'ill r'H! 'HI! Jl n Stmton He; C7V CKCIL'S COUNSELS. -Tbe sound seritur.al views of tht.t cmi- sent man, n enaru cc.., oommuea witu a judieiou m-cU!1Ue auJeritanJiug, render - ,ed bis counsels, in. every age of Cl.rini.ia es-peneDCj, pecuua.ly valuable ; but to a- recent cenvert, bo.c knowledge was ue- os.arily very imperfect, and xeal ill rcg- j ulatcd, tbe advices and warning of .ueii j a ir.au were iuestimabid. We quote some staking rfrjatks, which ft'! I frjiu bi.-s Hps, iu Lis 5rst convcrfatioa wi:h one utnKr! - 'm1i ffireumsfarees, acd ccn:nica l lLoir startling truthfulness to our readers: 1 " i'ou itiurt not look for perfection eitb tr in yourself or Giber.. Not to allow for the iuErnii.'tes and dr-fects of a fallen na- fjr.. ntt) ond.rar,a any tbi..2 about the tvatter; nr, it la Pcak dir-.tly con- Indian corn, nbcat, etc. Tbo black du.t,0"- burc,l,2 " suavtuga, cottou ana tur tt arytothe Ulblc, tbe .standard of .11 trutb. : of matured smut U to be regarded aa iu,Pcnine &0-l am iud,lceJ to 8i,re Jott tho There wm never more than one perfect 'seed, each particle of which, however !i,-ht ,,mP,e 8nJ Pfcct,y effectual method prae cbaractcr upon earth, aud He was tbe west 'aud evanescent, is capable of germinatiug j ticeJ Loro- Tk fomtuoa soft soap aud under and ron.p.v.-oi.nte tcwarJi the im-lornl producing iti kind wben bro.ht intoUlinit itt,M tlat it will not slip off poLcuo,.' of n.eu. He !,,, what wasiu favoru-le eircutoManoos. It U difficult tollllu Lrus!l' Ql1 Pcrioa mJ u1 UPJU mc0,fJrII0iV,cdHttheh.v,rt;D.,i;fiic1? .v prccise'y tow these ,ccd4 fiud th,;, ! be ground and apply it t3 the ne.U with r:-l,t, He fi::ed. xl.de iU,e wujway into the receptacle of growing wheat.' common pa.u:er'e brush, inserted in . judge c.j"i.v t! e outward .rPear.co, But it is probable that they adhere to the ,1"0I1S1' ona cai o h'S rip 1. ..,.,,.1 : sfl fi.i.J, j w'era t'v cm. ' kerne's of wheat when sown: aud we kuow'sllwed from a piue or other light board, and dctnued. ,e di.tifcti.-n you LoaU ! with the growin,; plau't ; and are developed u your B.ind-.hatrclui.u'at the ba.-e of the oewiy formir.- kernel, ' '1 iare is on kD verv c'.'ar iu ,.t. in eDce. rtrfeet : at our rule 1 a..d Mauuardit js ni.mir,35 hor co it U au.ctcJ by the ineoi.'iMeiiuiea or itnperfic-! tis of its profesaors; the standard re-' inaio, tba sa'Jie j tbe ba!.m-e are true; bat wben itsrrofeors are neb-Led therein- e rea tb-- Tory bei-t of thorn they ar j fouud ! intiur'. Oar aim must be to et every ay iear.r the itan.larJ ; for whoever uoo L.t labor, not merely desire, but labor to! U a better Chii.-rla-i ev.ry dav.U not vet''" -beat comes from fporules (smut .ecl) j ,., . . i i- i i -.i .1 i . i - i a CLri.-nau at all. let in tL;s you must i distributed with the seed vtuent, which we I , eii-tclie ja;ici;ci. Ij net measure youm'.f, suppose u be correct, it fjllowsthat if you j 7 faU standard. There are tv doobt ! sn iu ibe Christian wor'.l but weald ' Is a L'i:i'Jt t onco ? Do no; be fa:is-1 ficd to ba a dwarf, but reaiv t:a-t be tluie 13 ;rovr. jig c-n-iu., u win in in tree wua ine eorU, (-in t up io tic claraetc-r you pro- ! ' Dj t t a: ru a I'l,i:i-..ial nuni.er bv, I am bclier tbau thou.- Yet -t it apf.r?r, that wlile y.-u are u&dtr tbe Jt:it ot ts-inni tbur vain coart rsatto T of L-rinti.,irvaiu coavtrsa-.icii yju bave, no taste lor i Of tu-; 'r,e t ia it. As bumble, kitid, iiicnce of-1 t a utter 'iiuch. j " V.'LtTver God give faith be will tm V , l 1 wlr.c .er become a follower of Christ ' niji-t dtor LiiL-.-'.f, an i take up hia cro.-- niu.it Bake great acr:C-.e such aa rigbt j 1 and acd r'ht eye ; m-i-t xpect eypo i- j t.n, pcrbccu i :n, njcrtlUcition. cruul s.-of- , in I o;, not cn'y from the wor.d but iYo.u j neare-t aid cartt frietdi. A can's tL sharr--t acd i , e . , fi. e.t f. ta are tbo of ti - cu Loa.-.L-Jd.' lot rsu-t fit f.ee ' Vie a fl'ii' a -ubst ii.rcliiiu a3iareineBt. " Uat I wjull warn joj of another dan-; gc-r ansic ir;n a quarter you may lea-t ij.'.t ni:..'.-!y, ft 5:14 I'.t r'lisi'tus uol! i:i'f. Tt-ere are st suibiiag-IIjc.s even it.; IbeCb'ircb ; tb-re are many -rc'e-isri lio, ; !i'.a tbi-e .ta a person setting out in rt'.i-! gioo, will elvie 03 this course ar.d on tint.. ' of li.. a.-.,, .e. V .V. ..: r :, ! I,, !. " ' t-.tc ?n.!..g .' An Jtber sort y, ' act 5Ee- f- .'" aud tbe jnug caavert, l.ivitig a ttu-' atr c;cifiice, desiroai of Lein rijlt, U ! ofuo rrcat'v torilex-.d, for be tu'ii taa Iu , ....... . . tie Teae'-.otfi acrJd tofrc m a party f pit it. lai-'.';aJ tf cltiic tir; mu!i cf tbe werd,' le bas -t di-tinj'-:.-!. between hfitt of to djctriiic, til at K.-t be l.-gic tj dg-ibt of w.l l... :. .f T -. ! 1. ' j -1 1 ti..i j j av a.i. ' t ""J" v' " 1 l)o cot fcrtn too bl-h cxrectati'r... from, 'tt'l'-'D r5c' ole pla.-tc-r, charcoal- I , . ,, C, , ,1,, ... .. J. t 1 ... t. .. . , ' tLe prof-,-,0- w-jrld. Iu tvt be i:i baete"'. soap-Bad-, Ir.ue ..p frutu la r-ru. o.ii.cu.u to mite acqui-lt.tari- -kitchen aud chamber?, etc. Tbo besp j o.- :o p--e eot.5 ;: 1 3 t::a tj cv- ould be Uag ovtr oe';asiobally, adding ery prf.-s--r al ay, Xeaf :'. a"!":'1 l;ri)C- Aciiual manures I " Dj bm enter iu tbe of r'-li.'i-.ij. "bou'd not b; ad J..--1, an they would do barw po--r win in sv "-it ctilr ' izz'e vvi a- by sttticg free tie aiiimoi.la. I:i ti.e lat- ! iii ' t "' V . , t-r ca" cLar.-ai J a,: vU-ti-r of Pari 1 I brJ p .-,: cf a vtt. bit :uay iea 1 t'"'f--'i' pia i'r 01 1 ar.a, ... t wa-uyoir t.i:ri to co purple, it. ui ?'-tab. '.cars.., turf, cr swamp I ' frf. m 1. ov.'e to b--.if. tilkii.-', iu-t-ad t v, ,-, .r,;rjt cf U:,;.T There . m. . - ,f .t ia , , r . , . . u-, r '"' ' " ' " ' ' lie iu S-Av,; It -Am t-mteh to ch-ircb to t .. . , c. .. 1 - , ,. .. !.. .... .. to- jrV, I .. w .o are loo t it k. 'i i oiii in el'j--l;. 'Ir. J r.i'.-!la:.i iu iu ii..'r e'n i-t-, :vr:l:t witb God. t'.e trii.-.-t. It i' u ) to C I ti.e id h I: nit ti.i iikB .'liry, at (. ii -i:; : tut to feet. aLd b. of a .s;-t; V.'Lilt God pouring oot bii Spirit I.. . Ohio, aiid many were ga'.L- 'vd int) t! . ark cf aa.'. ty, a yoonj i-i'lj, tf t la jfl t r of pi-j j arett, timed a dt iaf t-r : t . - v '. iutry atd off is cf jard-.. ti ' a. . . I .J iT-a.. ,: u. :.: -g on; .SaM-ath cvttii.'ig, h' r -..i..t mnnj fct'.iiic'ed ihe rye of tin f :-' uli btr .-ri.,u-ly, it4vi- l.i. l.cr t-A del) iti-i p-.'ng i .,. rt-y i.oioiig er ; bul uv l.-iu::d, ai.d pl.-ad. d that alvc si.ast pu:;.-i.e lbe uij tt t.ll to-Luonow e Vttiiu';. Iu tue t.i; ht fiiie '.if Ihiii l 1 1-,' fi-.-Jieal aid js Ciiied; but 10" j :u,. pronounced b'.r ,fym 'i riCvi t, cr. un ''.her teliio i-'jn b' r i-j .ill La 1 fi. 1 trbort t i ii. e I. f -re -h-. r I ).. r Jt!. h..' ajpt arcd to be iu -reat di.-tr.---i. Kr.uw ii flie uiu-t Hnrjd before the j i Jt"n. t,t . .: to r. ccite ber final doom, ehe i-in- 1 to i ., . St.. ..in II.,!.;-.! e. ,,.... n. ..k- - . .o.B.t Ur U "tL Latub Ol 'ioJ. wLi.'li U- ketb away tbe sin of tbe world," but she could Cud no peaeo. Yith Lorror depicted w her eouneuance, she said, "I bare sin ned against God, iu striving og..iust Lin Holy Spirit. There is do in trey for me. Oh that I could live my lifo over og.iiu ; I WJu!J tlicn fcrve mj GoJ a8 r Lavc 8triTen ' Um ..lcpgioj Lcr .astor at Lcr i,. , warn all her yomg fricaj3 ll0l to q( .Uc salvaliou ot tLt,it 60ull!. w L D. ; SqiicitlfnaL SMUT ON WHEAT mut sccuis to be a parasitic fungun, of; Iich there are several variaie,, as cn 'that in Sou,o war tbev are carried upward , simuttaoeoualv with tbe lurstin- of tbe 'pike from iu sbcath, or perhaps a little be- j fore tho bead makes its appearance. From j ihU time the iun-.s gro and dovciopes j itelf more or less rnpidlv, as the weather ! favors cr otberwUe, drawi its nutriment I from the plant, thus partially depriving tbe J f 'rminu wheat of its appropriate food, as i a: iu.siuuatinj a hurtful ingredient. Xw. ou tbe sut puiou that tbe emut ----- ------- tbe seed before sovtiu, per fcctly clean, there would hi uo smut iu the j crop, for however warm, damp and lowery j the scas-u, smttt wi.l not grow, uuless there is seed for it to grow from. Iiut it is im- ' pvi - - iu.i; u tjm j.cuo,. v.c uiuuvn these fporu'es or emut seeds. Th too biinqte to be all washed sway ; their vitaiitv i., u-.t deatroyed by pure wa. ; I - e , iter. Ik-nee, tbe importance of waaUiu aeed ! wheat iu some aoluticu that will deMroy ! Vltamy ul eua 01 lue eporit.ed aa jail u to be washed out. Salt, plaster, quick-lime, arsenic, eul- phafe of cApper and other things have been recommended. TLe rt U always at hand, anJ tho next two are seldom far absent from tbj frm ; aul wo believe that these aro suGicieut. It' the seed be uret washed faro water, tbca iu a weak briue, of eay ; oue quart of salt u a pail full of water, and dried ic plaster or quick lili.e, (tbe ; '.. ..1 j, r 1 itttvr not to be u.K-d to frc.ib nor very ; fretiy. k-t it ii.ju tbe vitxlity of tbe J agalustlwbeat.) we tbibk tbat there will be Ittle j N'. danger from smut, and that the operation ; will be favorable rather than otherifi'e tj j .b crmitjati'ja aud early growtb cf tbe evcd ab'at. ; j COMPOSTS. Ia or Lear tbe irdea, and in sonic out 1 ibt comer, there sbould be at ail time .i . I .. t. .-I i:..J v. -k.j, ... """"itJUty Who.,..;..!,.! Ilefil, Kt of ralluli tbat cati bave tbe least value a PKH'C'llAUl) S. mature. j Fib. 9, I .".. "J'-f M;.ke a iLaiioT excavation of sutlicieiit t - , aud a little lower at one c-bd tbaa at ' Urate Stag HI Hia. , , , - . , , , , A N ai'rrtii.'e r. fr. xlni.t and liu'ive, ,a pie. tb otber, furoito with the earth tbrowD aul to Ule u,.c .j, W3t,r. s..id by out a small ctblaukcicbt all arouba it. In- 1 tin turo greD weeds, the swerpirig i tbe yard, tbe rcfu:e of vegetables,! r.,.0,.ll., .t ..'1 uiuek ahould Le utd. ut L0 Levcr tiiea the txp-riineLt of earefjHy husbanding tho eltiiiebts of f Of earefjiiy husbanding tho fcltliiet.ts of : f r 1 . 1 I ferti" 1,eu "' ou-e, ! lat'i, bom t'.i.'0'iii win ue a itoi.i.-uc J at liie . atmuiii S'u'j'ji.t aiid value .-f lue couipo t. wbicb iii-it, witb very little terabit, be tiiua u.uLufi'.t artd. Try it. ri;K;KiiviX'i fi;uit.s and vkg- KTAKLM.S. Vitbiu tie la-t five or six years au tx-J tetii-ive bj-iii:- ba gr.-wii up iu the pre-tr-.atlon ol ficb fiu.ti ar.d leg' totlet, in car.. t:l jsri. for u.-e in witA'.r ar.d sj ring- ' As ju;: a it was -OJ-ible, ti.n InOo J wad ke;.t a t cft by tl.o;e who made it a mat ter jf Coiuiiertial p:eultbu though the prtn-iple b-- t. tii ki.omi fr loi.g time, ot. I a;-pii.-d t tbe pr -trvilloti ol' u.eat : j.o-i r.h-r pro.vi.iobs, for ship Hon.', nhii h :i:a Lro.g'.l to the lahi-; alter tbe lap! of .ir- as fr. -ti ai hru th'-y were ta- at -ill froio iht bakr.ru oven, 'ihe tribei- : pie U Mii.-!y to raise tbe ti-nperature of whatever is to b f rjcrved( whetner meat fe..;a li ll.r- i,r.;i;r,-- r.r.i. ..! then kealing the Vem 1 air-tight. Iu it -rae- 1 tiel a: : llcotion there are tome variations -,o-i, artifir reaming to be mote or 1, eyLed, p.ai tieularly Vegetables. ft'tnt t'- s, fr iustaticc, sb'uM Le "lewed pretty ; uoli s; t'jry are pr part 1 for tie table,! aiid d. r rived at th atvr in which thty alvo-.I. Gr. en tom. Cia', bean- Ac . I u'.l , eooKtd. It IS chleSy lruit, I i,o.iev r--and r . ;.i-i . i..oe. t;.-,r, oo nth. 1 . I t .1 w.t i.at -reji-ptred ia tLU ius.ut.er i aud bow that tbe soaeon has approacbed when tLcy will be cheap aud abundaut, we, would recommend toour fair frtcuds to pro vide tbenifolvcs with a good supply of jars and eaus, so s to bo ready to use them at the most oonvcuiout time. Tbo most ap proved are Arthur's self-scaling cans, in the u.-e of which there Is not the least difficulty after reading tbe directions which acoow puny tbcin. The cans are made of tin, and the jars are a fino article of delf-ware, both of wbicb will last for years. Tbey aro a most valuable iuvautiou, costing but little, and we bopo they will be brought into gene ral use this scasou. Southern Farmer. illOW TO DESTROY CATERPILLARS OX TREKS. Having observed several methods of do- ' o 1 "". oji 10 ! lrc" ue Vrmg, .ueu .s ruling men. aI1,ust 5t louche it will iiutantljr kill. I Ti'l it hen tbe nesU are small, very fow wiU tscnP tLe fir5t PPcatioD. Af- lor woruj3 are lrS fficious, " wttch mote difficult to ap- j P' tborougbly . j -W thin oil mixed with fpirits of tur- j ' H" UCi""""6 lo lUP but tho oaP lj lcss jioui to the trees. '"" L. Matichtstcr. Country Gentle- fi" To cure scratches on a borse, waub lbe leS Uh srlU S00PauJs. Bud ,'iCn I n :tb beef brine. Two applicatioua will cure . "-. anu lv. van '"'i tlie wor-t case I " V.'i Ii I 'i-'ipq MimM'O I N'rifiM''1-: CAEARuUS COUNTY, fJ C V WILL open a Sellout, for ir!. at thia .hire j A on t.:.e lt of July, bvard can be had -t 7 i M.r $H r Mtli. Kor Tuition. uch . Bvadmg, ; Cy are'Wr.linc. Ari.limel.e. ti,.,r and (icngraphy. 1 , at2itr month. Pointing and Netulc l 01 k 11 ! i and j rt,lul,'f J. Tne v.Jue of Una wuUr 1. known lo 1 munv throu;!. ih.a county. It h..a cured Hv-ip- I in, lli.r mi ul t:ie Inn rand Hicney ana tr- , voua AT-clion. Tbi Mineral s-prnie ia not a : c " fu,,,:c r.-.rt. . many o. out waiermc 1 .-. ..rt.,1 il !'.,r loe a.lu.. to.M lor hi. mi now o red, and ill be free from n ut igeoua diaeae. Any uirccliona, post paid, vt ill receive 1 1 1'. n lion . ! S ARAH SOSSEKMAK. 1 Vionrrr .Vi.'f, Cal-arrui CO., Apitt 20, lejd. ' " ' " ' MV. raHr.n DInnlAi... i und. r.iijncn 1 :r?L.iired to aeil the best - !.l v ol Cot on (iin. Kith 10 .10 h tdWa at . ', 'lelivered kt the lalldila of the ("inr. K uli'1 ;V. C ll-iil Koada. 'I'he advant t. ; ii per lone, Y ?ea ll.ee lima lute over lloiae antuped Iroin other -Malta 1, li..it ti.-v will taut longer, i:e aet of nha I being equal to thrre. 'I'h brutn Iw.ng cvemt j wi'U tip iii.tt-ad ot cloin anJ Deir.g more caniy r llrtd anJ at r tx,.., ' Aa regnrda l"C f-;ieed of llirte (iim, quality of ! r. 'W.,:.,ce. Morrow'. T. O. .'to K. ii. Palmer, i l'irfieid, and A. It. ! on. hr!' tie. I JAMKS 31. ELLIOTT. 11 inntloro, Miy 'Jj, ICjtJ. 1 1-6111 I (Vish Paid for Hides, rV M. IIOWI.I I., 3 tioora South of the M S M .n,mi. Ilou-e. caanVfe, April 6, l"..-?. Stf KD Oil., IrTrtrt HAI.l.ONS I't'IIK I.I.V II. M. 1 l.l 1 Lit Al.U, Irwin'a Saponifwr, V.U UN'-KNTRA'I i:i) LEY. Warranted to i..ake aoapwiti.outlune.ai... with little iron. ble. The bf.l r.U eileaveat rll(.ie III uac. I'riC 'ii ,, 5'J tenua can. Solo bv 11. M. JrT.ITCIf AP.D, Hte. I IrwMi. t-Vrnnr. " " """ ' , WtilltC'CIi 41t "'"L1 OF TAN-It ARK, for "- 9 V X V which the ch will I p.id. 7 M U T VVI.OIt A;,y m, -:8. ' ' ' Utf Ilct l.i r'n I'ariiisi H II K au.-riorii.yof mia artn H K aui-erinrityof mia article nver torn ftarch Jl T ipiie 1. r- .eo, A r., na an ariiele of diet for ,,, . T,,,, ..rie.:.e.i by the me- oitai i-unr, run av puiy i IMllTClfAllli'S I'tmtty L'Ui SttArr.. VJtl Ti.iii.ci-N, or Tr.iiii Oil. i'OIt T.nnera .nd PU.ilera ute in drvnmr and 1 wcterting I.ejli.rr and II inn . loranetiy M. II. 1'itriCHAKI), i lcc. 1 Ir iij't) Curutr. DeGrath's Electric Oil. A M 1TI.Y of t,n c. ..l,r-tid O.l for Iu at J II. .M. I'UnCIIAl.lJ. .V.-j, 1, IS'ft. utr M.S. 1'iire pround WHITi. 1.1. U in o.l and aaaorl'.d het.,jU.l le and ivifl for t.'uiri. at i'l.IJIIIAliJJr', I Klii I t vtnrr. I Vin e Ininh Stvmuiy, j f "J v,"!'!, kliey, f-"ln rrv nr.d fort i en Ale and I'orler, for meoi- i cil use. &W . 1C. 1 II. Jl. I'ltlTCIIAItl). Startli) VITt '"o!: ,1" on, t lo.. md r'uvorm-- Kirueia ol ev- ry kind, j "r ' 'j'j "' 'iVj-j-'i j , j.-, j it. lrm' l.'ri.r. I - - - - j Il"ll M!St MtlllF, j . . , pint boill-a juat received from K-iratoga i i ..-tii.a, oy '"" DkC. I 11. PI. 1 1.1 I .ll 11. Im iu'i t.'orner- Important Land Sale, i MAVlNii determined to remove to the South. J Wet, 1 offer formic-my valuabloandlugl.., iri:rse.,J m C. Kail lioud. . One tract of ti0 uerca, lying ou talk aide of the river, in u high male of culuva. lo.n ami im-tirnna.-il rn-hl.ta of oil. AtiollnT trurt i.l' ttllil nerea en which 1 resi.:c, uiiuoiiitll y wcll.improved, huviiigxctlUnt buiitiine. a jc-jd r . a ES BB -- --im' - with oil Kuitalile fixlurra for uit-m1uI huJinem in tnnniiij; aim inriinng. i" " in. well-watered, ululrioii in l.uulity uihI a larfe; proinrlinii of vrooilliiiid, ytluriin g an txliuunllt sunt.ly of food tiinlier rurehmiert would rto well to rxanune fooii, n it m seldom llmt o rich unil ill improvcd farm ire ou'ircd m uiarkot, C.J. HARRIS. ril 6, le53. a"' Charlotte .Hutii.il Tiiv Ii.m. nnrc oni.ii fojiTANY coiiiinnes to tike riska -! ines to tike risha - ll..us. Oooda, 1 ro- wd k-k, tire, on uur, e., i ubiiiii r.im. U Olhcc between f-rl. a fctuto ai.U i.mwlcy 'l""e- (iFi lC lilts. M. R. TAYLOR j'raii.'i lit.' 1' lll'l'ltMlV I'.'.- I'rr.i.lrnt. K. X VU IlU'il'HISOX, Src'y. 7V. DIHfiv'Tolt.1. M. 15. TAYLOU, ('. OV Kit MAN', J. L. UlttiNVX, 1VM. JOHNSTi X, F. SCARU, S T- WUISTOX, A. C. STKKLI1. John L. UutiN N, S. T. WuiSToN aud A. C. JsTEEi.e, Ejcctutive Comnnne. Miy It. Ie.".. ltf S. M. HOWELL, nf'lo ft Ksrn'-t ffTar.nfartiirer. THRIS HOOKS SOUTH VT TU MANSION IIOUSK, . .... r., iu.inMiiii.,.1,1, tTAIIkindaofPadalT hort t notice, tivvpaiuis,- J l r I Al h l.0 proi Jan. U. Ie5t. and Ilarneaa made at tin promptly executed. 37lf JAMKS M. HDXKV. COMMISSI OX MKIl CI I A A T, i it ciiamulRs sTin:irr, '. v. Igpl YS andl. lorwarda every kind of mrrchan. M.M uie tor 2J prr tint. Cummittion. KeiVra in .... $. nl M.-enrad. N. V . W.on... J. . Osborne. V. P. M, noenhall, A. M. Gorman. anil llev. .'. K. I). cm, Ika. V. A. (iraiuni, and other.. l,Ur in Pi.no. Melo, eo,... Orgm.,' llarpa. Coitara. Mii.ic . Sewinr; Micb.nca, Iron jte, roinpa, t,-rden Li.fimea, ic. A printed lit ol alt il-c different -uakera, kind and price f free, t luoiianer oi n e.fiii.i n iiopi. iirr. I HisiriaN ; o, Imu,i (.i-iuc to IIe.ii.th. I Iua invaluable Jumi-y adriaer sliouic be in every . Iioaae. It trcatanf all diaeiata, baa a copioua ' glonary and prttcribe the rrmeriie from natore'a ' bouiitioua atertt, for all our infinnjea and mn. fortune. It ia printed on fine white paper, hand. aomely bound fourth ed.Iion, 310 pagia, and ia . non.Vd fret for one dollar. New Ko.ev.oud Piano, 41 JO. ftb. IC, 18;.d. . r :il,r: ft J I IN QUART BOTTLES. r0H PLTIUFYING THE BLOOD. I I And lor the l ure of 1 J .Sea .rim, Mmternni. Iur.i. isrup. in Fu-w, ; n-. iriM .1 - I-..H LlVkH I Ui. t... it. I.- U mi- II ,.,M,'n. t t'.r.a n - .,-..1,,: -....j. t:,.-. -. It ttiin-. l-'irli. -. a... i. ,!. h Le l-ali. i.tia-..." HEALTH AMD STRSNOTH Anotlior Cure of Scrofula. Ti. N V ia s ,l Alt . I p.'III M .1 A . It. A l. - WII-. Al... Ilr ROMAN EYE BALSAM, For Weak and Iiiflvmed Eyes Tl. N. -ain ii.; i.l,! ita U.a ir-.-. t.-1.... - --a ii, . 'VymiDS ARB INFLA11RD, ). ., ..I. ,r it,- )'.:- llo.-Ulf H.fvlel eh '-I I. H a- .. a irini.Mil" e. -I -i. :.,,. ...I.- ,. ..I per.. tUSilH. MtCHAHICS. SANDS' SALT RHEUM REHEDY, bit v'!? Ml.e akll ..- M l- a. a .". .rr .,.,,.!., ...., nn -r ll.a .-.it K11-. . l.-it ul . il.. n. an. 'If . l. Ii.....,.,, k A. II. A- II. I Ml", W, al. ...rner of Hum. .v lor Ihu,. ia . M11, 4, '. Jl. M. rH!TCTIAI!I, limi'it OK.vra. IHt. i:. iM. HIH II.I. he plea.id to receive F,,,fe..ionif, W V m tlie eeparun. iua oi air.i'n i.ir, unl k.( ;(;KliV. I'nl.-a proieanoiully nheni, he (mav he found at in reiidcnci , ort Mill li t ,i. V'ork IJimriet H.C. I tf More than 500,000 Bottles. emu IV Till? pULU IA II Hi HEW HGL A3: B STATED , JtillK I ; JJ1 WIT) ..ESTOKATIVK OK I'liOF. O. J. oi roit nr.sroniMu imir perfectly 1 a,,A neriini itcntl v. 1 1 : a never vet had a riv.it, o j ome alter volume milil be given from nli part. nf the world and from the ninal intelligent to prove I if i, a pafect ltrvlui ulive '. ut trad Hie uir. clliir m,4 you cannot u.iubt ; rtud lo tlie ful- iowmu (jj- ',. !fAm. feople have for iTiiluriee been ntllieti'U will) bald hoiide, mid thu only rchitdv, lierctuloro known, haa I'tell tlio.T utioiiuii.ible wige. liv a recent ilincovcry of Profmoi Wuod tlic urlickn are belli;.' fiat diHiised with tut, a gru-t niuny cr.ona atill patromie llirm, tecnuno lliry have tiein m ufleii imposed upon by Hair 'i'onica ol ilitfcrcnt klnda. To all audi pcraoi.a wo cnrii tally muko the rtqtiral, tliut lin y will try unce ai' iin. fr in Wixid'a ItLHtnr itivo tin re ia no audi Hunt,' aa fail. We know of- lady who waa bnld, bo uacd tlie artirle a alinrl time, and Iter liLad ia now cuvenii euuii.li tely with tlie linical and moat I tH.ulilul cur, lmllKla,c We know of nuintr- ... CIIS.., wre bair waa rnimlly lallinc out. wich u r,..lor, j j,, crcatcr ,,tritciioii lluu it ev. rr bad been bt..rr. j t ia alao vt illiout doubt one of the bet articlea for keening the liair in good condition, making it antt and irl.iaav , removing dandr utl, and Ima pri.v. i J.J naeii ine gri'nu'iii cneii.y io u.i um iua ,iidi ia beir lo, It ia the dotv of every one to improve their per. annul apiiearnc:o llii.U(;li nunc limy differ in re. gard t' tl of il.nei it ; but every one will admit tln.1 a btJiililul bead of liair eilin r in man or woman, ia an ut.cl nmclt tu bo ileairetl, anJ I there are no meai.a Unit ale ill!. I he left unified lo ,Ll.ini iwli a cunaitieiation. Woman t Advocate, riiliauelilia. Il'otMocTo, Ohio, Nov. 17, IoC. O.J. WOtU .t l O. (..tula: Aa I have been eiiEt'ed in avllin; vmir lUir !( toraticv tlie Ual I. r ... ,,, .;,r 1 1 ..... in. (K. M. lluek. j uiaoii.) and li.ivim; rxivrieiiccd the benetieijl if - ' feeiaui it myaelf, I would like lo oh..in an auen. Jrvlor the Mi.te of Ohm, or acme rotate in the et, ahould you wish to miike audi an arrange. nniil, ia I am convinced Vitit ia nMtng tipial lo I ir iu llit L'niltd Statrt, for rntoiing , auir. I ! have been engaged in the Vtug bumnera fur aev. leral veara, and hve aold ri..ua prepjr.liona f.r ill.eb'air,b..tli.vetbundnothii.K that reatorea tie aei er...v. wi.u. w .nenr,e. Ihe ae.lp .. well I aa voura. beinot fully convinced lhat your re-tor ative w , ,,rearnl il lo be, I would I'ke' i la invii'i in lbs Bale of it. for 1 u in aaliaikd it . - in u h I ac'll. Your truly. M. STOl'K.MAN. VrtNU, Ma.. Feb. S, If-j7. ; rROF. O. J. WOOIJ itii-liintt: Hiving ' realiietl the good effect of your Hair Hcaloralive, I wi.li to ante, that finding my hair growing thin, aa well j gray, 1 vaa imlueed from what I I read and l.eurd, to Iry the article prepared by you, to promote i!a grow'ih and ehai.ge iia color aa it ' na in youth, bulb of which it ha tffeclid coin- olet! lv. Vuuta dee.. JAMES UtAM IS. (, j WOOD it CO., I'ro).riet..ra, 313 IJroad. W4y, N. V.. (in ll. e" N- V. Wire itailmg K. tallial inent) an J 1 14 Market all -et. Si. Louia, Mo, And aold bv all Iiriimal in lh I in and lr AUd J jf. pK.TCIIAKI. t37 Chuilutte,y.V. I AYER'3 Cathartic Pills, (y;i coate;,j auk Ji.ii. a TO CLEANSE TJTE BLOOD iji!) CURE int SICK. 1ut1II, Kaittiera, lollrr. I'll, .! ln, rbllnnllirnlala, rr4 (brlr EOVita, auil JuiIkc of ll.rie Virtue. IOH TI1K CIBK OK ' llcndttrlir, Sick Ilendiiclie, Vnnl Slnmnr-h. I t'a. J.f vr. ,e.r- 1 !... u r-1-.i-n. r.o.-j f u,'l.c"li!T1 - I. ' ..ana lth sr-al l-.- I'll W. rHl l'l K. Itilion IJisordf-r Bnd I.ivrr nmpliinl. Iio.iutsl vt tin Iseiaij., W tarn ...;. Il C.I r.k. f it I tiaea ma-l "' l-.ia. m w " at., OT ..rf .ine- V n m.-i- '!(. ." ' "'-' U-.l lll. .lit..xi L- r nie.I. ti it.-ianr. trnt 1. Iuf 1 'l.j iIcri aTa'ii fc.ll-'l I). tal- I avrKa ' f fin' 'r-. it. Dyaenterf, lteln, hiuI Horm. Pfflllfl 1, Him.si., 1.1.1... ri-. Alia t.l f'O. ! Il" I Tl. l...J. n. I I ilr . 1 1' k.. n- 1-1.1 l-ero .ok ... i-o.liwi...) n 1 -,.,n.r,.-. .l k.iig 1 TV. alu-raai.M 1 I I.. -I i.- uti I 1 i.. 1. 1 Fi ll, nlmv-r. Indijrktion nml Impntily ths lltood. fl. J ' ll.nn. I ittr Jl '. rf.. I.r. Alt , 1). I .M "I -1.." U-t ..-l it. .!..(.. -ti'rutal " T 1 I 11,.- - II.. I I-. I 1 eo .. fh Ual.j . ..lumfi..! lie .e It. V.mr., J. V. IIIUI. ww. i',i r. s v. ivi. 21. i" j Pi. Sia t 1 1 II.. aU'l (.UftO II k.iti.i Jolts ii. m:ai ii aw, m n F.ryaipetns Ker.-.fiiln. Ki i. Fvil, T"ltrr, I limnrs, iiii.I .hII Itheoin. Trtm a f.rwanwa H'rcluM r,J .1 Urn . 4. ' in. AT. a: V .ir I ar. Il ,..-tf..n ..( a t ll l la rr.i ,n na'i. ,o. Tti'T ' '""-l '' " " ol . -...ia !.D Ul lii .k a...l f'-l II at h-H (If --v. ....-ai.lr J..r ...re (l-r niribar Irai la.n l.i.r At.., u I. rr . l lh M.,tf 11 and lntr. lea n Of . ak ...... I In h.r I, A'i.t 0ir rli.lt M nara.l. .I.a al... f l ..-ir H I", m lll.-yha.Fenra.in.-r. ASA MOKiiKI t. K. Ithriiinntism, Nemnl-iin, nnd Html. f.um IV. A'r. i'e. Aiejl.r, f- .l.luwl K...r A. f, iel. H." .r. -a, .... - J."- . k,.UF so, 1 ii. i m.4i.o'..i t -f il.. i.le f yur ... !.l I lin. H lall..l. . I l.d ll.a l---t ..f J.Kj-i- o... II- .li-aaa Hht ii .t. H.lnii!'.. Itr !(. k i.i.a. I li..l' i.air I'll'.. 'Ik. ir ta kra k.i. Mil t,r. !j Ueia,io.a a U. taw.,1 Ilea., 1 -n no ".Oolr Wall. frs.rr Oxtnaa nf.n .... I .. S Is-., I. t't-AliK. I lii-.i- la-, n aril'iri, . .ir-.llei v-.tr ft':, ef hi a,.B.al l,.,nl- ai-an.ll.1 dl-e. H.at I ad a!T. 0-.I U. k.r r-ura 1 1 ..I I M Pilot 1.1. l or llrnpay, .'letlmr-i, or klndreel l orn. llall. , II all B.ti.. i , IU) al. 'il. I or -llvenpa or Conallpnlion, nnd llli, Iter I'lll, ll.' J Bis aKi.a..l.l. anil .ru lual. I il, Hupprt-kkion, I'HrHlVkia, Inffnmmnk lion, a. .1 r i. llaatii.sa, af.l fartla.1 lllle.il atrBB, tuBia ka-.uca0-.tt7 Uia allaratl.a aellotl ol Ihaaa 1 ..... II a! ttt ll.a f,.la In marll n.auln Mar-arT. til- h. al-tl...-.1, a .a!'. .Lie r.lc-1) m "killOl l.ai..t". kt aai.al'IB In a I I' Ii' m J I" I e..i.aeUmr -a II. al Ira- AVER'S t'lIEniiY PECTORAL .OR TIIK IIAPID ( t'KK Of I lll'llll, ( fll.lk, IIOAItklFkk, IKS I.l' ltl4l.CHITI, Wtllllll'lJU ! I. II, (.HOI I', AMIHIA, l. (IFIK.T tl.'SSt .11 lTltl, at.'t r..r ll.i lilial "I ci.ii.tkii.tlia palMktB tl a'tramiil bim ra of ll.a il.aeaMf. m t.a--l not av-t.lt ttt th. pil.llf II virtue. Ti,.-.aie.. ....ir o.. , -l,.! .'Hi - HOB ..I ,..,., I.....H ! ..I ,.,;., ... ll.i ii.u.a eH ii. fl-i !..:. (I... I. I-.-lUTK-Oarf-erlh. Ilioa.1 v.. it lut.' , ,,-t k,.... I. re . .I.r B.UII1.1...T I' .r .ei,t. Ihi.ti tlK-e II -i.rt. h.ali II l.y 1-1. ;i,H r.lia .aire. .!.!, kl.il. It :a.ii,H-. !,. tut f.,1 l,.-rn i.i.ili i.n Milmui B...I.B!. l. s.i.-r ill. II.. . ralla e.i k.f ll.al frf.i..rt .11 t!.- ..!"'. l ' ld y. All V". Ilia iir..ll-.l lal..llti ol Imm ilim-Vl.. al... a. II. r nuea I jt II,. .o' f II.ib in !. do Ii.. ,. U..N ., aaai.t. il,-ta il i alhl ll-e I-! .I n la.. .,,r iii. e.a.1. II" 'tit', I'O I'll I" f" '"" " " " ,...! ,. rl.i t,m, I.!., ai.d li.ua af. nl lln-a r.t) ..0 U Iua iAtt a.-. tt Bilk beiir .kill cad fiuna-ti f-T ih il et,i. riiUP .KLD RY DR. J. f. AVER. Fi actUal and Analytical Cheniat, towell, Hut A fil HO III Jit U. M. PKiTrri.wtn. cha,b.ti', IIAVILAND, tiTKVlvNrfON & CO., Chatkitun, S. C. i. WAIT F 0 11 n'a iiv ia it ym. - r Became be buyia hia 8 'IV YS fum i i v ii a. a. . .11. i Woald reapecttully anneunet io me iiinauiiunia from Ibrlr Old Slno. I" 'V'- I. f-rainle How, j North, one of llie uiuat exit naive anaurtim nta ot 03 w m L5J L yi Va Ever offered in Norlh-t'arolina, among wbich will 1 whitli haa gained aucli a fainooa reputntinn in the PoultM rn t onntry Tor the Ik. I rirblrm mnt , ; Stove be wurrunU auperior to any 1 ookin). Plove now iu uar.lt ia am pie in ita arraign lri ' coinuiiiia lr fuel, and diK-a more worK in a giv n time, Ibat. any oilier SUve now lit vtf, , ' ut up olie bcaiue any othtr rtofe i f ibe aoine aiie in the t'nitiii Mitea. and if ii tii t a not u.. n. Kut , a giveu time, be will forfut tlie priee of the SiUive, and uit acllmj and v Iua ueatli ur ' the better one. I A J t VT.T TI1)S OV I iLJiOUj iVUJa IVIil JJ ' M. 0 f T. ITTI Jjat?9"m ?- A .RS Cr Ckfj , . c ,ulltj , ' band, an eKenaive a v. .liiu.vil '1 AAII lllia-it B.1J m.'.ivs MH. iTi.r.s, ttsr ino.v iti:iwt:.tits, HAT HACKS, CKADLES, &c, &c, Allot wliUli t ill br told, Vliol-le aud It-tull, rlirU-r Hunt line r bi'. n old rt l Iu llil VirlMil) . I would return mv thank to niv frn nda and bealooed upon ut, and they may real aaaured, ' to'-tlicr w itli a drterniiiulion to pleaae, to Iry J ',,,. .,,,,, .. t .if if j fcfo'g K0 i 2 0 13 u!SHL ,. , .. 1 LadlC 31 (iCIlllniKn 3fC U Tt 1 C U I U . ( I will Icll Von wliy I bead ny advertiarnier.l " V atv 10a Tur Vt aoooa," tt ia Utauie we have three wagg-u conaianlly IraviKing ibroujh Ihe eountrj with Ht..vea. IV J orilcru trill be faithfully ami inottijilly attriiifril to.jt Charlotte, Juno lfi, lrV7. P.iicourn.ire Home Industry I A VINO PI !t IIASI.IHhel IIN( liHlirAi:. II i tm v, I am prepared t f.,1 .ii order. 10, I A VINO PI lit II AS I.l I the( INCUR I) PAC. . I OfH lhr-rgf, Vir 'W"-., Tltrrthinrr 1,'ltJHI, llnl.rrd,, h ell ;,.;, Ctrjit Clm iti, ll'iujjiiitg 'I'vinr. r I Sliirtniist, drain Ittfjiiig, Unit j Ih ilin, I am makinc an artieleof loth or Ihe purp-'t f llipiilli. I italir, Wheat and torn. Fr. mere and I'muue.-- oti)era will find it lo thtir ait. vantage lo uae it. Ail orrier from a diaUnca will be alien. led lu null or onitilnrta. j. McDonald. aneetrf. Oct. iH. If-iC. 3tll ft- Dissolution. T eepjrtni rh p hereinore t aialiiif b t the ul..ler..ii.eu. la thia da v lliaaolTtd inutu-il eona'nt. Ail y mil. bled to tia rrqnealrd to be .repared with Ihe amount Itiey are due ue tn "few daya,' re-1 tie 111 en ta n.ual be made. JONAS IlfMSILL, 1'. a. WHITMAN'!'. At,'. 18, 16i7. Siatl .vorit 'ii. I will atill he found aim Steam I'iainl'.f M predated lo bit all or. Ida lor Sash, Blinds nnd Doors, Willi aa good Lumber aa tl ntry aflorda preting to cievote rov altn.tion more nattirul lo n.v alo-p. and aoi.cit otdera n.r ork in mi iiiie of J tiBineaa. J " Lumber dttaaed to onn r al abort M.liee nnhc n.oteruti paid upon delin r i f the ota. J. HI DiILL. !n rrtiriiif frnrn t'ie firm h rrtniure r a i n (f u in i r l ? nen e of Ii tnli'rll V iunn.', I e-o Willi tKciiincitit ftrliripn tnr(J ll.t rititcna nf ( imrlottc mi tifr'n.ii(fn jf cuijly, tur Um put r'nnt" lthrjlir bs-t.fi. rd upon ui, nrf with know! Vec t'int I Hi- Kuniii- will It carntrti on I (fj'ulJ am t-ajH-UitiuON i t) we lititv ri.ii. 1'. S. WNIi-'NANT. Aug. tr-, Ij7. oit rii-i Aitoi.i v nutual lite Infuranre onipany or 1 11 .'. HALi.n,ii. a. . fBSHIS Company inaurea Ihe litrea of inclivnlu. aia f.,r one year, a lerill of jcr., or tor III', on the Mutual Principle, the aaanred for bib pr tieipdlii.g in the pfolita of the fonipaiiy. i"'of polieie rjniiiti'l lor the wholo lerm nl' lift when llie premium thirtlor ami.unia to '".a note may b. given lo, one b,lt the an.ot.nl ol Hi. pren.iiiin. bearui(t ii.lereal at 6 per cent, without gll.it.iiity. lit. pr.mipt.n.niier ... b,..l. ail I.e. b..e Ue.. p.d by Ih.a cumpaliy , togeloer Willi the low p' m.m, p.. ...... a-" ... aueli aa are diafHiaett to tltaure. ."-I.iti a arc inaiirrd tor term of from one lo five veira, for two-third their v-iine. A'l !..' a am paid williiu lltl dat after eatia. factory pioof ia pre. iit-d. MlilirTflltS. rharlea K. Jo'.tialon, Win. II. Jone. Wm. W. Iloliien. W. Jl. l ooks, J. O. William. II. W. lluHed, Qui niii.e limbic, f. V. I'tarud, Wnt.'lrr. Tlie Abyarinia Mialure ra II. .Mi hee. K. I', II.. tile-, Charlta II. liool, II. fi. l-uwle, 111. h' d II. Millie. OMICKPtS. Dr. T'liarlra E. Johnaon, I'reaidt lit. W. W. Hidden, Vice I'reaidtiil. li. II. llatlle, Secretary. W illiatn II. Join , '1 rem liter. II. W. Hunted, Aitoriiey, Ilr. Win. II. Muht, iMeil.enl i:..i.iiner. I'xrc.utirte t'tmimtlltt. U. HuaUie, W, II. Me. K'C hurl. II. Hoot. Mtdicml lluaid of Connuliation. Charlta E.. J. ,hi. .on, M, I)., Willum II. .MeKee, ,M. 1) liich'd U. Il..yoo.!, M. !., For further infmninlioii, the public ia refer, red lo lbe pnniiblefa.and b.rina ol propo. il, w hirh ru be niitainid at the llll.ee of the t'ouipiiny, or any of ita Anetitiea. Communications ahould be a.ldrcaatd, ()...(. naull to. 1,1 V- S'lttcmher 9, g.'i7. .' W S.H, RANSOM. O.C6. THE WAG GO I. , Sf .Ia K. sella Stovea ao cheap ) tlie Manufacturer. ni v i n n iii i luu v. i . ...v - .r., T,, Wliere be uaa now on eamuiiion, ju. culn( .i. m i: w m S4 Mi UJ ILI xu tu U found the celebrated JLJ U.. L J A W HUSS. and varied pluck of euatomera for tbe very liberal patronage O t j I ... Ibnt I ahal' endeator, by eloae attention to ti. nt.i anil merit continuance of the .ine. iji 71 fl 1 t.ltH l tjffVlll'.n iilLiaS & ilLiiL ttfji til 1 I . 11 I . '. I e T I UHlUA 10 Cilll f XD 111 lilt' t. IS b b'lork. A. A. X. )I. TaYLOII. 3tf 'I lie Aoi tl.-l nroliiia Matit AND . ,n,.fll1 Tnr.mtln. JIagaiJne of U se ful I n f o t m a 1 1 0 1 fJlllK on.irr.i.i..l pron.'a to JL t .IT I I K . e.., lli IBBi pum.ili 1. U' tho kboe lillp, deloted f j I Ir lo il cn.... maiion of ruii.inl In forma m.n. 1 be want of aut ii a Journal 1 tell by tori u teliii nl t.iti. n, l.o Ueauta In kna.i al a,. qilaililed with ti.e lea-. met ot lie -t , le, . or f t i.l conililn.il, future r.suutta, ir., ai.. iv 1. 1 an much aa by ur li'al..ra 1 bat w hate no r ular yal m at .1 a'-ir eannot Nr atiribblct to any want of toa'tr -I hrrear Urg anu ai.ta m t..lat.lt .nJ i' .. tir-g information aeatttrid tlirrurh our I.. fc r . lite and I . culitB lncuHierita and Kecoin., . tn their nriecnt aiiaiatioii, tor a.J practiti -u' ae, ling I.l aa wcii be in Ine I lmt l.i ? 11 -1 : -Vu. a iial nor IeiBUin aiel ivt a eui ta. : t ...;.iTi nfl.n pulih.h tuluabie al.ti.l.r.! it fo-iiiBli..ri, wb.rh la either loal, 11 it p4i..r.kt very fi w, ta .i ineottst nn i.l to fit. bv'eu.lliBl tl.n l.rtaar. Boon 1.. 'foil. II. J ore.nnjlie tid of tlie Hi pt tit and M1I1 le tm.e to lime made by and other a engaged ia ! inaiactureB, .M.ai 1, t 1. ere, A e. To enllitl thee VkVr.ua itcrua rif 1111111.1 and j.ve tin til lo ti.e pul lic in a rl.i;,, 1 . -fern.ee and for prlit .l pr. a-11 n. n, o to gather Ifiin all e.atialoe rea..urbta, 1 ten 1.' j bearing on. tXty tit thtitrec tit on ear w a-l'n. e 1 periiy and indoktry, ia the t; .ign of the Jn I now 1 fi- red for uublir p-tn.iiat . 1 Jin f.r a the pl.m for eot.cut fin; lie tn r j been nutulid, ti.e paet of the h'l'A'l I I w. I dt tolrd l the ar rang) Miet.t til aorli I able, nu1 I loour l obulation Agrieuitliri . I olnn.i ie. . I ' e,.;fH. Mi)i((61iniS fl, ....,..,...,..,... pt.xntlloir eiMniilion, and nor pi- r"" 111 ' It 1 a alao mi ktf neri to conttitn tbr j.. pi.'', t dttiKti) 01 the 1'ubnc 'I n..urkr,t 1 n.nii.n' i ' the rMi.fcir.,! fund, .'ill. mill 1. lent et I 1 n.i Mu'.Ib. ai d all other Si -le i!.eia nnl U aa eiko, M .l. tio nla ai d Ii. .n. ol I e and pfiiifrc aa of ll.t 1.114 ut kailroatla uu " The r-TV.T.V." ,; Ik pbt " P" ' " " a ..C,rt, nt nnii.t.er ot r "''t l' "" lamed in njr ne riB-" ' ! i" " " " number will eonlns" eueh, not I. aa l! n I eea of t'loatiy pr.nled tbr, niaaing a t- piga, or iti-le, Ul Which wll be aiiJ"i and eoiiii-ivie net t. TKHMSi Tnan Iii iia ntr aniniin I'm I'"' ' fir-rv I t, Ir neitilliai py .ola fll.t nun. I.i I l I'lilf lor pliro.e ilion, '" mil be duly atinoui.eeil in the pnhiie nf'i J'Thoao i-ri-i.ne ml. mimg to p.ti "' il ia neB.r.hlt lo 1. .10 ' 1 .KiaatMe. VILKM. Ill fl r.t Maitiftk, Jn, no8. lai iftn,it ' aaaaJja) aiaaakM Saaa AI1VMM V m'l I Kl'. j-,,, ( ,, i.j. nnil,n,, , . , I , AlUl l,u,u, h.,.,.v, .n(i In r. j t,,tt ,M,itea, ttisim" h.ufii"" J SJ (ioid Mine J);ilsam, cr llyapeptio Uittt raur Tinclure Tona . ,C A litter fr,.... J. II. I'. lin in, I)iufcSi.l. V l: N, I'., il.iled Aug. 14, 1 rli i Dr. 1. Khul Dear Hiri Tmir inetln i" ' ...i.i- enlirn aalial.ctlt.il in thlB aretlHX'1 ' . atmruvetl oi. It liasneier 1'i.i.e.. tu caae it aella c fuat, tbat 1 lierr bail . ' , aupply the demand. Vil will nleaae " "A "' large aupp.jp uf II wu aa you gel le u"- J. 1(. ('ALU -' AfiliNTS Win. W. rsmirfr ra, W , ' T. Loi g, lli.tkirghi.ni ; I'bifrr A J ' . T.J. Ilollr.n and Dr. J. F. liiliner.f !' ' 1 ' ', tV Hill i. ml J. II. i:in',a,ii'iiaburvi n'-r-ry, Li,in-ti.n. tl.lll f.O IT I., ) ' 1 1,1, praetire In I hia arm H iirorttre fn in.aanii toe and will attend loail proli" t I ainea i n Iru.ted lo hia r. ' Ckaiktie, Jan. iti .82 I.f

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