'i txwr iiiiwimii INTEKKSTING 8TAT18TICS. Wo compila froui the paraplilo. totitled uj. Debt and Revenue," issued by yihcIlt. Bublee, Kq., of Buleigh, to the rTucribeM f the North Carolina Stalin, I W , 11 statistical information, which L; be found f 'utereat 19 '' ' I rrom tbo stalcmeut showing tho amount I , ,l9 fuudud and unfunded debt of tbe f .,i'e 0I 'bat aoooant contracted wbeu ile annual intorcat thereon, and wieu tibera payable, to July 1st, 180H, we l ilia tmouut or rettimcreu uunuv 10 00 i" ijo 11OO j amount of Coupon bond $5,4U4, i 1,1 ' total fuuded debt 6rt,7l5,5li5; tota f .. ' 1 interest $4''0,93l.30. Bond en. 1 t"".,J under the act of 27tb January, IHl'j, t,..(.J under the act of 27th January, 1 W it ,r ,he Wilmington and Raleigh. It. It. Co . -. iiimi- do. under tbe act of 10th July ,rihe iWiuiingwu '"" " ":''' vVi' for the Cape Fear nd Deep Hiver $ Ration Co., 8300,000. Total endorse t, 9550.UUO. . Ooe-Efih (800,000) of the i . I, endorsed for the Wiltuitigtou and j .;ih K due let January, ficuiib 1-t January, IbUI j oue-fiuli l.t k- M,ii4ry, and 'be remainder 1st Jan., l-i;:l. Iuteret payable iu New York 1st i.iuaryaud 1st July- One third of the JMI, endorsed for the Cape Fuaraod Deep 1 (, r N'avizstion Company, is due the let I J.tiuary, HUJ one-third the l.t Jau'y, .;.), and the roiuaiuiug third lt Jan y, j ...V Interest thereon, payable in the city i ! . v - .k .... 11... fi,.l M,,i.ilsva in -l.t,. I ,rV lllld July. I "'in the furecfjinj? eudorsemi-iiU," aays teiWtor, inn oiaio i proiccsu'. vj uu--.1, and until the Ducal year endiug 3 1st lilrr, 1 "-7, had paid nothing 00 accouut ,nJ. The Cape Fear and IVep Hiver m-iiion Company baviu; failed to pay tlist year's interest due 00 the bonds eu I .1... P..l,i; Tr..aiip.r I, art In tn..t I -time; and it is highly probable that 1 ,1 officer ill have to provide fur the pay-I'-jtof the piiiteipal, or at leat, tbe flriit -uhnent r Siun.liuii, aue in January, -o' Tbe fiiends of this Iu.provtmtiit, ,,-ir, are uuiiine tuai as soon as die ijl,a t ) lbs OojI fields is even partial-,.ctt'.-d, llis Company vriil he abli lu 2rt .-i.pt- all iu liabilities. The Htale bas I n "tiling oa account of the Wiluiinutmi : U't'idon Itailroad Company j and from phctuility with which the interrnt 00 rb I ,ri-d bonds ba been utet, and front ; -0 perous condition of that Company, , t lirvod that they will make ample , ,-un, for thu pajuicut of ibo priiicij'il :i Mia due." I! -i-li'i tbe above funle d dcSt of the , ihe Treaury is al-o Indebted to tbe li-u-ks for uui borrowed at varioun .- W m--t prranin exienei, to the u-.l of abo tt 8:il)0,i'O. It is anticipa- El li t the bana ai'l le paiJ c3 aa oor. . t'.e Shtriffi atttle with the Comptroller. ,t p n.i-nt of this debt will leave about 4 -1,1,1 01 toe reecipi 01 ma -uuiiu iuiiu K , t f rjC.Ooo) to be applied to tin payment If ll.t inlereal 01 me cuaio vmuv, aa 1 mi 1 -rut demands upon the Treasury. The J jioru of the Treaturer suit tomptrollrr ,n that " if the Treanury wa releaoed iu tliis floating debt by haviug iu pay :,l (.rovided for, or by having it funded, rtrcipta into tbo poblie f-iud would be , j ufic-i'-iit to iet ths currant iuti-reAt . cUruei agiior a. ' Utber proviaions 1 , tiva to be made, to pay the principal tate L'etit falling doe in PJit and M.i,. I. fre im liJ unoil tlio iiu- fit : .r u( the prompt pavmcnt of those which, U U tbouLt, rnufl bate 1 iB,lit in the li;ilaUon of tbe ucxti Aembly. We quote the foilow-I ' . . II: fr ,11 lie pamphlets ,. ,. . 6 - , . , it i,npitle to ealeulats with an, kl"? J b.voc among the .wine of the bjw 4 : of sceuraey, or to make any t.iiabl. P" " wri. indeed aay. the Ka- 4 a.ie. of the probable aounl of the b Kepullie.n, along the river on both 1 l. 1 .u. c J..-.-.1- -. if . .. ciive debt of the Mate, depending as , , 1 , '.; . I li'i ul-)0 eoiilinieoeies, which mayor E . ,r , 8 1 1 , ; j I H 1 lu Luincu for a eouaiderahle period. 1 B,. ', . 1 , 1 , . ,1 , ,1 1 pulne faith is pledged lor the eomple-1 .1 i- . v- .l i' - r. it. 1 3 -if the HnWrn North Carolina Kail 1 -ii . t .1, it .... ! 1!, prjuded one-third of tue a mount 1 "'V !iiefor, ia aubacribed aud paid 1 0 ii'i'iuau . "'"1 " J i B'!'""" Wbruary IS...,, and as jet,, Mile ba Letn eaaeJ on for but jtJt',-i . I ' TLe Crt divioiou of the road, from ii-i.aty to MargauloD, must be eompletuJ, ' '.ptj and in full operation, before the! Itri-iu le cilied upon tor any further;' H-rii tioo. Tbe faith of thu Slate is like- ! M i t.,f-li'cd ta .nidr.a ths LouJit of the II u. iijtoo, CbsrlolU and KutUerforJ Hail- ! .l CauipaDy for the sum of $iil0,(l0l, up- I I We t uipleuou pf every section of taeuty ! la a communication addressed ! S ll-e l'reijetit of that Koad to the I'uh- j Ina.urer lluriuj the lat (leueral As- 'quinine, until it becomes ss eoiinoou sa their dsi be ssjji " Our purpose ia t pre-j ly meals, snd yet they sre 1.1,1 rthevid. None 4 tin eulire roar! biil, if poneitile, before ' but the fulih sn.l wiak would hesitate to pro. C'-imucncc laying tbe track, SO tll.it We cure thew valuable Ilittns, and s.ise iIiciiimIvis lc enabled te Suiti our road to the ; mtrosc sg..nv. 1 mi c .antry, before Ibt iutervat upon our j S-i'd hy l)niggitseerj where, and by IIOSTET I jiuU sball beeoiue due,"e; and liial J K A SMITH, S..U. rn.prieiors.5n Wat.r ami "rily no bonds will Le called for be- j 58 From Siissla, Pitt. burgh, and by II. M. Prilch. ineeti :ijs i,f the nut Legislature, ' ff.bst.Iy io louietime thereafter." prices eoiumaudcd ly N. C. State -1. 11, ii.. v.. v,t ... ..1,.. 1 r,,.. .T.. m . to M-iv li--l has. averacrd from 11 : kin., M tat tl.a tiri.,a hs.v ai.ceJ U 97 or Tli, oompared u liie salts of tbe lion Is of ot ber Ststes, ir.rs aati.fclor eahi'jit. liurnii; the I'-f biu'ieial cri.is of ttctober last, at no a sore Nort'u Caroliua Lionds ipMoted be- I- '') I Ike lolil tmount of rceeipts into tl.i 1 rr -ur y (on account cf the Public j ii fr-,111 IImU, Ml. I lh.'ill. ta 3lltb ' it.b.-r, l"-)7, is l),S17,l,ltt. Total "'I of liii-biirseinelits for tbe same 1 f l,i.'i(!,n:iJ C t. The receipts into : IUh.il ire only shown; those into) l;,rh l.,tt r, price tin- llullar, beara Ilia One. I.;!t-rrj and Inltrual Improvenieut j riiinenl Stamp ol Oraal Hntani, to preftut couu ! I, its etrluded from the statement. lerieita. the UbU .uo.inRth. to,.. pTl. " II" several counties IU tbo Msto iu . ,,,, , Muct.vge, out mt ... ' -hil tbt whole number of taial.le Mh ,,,, , ,,,. "r ' rcturued in ""'i, lf."i5, and , I M , c,, f ,us and Spinial AHVrli..ns, tlil New Hanover contained a po- ! pam in the ll.u k sua I.nnba, Fitienc on slight ' Of 7,(;ii1, th. number Of tatablc ... rt,.,,,. Palpllallon ol th. Heart. Ilyaletic. . slid IV ! 1 ,, I lu.- . ' . ' ., . , I p ' a 1. 1 1S.j7 ,t WM 5,I47. Jlruuswick 1 aimtiiiuMl s. f T . rrii'ia 1 I of tllahU nnll.in IrtVl ... I 0111 : ?, '."" ' "a ,"., aud in lto7itwas p " liUilen in Ijti contained a popu- ' .f ,7i7. Number of taiable pulls re 2,751, in I it Was 58,ta j '"17 it M 2,04 . Cumberland ia 1 ',le,ii,i.;.J . ...'..1...: , I ''Itt'.nbd a imnul.linn f 1I I C I 1 1 i r of ta able polls in 1 S53 was ' 'Ml was -i;it, iu 1sj07 it waa k" 10 Ihott eotitaiued a popula "i..-r of .....i.i.'. . La..; a,4 ta. Jj N ciiiiaineu s pnpuiauou OI " uuuioer 01 laiauie pons in , 5,07, iu SM it was .3;. and C " t was (l,Viy Tbe total population P. "" 'state in lt.MI ll...i: v.L.L. tatein l50. inoludinir blacks, was Numberof taxable polls in 157 Ft A "cording to the eensua of 19r.fl th.ra, Pr" in iu oli,,r gUtea of tbe M-'Jb, J331177 .1.;. 1 t... -l... J . aoni who were bom In North Carolina. Thil fa exclusive of tbe alave population, tbe Dativiiica of that elasa nut being given. Upon the (nine authority, there are now 720,430 persons' living in lava-holding States who are natives of lion slavchol Jiuo States, and 21)2,112 person living in con- lavebolding States who are Uatives of plaviholding Slates. There are 1,400,397 persons of foreigu birth in the non-slave-holding States and 378,205 iu the alavo holding. Tbe population of seme of the principal places iu North Curolius, accordiu to the ceuxus of laOO, U as follons i Wilmington, 7,i!0-l New-Berne, 4,i;8l Fayettcvilie, 4.H40 Raleigh, 4filt) Ohsrlotte, 2, MO Salisbury, 2.H00 Beaufort, 1,001 Elizabeth City,3,b9l The editor doubts from his own experience the reliability of the above atateuieut in re gard toitoiue of tbo town, tbe deputy mar shals having enumerated the population not only of the towns themselves, but of the immediate vicinity. From tbe atateuieut showing the number of acres of land lifted in tie years 1155 and 1657, with the valuation thereof return ed to the Comptroller, and tho value per acre, we find that iu lb.;5the number of acres listed in New Hanover was 076.74-1, listed in Nev valuation 51,14-' Value of town p ,177 ; per acre 81.0H. property gl.UOO :j"i5. In lfe47 the 11 u in In-r of acres wns 44S,i:i5, valuation $1,0 1.1,-77 ; value per acre ; valuation of town property 81 ,75:tOU. The number of acres listed in liladeo in 1955 was 540.40: valuation RO.-18.401 ; value per acre 81 .73 ; vain.; of town pro- 1 perty $'J3,."i5U. The number of aen s linicd iu ltruuxtick was 5:)3,t! 1 1 ; valuation Si7, 050 ; value per acre 81.50 ; valuo of town property $"1,(H5. The iiumher of acres listt.il in Cuinlierlsud was 55,"75 ; valu ation 81 ,2.'4 ,1 17 ; valuo per acre O.'.OO; value of loan property C7'.'l ,!Ht). The number of acre li-leil in Wake was 577, biut; valuation 8,5itl,l 73 ; value prr acre $4,37; value of town properly $7 1 3,."i5t). The uuuiber of ecu a li-icd in Jiladen iu 147 was 075,1)04; valuation S''-'0,t"?7 ; value per aere 81,40; value of town pro party SKIiU.j. The number of acres li'ed in llrutiKwiuk in 117 was 35,14; valu ation 8tl3,if73; value per acre CI, -3; value of tow 0 propcrt 831.31). The num ber of acres lifted in Cumberland in H47 17,ii7fl; valuatijit 81 ,00 1.7C0 ; value per acre Sl.ii'J ; value of town property C-'"ti,-li". Tbe nu 111 her of acres listed in Wake in 1 -47 was 57V.7 J4 ; valuation 81,713, "30; value per acre 8J.U5 ; vauatiou of town pri perty 0 I lti,4 2"). Tho area of North Carolina i 50,701 square n.ilcs, buiuj 1.1)3 fr itiititi.i of the total area. i'lvin the etatvment showing the amount of taxes upon Keal Ktate, a , paid into the public Treasury, ut find that the total ainuunt paid by New Hanover county, in the year 15J was 85,-"!-").0t. Total amount in 1"57, 8-' 1,'-0I ,ti'J. liladeo paid in ltj., H,lZ'j,:. Iu l57,6l,3;(l,rj lSruinan.il pud in I "5il, SUs.tiii. Iu li37, $:t,V.'o,ii. Cumlx-rUiid paid iu 1S50, $1,-4-11,43. Iu 1"57, 513,1111,11. lotal amount of Texes paid by Wake in 1 150 was ?', M7.63. Iu IS57, 8:0,307.51 Total amount of Uxea in the t-taUi 00 all Subjects, in the year H5, was 8141,740,54. In 1H57, 8107,477,55. Much other valuable information is con tained iu this work which should be in the bauus ol every oue. 11,111 t in it H A T lin I n t fl.nl 1 r I. ml. aiuea irom una pimcs 10 nie ruiinia una. 11. ,ul , One of our farmers has lout over 200 head , of Due bo2 another l-li. No remedy to , . - , , , . arrest inn" iai maiaay nas vei teen nia- , ... ,, ' -. , covered. We are told .f. exti nis alon the . ... 1 0 whole road from tin to (utandotU. J ( ini.n u f Vvn I t iiii.n ami f m ra ! ( 111 1 K,, . of ,l. rr,.t,.t ,c,,.l,,. , , r .. , , ', . urns Irom lite pr-ss and th. ,:plr is 1K. J IIOS I KTIKK S ( I I I 1.1; Al Kl llin EhS hn would endurt toe ti.rluies ar,s,ng In, 111 this no's i)ie.ic, win 11 it can be so easily eori-d Wil d eoHurs sieiplens nights, burr, ing IV- vr.,ai.d icy c!,i.: . .11. -rnalrly. win 11 a n nicy can '" sl " "" ' )'' " " ny t-unm s img.ruui a p..nnui ri,...-i,o unocr U"" deadly hl.chl. n,I do no'hn.g but gulp down aril, Charlotte. N- C. Auz. 10. IS.'i. THE GREAT ENGLISH RESLIDTf. SIR JAMES I'LAKKE S 1 1 hrnlril I't'tuals' l'lllw. I'trjuntd Jiom a ' ijitmn 0 Sir J. ( ir, M. J)., J ht,t tan JUtraarti. miry In the tjueen. Ibis intalual,iv in.tiii'ii.e is unfailing in th ire if all tin pnilitul and ilnnjj' r.,U dlat as. s wh.eh tin- lemnle eonstituliou is suhjict. ll modtrstrs all exc. an.l remotes all obstructions md a speedy cure may bv relit d un. IO M A It It 1 1 l I.AIHI S it is neeuli irly suited, ll will, in a short time. bring on lbs monthly period with regularity ar means hae tailed, and although I powirlul r,lir,r ,( , cum iron, eah.11.cl antimony, any Hung hurtiul to 1 lie constitution. Kole Agent for the lulled States snd Canada, Jlill MOSKS, (Late I. C Baldwin A Co.) Kocl.ialer, N. V. N II. II. t)l and 6 uostnee stamps nehicd to any anlhoriT.. d Age b '' "'" Forsalaky ullinrir.ru Agent, will insure a liuliiu 01 ins F. SCAKU, i CO. talr gf ns or Cirue. II AVI LAND STKYKNSON k CO. Waalrsale Ac'tif, ilrso, C. To the Public! aVR. CAROMNK MOOItK infurma the pub ill ho gsnerally. Ihst aba will eieeute any kind nf SK W I NO. sillier Tor tienllemen. Ladies, or Children. She hopes to ree.lv. a shsreof pub. ha natrons s. Keaiujenoe near ins icpou. Augt W4, lbJB. 84lf Important Dkcisiom by tiik SupaitMB Coi'ttT. 'J'od It. Caldwell, et at, vs. the JuMtieea of liurke Couuty and the W. N. C. Kail Road Company. .This was an appli cation for an injunction to restrain tbe Jus tices from itsuiug bonds, or levyiug a tax, to ruiae $-30,000, heretofore subscribed by the Chairman of the County Court, for, and ou behalf of said County, to the Capital atock of the Western N. 0. Rail Koad Com pany. It was fully argued before Judge Pcari-on and lluttlo on Tuesday, Aug. 17tb, by Tod It. Caldwell, Ki-q , for plaintiffs, and Col. 11. S. Oaither and W. W. Avery, K.-q , for defendants. After careful deliberation thuir Honors decided it to be a proper case for an in junction, and accordingly ordered writs, 4c, to issue. llaltigk krgister. Panokhou Ii.lnkbs or Mrs. IUdrisov. We learn from the Cincinnati, Gazette of the 17th iiiKt , thnt Mrs. Harrison, widow of President Harrison, was very ill at the rciJonce of her son, the Hon. J. Scott Har rison, about twenty miles from Cincinnati. It wns feared that the venerable lady would not survive many hours. Corn Crops at the TVeaT. According to the Louisville Courier the present crop of eorn throughout Kentucky, Indiana, II li -nnia and Tennessee, will be the largest ev er grown. Tbe plauting was rather late, but tbe summer lias been unusually favor able, causing the crop to mature rapidly, with no danger of damage by the early fronts. Tin Question SrrTt.r.Dl Tboe emi nent men. Dr. James Clark. Physician to Queen Victoria, and Dr. Hughes Retinett, ssvs that consumption can be cured. Dr. VUtsr knew this when be discovered his lialcam of Wild Cherry, and experience has provod the correctness of his opinion. Ai.EXAM'RlA, Aue. 24. Fatal RrrouM ku Jauies Green kill ed Carver, of Mobile, at Warrenton Sprinps, Virginia, la-t nitrht. wih a Bowie knife, in a rencounter. Tho same parties lately went to fikht a duel, but were arrested in Wash ington. Roth were young nicu. Green bas been arretted. Fri-ht in Auoi'st. Thursday nijiht waa uiiiianaMy cool for the season, here and at the North. It is said there was frost on grounds in some towns to the west of Huton. In Fsrriiinvbatn, M., the mer cury, Friday morning, stood at 4- degrees. iiYHEHSAL. M .rrirrl, in thia county, on the 19th in it,, n. v Prir, Nnholaon. Mr JAS. A. EI. Mrs MKI.VINA K. I4I.ANKKRSH1P, da ml, hv .MS to u'.iter e 10ih of John II. tirier, Kaq. Mirririt, in Union lli.triet, f. C. on ll. .n.lanl. be E. W. Thompson, Mr. V n f.KNWIUKW. of Khelhr. N. C. and Mi, H Y C. M.CONN EM., of Union. S. C. 1.1 H. 1. MA. In ("ihrfna comity, a frw daya af, Mr. MA RY II. T.WNSt:ND.wir of Cant II. P. Towoi. rnd. and c.au(fht-r of the lite Kiraard King of Mecklenburg Cuunty, agrd 2G jreara. Dr. II. M. Pritclnnl 7 ' K'-I'ING to ll.s solicitation ofins. ' w- M. ny Irit-nds, respectiully aunonn. KVsjJ ces hia delrrouustion to resume the biLi I'mrllrrr. ol ..-.ll tis-. He ui.y bu consulted al hia Drug Store, Irwin's 8 "The poor nreacribed fur without charge. An-; mi 31. lB'.S. S.itf IlK infurin our pit runt nd frifiitif, lh.it we V ? will ln.ei.ur Slire cluardon tl.e f tli, lUlti and lPlli of Srt'? nlf r, .n rrmuit f holiilNV. IMIUCKEI! & lIEILimi'N. i.gnst 31, l-.'.f. 2;-f To Church Builders. I It HI- oinli rRivned invite prnals for building L, a MKTIIODIST CIU'RCII in the town nf l-incolnti n. liuiioiiig of llrica i by H feet with a tower 1. 1 fe. I high. Il.rt- received until the l.t d.yof November. Hull, ling lu be coo, p I'-ti d by Ihe 1st of Ixccni. Ir, 1-..J. lt--: are soli, 1 ti-.l far the work entire. - Brick work. " .. . Carpenter's work. . . f.uint'cr. I'laiis. wi h sp cificvtions in Ht t-.il, may be m-en st the ciunlii'g rooms of VV. II. M.chal or J. t. Jenkins. The cumiuitii e will 1'uunsh, H ili -irrrl, the elcy to inahc the bnek ss also the wood to bura Ihrm. SAM L. LANI'K I!, JNO. E. lltKJKU, II. W. AHEHNATUEV, J. C. JENKINS, W. 11. MICIIAL, iiuilding 4tnnmittre. Auguti 24, lt?58. I3J Dissolution. fljMli; firm of Young St Williams is ihis day B dissolved by miiiunl consent. The sc. counts ol lli firm will be art led by II. U. Willi., un. TrlANSION HOUSE ir i) r. k x r:v a usri c i : s. i!-r-TaK f H l!I IS f'ommo.lious a M ignificent j5jtT flL rJSTAUI.l-IIMKN T has re. f v J a Tl crantly come under Ihe personal su. st2SaeO perviaion of the subseriber, '10 res. peetluli.v announces to Ais fiienJt and TllK tsa hi.i.inc Tuatio asrsi un.r, that every clTort will be made on hia p trt, lu please in ere u peiliruliir sutHTtaining lo the duties of " mine i.o.t." W. W. ELMS. ll.ail,.Ur, Auf.m.M. S4lf STATK OI' .Oin il-CAILlNA, MKl Kt EMILHiJ I'OUNTY. vovht or Luvirv. T. IS. Tate ct al rs. t.emv Springa. M. I. I.. MeLeod. William I, A It K..na. V II. Maswell. Johli O. Crane, j.llnea K. Ituvh alull, Isaac VO.B. Tow nsend, Cicero M. Arnold, liieh.tiprings, Robuit r. Jolioston, II. I., joimsmn, j. f. Moure, It. S. Moore. John Lynn, Win. Ilea. .... a 11 ....I ..Ih. cs. IT apH nng to the siitisfuctniit of the Court, that John li. Crane, Js. It. Boylcatnn, Isase Townseuil. Cicero M. Arnold, Itichnrd Springs, Robert Y. Johnston. 11. L. Johnston, J. S. Moore, It. 8. Moore, John Moore, Win. Hi aver and A. B. Springs are not residents ot Ibis Slale, it is thu. furl tudrtti, by this llonorsble C-onrt. that piihli. cation b made six weeks in the North Carolina Whig, a newspaper published in the town ol Char, lotte, notifying ssid non-residents to attend nt the nut Term of tho Ctiort of Kquity, lo be held for Mecklenburg eounlv.al Ih Court Mouse in Char. .,tl. on the 1 1 tla Monday alter the 4th Monday in August, 186H, and then and there answer or demur, otherwise the Kill will betaken pro con I, ssn snd heard ex parts as lo them. Witness, l. R. Hunlap, Clerk and M ister in F.quity. at "Pica in Charlotte, the lllh Slunday in February, lBit. D. R. DUSLAr, c. i . 1. Aug. 24, 180S. Prialer'a foe 7. I'i'J .Notice. l'lf Note and Account arc in theTmniU of Hr W. A. C-ook for collection. '1 lioac uUmU4 hud belter pay op J01 lit with, if tlmy with lu aav i BOONK it CO. j Aug 31 1858. tf. 1 Common School Notice, T BHIE Board of Cuiuinnii Schools for the Cuiin. JL ty of Mecklenburg arc ropictlully olicit ed, neconlii'K to appointment, to Hint at the Coun ty l-ourt (lirk'a Oflica in CI arh.tli:, on I lit fir.l S.iiorday in feolemher otst, to take iulu con.i.ir. ralian ilia ririeiy of rcdiatrielim; lliu cuunty iulo ( 0111111011 ticliool llialricta. A lull meelini; will lie rxiiccleil. All Hie Com 111 it tie Ml 11 in the iiri'crenl t)iUicla are iiivilerf to miend. . J. P. ROSS, C. U. 8. C. 8. Aug. 84, ItwB. Ui I MELAINOTYPES, ! W "-." .luo1::;,..::,';: countrj, that lis will reiiiiiiu in thia pl.ice for a few daya, for the purpose of r'V'nir ''" in apeci. niena cf lua beautiful Mh.I.AlMiI YI'l S ami t'OLI.Ol)KOTYPK. Ilia lloouia am in Sprinaa' Ituiliiinc on Trade Street. Prieia to auit the times. Give me a call. Aug, 17, 1S.'iH. S3lf WHEAT WASTED. f H1IIK mbacril-er liavini; purchaed Ihe Steam JL K..urui(r Mill in Una place. i prepared to buy Wheat, for which he will give the bigheat niirket price in c.iali. Plour, Bran and Mi al for sale at Ihe Mill, or delivered wherever deaired in town. JOHN WILKES. l Uiloltr. Aue. 9, lt..t. 23lf lSUEAl)! I11IEAI)!! AND VVW f BlIlK uoderaincd hat commenced the Bukinjr JL firf the purpose of aonplymp the eitiiens of t'liarlotte Willi ;i)OD IlliKAD anil AKIS. I will supply the above at the lioora of ni) cuatoni era every morning frcah. JOHN DORAN. Charlutle. Aug. 17, 18J3. t35 Land fur Sale. fgXHK uudcraiifiitd t.iTira for aale i ia Springa' JL Place, coiilaimaj about 1411 acrea, a.ijoimng the town of Charlotte, on the Si-uth. WM. JOHNSTON. ( hrrloltt, Aug. 17, Ipit!. t-tJ I II ATT, OAltl.SvV A. O, j (Lite Farmer, llrace A. Co.,) j J'uhnlicri, Vookseilers and Stationers, j Ko. 21 Kuiray Sueet, k: run. I 1g O A CO.off-r allow pricea for cash and; a, liUral u-rma lor approved cr. oii. 11 Inrea i atock of II A.N K and OKH-.'K S l ATlONhR Y, Itl ANK and ACCOUNT IIUOKS, Receipts aud Memorandum Hooka, I'AFtR OF A I.I. KIXDS. ' Car.ls, tireulars. Bill lleajs, Ae., Prmtini; and I.iihngrapliinir execuU:! to o.-utr. Dibits, Mmcel- l ineoua ami School h'i"ka. P.O. &. Co. publish bullion's aeries of Cram. 1 mar: Comatoes'a series on the Sciences ; llmik. rr'a Piiyaioloifics : Urockl. a'j's Aalronounes ; Ol. nry's (ieorapliy, newlveviatd j Southern Cla-a , Rt adcra j Palmer's Book'heepme ; and the "tlicap. j est and beat" Kpellng Book ever used. Auz- If. I6J8- ",u LARfJEand OJ1I i.ETK ASSOI'TMKNT .'a of Flam and Japaned at Wholesale or Kt-latl, luwrr Idan ever, ut S. T. W ill STUN S 7 in and Stove "i7'. A FtW of those sux-rior Flanishtd Tiaanu i . CtllVe roTS, lor salt- by S. T. WKIST0.N. fjlDII.KT 4-ETS, a superior article, for sale S. T.WiaSTON'S. C1ASII. Deed, Spite slid Dressing VV ES for y si.!e by S. T. WEIS TON. W i I'ifTAMA TEA J-ETS, for s!e ntj S. T. Wr.ISTON S. I 7 ATE It f OlH.FJJS, first rate article, for T V sale by S. T. WKISTON. T 1AHI.E ( ITI.ERY, C.,k'. I.adlis, Spoons, Flesh Furka, Ac. lor sale at S. T. WKISTON S. 'W W ASSI'.lt'S I'll lent I Cream l h'EFZKRS.llie best Ftt-exers iiuwu use, lor sie by ii use, lor s.le by S. T. WKISTON. A RTIIEU'S Self Shuling Hil IT CANS, with Iml. directions how to use Ihem.nt S. T. WIUSTON S. srsAD i AP IKONS, the best in this market, for aale S. T. WKISTON. "lONSTA-STLY on hand, a good sssorlmenlof S COOK STOVES which cannot be excelled in perlein.ance, by sny other Siosce in ths market, for salo al the Tin and Stove Shop, 9 doora East of Springs' corner, hj S. T. WKISTON. CkirloiK, Junt S3. 1858. 15' f SUBI'ENAS for aala at thin offioo. TO BE SOIiD, : C-linrlotie Friunle Iiintitutc. rl(IE Excrciw. of the SCHOOL will be me JL med on tho lith of Meuteinbrr. The Schn luatio year is divined into two eamna of twonty weeks well, correaoouilinr with the Seaaiotia of Uavidaou College. Aiidreu Rev. It. RURWKLL, Aug. 3, 1858. t'hurlotte, N. V, Distribution! HAVING bought Ihe enlire comtrn formerly owned by J. C Moore JL t'o. Vt'e arc imw prepared to dialnliule to the cilizena of ( hi.rlotlr nod the urrouiiuiiiff country a fine MuHorlmeii. of Kiui, Auta, t'andien. Pick lea. Preserver, Jel'iea, Cutaupa, Tuya, Fancy ifood'. &.C., at p whieh defy competilMin. Alaonn hand a lunula..,:-- ainck of liiinily ;roccriea. We reanctf'ully invite all to give u u cuit. 'i'erma country prniluee 0? rush. HOUSTON. & HUNTER. CAui loUe Aue. 3, lBod. if. COLUMBIA F 0 U xN DRY 31 ic in m: nii or. JOII Al l X t.M)l:lC & CO., COLUMBIA, ft. T. fgMHK auhrcrihera ri ajxrlfiill v inform Iheir put JQ. rona and Ihe public umi rally, :h.t they are alill at the old at.md aa tiUive, and aa reauy aa e. ver to furniah nnYtlsiiig in Ho ir lin.,urh aa .Mil l, t-KARIMi, KTKAM KNtilNKS, UIN t;KAR. 1NU, SAW M PAW UU"T Blft.NKUS, Ac., of any aixo or ilcaeriplion, on the alioiteat nn. tice and nmat rtaaiinnble tenna. 1'liry alao beg leave to cull the attention of all to their Chinete f ugar Cane IQIHs, aa lle cheAieat ever oH'er-d. They would further remind their frienda and ull concerned that they alill continue to V T i:Vi:KV Oil, (Fundsys excepted,) Wl.i h no nil. i r Foundry in the Ftate doe, end conai quenily they can viVtr fcilitira not to be ohU.iueU elaewheri.. Prictt of Chivrse Sugar Cane Millt. 3 Roller, (Verlica!,) IS inch, diameter fcft 3 Holler, (Vertical.) II) inch, rii t-ter 40 3 holier, (Vertic.il.) 15 i:ich. diiuiiclt-r SJA 3 Roller, (Vertical, ) 12 inch, diiimeter 70 ; i Roller, (Vertical.) 12 inch, dmitii ter AO I 2 Roller, (V.-rlical,) IU inch, diameter, 35 I Sum. II hi.n.1 Mill 2' 3 Rolhr, (llonxoi.tul,) IU inch, liinmulrr, I0 , J'ricei of t'vgar Vaus. IO boHgh Pan Si I 3 (iO gallun Fan 1 (ao jr.illoo Tan 10i gallon Tan ilO JUIIX ALKAANDEIt, KOIiEHT SlrDOUtiAL, IJEMtY ALEXANDER Junr 23. 1 Uid STATE OF M)HTJI CAROLINA, I MKC M tMlUliO (t U.MV. IX KOI IT Y L.J.lUwi.y j R. Kui an" j. t. Blair. j ITappesriiij? to the satisfaction of the Court,' that R. Rabc Slid J.T.Blair, the defi.udui.ls iu this eae, are not residenla of this latc, lit theieort OiJrittl. tlia: pubiieation be uiooe six weeks in tncrV.C Y Ui, a paper published 111 1 liar. lotte, notifying said uefi ndunt to be and appear at our next l oiirt of Equity to be held for the t buulyol .ueckl. uUurg, ul the I oart House in ( harlottc.on the 1 1 Ih Monday alter the 4lli Mon iu August nut, thin and there to pleru, oii.-wer or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered pro Witness I). It. Dunlap, Clerk and Maatir of our said Court, at effice, the 1 1 Ih Monday after the 4th Monday of hruary A. II. I Pin. D. It. DI N LAP, c. m. : Junt 39, 1658. fruiter's !. tti. 121 Valuable LAND for Sale j af N l ha waters of Big Sugar Creek, joining the P lauds of Jchn S. Crier. Kq., S. II MclVw ell, John Williamson snd others, containing 400 acres, on 00111 siues 01 uig augur 1 reex una nine btoney I reek on which arc hue llotu.ms now in cultivation and also a quantity ot superior woja land. Tins land is 8 miles South west from CliLr. lotte &. -'J links troin Alorrow's 1 urn (Jut, on the Charlotte &. S. L . Kail Koad. Any person wish, iug to purchase valuable laud on Sugar Creek. Hi a rood neighborhood, would do well to call on Jo. soph Sinito our agwit A attorney in Charlotte, or ' on v K. tlowilen (I no now residea on the preut- 1 ises, who Will take pleasure in shewing them the I boundei lesol the land. A liberal price will hegiv. I en 111 ps vim nt ot said lands in negro properly or un very reasonable te JOSEPH SMITH, AGENT AM) ATTORNEY l'l'B, N. V. IIAllYEN & Wife. 2, mH. 3m. aiu un i::ti:ku AND c i v i ia k x U i x i : ekij c; . aJHUr' subscriber, a practical Architect and t i-. Av,.r w a. I.atla, Esq., Col. S. N. Slnwe, Pr. A vil Engmei-r. has taken lio. ni No. 5, Uavid- j Uratton, York villi-, S. '.; lr. Ilappoldt, Sal san'a building, here he may be found prepared j,hlirTi K, (-.. j. Dixon, Knoxville, Tenn. to Prajt 1'loti snd make Luimulr in all depart. Jui,t , 1S5, ly nieiits of hi. profcemn. Particular alienliun will i tie paid losurveying ul t'l.intaimns anil r arma lor , tho making of MAI'S or CHARTS of the aiimc.l with a drawing ol ti e plantation mansion and ita I rec aisitcs. Every I'lanter should be possessed of' one or more of Ins domain. They can pe got up : in any style, and when framed make a beautiful , ornaiiiei.t for any I'arlor ' Hotting and laying out of Grounds snd lawns , for Horticultural and Ornamental purposis will : be attended to if solicited. U' Young men wishing to become acquainted Willi snv or all of the above branches, will be taught in the most thorough manner, and on the most liberal terms. I lMiifK(''iiiK I In all iU most approied plins, w ill be taught, in I eluding Banking and Exchages, R. U. Business, Suaiuiio.. t do.. Exchanges, both Foreign and Do. i niestic aud in (act all that is rtquisiie to a tho j ruugh knowledge of Book Keeping in all its forms. P. SAUKS. Junt 15. 1658. H-ly 3,400 ACHES OF LAND rtui s.n.i:. aj?a OI FKK fur sale my Land JpJSK rS on Char Creek and Crooked Jfcl& jj, Creek, known as the Smart I . Land. It has been surveyed into three tracts one tract containing !l SOO acres, one 500 acres and one a seres, all contiguous lo each oilier. Said Land is well adapted to the cultivation of cot ton, com, wheal and other small "rain, ami well situated for graiing purposes, ll ia nearly all wood. laud and wcll liniU rid, within a convenient dist.nce of the Charlotte and Wilmington Kail road snd is situated in the gold region between Gold n ill and Ihe Howie Mine. Cold has already been tliscnvereo on that part of the Land known ss the Little Mountain. I also offer for s .h. a TRACT OF LAND lying in York Kistrict. S C. on Big Sugar Creek, join, mg the Lands of Baxter Springs and olhers. ccn taming it50 acres. Said Land has been consider, cd one of the best Cotton l'lantations in ork l)is. triel, and there ia no bein-i land for corn or w heat. If desired, I will divide any of the aloreaaid Laud to suit purchasers; aud the purchaser can have his own time to pay the money, provided he iii.tri it secure. Apply to uie in Charlotte. Y. F. DAVIDSON. June 15. 1838. 41tf JOB FKINTHTG. .n boim Tltifi of all kinda willbe nea f s-d .xneditioualyaseeuted at ths North.Ca. r.lma ' Otoe. BLANK DKEDSfor aU at ihisoffice. TOBACCO. (ft B"es J. O. King Tobacco of t l 5 W grailca, jiiat receivi-d and for aale by, M. W. ROBINSON, & Co. July 37, It-is. tf J.i'sl and Fiiiiil A'olicc ! IS lirrchy fiveii, Unit all notea and aceiiunls doe hi I lie old firm of Druckur A Cnmmcra will he placed in li e linnila of an atli.rney, if not actlled tn-fiire Ihe lal of Oeti-ber next, aa we are determin ed In cloaa ihe old Kuaineaa. i hurlollt July 37, B5. Sin. Dissohit ion. UK firm of HKl KW I I II & IllMTTAIN waa iv difholvt-d hv n utiiul coiiat nt. All piraoita iniltiiltd In anid firm l.re iiqiieaterl to eou.e lorwurti imnniimltly and tnn.e payment, the liuaineaa ol lln- firm .utt he oln-til. H. W. BECK WITH. W. J. BBITTAJN. June 10, Kit?. Mtf SAVINU bought the entire, tcck Walclics, Jewelry. St c, nf lhekwith A HntlMii, I il all rintiime ti e hn. ait.iaa i.t their i lo atnnrl, w hi re 1 ahall be happy to iiii-ct n y old frit iirla anrl ciialomera. R. W. BECKWITH. June 10. lrV,8. I4lf Notice thlj prrnniit hne Nott s niiri Ai roiniit are due, tiwii) to the uinti mipm-d Truster, j are cnrnrftly n qui Ptcd 1o c and acttl, hp it is iinportnnt tliat tl.e titirt tuiul be inartiulltd l a rarly a cIbt aa pnaaible. Ki-mi nibiT, inciuli-ncf cannot be givttt. W. li. MYEItS, Trustee 01 I.i rnv Sprii.fa. Juni "9.1P58. ' llitf f luirloltc Machine Shop. W. D. PINCKNEY & CO. Iglneers, Hydraulic Press Hakers ar.d lacllllMT ill C llrrnl, TTAVE commenced bufimss in Charlotte, in BE .1,, -k. ... I-.,, .,i r,r.-i,nr.-,l in m.k, ST KA.M EN(i IN KS of anv form or construction, 1 vdruulic Cotton I'risseaand every other ueacrip i,u ( .Machinery. They also beg to inform the manufacturers and farmers generally, that they have recently added a FOUNDRY to their establishment, and arc prepared to furniah castings ill Iron, Brass, or any other metal, at a bort notice and at reasonable prices Particular attention will be given to the makieg and repairing of Threshing Machines. Horse Fow. ers, Cotton Cms, Mill Work, and Agriiullural Machinery. U We alao keep workmen for Itlnrksillilll- : lug. Jobbing notk, nugota tt us at and Horse Mliifillg. XT OCR Tr.RMS ARK CASH.jt) O Shops on Colli ge Street, adjacent lo Jonas n,,.:,,. c.., n, 'i-,n,,,- u.ii . vkarLtf 1utek 30 lA'.R 4if Cliartuttt, MurcA 30,18. j, EeTES. TUOMA8 DKGRArFENRlED. J. A. ESTES tt CO., FACTO US AM) COJ1 J11SSIOX maiiiASisJav fOR the sale of Cotton, Grain, Klour, and all kinds of Country Produce. Office, North Atlantic Wharves, Charleston. S.C. If According to the terms of the t -o.parlner-ship, we will not steci'Ijitx, directly or indirect ly, in sny 1'roduce snipped to our house. lii fiaEM Xa O. Mills, S. S. Farrar, Brothers 4 Co., I.anucau, Smith A Whilden. Thomas J. & C. II. Moise, Charleston, S. C.j Col. R. Anricrson, K. i Horn-, Columbia, S. C; Thomas Mcl.ure, Sr., N.I H. Kavea, A Q. Ihnioviint, Clu ster, S. C; Col. t. Sea i If, Cnion, S. C.Col. I. D. Wilherspoon, J. , . Si VfT I iJllin01. smt.i liiniiijp. A NO gold, silver, brass snd all kmus ot metal 2 wo.k repaired. Coach maker, at a distance H' iay want their work done, may have it at. tended to ut the shortest notice and finished in the best style, one hundred ysrds north of the court house and next door tu Overman 4. Wilsons eoacn si.op. JOHN M. MASON. IStf. Junt I, 1859. (inn and Lock Smithing. LL work in the above business, except stock. mg. w ill be punctually a ttenaed to and fin ished in the best manner of workmanship, at my shop north of the court house, next lo Overman and Wilson's coach shop. JOHN M. MASON. yunel.l8;8. 12lf Brass & Composition Castings. EAM prepared to manufacture all kindsol work in the above line of buetnee. 1 Would call the particular attention of Ihoee that have nulls or faclorvs. or any kind of machinery that needs composition of durability for mill inks, that I have one of mv own, snd I have never heard of any thing that would stand half equal tu it. 1 will ; warrant them to run five years. There are s.-mc of my make that have been running fi'teen and twenty years. 1 could furnish more than a hull. 1 dred eerlifictes of its durability. To Persons needing Mill Inks and gudgeons I will furnish the set lor eight uollars. Try thtiu and save yourselves the trouble of stopping your , mill whin all else is right. ' JOHN M. MASON, j Junt, 1. I8o8. I a if oa.Aoin i:. ! nAVINt; bought the entire stock of DlHITS, SIIIICS. Ac., of lloone A Co., I ahall eon- tinue the business al their old stann, w here 1 shall ; be Iisppv to meet my old frieds snd customers. I J. B.K.BOONE. May 31, 1858. '-' j CsttNStL'MPTlON. Thu Rev. Poet, llurnett, 1 several years a Missionary in iioiiiasra Atia, i discovered a simnic and rer.ia cure lor Can-emy- tisn, Attlimm, BrunckUxt, Scnlula. Ctugh. I and iVerroas feoii' ; also an easy aud lleclual modeot inhaling Hie Kemeay- ' "J tl cwralir. properties ot tl.e Medicine are Jutet- lu addressed lo the diseased organs aud ths lutcg. ument. Actuated by a de.ir. lo beneht b,s auf- frr.ng fellow., h. will checrlully send lb. Rtr,, (tree) to sll who des.r. it, witn lull and explicit o.rection. for preparing and successlully using iba Medicine. Applv to or addres. the Mcuicin. i r o g ,(l RNE1T t'31 idroadway. New York. July SO. 18i8. 6 The Markets CORRCCTCO BY R. M. OAT8 & CO. CHARLOTTE, AUGUST 3.0 1858. BACON, llama lb 13 (S) 14 " Kidea lb 12J 111) Hop round lb j fu 13 I Hh'Mildcra lb 00 (a,' 00 j llurginj.tiunny jd 18 (u, 30 I'eef. -lb 5 (, 8 lint'er lb I2J (ft. B Beeawax lb 211 (,',, 2S Beuna ..buahel, (10 (, (i0 Brnnuy, Apple, Jfal. Oil (; 00 " Peach,- gal ..00 fa! 00 Cotton, new lb ilj fa. lit Coffee, Rio lb I2J fa, 15 " Java lb IK fa) 20 Cmiillea, Adamantine, lb 28 fai 33 " Sperm., Ih 45 (n 50 " Tallow II 25 fa) 00 Corii.old buahel St fa, 60 " new buahel -til) fai 00 Chiekena .each 10 fa, I2J :CIlh,('opera yard 12, fai 15 i " l.iinlaey varil 25 fa, 311 I Kirs dozen 10 fa. I2J j KU.nr bbl i.1 fa .)J I " !. 2J (.9 2G2 ,Fc.itlier lb 30 fa 35 i l.ar.l Ih 12J fa, 13 I Mutton lb 5 (.' 6 Mackerel hhl.Nol I6 ( i)' " Kitts ;n fa. 35 j Molaaaea, N.tJ gal 55 fa, fl) I " W.l gal 37 fai 40 Meal I.iikI,hI m fa, 00 , Mullet (Wilmington) ...bbl $9 Of, C.I Naila, Norllu rii Ih 5 (.'.1 00 " Southern lb 5 6 Oat I.uahel 3U fa, 37 I'orl. lb 7 fa Ik I'eaa buahel..'. PS fa) " Fotntoea, Inch buahel 50 fa, 75 " Sweet buahel 00 fa (10 Rice buhrl 4 fa 00 Sutfiir.lW. Ih 14 fa lfi " Iln.wn, lb 8 (ii 12 Slum. Ware.. il 8 fa) 9 SU aack I60 (1. 165 Ten lb 15 ( I Wheat, while buahel KI0 fai mo " red buahel 70 fa, 75 Whiakey, Niirthern gal 45 (01 55 N.Ciirolina,...Kn 35 fa 37J j Wool, (heat tieoigia, waahed 27 fa. 2U " " iiHwanhed 22 fa, 23 Van bale 110 (o. 00 REMARKS. I I.OI'R. We li.iu a pood demand for Klour ami pne a teniliiig upwurda. Vi.n and barrels ti Oi t-'i, aa to quality. WIIKAT. Our Wheat market ia briak, and prices ranging from 110 cl. fa. tl 10. eilreinos. CORN Corn ia coining in slowly and pricea advancing Uktn freely ul 58 (a, (iO cts. COM MHIA MARKET- Ciiiumbia, August 28, lrtf.8. COTTON Although there is almost nothing doing in cotton, yet Hie litllc that ia sold shows a decided tenilii.cy of prices iu favor of sellers, and a choice article would now command J I j c. UAi O.N, lioj round, KIRN, I'KAS OATS U.OIK 00 (V 65 fa, , 80 fa' no 2S 70 Concord Male. School. JAMES II. McAULEY, Principal. LBUKY LACY, Jr., Asdsta?ii. mi, VllK next Session of this School will commence on Thursday. llith of Septrmber, lejrj. TERMS OF TUITION. r.nglish Branches ..I5 00 Classics and Mathematica ti 110 Contingent Kee, 1 00 Board Irom ID to 910 per month. Tuition re quired in advance. Jul IVJD. 127 KOHL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next ordinary drswing of the Royal Hava lis Lottery conducted by the Spanish '.ovcrnn.ent, under the supervision of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at Ilavu.ua, on TUESDAY, September 7, 1S53. $324,000. 80RTEO NIMKKO C04 OKDINAKIO, capital, rttizi; $100,000!! I prize of VlOO.OOO 1 " 50.000 1 " 3O.U00 1 ' 1 5,000 I- " 10,000 fc pruesof (.J.OOO 10 " 1,000 . lCI 4O0 M A or 'inn's 6.600 4 Approxiniations to he 10(I,H00 S6U0 each 4 of JIHII to lilld; 4 of 4II0 to t3fl,0U0 ; 4 of 14110 tu I5.(K'0; 4 ot (1U0 ta IU,h(MI. Whole Tickets r-'O; Halves f 10; Quarters 5 I'riiee cashed at sight st 5 per cent, discount. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. A drawing w ill be forwarded as lain as the re sult becomes k'.own. Cnniuiuiiicalions addressed to IHIN RODRI GUEZ, (care of t uy Poet, Charleston, S. C.) an. til the "th of September, will be ultended to. Persona ordering Tickets will please write their names plain aud give their post ufficc. County auj state. Dissolution. f OHE Finn of IJOO.NE Jt C O. vm dilvcd on J3L tt e S4th instant, by mutual cuiiattut. All proim indebted to Iliem are not i hid thnt ttitir Nutti aud Accounts are in tbe handa ot C. M. Uav J'ur cullectmii, and they ar eariu-atlj rcqut-s-led to ctuno U.rward immediately and pay up, aa tbe bua.nert of the firm mutt be cluatd. J. 15. F. BOONK. M. B. TAYLOR. MaV31.l6J8. t2t ; - Officoof llicC.A: S-f. It. HOad, ( C UAaLOTTK. MAV 16, 1BDC. ( FHIIK. couiwna due on the Bonds of this Com. H pany oil the 1st of July next, will be re Oeinud at this sgency whenever presented. A. II. MA1IIIN, Agent. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon ! " at K 4 d LBS. eood II ACOX in store, 99 . P W wind, will be sold lo J. Y. BUYCE k CO. May 18, 1859. lOtf Paper, Taper, Paper ! wafE are now receiving in Store, assorted ai. f f ics of WIMrriXG I'APF.U. suitable for Merchant, and Druggiat., and can furnish at short notice such description of Paper as arc used by Printing Orlicea and Cotton Fac tories, and will allow a fair price for the waste ol the la tier. J, Y. BRYCE CO.. Agent for Wucovia Milis. .Way 18, 1858. 10tf A LARGE Sl'Pl'LY OK Constable Warrants KOR SAI.K HKRIC BONDi? for the Vf livery of Yojrty, FOR SALE IIKRK , - -iH.vw sun uvs fuiurouj net"

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