TIIK ISTHMUS QUESTIONS. .,, important Eprrcsrinnilonoo Tvvrtl? jfTweeu Otn. Lamar, of iho U. i M:..r.. I!.n,.. of 1 1,,. i:..r.nl,lin Uto3, nnu - r of Siding11- Tho era given in foil in the Now ,Vrk cva.. General in Lis lultur, through God. Lamar, us- bmea these positions : " " , .. .1 !. Tlint the routes of trsnxit across tie k.-LrUan Isthnius must he open and free to ll,e commerce of tho whole world. J That no European- Protectorate cun I,,. c,lubli'hed in the anarchical nations of litis conliaent. ' . . That the lives mi'i mitrem ui un-n- i -A ..," ..,d ..hull l,,i nrntcetcil. CiiUS auroau "i" - i" - , 4. That the txecunvn accrce, oi , ue- iiicnl Pr.ilent in the Spanish-American States will not b rcceTiir.ed as law when conflict with the legally-acf-uired right . ,;,.n .Miizens f American citizens. coupled with thoo preat rirtne-ile h the d.-nitjeatit aniiouttcetueui uy urnurai .os ; .)'. iliin (iovemmetit is aeteriniiied to put j ,,oi to the of weakneMS which has !n'o I- chnraetericd the couwo of the ever I cliiiiL'iiii; rulers in tho Spanish-American r,.p'ihlies; ami l. tlio0 coumni-a cannoi ii'ainliiM (,")verntnpiit. that will recognise ,n'l ahiJe by th.:ir ohli.atioiis uuder the Ji of nations the American people and the merican (Joveniiiiolit wi!' t ' doinj; of justice to their citixim into their own hviids. . Tlie are highly important announce ments wd hey wilt prohahlj lead to .omo tiling po.iti practical. The follow. nii,perhp 'h ii"ineant pafeage of the de-paUh ! Ih'i LDIICO """ " n.tj-ati l they .ueau to execute it -to j mi.-h over the pursons and property of llmir c-.ir,us v,-i!i!.S frei count. ieN .0.1 to in. I ti.rvene for their prott-rtion whi n such action j. j i-tifif 1 hv fii-tine circcoMtariceK and hy j t-,-liof iri'ii.n. SV'hner their citii.u. ( en throueh the hahilablfl irlohe, wheu I ' ' ;; ,:, it,,..- .. o,,..l " IM J r.ie.u.... i ..j- - j j II. I j t!, irirfrnmtiit of their country, and the , S ;,(;,-3l will be eiaioincd into, fc'. a view; : , -n.'li aeiioii on their hchilf a it nnj he , -ir t'i take. It it iuipo-s-ible to define in ; i ...incl u.l with preelMon tliO-o cane, in . . .1, .1.. ...,il .n,-r n.nv e eiert-d I '.r'their r.-Iief, or to what exu-t.t relief .hall ; 1 ; ulWr l' I CiroiiruMsneca a tlicjr ari.e . .;:g-t pre-erihe the rule of aetion. ineoun- j in,-, wl.ero well dilined aud e-thii-hed i ;iS, are in tp-raiion. and where tht-ir ad- ! n,i; i-tratim ii coiumitt'-d to abie au'l ttid'J. . r. lrr,! i jik-craws will rart-lv occur where , ..Oa im-.lventioD Wilt he nijCflnrj. Ihlt i tn -e cl-tiiruta of eonfl li-nce and aecurity .r- n-t everj.hcre found ; and where that ! i- u',.rliiiiWiy iue eac tne i.uu.u ii" i r- ca!:eI wpoo to be more vigiiant ih w.ttb- ;..,.,i',.,r c t ,.ii. an. tfi u.nmoit el i I "n v - . . r. j j '.'.-uf'j for their j r-itcciion, when they are ; Ctqil l tortUO'l" procieliu hy the I J iir.et aelion of the povernmeiit, py it. in- br .-li-.ijti, or ina' iiity t di-chare'c it ; Mr. Ci". pica on fir many mere P? ! ieuc!..'u l-.t.,' ;er;.-H.p the iu p-Jlli'l.t ru'ojeet of dam- . i,i, l,u,i. F .b -Cautcd to Trau-lt Contractor! hy the Very l. .i..:oii.r I. urtitrarily hreakine up the e..i.tr;i'.s tn- j "''J.'l', t. rcl int.) with American .ii'j-ct' without i y ., u. fi rcfiu at- p Mipu!ted in conven- j I. U le tal" b' l"'J "J l" "t"".' I o.iJ-' " forfeited ry tl.e grantee., lie , cin j.W.'u cf the ujal manner of the go- j eraa.'"! of .Ntcar.pua ef (Jcclsrtn a .oletnii i r.itivcotion null or forfeited, by anitnplc de- cr-.e of the ei.emive. without w.iitMif for i the n"p,at diaau.'ian before the coin-I . ,' . ....... , . , . . i -i ., A Imeo A-r..n.. nt ol I.-- d k'T, W.tcli ry-'r, ;.rt. nt tribunals, either judicial or compared j , hhtmt , hn t. l.i f a:ljitrator, named hy the re-peclive H,i,..n nd .u .r.l Mm. .. :-arlies aeenr lin" to tha stipul itiou laid ll-iil..n'r I'rrmiu'.. Pen., iiU in the contract.. WI.en be has fully i S "J," ''"j "t 'l'!', ', ''.'.'.'"tu"."' f ' '-rite.l with won lerfu! lucidity this vital j .n';'J',".'ri,. i St.-. vV and mu l'i"i'tt.,i'."' ''" 'lij'C-. he aiiule-i aiiuin. in a general re-; i;.,:,., p a.d S:, t-i Sr-et-, ii- t ) the diificuStic. oriinatiti from the tio.d and S.iver Tniu b.ca, ii.i-c po!icy of tho Nicaragua!) nd Co.ta .ml a tjr .. t y f ..t'n-r pk,. . ,ti, l, r pint. ,i ;.i"i:i r. jmt.iie., and eoiielmlc. hi. valuable TV. w-it.. net and Piat.d .-, r s. n,. For... if nient with two parartphi. w bich are, '"',l1' 1 ul"' " ' to f-jM of mcatnt.L' to admit cf anv . "'j''"' Nr- -t-rk of f-, , intijblc J- . .i-v . the w.n .e ol wl.icll Ha. bt.-n i.'iti.atinn. 1 hey are at lo.iow. : ; ,,,,,! ilf ,s, ',. ,,,., rir attini-m, " Thin p-verntnetil, however, yet ili-luloes . I'"" .' -I' b-. cm,.. r..u. ni'lmmr., i.n.i to I l ihM rcfutn .enne cf j.i.'.ieo mav !'" '' "'" "u:r ad'iee the tr-.rcrnii.ent. of Nic ar.au and ,rA" '""- -.r'-...te.) !..!-..-,. .. be . .i . , i . n iT.-.i-i.ta llicm. li lircn n rerocnM.' their duties and to j, - Jj(. 'f y j'U il .rd redreps f-r the serious eau-m of com ; n p j rl , glVrn ,',lc I'liiht wl.ir-L the t'niled StatA. have ur,"'d. ' It, .,r ,,f W'. I... .m' J-wlry. H it il i, j r ip, r they .bould both di-liuct- Ct:.au. o-i.'..r l . lei.. 31 if j uad -rtaii'l that the American people an I I r-rnnient l.avo yielded enough lothej i'A' ' ' CTI0 ! "iMOU T "f .,!U'C r?I'ul'lil-". "i'1"'"1 rpVIK ent'.(Vli:ri tne r.-.tnof Charl. . them injustice, they will U) I.'ikc ; , ,, ,,H a..n u, ih- N..ni, w. t. ... ,i. " do j j.itice to themselves, Icr.ai'-t in 'en,,,:,, ,n,l in t'.e - unci ti..n "Prep , , I from Ihe ( ..ml II, use 111 Clo.rlotle .-.ill hp run -..,,. T'J UcU "-0n '""J, lchl.Pl;ed II.,.,..., .,,,,..., !..Pr..: I., ..,,( liureh) ,IU11U', i',v' he .ttiliaticd at , ,,.,, p., i,..-,, mu d up in tne b.n p..., Lie man. 4 J ' , f.'-r'e and also at San .I.ian ' tic: . m wb.ci. .Vn.U,'.".'.r!; -ih orders lo afford' .J. II.STI.VI'S A; CO. - o ." J F",'-ia. t-i the person and ; l.av- rr oovrd. an.l arc own..,,, a l.rpe.t .ck of mii,,. oincVCp'j .'..".daieatH with you and it d'-?' b, k -nlbp... .,v; t l : ' l "1 nolfl"1 I . ,. ' ' , 1 11 U,"," 411 Subject. " f' eTl'O lo the ei.-e.itio, Qf t,a ! itni-t-i I) the Tin arse of Nicaragua under these ue. ""T ihe,, m yeM.j bo ..e.-rtaim d. It i"1' spp-ir.-ul that the American (Jovern "' i- in cari.-st, and if n.-erssary, ample '! Action lar the various injuries received npiaiiicil uf vrul be enforced. 7,i. piti'i. AtMOSPHKHK At, CtlKIOMTV. I lie csre d and accurate!? rrenarcd m.-teorolooical " .. appear, in our columns, mows a a iin.-i .inoniar siicrauoti in the f'1'- of tin, alii,e,st,licr.v As a oeneral rule '!'-rmotiieer inlieates at night a cooler, 'T '.t'.re than during tl.e day t.,,e. Rut ' t,,-kthc reverse was the eve. The! ""'.onietcr sbowiid an average of "Id. 71 v"7 nik'lit at l o'clock ; while at '.' o'clock Mbl day it m-irked "id.-IJ. Thisstrano- p..erii. turiiiiit I ho tal.lcs has ,''r '" r,t before noted in our nieteoroloei- I re,.i l..r V .1 ,. - I , ! 'Ailli.l.. ....... .- . .. ... . .. i.itoii, ( . .V K. E:.ii3i o:mI i "nh red by l ,rj f I),el., of ll ".tfiiny t)l n t . .SVceal' (,,Btr!im'tlt , nl ten per j '' " ll.efap.lal Sl.,ek ...ih.cr , bed , be c.ih-ll fur J 1 l!" i.i.lc.h.H be due and payable 1 lUY "f November neat. If W. GI'ION ,., . Rh. V. C. Si U. R. R. Co. '''""cr 13. IK.. ,1-. IVotic 4. , iMiuru ) I!. vcii, that wc banc ,..c. d our ..le. .'' Ac-.u.nn in the baud, of Hut, hi.o.i A t-'r eolleciioi,. Tho.o indebted wiil .,.ic "'"'.f'lialcly and a.ir i,. 1 HITJIilNS & IIARTY. I .', IKaS. 1.13 'KNAS for falu at this- office. The CLOTHING Emporium P I'ulliis, ?ti inx A. t o , t BOOS ASOVK TIIK HHMXION HOOK, M now .locked Willi one of the Inrwc.t mid linnil. L -s.me.t Slock, of GF.NT S' i.nd YOUTHS' Clothing' g Furnishing tods r.vnK orrraiiD in thf rravr. we deem it iinneci.nry to rehearse lo the niiu. ,c ,hc JvBll,u(ri., we in i,eiK enieted with h .! . li ll III ' tl IllU ll.in.i-. unit mu.t lie apparent to u II aiio buy of us, that tin y .avc ut least i5 irr rent, aiidyit neater and better inudo (rnod. limn elsewhere. V would cull the ntlrnl!in or tho people In our liirv und elegant lork of ftluck ar.d llrown crM ,.., a CA Cie''ri-1, ...... . gulldi up nficr tl:u lal-t Uroncway .lyi.i. . M' LUNGS, STRINGS Si CO. Qtlni VJ 3,u . 0 k d PLAIN AM) FANCY CASMMFKF I J ivS SI ITS, hcridt. mi cmilcs. variety ol La eradi. ,.r ( n.M,,,.r.. l.Urk -n.i l..n7 j ,,.. Pai.... bbi-ii silk ami Sit.n V.-.tr; ... Hintrr, unci mm i iuhi .in in wuii.ii ti-n-d i eic.-ed.i.i(ly l..w pr.e... 1 CLLINGS, Sl'ItlNUS & C "' '-'. W- 3111 I 1 C.MttlMJ C10NSISTIM; ill pari of hi, J rv M .r..ille. Sliiflu i .M I 1 C.MttlMJ ;o !-.. li, uhite nmi fin. mo I'nner.hirt.i Jean, unil M'Ti.io lrnweia j CraVatu, liiniri'.. Ho. iry, &c, Af. l'VLUNG, fl'KINGS i CO. Oftxltr 13, IK.. .Hil " HATS 'AMI t'WS. - W K i: A II Y S 111.. '. 5.1k rfVs.. tf. i II ATS. HI..CK and K.n JrJ HATS i li.ari. Hid llrown t I. I'll, y, MMi, inll'.ll d Silk I). I t'inti. .1 1'V, it pit" tn.it 1.1-1 t TVf. CPNVCi! C, - - - - JOOTs Si(Or:S, THVS SiS 1M, y S J IS. Tl M: luv,- u. ad.i.iid l. OTfT) 'fil v ""' " 'i i..iln:.i;, JVTv nd wi'l he erv I.., " A I.... a r lyol lAI.II.I' UM.Si ul.n IV m; KI.I.as. 1 T'LL'.NiS, KI'IUNGS A. CO. iirmi-rr Vi. l?. 3 : 1 1 Rnhi U HPrVMIUh AKUUV, a-.. rVvaa.naa. ; praf.ifal WalrliiniikT k lli:U.i:i! in UlMir.S ... i !. Ljr,,), ,,f Jnrrlr) nl Silver llaff, ! C J( jmoi'Ti:, V. ' ' ,. uWf,Vr r..,,c.:urv ,..,. !-.. . I ,., . . i man l, n .-a .i,.i ti " i.e en,. r....v. f r u,c lib- r i. i'r..n r. b'-r- !'' b. .towed up-., I .... ; .r.l w.-.lrI.e r.,,,1 ,t,y ...I.. I ''"' ''''' 1,'''p'.'i!!',,t 1 ';Zfl''"e . ve.yl.Jrc ',J,.'. d .io.-k ol , h.Ji1i,iu, nni att'.u in r Tl NJ w ia fa a - i - l -- - 1 )( f !ti(t . ,, ,,,, , ,. ;,, j ,tnn.i ,,t dour N-r'ni ft Me.-r.. IimcU. t II. !. of i. II K Hot. H .l.-iplr .1. j - r t i! ,1,.,- cr-. I P.I-r-.t I.-i.rr, r..r P. I.. I I ever., 1 hli.i. r l;.e M..-..ie-,t-. .1 V , i t n..ii. SiH. r i! j. :.. end t or. I N,.-ii -.. . , ,.ri. ....I pal, rrn, ..rtlornt ol .oieo li.en.t Pi s,, j,., M ,..,,.., ,,. '; ,, ami Fancy j i,r,-..,,... ...,i.,r, ti 'j t,'l',l A i.onrn'. ; M ,re,f !,.., J. ll, C.r ..I .1 F ,r li.nr. and llr .e, - A-..M,i.. ',l ..f I. .! i F.i.'r ..-, Plan. .in . an... U.t K.o.-. V l 1 1 V , ' 1 l' 1 l e..ii...t.i.t .n n.,t nf C. If. e. S..e,.r.. .Mnla ! s.lt, Te... v audi. ., and eyerv other ml.elc u.u-1 i,y kepi , ti. i,.,c. n,m a.'... ..ir..u. to pur. , I, w.th t AMI ..r I i. .i.e.- i,t t.r, tvni: i, i l ot it. in i:. i at, A .-.lor which the loihiiit mark.! pri.e aill Ik p.,.1. 1 P. ail Urn. ntt.-iiti J. II STEVENS Si CO. ..le, Orlnltr I , H.-,si. 3tf iNolicMi. t B ,..tc. a fl. A ('., ha, A llr.wn, Altor I Ii win, ll.,.,.,,,. en , ,ie. ( w.lli 1 1, lien, .on ,,., ,.,rUet,nii. i ; t , , ,, ,ih..ui disimction ot part.... it not p.. id l.r the I at ..I N iv.nihcr. Tl...... inlet,, u. I . '..lease ..ttl. "" "V.; S."'. . , ,., ' IN- 111 -I$ & CO. ' ' U' ' ' " ;13. V -K1 ''HtM'. To miinon ctitiol Triirhrvs. m JKIISONS .h. r,n lo Tench in the Viu,.i,i, I Srhni.l. of ,'il, lenhurr' eountv, can be ex- .,,,w..t hv anoear.n.. in Ihe llllo e oi' Ihe I.!..I Kl.e l-oumnce (on, pine, on Tu. .dv Ul im in e, I the yf.tb (Count, court! October, K.. I .J. P. LOSS. Ciii'l'n. M. P .IOIINSTON, E. NYE 11L1CIIIS0N, Com. X. II. Tbe. cannot be untuned at anv oilier tunc. Of,.'', I',', tK.K n tn lot tr. ,v. i: CrOriT' i ot poMTE Kkur's IIi.tkl.o llcliUtr IV!, J.lt i (on nt ry 3 S e ic 1 1 a 1 1 1 s i A V,V. n -pitifully invit'-d In call and a it.iii.e , our wh.ih.alc pri.H.of caaire DIM t.M nnd Ml-l'l' INKS', put up in ..v ru Test.. ord r,by I 1'ian TiAia, I I'tltH'tlUt .4;atpAp.ti., la.iK.CoaM-s. , Tne Oheat Dhauhack. To person, omi. lini In tho exircmc-Wa.tcr.i country, iw the ' mu.tlirvful ill iill Iiacii.o.. F.nry day wo hear I por-.,i,i,U..ck.,il l.y iIiik ilim-iifti and made In lp. ivtii in niiort ciiik-, wiiiuiiit miy iiicuini ni hiI'mi'i. ii.e relief. In vi. w f tho grfet d-,..d lor a reimdy, lm. IIiiKirrrr.n h;i. proKunlcil hi. cilp. hriiliid " llitlor.," vt liimj Eiir.ilivo iiobit. lor nil diKtii.t. of Ihe ntniiiiii'li luvo Ucu u 11 1 V!"-:i h y Hi. knowli-ilt'cd. Tli ' Hitler. prep. in d alter :i lon vxiiPricnee und deep etitdy, huvn receivi-d the :n- eoiiiiuiii of lhe moat eniiiient pl.yaicianH, a. well n. all chiHHe., from t-vcry part ot' our country. To tliriHV who dnuht their ninny tirturn, nil we n tar i, to try them, omi j'Klge for ll.eiiimWea, reaped i vt ty. S.dd hy lni;iriti"'"'rvherp,iiiMl hy IIOhTIr. TKIf A. SMI TH, Sole Proprietor., .18 Umer .mil ct"ts','l'u'ii''a'''i l'3 "M,,',i,t" - " .vir. 'm'.jwV.' " im THE GREAT ENGLISH REI-IED7 Silt JAMKS CLAUKK'S 4 l lir:il l I iii:iI- I'ilN J'rrjinieil Jrom, a prescript ion Clttrie M. JJ., I'liynicuia nary to the ijuren. I ll," invaluable, mi dieii cure if all th'fe piiiitul an,l dun. to nil ll. Ihe li iiiale cniHl.lut lie, i; ru I' . .11 excefc. ana remove m ail ottruete mid a i.peciiy cure i.iav he reied mi. i o AiAitHii - i. i:n it ii p'Piili.irly milled. H will, in a short lime, hrn, on tho monthly period iih rcp.itarity. Ivich ooltle, price I lot' llnllar, bur. Ihe i..v. eriniient Shnnp of (jieal Dritain, to prevent cniii l, fl, ,1b. Tliet l'tll nhonbl not Itf talrn hy frnialet dining Ike flKS'l 'IH It El'. MOM "US uf frrguanty, ut ikty mi awrf f 6rtjr- mn Afi....., ut mi .rJ .V'.l-. hmr tkry ere r.if. In ail ej.in ol .ervoiia and Spn.iai An, etiona, Pun iii the liaek and Limb., Kin-,,,- on a!,;l,l ejiirti.in, PalpilaliiKi ot t;,e I'e.irt, llyatcrie., and hue., Ihi se Pill, will i ll'i t j cure whin all nth. ti i,,r., ,, have lail.d, and i.lli.'.iii'li c p'.Hcrlui remedy, do not coi.t nn iron, calomel aiiuinony , or any thinf hurtlul to Ihe in.i itolmii. Snle Asr.-nl lor the United Stall, and Can. da, Jul! .MU.-I.S, (,au 1. . Ilaldwin Co.) ... I,' ier, N. Y. N II. 4-1 .00 und f potnj;r fiainp. en, l i.rii to any aiitborij.d Au'int, wi.l lliurc a bollie ol the Piilr l.y n turn m:,,l. I-..I rait- l.y F. PCAIll:, Si CO. fu Q'fut 1r i fttnhitt, HAVILANI STLVK.NSON A. CO. !.m,,..U Ae't.1. (laoal'M. C. -if S Pl-'SII PUSIII7.S ..ft oKN; li'JJ M.9JI.fWP oer..ot I. nil on. mile i 1.1 ,., ,,v.-, t ., 't'(; 'nfy'rl r'.'.nU'' ami' I ..r V C. h;'r.,. .1 S' -'-k ; lih.i: ,,. Tool-.; W. ,-...,; one. I..,. f.s urn. i,t : St..ve and fxturc hulii .nn K,i( I, en Fuii.iuiiej a l,rsc lot of r Ac. The ubi.ve iirop. rlr i" oil-run at ori. .1. ni,! ti.e 'Jblh il., v oi'ibuob. r. If not oh: prior tn that etc. It will be i. ii-tionl.i f.c higheal binder. F.,r e. ed of ii, ba A. MON110K CIl.LKfJ'IE. y v""' ,:'",pI' ' J-l"! "-v", -'""!'" ''-'ejS; lt"llM .1,11 be -.n.l M l,l II Ilrirk llii.n i"E near J. 1 . l.ryee v i u. . i.roc rv, v. h' - n,i re...,, to lurei-l, g..Hi P.etun-. at in i- e-i.t to any price y..ii hi ;; d. nro. t all .n J. Y. i.rvce A Co.' I,, rc ! t.rrU-K iSTATK OF M)KTil CAKoLI.NA, ! r t"N rr.fMY. I l. KQVITY Spring 7rrm, 1 -.". .Michael ..home ct .1. I ,-n t .til Land. I lo.l.Uelh Osborne et 'J 'l1;; T ... to ihe sati.i'.cti.ni of iVn- the eh,;n n ,m O.l.-.ri,'., rlccV., lo l .r J..1,. , Llic.lidu, y, i.no ..!,' ouicr, bom -llf ul Ti .,n.t i! h. ,r- at I uf John ll,,,r.!,a.,.l Ihn.liiic I r ' i:..-rni and Ihe e. t ite. ll i liiri'pi-r or. n.aoe ;..r ., X I,',!,. ,1. a to r o.i;e r, j,uL;..ih. i.M.ry Ann. j, im Ihvir per ,1 ,l.t C..I. rood I.,.- In nl. ll. .1 no haro.tte, n--t . 1- bene a, tut i f I .l'l t ,n; to.' r.,.,1 r Ih lore I he , I our i lv , to hel old I., t ll .,,-, in M ii c l-ii M i. ,-v ., ,;.ty of Unii.li. 111.: I I'lll M .'lid -.r. M.T'. .M.-Cmiict.pi.rk and mi.t. ,.: Court, t i.th,e hi M ...r-,e, li.e ll alter the lib M, -,i.,v i !' M ,reh. in I. r ol Am.rie.-ll ll,,', ,..',,!.,.. e A. lb IK, ('. M. 'i M.CAI I.KY, t: m. e. GRATIS!! ' l'TII.la.M. J "I!- til n.'iDi tip TIIK M'l". PAINS. A boMAMtT; t.l T UK All. Ulill AMI .s - I'M. I. lie coniinene.n in I up. Tiwc. for th, At tir.l week in I), l,,h,r, ti.,, Inriihnp .,n. inter, .tine Story of S II I III' II I. ill', by . Southern auliior. Prepar- l,,r tin- tnli ftaiiiiin ,, of fie Winter lire.i.le. To he l'..l,.,eo by t. oth. r Stor.ca bv Soutiiern autln-rr, o! sc.'re. ll (iiaci' l.re ; or ihe Yours i,clt'ss." AM W turner s ihmnUrl T 1 1 K TIVlKs' .. a I irj;e i i a. V L.t e South, n. Literary and Kui.lv PAPKIJ, !,.,!, rliould be read bv every f-.mil tiri.ide. adorn tl.e c. i.tre.u.b.r of . very parlor anu he tl...w.elve...... . ' A. .. .l.i ... I the- Cclui, the Ilea, It, '111 and the Pr -rroMtc. THK Tl M FS a larr;. including many of the In-rl i.t of con Iribuf r.ler. in Ihe ci ai,ll ri,V. -poibr...-.ii .vmi'i nlrpiru., I'.itneitlx, .j.'o.y, '.. f,hlj, mi.t nl t)ir ,'iv. .' 'S 'he . itribulo Ma.. Sl'.ol TIM V Si I.PU1..N F. MILLER. .M.s. Dr. VKIiXOX, HM.KV JOHNSON, .M,. WHIT IT USKV , W II. Ill N IKK, f'l.sRA jI i.T STA, A. PKKRY SPKUKV, MARY W. JANVK1X, OKU W . CUTIIHAN, MATTI.DA'C. SMIKFY, The lir.t ol lue New Year, the TIMES will c i. ler upon tiie fourth volume, and the Publisher, wirb to pnUrcr ll to an eicbt paged pi'pnr, k.i. il enual in aite In any paper pubii.hed and to iiitrouucp Iwo n.-w (lepartnieoU never behire at. tempted in a.iy weekly paper, ciiher of which a. lone will he worth n...ri limn Ihe s,ib, -notion price. The Tn.ic. will th, i, be the larcut ami J and ra.ony paper, est '"tbcrii people. W ill they theli ll'i red lo '""- to vihalinir "' '"'n '"I p.p....uiu-u weeh.y bloojcd uiui'd.-r. and horrible lrit)jedie. of rutfiati - lil. j op jive fiKuri(r.-u,i to a IIohk i'vria, w.....p ....n ,. , .ii..ie, r. ,,,.P anil IllurtralO and a ..' lamily frond ? 7 ' Flic Publ..be'r. appeal for a b,rBe list of new . .lib.erib-r. in all Ihe Southern SI ite. lor the new ' and enlarged volume, which c-tiiiinc.irc IHc first nf January. All who will forward thair .uli - .er.piioii. immediately, ahull have the Ihrec re. j ni..n, ne month, of tin. jear fraiia, cinnnieucing . with Ihe Ihrillinr t "Story cf the Alleghinies '' T Fit .us: year in .dvr.iiee. 1 Copy o fi ( i.pit . J.0.II Ill nil I i no olMKI i .' nt ion. A Jili i ic.mcn n-pira senl grali ( r E A ALIlRIuHT. ..pp). HYMENEAL. Married, in llii. cniin..in Jlic M nil., t.jr the '"v. '"'"J'. "" !fAN ' county, ..d m ... m ary u Kit ii. .Hurried, t Mount .Moyfne. Ireddl ,., tlm till innlunt, by the Rtv. Sirplun Frnhtia, Mr. r. I. I I I I.I., of I.ipIiWoiiU r.niniy, V (.. tn .Mi .MAliY i A K, d.iU)(lilLr of tin a(C Jjjjor liul'un Kced. ' ' In this pliire.on f l.c lUlb int:.nl. KOpllIA, in- duuj;l.ier of Mr. Allen and M-nsia. l.ydia iuic, ut il tihotii Sf year.. . . - i Valuable Town Frcperty iontu.i:. ntji'itiJJ i . J T B in f' auuriir oner. I'willii.i. K-KU I J. llo,p, known , the fry.t.l lV m ... N JH Iiicp, for .ale. The H.io.e i. ,,l-.ifi,U I'lllM. Jtiiiri .iiu.itrii on ih comer ni el. ur. h and hiii 0 Wr J. ' .tre.H, .-pp.. aito the retidri.ee of Mr. I.r. m.. ljtlruonli. I On ll.e , re.i.e. are all tbe ..e. .ry nui.hmld. ihK. ii. good repair. F. fcrtber ...lorniM,,.,, ad. 1 .,. . ., 'drcH.ll,; no,!. rl.m.Pd .t P,n, vl, , , apply ti J. ' i.lai.ing in the . ,. fc i:lBre. Tern,. ,.., r-.te. j ""''7' John it.iANiKL. OrtoUr 12, 1 98 '1 in t;ri aitt r ( -n inlion. fipHi-' Son. of Tciiiorrnnre in ll,i. ciinly are M culled to meet in C',eiiln,n, at Clurlolle, on V.ili ,in-. Ocli.bi r Vil ll, in Ihe. Hall of tl.e .Meckh i.I.iiik'Divi.ioii, it .be hour ol III ,,',:!, ck, A. M. I'ety Pivmioii in the county, ia earne.i. ly rique.uu to lend 6 !- Vealc. OrtiAar 5, IKS0 !..iii t'.tv :i!c. RV virtunof a IhrJ of Trust, lieentu: to me J by J,... '. Moore, on Ihe 27tii of February at, 1 will eipn.e to pni.ii.: aiie, on I ui nd;,v ot '( etl,. r ( ouii. (',-n,.' the '.Mih .lay of Hie mon'lh.) in the Cnurt ll"lKC in t liarlnile, thu tr .ot nt Land lorn., riy owe, o by I .pi. I.uac CuTiphell. ion the iiu.ii. ol W .liiainm... Wallace, W il.. W'al M. D J ilia-loii and o'her.. cntainii, a. more or le., ...Id .nb, et to li.e W ui. t. ' lii.w. I Terii.ii made known on tiie iiav "I rale. ' JOHN W.MOOKK, Tnmre. ! Orlotrr 5. l6.'.. i:ij T(i.w:h.iijii . nmi J'.n- i.i!'. WfiF.RSOXSremo. i.2 to ..r;l. Mi. JF.KSONS reiim. i.f In ,r'J d tint i'. ll. ii.rrin r. ol (J r.. I'.ul II. r the I ...r. nl (Jr.. I'-, ti I II. n now i ll- niiu' l"r a-ilea larpe bod; acre) m I ..t.'h ci.iir.tv. Thee I.ii di. I,., no ,M. lir-r ere, ul I. ml (aSII ., within C mili ! of the tow ii nl S ,r.l.., .m lot Minn in. .,r,.l .r. il. a,'-, li ,,i ll-.i-d. At, nt j uf the Land ..- ,,f a -,. . per. or .(uaiuy miicn oi it -.-ill be oivined, when pr.iet ecli, lit bi.Mom. Il ble, In ru:l pu-cha. ' Tel in. A ca.h ; b .lmiC" 1 ar.d -i year- time. I For further i id , w !-n have poiti. of tin linuiu cl ioii .. w 1 1 rjluil on., qinlitv of ro.l. A -. 1'A'UL 1'. HAIUUNGKR, iiford. Mih. r.Uil;? UARRINGKK, Concord, X.C. rWer 5, If-."". t3rir Mecklenburg Honr's. MiV i; m-- fen I. per iilinniii. 'BISUFSF. LOMIS .rr ui.-inui te,!', fc. iiiverti.i. r.l that c.n I e n,,.,:f. " pp, blc to unr Si.,t. II . n.:.. The County ci-.imot rcpnrsintc. Ti.ey bear'.ppcn pe- cm I interest inualiy. Willi ( oUfon. f'r the raine Tn. r'.,re of the o. iivn., nation of ill make them morv runeiit and u lie pnri The ""I" wi'l l.,r pay I lip COU11H lujl.-a. Thccil.zeiia of tbe caunie .h'stild (',. and tncy arc oovr -fi-rert t,. tiooi. I',-;,, nt it if I! .iia in 1 luriutle or p. ltd I apt v a.K'.r Will r Cel.. 'r' lf.'.T,l II'.V. I'r. IV . C. H. li It. c S'pt. I - FiSHKH & IlUlinoHillS B EAVINd OT EX CP a l..r..,- am: atiraeti a m st..ek ut (i c, r.rently jtU.'lltiu.i hm (iiiotls, Etiibroiilt'iit s, Shaw's e Z SI ..1 K-Ca. 5' ALSO c ; b a jB aj.n m n i .s in er-. ji urn ty. EI?.isl. t. lILinLi ." fll.Ni: lied nr.d Nesro LLAMvT.TS. A I... ICcr- i mid Phun, i:,r niunlitioti u.c. wiil be i pri.e. at FISHER Jt JJCllKtil iliS. A.cricnltuii Iniplcnicnts, M Hi Mll.1,1 I.I, , Mr, 1 J Cutters, Corn ami C..I. Mil st Mdlr, ITunjnr, I ulliv.ilo lirteic. for ...1c bv FISHER & LlT.l.OrtiHS. N'Wil!"',.! AYIMi been enlivinced lll.it tin i'i.. a M :el,,m... tent t-. . ol F.iio.ly Sew. ..(;,. ,t a pro.' wil.on Ihe Lave now pt i.illce.i one tl 1 1 i;n I en pr by c..u,p. t. i.t j.i.lce. a. loe v.tt l "t VI . nniri.el lor I .e price. f.,r mi.diril v of c ti,-,,, diiiah.l.tv nnd the aeatiiess wiM SllllOt t ill tO avi'c you lo c i, on. we rcspeittui'y mviic you lo can and , inc l!te-i.. IFISHKR iC IU iir.OlT.HS. IIAHfiTTailiK. VJL",.,,I (jrjHLf.F HVfiPW AliK in all its s i , ?sivjr run, r. sis... Anvil., II, :,,w., 9Z3ia& Vices, All. a in, I S,.rii.,-r, l-n i.ii Steel. A lull .imply ! P.iiila, Ibis and Varnish, Collstamlj- on band 'and lie r . e.i.t h. .r by FISH ERA Rl HHoliiHS.' Smut Miiciiiiics. p,9,ln'. Subrcrilnr. hue on hi.nd ,i , on ham! .1 ruppiy of .. s which Ihev are of. ( AMI !, w.n ranted a He. A!..., a full ... .1 llr and It O I I 1 II ll .B the rupermr M ,cl, fi ring nt low price, for to true .iiiirf.ieiion or t,r orlineiit of p. mime Am I I t ll fisiiki; rrnr.orcns Cf,arlft K. m -W is.s ill m . . . laiillHl kJliCr w irt ,.. e. a ' " 1 ' A'r t,r""" "l Vi"M "" ' "t-,ln'"'-' acre...... wb.c, ,. a A 1 I I ? A , K 1 It I . ( i. Tiie Land I.e. wiihin three mile, of T aylor., n t'ie water, of Lower L.ttlu K.. r. T. i made knew,, on tha rh, , f rile. fJARIINEU LOl'PKRMILiv .-r,r. M, I n.iM. r.'y -rvaw, fcj Hi .11 I I I. ...ii my la. I, ahnnt fcjT'R.YU from my lad, ah se-y S .1 ,.W t ka a I ,ght brown triS .tr.pi-d Ort. l.,l,, ,.. a. In, &GX25Si whcr.abiuts lo-y be lelt nl tbe ; ii il 1. 1 1 e rp. Kma, Stored Ihuckir A II, iibrun. for whirh a liber.l reward will he p,iid. -I nKII.HIU'N. I ." 4 it-v" : i I T. N. nn p. i ,t rn , I wnol8881 an! "ef.ul Dealers in UK IT IMI.I H H VCII A .tJIKKICAS i I v I r I A I v n DRV GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. LACE! SIX JU-, EKDnOIDERIES. LACFS flnn net.. Ribbons. Hats, Ci.nj, Crpeliugg, Moor Oil Clutl.., &f. 6 . .. . ' --"",' Ill rxd nt, Be-teclion, Tar'.ly ventme the ay flien Inal they I piirrr, they Pnu.pi-le with Ht cnlidrnre any lioune In the Mult mid wi'h (.-rent nn hilrnn solicit an r-x.'ieiniitinn o!' tl. ir atnek by wholesiili und ret.i.l huvei. a. Ui IJili.U , .JWi a ""i; . u.- , t y..i m ..y m urn A S.li-a d Silk llnhen; ,,ry r.eh ...c.,de Silk, in dork and even.njf c.rj.. me gmoUu.t . eltiea ore.l, Hiia acaaoii ; .o, t 'h.H aud fUiu SiU, hrifht colors, apccinKv ud-ipted for M-Bie. wear, in-luomr wool and raw .ilk I'i.M V-hii,. I'pli. Pan. Ph..-.., Silk and Wor.tcd 'r'Vcra. Pari. Primed l.,-l,,e.. m,,l many ex. clu.irc novcitic. in Koh. a and Piece pood,. - - Hi. oneriiii. mi. vvci-k, a cri-ai vari. I V ol new 1. II. L-IlEuM a w B ,VI1 K .pcci.il iitlenlion lo their i fieeni H eleel.on of P.,r.K liolinetH, Fre. , rin.era lre. C ,,-', Fe.ill.eri. Chenille Head Vvw. Ilib boo. and Millii.cn 'J.-uii. in (jreat variety nd ehe.t and tin. ptlon. B AVU, a m.-itchleH. .rlepiion of Shaw!. ; &.JL v-l lw..4 I.i,u.i,,l Suu.rc' Mi-!l, l',..i,l H.irmred W. Shawl. I'lnh Sl.aal.. Printed and Plain. ( a.l. re Wool Sl.awla, Fal:i,.r,ible, Par.Sle!l.l Shawl., mull si. ry other v.-incly ol Siiitli. .,r Kali wear, dt inurh below r. pillar priper. , , TTI ilTri 7" I ' ' i . )C LKji)l kX " iCW t)l)ni0iC Cl'lCS 1 rl I "t en -ally r. eiircd prie a P in Fini .,1 (, , n ll, ivil;, ii;ill,.,n Ski ; ellmjr u ; l:,i,l,r..i,:ei Ldyine. nnd Inrerlmi,' Hr i-d il.iii.;ke,-ci.n I'r, ll..l,d, ., in endl.-r v-.ri.le. at 'J'. li. I.KK.M ii CO. Bititmortrl -An7.., S BRIDAL III MIPS, Conkd ami Fnihr.,,.'. r, ,1 5 .sains. Crinoline, A.'inM.ii- Si.r.i:" Sltti lloopr, Alc, A c. T. II. I'.r.KM ,t CO. r( l UihhiiiiK, BRF-5S Ti;i.MMI.Vt., Il-.i.rr, fn-l.-r dir. Illcnlf, (,.v, r, tan. V Articles, A.'-., Ar , at T. II. UK KM .V CO. lack French Lice VI II S, new .tiler, I Ci.autilly " ' imitation Citoutiih L.u-c di. iuc, llrown, Green anu V.. c. II -. r-c f..r Veil.. Suk T,-s,je " at T. II. RHK.M A. CO. T. H.BRIM 0. i lOl.KTT tne aticnlion of Ilourtkeep. r., nnd 13 perchaser. geniraily to thur laree nnd do. stock of Linen and House Furtii.ii.hrr verv deacr.l.t.on. uirlii.i.n-T nil the re ular makes ot pure l.mcn Sl irt.nrr and Mart. ite- I Dinia.K, Ihoperr, Napkins, D.iyllea, Tow. piiing, Table Clolha, Lace mid Muslin Curtains. , larsei!!e Stirendg; also Piaiiound Table Covers. Printed I Toll,. Kiel, Tapestry, it.. Ac. r ITM TS joots kinoes. 1 I 'ST r 1 HOOTS, the Fall iv,d ii ' SIK'K rv :r?e stoek of ,'.! i.f:;.v.s. . ,-r T: :e. w Inch : LOW pr for,1 J. R. F. ROONE. .v., .VK IK,K Sii.f 810 iH:VAHD, -B' rhop wa broke., llit-i on Fr i.'a r I! IcI. t. I hi all. I7tl. instant, and a fl.ie itonbil- bnrre,!,, I.I.N sta.eti, b. lontiine I.. A. II. M , r Im , inn n it tacliir-d bv II. I . S.!,,.'i.-cker. Ch..r,r..,ii. S. C The lop ol 't,,e ll II luck has- been mclnleil. 1 wi.l S.vc the above r. w-r.i fr any in form., t l t'i..t will enable me to g.-t it J. M. MA SuN. AVrl. -J., IK.-!. lib.. I , " f.i. p. that ..lie ,li..i. , xt Legislature ol the S . K. W. RICH AKI'SON. ! ,;U i I srt QK IS (ias Works atl' ' 'H'oici 'he P'l , -ed lo creel li ... ' ., V,M,..es, C l. i 1 w. Citi- s and large Hotels. Th. y hive erected work, harbour and K ile ij-h, N. i, which have Ri.en entire . iti.t etien to the citizen, ol I'm.-, nliu. .. As to qnnhric.iticn., prnmptn.s. and ncmly lu pe.lor Ihe fo nler. il mi l, till! re ler to "C t'c II. Carson. Pres. Char. Oi. M ..rk. Char. X.C. in. Jolicsto,,, Pi.-s. C'.i,r. A S.c. ;. ;. !r. I . I' It -:.'. I res. I. n. i.a. A... llalcj;,,. . I ol II- ""C. " "iv, .i, . I A. li Slorv, Pres. I. as Works, l.ntle Pol's, N. Y. F. T. Slot y Sunt. ... W'-.rk., W'.it.rtown. N. V., y ...re,. . lni.ii-iK,tli, K.cli iapc.tty. &.:.. &e. , Ti'.L'STEES OF O.iLLI-GK. j -Me. wloeh' a " .TJ",.. .'" .'" 1 i H'.-if. 1 1. 1S5K i3-i. ' Tor tho Fla and WilllsT, v.wilipriailtf. ; T -.! I' i. VJ.,1,. i ''I'lTt.X.Ti.- t.-.,i..... I...... In., lav reach' d convenient medium M..mli.. ejnpm llliU i l t unw.r . nf I : !' t. .! s. T... m .rl.dt w unset . Su.vr Iner.'.n do ! j M and tl.e . . ', . I. -vc- i-t nl'..i,:.ii a furfu-r rl"! " t. fgMii:,d..a.Jine-.; .ff-r rQf ,P .,,.. ,.,,,. ,..,..,-. ""', 0 Uommon do. ' "' """' c -re r-, ,, 7. h .'ea II. or,... 'mJ,','": Twilled Vernlian do. ; TJ "' n ":";'"' ',.'.'.'' r; 1 !-.', M..cA:,-S F.ir. w-liicl. were . -J .- i :. I llTpt-.-.rpeu.'l-oc'!, Miittinrr. - c-e. ..-j.,.,...., .be I ...,-o. o,' Fh.m nT.-., ' ! 'Mf..D,.it.,s !.,., M.ta, Ac. ' .-IM- lK-ty,:.n.i .dhe.-r. I ni ,,,,,, a. V lOI.'M-'.TS ' ' I . ' 'e-var,r,.. M Vi:rr.ftrr.fhMMSe ami I rihcrford' f.0 J L ll 1 1 !,-! V J O.til !.V . Y. j ''. l-iriMii ltM::iiaxiii4-. aiiini-: 1:1:1.1 f. v-:: a:cm w, .mi lttnu ? ? (1 .ASIIMFIMiS.and M-.,,.. ,!e 1,.-. ,r, v''--il'w-e' P ."t' P.'"'., ,', ' ' l-' fl " Js a.' ... .. , I,-,i,yo,,.,.U, ,,.vt, t S0 .J ee- iv l.s. 1. IL LIlLIVI Ci WJ. : v H. W. criON. m ,:,; i. V G07l Bi.5 v J and ,t -li il. 9 tf AVi: ra.Mv,.,, a 1 of M ,;,,,. IV .v-p'. 14. , I i V.ffi.,,.c S-0' l'""" """ !' "" " ' !" Dr. H. M. PriK !i;m! y ! T.H.I?REii;0.'S v'"5- . ' C"TtH-K of. I.OITIS. -ASSV!F.i;i;s. Yi:T. x " , " 1 i---,-' " " S5S. N l.M.Sa,,o l..,,.s l u..r,.,,.,Uo....J., cue. iptt, ee.!:,.r ;. .!;-., t , tne SWS ,,;.shi,w:s.,;,,,'s:F;n7vb,.vNK,,,s. -Pm T. H. RRKM CO. VA?: 1 LARUE LOT ..f NEi.lJO III. MCF I S w-!i iMli il'IHiUll , Nro aV he sold v.rv low, hv p . Vm; :,..,.! , i, ......... , e ,,.,:,. V:fHrwS rMl-SCe-" ! T. II. RRKM .V CO. g j ,:,. r . ;. ,v , . s, . , iw af s FORlilA Piu.n. K.-nt.i.-kv fc - ..I tne .in t ... .rn. I f - W m l.inseys, a very l..rL-e ,... l'r s .i, .'h. hi. ..t K , i-. -. ! ' u ., 1',,- s'. s. p, , a, r ., .1 HT7 T"j e-y'.'i,,'.,,. A " r '' '' - i fil.S l-.v-s.' n I. ; I' , - .- ' ! A rLI..M'n A"ortm. i,!,,. French. P., ' si, . : . ::v , ,.. w r r, ,.v -fi . j ,v.:, .. i ? v.1 ? ;. .,...:...,, . . ,.r . .;, .W .... i ..-'. ... !' :- .. r. '1. M IV PflltTVilnV '.- I'.. DOs;. I Scar. 2s. IKK ' i lltiCSTf.N. lil'NTKn. e". Mil, n, r vv ii., i i e.iri .-i., e .v ira. A.i.lle.. tbe nibsi-rHiers at IJi'eigh, '. C. vv A I Kill!' ,t l!oVF - y-i - li. 1--.K J.ii" To the Ladies. : Win ,,"' mV. ... W b f . ' "lllner' WntUa-BIker and 1 ittft, i ""w '"'',:"r'' ,n kind. i" wnrli pun- .m. ' u wiwi nit- iii.iiiii..fr .itiny bni-iiitvn in lie I-1- .-l ... I M .t tic. H lVllin l.,.rn n.n .r. n ' ,"""- numb.-r ( y. ,ri. m ilir Ni.nh u'iCJ ' m 5f,;j. a iri.. II tn;i i. u!.cil to w..-rrunl ei.lnc .iti. Kif np-f "wpir. m..,,n. St.. ( Rfi.NS KTS. ' fll' l ilahl'-rt rrpe i r.-i.:. -r.ee ol Mr. Jan ..Hi the l'l Im in fl.urrh. .!. 7 !M. CROCKERY, CROCKERY ! ViaU.t.jJii.j . i At C 111 Mil Ililil. ee-vi,. unH e.- P'-T y?'. ft ' " . ' , . J 3V'.V "' It l'". eV'-r v i-ri- u'm'V v , , I- I- I ,, V- 1 ' """""" VN "u i AK I.. ' china, china. ' A V, KA t I IKL f. v'i. I v ol Wh.ic and tiilt T. a j nmi Innn-r SCTTS. A!-,, n .,r-.c van. I v FA M Y AKTK I.I S(r rn.i.l or II.. I. rent.. We invite ihe l.auiir lo c.ill aim of id.iv I eaallil JAS. IIAHTY Ac CO. d' lass ware, Clnsswiirc. aft'. '. '.. ', ' .. '..arse., r.? s . .Usu, ' up- lljte., i tlety Main!., Ac. JAh. JJAKH ,V(,. I Wood !i ml Vi'iilow Wuiv. IHTiN-!, 1 11. kets Tub, IUTiN, I Print., Ac. AT CHINA HALL. Iron and Britania Ware. reiliA k, ttie.. Fee Fry. -s, Leo !' 'err, K .. ve, .ft A. I'.-ri,., Spoons, (mi-,,., W ..itcra Ten Tr-yr, ii.-.l. nig Dih. Ac. .IAS. II ARTY k CO. t hailuttr .?.;-.'. Cl. IKii. U-tf IN THE EXCITEMENT' 1Dv& xjsO litirthrnrc. Sionia ami ."-It xs, i: ;iiij-in.! i lllWi, Bitilx nut! t ttff, and et.-ry thii's: to hi ...it.d in a J 'rv H I n iu?l v V ASI1 hoe, ,., or the CASH lb'. n ti rkcl. J r all and in be l.o.iirlit in tin ,r vi urseheH. Rno'.YN, STITT k C". ( u t:i a p ri.I' A fit -'V will he ,., am: at Ihe i-iimm , I -ns'.', I ..f ,N. C. I" r i.n act lo j lh. .. nAVFNTOIIT' KCMAI.i: fi il.I.Ft. I' " : ,...,,..1 r.,no.. .i,,u-.-i! i-o,.r.i,- ...... . ,.!, ni; . ( T 1'. L" I K KS OF i T.I I, I,l"( i K. It, lJf. i:ii. iiprr, i'jij'i'r. i'.ipcr ! wvkaimmm: r.ii'Ki:. '. f, r M.reb:,.,'. rod Drii-eis'.. a,,, , ot Pan niton I ., use,, bv Pr and will .11, x ort.ee fair pr, the ntlt J, Y. liP.YCK A CO. Aeift tor H',;. -.)((,( M,;: .If.,.. IK l-.-.-s. Notice 1 LL mrrons. who.e .Not, s a due. oainir to tie und. in ftr .rnertiy r.ntlirTcd lo c'l s liniwrt ... t that the t,.il l',ii,,i I' r.r..e.l lit pin n. Y. R. MVF Trustee ot l.rol .'P. Is ijaNotic'. V'R N"' " "r"i A''l'"u"'" are I" lio Air W'. A.. .... f..r c. flection. T'bo.r t h i : Seller p.v up .'.iir'iri.",, tf th -v w ,si ROOM! ('. Ang 01 1K.S. Sihrr Cialiiur. 1 Nl jold, .,!ver, br-ss and .11 k,, ho.:.,- ;,..,! I , T lo tlieriu.il A V ,,., .Toil N M. MASON. coach shop. Jim. I. IK'.. 1JOH l-RIN MNt; , J .! e I ncl ,t,on , i f .nn. Wh'J ' . The Hnikt. fORKR-TED BY P.. M. OATKri i: CO. ' I'HARMn 'l I:. ' MTOf'.KB I". is.lt?. , n.'CDN. Ha,,,, ,, 3 (ii , t : " iyj ii ,- " li-if rouno, lb J ... oi Sh.:u!ccr. ,i (, : Puilfinr;, liiinny vc... 'd , n.i ' II. if. "ih ' " , ' i;. . , I Ileum. blirhel I'll I. II ' PraniM . Apple, pal H: t; he) " ' f-.-n.jl jral Ih) (,., h,l Cotlnll. new lb Hi (i I'JJ Cott'ec. ii,o ib iyj 1.1 Java lb I '. Sll ';n,dl.. A.iai.i.intiii... II 'its A3 " Sp-rni., lb 1.1 ( ' ii.) I " 'laiioiv Ib -J.1. m I'D Corn, old, hiianel I II ',, b.1 1 " ne.v I.urhcl I.I) (;-. C Cl s,-,,. cai. : Ill (- l-'l C...tii,t r.i.!,.-,-.,, var.l C.'i l.i " I in,- V.,r,' i, an Krtr.. 'bien I - l-iour hbl tt, 'h. i-V.i I I " I. . ;! (; UJil Feathers ,, .'Ill (-. 3,i I Lur.l, Ib. '-.'J ('. II I Motion ' .' " .M..e, rel lo V, .... I ii C. Il.l h -i. I, 'l.i M -' irjrf. NO li.J (:, lD ! ' W.I ,.. ! oil i Mesl ; , .i., 1 fio r 7 " MuiUt- W.-.nti ci.. ii : ...bid f'J ( ''.' .N..,lr, Nmi:., r-i " I'll " S . l'l.. n .-. I: f. P..rk', ".."i, 7 7' I't-iia... 4-tisi f.. !l'l Poialoer, Ineii I.ii.ne.' ll i ,, 75 " Sleeet burl, el 7." ' ("I r.-.r.- bll-l,,' 4 S'lL'lf.Ia.if. Ih 11 Ib .,. .V:,re..' i'.-il. - ( l S .1 17.3 ,., I.) I ' .. ( t !'I--. ,., I r, .H I " r- , hi., ' hi ll l-l j W ll.sk. V. V...--I-. :,: J.1 f - .1.1 i x. caroi:. .a... .--ii -i i 6., r j w.n.., I.,., ..... w., ,: n Yarn hi, . I ,) f (III j I.T.'MAfhS. r-iiTroV.-ii.ir piev,.i. koVv re po-i of t;,e colt. i. in. nil. . in net.v. :, i! pnr-s fml, rat.-, in... r. .-. I 1 I- -. ,-, nl.. Tm. i.el...a c ntn.n. . .. n,. to We,i.,-.l..v, when n-Hii-s be-une c-.sicp ' i I'"- n,..r, ! c- "d hS-nvy .1 decline nf e. IT !', U Ti e,, ha. I.e. ,, hi, I hill.- fT- PC,! all.! ali t.ain t fill r '.,. ay ir..i illi'l ' -l.:l,l ., ,, I " ' ' !' 'r .'.. "" c 'l l I '" V ' ' ' - P' K- ' i ' I' "'' ' ,, " W Hi (,,- hi tl, TIM Tl I -' M IMC FT I: i i i m; , IT. A - . i;o..l Havana !.otti:;:v, T'-c I,, xl .,- e.sn ,. n(t',;e To V 'i Hav l.a Lot l, rv e, I, .. bv S,-.n :. i.-r:e: nm er the s,,:,. :.., ' t -e I .j i.', r i ISATriJ V. iK-tiilior Hi Is'i. tTr " r y f fr f v-LTai "w V Si'll i'l'l' M .IIVKii hi ,'!; T V A " '-"', . ! 00 I .'. o:,l) j lii. -,) I 1 '..IMMI I Iil.OilO t cation, to t' or iesof Vt.OOO !.((.( .'nil ,i(t Xpi'jti.i-. ft.woU , ti t J'"'. A of to DON liOPbT l ilv P ,. T e Cuiuinii Luck Siiihliirr. 1 I. ,i,, theb-re bus,.,-.-, ...v-: ' rl hi, lis- , I.. V JOHN .M. and W il.-.,,,-, Jan- I. I K. Bacon, Eicon, Bac:: t as. .1 Y IIIV.'K ' 1 i i i l, i , ell

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