Jt - The Friz Canat The prcjcct of picre-' CfY if V W ig the l-thmus of Sue is pronounced: llOVdr CLaVXlIina (KUDU,. abroad the crowning enterprise of tue nm- - u V trenth cntury. 1 he originator of it, M, l.i.t tn, lias i'lt been niuinucted on board lh" Russian steamer FUdnnir, a fine sliip of tlic Hue of tie Caspian and Dlaek Sen company. In ri ply V a sentiment, lie. said : " Ih" augnt sovereign cf Russia has liwiicd from the outset of his reign that the stniigtb. of Lis vast empire could :uly be founded npr:i the prosperity, the. well-being nud the progress of in population; and tlirt it was liy speedy moans of intcr-com-n.imica'i .a that his generous and civiliiing designs might be accomplished. Hi pre decessors, and he tw. have found, iu tiui of nvd, ii!u-tnoii Gtiicrils to command the ri!Mi'j of ll-iia ; but the. F.mperor A!e:idrr iu" diffvered th, above all, ho rc.piie.s in hi' benevolent and pseic ts tl.r r.i.l cf those valiant nr.d aide lead ers mo'l. rn imiu.-try ? uo-i victories cost im t : vs. We s.re now the j: .tests' of one of i :-! vurui.-t and intelligent ; i t s, 1 u : '. of ai.'.vr f.'i' t!.o ail vai cei.ieM of Lis fellow i.n n, ntnl j written upon tltn glorious i i:.-;r r of lis pe..ceft.l campaigns, " JIu t "Ui Navigation I'ctispatiJ " a noble ebtorpri.-e, which, ut.d.r the Imp-rial pat roi.ag.;. already snows it-elf crau!oa of m.'te ur.cii.iit .il l powerful uiaiifhne a-soci-ation 'i here slso written upon this flt, " Mi.'.'.n :.:n :;;:.tic s f.f the Caspian Sen, and i u'.mn w.i'n tiit Flack S-a, by the j u nc-. tioll vL ihe DjU and the Yolgs," which lat- i ter u.-;a!Geeit commercial artery of Han- sli, v:!h its cat .i!-' "ti l tribut.nlcs, annual- ; !v bet.rs i: otii St. Feter-burgh to Astraiun t.x u.:M::- cf totis of merchandise." i ."ft -o iiiJii OfARLOTTi:: Tursdn y. Cclolirr 10, 1 ItTf lib ml OMi'ii 1'irkiii?. Fit ce our l i-t we have received the fol pointed to fill the former office j and Mr. Vardrcy A. McBce, of Lincolnton, to fill the latter. Mr. Thos. J. Slade the for mer Treasurer was not tin npplicaut for re-election. The?e Secretaries have, also, been charged with the duty of collecting the ?Gicriptions due to the company the for mer plan of having a collecting ntrent for each different county wim not found to an swer the purposes desired. We underhand that arrangements were made for procuring the iron, locomotive, Ac, for the first section of 2r miles from Walker's ferry ; and the directors confi dently expect to commence laying tho track about the 1st of April next, and to have that section completed within a few mouths thereafter. "I'll is tneetiiiL' of the Stockholders of this road seems to hare excited a much greater interest among our people than any which ha preceded it. We were much surprised, a nd uioit agreeably too, by the showing which was made iu the reports of the ofli f ,i. .n.n,. v nn ;.i., !ing from a friend. It will be seen that), Lfy c.on. pi i-hel Vuch au amount of work Steele ;Vel; -lid bears thi-pilm : j as is exhibited in the report of the Thief .1'. ".'',. I feo ill v.-vur lat prper, Knginecr ; but the work has beeu pushed K-ickv J'iver a.-ks pi rmission to speak in steadily though quietly on, and we bet'in to regard to eetton icki nrr- Now allow Steele ' feel, now, that the building of the road is se fret k t.i -peak a-ai:'. A I w days since, ' cure ; and that the time is not far distvit .1. 'I. l'nee picked Id- lbs.. I'. I!. I.owrie, when the mountains and seaboard will be I'T " and negio I oy Ili!!rd :i7!(, and stopped I connected by the only thoroughly North Car half an hour lefure uu-et. l'.oeky tiverjoliua railroad which has ever been char nil', have to try ajain. M. N. Hart, i tercd by our Legislature. !Kr The news from Mexico U interesting. A battle had been fought between Gen Miramon and Gen. Vedaurie, and the latter was defeats J witjtie loss of 1000 prisoners and several pieces of artillery. Subsequent ly Vcdanrie blow out his brains in despair. The American minister will leave Vera Crm on tho 19th inHant. t'liarliUlc IJuti!. Attention is cirlhsd to tho advertisement of friend Kerr of tho Clurlotte Hotel. As he is afraid his trumpeter is dead he intends to blow his own horn hereafter. Call on him and you will find god fare, good beds and good humor. Pctrrsoirifor Xnvraibrr. This periodical was received hust week but in the hurry we omitted to notice it. It is a very interesting number and the Plate a " Mother's bream " with the Fashion Plato for thii month is richly worth one fourth the subscriptfon price. From the Wilmington FcrnM."' ' WHY A. A. BROWN WAS KEMOVI, f A DRY GOODS PIUNCK. I ", HOW TO GKT Cl'BA. I Stowart's Palace has been enlarged with- The New York A 'b iiiy Atus uit,ij, It is pretty generally known through thej'' few day by the hduitiou or what li one of the lending I'r nioerntic t,ar,,ri)of,. State, that Judge liiggs, of the District equivalent to three Iirst-oiuss worca-i nai , HUlf 0l(( , ,,,,, ,,,,,:..-,. , Court of North Carolina, lately removed me I ? bml'Jn'S. 7,( '7 v, " ' entire dimensions arc now i.iu ieei "i i" uuu way, by about 157 on lteude nnd CJiaiubers streets. We thus have a structure which is a just object of pridit, and is believed to have no superior iu any country among bouses de led to commercial purposes. 1 ho fact is remarkable, simply ns au in staneo of individual miccc from the office of Clerk of said Court for this District. The true cause of such re moval may uot, howi-ver, be as well known ; therefore, I. doem it proper to fay, in this public manner, that it was for tho reason that my political sentiiin tits are nut in ac cordance ith those entertained by the Jude. in. a building ?f by 101) feel, so that the . , . j , ' ' Hie A;. live method of acquiring Cuba. It .j; if the Mlf'tilv of labor frnm Jr.: " ... -u,ea e( cut vii, me severe irtaimihi ot slaves i ...t I.A r,,r h..a' .,.,,. i. t . .... ..... .. . ...... ., , 1(m.lll.l) inuies, wi'um imiw a ui cieunt Utile I he proceeding was not unexpected by j achievement from small beginnings, or of great j Iy uf uuuiineu irom heme fiiiam r. y 111 summon, mo ,uuuus wou;u , , t'et. 11. I?-"!". frest. A i.' i V.'l St I i.ite i : efei Or. r.-e.-t a cur ,e l'r hit;.iu did il Orrnr. J A toi re.-j otidetit of the Pendleton Mes senger, in rerortinc a tri to North Carolina. gives in the extract below what he term frost9' but notwithstanding their severity iii,i,;, t ,.r ; . .t i ' the effect is hardly perceptible. The Mr. R. A. l!e9 of this couuty, show ed us a sampler! Chinese Sugar Cane Syrup, which upoji comparison with other specimens, b. ie,i pronounced the best that has beenrjiriS.. Since our last, we have had several heavy Lril riiinbrrl.iiiil lriri;l!nr:il F.iir. T! e Kxecutive C tiin.ittee pf the Cumber- land Agricultural l-'air will p!eae accept r. i t a (Vn'hE; II.t. cur tl.atks for ati i limitation to attend their I-'air on the -'3d, -4 1 it and "nli November next. Nothing would afl-jrd us n.cre rlea-ure. as! ,;.i , ,i .i ..- .1 i hcaltli is beaniisz Si cverv countenance. w. have 'till few frier, '.s in Fayetteviiie j was a sight worth seeing. Apple brandy j we should be p'eaed to greet, but we have; ruled. There were about as many women' A proposition is on foot to btart in to firrjo that p'.ca-iire. i a tuen on ,ue ground. This is a peculiar New Yorx a " Bullion Dank," with a capital t l: it: a ho-tile ..r M-rvi- e of ti.i- ' Norrh State ; weather is most delightful and bracing aud me, lor 1 was aware that an intrigue to ef fect my displacement was sent on foot in Kalcijh iu May last, when a term of the Circuit Court was held there. 1 was absent from Wilmington when the removal was made. Ou my return, not Elid ing any communication from the Judge ap priMng me of his action, and assigning reas ons therefor, addressed him a note, of which the following is a copy : " Wilmington, Sept. 21, I'.'iS, Hon. Asa Duiu.s : Sif : Mr. John I. Cant well has today exhibited to nm a paper, sigued by yourself, dated August 11, l'i-i, appointing him (llerk of the District Court of the L'uit.'d States for the Di-trict of Cnp Pear. As this is the first I'tiuvil information I have , -t r. . ... I n lli lilMle.l !.... U ,..l.l ., tne great huiiuht iio rnooie inu inereuii- j u.i ii t,' tile protession, ny tar the largest proportion j "" ore doomed to disappointing i and disas-j "I. A large ' slave trade ' wiul, n ...,. r..;l,,r f,r ll.n... ut s.,e,,,l .i.ri nl.i.nl, .v,l.(e . C'' number insignificant in comparison i i-e to n ; one hand, and the sinvc lerlui t" position of permanent afiluonce. I States' of Virginia, Maryland, D lj,,. With regard to the latter class, the se- Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri o,,,? cret of their succc.-s is an enigma hich ! other, equal to tho present Cuban. Af,j tho inquisitive always seek to unravel, Mr. one, and amounting, in dollars to tlma . ...i..:. ' l.:. ... :.l...l ... -f nun mm . . o n!i,l! iuiji.ii; uu un u. uum... . - j . . ... jr w,w..v ur C I U.UIII MliJI) sources, opened a store in Hioadway in the i "'2. This new demand for the laf.'j year '1, occupying a floor jointly with J the border, tt-tricntunil States would .rj,j auuiniT snop aeeper, irom wuoiu no was i uany dui surely jut i.icttie tue opcraiin, t,lt f,,.n Lieu I'Jf "). il pi.llll.uil iUHVIIIg wio going on lor u.o supply oi Hie Soiitl,,, u, ..y ui.n.uiu iui juim lull ilgllivilieu UI 111 I1IUI Ion of latf, hid iiuiipieiii, iiimiuu p.-iiauc. j.jf pro- in uiese uoruer otatcs woum tie silp:,; vious years of study for the ministry, prioei- by five hite labor, and just so mueli flr;'j pies of honesty were iuculcated which, ap- would be the period of their final deiivfj' pueu io mereamiie pursuits, uave rotuiiK iia-j once irOiU Blavery, wuieti, it it hu received of uiy removal f rota the idacoofi.i ,i, ... . . , ' . t'lerV of hn ;,! r.mrs T t.Vc ll... ..nrlit "".uifHTin lur kcui. aso. l u J iui- reniovat. Your obd't serv't, A. A. B1LOWN To this he replied as follows; " Williams ion, Sept 'J7, l."i Fir : Yours of 21th imtast is receive J, rcpreseutatioui as to the character of goods rara t, ; i) M-n"ruw u.do. ...... ' . ' .v.. .. ' cinniovoes-.- nas aiwavs teen a numeient cause for dismissal. Uno price is adopted, and that governed by quality. Branch house are estaMi-hed at Pari, Lyons, Man chester and liulfa.-t, the great centres of the inanufirlurin ' interest abroad, through Ul IJ .11' t cehe s-1 rail: n.ii.'-tir. l.iosa.M Lt per. ecketi 1 n t iu the f re-ence tionary. Aoe ,r Mr. i'. r; :i..-, f r . n I j i - - :.: I, : At i.L- lii.-t : - i t, :e,-..i i.. pr.T-t.iv ,s hali ...p.a-.u-. t.:,.t gio.-.-iy u .l-i rats. 1 . rii-.-.il-T-u-'. A - a ; ..it :! z wc re an inm.eti -e i' .' a i fr:rL',."i itii u:i Mid duwn, .i.ht l with gold lace ; and this : i ii- fer.-i.-ted in kipi'-g npof h:-lin..- tie wi.c-'.e iLtf rt:ew, at v. i.i. !: V.' ieature in .NoilU Carolina gatherings the ! of ?1 ,000,000. I u feared that it will women nearly all attend, and it results bene- j oreatfl a fueli of niutual , hm be. uciailv sometimes. 1 oucc saw a fellow get ' , J , , , into a'ful.t at one of those elections, while; wee" thi l"a"ae" f H' present banking his wife was along with him. The front ' institutiois of the city and the proprietors yard cf the doggery had been gravelled cf this batik. "" with very coarao gravel. Our hero pulled j elf hi- ;hirt and pitched in, but was soon ' llort KtW fiuoiil. made to tite the gravel. Hero .o ixrin, ftlihralii'.'i a! Si.ilmilie. re ut.alle to aitend the celebration to a .-:ae-v;iie on last I iiurs lay. but learn 'hit every thing paed . ff as " merry as a luarrinje bill." Between five aud ten t!,oa-ainI jer-oi.s w. re su posed to be pres it t-tit - n . Your.g and Kx lov. Mor-. bead -e nM,,..-id the crowd. There Here also 1 r' ' " ' IJ I No. 'J gnt it has not been my fortune to see ' Call and set them, leer en .pacirs from a! rend ? from Sa'is-1 since. All hands stood off and saw it Well j "- b -irv. rhe Artii'.-ry s:: 1 K-?.e l.iusrds, 1 from doui: lftro No. I wasasight. Imagine a t'l,-at. ' the lirn' -e l.iir.r.ls p.1 I f'om ! niau'a back full cf coniav itravv! gouged t'l, t!.- ll vm t-' Nest Ki.fe--. and the Irvd-'i Du-johi. J with the others. The si .' i'tttallv groaned un It r the r-od thtr.-gs iu which you say that Mr. Cantwell had;""01" orn. rs ar. n ,e.i, w ithout the inter- that dav tl.own von his ar.nointmi.-iit as Tclttion ot coiuuil -sion Louses so that goo.l. Clerk of the District Court, dated 11th are lirorlired on terms the most advantage- August; and asking inu fur the reasons of i your removal. j I infer, Mr. Cantwcl! had uot an oppor-' tunity before to show you his a pojut'.. .tt, I in consequence of your long ah-eiiot; from Wilmington ; an atsinee which, in one cas off, for our first named hero's wife gathered j '5rtiseniMit. Tbej have received their a hooppole, and such a lamming as hero , Pall suFp' an !! low for tho c.i.-h. Ot?' P-y nference to our advertising col- in through ihe skiu. j uiuls. it win icscen mat j.r. il. rntcharii ' In approaching the election ground, bas sold out'.o Messrs. Hutchison Si Gibbon, ycung uieD and women could be seen sitting M , , M , mi in the wooiis, eatitg giugcr cakes t an f r i-O-A.l b fa r 7 c:t:7. f : au in king eider aud brandy. Heap of roa Till north Caholina wiim. j the acre there. One f -ilow jumped C O N V K NT I O N O F D K N T I S T S . out of a shanty there where they kept their. The tl ire! annual meeting of the Nmh rpie Uau'ly, ami swore that no coul l whip; Carolina State Dental Soc-ietv was held in V'-i i- nst. -' 1 ' ( it. I,. Kx: r, reuct. u- as wj S!i:r i::e.-;i.r:j. :r r. iu-: i-s;0Ler. ) if ! ocea-i'ti. l : ititeii led giving a more , the man that had auvthiug against him. . this t lace on the L'Oth of September 1 . . .I-.''. 1- I . ., . .,F-,li...m.Jl.,,l I- i' I ,. , ... ' vi int.- e.-.-i-raiioti. in el......,,,,,..-., . ,nuii iu ic mucu .'iciiiturs present : its. t.. il. An.ircws, uot-.ee oi i..m. iwo le. lows got to scuUiug It. Be;seDt, West Harris J. W. llowh tt, on a large tcaffold, and donu it came, cms-' Jno. Heiiry Way'., D. V. Cr-..'. V. S. Tut" ing a general row. Some were knocked ' abd D V." C. lltnbow. donu by the falling cf the sCiSMd, and,: ),, I-rident, Dr. K. II. Andrews, call supposing somebody bad knocked theiu ed the Soiiety to order. On motion '-f the down, pitched iu proLiUcuou.-iy. I tuought llxaminiug Committee. Jno. P. Howlett, of it was t.me for a pe3i.uble tuau to leave, to Greensboro, was admitted to inotuhf r-hin. l to;. ...e tii-x. j The readiag of Lssayawas bti: in order, ( ow, as the eorre-'foudei.t does not give , a-' loiiows scene " a local babiutioo cr a Dame.", 1 VIi,"!!.t7 "i . Ur't-s'.,n, by Kulu (jr h(j n n.stant, ! I.LUes Dt.l 1 .j a ' 1 0 j r -atei j cicn, ..i .":,rie:u;en, a C.-ivt JuJre a:.d a Canal Ccui As far n heard fioui the op ed t.'ongte:iieti. the :. The we rather imagine that he has drawn large- ' ; the d but the Stat-; lb; cf (' :;po.- pub.lCaLa only. .-i:ion n.tai- at.ti- .. d r.:t 1... t sry of Stale an 1 oiigrc.s. Itcturi.s n Ci.ive J to ttale State. , t :,e a:,ti Ltc'jmp ...s Las b'JU ma- Scott, of Washington. " Tlic injurious ef fects ot 1 onaeco upin tue lectiisnd duui ' ly upon his sympathetic imagination, and. i bj W. S. Tate, of Statesville. " M-ehaui-therefore uojlt the truth of his statctneiA. : cal Deutitry," by D. W. C. livtbow, of As far as this section is coticeruc-J we know r ayettcville. t. i i ! 0u motion the President appointed Dr.. U is. r ot true. It has becon.e very common ,r . . , , " ' , Ilowietl, fjreg and Uentow a comuutle'C to tor n.-.-.y persons to flout the old North State,; ,t.ltct ,u.jecu for discussion at the evening but ve th;Lk if they would Ivek at home: session, and the contention adjourueil liil "f t'uev would find (Longh to amend without o'clock, p oi. looking .bread at their neighbor's faults. I TU "'ention met pur-uant to adjourn- nivnt. I be committee reported the follow - jtjj, subjects for di-cuj-io- : Jilirk Tilf.'ll. i " Mechanical Do:L'ry " and " Sensitive 1i- Vtuonraii Mis.ie rt -snei -, i.n Dintine These were diCij-ed at consider- ... .... I1U ,, U. ,, ,11,,,; u j cal production. Iudecd, it never uo have ei-led iu tho Norther a, iitatei at if bat for exactly that want ot lnhir D;e is now eiperieueed in Cuba, and n(iK.l, those States, has finally 'been suppling llie we!liiig; volume of Kuropvan iu,n,;,It. tion, which (as has already been HoMC ,', thi Northern State, iueli;diiig w p' laud ) will cotitinuo to dric the black t., brfore it until it reaches iho wirur ludes where the white and black Hian,., ous as io cost ami kiihi ; auu witu regard ; not wen lanor snio iy ante, m,.! Kt,-rt .1 to Amtricao manufactures, a liberal course labor of the former is, relatively, ai is pur-ued, by substituting their fabrics for profitable as that of the black is aft, foreign, so far as they are adapted to tbe;Noith. demands of trade. 'J hese principles and! " While the consummation of thiv', iirrsngi mi.ntj, with thorough system iu the J herein suggested would not be win'.' - .. at least, threatened a serious inconvenience I ,,'VtIl '' '' ' oLst-rvaiion, able o either the oith or the -. ,,,t, ,;,.. to one of the auitors in Court. I ho ,p. j bave thus far produced their good results. ! would be cimnoii i-nd accompli-,tJ pointineut of Mr. Cantwell was made, asp , Mut l removals, Mr. Stcwait, iu j f ci u c il betietit attaio.-.l, w hi.h, i , fir i ..t puuiuer, !-.', luemeu nis sioro on us s'ini oi c -inpicmi-je, sl,..)U:I maUe il,;- pres tt site, iu Cuiitraventioii of strong ex- j a totality, nccpul-ic U all. Tht-e a . . i.sting prijunii'es against that side of the I be as foliox : ! street, iii.il iu disregard of iu.- ..rediclion j "I, The last r:nmabt -f the Afr.-u I that failure inut eii-ue. The l.'iildiug, soiaiave trade, ty the ro -operation '. f ;t, j ! large an ! costly, was described in a public j and the I'niied States, on the coi-t r wn. j iurnal as' a " in ouiiia. nt of folly and ex- j c.i and (hiha, would be abolished. ; tratagauco." N.-tw;thsUudii,g, two enlarge- j " '1 ho South would, in the ' l," jf i ineiits hive since been ma le, the. second and 1 tb Antilles,' gain additional t, rrn r-. ; I,: - lust being C'.u j-h.'ed S -pt.-mh-er i'th. I -.)", ; as a seetinn il con ' ni .tiou. the twelfth anniversary of the original open- j "' '1 ho North, by the gr lu-.i i at j9. , ..i-ii , ::.. ( "r- - ne iiinie (,i im, luiiiii.g ii sum lo n ii.i.t hj ii iiuiiin- ui' tun- yo ,.n, r pur I- w in t.e tea-iiiy tur- i i -. . . . , , . . . , , 1 ni-he 1 I y tie pub!,-. It is that part where : , " V V . m , C,7T, ' ' i ' V ,,',n",'V t'11-'. It would i-a-ily blin? a rcii! of f lt0,. ! " I. Cuba, to L.ng lh.. apple f .li.-c -i, (Miop.r annum 'I he taiue !' th stek ou and a uitutbiiig ik-mfut in our rU'.-n hand is rarely Irs than 5:j.".i.0,0"ti. J he i.u the u.aritiuio powers, would, It u-t present working fircu coinprises 100 per- i on u volition, and iu the only p-ii..e a; sot;', txc'.u ive of a t;ll larger i.urainr, ' f eacefrl way, cut the Gordian knot ti!, niv-t'y worn, n, employed outside in making i " The q-iiiibiium of slave an! !': cloaks and other snmUr articles n,rdc ne-, I' ri it 'ry would be uot! perfectly an I ii Ceisary by tb i i.Tig n th jn. ; totally a 'ju-ted aeeording to ihe !a-n f I he new additivti allord a di.-play of. cliiuate, race aud peculiar .rod action." " magnificent distances," aud the sever! j floors, lighiid from the roof, through opto-) iii!-s in thee, ntie, have the off ilof a scries! TIIH I. ATI CuVSTAl. PALM'K of gilieric-, extending upward t j a d.jy The destruction of the Crystal I'alj.e ;i elevation. The walls are ta-ti fully pamul- i a cau-e nnt only for local but i)tb,iii r Id and dicirated iu frtf-epss. (if otle r grft. luucgurated Cu years aiuee ti fratun- it is neediis l pt.k more iu do- ipou.pt and cerao-ooiaU, t wh.ea ib ry ta.l. The buiMir.g eoiisiitutu one of tin f re t. iitali sim r f I -eign lands, the Pre. Iu chief architecture attraei.ons of the city, of United State, and uthi-rs in amti -n- Ac:.- '! J-nti, tl t (o'umrr-.r. ,lv. suppose would have been your conclusion without imiuiry, for reasons entiiely satis- Look a, Messrs. Hcndersou & Ahreus' j factory to the appointing power; and, wi;h all proper re.-pect. I do nut recognize your right to call for tiio reasons. Wtj respectfully, Your obd't serv't, asa i;i;;s A. A. HitfW.v, F.-i , Wi'iniiigi..n, N. C." '1 In re ii one part cf the Judge's an.-wir rr .i ii : i:i a little expiauatiou ti'ting com- mei.tarv on oi lie cays that my abs.-m-u " tin i ulc i,r .-eri-. iuceiivetieiive t one of the suitors in Court. ' '1 hi- ia au ait-.ther gratfttou assau.p lieu. This is the case to which reference is made : Shortly 1 efore Uaving Lome, there came into my bands several hundred dollars, the -rocieJa cf an Admiralty aa'.o. The luoiiey was dir o.-iteii in I!a:.k, is conf jim" with Uw. 'J'o prevent any " iecoiiVetiteucv to the suitor, I male au arrangement with his Procl'ir, entirely sati.llotory to Loth, that th- suit vr should receive the pr oceeds of the sub-, f reserving the r rabable c osts of Ourt, which could Hut then be ascertained,) whenever the Judge should send a ch-ek at, and c r.3ej to tne Junge asi., and t bat. the i.iouey .Ijeet to bis crier. Moreover, previous to liaviiig, 1 appoini- t!iu facts of the was ou d( no it, h ; :y hi. c an i.d !.. I..-,,Mr.L.;I..g. i. can !i 'at fjt C-t: r.ty. Ii. I'lori la, Haakil..-, I'-u.ocrat his been .-..'. I- -1 by -0-.;t majority, 'i ht Legii 'tare i- larg. ly Democratic. 1 ll-. ... i . . ti- aoie leugiu, alter nil n ine c onveuuoii au- t.el ! its aLtiu-j! meeting recent, y, at orces- , . i .i , , : jourued tJ meet at 10 o clock the next ter, . lac-. Delegate- from various parts of dy, the country were present, and the aMi-alave-J THURSD.tr. Sent. Jj. 10 o'clock' A. M. - r, at. 1 the jt-on.. y .in of the necile jrd 1 hie cl j! U i 1 ;.ne promised n 1 1 ,J..t ij'he r ;--'. i t '.it 'A u, '.re !-.- r u,t ic such a .ill.!. j D. in t J : :: ti i re'etit ,:lel.t and D.re f Hi ;::...r s.nl Pit. trcting t.e roa (' i. k. Cj,.n.J ( -ntti-t i:r. iers of this cci: p -my met in i '.he 1 1th instant, lien. A. .e chair. 1 ',''- i ! shat.-s of i he r.j r rt cf the w;:h that of the a t ' '.it from F. vii.? d-.taila of a aarv-;j the n.'outitall,., at Ileedy that p ,-ii.t v to a c.i ..Ln IM aimpiu art ot rlio rr nit vai ct tlic vii ru ot a Court may be coi.sidtred s a eiicuin-tai.ee of little moment, but the piincipic invol.ed is ono of some importance it i, whether a Judge shall have lieeuov to gratify the rutli cm animo-.ty of bis arty iui on the Li neb. Si far as 1 am inf jrmed. this is the br-l in- j ry sentmietit was ran.jant, ent.rely ovcr-j Tha Society being called to order, the stance of the removal of a Clerk of a Fed . shadowing the religious. It appears that following topics pertaining to ths Profes-iou eral Court for political opinion's ke. The i there were at lea.-ttwo delegates from slave wt'ro introduced and eiscus-ed severally : 1 Judges of tho-c Courts Lave beret jfore had i States-Ibv. Mr. Worth of North Carolina1 t. L',e "d- &f 'f .-'! , l,J'J '" fur diml f lL'' ! . , ., vi r , ; t.ther upon the sy-teni. itd. Llectneity , Judicial orhce, to go mousing alter tho party j fd K'"7 Mr- lccj Kc;jta"y- r"j for the extraction of 1'eetL. 3.1. Best m.v ' affinities of th,- Clerks. .i Judge Ji gs : give cur readers some iJea of ihe part they) terial for the insertion of Artificial Dentures. ' brow alone re.-.ts the ignoble wreath won in 1th. Treatment of diseases of the Antrum, sueh a service. nli. Alveolar Abcess Gib. Treatment of I may add, that ibis act of the Judge ii disea'ed aud exposed Gunoi. "th. l-'iiiing condemned, in unmeas.uri'd term-, by men of Teeth. j of ull parties. A. A. JJll'fWN. Ato EltN.ou.S Sto-IuN. ! Vl MIINiiTON, ct. !, 1 f. The Society met an 1 elected ofheers for' tne ciismng year, as fouow : , President, D. P. 'iregg, of Greensboro : 1 Vice President, U. P. Bes.ent of Sali-bury ; Secretary, W. S. Tate. f Statesvilie ; Treas urer, llufa Scott, of Wa.-hiugtoii. Otj motion, the Preiidut.t appointed the following c-ommittce to select subjects for' di-cu-.-ion at the 4th annual meeting in 1 ".i'J, ' viz: Dn. Harris, Tate an I lienbow. Sub- lt. Treatment of Teeth with ex . tr-ii-t, in tliii s.',imiIi i...;, ., ii,..- noseu nerve. u. iesi inetnoi: oi ins'-riiug , would be widely aud thorou-hlv read " ! "w,'r " " Jrre-ulanty ot leeth, , . , v i ,. " . i aud Ireatnicnt " ',w,u concernu,i , j Trcatmerit C'l a lhputy Lleth, a person tj wt.in id-- Judge cot.l l not olj- c1, a- ho bad tin u re Wiit mr Ai:l.t I'aii.I I An cxj lana- Ctntly npp.,;.iled the same individual a t'.n of this h b n tivni by Maj J. H. Coiiiiiiissioij..r of the l.'nile,; t-t.itei. D is Itioii of our town, that ( pears to us to be tr ie the Judge bad .. s-ed doulte of n y ni'ire'y satisfactory. 'I he cable hsi a cop. right to appoint a D. puty, t ut hu-u as l-aiu- p. r wire, with six other wires twisted arcund ed in the la as Liui-eif, if not n-wre ao, ad- it, .aing through th cer.tr" of tho cable vised me that I bad the right. in sfruti,1 lino This is enveloped by a Iu the general e.tima'e of affair, the thick putt r rd. Covrii:?. around which 'I. it s-.u;nd a rank and a ir- i-c as an it-tilutiijti with mt t.arai!l in t1 jok in Ih proceedings of the ujeeti"g, we i.e the f .lowing extract from them : ' I he cvti.ing tes.-ion was devoted to re- He marks from missionaries and others e; ed in various foreign and l.ctuc field 1 .ir. vi orin, o' rsorta (.arolina. gave an in-tere.-.tir.g account cf his labors iu that State,! and read a portion of a .-'rmon, lately pr a(.h..d for the purpose of illustrating the plainness of sp..:h in regard to the sut jct of slavery, which could be safely u-ed in loui porti-.ns of the South. Rev. Mr. Pee vue tniek gntt . r f-ss i'tru"; similar tit .f iron wire L'pon the cable being breught utider ll-.c great strain comet) lent to its being paid out ill th r.e. an ilepih-, the spiral iron t : -1 s, by compressing tie: yo-lling gu'ts pen.ha within. '.''''''. while the straight evpper twi.-t. th" cenir wire bring unyielding- to the other", could on'y stretch and th. n hif.ik. The cxt. nt to which tl,.. cop per tw i-t would stretch lefjr.i breaking, at the low ti ;..p. rattiro cf tie; ocean l.'ittoiii, would be small, arid by no n.-.-ans sudlciei.t to i ,mpet.sats fr the additional lei gth given ihe runic by th . ! ".gatioli of thc -iraliron ti-t-, an I tin i r a!.-) stretching From thii it follows, that the copp-r twist nm-t have parted in tlfn'tuntlt of pl?"r along tho detpe.-t jortions of the Cable tr ii K. . r, . . .1 orl; testimony to the tame fact, as cornin . ' under bis own observation in Kentucky; etors, The 91: lr.lt, ,.f th, ..n,.!',,. I .1.. -Ui" i:u..t.gfon, and . portanre of publi-bing and circulating anti-; J00" n Ttu i J, of j;. uleij, who - .e a utL-il ny rt cor;cur-oe-gs'h;!,s cf thv- I'lcident and rt i- i.-uuien ling their IJetald then ay. : of w ays and u.eai, wa a'.d i" offic. r- A tl,- o:; piny t of hi.ai-e, ... r, p,.r. J a pitl ts ol tl.- t-oinpany, whieu we Out. 1th. Diseases of the Gums Du Wayt, J. I'. Howlett, WllV llll: I K M Ii A V MiJUI.Il (') I A PltMIK' TIVK TaUII I. ''e Can pcroe special tea-oin why tne Ueii,ocralio p1 ;o .'.1 on eai h may nom con-i.-l. nliy auvocate sueii an in crease of duties on imports us shall s-fT.c; to meet the wants of the Government, with out ledu'.ing it to the necessity of twieo a year going into the market tu borrow money tor its daily support. For wu r. member that it was the piec.pt of Democracy, i:i the days of President Jackson, that ' they w ho trade ou borrowed c i p .1.1 unwht t j hicuL ; W by currents of electricity wre at fii transii;':t, i! through tl cable, Maj It th side of the 1 reak. These from well known laws of electricity, trans mitted th- curr-" as long n thry remain, rd hiii'hf. or ui.oxidized, but as soon as they oxidized or " ri..",," they became in sulated one from theothir, and hctiro no longer allowed the pa-agr of th electric current. The causes of ordination arming from the jrutta pcrch.i it.rlf. and lb mois" lure which the imineuii' pressure of the wa- . r f i op fu t'.rr utrovtr-y i i- .d v..r:i-i!.-2 be- i I.,.- to ti. h'ti - row.: J ! Uj th.. eb c- and t... ,,; 1 J;,,, j n. ' 'II'"-"-- ti Ti,- . 'oio'i, It II . -,, If. .:-i;-,. .. n. K. --. U L. -tei-.e, 1 Juo. V. ,...,r. anu as wc are sure ttial no .over oi Ins couu- . , . ,.... i i -.. .... we wart: our friends to be on tho look out' Tate, Hard asd UeJibow were appointed; ui ta" '".!7 Lt:r '" con-; r cofl,r ,ir ,r, 0fl,0irtll i ! was t.preseute.l ....!....: :... ...ti-. ....... - i . 1. .t t ! ditiou which looks to bankruDtcv as its Da . ' .-..i ..:.. :.i ..' ' . . . bati!, a If IM ac .v. j,n...uuifti-j puuiiesiioiia auu uea-f v j.ri-ro -p-r-T rvi in Hunqnii iiieeiiri. , , .. ' i"'"u,i mo ' im . in ine iiuni in wincu Drs. Tate, Hcr.bow anl J. W. Ihwlett 1 'un u"!'"tu ...-.-a, were appointed delegateato the n- xt annual 'j "-rstai.d why ail true Democrat-., l meetiii: .f the National Convention. ' the Jacw-oi..ti s. h.ol, should d-precate sued a catasln ptie as well in iw causes a- in in ef..et-i. At pre-ent tl tho federal 'in-asory expo it the credit of tho country, to the disas trous late invoked by Jack-on, and ull who hold to the justice ol that sentiment aliould naturally be the rno-t eager to reinovo the gro in-Is on which it i aHirmed So long a liie Government cont.nu to borrow, the be lievers in thiis Democratic dictum may- troy them at one ahould the attmpt be ma'i.j to e.rruiate lh.-m. We know not thc 1! of ial -or cf the ilev. Mr. Worth, but appose it to le, from the name, in Guilford or Randolph rountie but it n.t.tters not ali tlhei.nt manner in which he pre-ided where it i-. the t-otde should ,-ive him earlv ".r t,,c' 01 lh f,-i n.otion, the thank of the Soei' ty were tendered to Dr. Andrews for the able loe to h,e or they wiii treat him as an en iiary deserves to be treated. The ' r. Mr. I.a sbouid be helved iu the same It wa. u.i-n resolved that tne place ot oiir next annual meeting be in Saliiiiury, on the last Wednesday in September. A inolivu to u'ljorii was then carried. , tho current cea.id to be Iran-miiled Maj R. suggests that the Cibl.i should havr been constriicte-l with a gutta percha cord passii.g straight through lh centr. conumon ol an, th - nop p,-r tv.it passed ,,!!,, auud ; """ ntl'l tlii'll OUt hill. I of this l ie ..,lt t.i.rel,. covering, envelop.-,! with th spiral iron Ui-ts, iiiakiii-r lfiirtf nuil. l,t j. i, , , ,ir. i nils than the copper wore ti.-l within. H"i'oV Lt i.tr, t ill. t .1 r , iti', held ll. Of l.i.a.iinau atii ."'.-'r. taiie-, the l.'ua . a lj virile J i.' i'..- . i oi s i.--,.u.t,,,-d n-.ih diately af ; t n. .. nt of tue l.onventiori oj stoct.o..i. is, an'i pa--. .1 a v..r. iot.g :,.J abjiioiis ses.-ion in in-; .-. rv;-,; tije'cjiu pat.y. Wv Li.Jer tat. i that aeiiou wu had in very iioaLy imj oi'.ai.t u, a iters, to the com pany taut tt.eir piocu dings i.ve not been' po..ie ex-;, pt II. p.tt Uiou, Joso , was unani- i l.. ter t; la,. ; Vtf One of thu most curious sight) in fV Capt I'iar-OD, of the Pacific steam- Paris i- said to be afforded by a v i -1 1 to the hip. John L Stevens, ha commenced a dia-1 atelier of M. Doufguigrior.. where the ea. w hicri in case of an arrnlent , ..--"- ol uirty, h ;avy looking aml lut important aera.ee. lie assigns - ,t d -, ,,: i-aeti pasengcr a po-ition in one of the. the avowed purpose of deceiv ; boat", and the men are enrolled into a '-ut buyer. 'Ihe aaud cm -it r-i.anl ar.d drilled !. d v ii. M il upon which tv. rythirig depends, n f.nn.d in cutia of launching the boat, Ac. 'I I: Li-l orv of the country. It was tl. fir-t Sc here which inv.tvd su 1 received n-i special aai.etiuo and honor from il,r-)i!,i was the ov :y our in which ihe l.igh'-t S..- in the land did homage to the apir.. .'. pi tonal iiiierahly and cnletpri' ou a set rf cos mopulitjii importance worthy to ti.o itt and eeuntry. 'Ihe Crystal Palace wim beautiful a; a fail jr dream ; iigi.t a- f.:.-i could wake it ; as original a the sge . f .t.a could iievi-.j ; as perishal.li-, ala- ' a' nigra- of the prairie. It appears to bat d. solved at once under ihe flames, t) i,n gi i.e into iiolhingi.ea. like a auhst :.. .. iiiitt.d lo the drce-l aulfi-nta of th. ci..:i.et No s.X'iit-r had the Urn beguo than it mf ed to a conclusion. Slu le.ociout w-i its action, that tiotliilig but tho b-iu. irons iJ vomitories could have saved Ih? I.vel tf many, fir at the time of ihe n fl i. 'it. ti there "ere Solne two thousand pcr.'"H- ,n t-i building. Tho loss i estimated ut coiiMii.r ablv above a miiii j'.j of duilarii. The ti- tUliitlOUS objects OT. C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U; B Ut liiC LO by the Auiericau Institute, ail of -were ib stroyid, are an itmiicn-e 1" in n-)-ny and industrial value. To tie nu-t I,.. added such admirable works of art Thrwa!ten' Twelve Aiutit-s, K. s' An:. zon, and kiinlr. d work", tv!,i. b ba l a w .:i t, ii. ales of tl...!is a'el c-tit. AU gone! Thc dvvasta'i.iu ulier and n lut n- Usal .V. i'. Tribune. All the statuary and p,iiniln,' 1 , Pa! tee were, of course, t.'t-airoyr d. ." : . -if the statues were very line, and r.n.l J 1. j I as wuiks of ail I The ii.o-l striking object in the .tH'u'J ; di partin. nt was Ihe I i.orwa! 1 -e; ;-r,'.'. 1 r pi.stiitirg cur Kav.io.ir and !. !''" I Apostle', which was trreally adu.ii.d lj the visitors to the l aUeo. Ihe lig'irc " lilh out: truti'kv" Of llessillg-li' bead slightly inclined. 'J he staui. ' "I Apostles stood on smaller peib -la!-. td were ranged iii iho forn. of a semi cirole Ki-s' efj is--1 1 i ili slatuc of the Ami i "ti i" ti ked by a l.ion, alti acted very g' in ral i t. ntiou, and .s u.-ualiy r urroun'l. d I)' group of persons, t was a splendid w : of ail, and its hiss will bo regr. tt' I An eipie-irian slstue of Wal.nigi ' -' ''' size, by Raron Mmochelti. Au imp group and mm h adinirrd .i.bis-i.il s' ltiK Daniel Wtbstir; iu marble, by Cat'" l!- L.llde.II. l.ioii and boa cousiT.ctur iu '.eaiii ipiino .ill be R iMAM i- Mahiiia'IR A romaiitio mar- tremble for it. honor and safety, the lo-s of rlago came oil at Duaufurt, N. C, ou Wed- winch, under the circuur.tancca 'lusignafed, m - lay ev ning. A coasting ateamboat put , , would be attended by the aggravating . int-j that i..,rf. and the cai.uil: beiiiir taken 1 ('"Iossal group of a man . ti ugg n-sl thought that that loss had been the result siek. took rooms at on of ih.i l...t. l. 'I I, : bear, a Very line pl- ce t taiuary W. cted Pre 1 he 'i -ide Ti;. .1... f. .... ... -f 1.'. . ..:..v 1 . I creut a ti r utatioii in the trade that 1 .r idea has proved a popular one, and passe..-; ,j.,autitie are exported. The- coloring ...ut trs nave reel, kikwo ti wait at Loth ends, lr lor imitating cmerxias, rul.ies, and sap- a crowd was attiacted to Main street l,u of the i out for tins ship. j pbires is entirely mineral, and has beeu tw. eu Third and Fourth str.-. t-, Cit.cinu-iti brought to high perfection by M. Uourguig- Ohio, on la-t Wudnesd.iy to witncs.s thu .ti. u.ij. ...any ejiiiiims mc in ji'j j v n w ii ose vies oi a rai wiitct. rial ry so.ii.; iiieans l( grapli wire uto a diamond : of a rirninal folly, S'.it,-t which tho na-1 landlord, it sccm, had an interesting dan -h- i to -- w,'r 'P n'""'" r " joing on with tier, might have guarded if il bad kept on- tei, who, from sympathy woman lfke took 'i ("- "lt"i I' "f ' ' Connell, ,M.xru. tM' ug everybody Kantly h. fore its co the just penalres of an interest i the captain, and probably i '',''cwi Wa-hingloii, in nmble a'.' mploycd, and , trading on borrowed capital." Ak.'.vW ' admini. tercd tt his wants ,, .lral, .r' f-Ui-t.-r. Together with s,n.ettcs of nyM Is, is buii.d it, ,;,.,,. i I he oailanr .!.;.. ..'? 7...I.' 1 pry a -I', itvrs, goddesses, c. e!...ir ; aLd l,in e Of A - Jr. to: -1 I ut d," .e Looks oi t.llit'J (U.- :.nd Live III oivi-lu. i'-i.r .T I..; I .ace, wan Hf Ttf We ier.ru fiom the Savannah R:puh- business it is to polish the colored stones, other got on one of tho I ucaii that a ease Las made Its appearance nm- " ini-e . r. wun u.-u sti ami . wa.s inaking lits wayaioi.g liJU ime. among the Crabs, similar t;lHt thc, i tU rralea tsf the roach and J .r,- would occasionally top and look very nd that a number of p,ons l.aJ j M., fcc Mr'ij pcd f.o.n the fi-h wh.ie living. ' ,., ,,e next cro-s piece and' again 'c on,,. m" . ...i.k ufter pa.tuking of thin shell- or the irlist. nin hue to much admire 1 in . plate the upturn. 'l fue- s wl.ieli'were wut. h i tue real pearl cannot Le imitated. , lri., ii.oTiiiici.t.. 1 he gallant captain ,n i.r.t caiioii- to -tr, livino atlribuies, S,, ;lt!,v rinened ir.t.s ,. ,r , ; friendship, fii. nl-hip into lnye, and, as I.Vf OM THU fKI.K'lit A I'll Wnsr,.-(2te;fcbov.; stated, on Wednesdav rvei.in-. Jl.il.. the parents of tins fair S imarilNii went in bliv-.ful igiioianeii nf what. Was about to take pi.tee, they were m uried, and nl ac I'laii.tiiici! of but a few days. A r an 'Iho group of tho Lovers Going I" Well. ' Allot-other, iu tho matter of Mal'tiO there has been . serious lo'a. 'ih.-.h-'r"'" t. ,.l UI..' I i . eslhl'ishy I' bo regretted . ' us sta.'uu i. Kn.ixvii.i.k, I A I. .f lltv J it. GltAVKs-. 'I ,' 111 s ir'.ullemaii, a di-tiii;:iilsli' d Mir'"l,r Oy.ters, be; a t.h and tiy,. ' wl,.) ,d ,,hij wooed the fair nisi I en He in v.iin, hearing of tho (food f irtunc of hi by -; i i nil, ge,t i!orioul him rnnf i'iu io br ik. ail thu glssi-es iu the bar-toom of the hotel, yf tlm liipiUi Church, and edil.r of ti ''''I1 tore up things gciierullv, and it wa feared . list m-w-paper, is pr.gessing hef-re h he w-.mld commit uicid;. .V u ', ,, t'huieii in Knoxville, and U occad-i."- 1 gieat excitement.