proper for rut to communicate their pre-1 Tbe Island of Cuba, from its gcographi- j upon this advioe, an American oitizon re tout eoodition. A 6nal settlement of these cal positiou, commands the mouth of the fused to pay the contribution, and bis questions is greatly to be djircd, as this ; Mississippi, and the immense and anuually-j property was seiied by armed men to satis would wipe ont the last remaining subject inircasiug tiadc, foreign aud coastwise, fy the amount. Not content with this, the . of dispute between the two countries. I from the valley of that noble river, uow 'govornuieut proceeded still further, and is- PSr relations with the great empires of I "'.bracing half the sovereign States of the Jsucd a decree banishing him from the France and Russia, as well as with all other Fu,on- V'!,b Uand ut"ler tha. do"'a' i HT'' V"1 .JT""?' D'cdlt1oy l0"- rovernments on the eontim.cnt of Europe, lon ' a's,:,D" ,0Tvtn V0' ,I1U '."a". : h -.mi u0rre .nouiu ue oar xceptthatof Spain, continue to bo of the ! or vital importance to those Mates, .s ex-. ned into execution he would fee it to b most friendly character. i posed to the danger of being destroyed lujbis duty to adopt "the most decided mca With Spain our relations remain in an . t,me 01 "."" Das ininerio neon sun-, sure. iUttt ,,eioi,g vo u, powers iauu u..gv unsatisfactory condition. In my menage jted ta perpetual injury and annoyance i tions of the reproscnuuvo oftee. Not of December last, I informed you that our ,ime of Pcacc 0ur relations ::h .psin, j withstanding thw, tho banishment envoy extraordinsry and minister plenipo-.' hich s'' " of most friendly , was enforced, and Mr. borsytb promptly tentiary to Madrid had asked for his re- ! charact. -r, must always be placed u jeopar- j anuounoed to the government tho suspcu call ; and it was my purpose to send out . ; '' i?tinS colonial gorerunient ; ea of the political re.ations of his leg, new miui.ter to that court, with special in- over the Hand shall remain m its pre-, tion with them, until tlie plousure of his tractioni od all questions ponding between l0dl- . . , o government should b. aseerta.ntJ. the two ircernmeots. and with a detertm- . ' : t r .'. : '5''"' ' . - . iWrrrfrrtf Jirnliiinfrrtlliiff I ville, (a distanoe of 75 miles,) puts our route 'still -6 miles abed, and will still leave us - - without a rival. The amount of trade'along bent this route will be as surprising to the friends U,ut WASHlNnTojt, Deo. 15. of the North-Carolina Road as it has been to the friends of the Virgiuia and Ten- jliesseo Road, and will pass through tho 'State at least 100 miles. The AdmiiiMrutioii, Enslniiu ami Centrul Ainrrim. The States of the 13th, puhli-hes, autho ritatively, the views of the Administration with regard to Central America. Tho pur- mate new treaties with Honduras and Xica- j ragua, under which sho voluntarily retires NEW YOKK CORRKSPONDENCF Important Missaob from tub I'iumi-'j tf' n"""7fT?i, r' NT.-Tb. Resident has -.t to Congress, tT.ZJ-J li t it was uot presented to-day, a messago, etlU l,tl. ""-,. covering au nihoial report of tlm recent j boarding of the steamer Washington, at bun Juan. , It is understood that the President in this conmiiiiiieaiian d.ies not make The President's Messago was laid doors of our citizen tLis morningj aj tho whole rather favorably received, 'J notorious murderer "Cancrmi," Wil nation to hate tlwro sDeedllv auJ amicablv fHiupii . . v. o,j nul,rc,. u, lu .,v,. .uv ... , . . ls1s , iroin mr mission 01 trie i'jo nuiio lerri- . i- j :r .v.. Ti.: . . .." I its value t finain is coiiinarativclv. utniu- . .'lav la.t to bo in strictness a " forced loun. " " . "" ; lr . ........ ! Knelish otiicer bo was known luiiiMtu, ii iu wern imiuiii,.. iu3 .iui- ; ! , ,.,.11,..,. i 1 - - - - - I lury. inu iroin ucr possession or me ivuaiun " ., , . . . ica baa been hitterto defeated bv cau-cs portnt. bach w the relative situation j aud aa such prohibited by the lUth article j -- ti 1 ft- ir t i . . i as a passenger. lb at his it P.u, ' ' . by . - w,el, , ,re.t Napoleon ! of tbe treat, of K-SO between Orcat B,itn i f hriXlML Islands. 1 his effected, tho contested con- i' f " tho nsu,, cosrtln , . . . r. . . ... i ' transferred Louisiana to flic U. S. Jealous, j ami Meiiea, to the benefits of which Ame- A i,,r nn,l as Christmas Dav will struetions of the Clayton liulwer treuty bo- MJoro Ousley aud his se to a distinguished cititen of Kentucky, who make another and a final attempt to obtaiu justice from fbat governm.nt. bpaoisn offici.i's, under the direct control are entitled by treaty ; jet bave passed before we shall issue another come obsoleto, rendering the abrogation of, the matter in oi i no coiiiriDuiion upon i - , tbe active measures of our Govurumeut to ill proceed to Madrid without delay, and i , ',, i ,.';'. i n." . ,.lf,.,:, . ' paper from this office we citeud to our , ue treaty by us necessury. Jbecause olju,l ' 8 " I ohapter is read from the Bib!- accepting a pecuniary equivalent for this j oppressive measure, iscsides, mterual tao- reaaerg yio compliments ot toe season, anu cession. tious in other parts of the republic were at wish them a " plea.-aut Christmas and a of tbe csDtain -rencral of Cuba, have in-i .... ... f . .. . .. . , . .L , ... . i happy ew Tear.' , , , a i . ourioimer negotiations upon mis sui.ioci, 1 upon me nropcriy oi our cimcua, auu iu- ... , . . , suited our national flag, and, iu repeated jn(j sre Sppropri.,iion hieh may be I terrupting their eouumireo. There had! Owing to a desire to give tho President a instances, nare troin tune to time inOicted i n .. j (j (ie p(irp,Wt ren,ier it bceu an entire failure ou the part of our : Mcssngeito our readers as early as we can, ' . einedii Lt. In fore iiiakin miilher attcmnt uiiuisti r. to secure redress for the wrom.'S ' ira ahalltaMu..-iru,l nm .r not u... V eitixena. lbese pave eivea birih to nunie- ! . . . " '(,..' .. , , . 7 ; J ' rous claims .aeainst the Spanish govern "jTs of which bve been ably dispeusable to snccc", that I should be'ernmeut, ha had repeatedly assured' us i era any thug special that they may hava I intrusted with the in -ans of making an ail- ithat no favoral.'e rbange could be expect- vance to the paIltsh govemnirnt itumedi-led, uutil the; L. o. should " give striking si gn in ir of tho treaty, with- : evidence of their will aud power to pro- incuse- tor a aeries oi years, Dy our sue ecs.-ive diplomatic reprefentatives. Not witbstauUing this, wo have not arrived at a i F. acuta, ...j u" 'itelv after til less wo may except the case of the Black . J ' jto rcrjw the negotiation, that I should lay j which our cituens bad eudured, notwiih- 0uf Jf jLfrieiide will therefore have tbe yM'le sulject before Coneness. Tliis is suandinc bis presevint; efforts. 'And from''. ' , ... , I espJefily necessary, as it ,uay become in- the temper manifested by .be Mexican gov- n "PPWiuDitj of before our read- commendation as to the course to be pur-1 jlis ,r!n ;19 four,l, tilli0 ;0 t sued, but merely introduces the subject to , , , tho action of Congress in au official maimer ' ' . . f, 8 m4, 1(r . j and the oaso was laid over until to njortdir The Report contains the correspondence j wbeu it will commence again to drsuij of Com. MJnlo-h, who .ays, iu effect, that ow luu t la along." Tho cbauces to h when the British oncers boarded the WaO,-1 j bjf , f fc . in-'lon, (he) Com. Moluto.-h called on Old- 1 r UJ1 "wy , " . v ', . ti i .. ,i .. i..i.., and au unscrupulous counsel. Tn.l..e ham for explanations. I ho latter declaim-1 ' ' o l ;iy the ed all intention to search, but said he had charter election comes uff j loarded her to get the news, ami see an interest and excitemeut is niaiii'....i to lie auoarii .,,.,,.,,.... e ,i, ,orr;i i i , , was no do- ,. . ' - 1,1"' , Sir Win-'', e01"11"0," of 11,0 c"y nuance iu t; cretary explained r0"" ' " rd to Niiniiar wav the latter re-; ""u,u . ,.0,I,y ""'"saml ,,:,! j. our puuiiu sciio-jp U'r ..,,,1 f,, .1... mil. baudoned. . . '., ,. ., auu t4, In tho course mirrirpsa fi lihiitHriin is a denirtt Dot t.) . .1... L1.... Board of Kducation, who have coiiir,,! the matter, at their lust uieetiii" "(o;, thr 'uri ion ., 1 lie n. w City Arsenal recently fr retard tbe pending negotiations by au in- fractiou of international law, ... , . , ;, ' Lord s 1 raver said every tuornum Ti of the correspondence, it ' , """"g. . i .i : wr Koniau Catholics aro lr lu. to ah .iLh ., .and txeroi.-ea the riL'ht or, , , , J , " . 1 '''iti. j .. i u-:. . ' custom, and have Uoue it in t.. ...i do in. The people of (jretown held a meeting: ..... , .. I on the arrival of the Washington, and ask-; Lirul. tenrral Nrull. , t, , UHrift tl)l.m iu !,;. This veteran Officer sailed from New ,i,uir it,.grity, and he replied that the sub lork, on the Intb instant fur ;lhe Steamer Marion, en routo ! for salo lor New Year's Day. j We learn that the people of Charleston eon template ixteudiug to him a military ree.-p r Charleston in jje.bouU receive considerate from tho """f fc."1, 'Cub1P7.;rrtrtSur,eo reports Com. Mcln-I " C,U''V '" ". "bo"t, ' rrfsidrnll Jlcsnje. ioii for the purpose of te-tifying to him, We have given this week about one Lalf in ' appiopriato manner, their apprecia- of tha President's Maa. . This wewera Hon of Ills great services to tho country ii.j J - c . I ,i l. Mar ha lon resort to war. All our attempts to obtain ,. , , , ,, . . -i . ,r . . . . , ' I., redress have been baffled and defeated ' r'ice' ,h,t f Mr lolk ,n v.,c" of! ruct Mr-.I'fr)',t. 10 retrace his steps aud remainder will be given next week. We "is countrjmen 1 he frequent and oftrecurriug chaazrs in t , . . . ' , ,! 1 , . v,v" " t i preferred th, to chopping it down, as is c 1 , , , , ff , , rcler tbe whole fubject to Coneress, and ernmeut : and it was, therefore, dectaed I , ' ,. ... .,, . the ;-panish ministry, bnve been employed,, . . . . -i...' . i.:' :.i..i.' i r .i. . tho mauuer f some Kditors. e will give as reasons for delay W e have been com- , 1 1,;. rn, ,t,. :, r M..,; our readers the document and thev can read Davidson Neely. son of Marr Ntely, iu tosh unfit for duty iu consequence of sick- uess. arrior under the lute adimiiistration ; and c . . , . - , j c . . , , . r i i Senile. 1 am encouraged to make this suir- ning ts the only earthly remedy for our that presented an oulrape ef such a char-i . , , ,.'' .. ."' . c r . . r .I. ... 1 j- , gestion, by the example of Mr. .Jenerson grievances. ' rrom this statement ot facts, bku.u ue ju.iueu o.l . ... mtu . .o , ,l -...,... nf r.,,,;.,. trnm it l,..o V.n .K.n i.ll.. A,. ' .nmnoll.. J U, An frn.n Urn rl 1ntl. MahuMi;. At the late Annua' Commu nication of tho (Jrsnd Lode of North Car- some d:ivs since. Tho arrbitert ., , j hi skill put about twenty ton in tU i land rr-ied it on tho ii.tur mwU any gild, rs, and after it i-t.j j l t, , wonder of many, for a few w.-. k- it, i ., Ijin.e'' g out and it fell m ti - new minister shall have had time to invest igate the justice of our demands appropriation live to receive the praise of olia. the lultoaiug uUickis were e.ecicu ur j,ell. n( (.ousau Is. A sMuilsr mo eusumg jrear . He.oklli lias been deserted by tl,. -0: i Brj. A'fic I Martin, of Wilmington, li M who ihouj. -ht thimse! ves safer out tin Uru. II C l-acy, of faylteviiie, f. W '. sueh a huiMing. Bro P.miel Cob-imn, of Concord, (i J. W. Tie Academy of Music and t! llro. C. W. 1). Il.iichnijs, of lUh'Igh.O. I.; Institute have been overran f.. II; j William T. Bain, of Sc'. buth t' Dot ilbtan. The (irind M i-iler then made tha follow- : ... !-.! ". 1- . -i 1 si. hn .(inrr nntis. inn t.riho asmti . . :. !! j ; ., L Even what have been denominated the ' "r . F'T. . " ' houl 1 .he, " a. eeVid in .".hiaW th. coo" ,wl Wtf thiuk xi r'ht to be read l rJ I B ' ' .ilrlanrliuly Orciirnifri We have been com- peitea to wait, a-am anu again, untu tne - V. .. . . 7 , ' . i l..,nd,.. ., . !...!...;.. :. .. . am I. u ' this count,, was killed ou the 14th instant. my uies-sLie oi uec r last, in lavor oi an; . . t , 'to be paid to the Spanish ; resort to hostilities against tne govern- geemg to us to be an iuterestiug docuiueut , t7 '" oauglit in tne macuinery ol a. ing spp-.iiitiiietitK : Rev liro. John I'. Spei-ht, I'Jrsnd ('hap Bro. 1, S. Wiiiiams, of fbarluttc, 1 (J. M liro. W. II Kauu.-tt, tirand S.-i.i.r .o'y Bto. J A. Murray, (Irani Junior Soy liro. J V. Ilowiolt, liraii I Marsiutil, E. C. Haywood, Em. twl "e was ""'o11'' "OUuded 111 the leg. I liio. V . J. Maul,, tiralrl .wor.! lerer t, ., , . n, , M, . . . i . i . i iarK, oral i lui This gentleman, who is Clerk aud Master ' .. .. . .. . md may grant, in Equity of Wake County, was elected to ,..,''..' "... ".. . .1 (;ranj ' Lecturer's Brethren IW-ert B cuixeus wuicn 4 ,eilt jD tj House of Commons at tbe last i. , . ' 3 ' I Vance, Western Di,triet, and Caiviu C . . i ! election. Tbe constitution expressly states ! Our tjosition iu relation to the in-leren-! should at once have recommended to Lou- , lul" uu v"' EU" UB stalemeut (with which we were satisfied) at the sum of fl29.fl.3i "l. Ju-t at the mo ment, after a delay of fourteen ears, when we had reason to expect that this sum would be repaid wi:b interest, we have received a Cuban claims," in -Lich more than a hun- p;,, mV" .imi'V" re- l- "itotion.l forces, ail reasoi.fe hop will ! " it uppc.e.J to give a fair state- A J mjured at the drcdofour c.tiz-ns are '"'"e.-ted have ! ... n 1. , ; ' ' have expired of a peaceful settWut of i ment relative to our domealio and foreign lea,n m this place, on yesterday, by , ., - !- e j .- ' ... I plated by my inimediato predecessor in i our dimcuaies. policy, were for the refunding of duties uuiustlv i. .-..f .J . . . ' i . i i i . . i .i . r""vJ , ' L'ee f!o.J. 1 entertain no doubt that in- ! uu lu oiueruau.i, snoaiu me cuu.-mu-faactrd from American vessels at diff-reuf , , ' , , . imi! nsr nnnii .i,-,,; b 111 oeiiii.ny is lainy uue to ;iiese claimants ; -.-..j ..v.-.., unuer our rrcaiy wirn rp;nn ot me - . tn i " 1 "r'j""''. .uwv - ue aniniateu bj eu-tom houses in Cuba, fo lonj ago as tha Tirinivn Va tir.-.n al.i.'h thpv ar sn V ., ' -I',, i . '.i . t. i"ct. I79o: and whilst demanding iu.-tice "u 'u uuFe mat tuey win ' ; H ! ; . J -, I " 'o Jo ia-tice. An appropriation!" ! unfriendly spirit, , , - i ( . " , J i promptly made for this purpose, could uoni" redress to American ... r," , . " ,fail t exert a favorable ii.3 iCLce ou our -justice require, so tar as tl et)t. 1 rocecdinr'S wire afterwards in- . . , i.i i . s. .i being eaught in '.he mschiueiy. His arm! was cut to the bono aud the fle.h torn off j aud be was slightly wounded in the leg. I t'tu'ed to ascertain their amount, and this was tma,.y died according to their own I s . f , ; c,lntin' .. gres to grant the tieocsary power to the j tbe Legislature, yet in tlx face of this pro and especially those within tht limits of N. ! ' resident I" ake possession ot a aumeicut ( bibition, he offered himself America, is of a peculiar character. The ! portion ot tbe remote and unsettled terrilo- . WM ejcCtej northern boundary of Mexio is coincident , J l -''exico, to ne neia iu pieuge until our in coutempiatiou to issue an Older to il. !ard of Examiners to rep nt without fur ' ther delay ou the sites for a Naval j ut r ,: :.. .I:, c... ti - candidate )' . ,u "J"- 1 " rlL"; coal and iron mines in( hatliain cojuty in-; pot. An at ( Ihiertint. iu inadri ti ' :.i:..,:.. .i... ... .i... t :. . , with our own sjuthern boundary from ocean ; "'juries snau nc reuressc.l and our just ae- - " , tempt, it is thought, will be made to unite iwun inn u.-noi tne national lomidarv Kastertl L'istriet. TiiB Wild Airitavs We learn, from liable autLority that al-'ut two hundred eiity of ii. ii i I Alui kina porium T I n re.- '', Botwilb.tandif . Hi. , jrrrat iueleli.enry of the Weather . n-li ' '1 he NutiMial and Bowi-rv theatres .... . to be opened for r.-lt-ious wor-l ij. days, and tho old Ujte-h aud J 1 r iio.u djiiy prayer meetings are tet.dtd. Iluii Jwhu J. Crlttei, !, n I. is b. city a tea day", n l made fl-.'i i.-m ti the .1 t'l.'tii.m 1 1, ;, J atii..- : i Ins S'X ir'i ill ii iter, dee'iinii. V n r, and rlxqiiM.tiy n. !iei . (V-ii-tiiutioii and th-- I'niou. Ii. ( rou-ly and r. .-..t.-Jly c'.. . r- 1 , at inly ere . i d t v all. The el aths of K ,.vt Dale . !. Newl.ili, and f.-j. K. Ilu'.l.r, bavr e iinj r i d tho puhlio n,n. . . ti;e-e nu n !. bins rceupu d t r " of tho oar;o of tne "Wanderer,"' ro no positions in church or ute. Mr on a plantation in South Carolina, two or was a most In-M-tOicnt and i. propos.l off -rine to refund on -third of that j j,. iutere.,t ;;1 B th,t C0acerD3 , bau-ted every milder means of obtaining I was decided on Friday ltt, that be w4s ! W" tht P tUe Dut"5"uI ah river, having been brought there two" b.wn. b,en brought over b, t amount, (tt-,-,, 4 ) but without interest, bf. h f f neM , Dei2hbor. ; jossice. In eucb a ease, tbi remedy of re- d; ufieJ from Bol,,inrt ,MUon tn4 8o)r jutbor.d b, Congress. Jajs ago, on board a stem boat, fu, N.,..,ra Ma- to f,We "0ud 'T - f iifeioB. ,u- L j cherished the kindest ' Pri"ls is reconi-ed by the law of nations, ,, "m"''" aS , , ? ' '"" r""""" Savannah; and we sup- ti-iu eoar-e of Ircmrt- on It. The offer ,s- also . -eeon-pamed of of be louse. Mr. Haywood spoke bnfo- , r Jo A Washington the pro- ' ' ' ff-r. d for le. Indeed, N B. IU " of.r.,itio, '" ' ra.on tiiat this .oJon,,., canon is not tound. l avc J : p,TPiJti n?.jal wir , , defence of his seat, and Mr. Smith. F e aro iir,..-! that .,.,-. have uueady lL. t'om,-tr ,!l. r, A!u.iiova ed on an, reason of -tnct justice, but is .,..;, :. .... ...A.. 'i M..t t!r . .,..., ;. f nnr r.U. t IUtA ...nv .rra.,!i.l il,ih.,if ",J"Cl irnon. lias w.ti,J , of ou,e cf the .ariro. a ire msiontv n Sen..,. made as a special favor One a..eired cause for ptocrtstination in the duty of the Spanish government to re move. Whilst tbe captain general of Cuba is inve-ted wiih jeoera! despotic authorit. predatory Indians roam ! u)'ra 1 01 WurKe, aiowtn or iuii-. " .-iouiu trra .-vssooiauon iS? A heavy fraud on the revenue hi -.promiscuously ovnr tbe Mexican States of : rrtl. l-narubere, Llapp, Lostuer, t,ox ot , :t Chihuahua and Sonora. and our adioinin I """"". 01 fitt, Graven, Uaney. ihcltson , rity under a free and stable government, j t!on9 with Mexico, arising fr.,m the unbap-j waJ not ,utmd. The followina is the ' , ' ' . , m-talmeut le . i i:.i : i j- ' r,v Pftn.tiimf. r afr. !.-,,. .n.,iU..i. towards tho purchase of the" h..m, . j i- . . "e uavc uevur uuneno iiiicrierou, .nreci-' t J v. ....... .vu . - . . the eiaminatiAD and a of our ., Qf M- , hh . . , affiir. ern frontier, which demands immediate ; T0 " , ... . , tomb of Washington.'" This show, .bat has eia;m, arises from an obstacle which it is. ' , . . . -' . , . 'u,.;.. In tl.ii rsmnw inn .e... i.t ' h or the rrtoiution Messrs. Baird.IJlount, . . , , . " " ""'J " c u-v m eui.ien, - '. . . !.;,! U, 1V P.UV HrV.i uc:u mwarus mi s orai.-e w on t, y onieet to protect the nitenritv of its terrilorv. "r! but lew wlitto mtiatltaDt, large bands "."","". . " : . . f .... .. .7. -.' 1 k .e . v..i:.. m -.- aaaii.-t the bo-tile ii,t.-rf,-reneff of anv 1 "f hostile and iu the government of that island, tbe power j- . . L . ' . . . r, our direct lntere.-t iu a. that conegrn- is witniie.u irom turn to examine ana re- ,. . .... Trriinrl.,. Tl. , , , . , , M-.-zicn, and our well settled polie, in re- territories. iti areas wrongs eon.mitteei ny oranais unuer , , .. ,,-,.' ',:,.,! these States are Dcr renutrs tnis an iu oispenalie Outv. "'" ul l1 '' 1,1 , , ., r. ' , .. , ,- ,, 7, ' ... lr, i, e-.n mil. ...... I In.liann Thpv biv. nt ih if tl.v i (jreen of Chatham, Green of t rstiklin, Hall ; ' 'ad to be b .l),(H) , povsesseu tne win, f-vn io re4rim lawless ' " ;;. . . J, ' .., ut, t uxll , c.if,,, ' ; mitting depredation on our rein jto settle throughout that distant frontier. The laws j Hasten, Mres, Moore of Chatham, Moore j l ""U by th. Loited Stat.s for are a dead letter, and life and property are of Martin, Morehead, Morgan, Newby, Nor-: f -'J,0OO each, lis was r-quiied to give wholly insecure. For this reason tin settle-! mn. Norwood, Outlaw, Pntcbard, Purdie, . k sil in the sum of -.'..lOii. I default l ment of Arizona is arreted, wbil-t it i9 0f Ransom Beagan, U.pley, Konc,, Sender., . !(jC);J . L great importance that a chain of inhabi- i cale, tsha-', &, hiaioiiron, Simpn, j . S tants should rxiend all along its southern ' Suiallwoid, Smith, Spccr. Stanford, Ste- "jnutrs. border, sufficient for their own protection ' PbeD. 'Ibml.nson, Thompson, '1 hornburg, and that of the L. s mail passing to audi " '"er ' ,...,' ' ,. ' ,,. u,""-,u .lfrirain Laii(fi bis control, on citizens of the U. S. Intead of making our complaints directly to him at Havana, we are cblijed to present them tbreujb our minister at Madrid. The-e are then refer'ed back to the captain gene ral for ii.formation ; and much time is thus con-umcd in preliminary inve-tiiratior.s and correspondence between Madrid and Cuba, before tbe Spauish government wi.l consent to proceed to negotiation. Many cf the "i5euities between the two governments would be obviated, ind a long train cf ne gotiation avoided, if tb captain general were invented with authority to settle ques tion of easy solution on the "pot, where ali the facts arc fre.-h, and cou'd b promptly and satisfactorily ascertained. We have hitherto in vsiu urge) upon tha Spaiiiih government, fo confer this power upo the taptiin-peneral, and our n.ini-ter to Spain will a;ain be instructed to urge this sul j -ct on their notice. In this repeet we oc eupy a different po iti'-u fro... tne powr of Earopo, Cuba is aimost witi.iu sight of our shores ; our eommcce with it is far greater than that of any other nation, in cluding Spain it-elf, and our citiz- ns are in the habit of dally and extended personal intercourse with every part of the i-iand. It is, therefore, a great grievance that, he acy difficulty occurs, no matter bow unim portant, which might be readily settled at tbe moment, we should be obliged to resoit tj Madrid, especially when the very fir?t step to b takes there is to refer it back to Cuba. The truth is that Cuba, in its exi-tinu eoior.ij eouditioo injury anl acnoyance peop world wb revolution, almost ever sioce it achiev it I'l-ie -.-ntle-uee, Oi.-j limitary leauer after another has uvirped thn govennu'.at iu rapid successioti; and the various consti tutions from time to time adopted, have been set at naught almost as soon as they were proclaimed. The successive govern ments have afforded no adequate protec tion, either to Mexican elt'z-ns or foreign re-ideiit, against lanle-s viou Here tofore a seizure of the capital by a military ChletttlU, ha-i L e local governments of I'cky, ortcb, Drake, Dula, llller, Fag, bppft di-covered at the Cusioin lloue at .crfectlv bplnlpm and are I r arrow, b rebee, t leming. I' oy , G.-Dlher of , .. . tirin Sl the i ?bcr of IredcirGarner, Oat-ing, j 1 'l "J. . . ' " U tie lireen of Chatham, Oreen ot hrstiklin, Hall ; miv i oc mii.hiiw, Jyloyd, t'ie m.pliei wlcss I ' Bowsn Hargrove, Harrington. Henry, ' ted, was arrc-ted and held to bail ,'. I Hester . inilof Stokes, IFiins". Holdsclaw The Sur?or llt,..eTM!y exan lpr Jones of Orange, Kerr, mrby, Leake, Lef- . . ... , , , . , ".n, j fers, Lewi,, Love, Lyon, McCotter, Martin, UoJA io' r"nltcd " xamii.ed Mr. tiiu'ion ol l he suecesa of this enterprise by the owner, of the " Waii.len-r," establishes tho fact very ronelusively, that if the Southern p.-ople desire cr intend to sup. pre.a that tr!hc, ihey n.u-t r.ij uf m tin -nisei'., aa a relmaaa up-i: the itoverii.i.n.t will be of li'l'..; avail. The e.jt of the slave holding M.le is so exii..i. that the entire Navy of the I n. ted Stsle-s, if c iijti i.trated upn it, cannot u.aiutain the law JU-iiee tho great necessity fur i he prou j t on. I etHei. nt action of the p.- ( ! a iheuioel ves. to (.rot.ct th;-ir rights and inu-re-itn. I hey ahouid no. be.-it'te to r. -.rt to any and ail ii-jitim ite uiviu.s, to arrest at once an I forever a tra'tio so it: many " is ut.d. r present." Yj.ih r - I)..cem!..r, 7, 1 - II. t. .. I...... ! a wet fully, A IUfLM.1 AN I'.KILr 1 Si-rg it I'ho Ni w II in. p a Republic. a pp-r av: 'No COIl! III'IH by slail M I us inq lire, in ti. , of lial avail is tint w -Ijrous, if permitted, to the public weal of ' f" I'Ues cf the ttir.- the ,-ouib. If th.-re (-lists upon the stnt ite be.k. of tlm Sjulhern State, any la, whi.-h ll! rot.-el ihelil a,'ail.-l tlaliie, tl,ry sh'!'i.. he n. -l ri.;id!y aam-t all vi.Ut.jr.. -t ' v nitit L'kf'inf I', 1'J i.if. It '! ... f.i (io-.-rt!ilit l . t J-tr larg.-t it t.s t ieian. tli..! .. eueraliy fvijoweel byi,.... ......... , ,, , r, , " . WiUnn Wind;... V.,adfi 9-'. .i ... - . i .'. .. : .. . , ... irom iaarornia. "eii-iounuca SDDrer.en- - . ji - - - IV. ... ;, ... .1 : . country to his rule for brief period, but ! ZMi eqU Uw Aur -U-r of'n.groe.l n:,ttoattbc present en-is of .Mexican af. 1 tt ' .iL0?,.: 1"!" McK.,. lleeVea. Soliht-S. I from Africa h4 feci, land-d thw . al iiTtiiiiiifilc.'ions rcciitly established be-j - " j gia coast. Wedidootgiveiiiuchcre twceo our Atlantic and Pacific possessions. I BaDiflt CiiliPEflioO. 'to tbe statement, but we suppose it mu-t A civil Ls ben .-a.lw for some time throughout the republic, between, t!. Cent: a! government at the city of Mexi co, which has endeavored to iubvert the co:.-:itu:ion '.3--t fran.-' J. by military power, a;,i t.v- who maintain the aut i.ority of that cotulit I'iou. The a:it tunist parties each Loid; of different States of the republic. a;.d the fortunes of the war are canstantlj changin. Meanwhile, thc u.05t reprel.t n-iblc Lueans have been eiu plojcd b both parties to extort tuoaey from foreigners, as well as natives, to car ry o:i t:iis ruli.o-is cor.te-t. The truth is, tuat tiii- fine country, ble-td with a pro ductive .- .ii and a b .-i.igti tlimite, has been reduced by civil .:i.enioii to a condition of almost hop. le.-3 r.i.aiehy and iu.b-.-cility. It wouiU I e vain lor We learn from our Raleigh papers that jbe ,rue. 41 he Columbus Enquirer says tha ill be a . warm discussion, and we hope the18 represented as being a likely and a v,.ry -hould be vindirated, and ro .eved fr is government li at- is a eoD-tant source of to el., jrc-e- payment in money of the t tl, ti,,i,..n cl This passes very near to the Mexican i. .t t . .i.. e .i i ,i. .r Arizona. I can ima.-ir. no possible! llB 1)111 to incorporate the Greensboro iv i ' groc-, oniaiueu ny a g. ntle dy for tLoie evils, au I no mode of reitor- ; Danville Rail Roal was made tbe special I ",sn. -' heco taken to ti. .t city. II.- m, ing law and order on that remote and un- ; ordur f,jr to day. We have do doubt there ; fr,m ,ot 'aen up the Savannah riv.-r and somen ironticr, nut lor tue government o: 1 ii. e u. o. io assume a temporary prorecto- . , , .... .. ...... kl. ..... r n rate over tbe northern portions of Chihuv ! "ote. of the connectiou will suceeed ,n lral!t-ble u" f" bua and Sonora, and to establish military ! satisfyiag a majority of tbe House that the . posts within the same and this I earnest- ! friends of ibis weasuro are asking nothing ly recommend to Congress. This protee- J but tb(,ir ri ,bt that is to build a road with tion may be withdrawn, as soon as local: ,. ., , , ,,, , governments shall be established in these j 0ttt sfc,03 ''J fr0,n tule- Ue "ttted Mexican States, capable of performin" their our last that we believed that the oppo- ; duties to the U. S , restraining the lawless j cents of th3 measure wirre acting a suici- and preserving peace the border. j daj jjc, in trvini to defeat it. This Iiiisii (,'at The Freeman s .1 ail orjan of lln: I tii w ,.r;:ie-t v. .est hciioii lo the l'r..-.b of la-t week. Tho rebuke of s.-vcre, but b 1 1 a f . r . :t hn KepTi iiia-ore1 h ll.d. (lur ni.l y d,- true nl,I s i.N Oi.ii I ! i; K I irnal i.f N.-w York eity, -h Cath dies, and one ..f stes of Mr lluehanaii ii'-i.ry, sv in it- i.suc the l.te We an out w mi a i re I, m he.:. ction is -ed that ...dent -h.t tl.e priucip!. s of the IVuiOcratic parly Sale TuslpiariJ. Attention is called to the po-tpon. ment of the sale of the Land and Neoroes of tha ;Iate Andrew Iloj'.c to the -'-Jih iust. ad of (the 2-id ii.-tant. The sals will be :iiUrr We still : on that day. I do not doubt that this measure will be I h..liT an rd ihc 7 li,.e-.i..o tlu. Vir. i A Am. ii'-an citizen., now amountit ! iewtd in a friendly spn it by the govern- j . . , t r. -, .. . , ...I s&r va ,... , ,i . ,- . . JluJt isdte of penary - i r, pVoe equally effectual for tUo ! -He. Wilmington, i Chronicle, tbal the Ue,. Land, W traced ; and we are bound by treaty aitb mean, t, .-ati-fv these de-mauds. ) proteouuo oi iLseir eiiizens on toat remote! win no uonna oniam tne traoporiati.n oi j rus picaea neieeu Utiarlc-.ton and Hreat B.ltain, to maintain a navai' force! "ur l.te minister was furnished with'"'! lV" "rotlticr !uT cili"M of the the great Southern mail and therefore op- Rock Hill, on tbe morning of tbe lUlu in. on the coast of Africa, at much expense ample power end inMructions for tbe ad-1 Lu,,e ?' . . Urate agrn the interest of .North Carolina j stant, and a Gue shawl purluitied with see- both of life and treasure eoiel, for the par- ju-t.neut of all pending questions with the 5 Vond'iUoToVri "d U M' loi' 'h'",', h ''"". Tbe trunk bad a spring po-.eof arresting slavers bound to that island, central government of Mexico, and he per- : c " ?oui atlu'l,on to ttie onaition of An- ' .,,!,,,.,. 'ln"k Tim lati t.. d.nV uhi.s b. tcn the formed duty with zeal and ability - z0"- fue P"PUtloo of that 'j erritory, I lle Cenuee tion be bui.t there is no doubt, ( lock and the robbery ws, n-,! di-covcr -.l un r.a and Britain re-pwlr, ' the ri.-.t of The claims of our citlz -us. of thcin ; Lulljljcrine' ' 'lec'1. ,hn ten the transportation of this mail will be secur-I til be arrived at homo. coi taii.ination of the spurious and ami Ke publican vagaries of the present Kxfculive 'iVb have for aou.e lime erased ti regard Jam.. IJuehaiian as a Democrat lie is a Federa'.i-t to his heart's core, lie lias be- trayed his bielx-st trut, or proved unequal to it, and In. warred an ii,ane loll, r nes, f.gainst the party that elevated him to '.ffiec. Not only has he endeavored t rob tiio party of its lcsre-t principles, bet he h-H violated the fundamental theori-s of thfl l iveriiu.eiit in tnki!i' madly at the Re,res..itatives of the people, an I with his bribes in Kansas proffered to the consti tuency, and his rewards of office bestowed on recreant favoiiies, ho has in-ide an epoch which will not soou be forgottoo, and ou -ht not ever to be. " ' j 'arch, now so happily terminated, cou.d ari.-in; out of ti.e v.oiatioi. of au express never hs.e ari-rn if Cuba hud not afforded prtrvirixu of the treaty of linadalupe Hi- a market fjr slaves. As iotii' a thi mark- d!go, and others from gro-s injuries to t hll remain op-n th- re can be no hope per.oi.s tu well a property, have remained for the civilization of benighted Africa ui.redres-ed aud even unnoticed Remon- V bii.-t the deuiatid f.r slaves contiiiu- s in -trances a.'.iifi-t those i:rievarices have been Cut a, wais will be wao. J among the petty ' ado r..-.-e.i witV.ut ffoct to that govern- and barbarou chief' it, Africa, for the ment Meantime, in various parts of the parpoee of seiaing u'tje'-u to eupp 'y repu'.l.c. in-nees have been numerous of trade. In such a condition of affairs, it is the marker, imprisonment, and plunder of in possible that the libt of eivii.zation and our citlx-ns. t.y different parties claiming dark and exercising a loal jurisdiction: but for red re territorial irovemiuent for Arizona. V'tnt.l tub d in our nctt. Pohtaoe A gentleman was V Among.t the wonders of the diy i tbe I'xhibition of a man at the I ' y Collwgc, the movement of who-e heart are n-ll le. It is a casfi of deficiciiey of the steriiuiii, brea-tbone.j whieli, the! .everal moveiiieiita of the huart to bo s-.n, ; It has excit- d intense inter.-l f.r several week amounted tn '''""4 through, out the cities of Europe Rail Rnarl hv fr.-l.d.t .)ti i ., . ,. , . i al. I Hrillin. 1 he .oh i,-,. nf f I,. ,1 .. r... I. . ! I . . ' ' " j oi wnicu speculators took l,i(UI) !.,--, ii- , ,i . ; f7Ta; VV T , 1 ttnd C,prl,rS 3'5i Ulu-" Jc- tiveof Hamburg ,V.n.,: dg It , a 7e" ta.nlylost to W itb these con-d, ration, cli.ed id. ou all qualities. j somewhat under tho ave, te ,d,J ; ,Vnd i before them, we cannot see how anyone (rather pale, he appears tu be in' ainst Ibis measure, without their uzr v.-. .-..4 r 11 , , I "ea.lli. Dr. Mott has the patient thou. and souN, are practically without a I .,i , ,i .:. ..4 ,. .,:i t. nn .i.. government, without laws, and without an, , . . . , . .. . . ,, ., i i . .- r .- . j ter than the lenecssee aud Wiri'ima Rail EzT liv thn rr;t,r,t . , regular rdmitii"tratio of justice. Murder h 1 ' arrival of the steamer Ara- aud other crimes are committed with im- j I:aJ- 133 shorter than the Wilmiog- j hia ,t Halifax, advices had been received .jr. o. ...... g, , IW,NU IUe 1U fom Urel00l f tho 4th in.lant 'I I.. am i u.ereiore, repeat my i tin; Mate will bring a large amount to the Bat., 0f cotton for tl mttiern e .n-irn -r. in.-r. T I If w hat a v ; sir.. taction of rj po'i-i, pl the S nrli wii h all lb i a top ii ii H to jhen- la'ch they ii-.-, fr .m a stea.i. limine to a 1: in.i.-h ! The S-.urh i.- as aeev-ar; I N .ill a. the Nerti. is t-j the S-.i i "lii'fi" ai.nuwiiy inske. .ji n.. lars worth of shoes. The SjuiIi I- i. cu-tomrr. When tbe ihoe Lu-iti. I if b..i,-.r stalks iLrou,.-!. f.- : b. r li ur.hing nilaen. "New Mn.lai.d is cai.i. Iv 'v iu the manufacture of ct'on - t..i rn" inai.rial of !. Svuth, ail ; h Is ' he., o-ir .;.ii.dl- - t ,'. the op-r:ivrs sre (i,r. m,M..- I ::;. tion. It i- the . j.n it ol a hj-v i tl. ii the '..and that f.:ed, it. i l hi.'fi e-iitivaie 'r. '-r .,., i. ,:. , t-fei.-ot Mctions oi our country. c un ni. -re. , n, &nt. fact e.i s n r a." can fl .uri.h w liiie th two b -itv : 'f our country to e-: ;; ii.juie eneh other. u p -isii.g w. -j in cui.k .iieii. the .S.utu of II . .r detiec on u- tor all that ll.ev -il, ! and u-e, and this stimulate th. in i. li-h Rl Sllufr.elOl I. . for tljeilj.. ! .. - - their trade n.i J other channel., m t; tr. I.) the r r oeeeds '. " u p "o we prove that th V I -ed to u. tor ail their lit.-ralure an I al teacher., an I tli.js rou.e la. .r n-.-r our books and teachers, are we i-.i-. in anywise? N' pood has coin'.' will come from mot-i ll eriii.ii. reeriiiiiniatioii. It neither si i . nji parly n..r ha-tens the dawnfsl! oi ' Wn hold that every State b t.. d.;triiuiie what iiistiiulioi.s it wi.l i " Why, linvi, ,oit tha I in . ' more slave .stat. ,' when the ir ft st'. ne of o ir political fiihrte r. -i ' prinripln that majority of the . every Ma e, new oi old, nbuii u.i i' q jctiou for ittlf '. " V2T (lur biilinifV'" neighbor of il- in of ii'i iekerv. t let include, r,,, 1,1, k II. .1 ,...,. r. I. 'TL been made known to the world by VXt f 't ' I' P"., -te that IZ Hj Mr 0, TZ. ! f V""" u,j predenrs, that the I.', ft. have, on to pu,,i,u the author, of or I 'Heen sued by tho post oflke autl.o-1 fer a road mWg.nia to a road running. u , bee made on the charge of a I cs-: ' ' this remarkable ( lt ,f h not wore free fr,.,. the ..I- ( .. from r-pam. by bonor.l... negation cit.a. can now vi-it Mexico on j Ths utlM lppe.rH icot,rt ,MeA W . g.,e . short extract from the minor- Geopral. V , regard to the action of the beai t, and gives ! G'f .U eVunt , are ed and Tf.'" Ett";','":,'li" U"1 'f1'' f JU,":t' .L"Ut "T" T ,W i that the act bad been done by bis son, but ' "V of the Committee on Internal Im, '1"" . ii'U idea of the great a.rengtl, our b r s t id i y . fe i a lis a ,'.h. c - v. r:;, 1 1 :r;::t;;irn, l; 2,:t -d., . .1 b,. Ml u. TLo 0H. n, ,iUt of i;n . - 3- .u,j :j - q 11, Cuba in an, oihe-r' m.m.r. This is 7pe oir treaty with that republic i. .!,,-, : 'ZJ-V oTulLI " ""V TP" f Governor of .South it exposed u "v i U ' ZVl b. ch"artP'1"'! ''- '? one to our o.tio,... char.eter. All the J a dead letter. j ove.ta. O. Uullmn. r,tW, they close by saying : Carolina, and the Ho... M. K. Cam of Wat - would be no actio, eucb J ! 3 " diTr. i co ,1 my an - ZZZu CloV, b" .-;-Jr.he; fr:i"t."" toa; Thus it is seen that the route from Atlan- terboro, Lieut. Governor. P' under all condition, I l'Z , fcVthl tZl f l origin of the govt, ha. bceu by f.r pur- ens,, id May last, by the promulgation of HT Mr. W biteboase, in England, informs uto Richmond, by Danville is !0 mi'r, "ftl,e ytem, beneath only a thin Veil of1 Kli i. Lli fh -VM - c-tr,.,utio0 pro rf,!t.e director, of tbe Atlantic telwgr.pb thathorter than th ro'te by Kn xville and .'o.l, desire, tl.t there , , ' h ,2 ."H .Z' ' by .be fe sai vo.unt.rj rt f lh ,,. ,lpon , ,lie capital m the republic, be- , the cl-rk. in the V.-.n.i. offioe. a .horrTiaa mil.. .iWt.r than b. L ' I tt- . Kw' W, learn from Washington ,h.i ... be . window in tho breast f .11 ." 'Ii ' '"''"S, 1 ndrnt .tale a J.i3, in blendin- r tween certain specified amounts, whether time before their discharge had maintained 1 .;...,... ' ....... i.. 4 ...:c... i t I Charl..,i f. ..,!.. ' stioiea with our own eourae we heid b, Mexican or foreigner. Mr r'orsith ' a conversation with Trinitv Hav t .or... . i .lI. ., .-...,.,...... , m Jipsoes aud Uu- ,,,,. ', , I n,. f....-e-.. ... f ,,,-, 0M'' I' snail ever pur.ue, on.en aircumtaii. sl.oulJ occur, wLieh we do not bow antiei pate, rendriog a departure from it clear ly justifiable, under the inoperative and eertu'.i;g law f selfj re.-ervation. .. .....I A.,.m in th. i;U f . i .1. .. a i. . -e. . . - ... . iiese ircaiiea. ........ ' - ...v. u, urci.m n.i who proper, lotte, (jreensboro' aud Danville to Rich- " forced loan, formally protested against ; management the eabl- cao be made to do ' Dlond, will be without a rival as to distant it, apt. caioo to bis eountrymen, and ad-; enough bvaine,. to pay 10 per eept, divi- ,,1 hoi,Id tbe connection between Lvno'.-' 1 v.d tn.m not to ray the contr.but.on, but deod end la; by a reserve of .00,Oij in burg and, shorten that route , tL to s,2,r -.i to be fo": b , td Actin. ,.t months rnn,0,io() ,,etwofo LID,ubur. n ' : t. O f The 3avanna Republicon announces the 13th instant, the capture of thres shtd Lynrbhurj and Han- 'be Oft of the season. Mr. Uroux'a cam. " Hoijh. There is said to be a fu'l u.... -... ...... i " "S "u coiiiracis nave i.eeu mule liver hog jjrosd (ASH '.V. Lnr.K nf 1,11 better I""' of this faet than (lis wonderful f fM "upplyj the Oxygeuated Hilleis, in rM'lienlni.' 1 tode.1 the avstem llv.t,.n.ia. aud ail hogs at Chattanooga at four eei.te diaea.ea of tbe stomach, and re-t-"' MdkJ-cvil'r. llcvjnhr. I r,iri., ,; .,,,,; 0 in.. . Vt.l V

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