,mi,l I tfllWnHIMlllW Kill shown, " 't urey will be, that the Le- couipion Couvcution wiis called without the authority of law that ouly one half the counties of Kansas, were permitted to scud delegates to tbis minority Convention ; that, of the aixty delegates thus uufairly elected, ouly tweiitj-ei(.'ht were for Lecouipton and yet, by adjournment and juggling, there twenty -ciht delegates acting as a majority of quorum, went out aud fcut Lecomptoo to Congress for the Constitution of Kansas, against the known withe of biue-tentbs of ht-r people and that President Huchenau and hi political friends attempted to take advantage of these circuiustanves to force a Constitution on the people of Kansas, the. half ' utllwt U told. The nwindlinj; and perjuries by which " these most disj.'Uhtiu); i well as strange scenes rf force and fraud" were perfected, will also le told. And when tln'y are truly detailed, as tuoit usiu rnlhj they will be, then will it appear in the North, if not iu the South, whut the I'rei-ideut meant by the Green amendment, and what he meant wheu he said iu his tpecul Lecomptou message iu substance, cunt the surest and quickest way to get clear of slavery in Kansas, was to admit Ltr under tbo Lecouipton Constitution. The Missouri Compromise is repealed and can never be restored. The nation is com mitted to the policy t,f dou intervention, that is, let the people of each territory when tiny come to form for themselves a State Government, freely and fairly determine the question of slavery for themselves. To iimke this a useful and peaceful policy, tb rule must Le fairly and houestly observed in all cac. To claim its observance on tU' purt of the free Elates successfully, we inu-t fairly aud honestly conform to it on Ihe part of the Slate Elates. 8uppoe the South by fraud, had forced Lecouipton on Kansas, and by the same system of force and fraud, a portiou of the settlers, anti tUvery in svmiiucut, in Northern Texaa or iu Aiixona, should, under similar circum ifaucef, pet up a Convention, cliooMtijr dele gate., fioui a part of the couulies, frame lid present a fri'e Sis to Constitution to ('otigres. S ji the admission of a Stale, when ttwowel. known mat lime tenths ot ttic p ople wrre lve owners or pro-slavery iu .cuuuieut, what Southeto mau (ihe ij iistion thus reversed) would dare lo vote to admit a Southern proslaiery people as a State uudrr r.n auii slaverv Constitution ? Whene ver Coiire-s shall force, under any ttr. eumstan: rs, an anti-slavery Constitution on j ro-sUery people, then, iudeed, will the rule of noli inlerveiiliou be repealed and pint. 1 he South, if eli eiperta to be pro fit, d by this rule, should strictly adhere to it herself, and then slie may fairly and ju-lly iltmatnl i.a observance ou tie part of tut North. She abouM like no part in set ting a precedent that may be uud against Li r. We have a ribt to a-k Northern men to vote for a slavery Constitution for a pro s'uvery people. Ij thry v ill do this, and a k 14 La ricuscd from forcing a pro itnery Couututioo on an anil-slave r j peo pir, Lave no real cause of complaint. i ht-irvef Southern tiolnieiaus ask more I it... i .;. 1 1. r...,i. i;r. . . 1 ............ f,,v ..ia,, U-. ljl U the Aboiiiiuu party." l uLiil.AS ANI Hit LiLACK IUfl'Iil.II ANal --.-ir : A statement appeared iu the Jef frrsou llxumtntr, of recent dale, making cirtaio prave cbarpes .against Judge lKiuir la, io which my name was involved. L'p lo lliia period cerlalu considerations fotbe.ie tut making any tcponse, atttougb I have bfra frequently urged to do so. I learn since, Lowen-r, from the Seoator'a speech, drhvercd al Ho.ineti.ie, Illinois, il,4t Le de bus the truth of those assertions, and at oilier tituea aud otber t.laccs ho reitcratea tLe denial, and fa r-isn it an srinrn.l il... I I . .1. M. I... .1.- ....r v . ' " '; """' J"v(. a, ""i inn 1 am now at iiueriy losisie an "1 snow iu reiaii'jii m iuis m alter, woicu tilt taMeu tiOld UpoD tlie f ul.llO nntlJ. . 1-t il is true that Jd'ltre Ilju."la did s.nd me a wessx .y Mr. Coltax, ot ludt-1 am, in aul sialics the sain as that charged j J:Srr;;rre; ? rt him J imrt S Uretn't place tn the j- . ,, ' t - W.ia: .vuatr." -M II is true that I diil write a letter tl 1 tirstx Krown, Ksq , of .Vl. I ouis, aildl tint that Inter mm. .rin.n i.. .. ,l i ...L ,.v- i t i , ,. , , . ... Villi - wishes Of Juih'S Lhiu.t as S.i.o.elt 'il. Aril It Is Iron ll.nl 'li.tr .,, , .. r- U'fi'rHundmg, jiertit and uniipi'ilr, Lc taetn Judge li.jcglaa and several prominent members of the republican psrtv. the aim aud scope of which I aiu liot obliged to di vu!a. ,lv ptiHimtl lutrrfnw wilb the oi-tinui-bed tustor, to wbicb tin message t o.e referred, had reference ta Ihe Lilian "jiutwit I'urty m Niitntm. I Lave stateJ enough lo sul.shit.liale tlie cus'gea i.iaile pu'u:ie llirougb the columns of l:,e liiummrr, and repesled ill a letter ""in the pen of I. sac II. .Stuijreoo, Kmj , of j lo.uts it. Louis : and, beariiiu in mind wlist hid'1"" trtti-rnreii t ),. i,,...,. i.,., ! J'-"i'aj snd myself, and (be understanding j L "rued i, a, 4(;rruo; upon between Liui f-l oti.tr promiueiit members of the He I.''1"'8" Party, lotb iu the Kast and the , I Coufess tiist I was not prepared to 'of ll, Sonstor's dsiiionstraliou of iov l.r truiy defe at ill this district. Very rtspeoifully, FRANK I. L5LAIK, Jr. Hie W'asliinlon corresj.onileut of liie N'ew York Timet says that " the Treasury frtmeiit ia ugaii iu collecting (acts Jul Bures from various cu-loiu houses, learii Uputl tie relative merits of the al ''rimite syateuiv of specific ud taoiem ""tie,. rr iiis.taitoe.-a the New York cue lioui.e i, called upon to state what rate ''''ciDc duties on various stable articles "'ii'i he f.jui. !,.,, I tn ihn ml Vuliiiem .li.lv clleced on the same. .,. of the i 'a experienced officers of the customs are I """""S t urce the adoption by the Uui- 4 flat, li,. ..I .1... li.:.:. 1. "t'ooti bitiinn specifia frith ad valorem .1 Take, fJrea...ple, two shawls, one ! five dollars aud b other fir. bun- CrL,i doll.!, 'ii. ir.:.;.t. i.i doM.ts, '"3 sp- c, Co duty of (say) two dollars J"' '!"!,' 'I'!, and to tbal sum add an ''"". duly bjsidea. Il is claimed Him sjsten, would be more evil tlau 7 mlier and acoure more rovetiuu.'' A Iam CAHklfcU AW AY HY A KlTsV A Jjguian i,meli j.owcr( rc,iJillg gt c.a4. loT'"; ,'"lUn,,. went a fu weeks ago er,l l,t.1 t,,rnd spsnisb kite, uf th. ; ti","'"'''ous i " basing adjusl-d Lr' b t Ui, U "r-iJ'y ceudcd witn Im Ii ,?w unlil LJ tb full "till of the cnr.l l.:.,l. 1... .... ., 1 fOu..,l Ii . aia lliaillieu I ,'' I ower'a baud, and lb. find .- - 1 be Jriwo a distance of ball a iu..a! HYMENEAL. Marri'd, on Thurailuy llio 3.itli inilant, by the Rev. It, 11. Li.fV.rlv, Mr. WM. LEE HOUSTON anil MISS M Ali i I1A A. ALKXANDLH, all of this county, Al Spartanburg Female College, after two weeks of treat suffering, I OI.KNK MLTU IIIHON. in. fimt daughter of Alex, and Amanda Itelhune, a- (red hve n.onthe. CIUIiLOTTE FOUNDHY AM) MACIIIXK WORKS. FIlllK undesigned begs leave to call the atten I turn of I In- public In Ihe Tart that he ia now ready to fill any orders Tor making Hydraulic I'O'lTOaM'rcsscs, and every description of Machinery. All kinds of CASTINGS,- in Iron slid llrass nr olher melala made at short iiitiirr and renueed price.. iJT Particular attention given to the making and re pairing of Thrashing Machines, Horse Fow. era, Cotton (mil. Mill Work, and Agricultural works of nil kinila. III,A( kS.YUTIIINO, JlllilllNi; WOHK, WA CDS V OKK and IIOUSK btlOF.lNU, done with dialoilctl. Iil.ll IKON AN n BRASS CASTINGS nought at to Fwuioirv, or takea in rsrnirige for Job Wor. Wood slid Cmt m of all kino, taken in rxehmir for MLicksuiiiliing. tr AI.I. VVOliK must be paid for when ileliv. mil, a r.ASli bus to br paid out lor rn ry thing in i'in;-rf In curly mi Ii sl iimisIuih nt. u r Ai.Mii(Hr:i;s mit vmii.k ui'i.i bitpe. eifiiil in writing, so Ihst toe wra and spceiliea. linns ma v ijri p, H'. I). ri.NK.NKV. im.;u,ai Dnguiei r and Ma. el mist, will jui' ins rn.iniit and prrana al. tniiion to ate that all work is i'oui: propeily and (irimipily. it 'I'bis is ihr oniy fiundry in the fcUtt thai CJ.I. osilj. IT Ail enitracts cniiiitclrd wilh Ihe concern must be mads wilb tlie limb rsgnrij shine. .J. A. KttX, I ropTHtor, t km'.tiltr, A. t'. ,urimhtr JU, Is'iO. 3oif TJEW FEA1URE FIFTH YEAR i-r Tor COSMortil-ITAN ART ASSOCIATION. Ml' Kit II KM.KAVIM.S! BEAOTIr UL AKT J.UKNAM i tiit.i: ritK.Mii is a ,.! ' II I S popular An A-..:i-i.oi., now in it. fni h JL ycat ut' uitiaralit-i-d succrss. Iiaving pur. elis.tn. and i.fr..iJ on attrl. Il.rni.r'. grrt paiiilinr, I Mr Vili.suk !ii at kuim," w ill new issue epic. hf sub-criUrs i-nlj J on lit.y pUle ppi r, 3o x .'14 ilir'ii a on Ihe InlK.tt irf 'j i. it iin r si n( it in ki : Kvrry rr.ii rruiiiling Ihirt Uuilatt. will rr. eri- a eopy ol Ibe supi-rh fciiiel Ki erjvirig, af Ur ll.;ifilis's rri l.r..li il IViioline, I II r. VII.I.AC.r. UI.Al h.".MH II. Also a copy of th lu.uii:ul I HhMllll.l.ll AN AKT jril'R.NAL, An ehg Hilly illu.lr.tiil iuarlo M ivssioe. A'ao frcs ssssoli tickets t.l sitmission to tbc Ksstcrn ( r Llussrloorl.) anu VVcsigru Galleries of the A.ao. 1'uerc will ' be given lo the subsrnbers get. 1 hie works of An, comprising , lr.,iii.s,Seo'plures, ar., Jte., fine il t Iroiti ehrat.d Am.-r.raii sou loreigo Artists. uhselpt..ns will be r.eeis.d up lo Jan 1 lr.i). tin ll.e rs. 11, rig of tii.t osle liie prcii.iuii.s will be aw.rdid lo soOsci ib. rs. I ir full psiiicuisr., see l. inrUr Aar Jot a Mil., pf.ee 50 rents, hpeeimrn ey.p.es sent lolhuse desiring to subsenbe, on tl.ti receipt of 16 cents IB puslags stsioos rr coin. Ao.lre.s C. L DKKUY, AtTUAitr 0. A. A., tUsl.rn (.Klirat. 64" H-...C..V, N. V. Or, Wesurn Office, 11.6 Water St., S.ndusky, O. MiIisj. I lbf ;t lii f J If you wish ! serine a r...y ol thsf chgsi.t Pi.graving, Tin V 1 i.i.iur III . a i" mitm," sue the Aar Jots ml, with the oilier preii.iunis, be .uir snd subseribe l before Ihe .1 ol Jan. le.iU. j cimeri copies ol Ihe alajte. sod full particular. , g.ien, by appl r.ng S A Ct)IlK Ai'rnt R.. .A.r,t.... 1.. ,ly pg. r r rtic lea elegantly graungs Pries 1 , on receipt ol le j illu.irste. 50 rrnls. Sp cent., in si .1. I'KKJiY, .14) Broadway, N. Y. - - Davenporl Female College, , ... .. , , 1 ' ' N ' ' , . r 1 1 1I . auhsrnbi r wil; Im- reluming to la noir in I a ,ew f, I ..,e,e,,ee .hen be ,: lake any youug l.s.i... t.i.t u.sy k 11.. posed 1: attend the ft-iciiri nl this Institution. 'Ihe lo cation is l.. Illi v sou ll.e 'I u .lo... m.sli rs te. Let ters can be tell st .nr. K'--r Motel. .. .. ii si. j )... j-irii.i-rr. A..e. 3", IK, 3. t.llir. iwLl aXssiWalLaa mW aa.is,j COM Villi I, r. t . lM)i:i:sit;ni brC. irsvr i.. sy t- fro II. IS ...oi Ihe ,,ul.li grorlsliv, loal he d Ihe A.MEhlt'AN HOTEL lor a term 1 hns less of tears id h. Ille h ner upro thf hfiiitr, fiiiun and luintttirr ii to ntMio in to.- city. i tl'Kl 1 tic Hovj-f will t c.in.juvtt d i hrl i.ss; W lii , rl, tn U it npKnriltniri(N, n0 nu pini be pprrd lo it fi V4iri le rt-arl. '1 lie rrufn ltr ltjf, hy tnrt Hltcntion to tor ttan-a aiitl Cvfiiirtai uf his (unli, tu invi.t a tuil itrc uf public Ltatfouigc. SOLt'N DIKE. Cs'iimis. .V. C. Aorsmfwr 16, If.'.M. :',itf I r Kh.rir. I.msol O.M.MIII SES and CAIJKI At.Et will be lound punctually al the dillereut depota tu convey passengers lo ll.e Hotel. CAXDY FAGTOHV. f fCSll ('(111 IVl'l iOIIOl'iCS. Fl'llHS, , ' 7 1HK subaerirH-r resivrcilully infoima the eili. - sen. of Ch.rloiie .ud sum. U"1 '' " c""' 'tomm . "' . nAtifotirinnrioc! ling country. slanlly receiviii). FA M Y I.' HOC Kit I KS, LIU A It S TOHACCO, KM Tr. TOYS, ,1iis,ic.-il litsriiin'ul, rut r. wok it i, iioiinv iiohi, V lolMlt, Willow Mutton, hit lis, Usi k-l:iiil, V Itiitl Cngt'k ol every variety. J. 1. I'ALMKH. Aaermirr 9, IH08. 4Jtf I'.S. Having serute.! the services ol s first rste Hiker, I am prepared to furnish superior CAkLS .t short notice. Also, he intends t.i manufacture CAM'IKS of sll kinds, free Irniii poisonous coloring unlike the New York Ste.im li. fined I'nndy. ( all snd see. leVSDS fur the Jirhvrry of Vroperty, YOV. SAUK HKKK. IT Da. IfosTcrrra's Cirrus h.ive received the wsrmesl encoiiiiuins from tlie press and people throughout tlie Union. Aa a v.iluohle tome lir the cure of Dysprpaia, Klnlnh nee, Constipution, and general nervous eel.ility, il ennnnt be up: prosched. Kvery day new cases of ils great ef feet sre chronicled throughout our principle jour nals. Thrre is nothing e-ffijul to the enjoyiiirul, to that which the alHicted experience when using valuable specific. Ils mild tone, its vigoruu. action uiwn a disordered s acl-, and trie cleansing ol the entire human body, alioald reeommend it to .11 classes of our co.r,.u..ilv.- All that will he necessary to convince the sken. deal of its healthy effects, ia lo puichaac a bottle and be convinced. Sold by bniFiriata everywhere, ssd hv IIOS TKTi'ER 4. SMITH, Sole Proprietors, .'8 Wnicr snd i9 Front turrets, Piitshiirgh, and by llutehi. son, Ai Oihlioo. Charlollc, N. t'. A'ue. 23, ISSa. lui. THE GREAT ENGLISH REIUEDTl SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celt ltr:t lt d l'ci:il- I'ill. Prepared Jrom a prescription of Hit J. Clarke, M. JJ., I'ltysictun kxlraordi tKiry lo the Queen. This invaluable mediums is unfailing in the cure if all those painful snd dangerous diseases to wh.ch tiie female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and reiuovea all obstructions and s specri)' cure may be relod Ml -l A 1 1 1 1 J l I I.AHII.H it is peculiarly suited. Il will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period wilh regularity. fcacl. bottle, price line irollur, wsrs ins .... eminent blsmp ol Ureut urilain, lo preveiu coun. lerlrlla. 7 hrit I'illt ihauli not It (.'""'""")? (e F1KST THKXL NUS IHHxJ i'l re-nosey. ol wile Jane, James A all -ns, H . . Kohersla A Ihey nit swie is bring un .Uiscoiinis, but al ea.'wife Mary, Al A. I1'. Alexarder, deteinjants in at.er time thty tt tuj. this esse sie nonresidents of this ?uv. it is there. in all cases of Nervous and Spinial A fTectioiis, . i,,rc ordered by the e..iir, Hir puhlicuiion he Pain in Ihe Hack and Limbs, Katijiuc on slight ' made in the Char I. lie Wi,r., fr ,ix weeks, e. in. MiHion, I'alpilalioli ol the Heart, 11 stiries, and naniling the said in li ndanls lo be ami apiear be. Whiles, these Pills will e fleet a euic whin allolh. j (.re Ihe Justice of our lo XI la.srl of I'oaa ao.l er means lime failed, uml although p.iwerlol luarler Sessions lo ! held for th c.. only ..f IV remedy, do not contain iron, cah.inel autiioony, r any thing hurtful to ll.e C"iis!itutiou. (Sole Al" hi for the 1'inted St.. Us and ( snada, JOB MUSKS, (Lale I. li.iliiw in Sl ( o.) lioehusler, N. Y. N B. 11.00 and 6 pi.st::ge slsmps enclosed to any authorixed Agent, will insure a bottle ol the Pills by return mail, for sale by F. SCAKK. A. CO. Moie itgtft fur i hutiottf. II A VILA ND STKVENON &. t'O. ll,issae i-rills. ( tarirslos, .V. C. Selling Off at COST! I AVI.NU dele d tu n .y change in our I isry le'iH, we i 1 will offer our entire stuck uf i Al Urrull) Iti duct l I'l i 's, from now until the first of January, to close out our stock. We bava received a large and will select, d stork of i'ikwi a this l.ll. and w aro en nous to sell tin in all ot! by Jami.ry lt. And we win sell mem si whole s.i ic or retail al New York prices. Call. mo . m for ..air .ill" sod we w :ll e.. iivioce voo 7 vuu ran save tl.irtv r.er cent, be buviiip vour roocs from ua. We hsc a large stock ol Colored and Kiack silks, solid snd fan. v colored IleUues sll of which we will sell st anu b. low our general coat. Ladies LmUoi kird Collars sod under sieeves aad Cloaks at fifty per cenl. below llmr Usual prices. Jackor.'l Sli0swi-sf.ilg.ogs Slid In-eriing at cost, we have a small lot of ready 11. aile eiolt.iog whi.-b we will s. II for h f a t'o.n ..o.l, we a!-o have a ft piirof l'oota A. Sl.01 a le It which we sre selling at the cost uf the mate. rial. We have ll.e larg.st sbark and Iwst assort, mi lit of Hals in the market snd hsvu.g b..ot,it them direct from the iiisnufaeiurer h-r ea.h we will sell liinn lower thin Ihey r.n be bought .oulb of Dsllimure. We hsve a good su.ek o: , ro;iiMl llc.l lll;.iil. l, i Brown jUiis'flitd Miiiiiiij.; Iire:ing, fUtitk Hint rtiltifttl tliarrti) f sin j;ti:iiiisi, VI'i'iiMw, .V c. We have sa great a variety f t.oo.is as csu be i.,o,,d in sns store in town, all of which we will .1 at . h I BlUiWN. ST1TT A CO. ( iarlvlte, A'ettmbtr 16. ltoS. 133 53- li I:3IOVA I,. 'i l E Coi.fertionerv sn.l Faniilv t-roeery Store i o' MIK)l)VV MIHT Oas'b. e.. reii.oriu lo Ihe .land opposite the I'r. s yt. rl n Cl.ureh, where Ihey are reeeiui(; eirece tr.ini .New York Ure auoitions to their slock of )NFi:t TIO.VFUIF.S, A TIII.V 4.lt(M I i:il, At ng tlieir stock inny lie loiind everything u US.l. ...rl. , al. ept III .1 .to.e ol to,, kl .f c..ke Tr.intMog., V i They have m I hi K Ell, and sre prrp.. I'arll s w lib Cakes c r ernpioy an t xeel'eol It. ed lo furnish K. .mil. is ai .11 km. is nl shorl r.olire. MOODY .1 NLT.KT. Noveiiioer 16, !s3off We be iienc.l s braneh of onr store at .i.i olntoii, where Mr. Money will sum mil. nil he htisinr.s, and hopes to steure a abate of the ublic patronise in th I section. MOODY k NISHET. SuT. 16. IH08. :tf.tf (UM .Mines, Iron Works, ta .i ici:t i" 1. ii AMI 14 NEGROES to be sold. 1 1Y virtue of s inorlfsrs made hy ih i i.fi. M m sihoals ,Mininf snd Mauulaeturiiiir ( nn.ps. ( ny, the tinders. gneu w ill si II for cash, at the II u I, j Shoals, tijston couiiiy, S..r Ih Ca rohna , on t he V'-NI of llec.-il.lier nex. tli.it t xlens.Te, Viilu.ii'le. and well known property railed Ihe "II li.ll SIIOAI.S," ' eomprisit.g sls.ut 15 0U0 seres ol l,..ti.i lynig on ' the wati rs of the South r'ork Iliver, Lone I'm k J sod other streams in the counties ot Liio-oln snd I tijston. These lands are nrh in (Jnl.l .Mines, 1. run Ore, Ijme, Ac. and are supplied wilh tiie best water power lo the Sl..te. j -ALSO m i 3 W 'w I e. Me and good M.-elismrs W. ! liVM M, 1 l'.x'rs of , A. lhi,l. 141. THUS. lilUKU, ,W 23. Is 18. 572 Acres OF FIXK CATAH'HA ItlYKlt IAXI voit nam:. ffllir. subarriber ofl'er for sale his phintiitinn, JL in Mt-eklenhiirff county, on the C.it-.wba river, two miles below ftealiea Ford, ciiliiinnig' by actual aurvey ftTil .'r-, more thnn one h ilf is well til.lhered. 1'hi. land i. well adapted to the cultivation nf Cotton, Corn and V heat, it i. of superiorqualily, and such i. rarely ottered, upon .. ressnuable term. a. will be given lit the above. Il can be Ire. led for privately until the 1st Ji. miliary next, and il not dispoaed of will then he otVeredal pub. lie .ale, in the town ol Charlotte, on Ihst day. Kor further parliculara enquire uf Mr. Joseph M. Wilson, near the preiniar., or to Mr. Win. J. lima, Charlotte, eil'i.r of whom is tiulhorixed to sell snd convey title iu my name. If desired the tract will b divided, if the w hols can be aold, I A. II. GRAHAM. Valuable Negroes for Sale, WILL be sold in 'Jharloilr, on Siturdu the 1st day of January, Hill a woman, ahout 91 yeara and her two children, lulunifiir lo the i stale ot Mrs. ,M irv Mnn'oouie- ry. dec'u. A credif of tweit'e iiinilhs will be giv. "V "V , r ., , fc""" . '""V "I""''"! 'T V"": . . 8. C. Ilt'NTEK. Arlm'r. Kovrmber, 23. 1858. l-ll STATE OF NOKTf I-CAIIOLLNA, I tabahkus coJTv. j Court of Vltut uml Quarter Sasions, Octo btr Ttrvt, "Afi. j I.. B. Kninininoer, Ailmr. wilh t;,e Will annexed ol Moaia Alexandi r, uecd. i A. F. Alexander, Mary A. Cc.thr. ii, E. P. Alex. Miioer, J es A. Ah und. i, Gsurre A. t'allons. William U. Callous, Wilkins W. Duckworth 4 I wife Mary. Hubert Bun & wi.e S h. Thomas Mi'Douslu &. wife Melissa, Oeorg- ltr.iwu Si wife Enx anna, Je.se N. Window Sc wile Mary, James Alexmder, Wilson Mouigr.uiery A. wife Mary, Samuel Berryhill Si. wile M irgarel, llurtmi II.. I. hr.ioks &. wile Eliza, It.ilu rt Mrltn.le fc wile J .no, J nuts A, Callous, Sc W. (J. I'.oberls A. wife Alary. P. lilion for sell!ei,i.l I -T n,,ri,10. In the sal.sl. e.im. ,.f lb. ...,! ,h ll t H Alexander. M. I. Alexander. James . ..,,, ,. ,;.. a. r.alluns lt. Ir i:..n... , U lkins W. liuckworlh &. wii. Mary. Hubert l ln & W,B fj,r,4 'i l,,,., a m.U..nald it. w.te Melissa, ti.i.ri e llraH-ll &. Wll I.IIllla. Je..e j N. vVlutlew 'layr.. . . s. iridB rrus el the Court li-.use i.eord i : 3rd Moo. lay in Jan o iry next, I'.. n an.. Ihe answer or demur to said I'etitisn, (.Il to ph. e i,c same will lie heard ixparte as t. t"ein. Witness Nelson Slojgh. cierk of our said court al oili.-e in Conc.r.l, U.e 3id Monday in October, Al) 1S,"i8 and Ihe rl,l vear of our Independrnee. NELSON SLOUGH, c. c. c. Am. 9, IdiS. P inlera tee t). 1 10. r. "liTimKM Ted." DEAMHH IN IlAI.Dvl.E,rL,lLliKY.(.uns,&c. CIlAi!' OUT, C. I'll STOCK comprises l gest and finrst r e.iabhshliient isorlineiil to tai louni i:i any t in the Sm-Ic. Having largr and lev ties, and sparing no pains u. selecli e make it to the interest of purrieer to Call and exam, ine our St..t k, w inch cui.a sis in p-irt of the ful. lowing articles . lltiiltlili Tl.ilt i I.eks of all kinds, llmgrs, Naiis. Screws, Dolts, French snd American Winuow Giasi, I'm- -.. . I I" CAItPIM EICS TtlOI S. and Kv. ws of all kinds, Clii-sels. Axe I'rawine knives, Az. Anger., Iirace. wil M. chines. II. r.ng M and without bit. M-ol 1, Ac. A ln Hoe & Co's cenbraled Circuii ! . syvC from 9 to b'l ii.clits. liI.ACKll l ICS TOOLS. . ANVILS, Heiiowse- . Hand Piit's. Mr end Sledge H- iiiiowrs. Seres aVJ r lies, Toogs, A.C H BeCDIaTs. 1, English and Am. m an Rolled Hammered ; Horse Slior, Ilsoo. Oval, Na llorrp and r-lieet iron, round and square, Navhir's, W sde'a Marshsli'a and ..ii.er makes. Cast el. English and Aiiirnrsu llusUr, Oer in an sod Spring Slet 1, sssort. n sit. . Trace, Log, tlx, W ,11, Pump, ,.:,r ani Wag. on , hain. assi-rte.l, Single and Double Barrel Shi t (inns from $3 to t 75 J Colt's Pistols ; Shot Pells. PoU "lies. PoW. eer llorna and h iaskf, Gau.e tii.n Caps and patent Wadding, arrive Hardware anu J miiiiii ins. Si.r.ligs, All s, tto i. a toe Iroos, lira . llanos, bluuip Julllls Slid 1' led 1) s.Mal i.o Silv.re,: II 'lop H.1.ps i. and ho. is ot a.l I'A I I AT A D EN AM 1:1.1.1 D I I Al III It, Patent and Enamelled Cloth, (Ji. I s r ..tiiiS 3 4, H, st anil IU 4lh wide; lluekr .. it., liioao Lace, S.ao.mg snd PsBlmg Laee, Hubs, Sp .'S, Snails, j Tonkins and How s, a lull ass runt til ol Car. J ri..,.'e (shut's. j - l.vrrv variety of Poekel anu Tble Cutlery, S.ora snd Shi-r.rs, Itator. an.! It..ior Strops, Seetl.es, (irain, (irass snd lliali.l.ir 1I oies ; I of. nt Mills 1 .M..1111: ., t . U..11. II. 11.1. and Juie Kopt from 4 to 'J inriies panes. M10V. els ano Forks of all kinds; (inn.ist .lies anJ fix- lures ; N tils, Spikes 11 no llraos ; dors, shoe iails ; , S ,i-5-c t utters and StuHers. A.s.. the : Celebrated Anchor Brand lio'ltnf; Cloths, a-.ort'd numbers: and a great v.,r.' ly of ..tinr l.'Kii.i not mentioned ; all ot w hich we invite Mer. ehsots snj PUuleia visiting our tosn Iu call and examine Uelore purcbasilie slat-where. j T. ii. IiukM A CO '8. A'..e. 2 Ir.-.g- tf. TJIUST SALE I I j sn assignment le un , nude by UM ind Sl!v,.r J u n i , ,, y. ca . d P.t. ol Levers, Mols. I willellM.sr lo public S..le,:,1(1 , . . ... t' unl Levers. n ll.e uth day of December next, al ti.o Court, iloiiae in Lincointon, the tbilowiog prejitrty viz: Thai trad of LAM) near ll.e town of Lincoln, ton, Iviiiff on both aides of Mill Creek, adjoining lanos'of llimel Shuiord, John Bolts, V. A. Mc bse and others, om,eiio,bvwiMi, a.r- cres. All her interest, b-'ing one uod'ivined l.nlrlll of snd in the I.snnl Hill le.iion r ... tor) , w iiii all its Machinery alio appendaei s of every kino. Also, the follow inr VALUABLE NEGJ.OES, Tom, sgeil aln.ut 41, Adah about Lilly, about 32 berl, llenre, f rank, L.I. K ,nbut 10 yt lira. J i In T 1 clnidrrn. my etnrt Sully, (!j r of io. ulu- eat of winch i. .bout IU Also, lot of Household and Kit' hen Furniture, Farming ('feint's, Cous, dC. I f Tin Land will be sold on i credit of six iiniiilhs, bond and aperov. .1 sureties beiiij- requir ed and Ihe title reserved till payment. For ll.e V gr.K-s, CAMI will be re.iu red. ' 3T All parties bsvil.e cl.li.is secured 111 tile trust will present them on tht its v. II. W. Gl'lON, Trustee. A'arrm'.er 8, 18.18. l.'lil IIAWKS'sS History of North-rarolina. r jlll II 2nd volume i JL brace, the n rind w published. It f Ilia Proprietary C.ov. errmenl, from ltf63 lo I iVi'. I Il form, a handsome fcvo. volume ef 5'JI page.. I'he aubsciiption price wn. half a cent . p-.ge ; but the price of tin. volume i. le... ssy ( 7i iu , cloth binding, (.'I in Library sheep, aud (3 25 in hall call. It will bx sum oni.v sos I ash. Ifwnig to tlie dill'uulty ol securing Agent, in many part, of the Stale, we will forward it hy 1 nail or otherwise fit ot parage, on receipt of Ihe j pnee;or both volume, lor (I cloth, (4 51) aheep, or (5 holf ealf. A liberal discount made to Agents, or others, who but to .ell again. i K. J. HALE , SON. fvjvs. .'so. iwd. J For Snc r ICiif, f? f1HE HOUSE and LOT now occupied JlXaL JL Ly iiobtrt Shaw. JAS. II. CARSON. AWnider 20, 16o8. 31 ti D. J, 31 MILLEK, niYSiCiAH AKD SURGEON, 1 htti lot It; t (KrOrni: orpobiie Keub's IIotkl.. OUnUt 12, le6H. 31tf KAIINWKILLK& BliOTHEHS lj ESPECTrL'I.f.Y inform the eilivena of Mm. Charloilu and sin nioii.llng country, tii.t tiiey are opening m liie J-t.ire H uoois from T. II Ureni 4 Co,, a large stock of FANCY fc sSTAPJLK DIIY !,I!H!I. i;itMr, u iiMii.LAM, A Mi it nuly .lliufe 4 l.tnill.YU, i-'or tfsnia, Youtha and Boys wear. It 1 1 1C 10 V Hllil ItlA.Mv. sVl'V lri jy iuwi'I k. Slllll.S. II VI S. tAPM, TilV.MiS, A r. vill hi dailv rcccii f Ihe most above li.'lni and best assortineoi of I Ih i.t ran br found in the Male, sod ciiear than any oilier llou-e. II .ving boiit;lit our entire stock lor fASH. which enables us to sell our goods Sill ptr rent cheuyr. All pi rsotis wishing lo ssve money in buying goods fbould bear in inind not to forget to call on us before buying elsewhere. I Whoie..ak buy. rs, parlietil.irly, should bear it in mind, lo addition to cur large stuck we hae al. lilted up WliOI.KSA LK IlOOJlj Kr Wiiol le Buyers. JClti KalfNWElLtH. I NEW FII.M. C5 rB lllOS. Tfi OTTER Ac i . -as- (i. WII.KINMiS have formed a copartnership under I J. O. WIl.hlN- ! S . jrj SON Sl CO., where V I . At"i tend carrying on the y in. vfVi-'5a tira.t, q n A Ttorolrw '. V u v.! J . .u, in sll its various branches, at No. 5. Granite Range, opposite the Mansion House, and now ntler f.r sale, a spten.iid stock of the above articles. We will sell Uouds as low as Cicy Can be sold fur CASH. Aiiermfcrr 2. 18..S. t38 $3C0,000 No. 1 Fruit Trees 101: sai.i:. j WESTBPOCK & BIEKDEKHALL, J'rt,prielors of the West Crrrn Nurseries aj (Jarurtis,t:eur GrcetnLof 0, y. C, i " (Jl'LD very ressretfully call the sltention ( V of ll.e Cil.itf.s of Ihe Southern States to their very tsrge slock of native slid acclimated Emit Trees, lor the Fall and W inter Trace. This large and handsome asaoriment has been prnp..gateo from tbriity heating trees, and wars. ed ufioii tiie oct seedling ?(ocs, which .s a sure guarantee of fruiti'uluese and lotigevi.y. 2 promt. n. r.t eltsra. (eristics hi orchsfeing which should in I he overlooked hy persons wishing lo plant or. 1 ell ir.ls either lor mark ling or t..nn.y use. The stock consists of the follow n.tf trees: IjO.'JUO Aple tr.isj K'h.tiOU fv.rh ireeg; 10,. full Tear tree, j li.liui) Apricots; 10.MI0 Chciry ; I'.'.OuO Plum; 50(111 iNeeiarioe j H'UO Almond ( 1UII0 4uil.ee; 40UU lirspe Vll eS. llesioea a v.ry tine a-sortmint of Currants Strawberries, Iiasi.erries, Goost hemes, , tc, all of which will he sold on very reasonable terms for c .sit or approved p .;a:r. I Ail pjckires pot up in superior style, and a it styh rd alt. 1'ie Irti transplanted, if tl ,rt ir .planted . J. I Jot. eh i sppt Mr. T lushing ill art : nl M.r aeenl for tiie fur. .hurt: and ii e i c h - Eruil T.". S and II uki pleasure iu lurwaiuing o.-aers lor the; Oct. 26 .Wtf. 33lf. Rcbt. W. Beckwith, Prarliral Wulclimukrr & L'C.ILKR in WATlHL'S and till kihila bl Jcvuliy aud Silver Wurr, c ii. in i.o l 1 1;, . c. 'HE sob-eribei respectfully returns his sin. It's many f.iemis and the pub. re than ss In e liberal pair. may, heretofore ; ami while he earnest, y soli- bestowid upon 1. 11 cits an increased inttniiaiice ..f the same, would 1 11 torni bis fri. n. s aim the public yen. rail ll .'o.T.ol o.tlVi',.'i',, 'a''t ' : Ijsviu I l.ar J 1 id'.1 M. T-. TV. X- ! Al-o, Lames Moroceo LOOTS, f.rst rate article, iO a eya sv W V 5 st 1)11 e.1,1.; men's call, kip and other kinds of " ' " ' SHOE; Cong-, ss tiaiters. Also, a .ood sU-ck of all ef Ihe l.ilest sly lis and pattern., ot his old ' KKOGANS al $1 '0 lo il 50. stan.', c:.e door North of Messrs. Drueker Ai II-1!.. ,n bruit's I Hotel. .1 two k cons vest ot J. If. hvrr s I'artol lietaeiied i,. rs, I yiinniT csLpeinenis, i tiol.i tsuurd. Fob anu Vest ( iian.s, Silver do. j Very handsome (iolo and Coril Necklaces and Bracelet., of every style snd pattern, ! A very extensive assortment ol Cameo Lriast I'ma nrt Ka (i..b: Stone, Jett, Mosaic, Lava, Piaiu and Fancy j (old llreast Tins and Lar Kini:s, A v.irielv of Splendi I Setts ul C..meo, M"ic, . hit and Colored Lai.., Jett, Coral ano Tum j U.ild llreasl-I'nis, Kiir liii.j;s ana Bracelets, A very K'xteiisne As.ertineiit ot L-n1 v 's an.l lien l! nun'. Sal, Fanry slid Pliiln C.ol.l Fir.gr l( 1 114.x. Lock, Is and Locket itings, and Ureasl I'li.s c: an ani.!., A large Assortment of Keys, W.tch Seals. I aloe ( harms in hue (.old, lilh'x.ll snd llll .rd Slides, lie! toll's I'r, lllium tiohl reus. very ge sleek of Celitie men '. I'luin, hancy, OpJl. Ai,-.t, Cornell n, Unix, I usc'u. and (1 .met Sleeve and Stud liultl.s, OKI, Silver anil Stul S;k elacles, onl ami Silver Thin bos, id a vanetv of other articles with heavy (listed ... Sells, Mot and PiaUO Silver SpuoUs, 1 orks, ohlels. Cups, Ac, Ac. The above comprises a very Urge stock ot fash. bove comprises Jewelrv , Ihe w hole ol w Inch I...S been se. I lei led by Ihe suhscrib'T with ealeaiio attelltun.: to the wants el Ins numerous customers. -1, d to winv.li he invit. s their alU ntion. I II I' All arlii le. .old warranted tn be such i he represents llieni II. V. HKCKW1TH. N. H. Personal snd strict Htteotion gum to ih, Repairing of alelirs and Jewelry. Charlutte, October l-. 1 !-."(. .Ulf TO ALL whom IT may CONCEKN- a LL Persons indebted to UK KM A. STF.KLK. : earnestly requested to pay the same by Uir lat day ol January, lrJ'J, or they will mo.t positively be sued. 1 w ill be found st the insurance Ollke unlil that lime. Trio." who oirigard ihi. notice cannot justly comn sin, a tcr twelve months' indulgence. It it iiiipoitant that the busiuess should be .ruled. A. C is IT ELD. ft i, i6- -' fcf- A Card. i If AVINO sold my VHVO snj CHEMICAL ESTAIU-ISHMEM to Messrs. E. Nye Hutehison Sl Co., I heartily commend them ia my successors to the confidence and putronnre of a generous puhlie, for whose kind and liberal sup j port of myself hitherto, I am and shall ever be I truly gn.telul. 11 i'lilTCUAKU. CkarlotH, Oclobtr 19, IS5-'. NEWTffiWL ))r. K. Nm; Iluleliison & Co.. K-'Jfft fliuresuicsm im.i ",. nr.. r,-i iJh. MU ALS, OILS, FAINTS, 42. A.e e., respectfully eiill the a ti. ntloii of lnv pue he to the f.iel, tiiut they carry on a Wholesale k lleliiil Dni Husiiiesn. al Irw io's f.'i.rner, where Ihey sre receiving iu ad. dil ion to their present slock, a laigo usMiilintiil of fresh and genuine jn& as ajCa pqJcs direct from Ihe New York market. E.Nye Hutch. son M. I.,wil! .iM.er.oi. i.i thl- f.rge and will. known esiaOitsiutier Physicians' prescriptions made up lies, sod c .re. OeloUr lit. 1 38. nth prompt 33 if t. ii. )m & ro., M !OI.FtM.?:V RJT.Ml. DSALritl IN BRITISH, FRENCH k AmEIUCAW MY GOODS. ( ,.i;n;i, n i i f, uoi, AMI I1AKDW Alii.. T. II. Hsris. HAItLOTli:, f. J. A. !adi.xr, Jr., T. I.trsrcTTX Alxxs.vukx. icDEPor;" 11 o i . r o .v 11 1: i' 1; 1: I R E AVE 011 hand snd for sale, Pickles, Pre. j I 1 s.-rv .. Jams, Je'iies. fivrups, ic., low for ; CASH 1 boor E. of the C .urt Ihoi-r. HotSTON A HL.NTKIl.- ( hartitte, Oct. 2(i, IbaB. a3lf J.I . . TO iJK FOUND AT iiors i'oNsv m;Ti:ii', I tN ASSDRT.MENT of WOOD 4 W ILLOW ! WAKE, L-w for CASH. I Door East of the Court House, I HOUSTON i HUNTER, i Charlotte, Oct. UG, iBt1. 33if ) Fit I- SI I AltKIVAL OF j G 02i FJ2 C TIOX A li 1 J-: S. Jf I STO.N t III ti:ij I I IAS just received a fresh supply of t'AN. Jl 1 DIES, ol ali kinds, al.o Citron, Currants, ; Kaisms, Eigs. and a varu.lv of .Nnls. Call ot i HOUSTON ,V HUNTEIl'S, I D.ior East of the Court House. Charlutte, Oct i!G. 188. 33 f Meekleubiirg Bonds LVi; t niii. p-r i ii ii ii 111. fBHESK IIONDS are undoubtedly the safest M. investment thst r-'ii l maoe,uiti; uie realty preferable lo any Slate Bonds. The county cauuot repudiate They Caar srrrs per cent interest psyoole sepii annually, with Coupons for tbo sab.e. They ure of Ihe d. non.iua tion of 1,100, which will uiuKe tliem more current and usetul for do. ll.estic piirfs.srs. The coupons will prove a convenin.t medium lor iw . nig county taxes. 'J he c.liX'Mis ol the coiicty should oos-tss them, ind 1 icy a now ollerrii to them. Proposals lert al eili.er liana hi Charlotte or with Captain John iV.llur will receive prompt attention. 11. V. GU10N. Tr. H . C. &; H. H ft. . Sept. 2H. Ibis. iiatf Vf II FT It w .....I '' ss rillir Sl,.rr,her. h.e ri.priv.rl from ll.e Nor thcir ,u.,plv of Tall and W inter GOODS. ! Their stoi k is lull and consists of ! 1)1! V GOODS, 1 tltii dn iivc uml ( rockery. i:;i4l-iii.Mt- ( I.OTillM., j Duots tV ops, lluls & Caps, I f irs, Vi-isf tit It, J AND l'ieh II be offered for C.4.vial unusually low lulul xamiiiatioii of our lock is respect. solicit, d. m.! Ci.h. . (1 SO to no re CLOAKS and M A '1 1LLAS C.,i,,e, Shirts, Cravats, Cellars. Soeks. Pr-.wer., :fj... ....i i T, n.,. o i:,n. j lieiner.'s hor.i. red cambric Handkerchit Is. at 10 !,,i. AL., !,..., ...I .:!k HjndkerLhiei.. a arj;e vani ty. AlSO Genis' Shawls R t'laris, Comforts. A e.. finsVieh. ,., nj ;,.w.tjrV) Cotket Knives, Perfumery and fUI)Cr Articles. ALr.0 Jjrk.met and Swiss Kdeine aud I nserttnr. Col. 1 .r-, Me, ves. Laces, rioimcmg, Marseilles, cerdrd and a var'ely ol lloopa Miirts. troin ,3 els lo tvj Si.li on hsr.d the f. onl. old brand (La L'sluita) iso Havana Briars ol choice t 3 per box ot lioU: qil.ililirs J'Cai; nt our Store, at Sprints' cm i.ir, and a. isty vnursrlf ti.at uur pries are, if not the Iu est, amulig Ihe lowest. IIKNI'EI.SON i aV II KENS. (W.rr 111, IH.S. 3-.'tf Lund Ivy Sale. ngned offei ll.e l':..i.t. vim Mil dc ot KUtn K'.bitifuii, biiii r k. 3j mtlri" north nl't hir- R. II 1 lolle nd . A. H. COCHRAN. Sept. 21. W. hands of islsirsral " " .ae Ol'lt Notes and Account, are in t'. W. A. Cook for collection. Too, hid better p. y up Jaithicith, if they wish to .ave coal. BOONE Jk CO. .4u?il IB5. f- Hoots & Shoes. ts 1ST received s crv Urge stock of f BOOTS, SHOPS and KKOGANS. 1 tor lbs Fall and Winter Trace, which iUvwill be .old at very LOW -net for CASH. J. 15. b. IH0.vE. CO, The .tl.irl.t f h. CORRSCTItt BY R. M. OATE3 4 CO. CHARLOTTE. NOVEMBER 89. IfcSS. i BACON. Mams -...Ib. -.13 (7ft 14 " rdea. Ib.... 13J f'i, (10 " ll.ig rouini, lb..., II j () Sf ' Mheolders lb. CO li Bagging. Ounny yd ....SO ( 00 I Beef. I'D..... S (fl. 8 j Butter lb IS (ox Stt 1 Beeswax lb 22 (j 25 Beans,- - bushel, 00 (,iy 00 1 Branuy, Apple, )fal. 0'J ) Oil " Pcaeh,. gal ..00 (t 1)8 ' Coilmi. new lb 9 V. 18f Cortee, Rio lb Ui (,! M j Javo lb IS !l) Caiuoa, Aditmaiitiue lb ...28 (r) 33 1 fpni., lb 15 n; iU ; " Tallow, lb. ($ 00 I Corn, old ....bushel 55 , S " new bushel 50 (.r 55 'Chickens, , each.....ll) (.. K ; Cloth, ''opp-r.i yard IJ fV )5 " f.in.isov yard 25 (.9 90 ' tigs? '. dnxen 15 (.. 18 ! f lour bbl U (-1) Hi j " bags 2J (rv, Bl ! i'eathers -lb.. Mi (.. 35 f.nro, lb 12j (... 13 1 Mutton 'h - 5 ft, 6 1 Mackerel bhl.No I -. IS (.'., 8a Kiltr t'liiO 35 ' Molasses N.O i;al. f.O ( (lO W.I gal 4.1 (,& 50 M ai biiKhrl 55 fr. 0 I Mullels(WilHiuigton)...hbl 9 r.J 1 Nails. Nortiievn lb 5 U 00 j Soutlierii .......,Jb 5 (. 6 1 Oat -bushel 45 fa, 50 Pork Ih 7 h 7, l.-as -bushel Kll (-" 'Pnlatot s, Irisl bushel 75 or, 100 I " Sweet bushel -50 ('. 60 Rice bushel 4 (i) ani) Sugar, Loaf. lb 14 (.., IS " lr..wn, Ih 8 f.n '.J Stone-Ware real (',, 9 , Salt ack I50 110 T-a !h -5 (,i l Wheat, white -bushel 90 (,'. 95 re.!, bushel 90 (... 00 Whiskey, Northern, g , 45 (n, 55 " N. Carolina, ...ga 40 (o. 45 Wool, (best Georgia) washed -j7 (' 28 " " " unwashe.; 22 23 Yarn,... bale 11U Otl REMARKS. I f TTO.N Our tolt narki I durii g O.e vrteli ss brisk Willi an upwarr! tendenry sales 133 lea wili. an a.lvane. of a iuM c. on the prt vious eLs priees, we now quote !! to rj. VI.OL II. W e had a fnll supply of flour snd prices gave way tu rn '2f to Sc per till, st the se nt loe week and nmi1 t dull. WHEAT. Our wlis.it inuiaet same aa last eeh . COUN Tlie corn mark, t same aa last week. COLI MKIA MAKKET- ( ui.msia, Nuvcuiber 27, lhi8. Itf'I'lO.N. The cttnn market is improving daily 170 bans were sold 1 ealerdav, at an U0. vance of J vis: !'. I He l!AI ON, Itoruiin.i, .. t lir'N PEAS OATS .LOCK II 12 Oh 70 l IHAKI.ESTON .MARKET. Chasi rsT. s, N .vin.bcr "JC, l5.i8. COTTON 'I here wa- ijuile an active deltiund for eotlon t.o.l IV, mid the eagerness nialttleslea on the part ol buyers to execute the.r o.dirs, eouphd villi the bghl stoeli on sale, h or b reeii prieis ) a J ccnla aimvr the quiitali ius of TimrsUay uioru ii.g. vi : lt'j! a inj cents. Valuable Town Property t on s.ii.i:. 1HK ubsenb, r olTers his Dwe.tina; s, known as the Crystal Ps. ale. The House is pleasmtiv lace, In situated on the corner ol Chur.ih sn.l feia strei ts, eppos'ii! ll.e r''rinei.cc of Mr. e... i.'rnsa. On the premises are nil ll.e necessary out builu. irigs in ..d repair. Eer former uii-irioetioti ad. dress the undersigned at r.nev.lle, or apply to J. P. Smith, Esq. at Chnrlnf". Trii moderate. JOHN II. DANIEL. O tnitr 1 lss.-.S. 31 tf TOBACCO. R "Jte'1 J' - King Tobacco of a I M. W.KOUINSON, i Co.' Ju'y 27, if K0LL IJAjUU LOTTERY. Tlie nt it ordiiinry dr.iwtiiET uf the Roth! !Im tn Lottrry coit(.uct(.-(j by thr Spa nifb iof rnmcnt, iintiir thr vsiiiKTvihUjn of tlit i'.iptiii Genera, of CuWd, will take (tlace at Havana on SATURDAY, December 13,185$. tOHTLO NL.MKRO 60l OKPINARIO, i Ai'i TAia ri:ii; $100,000!! 1 prixeot OA.UOO h prises of pit.OOtt 1 OV.UIIU 1 I If " l.UWO Utl. OOO 1 6i ' 500 1A.OUO 143 fOO .0,000 j au Apr'xun'. .s0O lo tioiis tn the UKI.l'i'U iti'llUacli ; J.'.o.l t'ii; 4 of (4IU lo 3ii,CtiU; 4 of I'i'Ot 4 ot itl'U ta (iii.bt.u. 1 1 " I " 4 Apnroxi 4 of 4un lo , jj Whole Tickets (.0 ; Ihlvtsdu; liuiaters (5. I'tixes cashed ot sijl.l ut 5 per cent, d.scuunl. Hula on all s.ilveul H.nks taken st par. A or iwin will be lorwsrued ss soon at tits re suit b'.e.imes known. Cooimuiiieati. n. nd.ire.ed fo pON ROI'KI. (.1 I.i, (. ire ol City P. sl, Charieston. S. C.) un. til Ihe Ihlii of lleeenioi'r, will be allauu.d to. Person, orderii.o Tickets w ill please write ti.eir name, plain and give their post udice, cuuuty and sli le. (iun ami Lod Siiiitiiiiig. V 1,1. work in in aS-.vr Ifum ii);, will be pui.rlualiv a no, t icjjI stock UrliiatU tu oiiti fin. r atiniainhip, at mjr ill sillier court 1. ch siiop. Iki iicri.i t ttu U iituu'i nut tj Uvtraia JOHN M. MASON. litf Juki I. IfO?. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! O "i allll LBS. good BACON in .tor., 09 mFArr whicliwill be .old low tor Cue.). J. Y. I'RYCE A CO. .Vo I lsit). j.itf Silver Plat in?. A NO gold, .ilver, bra and sll kinds of metal woik repaired, fo-irh maker, at a diat.uca that may want their work done, n.ay base it at. ten.lvd lo at tl.c shortest notice and linished iu thw beat style, one hundred yards norlh of tn. court ho'jse and next door to Overioao VVtlacri'a Coach . hop. J0U M. MASON. Awal.lSCi Ulf.