tn'ttce, under whose jurisdiction the case against them, and dashed off at a fearful XV v cum, -it. close tbi. the many ii.'e t cs til..: '! w'ttiout milking -p. i 'i til I Polo.;. I, Lik.-ii: T J. lUvfi,-. t maii S.-fiit -r M.tcheli. w iii freed, but the driver succeeded in keeping in: ji.-rf. t-t noti.e of ; them in the track, and after running around ! i-s iti Moral Hall .some four or fire time?, they were stopped j .-ntin of the spltu- ' by Mr. Jackson Mos of this city, cntchin s tihillted by Mr.' thorn by tbe bit as they paused. Mr. M. i w e noticei. a was ursirccn anout o vaius, iui u.-iuu . photograph of the late j no injury whatever. Mr. Cormdhsou'a horses j -tii to he remarkably i were tlicti withdrawn leavtng me coiu.'si ne- lluvlb C-arjolinaSSlbig. hot'Mr. twem Mr. Hays snd Mr. Mapper. 1 he i Cun was awarded to Mr. Ifaiper's horses.! J here wi K accessions to the num- 1 'h exhibited a(,'ir'jI M-iter-ill atteniiaiice on r.ic pici iuus r'u . ' ; dav. the crowd bcinc estimated at between hiek.rv, aU correct ; sen a mi porn pliot.gra Jjiiti 8. Paiiey, of hid;. . .!:! e MllCUANiCS' HALL. P. J tVikin.on uf Hsi. camsgc, an I .a! ford I'l'i-ri ItucieS made of cm lid which reflected much credtt on tluir cs-Ubli-hmciits. l'r. D;i T.ii I 1'upre, cf Kale.igh, exhibited a Hydraulic Klevlor, or improv ed chain pump, imvi.tcd by b;in.-elf, which we repret we cannot notice in fail, but which wo think i much bitter (r practical u-c than all tiie Y.-.ukte swindles of th kind we have ever even. Missis. Grier Si Me Goronn, specimens of sandstone, reeent'y discovered in this and Orange counties. Me-sis. William & tinrp. a lot of Spokes, r in.-. and Sha'ts. manufactured by their machinery, wiii'-h e heard very highly ... 1.......' M W... , -t I..J r..s. ' ,' "" '. ' ... I- , ... , Sriiit of the A,-e, Messrs. W'hllaker A Punt c . ' ; : -. 'j ..."i"... '!.. ':; ill'' of the Live Giraf! and many other ancles which rank hi in ns one if t he best mrehanies in this or any oti.t r Stats. Mr. 1). (.. Richardson of Wol- ,1.,. Mr,, I.., " l.l,rL-.,i,.i,l.,s t,,U nn,. -ft torn-e, and a rniaafire set, con-i-tin.- of,"11' of tbo Kegisttr. an -i-d hammer, ban l-hamtm-r. l TtiuUsi.AY :iltrj Pay. rivftin' hammer, swa.;e feib-r, 'plttting j rhc elii-cl t mii imid a-i S wrench of cit'aiid tl. .-till, the whole wei.-hi: not quite an I mid ".(Hill persons. Amonj; the uistingitrs i we noticid 11 jn. J. W. Kilis. Governor elect, ;ov. Urai:, lion. T. 1.. Clubman, Hon. j Thos. Purlin, Hon. A M. Scales Hon. P. S. , KeiJ, Hen. h. O'li. Hium h, Hon. liedford J!ron, Kx (lov. P. I. .wair., Ki-tiov. Moi e- I head, Hon. W. S. A-ihe. W. V. Hoblen of the .-'ta'.dard, 'r. l'hiilips of the IYti-rs-; tu- " Pre.-,,- X. A. U ul-h, of the U';.r- j letiton News, Mr. 1 1 oil on of the Charlotte j Wl.i.'. Mr Yates of the Charlotte Pemocrat, 0. au. CHARLOTTE: T ii c s tl a v. X o v f in be r 2. I a 5 S. .. . -tl .it... i t v... Tt,.Tt.i;ntn.. I Vrntn the Cincinnati Uitzeile. lessor oteiner urocoauou. to the farm t, CFAIN AND MEXICO. ilia jivbu i-jf iniuimi in ni.rn.iif. " s ink, i.n.1 nrniiiini tb inimii,,. . rcfpondent of the New York Herald gives Flag makes lomo very strong remarks on HKSULl Ot Hlh bAWJUUfl jMr. Townni-nd to !'' the following information concerning the this subject, from which wo make- the fol-j Tho great " Balloon Hace 1110 j ..hipped his balloon by exprcs'to thi; lowin" extract ; iioung .-vmerioa, rejucvu"" " aim uiiiisuu ioo iuu inoruiiig traiu. And what satisfaction can it be to any . II. Steiner, is the victor ! All "; '"". " 'x o cluck, I'rlif honorable uiau to feci that he occupies ihe Till TUB fllASK. oietuir u nau .10 auowicago of hi. falsa nosition of one who has the representing a people, wheu he nothing avc the perveriioii to 1.: n-:.. -..!.... ' 1 1 : .;..l.i ...,. ilia courtesy which is due the people I his "Leviathan." 'Ihe latter rabidly ! bad landed near Hunt's Corner., feeling in Cuba with regard to the affairs of Mexico : , " As far a we have any public senti ment iu Cuba, it setniH to be made up just now in favor of a Spanish demonitratioti with arms against Mexico, and to open the way by an attack on Tauipieo, which would, of course, ea?y victory, and a point ccupiesihe! tiik fiiASK. feteiuerUd had no knowledge of hi, Mb' le name of I The balloons started from the city lot at ,F-'tor " the race but on arriving ' represents ! four o'clock twenty one minute, Prof. , tton on the railroad, some fifteen or t ,. which be 'Sinner loading off iu his "Pride of the j mile, from Sandusky, Mou. Uo.lMJ )tili nay, j West," followed closely by Mous. fjodard in '" "non.ster Leviml, ,,, ,( , - j ... - . - 1... . j.j..i 1 1 .1 1.. :.i i- .1... Q r.r f from ciirutecn miles una suie 01 Banin.l-.. I iu base for military operations which in ol"-' w 110 "a lu lejin-ocin n.. u, ruu. f po ns nvi ..... .;, I 11 . . . .1 . 1 ..., inuke himself and bis ot.inions known to : tow 11. until the loronauts were within speak- - HKi'AW'rui.ATIoN. and nieht lead to other resulH w hieh would tbent. and, if bo ch-ioses to manifest the ig distance wheu less than three miles from ! The ,T,rot.auU started at 4.S1. .a , not be M agreeable to Mother JoLathun, gcuuine kindness and generosity of his na- the city, both moving about twenty-Ove Godard lauded at about twenty minut,. and, a for that matter, not subserving Prit- re, iu proper ways, none can complain, j miles an hour. Mons. (.odard sailed up - ten-having been up about six l4, ish interests. ' It does not ee. m ricd.t that Put one, through rreteuded gener- j majestically beside the Professor, when the ( I rcf. htemes slaniled at 1 (., liavin.fc . .. , fit n u . . i 1 1 I.,.;,,.. I,,, ah, 1 ),v ,1... 1 1...... rui...l l,U rivl with a welaomo. ami 1 111 the uir ten or fifteen iiinmi,.. 1 . f pain shoulil bt quiet, auu permu nir iran-: "".'. !" b-" , ... . ' , !,. ... ,. """" ,u "tl't u; sieut citiaens iu business iu that country to ! stvoy mg the understanding of intelligent ' pointed to the most beautiful sight which ; his competitor, and having traveled j lL be shut up iu prisons for declining to be j l'-'"'fi. "' overturning the principles of ; ever were met by the eye. " Magn.Ccent, ; six hours m t.- . -mutes about tWo (i,s rv uustart r irtv that inav ' ,rlll,1i priienuiaL' 10 ue a irienu 10 tne poo- rtpomieu tne represeuiauve 01 innun. , r n.i iumj inun, jjoiu coulj ! plundcrcu by e .South luriilina Fair. We are requested to state, that persons jurej ... . iu ne ia. i-.e., ..,.,e. uV. , ' ,. - , -"I .., ir.,. k. ;.,.. tu,i... 'f . " At Madrid such consuming change are rn- ires n iiii " r"""; lu u" io"""j aim p.tsi-i.-ir, en. m ni, ( ..,. - .un,vUho niiereatouu Put t)iey are u.-ed to it, and iudi- J and a blur upon his rao Mr. A!-pugh, cf the Wiu-ton Sentinel, Mr. having articles to be exhibited at the Fair j vidual taxation is r H materially inorcased luml'i o, ol Uie ilsou l.eU-er, .'lr. i .eas uiits of the Ljuisuur- Kagie, Mr. James of the lSihiieal llecorder, Mr. ilorinan of the Mr tiormau of the Ki.-tou Advocate, Messrs. Loiia .V lnr ward cf the ( ' rectisboro Patriot, Mr. New sen of the Salisbury liamier, Messrs. Cole & Albright of the i irecu-jtovo Times, J. W. V irtue aud inlclligetiee are tho bases of they should take II good republican governments. How, ajronauts opened Suiuer, aud at the same time proposed that j tho other, and not feeling di,,poc;i t0 J( m ('.,!,, tnl.Io r.utt ui!l Uvu f!u in tn. lb. tfhv hut mh..,i a thousnud dollars for , .' ., ' , ., LBI., ,,i : ,!,, n.1,.,1 or starvation it ' then, shall we expect our Government to Mons. Godard proposed the toast kenjree or (tr,at the owners risk; etu ,11Bal " oemaau"-11. or siarvaiion, 11 , . .. . . ' , . , i i ,,. , r ; . . , I c 0 m e s rather strong esneciany wneu - . wrung from tko?e who are to be taxed at home bv-aud-hv to keep the ' throne of San j Fernando' in place and estimation, aud Fine llrllilir. I Sr'ng rojl,Vamilj in ' plums." Att"Dtion is called to the sale to take . t- and persons going to the Fair will be taketi and returned at one fare. friendly drink. Uotli tempt to cross the lake into a Canadir bottlu of wiue, wheu ;esf, they descended, us wo have deri'.il and returned to town over the Pamiitom., Paytou road la-t evening. TH K IH.M. I.T. According to the stipulations of tie ri-. signed aud witnessed before sturtin-. i 111 h..d a -o-e ca'tiva"-!.. Xn N. K i i . n .V rial ' L-rctit paten,.- place on the 1 3ih instant, of a Parrel Ma- Pccuanax iNn Vi us of Iht chine, with an engine of eight horse power. titoW ,4.,-p-Tbe Uicbuiond tut, ate wiropentd nf. the usual hour, j T0 any one acquainted with barrel making 0Dc of tb uioVarfrough Democratic papers (ruins having brorfht in lare o- i . oreoiua for that business. I the country, 'reriows the course of Presi- ces.s,s, ;':"3,'tt'. are informed .bat the stean 11 here I Jeot Kuehana. towards Senator Douglas, roded by corruption and torn up by vio- This was drank with a will in sparkling b nee and judgmeut. These Catawba, wheu Prof. Steiuer gave the fob evils and vices of which we have spoken, lowing : ore ino sources oi sincere soueiiuue io an . i o .'ions, uociaru, me jusuy ctiuuran-u i ws understood that the luroiiaut wLo" ( who truly love the genius of liberty and the j French vKronaul." Ithecreatcbt distaucu, without n-ZsrV, i ii...,i.l." ri ': 1 MnJ t .- . . . , , , '. . . s"rl 1 jii..iiui.-!i i mi fvuf.ii. i me luuiji.ioum sm n'" ( time, was to ue ucciareu tho wiuia-r 10th b. hive in y a. I ct . "late. J::o. w hicii w .- new. '1 a It iir. nrs :U were in cd .'e: I Lesii:. a ir 'or:i II'i-', a.'-ii'iry, - j.'-ir . i.icL rn:is wh"at ' S:ra'V Cuiier nf -. re to' 1 is $ sn:e-b-.d '.bout :.' i-xhibition. m-ar-ul'ictare:! in tiie , II 'l:Z0lital cane o ver P. H. n,ith of arid tMrning plow, p;:t- . '. f our M..'e, aud w hich :ver ill o:!.-f? at the e, k. iMvid Me Lean. r T'er e 'iu; : i. rt- lit- r. bv a Mr. i o: I'eii .-.e of i;reuii-.l...rj'. N. 0 , and ry c .uiplete machice. J. 1. i. of 1 awborj'. a plow of a r i.ieh h; has fppliad f r a M. Walker, of ' i reenbor?'. a inv, nu-il bv hini-eif. pat'-uted ii'i w'-.i.-ii ii destined to jfer- fas'-. is- 1 " ("jrr. S'n:if-'hii:- 1 u-e at least 75 per day, if they could I concluding as follows : "Nowondet that the Mates-Lights l'e mocracy of tht South have beard with sur prise and apprehension that Mr. Uuchanan is cmployiug tie patronage of the Federal Government to determine the iKi.liou of "senator in Illinois. Nor is their rt pjg- ai'i'i'.irai.e-.' o! a wi.i h there were no the crowd b"- j be obtained, and do doubt other mills would i::g estimated at about ,im K Th" various ( purcna;ie tiem besides individuals f r their id -es w ho fa. led to complete their labors . . . . ., , . , ' , owa use, so that tho bu-auss n;;h proper on the jievious dav were cany on ' 1 tr-. ut.d si, 1 at work" with a pi-rieverance ' naiigeucnt, coulJ be mad a profitable wottl.y of a,l c iiiiineiidatieu. one. At 11 o'el.xk, the Orator cf the Pay. j 11. T. L ciin.'UMii. " Puncornbe, whs, Mare fflloo Pit kins. iiitreduceJ to the assemble.! tbrsn ' by John j u ( from je inforwi,lon Mom . lhin"v. oi K ! ecombe. ?Ir. lliti'Miuii i , , , , -f..,ke for -,r. bonr and forty-five minute,, , 1 roviuence bears the Pa,m. W e learn at, I s- li-'-tit d to wii'n i-reat attention. that eti Saturday, the 23J of October, a At : o'ei.'cs. wis a trotting match ; very dry day, Mr. Jas. II. pjvls had four' public good, but some isurper may avail :n M'i-!e liaiiitsi tor a ; reimutu cue wortti i .,js .v., , ,..., I 00i) 1V nf e'.-an cotton ulu'- -''i oi me oreu-xi na me. j'reieuiui. iu , tad , , i . n I " To Prof. Stoiuer 'the greatest .tlronaut . WB Xational nrida. u mmrwi. T1,AM,SAVA.rA.-neeen..y,,he Charles- Godard drank bottoms up." and n 0T, Sr """ TJitr pothMerrs.God.;;,dsteircsiunu eessively hi.b rate, of freight charged upon , "'f, - mX V.d T.t ' Z tZP' the rai roads from 1 eniiossee to ir- ,,, . , f , ... , .1 ,,! rnt I , , , , , , """'g t'elwen, tn,.,n , . .. .... luree cheers lor that, shouteU 1 rol. 1 . .l.ou,. .(, r,rmn. i,. i.., .... tnle water, savel tne cities oi t naries-. ..... . .. i. r . ...... ui,u,lw emia ton and Savannah from th trade, which has heretofore been of so much value to them. This is certainly so ; and ia view of the diversion which a direct lino of railroad loss of their " 100 wn wer.ooimiip uc.r.-r ;,u a ,,t unparaielled in th, .nuurr, ..rn mi unit jmiiu. uiau... m xronaulies, the honor is the " hip-hip-burra !' !1, fact that Mons Godard La. TUB COLLISION HETWKHM TIIE HA Lt.OONS. : oion al re put aliou h ithel t j uunvaUd a scarcely ore nuuutet alter, the. balloons country. a pto as !oi:ow.- V. ! :a;i ! to r p. r- i Here were ttiree ei;tne, i: .. couto-1 cr. -.tin's ' l'.jek." J. H.' " Koanoke Cli' cr." and K. C ri; -l;i-!'s " Joe ."smith," i d lo, boy Jerry PJ, boy Charles, 1" years , Tetitioa in the particular case before us; and 'the cup wa; taken iu two straight heats old, 33'.'. Can .Steele Creek or Rocky riv-1 but have they any guaraatee that their own by Lji . ;er beat this! At 4 ek. there tij a '.ruiinir ni-itch . be'itecu W. II. Watson'" "Friar "and W.J V. II-.p;,i-r'9 " Mai l of Halifax." f-r a ail- Very XtTtwry. wr cit'. which was won hi two straight heats j T7e 1-aru that in consequence of the L.y .M-ii u iiai.iax. , mentabie destruction bv tire f tne sfsmer i-KIIIAt 4TH 1 nance to this policy mitigated bv an impos- j f k-n,,;iu i, lt;..l..,..t j,., ,r -. rj came in oollision, at an elevation of some ing recital of Mr. Poulas' dtiinqueueies. j , - , ,' r.,114 ,i. ",0U0 feet from the earth. The balloon of 1 ii,UT. a... , , , , isest commercial men of Charleston, re- . drove rapidl y toward its , . j,, wo 11SV0 beard .,f f ,r , ii, ,; .. r . ,i ...1 fr,,, so that the basket of the latter struck the,.;,. . .. .' 1 r pensate the violation of an essential princi- . n,areston to Knox ille. and to t it.- 1 .'". 1"i.'1aJ of ,,lC UI,0'"' T ! der Kailroad in Vindma uif.'.'v t cinnati. As the ua-rchaUs in Charles. n ! L'iJr.,l n-l Um companion KP' ;,. ,Ut a fndghl train .. .,,.,i'. , cannot, with any as-uranc of security, rely! freed ofT .th their bands, and 1 rofes.or r upon a continuation of these TZ IZl "' 'h ,1 nign rates over the irginia roaus, iney ' , ' , 'pu. and did all in his must look alone to the completion of the , uw" 11 Plue Kidtfe or liahun Gan Koad to Knox- I of n! further contact If he were worse even than Ins enemies; represcut, bis punishment weuid not coin pie. Mr. Pucbanan niay only intend the! girl Ulckscy Cn-.H, boy Butler, niay be tl0Se ,lo wiM a,.p,ua tLe inter- Messrs , a i:e . t l.-a At II o c.oe tl om , th-s awards of ihe judges .e -l eak.r'i stand bv ii- ! StBtcs will not le made K chooo a Senator at the dictation of the Federal Executive? If we permit Illinois to be subjugated, what security have we for the iudependenco of other commonwealths ? Tit next attempt may be Laade naon Virginia, aud then hr Au-tris,the British Admiralty hive direc ' . them forelblv b v dufant'examrdc." power to t,r iv tra;n, but findiug it impossible i , J , , i( sprang from the engine with th i, ,t- A W. S I' V: Y, ArVANTA'iFS f-F Elkning THK "ai. PaLA t. The Poston Journal's ; ::. lent from New Turk takes a Sepoy :'. tl,.. late destruction of the Crystal ted t'm ir attention to the necessity of usin iverv precaution to prevent the possibility . e 'J r , , . , i Louisville, Ootot'er 2j. of so t.-arful a occurnni; on board .. . . ,, ' ' r.x urMeT in Kk.stu jkv. Ilcraee 5-7 cf the lrtiti.ii siesmships, atd have is- ;t n , who released Lis lather and brother sued or lers for experiments to be made with Horsey" patent, which of a cock at the top of the boiler from pipes extend ai! ovet the sLio ; so that if vine, to restore this trade to them, luthisi ,, M J ; pickinfe the little fello up Lefure tin . is their only safeguard, aud they cannot, j distance during tbe ree. Steiner started rMche., bi bul j va;H Uv therefore, be too earnest and untiring H ahead at an elevation of about S.000 feci, ,h f wh;,.f,lr j . contributing in every possible manner to j nd gradually gamed upon bis competitor ,of L Ul wM fc , 1 the completion of tho road j ihooh now iiiih hhimvuii, uu makin snob cratifyiu ' pro-res. under the ', 'S advantage of il by keeping at about the ircumstance of the times.- , "m cieralion, made rapid progress M save him. peculiar circun ons. Godard soon after commenced to descend to withiu five er six hundred feet of the earth, crealitie the createt excitement The iiai.l irmng le a a cf i illdil Sad Ari AIR An altercation lock place amongst the country people, whoabouttd last rrtdav uiurauip. on Swannanoa, some lute a liuudreJ steam wbistle.. i... ,..;t.. H ..i f . 1... '.... ......I... A.I.. I Mr ..i.,..r ). r.irr.i.l .Ml.. V.-t ....... r..l l W n.,;l.l.i.r.rr;w blui mrti i...nlil,. north. . " ". i'm . 1 1 1 m V from the Brandenburg (Kentucky) jail, last! ..,: n v i i,it i.t'.i.i ...i . ..;,,l.t,,f t.n,ii i,,,.- ,u, Fiiit, 1I.V.'I '1 he total vole ol th. s cam j Jsllv, who were committed under the charge i ." ubI citii;n,; Ul:ll' rUtX u ,l,e feet.' At six o'clock he opened bi. basket V"T 'T (;-"-r"or 1 .' cli vi ninuiu mi nejrurs, as usen, on .7 ai-1 j e 3t 0fCo. pavidx-n. He lived only a of provisions, anJ aat dowu to an excellent ", , '. " 1 1 few seconds after receiving a kick upon the ; supper, which he partook of while driving cet,on. " the .le .re..e, ..n.l, tiei. .Ir. Shone cauio to town, and sur- 1 tnrougu me air al me rate 01 auoui uny , .... ... ri' I A L OTK fll'KNN.ii LVAMt -T . full vote of Pennsylvania at tl,.- 1 .-i-, tion was aa follows : For Sjpr-me Ja-!.- Read. Opposi.'ioii, port, r I' - 1T1.0UU majority for Read, ti.'.t ( Mhieh canal ( ommtssioncr, Frai. r, rn . I b-ru urdiy, from the fair grounds at New A t:v. In liana, aa I without warrant v . . ... . . iiein. .ir. onor.e cauin 10 town, ana uir- .uiuuku hic ,e Crystal P.lase,," sbou.d oceur in any part ot a vessel ,t brought into Kentucky kj the Louisville ' l,rfH biui1c,f to the authorities. The ' mile, an hour. was! prove ! may, Lv simplv turtiing the cck. it.d oil which be . ju,e,j jlu ,tem extirjuL-be-l. j the city, and will ! " ii iar-1, if it be not 'i-rre. t U E-'t id Of t- in., u '-!' m ttity to M A t.tii IS t.t.i.e it t j N .- iiati. ' .u'hi; r. t j"; c.-tton some iery t t i.'"'-. S.- i-icier a-i a-;., tional reservoir, . whicn o:i.': ta.k While the I'alace has .'; lie bem lit on many accounts, the e arouiid it cn aii aides has been a 'ne can hardly find iu fuhir"! Biali-p de-offers. l!ie.ew A.banaus ate tremcn- 1 . in. :.,.; .t il,-.;,. iDre.ti. About tive minutes na-l til be nasscil . dously excited in eomcq-ienee. TLe,fii gated the 'fcts, and rtfu-ed to find a bill ! over Dayton, at au tlevalion cf about tn What it (,- to kkc L.-H-. t-l i bc:'l. "er rU"3 4 '?,r8 n,c1'uu-' Lt'J 1 against M. Sh-pe, an 1 le was discharged. ' thousand fe-t. He c,t overboard aeteral .uted that ten thoui.nd ei -ht hun irr ! 01 Saturday eveoin?. Hundreds of r.eo-1 -r... .,- ' ,r.: i i ,i;.r.-.i... t,t f..n,I tl,t th inil is1 .. 1 1 " 1..U .:r,.A k .1 I '" "" S.7"" -r-" . ' - " . . """7 f" !""" " ' . . aa.j v . oti-r tht? itbo e cammunit v. The Rev. Francis Rums, of Liberia, hav-1 luJ l'"8' Brandenburg ta d ay, with i 0Ee of our o!lei.t ,nd v.. , . ,1 1 : .. . 1.' inu ueen "i-cta jnnop 01 iu lutpuuue t I. Libsri. was ordained on the 1 Jih u.t , at: Prandenbnrg to Til ace the eitincns on il. An iJlj kr'sw?s-.ts- ..wMd. Col. I'avidson , strong that thuy were carried .rreral mile. i;eo. w as appointed Srcrolar- '. best citixm, i fritu the city. Nothing could bo a?eo of t )omitl ,,ch to cover three meii." it 1 U.J ..J, mails u,a-t w Y,rk such a congregated cluster of Perry, New l'ork, PL-hops James and Pa-1 guard. Governor Willard has promised a! Da, CYCUt more ',,, Rr,y'0r,e else " taunt v. the aBi-rnat lf!e 10 jiUOp, j, a.0 clever man and a good citi- : that be bad taken the under current, and S'.'.Oo'o. Taking the exp. oditure j'r J xen, aud we doubt li"t regrets tho unfortu- j gone south-west. I le passed several towns, ouO each, we find that in this w l.fs.' cf V: 1 Lou-.jS, low Ltti-i ...j l.-ir-c- j 1. y Liadquarur', as this. ttsr the whole .wi'iare a reproach and ai .-T '1 he ' -,t.'.l!;ra!ioii has b'in the ii -.1 011 A tbU q jart-.r. Real i-t3te his ady : '-- n, :il 1 improven.ents will at one? 1 !n. a.. 1 in a short time this repulsive j :i u of cur city wi.l have attractions that he eciip-. 1 by any pan." solemn and impressive ceremonies. Pith- op Purvis in nil to be frcm Netiburg, Nc York. J. Fulv ii,if, V,". .-. MlUuf.lCta." :. : i- v ;,.. ams jt arrintt-n. lis .m rs i-.j i utter. liii ii iiije 1 1 ri i.ilit'. a- x-e.ieLt. Mrs.1 il-o x'tn itei soils tics brea 1 1.1 "K .Si'JCK. Gt'. f V. ki.-.s r.l . II : iti bitlon : id. .1 ii.E L- .-T .L iuNALT. Mi-ce the com ii.i r.c rti'i nt cf tht search fo: Mr. 'I bur-ton, '.!,' :i.i-.-':. - :i.t::3'i:, iu tLe ati.pi of Michi- g .'I Ml i ( 'all'1 a ''.'"t, ;:..:ti have L-.- it r i, but neither was il- i lifi-ii as that of Mr 1 Larstcs. One of tl..-e was fjijj.d Monroe, Mich the otb.r in the river, al Tilbury, Ka-t, in I'li.ada A correj'-juler.t 'A the Chicago Free I res-, r G-.ctii.g on his sad fate, had been " iviuffcd to ?o:jt u'.e the time he would r e in f i.'.i. t ) the earth ; btj mean velocity. Washington, Oct. -'?. Fito.M Wasuinotos. There is no doubt that Admiral Vaiiet has in-trictions from the Kruisii goverr ineiit to prerett fi.iibuster ir.g expeditions into Central America. "J" Le indications are that th! President will shortly is-ue a proclamation with a view to tire vent the violation of the ULUtralitv f two. laws. The Secretary of Yar has receive ! a (It-patch from Gen. Twiggs eonftriiiing the ct.ived at New Yor an and 1 birttof&re pubiiehed accounts of the E'.t I'h the ltioubs iu lexas ; and be will take Jr.o "J 11 V,:, rre r. Ii nniiieLt'jm eartli. ill: and sent down despatches, but as bi could two millions have t.tti ,,,1, .1 ..... gambling ; ker and several numbers of the Genesee r"lul.",'5n 00 Governor of Kentucxy j (;0t. Ijivid.ou was buri-d on Suud.v last. I hear nothinii from the inhabitants, coneiu- countrv. This i.timato dn. n..i : drikir.s ...; ...t, , ,t. for the men who captured A m-et ,;..,.,;, i.p,nr, n,,.,ll,i . ,h. r,v be 1 dd that he was unobserved. iul krtt oo n nu j ,.. ...... ' 1 ' ' 'I " o . inrr has been called here to de-nounci! ih . 1 . . 1 I i:. .. ' . r . ' . . ' - j eij i.-c i Jutvuiot ill uisu.iguuu.. u. iUuiiiiui .juieritsu i.eaiioa in till' pi ccc tug . citn;iis generally. I the .ttliOSACT riETst asleep am iiRIM.S Pmiinion.. U utl, in?t-,n Sr r,t The latest reports here are that th. Indi-, " 1 A 1EE Top. , , . "., , , . . . ,. . 1 . .. ' About half past 0 o'clock, th. torouaut burg, beav,!, armed aad that the Kentucx-, LhiMih am- Sfevemi h-tm roa Di-t'i- J inJ fi),i()(, u .ana w.thtn reach of the new, are prepar- ,.AS TLe u 0riffia Independent South ilBp0MibIa kM'' ,ike. The cold w ,t..r tn meet and rtr.r.Oii thum 1 . quite benumbing. He sunj songs, over- Our statement that M rs. To unbs and hauled his traps in the bsk-t to divert !.' Sfphens w-ro Poig'as advocates, was based upon the aser:iuii of a Pemocrat, one whose word the junior editor of the lnt-Ui-L'nn r will not iesti u. lie to'J us, ia pre'ence of a Demiei v., in thi city, that at TnE Lot'T BT TOg Alstkia A full list! Crawford Couit, Mr. rti.'in admitted of the passengers by th Austria was re- having said in iffect what the C.ucmua'.i rridaf, by the Ariel 1 ('ommerciiil imputed to hiui. to wit : that from Hamburg. There were t.'ll nasen-! be was ta favor of Jou ...i-s Of this nnuKfr ',. fir. 1 .,-,,; 1 ' Ciia finite 1 States Senate, and that the Ad ,, ;...:. t, 1 .pi-, I w cLed v fii i.h n 1 wntcn lie was rnioyini a sauna siecn, ma warring ucon hi.n. He also Ud us that '. "trw ' P !' middle of; Ti..isw There is a fcaUrc in I v. .mn.aiw.T ncnau'i anu tne otner om- j.t 0f officers and crev have not been re- Mr. loombs bad, in Ins hearing, expressed i "ma.! lorcsi. 1 no iri wa.mrin.-n 1,1101. flection not generally uu d. r era of the 'steamer Mem-.his hive been n.;..J Tl, nam.a nl tU.. .....l I...Jl.n !f in favor of Pou das. aril that he ! nearly over, and the slcepin oronaut was The State Senators ar .l.-eted f.f already been pubUhed. There weresixtv-1 himself was a Pou 'las man.'' ! thrown violently into the Uoop to wuicu the y0lrs ; the members of the lower II (Louisville is in Jefferson county, and ; ,J'1 Praudenburg is asn.a.1 town in Mead couti ty, adjoining. Both counti'-s adjoin the river, and both places are near to Albany, which is on tho Iniiana side attention, and finally attached about 3,llOD 1 f.-et of r. jide lino to his wrist, so that if he 1 descended, the drag rope would awake him He then thru out ballast, and ascended to Novel ft cr P.kea' n rr Fv.m; A remarkable cae baa ju..t been !.-. 1 1 the Proi.klyn City Court, to the if : a finale woman can recovr dsiua.s a married mau for brach of nnrrnu-t mi-n. In the case alluded to, the 1!, 1 had deserted his wile and played ha lover to a G. ruian eirl. Kaiiin I . e an elevation of .Lout 1 1 .t.ou feet, and uua- . ' ""(t " pron.i-e, sue suoJ t.:i . v ble longer to ke, -p himself awake, -.ietly . b1. ",B cofd y tne.nnesi to craw. ' resiirued himself to a comfortable oap. ,'im tl't ' kd a wife airs,,; About ten o'clock, the ro.,.ul wa. pf'- 'npty lie. In . . . 1 thoUeLt nlhrrisi.n n I ,..i- .-,11,111 re-election to ! awaEenea ny a erasn, ano uunu mat ins - - -( balloon had descended o low that the ear 1 e " ' "uu"r- immediate measures for increasing the mlli- sftj.six seeond cabin and stecrape pa'isea.1 tary force in that State. ; trer. hav-fl been .aed. Total lost 370. The! ;.ifh he transferred to the 'teamer Canada, recently chartered for the Paraguay expeoition, tl seven first cabin passengers ; one hundred ! This is just what everyb. ly believed be- j ropes were atuch.d whieb united the bai-, two years. There are twenty five Set 1 elevation was former not having been accepted by the an.j ejght second tabin ; and two hundred , fore, but we hope certain unwilling minds ! et with the balloon. The remainder of his thirteen of whom hold over, and t :.! 1 ii J" F J II r.' a l: love and wa, a,t .avy mrartiiient. and thirtv-aix tcera9 nassen-ers Tbrs : t:.l-- to b- the distance . The rumon of cbangi-s in tbe cabinet are all sailed frcm Hamburg. From Scu'.h- y r.-.j rev. vJ. but they are altogether without Lampton, there was but i.-.e Cr.-t oabiu paj- ;.i3i u r-acb .the earth, foundation. seuger, four second cabin, and five -tecraL'e. Si " f-.a Li-r tecotid t The California mails via Tehuat.tepec From Havre, thers wr-re three second cabin, ' to le I-) putd-., he were to have left New Orleans to day, the ,, lbroe iterai; passengers. The name ;.rr;i with a rnom'-t.t'.itii eon,pny f-xpo?t;rg to deliver thetn in Sari .jf ;.j Hcleno Wol?. who buriel a br .lh. r fiiieis. or a utt.e lare 1 ranci.-oo in sixteen days. ; several years sine, at Newbern. N. G. and tit to scaler 1 ne np-es..y ror a rnan'e in ti.c e.i.tor- .1, w,, returning to t bis tomb I now La convinc'j'l. .s.iiut.i ,v."i'i w mi'.iiui ms "" i"v 1 to ee eiecteri 1 1 the lioll-ovrr", 1 1 i 1 ,. ' overboard a part of bis ballast followed ei.-ht and Lincoln five, lf tht.' .fi in the desooiit; his bun.hes of dispatches tors to be elected, the llrpublicans it. .pis rn ii.tia e.jinp.iij. 1 us , ,tf et r -l,l to limT to secure 11 1 r. They cannot get more than rt'"i to v tho Huue poes K. publican, the 1 may go over for two year. A;!i'i -1 - NoKTHEItS MEllI' IlrM I.N MfSHOUKI. Mr lhsrb-s Ta)lor, writing from St. Louis, sea'.: :ito atoms ap. ..2w JArKso.V.Tho Cltri Washington County Court, Tent u.i. 1 . V.' V, Ho 17 rifi.'.'r.- t - e T ,.-s F; s- n -ade b-. i. d P.-.n. hock na. so great a. to split the scat on which tb. wroiiaut was tali 11 a nettu ' say : ' l b. basket righted m a nnuute, aud the " Northera Metboiiim is rapidly melting I balloon bin relieved of a considerable away in M.s-ouri. Its adherents, who come j weight ir. the way of cold chicken and of tU Washington I'nion, as the er;mi r,.r, .,,.,, the first rabin r-asen.rers from ; ''',0 ,t,e "'alc, are most Jirreeably surpri-ed ; other " alnut treet Hons, prrpsrstun. e ire--1 v t j be r-c re rt .b V. if Lot of the Administration, has been ctriU'lv lf,,.l,,,r ; to find that our preachers itive them the , for a lonif voyage, shot into tne air with jiC' .pii.ti'Iit eart'j prevented cy Jea JiDg politie.ins, and at the ; pur 'sospei, wimoui any allusion 10 ; ereni veiucnj, so rapm inai me mronaui 00tting 0Tcr ,, rtcor,i, r,..CcM; . preLt lime efforts are being made to ar-j F.LE'-TIOH th' JlT.ies ijv the Pf'I'I.E ' '('lestions, aud it stauds out in such re-! opened bis valve in order to prevent going ' . matters so as t etisuro Lannony 1 u- ,1,., , . v,,., ,,, u, ,.,,,,' 'refiling coiitrast with what they have heeu j away up yoiiile.- amongst tlio stars, bv ' ' ' ; .- i .... t 1 ,1 1 1 heann ' or the last fourteen years, that they 1 kire neing stoppe'i, the bailooii reached an ig " ne i.ouri, 111 .nay , 1 , . in l.-vor of cleetinif Judges by the people- r. I., n,, , . 1 1- 1 .. ... , , ,, This is what we have lorg desired, and it "' 0UK"- UD"? "J1 u ,SoU18 of , eleration f W.OIMI f.t, and finding the Andrew Jackson, L-ij , cams ir.'- will be remombored that the Whi 's at tbe ' F"rCD,!,'ll w" ben sent out here, ; atmosphere disagreeably cold, the iorouai t and produced a liceuse an attort.' j ccri.ncate. snrnrii lit y anesu 'i. eressary to said Mef'1 practito as an atton. if .i-.r.a I-'h.UJ I'll' v.'s Pk-ik'.!.-- N 1' A HAUi; A. U th : -r .i-xi .-.i Wl.i le v.. I if I.A-.7 I-1 '.km a ! ;' s A Chasm; t,r I.VIIiKAHMJ Mth day of No- t:.e New jrli- tins hill 1, Mobile fir San .Iain d' 1 -i. and will take any r ueiier and i..t that may t3er for .NieargM. 'I ho-e 0 oe-ire to emigrate to Central America a;vi-e i to give notkje to that effect as u a- po-.-. b,e. it. or f"ur..d far them and th 1 tl.'. v are aio ibfrit.ed that it would b is to arrive at Mobile three or f ur ) r- vi .-is to the day of di partijre J bis wii i'.ioiii d-rived U ti ut-jvubted and .ab.e author. 1 v. among .ti 1 cr'tie party. Tbe Pre-id-ut b Secretary in z ob writls. rat tranches 01 the u-mo- , been closeted w itb tLe yl Ptale tor several uav exaniiti-1 :.... .u. 1 . 1. .... .j.illa liua intniHiwi o tanrui onstana a nawwsimw w enwiw reipn re.aiions. preparatory to the ' (v.r ffan to so a'ter tie cm t tuliori ,0 l'" rcn' sta(,! of l,"nt'. that they either Mutluig a (jood current at an elevation of , tamng the oat b B f his annual menage. ! while tWeatioi, of free .uffr.geVs pcndMi''iD tour k? " '""1'" "',mc-., ue baa! f.OOO feet. Prof. Ku-incr ..r.t.age.l to keep j ,i,'J to ii ,)1?,.otatitmi ..hi all be done at the same just bceu rece.ved at this session. , his conveyance m ,t, and proceeded at a ,,i county court . .- 1 , f- . 1 . 1 speed of sixty miles au hour, when he dis- JiH'Lf.s or the ALvrrwA Tbe t"1"-'. ''d with tne same eipi,.e ; but at ' T ..1... v.:.. 1.,,. . t.l . it .1-.1 1 I and third oflieers and six of l""e ,uo lannuru, as we reeoneci.i n-.nM salt I. are. J lie III. h( .iaii.T, . ,. , ... , p.,., ,.. - h t'liie the i.ii l - ;; f 'J to ,d 'ti-. t R"MJ .pet or u a, 11, tro.t. ti-, a::.:r . I'lct'-d Ly the "oj-erio . rai department", t wi at) t jariiitistior, 1 1 - M .iCLit.ery ar.d " -i L :,r i Horses, l'e I M r l i The r mat passages may . fir.t gec0I! panions ; tbe,.r,.wfjf the Austria, who were taken to 1 "J lor reasons best known to it, resisted to the 2"ith of fsunlembcr reached St. Jo- Kt.gland from Fayal ou board the Ireland, t'"-- amendment, and called upon tho de- j .eph's, Mo., 011 tbe 1 Oth inst. Everything publish in the London Tims of tho i.r,th, a mocracy to resist it. We say iet the con-, was quiet in the Territory, and good feeling statement lu regard to tho fire onboard titution be so altered as to give the eiee- U rrprted to exist between the Mormons that rtastl a: ! ti.c.r nerformance of dutf. ! ,''" " Judges to tbe people, and as the and t!, Get, tiles. Ibi-iness was brisk at They -.ert that the frantij raenirer ' people toaj desire otber alteration, we aro , .Salt L'sko Jity. Trains of good alone prevented them from Kdtiii,: down ' '"r ca.iing a (..onvetition and let the people ; visions were eonstantly arriving he boats, but corroborate the ttatements be coti'titution 10 every respect they! foruia. The supply tiwins from of the passengers in regard to the m ore may desire. It is Republican to bold con-1 were a!0 arriving in good condition and frantio captain. In other reir ects their I mentions, and we iay let it he done. I ereat numbers. statement eontaius r.othing additional to ; '""""'"'"' I'utrinr. what we Lave already published. Ml broken in the collision with the ti.e, and a he Lad alrea,.! v dicharct j a considerabl NoHTll. At a rec t.t 1 ! pressioiial lonvention in Albany, New 1 resolution was adopted in l i-i ti. .ff- .'. t M 1 or-e b..f.) ;i the n It is affirm ti w,il trai.s- . ; treity to the 1'ope iti a i'r, as in; r. tier it? of the eldest eb-ireb. and that the Court of ex'.enM ve preparation to Ca'.ho -.est al ert.; ire. '1 he Lor, Ion -t di-rharees a portentous ar the Propaganda, as, of all th s connected w.'.h the Pa-acy, r.d",-fil d-ii iJti;'r',.j" in Ce d coi'.pl-tef.s. t.f i'a oraniza ,:i-hiii( :.t wil' t.ot le idle on I'm is Lor. Jvir. Cu.n. I'lantity of gas, ho did not deem it advisa- I peaceful acquisition ol Cuba, ou the C Lie to attomnt to cross the Lake. Tho di- ' that the slave trade would be then I ; '- d " , rcction in which he was sailing would have , tually slopped, the harder '" ' a 1 ana pro- csrf;cj lilu a,out Xorlh Ly Northeast from i mnilr Jrrf .Mr; In, and last, but n 't . ' lrhomri''"'(i'J Sandusky to Long Point, ou the Canada ! more extended market opened for the lJ e ., a ,es , (iore) hnmB r,t n,ilBj. With a dense for- jcorn, potk and other products of 1.. 1... . 1 1: 1 . 1-1 l. ....1 vi ;., r .r ,..en sii.-ar. Si i-r sr had rse,l IV, ri '""'""IS Jei-, iu esespe wuien lie .. '""1""" s"' ' liri'iirer. an iwer.iy were inei .on um i-weet-1 Vice President Breckenridgr- has written water, and eight were north of the Platte. All tho troops under Gen. Johnston arc con solidated in one encampment. His com lii-ui'l, including employees, iiumhcr i'uiu About 1 iiO'i men were also at eeli ol.l.e;e,i to travel probably 't'Ht mile", be opened his valve, and rapidly i descended. Sr. Lot; is, October -" FfltTMEB FROM TIIK I.NPMN PaTTI .t.'" Santa Fe news to tho 4'.U instatit, ba " ill. th" "' est TIIE AlllONAL'T OOKM TO RI.Etl' IN A HK.I.I.. The balloon str.ielr ,). ol.n.,1 ' reeeire.l Tim second batt.C W 5iMI yards from tho lako, and dragging li vajoes Is confirmed. The Indian Ag" !" wi.h.n30i,yrd,f,t, the anchor too, a ,u,p(,n,lc(l Nation- wib "' " rirn. bold. 1 bo Inn.lui" nlaeo was about ' ' 1 . ,,ii. Chess Mat h nxr-.vr.KM Mobpiiv and ; half a mile from Sai.du.kv city, in a corn : Tu7 wn f0,lMUbeep and ; ' The Lt-".'i9. A recent writer savs that a letter to the Chairman of tho liiinois I li the injurious effect, of a comtressiu of the moerstic Stat. 1 Committee, urjdng the re-: r S O11O. chest is shown by the fact that a man in election of Senator Douglas. He says that Fort Pridger, under Col. Cambrey nude state ia capable of in'pirin? 1 'JD inches he cannot indorse the Cu'su of Poulas in r &ir at a breath, but when dresd only the late seisioo of Congress, but ho being I .'"1 inr iii s I.aihei, uhnenesaa iI,i ii..imcs the leader of the DeTnocrae V of Illinois in In tb-bt fittin und.r imrmnit, shonld r. their i,rsent Ci'ht against the Uer.ubllcan. i IlAltRWlT,. This contest is ore r Mr. , field, on the farm of Mr. A. Ii. Townscrid. wbinti if destroyed will dri member this 'fset. Though we draw int, ; Le sympathizes with bint, and dcirr his , H arrwiu having declined to proceed unless ! prof Steiner called loudly for assistance, rate and occasion a .second Florida war uu 1 eiect froia tbe lungi a similar 'juantity : success. Mr. Lo lUy, the Administration ! another po-tpouement of Cfteeu day. were 1 but filled to anybody, he e v.ipo-1 of air" it is tot of the rsrno quality. Tho 1 candidate for LWress in the 'J bird hitrit. permitted for tho restoration of his health, rated his balloon, and eatberii .? a shock or I " ... ., . . . .. . . I . ' , i -T- 1 .', , . I- .. . . -I-,,.!. I,;. ,.r.r,r,,.....l -, . ,.... r,,. ! 1 ,1 1. . . . . ,, . . .. . . f . ,..1 II.... . O, ...... C.U Viaill W r i!;rown out oi tne IPn?v nas lost rnuen 01 iiiino.s, nas wnnarawu iroui me coniest, "it " "yit. w re , iwo oi corn ataias, ne wrappen iiimseil in !"". i"u . wu, . . -, i Mr Cjrnt' !. trie of the la. I'.iT.t Lsrge Sights of will p-m .-,r.'i warn ttst winter is nifh, e- : .r d'.drs If one iwa.low dos tot of its oxjyen, and h gsimd from three tw and adviies bis friends to support th a iii rner, E iris of wnd pce to the s;x per cent of rtrbonto ac.d, a Jarce ir nominee, fir C are a or e pn of comirit winter ; amou -it of apor, tracs of ammonia, -y jro-1 and R''pr-eri'.a'ive !,!."(;!,' I f n'i'.r ij t. g jcand o'.Dor !. lo substances. Po jUs lor i relator. ds to support the n-gn. : f""'. r'ein? " ''"''jt expectation of the arn- j his blanket and overcoat, and lay down by Cheat, or Pronebitis f liM'acl hayu '' angress, Stale Ufhc.-rs T1l of M M. Ileydebraud dcr Laza and An- j " pride of the West'1 and ler t until day- premonitory symptom of the " '" L, who wii! vote lur i derssen, with whom ho is engaged to piay. I liL'ht. I archer" t.'oinump'ioii f Know that ''"''.j" IindoH JU r.trutcd Zku, After joyioig a rsfsreshirg sleep, r'ro- at bard in '.Vistar's Paisaii. (d 'o

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