Siito gating.- A CONTRAST. In the Ciiitfiau 1 tu'ignirrr, cf the present week, Thilip T!erry, one of th vivoraof tTie 111-fate J stenwer Auslris, given nome? incidents cf ti e terrible catastrophe which riccmly befel hrr, frcni which we I luuke the, followirg ixtraet. What a lessou j a . i. i -M .t - ! 1 II' V.' AS IsFIDM. tlie Austria there were r,roLal.,y uot moic than tt ev Ftim lit Aiir l.KfUud Fmmtr FALL FLOWING. The Month of November is a favorable with time for plowing grass land ore to l 05' The CLOTHING 'Emporium or Fnllinso, fcpi'htffR A C., t BOOR AHnVK TXK HANSION IIOIIKK, IS now iti-cked willi onei.f the litrei at and hand, omcst Stock, of liBTS' and YOUTHS' Clothing I Furnishing Goods, :r llit rvrii oifikhd in tiik state. !ci 01 it unnecessary lo rehearse to Hie pub. tttva ri tn r'W we possess, liii'f connected yt n ti 1 c 1 11 1 1 1' s 1 1 i 'i ' lit III ll who I.UV Ol US, that tlll'V SIIVC ncr ivi.t. and ai t maltr and better made lo , 'r anted the following spring. The weather g"" ! ! lure . DilD On board of.1 . , vw w w,,iild c.,11 the attention of the people t , now is cool and bracing, ami favorable tor our tr(;t. on(j ,i,,ek of Blue or.d Vruwn Jr,,nit,?r Vve?tiTu ' ll,tf '' I,n1 ,ure ,t,is,,re for . ciJUci-.-im casoaiass. ere mb.c bold. vucteh. d intidcls. 1 .-.. ; "P wrK- Als ' P10""1? nnw re" P"",n "VJ.V iv c c,T rv i-n there 1.- more nine it-it in spring 1 1 b,"',u' i - " v - the boldest and mo.-t Ileavi u Jljui; of ing 1 xecut tht in ail riri-h. lb day bf.te tne ths- f ,r c,ilcr noc-ftrv operations. I i-icr, tracts were dtr.bud amo,.,- the, L m jj f(.lleraHj di-pofeS of! . K,N(-Y OIMKKE tasKciiaet. 0 11 were kmdlv received l. I , , ' F fi &h ' It! . , .. , - il,i,-- H,t ii-i man Hi uravilv I ,,lc cut' w""n,t B01' 'be coinninn grub worm, 9 J rs M 1 1, In k!i " -hiMhk tane ly l 2ioi-t ot U.m. ,Lut tl,n mail flipraitj ' ,1 !,i tr.i,.or iiin.r (Wi., U.nk .md Unr; w ss not cati-fird to rec. ire one and d.-ftrov,' ana alo of tlur eppn, leaving, m this re" ; t-,,,, r(. paI.i. i,. U S.ik tii.i Vc.t; it t' a ir face?, hut be Healthily ra- pcct, a clean field for the next year's crop ' kimerr, Vi-lvci mi. I l'lm-li ln., oil of wliicli uro ol'. tiered M C.f.y as ho could from tht of corll or potut0l.8. I have found, by re- j ul '""!;"!' '"o ''miv's rn unzcrs, snJ feasted on bis shame that he . '. t t lr LI.LlNub, fcl'lUNOS A CO. V?F n, kM.,, P'fJ experience, that U u unsafe fcr lP.-s. 3ltf TO BE SOIjB, Ajfc)'" lion when thei- ' no dai.-er near: but ! me to plflnt corn on green sward plowed in U vben God spoke the following day, be I spring. 1-itlier tbc cut worm or tne grun, trembled at the alarm, and was fcaicely j aDli soreelimes both, will be pretty Bute to atile to move. 1 d::uiaje ibe crop, iu two out of three cae. I saw hi 111 go oveiboani. lie threw out ; c . , , , t- 1 1 . . . 1 ;. t t ,i, Hut by ate fall p owing they are cleared hit arm aa he lav upn Iiif lack on tlie "J -n wave, hi rycssetined as if they would t-tait; out of the land, and very few, if any, hills from thiir sockets, the writings of agony ! of ceru ore found Uiitsting the following sea were seen in bis features; and be wasQjj f0 tlmt iu fon'c places the grafs ia com inking the last I . of him w, he j & Qunntiie6 of tie rul, clenched bis bands, wr.ncing tht m in agony, ' v , , . , . , and be just ltaui-g earth for , oh 1 for j re turndup to tbc surface in plowing, and hatf - often one may tnkc up a handful of minute A mpn-.frt D'ore. and, cocld we have I cpg, in a j., in the upturned furrows. ! M001I oil tlie otcer 5U,e or me int r 01 i.i.i.u, . N 1 j ., t CW1II, ajie uw. 1 ! i:Mi!i ;ooiw. U)NSIST1N(J in purl of I.inen, w hilp nnd fan- rv Mi.rm illfs SmrU ; .M.-rino I'mirrshirU I Jfuim linn .Minim I'raweia; Crkvutu, (jlovt j, Ho siery, ice., ic. 11 LLIXGS, STRINGS A" CO. Ofi;f.'r IS, Itoti. 31 U' we nrg'-t ''Sve D'tru ti.e uc.-paiin.g ,. , -,.,.,.,., ,r ,, nrm, i-e !' I wirtwlitu ' ... ,...(. - ivw 1.', isjJ. id u ;ii si.. "Oh. t! ut I 1; I tntr 1! in. Tiiou.b subdued as he seemed in that winter, rul being plowtu, the laud will bour, ar.l, with Voltaire, would have given ' frf(ze solid, in one eoU bight, as deep as all th.t Xe wis wortL for short rep, ieve, furr (ettlli4ly aUtl probably be ret had be been rescuid he would, proba- , ' . i !. ,iM that were humbled ! "d it w:.l be frozen from one ben death threatened, be the same heart- to two feet deep, remaining so till spring. less ujOLster when the rescue cairc Dome HATS AM) (MI'S. p-f. TJ K K A R Y ' S lllaek Suk jj MLA II ATS, lilnrk nnd F.,n. urnl Drown t'loth. Navy, Silk, ('ollnii Vvifil nml Si!-- 'il I'lutli t'.ll', l piuc that otfieii t-di.ipf tition. I L I-Ll.NGS, M'ULNGS vt UO, 31tf 1 hid been left unplowcd for the BOOTS, MEOI-:s, TJlUMiS AMI VAl.ISKS, - K l,e Mm. a.iil.lcd to CSTTTl our Blink ul't'lnlr.iiii;, ' -,t I be ulU vi-rv low, A I.ARr.En.l COVrr.I.TK ASSORTMENT of Phun anil J.ip.nicil rjnriBJZQZ Xtsss ;n e :n z at H'hole.alc or Relail, rv. r. nt S.T. WUISTOVS JlH ami ttive Shop. A FEW of Ihnu- iup rii.r I'lanivl ti Tva ami i. ctlfi; I'UTS, to- iulf by S.T. WRISTON. lOIt.ET SET?, a up-ii'r arliele, K.r tilo ' S. T. WRISTOX'S. ASH, Poed, Poite and Dnssing Ht'XKS fur by S. T. WRISTON. RITTANIA TEA SKI S, fur mile at I S. T. WKISTONU I UATVR ('('( il.ntS, a first rate urliele, lor ! ?! -ale by ! . S. T. WRIS70N. ! rj-ftl,p Clft4T KRV, fn.,f I.adka, Kpouna,' j. FU.b Fork., te, rormleul i S. T.WRISTON'S. j TntyAPSF.R'SP-ttiit Ice "' r I' I I r I. S,tlu . al best Frevai-i T C More than ri00,000 Mies SOLD IN THH SEWEHGLASDSTATE-S in m: i:ai:. j UK l!lfTORATl i; K I'HOK. O. J. L VOU ll lull KhSTOliliV-J liuif piruelly nd piTinuiM nily, li i im'VI r yi t hint a r.val, vol nine iillir Iliiflil l-r Ifiv.u fli.m ill p-.ll 1 ol tlie w. rM unil limn the 111..1.I iin.'lliBi nt to pruve ' t'.wl it i a lr'l'- t l(,::touitit r ; hut rraii the eir. eul..rand ycu t.iiii.ul uoubl ; read also tbc lol IT T Tiif rVupli: In. vi' for rei tiinei bn u ..filirti.l villi b.iNl In mis, una tb my rriiuiiv, liiTi-toloie know 11, h. Imtii I In i-e nbi'iniiiiibl, ! V a reetnt .liscl . 1 v of I'roli r V ii tbi sv ar'inili-. 1111 I. n.t; .111 :mi.-,I Willi lull, a pro .t 11 -any per. 01 s ull pilr-ii.xi- them, lM-c.iue tin y Ii.ivi- l.ii'li s.i .-in 11 "i1"" I'V II . ir 'I'olilta hi .'ill', ri 1 I Kii-.'s. 'I'.i all "H'-ll ffiwiu ! f'Hii-.-hliv 11. n l.i- tii- nOM.-l, that liny Will Hyonie r in i. .i' I,'. l. r ilim lJu ro is no surli liiina ..s 1..1I U know uf a lady w h was bald, t i,i,ur.-.i the ml ;. . hliorl IHi.i', ilid her braii is o. V.n il l'. Ml. pill' 1 W.fl Mi tillilst ami H.OkI hciutilul curia iin-siiilWe V'n know ol'niinnr i-ai wluri' liair w.n rapidly fallnm out, w lneli it rtsiiir. d in great" pnl'ietioii llun it ev. rr bill lai'U bi-'ore. It is aim 11I1. .ut doubt one of the lust nrliclrs for k it ping tht- liair in poml cinditioii iking it so;t ami (ii.ssy.n no.vii.); daiiilintl, slid bin piov. r.l it. ll' the "fcreaii al ciu iny to ail Ihr ilia that " - 17 S.H.RANSOM.U.e&. ." T IE 1VAISG0I. WAIT FOR 1 . iiv a .1 llocaust hv buyta mwui ",r ir to li is Ihe duly of nrry 111 ni'l.i ar.ilii o tlii-iii; purd to iln- w ays "f d-.ini; it ; but evrry onu will admit Hint hi'atitiltil IhmiI ol hair rliin-r in 11,1111 or woiimii, is an oliM-t much In be rit-aireil, and there aro no lin ai.s that shulllil be left llntrii il lo nMxti. aftrb a eoiii.ltrutiiiii. It uman'i AUreratt, ril.Ia.;d.ii.a. vi-....i.i .eiii.llv sMioiinrf In ll i- ii.hshitants of IIAI.'I 01 1 F M'd vieii.ily.H al h. ., ... improve their per. I Irmn Ibr.r !.. Stand, to No. I, (iranite I!, w. wb.rt lit ha. now "11 exhibit,.,,,, ju.t ,tid .r ,1.1. ibllir in re. ' urtb- uua ut tue uiost fill i.ane apaorluielita ol 1 usr, for salt hy S. T. WRISTON. ft&l A!n, vani ty of CAKI'fcT liAUS and L.M. l,o ,r,.l ,U the flmnea were rushiliff I e . . . .' Fl. LLIMjS, M U1(iB CO. , 1 .1 a v... ,j . DoltinijaT creeu tarts up and tLc iroi-ts 01. 1 ,a 1.1 3ui en tb n, c-jT'efl when they were drltvered. , eb r vaobir j,, ieos. jiii Ibw uiv'tcricus I iiatuuxarcbutiie mer- wiihit, uiiiiieiuaieiy iju"ij, ,: . y U tninclei v.i:L God's judgnet.ta ! Mty 'the gross root?, o that the labor of plant, j we set here, that by their death the goJl.-w ;., au,j woc,!in the succeeding is less than i trd wicked or, that s.,-.ner will be the ; ; Ue j fli-mia ot fjuiekemni; others into a!e T e .. . , , , , , mi-t tcUtvc it. " i vi.b.s nnd cruml Us the plowed land that no j lk w a CiilOsTIAN DllD From trlind ' harrowing iu the sj.ri:'g the soil is easily J tie rai:t cf tV.ofc, there t-otnttf the ' ru'-i-iu to a Sue deep tilth, J "Mill Mit-11 tcice" of erriso!ai:ai. A. oW , . , , i-.v . - "-' ' -- - - . . , ..... .1 ShVUJCIIiJ n:. i to r.J deep Iron, eigut to ten or j . J r ,. , , ma v rail on him, and I . ineucs, aecordiug to the quality ol .ble r(u.rt.- e. CIIAI'iLOTTE HOTEL S TIB H4k. BB.lIflt a II! Alt l.O I 1 1- .V f. LA.!. UTAH OR s In III- ii.hshitaiitsoft MA I.I Oil F M'd vie I, (iranite lii w, wlurt lie ha now cm exhibiti 11 e apaortineiite of ni a ?yj Til fill i ii uj ii Ui to a,annni whieh will he found the erUbrattu! F.ver offen d in North-Carolina, anionc, whieh will he found the erUhrateil r,.rHn"T""i, Omn, Nov. 17, lMiC. O J.V OOi A O (,iuis: As I have been s 111: in m-lline ""r U.-aiorstn v ibe last 1 ...... ,. ,.;.. I. r.l ... ,,l. , if. l. Mark. I 111S..11.) end bavme ni.eneiiri (i ihe hun fieial 11'- ' w,nb haa fniotu such a famous reputation in the Knitl.irn Country for tht last eij htui : l d els ol il in a. K, I would li -e In ol.t .111 an njen. , - j,,, tii,,vc ,t. narriiuls aiiperior to any Cw.kiiiiJ Stm, vow in us, It is .,n pie ir. ilt t,r es f'.r tin- SUte of M.m, or ami.e Stale 111 the euii,ia les (nrl. and il is norc weik in a pivui time, than any ' ''r fti.v, 1 . , ., , West. .h..ul' V .11 wish t ke au. il i.narranjie. pl)l U(, uhe be.idc any olhi r Stove of the sue in the I mle.l Hi.l.s .i d il 11 ,!, , , , 111,1.1. is I am eoiivioe, d i:..f it "''" f ' ' r' in a (fiwn liuic.ha will forfeit the j.nee of the M.isr. aid quit s.ilii, nnd g., I,.,,,. 1 1.; tfit I !'', .I r n.i. 11 if I uir. I t,t. better A RTHER'S Self Sealing KRt'lT CAN? iaL dirttlions bow to use llitin.nt vbat vol ;e ill ti.. nif lii.. I I , K Ihe r 111 a the Wl II ajAD IRONS 5 by S. T. WKISrON'3. , the best 111 this market, fur .. S. T. WRISTON. .... tail, It O-rr!!,'!. fil tl.edutie.ol' 1' 11! i: Fr-t still at a'arm, 1:1 y trovelih; e. cf oar 1 Lc cloj :0a f. were conv--r-ii j ii hud o that when the manure is si read found our u.pai.a of c.-espe ;( ,ir ,,,e nisy i,e eI101Jg(l loose earth ! "tliiaHo'le'l At the t'ine rf eciipar.ioli, II. f ."1 try. ti.e i- , tl edick l e was cxlmu-!cd; f.t.i while I ' ' ' . t- ws t?"ii-r:;j t- f,r.d rut s-iui n ear. ef without disturbing the ec-d underneath. Il sifi ; v. 1 h'.ti civinj ecn-olati n. to t!,i.-e the manure U ui.t'ertnenteii, it may, by u-tn who so n ceh net-did it. ben 1 l.;unii a.l ' a yA 0Vi ,e covered from three to five bpe ct rcnei ir f ,. .1 Ir. 1 I,,, .it!. n,. A I srrreaehed bim. the foilnwiiic fa'-l plowin beautiful im-iccr;t crcurred : A forloru fe- would to bury the manure down deep, un ra!e eaiiie lo I'm in the greattst agony, et the sod, where it lies too inactive and wrx-irsr hT Lanes, and turdenert wua fecr. and a.-ked Lite ..roftloa lint. I is post ready lo fill, mine host " lo the public and oil era who flitlera biinself tint al be b und wilh bin, as 1 Ul 1 f..n.ln1l . . , r ' pr"Vi-fl. presenting 111 trout a iw-o stnrv - ;t- ' 1 ''" 1 Ln 1 n l a light plow, be covered from three to five ;0l, lt., , , ,lllfVl ly ,2 fi.ct in vlM bn.i the Vessel gone, I tC . dl-.-p, according to the dep-h of tbeUaCed by Iree. on the de-wdk afford,,,,: a ii'e-tuov l'.ireacli ol ... , 1 aant pn.Tiienad-.- at all hours of the d iy. 11 v. Iteii.e situat. d near. ntre 0,' C'liar.otie. I!uiness Jim will a nioat convif.n-nt and ia- . 11c lias hei n el,(:a'.-d III f'.c I. .'and nearly ei(.-hl-i'n year, and i I. is inane several additions to hia lid it has bee,, greatly enlarged and nil- I stntirg in front a two story FRAN 1A I tii. hy 12 feet in width, handsomely plea, j CONSTANTLY nn hand a gi i-rortnient of , COOK STOV US . .irable j much eannnt be eieeliid in perinrniaiice, I y any I'm. as 1 other Siuvei in the aiarki I, fir aale at tbc Tin a that I and Stmt Shop, 2 doors Kaat of Springs' comer, onner 1 hy ! 9. 1. lil.i H. CharUtt, June 2t, J8j8. 15tf ' w bat can I do Ibis suits me better than it ., powerless for the crop of corn. If the ma- Tim Ik-usc h.-.s b, cn tb. rnurbiv furnished thro'. out, and in every purl of it ereatuic comforts are abundant and tangible. eaptrially in the I'l-NI.NO RiUJM, whtre the '-inner man" " renewed " day by day. I .inner-ted witli this Motel are t iulf s anorinci' hundamly furnished with atici.ded by faithful and o- lie nTHcd'Tr0st'in tie Saviour, He is ' r t0 le rr:ied is fine con,P03t ihtD lt'"" "",'' merciful and kind. He will bear yr.u." can he worked into the land suiheiently with , '" ',l ' Cb, 1 can't pray," she answered, "iheu, a harrow or au ox cultivator. 'n,,. Proprietor frc!s eorfi lent that with hisionj; aa;,5 li- "I willrrav with V0U '. ' abd he ' ., , 1 ; exix and man v new advaniai a anded In his ll ,V.lf- rler.dearnetonie i Ue ction of frost, s r ow, sun, and ram, , , preared to off., hi. frund. T i ifr frJell and stood the upturned subsoil, U highly beneficial and the of mana'n.i," as many .,.,f..,U.,,d Viebacle each other farewell, and stood 6 f' ia much irnod chter . wili be found any where, cci.ver-irg during the few nnments that . to it, and improves the productive power ot : pfrh;l. , ,e nMte ,. stuai'itd'Vj Vi en the wreck. We 'the lav.L ! At nv rate Tr the Charlotte It. M. a,a aww rra-!1 isnilwl iicll to the . . . ,1 r 1 .. 1 1 J.B.KERR. i.,.,. 1 in, haa jrn r.'arit.d wuu noeu I ' season, and ia to be 60n with' 1 glalu at.d grasH sceos nf-xi spring, may ue 1 t.iusted thii nionth. nrovided it lies tulera-i ,, , , . . , , . j f CH K sul.HriU rs re.nei tful y iniorm the pub Hy warm ud dry, and is not subject to o- u , i( ,'ni lo tr,cl vnfiow or utdue wetr.ess, daring winter j Work- mr lii.-ht.; y turn, Towns, Vii:iris, Col. hjve rrteti u works f:b have I'-.ven .' Oe'oor 13, 13S5. G a s W 0 r k s j-.h. r ,-, -.t .the vr saveii. our oear frit n is wouil know thev were not forjotten cr'P1 bv us in Li'jdit'2 adieu to earth. And I ! re!-.t to tLe CbrU'lati world some of the t.-Mitt oi.'c- that he left IrV-rd l-:tr. As he I'.-efc-d around at the haii n'.Uk Baine', aril tn I. at if.e di.-ttnt tail, be satu, 1 .1 ,, '- . . 0 ..I l,K. am, !rfc-.- Hotels. The, love r is tivi'a will, we will he saved wemavbe, ai.l early string. I.j plowing it cow, 't j !n j. ,r.ou.. and U..K ieh, N. ., wluc 3,'if s. r. STh'KMAN. W.vismi, M . I'i ! :, 17. I I'RnF. O. J. Wimli A. 1 1 ti. rts: il .vii.el re.iln. .1 the L'oodefl. els of your II ir lie. tor, I I wish lo alale, In? hair (rnwmir llun. as well as pray. I wis imlue'id from what I j r. a.l nod hesrd, to liy lb- article pr.-pin n hy you, j to ;ronue ils growli, and eliai--e lla ei !or aa it 1 was 111 y iuth, both i.f wl.ieh it has itficlid com. nlet. lv. Your. Ae, JA.MI'S RAMS'. I O. J. WOOD A- CO. Pr.....i, 11'.' Itrna-!. 1 iv, N. Y., fin the creel N. V Wire Fa. I t.bli.hmii t)"i,d lUM.r'nt.ti si, SI I s,Mi, And sold bwatt II. iic. an r. lie fi,,,, and by i:. Nl'K llL IVIIltiV, A CO. t:t7 ( h'ti'titif, .V. V. AYER'S CIIKIIRY irn'i'n t r . rn: Titc kaPin rrtia or VaSfcjw lolil. Conslio. and Pct lloarM-iii'Hs. m R.icliria M,-.. iah D-. 1S.M. 7 I J C A i.a I I . 11..1 ,? i J !V I--SI rem-ls I base er I- a.. l S r CtJZ , .,.,: Il.r-i.-.. Ifl.,.-J .1. I II . TfiFN . .. .ii.ilai.l .ikuan...l ai a i, l.T..iir Jat a. , an. I m (urn f t.T II. U.I f j nii.l.iala I I.KN k.MiillT M. Ii. ALSO, ALL KIM)S OV PHEaOH & STOVES. He haa. and eou,ii.ntlv k-'p on hand, an eitensne and v.-ried s..ek of TLX AM) SEISaLT IBUIX. ' ;:. ut.'i Tl.t list ino.y ; . im. HAT ItAl'KS. CI.AIM.KS, &c, &c, A I uhieli will ! M. Ulitl ;! imI U l.til. li ! r lliuuba cu r In 11 .ll r. tl in Hit Vlrlisil). I would return mv thank. In my menu, ami cu-iomer. l. Ihe Very Ufce-riil patmr.ij Icet.iwed uun na. and ll. 1 T u.,y rest aeaurt toji tlier till a dell f mina lo.ll lo piesae. to Ir, V'l rl IVl 'Jl T n J '1 Lndit'S mid Ctiilltmrii arr 1 1 ir ularly iiaiud lo mil sir d twxmt I. i M kllTiYi'i 02 JOB VZWZ XllZTisll) 10 i'iH.r. y,-. Ii. trill t, II you wky I head my adn rliaeii.enl V iv sr ti.s V ,i.u. !,"i 1 i.n e have three ap'oii constancy Iravrllmf ihroiij;!. li e eoui.try sill. Mian, Say . onlriH trill be faithfully aiul iovi)lly ntUmfnl lo A. A. N.3I.TAV1.01!. CAarefle, Jv, 16, I8..7. , that I shall endeavor, ,.y eloss aliri.t... ,1 i,, ,1 n,i nl a fi.i.lmu i.n of the ia.t, t ." v 7'iiy ' i Vli'j'-l t ' fn: 'i n an T ro4 Pl!vl!'U. li'.i: 3I.MI. the o.ig:nal a-;d g:nu!e aiticle, but I think net; He kuowe what h li Lrothcr," said he, " niy only hope is iu the avour bow precious lie t-. H.l mj friend, if vou are saved. I die hairy. Oh, mv poor f-it'ner and mother, write to theui, ! Aa to inlif: ati.,1 ! per foro. :.!l e .uir,. the fohowii.g t-iii!, 'J .s.ll Cr-.,,!.-Wm. J.i'.rston. Tn 1 Dr. 'I I) II ej. I'r ;C.,1. (J. II. Young. I A. O Sturv, Pres. i Cut rlowiijo- ai-ain, but will be al rra.Iy to receive the grain and grass seeds at tLc Cr-t r.ppniig of spriug work, and t ins the seedi can i e got in a we-.k or ten wii. you r ot: At tiiat monieoi w n-.-ari oay ear.ier man ii tne iam were not piuw a fi arfal thri'.k at cur feet, and ou ljoking elj ti;i Fprir,g. This will most likely be fa dun, Fsw a poor creature, screaming i ,mr,v r,,l fe , nilJlr, with his head from a pirt ho'e, and ; '' i ! the fltU:e,fr,circiiog it. Ve u.u-t soon ! r catch of grass. If the land to be go," Lt said ; " precious brother, fart well ; . pi ci.i id ia corn-stubbl-, it will be well to j a few ttomeuts, and we will mitt iu Ilea harrow it CM, which will op- n and level ; vtu." A. we had fe. .fore a.-reed. weieaped djn (le u ,nd the ttubfele will be . iuto tr e eceau at the same tiuie. I hat leap . , , , , I parted us. He hi cone to a higher r- ' lie L',t"r ,,jrmd ut'Jcr ,D V-ovw S llie vice, but left n.e here to plod on in thiiU;w(1 "nJ lilve a 'nioother surface far " va'e of tear.' a little wli.e longer. Iseedio. Tie Corn stubs, hins It-Death tie i - ' furrow through the winter, will not be like- , 'ly to eoiiie lo the surface to elog the bar-! to Oiajt I'lutt and u e eilni r ir.,in;it,l. nil rt'L II lb. se piac ll.d ahlilly to tiny re fur lo . X. f . f"K T1IK It!- M- .V ll. Al l. lilsl '.-1 .- I- spr ,rt. k 1 1 A R MnltTI KV. K..,...-f t !. . V V.. art ,-ee. : -1 b .- I raur ' t il n,,.. ;f an I in m, f.i.lT ,.r Uni-e i In, -. ! .1 le ...I l.ii. M .- I I B.-.'1-in. ft ! ,;.... ...l .a,i. W Vt a l,.ul r I ah..,' I .....r :..,., a,, a .1 ..... f..ra ia.iii i:.a a., ciiisvut u.ur ,ae..n, ,.!i, Tern- Ir." ( roup, H hooping Consh, Infliienrsi. M-t.s .,. I .. Ml-". .. IV-H. Bwtae. a?s: :i e .- , -. , 1 1 r e.H .,nr vefml ..... . -a... I, e ,-.... I I Hi- ,.,reiat li...ta,. w ' .!. '( t ' -III. -I M.Ue )..m litlll, arel . ..r. .v. l J , ,.,i.N, nnil nrnm-hitit. Dissolution. Ill I. eopartnerabir -t rrlo ore eli.tine betwrrn tne limit rsiened, ia ibia d. y al , -. w o I,y otual Ci.nsei.l. All primns unn oted to us arc jura led lo be ura pared Willi lie amount tin a due ii a ia a " ! w a. si Hi urn la nil in a ilc. JONAS lU'MSILL. I'. 6 W1IIS.NANT. Aug. 18, .oTin:. I will still !.- 'i nod al my S'mni l'lan,,i. M, r- pareo lo till all i ts lo Sash, I)li:uls and Dnors mum ii-t itoi t riutual Life Inaurancw Coiiij Any Ol t it . l..G J' A I MUX ! inpnv Ihr ,. ,.i ye I food J , """J rear ,..,. ,.tl,eularly A.,, ..rk in my In... ,.,,.,,, i.i, in- Mniii.i I'i.i.i ,.11, ihe ..1.1,1..,: I .., ln. K ill IHr .o I.n of the tin,; H.I,Cii II I leu ..f tie W h.!e In cihrn tin pre,,,,,,,,, iherelor an,, m i. I,,, I, n -y le - lii lor h-1) Ihr ii. irim.uu,, Uaiioc ii urral l t prr i I ," "' The , f. n pt rroinmr i wluau ! : j b, i , pm i h ll.i. ei.iopany.lrpe it.ei a jrale. ot p'emiUII,, prbl real a,.. lo ! ,u li ns ale il.j.i.,i lo insuie. ale insured 1. r alrrannf ir i tin itbili IIU il l.umiver tn order st l-.-r I mt..e. or I be a In, 'tie la St pa.d uooli i I it 'he CIS. . ,r.C",.,, Works, f in 1'h-r 4. S.C. K. K. " Rll.ti.. A... Raleigh, I a.erly.Mi... , I.lltle Fiiia. N. V. ' V. T. s-tnr? Supt. (,'aa Works, Watertuw-n. N. Y. W. S. Sehotner A fo'WI lV-ri St., New York. A. lirest the sub-eri'.er at R.ileijti, N. C. WATKU1I0USK ti liOWKS. .V'jit H, lf."a. iTif AHC'IUriKTUIii: AND ci v i ia i : . a i n i : k it i c; . I Mil K subscriber, a pracucl Arehit-it nnd Ci U, nl Fi.e.i.etr. !.. t-a. n li... n. No. .", D.nid prep. r. , ..!isdTrn!er "--..... !. . Uss of this P.-..-; IV I.. I'lllKS. M. MEUICAI. lEPTCJlOHY. ir,rai .n e.1. P A -as lr V a., i : I fl il TNFLUKNCE. Tt ii tot position that gives inttuence ; it rsw at srdiog time, and thus the Sil l be is claraeter. What men are dttermiiiea cl'.-nn, the !eda can be worked iu quite thi ir jr.r ever othtrs ; r.'.t wb-.-re they ! even'y. It has been my practice for sev ere ti.'o,', r.or 'he places they atui.d ieral jc;.rs p-.-t, to plow such stubble land in. Win- Lad It-en faptiiud iy ,in h fall, and th. rtby eonaideralU con- mei.ts in. Ins profe may he l.,i : Lsttmtite i Falticuia i i(. I itn i :..n'i bus been found in getting the spring j oik aion; seasonably. jl F. HOLRllOOK. j L'rattMcro.' Nov. 5. , pirate , sr.! was tic at to be sold a.- a slate it Cite, h; pjlLttd ti a f .'otibti.ian, "very caufaily drttjtd," eain, n.e t,;o ; l.e wi-.ts a n.a-ttr '." Hi-- ui-h was granted Lirr, ; and t:,e erets demonstrated ! his lagaelty Ci .ratter overcame po-i-ion; j yA .y (), Al;,,rCULTURAL PAPERS, that re an bought ' a majtcr '' iu buying T .. I Se have ever beeu of tue opinion that I,o"e'-es. i . . , 1 . , ., . . Hue raitntr wbo ooea not take an a,'r.cul- . J he case wss an extreme cne; tne pnn . ni ... t, i jral p aper comn. its a great error, and does fi iih-e 1 and tho-c cependant upon him s. I. ii. re ol Ilia tyic, nnd t'tor any I1 Flolt:: g tin; lay; r ll .rliculiiiral , of .M APS or I II ARTS i j ol i':e plant y l lant. , Miy i Tl: en framed ,oi v.i:i ; r in a for ; f t'e s,,i,e, matiMoii and lU ; be of , y ean pe t,.t l,i uke a ucidtifui i oi.ij iat.-uullo iu hesn kr.nSB Sthleh I to Iliac Ilia e.Vri-a rrr. V ,r. )i ! ... a ,..-. .. re . .l..r.e Uf n.. ,.. r ll,. .tia- , ,l.h: f... ,-. W . I IrM i. le, . ll Oil. ml ha Sfle ed to g out of fironiola and Fa :d OrnanieiiUl purp-is' a 1... rr,tl Wlllj ntid Di:. ir. v. I'KWiV VERMIrUCE OB "D:AD CCOT, Ayer's Cathartic Pills. riM::u';;:;;;;;:;:;;r,:;,d.t .i ... i", i. I li.rlo'te and .). Ul 1'lfelLL. aa ce hale .!S f. P. 8. WlllSNANT. n . A3ii:s .ii. i:d.m:v. c(mmisix mi:i;ciu. t, I 17 I II lllil KS M Itl I T, V. I V si and Iwwar.'a rr. I. oil of in, r, :b.i il ti-,s. ..u b manner, aiir; i al l i;tS; Oil V. r 1 -a .1 um ft.-t ,n.eal.l. i-ro-a ei-h m.i im ,a It Cbris!i:, i their, tLroub i. '.j eharic: clr ii.ucli fr Christ, he i I'lO'n tie Li.tni li.kt si ':,, r, 1 he money paid for a good ing in your lo--..i power upfiu tho-e w i. j i tie vorl'i's c-iu i-i ifi y ii.i, by "tLj I j . '.'ti-iing but pure " j: ts , where coclti! rank, a mprove it, f it the --lory of ' r.,,1 v l ,.::,. e'reatinj'K-tice ,;i:cui.uii p'ler is like ecu sown on ".-, ground, ' bringing " forth fruit, aouie liny, s'.u.c sixty, aud son.e an hundred ..i. Iu c- il Cr n.fitie.ii r,f thia opinion, we give i. : t of oi.e ,f our North Caruiiiii tubacri , i-. wi.', Iu, been taking the "Planter" pi: r. If ), cu: i 1 uch I k- Cbri.t ; hi. Spirit rei-t,- 1 t fvrtii a hand I In al! it Ptn-t n pjroTt'ij tHF, will Kc in- ciuOitie Ii4t;i"t ami t ff. It. U. Hufinftva, firi hi r.ct ol; ihi.t it r-qoih,!.- t'i a tlio. t)H,tC'" oi' liok i.ii g in ut. itn firm. P. SAL RS. Jane IS, J;.,r3. l l-ly IMS A I 1. O tlilal.V .V O ,; Farmer, it Cm,.,) J'u'Jiiin.i, JJ sjkse'krs atnl btulioiiers, No. 21 Eurray Jllrett, Th. I the .prl .li-e. tl, nail, to Hi. e,-,l .Uy f. ...I .lai.t-e, I II, '' i II U I: in may (. : i.tal r ..,!t.jr. . ...,e 1. 1 -ii.':c Hi c' u.ti.i.nceiuiLt. lie Sas Le " ver- i (,j ; :. b' iicv. s tiiire U Lot a aub'ctiber to the j M-.m. pi linn a!ty p r cebt, uioie than those who du uot t-ake ji.-' A word to the wi-e, Ac. t: i; '-'i of oratory, leave t!.e bait ca l.'js N-a.u t the truth. IV.j jer yur to )' i y ia:;',. by charity, by pa'.i-ncc m.J ti-ia sba.I L.6e y,n eoi.ipitr tf Otiivr. fvl the Lord, Nay, 1 iw'.'ls-s of posirijn be, itself, a s.uict t-f frciigl'u. iLfiaebCt- a-cend more tuan it dtsetnii-, uiinv a r.uc resist- that of his sup.rior., u-aifc-twhieL he i. on ' I"' 1,1 "f ii,'1J 0,i "'' " Pou,id of L, lck l.t guard, and yields tr. that oi hi. subor- J Jtll,J" ':ht'!- tiiLates, cf whit;!, I.e la i the while untcn- ' cious. iLflocnec in epii.tuai t-ii gs foiiuwn Mm Asers CooKits One corl. e cup oi the one law of all illj. i.e,( anicb g.iu in' u,-, i.,n half a cup of butter, three tea power aa they are ruv t coLeeal. d. J.rt. ., 0 lLfu, , eoda, one aud a half cream ef 4''--- ': lunar, 2aur tuau L tj tj out. J O. A CO, off- r a: low price, forea.b and una or api.rovtd erenil. a l.-.r(o- f liANK and OKI.: la h'l'ATI' 'N FH Y, and A ol Nl' .'ul,s, Keeen.ta sort ri.lum !!.,.., I'Al'FR ,F AI.L ki.NDS. irenbir-. It. I! !... :s. I'r.ritu jr and on,,-., tr '; to o.der. HiI.I. s, Ali.Ltl aim .-eiiool !(.,..,.. Al ( n. Ii.n fi.iioon's a. rii a of 'irm oioslock's l'::a on the Sen nees : II ,k- ' I'.t.ll. II.MMI - I , :- ,-, I., ..... e-.r ..I Wl. ., N. I -i. 1 I. K. Nl'E IlLTCHI.-ON i CO., Sortmlitt 3U, 'jfl. lawid'at nII. I, ,1,. .!,, r.ll.n...r.hs-h i. .h.ici.l, duw. n. aud iuiM.-t healib? .isl. tti. ba i-.nlr de . ,1 sr.., jr, lit I... ,1 laiuii ,k ,. IU. .., th,,; pr.shi.e -,W-'-,, I.. U.-v at' al III- "ii- tune la .lniilia-h.-.l .base. ill. .1 aial leH.1 l-hvair lint rim l emf-!,--!- I tot rhtl-lren. . ...i-a.'l. tl; ... .. ..,,. V,; a. ll,i Is ; 'a'.I-. are line 1, an ,,,, .k -f ,ar,n Tare. I-. I, n,..l.- .1,1, h 1.. I. li. l re lies n.4 sub. liKls.1 I'T a of au.S . anil. .1 p.alii.,u and tliarart. r o Sali'l the ..;...., ,.l ,,i,.Ttl, M,,,y riioi.enl ,rea. ., an I .l. ,u.h.,. I. nl ll,-ir name. In rernfj n -Ita IT.,. ..le I? -II I) to lb. M ef of ll.jr P. outi,i i a Hunt i r. j i j , CiitAP Paim t(,R A I5a.-.. An eaul ' lent aud tleai paint for rough w od work ia made of six pounds of meiud pitth, one) I I I I'l.V all ah ?'a O. oerapity, newly revised; Soutben aolia ; I'alioer'a Ib'oa kei pinir ; and Ihe "e. t and beat " Hpi-liu.g liuak eitr .4.11'. H, l-'B fun 1 lasa l SAIKS i t liiti'i l ami Ituilili'r, 'H I. huois,, nnd Dra.u.r. uolie ll,iil,i.nt.a, Pritate Iteaidineis i V. !:.,.. I' ,rl.i ..I r nil. iitiou will be paid to liottr oK .Mia, Corn .11,11. , A.l. Olfitr ri o: A.i a .u.i. r's liuhdii i'. Iront r ,,io, II. ClONSI Jin ION The lie?. Do, t. liurn.M j si uril years a Missionary m .v.....ib .lam 1 eJistov. red a ttmjtle o nd trrltim ture lor I ttmump ' him. As, ,.., Ihimrhitit, .Vauu, might. I uni and firrrout I fifthly ; also an easy and efl.e,,,. mode of inhaling the Ittmedy a ,ni,,,o b, whicl i ihe eatraltrs priei rtiea of the Jli dieme are iliteel I ly addresaa-d to the diaeastd orana and the intt jr umi ut. Actuated by a drmre to he,,, til hi au f l.rn fellow., lie will cliiirliilly send the Itm (iree) In ail who dr.. re it. with I j: and i iiiaoi Idireei.oiia for preparing and sucei,hiu;;, u,,, j ! the .Medicine. Apply I" r ad.lre.a t liFV. I . S lii I.NFTT. 1 Ml Uro.oway, New Vork. I July !0. I-.'.st. (;,. A LAUOE HCI'l'Ll' OK Cons!.n,,I; fVnrrant.s YOll 8ALK HfcRK aa ... I1 ,. l..i......ii.. Is-,. li.a.l .,,,.1 . Ilea km .Is . I the I. ,1. or i, . la- ..,t off I,, I ,all ll.., a.ak, , ...4 Ul. ,i,,i.. cllh ll... If 11 f. ... a f.,al .1....... . I ..... ;l li.. H..C..I. a v. Us. .. I,.. ,lls. a VI., ll ,.,.IP .,. s , K-,1. I la, ,1... I.) H..I II," ...tern. 11,1 H. ! II,. I III,. t.i, uln. i, led .leal.-., alia soma ,r. ,.r..ln i,a A-k lr Arrs'a i-e N-i iah.r tl.-r .aa rite lis al,ie ia- oo ,11,. . ,.-,. n,. al. h aaot II,. 1.-.1 al l llmr. I. ,r U.eui, a,,, I Hi -jr ih.ail.l bars ll. Proparod by Dr. J. C. AYF.Il, Practical and Analytical thmnt, Lowell, Matt. -tfl W Cts. ssa K-.j mi Ma lt I, soi.n ii r m.Tniis.A k gii;i;on, cuui,.ur. J ilAVILAND,;sK JIM-UNA CO, Vh irtcUun (J- er real mission, lielerslo .Swain no I M .leoead, ?. VI . .a.Ctll,, i. l . Osborne, t . P. Mi inn nhall, A . M Oi.rn.-n, F-n. and Ite v. O. F. 1 1, no-, ll..n. V A (.lah .ll,, and r.tlnr. VtnUr in Pianos. Mel. ..lions, lrr"hs. Harp--, Omura. i wii L M.ebinn. Iron Sal.s, I'ninpa, ; nli n, Ae. A printui list i f all t: e fi fli rent makers, sinus and price, aenf ,. Publisher ,.f on rl lithograph nl " llii-knrj Auf Cup," N.C. and ti e ( Mrao. ssr Pnvsicaii ; hi. Inuuk lii'inrm llEAi.-rH ' Tin. H.ialuabSe family atfrtsrr should he in esiry house. ll Iri.lsi.t .11, baa a C-'illlle s:.s.ry and .fii,il ihe teli, ei i,s from nature's I , t.o.ia stor. a, for all our ii.nrmilie. and n.i. I -..rliio, a. It I. printed on f- ne p'p.r, hand. I .o.o.-ly holil.d lo.lrlh edition, 3MI pirn, and IS rn,.e. free for nt Mint. j N' w h'n.iwuud 1', II. '.II. fth. IB. I I y I S. M liOUKLI '3 ' I Fadille & Harness flanulacturcr, TlllttK liUURS Hf.CTII OF Till MASHIO.N IK.l'HR, i n i ut n i i; y. . n r I wo th . are pa.,1 .1 i. pr .tl.lKi. IHUFt TORS. i hall,. F. J.,h.l..l.. V II J .. '., V, II, l.i, n. V. D ae. J ti. W,!.i. I,.'. I! llU.'.O. tU.lilllH lluslas, P 1. I...U,. II M k . K P. H li ., I i!.. 1 li ! li s, .. , I.,. I. O li. Fa til Fit Fits. I.e. :-.,-. ll. J.. Pfaa, .'.!. W . W It. i. ei,. Vie.: Pr.M .. nt. It. II ll tlie,. erelary. W nl, ,n. II. J..n s, 'I rc.urer. II W . A l. ri.ev. ,r. W II. Mi ker. M .let! K . .,. t.tuU-t t ..a.millee 4. P.u.Ne, VI. ll lle. I It ,1, a l. li.M.t. Mtilil ll.Mtd of C.a.''ria - ' 1 ' ' J..I ,... n. M D , V ,.i,'.n. li. Jli Km, V I!.. I.'o 11 Hay wood, M. LL, For iiilt.tmal.on, the pu'- . e rid to li.i , -n ohl. I., "lid l.,'.na ol p'"' 1 may 1st l.l. im .1 Mia M lie 1 or env ol lis Aie ni ai .. t "loii.ti la ne should he ad.iri , r""'t"' H. II. UATTLK, s-r.-' Srplrmltt 8, Is. 7. la fj latjaasji,' aa aslw ai aJu.caa Sjss h. , AIIVohI.MA .11 IX 'I 1 For Ci U;hs, Cold., lulluems, l osti.n..' t Allecuou. i.l the kiiiniisi i.d 111, .'.1'1 I orrhua, l.i. el, the WI,,l..,V. 1 olio r l', ( plaints. I'imi p.; ' r. i.t. and i I -Jj. (iuld Aline Irakim. in Dy s; put Hit lets t r 'J iiu lure I . .,, "' '' A letter fiom J. II. fall Drue; !. v N. t ., .l .t, d Aiie. M. IM7 i Dr. J. kh,i' Dcr S r.- Your n. g.t, u nine a a t . . I --1 I:' I. in line mil 1 If w. Tin Ahye..l..a JliJture I Mil, ) .? tj apj.lou, ol. ll a. !',s s au,,,!v tl i .i.i ..r. .upp.y ..: itassooliasyou ti- " J. H.CAbU .I.FN'IS Win. W . S.-Mllfc. Wa.TsI, T. I , r. I.'oi aii.i'oam ; Mni.r V"'" ''' T. J. Holt,. i. anu Dr. J. F . (.iliuer.t I A Sill and J. II. Flilliaa. Salisbury 1 ry , Ih-sine, ton. ll fai fast, that I III ' I.,,,.'. YellWHi I. 1' UTAH hrtecl id Harness maiir at th. n.l. of Saddle lie. 1 i III PAIRI.Nt. promptly eteruted. I'l. IHjS) 37tf int. i:. .ii. oi; it ril l, be ,ica.ed In red ive Professional i F in liic depnrimeiiia of MFDK IN F A.C. WIIUAHSO."'h:, ..f- , I I.I. practice in i I.n and the" d will atletid Ins. i V amesa entrust. U to his rare. harli-lle, Jan. 'ir, I W W. inf It' St Id, FRY. I i may be found at hi. Ynrk l..,iet f!.. V. '.. Hat proli aaionall? ah.i nt.l e ai-lcnre, Fort Mill Depot. (Vh I'aid lor Hides, 111 S. M. IIMW I I I,, 3 I Mansion Hoti.e. I hilrlllllr, April 6, I ' . Pitt . .. V-e : r ' i -1 South of the i .If er '-. . l'N ', I,(NIS for Ihr nl p FOR SAI.K IIKHK 'Ht 's?.-c RIN I IM; of all kln

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