uito llcaMng. !!V NOT TO-PAY. I.- il! . i hope very likely to bo a t;j. t r. -iiiii some time, aud 8t toga to i ts-iii. Yci Lcpo to ropeut itud believe j ... O.r-t. and have good hope before you! AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, d.c li ii !,( uot lo clv. ! u somfi portion? of our Slate, public at- h,i to" prevent you! Why should lcction 6etU)S turned towards the subject you waii :.i:y kugiT ! " Why uot 'tlla day I ot Military Sebcoln. Although .in advc iiwaKc nd cail njTou your God aud re-olve ; la of s"eh institutions an the mo.-t sue that u v.i'i sleep uo longer! I set be-' ceiful, yet tried in our country for the fere you Jesus Cbrwt the Sttviour, who died j u malcc atout uieut for sinner!". Jesus who ii I .!, sac to th, uttermost. .,0SU. who v.: lo receive, i be hauu that was nan , : ,r I r yOU 1U lllCr- ; I'rusaletu ii eu to the cies is held out for iv. ILj eo that went over Whin, on "vou with iitv. The voice that ' b sail tntanv a wanderer, " Thy an. forciveu." i, t.yiue to jou, ' Come un- to in..."' (io to .Tesus first ..id foremost if ... . . ... . . vtivi, i mew l iat s.t-p 10 take. ihlliK 1 1 a;t : r rcpcMali ,-i in. faith and a t u ) lo him iust as you are, a.kc t1. o-.i that cevsit. aud Christ wi.l Why not to day. ivc :t.ee u:.. :i slJ stais are uii H itue.-sirc countrv. ror every counnissiouea cUiccr i li-ruiK lt-.l..w, f-e will cin riot.y eu me im i. . , i j t t (tree) to all who uisiro ll, with tail and ttpllcit yo-: they coulwme aitornin to iu our aniiy, there are liuudrei..-, perhaps j ,.,.,., pripariiif and huccimIuIIv uji..;; Al,..1.r.-i i.,l v-n -irA rrr tram, thousands of ecu. ma iiili-rs over those) who the .Mtuitine. Apply t" "r nthires a-s... Gou i th. iu. The ras, the birds, the ,. tl . nti!i ar. a!l w.li.i ssin,' i rc-u : t.i' !! their place iu crea- ' nance c!" Uiauiind, and ignorant coiuiuan , ' s :: jt Sabbath aud orui- dcrs they are. With but very few ixe. p ,t e . i':,i a'i!v wituv.-siu a:tiu.-t iioLS, the farmers of to-day will compare there 'roc. i:tutcj -t,t, hdi! you arc if (lie. The tears and are n ttncssia-j a rtoaful, thibkin- tih yen set m to forgit ivtsto:.es you ;re eccry i a : :i.-t :u, they are .. . ioi, " '.. is u:i- .. i:t. te re-urrcctiou is i.-:d i, st hand' All, ake, a.ake. awake! O, pa-t ti.ay surely sulTtee Awnko to be wise. A A,;.h . ta b Liipy. i OU.M. i. 'I.i.lAL tjilo'.ViU -liiliier, v.u are to'. 1 iu a late LUtu-.-. .' .-(! V i n it (', otice remark e roj'.U clscrvc a ciuliuual rot'u j , a li !, ,'-'.f,. - 'J li prtinuul ex '! U'.'l'ti.i.i'.c v-a.ilii or tnvy. -rvitt-53 is worth tcc:-:jiug. The of u,:;. le.-s. particuiarly it titry txj-j.-e theiu lo tdi- vciy .' t.ery htnau aetay v k to fan the S.me. Yous; t, a '.I-' v wi-o L.?'. j. i rad j- ' - " " "e fc' tcli ; oi j-t Sal- .aci.it f Liaker. 1 i a lua."? cf little, t petted .:, if he perm, to tin ..Lis bailor. Hemu-tbe u.aa if e,:s laid iu this way la a.'t .oou ha:ch. The a he j-.i'ois as tv th'a or tt.st o.e u ihta t.i hit.: cr.t aui then ty j:.e-j? o'. tcatiai he has rc lixl step is a sst'.ni os h'jr '.i.'j of a:! with witvt& he n:ay to rivalry, u:;'.e-, p, rhr.p-, he n.,v i: L. ;-.ire te n..oist';r . 'A th-e r-jas-vus ke:i ly Mr. V.'ii r L-y 'A it.'; cvaij yZ LUUibets :a:-.:u.jL 3 L suae e iiii.e w:i? w re ,,ir Lr-.-.Lrea. A n.in'J it i a Ci Ik :. ini.le-r-ar- and pt.v: :ii!.- ; t.t-.l.tv 't f-.l- 'J t" '" r . ants , A- servants e of f'hrist :n tueir pow- t.- i'ls in tueir tow- ' -1 go-pel ; il. .'. o-..r r '. . 1 - . ,1 1. t w a, As j l.tioi.-, tna. : we hate to 'ii ','ioli. is to g'iidc, L 1. ady at any ' . ... Vytry ;.d w .td, every i to our tiowt. i..-e to the rules .-. 1 -s. filially in.por- y .t '.ii the rn.ak ,f 1 tl.e et-i, lam we ; c,r j. l.i.jio, lj ii. 1 in- fiery "' 1 - ': '' '" "-en. ' ' "J '"f"'' ,.', d ,;, ' 'j in. i .11 :i ia . f. 1 i.r j .1:.' 1 Ls! wa,.l. p, -- ti.e w . , i'.'7'.; i'i rintltual. thorough discipline and full development of I u 1 both the mental and physical powers of our j yth thera '8 8UOlllir Ch6i f SChC!a f1- n hieh we would solioit the cotiiiJeration of those iiit.restod in the subject. We refer j J t0 -2rit'u!tl"'al Schools, which mi-Lt 1 e 1 :,,ade '"-'j "icutifio a., and far u.ore ad " ,he ' 'jity of our youth, ,Lau 51lhtarJ J?tfhooI!, Tl,ere l"ver, Tcom ,Ilcrc would lc PuPil!, BuJ. for ".ii, .lit n 1-1,1 ir th- rr. iim rtilvrnt I I suiiiciciii our ciaie ;or tnc eetaLiisuuieuc cf loth. Uut if both cannot be established, ! u bav -'je Agricultural by all uieaus. ' Ours is pre-eniinvntiy au AricuUura atriigle with the Mother Karth, to induce her to vield uu her rroducts for the susit-i -bout as lavorably w ith tbo.ie of a quarter of a century hence, as the Chinese tuiiitary cScers do wi;b the rraduates of Wtat 1'oint. While Law and cuiuiue, a ud other sciences, have their colleges and their schools', their professors and their disciples, Ac-rieu'.tare tho noLiest of thcui ail is scarcely recognized among them, the ge neral cpiuiou preva.-in,; that " any one cau iiKinaje a farm" who is gifted with what the world terms common sen-e. j Agriculture is a science. The fact has ; been ascertained aud established by scien tific tutu. As u scieuce il is yet iu its in fancy ; but the lituo will come, perhaps shortly, when some of the practices of those caipiria. tow cousiJered tuo'.Ul fartters, will be dbcarued as pernicious to the o.l aad the rceu't of ignorance. j ." : of our m jit sacetcsfal farmers col- , tend that theoretic farning wiiT not do. j Why will it not do ? Simply because the : theory is fale ! If the tiieory be correct ' practice will most undoubtedly verify ii. j 1'rt-juilioe against "book farming" is eu rendered iu some such manner as the i yf'.;, : A farmer takes up his agricultty. paper and reads the MUfxifcgTZZl of the j arriicari. ' - e f,...;):,.,, - !. ' c.uiei te try it. The result of his expen- ', n.il.t may Le altogether unsatisfactory,-' jreupju L orders th cii-contin jaace of; his paper, aud comes down on scientific j taruiitg iiae a looUsana ui nricii. ibe rca,01t 0f hi failure is rrolablv because i the nature cf bis toil differed materially fr ji that referred to in the " book article,' ' and it in s y be, aircady pcsfcael a super- j aluiidaLCe of thu ,-peciiic which he applied. 1 We watt, e tuus't have, in a few year. wi',1 Lave Agricullural Sthools, where our yout.g men catt learn to analix) soil, teh th-.ir ailmei.'.", prescribe with certainty for j their treatii.ei.t, and cause many blades of j grass to grow where tine Jjrew before. I Why hot iCv'in taw ! Why t,)t let tho' ' ...: Old Notth Ma'.o " rfjoai if not sur- , p-iss h--r listers iu the advancement of cr.e li-j.-arttit.ut of science '.' V.'i.l notour 1-B'- ! islatora cJOsiii.-? the sulject at the C jii.'ng se-.sioa, and establish a r::ate iust.tt.:; jn fjr the j-r-jmiiiiU of agricultural tcietec ''. .'.mo may think the Ch:;tr of Agricultu ral CLeu.utry at our 1'iiivetsify sufficient, Lvt it is Lot; we watt a echo-.! where the tr-e'.lce as well a the th.-ery of Agricul ture a. ay Le taught, where theory cj.'j be ietlied by pruilee, awl v here the ru-ultt f that ractice ttay bit scattered ari.'.tg ti.-; ;.ru.,tL' e'.iutuutiity tarrj -Lout cur itgi.-.-aturc s.iaii ignore the suo tneti we cail upon the State Agrieui- Society, and the similar ..jcicti'.'. it. irtorcnt counties, particularly that of ..erlau'J, to consider the matter and t. h siich -f.h'i-aU as witi sojiier or laitr n.o'c than one fa'jtty it. 0 it .-.tale. .-. . i .1 Co.. j.tmnn. i Cu'iT'i.S' y-..3 irv. low ginning, ,eed 1 .1 : lei f.r 11, .tail fi'.iu the wea'.Lir and ui. , and your cotton rl.C ...pt; In 10' iteii. of ti.e sajie val .e -i j..--! the j.iat'.a'.i iii , ... , 1 ..e. so taava, asm its c o'.toti si -J tt.tfiide.1 atuie, which ar,; l.',fo ojt i.. tcaos aa'ait. - .l t:. two cl t..t; :-:n hor.se, ti ,i through ti.e winter, liet a; lag and exposed . lo ti.s iii,, wind and rain. la this coi.ji ti.i, a heap of t.tt.n f.cJ 1 0 -1 s V-l to iill j-'.t c.nt of its Taloe hy the n.idoi.- of I'eb- . 1 .-iv ',', cLal. tall aitettiyu to this s.h--..'. tKii. in our aille-',.. Ol Work tl Jata- : ary, vntn we shall j-g :;ly into the ew't.j.ict . ! of aj t li.g lottou kft-d as a Instate for L .lb Coin n'i eolioc, 11, their ui, lotted state. "J u$, lo many persons, pp.-r para-' J01'g(1i al r9. e;tW u,. u.ail.i i.f l roterly , . , .... . - . I food for plants iu ils uiniecv. ed conlition, yet our experience of several year has : ytowi toneiuoiTtiy that td'.h i. the sola- I L. ... 1 y of cotton eeJ, that pot into ihe! gi-".a:il iu January or I'cL-iuary, they fjr-' t.-'u food for the young plant, titii -r corn c.'.tot as lo.ii aa il is up. Iu linn ray a.- A the lalusl.le i-:.m.s art; lo't by rli,i'i',ii. I'.'; , a. . !. tl.t. 1 -e of I .'.' 11 : - - 11 I' -:, -.,-, AKClIlTKCrrUKK C I VI L F. X gTx i: K K 1 X CJ . 10) nllK subscriber, a pructitsa I Architect mid Ci. vlv vil Knjfiiieir, has taken Kumn No. 5, David. builuinir, where lie n.ny be found prepared to Vmjt I'lot and make lUtmaUn in iill depart lilt lit uf Ilia prolea.iuii. Particular ullention will be uaid toSui i vinu nf Plantation und Kiinn tor tlui iu.ikii.ir ot MAr&or IIAKlxut tbo same,' th n drawing- of the plantation ma uitn and Us rt'fiiiiti'r. Every Planter ihould be po.si-sac.l of nut or re of hi domain. Tiny wi po I!"' VI' in any style, inil whi n framed make a beautiful ornament ror any I'.trUir t'lttuif and liiyiiip out uf ISruuiul unil I.awna for llcirtii iillur.il mid Oriiaiiiinl.il purpuai w ill be i I ti'iniftt to if solicited. I'J'Vouiip men winding to become acquainted ill any or all ot the above bn.nelica, will be the inoht lhur li manner, anu on wie nio-i lilM-r.l term. t:L-It't'iii i uu :( lllllft opurovrd .l..ns, will he t 'Ujjht, in lu,!,''e B""'",K "d '-KK- U'- leainLn. t do.. It xrl.ancei-, both rorul(;ll Will Do ,( , i. t all tn.i is nqniiie to a thu. of buv'a Kci pinir in all Its t' Jm 1S53. H-ly I I.tv. Doi t. Llorneit, j K.Ns-'.Ml"i IuN. Tin several vt .r a .Missionary ill AoMffi'ill .imi, ,1,l.OVirt.j a 'mi,;e and i7uwi cure inr Cuntump- ,, .U(,wa. 11,,'nrkiin. Scru!u!a, (WA. r0J. .V'"- rf,:!!; si lIVc l u.. I hailii" Hie Ktinrdy a ntetooU by wliieii tilc cuialn r unin rt it b of the Medicine are Itrtet. ly . M ce-oil lo the d:eaaed or'aim and the lott i;. un.ent. Actuated by a utsire to benetil In sul- l!KV. C. S. Ill'KNK. l T. 631 ll.-oaeway, Now- Vui July 50, 1p.7 A r..Rf.K.iiid COMPLETE ASisOKT ME.NT . I" Plain and J:.paiied '.h.:h.?c: w.'U.hc oi: t Wholesale or l.'etail, lower than cv. r. at S. T. WKISTO.N S 2 in and tmc .!ivj. A EF.W of il.f..r superior PIuiui...u Tea .uii . ll'-.e PUT.S, to : bv S. T. WlUSTdN. uj.erier article, lor a S. T. WK1STO.VS, -lid liiisamg I'.I'XL.'M s. t. wmsTo::. 1LLT .-L'IS. a I-JhTITAMA TEA SETS, for : at S. T. WIUSTuN'?. A'J '-:i: Ctiill.ERS, a f..-bt rate article, fo AivrrTON. li i', C. Lades, Spuom it. lo 'W ASSKR' S. T. WKlSTdN'S. t-nt etCre.im EliEEZEI.S.t . nuA 111 use, lor it by S. T. VY1UST0N. ft'- V. -9 a l.'TMr'h rhuz 1 11 n r cans, i X. . jaj'( t c t k lib if-fc tj uc 1 1 1 1 . : t S. T. WI'.ISTON'S. IlliJNS. tiie best 111 this iii-rket, lor .. a. T. WUISTON. 1'A.NTLY on hard. ! ( MK STOV IIS e Tin 1 '...'.. Jnt 53, f.7e. Wanted. 3 iWlil ' "IMJn Or TA Jt f v. .h.y .'11,1-.'. M. M. TAVI.OIL. ( ii.tlloUe .71 at I if :i I till- Iiimu-.-iiict' uuipaiiv. Mills UMPANY toi.'.iiiu. - ht.,1- r.iss a- a' '"' "' "'' '""- ' "" cot . . Ac., il usual r.t. 1 r Oil..;e Oetwee.i I'-rK'a Swrt ai..l V,.,w.ey". Il : , f fH' Kft.V M. IJ. TAfLOH, 1'reudint: C. OV11UM AN, I t"1 1 ''.''-' "' li NVKHUrCHISON, -Vf"y. .J- Trcusr. VIV.t.' TlKsi. M Ii. TAYI.OK, C. OVKKMAN, .i I.. ;;:) v.N, w.M. Jiii.toN, 1. .-'CA Kit, S. T WI'.lSTi'N, A. C. .-I Klil.K. if'.i:-. I. liKOw.v, s. T. U'nisTi.N and A .'. . I fcl.tfc. AVt '.' C;ntmifUf. Mi is. !'f l.r Hid Y .;. M. IioW ELL, j S a M11. -i ", h 1 oi.lts", Ayi it t, le,'.-. fc-V-i o'- "'-J-. - f., ' r. .O" ; i,a-.(,.:,,o ,- . ; jroM miN 1 i.m, , r i.a Wo c lft,, a A I.A ECU Sl.'i'i'I.V OK Constable Warr.in.s TO BE ffm a"- Vli5 '-Jn 115 ATT, (HKJ.I V cVtO , (.ato Karmer, Draco A. Co.,) Publishers, Buokselkrs and Htulioiers, Ko. 21 Kutrji Street, i r. .v tiHK, O. St rO.oll'.r allow price for cash mid a liberal II I tin lor UHr.vcil erelill, laria iiitek nf HANK lbo OUT. h M.AlK'.tr.Ki, . , . .. riil'Sf HUUKS. ii.ccii.u Memurandum H(.ks, TAl t-.K Ot AIX UI.M'S. Cards, i;ircul.ir, Hi:l llf. it., I'rintihL' "it" I.itlioerapluiid meciin-t" orocr. liiblcs, .Misvtl lanotiu iinu School Moo f. O. Ac Co. iubhh liuilmn's mrinof (.ram. rnur; Cowatock none ll Scirnee llik. er' riiviolo;ti : H.-ocklnby- Asiionoiniei. ; 01. Ili y'a (itoiruiliJ nru Iv rcviseii i iutlit Ml I'lasa Iteaden; I'alnur'. II ,ok'Kn pin! i anil the "clu-an. est and best" Spilliiif Ikuk ever used. Aug. 17. Ifi.'ttj. CeGrath's Electric Oil. A hliPPl.Y of ll.l celebrated Oil for kula I . my Uxug Si.trr. lrn.' Crner. liuiciiisuN & ciunoN. May 4, 18.73. llt''U i ' I'.-u itia .' Ml K u lienor it vol' tin ui liele over Corn Slareli JL Tapioca, Su ., e., a an arlitle of diet fur mvalid and chiltiitn, i unqiu tiunta by toe mo. cal lacu'.iy. Koli suoiitv at HUTCTi.-oN c.u;i:t;. .s r'aliiiiy i'rt-'t' Staie. .n.i 15. Ici7. -:'tf -' h. 5001 Al.li'NS Pl.'KK I INSI:I.D Oil. llUA'illSON i UIBHON' S. s, 1 " it'll" Sit po HI fit Oil CO.N'l t:.NTl A'll.li I.l.Y Warraiteut loake aosp Wl.iulltilllit,.ililt Willi llll.e l.-ou bit-. '1 nc best aim htipei arliele in uc. l'ni e'J una id cent a can. sld bv HUTCHISON s'i GII'.HON. Dee. 1 liu'. Colour. til rntr yitii; tit sin. A N oorccab'.e refrtaluut anu l.uelnc, a ple.o L .l.t lo the taslt a. soiia water. Sohl bv 111 "TCHISON GILJBuN. lleo. 1 1. iv ill's I 01 nel . j Taiuirr, i" 'I'iain Oil. I H 'Oil Tjimera lad Pliiilfrit use ilidr. sunr; tncl i fi' ureMrrvm,? I.cll.. r and II.. m. ... l or ...le l.y ! HUTCHISON eS. GlUliON, I Dec. 1 Irwin". Cm. r. I'ure S't iiich iiramly. n 1)1. LAND Gm, Whi. key, Siu-rry and Port Unit a, Lol.Joll Ale allei l'orler, for ll.eai. ca! use. .SuiJ by iec. 1 HUTCHISON .1 GJBliON. I Stmclt, BLACK l'e)ip. r.O.noer. li.n.ii.j; .,nd Was Soda, Cream Tartar, Niilii.t Mace, l i . mon, I love, and Fiavorin llalr..et. ul every h ; Fur .-lo at Wholesale anil retail, bv ; nu'lCHisoN i i;u;i;oN, Dee. I Irwi..'. Crr.. F.'cli3 nsi nalt r, I X pint h'.ttri-. jnl rceeivtd tioiu S.ratoai- HUTCHISON 4 uhilf iN, viAi'm turner. Purerouin: Will i H ,HM st .-ecsierti itl tl !. "r ' " -.1 IIL'TCIUSON J, G IlJli' N'S ). ,irin"Ci lL'.-e.-e. . . k It S. 1 S-j. - ? ; V t -' IN QUAftT BOTTLES. FOU PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami lor ihe I n if of HtiAL'l'H A!13 f.TitlJ-.'C TH Anot?i,'ir Cura ot bcrijf:;!.:t. IV r.r-ls- ' ! ' . II. A II llls, ' a", as ff.t. '..: ROHAN EYE MLS AM, Tor Wctk ;.ii'i Ii fl ii.etl Uy.-i. . f.s .as f ' a ' I" ' - : .- : . - . ii. ..is: ..1 a,... .t, .. .. s .... . 1,. . , . . V I' Elba A U i. I Si I' I, I MflJ, M I N li rt s at K t i K A NDS" SALT RHEUM REMEDY, II. M. I'lUTCHAIili, lis's( os: ,77oi 4, 7S lt(. i:. ?l. I OIIK VE-II.I. , 'pie.-.s..l I'ln-'i it, Proo-. , ( ., 1 10 lite rterontliiirita i f .VI.MI l.M. an, I EliY. I'i s ...noil 1. 1 ) "1 .. I Si.C i .. in.... EliY. I'ni'-a prof. i . v M,.ft, o.. t..e, I ,l Mill I,,,,,,,. I More than 500,000 Miles I - SOLD IN TUB . IN-NKYFAK. iMHK Ur.STOIlATIV K Ol; 1'lioK. O. J. X WOOU Full KKS'lOKlNli hair pi rltclly uu perinaiieiiil)-, ha. n v.-r yet had a rival, vol. lime niter volume imjjlil he giviii fioni all paill ,l the world and frin the inoit uitellieiit lo prove that it i o priict littulmahrr ; bill read the eir. eular and ) ou cannot d tiibt ; read aWo the lol lowing. OJ" Tub People have for eulurie been alllieled with bald Iliads, and the only remedy, beretouirc knov.li, ha been tho.e abolniii.ihle wij. Hy a recent dise.nvery of Professor Wood lbee arliele are belli ! fastdispeili.ed wilh bill, . (re .1 ii, any per. una still pulrolule Iheni, because they have'iieen so often iiiiponco upon by ll.nr Tunica uf different kind. To all .null anna c earn ellv utake the request, that Ihcy will Hy once uain, for in Wonti'a Kclr:alue there i no aueli Hung aa fail. We know of a lady who v..,. u.lo, who used the article a short tunc, and her he..- , now eovcrid completely with the tilutst and ll.o.t i beautiful fin I '.i.iKiuable. We know of uuiiier. .... l.,.;r w.i. ramihv fallll.l' oliljfl HY which it restored iu greater peiteelioii than it cv er had been bel'oie. It i also without doubi one ol the best articles I for hi,iii!r the I'-'ir in S'iod ei'n.nlioii. making U soil ami (icaar, rrmuTlliK daliurilll, anil ha plov. iu lUeif the gni.tt.at ti.ein) to -.1 tuc ill ih..l I'. 1a the duly ufevery one lo improve their per. earn n 'ihe ways of dniui: it i but eiury 0110 will ailmit lhat a beautiful bed ol hair illnrr ill nial or woman, i nil 1 p el ni'.u'li l Oe di alled, am Hit re are no meal.s lout should he It'll untried I. ! obtain .ut-.li a coiiaidvratK.il. H'eman'a .WmmI' Pllliaoii.l.la. 1;,,, inn Ton, Ohio, .Net. 17, loifi. O J. WOOD i CO. I. .ni: An 1 bato been moaned Hi eiiiiii; your II nr Ke.lt.ri.tiev Ihe last .ea.un tor one ol tour local .toiiu. 1,1. iiac. in. 011.I aid !i.ivn. t iMerienced the b. lit fieial cf- Itcta of it invailf, I would hse to obtain an ajjen. ev for the folate of Ohio, or a. in e Mate ill Ihe 1 Weal, ahouid you wish to m..i.r .nel. uu arraiife- mei.l. as 1 am ei.nvil.ci tl tldr II nsl'ili'tf f'ual I" if iii the I mltii !i,ln, jvr imtuitiij! lur hair. I hate been engaged in !' "'"C I'U.nn .'or at v. ' eral vear, sue have .iiid varum, preparation, lor Ihe li.nr, hut h.vo Ihun.i noiliinc lhal r.-.lou. tho j secretive orpan. or innjoralt. U.c .calp a well 'a y..ur. U'Hig fully coimne.d limt your rralt.r- llt.t. ,. Wiial JOU r.pressnl ll lo Iv, I Woool ll..e lo 1-niiJ-i- ill the sale ol .1, lor 1 ai.l ..llIlee, inusl ...iT. Your truly. . T. :'( c h.MA.S. Vi.m. Ms.. rn.. I o.7 7. ! l'I:tE. O. J. ttlalll A. if lii'1,1. : lU.ins realm 0 the food effects f your ll-n Kct-Mtite, 1 wish to t..te, thai f.i.dini; 11, y hair gmwini: thill, aa well a gray, I wa. liieue.o I10111 wiial 1 re.iei and tie.nl, lo 'ty toe arlieie pn pared by yon, to promote Us ilo th and chance il. color a it was in Joutn, bolli vf winch 11 h..a iliirinl coin phlilv. YouraeVc. JAMES H; AM IS. (I .1. WOlifl A. id, I'r .pr t l. rs, Ml'-' ilrotd. w-v, N. Y , fin Ihe if r. .t N. V. irr ff nline f .... lol.;. .1,111. i.t) and III.M.1..I.1, it.M. Louis, Mo, Anu soie. 1 y aii !lft.e.f.si m I"' ' ano 11; II. M I'll I I t'll A I! P. to" C'ja ,'.r.r, .V. C". AYER'S CIIKIUtY PKCTOItAL, 1 Jit ms fc.tfiii ct UK or oltls. CoiiIis, una llotu stiifs. luinnlu.. M,. aitli las-. IsAS. 1-. J el. Alt, la-.u. .LDil.ll'.aT S -If . .e.l 11, Jt Croups Vhoopins Coush. Inflnrnz. f.l..fl.la, Vli-. 11. I. Is-. Haflim iU: I .1l rt,...tl ,.-f.,f ...,. Vf.ai olJr, a til 1 ' .S. II, aaJ HlliA I'tjNKI.If, M I ir. Is., llt..". Jm:.. Ial ,.:!. th- , b-a.1 Asthiun or I'hthisie, nnel Hrniirhili. Wl: .s i,t.iM. e. , .-. t. Is - 11 hs.rs.1 ilul.ls .. ,0, I U ts w . r .n aft 1 o.n ' In. I III..MIV I. I'.llllia, I, I, is l.il,rl .mi. r A. A. r.AVl-.T, XI .Intl., .rf 1 t lb v3- cu. uju Irad. i f.n.umi)linn. I1U,rM .T il. rs i.-,' i.J A.-- a II 1 -r S tt'T'l AikA- l.-,tt tu t Ol,..ttl t,l .!.!lt . Ill , I. SS- l.nil I . n f ... M.i,'. ft. IU'.. , 1,1 .1 ,- f .r tay t.lll llr. Stroll?, of 1 ,u,iii..nli-1 tl lo,I...M"j i-lll.iai, .r hiisutioriai 1, da I,- I tl'sanil 1:1 ).,tt bavs ti. Ayer's Cathartic PilLs. r.ifcl aitrt ef t It.tat.lrv kud M.li-tri h... 1 tx.sl llir vtssAt lo as.l,i, 1, tttl. Is-at, aa.at o.t Ir.c j nt.stiw. .i.trt, ao"a l 1w.11. I satiui.ria ,ri.fa a.- .Ii'.aa u..; iii-. i'lua !,., rl,(n alo.h .al.Mla 1 ir.fl..t,t..lt up,., llr taut-lit l ill lasa. 111. ,..I. ai..l " ' lal, a. In' srl.t Is tars, Th.-h pnf lianas I .,i il,,-.:,:i.',lli ll,. tital asli.llls.ol tlialsslt, rftttot. ths uUUSIi-Jil ',1 II. Ol..t. pUiUy tl, bl'ssl. a .4 ..-IU...1USI. II. . I o. K.out ll. ..lliauiral,SU I r-i a,sl irr,. .inifistr, 'luntsila ainii.'i.h or disor t1.sl..rai,s h.tfi .it. It ttalarai a.ti"n. antf nop tit bsallt.t lou Willi tl.l,,lll lo 1!.' l, Js J,1D. '.l eotjr do 11.-, rtir- II,. St..if .la; f l, .l,l,,t. ,..f ..sr. Is-ly, lot ai. S ti.l il,.. .ial tlau.r .n. tiavM that ha. lm-4 11.., U.t ,.f l.uitim .kill. Wl.ilu ll) r-.In s i,etri,l , it. . 11. tl.-) ai. .1 '!. s.ti.s Ins. , In .lluiinUli"dd.M. Ilia Js.1 si, : Is.l :l,inii II, 1 ran Ir sit ;,!;., -1 lol rlihl.su. :mw sus-st slt, tit ara ilwta:.l l uk-i ai.4 Wt r Ij ..'.l.iM.. .i In. ll an. t.k t.i l.ttin ( nr I. I.-.11, urn-Is will-1. itr c I- ll. I ,,r. tl,-T l.r.l .als . .nlisl.-l hf 1,1-1, of trait . ..ll. -I l-.-ll,- 11 ai.. tii.n. UI V, f-,1',1 ll, ana;. I. Mi 11 ttli. M:o.y ,-a,i:i.-t,t I I i.tiji.-li at.-i (,l. v.t. lati'iliaiv Ii 1,1 lla It l.aiu. . t, r.,llfv In lit- .al,ir ll,rt I. it... iill) 1,1 l,) . l,.'ll Willis , ll.si. I',,,,., all ita ,,,,riil,u' :ilat.-l) lo llu lilklal ,,Jf aottt 'i d ir, iinu Mi , 11. 1 l,s I-.- s aaut-il ia tli.. , t ftn to. I. fall, my An, ! Iran Ali:i.tia,s..i-tii,t:,: i,,. . I.,. , 11.. ,r 1,- and uf Ui. I . li: ,.il n, mi, -I .ui !. ;l lliu Lwlj w ,, ot lw put , rr t, i 1 'J I,. .11 k s,. , j si, x.M I.. 1 Hit' I r all lb.., 1 ia for 1I...U1, : tl: lTepnrod by Dp. J, c. AYEU, Puctical and Au.Iytic.l tt.emi.1, Lowell, M.m. In.. 45 in. s. Hot. i,t, 11 e, .aa 1 1. K1I.I1 ti ll ITCH ISDN il G Hi BON, Ciarotfr. 1! A VI LAND, STKVKNSON .t CO., CU.r!htn. S C, iia. "I bai ttiui.a --f nc 1 t.,s lion- I a f I I .1, all ... ... 1 do ..i. s ll ' I (I - k S.U. RANSOM. UG6. ""Jf,. WAIT FOli llecau.i he buye. hi. 1'W from LA. 1. 31. Would reap.cl.ullv a.i.i.unee I., the inhabitant nf Ml A li I OT1 K i-.d vi ii.UJ . H 1-c I. VheirOi. Man... lo No. l.l.ra.i.te liow. wh.re ),e I... now .. txlwb.l.on. ju.l r.ee.u, Norlb, one of toe uiosl tileii.ite ...oruneni ot SKQJ ,!iiia,amt.iiB which will hver ofler. ,1 ... Norlh.Carohi.a. .n.ong w hich will B t xav fa,' H ' --: , .!,;,), !,, oaineb such a famoua reput .lion e;,(V(. lc w-urmnl auptrn.r t .,,, ,,., t.a fuel, nnd diK-. more t I imkili ,'in a j m , , 1. ... ..il,-. stio.e uf me .mm 1'iveii lime', he will forf. il the pc the biller ALSO, ALL PARLOR So ,o,..le,(!v k-.i-o" hand. .11 tt He Ion, al.d Col..Uli(!y k-.;' 1." haltd. III 1 ' -naive alio van.u ...e . TIN AN II SIIKKT IKON. JA-PAY! Ailsl; JjillilfAYIi'IsJA 'JAii, tsK.iss jiini.i s, i.isr iko.y ni if sri.iDs HAT HACKS, I'KADIXS, &c, A ol hu ll M ill ! ia, hl-.ilo 'l U liiil.i:ht iM. r Ih.iii ui, rvri Imtii ll i l In lii I'oiiH). I would return my thank, to n.jr fi.en.1. .i..l ru.l...f. fMl.e .r l.l-r.l p..li.-. be.tow, c u, us. and Ihsy may re.tas.-re.Mh.t I -1-11 end. ,. by r...... .11......... . . toe, tht-r w.ln a o If r...ll,.ll.l lo tt..r. I" !'. " "l '" r "' '"" ! .fh ";s nTtj i'H lie uu-a a r i- ;ifliriil;nlv iiiwlttl lo rail and t'.;iinii;i T1l 7"will t. 1! tt.u t.v 1 head n.v .overtl..l. i-..t '" r . rit. Waot, s,"- I we have three w.np-n.c lanl.y ti-vellt. e .Ire... I. the . -Ut.tr. w,.h M.i... irv .III outers it ill be faitlilulh tttttl prounill; itltt mini i. j A...-'..M.TAVl.nl;. C'oiiiurs, aW ir., Ifi7. J" Hneour,!i;e ll-'jni'j lulhlry a vim; n itc ami tie h.ncokh y ai H 1. li'KY, I am prepared to till all order l"i vv,,, ;-,' , s,;,.,,,., '..' ..-., , '.",, ;-;..., Cory' a,"'u: lliinj 111 i.'i. i.y. II i,i fiiiy 1 am ina.ini; a.li. ,e ... lo liii.in l"lnr. Win l.r , iner. an.. I'rot.,.. . 1. . ... 1 il lo ll, i ai,t..e to u..- t. All oroi r. fit to ei.ua.t w I le lltl..ie il-i w.tn l.rol. ;'l ss- J. M.T'i NAl.Ii. I ( ..c,J. O.I. -Jri. lr.. 3-.il .v 1 !. . ..i..:.e.. ; f 1 itMtiiiwii. f J 111 L eo1i..rlnrr.hip!i. r.U. ore ( 1.1 inn 1- it '. JH. Hie uiit;'T..,.i,ti!, i. II". day iiia.otii.. l.y 11. lit. 111 ron.ti.t. All per...... 111... !.! d to u. are r. t,i.sl. ,1 lob- prt pare 0 wilh ll.e ..M.tftti.1 ,tu tut u. 111 1 ' I. w t- 11," - .ell.toent. i.turl JONAS IU HSILL. 1'. S WHISNAM. mitki:. I . pre,. '.' .1,11 if h .. to fill .11 I .1 i; i,.rn r.-n.ii.; M Sali, Dliiids and Doors, a. th. .Hi llll rt oiitry .lion I I. .-it it . -re p.iilienl..il) woik i my hoc tr ot ahorl nonet. :,; wv,,i ih. wok. J. HI MSILL. op aliu so.ieil t-lei 11, r. r iii's.fti to ol ho-.. 1 1. Aaif. IP, ;fo7. Li rrtiiii," fit.Mi tie f.ran l.r r. t-fi-f e .1,,,. um.tr ti e nan,' of lincll.lll A W l.lslial.l, I 1.0 a with llir Kindest I.eMrji lowart,a I l.t ctlizi 11 o Ct.,-h.ite unti aiirroiiiitiiiig country, lor ti,e pit roii.i;.- ao hlM-r-lly bestowd upon ua, and will tot ki owl til t'e that Ihe b lit I lit w ill In- caritt tl 011 t-fjtl.lly a I lj,te,.llf'll. a. we hate oolif. 1'. S WHISNAM". ,n. I', Iei7. .I.VMMS i. r.i. 11V, ( (. mm 1 ih m 1: 1; a u v , I 17 II AHIt Its. fiiltlil.'l, . v. li 7, S and lorw.trda r.try kind 1. 1 iotr.li.lt nir t.,r a'i V'l 'tnt. I iimni.aai.in. Kcb '. I (,vs..Hwii. I Morehesd. iN. W. Moot. fin, i W. O. la. .lie, I '. P. .71. mil lihall, A. M. (...riitan, Est-. 1 .ml ll. v.l . 1. I.i-cio., Hon. W. A t. ran. to, and lht r.. iftilsr tn l i ii..... Meh. l.-olia. Oreari. jll.rps, (.uilara. Music, lciii; Mail a, Iron S,il. s, I'nitips, L.tr lfii Engine., A e. A pm.le.l jhit ol all I, ,f dilt.-r. nl niak.-'.. kiiin and prt. fa 'nf .rr. Publish, r of 1111 t,j;i,l lilliot r,.,l, of "ir..ry Ai.l (;.," N.C. (!,) an.l the "I : k.e I'liT-n-us ; .... Isiiiasi Oeiiir. io llr.'.rii." Thl. invaluable 7,n.iiy nilitr iltol.h.' hf in every j I, oils.-, ll Weill of all tiiaeaat a, It.ia a lii pii.ii hoaiiltoua store., I.,r all our 11, llr ,0 il lea ami lo:iinu. III. prililedoii hue whlli -p. pel, hand ly hotitol lourll, til, hoi,, liMJ paeta, ami Ull.d fl't f..i f-I I . Ill, 1' i w ooti Pi ., tli'J. S, 31. HOWELL, ? a as a- sss "'Ts Snddle k Harness Manufacturer, j TIIHE lil.'illM hlit'TIl or TUB MA. rllON IIOl.'MK, I'll I itl.O I I II .'. 9 CAU it llltl.ol Sail, lit aa,,,; ll.iri.es niadl a I III tli'irtt-al iioiice. 1 i'MEPAIKIM; proinpilv sirt utnl. Jim. I'i. lo.'.M ' J,tf THE W AG(10. the .Mai.iifaclurer.. TAYLOR WES8J be found the colebratert be found the colebratert ..' the Stiutht rn Country for the laal rif I1I1.1, 1. Mote ItfW in OK H l .lltipll in its rrm - 11 tune, than ny nthtr Move now 111 u.t. me in ll- I micci oiaira, .no 11 11 .. , . 1, of tin Move, and quit MH,t.s and t i. . KINDS OF BOX STOVES. I To Cotton IMaiilt 'lll. (a p..' loll. . Y. :, t.i.i.t .1 I. piepalt u I "1 I ollol, l....Wlllt I r..l .1 Ihe l iloiii f ,t) S C. Kail I!...!.. 1 t: j I.. w. i r..i!:.... . ....Morr-.w". I . " . t . A. ll Ha...:."... I I JAM IS M 0, illf lro-. IC I ll I HO. I HtitOoI Life IusiirjtM'fc Con . or i n 1 . KM. 1. It-It x ' 1 - - ; , . j s , ',in,,Mii v 111.11. . tit I JJ , ,,, ,, ,, . trrm ot ).r ,,., . ,,,.. pr.n. ,0... 11.. 1. 1 (,,,,111.0 11, tf , ,ui ol tot 1 1 , , , r,,. .. i,,r n,r to:' I- 11, lot pi t.10 torn It 1 -.. 'in iiltrrtl -I ( ; l!, Ilii.ll 1. pain ,t.n faf ! V"' .'"""d- Llh'l.i T I 'l.s I ,.r .. L J 1 1 l W, II J 11.. 1t., ii. W . I). .,.,.. . J. .. v. , 11 1. tio. '...-. II'-:,... P II. M. h... h. P. It. ill. , 1 ...I, r..h. U.th'd II. 11.11 r. .Hi! IK- 1. ' n.ii.. 1:. J , IV... W. W . Il.,',,l, n. Vi... I'r. K. II. ll.llir.S.fl. t r. W .titan, II. J011. ., I n .tirt r II. W. Ilusltd, AUt.ri.t 1 . Or. Wm. II. Mi kit. Meei I'rniliH ('..mmillrr.-M- It her, t 1. -tit II. If..l. M,Juat HirtiJ ol ........r, Johns, 1. M I'. Vt.llti.. I Ki. h'.i li. II .wo.,.., M. Ii . I ,,r I, ul... r ml on,., ti.-n. II I t 1 i ll,t, 'os J oe "';:z;, I, lame, il. A j 1 lo l.on. .ho.ihl be a. K. II. liAT'l EE paid) lo. .Voir-.... I' 11 nytatta..! ' ar!a.' iU- W S ,ItViMMA .IIM 1:1 otiijh., I olti. Inllu.i, ., o.t.o 1 1 All. t li I .le- l i 1 'Jo Colli Mill' n I l'ypl'c Hill. '' r I n.' I - ' A 1. ll. r iroin J . It . I .. 1 1 no. Is N.t ., Hated Aug. 14, IM' : iii. j. hiinin IUII t lllllt .-lis v. 'I i.t Ai.v.si. .Mi. :,,,pi,vt.l of. ll ha IK . ' ,.. - .1st II. ... last. 11,'tl I I i"y '' ,- . " ike .up;-: "I 11 ' J. li CM- AOI..N IS- Wm, W.S T. I l:-kiiii. li.in ; Pint, r A T. J. Ilollon ...... I'r. J. 1 . f.ili"".' , A Mill and J. II. E11111. s, t"'.'1 ' ry, Leiiii.- ton. 'iliienKH :ii Mv' ii.ii:i.o t ti ' I EE uracil.:, mil .a-'"' 1 ' t t l,.. ,ll W.II.-II ' - , ,,- f.,1,,1 Uii lo hi. I l.nilullr, 7-1 4.1 1 '