, ,..,-, . . f,.,x 3t teiUHU IU N' w b,l ll ba- l:,e .hap. - ,,) 'gf. """" V'u ' -' -..HI d II io I'l.,; b.ii, whieli may I t ,,, : i-I ,. , tr-a- .,'. Kat-r, au pi o-i-i ..-, - ;!, I ,f ,t fad nde-way fluu, a s.-i; mo, I : . ,,,, n wood t.'-bi i'-,f in io k n-.- ai-i r. -lli";U tl.llt aide l.p will. .10' e.l- o j 0 , Sa.l at., sj. alia ff ll thrv.-!. the (' ,,. n.-i.-i.!,' e-n-i.i. r it " a v..-, : oi" m.-i-t. a sfc't -f att. r p eee tc, a shipwrtek " j via II er: in it., I, ,r. e.l w :i -i million of ire. ,.-, It,:, hi (1,1! i i-.l ; t-ir iu tne oe an pan, cf comiii.r,-- WMtii.-' t r r. 1, t K-.t, if a nop (i.eka;,.' v.,c m.i. -0 i,d i-inv that to taut eb t-Mild i- n .,,!. tt.c,, 'v,..,.,i Jo 1 hi Sc fol. .J t, j k-t ,,n 1 p, ,j,jlMl iu the flop 1,1, -I ri-e ,,. y ,f. ll..y. ll 1- G l-ht des. ',,.,', . tlt .' ,( lh- Navy I'ep.ttti,, i.t. liW li i -all mat e otnuoi, I, ii ti, ,c.,t. nn'stad it, a i. j ij oi,,.- p, Kbith t.i ae ro b, hi vi r Iten u-, d is m ur J c .r h.l rare I.r bruucbitic. iYYe.--TiV f'll'ftliin I'llhirf ivwi '3 -1 Ti ll t ill II 1 I 1 I . I 1 I I II 1 I . Uily . Kf. OHFJ..0TTE:- T u e s il a j . .A u u l 17. loy KLKl'IIiiX llKTUKNS. Ui!.c CoHti Vor Coverti.ir Kilis ; Mel!.e, 77- A p.iu o. i:l for Kb li. 1 he t'eiiiuoratie nouinie-. were i.C- tt-1 ,9 the S-ii-k and Cciiinon, ii l.out OjpO-lti.lll ". 1! Ilijh. P. inoeiaii.- noiii- ted Sh. ritf oi ini.iitrii ii i Calin J H.-ii;cr ly -I'-'j tni.j. rui lii.b nccitiuj: H .' .' voles and Kojer i!l!. I V '.i MeUae t eut- Kills a Tevv vufes. ,,,.-or Guiernor Ki.i. 7:13; Mc- For the S.n.-m Miller, Wlii:, b.-ats lhek U ie'7-'y. A L-aiti of 4!l f-ir Mi llae For ; ,on, l.c.eo, 7-' votc.i. No da'.l.t of hi eleo tt e S-.-iiate K funt, U iii', 7 I ; I'elb-rry, timf For the Coininon T. li. Caldwell, ti, ii,.. 7 4.1 : li'ounl ii.ai-.iitv. 40 a tain .i ... elei led by nii.joiity over J. 11. et V i.ijE .-ei. at. -r. Wr the ('oiniii -ii- C,x W.:i,.L7, llv,, 1.,,,,., 737 ; McCot U-t. 7i.'.. S. ...'. lar.v. 1. in. 7 1:) C. i and M. C-..i" r, U ate eiet. -d i .ii,.' a i.i ui t 10 t . li.iiien. ra in fitt. i.r i-. 1 ri - S 1 . 1 ' in , t-iectid over ."'i. i'Ii. Vv li, . i 1 4'l 11.. j 'riiy. For 1 1 ov 1 ' nor Me 11 ae. 1 J 1 3 ; K i-. 11.77. A 1.111 of 1 10 t..r Mo H hor t . S u'. Mr:iu;li;iti, U'hi-, ! ! 4! ; 1 '..ilo-.. Lh in. 1 1 31 Mrau-hau' ma i .-.if, 1 I ") a aiii of a W liij Senator V.r'ihe (iinnn tin en, W I i-, 1 1 "'-' ; Tt-xVr. Vl-ie. 1177; Mooie. 1 111, 1113; ; !;iii. F-m , U-!; livnuiu. 1'nti., 1 ; J-iiier, Uhij, li:.;; t.re.i;. V.'bi,:. I n.-i. iVi.i.-, nn-i Mo .r-. I'ltu.. are elec (.,,, L ,in ..( t . o S h'.'- in the ('..iiiinon. Fir 1 if!' -- I' .-eiiai:, ltta., 1407 ; Fat ter 1. U i.li. OIJ'J. , 1-v.r Governor Fi is l-'3 i; MeU 101 A e .in ..I 1 i. r Fi.i F-r lb Seinti ..me. 1' til -11; Whit- li- 1... -it.: F-r lh- C.-mii.on I' rich. 1', ,1... 1 I -: i 1, ii.p-. li, I m , f 13 ; Ihn n. -. It - eh i.i.-l 1 hen -p-oli t h I'ted, For Mi I! .-. i-4 K! par..: ;, ihe f.J coin and C.-a-.. Ih-ni . 31 r ; lard s maj .h.;m. I', m , li;. -.11. a 111 '.- For lh- S, nate D li. I:.lar J t'. rk;i,n. r, An.er , 2-2. 1 !ti l.-.i C-ii.iii n J ''. 1 U'-O , J. I. Cannct., A tin r , 1 - - II Fr Go n... 1 -.1 'ia::. v tne nate G .vtb rnor K.i 120 tor . 1- m . ; Me- F01 itb Kin. .rt.-d c-:t oj ; -.- ijii. F;.r tb- Cuii.moi ll. til , I-o op j eh et-d. For Ward. 7 - ; Kai.ier. 112. J. tc liifutir for Covin i.l!--F.lo-, I.ll.i : MiKae, 4 Hi. A pain oi 42 .'or Ki ll. F.,r tin- Senate A.:.-, I'-li. .elected witbo.jt .(o-ition. l".-r ib- Common l, v Fein, 1.112; Moore. L-in , 11--; pat J, 1 1. 1 . , lot j.iian and Moole e the Sena:, M L- . f-piv-y. Ki i Im, mot. U . F. ... t 'lii.u-i.. Wi.i-..j-ii .ht,.rd li. ni., .3;l ; 1) ,ol- lortbit.... 1, 1'. 11. , 0,1; J K. For Sir fl-W Hir- ri-, lh m , 700; J. J. J , tie-, l-i .lave Kor Ooi. ri: r Hi:,-. K iv. u'.'ii A G aii ot 'J 1 for ihe CuU 1 j ,1,1 r V. 1 '.III., ' z z. Am. r , ''.J Fur Sr., r F. ..... 7:-l ; Ca;--.-! , U Ins;, -,o7. O. ,..,.;., o,i ll.;i t.or 1...1-, 1 lv3 ; M.-llae -o;i 7 ior MoKae. For : .e M,-,.t I' Ul . . '.: et- d I'l !.,;.! ep;,'.-it.o: ' v.l.,.:..,l. V'eKaV. lh II. .1-1- J.I il. , J J 1 ; ija-IH.Io,. IL M I nd. 1 n, , Hi:- ; 1 1. 111 . -!;". M,-Ka, C.rte :i.irt-i.-j - tl. et- i. 1 ,r .-.v-r b-:.and M-.S-i.-i. Amer, --,) 3Ji. Mi is. F-e ; Hart lleave- For Gov.r A - 11 of li.it.- C11; and IFi 1:1 I'm rt. .jt ,ui. ,- . ll.. I'.i i. N. ili it.1 u, i; i.ell u rat! v, 1' I. -. F-r ij. 3 1-; d. on W. lio-.J 17 N. II 1. F "I I0-' '.. V- 1, J--.1. F,r Gaw , '.4- K.e. Me I ' I . 7 13 ; i, 1 .,' .-, v n.j. d 1; . ; 1 1, ,v, ui,, '. inn. -1"; Mc .an, lud i. 0.1 volt 1 ii ei to til. li. 1 M-i ,i.-i. J 1 -s -!1 .-, 1-0 l.u.. -I'.rG ,l -..r V,t 1 - . .1 -.1111 of e'S.na;. J ll. 'ion. 4H. lor O.l.aa, Atl-r, i-r, 111. 'Ibe .0 re-aiaro;,,.,.-- c t.-d J r r., ' - majoilt -Mdiae. r-:. ;,::. -f ;.;. - l.i. 105 II,:,. ,ji,ty a j.-a,n of hi 1,1 J, 1' 1 ii l; T . r..-: F.r t .ill A in. I ,!V. f- . M .1 ,1.,, F New I Jc An, I I.; t;..., I t i - i u d to i on.-i.-i -''. " For G jif.i.jf M. U .e. 4-5 A g: in o! f,:i I K a-., )lri,. , , ti lo bl S. sen and l.ilby. In i i-., jo ll,e tt'j:su,i lor Gon.n.oi- 10 11 d la -K.ii' 753 ; . i - . - . r. r.nn a - ., -f 133 for 1', i viL.,.'..',," Val-in. IVm... ebcted to the - ;o,rFortbBS,n,.to - ,7T.V,-Alfud, Au.cr, 871.' King tec , ' ;;,.'v.-For Ootrrnor-KIH-, 1207 i ; M,K,t is-j. Ki7 i-Min for Kllis. For the : Mi n i i, ... ,,., n.l J""""- i I. ... ; Common... ; (.iiiven AniiT., I, liia I liorniiur, Anu-r., l.l-'i ; Kiliot, Anicr., i'l.4. elt cb-cird Sheriff il lioui oppo-ition. Aiw ha ; ttfii Th, J( I or,on, in ; r.r.firi.il bin. to in the Semite, and (Jon M . V. ItiitiMoui and n,anJ M" t-'" "f r' . j jUrl',, W. S 1100.1. io the Co.u.i.o..,, : either of tbee-n-VdMe . a. 1 that .count. ! nre .-leeted in thin county. : for so many pin;le vct;'3 for thi IWtor. J Jlt;om:,r- Senate II. T. Clark eliC We bate no doubt Vr. H I'ehixoi' bna ex-t-d ; i.o -r ro-ition. Conimort-i Me.v-r-.. , u savR uie from my lin,p .,! Daney olrc.e,. , no oppo.Uon, J , nkin i-b et- d nn.r It : 1 tl. Siiatoril lh-li-ct composed of r.nu.-vii. k. Ui.ul. n ati.ltoluiiit.il .MclMw- I i li 1. in i" united Le elected ovi ' J,.i.i-.. Amer.. y votm. 1 lVarsUi, Loco. Fi.r Conreai auce, Amer ,110 over Awry. IVm. J r.W.-Klii, "'.'I ; MeRae, 50 i). A j ot 47 or McIUe. Senate Medly, 1 ),., , ) J ; Ualk.ip, A mer SU5. Walkup ; j. rt.(t.a in the Setia.o.iai lH-trict, roiupo- (,., 0f Ai.soii and Union by -33 majority . s Wil-oii, Item., 742 ; liiumon. Km . -14; lluntiy, D. 111 , 111. WiKon tiicied. t-. Austiu re elected SberitT witu- out et po-iiion. ,,;,, McRae. 621 ; K!li, 139. A Ein of 51 for Mellae. For the be.iat. ! 1 vis, Ann r., 733; K't k. lh-in., 1 V3. For the t eninion ae!ui:l. .int-r., no oppol tion, 7o7. For Sheriff Marshall, Amer., '.-0; Nash, Amer., 510. Weil done, f.r. , Jric MeRae, ilT ; K it 42. A -ain of 7- for Kids. Senate l.am'ey, A .. . 1 . ..1 ....,;, ml,--., fleets 111 til hv l.i ,;,j ,ty over Ui-em.n, Dem. For the Commons K. Gaitber, Amer., 52 j J. IX Cli. k. lh 111 . 4.". Ju McRae, 774 ; Kbi. 32"i. A -ain of 11 for MeHac. For the Coinniotis J.;ii . A. I.. ak, Amer., F'2'i; A J Car trail, Amer , ti23. Me-.-rs D.ir-an and Leak bad no itpo-iiion and are of course elected. i,r SUi.tt Thread-ill, O'Ji ; Kendall, 3 ;.7 ; Ratiiff, 2.2; Huntley, 27; Gad.ly, 1 I A rrnfr F.iii, SoO; MolUe. 3.7(1. A 1 - a i ' 1 of '.J l-r Kiii. t'arniiehael for the Senate, 31. For t tic Commotio Hurke, Item , 422 ; Tea-ue, Wbi-, ..7 3. A Dciuo- V.V'i.'v', F;;, 000 ; MeRie. 1 ; l ei,:.t', liim-bardt D. in., elected' it bout r-i .po-ition. C011111.011- Sherrili, Deiii , "3d ; Ko.ve, 5l 3. Slierrili elected. 7 1,,,!.' --Kiii. vSJ'J; McRie. 114- A -din ol 270 for K.ii-. For the J-.uat. IJ isniJ.t. I) t;,.. 321 ; IVClee. An.er , l-'H. For the ( oiniiions IJetiLury, A titer., elected without rpn-i-itio.i. Il mi. 1, l- Ki'! '2-a ; McRae Ui'l. H'vi'i.'lj'TTrTtniTriT-TTiiT" U aahiuKtoir li'oai .ion Nei iiiaii, D 111. .'illil ; Fowninj, op . -'7 4. For Sherifi D.i.ltn, Amer Latham. Amer., 1 1 vot-a. beat. Itlijiil o Kiiis, 325; Mel'ae. 5s . A (.-ain ( f ')- for Kiii. S.-nal. Meou aid, Amer., 610 no opp -ition. Common-. Chan, her-, Amer . 672 ; lr Crump. 2-7 Sheriff Sander. Si I ; Wool.-v. 400. i , .- Kiii. 7 37 ; Mclia-. 7..7. A Iaiu of i3."j lor Kiii. Sriiaie, D b-On, l 111, Crvan. Amer.. s.;)o Cnmnioi,-----t nr. Am. r , -:i-l ; Aiii-.m-, Item, 731. ---L'.n-, Am. r , ei, cted S;.r (f .o-3 . tt .I-.'. A taiu of o for McK.i.;. S.-naie Ward, 1). ,., el. eic J i'i Carl.-r, t and J uie. ov.-r Seolt. li.d. Coinii on- Ccx, lien, , tbetod over IF, mat!, Ind , by 5 I m.-joiity. ,()',,- Mrllic 5J.7 ; J.li 2.7". A -am of 13 for Kill. I, ll Foekery, Amer., 1 lected to 1 be Comm.-!! nitti.mt oppo-nion Seiiat-, Stee.e. I), 431; A. ford Amr . 30H. I'rt ':i. S- n it- J. W. C.ini.iii.li .in, I'i II' . re-elected Common ll II. II.:. t r, I 'cm . r- elected, i.ietitl Smith, e-',-,.!. . 1 ov-r Lon'. ' J; ,,,,- K.I'h, fj;n; McRae, 7 1 . Ki is rain ili S-nite, K liny, L , 713; Yai- y lb. l:.0; !! nry Amer, 4-1. Co.,,. iiiv.-. li.ird. I , 0:1 1 ; (iu I.. 1. Amer ,711.' i 0 in- ei..---d Sh.-ntf over Hampton, in eiiinbent. For l.'.t,-re-maii, Vance, Am. r , 01- ; Avery. U in . 75I J-,, ,11,. son. Kipley, lni , elect. -d it, the C'-ii.tnoii. A -ain Senat-, Kdi.ey l.-in , 7 1- Y .i cy, I' 111 , -O'l. AI.lri.J'.- re elect- d iMjeritl, Con-re;, Vance c.3, Arery 41 I (,'nJ'i ll G.-.tli.,. Jr., L. -r;.. c-leeted iu ti e Common over M-iran. Op , by 31 nia-j-ri-y. Kue Amer., Kb -riff over Hiil, lem , S Votes. -..i' .,- Col. fi. l Covd, Ilem,; ei ct.d to the Sei,,t- wiihoit oppo-ition vote 12-0 Common, Settle, (en,., 122", S.i'.pson, I). m , 11 0.j. lioheria, ll. Sheriff. II -ijuiftt Con-re, Avery, h m , 405,' V .-. Aiit, 3. S. 11 He, W. II. Thorn-; a- (117. Iloiaiil 31 CommoiiH, I). S L. L -.e. ri;! i.o cpj.j.ition, and tery fe seatterilr' vote. 1 !r. I), Shoi.e Card. Ho comes 1 a nd ul'yrt lor liie p.'Ojdc. Iii n Snarl. t'.- ult of the .lection in thin county Tl, jp. ar t have tan n mine of the Poii'i- ii aback. li. fore the lection vaiiou ,e eoinniiii.tions said to have been ed to defeat the te.ular Ito.i.ilie.a of 1, , , . , 1 ou.oci i.uc Partv Now. a we hat,. ij .0 noii,,n- 11 uo aitn avy coin r,i i,:.f , on. we rani ,t ii;.ij prove of the oj position to ihe actinu of ihe con v . nt i o ii, because we ii aid it a.-titi-d o coming from a re-pect-aoie -;,,t;cmaii, and be a member of the conn -nl on, that lie ktnw the names of the J. i-ont-, I e nominated before the conven a n :i: I iu li,e alt. rmon to in nice the selcc- I, .ii Now, ti.ia of il-. If, waa etjougb to make ai y man, who bad a i,.id of bia own kick ut, at the action of the Co,,,.,5, ' .. . . . , I uia us to our ti ind, on ciuseof the f.artv'a nl. ft A t.nihrr ....... :. .1..,.. . . ..,. tuat iiuiu ii,. . l. -i-.-. ,J J 1--.1 l-marlf nu in ts.ia.v it. rrn.uaru utv - uVneii-ent candidate lo the day of the Mu(liously chared .b.l the o b th()- Know.yth- tng,. and the cbarg,- were r..y o .ont.o U0UM, on tbi. ly that ninny of the Know , .. , i. J ...d ; ritcnnnrn in mein -. ( t,at the' .our- "Jr. 't ureiim-.-u i. u f,innd cs-.-c'ili about bi 1 lotto, drove . . miiboi f(,, m(,pr 1 ' t i ;i any ol'lrnti-k t tbt Kditor of the JJrmo- crat Tc a.-yiwitb-it there nre tvrenty-nve nin in tb eonniy r. ore peecptnt.le tluni biuie!f Tlmtl- n y.i tty "J to ,nub a man after he U defeated. Thf iithih DMrirt. W'c give bftbji,.thtf niajoriiic from the ,k . ,, ... " - , fl. I ai.lale a.'sin-t 1. mocraiic mm .inations, ui.d , count.e, heard frmi. ... the th d.strut .or, utl ,r ,N Mr. Kdi- j Vance nud Avery, a f.nlows: j ,or, or any way aaoni-hed at the heauty of 'nr, .M .j. Avery'a M j. j r0I1j., , .rej (. ,, t .-Ij.ji,., v, I.o claimed Mnron, l"'- ! t he I lie Inniacil ite 1'. luoei aey of Meek - jjarlcon, , 279 ik-nhur-, wlnti ufier briii'.in.' before the , ay w ood, 4 p.-epli a youi.-r pentien.an who i in a i n.moonibe. M2 lIeniieron, Madison, ! Yuncy, : RuthZrforJ, ('berokee . ' 4 3!) SO 24 105 2d 9 M. Powell, Caldaell, 230 l.i 40 417 Vance's Maj. 1120 Vance'a preaert majority is 1 120, but the Abbeville iprcti&or a.iya l.u majority will be increased by the counties to be heard from to 2,000. The re-nit in this lis.net console u-s for ajiy ur plea-ant reflect on we may have at tie ill succea of our party in securing a majority iu the next Legisla ture. Mr. Clir.-imti'ii crurso has been so reprehensible that any defeat cf bis political apirsitioti would be highly (.Tatifjin to u. As Mr. Cliiigm;t.'i popularity with the Democratic part a baa. d entirely upon bis it fluence in :bia Ii-trict, uiay cot the preent result, ic seme degree driva tb from bis support. We bopo it may bar this eff. ct and thit the t.. xt Legishui e w il not elect Li 111 to t ie Senate. ; Tht rrrsidf tit ill Ike n.VJ. In tbi week's paper, we insert a i.tt.; nient that Vice President Creckinndac bad 1 taken the atuu.p in defence ef Ieu.ccrSs i,i ... .1. . -IT...,. 1. I resident i.ucuan in which ,s coi led Iron. theCineionati Cz.!! - in -Id,.!. 1... ,..n to mtddle itb tho Lo.niuatiou of a caudi 1 date for Coi.tz-e-.s. C aJ it : WasjHIm; r.., July 2j, ; Hon' Wm II. K:-.i.l I-u : ' Jnnr 11 . Awa ihnt th conveiilion fjr Uoiiii'.-iitii; a I'eiii.v ralie candidate for Conotes it. your Jji-iriei. u li convene iu a few data, I cannot lefiain Iroiu txpre-.in-the Lope that yon i..ay be the unanimous nominee of that cr ir. ei.ti "1. If I lin d in yo.,r district, and Itad 1 thoii-aii-l votes, y.ju should hate tut m aii. t.ceupun- the po-itioil you do, I eolisi'l.-r it ts.-. ntal that you tsboul.i a.j;:ce.-i. .t, oil ..ii.in- 1 1., uoiu.n atiou. A f iliiire in :b: would be n yarded by ine as a r, buk- 1 f p,y Admieiatraiioii There may be situ- 1 i:.n' Ur ihe po-i tioo in your r,-y. F -., y-m may say to theui that by -ivii,,: y.u .1 clear liaek they wi ! -am it: V f.vor. aid iniy up, , t to be j proi ided for In a uiia . 1, mantif-r. Ifnotnin atcd, I will ihio much a la-ce into! i your liialriet a you de-ire. Our fi i n-1 llu.lies, I ,ee ha a bard row to hoe. lie will he iiieraiiy auataincd. VI tin. you may be a-euroJ. Your friend, JAM US 1 TCmAN AN. Tiiis is not the firt at'i-npt tiiat Mr. Bocbaiiaii baa iuad to meddle in 1 ! eliotis. lie attempt! d to bave his para-lte Form-) elected to the U. S S r.a:e by try in lo in fl icnce ll.n Li L't'lat'ire of I. -nny 1 v ania. Cut tl.unka to the ind. p. tidenee of thai body, it did not avail any lh 11-. The Cain more I'ulfiol remark, " 'f thcr-lore, m great a breach of prudence perpttrated iu one case whic:l. not denied we bave -good reason 10 infer it was In lb.; other and are eou-i rjucntly reluctamly, con-traiatd to believe the abote letter is genuine." Salt of lalnnfclc Eriil Edale. We omitted to notico tjoom r th,! sale of the Ta'uiable real estate which took place in Charlotte on tb- 7th instant. The two biick , i . e t , c -1 , it ie, i huil.lin.s soul for about 52001 each, and were hon-ht by A. 15. Davidson and Sj.rin.s, K.-ij , neither building brin-in- half its fir-t co-t The Mill was purcha-ed by J. Wilke, lv'j.at 12,2'HI. 'J be ori-inal co-t we believe K as above flO.((MI. Since, the sale, the mill baa been undergoing a ; thorough cleaning up ind is now in f-ol cpeiatioti, and the proprietor is ready to' . , will be readily paid 1 ......1 I -I.. fur Kbieb 00 cent. Aj f 'lifilir.ful ul Jui!;t. A lit-etiiij of the Coutifil of Stale look place in I'.aieij.h on the I2'b iii'tint. J'at rick M iiphy, K-q , of .Simpson, was ap pointed a member of tha Council in jdacc ,r , . McKoy, ol -!ui.pon,rci.,fcd. lion J-s-e G, Sli- uber-i, of Cumbi rland, appointed .in of t ie Sli.erior Courts ..r the .tb d;-i i iet, in toe .ie.r of the Hon S- J- F.ii, ic-i-i.ed, land Hubert It. ! r"l ' 1 " "iwa, apjomlcl Judge nf .1..,, . ,.l . .. Superior t rts for tne l-t , , 1 ' ,i. j,,,.., ,r f.i.e'1. iVnisux CliTtinn. AVe have return from ctevon counttca ill i Kun.a,, The r,orlo a. tbts .leotton. turn, to.be h Wompton coutitut .on J J . eountua arc . i nrovented n some dearee, tho early rccep- FOB TI1K N. I'. WIIIU. Mit Kmii.lt : llaiins uotieed iti tb Diuiurr.it an nuielf over the denature nf, ing attihcial libt, and in become n univer ' Clue K ye," on the niljeet of coiisiMeiicy j mi neeen-iiy, to be d. piived uf which would and Tempi tat ee, wbieli vv.-ih intended as an be one of the gicatest iucouveuicucea that appeal to, and to rally t ) the support ol one j could happen. of hi candidates, a party who, in d.ijsj U i ln-t more than twenty years a-o ione by bud supported hi pixvet.1 caii'ii- ! hinoe the tinder box was in universal n-t. date ou T. in pet a nee priiicipb in the muni- j It i abolished now. The invention of the cipul eiection. Now, I would like to hnowj (rietinn match eprrad floly ; but who at whete " Uiue Kyu ' hen tbia pui ty thi d ay wou'd vetitiiro to nay they could l.ieh he appeal- tn tor aid w aa battling tor do wiihout i' ! In-inifieanl aa they appear Ten.pi-rai.ee prineiplea and mis mij portinj: to be, il.;,,c fiut 'iii -, with epeiisive nia hia I r -ent i aiiiiidii'e ? where a be! and cl.iiu ry, cut up lare raits ot tituLor an the t aliince of ihe Junto, cn that occasion j nualiy lor iiiatcbea. Win bi present candidate not at us. d iinilj vilified by the said Junto for beiuthe can land at the lime of the sctliliir nl i the Apiil convi titif-n, ns a candidate h r tin (tVliuiicn, sliouid w i.e. I about an.. 01 ii-oiikc I bun U3 unvoitby and unlit to be a fnn.er, lb. cause lor-cotb" b- lot pr. hired by I majority of thepiople. lirvat eoi.-i-taney I. bat " should 11-t wender it til- world would I wa- 011 aa usual." C.UH.sFlK. ' TI1K SFF I FMCF.lt F.rL!F.-K. The eciip-f of S. tt.-ii.ber I.eXt wi.l be-in ' on the earib at lilm. A. .'1 ('.iieii- wieli til...-; 0! tl.e .10. in iJinaee . .1. 111. north and lon-itiide -li. 4 111 . west; tin- i,J ..,.:;... at til, 4. im. I. M. in latitude , 3 , 4(!m iitll 1 lon-ltn. e HOd. .VI, 1,. vve-t. The latter will end at .'Hi. 3-m 1' M. iu latitude ii2 1 '-in .ulh,l-.ii-itade'23d 2lin ti.-l, and the wh-'.e el i-e wi.l c a on the eaitli at 4ii. 4 li.i. 1'. .'1. in latitude 40-1. 31 111. ee.itM, ioi;j;ii'i'ie 11 1 I'm east. Thu- it wi,l be u thi tin' e.liltal line of tne Moon's ha, low w i , cm ihe S-utn Atueiican C"ntinii,t in aiiineii.lt li-a.iy S K; where il will fill tipm the r.n-l iu lati tude 'id. I lin south, and m ar to Fayla, in !ru. the Son will be t. tally oi -c lied lo a bill :i2 iiuie wide and liuiin- "iOJ a. e-.tid-of time; ain re it wi.l leave the e.Mii.el.' ip la'itude 2od 4oin and near Parnm-M. bay, in Cr-.i l, the belt will be 47 n.ib-a wide and the on-eiiratioii c-vn'mue 111 e-,nd A-lroiiotni r there will c-ii-eqi.-tii iy have a lou-cr period during whi.-h to observe the r..matk:ih!e mt-'o! ..red protuberance and protuti 01 in r j-h v-it al ph. 1 Fern. Hit it 1,0 whether any one ba ei, a thai, il,o-e in , ins qoiie douhtlui .,,, !.,- K.iopa lo ,..-ui. and thus Ihe P. -., ea-teru Pn'" ' !'''""..' , Br.--' , "l-to ot tho-e b-.-iver4 w.rt,- M,,.;V prol ai ly m" but., r re.., n tion. A pui i Cain. 1, from !i hniialiv an i 01 1., ra from the K oy- lineal S- eiety b-d us to b.-ii-n-loiner fi 0111 lln-'ind would as- upon, i, Opell OH Ciiii-I. A 1 A-troi, thai a-tr- - to llra.il. and th 'abandou- f th : propn.i-d " Merpri- a i y to be r. .relied. No p -peci tioti of United liie eel.p.e will be vi-ll,!e h th, Si.it.s to the north war I of H .ri-'a. Under tl v 1,,-l.ef th ,t an . 1 p. i i ion ami'tl -o tioiu Knelalid, the Su.ii I,-,, nlaii In-lilu. ti:ii promptly made arrai. ..-ih. nt- f.,r -end. in. an a-trouoincr to ti e r.. ii--- re-iou of 1'eru, biin aided tlnri'ii by til- literal courtesy of the Far.fi" St. am N iii-.n-n Company cf (ireat 1,'iilaio. the I'iii.ol St..'- Mail Sienm-I.ip C inpnnv of N'.-a Vork. and the Panama llailroad Con panv, eucli of which mo-t protiiply and Ire.-iy off. n -1 eve ry f.icuitv and accommodation at it c..m- - ; uiand. Suitable in-triitnent have b, 1 n obliin. l by similar cx-rei-e of ,r .-r i.iiy. Frof Caehe, of theCoa-t Survev, and I oinmand. tr Maurj, of the Na'ul Oi.si-rv atorv, l.ave eai.li lent portions of the 1 po mi nt, and Mr. Henry FlU, an at vompd-hed a-tronomi t il iu-triin..-.it maker a. Ni York. com. plet-d, e-pe-ialiy lor the ea-ioii, a I J meii eijiatorial t. le.-c--.j-e. which h- t. i.dw -.l lo the Siiiitii-onirni In-tit it, on. Met. or.,lo :,-ai iiistrumenta have b.-eit furni-h.-l l tin, In atitti'i.tti, w-h-cii a!o ba provided ii'.eral -fund for tran-p.rt .tion inland and incidental CXpell-e. K I.O-.vil,;' liolbili' of the 111 cr.tli ty wiiich bad been ex-teicd by the -l-am si.lp and r nlroid c nn .n;. , and f. aiin.' thai the ixp. ue H.icbt t.ro.e an oh-t.itle, 0,,r routilryman, Mr 11 i.iiam U hc.-Uri.'ht, inti er.ol to a.s-u:ne the 1 nl 1- r t of txjeoilion fiom Ihe United States, hut the ai ran.'.meiits mentioned liiiatj ln net. "i--iiy for iie-,a-ii..' iij.ou him. In the l,o,e of ad lin- to our kinwlod-e re-p. ciin- the -real bouts of li.i.t and bi'iit, and of i-nliiinein-our iialion:,; repiita ' ,:, ,, pby-iei-t ai toad, Lii.ut. Gl,- ha mo-t rcn.nly uipl-rt .k. ii to make tin I"'1- leoioos jourii, y. He wi.l embark 1 " ,'Ka'-f r"h i"lai,t, fiom New Vi!1., mil r. ael, Favta on the ... i. - . i . : . 1 "h, ti tin pip- bonie la'e in tin: aijt.iiiii, Th- st .!, b- will piobah.y select is an emiri.-ne.' of tne And. , ai-mt III' miles to ,l,c ' '' ol ' a)';1. ""' roili wh. nee the ear, .-si i.nii-e oi Hie ecil,i! WI I l,e VI -11. Iu. Mr. C. i.aymoiid, a ., of S. W. Ray - niond, K-) , of New York, will .aeeomj.any bun a a-si-tat.. and -ocs provided bv .1,.. S.uiihsom.-.:, InstHution wiih every -. n!,:.i ,'er the J r. .. nation of .j eeimen of patuial lu-tory intended to form pa it of its altcady n.fi-i,iiu:..,t etlnnct. I l,e ti, ! i oil led to Mr Cat n.'Jtid has never been txnioicd l.v ''"';':'? , . M. l.iais, of 1 aris, is ton or-y a.tioi.-.mcr of kIic-b departure from -,rj,e inior na nor, has l-.-ii received l.y the .-m ihsoniaii Ii.-titution. Lie,,t l.i.:,.- Kill ,,,.- t bun at i'ayta and copf. r will, bin, upon the mot auviiiita-.-ous plan lor cuiip- ad the fact ' sou -I.t. 2al. Jnltl. New Jkiihkv Fiami.m, Tl,,. Moiulr- ti ( .i ) rou,t in,,. a aays that Mr ilie Malcolm. wl.Ooitlls a farm a P.u. fb weeks siiien louud a tr in-narcrit slnnc ab,,,,. -....' I . I -i , - . - ol a lalgu u, i, which eompetem J " "7 ', "lainotj.i wortu a 10 . ; OoU or jl,t)0,) CURIOSITIES OF COMMERCE. : Tamiiii. ever the pa?c of tho Oyc'T'1"1 , ? clirt0,itie t0 !ri,B,,,i1! for o-,r ,n al r.- BO.mero n..t.M lh..t. i t"k., s. ..jfint, brond, and c ni.frl.ou'Hn vnv . """-r.V ,' , .., .1... inn of Ooiiiiiktcm, just pul.li.litd.a : ni..n- ts L inter the hea.l of in we tin. I tlrnl Uie - ; maiiuiacture of in.iisi.eiisaliiti l:ine in ' trunni.t waa coii.li.enet d in the Knit d S1;l,. s between 1-1- and 1 v.'O, ai,,c, wbu h ti the bu-in. s- ba-. ext. ndrd anally, and f Cn ral patel.t-i f.r llic manufacture of pin j have b, en taken out. The Uianufacture iu Ki.t'land and other pt t of Euicpo i r.111- il acted upon imptun im i.t a made in the U. Statt. N ot ithsl aim in- the ext. I.t ot our owl, production, the United State in potted in 1-.70 ins t l the value ol if ln,2."..i. Sii.l k.ejin,; our aitctilioii diiei tcd to small ti.if.j'. we find that the in port of Pecd'cs into tb' country for l-oti ainouiilcd to ?. 10,' I'". It i said that 1,1 1 dies were In t mail, in Kii-laml in the time of the bloody M irv by a lie-10 fr .1111 Spam ; nut be wouhl n il iuijiart hi- , eiet; it a lo-t at bis dvalb. and Lot tccoveted :i-nin ti.l loll-, 1:1 the r,iil of g i.-eti K'U li-'tb, wb- 11 a li. 1111 111 tau.ht toe ait to the Kii-;-l;-h, who bave-itre I -rou-l.t il to lh - -r, at-, l -t pelf, tti 'tl. It i stated thai the e-i, sttu'-t.t.ti of a lieedle r,..ir. about 12 J 1 .p. 1 alum, but tl.. y arc taji ily and utiiu I. 1 1 oj t, ,i.y ti.ee s.-ivu. The tel.. p.-t ai.ee p. oj le will lin ! alun.i n' tocilioil e ti- ir doCTl ll.e ill liie i..l 111 .1 II, 117 1.0. JO bii-lti-.f L'raiii, pvi"i.' f-"'. imli.O.it) dot;., nr.- annual. v c 0.1 . 1 1, -i 1 nio mull iu I ir. at lint ain f-r ae and p-il.r 1: may tea-oi .blv 1 - inf. it- d tba. a r. -at j ...1 tity cf lbi-K 1.1 v, r.ir. i- .ir..i k 11- . (ilOll.-i i tiuTS ate l l.'e at. i. a- "1 Wit!, Youi-.T Am tie .1. Mi.l t . bavin.- b-.-i. i n p-.H.-d ill' 1 til.: United Stale' tl - .11 G 11. '., I a in one year. e, however, 'I.-. nt li-m toe ei,eyeio,c.ii-t hen he i v lin y are n.o-t u-c I h.-re a- .1. - rt, r a-t.-il a- . i.et mi s are i-l-iaUrr. C.t Fraiiee i tie r mar 1; el .'or (.'round I, it , w h.-re n..-y are u -. t-r oil. of wlin ii tt., y c .iitaiii largo ) lan'i tic. Ti:.' iii-i-mlieatil ha.le n.it, o a.-r a' - to li e palale. b"' so ilitbe.,'l to p, !, (. iilit.'l from I arraona to ll.r , ii. -nt ot .,'. i t.. or lli'.i ba.-, of f.,ur to i'-.m t -u. A kind ot eh ,r.t. i pr. pared ll It. 'i-m. and tin y eoiiieiime hue n.ei, n,a I u.io hiead. I be pie-sed oii of ban- i.uta is Ji. t..- inferior to lit ,1 of a ,1, Ol 1 siM.Lc Oiisiiual ntv. no r o the Ajr-iiire t!e puw.-r ai er;p:... bar !iy f-',-.-i.; ol -n,,!, admi'af 'tn in. Ib-V nr-maiL-varni.h. .!, r.t ,.',,.;!..:, unl ly amy jear. sine. . J,,,, ,.;..4,u a palei.l, liin inwi.t .r ,,,.( jM, to a join.-r ili l'.- v ,.'i i.-, v. ', j in a ... ., ,ir, anii--ed a jrr.-at loi 1 one, w to . lo ot.'.,, ii-l.a. be badbre.i.i,, tl. .r. .t.-t p i te.-t y .-j" a 1.111 .' Of SllUlf ll, Xea, ). ' j If I k 1 1. - I a k it- , i iii Kn ml in I 7 i Und.r I be hcai of l,,r, ti,. Cj.d p.,- ,v ny I 'tut '".' "1' ",,1:. . wi .1,1 ot Kom-ii a hair is annua. iy ot i in France, ti, a ti.. pin e j. ,1 j lor it I., usual. V e.x CPU a., t in. . d ll, ... d of I' r- i i. 0 , illll int. r h 1 I onp. .-, and Is, if And lh il a b. e, t!. i, ween, ol I- I.-. t. ab; J -lUU.i an I li e a .1 h.le of Ka.t Indl., an i only inca-on- (.'r.-at i.l.j or! I., 1 e J-o'tatoi. Vnat t i.ee 111 cubic pi-.j STRANG K 1 1 'M l Cf of (,uv. MINi, A I' I I All. I'.r t irl '.',m f '..,. s I i'Ii. ,, a (, l'i A-w 4-. Gki.-t S.tt.r Like C11 y, J me 23, ' 0.1 will ban- n. ird ho our cor l, ovi rti' r h i. he -lenio.-d ' lie be .1 11-1 Willi , I. (,. II. J i , the M III oil. He seems . II- take pain, to (j , w itlii 11 hi 1 reach, 1 1 'i Colin., i.-nop. , i m.d ,),,! ii. e., d,ao to your huu,M- nerval l ; uni t , aRioale wiih tl,- Kor t eat tl.r , n. i tl,- m iiolc M ,i iu ,:, couim inily. He n .-.Ii.-ii.iiiti.' the only ;,.-r-son on kIi jiii he f,u, u.o i t- ! - in w ;, i, be I'll, Is that he has heel! t-oi.-i by Cloih-r Cii.l.-im. I he very tal,i,: on i hi on it evidence of ti,. .Mormons in r-p. el to o, -. tl.U toY,., i llireetiy in front oi n,.- j. eli I uni writui.' ri-e .lity of ll,, the in a 1 1 , (I a. .. ,.;--lh.--.) a p..- of , -iters. ml of wln-l, have 1 ' ll lip. n- d by steanilii- tnelli 01.111 t , to slick, or I . i , v loj us a , i i.. r ..;., It l.u on in.- tnv. i-j... ci a-cl iitlin- (.j.i-ii Ihe i nd- of il,,. alitikli. tueiu caleloiiy to- 1 i .-all the pre.cnt eoi fair.. ' I, i..,.,y " ur a:. 1,-,,-t I c..lia it so, but there ri.,t a i; uli-.il of af J Governor iri.e iu ti,- city ,1. r I p with a revolver un 1 " 1 !" vanguard af tl.e army i l ariite tomorrow, i.- ti,, brealii- freer. If G,o, .1, . sxpeeted v- .had had lh,, snj r. u,.. ( iv il power f, . hand-, a. he ba the milii ,' a dm ..I i- peace. A it T. : ti'oi y in In , we mibt bit. this Patched ,, m, - of (iv I will eoon as il is Mcaili ullli. I.IrE IIA EW HAt-M .U llth Il-l'IP. It"'. V hu b is not lo be woiid.-ied at, wh.-t, WO Ink., ii.ln 1JMMI ll I' 1 - . .. ,,,, i,,y i,fle,,i,..a w l,,el. b .l...... It. .(.- ' ol the ( ijypt nntert Citli-rs, il,B pi,.tuie is re- terat-d and the bri-ht tide of life appears, J,...f-r Cvrriirjl X, Piirviin IN.'.O. !,, jV" l-rn, IM .... . t;.:,.,.-r. M-. Alimancc, 010 CU 8.'il Alexander, -" :. 411 , 4.1.1 Anson, .) 1 . 7,2 -, :i.T, Alie. - . 7.U - ?.l!j . tiid Cur..', OVil ' dol (nil) linieoiubc, ir,:) 'itd t)s. Cladeii, t'di , 4' I (i-;l li -rlie. . 470 . o U. lieaul.iil, uM f 3 .,- ,a lliuiiswiok. i4 '.. Cabutru., d'.'H bri.i - 4;i , Calawba, . lCS .. lt,i ,,- !,n.) Craven, t f-1 -t ... ',:) CuiiihcrlaiiJ, 023 " 7l'l K5-1 Chownn, . CHI V30 ;nn Columbus, 5-U . Ulifi , t t.ntl Caindeii, 107 . 47 1 (),) Carteret, 403 fiilj . UdO Cherokee, 032 f",7 , 1 dim Caswell, 1120 211 (JM! Chatham, lHifl 1002 Jin 7 Caldwell, 41H 42) - 37 1 Curiituok, SoO I4ll unit Cienvelaiid, llld) 13S," lll.t Datidsoo, "23 11.0 071 Umio, 33d . Duplin, 1113 J."... 12.07 Kdecouibf, l-'.OJ i'J h7 1 For.jlbu. 1"0 9.11 t .-. Frni.kii'f, 'i U.H h2. Ga.-ton, 750 1-3 . ti4.ii G.-anvii:.., 1225 . , im ll S3 iiu'lf.i-!, 571 tlO.'.'J 4i:0 lire nc, 4"d 2e-U t.'lj .'.les, 45J 02 . (0,1 I! ,, sod, 51.: S.H i'27 lls.iliix. 7:i(i f.-t 712 II. ill, id, od-l 3fi.l iiii.l Hyde, 3:.v , fiiil til 0 II tiin it, 05 i ' 1.20 03:1 ' llenih i -cn, f-05 t, U 5-Jli licit li, 351 1310 ..latk-oii, .'70 112 ;.-7 Jones, '(l ISO .- I. iu J,,i.n-;u. I (.: 4 7 1I7 l.etloK. 117 2l.3 1,1 I.ilieulli, t'i 1 '-.'i . t, I U . 3o8 73 u;b tlliU "I'l ?l!l S.'l 77 :i !"' (i-.-i 1-1 14 111:1 1 CI w'i , ,,,l."x' j'"1"'. 1J,- ' '' "'"' Miui-oii, ."GO Mntiiii, " ii MeCtcil, fid Moore, 7.-1 Moiitj;Ot.:ery, 2 I 1 M.-.11, 307 M-ci...l'. 1 21 Na-ii, 11-7 N II m-.-r, 1 -.2 Not ti.aUipt.JD. - " Ol.-loa, 7,l Olall.-, ii IJ F. p-' F. im ou an, 3o I 3! 1 tv.'l 1.-0 0 1- l.l'il 1 111 7 11 1 IM t 4- 1 : i) Mi y.3 w t 1- Id , n - 7M -.J-4 6 il I '.7 7-1 1-4 550 4! 7 ii J 4. 7 ill ; n 27,1 11. '1 111 37? :r,i 1 ; 1 i-'.ii 32 li, S 77 1 .1 1 H-( 11 M., 1 ,:td. I ti I 121 1 ,j Tyr.-T 1 .ii, w W.-l,i U ll. ; W-.l ,V" Ya....i Vsnwt ii; ,.) .7 2 ('till l'."'l 11 7 ) ; t-iO 1 .. I fill 57 ili-'i 4 1 ",! 1 l.,,fil I;,'. .2,.jO I Ki.ia'm ' .12 ' C' a. 111 .ji' I ' ! ii..-.ii ''I , vi ri.r I in an, ever ha III" I ., - A - ,, I: e I, .!, ii- h s v-l I IT !..-, in,'. I . 'T I ri nd t...- ,. V t- v-l.a I, bf'i .1 u 1 in r, S a -,. r.; , ,, ... I II o I looeil do lelllel.Ml d fl,' 1 ir n, 1... I .! lui a, 1 it.iil of t ! ' - ' ve of I; o n cith-r -i . n. Ih-ll i, Cere i,,, til -n id to Oil II Fe j-at. il ll A. Ftiii. ;!., Vim ..r imb - a v , ; . i. -.tn, ti :,. ti, ii . -f , -, at d M i e 1(1-1, 1 t-t. I I 'i- I ' la-l , de li. Idols (I l'' 'v- Sne it- u.n wi,,, (.,!, . .,,r ' I c.-iat r oil, and Puis c-:-c - !. "iv fiat" d ilii.ii", and c oi ! r i.j Ipl. I ..t- 1.1. . I to, .ea 111 long (j j . :!- ,.: and ll am she. ns ae Kit up, wl o ti I. iliiin. r ba-k-ls wid il,.,i.!,m- ,-,id : p as ie Mart lo school, ana In... Us wloii t. ,u our tita-ls." III. II It ClIAHLX. SllW.lii 'll, i,l,i day of Ji, c.jmij-'i ii.i . i.e.; ll.,; liie of Cv i- Cli-'i" ml bii j active, biilbe and i.e.. r '.an ef thirty ti.e, Ijcide, (- ' I ' i . i a Ar,,.,-.) he is j , t a -. .- j bj-ieiil d in . of .,. p'.-f "! in the navy ol his c.-iit'ij a- h' of the 'i'i..'. to In. Iu of ea.!i a tl.e in-t (Ia) be i-erntd a c .mini ' f H al tank C.-,..,,,i,,,., Su -..ait h " bettl 'llilier the (i.u of U'tl ill cm, igu. '-' w.ih the enrmiea of .,,n H uti.-i g "' ' . . .1 . . . .1 - r . ' I. ., ... .i,..,i, lum I,, in, i,. moo i, oiiii a I-' in- 'I.. , I, d.lii... i lo lh,, the m'tt o Jo. cvi,.' 'l! viotoi ,;J , ( 14 'i f4 i

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