B'on&CarciinnMIiiii. - . U 'irt h ..... ... co'-jragement it rdcM to til men. JJ-t the jC Itjbt of euffrajje with the dmi of Ameri cans exists not, except cn paper. It is not to J denied we do not mean to deny it that man can vote fVr mn a be pleases ; but is be not punished for so doing! Is ha not proserihed ? I he not deprived there by of printer?' or prerogatives tht belong tt him a mm. or as one of the (!ki of men? Psrty hi nurpcd the Government, if cannot he denied, and punches or pro orib all men wbos mtinlr independence or sene of justice rebels aesinst the tyran ny of the machinery of Ibnt party. Free- j dom of opinion, free s'peecli, freo thought, r free action are as positively forbidden hero as in Turkey or It'issia. Indeed, is not party ondcr onr insnsecmetit of it, I despotism of the worst kind? the worst,1 because it is the despotism of irresponsible j dcmacoirncs, instead of the known, reponi- j He despot .' Can we vote even a' we plense, j submitting to the punishment or prosenp. firm? Are not caucuses elled, or conven- j t'oBi hid, for which all the ptii pets have , een selected in pre, .shops or bar room . i . .... character of the 1'iii.ein.i!, as an iustruetor wants, and ft rne unknown to u. ; and, 1 utile, we vnto for the edict of these can- . of youth will commend Riis institution as cu, or the candidate tin y rind out. are j favorably to l'arents and Guardians as any tot onr vee as much thrown away as if we : ot,,r j t,0 countrv. threw the biibts upon the chimney fire? j As for freedom of ehoiee then, we (the pen- I le) hare rot the left, except between the j Xt'W Cotton, two jrmeraHy bad or unfit men of the two i tr. Hubert Cuuii!r.haui of this oounrv. hi n tV t-t ou Friday last, a n, weighing 27 2 lbs., the first this season, which was purchased Ly J. K. Stci.housc A Co , at 1 1 r cu-. quality Sue CHARLOTTE: Tuesday, Scptcnihcr 7. IS-is I l'iia;!ii!lc Ttm ilr I ..'ii.;?. The next session of this institution will It- resumed ou the loth instant. The hi-h or three purties that Lave got oortrol of the , ,. . , 1 ,. . , . , , irourt to cyr rolitisa! matiitiit. nl then " prind out , the capdidatoa. We must vote for these h"le of rew cot' eatididares, or throw say our votes; and if we do D t rote f-r each and all of the eandjdates of our prf y thus ' ground ou','' ; jr we ae t icujdc.i lrom ttat pnrty, atin He rired fif m'.l rower ill it. lh?n"h we niav approve of ail its mral and political priu- hy K- Oats .S Co eles. The ri-l.t of stiBrnje, flifn, exists ; Cue. I at as an attract rirl.t. and only on paper, ' tue lait for dema;o'fs, while, practic;iily, we men. uisde iu'lbe ima-e of God, late ! Tr V.SJ Hit .lSulli) fijts. became but fotin. msehiiies or renter of IntcrfJtiiiS SlRtistits. , Ireccived, Vfe have examined tie present Last week we stated that we would con- Jxiatubcr and find it replete ith interesting tinue to publico this week some interesting j articles, lttseertainly worth the subscrip Matistics of this and adjacent counties, 'tioa price, wjiieh is only a dollar, and every which is compiled from a pamphlet issued , farmer Bh0i4 J posxess a cepy. Many a by Q. Uusbey to the subscribers to the N. time a single' article is worth double the StatUt : - money. It teats on Agriculture, Ilorticul- Mecklenhur?, in 1-60, contained a popu- ,ora tnA Floculture lation of 13.014) the number of taxab,a , . , , . . ,, . ' .-!!. Fcterson fy October is also to uantt. polls in lp).J, wns 4.10J ; in IN5 it was i . . . , , i 4,l();j andin lsr7, itwas4,U7. I ie5.j j e have glanced over m pages and find there wits listed 310,00 acres of land .itcotitains ita usual quota of iuttrestini; valuation, Sl,00,513 per aorc 85,43 j reaulng. The l'aikiuscns," which we Towu property, S ttS,075 ; in 1847 , UM O0,,y iu our ,., is worth the .ubscrip- ot acres, -i.),.''(31 valuation, Si, O(i,no0 . , , , e per acre S;,0--Town property, $U8,3-3. P. fl!Veral otlier of Cabarrus, in l?o0. contained a population I equal interest,- It is afforded at $2 in ad of (1,747; the number of taxable polls iu I vanco, aud to new subscribers we will tend 1 .);, wss 2,373; in 1S.', it was -'i); the Whig and Tetcrson for 83.23. lHrect anil in l-i"7 it was 2,421. It bad li.-ted in . T .. r. ., IS1W ' i..n ., irtQ to Charles J. letersou, 3U0 Chesuut street, per ocre, i ,l l Too u property, 12 1 j j Tbiladelphia. j in 117, the number of acres, 217,147 j valUario:. f-u3,:VlO-peracre,53,70-Town A, 8Mn hUni 0Q tU l st in..t.. a 1MK, inV5tl contained a population!"101' bo l.0;,u r.ned men destroyed , the moruiK of the 21,tint la this .p.e. of 1 1.719; the number of taxable polls in portion of the quarantine buildings. On f ' bu!',ired forty-one urgroe. ... ' . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . had died, leaviu' but threo liunnred ami , t nday n.ght.the 3d .hey destroyed the ft. four(e;,n u,ve A b 0 c Verd ouo male liospiul 5 patients were in the builU-: 0f ,i,e Keys on the north coast of Cuba mjr, three of kthoiu died from exposure. : K We will iusert iho list of premiums next week. From the Cliarlnton Mercury. 1 placed in closeorder, poou-faebion, on tboirt THE BLAVEIt HER CREW AND CAHCO. 1 sides, and ncSi'erniitted to turn or move The real name ly erased and covered over by those of tbo !tbcJ" off' asSUu,eU nam. co, w. tfli ro'ekillg tlwlr bwlic iu time, and these have been restored had success crowned : '"-"'fe . , ' , TUB rUBLTO EXPEXDITURE3 We make the following extract re1 of the captured brig ig i during the night. At day light they j xre Ma .rtpR(ilH f ' ' J' . Tl,k. ,,,. .ro r,-rli,.l ' dalld With buckets of WaUT to Wash ... ' ... Tt a. J hes-e tetters arc pnrliul-, , of Mr. Senator J puiubull, of Illiuota J They sing songs, clapping their bands jivcrcd at Chicago ou the 7tb ultiim : TLe vxponscs of the Goveriiinont the enterprise in which obe was engaged ouS" uvo --" -- , nave pronaiiiy oiten i.eara, have i,lcr, " when taken. She is of UaUin.ore build, ' Sf0 -pmiuala. huvcral of the negro c,lormou,y within a fe years. Tlie . say 21 tons burden, and, it is believed, """-ci-e anthonty very n.iicb afiei of 1100ey tt 1U di,p0II,i of (Jovcrnn, , , ,. . r I....:.. i n-.. V,. i tho Uiann.r Ol our driver;', with airs ot ,,U vaar is nioro than nnn l.imdr-.l Ito.i, wa ,.i'J , in If.JU was and in 1 "57. it was 3.27S. It had listed i j iu l'?.., 312,721 acres valuntiou, 1,271,- 2ii3 per acre s-4,'ri Town pio-ci tv,Sl,- 875; i u 1 17, number of acres, 337,222 valuation 51103,322 -per acre, 2,32 valuatiou of town property, S20,S.j(I. Lincoln, iu l5tt, contained o population of 7,740 ; the ntiinher of tuxable pid!s in 1S33, wasl, 413; in IMS it was 1 ,3.")8 ; and in I.37( it was 1502. It had listed in 1555, CVlARLOTTK, Si-pt. 3, lio'i. Mr. Eilitor i Phase correct a statement lUOJ valuation. S-3f). !) rer acre i in vour narer with reaard to Mrs. Allison's Ilea also brought on the eameday, a ,' g4,C3 Town property, 1 41.043 ; in 1S47, lease, fhe was doii.g ell under my treat- bale weighing 574 iba., Licb w as purchased nuniLer of acres, 170.100 valuatiou, f35!''.,- mcut for the first two days and up to the ; Co., at llj CeUts quality al-o , i'ff acre, to,34 lowu property, I time sue nseu some watanueloii, given con- iCT-.v.o. I'rary iu uiy prercripii.--). Also you will 1 Union, in 150, contained a population j rciiiember she was not uuicr my treaiment j of 10,051; the number of taxable p- Ms in j for several days previous to her deatb. The !lS03, was 1,005; iu 1S53 it was 1 ,50, and jsliuiulous was administered to counteract ome time ago Suitor Cri.tcudtn, in a , J?"' " w" '",- " , j w wtermion.i' . ' ' 1-53 number of acrjs 3fin.5i)'l aljanon P. J. MULLIGAN. M.D. luiuicriy linehei III tno euuvc i vv- ; . , , i . ,1 twecu that pott and Uio. On the 0th of suiuoriiy aun nuicuious ,,,,.,,,- .; March last she cleared from New Orleans e"""'' IHhers were cooking in the ' big with a captain, two mates, eight seamen. I Pot l.ke good lellows, and w.th old breech cook, steward and one passeng. r. On the ! ul'.'al";,,1 fr"' h V'1""- . 5,1, of July she bhipped a cargo of 455 t 1 he captuin of the hold unucrsunds their slaves on the west coast of Africa, at Kaben-:!111. 8d are very "Verse to go- da, situated in latitude 6.30 south, longitude I '"8 bHck to Africa, as the Ln.ted ft. cs 12 20 east. It is in Lower Guinea, in thl'w TeqvwB. Our coast resembles that southern part of the District of Loai.gr., and ; "'7 co!"0 froul 8n1, U, f Vuct.0f not far Iron, the river Congo or Zire.- ! P"0 ou the o.th, looks to them These slaves were purchased in a circuit of , ! eoeoanut trees of their native Africa. 5U0 miles, and assembled at a barracoon ! Vh,,e!"dy' V1"1" ,he d,lreet,ou ot near the point of shipment. The brijr . t ! ,Lu,ud ,t,",te8 c'vl1 ? ffiwt 'be ng''-. ?0B sail with them, and in forty days made the ! '". "''er, were taken by the steamer Gen. trip, reaching the point of destination on 1 d conveyed to Castle I inckney, in ... , - K " "J a delachuient from the garrison at fort Moultrie. As they passed the plank to gain the steamer's deck, they presented a strange and affecting sight, many of them being re duced to mere skeletons by the sufiering aud deprivations of the voyage. Several were iu a dying coudition a few dropsical, aud a goodly number apparently in health. They were visited on Saturday by Mayor Macbeth and several Aldermen. , ' , . . ' , the expenses of the Government bad run S14 533: m lt17 337 341 aore va ua- raada no more of nor letter than our muscles : , , , I . ' , ,. , " , er Voitit ' i up to one hundred millions of dolhirs per , Hon 02;," h val per acre 51.su. lowu 'I he govt ri.ui. nt organ attempted : Frf'Pi r,i' s',- , , . , iii-iou, in 13-j.i, coniainea rot nn'il thst ti.t crntnry, and uutil , -ULuni. of caucuse Fahm-Rs' Bank. Wo see in our ex changes tbat tbe above named institution population j is in a rather tad teputo Lroad. Iu vie latitude 23 30, longitude 80.20, was the landing place where t'je Koho was detected by the Dolphin. The officers of the Dolphiu left the harbor of Sagua la Grande the day before, and while cruising westward in search of slavers, perceived the Echo Rt daylight in the distance, beirinjt the liritisb flat;, and ruuniug down the coast ahead of the Dolphin in the saino direotiou. No suspicion was excited. The Irig entered a bay. Tbe Dolphin run ou her course, and in good time came in view of ihe hay and the Ei'ho The captain of the slaver now lod bis pres ence of mind, supposing he was suspected and pursued, and suddenly hauled off from the coast. It was then observed that a number of launches near thore bad their sails set to come out to the brig This verified the susnician eicittd br her strnnr-e I . .-.... ... .I. l,.1..l,i .!... Vvle for Uiiveruor il X. t'urolJim Alamauce, Alexander, Anson, Ashe, liurke, lluncoiube, liladeu, movement, and the Dolphin gave chase to. i,BUfjrf the fl) ing vessel, still hearing the British Bag ,, ' . l)!ank cartridges were fired, and it became r"w' ' evident that the pursuer gained. The slaver , .,u . ' i sniead a.l her canvass iu vain, ami findinir , ,. ,k . .i ; ..... l . i. r,r,i Ti,.-. r ot , (i -J : the n timber ot taxable rniis in , ot tnis state ol auairs both a broad and at , if . . . , . .i , , , cjinentien-tbu-ubj-c!-J the people. J Ik ? untrue but i' si,Mi-ilv fail.d . ,n, U ... k, . , e t. herself about to fall into the clutches of the .!.- ;.l .. , V, -l,ir,.is,i ,l-.. ! untrue, uut i sigti..u Tdi,-a. senator j j was jrj . m 1 -.j, it was 1 ,01 4 ; i home, ought not our ci if-ns both of town ... ... . ,. -.- . , , ,, T-t three rresi'iet t i a-liir.t,in, .a.mi, , . ,. , r , . t i i i- j a . l i i i -e cruiser, thouL'ht to Ic Lrttish, baule l don u-i Jeff rscn-were nominated by what i, ""'" ' v. u:cago J" i -. " w as it i-- n ' U , , v V g T i ,T uJ run UP ftjr Stripes, j s m-tim-seaiied -spontaneous c :.,! a.tin,, ;' 1-st mouth, .u-t.iu. Mr. Crittenden iu his "". ' res-ta,uat.on 9 lb .-0 . measures cannot be adopted whereby tbe Tl, 1W.Uin fnwa suit, di-plaving her that is to say. ther, Ws an universal public 6l,e,llt ut relative to the expenses of the ' .''r ..r,,i"1' J " I'r0", i T) I "'"i " ,h ! true colors and brought her to w.tb . f. ! r 1 y -; ean'Miafe". Jtnii'.-cu ana .'i'Miroe, it nmv . . , . , r . , , . if. , , ., , ,. , , ; boaraeu by l.ieut liradfutd and e.xieuu ..I..;-, i .! ,i .. , ,j ; iletiis to sLow Low tl.e expeu-ts is increased, i Catawba, in l?.)l, contained a nonuHtion O, 8 and 10 per ceut. ! I he pub ho abroad . ' , . .- aNo ti atfiltd perluips were thus seierten t , , , . men, aiul surrendered at ui-cr. lion. No i i . , ....... i . . , X, I'l.;-. . ,L, .' t,.. nf M- P. II. I cf Si. 02 : the nun.bir of tax, Lie bo Is in expects it at our hands, circumstances here ' ...... . .. Cataisl-, (raven, rafe. 010 400 334 734 523 009 COfj 470 53J 401 420 00-) 7U4 caucus.lt h true, stepped in after. I ff.-rson's , elecfi n and rcctuntentM candidates;. It wever dietit-'d them, as do now our I'oli'icil ; N i Conreiiiions ; but, for this mere I r. JOiiuefiu ifii-n. 1 1 Con.'i . s-ioual caucus ! w as attack.' in l'-2t ati-l exploded befire ' co.i.'ctin I "2?. In fi -a of it. t.owever, au innmtidy l.f jtfti of nis.-hiiiefy his been substi tuted Viasr, Scca jse members of Coo;re were eiiet" ! by th! p.-ople, and wers thus, in some i, gr-. tu-j.m-i';!?; while the NatiTia? Cf n-entionists are no'o 'i'S, elected 1 r 'v. -xxA rc-'p"-"i-'e t- ro'.-rfy : ;n point ef fet. mre cfS.-e-holders or office "':er. w!i. in, a? it w?re. a e!f eiristitute 1 Pniish I'i-l, divirle th sorcrei'n or sive rr'rnl' n i'."l e!i.-e!v-. in ihi- form of rieh tff.ei-s. This Jrresp'ait',e. worthless, self. roti?n'ed, ttcna! niaeh ii'-ry it is I.ieh B-jw ssi'.-Tcrtii or eorrupt the States, an I in creisei the esp-nses of Government to pro vide the rud-'i i! o-' reward " for services l:ors pet anrtum in I .'t - f.I Q Adams's daj) to tie hundred ii',!i-n in I'o?! In deed, fBcb are thf evils of fi,e sv-IlUI. and auel. i its tyranny over a'l hut t'je c5-;e- , cr.niirvt L older, aid eten ov- r tln rn. no one, we pr..uio-, cpu!d dt.'eu! it for a momenf, if we coa'd pro-.i-ie or even oau'e a betfr VmX can iln-re be t,y thing worm! Niy, cr.o there l e any thin et'rrar:'n;, so f" - B 9rl,wi:s A lit or iotu -ry-t l.e c!: Mice foriBalio) lba, a s;,ver llaJ teeo captured ea-e ot exhvgance aira public money At Wilmington, Del. in IS 57, the retcnue collected, was 82,004.i5. . , It took ciht u,cu at an expense of ?15 , "S if.il takit; over S'tcii (liUafs out. Mr. Trutubu;! said he knew ; for this estravag&nee, and what reaaers sujpo-eit is. Ly, tbat " tue Drii.ecr.tic party n.u.-t be sustained." lijt , as Mr. Ciitteudcn was charged uiihbuii.r' 04 valuatiou S Town nronertv S!iG7. Sentinel- ivcs astrouer ' r r '. , , , i ,- P (. i. well, in ISoO. enntained a runu'ation i waste of the; 0f !,317 ; the number of taxable polls in j The lUleigh Standard says: "We cross on a white grouud, which bad pro- by previous agreeuieut. The crew, J. ... - .;) .1 t-,J, sas i,i; in i r.j.j it was i.uug ui uuorj ueiunim i oi u1. liiti.- otct tao p.-r cent, for collecting the',.., o , , ',,, ''n.;nn si 04 1., (of the nubile, that some .ten. .BM be ... ! b.all' leen ued BMif ,he. .Pr,J ..,...,. 1 I, ; i.-.c i .',. ' !,. r 1 . . , . ' , - . uoru l.y previ ...-u.. .,., .u .1., pcrocre,M,i town property m,- i u iu regaru 10 iu stato 01 auuirs now t.-en nun were paid over ten per cent. for('5'j!l; iu 15J7,the number of acres, .'ii.. I exi-ting We hope to see our Merchants the levin.- and tla difference ' a!uat;on "4,00- per acre t-i,2 leaning cu m tnu matter. Uiz :iutn t Uij wa.-oniy cou,-.i: .j4. but he Cumberland, 023 Chowan, Columbus, Cau.de n, Carteret, Cherokee, Caswell, Chatham, Caldwell, Currituck, 201 3a 107 493 032 1120 1 1 0.i 43-1 536 Cleaveland, lie J Davidson, Davie, nineteen in number, professed to be all pis. Lieut. .llt selected the prisoner who ap- ' ,. . p.arei to be at the heal of the enterprise,! Jr-"0""'1" aud look hiiu aboard the Dolt hin, with a ! l,. ' .. 1 . 1 ...ii- , r ranx;in, uudu uij., v;ujii.e 10 ,.'11.1 II 1 ill . 1 lie SICK ' 217. I -j3, was !M2, in 1 S55 it was 030 ; and in !..,. , , ... i ... r 1 .. ,i , 1 ,. 1 i; ,1. , . tta-ton. 1-57. it was 073. It bud listed in l-!55, ! r ' L , r,' I,., .1 . j .i I Grsnvillc, , . c.-.-f , .1.1 ; hum iucir i.aes wun tue i-Binpinicr 01, .u,iuc,ui,iu m,a luu-rmo into. - , acres-valuatton $'-(- ., UJ-per , s ... . -....,.:, ,J, , M, ! were not .e..t to C'h.rlot . !..,.! ,,,. ''', .-Town property U.rU; lojK!vfl, c,llir;ffftf l-' ,, .u. s.' Tl. O.t.wb. from Ke. W,., . ... ewn..,.H ,,'r:". to Uostou iu the ! ,. ' , . . .1 llayood, g-tecu, except.. . to aUUct ti t- r P 7 VV;' -', ' I'ijn'. Sheriff of Korsvth. as the n.-t. The C.t.wba from Key West, a , S4'1 T?la ? -rX. Caleb Muler. of Li.,coin 5 tb- ' Ui are n. on .hZir w,y the reason, per acre cJ.o-J-iown property t.v 00. j.,, T )ostick, of Hiehmond ; and j Ip-in. The nsme. of eig uoes 0:7 , , tht? fourth, Ja. Roberts, of Koc'inrhatn 1 the captain, are as follows : e Comptroller tbat the in-j D-ininica de la I'iene, Juan Hrevcra, Jose 1 ve ' , fsr, i- about ure per j Francisco, It. 1. Hates, John U.aco, Alex-1 .rnJtt Lt paid in last year. auder Ilodgcrs, Frank Cleary, Johu K ; IJu.l-r.oo, j Capeil, Arclnbald ffcott, Geo. I'iaken, An-i r(,,e ! Taj Tiu'h ct Fault. Tb List Democrat, in it. mual vaunting 1 stvle. fas. a Federalist, we expect to hear it cba.ged I .. T,, Know Nothing rnrers that have th.t Mr Th.mh -r,",vi"'. ' rjecn rej-itcng over tr 5 Viccttvn i nr. the object of which is to weaken their ' Vance iu the tfth District will nee, ky ex- lut their statements are taken ; h-' Tot jr '-overnor in tUat dis trict, tbattbey nave precious ItttJe comfort test.uioney, r i . .1 '- - J ,o far ss rol.tieal Questions are coueercel article f jr theuiselvcs. 1 Sljt-r fiplurtd. 'J he Charleston papers brif. us the K.lis has a uiai'irity in tbe District over Mc- iiae t.f 0" tmiafiitU out hundred and We b.arn fr jiu the Comptroller tbat the in- create of rav-cie, Cent, ou tue amount 1 llrrtf.rd, fc2J 35.1 1113 1502 1U"0 741 750 1 223 571 432 450 537 730 333 332 r5. T ,,-.. Hl . -..:- w ,1 de Jave it a! de Miranda, Antonio Milauaobib, William Hnry Seno, joe Gon- Johnston, ilex Seno Lenoir, One is a tireck, one an Italian ; some of, .iucon them ara 1'ottJguese, aoin Spaniard d ! JUdison some Knglish. Some of them talk alout Martin ' .sew 1 01 , lui now admit mat ll.cy are : McDowell, i.ti iu mi Moore, 331 o.ii 201 KCIO 447 014 57fl 7n 5)0 33 drpendtnt or cod, now and then; but the cLsjf-reiof a Conven'ioo I nJ to drive from the fre p-.r'e of the countrv ail nianines. on the 21st u'.t , by tLe U. S. Lri. Dolphin, eff ihe coast of Cut, coLt jining ,Vl Afri cans 12 of diiOin h.iTe sii.ee died, which a!i it.depfn-i-r.rs!, a'l patriotism, e "n whfn ' wa, brought it.ta th.t port on the 30th, , -d delivered It t'.e L. . Marshal, wbo ti-jUiiW-i existence. ' ' Fi'ii-T ft r.r ,.: '.r,t is Tin I' m : e u Sruis 1- x i're :.'!etit l iLiM'.K., in hi . rei a! N a. ara !.'.'. ou tue reception of ti.e ji-sa.'e of ti.' 1'reMUt-i.t Tr! -rre'l t ti.e p ri .'t i.e to 11,.' ci.a.rws.a tf the Con.riiiitue e( Wajs and M. a'-- in t!e Ilnasc of i5epr.-catati .'e h tj 1': .: M.-RS- cb -Lt ai i frotu Cotigresa to te'i the J rsflieabiitty of le.e.-rapiiir.g. Mr. Fi i l.r. mie a favorai.l r-prt fvr an ap- ropr;.!:on of thirty liioaai. 1 dollar. It rec-i rtd wilt, deri'ton by a large nam Icr of t' jn.-rc'-im n. bo seout.-d ti.e it- a of Ulklug fcv t-i!egraph. at.d off -fed all sort f ai"UJm ;i,is designed ti d: feat ti e li.i. Ti.e HI! p-d, ant a I;v fr-.m Wash 1, i to HiUiin-re was :o ready fjr .p.-i. l, u. Mr. FiliiMvre r. iuarkc 1 that l.e look eJ bak e ta ieasat. up ti this incident iu the friiiy t..", tif ..lphio tLUr-pri.-c, and bad e.r si ace ts-r. a gr-t in l rejt iii it progte-, an.J was 1110-t ba; ;j tJ able " mil,.- 1; l.'.s otiralnlat.oc. it!i tU eit.r.v if Ni.sra Fi. is :j :u meuis a,' t," great eu rpi ;e U1.1i.-ru took charge of i;eni and placed them in C-tle I'li.ck'i.ey, bu! was afterwards re Uio.el to Fort S-i-ttr, where thy aiil be pr-p. rly cared for by tbe Government. 15y nd tjn'f ii, the at-t cf 1"10, it is protided tbat negroe, .'v1" , t-.r n in siavcrs. Hiail le K inoved be jond the limits of the United s'ta'.es and p"f er perjor.s appjlntcd to re'-eite them ' t, the coa-t of A.fr:ca. The fuiioai:,g i the s. ctioj of the aet refetred to : following notification iu the last number of tbe Knoxville Jtcgisf'r. To the J'frss. We have entered into an agreement to bold a public debate on the following qnestion : " Oui'bt American Slavery to be rernet- thiit"ii off."' luated?'' The Kditjr was so elated at this crumb i The debate is to le held in the city of 1 eoun'ry. These smuggler? are a desperate I M0,,,( ,'00ierv 11 0 eon.'of, that it entirely for-ot to com- Philadelphia, and to commence on the 7th , looking s. t of fellows. Under the laws of Maroll 3(i7 Dare I'YW vote with the vote that Mr d"7 f. P'--0". 1 M'. uJ utiuw fr ' , and 1";2'J they aiil be tr.ed for their MccV!cb'g, 102 p.rc i....s ote wuu tbe vote tbat -,ir-1 seVPraI days. j live a pirates saiimg on aa American hot- ' s-.b llt7 anee received. hLicu we have done and j the press of both sections of tbe j taa under the American flag. 1 hey were y I,,over 1322 find that Mr. VaLCc reCeitid a inajoilty over ; Union please copy this notice ! i comtnittcd to jail on Satuiday afternoon S'ortiianitito'n 1003 hum ot 1 titir ...tuilrt'il mill 1 M-.ite. Now Mr Democrat who J ' 'ami j -v. - . . ty. pro,ecu..nv' oincer. 1 He t.ourt Ledh.f ,.er ,.:,. 3II4 Democratic party. Iiesiues, it says "the, . to it the 4th .'loi.diy in November. ' I'itt 773 Democrats gained three Commoners iu the i Tbad Wltu Tin SoUTU-m est. The 1;b," curiou " cargo aud r- j Vron. Oil district." and further. that Vunee declared ' Richmond Dis.atch aavs: I ra,' "'''t of tLe Kebo, we obtained . per- lubc.on. 773 administration." V. e have no doubt that North Alabama, nhich, if consummated, pauied Lieut HraJford iu a small boat from Jt,j ,Vr'f'jr J the friends, of Vance were so anxious to te e u. e .-e.eeiwu ii at iul v loroi eerv oilier . . 1 . 1 , . 3 e J I bales to 1 ifL'ini i markets con-nieratioo, and as to v anee decUrmg tyover; I. uion please copy this notice! i comunttcd to jail on fcatuiday afternoon Northampton 1003 iitll-i JJ!rmatict. G. Droaulow, Knox- ; 1',l't!r iriaN, "'l't-l plee at Columbia, S U)1 "7;', ,- 1.,! Title, Tenn. j before H.a Honor Judge Wayne, Circuit )rth,,t lna i v , - . T, . , .,, x- Judge, James ( om.er, U. S District Attor- p., ,,., .t, -t 1 1 t ttn.i Vi. X-IryncIeijrawsvilie.Y 1. . n ' ... , --quotanX, .1.1) will result in the transportation of the cot- the wharf. L'pon cian.berin. up the side of J'.,,,,),!,,!, ' ton crop of that section several thousand ; the brig a strangn and atartimg si.ht p,e ! ;jc;III1((l).' It now goes sen?, a u to Charleston, .South Carolina, at a cost ol ' Africans in a state of complete nuditv, with c '., wili. n,'r,"is to support the administration j three dollars and twenty live cents p.-r bale, rare iu-lances of a narrow strip of ra" an , J Le-ic teoii Hockingham, 1 HH N'-5 1.170 601 240 OOO . , ' on the Ilolstoo and Tcnrns-es Hi vers, and , legs tn tolled out fiat or drawn up in front' l',,j0I ' a loaf tuan tilf! prt,id(.t of the F.a-t Tennea.ee and ' or doubled up j some srpiatted on their feet w'.ke' iiocrat, but; Viri;i,t'- Kiilroads, are in correspondence , a-d hands. A few were etaridm? ahout' ,Varrei that is oil pan; too u The Kditor thinks that the know not . i.-m : ,u ' ". . . reamers, --.c -sr...- ,..e mo-v pari wiltt ll.eir Tvrrcol -) J. f...,l .... TL . nn th a'.lnn at. it T..,.. It:.--. ...I ' l...a r. 1.. ,. I ,,1 R ...... I . ' : ' , . t- ."1 V , : would rathtr have a third of !. is Urebv aalL-,riz.d to mak.sucl, r-.-.. no bread. Certainly, Mr. Democra c.iio-j" as ne may 1ee xpe-.ctit for the ou to n aattsnea Tiiinoui even ou iu awi-jovs. . ti a t-w tying u jwb. .none were tied or. Washington -afe k.-. pin.-, sni poit, and removal beyon I " crumb " to console you. j J f-t, ned in any way. The majority ere W,u.', ' .he li-Hiu ot the United -States of all ,ue.. Although do hit: C'.i.gman as Ud nHMr.-U learn that a r.-nPer ' S"':- PPr-,:J fr0,u ' W'.yn.?, ' l.gro-, t..ul.t?o-a. tjt per-on of tr. or, tu , , ., ... . 1 . 1 ,. ',, -, - ,' ecu years ol mim youiiL'er and some v.tlr. may be ao delivered Ld h Ib . -t jet we tb.Lk we can. on ti.e iluung on and W eldon , I ailtoad ; qAk. ,c.irc.,y one. bo.r, over twenty, i iViS ta,ir tur-iie.-n. At to ,n -'nt a proper great deal of consolation in the re- w,ai ohh.':d tXH"f A .Idon on.five. .s.m.e of them were able bo lied, good . I"' . .. ' . r ' , , . Monday last (or onin.-r. 1 he victim was a :., 1 ,1 , , 1 . . v . .1 . 1 nc j, person or pr-un-, rt iiu. up .n tne e34t u-t we th.u. it c, early sett, .a the caie.. , ' , si.ud and in good case; but the greater! M Africa, as a nt or agt.f f-r reeeivin. n.e..- -,wi ml l ,.r ti- .1 , ..1, .7., r , T, , - part were bail grown children only, weak ,.r - .... ,u,,rC . . tu v,,e,i ..1.4 rvtuoi oi .,,l oril. Mini were n.ueli ei.,pi.l,M "and for the same money may be depo-ited ' inch wide round the wai-t. iu L.jnclibu.g. J be masters of steamers were seated lor tl Stanly, 700 1 00 121 35 ioy.3 r-IO 201 257 1 332 000 033 HO U.inief , 645 411 7T 3 703 45 70 4"3l 545 833 409 005 15- 5"i3 701 230 300 474 502 574 211 1002 425 116 13sj 119 5-6 155 l?fl 0.'6 334 133 y4 '2039 Ur-'J 302 234 5"4 303 5ill 229 047 1349 112 1 sit t17 -03 221 217 340 305 077 Till a.ifl 623 03 570 421 () 11143 502 3H 710 314 CiiO 430 003 7-sl 12! 6,'iij 497 679 4UH 707 3.10 273 1124 101 377 302 274 1 204 32J Ellis. 825 43'J 325 700 523 180 0t3 450 55 330 400 00J 75iJ r-51 307 0-0 112 417 531 000 311 633 1001 071 43 J 1257 671 63 K'3 43 los.1 400 320 402 527 712 309 421 639 52(1 33 5i7 2.H 017 400 Oul 407 60 429 041 323 305 0U-S 74 1410 64. 777 1012 32 1 324 ',33 030 704 U2f 1220 hl;3 402 251 1 020 7!fs 70 l.'tO 220 S21 100 "7 2 2-S 210 1230 602 737 730 of doll ars.. 1 his I know has aonni beon disputed ; but I have here the oft,r;) statement made by tbe Cleik of the II0Uw of Kepresentativei, showing that more , eighty-one milliona were specifically ap.,N" priated at the last session of Centres. there aro indefinite appropriutious p,'.ni claims, the precise amount of which i, , i yet kuowu, whioh araouut, at the lowc-i j, ti 111 ate to three millions and a half, ,;,,, over eighty-four , millions, and th.iro i, unexpended b-lnnceof appropriation, u,,j last year atnounting to more than Hi',, millions. These sums altogether make a,oil than a hundred millions of dollars at tl disposal of the Administration for the fn, ent fiscal yoar. I know it is said that it . unfair to charge all this to this year; it, a surplus will remain at the end of this j ., to be carrid to the next list; but I thiuli is much more likely that the AdiniuLtrai, wilt come in with a deficiency bill and 1,, for some ten millions more, as they did, the last Cougress, tuau that any surplu, . remain. The expenses of tbe Government duri; tbe administration of lieu Pierce were. -1: 820,032 This is more than all tbe expsnv, of the Oovernmeiit from 1700, when it () organised, for thirty years totfether, ing tho war with Ureat liritaiu iu lMj- Gen. l ierce expended more money d.i;h four years of peace than our (joverni;, L expended for tbe first tbiily ears aft, 11 orgauitation. In l2d tbe expenditures of tbeGort'i mentfor all purposes, exclusive of tV'p, lie debt, were $0,74, 154.59. In 137 1 expenses of the Government eiciu-nt the public debt, were Si-i,0.T.,rio,;) 70. j ,-,;"" ew.-.i.s ii .... popuiatiei, 1S.'3, was ninety four emu on each in !;. ual. J lie pioruut in fo? was 52. man ninny four ceuU to 52.21, accori i ,0 population. irtil ow luc"e ,cW g''t t attract ti. 1 "ui 10,1 'k5 C0l,,,,ryi but pethap, ; I were to state in detail some of the a t, f. nil "M ,0,ero'-"eilt. lows of (he in. .- J by which these expenses have been ioerti AUKca. 010 350 771 6b3 621 701 320 321 435 6H-J in 650 132! in .,34 3721 00 ,, , 110 150 3li3 21 5 00 12 720 .03 1 th M- mui.itto.-s, or pef of color. 67,033 41,001 44,061 50,212 30,003 30,003 i fro... on hoard v-.U Iz. , li, to. ' E "-"""o ijj eua.a. , s ."" i and sho wed pi ai r.l y t he e ff -icts of their lutii? . 1 .-. r.i t. . . ' rrn In s OI CreOll amoillillli'. to Itteeu hen. 1 , . -" ' ' prOsruiOM fcl th.. slate trar.e J.y eoluuiau-l. : A,,u " ne l.mwir oi me iett.ocri was Ml, jv.,. v..rr. , m r. .. , , ! cr0" J,'u Iim,"4l'e co,,ullvd B,''P Draei's mail ".0 1 Il'U'niai 1 0 2 17 The eolii waa ail in "vm . . ... .... . . A Wat mi Ia (tiniivt D-i.liI Win.r. tf Loegport, N i'otk, l,a invented what be can a " water l '"n ot ; . c.'r wnieh, the Courier ), ln.oe a J'e. -sf j! tup, l ist Weik. It is de-erin.d as a i ,e j:n ,n . e Wliicb moves on tho w-U-r a, the ordin ry Sort (io on a riir si tr.-fg J r,.- n.'iie aud wheel- floit on in wat-r. the latter d.p piiig s.rlifsu..,!, j to ir ...l I ue whole ,Tiit tre. '1 Le ii.iet.tor cl .iin i V. a b iteoi, t reeled 2 tl.it plan cm b dri.-en wit.i ft iter ease and K-ier thau a ral.ro. 1 eu p-n ; it J If t it is p. euli-r i . lapted 10 ca lis! naviga'Utn, at in jjolng thl'ty n,:l-s br, b ar, it wowlJ not rsir na meh !! as an cir'naiy steamboat S'ei 'l in going fi-e If it w.e. ti.alt ill aiitieipati j:is ol ti. .-e tnt -r---t.-d 10 iu uce-, it "il J ro 1 jce 1 iit: a revolution iu ti.e nv:g.tLti of au-r L t tue ai l of su atu. er. of t Tnee 1 to 17 and and we g Charlc-'oi C UTit if t 1 !.;s is s.i i to h ca-go of slates by and I ': u p-v'lt -. i 1 trt-it of the 1 ti.-kle, iippitL', aud 1 at. I effects on b .a eVally bet.,, the I. nited fs'.atea armed res-els. 10' s ate u.oet'.y -j Jung, from I 0 some oiler and some younger ve iu another column f. otn the M-.-niry a more detailed aa- And if the Kditorof the Democrat was Lot governed by "seven p. inc.ples seven ; t r(, ,u"pKCltfll ipture. tl Cr-t cai.tirij of a au Anietieaii crui. r 'e j- h lor th-c c.-t-ri :; bin. as the vessel. . iniiut'.-, ui. J the goods 1. are to be divided United Stat.-- and the loa7cs and fjo ti.hts " he would bateCiina man as bad as wj do. ltut when a man to the detection of the robbers. M'ti. lUr. detires to be 011 the " most popular side " ' .. he gives up conscience aud every thing eisKi. lt need not be alarmed on our ac count. Cii.ogman baa lost part of his fair s . .' . ' . ' j, j dropsical, whoe skins were tawny from dis prof ortiotn " and if we are not greatly dis app.-.iti'e 1 in tl...- i ii of the ti:iic be a M il as dein ici aey to harm any oue. offhers an J ctew, and tic Secretary A the J'te.s jry i to ay a Loonty of ?25 13 the .Ulll 1M, III. TBI, 1- Tl.. f,.lU.;- Those who were well appeared curiou. and ZTh frj"' tUo (KJ ) Obaerf. WitiB F.K TUB Ati.ATI'' Caih.k It is! pleased, some of them ogling and giggling j er wl" Wllu boundless pleasure by generally supposed that tbe Atlantic cable ; challerin.', aod others smoking tobacco : every true Harry Clay Whig throughout as made entirely in Lugland. .Such is not out of -1,orl cUJ' f W tl1"0 sterna, just ! the length aud breadth of the Jand. Glory the ca-e. Very many m.les of tho wire j ".our ou negroes do. Those ibel .were 1 f f w h , , . re manufactured in I'rovrlenee, at a fa- lhl" a"d t"t'k '"""e'1 dull and bruii-b, but j 0 ' ., i , ... , ;,, f il... .'. (i.. there was nothinir wild or I rocious in i,..ir -. 't we have won back the Ashland not Le in a situation thousand ton- of iron per day touiuim d in ' aspect. They looked amiable and docile, , l-triet I " Let thy servant now depart in tin) work, and its superioiry over tbat ' resailiiy obeyed tbe commands of the peace." 'ays the Observer : made iu Kncland is well understood by the persou wno ua 1 cnarge 01 ineiu. J Uey are ! Cabh- Company. It is worthy of note that J-'rpat thieves, however, aud appropriate 01 it TIK.r.. ' no portion of the wire made in this country , whatever they can on every occasion, asine with in aaeustomnd . part' d while being laid. It may turn out 1 lit re were 240 males aud 00 females, ti "r Cni'M turt.tr I'lat. e since a cifinterfeiter of Ciiieinuati number of -s" Y'- and plate, ii.to tin iy last tho p. aie, v , a if , Rem.' Fottietlu beit.g hotly p 11 -j i. t'.'- t tu.lelf' it 1 ills river On Mjni t .vertd, and amoi.g tu. m on the Mtrehani,' lltt.k of N Carolina, very well . e.t.-.l. T:..-re -., also a fit) plte of tue Jl.nk of tin- Si.u. of orth Caril'ns, at I'.i.eigd, a i eieC,,i, u counterfeit, which was pat in eiiv.i.'.i on CviiiC Mats ajo. - V.-rs and cr sill tri d f In., arrivii etit iu l.'i.ai j iridicli Guverui.et.t The crew of tLe Lt :i v. sj-.d cr -l-lli Oil bet We.. It Ol.! ' pi He N-jrth n-idi.-r.ihle tx-'ite the tjiestiiii Federal and that tne Ch are very aminos to brli.,; t.etwetn tl:e reOcral anJ State !. n ll y a't.mpt tt ait iu a case like tu! present. !t wo jl l e iu to us Mr.ige tu b ed a 'overtiiiient tefsel couid not brio; s'.astr Wiibout a conflict uiih a State !, itotion lajS t.iat i-vi ry pubnc aei ' shall Lave tuiJ fait!) and credit eve 1 1 hiii Il i'scli's M regularity is b. fore u. This number is very ''u': of 'l'ese diva that more was done herei who were k' pt separate ou deck aud iu tLe Nathani-l Greeni:; Hjimel Deem not that liie pi-i.n, .Vn ; Aunt AgUha fttory ; Sonnet I in 'C S iinmer iSaljbaths.Ac : Note " Tint Ashland Dihtbi :t." " This glo rious old District has again declared against the Democracy, and we feel assured that the announcement of the faet will carry consolation and encouragement to every true 1 ;.. 1. v: ii .1 , ... 1 1. 1 . ii ..1.:. ..1 in it-.tiij..-. w. , n-e 1 resioeui tin.' UJ.TII iili. U'O, ,fIB Ht.IlI. UII IIIU IUr- .r.,.Li,.ri.l rt,. -...I a,. . , , ,1 . .r.l )...- ii. tl.a fnr-..,l I,. .1.1 t.;l' . -e "m. ... wu..e nu, eiitraily ku own. UmUtH AUui .1 .,. it ;.. .:.i.. .' , leavimr a surplus of more than fl." TtiE I'.ate r.r Travs-viismon ovk Til; ' . ' , " 1 l ( Kliug constantl v to advance tho interests of l tl,e "d of ,h" lo"r ',,f' . " ..." i I will call yoir attention to the c.n : Chicago You have a eustomboupo Jutv here. In 1 or Tor the fi,cal ye .r .,.ing in June, I". 3, the last )ear cf Y " I mort's aduiitii-tratinn, there ware eoi'f t.; '''"rat Chicogo fMt.KoSf-O. F,x men 5i 1 i I tt... :. - .i . ru.piL.jr to eoi.ee 11, -au mrt were p,j S -,''! 12. That ww a little orer teo r cent. For the year ending June 3' th, Is' thete waa coileeted at Chicago 8143,0... 40. Sixteen men were employed in it - , lection, and they were paid I 4,3 19 ;o .. lit i ow. ' you ''"Ing right here as yo : I is there any reason for ih-s incr,-.. -i pendiluro? Can you tc'l n. any .'r why it cost ten per Cent , Ihi last G-eal - rnll... l tl.n revenue at tLis nnrf -i.il n,. H't'e over two per Cent, four years a. "' I there any reason for it except ll.it '.. I Govcrnrrent wanted to abower the nior,. '.' np"o favorites T i.l'r. ' l" Vcs, there is a reason." "Iknowa'n .'. ' i" "Tl litmxtatli is:iv mu-t 1 ; sustained. " Lau -liter and aptUo-e. think that is the best reason. Thev il.. sustain tbe office holder." I.au.Lt-'r II... Ii : f . i . i ... ; uu v ni. ii.-o is only a sioiim c- y.j , Lave the ofEsial report bare, and I wn! ti.v ji,j , a lew otter casta to alio yu how the 'In emmf nt eaptnda money. Thera are s pother points w hera tbe expenditure for cl r I lecting the rtvciines are much Worse that i j.,. . this point. At Wilmington, D-Uarr, tUn ,-- was collected in 157 g2,lnl4 '5. Kow nur,' 3,j 1 Uien do you suppose it took ta collect tbw (- ; amount, ami how much uo you upp nr ti" 6' ' I' took cit'ht n.rn, and ti.e n 111' p.t.st of collecting wa3lo,hlS 31! I.iutb lU37f,e' 1 4:!(is, '"'"Jeii.eo, you lean entirely too '.si .;ti;L 1 ,r.- ihi bulUraort of eaes. At A-,.,n-uapolis, in dryland, there was colhd i li.n-e year f Ji jow ,.. ti 510 Jou "PP"10 ""-i that It t .t four men, and they were pal rr (ir;f j. '., vices SO-3 42. At Oeracoke, in NoB (,. j lina, 82.55 were collected in I "57. It ( 1 "3D L,t'u fro lo do it, and an economical !.) y,jeruuiei.t, under a Deoiocratic Adiniui't'i W tiou, priding itself on its econoiuj, p j .,i scrcti men to collect this Ss'2 33 the ,u:n if IJ. 8..301 32. At 1'ort Oxford, Oregon T t .',1 ritory now jou aould expect soui. tlo i , eiirai at;ai,i over luere iiiers was ,-',:". , ed S55, aud it took lo mrn to cn'l.-'i ' aud th.-y wete paid for eolieetin; "-.' "" Great laughter J Cau any of you int tbe calculation of tlie perct ntape that ' Jjpaid ,0 collect the $5e?5 T I believe It 'fil about five Lundred lo one. Don't yu tinit jy.jthe Governntent ouht to get neb? A' j f Monterey, California, the amount C(.l!'f'J . .. in a-o was iu ia: u.ree men wn- plotd lo collect it. aud cud for ivi 11 j $7,1130 03. At liuBalo there c in IS37 PI0.140 63. There eere t. u m'H cmploted iu its collection, and they paid f IO.is'.Ki 51. I aiil not weary you by roadlug t port further. Il is the ofheial report I'm the hecrelary or t..e lieasury.in aiii't'! a rcsoluliou of the Senate calling upon I-1" lo know how many employees be had it n' different custom-bouses ( what he hal J'! them; bow much was collected, Ac, ,li hero is thrt official report from every cm!" tion distrirt iu the United t uu-.s. I L" singled out a part of tbein as example. 1 will now give you aome account of tl tOi'sl expense of collecting the revenue h icvnral yrara past. In li.V) Congrcsi passed a law appr-pn: ing ?2,I50.IIOO annually to defray ti ' pcnsel of colleeling the revenue east f ltocly Mountains. During Taylor and rut mores administration the whole retm east of the Kocky Mountains was roll r!'k for al.nut two million dollars I er sio.i'-- .tMMi.i"'" 141 30' 100, a col ii-ic a athoriti 1 ue eor t,f Con- .- : : ; .t : ;..?rr: -:z: :,. -i b x.. vUrkTnbnBM.t,i,.,:. - ?. i,e.d,.d; k;, teir efforu ; 7;;;, r -f n.,..ist,..ion . ... tate . ',', t;., I4rk,.u. Introdu'tiouof-e in-lru.,..-nts now in us at Trinity Jlay ' '"eiies lngh, tne floor i.ctng forr.e. of ; ,d - d b ; frientls have once more' I'ierce he used up the 62,430 000 per ani.1.' h ; .V otooh Cam i a ; I'- 'try Ob Valentia record words at the r-te of . "' &?- '- been coudemed in tbe city of Lexington.l - ery dollar of the f 1,000 00 re.. j..e.:vc-:u.j.e,iv.i Fea.ti... the I ions ' V minaU-, or one hundred and twn-i hi c end girls .l,,d this.j ,,,, C0UIlt- of Fayette, tU AsUud ing over from the 1 ,, more .dm....s.ra J ' J,,rofC ll.story'of ,he iuitld Ktates ; ' A hour. Improvements .ill duties.' , V 't TV " cdjLt ;g, besides. Aft. r Mr. Il.cli.n.n earn, tale Fan L- tf l'almeao- ta.,2a Uoon h- ' '" Pn this : but at this r.le the c . ' ,,Jb". ',',t teii,porury flooring is, power Mr. S-eretary Cobb, IB te i. ! ' , ,J 'fYov' U An 1 1 our a m on-' 'oi us tr. I more than two thousand """' t j I port, a.ked Congrcs. to appropriate 3,1 and Medal,- 1'oe tryexilts our Joys - I'uw ' eight hundred word, per day. rmtMf'.t Idr'.,,'k- to'l A t'Ml KALI A Goi.l. MlsKs. Tho yield in I "00 annually lo Collect the revenue tntU lu.t er in Aim ; KonneU-l he child eltepn , ' I )M.Uk W'')". Pjt ... bucket, the gold held, of Australia, during th. It ! ..me dietrio. of country where only pnuire.t n.- )- . vn.l iu mother arms On Nos Sonnet tin 1 r. , -p- . . I , ' , , . ' l"uuu yr, lias been suen, it I said, as to intimate 8 ::,iw",uii nan D.en n an ; "oVi' v anid no uo"drun,d ; ",A" V" I'1r"U"S,A 7T r"e : 10 t11"' T'U (, C.'rClU"f tcU "h-! l,'er permanent Klde harvest to1 before. What waa the r hlndaue.- ue M. r r 1 1 e. us B jtt ' I" ti"lL,,eT P''"' or General I, well guarded to prevent the strong ,,. ! r,pcd iu that land, if not a, Ion. .s the increase of ixp-W I '. too T Le WeM- Ilelrt F -it ' '' hU" 'JV J cm' fro, ""? " their .hare, I human race las,,, at leas, an.n!, "for Ihe ! Congress did not appro iab'e 'uU'r yousuff-r from nervous irritation or ennui ' altho.i.b ail are liberally allowed. A pint j aatisfactiou of a few generation,. A aplen-1 00t. asked for, but it di Tie North Carolina I'Unter La. n'.Mi been , ail these reason lor nn None ws pivrn.- priats the f-1.'' ' lid om.rf nri-ilc " . l ake the Oxyg uated Ihttcti ahiuh cures of wat-r is given to eacH. morning and even-1 did hu2it of 2,217 ouucw b.i lat.lv been ; 301,000 for eo'lleciin. tho revenue es" Most of ttictu .luep on dock, Iciu piuked up. I the Kocky Mouut.ius. The amoat-t o