......n-vVnw u he aiVKS an i oi'iMoN ah is AN CiPiMotf." .rsoo J5rownlow'n Is paper contain following racy .sorrospoudenoe i r, M'Att TnAC'K, Tenn , Jul" "S, 1838. If IF. Jioivnloii'-r Sir ! After iikring J'our n ,"foregouo conclusion,"' A correspondent .uiiitn and a- politician, I am forced '' that yu ,re ,'18 S,,udos' ''ur out "il Acknowledge tlio receipt of thin, uiU ob U2 yours, -o., jOU o J T. W. RICH. KnoxviM'B, July 31, 18-.8. in .,.... .1 .mie nla nf of '"'etli instant, settiin, fortU your very Ue oniuion of me. . ,Wruio f ,..,.. .1 " , " , . 7i Jrauc- ticket, and Iu consequeuco of iwrau" , ' , i u.tt moraia. auu num. ui iiivit iv i - BM( wai unable to carry the strength of ( r on pr'y. ','o',0 iS 'heir uioraU aro ,d t bo. Alter tui ueieat, you re ed to the County or Bedford, and net t War Trace, where, yon havu ac red quite reputation by your viiu ld " Urupeviue lun, aim iue nuui vii nui inira yon holu with your 1'euiocratie both mule and female. It I n I you tuore havu all thina in common, udiogjour liquor, aim tuna ' ryiii, . out twpwormiio pr.uc.pie. .i more tbau one. Your custom of not pay jauf debts, of drinking mean whiskey cgfess, Ol fcecjiing uui euinpnuj, uuiu , and female, uii lying upou aud bu- .jour better, bos tudiieod decent men 3S0lJ you. 1 bib pir..u iy leaiii mil i nuke It uauy nuinehs 10 auuee mo. vo managed through life lo incur tho ,leaure of all liars, adulterers, paiu- 'r drunkards, thieve and low down nirs, ana oy mis means aatii-uru , ,C jert that I am oppoeu ic ini-.-e ciass- . - of men. T .!. t.A .nr.. tn 1 ..... r jour speaking well of me, as it might d rrsoo unacquainU-d with me to sup- ?t , .i. ... ; ,u i,,,r,n. that there is some trait in my cbarac tbst a tcaiinilrtl admires ! Iu llu acknowledging the receipt of,01""- n"1' I'lgl.-ly . steiuieU tar Ins social j -jr I. -I-, I don't want you to infer that I j ,ld l-""""- qualil.entions, met ith j ,1 nutiee anything else you may ssy or j ai0r ,liw bold ft correspondence ! k a itan of your ehsraeter. I am, Ac , I V.' ( l:l'.t)VLJV j S i.v m's Abu as A yU'Ull. Full' We i 1 -i.re iu that admirable work by Prank I ijandrieb, reeeut!y publiaheJ by I.ippin- jl'l A Co , a very curious paiae, in w Uieh ; autbor status that the Ark, the Cr-t and j i ;o-t ubip ever built, bad precisely the i ne proportion as the fctonujcrj of our in liy its imi"nions were thr.-e liun- i j i.- 1 ,4 eutnt, by liity, by tbtriy. 1 ho of, i Iretest Atlantic mail steamer are three j 1 -!' Ua tftj 'u brcadlli of; I . twi nty right Stl.I a lia.f iu depth. ii lii.r, like tie Ark, upper, lower uiid idle stories. It is st leat singular that I .Lip builders of the pre. nt day, ne-- lin? the experience acquired by iiinil,i jj ii' f jrsv two ci'iilurie .pent mors or b ' i - tbt sen, aliauS I to itin-clly u it n,olel of th. tessj.) eon-trueltd I le the Flood. It wis there 'ore w ) tbt sen, alijul I to itin-clly return t.) t ) out- 1 ah oh-1 . -nl rirnnrietr lliat al nne nf tho lain sna. : f ,nl uifrtings in Iliigland, held iu caiirire- ,' ' I i niib the interests of tlie ccnuiii rcial " 'jjrme and the Atlkn'-ie Wlerapb, that al"'y I i-t offered" To our great auru?tor, I h. J hough lb proposition was re ud with hilarity, au l tha idea remril ' Y'""11 "' t" I sa-.or sjintwlmt of a jost, yrl tL l'stri- i "' "j" ' !'.' eiaim, as tb first Admiral on re- i '"., r ami i, rl,W be the father of scsiu -n and the : '"' J1, '" ' i estnriginftttr of narrigation, were willii..y i "''"'"."lrd. ' '""k 1 I & vicifcrouslf sckuowlcd jed -I'nu. ) j ' 0 J ' ' ' Hi. 1 ' I I" A Tl.iilt Pl.Ai R A few davs since, i the Water H'orks Company as remov-; I ; in obstr'tetod p:pc, t'u-y f jund within it , I , a liit ir about Cve feel iu lcii".li. How '. i ercstnr pot in there bieame at once a : itler of wmder snd peruU'i.u. It wr.s Jl wru n found, I tit as it was impossible any creature or Its sine to g, t into tlie r.hvpirhesisis-ip.-neveotVco;,.' j i tavc ii, m it etitercd from the rr-f rroir; I " " .''.:. n" 1 grew to the sir.' st bieh 1 is f , jri i jie pursuing its solitary way ? ' r lie surjrerraiii'40 ei-nnnii intowi, ) . il ha I ii nlureil. ma'd fi-h, we ate i,n ir i, are frumniillv thrown out of the ui iiloii' our sir, i ts, an it i i,r .h- i.'.il bis a,ln.t!orsii;p ha, I f, j-tcl f, I :s un tin ,in ii! tenants of the iron pipes i- re i. teiiiiin tuoro w ind, if il in this than h li li ,r, move, mjnl have tin ir being in ' jii rrnif'sri rivers ef ihe Mammoth !' An alligator, bueer, n u-t Irive ' I ii.ittiin.. but a pleasant time of it, eon- I li. us for years ia an iron cell where ,i'i c i-.nd Li ver teaeh him ihe luxury 7 , it m ss( and hit palate c u! I never le by an aiWcnluroua swarm of Cii-s. , -A-,, (J!-u,:t I irayniie, s m.w I'K,,i'i:i.i,r.a S'ikikimi a Wiiai.k. ,';,r,J! J..Bklr,.r,i,i"f..fr?m-8l'in," I i, iiin.i tu the So.utherti t -hri-taii. Ad- f U, rl.ston, 8. C. states, that - A 'a'lvli nceurrencB took plseo when II. ' ftri w .steam gun vessel Niiurod w as '''diiii,, under fleam, for the entrance- ' 'I " river Min, on the 1 Oth April. Whi n1 1 l f,,ur iniles outside Sharp Peak, a vio- " " i-xperieiieed by all on t,lr --rl, as if the ship bad struck the ground ; to 'it kh ng from tha position such could Ca-o, the real cue was ovidelccd j ai ;i l, ,l.it,g rslern, on their discovering a i i ihii.e, sevtred nearly in two, blr wing ' ii j r i.-ie!y iui, bleeding so profusely as ! I, j f' -'-l' ti tho water all around. Tun whale '1 -ii),i!ers been struck wilh iimeh vio- " I its ,e .1,., ,).,. , :,i.,.,i ,i, U ''-"lies tro brruioht In a nmiii. iilsra at-,.,,1 . I tt! .1 .1 .. at . , ' . ' ... , ' hn shock. rnuna! and unlikely ll)r may ajpear, it is, neverthe! a ai.', I -" I Rin hn the Stump. The Hon. - Ti d C, " O.rwin addressed a political inert- " : m W iiireii county, Ohio on tho litb in.-t j ' orsin j rolesse independence of po- s ll or;vtiii.;,(,0,,( gn,l ,1,1, freudon ilia- " 'he various q u-slions of tho day. j II,. ! , 'IN "i.i. rs from J,, publicum iu respect to ' any '"- '"lh,,,,,,,,, r fu(ure 8;aTe gtai)i ,) 'i niijmt, while declaring bis hope and! " lfl (nut no iikiIo slave Territory or States : '"I Minn into th Union, bt d'eelines to! -sk il- i .i . . . . , j j ft that the exigence of slavo-! 1j "lu.l operai,! invariably to tho exclusion' .., t ,im',,rJ kins admission. In con-! .nl. this subject, Mr. L'rowin refers! J V1'-'" 1 r"l"'l'lo acquisition of Cuba, to' J""'1' is imt opposed, though he asserts,- J, by gcurral ronaent of all par- I I 1 I U aUllllHtJ M a sjUU kla?cry. Steam on Calais. The nnncr of Wca- tern New York iudu)ge freely in their de- ; .cripf'.!His of trie ttoKin canal "fleet," with Governor King on board,' that last week (experimented on tho F.rie Canal. They jeccm to think th adoption of tem im of the Rochester Union says s A I stood last night, for an hour after twilight, upon the low of the scow, as the win moving along behind tho steam-tug at the rato of six or seven miles per hour, 1 asked, how can men doubt the practicability htvHlll fortlllS lift VI ffQ tlOtl OlIT bOBtrl displaced but iltle water, and made a nar-t track in the broad pas.li. Aa wo met Wila tnH h Urtna or ..mien .1 " . V ,1.1. J .V- i:,. ...t pier ty of room to spare. Th boats which ... t, . i. , ..t t. i ! v - "-j -i-t - running tcm foremost, ao quickly did we . ru.-h l.v lliiin. Osir tui burns only a ton of COill in ten bourn, and con do a preat j deal of labor with that amount of fuel. A XtW 'lKTli8 IN Va CINATION. The I Abeilfl Medicate pubiiMns a discovery by! 1 r. I,ukomai-ki, w bieh, if it is borne out by ; further experiments, u,y bo ranked among the most sin-'ular of the ptcseiit eenturv, . -,, n . . . ' ., . . v;z ; That Vaceinrition ill rpecific agailibt d:H,rdll. wli(.i, lll011L,. -ommot.lv the puuihhmeiit of a vice, still not unfrequently coants even the purest among its victims. Dr. Lukoiuaiki, w ho haa comniuniculed liis discovery to tLo " Academy of Science and Medicine," at Paris and t. I'eterxburg, as serts lh fi t vaceiuation repealed five or til times, or more, Hllowin; a week to piss be tween each operation, will efirrtunlly and C rtainly cure the moFt inveterate all. etion, and uli-o, to a (Vit.tiu tiltut, act as a I ro- .)uX.lt. JlKI.ANf IHU.V. We learr that Mr. V. T 1 "-ntecost. ol tl.e tir.u ot . .v Cotliran and Co., ol l!oine, (ia , and f.irmeriy of lliis city, a "Uitleiiian well kn'inii in Im-ihessj , .' "ll u" "lm"'- . Auk'"' 1 1 th. II i as beating ofl. with; "' """' "UIM ll' w l"al E'"K 1 bout his head, and slowly n -treating back-' i wards, whin ho niild-iilv l u in, i u guilj at hi" lietN ami rtr j k Lis head in such a manner as to ii.juro the pi',e at the lower 1 j iii.ts of the neck. 'J he if- ct was an iu- slant paralizntion of the mu-c!e of the body bi-low the head, mid grailual sinlitiz a- ay, until the f ,l'oii,L' ek i iiu', n u lie expired, lie w is l.mii d on Friday et-i.ii.g the new cily n initery. Ai'Htu J'm- . . t -.r.0 i .,llllllt,rrit,. i,.,t ,... IM ,.lkl, i , ,ur:,,. a kind ,., is oft, u Illoro ,,,ru.,),a t li s u mi ut, -.urteou- t.'i. , . i 1 coi,.et, of u.e lay mg ( the cable : 111 "'"'''S n .l.'il'j' i-v, t.t. A I III. I nil IM I'si . Ur liun. S..i..;,..n We. hum I ,,i H ,,i.tI, il. f. J, II (.SI .s. l,r ; v.. """" ' - u "" "' ""'"l" ' "' " '''"'' "' -'"lr """" " " H' 1 1... imiulC .,.,, 'a a uro ""S "' n I am I.e. slid o ll aa . nru iti . Is ....e ' , . ' will UriBif il will.ni t'-r r.-h l a. nil l, I d a 11 i t', s. icon: w u i wi.r. C , 1 3.r W, . I.,,.. So!,: by I.. i.iiy II. M. i in, h n,,.,' (.,,, " ' , 1 ( 'ml i Cu- li ...,.,,,! I ..-piibl ...,,,,. rand A - u., at..t u I .. ...... v.. s th.- i-,-i..i n-,.. m.uui. i,.., ie p..-,s ,' n ia-, , :, ,. Hi; J lliis I I ITIKS I.I. PI! VI I'll PIT'ltl!.- nl ,.y. 'y Chi. no-,: ii h. Iy ., lull t So',! l.y l,i,c M-.. v ri -i !., re ! IHS"I t T. I l.i! A VI III, P,. i,,-., W i, r 1.11.1 'j Fr Sire. O, Pulshunii.-inii hj II. ,M. I'l.U h. r.l.t u-iriolte, N. i '. Auf. 111. Is,1. Im THE CHEAT EKOUSH REHiD.. , ... , IAM,' ---VISKh. i'fU lr:tlrcl IVtll.-llr I'lll-. l'$rjmir,l rrwi i j-rrsri ijitmti ol !ir J. I'iuilr, M. J , I liusimn lUtruomi. ri-rri h tin- ijurrn. im.iluahie n,,i!i, n is ,n,i'.,ilinj; m ihe ,,- lh.,. ,.,,.,( d daiie.ro.,. cis.i,.,. w h eh the female iouiituii.,u suijui. Il mil rale nil , nil obslruetii id s speedy cure may he n lud on. in ii tititii ii i. Aim k is prculi.tiy suit..!. It will, in short In m' on Hie monthly period Hiih reul inly. Lull Ih.III, , .r One Dollar, h.aisll.,- C niii.nl Stamp nl (.,,., I Hritaiu, l ,i, ni l ei ri.iis. V.ce ' '."s saani.i lultu Iv hmntn ilunxg HKSriliUl.l: MllMIISul l'egmrV, .MlK'Of I niye, iul ut uny In all case, of N Pain in the Ihu k 'i.r,!!'i"',i!, ill "1','1'iT oils nnd Spimal Afft etions, I I. nobs, 1 ..l.e ll, on s,,L-lil I the II, art, llvsleriea, and I ,11,, t cue whui ail uth. ami nlli.oiih r. powcnul 11 ,iy, do not eoi.t .ni iron, calomel antimony, j lliiii( Ii il 1 1 1 ii 1 In Hie constitution, c Aifil.t l'..r Ihe I mli d Sl.,t,s ami Canada, Jilll MOM iS, (Lute l-C. Il.il.lw in A Co.) Poi Li-ur, N. Y. ll.-C-l,("l and I, p.-st iir null, on, il Agi i.i, ,! rselie!o-.d to I hulli, ol Ihe l-.M.Iiy rijm. i I. " P. SCAIUl, X CO. "''.'" ('Imilntt. HA II.AND ST FY F.NStiN A CO. 11 kuumh- .li,, l iiil..,n, .. I . ' rn al - prkjft f IU UIQ rliDli- . m li. CA!Jo,.IM'. Vool; l-i .fos Ihe pub. ""r""-v- U..1nl '""." ""y ,e nr,nii;e. liesid. uce near ihu Depots .,g.. Jl, ISJB. k'lli' In County, on the 1 Olh int , hf the Tfrv. James Sinclair, fcv. ALP-XANDl-H tsLSCLAlit JHtir of tli? Presbyterian congregation it I Char, one, li Miss M. I.At UA, iliiu-liur of A. J!. D.t. vidsi, Ks.,, j In Newborn, nn tlie Iltli inst.al Christ's Church, by Hot T.J. Hnuelitnti, Hon. JtMIN W.i I'.l.l.lis, (governor e leet of jNorllt. Carolina, to miss I'.i.I.lf, n rnrir fleet l JNurlM .. iirolina, lo ivius "yS,NLKY' ",ugl'1" oM,,eUto Ju,m, ' j Ne.ir Oxford, M .k.oi.1,.1. i mire c-ook XXIK, .Lred 70 year.. I to M ruiaed in Aleck. enbum e,,tv, N. ('. wl.er. hew., turned in H06 to Miaa'SAIiAII AI.LEN. JIu mimv, d i. me, W c.l in I b.'U Pied, in thia pi n-e, on the M'.lh iimt., nfter r lin. (.erinir illneaa of 4 monlba, Mra. KM I f.Y V II,. Kl.NSO.N, wileofMr.Neol WilLinaon, and .liuioli. wilei i, i ' . .n... i.Jt.;,. i, ir.,ul cliit,Jr-n t ,!., I,er ui.tnoely death. j ie twfo years ago she eotmeetid lierse Prnabylcrian Church of Una pljce, which the ' nieuiher unlo death. She w loving moth ill-toted Wife, 3 Dutiful Puiieh. ter.u Biiin Suler, and an bun. hie fnlh.werol Jeaoa Chril. Shu bore the croaa unlo ic-.Ui without a niuriner. Com. ChlirCll BllildGTS , , . . . .. . - r ill!', iioib rit'riert intiie prnn"ult f.r buililini? a u .MKTIIOUIST t HI KCII in the U.wii of I.inculntun. iiiulc.iiii; of iirick 42 by D4 fuel with a tower CI feet high. Ilula received until the lat dsy of Novernli. r. lluiiiline to be cm pktcd by Ihu 1st uf iJecyui ber, lej'J. Ilida aro solieitcd fr the work entire. " line: work. " " Carpenter's work, 41 ' liUiiil.r. I'laiis, wi Ii apecifieotiona in delail, may be seen at the c.iuntinjr riHinn of W. II. Mielml or J. C. .1. a. k .-. The committee will fin nih, if (!eired, the rl.iy lo iinike the brjrk as al- tlie wra.-d to burn 111 -in. SAM'L. I.ANIiKU, JNt). E. HOHKIi, H. Y. AUKRNATHKV, J. C. JKNKIXP, Y. II. .MICH A I,, liaildtn Vam-niUit. Auxutt 21, 18)8. &I)issnIiition. ' H'llK Hrm of y ... ,t W,in.,ia , Una ,1, 3 dissolved bv mu'ual c..,ent. The a eoilliU ol the tirm will t w -Hi u by II. I.. i.li iii MANSION HOUSE v i) r, i! . i: v i: s i i c i: s. tlllSi',,.,,,,,,,.;;,,,,. a Magnifi-ent ' II I - rsTAHI.lKllMKVr Im. re. 1 eniiv cine -in . r I ne ni-r.-mal su- o- re rvin.-n ot I - snVsenurr, w.'m 'i t- i i'ullv iniH-uiiees lo hit fiitudt and this t. ii live Pi en,- ni-r, hi i v. tn.t tury irt.rt aid i lit.i.:' oo l:i- prl, to picse in e rr 1 1 pfirlirtii'il pp. rtalllti, to the Uiln e of " m!e,e host.' W.W. KLMS. ( U-Ur, As. il, vttf STATK OF NO!!TII-t'Ai;oLIA, SIBl KI.KNIILItiJ l UUM V. volar oi' E'jVirv. T. II. Talc , I al 1 I,, rov Sprine.. M 1 1. I- M I,.-..'. W,'!i , It. Mtir.. A. H S:,ruis.-s, P. II. M,.vw. "' j J -.im (.. ( r.o,-, J ..... IS. li-!--i-o. I ",: ' Tow -nsend.t irrio M. Auioid. Mien. S,,riti ir nu- (...,i K Join.si .o, II. I,. J .1,11-1. n, J. s.on ..I .Moore, h S. M.,,r-. J.-hi. l.v -n. Wm, L-r-i'ii-d 1 f' ' Sprines ami ,,l;;, rs. ST r I , io the s ! ' ' ' !' ti,,Vj.,iin (,. t raiie, Ja.. It. P-vh.l ) 15 J r.url. IsaaC 'lwn - .,,1, Cieer,, M.Arnol.i, liichar.l r-ornii;, II .il I' J ,!-i.s..r. II I- J .hn.t...., J. S. Moor, S- M-.orr, J-.l.n Mo-,re, Wm. II -. ., r and A. I Si.rilii;. arc toil fi I. ot Ihi Slle. I it Itirrt hut iUiliii,'., !,y this II- r..r ,'.!, '-.iirl, Hlat iibi: r,i be m .di: w-. ks ,n the Noilti Co in W I. l.i w.p,;i,rr ,.!, in ihe lon ,.! t'h-il lolte, ro ti-yii.e s ,11: nl, r, !,! l is l,i i.ltlld it I:, . Jt Tt rni rl im- Court of 1'iiuily, to lf h id I- M.ei .'. nhiirg roiintr. at ihi t ourt'll u-e in Ci.ai I., Ii. . on :,e Mm M .i: -v alter the tin M ..uj Ann t, ! Il.il will he taken p .. , 't a. 1 , I ii,. nh-n. Clerk ami M ,st,-i ..I -IL.t-e lit., M l, ' , "Win-.-.. i l; i-j'i I V , al fr,,-e i i.rn -ry. D. 11 PFNLAP.r. A m. e. t.iS.I"'. Pnnler's lee i. I M-.re , III I il 1 5- -. I . ""'V'' I SOLD IN TH V. I ..... , r , ,rr,r, ' yj.iii: in stoca'i ivi: of pi;of. J. Mn!i I nil ; I I i i'.It. Hgir ( ll parts r I I'frl ,'. he I, I" fast ,i ,li e still p,,- '.h hul, a ere.t inert ii l! v ho .'and hi fall. W, ui lli c art. i en beiorc .o ilhout , , g ihe l,r f Ihe ndiin roll, i id itsell the erialesl 1 1 is the dm soiial appearai I evn v Uiuiij; - In i tin some may d.tl'i It J hul lit TV I 1 of hair i liliiT eard to tlie ways of ih.ii aiimil Ihat a t-i, 111 1 1 111 h .el nmcli lo be nesii thai holihl he h it ui ,-raiio,,. iromnn'a -t the C.s iiim tos, Ohio, Nov. 17, Is O.J. WOOD A lli.-iuii: Aa I have r no accd in s.. ilinu- tiiui Hair H, .toratu v lh .l aK, l,ls (li. M. Hack- i need Ibe ben, tieial et- ! ,..) ami h. it it i cv for the Mate of Ohio, , Siato iu the I W.t, should you wish lo make such an arrange. ! mint, I am cumnicd fifis is nuthing rjuul to it iu Ihe I mini Stnlrt, fur rntoitng (Ae air. I have b,. i, rniT'iced ill Ihe Driit; buniuesa l,,r , v. eral vers, and have sold varum, pn p iratiuna f.-r lb,! liair, bill have found nothing liial restores the s.cr, live orpaiis er n,vii;oraie the scalp as will i as yours, heiiiu fully convinced Ihat your restr. t,e is what yo U represent it to he, 1 would like to enoape in the sale of it, for I am snlnlied it ' must sell. Yuuis Irulv. S, T. STOCKMAN. i Wiiihii, Ma.-. . F. h. IM7. I PROF. O. J. W t"lll Ai CO.-to nl. : l.,,niU. I realised the eoud clfi els of your 1 1 it , r Restorative, I -Ii to state, that finding; my hair nrowins; I thin, as w, II guy, I was induced Horn whal I ! read and heard, lo try Hie article prepared by toil. In promote its growth end el,t,fc ii color aa it was m joutb, both of which it has , if- d cm. pl. Uly.' Yours Ae., J A MF. S FRANCIS. O. J.WOOD A-CO, Propruiors, 3IJ Brood, wst, N. X .. (in Ihe creat N. Y. Vhi liailiuir 1'... tihlishininijaiid lUMjrki-lsti.-el.Pi. Louis, Mn. And sold by all DrureiPU in the I'mn and by II. M. PUITCHAHP, ti3 Utiiiiolie, A. C. ffc Notice. I.'R N.ite. ,,nd Accounts are in the hand. T,f U W . A. Conk tr ennec.io . i nn,r rm-rr.rea l. .... ..... ..n ..w.tnA. il fluv it. i t.. Hi..bt umi uniw pv. "IV -JiOONK k CO. tf. Aug SI 185S. 1 1 a ComriiOii School iSotice. fflllli Jiimril of Cninnioii Scliooli fur lliu Cuiin. JL tv of Mecklenburg are tvr ellul.y m.licit. tri, nrcorrting to oppnintniKiil, to t nt I Im I ' un .i-...,r ii.rl.. OH'ieoin (i.iirb.tle. on Die first Saturday in Hrptrmber next, lo take int.. coi.,id. ration the propriely of red.aUiclinc the e, ty int.. Common School 'Jiatricta. A loll iih i im.j; ,-ill be t'Koeeted. All tlie fim.iiiittei! Men i uillerent Uinlriela are invited to ntlcnd. I J. P. ltUSS,c. ii. s. c. s. I An?. 2i, 8.",3. f-'-' MELAINOTYPES. II. IK sll().N(J would yini..i.i.r to the country, that he will remain in thin pl .ee i,,r .1 few (lavs, fur the nliroose ol I'lviiii; the men. o'f hia beautiful M KI.Al.NU T V I'MS nn. (H,I.(lji:oTVFKS. Ilia K.-oi.iaarciiiS,.r'ii!fs Ruildiii'' on Trade Street. Prices to mil ihi tun. a. (iive me a call. Aug, i7, K;..d. 23 If AVIIKAT WANTED. mlll: snhacrihrr hating- purchased Hit Str i rlourini; Mill in this place, is prep, red to buy Wheat, for which he will (,'ive the liiluft market price in cash. . 1-loiir, llraii and Meat '.for sale M the Mill, or' delivered wherever desired in town. i JOHN WIl.KKS. Cluulutt,, Aug. 0. lK.f. 'Slit AM) IfHIflK. undersinned h.n coinm, nei d tl.t I'.ikii ! M for the nuriHise of nipolvnii.' the e,t,,, i, i ( I, rh.lte with l.OOf) I ItKAl) aim ( .M.. I I will supply the above at tin- uoors ol my cin-V icrs e'erv inoriniig fiesh. JOHN In.X. i rAn,o.. o-'. 17, 1!-.V-. t.l.i ' ' - ! Land fur Sale. f IVIK Ul.c-rsictied ..11. rs .,r s J Pise-,.-. f about IM I ' III II If till low II of t luriotte, oil the S, lltil. W.M. ,1)I1.ST(N. ri,li,ttf, Aug. 17, li-.'e. i'-'" ri: . i r. o Aiii.s.v v o, (f.ile F-.riner. llr .ee (- .,, J'uUi.lii,s, Bjol.srikis nn ,s ,,',(, Ko. 21 Kuiray trect. O. A CO , off.' l at lo lib. rai I, l-.r stock of HANK .md Oil I K SIA'llnM:P li I A .N K ana AC ol NT I'.ooKs, i-e, ,pis .m M.mor.m.ui.i i;,s.ks, P A I I I.' "I- ALL KNI. Cinia, Circulars. Hill !!. .. ..-. .e., Priiii.i.ir an I.llilonraplillo' li- i n'c:-. .-..r.er. Ull h s, Misr;, l Imeoua ami School Hooks. 1 P.O. A Co. i.obl.sh liu li,-, r .sof Cram .,..,: (-,..,,-l..eH'.- -.-i'-s Hi t' Sri, .,,-,. : If, ok erV Pn vsi,.hv-,es : Proi-kh .-y's Aslr nev'. oeraphv, h,-ii Iv r i.,,,;; !",, lieadeis i Palmer's Book K-ylhC ; all ct and lasi" Sjalling II.. ik in-r u-i Aug. 17, IS.",-?. . ; Ol. XfiL ti kl.Alihi: and ( OMPI.I-.'I li AS"L''"I!.NT -I' PI si.d J.,pam.,l I Wholesale or Rela.l, h-wer III. I, - '. -.1 S. T. U KIsl'dN S 7m ui,l !' tr .-.-;'. FFW anpe-rit.r Pl.o. si., i: 'I , a a ai t . If,, Pu'PS, lur . by S. T. Wl'.ISTOX. f'olI.LT SKT? a sup, rn,r nrlu'ii , h-r s:i S. T. Wr.lS'l'ON'S. ClASII.li.-ed, Spice and Dn-ss.i.j lll'MSf, , s..-chy S. T. W1M.STON. ilTTAMA TLA SF I le at, TON' t. win a first r.i t,' AT.'T 'Ool.H;: . V s.lcv S. T. W K! ST N. rijs xi li: i j i i.i ry, c..k-. L. ,:;,s. Sp,,,,! Flesh Forks S. T. WlUS IdN r. SSFi:-;, P.,1,.,1 IeeCr. im 1 l; 1 1 ! iKS, lh, 31 best I- KTIlF.irs dirctntris how I NAU b, 4 A D IKONS, Ihe hi si M lO.NSTA NTI.Y 1 I HHh S'l ( w inch cannot he rtiilmi in perh i iiihiicc, by nny Mher Sieve iu ihe mark. I. mi sale at the Tin and Sieve Shop, SS -ai-ora la st of Spring' corner, , y S. T. W11ISTON. Vhadull,,Juut-: ls.18. Lltf EUIU'FNAS for lo al this oCice. 1 'reiltr II. u.e. for sale by , S. T. WKLSTON. ; SelfSeiiim- I K I I I" CAN'S, with , use th.ni.iit S. T. WUISTON'S. Hi this market, lor sale S. T. WL1STON. . t . "ij hand. " ct'.-'' asaoilmuitul I IS Charlotte IVmale Institute. ' t aiiiii' r lb. eniYs-n .:it hi , J ,,,, .1,h of S,.nicmb.'r. Th. Sell.. 11'. Kicrciw ol the M.IKHU. will be u. ird on Itm lilli of Svpli-mlH-r. The Sell... , j, d,vi)jei ,, , session. f t wrnt . 3 . . Wl-Ck (Men, ' . Kk.v.11. BUItWEU,, A,lg.i, t wotu.N.c. ... - fc- Distribution ! ' AVIMJ l.cu i;lit the entire cotiMeru forntrrly i owned bv J. . .More &. Co. We are now pniwrecl t .1 1 x r i tu re to the eiiiz-n. .. ( ln.rh.lte "I,d ' urroni.dii.K enuniry a fine H..,in,ei,t ,.l l.ainna, Ni.la, f i.noie.. Pickle., C.erv, -a, Jellie., "H'r, i ", rmiey oo,l,, A.C., at pric. a whieli fy t'iHtip"tilioii hiuitf a hi.iiiiNuiitf: ttt'tck Wii n-hpi ctr uy invitrult In jrivr uh ii tiill. 1'tTfiia coiuttry (ror!iir on rA. IKU'STdN, IIL'NTKIV lunlullr Auw. , IH.'.H. if. (J () U J 1)1 Y 0 U N ) It V n en i m i: mi or. jns ai.v.x i.M;t;it a o., COI.I'MIHA, S. C. 1 1 K mhserilieran'sprctfiiMr infonn llieir pat Ibe public ii. -rurally, th..t ll.i y are si ill nl I he ol.l st-.nil n above, and reni v r e- , ver to f'l.riiii-lt iinvllmip ii, tin ir Mile, - nel, ji.-'m 1 1 I. , f.KAUI.M., STKAM KMilXKs, ;.N t.KAK'.' IMJ, SAW MILLS, SAW 111 ST IMIi.NF.HS, fartllKf e..,of any size or ijeM-riotioi., on the si. i. Meat ho. M !hi t.ee anil st rrasoimlile leiu.s. Tiny ulao b. g persom. h ,v f" 0 cell the alleiilii.il ol all to tin ir Chinese fu-jar Cane Hilln, as Ihe ehi lipesli ver i.fl'er. d. Tin y would llirlher reminil ll.eir Irum a and all conei rued lhat the still euntiiiiie to V, t!T i;Vi:KV !. V, (Sundays ..,.,, .1. Which no other Fnundry in the St-.le does, ni.i Coll.. nili nllv r In-V Can ifl'.T ffllltlis In t to hi i IhviI . ':kff a'f"?: S7"r Cf .1 ll.u;er. 1 ' eriic.i,.; i .1 Mien, man 3 Holier, (V, rlieal.) 10 n t h. lim i holler, (Vertie.,1.) 15 inch, ili.uii ....o ... to ' ....:.- ... o ..!to .! ..is ... I ... ao 3 ll ilii-r, ( rtieal.; IU inch, ii eler, :r, (Vertical.) :. ii net, r, inter, o Jf ,. i-r, (', r-ic.,i.) Ill inch. Sm.il l.aml M.lls ,3 lioll.-r, (ll-.ni,.i,t,l.) IU in. j j-.uc uf 10 Ci lh n Pan ! !;;;';::::::::::. KJll.N ALKX ANI'Klt, liOJ'.KKT Mi Mil'i.AL, IIKMIY ALL.XAM'KH. -TATK OF .XOKTll CAI.'OI.INA, -Mhi KI t.MIL lill ( I'l'M V, ! 7A l.i, rj'j y I.. J. II-why j; . j T pl.ir JT-Ifiraj lo the sa,s'-.,c., of the Court,' Jt tii.il l(. Italic and J. T. Ii air, the c, -f. rid nils III this c-c, are hot ri lllsol li.is Male, . It tliririmr Ol,'e,sd. lli.,t ,llhill atloli la- n-:,,-, ,ix v... h in ii.i.N.t:.U I.,,,, M., r pnblishee n, ( h.,r. h tie, IIOlllylllL' Saul c lenOLI,! t be i i d appear ,ur 1,1 XI Court o! Kquilvto he heid tor tl County.,! Meklei,bnr, i.l II,.- Ci.il House i I h.,rh,He, on tnc 1 1 in .Moncav atli r the 4iii .M,,i iu AiiL'ut-t next, lhn ami iln-r,- to pleae. i.ti-wi or den, nr. oil, i tm i-e jucmiik nt will he eetered p; Willie- Hi id ( oi. 4 1 Ii M.,ii I). It. Ililliiap. Clerk and Master of Ml al . ft.ee. the I lib Moiul.iv il'lil tin v ul I-, bruarv A. D. IM. 1). Ii. HI . NLA 1', r. M. E. Juw Sf. 1 s.1". I rint. r'a In t?f-. t-i Valuable LAND for Sale, N the waters of liig Slljtar Cm k. i,. l,:l u the l--.es .,f J. I, n S. (.r r. Lmi , ii. II Mi -Dow. ell, J-lin W,!,., , seres, on both si,:, Stom v Cre. li on and ethers, cuntaiiui.it 40 i -It 4n(l o little row in i I,,,,- s-iiunr i ri-i-K anil nu,e eh are fnc li-,tti,is .row in cultivation and ii'so a nuantiiy ol Miperior wood h.nd. 'J'los laud-is tf miles S, ulh nest Ir, in Clur. lolte A J!j miles t'roni Morrow's Turn Out. mi Hie Charlotte .VS. (. liaii I! i.nd. Any person wish, iee I., pun 1, -ee v.luabli- h oi! on Suo.ir Creek, in a I in i"l.l,rl wm. In do well lo eall on Jo. s.pl, Sinili. our a.ont A. altort.iv .., harlotte, ,.r h,i,le,si th, h,i.,i. A lilnral price w.HU-g.v. ".'Sro I,r"i' or i. able t.rms f.-r e.-sb. JOSKI'U SMITH, AGIST AM, ATT(,P,.NEV P, It, N. W. HAIIVKN Wife. 3.I.. Jul 1 civi la r. x. i x v. v. H ix g. it iik si, J. vil I. il), r.a pr. cl.e.il Areh.te, I i:mlCi. 1-, r. l-a- laatn li.-rlii N. 5, David. s, l.'s hllll'llll, id-ff,- l.e ni.-iy III f'Ulid Tip red (i yiru.-( rims and make .Vim-,. in i-li ia part, mi nls l his pr,,h -si.iii. Pail,, u ia r alt. m-oii wi 1 he paid tourM villa ol Phi Ma t lens lilni Farms for ll ikino.,1 MAPS ..r t IIAK'ISt.l' Ihe same, w lib a era ll, f of Hie td-int ilioli mansion and its r, tjiMsit, s. Km ry Plant, r should he posscei-ei! of one er iiire of h,'a d-n,:,i. 'I'hey can pc s,.t up iu any slyic, uml u 1,,-n tr.iiiuii make a biauutui ornament fur ai.v Parlor PI, .llin ami laying -nt of Crnucds and Lawns f,,r l..rln-uitiir..r !...: Oni.mu i.l.H puraow w ill alio to II il, , i il f Younir men wi-hnnf to la eon, e n ,i j h t, -1 .villi liny or allot the show- branches, will he tiiueht iii lh- most iimr-Hioli ni-ni.t r and on the in,,.-1 lilar.il Icrins. (sooU-lict'iiiit III all it- most npprov.d plans, will he tn;ht, in. clmiini; ll.iuktui' and F.xehaije,. R. K. Ilusmess. St.- iiulnMt .!-.. Fx, I.., us, s. folli F-re.en am: Do. lo, r- lit- and III tail ,11 H.-l 1 ri ijllis, le to il lllo. rouj;ll kliols l.-ilee ol' Ilouk Kei-iuin; in ail lis forma. P. SAF1.S. Jun, 1.1, IMt M-ly XtOO Al'IiKS OF LAM) rot: s.ei.i:. R OFFLIi for sale my Lam! 3S, in I'o.or. county, h"S,tLl Obi? on Clear Cli ck and Crook. d SJi hor Creek, known as Ihe Smart I and It has been survi ved into three Halts one tra.-l coiilainins -.UOO acres, one SOO acres ami one a.Tes, nil eon f i; no 11 to each oilier. S.nd Lam! is w.-ll adapt, d to the cultivation of col Ion, corn, wheat and other siniil! rnuli, and well silu'.ili-.i lor irrim. i; purpris.s. Il is nearly all Wood land ami wel I.I i in b red, within a convenient ,!i.l.,, I" the I batlolte ami WiIiihiii;Ii,ii liil- r,, ,d and IS slln ,1,'d III Ihe a, 'hi re" mil llw,-en (;l,l Ih.i ..ml the How:.' Mine. Cold has already 1,,-eii iiisc.ivetc.iiin Hi il part of the Land kuw n us (he Little .MoiiiHain. ;, ,1- r lor s.lc a I'll l T OF LAND Iy in, in u k D:slrn-t. S ( '., on P if Suear i re, k, j in- Ihe I. amis ol Ussier Spril Rs and olhers, eon. t..,,,i Ji.YO acres. S.n-1 Lsnu li.- he-n consider, ed one el the btstl ottoll Pi.inlaio us iu ork Dia. met, and Hu-re is no b.lter land l. r corn or wheat. lidi.ired, 1 lll uivide any rl Ihe at.ir.-said Land losu:l puichasers; and the purchaser can have Ins own tunc to p y the mom y, provinvd he nr. k, s ll secure Apply lo me Juue 15, lS.il I Charlolte. W. F. PAYII'SON. 4 111 Ol! PIIIN I I.Ni; of all kinds willne neatlj eseelilen at toe. Nnrth-Ci lfl.ANK I'KFl'S for sale at this office. I HP'fTP? A fnr Q I!xr. J. O. King Tulwrco of 1 j p jri.iln. jnl rrwi. d anrt ur le by, M. W. HOBINSON, & Co. July 27, USA i l.iis.1 and Fiiiiil iNdlife! vjf birili ITS lii rily givrn, llint nil noli-n and ncwunlii dm j M. t il'P old firm t. Jirurkrr & K.mmir will In I ulawd in Ibe liun.lf nf an atlornry, il nt Hln ( before the Ipt oj Oet.ber next, aa we art deter j ed to cloaa tl ' niu l.limineaa. hai!oiteJhjS7,lKW. , Sin. : . . .. Dissolution. l.v i, u I ii.. I I I. All ,ti-d nl, ei.me lorn imirii itnntftiinh iii nuts ol the firm t i.d make I b"'"" 1',. W. HKCKW1T1I W.i. 1511 ITT A IN. io, if;?. i nf Notice. AVINti bought tlieenlire, to. k ol 1 VUm, Jcivclrv. iVr.. t f r, rl ith A PriHl II,, I shall ci-HI, Mir tl I 1-It in.ss 1,1 th. ir rl.i sl. ii.l. w h, r. I shall U happj o lot 1 1 ii y oio friiiulf. an,; eusleiiti ,s. n. v. ;i:cKvrni. Jure 10. IrV.H. l-ltf I ; ' onnls arci Notice I f V ho-, N-teS ei.e. ii," lo the nn.,. r:I! iinporlMil Ihat li-e li ,oii',( lip gin n. W. II. MYKIiS, l.l.eol LiroySpri, J 111 I Cliiiriotte .Macliiiic Shop, V7. P. PIKCKKEY & CO. s,iijieti;.s, i-juicuiii, a im -IlilfllilM'ry in S.-IM-Ull, XffAVK eorniiu i cci huslniss in Charh.He, i Jj g the ale ve l,m STIiAM FNt.lNK-S II inraulic Cotton Pr. t-.-s ami n, ry cth.-n Hot, ,.f Maehin rv. Thi v nl. l-t-S! Hi in'". nn r ! v,tl t ii i.niifactiirer ri (i nllv ai fi.i - ha, FOUHDRy .l.,l,li,limil,t,i in Iron, Ilr .s, .ii-c and at re.,. pr. fi, IV otii prie, Iitloli and rtp.irit,-: ol Threshm" .M,. hires. 11,.,-m P,.h - ers. ( ollon (,, M.il W..,l an,. A,;.!, u-'li.ral M .ehinerv. il r We also keep or I- men f.-r 151.11 k II. i I II -ill", -liilil.il:.- ili, A i.i.ll Wink aud llo.si' Ml.x-ill. OCR TL'li MS ALL t ASIL re m Shops on Colleee Street, PmhsiH's St, .. n, Pin ii 'i ir Mill . ll,, lii,, y.urrh 30. .',?. T: Shops on Colh-ee Street, adjacent to Jen: J. A. Ki-Tr.S. IIIOVAf IiKORAFt tMHtD. J. A. ESTLS k CO., PACTOKS AM) ( ( ) A I I SS I ) . - ,OK ,,,e oi- foil,,,,, (, mi,,. Flour. ..mi nil fi1 kimis of Countrv Proline,-. Ollice, North Atlantic W hnrvt-s, Charleston, S.C. iy Aeenroinp tu the terms of the Cn.pn rlner hip, we will not ,rn-i i.n, d.reellv i r imiircct- iy Produce shipped lo our h, Ili--.F.xeES O. Mills. S. S. Farr.ir. Broth, rs A Co., Lunniau, Smith A. Whihun. 'I'houms J. A. C. II. Moise, Charleston. S. C.;Col. It. Ami, r.-.n. V. Il-ine, Columbia, S. v.; Thcinas Mel. lire. Sr., N. I!. I es. A ti. Don., vuri. l h, stir, S. C ; t ..I. F. Scam, Prion. S I , 1,1. I. D. Witherspos.1,. J. W. Av.-rv, W. A. I. at.., Ilsn.. ed. S. X. Slow.-. Dr. J. H.'llration, Yotsvilie.S. ('.; Dr. Il-ipt...:, t, S,,. isburv, N. C : J. I.. D.iii, Ku.-xvil!.-, T. i n. J, ue I, 1M-. lj- Silvcr riatir.i:'. tND ,.!,:, silver, bras- mid nl, kinds of metal wink repaired. Coach makers at a instance lli.il may want their wolk done, may have il at lendidto at the shortest nolicc and iinish, ,i ii I He best al vie. ime humirco yards liorlh of the court bouse and luituot.r tu Overman it Wilson's """" JOHN M. MASON. Jun, I, IMS. jo,,-. (hinanil Lock Sn.iihta j LL work ill the above buelttess, , XC'pt slock. .rJii ins:, ill hi .puncm-Hy a lt.-i.ii.il lo ami lin. ished iii tin best manner of workiii.-ii.iiip. at i, y simp north nl the curl house, m xl lo overman JOHN M. MASON. l-.'if Dvxv.v k CcicniKitiiiii Casliiiii'S. EAM prepared to iiiaiiiif.ieluii all kinds 01 work in the above line of hi.simss. 1 would call the particular attintion of those ihat have mills or factorvs, or any kind of machinery thai needs Colli,, t i. Mi 17 wit mn ot i.uri.hi tv tor null inks, Hn,t I Have f mv own, and 1 "have never hear,! ol any lli.it would sl-lhd half .ll.-.l to It. I will M 1-ieiii I.i run five years. There art- seine of mv make that have been milium; li tceii and iw-.-i.iy years. I could fur.-,. I, more than a bun. drt ti ci rtilieies l Ms liurahil ty. To P,rs,.n iieciiiiij; Mill Inks and rudpci.lis I will furnish the si t tor ciehl no!!-.". Try Iheiu ,11, d save yourselv, s the trouble of st.-ppiuj; your Illlii ivllell all vise is r ( li t. JOHN M. MASON. J,,,;, I, IMS. i"-''t" A OT I I i:. lis,1 AYIN'U h.,uhl t slock ol PI KITS, iOl .S. A I ., ol f P. CO., 1 shall C business ul the i sialic, where 1 sh-ll liaiu-v to meet mv oh: lr, J. Ii. F. LOONK. May 31. r iDNSl MP'I ION. 1 14 al V- Mu (n.il, .tsliimn, i,sf,Hs. .Vi.,u ... C, en, A.i'o". ' eWilv l als" an easy -.- of inhaling the K.iue.iv-a mil the ,orfire proiM-rln a ol the M,.:i' n I Iy aiiere.scd to tile onw-aaed ureses -n lum.nl. Actuated by a desire l L-ci lerinif fellows, he will cheerloliy (tree) lo all whoUe.ire il. with lull mro-noiis h.r preparing aim smees , ,, re ai. ret ,1 Ibe ml, jf , III Ins sul. j Hie i'ri-ii nd t xpocit iuily using the Mi-dietuc. Api,!y 1 iiFV. I , S. Ill P.NF.TT. S'll liroadway. New Yolk. (ill.. Jai'y SO. IS.1S- 'I lie .TlnrU'f f OilREf TED BY It. M. 0ATE8 & CO. - " 7T;7 I IIM1.11I j I-., jiii,rii a.i, ipsa. I liACON. ILinis lb 13 (, l"j ; Side lb ii I... iij I llor r. .line lb in r,., n " Shoulders lb dtl (.. Ill) n.'Ufj.ing', finnny . an 18 Or le i P.- ef. . 'lb -i 0 Putter II. 12-1 (, IB ' lleeswu lb !) t... -i lieans bushel (10 -,. 00 i lir.niilv, Apple !,al... 0i) (.,, Id) . " ' Peach, tfal till (.,, 00 ! Cotton, new lb !)$ (,.: IIJ U oliee, l!m lb ol 15 i Java It If (.,, ii) . 1 Can, Ilea, Adamantine Hi "8 (.- HJ - " Sperm.,. II I.-, (. 50 I ' Tallow II, ir, (.: 01) i Corn, old, bushel .'.0 m .'if. " 'new bushel no (, nil ! Chicken oicii Ill Ut Iii i ( loth. Ci.pp.-r.,s yrd I .'J f" 1' ! " I isev vard -J.', (V 3n ' P.s, '. den 10 (-. IJ , Hour hbl IJ iu SI7.-. i b Ea i s:o ' Fratli-rs II 31) (., Lard lh 12! (o 13 I Million lh o (- Ii Mi.ckerel hhl. No I (" ! " Kins $:iiiii (, :i5 Molasses, N.O ".,1.. ( I'd W.I c-. 37 (-.-. 4.1 Meal bushel .10 ii.". Miilh-i-(Wi;,i,1i:t.ii; ...1.1,1 ill (-.. ( Nails, North ern !h 5 00 I " Solllheni, II r Ol fi i Oats husl.el 30 (,.-- 37 s Pork ! 7 (-.. 7.J Puis bushel r-i 0 Polllloes, Iriell I.iikIii I .Ill (., 7f Sweet bushel (HI ( 00 I! ice bushel t ( 0D Slliri,r,l.ol.f. lb 1-t li " !!rowr lh H ( iJ Stone.Ware... H ( 'J S.,lt sack li fr 163 T.i lh '5 ( l S heal, nhite hiissj.) 7.1 f-'l . 1 " re,' bushel ID (o " ' Whi.k. -v, N.,rl!,eri, g-,1 H (, .1.7 " ' N. C.-roli,,,,,...,.,,,! :i.1 .,. 37 W,...:,(l.ei t;...ki.,) ,v,i..,l -.'7 (' 'J " " ' iiiiwasbe,: -ii ( X'3 i Yum I,,,!. 1 III 00 ( OTP' .'.--Wc hn- i,n r i Ci.lt.,1., is thtrc i no in- nlVri, liny t,- i-iiv. , -, .TI re is l,t li.lle ami no one u mi. '.nlnrr in ( 'orn. it Illf 111 ' lii.ll lots at IP. P l.ol H P h.iir is hi rull ,:, ni.iiid al S-1 a hi , r l.irrel anil b.'-s. WDKAT W at wi'l romiiiihd for ehoice lute fill cci is, ami lor um.d red ei) IV S-1, and ady - at tin- ..la c fiaiir.-s. (Ol.l Mill A M A I! K LT- o'.cjibh, Auuusf.'l, lf-S. t OTTDV. The la.sili'.n ,-f the cotton market smb.. ,mi the iii..iity etlVred is so hum. n. thai, e fun il Vir tl.iiicllii li, aseert-.ttl the Hue nun. t (aim 1.1 Tl,, ailiele, and Ihereiore wc C..II on l C.-llll II IK- to ll.it. I H..I B.J C-, 1 I Jc. II M ( IN, hi. ground Oil HO ioI.'N. Ii.1 ( 10 PLAS (SO (., H, i SITS un i.i. im I l.i 'I I! J. (:. v Coiiconl .Male Sehool, .1AMF.S P.. M.-AFLKY, ' im ijif. FlIl'KV LACY, .In , .-lsi.vi,f. ! glffm rRi,l; Sission of Ibis S, h., ' fjZhi$ ' " 'i'h.ii.-oay , j I-I 11 V tnc I H.I. ..f S. pi. ,h. r, 1 8.1 9. TKHM ( K I f n n K.iclish lir-nii Ins I lassies ami M .11,, lies,.. Cei.tillcM l ee Il-.ard from i'J !.. I0 p, r n.ei Jlinr I s;jH. . I hd Tu.t.oii rc. UUM lA;A I.OTTKIIV. The next oriiltl.'i I n Loll, ry con, in. I lieer Ihe alipervis u:,., n ill take phi drawim; of Ihe fi i l-v li..- Spanish; il Ilav., .ai.isl, overnmeut, l'., I., in Uciiet.il of n ol ti lit 11a rilT i:siA V, Si-pirnibiT 7, sfc. $S24,CCO. Si-HTLO MMKPO coi OKPINAUJo, 1 ,mn,l !1 (!().()) I I " .10.0(10 I 1 ' :jo.oco I i I " I ".); 14 of .() I. ()( -. ' ;".) 3 -1J1 11 Aoi'.xim's s. . I " 10 .0('l) 4 Air,-v , I 4 of 4im to 4t't' lo l.1.i l.e Wlnde Tick I Prizes cashed ins to Ihe $lyi l$Ulll each ! hl'll ; 4 of S.ll!i to 5-311,1,111) ; i ' ; 4 i,l !! ll la i 111,1 Oh. fjt ; llalvis ill'; ynarti rs i.i il s:ehl al .1 per cent, discount. 11, lis oil, III Hanks las, at p.,r. II he terware'ed as s m a. Ihe I sun ixcoiiiis known. Coinmuiiictioi.s address,,! I., l,t'l:Z. (eire of Cilv Post, Car! . til the 7th of S picmhir, w.li i i al Persons on:, rmi; Tickets will p1. Ilium f plain and JIK their posl of stale. Don i;oii;i. I- 11. S. ('.) on. M eifiillAt ir-C7 I 'IX'IUl It.'lie r jsi!!; Fi?m of Pi INF A CO. was dissolved p -1,1, , ,, . 1 1, 1, i,v uiuiii il c A I Hld that then are 111 Hi,- lends of C. M. i tin y an c.iru, .lly riqties . ,, tliutt iti .-, nd p. y up, aa J. 15. P. li(H)NE. M li. TAYI.oR. May 31, !M' oiiici' ! iii.. r. - .t, u. it.i. 1'IMSI.UITK, MV Iti, 1M. fBSlli: coliia.ns due on the It 1 s ni" th.s Co Jl - A p.iuy .... tnc Isiof J-ily nut, will hi rc ,:, ililtil a I Ih.s ajjenev wi,,l,,v,r piiseMni. A." 11- MAUTlN,.l..'f . Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! a, ss A4WI LP..-- ! i LPS oood 1IAI ON V.'it iti? Wl.n-l, wl he ,.d low ler usa J Y. P.KYCK & CO. Pif .V..y IS, IMS P,i)( r, Tiiper, Paper I H ' K a ro now rt ct iViii in Stort ais-ui U tl fci l I.sof u i:.i'riG i.ri-:ii. i,ia .-le f.-r M, rvhants und 1 rriiaisis, si.d can irn sli at sliorl nolice such deacrip lloll ol I'nr , are u-t il I y Prililina Olficesiind Cotlou F..C. n, s, ami wn'l allow a fair price tr the waste uf " J, Y. P.KYCK & CO. Aciitjur UKiifiii J'hi's. IWoy 1 S, IMS. " P'lf A LAP.UK SFPFLY OF ("onstiihlc Warrants FOP. SAI.K HKI'.K

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