"' : ' .ii ..usaws swawajailisiliiini .'I ill I i i . muam.mamm iiMiiajii' . r . r :' 'WHAT fcflbUI.D WK FUAK. ' - 'There is no-thin iu ibis world that I fear,' ail mi eminently piorn womiti, ' but that I slinll not know my .whole duty,-or n j fail to do it.' Thi U ii nolila sotitiiin: it is a Christian sentiment, un t Id be ' bsartily ad.ptJ mid acted upon by every : profossed follower of C.liri.-t,, l'r the I Lord m a sun and shield ; h.: will .ritiu sn nnrl o1r. ami .m i.ro.,1 tint,.. iH I... wit i i i r .i .i . n '" i.i i i : bold .from them that walk uprightly. Ami j - i i i r i u if the Lord be for u, who ou Da ugiun.-t , Ujt, m nll wsi f r whtpj nipn? Rut . . father can control them ami defeat all tVir ! ' evrl designs, or overrule them for nood. j Josephs brethren dcii-ed evil auain-t him but God turned their nicked counsel to bis I great ail vantage , uii'l what r- -tranuer still, he made i ttwu to their good. 1) ni'el wis thrown iuto tbe lions' Jen, iiud the tbteu Hebrews into the fire y furnace ; hut iu tl e events Ood made the wrath of man to praiw ; bim, and be rciimiudrr of wrath lie re- I strained. Paul and Silas wi re beite.. with many stripes, and imprisoned ut Pnilippi , but God filled their hearts with heavenly1 joy, and 11 at niidnigjlti they prayed, and 12 praises unto God j' nii'l the j . i ! o r aiid Lis family were turned . t'lni-t. A fierce, persecntioo at JcriiN.-ilpiii, soon after the . day of Peuteeowas dispersed thw di-elples of . Christ ii all direoiions ;but (boy went eve- i rvuhcre jist iotiilic the COiprl. and thus , multitudes were converted, who, but for this 1 ,, ...... . .... r ' b ... " J men, n thus the knowleik'S of their faith. . r and its happy fruits, wa ereatly extended, .... .. ,, . . .. , The aldeoses bavs suff red dreadful per- . . . eecutiotis for centuries But thus Suvioor has been, with them, and li 'hl his shone bright- n c 1H n J 1...LIAI.. I . . , In V I lia.i. m.v. sccutiou, they might have liv. d in obcu- ' . J f j my, anu tueir v.iiri-uau mo'ience nave oeeo confine J to their native mountains and val leys. As it is, tbey are " liviug epistles Vnowu and read of all men;" whil.-t con corning multitudes of them, w may adopt the beautiful Unguals of Watts: From torturing puin ti iniilcs jvs On fi. ry wl.iel. tiny roi.u. And ktranjeiy w .ivlied their raiment whi.la , In J u' !'"tf blmxi. . Neither wicked men nor devils can do the upright real injury. They may be per mitted to annoy them, to oppress them to kill tbetu ; but their crow u will shine so ; much the brighter, aud their songs ol joy j will be so much the sv 'eur ur e;,. SJiaJI we fear poverty, sieknes, aecidect death? God is " our Father,' and be knows j whether poverty or riches will be l.et for j ns whether our bighc-t ii.nre-t will Le Wore promoted l'j sickm -s or Ly health. j lie knows luw loiiif ii i. httt to d. l-iin us in ibis world, and wl.eu an ', i. - 'o call us borne. liis providence i- - j f.'i-i ,i, and so full)' etubraoes all bis er- .t ir. -. tnat not even a sparrow dies j a-cMeut. Tu.-e-fore our Saiiaur said tu In- di-eipi.-., ' I .'k notbooglt' be Dot am -.ou . Au l P u r exhorts u to cast a.) our care 0u tiai, ' fjr , be caretli for vou.' I What theu fball we fear ! Let t - r ., ourselves, lest e fail to ki ow, or :.j ! o . duty; our bearn d. reive u-, aiol w fall into temptation and :i ; 1-t r iiidule into unb-'allowed fttlini, or b'.cksiide and grow cold and wurl.iiy, He not li.S ii.Ih ded but fear.' ' Let u-. fear 1 a ; n. ed being left IU of enteriuj; iuio hi- ie-l an;, abould come short of b.' L'-t u work, iv ur salvation ' with fcar aii-i k.-u,! '..) Feir Cixl. For :bc fear ol tin- l.n'l is the beginning of wixlum.' 'J be f ar - f God is one of tbe best ami lutes lo all temp tatiout. It is clean 'it prompt t to a pure life. God can dcntroy, and hit I. It.--.!,,: ' maketb rich." Fear him ye saints, snH ye s'.'.ll llien Hive nothing ele to fe r.' How happy would Cbritiani be, and bow . Iriobtly their liKtit would s bine, if they ex-j 11 "" " hrn H"' are wanted or ercised an much tbouiibi aud solicitude to i "' l'osl ,l"''" for tenty fur hours, c hang keep their beasts and uvea riut as they j ' ,lie ""' Irequenily. Okra and ejfg exercise concerning thi-igs over which tbey i Pll,ut le uu ''" ''' '"' d'ieJ Lave no control, which an; controlled wholly '" M,u i "D,u perfectly dry pack away by the providence of God. t'mbylti ian of' the A 15LESSKD T II ACT. A woman having spoken of the eonver iiou cf teveral "f 1 " ' ' ""aru what were the means the Lord employed and this was ber reply : 1 One of tbe New York City Tract Society visitor gave tue a tract cutitled Tbe Sword of the Spirit' I thought it was a queer title; so after the visitor bad gone 1 put a tide my work, and bat down to read it. it was iudeed a sword, and nothing ever pit-reed nw so deeply AYbeo my husband came home I read it tu Lini. At first be made li'hl of it ; but as I read Le wept over it ; I saw that he felt too, although be tried to bide bis feelings. The next day 1 went lo the miuittvr, wboave Ine good advice, and invited tue to attend Lis church. 1 and mv bu.ihafi' did so, and I aooa afterward both of us beeame rhurch Biembers. That b isband bid been a nick ed and iiiteiiis-rai man ; but reading that tract was blessed, not only ir htm. but a so to other members of the f iini'y. Ti n hop,;, fut conversions may already h.; trace'l to taat instrumentality; isi n . . f il.r. i-.,i,urt. Lava been received int.. t i.- f. l Kvangclica! eburcbes and the tract was given to is now a ti , i la-hip of otn iii tin i i.itor. J j Ofcrcouiing evil witb pr'tid, ii indeed, the j t ca for the vrorid'i maladii,, j Odo who mould really do good jnu.it first be good. Iu bim who is joined to. God vitally, goodness 'become a principle of growth a ppiiit of life, capable of beariug fruit after its kind. Iu Cbri.-it the goodness of God wan itienr uated, and was sutjoctjd to the severest test possible to prove its strength and sound- nos- 1 0 f?rca"-'r p'ovocauoti couiu nave r ..... '. soldier. Aim how complete must have been Satan's dofiMt when goodness bud drank the bittr cup to its drejrs, uttering e . , dm victorious cry .' Father forrivo them for " , ,, . they know not what ihey do! lie not o- vercoiin of evil; but c-vercome evil with good. Igvtcnlliial. THE FALL G All I) EN. There are but few seeds to be planted il.i- in o hi U. All the turnip seed -lio.:ld uow be planted. Hul.i liijan cannot be got iu too oon, so r Early White l'utch for the lirt crop ard vrop. The Ke.l Top is best for stand- When greens is au object as well as the bottoms, the English Norfolk in the bent vasirty. As the Turnip mu.-t grow " ' '0W h?u,J. l,f r;eb' H.6 r, floW I ground deepiy ue, ore applying the manure , broadcast, aud spado or plow it in. The .nil klmulil be nlutiteil ill Jri! generally four limes too muuh seed plaiited, ! , . ... , , ,, , i relying on Miiiining out. Iu UelJ culture, i . ... . , , , , ,, , the I urnip cr p of ike aunlh should t-njal I . , . ., . . , in value tbe ooru crop. 1 he brightest jew- .. . . . ,. , lei in victorias crown is said to he a KtIA , . , . ,, , , I ISAiiA, ane her sea v'irt l.le is walled aroiiiid I with eommou Turuins. And here, where . n. ,. . . . the 1 urnip wdl grow all the winter, requir- iug no pulling or hou-iug, but may be pul- j led frefh from the i-rouud everv dav from I Septcmbrr to March, wo have no Turnip I,, jewels iu our crowns, and our half starved Cattle, hois, aud sheep ktlct, with woeful 1 !,i visages, that to could not build a breast'" work around our larders. L, Knglirb Peas. Snaps and Corn, for green i lesting may yet be plunted. Spii ch and mu-tur'l, for winter use may now be put in Winter cabbage may yet be transplanted j Continue toeailh up the celery. Ik-gin now I to save the seeds of Ultra, Squash, Cueum-1 her, Melons aud Onions. Plant the top of t the tree Union and Shallow, they will take. root immediately iud grow through all the Fall aud Winter. If worms are trouble- J some among the Fall Cabhagea and Kui Uagas, sow Gjpsum broadca-t over the joung plants, and mix the seed with (lyp sum whm it is soweu. (j.p-uui will not kill the worm, hut the sulphur in it ii of J feiisive t tliu Miller that lays tl.e pyrs which produces the worm, atul it will look; for m.re congenial uni!( rs to deposit lis IVrmii no wl-l-iIs or jrras to go t0 .i Hi the .'irdeu. Cotton 'liint--r umi :-.ct.. " " t TMK GARDKN PKKT. I ti.; vegetable i J.i'h1y esteemed l.v ; I ut an it m.ituies o early iu the' . i "On , iu a ftjutherti c!ii..aU, it lo.'e, (if ii.t'l in the ground,) in nutritioun (I'lali- i ilea Wh.r. I1:" beets buvu full matured,' pisll tleta ou a Moudv day, or early iu tbe ; 'U miiii.', wnn tn tap-. Iroui tneni anu p iik them dow n in dry sand. Take a bar rel aad put a layer of sind ou the bottom, tin ii a I iyer of beets, then sand, and so ou until it is full ; place tu a tout dry place, a'.. I you Biay have fre.-b, sweel beets, for the table, ail the fall and winter. Irish : potatoes ma) l e duj;. and k.pt tbe same way. Snsp bean may be preserved by packing tbi in down iu salt, jul a we do j cueuiiibe is, a later of salt, then snaps, and ' "J ""til the barrel or jar in paper Uaa ; soak tl.eni a lew hours be- lore cooking them, and they will be nearly: equal tofie.-li gathered vegetables. L'ut-' t. r and Lima bean may be shelled and ! dried iu the sun and tbey will keep fresh ' .11 .I.. i-...us way Le stewed,' spread on thin pans and dried, theu put. awayiu paper bags for future uie, for soups! aud stews tbey will do us sell as frc.-li gulli I ered tomatoes. DIGGING A WKI.L. The aiomh of August is usually the safest time to sink a well. Tl.e hot rcatoo Las then generally dried up the sarface streams and sprius, and left tbo.ic which percolate deep and sileut through tbe earth iu their fuii aud natural low, aud when reached they then scarcely fail to yield a perma-' nent kupply. lifire digging the well,; stone or brick for walling it should U , ou the ground, and so placed as to be tea- j dy at a lUMiucnts' notice for u-e, at we' have known wellaloii fiom a suddon brink; of the rartb or rock nt tins bottom, and j the rapid flowin of tbe water, driving the . thorers out, and tilling npto a keibt cveni above the tools tbey w fought with. Audi strong iis the fountaia ihut lliey could hot ejtliaiist th water afterwards. Such ! cases do not often happen, we know, but ii is well to provide a:iin-t tbein, and after ' water is fuuud iu full supply, the .picker! tbe well is walled up the bitter. Ame.i- en ay Agriculturist, July. ! . " DOMESTIC RECIPES.- ,- To ruKLB Unions. Peel nud slice large onions and fprinkle theiu with salt. To every gallon take ahout a dozou cap sicums, cither dry or green, slicing ouly a part) add a few eloves, some pepper and alUpice, all whole. Put the ouious in to jars, distribute the spioea pretty equal ly among them, fill up ibe jars with vine gar and set tbein iu a pau of cold water over the fire, taking care that they are closely lied down with a bladder; keep o wet cloth over them to prevent the blad. der from bursting. In about au hour and a half the onions will be soft enough. Fhiitkus. Heat light one egg; take three pints of flour, one dessert spoonful iup. carh. soda, ouu tablespoouful of salt, three and a iriarter pints of Uii!k, mix alt together ; have very hot lard, drop a small portion iu a place until the pan is covered, ' turn as soon as brown ; the faster they are eooked (being careful not to burn the fat) the nicer they will be. Seud to table hot. Cet mauluu n 'I'ttrgi ujili.. PuTTEHMll.K CAKE Three pints of flour, one dessert-spoonful of sup. carb, so da, one lare fpoonful lard, a little salt; mil together, moisten with buttermilk suf ficient to form a soft doueh, roll about half i au inch thick, cut round, and bake fifteen miuutc iu a quick oveu. JliiJ, Sirric Ukadai.'IIK. Two teaspootifils of finely powdered charcoal, drank iu half a tumble, of water, will in less than Cf- U)illutfS ive rulil.f to the ;ck jleuJ. ache, when caused, as in mo-t cacs it is, by a supcrabuudanco of acid on the stomach. iVtli Carina Mineral Springs CABARRUS COUNTY, W- C. 11 oix'll a S( IIDUI. i'.t ll. r Kt ot Jniy. tt u r.l i-i in. J,.r Tuillol., . r S ti t, 't ,,. i'..,t.Uuil , r.qiii. J. J nc i.tlue oi t'n w V..,k h Tll, mull Una eooii Ii I. .. i..l ki el S isr.M of ll. I., Atl.tliMii.. Tt.i'. ol ulilir. r. ...rl, ,. I n . r.u it f An) oirrctii t p. SA11AH SOSSEU.MAN. ..f, To Cotton l'hnlers qil.liif . oer .w J,')"',' (;,m'iui'i ltiry t'",6 t!i? 'ii .i' slopped fro K"."ne . Il.li Ik-iiii' 'llie I..I" an 'eMirm sm.i U.s. .; r . , t :,i,iL,,i., i,e n( r J1- d" "'' '''""w i. qua I t V of o n n i. r lo . O I'almtr, . JAMKS M. LT.I.IoTr. It inmUro, .U.ij ii, Iri.H. li-tuu Cash Paid lur Hides, EY S. M. HOW I I. I., 3 doors N.uni of llo J5 M.n-im. II. -. Aunu.ls, .!. ti, I-.il. Slf 500 F.b. 9. Hrt. liAI l.o.VS IT".: I lNl;tO till.. I; PUnCIIAHDS. itnf tit rule 11uiiHi ii. Naprerabc r. freshulit ami I.. 1 . : n , .. pleas, st.l lo II I. tssle as Mini wal.-f. Id l.y 11. M. PJ'tlTCUAKIi, Ier. I, win's Corner. Oil ON. K.NT1! A'l I.U I.KY. W.rt.l.ilt., ma S: snap W 1 1 l."U t llllll ,nu Willi lllli. ttoll t. . . 'I I.r hi .1 al.tl cheap, st nrl clo III use. I'nieVi 11. M. PIUTCII ai:p, Irwin's Corm Wanted, i;oo: foil lis OF TAN IIAI.'K. f.r llll. I. ll.f C i-ll Wll' he pilil. M. Ii T.Y I.i jK. , ivif j .W.,y 31, If-id, lift l. i' ujrrnf ty( tin I hi:, it uver l urn lM.irt i ar it- ut tint 1. i-i lllfM'iN -UfJ C.l'U OfCsli IsCUll). If uiiiu liuiico by lite tut .,.1, ..I P KITrilAltD'S j'umny iJrug Start. 'I iiniif i , f Train Oil. tOl! T.nlir.s niil Planters "e Hi r!r' ioe anil pf est r II. e, Lcalhrr r.oC II .rnt ss. For salt a y M. 11. l lUTCii A UI, IleC. 1 Irwin's t on.. . DcGrath's Electric Oil. A M-I-H.V of tin- i:. It iif.t ttd O.) (ut i-lt ul , 11. M PlinCIIAUD. Mty t, 18SU. ytf I iMMM)A..'ro:r!..:! I ' ''J Ult 1 vtl1 l"r ff Cwii.bI i PKiicii aiid.s, ; t'th.9. Liriu't t utntr. i'tirr i'rimii tttoimu. I 2f tn.l.AM) (;,n, vv i, t U lauololl All 'key, Sherry mid Port una Porter, lor nicui. do hy II. M. Pi; ITCH A UP. " I R B U( K P.pis r. C,nKi r. Il.ikin- and Was M 9 ."aia, I 'ream T .rl ir, Nulioeirs, ,M,t ti,t 'i uUig hi,,. : Oil Kl.,V.,r,l. Kllrarts ol e.er. ' ala at wholesale anil ret.nl, btr I II. M. l'KHCIIAIli, s. I Irwin's t oit.i I Iftsll Oil SI flsaj tl.'tlir, IN onl I.. .Hie. ja.l trtelfLil ttotil Sara .p..nes. hy ii. m. PiinniAKP, - 'C,t-' IVTTT'T n-' - ..j .... ff "P Pltl. I IM. f ail kinos willt.. rXZ,T """" '" " K' neatly or in. I i. Important Land Sale, . MAVIN'J determined In reiuove to the South. West, 1 offer lor wile my valuable and liigh. ffA ly ini.r..ved I. SIM on '! Kickv liiver. 8 miles went H'iifi nf Cuin'nni.l .ili.irriK coi -" tv.iiiiil ( mile Irmii lliu S. , C, Hum lioiiil. One iraet of CllO nuns, lyini; on liolli sides .f the river, ill a liiiiti snito of cultiva tion mill imKurpiisseii nelnn-s "f ""'I- Auuilier tract til" SuOin'irn mi which I resine, iiuunuolly well.iiiiinovfd, h.ini.g eaoollml huil.lm, a j;oou it." H'-IX BC BB . willi all JtiiUl.Ie fin tun lur sueers in li nnieg mid (Vnuii g.- 'J In uho w,l.v.lerei, mliilmou- i If-lity iiriiiH.rlioli hi' wiimiUl.il, uSuiiif ai fiii in nil n larfjc Hh-Ur.lll suei'ly of pood tiiiihcr. 1'urclm.ers woulu oo wi I1 I" examine won, us it is seliloiii that o null urd well iuiirovid larms re oil'ercd in iiiaruet. C. J. 1IARK1S. April 6, 1858. 4f lhailuite .12u(ual S ire li.stii :'' ronip tn v. j fj I 4 I.IIIS i:u.l)I'A. y ccnuinnia unit n "iint iiM Dy nrf.eii iiou-. v..., t ukuiI r '. UlUcc betwetu I'ik'a Slor kimI UrawUy'n llldlli. Clt'Fli'KnH. M. H TAYLOU, rmulmt: C. OVKKMAN, Ywr Jusiikiit. E. NYE HUl'GUISOX, Secy, ij- Tnusr. 1)1 itm. Tons. M 1J. TAYLOK, (!. ) VET. MAN, J. Ij. liltOWN, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCAUK K. T. WKISTON, A. C. .STEELE. .Tiiiin L P.Ktiws. S. T. W'ltiH-ros and A. X- SiEitt.r, luteuUve Commune, Mil) It), le.'iw. lOif Saddle & Harness ICartuIacturer, ! TI1HKK IKX'KK WiL'TIl OF THK MANhldN UOl'hg, j t il .1 ICI.o I 'I D, V t . irAllkiiidsorSuddlcsanu llariirr nise.r at t!,c I shorteht nnttee, .1 i ItK.I'AIfilNU j.rotm.ti v iiicuti.i. , Jin. J-J. Ifja. ' 37tf 3 1 us m. i:dm:v. COMMl.JOX Mllll I 'HAS T, II? ( II A.viltr.KS M ltl I I, . V. ll I vs .i,d i"i !: tun kn d of in. r n. ci I i.K.mui.iii. Iii-ii I' u-.ii.!. N. U . V.....fii., J W M. (Irhurlll, t . I'. .M.ii. tan. nd itn. . r i.,iiis ii . i.!l,. r. VkiUt is 1'h.i, llrp, t.uiiars. JIiiic. , t-ati,, l'iiuiis, .nhn K I:, I i t u!l li.e mill r. i.i ii srnl firt. Poi.iipl.rl . " a .' Hirkury Aul ," .t Sir I IHMi US i Ob, 1 !M '1 Ii im li.t .lujbie iwan J f ii .u.c it 1M...I. i.f .ip-.iry himI tn serihe ill, 11. A. M t;orilill, i:q W. A. t.rli.. Mile I... (i i ns, . I 1 1 "II A priii t-U I . I. fill! lull. .ft ill ol' (H.) mill tn ( nio. . t.iiut. to 1 1 r.A .1 ii." ,r lii.olcl.. in .-..ry I no ' I" a r II fir. , llie while Ii, 3l U s, euu. .itur Ii i nuitttJ jttr fur u ,v u,... i f,b. 1C, Hid. dMm aod P.. 1 AN DS V IN QUART BOTTLES. TOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, Ami f..r the t uie of !'i-s lla.".N l.M ... ll l.'ir.-r.. ...HS... Si, i I ...I I.. I :.- I..; Ii l...k ik pst.ci.t i.....r. HEALTH AND STRKNOTH Another Curo of Scrofula. lit St.- ,.i v.. a n r -. 'I.' ...!. I I,.. ..ill .V .1 l-i'lll l N ROMAN EYE BALSAM, For Weak and Infl-anicd Kyoa lb.. Ils'-sm ST u s.. V v..- It 'hv ,., ,e ol .. .I.i. ir-l u UlU. ll fie .let i.r-, In tjarl . D. n l liVEMDH ARE I II V I. A M E U , -I suli l.... .nii. BtlMEBS. MKCHANIC3. ....i.i; II. .V I., s. till., Wli , -'!.'-. .New U.,k. (!,.. ., SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, bait Ithsum, Jtinsr-Worm, Tuttor, Hjahl-Hoad, llarlvor'a llol., tllot..hes, Ao. ' 'H " tke ll in. , t ,.0.r ,., ! ,T ..I f. im. ...I '.'''"T''1';'' "e! ' " . " n-n.i.t k.... i.-r ilm ...... IV, u. m. l in n iiAiiD, Ik w in's I ntiNrti. JUV 4, ',iR. A LAl'.GK SPPPLY OP ('onslahlo AVan:ints FO It SAl.K IIKIiK, PLANK PKKD3 U: bAv at tuia olEcc. S. M. HOWELL, If? So long unsuccesEfully sought, FOUSiT LAST! ViR IT RE STORK" PERMANENTLY ' (jUAY HAIIl TO ITS oni(iii.il eolor ; eu. ' vers liiKurmi.lly the bald lend i removes nil oun. drulf. itcliui and all rrol'iiln. srald head slid all eni.li. fi makes the nsir soil, lieullhy, and ! sy i ami il preserve it to m.v nimifiiiulde at, remuves.as it hy in .!ic, nil Iduiehes. c. Irmii the fate, aim cures nil Nturali-i mid ncivous head, uchu See cireelur ai.il tlio lollow nig. !)..v.-r. S II.. Ki I.. '.M. IH;7. l'l!OK O. 3. WOOD & t O O" n's : Wuiun a tew Uuys ! Iii ree. in d -o noiliy orders slid c.lls lor Prul. O.J. Wood's ll.nr Heaterutivr, that to. day we were ei.iiiieiled to send to lli.Htnn lor a quantity, (the ti dozen y u l'..rwuriled all heing s.iiil.) while ii.iht order n rjimnlity Iroin you. Lvny 'ulllt ve hate told srrnn to hurt pioductd 3 ur i ic cutluiMTt mid I tie aoiiruliati and pal. rooiM'ii it receives I'roni the must sulirt.mtial and worthy citizens ol our virinitv, fullv mmiiire us lli.it it is A MOST VA I I. A ItI.E PK1.TAKAT1UN. S. IK' us u "Ii may he Itross Hi tl surf a ud cue iloiu sixi; and believe us yours very rcspi eimlly. (Siki.d) DANM'L LATIIOIII i CO. Ilirkory Crnve.St Charh il o.,.Mo.N..v. lO.SG. j I'l.'tlF.'t). J. M)OD learfir: home lime last siiii'iiur wv were uulu'ri ii to iise some ot your ITur 1 lit slur.' lite, and lis . fl. rt- were so wi n.it riul. we i fi:, I ii our uuiy I" y"M am! tin . tilieteii, lo repou it. j Our 'ittle son's heail lor some lin e h.u: lt . n wr. ( I feetly covered Willi sores, und come ealli d it sciild ! Iiead. Tim hatr almost entirely can.e i.B' in cen- ; Is, qu. nee, M " irit on, s. t lie Ins sull.Tii.es, a.l. j ti.ut u to u.r your livkloriititu, wc mu o with ; ; hill.. l,o.,l sued s, hut to i.lir surprise, aiKllh.it j lot allaur friellils.il t.iy lew applicalli.lia relnote.l J the tlisei.se cniimy.anu a new and Imiiri.nii crop , I oi 1 1 a i r s..ii el irtid out, and we can now ai.y tli. 1 1 l.uir Is.y lis ss healihy a s.::ilu, unit a liiiurini t . i flop of hir as anv olher eiillil. We c.Tl ll.ere. ' ' lore, ami tio tscoinnnT.il your liesioralivi , as n per. ' j L et r. ii. i dy lor all dise iti of the scalp mid hair. ; We ore, yours resp. eliuily, . .. ' ! (U.l)l.l.r. w. llli.i.l.inoiiis.n. t.VKAll A. IHI.OlMiOTIIAM. ' t; ir.lioer. M iinr. June J. li-i. j -,i if. O. . WOOD lnr ir : I have used 2 1 hollies of Professor Wo.,,''. Ii..ir l!cU..r ,l;.e, sod tan truly s.iy It Is ll.e great, at Ciseottry "I llie j age for resionnj 3nd elunii'iinr the ll.ur. Hi f"re u.Hig it I ws a man of s. teuly. My ll.nr lia ! now ntlsineil Its nrigilial color. Y"U rail recoiu. n.enil it to llie tt.itlil wilh. ut toe itasl ftar, as my CbC was U',' of llie tvorsl kll.d. I Yuut, rcspei t'liHy, j UA.MtL N. Ml lil'HY. O. J. WOOD .VI O.. Proprlflors. aij llioad. wav, N. Y. (I" llie treat .N. Y Wire I.'iHiiiL' I Ul.ii.inii. mjai.d lit M .rk.t.i, H. M l...uiH, M., 1 And so!u Mr all l'iii--su m li.e I and by 11. M. PKlTCIlAl'tl), t'.'ll l.'liailfjtte, -V. C. ; TTPD AVER'S Mrf, CntSuulic Pills, -t-i-t (sCi: ll; rti.t i -i.it. , Q AUU m tor. io clt:a:5E the flood akd curt the sick. lutnll.l., I slli.l., .Ilolltris, llt)aliTaus. l'blUnlrt,H.ls, r.a.l llt.Tr I ll. CI., si.U Jii.Iks ot Ulr Vitlurs. .'K Tin: n UK o llrndiit he,Si, k Ileitdin he,l'ol "loinileh. In .1 r 1...H. a .11. hre-l .oyw M H - MIlHH.K. Ililiiius I)iiler i.ml Liver .niilniiin. I)) s.ntory, ItetiK, .. j. i.: iniv tu fr. lndiceliori sinil linpniitv l Hie Itlood. .. -e J I' Ii "'!, ' Ai l C..M.'.. . .1. ...... II.. J.illN t.. K li 11 W. M n Li)ipelns, StTofuln, Time's rut. Tetter, I iimt.rs, una "nil lilt" ' jra.a A..rauru.sy ImwMM Ia. Aits: I "i.r I sis Hi- . M Is. S. ion:..-. .1, l.-r . I 1 1 . r M.il,l.lllS)K uilsi:.. nw.l t.n.it. Ilir X l:-t.U f t H l'.'..rA I .s iu lit, J..I.. ll. 1M. lil.piinilttismt t to -e Dr. ,.... I l.MT M M II I 1 U I'letho.n, or sind red font tils. ..Is, Kor f tfliTtitess tir t nnMipnlitin, t.nd ns i l.lit.trr 1111. Ili- t me ..i . e... I. I i. t-'its. " ppi rs.on, liiritlv-is iDttnnntin. loo. . ..I ll.nli.tM. m.i I'll 1 1 Is I l.llt.d- M.-i n it., r i -WKU kS ( iii:iuiv ri: Ton.A l to'' 1 1IK IIAI-II. IT UK Of tC (.ll. I Ol.ll. IIOlllsl M-ss, INKI.f l lilltIM III I l, WIIIMII'IMs iiii i. ii, I nut r, AsriniA. t.t- ( I I'll- .NT t usu sin 1.1, ol f... i. IHa . i la siltsBi-.J 1.1 ll.. U las l.-l Ky-Ul - I.I le ill .-k I. U An 1.1.1. I.I llllll fU'S. ITKPIKKD BV PR. J. C AVER. I'laclii ol sad Analytical tlnr. irl. Lowell. Mais. a , it .t u i. D i. r ! 11. M. PIUTtMI AHIi, Cltatl.tie I HAVILAND.STEVK.NSUN K Ol., ClutiUitont C. im. it. ri . oiti; MI.I.I. phased to re.ei pr.,r, s.ional fall. ,T y .Ih depiriiniiits of .M Klilt IN ; anrt .-t ....t.it i , i nir may he found at hi York Diatrirl S.C. proft asioniillv ui.s i resident-.;, rIirt M,u ),, Feb. Ii, ltG6. ,( 1 j WAIT FOR -a a HY is it Jjccausc he huyta 6ytliiO iroin A.A.I. II. : i,.h. l lllll.tS Would respreiiuiiy sun. r ... from their Old M-i.u, " ' ' " North, uiii. of tu n.ost iili i.sne assortiiicnls of ilGIWIi- F.vcrolTered in Nortli.C.rolin.. among whirl. w,M ne loui.u mr.-'r3B-.AiK-'rc.ii.., 1, has raii.ei! such s fi reputation in '1 Ins Stove he warrimts superior te eonaumea less ruei. 0 L ru ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FilRIiOH BOX BTOVms. lie has aim eoi.atanll v keep un hand, an . itensive and varied stock of tin Aisi) siii:i:t ikox, iut.is Hi.'tTi.i :st list tiso.v i:s:i9v:..jis, HAT HACKS, CltADLES, &c, &c, Allot ulntli will Ut - It.liiil. liitr lii.u, h, r l.f.it ll'n d i ! VUiiiil J. I would return mv thanks It. nit friends and cu-i..mer. for the . ry l.lera! . ,lr, r n o , , Wstowrd up.... ......n'.l thev n.sy re'.t assured, that I shall . ad. a,.. by . :osr a .1. i,t ,, t, togeiher w Ih s .1. 1. rniinauoii t" p'.t-sse, to try and merit a rontinn niee u the si iue. Ladies ;iik1 Ih nt!( nini an- iiailiciiiail) ii.vile (I In rail ai d (X;:n.ii;t i N. It, I will tell ..u wov I head u.y ui mim-i. "l " WaiT ro mi W , i - we hue ll.r.c w aee.n'is c n-t'-ntiy travel. , 'hrouel. the e try Willi Slovt ,. rv . tirtti i uiti &' fuitMully Hint jm uij Hy ttttu'u to j rW(i,tr,.un. 16, I8.V Eneouraa-e Home Indui.'iy jj AVIM. II lit 11 AS Kill he COM (Hi 1 KAI I 1 lult Y, 1 am prepared to till all orueis lor ",a'',k HRissi:-, Vh.t;, It y.-'ri, (iioin m.'I'oi?. Cnj'it Chain, Umi Ihilttttg, U titj'i'itttr Twine. I am riakine n n article of In Mi ,.r llie putpost H MliiM'illi '"nr. Wh.nt am l i ra. F..r oirrs am. i'rotiuee Outers wt.i lino ll to their a.l .Hil ii;e lo ue It. Ail oril' rs In ui it uirtaiicc w ll Le s IU loleiilo With ploli.plnepi. J. kIONAM. ( mmd. Ort. UP . HiO. 3ilt Dis.solution. till; e.ipsrtner.hip lit r. to on x.st.ng U-tweii. the until ruencil, is lllis llaV UismmHU li.ulual consent. All ptrstihs i.im Ltetl to us at U"y !'e sun: l toe Krports am: M ti i. riijuested lobe pupiirtil wilh Ide ..ii.ounl lh. y lime In lime ni.n'.e hy our ineorp. i.i. .. . ut- titar ai in a "liw days," . s. tt.unt nt inosi ami olher a eiigscd in Mauutactous, )i t. he inaut. ' j .Hirer, 4 c. JllNA KI'MSILL. ! '' e.,tl... tl.es var-nn. items of i 1' S VHIT I am: en. tii.io L. Il.t pnl.iie .u i, si. , . -i I . lie- ' lilt. .NAM. ((.rr,.(.l, M, r iKrwlu;ll prl...t,...,, ., Alg. 18, lfa.. .att f. Bother trelll ail tt..ri..t.e UsoUi..-, V . j In aril. jr Cltet I y ut llieirt eliy el, our a .OTICl .s.ri.y,n.l ,, ..us.rv , toe .u..c ,, ;.-. . - -",- M.H. V:::;: , . pr.-p.tert to fill all e.il.ts ..r . ., I I I J - 1 . Sash. Blinds wvA Drers, with as.. -id I.iiiit.er i.s Ih. ei.uniry sff"ru.,ei. UCn,?.l.eU.B'Uls,',e,l,roe! Ji f -u hi Im r dft pu d to r rdt r ut ffhort nottcf LriLM iMuceriili r;nd him ii i. Im r y 1 . ... ..........I i 1. 1. -..i J. llUl'lSil.L. Aug. IH. Ifi7. In relirinr; from ti e fom In r. tofore ejiFtinj ui.n r li.e n.ne ol liumsiil K i.im.Hit, I i!n s. wiio tie kihOesi I.. ,rs iiwiires I I.r r.im ns .. t lurlette unil siirri.iiuilini; rt.ui.trr, for the pit r-nsse sn liberally t.isli.wni ui.n us, ami will His Itoowli lift Hint llie hliM II leearrutlM, ,.. (fju..liy as tspiditlous ap we h.ile flout.. P S. WHISNANT. Aug. 1pj7. ICTII- ' AKOI.I ISutual life Intc r&llC U 0 HI Jldfiy . ' J.-u ma I w 1 1 1 si nU tin ir ii. tin s i.i I i ii' I OfflVt:. HALI-.K.II. A. f. I w ill. .ut to I y.asit ise..r,.l.:, iu .t .. v : liUUlbt.r SS aoull US pt.i-s:t.l l UL'PNT. LP i I i ' 'I1 ' ""'I""' l,"ur" "'e.l'-e. cf mdivulu. Kalngk. J.,n. Ie.".ti. Ji. ls I. r one jt- ir, a linn ol vt-ars, or lor liie, I on the .Mutual l'n..eiple, the ass'un u lor hie pur. "" titiputu.g in the profila of llie Ctinp.tiT. K,,r , N 'y' ' Ipoluiea eranteil lor the whole I. tin 'of lile kssiw St."- W - i1'1" """ "" ,l,ir"'" u''" ,0 ' AIV.H.M. ,tllll l. j note limy he givi-u lor one. half llie amount ol the i 1 pr. .,. heanng iUriM st 6 p,r cut. w.toout . . '"'''"' 1 "l's, I ntl ut nin, I .1.1 i; 11 .t.n 1 v. Ad. eiioos 01 tit Kioto s i in I ... 1 i 'I'" prompt .nntiiirr in whirl, all losses have' "'""". ''l1. W. - , bee. pal.1 hy tins c...ii.ai,y.lK. tint w ill, low """ ' 1 ' '."''P-ani's. 1 I rates of p t iinuio, pres.ni tn. t muuttii.cnts to c,', ""u 11 a;- I H, "..' inl'msurei. "f,'.""." "',, of Ih,,,, . lo ' (J()d MjllC IjIllSHI!. fiv y-sts, lor two lliin.s their Inc. Ail losses are paid w ill, hi DU usya after aatia. "' lyK tw lliltriser T11.ei1.rt I factory proof ib present. 11. ' A It tier Iroin J , It . t 1, lium, lo uie ' i 1 III1K "I'DKS. ! tN.l ., natt.l Aus. 14, Ifc47 : t'harle. K. John. ton, .... . J,m.., Win. W. Dr. J. Khul-l'ear t-ir : V. ur in. Ilohitll. V. ll I'ttoke, J. I.. iIIishis, II. W. gnu, entire si.li.laeti..n 1)1 this (M.I-. ll.isle.l, Utiel.lllie llll. hit. P. r. I'.seud. W .. Ire Tl... A Xl.e.or. .., t II.M. kee, K. P. Ilattlr, Charles li. Kout, O. I-owle. liiell'U 11. li.li;.-. tH'lt"KKS. Ir. ::h,.,ie. K. Johnson. Pr. suient. W. W. il.J.lei,. Vie. Prenu.in. K. II. bfcitlr.lttciflari. ' W ili.sui. II. Joins, Treasurer. 11. W. Ilu.ttd. Aitorney. lr. Win. . Mr Ken. Medie.,1 I) , a ml lor. t'xrrul.tir t imiaiitrr.y. huautt, W. II. .Mo. K.e, CliHtlt s It. t,,l. .V.iiral .'said vf ('inissr-idan fharhs K , ' J hiison, M. li., Will,.,,,, II. Mthte, M. U.t Kich'd Ii. IIiywiMit', M. li., I Fur further inloi ni.iln.n, Hie pnhiie is refer, red to the iiiin.phliis.uii.l tl.ro.s 01 prop.1-.1l. w Inch I limy be obtained st llll t'llii 0 of ton t umpaliy, or any nt its Aeeuet. s. I oiiiluuillealiolis should be auillessod, (putt. I paid) to. li. II. PATi LP., .Sectary, j Stjtrmiiti H, 18a,. Uciij J S.H. RANSOM. U.CS. sttlANY. THE W A (ill 01. nits ,..n... . TAYLOR III ( 11 A I I ( 1 'J F. IT .1 vieil ill ,11 ixlnhitii the Pouthern Courtry lor tl e lust i i I i. , ,. ,; , V uokllifr Move now Hi tlse.lt If mi'I Ii I ii h , ' in a rmn lni.t. ll an slit otlu r t. .v. i.r w ,i A.A.X.JI.TAYJ-Ol!. :t:i j '. llll' Am (h-li'iotiti.-l MM AND Magazine cf Useful Inforni: fS'Ill- lllidi rsi).i ii propesrs to pe' .- it . i.y.l ..,.itli,. imnmul J i. llie- ohi Ve lltlr, deVole.l I Xt:luslV.I I 1, , joi lo 11 ' I M.. ii l.e-l luti.riiialo i.. 'i he a.i.tiil sued a Jourit.ii is Ii a ! i -tell ie. 1. 1 fill, n wiiot.tsirts loi.ii.i.. iju.iiol.o wiiii Ire r.couieesui I m st nt c.ii.uilion, tuturc pr-sp. tts, Jt i ., . i so u.ucli .is bj our la cisl..iors. I 'In. I wt5 i.avt! no r tiUlar vn m "' ' I rai.lo.t he atlril uteU to aril W .1.1.1 l. 1 I.i re i. re l.npe aioi.u.ils oi t-lu .'..' i ,111.1.' Ili;'..lt1i:.lli.li ti ..III rtli ll;. )fl. il. i I tile ..llii l.leeutili; D.tu men I s a hi I,... ,. iii Iht.r pnsei.l .iiu.tii.ii, I.r ml i r j ses, liiijhl as Well he in the iom-.e !..r i U. siu. s w I. at ..or Ifislaiise sr. iom s i I tw wspipt-ls till, ii publish t..!u-tMt l. t..' i.iH...ti'..i, w hit It I. either lost, ..r .1 j , k very lew , is ao meouvt i.iti.l to In... w. l.y , id. that tilt- h.ets are so. ll lutyolti I.. 1 to vol. a to llii art auto .tit il ol Mien I i I'M ur I'epiih.tn.ti A ki leultun . ( . ii i. , . i ...... ....i.i... I v i . . 1 ; mi,m(1, m: s.,ti ..I M . n' ' V c. .,. " "' """ ' '" ! ' - w , ' nA J......, ! , !.,.,. 1.. "....a. ........ S! hi.ols. si il a.l other St te Ol'. ..a also, M ,1. mi i.ls ami i;.p. n.i.l I .in., protr. sa of tlie varieua 1, , i. I, C. ., s. The -TA'll!-T will bl put to tl.-. i Dun nt iiui..bi r or rt , i ii i n tain. i lo ...y loe !, s.s (,i Vt,', . . i lillll'(a.'rs w ill t i.n In ti e el., to. I ii I .. ces ol thistly punted o,..ll.r o. , " u I'"- ". wlntti w.,l L. ... anu cii.plelc ...tii-a. i r;i; ..is ; ' TtiRtr I'. Ll ass pi r in uie 'M I'' Pieiv t tMs, lor i nitiiitos p t lilsl l.un.lo r is te,.i.y lor pul'i e I Will bi UUIV alil..t;i.e.- in tl.e en ii. ty spprutt 11 ..i. ll hustitter f 1..-. 1. ' lease its. Us... fast, that n..il I... ' I supply tin .leniiiiii!. l i.it will ol. an " ' I ,u," u'',!- " " " " ' ' . . I J- ! t V'-! 1 ! AtiKN'IS. Win. V. !ai..'. is. V."' 1 T- ", ltock'lie I 11 III ; I'ln-t : T. . II. .11. .11 am: Ur. J. I . t.il I tV. Sill 1,11,1 J. II. i:nuiss,el.l'l i ry, Lciintton. I tN V A.C. "wiiijaeisc: llAlil.TTi: .- ' R ll.I.ptaetieeintl.isai .. t o '' " lies ami wdlaltem! to I. .1 pi'-M - - iiiik . lilru,l.il to hi" i t .;. ivir, Ail. ili it1.. V

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