TKUXK FI'.t'IT TBEKS IX JULY. The farmer is fit to object to this st- son, on account of other pre.-siDj vrot If , tbeso were the most thrifty and flourish ing poach trcei he ever saw. Tlie only cause of their superiority kuown to his host, was nn experiment made in confc- quenco. of observing that those parts of worm catcu timber into which nails bad been driven, Here generally sound. When his trees were about a year eld, ho had se lected three of thciu and driven a tecpen n y nail through tho body as near the ground ns possible; whil.-t the balance of From ill- New I!n;l..mi 'aniT. Vt. TK I.e. V IN ALL II ANSIK Cf CON V kn S A T I N. 1 Viler." . I To arraign ouc's words before t he bar of j, and to utter none condcrtiiicd at j that oucu.-t tribunal, would be to tpproash that ' Ligli standard indicated by Janics : If any man offend not in word, the same ! is perfect nun." Tho couiniand, be ye holy in all manner cf conversation exacts from us a devotion to truth w bieb must never give place to ex- i now oi sap lasea p. me. -u tayt been vigorous and healthy, fur- f.icakine, than to ?peak Tvhpn the latter al-i ,1., ,a ffcari.s fr0ln the wound, and not' ... .. .... . . . , .. , .... .. j "P ,fl"l ' nshiug him at that very period with the Kni.u,,,-,...,..,.-...-- oaiy (lavs me .rue su.i.r ..ou, reateH profus.iou 0f t Ho most luscious while) alow tlimK it vanaaiisn. . r. ,Uu . crciiI.rj i,aJ rrradually failed and fi branches loaded with unripe fruit. Mnj T,e, , ent., lfl ,ho ravage9 of tbc erroneously suppose that the wound caused at by removing a limb or branch .11 the I"'g!,, tieateJ M ,Lc game mnn. ooncst neal over wne.i me- 6""';. ;iv eTnrnt;nn nr ,,, ,,;i; j hs vital fluid, hut the same siiji running down the hide of the tret, becomes ocidi- ieil, and act as a poison upon the trunk j state until it has ascended the trunk, be in ' changed aud carbouii.d in the lun testify of utttrig nnwtleomc troths y but imperious duty tt ps in and demand a sac rififp, nfid we woatd and are wouuded at ker be V-sts. Oar friend, whom we leve perhaps next to tlod, deals wilh uj thoughtlessly, unjust ly, and rob life of half its charms, and lays upon i.s burdens Leavy (o be torne. a ' (.oavc) of the tree, and returned upou the word spoken 6rm!y, Lind'y, laying bare the ou((;r twtMt lctween ,be W00ll and barki secret trial that par.-nes nS di.T.euH tliou,S .,. , ,,,; ,ay(.r (cambium.) which its be, is demanded in ju-t.M U . Dotbcr ring 0f eirc)e of 0ud , tbe ourselves and others, and that admonition . M i growing tree ran be given in a manner that 1.0.1 wi:I ap- j Vltn JuJ gip iiSPcnii:ug 2ml prove and bb s.. Pircst the heart of eve- ; fcTmv,, m,w W00(1 B,,ich pri,aii, iUvi o- ry nn-ry feeling, leaving tho bitter w ord of,u00t;i eyua W0UJj up0I1 ,be treV) un-pck.n, tone the voice to God s ge-utle ! d the healing procr-M at once take, place. chords, and the aJn.cniticn like good seed . ieuf, M scfves ,0 pf0ect drrppid will bear in tine such f.,its as we! he ffom inn.etcck a;tLoUi.h we ''!rtf- I would advise a coatiug of shellac and al- It is often a matter of less import whatj f . , , moved branch is of so lar r size as to re- to he i over. my. i More than 500,000 Koltles . SOLD IX TUH HEWHGLA D STATES H UK I Important Land Sale, HAVINU drtFriiiiiiril t remove to the South. Weil, I ..llor lor '.le- my vul.mble ! high. ly improved l-.t W" fiiW Kocky Itivrr, iiiilei -il 4fii orronror.l,l'ulwrriiFPo..n. -1 ly, um) ti nli from llu- r. i. . 1 . . .... i ..I' IWII'in e-. iiu.i iinoa. u.i. - t ,n.i. i f boll. i,le. of the r.v.-r. ... .. hIf ol , f ,.; Kt.snniA I n r. yr nr. y. lion and un-urpn,..-.! -r soil. A..o.h;r;tI WlMIt) FUlt KJ,1 UlilNt. hu.r rrl. Iruct of SVO nen-s n which 1, unluui.lly d ,,.-niM.oi-nlly, l.. never yet hiul a, vol wel.iimrovU, Luihiiof, a .,.. U1C n,.r !,., ,iL-hl t-f I',r" ' llt the world mid rrwn the uiot ii.ulli"-nt EJ ,,,, ), i,arjtt Kr.t,utir, ; hut ....d the- c.r. wilh nil ii:itil!r fiatnnsfor m. r. ssfol hu .'iii cuar alld jou cumiot rei.d ul the lol. in tnniiiiip nut I. rn.n-tr- ,,c "U vr "rt' low iuj. well. wnlr. e-il, sii;.ii rii'" mi ii"ij -f- iroportioi. of, "SI""!" S 0,1 t-ii"' supply of good limhi-r. Purchnncr would do w. II to " . " it ii rldo. that so i...u will improved l..r..u ure otfirid in inurkel. C. J. 1IAKKIS. April C, lto?. .'.I f Cliiuiofle I it :ut-t iii:iii rll t..e. r. :e .i . 'Jl UI3 lll.Ulil.M i-oom.u ' 4v gi.mst I worm, w lulst it is harmless, or perhaps even fruit. It is surprised that the salt of iron lo luke risk a- Houses, tii-ods, 1 re duce., at usual rates. IT' Otlice bctw-jii. V-it-'t Store mid Draw ley Duil.lii.g. OFF!' FI'. M. I). TAYLOK, iKsulfft: C. OVKRMAX. I'rrfK'ent. II. X YK HUTCHISON, .Sec y. .) T'tuar. MItEC THUS. M. B. TAYLdK, OYKUMAN. J. L. KKOWX, AVM. J ULNSTUX, 1. SCAKU, S. T. Wl'JSTOX, A. 0. STKELK. .Toiiv L. Huowx. S. T. Wkiston and A. dezen nails into the trunk. Several experi- C. Stkei.F, Cummdtic. I on ibis we may ircquruuj, vj s ; tenrfieial to the tree. the black, decayed bark, and wood making; , ..,. on . . , s " The oxydation or rusting of the iron by the sap evolves atniiiouia, which as the I sap rises, will of course impregnate every part of the foilage, and prove too se vere a dose for tbe delicate palate of in truding insects." This writer recommends driviii" half a uicnts of the kind have resulted buccess- I fully. Southern Planter. lu 18. s7m." IIOWELI O .1. Yvoo ,V ( U. i. FJi 2 l ... sill . ic V'M.r II we say than tbe manner in which we utier it ; and attention io tire latter is as iiuperi nu a duty as discretion iu tbe former. A calm, cciie-cied deportment adds double weight te. our communications, and the ab n nee of it weaken? our influence, and weaus t'rc.n us the kind regirds ef associates. Vi'e instinctively reverence such as can reprove us without Leat, teach us without assumptiut) ; and as iii.unelivcly wa turn frc thote passi'in or prejudice controls, and w!'o ate thereby unfitted to guide them-s-lves or otitrs. Who does not remember rj iiit words of wisdom from gentle lips, words that abide as testimonies of good ? If the lip tLut breathed tlcm are forever fciV.ed on tbe earth, they are thrice hallow ed, aud tie soul r' peat' them when cares aud temptations press mo.-t heavily. If we wnuld know how mufh iuflacnee wf possess, lot us call to mind ho far our I. E-Cr.E.M. The necessary icgredients arc two quarts of good rich milk, four j fre.-h eggs, three-quarters of a pound of i sugar, six teaspoonfuls of arrow-root. Bub F the arrow. ront Rtnnnlli in it ltttlA pnl.l riuire two or three to be over. I , . ' nn k. and mix tho e"9 anJ sii.'nr toith. 1 be orchardist, however, wh plants his ,, , , . , ,, , TT. , er. iioil tbe milk, aud stir the arrow- own trec, thouid uever be obliged to re- . , , . ' . , , . . . , ., I roct ; then reniovo it from tbe Crc, and stir move such limbs: but with prumug kuife i . . . . . ' : tt briskly, while adding tho eggs j beat H a . ' e . . . i "rent deal. Flavor a.'cordin charU every summer, atiu by a juuicious ,' e . ' , ' , .' , I to cue-quarter of salt, the nccossitv of afterwards removing large. Saddle & Harness Kanr.lacturer, THREE POORS S(.l'T!l OF THK MANPI'.'N 1101 .- c iiaici.otti:, .-. great deal. l lavor a.'cordin- to your o-.MUindpof Saddle..,n,l Il.rnp.. .... tasie. (Take three quarters quantity of ice ; shortrft notice. !T. liKrAllil.NG promptly eiccut. d limbs. In dcirg this he s-l.ould constantly j have in mind the idea of securing a well- ! f':! I M;l MilH'i'ill S)n'f2'S CABARRUS COUNTY, N. C. shared tree of larrr sii?. The main is to keep a moderately open head, free from cross or interlocking branches, but do not remove tho side spurs. Io removing' large or small limbs, cut c'o-e to the body of the tree, or larger branch, so that the new groath will have IWrr.I. open a SCHOOL tor girls, at this phec on the 1st of July. Board can be had at 97 or 3 per month. K-T Tuition, uch a Iti-aui.., Wrltif'j;, Artthine lie, l.rai... nar (.ropraphy, al tl p r month, l' and Nnule Wmk if rcnuirrd. The value of this wati-r u known to Jan. 13. ltid. 37tf J A3IP.S .M. IIDMIV. COMMISSI OS MERCILty T, 1 17 t II AMltKltS .SI HI I T, . V. J 1 L'YS and forwards tvery kind of mere!.- Oaborne, I and Itev. I ,thtrs. V .any through Fonnt,-. It h:.s cured P yap. p. Harps, !. sno Mori-hind, N. W. '.ViM.ti.., J. V P. .Mi ndrnhall, A. M Worman, K.j J-. iHem., llu... W. A.liraha.n, an i.'rr m I'.a.ios, M.-!, (Iri:sn tar, .Muni, .Maei..m.s, I of the I.ivFr and Kid.,t-y and Ni r- Sales, I', tisrden tnifiner, it e. the shortest po.-sitle space to fi l up be-, v., us ArlVctmns. Tim .Mineral Spring is nut list of ul! the d.fl'crenl mak fore entirely covering tbe wound. practice of backing off tbe branches of a ; it TI... piarc oi puunc reaurt, as f our wati-r l.Mtion for whie , kinili A printed and pre IT Tu 1 1 a si . r.-nnh: have for rcuturirs loin t.fllictid wilh bahl heads, mid the only ri-.uidy, herototorp known, has twi n ll.o-p iiboiniii..lile w.(.s. Ily n rrci-nl discovery of I'lulissor Wood these ariii hs nre- hemp fast dispen nd with hill, a gm l n.uhv persons still pnlromio tlirm, liny have' Uien so often ...ipon d upui by Hair 'l'oi.n s ot nl kinds. To nil mil. persons we euro. fsiIv make Hip rcnurst, tin. t they will ty ones a Cain. I..r in Woou's Kislor .live there is no suel. llu hi; us fail. M'e know ol's lint jr who was bald, u.rd the article a short linio, .Hid hrr head Is now t-ovrrrd completely will, the tiniest and n.o.t beautiful curls iin..t' W e kn..w of i.iis eases whi-rp hair was rapidly tailing out, which it restored ill greater peritenon llun .1 ev- ,-r had U.-. I. be lore. j It is ii!u dnuld one nt' the best artielos 1 !f..r keeping the- h...r in good e. ii.l.l.i .1 soft and glossy, removing dandruff, and Ins prov ed itself tin-greuli t runny lo all the ills thai1 l.air is heir to, . It is the duty of every one to improve llnir kt. sonal appearance though some- in .y il l!', r in ri-. gard to lie ways ol doing it ; I. ill every one will admit lln.l s beautiful head ol hair citlier in man or woman, is nn object much lo bo desired, and tlirro sr.: no.nt'Ui.f that should he I. 11 m. tried to obtain such a coii.iieration. ll'i,i,i,r,'s .liW. rinl...hlpl.ia. ( i T.N Oil..., Nov. it, ira . kts : As 1 have been ir !! ior..t.c tho last season tor one ol your local agiuis (K. .u. naea- loson.) and etperienced ll.e ti lul.eisl el- feels ol it in vs. II, I ....,, I like- I ilaill so ag ley ..r the Mate of t lino, er fi me State in Wrst. should y..u wi.h to makp such an arrane. I 1 no m, as I on. coi.vii.e. d ltd. is nolnn.i' ryuat lo . iu tar I mlrJ Slain, lnr 1 1 dm ing ll.e o.r. 1 have been rrf .ceil 111 I '.i- l'n.J ss for s. v. I leral ve irs. Slot have-sold various prep-. rations fur j the liair, but hsvi- found nothing that restores ll.e ! I sreretive organs or invigoruics the si 'p as well las yours, being fully envmred that your rcst..r. j i at. so is vou npres'iit it lo be, 1 would like to enc'iic in the sale of .1, lr 1 am saiulicu it ! .nasi sell. Vours truly. . S. T. STtK h.MAN. V,vi vs.., Miss.. F.h. 5, lf:,7. ! rRt'F. (. J. WOOD &. CO. ;t : ll.vnig realized thr good i IT, -t of your Il .ir Rctoraiiv.-, I I wish lo stair. Hist liioling my hn.r growing j linn, ss well ss gray, I was induced troiii what 1 j reaO Slid hF.ird, to try Hie article prepared by ..ll, to promote its gr.ivilh sod el.ange ila color a it I was ... V.Mltll, both of wi.ich it baa ffl'Cled com?' ph lelV." 1l ours if, I JAMKS r'UA.NflS. ' O. J. WOOD A.CI), Pr...riil.-rs, JIJ Broad.' ' w .y, N. Y., (in thr grest N. V. Wire Itailing l:. lahi.shll.lM)a.,d I 1 I VI .I..:t l. .H. St. I,ou,., M ,, I ' Alld -old ly all l.riive.sU 111 ti.r IV n and l-v II. M. l'lUTCIIAl!!), ' I fjli UtiuhAle, , t. I , n 9 m 1 S.H. RANSOM. UCft- AUIaNVs -4 WAIT FOR THE Willi (JO. . 1IY i He . ,y,s his A-7M r iron, the M .....l..el..rrs. -V a .H sells St Would reK-rlfully i '"c from their Old M.., t" N" Norlh, one ol Ihe llioBl i ill nsivu I II. TAT LO II , to tl e ii.lo bitunts ol ( IIACtdTI K m.I iim .... I (.r .mle !!.', where he has now on exhibition i nsivu nss .rtii.enls of O0 WKH North Carolina, among which will be found the erli-hrateit .. . ... .. t. ........ l-...,. I. w I"... ll.e Ij.I . . I i i-l- 1.1. 1. h..s piineil sueli lanntus repvisnou . . , . s' c"- This Stove be warrants super,.,, ... sny.l cil-.-g St. vc now , ' 'V.'";P .'. the ,.,. less rtt.-l.and doe. ...ore w..,k ,n a give, tin r th.n " price of the h'.ovc, mid ijult eliu.g snd gu U, ,,.. I.Fside- snv nthir Si. it work in a eivcn lime, he will forfeit tt.i 1 b ' c ALSO, AM- KINDS OF FHIiOB. & BOX has and keep o.l reteve slid Tared .lock of TIN AND SIII:i:T I HON, iu:.iss Eii. in.i s, r.isr ir.o.v m trsri.tny HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, &e, (imi hieli tvill ! .!!. iV1mJ-.I-auit It. I till. lis iiimi U1..1. . rvrr b-i-ii r l In llil Vlrlnlt). . thanks Inrr fferds sod Fiist.u,. ri for tbe v. ry !ir I r. -...d ti.ry iny r. .ls..err.l. tl.l 1 sh-ll endesror. by Ho., sii. ut.. erniina.'ion to p as, , to try sod .n. ,,1 a conunilauro of lbs san.e. I'ioncrr .Vii's SARAH SOSSERMAX. InUrrui ro., April 1:3. To Cotton Planters. "y : l b. tliiraciera uave ueen uiou.ueu t-y rue .Liiu-j - - . . u ;.,. ... Any d.rectiens, post paid, will receive cf, bow far we have adopted j , 3 1 aitt-i.t.oii ... , ... ,. .... k..,c. ' inches er a foot in length, ai a ladder! wicir ruies e-. auuuu, uueu io our ecut;iii, . , 1 . by which to climb the tree, cannot be too . jome time to our barm, and then 1. be- ' ' , . . (strongly condemned. We have seer, nia- ccia es ns to realise trat our influence is si- . ' 1 . . .... , ny such instances, where the Dew wood !.rir sori- r (i.onrr l!.s wr.lif nur aSO- J ' , ,---., 1 rolled up about them was more than suffi- , 'DTIIK iin.h-rsicn, d is prepared to sell the btt truhfulne. arc a holy mission I U t0 La" CI tirfc!J' k'led 0Ter tbe cut' 1 ii fZ tos.isc. ptille heart-, and iu the harveat-hour but "hlch show"i' "te8'1. "Tlties nM'1 j .. , .. 1 l-y the decay of the stump, sornetiiiies larje w may eipFtienee the great jov of gather- 3 1 mip , , ;, f . 1 - . enough for f.iuirrels to burrow in, aoit beu. -q ..v .. .v 1 w ill. lm inslean o -;,uUd rL'ch eU'r Strm fiUS W'tl1 WaU'r' tLu3 repaired and at les. In the power of commnLieating our ideas ! hZ ,be of tc.-Amcncan by bro,e- Hod b,-:oweth on us a .'acred culn 'alu, Ju!v. trui-t, and fjr tLis each elav brings its ac- j oar,t? iliij to Him. A holy life Ends its 1 CTTTING UP TORN STALKS F lR be-t ei-or.ett in bo'y conversance. Tbe I'nE'I'ER. c.listiot cocstaLt to be generous, charit- j j0 our jJ5t Bumter we f,jrL;,Le.I some a.le ; lut to be mill and patient and ju-t 1 0 r.0Zli e ve-rj conmicn practice of in fpecch, eails fe.r uneea-iiu wau-bfu'.ness fu';;;Ijg fjdder, sud advised the substitution for ur.tii irg tclfcoLtrol. Tbc prf' ct man of ,hlWli corD or Chinese Su;ir Cane, is he who cfiend rot ic word. viKi we i,,te on,, founj t0 ie 0 txc,.. 1 , , . r.Uj:n ri m: r.l 9 W W Whole f Cotton (jiRs, with lh Inch 1 ve red ut the laliilines of tlx ami N. C. Kail Ti.e advai.u. ; -ins leave over those shipped fro... other ' o.t ll.ey will last longer, one set of ribs I to three. The bru..h lie-nn eosered i lead of eloth and be-.nif inure easily ' As rrirarda Ihe speed of these Cm., finality of) lint and discharge of clean seed. I woul.i r. ter to M. L. Wallace, Morrow's T. .. to .. Palmer, I Kairfield, and A. H. Ilivi.lson, ( harlolte. I JAMKS M. KLLIOTT. II irin.Aoro, May Uj, HM. 1 l-Cm Cash Paid lor Hides, B S m. lit Kix, 3 J ft M . -i-ion lino. I Charlotte, Jprtl G, l-.r)9. tent free. Fuoiipher of an clt gnnt 1 1 C horru pJ u( "Hickory Al , N.C. (!,) nml the ( iikro. EH rillMCIAX i , IMHAS wil'lliK TO HMMII." 'l iim iiiTtriunbJ nmt'y f-fi-fr aliould it in tsvry t tiuutc. It Irenta ot all liivtrast'it, li;i a contHi. ' plownary and prescribe t.u- rcint dim if ui nuturr'a buuitteoukt titorH, for nlour infinnilita ami tin, fortunes. 1 1 i printed on fine white p ipcr, h. nd. nnicly bound fourth trtition, 3MJ p'g', mi- ta tiimiltd free fur otie dollar . , New Ii one wood 1'iaitof., fl'tO. 1 Feb. 16, )',S. ly AVER'S CHKIIUV PKCTORAL, r ut tiir nrm ci-iik of ColiN. ( oiik'li's. mill Hoarsen . BriH. vt.o. J HSS. I visas. . r s xtrs South of the if Ihe mo't daBsertaii tcple that we can !i-cu-s is tin; eotracter even of a friend, ; since so n.ucb is bieldeo io the her.rt that li.i moft open to cur iEsftctioD. Woes are there wbuss source acJ bitterness the Cre ator ct!) cm fatl.onj ; motives are there, j-ertf f ure, f erhafs aicful, iii ptlaog the died : r-jicn-cud or ceusurc, motives that; we have to souQ(3ir,g line to reach ; joj' are there which we cannot share, ten.pia tbrjJ of which we have oo kuowleJe ; how 1 then dare to arraign soother before our warr.eJ ad Liiuded jmlniect ? Iiolj coTcrsation can proceel oblj from ( a g")vd heart. The strcitu ix.usl be pure at iu- source, or bear deCicmctit with it in it prre.-s to the sea; ttid so the evil that' is eLeii-heJ within will taint the shole life c! rob the lips of their jowr-r to b!e, ari l there is no escape from thia conclusion olh-' tr than to p'Jrifj the sources. ! If our couversatioD be not such as coa- 1 ..-ienee afprOTes, we know the reir.edy, and with fioii's he!p cao applj it. Inward pa r ! can t.d to utttratce in j rofahit, siritj or fals'hoo'l ; it trned wear to mark, cosrr kid.eLt is fcr tlu. W hila all ilut we see arosrid d cf the beauty si.'' g'ory of Nature Ita'U us irre-isti't-lj to 0'-;l, bt not our oaa tiufu! words and rleeJs i:ia'te .li-toi 1 :u ii,e beaveuly harmony, .o tieai'y allied to our b ather io heaven, to his S-?n, and the an'-'.s that alteiid Uliu, let us. eideaTor to realize how aaltnl our dirtiiij, how iLi':h is re'(uin J of iif, hjw truly within oar ability it that Male, cf aui r'.a, u i.s to cich;.n;'e in fjod's go ta! fjr inimortalitj. H. J. L. r,h. rurrcnAHDs. .Vi;f Urate tlltitusiu. X N H'O'-1''' iVeslnr.t and l..j.alii as j.. i ,.l.l lo liie tat ,ia "u.a veatir. S..I.I by li. .M. FKI L CH All! , Irwin'i lit I) Oil- lent and econcrnical article, bol'n for "soil ir.g " pr fi-ediug green) and winter bay We will offer another hirt fjrthe of our reaJer.1. It is, to cut up their corn stalls at the ground, ai seen as the ears beiu to elaze, or ret hard : set up in ehrcks every twouty or thiitj- hills' thu-. cut, a!.d wheti the whole is perfectly i dry, Laul ui r cevtr or carefully stack! up; shuck or .trip off the ear9 at JouO leisure, and xae all the Ptilk. blades and :-. 'I oe best and eh.aue. I arliele in usa. frte sh-icka for the wii.tcr feeding of stock. Ibis hint is especially intended for small planters, thoe who aim only to raise sufri ciet.t corn for their own as;', and who de sire to make the n.ost of it, and to save all that is aorth favlrf;. Our obj, ctiori" aaint fodder puliiti, f as before stated,) are that it is a flo-f and laborious proec.-s and that the yield aiid weihtof the jErriin is lessened by pretriaturtly depriving the Llar.t of its leaves. If fodder is Milled be- ' fl- l'ap,oc. .-saKo, A.c. as an srti.h- of d,. i f. & n no i- it a o '..Tr . . : I .1 I, I ,. . N V. s-r,r: "I h. il,-u'.i Hill. ..'f.Tn -vl t.,1.1 I .1..-, .. Ic 4u s itlK.Mt il. ..r I would return beMtowed UfH,n ns. together .III a i' Iiiidios iind Cciillriiirii arc aiiiiulurly in.itfd lo rail ;u;d niimii.t IN v ! B. T"Tu l. II vvu why t be .d my .dverl.-i... .,1 W IT ti.k W ...... n' - ,l .. , we have thr.e constantly l.avell,.ig !.... I. the e. u.fy Sieves. nr .III vt tU rs irill In- aitMHilh ami pi unntllij iiIHi:!dI In ihmrUl,r,Ju' 16, l-o7. A.A.N..M.LWI.01!. 3ll :i'n"r.M 't', " Kncfnirae Home Indiislrv 1 (Mi ! t l!( II A. Kll.rl UM R) KA 11 a C a aw .v7 K U V, 1 ( hllK rrr', 'Vhf .orlli.( 'nrwlin.'i lnlil AMI Ha g i zlr.e rf Useful Info rn-.j'.i- , V'n; 7o.;r., j ilium Hnpi'iHH, ! l,,j Ih,ll.r, Croup, tt ho...iiis; Conuh, Inrleianrn. M.,',r't a vi,.. .... ;. lit r Area - t ..ll . h-. r-iii. rrstifr .. t. a I. I K !!! r....., f., I., II.. ,.r .... .. . iii t i, f.H.n.l.' Aslhmn or I'htl.isle, nn.l Rrom hltls Ui.r .... nsaiss. f. . ro. 4. I- l-.r.Tl I am malioir ... .f Mll.lll I I. triers am. I'roiluee b Tsnlape lo UN .1 be alteml. ..'to will, f T.r.,l,!,. :, .1 ,,, ( 'nr jrt L ul Hi, Uruy"i g Tf'iie. t;. Ir .f loth or the (.u-- lir. Wheal and "otii Kar ill I' od .1 lo lh' r art T T.IIK snd... ol I. .pned prors .. ... il., a s.sai "I. n.j Ul Maii.lir:. In The waol I'sneh a J :...iK'.nl e.lii. n, w h oi liU&iiiU d a it.. . to hr lire i III All , sent r.M.Ullo.O, !al..' ". (els, . i so ,u.h .. by m.r I..,,. ...,.. 'J h.l aa hsre no f ',' .r se-lni psnn.4 I r.liribnud lo si.t want . 'l b. ( ate Uree .lu u. Is V l-iu t. J. M. M'VALP, ..ii. it J ii. en rills I. Ml to. i:. -. Cnrr4. Oil. It t: Mri iittitu 1 ctn ii tt q i-t-j to ir Dissolution. , M(ll'd, is Ail ir. I'" l"" '; f- w days, . y dis.oleed by ; ;. blid lo lit .re t ss w, il be In ll.e our L(ri-laii .iilim is o'o n ul ...i.-.l.e , a iii. h i t ll r lo-i. m i! t, is i. mrcr... i., t to Hi. . r sro so n I. i(iill, , aid of Iba K- (Wtls Stlat- It. IN $URT QOTTLES. FOR PURIFYING THE ELOOD, And for the ( ore of . In I l l la n. Ui:. 1 Ihe. 1 StipoinOrr, . Sold bv II. M. 'IUTCII Ai:i, Irwin'i l orn, 1.1. LK TITk, I'll li,..i.r . ' .1 l.....e. 1, r.,:i ..f II,. i:,, Wanted M.y 31,1 , e.trr. It j.-i'. r.t'.r--. ' i A- ; -. 'I ..a- r..;.''. . h ttw (t.Nt r. ' r- i HEALTH AND .STREMOTII ire Mnl l. " W mirfhf a li ?rnm f r i-Tn'-a, Sot th m Tlnc.ti'f prji.f vt tti rirtfiM'if tiii rn.c )j ) f ir. 1 tt l'j wfUeln ujv.n tiu. Consumption PffUf BO fit. lni..y tma st-r kf. Ffi irJiirfc tarw1 min an1 an-h (inz-ni - ht !'-nM tn b'min uj rn rmh; Uit rttn to lh th ftrr Ait I!nrf, Nrv V Crr. Uh 8. T-v'ii Aim, Iui : I fe t d itT n4 ! rr9 fXri Aug. 18, 1- r jLifrd In tit. .JONAS IUM.S1IJ.,. 1'. .S. lil..NAM'. '.'all I ll. se ri:i li. Ill IMITIC'r. f'.tn i! nt in y Sim .ill Si go et.Iljf to I b .. I, si.. , lr i rriBDft OK TA V IIAHh'. for ai.ich tl.p ra.b wili be pnol. 1 M. 15. TAYhUll. : 1 fore the- grain "sceome jou ec-rtaiiily ii.jure the prain ; and if vou do tot f ull .! the ears are fjllj rije, the f'dder is , hear')- worthless. The j roper .!an is to cut up corn a. directed, ju.t when the jrrain ii pas-in from the doejhv state to the i hard aeriiel. At this period of its frrontb, the plant lit elaborate! tufheieut sap to ' mature the grain perfect!; after it is cut, and the surplus starch, gum and ha(;h. riuc uia'.ur whieh it coiitaiua will be pre- ' served i cs the -stalk aod leaves, iiitead of II- Ui i -a I'ariii: r W s II r. sur.ontT" JL 'l'aloor.a. Sago, ned by the me. id Wn..rn, i-y . I- uil . S.j,t. I. 1 1 1' HITCH AKI) '3 V, mi.y Vrvv Store. j'.nt 'I in r. or Tr.-iiii Oil. Taonera a nd'rian'- r - uso ).res rvin); Leather and II .ro. ss. rr sal M. II. PKIi.JJ.IU I'ee. 1 Irwin's l'.,rri beii.t changed to hard abd worthless 1 prepare j woodj Chr.;, as when the plant is allowed t.iis trior- to beeo:i.e to.-rfectlv dead rlte. Aiiuther aivauta'-e in thu- euttin? up corn is, that " JJF .Cy ON' J" Ui Til "' "0D " 11 l ''au'';' t l'ie grouJ'' , , , readjr for the l low, ktad after it La rec- i- t.u . if n.en wouid ou! quit tin ir jaro- ' j ii i . . r J a vood maijuriL'', you can pioceed im- eii'j about the uiidctiiatle al.-itract! ots cf ; e J ' , . . i .i mediately with the sowing of your witter t tie tL'.-ioy,eal Pp eUikiion and their cot- ' r J t. i,n at out the i!of.0tioo of :ctriii 04t O. barley, clover, etc., etu. Ul authors. ; and l!.. ir jot.ii!-' io the pur tho-e who have scautv ciopt try it, even ou ru.t "I jir-':.a! a',l jarti-au interest J and a email sc uld be perruadeQ to attend ot! to the eu- c .., p reu.r- and ind.-j-itabi.- f.e..;. tf nature aud i In i elation, seeitii." the ti.jovm. -l: aud ! u, of Iree. full, premit ai.d t-teria.tlt; sait.ii'in, the !itt:.i:,iiie'jt !.r th. )iar:tiT arie ?( -. rj of msr;, a- I tsli.t a ploiiotls l hailje would be witt.t . in eeeiy d, ptr:mnil cf s-c.eiv '. J. er iia t'Lri-tiao r.d l ehristiaiM r.i.e : ( ir's.t.1; that would be heaven t,j ,,, ure!v,ihc earth its. If, aarprite i ii sl:.:.l leLvVitlibll, would fivavt the Lvau!y a- r't ss ti c M , of Il-arer. itself. SlOi si''.V DeGrath's Electric Oil, St IT .o, i, MiV 4, r- A St. ri'I.Y "f this c lcl.rat-d Oil for sai at iW. ... I'r,, More, Ir li. M I'llIICIIAKI). atf Another Care of ScofjH. T ., . V A R A Ii s,... ... i ,. ,. . f :aii a l j-.ill.M a v. I'r.p... d - l .M '. . . A l -M. tth- '-"!. ''-s.-o. .X... I", I iu-.t.e.i. M.. V.k ....i ... ., Jnvr.u .-.vrlr. ROMAN EYE BALSATrlT Tor We-ilt and Iiiflarno,! Ijyea MINERS. MECHA NICS. lsj Sill 1,11V. 1eror Till y. .i Si ..m.r a. . IO.I ... '-'if' nil ' Siirui.TiiLi. IT. III... Arr. Ol I.I 1 I az. is. if.-.:. In retirinr; fri .Hirer t. e na.oe ail), lie kind..! ..I lo .J u,,. M,il, -r ;u;d Diors, !.. ...i.i.lry sfl..ri!s, n. li re .arlirti!arl i. f-.r wor ... my In. a -r.h r al short notire .1 .1. 'liver. , I ll.e aors. J. ia ni!i.L. fanil; r,ly si i,s off. i.ul.l.o ... . ,. I-l or-elUal ( ...el Ir.i.i ,.:l tJ.!b:e r.i--1 r.-i-i'y or .r.itr.elly . n ' ...Ir., .. tl e i( u d l.r nobiir i..-. s ll.e , I...1 lor ...4, I I"' i.l i... , t..f . r !'. ,...1 .I..T i', lni.r. 1 S..riul M.l.i plesent II... 1 It i. ' Jrt,H) of IS. see 1 1 1.' ally b. Ul il 1 csrrit d on Ayer's Cathartic Pills. V ir. i.l I1.-rii.ilr Uswl lliHr a'mft. lo ;-Klt . IiH, I. kn.,v.n to .11 Tl.. leilKe ll.e bus e-jiiaily ss exj.eoil.ous as e hate ooi.e. T. S. WlIINANT. Aug. 1, 16.;7. MUl ti-i Flutual life Instiranre ompany on i .. K.ii.f.n.ii. . c. t' Kund, , M.l. io- . is Ib STATIST a a.iiriru ot Miiob. I.-.II.. C lo par t,.u rt Ilhe.l 1,1 d lt.(-l's u. , I be nut to i ol trt - :oo e.f .' I par. ! ( .1 ..t'i '. 1 or more, U. who h a . j vl. . of Hi. I.,).. lo lli.r n.t nslh tu II,. e..,)w1.,, , i.ll. Whi r.i... I'lirifr lli Ilia, 1, Hi. f. .il hiiu,. ,1 .1,1. 1, i.UI. .I.ijii.h ut dt.or. Lai. sn.l unfair, hualtlij, . .t..n. h only do i.U of ..,-r. In.1y, lait mu... dial have tjsftl.d Ihe. ra..luee I.iwerfnl r H(iisi . oo p.ov mi J. ' )e-r. on ll.e M. it. Ml I'.il.r.;. tiripatil.j( 11. ll.e prot. p.,iieies ,rai.teu b.r Ml. 1 n ll.e premium li note may I g iven for tern. -, toe of I of milt ., or tor ..r hf. .mt lb T ( HO Hlr:il..Jn. 1 C.'.SI. I.H.NT I: 1 ,1,.. l.m. ll, il.i ,11,. , II.. at a. at WW ft, Ms. Til 11 .1 receive., sad if... i'ir ( iwhitk ;;; I as.orted ' , 11. ,1 I). -..Ml. l'iailHAl:l.S, lixrin, ur SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, il i'lirr I'mirft It, ami if, .1,.. I. t,.,tI f .r I.ll Ir. rt. ..!. ...... ... 1 I....I.I b. I"'-; and l-lnn sr. l.ri lo,,.. , ( rok of ...rm. Cui .t.lel, ...rirtiM VIM s-r. Iftey pet .uh I 1,1 b FSsltr.1 .I ,0 SI..! . .lisraetT .,l, l-a. of iiiilralli. Man. eannenl . h,.e 1. l.l l.ielr li...... ... ...-ify olei. rny r- m.l,.. lnl-. ,iei. . MUIM,,'. "f O'IivkU. 1. ,1... ley nil ...Is In.riinar.lji o Uae reiki ol Dy 1 .ll..w-nini. n.ine.l u. flwl In fnriii.h irrslia sit .f,. r,l..,l on-.III.. (1, o(, their u..uj U,,.W..: Ihoul ! .- low ' .IS to ; l. lot ati'l Vuvj w, r.d. dubt not, ' I-e-c. 1 hold by- proper NAILS I.v ri;rrr iiikiis. A sib'ular fact ar.1 one worthy of beinj r. eorded, wan 1ijentiorj.1l h u af.w.lay. by Mr. Alfxatider J'-ahe, tf Albc iifir'o. He stated that whilst 00 to a LeiMo-r, his atitntlou wa? called to a 1 larj;rj p.aeh crhard, every tree i.u whieh aaa totally destroyed by the rava.n of the arm, w.t'u the txeert.ori of ti.r v. aud 2t) I. A' K Te , Whisker, f-'herry sn.l Port 1, Uon Aie and I'urter, lor ..o.-di. il. M. I'IU'H:iIAi:). Slarrh I'MK-Wor barVir'a itch, .'1 . r. ..I lb., .lm. .1. Ulotehos, .o. Hald-IIoarl, III. I I'. r. V.iViv. I . rl..r, .Villi,. ;., ,v,.nf K.,r..r:. :,- .,u r. r l,r II. M. IT. I K liAiil), Iran.'.! o-i. 'I AVa-lMOj. 11 . , I 11.11. . v.rj .....I. .Vy 4, '.'.3. r A. II. A l. IMI, V 1 , ,- ...r.T 1,1 Wi ii... S. 1 II. M. I'lUTCIIAI.I), iHvv.s'al oss ll'l-.ll 'lr;;l -a j..t reetiv. d from Sar-l II. I. l iaiCIIAIlD, Irwin OorfisT it. ?i. ii:ic M 9 MM. he ,...;,! lo r.r, ,i, P.o .. , W 7 in li.c e. parl.oi 1 .'le ,4 IU O-I) 0. Is, na Im. p,,l n I v I i--y "-"I.- TI.e si. k 1 of A,..le, all Ll.. A-b f ,r Arr.'s f r lie si i.f;iv . 1 V IJ .i'.".' '1st ...SI S.U. Mum im; oal.y r,l rn M.11 1.. Si.4 Hoy .I.'ail.l I,... r. rroprircd by Dr. J. C. AYEU, Practical snd Aaaiytiral Chnmiit, Lowell, Kias. fslei tls I-.S IU. Sirs tj ,.u roi I. sul.h IsY ir. m. i-i'.ncn itr, ci,r,,i.;t. 1 1 A 1 L A M, sj I K V K N S( IN k CO., 1.'Un.rli tt'jn, X. C. llip.l.T. Kol Whole le.,,1 of hie or ...., iiii. lo I'M., a ball ll.e :,.:,i, mil ol lh. ut C . r e. nt. a g.i.r.inly. 'Ihe . 111 inner in wl.ieh all .... s been paid by tin. ron.p ii.y , 11 rates of pre. III. in, pres. nl great suelt as are ilistK.s.,1 lo insure. Slaves srg insured f.,r li ra, of Iron, n five y -rs, tor two-thirds Iheir thIiic, Ail loss, s are paid UU days ufter Satis factory prool is present. . I. Dili KC'I OIiS. f hnrle. F.. Johnso n, V .... II. Jones, Vm. V. Ilolden, W. ll. loose. J. .. Williams, II. W. Ilusi.ii, y.ieniiiio llii.brr, I'. K. P.seud, Win. II. .l. h. e, h. I'. Ilallle, Charles il. K..ol, ll. (.. Kuh , Kieh'd II. II, tlie. OI KK KI!S. Dr. '."narlcs K. Johnson, rre.ident. W. W. Ilolden, Viee President. It. II. Ilallle, S,er tarv. Williams II. J -s. Treasurer. II. W. Ilu-led, AUorii- y. Dr. W in. II. M, Kee, ,M. dieal lisa. er. Ktrriitiix I innmiHrt. H. liu.k. c, W. II. Mc K'.e, I'll. .Its ll. lie, it, Muliral Itiuiril el f onii'H" I harle. K '..I, .1. M. D., VmII.i.o, II. Mi hie, Al. II.'d II. Ih.TKiK,.', M. ll , Kr ..itormnlion, fl,e pi. I. lie is reiir re, to ll.e p. 11, pl.t, I-,, and I ol pros,, al.ieli may ha obla.oed ..t Ihe I of ll.e I ouijintiy, or any of .Is A.j,, 11. i" . I oiixiiiiniealions should be a.l.lri s.ed, (p,t. pud) lo. It. H. I1AT I LH, . r -Wi.ry. , Qrlif All "a all.M. .tll.X'l I '.i.ieha, I oldn, I nt'.ur rwr,, I o.i. 1!, eiions of th l hi. n. vs st.,1 I' .u. nnitn, Lie. I, the W i.ii. s, 1H, (Jold Mine lialsui or De.ja pti A leil. r fi Ililt. ... r T. . l.l J. It. 1 alii I'-".- ' N. C.dal.d Allr. I I. : Dr. J. Khul-Dear Sir: Vour n-, -f.yen 1 nl.ic ..!.. ('.el... 1. in llns " "' , r Iry. The M.ainre .! ' ly .-pproved ol. it hsanerei laileii ti" case it sells ' fa-1, tlist I .1' ' ' ''' " supply lh. ,!.,,..:. Vou a, II oh ''a.-Wy' '" j'n: CAM ACliNTS.--Wti,. W . S ,r,', r. ' " ' T. I.oi ". ! I'l iierA T. J. Ilolion an, 1 ir. J. r . ' "" ' & Hill ami J. II. Kimiaa, Sahsumj ry, Lexinu ton. i a. 1 1:1.0 m c ll.l.pra. 1.1 e'..sHtt-..' - ? T ,-le.l to hi . V'j .