oXVc;i:xti i iiittfrm. Worcikti. June 27, 1854. .tfJcmrn- After aulicriiig much for two year ! .1 I)veiM)P'i 1 wa induced to purrhnie p, ''rnt jnVorce.tcr, but lla of your Ox "'""l A llittrrt, and lifter a trial ofles lliuu two ' I find myself radically cured. " ' '"' ni the least hesitation in recommend, ihi'iii to H wnD ar" " fllictoil with tii li. complain- You re ut liberty tu use tin :. i. h...t In lortbnr the aula of Line ex. f nil plknt medicine Your truly. JUIIW liltbY. Any Indivi.ll lufTcijr). f.ntn I I. In n fi" in, can be cured hy weaknea and nervousness or de. I"1" ' ..7 ... Sl Co.. Kid Washington ,'""rjt"ii, Proprietors. Sold hy their agents ''"".'lirrc. imi by E. Nye Hutchison At. Co., l -luliottf , f. nr r. UosTr.TTXR' IIittkx have received the . inest encomium from Hie pre, mid people tlmut the Union. A a valuable tome for Ihetoreol' Uy'epi. Flatulence, Constipation, . .n.ra nervuu debility, It emmot be a p. '"' dud. Every 4J new e..e of it irn .it f. ,,'e chronicled throughout our principle jour. , I'ln-re i nothing equal to tlie enjoyment, I which Ui ilUiow-M experience wncu using I, ii.j pcoibc, in uiiio lone, iisaiirc anu hi uion a dieoriii red stomach, and cit uiiMiiig the entire htmian body, should !!.','m"i'"'i 10 " c"':" o( our eouimunily J h lt be nicessary to convince liie men J,,'-,; ni H hrallhy cflVict. i to putctme a ImuIc ,. cmnmcd. S.1,1 hy Uruirr '' everywhere, aid liv IIOS li.lH.lt af.SMFlll.Kdu Proprietor., Water .,j i" riont Streets, Pittsburgh, aud by Holt lu- 4 liiblx.n, Charlotte, . I'. THE GREAT ENGLISH FEFIEDV. Sill JAMES CLARKE S i It tii .il l IViii.ts' Fill). Irtjiiitd J tint a jimrrijitiOH o ,ir J.' (V.-iif, M- 1; J'liyttt iuh Lzlruurdi Htiry to the iueen. '1 i invaluable medicine i. unfailing in the, ,. ,n '.b'ini piotiii and umijfurouK diauiHt . , . h liic hnuln ccnKlitull.iii li nul.jii't. It I rit'i ail rir,-atid raiiiovr all obaUuvlloti d p.-fi'. if ture loav I r-lnd n. I .' iu ;i iititii l) I.AiHl s ' : ,i ulurly uiu;a. It will, in tliort lime, ; "jy ,k. .in- i ilhly riml Willi regularity. lull Uitlit, piic I'iiar, bcr the Gov. i i -uii'i ol Oii.ll UriUiin, lo prevent coun- 7 I'xI b i'uM mitl I'f f v ar at '-y itmaU Juiing ., ilKSl lllHt.K VOSTHSof i'Trpnanry, at ft tttt la At nig at Mtlti lUttft, but Ql any , " t.nt tA.fi orr ilV, j I . , rin-ii ff Neivcua arid So niai AfTctiona, ; , . i, in i II if k una l.m.ha, l.l.fuc on aiigl.t I j , i '.:(.iati.m o li" Hi-art, llyti rica, ami , .1. ., l :. ! I'liia wili ifl-rt a cure h, r, all ilh. : ( j , . ,i, lili-rt, anJ althi oi;li t powrrlul 1 , .,. v v t..t r-.nlain iron, i:..o.H auliuionj, ' i , ln.i l.uitlul to the r. linlilulif.il I , -., l f..r ti.r I rut. d Sf.,t. a ami Canada, l( Jul! MOM, (l-ate 1. f. Ilild.ui A l .) I! .!,,..,.-, .N. y. N II- 1,' I and 6 IX-'t-'Ilt ataliipa cm )..-id , j .'. ,I .ird A ,!. Will lliallie a bollit ol II n.a.l. I '1 F. St'ARR, i CO. (.'.nl. ..r f wr.'ule. I!AVILAM STJ; h.N.-tN k ( t). rtu.raia itfififa, ( .al..la. ('. Ili. e f '. A ).('. K. II. Coitipnii), IHVinCM) i f 1J er .hare la Uen ''.'i I li the C ail ,1 !rv !t . i I'm t nia ).,f, by tin A II. MAUI IN, .K n.1"," ill Cliireiiioiit lur Sale. j 1'IIK, ui .1- r.ignid, ben g I, i. y, autl.-.n j d ,., ,.ir. r h.r a;o to in. n gt,.-t l.ooiir, ..u j ., . . v of ti.e J .nii.ry toini, b,.ng Hit .'..in oay j l "I.., '' Il.lli'l l.lll'd.i ,U l.ra.,faiig.r.-rrk e..ot,n,ing U i .'it. uii H-r cn tiVaiioii, a Ittgm and wtil tin. ..I g.sod ::ary DAN ALEX AM 'EH. A-ltiir ft ' the t ih n n i,r . r..n, . -tt- Nejjro Hiring;. 'Pill. M.t.Ki I oi J.,,, M. Aicxano.r. i..c'd.. will h. h.r.dj t ti.e Mm ol 11 lie in. HI a. nn li e V!"tll In. ml, at li.. resilience of M I .. Al. nt.de r. li W. ALEXAMiEH, A-rt. rf",l,,r l', l-.il III I Ihtv ti) the A.linircr.s of a rise ii' iD or RftH GLOSSY HAIR. onginil clor. t-rst l.a.r . !. Ill with a lul in.rt growth re. j iiori,rr, Hi lung, and ail cul-in-ou c. .use. a cmtiiiu.l flow .f 1! e u.iiir .l lien, e, if used a. regular iir.-a.in j ' will preserve it. color, sij.! ... i it ; if I llr. in. , ,.-,, in .11 if. n ilural ' r. W l; to. Upoj ip, to use it; 0.1 ! li in. I, a. Im y value the riowing h.esa, , vi e nog curl, ey.r h" witi.MUt it. l' ' up n I m t. ntrue of thoiiamil.. j ' v.-lit fir Pro'. Waal's ll.'r r storilive in t II .1. 11. r. c. iy.,i ihe following h tier 111 re- 1 ' t-.e !( si..ralise, a . wee, aiti.-e : li.ir Itiv., Com . J..ly, 23, I- 11. j !. ai-cnwo'th Slr ; I have l.sco iroolo. d j 'i tf -, . ft or scurf on m f hes.l for more II0111 j ' 11. 1 .ir b- gu to e o 011I. iilf and hair I r. I , , a .w ,v,u paper ala.let -'a lUir li. slorativn " as a cor. . I called " 'tore or. Ii.a l.t of April I...1, ao.l pur- " I. It c. 10 try it, and I found to my sat " it ass the Hung ; itreni..v- d Ihe scurf to gr it. I. nst'i vhfit it ar n .1. I wi.h you to Mr P...I, the hcarsr al!f. I have n.l me ! tail f tins. I ilon'l a kind IS 11 seal 111 tins poice, rktt lor many boll!.- ait.r it Hill PR AIT. Pun anr! sun, S. t.i, 9, i-.ir Sin i.nr II. r Itrn .i.. oelieial lo me. 'I be front, c' my hen. I aliuo.t lost in 1 n I hire UM'I but IvA.i s U . k p. it l(. alle ell sliid.lr I with a pr.. r, and il ne iri.nl tln.r pr-pa'atiom w nn.. . r. I Hunk In. 111 my own pi ti 'ii, 1 can induce many u'ln U. It. TII"M M. I. No. 4bl V I IK stleel, I ,,, , V11. rr: !., Jui I ' "Pu J W. mil; a. y..u ar. 1 1 '.,:.';';"'"'' " rrm,ny .i.. ie 53, I .a3. h int to 10 in. .coy, led Hair oi ve,- 1 1 limy own other, to I hva u.ed it aud kn I h ive, tor ...veri.l years, been in the goihi r Hair N.storativrs, and that ally superior to any oilier I know. Jtis. a the hes.l ol'.fi,n,lrilH, and with proM'r use t-1 1 1 restore any peraon' infill .1 youthful color and texture, ' to His ' f ll 1 I ' a . ! le u'y, it nnnot nisi w ilhonl a fine ', a: bi r, thin r.id the following, and if you 1 ' -..re. t circular around carli funic, and 110 f '. : a t. fri'-H -s iU WiMiD r! mil. IU sTilliA 1 lli;. We call Ilia atlrnlion ol all, ..In ami ji la tin. mi flol prep.rsl.1.11, win. h turns 9 I- ,U i j ' ! llns, without discoloring the Inn. Is that , "lr,lr""""i which it drops. I wn. I. I a,. r"' "C """'""d H uss to v. ry one di sirnu I ' "'g a fine col ,t and texture to hair. I Hesjse.'llillr Vonr,, j o , W IPStfN K I Mi. t J. Vt.r, a f l) i j.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,.j ,,,. I j . (1.1 Ihe t,t N y W ire (tailing P.. I "," "') 1 I U Market atl let. SI Lm.is, Mo. )"" " "J "II Hruggi.1. ,n the l iunn ami by e. NYi: iir rcniso.N, k co. C'.Jol. .'.-(fl, aV. C ' OR 4 voting men will be taken a boarder O hy pPi tcutiuii to J. II. WAYT. DtctmUr U, 1858. 40lf WISH to buy 20.000 ll. of I'OICK, JL .tor wincli i will pay the l AMI. W. A. C()OK, Jlfunma Jluxte Uutrment. Vcctmhtr 14, 18."i8. IiiI'ii!;iiiI'm IC pin t. UMIIK IMKNIMNTof the Town f( h.irlotte for the yer A. U. Ir.iB, wtuld aulnnit thu full, winif m hie Ki p'irt, for thn prraent r iimncial Your, ending Iho lat day of llrcrnihor inatniit, and would beg refer -te to the lir.ort of the 'i'rta eurer of the toiiiiiin.aioiier of said Town. liy which it will be aeen, timt there llaa been a hirge atnount of old uutelumjiiig debt ughinat iiid Town mi l end pud off by the order n!' the Coniiiiiaaioner for the prrarnt year, wr.ii h h.ia rrduei'd the linliililie to thn noimtial auni of (I,. 03IJ (3, of which aaid aunt there are owing and due to the following iii.iiM'd ptfraont, vix; To Ag. in w, of riiilr.ili'iphin, fjtiO for live hurulred Itetof lloao for the Tire Kngiiic ; a bulunce atill due to Snm'l. MeNiucli, for atone work on atrci ta, done in IH54, of il to .Miller & l'orler tOU 06 j to Wuteiliouor A Howe, (till ,'iU ; lo W. 1. Yal. a lor I'riutii g f7H CI ; to theCharlotle and 'I'.iy lur.villo IMank KuadCoiupnny l.'IO, being t:,n 10 percent, per a nn tun, a) In wed to them for the uaccf the IMank Itnud in "Mil T'.Kn; N", balmier due David I'urka u Iiiienilaut und a order due S. A. llama, I r aervi-i renih r. d. And would further beg to a'tv, thtl in adilition to liic lorrgoing outaiaMling debu which are now due and will hiivu to liu paid during the enauing ytar. There will b djo in January and July 1.1 t, nod, Uie annual mUr.'.t on Korid given by the Town for the M ile and Female Collegea of thn .'i i, and a further aurn (if Wit) will In; due during tl.c aaid next year lor lighting the town wttu 1,-ia, aa per eonlruct tnlereil into by the pre ai'lit Hoard of Conlllliaaloi.cra, an lli.it li e actual tsiitiiig iteht agnl.at llie lniu lor tl the ,,,,1' year, year it tin.t which will fuil cue in .uiit to :t.4 III b3. In additi p.. ft, lh..t your Inleiioatit wfiuin further lie. ,t there are arrounla in Ihi. hanua of the Miiiliira of the Town (or aireara of Taxi a ted ior the ye.ra i;,J, 'ifi, '57 and unting i" tnc. afingita in J771 iH. tlnw uiueli of tina aiiii'ilitl may tie Coiiected. I am unable to aay, oat woiilo aueg. l H al one. hull of the uhi.ve aillnUlit llll'llt he relied noun ; and further, tin re belnnga to Ibe 'l oan toh.ire Mag ii and one pair of mo!. a, wiiieb if ao.d now, would It i l. tt two hundred u. ilara and atKut one hundud anu H:ty doliala Hi Bolt a, uam Kr tm- In corn in, ion, I oiiM aay II. at I have tried to .lo my duty a an I Uliecr of the Tow a of Cl.arlo't' to Ibe be,t of my ahiliiy. Il l have failed lo me. t tin i, ' t iii.'ti of all. I c .n only .ay in r p y tual try for It, aa 1 did vrUI 1 cuiian.ct. u my And tilftl.it, I feel uooir many obl.galiui.a il.ltoa g. oef'ii'y for tl.tir kiiioiii a. in sr. to me Ineir aid at an? time desired, f.'T the of k.epil.g II." p nlti. I 1 1. Two. ai.J r proin(.tliei. in ol.a, riliiif tin regtil itlolia, in.n) by ti.e I!, an! of Commissii ncra. ' wl.ifh i. r. aii. rtf'ii!., i. n . noli. ,!. 1AV1I' PARKS, hdtudant. Trt':ni"i-. Ktpint. Tii. '1 fi .aur, r of the hoard of Comn.i.Mnn r of Ihr 'I own of t iiarf lte, big leave lo make th f..'U.Wil'g r. poltol the fllH.nei of San! Triwn, for ti-eai jeir iiioing the 1st day of I'ccembcr A. 1. I r.j-, to wit. To amount n i i"-i fr un P. A Harris, Tji ti.lh eier, from liic I .1 List, lor K076 31 nil .1". a 40 OH i I'd IU lid ii :,a . i: no - ; ., . ., - ftU , on ibe M. N.i due lor St.. o II sltli l. f.r t in Ifi l.a.an. o.l.rtl. Or. . 10.01, hy ami. p.. sr f. u.d Mutfsi... A 1 1 . rt Tol.i '.-ui p . 4 4 1 H t urr- nt 1 Xlienses b 11 p in. if, lor tin ,ear ! liy an, .15 II at. IB I'rra.Uiar VII 4.1 7.911 II eh .. resrwctfiitly ' llhlliltt. il, J. li. KKHIi. 'lrensurtr. tBmrtUT.I) most respectfully announce to the It Cilirens of Charlotte ard surroun.ling country that he slill miilnmc. the sU.ve busi. ne.s in Ch.rlotle Were hr prenarcil to fur. nisli HOOKS, ni.lNH.- AND SAS, to the pub. lie nn Ibr most reasonable term., anil on the abort cat notice. , r v. .vmg great minv small claims lor wnr done scattered all over Ihe country, he is delcr. mined to cham-e his met I of .loin busine" and' htrrnfttr will rrouiie . for sll work done in hi M .chine Shop, la-fore re tnov.'i. ..., f l.st 3J-in English Dairy Cheese SiiiokfdTon;e. ! MNK A... Chee.., fiire article. PicUled JL (Salmon, Mackerel, ierring. Mullets, aud Trout, jua, received t J. D. PALMER. One door aliuvc the Dank cTl'Imrlottc. Vic. 7. 1858. 2t tau"" ptrnvrt. riZ 7T Choliong Whumpoa PIIF.SMiVf.l) GIN ur.it ior anie uy j. n. rt,nr,ii. Tin I 'IVail!! Tl,. following brand., Young fvaon. Impcri-I al, Uunpowtlcr, Oolong and Kngliali lireukfaat for ' ,nru , ie i,e birii upon my land, and I li. . ,, by J. 1). I'AI.MKIt. a Wl appreciate the motive which induce, t,j. rc, i, icoo. i ; . Juat received 20 dozen Cltainpaigne Cider in quart. lart. and pint. Uif Lger Bee in pinl. nrl outrti. Itiat ' received. AIo, ll.irela y & I'erkin'. beat Oi l) ; LONDON fOKTEK. Al A I. ft, juat received J. I). I'AI-.M Klt'S. I .!,) (.illf -( let. Of vurioii brutula, lor sale hv ' J. I). PALMKR. Drc. 7, 1858. 2t HOUSE AND LOT ioi: .i, i: is isj:m rg 1 1 1 K House and T.ot now occupied by A. . t'raliaiu, Tuaaaaaion given lal, of January ipply lo TIIOS. TROTTER. DecemUr 7, 16jH. 14. NEW FEA1URE FIFTH YEAR cr TMK COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION M I f.liU r.M,KA VI.Ni.S ! BEAUTIi-UI. ART J.UhKAL! v ai.i iii.i: riti nn us ,v ,.i f rIIIS popular Art A-sociat a ye.,r of unparalleled m turn, now in lis fiflh having pur. 'I flipraved on steel, Ifrrring's preal punting. Tn Vii-eanr. SnaeiiiiMiTH," will n-w irsue ropier, (to aub-cribi ra only) on heavy plate paut r, 3U I inchea on the fiilli.wintr I Hiii.i.i.i isi iKitiiMMiM Kvery per.nii remiiting fAree roZui., will re. j ceive a copy of the .superb Steel K-.graviog. f. ! ter Herring' ... lehraU-d I'aii.l.i.g. 'I Hi; VII.I.A'.r. lU.At K.-Ml l II. I Also a copy ot the lleauti:ul Oc.M"l ( I.ITA.N AHT JOI.KNAf., An elegantly illustrated iuarto Mij.ii A!so ree si ason ticket, of admission lo tnc Kaslern ( r lluaaeldurl,) and Weatcrn (Jain nes of the A.m. "Tli'.'re will also be given - ,lhe ..ihscriber. SeV. : nal bun, .red v. lu bit v. ork. I Art, comprising hue till ranting.. Ilrouie ., Sculuftiri ., Ac., Ac , from re ebrat- d American and f re.gn A'loil.. Kubsi .-ripti. ns will be ri ceiv. d in. to J,n 1 lN..:l. tin liie even.njf of that date tlie premiums will be awarded to silliscribera. lor full particulars, rre l)ceiuber AT uv. ' !., pric ,ile. ita. Spu iioeli c..ir senttotlir.se j (i ,ru g lo rnii.eribi', on liie riceipl ol lb cent. ! in . ,.!.,,..:,.. or com. A.lor.ss C. L. HKKBV, A( Tt.ARY C. A. A., K..n rii Ulliee. r.tn llroariway, N. Y. 1 Or, Western Oilier. ICC Wat. r M., Sandusky. O. Suliwt rili' at n ! If rou Wish to secure a copy of thnt elegant r'ncraving, Tiir Vii Laoc Ht.ai khmith." anu the Art Jot'al with the oilier pr mi inn., be .ure and suhscr.hr Vt before the 1st "l J ,n. 14511. Sa-ciini-n copies of the above, and full particular given, by applying to S. A. COHEN, Afnt. C1IAI1L0TTE FOUMMIV AND 3IACIUM-: WOllKS. T IlIK iindcrsH'tted bees leave to rail tlie atte.i. lo.n of the public to the fact lost be i now to 6:1 sny or.iers lor making Hydraulic t'O'ri'O.N I'resses,1 crcrj decription of Michattf v. All kmdi of CASTINGS. in In. 11 and Ilrass or other iioiuls made at ahurt noi.ee and rednri d pro i s. i r 1'irtn ular alt. nil. it fin and r. p.nr.ng ol Tbnshii.g M 1., t oil. .11 1. ns. Mill V.,rk, won. nt all kino.. mis, Horse I'. ..w. nd Agricultural IH.Ai K-Ml l llIM.. JoHHIM. WiiKK, WA l.'ON ttltlik ami IHDiSK MInElN.S, a w ill if:N AN I P. It ASS CAsHM.S lnL.,t at Hi. I oonilrv, or Us. O III el 'i. H.f t'.r Jotl Work. W ....I .,1.1 Provisions in firlnni;.- foi Hlacksiiiitliini li Al l. WtlllK nuist lie p- of all kinds taken J- ml for wl.m del-v. end, as I ASM has la be paid 1 nut lor every thing ih. .lab i I Al . liKI'I.I.S lull SWUk most Ii writing, so that the Work and .pcch.a. I'l N h N I V, prii. tii al Encinecr and M ill t" tant and p. nnl at. j II w 1 rk is .lone , 1 1 the oiiiy foundrv in tin Stale ihal li All ci 1 tracts Fonnerte 111 tin must be made with the uin!. rs'gn. 0 hi.iiie. J. A. 1'llX, ; rojtnetvr. hailaltr, A. C. Aiiri-miW .10, lf-5-i. 3-tf MI". -..nfeel.on. rv and P.rnilv Orocery to i. ol MO. llV NlSliPT has I... ., removed toe stanil npii .site the I'n s .v t. ti l. I i.or. h. he Vlllg el ir.. Ne 1 ork la t . loeir 1 UCk ,f .M'i: 1 lo.NKKir.s. ti 1 i.t. 4,i;m i:ich. eV. nj 1 lit ir sto. k may be found ev.rylhinjr ti ally kpl store ol this Kind. A g.Hin as.. Tr.n 11,11. s, Wi.low Wan, Ac , uienl ol C a. Tliry have in their employ an cxc. 'lent U.. h Ell, and are prepared lo furnish pj.'nil.es and Parties With Cum. of all km. - at sho't Holes. MOOl'Y .t NI.SHET. ; Nov. mi., r If. a Is. OJH l.r h of our store 1 Mr dy will supi iint. n tentc a shaie of Ui is. and Imp. pulii linage 1 MOODY A NISHE.T. ,V,e If,, JS.'.H. HAWKS'S History of North -Carolina. i rwvllt: o,l vuli, me is now niihlished. Item.! v.otittie is now ptiblistied. It em. tun p. rmd of the Proprietary Gov. 1 It'.t.J to 1 72'.l. X braces ti'.ii p.ri.,d of the Proprietary Gov. ni, fro It lotin. a handsome hv... voliiii.e ct ..ll 1 p.gcs. The Sllhsciiption price was half a cent a p,L,e; hut the pi ice of Una volume is h is, say 2 T.i 111 cloth binding, J3 in Library slu p, mm i 2.i 111 halt call. Pi w 11 1. si i.n est v .. I s. Owing to the nillliMllty of see unrig Agents ill many part, ot the Stale, we will l .iw irdit by mail or otherwise frrt nt (miiii'r, on receipt of the price; or both minima for ft el. .In. It 50 simp, or $.. boll '. A liberal discount made to Agents, or others, w ho buy to aell again. K. J. II ALE ct PON. Fnyttlrrule. ."on. I Km. 3..t:-r Sen advorti.ruieiit elsewhere headed New Vestures, A c. Over seventy pages choice arli. l.-s elegantly illustrated splenoid Steel Engraving.. Price 50 cent.. riicciluen copy ent, on receipt ol IS ctnts, in stamp, or coin. Address, 0. L. DEIU.Y, 51 Broadway, N. Y. !(NDS the Delivery ot Vi'yertyt FOK BALK HEKK. '' Public irtiiurii rlirillap. MAYING put on my Farm two milri North, cast of ( hurlotte, a Hock of Sheep upon which I place conaidernble vulue, (tliere. being a. rnongat tiicm some of the beat hlooiM Sheep, that 1 cnuld procure, and wiiich coat me heavily lo nn. port into the Hint,) I am deairotia to arolect rhem H''M.at liic deprudalnin. of JOGS, ad do hereby p,vc notice, that to do ao, I am compelled t re. gan) every peraon who enter upon my land foi r , , . '"IV .fT' P'" 1 b,V. I . "? ' 1 prnhihiforr notic prohibitory notice, I deem it proper to add, that there ia a cluaa of wandering Cur and in, und. h eein to take rny field into the route of ei-iii to take rny field into the roule of daily travels, for whose special benefit I shall provide, and deposit at convenient place, ' ' , ' j n t'i'..-r, n,cc '""Che of m,d,cat,d Drrf, in order to aoourn m.v "loclt 0g'nal meir vioo "j A. 1 UL.M. Drcrmhrr 7, 39t4l. House and Lot for Sale. flMilh unueaigned will otTer his' M. ilouae und Lot at llavidsnn Col lege to the liiglifst ln..er on Tue. day the 2c I h of loceuiber, the houae i well calculated for Boarding Houae neeeaaary out nuildinga in good repair, made known at day of sale. DAN ALEXANDKR. Drcembcr, 7, 1W8. 3:tf Valuable Negroes for Sale, 7lI.L be sold in Charlotte, on Saturday tin I I I sl day of January, 18ia n woman, eliuut 'Jl year and her two children b('ingiig to the ralatv ot Mre. Miry M irtteome. y, ilieVi. A rmiit ol' twelve muiitlm will be pi v. t n, with inurtut 1'rom dale. Ihnd nd nd ie. ctiriiy will he required of the fiiirrh.ittRr. S. 0. HUNTER, Ailmr. Kurrmhcr, 23. lcid. HI .STATE OF NOKTTI-CAIlOLINA, r.HAHKI'8 nmiTv t AIIAKKL8 HlVNTY. UJ I 'tat thU (Judtrr i'(Satot,t, OUo btr 'J'titit, 10. ; Will annexed ; I L. li. Krimiuiiit'ti Adiur. with t t l Mont,!. Alt zander, died. A. F. Alex Ma rhran, ani.er, jaiuea a. Aisi iiifli r, l.eorge William K. Callous. Wilkn.a W. liulkwnrth &. win- Mary. Iloiurl Unn &. wile Sarati, Thiunas M- I ion a lo Al- wi:e Mi i i ass, Oeorgc Urnsn AV w He Krii.mi.a, J. sse ,N. Whitlow A w ne Mary, James Aleiandrr, Wilson Monlrnniery 6l ile Mary. .aiii. I rkrrt.ii! V .5 .Margaret, flurtnn H..I. , brook wile K;ira, hohert .McBri.; i wile J me, J.iuie A, Cailona, it W. li, Hoix lls Sl wile I'elition for setth nient. IT appearing to the satisfaction of 4ic Court M tlntl K. V. Alexander, M. I,. AierMi.er. James A. Alexaniier. li.orge A. Callous, Win. II Cailona, WiUii.s W. Iiuckworih i. wile JUrj. Kohert B un St wife Sarah, Thomas Mi Donall i. wife leii.a, i.eori'e lirowu wife hrixarfna, Je. sc N. Whltlrw St Wife Mary. K. ihc.it .kl liridf A. wife J me, Janira A. I ali.-ns, . t,. riitarsis Si. wile .Mary, ,V A. t. Alexanriir, defeinlants in this caac are nonri sident. of this Mate, ii is there, fore ordered by the court, that publitation be made in toe '-liarlolte tug, tor six.W'iks, con mnnding the ..nd ccfi'iiuaiita lo be arst apiNoir b firo the Justice of nur next Court if I'lea and Quarter Sessions to lie held for ttiecimty of t'a. at the t ourt House in I ..ncord .n the 3rd in January next, tin n and tirre to pliad, or demur to aaid I'etilion, f-Vcrwise the aain w ill be heard rxiiartu aa to telii Witties Nelson Slough, clerk of enr said cmt olhec. in Concord, liie 3rd Monday n Ootober, All JB.itJ lld the f ,iil year of our Im e) .tlMlu's, NELSON SLOUGH, C. c. c. Nnr. 9, If 5j. I'ruiU-r Ice $J. 4 tlO. (iuld Mines Iron Works 5 II I'll l.t'llV . -, a run or i.a.'mi. 14 NEGROES to be sold. virtue of a mortgage marie br the Mich mala Mining and Manufacturng Compa. Hie iindcrignrii willwll for dsn, it n.e ll th .Is, f;,ioii county. North Carolina, on the 22.t lice nibcr next, that extensive, valua'oe, and :i k rt v eallitdthe'-IIKillSllOAl.S." prising about 15 0U0 acres of Paid lung on waters of the South Fork Kiver, Long I reek oilier streams in the Counties ot Lit" "In and l.t. 'I'hise lanes arc rich in Go d M.nes, I. Ore. 1, hup, ,Vc, and are luppliid mill tlie t water power in the State. ALSO bul ontf Mcn ,ni pfjod M),cll ind pood Mrchanicn. w. v. m'NU.M, jys 0r THUS. GRIEK, -1 Ihyl- 01.1 tiiti A s r fB'ME t'Mll.IirU.NI.I) beg his In. tin. ami the public 1 leave to s.y to neral.v, that he A M r.K K AN IloTEMor a term has iiiinie such nccesaarv improve. and i.e house, fixlur. s and tu.'Dilure, tnat lo none in the city. se Will la: I olid ll.-l. d aa a filst class I 'I he II til, 111 be sp ri fi Is appointments, ni.,1 im j lake it a favorite n sort, lor hi'iK's, hy strict attc it nfiirts of his gues;.. to 11. Will j t. to the it a lull pui.i c paltotiiige. MM.ON dim;. fiAumUn, St. C. A",,ritn)r 16, IcaW. 3 .tl J r Shi, Il's I.inent CMNIUl SPS sad CAU'KP I.K.S will b.1 ! i n.l punctually at Ire oiflcrent p. Is lu convey passing. r lo "the Hotel. 'tr Siri'3" :VseV'.vAAWw'' J,''' cVji. 1.s5 CANDY IWCTOliV. PivkIi rntll'.i,.! i(..'iiiC 1" I'll if I u. II vt'illll lli'lii liv . j j 1 liu. 1 A A e. T"x! iihscriher res 1 ol Cl.arlotte i-tful'v inform the eiti. 1.1 surroutiiiing eouuiiy,, is constaiitiv rcceiviitif I 1'iat he has on hand a Iron New York, Confectioneries, Fruits, iw ( ( . 1 ( 1 f -1 . 1 1 1 : s, f H v 1 c s TonAcco, s.M rr. toys. .TIiiii-.-tl l.li tmiriil, rtltr. MOKUH, IIOIMIV IIOIaMlia, V l i l. , Wlllo.v vVse.i, lialra, W t k.klHHl. A lUrA Vutjv of every xariilv. J. D. PALMEK. arrmler 9, if.,8. -'Jlf Also, !m intends to inanu fai lure CAN Dl ES of sll kimU, free from p.osonou. coloring unlike the New Vor Steam Kenned Candy, fall and aec. SUIU'ENAS fur nle t ibin tifiioc. I ' huge an and all Term. 572 crej r PIXECATAWKA II IV Kit UM FOR SALI2. fBlIlK 'luhacrilier off. r for aule III plantation, Ji. in M.-cklenburg e. ooiy, on the Catawba rirer, two in ilea below flcatie Ford, contntninj; b tu;i , gyj Am; ,if wei timbered uy aciuai survey ,i7j lcn a, more than one Tina land ia well adopted to the cultivation of rt'i cn ia rarely filtered, upn aa reasonable ' term. a. will l,B given in the above. It can be ""V- f-r l-nvafly until the la, j annua ry ne, id il nut disposed of will then he nflcridat pub lie sale, in the low n of Charlotte, on that dny. For l..r!k..r r, . , I . .. , , I ,. . . , ..CM. 1 I. t vii, ,i,. .,,;.. , . , ' u I Ha yea. Charlotte, cither of whom l r.nlhorixed ...n j ennvo i.i! in ....... ! a : . i ,i., lpr, .,n h j:v,,u,i :, ,i " , . i -fli,i ' A. II. GRAHAM. Korrmhtr, 2t, l.i8. 1 18. KaIhNWEIM-:ir& BROTIIEKS KsTKCTI-L I.I.Y inform the cnircii. harh.ttc mid autrouiidinr' conn.rv. that t'i y are opening in the Store 2 dooi froai T. H Brem Sl lo., a large stock of FANCY cfc STAPL.1: ! !)HY(i(K AND Sternly .T.Vrf i f,OTIlM.Va, I'ot (iciiia, Youths and Voy wear. i.i:icm:vs .uki iti, .Mii:T., IKMITS, SIIOKS, HATS, JifJ cai's, Jskii Tlll-.Wi'S, Ar, Wi: will he tiiij'y reriivii.g t!ic i.'iost extfnive and bet! nsKortmrM of tlie nlovc tt.irr.ed (Jifidn lht tun he found in I he Mute, and cl.tMnt.-r thn n any olKi r llunc. Having b( U; lit otir entire 1.ck for CASH, which enablea ua t t-cl! our -omK I'D per cent chfiper, Atl Jitmih within to tave ilium y in huyinjr po-xiB f-h-'ulif he;ir in tniiid nt to h.rtfnt tf r.t 1 1 on u bed. re buy. riff elsewhere. Whole.;. hj buyfru, particuhir!r. nh"iild bc;ir it in n.inrf. J i.iiuitlun to our I-irc U ck we have a. no fi:t( (1 up a ..U':-.::V110I.i:SALK 110031,! l or Wlioleaale Uuyers. Pavin Kaii.vuui.fr. 1Isjikl Kaiinweilm, JiCOB KAIINser.r.R. Charlotte, bortmhet II, 1C,,. 30tf - - - . C'iAfi 000 lYn. 1 FlMlft TviMii vvuniuo iivt i i i nil x i v id WEST3BO0K 8t ElEKDEWHALL, J'Tm,ri,tois of the Wnt Green Surseriis w j -i' . ' ' 1 'OULII very respectfully call the attention (I the e.lnena of tin Southern St. their very Isrre sto.k of native and acclimated fruit Tree, lor the Kail and Winter Trade, 'I'liia h,,.. n..,l bniid.on.e a.....io t has been profiagated from thrifly lie.aing trees, and work, ed Umiii the beat seedling aloci.s, w hich it. a suie guaratit nem m f fruinulness and loi-.-vity, 2 pronn. iieristics in orchur'iii g winch ah-. old onked hy persons wishing to plant or. not he o charda eitber lor inarkctipg or family use. '1 he. etock consists of the lollowing trees : iriO.IK'O Apple trees; loil.ouO Peach tree ; 10,. I 00n I 12,1'hi) Apricots; I il.lM IU t.heiry ; j 3000 Necturiije ; l'KiO Almond;; 10.0011 ItHiii Quince; 41.1OH Orspe Vin.s. nesi.i-a v.-ry fine aisuitinrnt el Currant) Strawh. rries, Kasoernes, l.M.osthtrrie, etc., all of j which will be s-l.fon very reasonable terms for c.sh or approved pis?r. All packages put up insnp-rior s'yle, and a 1 coniph le m.oice sent fo each pitrnn, and so ar. raiigui that the inv nee will be the rcgiet. r ol the t-rnhard after the trees are transplanted, if they arc tranf oil i t d as each one appears on the list. ' Mr. T. J. Unit. in will art a agent for the fur. nislting ol the pie of M, ckl. n'.urg and neigh. bering counties Willi the ala le Krlllt 'frees anil will lake pleasure 111 forwaiding orders Ibr the Off. 2C 1659. 33if. Robt. W, Beckwith, Prarlinil H itirhiiinkrr i liEALEIi in WU't 1ILS anil all kinds of Jt-welry 11 nJ Silver Warf," C II A 11 LOT i P, C. T 'HE subscriber resptctfullv returns Ins m. ire llialiks to h.s inanj fnen.la and Ihe pub. raliy, f..r liie liberal' patron ice heretofore besi. wed upon bun; and while he earnestly soli cit an increased continuance of tlie same, wiuld intoini his iriend. and the public generally, that lit is now receiving a vrry large anu varied stock of U.ulil'ul and ultrac'.iv al! of t he latest stlc and pallerns, at his old i stand, one door Norm of Mossrs. Uruekcr iV ileil. 1 j brim's store and two doors W. st ol J. II. Kerr's 1 j Hotel. His stock consists 111 part of I Gold and Silver Hunting cased Patent I.cvers, j Open. In ceil Gold an 1 Silver Patent la'Vers, 1 I Detached Levers, Cylinder Escapements, Gold Guard, Pol. and Vest Chains, Silver do. Very haiiOMine Gold and Coral Necklace and j I llraeclits, of every style and pattern, A v.-M extensive s ssor I uienl of Calueo Hreast Pins. I aim" Ear Knii:, j Gold Stone. J. it, M'.siur. I.avii, Plain end Fancy Gold Hrcust Pins and Ear Rings, I A variety of Splen.h 1 While and Colored I Gold Breast Pins. P.. A very Extensive Assoi I c. M isaic ml Plan a. Jell, Co-al Kings and Bracelet., rlmeiitot Laov'e and Gen y ana Plain Gold King,., laiCKtt Kings, and Brensl I Geld hey., Wrtd. Seals tli lncn s Si-al, l-ain Kings. Lockets 1. lid Pins ol ail klluls, A I irr.-c Asscrttncrt n Cal le Charms in fin Rib'.s'ii and Guard Sin tit 1 ton's Preiniuili to A very large slink of Came, Op. I, Ag..l. ami G. rin I Siei ve 11 Gobi, S.I er and Steel P.ns '. ria.n. Pal onix, lu.- S pec U Goid and 'lier 'Pi. in. bus. Tea S. Its, S iver und Plated S Gobi. Is. Cups, A.C., vVc. litil heavy plated er Simons, Porks, Tin lls.l coinpr elrv. If s a vcrv large stock of fash, whole n"l which has been se. able Jt' leeltd by the 1 to tlie w mis 1 which he llivit Ij' All artie si rib.rwilh care und attention us nilil.i HOIS CUt III. rs, and to their attention. sold warranted to lie aiirli as he r pn ... tits tin in. 11. Y N. II. Persona! am! slnet r BECK WITH. Ici.ti..n given to tin Repairnm of Watcl Cniiii"tr, Orla'i.f Jn - - TO ALL whom IT m if I'OM'EKN- A LL Persons ind.-htid to BREM Sl STEELE, arc earnestly rcriiesied to pay the sum by the 1st dny ol January, If.);), or Ihey will most pasitiv. iv lie sll.'.l. 1 will' he f"iiod at Hi insurance I uhee until 1 that tunc. Tli vho 1 ard tin 1 ottee cannot justly liii.u'.toinc ll Is inontln important that the bus C. STEELE. 41? A... Box.a J. O. Kings Tobacco of 't 9 1. f jira.i. s, just reccii. d am! for silt by M. w. UOB1NSON, L Co. A Card. - f AVIXG aold my DRVO and CHEMICAL II EST A BUSH. U KM' to TrleMra. K. Nye Hutehiaon Sl t'o., I tiearlily commend them a rny successor to thu confidence and patronage of a giineron public, for whoa kind and lihcrnl a op port of tnyarif hitherto, I am aud shall ever be truly grateful. n. M. rRITCIIARD, Cl.arlotte, OttoUr 19, ISoH. NEWTlRM. 7 Ir. E. Nye llntrhiscn & Co, j-jea W BIA VI Nfi purchased of Hh-il cntirestock ofDRL'tiS.CIIK. i2,-l MICAI.M, OILS. 1' A I.N 'I'd, & Ac, respectfully call thuatteiition of ti lie to the fact, that they will carry on a Wholesale & I'ctiiil Dni business. nt Irwin's ('ernrr, where thry re receiving1 in nd. dition tn their prt n.-iit cluck, a large anno. Intent of 'ikui unii geiiuin" "Hirers &c9 din cl from the New York market. V.. Nve Hutchison M. I will Piioermti n,l (liia 'f large and well-known eatahlishment in peraon. iin urecrijitioit0 made up With pruinjrt. t, ii. mm & co., WIIOM.SA1.K4 ni:rAiLiFi.i:H BRITISH, FREWCH fc AMERICAN DliV GOODS. rAiii'i.TJ;, ii. it, fcisoi, ANU IIAHD'aV AIM!. T. H. PatM, Clt AKI.O I I i:, .. C. J. A. Sadler, Jr., T. i.AraviTTi Ai.i.xvrra. PICKLE DEPOT IS ti I T R R AVE on hand am JI 1 servos. Jams, Jeli iV in in: f..r sale, I'icklea. I're. is, Syrup", Ac, low lor CASH I l.or K.sl of the Court II IKH'SToN & I1UNTEK harloltt, Oct. '.'6, IbjJ1. o3tf TO BE Eol.'ND AT t.N ASI('I MI-:.T of WOOD ,V II.I.DW WAIi K. I.uw lor I ASH. i Door hast of ne Court House, IK iUST(JN & IIUNTKR. Charlotte, Oft. 2. Icia. a3tf COXri-CTlOaXAIIIl'S. Houston Ai iu;.ti-:k H 1 AS just received a I'resti supply of CAN. M lill.S, o! all kinds, ai.o Citrun, Currants, liaisms, and a variety -f Nil's. Call at HOUSTON & HUNTER'8, I Koor Kaat ol the Court Hninc. Clun tvttr. O't UG. e.,sj. 33tt" Mt'Ckleiiburg Bonds f OH iter f.H. per 11 111. mil. IT Oli;i.; IiONliS are uniioubteill y the safest JL mve tilt that cat id are really preferable to a 1 lie County eaiinot repudiate. Tuey bear tttm per cent interest payable rni- annuuijy, with Lunpons lor tlie same. 'I hey are ol the 4, nmiiinatioti of $100, IiieTi will make them more current and useful lor do. me-tic i 1 The coupons will prove a convi ! for paying county taxes. 'Pl;e citizens of ihe county should popes them, itll.l tiny arc now orKred to them. Proposals lefl st . itl.ir I; .ilk in Charlotte or with t apiain John Walker wili r. ceive prompt i-.cuiion. II. V. GLT0N. I r. H . C. Ss It. H K. Co. Sept. S j. 1--5B. il'tf MIK Suh.crihers Ii received from th" North and Winter GOODS. I Tii ti r Bio .1 consists ot J)1!V GOODS, Slarelirare ami t rockery, i:;u! v-m.-sdi- V I. Tlll, Duots & iSIiocs. Hats & Caps, i"i,' .j ranty ,Ei lie U s. AND . t rv tv x T f. -.al a.' H .Inch il! l. offered for CAStl ai untis liy low rtp ct- price. An examiiiatioii ot our stork 1 fully solicited. Vc have Black and cel. mi Cloth, Silk m. re I LOAKS and MAN TILLAS fron and Cash. I 1 i 50 to ii-j r,o. Als... Ladies Morocco HOOPS, frst rate rticle, ..is of at !!' units; men', calf, kip and other km SHOPS; Col.gri.. Gaiters. Aiso,agoodsb ckof Pl.OGANS at 11 10 to $1 5m. Kl.iK) Clotl .inc, Sli irts.Crn vats, Colli.rs.Poclis, frawers, L'uil, rshirts, a good assorlnn nl. T 1. I1 7en Im n tl.inen's bordered camliric llanifkercli,ci's. at 10 cents. A. so, linen sod silk llotidkerchiels, la.-e variety. Al SO Getits'Shaw!s,naclans,Coiuf.irts,.s c, fin Watch, cs and J iv.lry. Totk. 1 hnivc5, Perfumery and lancy Articles. ALtfO Jicaonct and Swis Eoging aud Inserting. CV.1. lars. Sleeve., Lae. s, Flouncing , Marseilles, corded and a yurtetv of I. p Sairts, from 75 cts to ." i in hand the fi. r box of Sal1; orite old brand ( I..i Eslulta) at 3 - ! ti -. 1 1 1 , JJT( ill at nr Store, eng. In HENDERSON &. AIIBENS. (Vioirr iy, Ic. S. 3-lf Land for Sale. f lHHumh- JL tor S.,lr rsniiied offer. tTrf-.V ,.,e Pl"-.?v? 1 he now re. is'V'saH 'g. IM - , ol Plain Kobiiis.-o, and i.3a miles north of Char nt Sugar I're. k Church. A. II. COCH It AN. 'J-if f-' Not ice. o CR Notes and Accininls are in tin W. A.C.s'k for collection. Thus. "a o-111 ' r'j .p.i-.. coat. BOONE A fO. Aug 21 lc.'i?. Hoots 8b Shoes. tl HtVIVI'S. SHOES and PUOGANS. VI lor the Fall an 1 Winter Trice, which j3eWwill be ."Id at very LO IV price lor CASH. J B F BOONE N.j-t '.6 IK'S; sIXII IAS.1, and U'l.YTl.il M cooiks. m I I A er.s...i,o,n,g the I. li. II. Pall, rt v.ani! I'i'n" lotle and one mile west The IflnrLrts. CORBECTltD BY X. M. 0ATE8 & CO. CHARLOTTE, PBC.EMBER I. 185ti. BACON, Hams, h. ...I.T fSj U ' riide, lb 12 00 llog round lb.., i " Shoulder, lb...,,.,... ,..00 (,(, 19 i Hugging, Ounny, ,.. vd , 20 (T 00 irleef. 'lb , S (,'i 8 Butler lb.., (J, SO lesswax, lb S3 (,, 25 Pians bushel, 00 (', 00 Prmidy, Apple, gal. At) f,.) 00 Peach gal ..00 00 ' f'olton, new, b. 9j ( ol Coffee, Rio lb J 15 " Java lb H (,h 20 Candle, Adamantine lb 28 () 33 " Pprrm lb.., 45 () 50 Tallow 25 (..j 00 C'nrii.oM,... buhcl SS (i. SS ' new !nihel 0 f,i 55 iChickens each..,.,.... It) 12 ;Clotli,Coppcra yard.. ....... 12 r, 15 1 ! I.indsey yard 25 (Tt 30 r,pg, domn IS fu If) flour, bbl UJ (; $ii " bag 2, (n- 8 Feather b. 3(1 (, 35 I.ard lb UJ rV, 13 rlutton,... lb.... 5 ft) 6 Mackerel bl.l.ISol I6 (n) 00 " Ill Us fJIIO (-1 3S Moliise,.N.O frnl 60 fr, 00 W.I gal 4.i (a) 50 Vti-nl , bushel... ......55 3i 60 I Mullets (Wilmington) .lib! , 3 (ti, CJ . ! Nails, Northern, lb..... 5 (n 00 - ilifrn.........-lb. S fa, 6 ,0 busiiel 45 (Zj 50 ' P'r lb 7 (., 7J I'eas,.i hushrl 60 (f. 6S j Potatoes, Irish bushel 'h fo, 109 I " ifweef, bushel 40 fr 60 ; Bier bushel ti (, 0I j dtigar.Ixiar, b 14 f; OS ! " Brown II. 8 12 I Slone-Ware,. g 8 (n) 9 'flt ck .I5 (o 09 Tea J, 75 r.Vi ! Wheat, white, bushel 90 tu) 96 " re. I, bushel !0 (,t 00 Whi-key, North ern, gal...... 45 f. 55 I " N. Carolina,, .gal 40 (.) 4"t I Wool, (beat (., ,,,) ic,i, 27 ( a I " " " unwastied 22 0, 23 Varn, bale Ill) 00 KKMAKKS. Ciri'TONOur cotton market in the 1 part of the week opened rather dull and price arly clmcd a foil J on the prevn.ua week, at the rims of I'.c week we had a good demand and all offer was freely taken at prices ranging from 9jfV. 10 extreme. Sale of the week 1,037 ' ilea. " H.nl i,'. Our flour tinrket is well supplied we n.-w- quote 4i for superfine 41 for extra Bug ami lib's No choline in ti c (.rain markit. COM M 1(1 A MARKET- Coumsu, December II, 1968. COTTON. The demand lor cotton is pood, and buyers take freely all that la offered. 150 bait were sold yesterday, at J(o I Ic. li.H'ON, hogrotind II J (Ti, 12 j li.S, hi f-.c 70 l-EAS ,0 C ',i OATS 75 (,,. 1 J-l-KLI.' -' (Jt -'J C II A R I.HSTON M A i? K ET, CiiARt.rsTosi, December 10, 1 "i.18. COTTON". There was a good inquiry for the article to day, hut ow ing to the light stick on sale and a firm no.rk.t, the transection Were limited to about 2,4' It baies. hi yrsteroay'a price. The prices ranged Itoui 1UJ (V 1 1 tent. Valuable Town Property fJWHH l. flVr torn tHrcBiiig late, lor sale. The Mouse is pleasantly situated on the comer of Church and Sib. streets, opposite the residp;.ce " Mr. Geo. Cross. On ti c pieiina are nil '.ho necessary out build. ings in good repair. I'or further information ad. dreas liic ind. ru gncd at Pineville, or apply o J. P. .Sinn.,, E.-q. at Charlotte. Tirma moderate. JOHN It. UANIEL. OctMrr 13, 1S.8. 31 tf KOKAL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next or.lmarv rtnwinr of the RotbI 1 118 lottery rnntiurtc by thi'Spuniph Government, I uiuUt the niotrviBinn of Ihe I'npUin Generul of i (''ihr, tii! take place t Xluvnna on ! SATUlinAY.Uff ember 1S.1S5S. $324,000. PORTED Nl'.M PRO 0 ORPINARIO, CAPITA la PKIZi: $100,000!! 1 priri of lK).000 f priiesof 2,000 10 " I.OOO C-2 " ftOO i43 ' 4100 -HI Apr'nni's S.i0O ftO.OHO 10, OUO 4 Aoproxinn.tioiis to the 1 1 00,1100 tfiUO each ( 4 of $4tni to f.ii'.niiii; 4 of IH0 lo 3tl,U00 ; 4 of $4H0 to $15.1 1 0; 4 ol a ta tlO.IKO. Whole Ti'-Ucls -'0; HalvcsI0; Quartera 5. r ixe cashed ut sight nt 5 per cent, discount. Hiils on all solvent Banks taken at par. A drawing w ill be forwarded aa sdoii ac th re stilt uccoiiica kuowu. "lt becoi Conxou GI LZ. (c .11. .... .e.ire.d to DON RODKI. of City Post, Cnarleston, S. C.) tin. tii the letli of December, will be attended 10. Peraons ordering Ticketa will please write their nam., plain and give their poet office, county anJ .tale. Gun and Lock Suiithiiis:. LL work in ti t ho'c busnifan, except tnck. nip. will he punctually a Ut miid to ami tin in ihv Inbt niunnpr ot' or kntunchip, it ny i-.rtM (if the court huutr, next lo Overman tl (.on' coulU atiou. JOHN M. MASON. June I, IS.'.i. lilt" Baccn, Bacon. Bacon ! 25,000 J i.s nnnl H.Al. ID a ill be .U,d Ioi J. Y. BUYCK A CO. lOtf .Vay lt, !- ' Silver Plating. a NI1 gold, silver, bras and all kind of metal work repaired. Coach maker at a distance tii , I may want their work done, may have it t temled to at the shortest notice and finished in the het style, oiie hundred yard, norih of the court ' house and next door lo Overman St Wilson' coach shop. JOHN M. MASON. June I, IKiS. IVitf. JOB PRINTING. OB PRINTING of all kind, willoe 1 .1 r in.. Wb.g I - - -WJ

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