r it vi inn be, iicooiiijill-liii! in the preset condition of 'lie countiy, we ought lo make a mar u approach to it is my be prao- lb-able. Tl.e Postmaster General U pi ced in mi-t e luharr.-sing po.itioti by the rxi.-ling la-ta. lie i- obliged to carry these into ef fect. 1 ' e his no oilier alternative, lie finds, b'ctr, tint this cannot be dun' iih"ut b.ivy demand- upon the treasury 0. er and uhovc bat is recci'cl lor pos tage ; aii'l tbes. have been pro.Te ively tucr.iinr from year to year ui.'il tbey amounted for the fi-cal year ending on tin' ill'ih .tuno. 1 S")1, to more than lour million ami a ball ol dollar- ; whilst it is e-timi,trd that Hr tie present fi-enl year tin y will a mount to CG,-.!"1,1'-:'. Ti.Ve sums nr.- ex clusively cl the artdiu 1 tippiopiiatioii f JGOIHU'O for ' compensation for the mail sen ice performed for tl.e t0 houses ol Congress and t!u- otht'r department- ami ofiietrs of t lie gov. ri'ii.tut in the trai.-poi-tuiim, cf free matter '' Tbe rn' cf tbe-e lar:c 1 . ficit" s main Iv Ml: :hut..l.'e to the increased (jp.hs,.. cf trail pel'ii - the Urn's. Ill 1 "-' I lie Ml 111 pai l lot il i- M-r. ice wa. but a fr-ii'Mon ahoie lour milium, and a qiirtir. Since that tear it ha- atinunlly iie.ea-ed until Is"" ' ins reached more I! an tight miili"i. iiini a quarter ; ami for the rut''- f 1 "'J, t is c-iiuiat, d Hint it uiil iin.o ;nl 10 mere than tc'i null oi. "f ih'i iii The r c-ipt- ol in. Pot O.TiC II put l F..I ni. he mud.- to :pp o n- !,, or :oqt..l ir exp nl '"re. niilv, l) memi- of tbe ic.i--la iou of Congre.-. In npplying any r.-uic-riv. i.x, "Uouid be tske.itli . uha rJple ' bali "hoi be deprived cf tbe alvst.i.g winch tl..v are lairly entltitd to eijoy (torn the I'j-t 'S.e- Ihr iifnei.t Tbe principal n ine lie r.'coti tin i. -i -I to :h c-J.i-i ler aiiun efi'imgie-- t v t..e Po-tm i-t r Gun-rsl, are lo restore the lo. me- r it of pi-taje upon mi L,e h tier- to live cut.- ; I Mih-P.tute lor tbe fraiikii!.' pii.i'.eje tin .1. ivry t) th"-e 1. i.v to eij it, ot pu-t iffi.-e i-t. n.p f i ii co, re-1 omience, aiid ti iSinot the 1 p i, contracts tor the trai.-p uijil, to e n fiye it-elf to I , ,. ii ' t;;;- -i ,.ll c! ll.i tru.-p a iv parfc il: ' ! Cl . t: -li. L, ii ler tne f-re-. , t -v.iwtn. the exi.-n-e to the j jv. riiment i. ur- .t I y iiiereis.-d by rt-4'iiiitig thai the la a: be caT;ed in uch n! ic'c- i- i.l ac--o'i;-j o i a;? p-.cni-r-. l i.i- wiii be il:i,e th.nit piylram tne D -ptrttueut ov. r i',1 ra N wi.ttc t:ie tt.vti will riiuu tier ate ronti uctc r.-. The-.-, r. cvni r. lui-.ns dc-crve tie grave Cit. ilerat on of Coiii;re.-s. I n'l'.J a,:atn call J sir attention to the tttcet ruction ot Pacific ii iioa-l. I mie ai.-l r -? -: : . n have but -red t3 confirm 1i.e iu the tr-.t'-i at.-l jj-i:ee ot t u ol rva lion- wi,ic:i I u. -.!. , or. thi- -ni-j vt, in m i-t anrus; n;e-..a.e, to h:ch I beg; leave ;iu r. t r . r I I i- tre.-.y u-:u.i: i d ti.at it would be in ej -..r.et.t !--r thi. got iniueut to H1 rci-e llie poer of con-ii uc;ii. the Pacific li.ii real by its ou iiumcdiatu agents. Such ap-iiicv WOlld il,Ctlt: '. l.'e p .'. Ol.a'.'O ft" i he 1 1 t i .in..'- in.:- extent, an ! ' ' dace a -;-'.;n o; j i .. i c rruj.-iin. M.-h i i Ti-iaiiC oil tlie part ot federal oS;;a'. cry. i t-hv r i re.et.t or detect iu cjIi -,u '. !.. J in- hj the keen rye. ami acive and c r fa. .up. rvi-i'.-n of indivi-luai and prime in:eie-i. I i.c o .-trueii in ol ihi- uj.i :.';, t. !:,. refor m to I c c omn ict.-.l t coiiip..nie. incorp 1 hy tlie Mute, ur r.eer ;f.n... w i--e p. c-.i.iry ititcrrM-w.-.iJ he liir. eti invoice. 1. t 'ong.e-- uii.'hi !ti. n a-.-i-1 u.viii in the wcrk by grants ol i i or of iiio.i. v, cr boih. under w". ) di io:i- and re. Mictions a. wojl l peoure tl.e t r.i 'i - orf a i.j n of troops and munition ot war tree ir. ui ar:y char.-e, ad that if Hie l'-iit-d S.ates Ui ..I at a fair aud riaio-i .L:e price. 1 tie J-i'jjir.s of events .'.it' nm lie;, cement ' your tt-t u .- mi bo uiil, .iiSej.iics di.appear t.Soie a S'i,, Slid determined res,,. At Hint time je' t TO.' deemed by i-e sl. i pat r.Jtii men to be a Vi-ion .rj pr j. e:. I i. grest -Ii t .. ric to l e ovt ic ii.', and the in t--r ven in.' mo j:.t iii.. and d ,-ei t- in tl.e j) . .e on. isc' a wl.ieh, in t'.e cipmi i, ot ii no ; r -.'! I i. be uriiinuiite.l. .N-.i, a'ler I ,e ! .p.- 'A b it a - lii'e ).--,r, t ,--e r,;. ati.-e-. it h- l. 'i di-covrrel, r.: f-ir if. forr:.ilb'e ti.H'i th-y .:'e anp;..--.-d to he ; ai. I ti. i! -tait.. i'i p' enjrr- no. pa ;il repa-s Te'.!-,r y. I iee in utii 'fk. ii a co:.-. -ii .r -..)!. r . -i ii.iafcn S.m i ...ei-.-j. S; I,,,, 1.1.1 .'! . -. in I--- thau li t.'i fi - ii .j- Tl. c t ii-'.ti as r-.-jii. ir;y p.-if r n- i. i.s it ijrmer )e jr-. b. i e. u .ik e tv ro.d, king i . i i t inotii'-n'ous ,'. the-c n,:J be a p la.-rf,! ell t'.e SMaltS e I-t all 1 i i -. ; i..- i- i re i.,j iiiij-.tration 1 c r ' r n f, out ,! j-,..' tli- I'-cac if a l I tie part . r ..- i. i i ciute'l 1 )' a s.iv, e-y au't rapid In' -'oo-iiiii ji.iem.u. we Tuj-t nee.-sai i, C-.' I'-'i a'.d a i-ri i.-.rg pr;,prt,ori tin ti id. b Ail r.l K jr-'pe an-j A-i . ur r- c.- A If j'k- w i I nil. a ti. 1 J -.p-.n w,,i I, ell t'.e-e ril.li i !i I p t .. , .- rlnji: -I. r or i-'i 'I'll. '-ic : at, i t. n.-t r; of the w :A jrovce tint 'lie na'i r. :,, i, m- g iii,.. ! , r,...e..ioii (f tl.e trade vith La-ti-rn Asia. I n ,ys b'eotrie wtalihy and p .-wi ffo;. J he p-oiiur peogra; bica! po-ii, in of t'.i i f -iiu I,J our l'aer p I m., jnvif - A'l - txmi ef it-.I in. 1 ent-.'pi'-e i-.t ti.i f mi't.ful field. To r-ap t1"- r ! .re.t, 1. . .'.'-r, it :s au roll p.-o-a-.ie p- r. , ii ', at we sh . ! fir-t have a n o i.-it, c w -. at.'i ei'i-ilate its pir-eluct. through o .1 very portion of ti.e Lni n I -i ! -, rueh a ra ir- aJ thmo.-h our temp -r il" 1 iti ta-l- wh.e-i w vu d not he in p-!e I ty fr-t I. , rope sol A-i. . i-t, I. 1 1 J N h,,g D Iphiii. -.,,. lUIe. I li.e - . , , PillU,', 'W .., K,, .f : - cll the e .-t .,' ''oi. ,i', ii,,,-,- thai, i.'.r-.- i-.-'l I J ' - . - l ! i . p. ,-. uid. r I,- ,- ii.' ,1 L-Ui. L:a, ! .. i, nt tl e U,l ol . I il s N ..i. ... . ,1 ..; 1 ,, ..i. i, on th-.- U7iii Augu-l. ai.. i. ibe I t ui . ii.it-e li'aU'lred a-.i a.x in t,on:nel, v.'r d.liirrad into ibe custody t,f tl,.. L jiieJ flaw MarrLal fvr tlie uisi:ict vf S'outh Crolina. i bey were first plieod in ' S tor, for Ve keep".,, .nd were de-1 I,.,. ,,iil th 1'Jtb SenifDiber. bco tbe Mir.ivor-, to bundred and aerenty United Slate MeHim r NiaL'ira, to be tnitin- ! 1 .1 .!;.-.,.. 1 nn t.narl t in rn-i to the co:i-l of Afncs under the 1, . e ,, , f ,, T,,ittti State9 pnr-imnt to the provi-ions of the et of the ; i 3d Mireb. lMli. in ailnitimi to trie acts prohihitina the slare trade." Under the , d .er-i.m o' tbi act, the President in ' ,,..tho,ized to make Mieb ropulaiiom. and j arr ip. cniei.ts a- be mav deem expedient, for tbe I r niid life-keeping, auppnrt and removal , the limilsof ihe I'niteu 'l..-, cf , ,,. .r,-e- muialtoea. or pernoii of c-ihir " ciptiired by e.--el of the United ; piatc, a- Imav be de'ivertd to the Mur.-hal ofthedi-tri.Vin.o .bid, they are b?b. ; and tonppoii.t a proper petmn or p,rsoi,i.i re-idii.2 upon llie coa-t of Africa, a? .sent ; er aeiiit." lor reCeHltis! lli' t ''i;ii'es, nni:ai- ; t . er pei-li- of coaT, delivered from oil t.iiml ve-el seixed in the pro-ecutio'i of j the ';nc eriide by commander, of tbe! I'niied Mali arm- d ve si i-.'' A doubt immediately aro-e a-i to tbe true con-tt.ieti'iti of t!'i-not It i.- (juite clear from it- term- that the Pre-hlem was autlio- j iiz-d to proiide " for the -afe keepiny, sup- , pr.it. and ritinnal" oflbe-e lu-;roes up ; tiM the time of their delin-ry U th" airent i on i be eoi-t of Allien ; but no expre-i pro-vi-ion nude for (heir protection and euppoit after they bad reached the place of tl.eir de-tiimtiou. "H. anarfciit wa. i, could not have been uppo-cd that Con ) i-rei intended be i-hou'.a dewrt tbem at; moment thry re received, and turn " t , "'a7', ' ' , , : p.-rt-h for wnnt of lood, or to become aain f the victim- of the fl .ve trade. Had I his ; teen the intention ol v onyres-, tne employ in .'lit of n at'eiit to receive tln'ni, riq itnd to re-ide on the coast, wa iho is Uline- ee-.iiry, and tiny inijlit have been huiued I v our ves-el- Miv.h"re in Africa, and left expo-'d to the m. IT rings and tbe f-te !;!, .i--l.i certai'rv a nit them V... M .i i;, ! :- -p- . t..l n ..--are cf Hih Iv.. i,.--r, l-lo, at the fii-t -e'un after ihe act was paved, announced to Coiisrre wLat, in Lis opinion, wa. it- I'm cT.-trurtioti. lie i.,Uees it u be bis r utv u-:.li r it. to fj'.iow tl.e-e unt'ort jnates ii.'o Alrica, i J l:u'..e pi ;v;-i(n lor tiiem tb.-re. until 'hiy i-hould be b(t to provide f. r t :, e ti i - i i e-. Ill eoti.;iiui.':itii.g this i i'C rpret ifot. of ! tl e act to Coi.cre--, he statvd that -Olne . doui t bad been etitert iiiie.l as to it- true intent and meaning, aud be submitted .the . le.'ion to ihein, -o Hint they miilit, "-houid t he t . - in --ti iidvi-nl.ie. an. i lid the -aine h.fjie further proc-edit.g. are h-i-1 m.Jcr it ' Nothing wa. done by I'oii.-re-- to ex plain ti... act. an l .Mr. ,t;cnroe pruceei.-i . lo r un it into execution according lo hi., own mt. rj. relation. Thi-, then, became 1 the practical con-trurtioii- When the Atn can. from on board the Kcho were ue l.vrr.-d to the mar-hal at (Tiarb-.ton, it I e e .iin- hi v I ii ' v to c oi-ider w hat iii-po-i- I-'.-r in .!.;. r a-ois. it was ei;.--:i-t:i 1 1 re it.... ve thi in from thai loea'ity at speedily a-po--ihie. A.'lnr.ieli the conduct of the nut hoi ili. and e.t z.-n- of Charle-tou, iu Liu.' eouliteiianee 10 the i XeCitliotl Ol the ' . wa. j.i-t what n.i.ht hat been ex p.-eied f '.in ill. ir l,iu'u character, yet a l.i.j'ot.ed co 'it i Ii ii a ii ee cf thrra hundred !iie ,n.. Ill ihe in. Mini i ate vicinity of lij.lt ei'v. c o il i i.-,t have faio. d to heeonie a -ojic-.- of inconv-iiiriiCe and .r.xietj to its inii ..'oljiils. Wbe'e to feud iL'-m, wa tbe q ie-iion There wa no portion of tbe i-n-t of Afr;ca to which tb.V could be IC- i ;h !.v I'-jarl 10 humanity. fXC. pt . Li ( ri:i. Ui: it r th e circ'iiustatic. s, eii'.-i.t wa-. ci.t.red ioto wiiti the ill'Oi S 'Cl'ty on th- 7th of .Septeui . iici; cf sl.i.-h i- herewith, trim- ui.J,r winch the ."-jeiety engag'.d. c ii-ideraiion of forty-fi.-e thousand to receive tiie-e Aftieans, in Lite ii tne ag. l.t of the United Slates, rt.ieb t: in d .ring ti.e perio ' t one .rt. i itn .-iter, 'i 't, in.-, pro.isim-. .in i i- !i a! alien i . :.c-, c . i-ing I h. ciiil i ren t receive school. ai.'l ai,. wti.-th-r cnilircj or adults, lo i' in-tj ictid in the ai's of e'vilixed life, -u -table to I heir eoti'liti on. 1 i.i- ,'ggr-gate of lortv five thoj-and dollars war bas-d .1 ui. on an a.icssnee of 01, huii'l iny l il'.-ir. f,.r inch individual, and a i o -re I, i- ! e n c .1. - i l- r i! ie in ), tal ly am "i. in -in, in i n.ay t..- mors b' tore they r. a-: A i iea, the s. ci'ty have agreed, in an equt ,.t 1- f'.i. it. lo m uc.'i a deduc'ion from in- aii.o'ji.i. a under the circm-tii tin v a '.pear lu-t 'ul.d rea-on hh.-. TI. ..-a ill. vt he bld U'i'.l tbe aftu il n in.b-r wb shall a may be rtain ,i2 a Cin'g- to tlie society. It ..- ..'.-' di-i.i.. t'y agred. that, under railed upon lor ary al'lit'otisi xpebcs. 'J I -e ng. nt- nf tt.e i.oe,e:y rtumft-ted a 1 ii.'la,'.ie de.-ire to confirm tbe w:-he of ihe guirii tin-lit throughout li.e trau-aeiion. Ii.",- a.-ur-d in- that, !'er a careful cal- ejl itio'i, th-v v.cul 1 I.- r. fi i i r- d to expend tio hundrci and fifty dollars ell lo Li.,'... iale- in em fur ti.eir care and tro'i'n'e and r..--j ou-ihi!i'y. At ail events, eoul I in ii-e no teller arraogeiiies and there no 0'iier ait.-rtiative l. ring the p-rio'l !..-ti tne gon-rmin nt itself through if n:, a g.; ur-, livieftooi tin; ta-ll of pro-vr-iiiig fr capi'iied in gro.-s iu Africa tho r h-ad w as very inucli gre iltr ,g i'en ii -j Ovit lai. 'In. g ap- v h.vii.g HH"' Ml '.dv.inc-: I therefor, t: .il in ay ahie to tins p:.rpo-t., I any money on tin: soir..;-r-eotiiti.eiid t Ii it an ap- he mad.: .f tile amount I' ,i. t 5 c ar r y it ml i r ': i) tore, nt a nd prib.l.iy w.,1 and I eurn i n iiui.ar ebaract.-r I.- li. id,: by oor -tly recommend. I Ihe eecond cc- ine aet o't M ,l o :t. 1-1 'I. -o ; roi.i t,e ambigii -ted. i.d r-.-nd, t pi am, in cx .1 ot l' i u in b i a A 1 h - i sc of Col r-s aud govern- the i Ji'Ilitlir l'.rf arlinenl- uf tl. nie.it. e i ai li ot tail lo f'---l a dr. p eon fern in it- . Iale 'I I, i- i b-igMem.l by '.!,,. l igo ehu-.et.-r and the peaceful ai.-l & - -i.v Miu:' of its re-idi'lll mi, ib t mis. I e,.,.,. eonci'jl- Without p. t fjiu.il. g the .':.-. . .1 i xpn ' ing my gi.i'i!i"i- i'on t.,.i I I.,'?.:-, so -kini.y u-epomi-d lo ine lee-.Hilt, . -n d alioii of my is-l aiiiiuaf tiii'e ';", I.y afiorOing me (ufijei.ljt lime, be fue li e c.i, i- uf tii. ir late aesaioo, for tbe ela-ul-avlvS 'J.r li th. h. '.i prcit-t.'i iu me for nppiox il- Tlis mi the tirao liV . tcu. he.:.- fluence on tbe trmiMctioii of lej!i.-ltt . ..i:...i '.. .! ,.nrnl... niiMiiriw, "" vniiru "- -n , tinii of tbe country. It enabled lonereMt to ndjourn iib tbal dignity and dilibcra-l lion o beeon iiil' tome npre.eii.....e. v. this treat republic, aiibout bavinj.' cromd d into eelietal nn roi riatiotl I ilia provi- nun- iui . . - ful coi,-tiiu!ioiiality aim eipeiieiy. Ji me aarmly and Mronply commeud turn precedent ,Mablib..d by ihewlw. aa guide to their picctedings during tbe pre- mm siwiou. JAMKS lilTIlANAN. 'ti$hinplou City, lite, 0, 1658. . f , '"M 1 $) (l (( )lfl. VlUj V-U'WM"" - V . . . TuCSllilV, D C f B 111 b ft I ? , 1S-5S OO-We are req.ie,,, ,! to .Into b j store of Mes.-ra. Brown, Still k Co., .ill be I . C!0.cu n unttg tne wee, as iney are maa mg preparations lor idc cominencemcni oi . new ij.iueas year. Bink of llnrlnllf. This institution wc learn, ly an adver- ti-emeiit into to dnv's paper d, clared a di.id..,.,! of :o .1,.':-.'. per fiinr is equal to S per cent, per aoi um !.! foiinril nf Stale. The following gentlemen were elected on While the 11 inter has made such an en the 'J'.'nd in-tant, the ContiC'l of Sla'e for ! couraging beginning as to ability, tbe Pub the next two years, viz : .1 T. Granbetry. of i li-her lias not received that encouragement iVrq liman- ; John A A vrritt. sen . of It)'- I hich he expected and bad a right to ex low ; J.bn I. Uridgers, of K lgootnb ; Je-?e j p.-ct. Wtr.-rem he should have had twin A. Waugli. of Kor-yth ; P. M. Powell, of i ly 6 vo thousand subscribers, be has not Kichn.oiid ; Win. J. V'ates, of Mecklenburg,! exceeded one tbou-and, if I have been cor aud Dr. Columbui of Folk. Tllf I.raisln'lirf. i-pcnrKd operations for the Thi, V 'bn-tmas Holidays and no bu-itirs wi.l ii'totnkJ to ty either tl3u-e until nitor the 1st of January. We shall then en deavor to give, our readers full reports of the pr-cecding in which liny n. iy feel in- t r.-ted. t ) : i r members are at home, enj niug the llolid-ivs wiih (heir friends and wiil not re turu before the Urd of Jatuary. Diintillf fMinrrliin. n,i Tuesday ll.e -ll-t instant, h! bill r cbarterir.i; the Greinsboro and Danville lt.;,r -.,H r ni.tf n o in llie f! lu-e rf C iin- ,., .. ,i ;j !,., y. Governor "orc'icad took the floor in favor of the bill d in bis present , , j Me said he felt embarra'se pO-lll It was generally reported thai eh. tne was bi, ami that be had a per- ' In ,; jnai interest in the matter; but be said be did not .seek ti e road for the sake of t;i' L. nvi!!e, but f;r that of the North Caro'.iua I'.oa l alouu. We learn that Kx Gorerner Morebial is more than twenty times inter. led in tbe North Carolina l'.ail- road We are plea-ed to he ir that the men- re i-, tow ing in favor and wehopi before it ... . i i comes up again, that a majority ct the ' fc ' gi-latuie may be induced to vote for the bill. The debate was po.-.poncd until the 10th i.f I nnii are I'i9 01 ','u",J4ry. Tfirmi'iir i War in Utah. I Accon.ts from Ui-.h state that there is a formidable force of lio-tiic Indiana threat- g t.j tutke an attack upon our troops and drive oil the several herds of C'ttle. 'Jo l ' ders to the troops it keep a vilant watch bv night and scouting by day, to rrevent Tlir Kannrr' R.i u k- Wc learn from the Wilmington Herat. ,,fm 7,, ilbai.d'Cu;d a'di-asirous and de that a change is to take place in ibis in-ti- -truetive trratmelil. Altnough it may be tutioii. 'I he Mother Lank i. now in Kiiza- true that young animals have a higher b.-ti. t.'iry and the iiranch in G boro' ia to be changed the J jthcr liat.k is. to be ! ,; 't.-o'iro at.", r.e I:r,r,rl, -ii r...t iii.-iii i.ay. I he .sodoik IHi-'il.l icarnsUo tar by eoln walrr La'lis ami . xp J.'ire to that the liot.' are now current, and as aoi i.c&i'' 'r f MyJ eriou-ly to chill vent as any Hink iu the State. t, . . . . ,. I,.t irrilil riprrvt. In our hurry last week, we f.r.'ct to iiotiri; th in jirov mi nt iu this papi.r. It ba. been c a,, i lerably enlarged and i- c .ii'i ieraniy enlarge oted new t)pe. It iniikis 1 an, i , aiid is now as efijc very cut as pje-aian. i , al.'J is now as l Ujeiuiit as any paper m tLc Slate. We wish the niii-l a.it by it own activity in ihe pro V. iii .r Bicce-s. ees of its hardening. Thi is the true . - 'line.'' )lcin;iir nf Pn.f Hitfhdl. i V.'- Inn.- received from J. M Hendemon, , th ' iMi-hcr, a "M-moir of the lute Prof. Mitehel:, with a portrait." It is neatly pti'ited, Mil we hope the puhli her will be remunerated I jr tbe rxpvn-e hs has !ieeii at. .i. "..-r.M k;i fried py ol " 1 be Paeitie t. " of the 1 1th lie an 1 beautiful paper l.a. b .i. ie j us a e Commercial Adverti tol.'-r ia-t, large 1 1 lit. 'i at llol.oolu, Hawaiian l-lauds. It a nil ij the arrival Ihere, no day-pre-viou-ly, of tne U S -team frigate Merri inae, Oll of the large-l ye--, 1.1 afloat of wineh Lo al. ti W.nslowof this pi.re .nt next in rank to I ( oiiiiiisniior Hitch- is the flag Ll.i i.iiio 'ore Lung an t Commsndor llitch- coek. '1 he eiegaiii appearance of the paper ll its e.lit'inals and adteiti-emrnts. would do no di-eredii 19 oue of our eiliea.- lay. (J'jxrver. ; "TUKNOllTH CAROLINA PLANTER." v i.:i :. : i ... .!.!. .I,.t I ,.i,,.,e it,. luMBeag f an author, and now I would muib tlber tome one else Uad cuperseuuii tJi J7;cceSMiy 0f Uiy writinp, Jet a no one else..baa done it, 1 would feel wanting in ' ... , . . , ,. f , diitf, did I not ay a word to my feilow- farmer, to regard to the N C Plutiter. . AjJtLile tbe Jitttlom of lh prrss U the j elori and l.nu-t of our country alone, vet) i, t ,.. . ter cmttrra. ,lorn aiion ty tne mn,Ke,, uaa bcHrtflt and partially nupplied. I confess with ome degree of hame tbe uptne-n of the floi'nonieii : " Kip V.n Winkle" which' ha. been given to u on account of cu un .... . our Mpinene-ii and in the Union (at fo.ii.-m. Kvery State II It ,h. rlt lea-t all of the " ol.t thirlren ' ) has an Agricultural Journal ex- the mbji ct but little conoern, rxprewmg cept 'fi. 0. aud ahe has never had one etab- j '''f opii.ion that it is to be a much benefit li-bfl in her midst for any length of time, j J? Ntb Carolina aa ,rg in.a WlAthiat Are our l.nda ,o rich that' Ml" WBI '"" by 5. tb.a ! Are our land -o nth that Ijf to ,rt lt p.,,. ac d4 not need the help of science and the In reply to your enquiries a lo tbe num. txperUce of others to a.-M,t ua ? Or ia iber of pounds of l ol.acoo manufacture. the cdnirary true, that they are ao far gone!'," tllM PUco 7 rou,;,ll"r' counlry, .hat Iclaimin, them ia an im.ibili.y ! ! "'l' .r'!d T.J. v t f ) 1 ""I"". ''"'" v. .uv.-v tiuiv.-iiiviii the Question. " whv is it !" tin!.' beeut depeuiTeiit on S. C Ga., or V r... ... I, ;,,i..r... .,;,-, Is Ibis true? If o, I utter my aolcuiu pro- tent. I care not bow innnv cariers a man uk froni atU t.vhl S,,eaf if be .tipport. his own ttule Journal. Kvery N. Caroli ( uke lll(J .. pi.mer ," for t 0 : ,t fi . f..,dinif of Slate pride should prompt him to it, and in .be r ' ' . 'iruim piaeu uie aiion.euge Hcqilircii nun hHT adapted to the soil and climate ol 'v Juilging tbe lulure Ly the past, I would lopciik fcr the Plant, r bulliaiil .'.,. , . , future. Tbe honors during be past ycai have, aitbont . doubt proven that they e;in competn with any fouiberu cotemporary I nelly informed. Farmers! if Mr Gorman ! has deti rmined to publi-h it another year. J frut;n!j t0 u, rr ..urpap,, Ut him not tru-t j jn f!jn Lf,t CT individual who de-ires lo ee the interest of Agriculture promoted, and in fact tho welfare of N C. advanced, (-itice every tbing d. pends on it,) let him , ,, . ,. support the N. I . l liiiiter. J Iocs an v one 'e object to the price! Why, it is n cheap ! "s ny tied for. Oii.y one dollar a year ; Does any citix. n of N 0. refuse to take the ! Planter ? if o, I would invoke tbe curse j pronounced on uch an one in the last num ber of ihe Planter, by W.J . Kerall, :"May a cloud of shame lower over bia I brow, mil bis bread neal rear be mads- of cheat way hi ftraa-beil be made uf net- i lie "d his faroi produce crab gra broom sedge and boneavt.' lo conclusion, I would I rePe,,t "f'" ,he request that every eitlxen , would take the Planter. While the " Meek- i.burg Declaration cf Ind, pelidcuce will evet reflect credit on our ancest..r, we sbail uiot certainly prove our degeneracy, if we are the last to thro off tbe yoke of agricultural ignorance. CI VIS. Washington, December 2i. Tut Ketiri.d Naval ( it'll' eh.i litiM- fcTATED 1 tie Inliowiiig iriva otneers were , . ,. - , 1 connrnied ky llie Senate to day, ail of whom ( wer) ,fft.,,,e,, ,,y ,,e ,e lu-nrtng Hoard : ! S.TATED Tbe following n ival officers were I Captain- Paine, Uam-ey, Inmaii, fto active ltt) VoorUi. (to relieved pay i,t.) Com- i i . ... . i i . . i manner iii,unmt', i,.ng, joniison ami .Shaw, fto active list.) Lecompte. 1 relieved li-t ) Lieutenants promoted to the active; ii.t are Porrer, Williamson, Carter, Iii-, II, or.. KlilV. Chandler. Mead. Gibson. j Lieutenauta reinstated to active pay li-t' are, riag, WallacK. loil, Keiil, ferry, , i .jn p. KitiF..ral.l Hli;..il Me A rm a ml, ly ron, 'lall Lieutenant- on re lieved pay list are : Watson, lirowucll, Ab bott, Uaruey and Harrison. A PaBAORAI'II TO MiiTlieits A writer ill Biackwood Mag. xiur consider, the pre .ill,... i.i... of Inn,. I... I,;,.., ii, ii. ...,-.l.l t'-mparatiire than old ni,r, yet it i beli.-ved to be a I ct that the younger the animal feebler iu power of re.i-tiiig cold. The .,,..,., uf " JUg hcing " may l.e f.,t,iv.l , the vital current. " r.xposure to the open air and the vicissitudes of the weather hi i the proee-s of ' liugbeiiing ' ought not lo 1 eommcee nnlil ibe child ba. obtained , he r,. U.P f,f ji iH1,,, u th .1 hi- own aenvi ty niay counteract the exposure aud ai-t m the lo igheiiing process jUn-uta should not to'iiiueiiee this sy.stein ol 'toughening' when the child ia merely pa--ive in their han,. , , priupjfjle jH that the child UMf.O' UTI'iN. (Jit, Law! Leo a i. Ci W hat a round about way lawyers tarn of drawing up deeds and documents. It is almo.t enough lo keep a nervous person Iron, " going to tbe law nt all " 'I he fol ios ing is a fair. ample . " (Suppose a man .1 to v.; anu uer an ora-ige. ln-leail i simple d' Claraiion, an, I say. of ma km in g ' I gi you llial orange, lie mu-t set forth bi act and deed ' in Hut way : " I do hereby gi. you. all and singular, my e-tate and lutere.t. right, title, and cUttii. and advantage of and iu thai orange. ,in ail iu rind, fkiu, juice, pu,p and pip-, and an r.ghu and advantage therein, with full power to cut, ruck, bite, or otherwise eat' the .,.iii orange, or give the same .way with or without It skill, nud, juice, pulp aud pip, anything therefore or hereiualter, ! or in any other deed or deed, instrument. of what kind or nature to the contrary or anywise, ta'.aj.lUtabdiue;. Blilort j ' the Stmtrl t I ti otlkmbn : I -k bat you will lay be . ' i ........:,. ,.alf iii j, rziracii. ii uui nu.-i innn j "i ,tU., ydi December, 158, from an Intel lijjent ami nimble jrentletiiao of the t of Danville, w bo in o.u uf :..e largest maiiu- fuelurersof Tobacco iu Danville, and 1 re- siideiit of itH IS ink. Your npeetfully, J M. MUP.KUKAD. i " pANViLi.it. Pee. tb. 15 Vonr c-tei-med faior of the , n.l.jv(.(,i ,,, wouM iiVU been a,WCr,.(Unoiier but f ir my ah.-euce. lb-fore proceeding to respond to your enquirien, U in ly uot he ami . .. .l...t to flute that i ..,i , .., "''lor " Pr..pU-eu ..-.. .-..-v. 'n,r7"l'M?.,',,i)'',,v,1,e-.A nTfe por,IOI1 of our c.t.ena aceiu lo i;.ve ! . -..,- i . j, COIIIIiry Bl'UUl """,'" JIUUII.. iiink- ing in all aome i ;,....,..,.,, poui.ua rawftate.or IU, 0.. pounds neit m anulao raw ftate, or IiI.Ohii pounds licit manuf.io WOit.ortn in tnar.ei.t inn About 7.H0H.0(it. tiouiids of the above to . . "i it . :,i I . . J tbe balance over the irgu.ia and leunev- .-cc road aud the North Carolina road, Cept tbe Mnall portion that -tried to ma. on wagon.. 1 liu. vou perceive tins is a reat iiiiiunf.ict.itiug a. as tobacco ' g. o i.ig country . Very little tobacco groa n " il' -ection is alnpped in the raw ftate. " ''""awe H"3 " ' ; liicl.ii.oiid auiiuiil y and brought to Uau- villi- unit manufiictured. U I- a w. 11 e-tabli.hed fact that the lo- oseeo grow n in mis fecuou is m 'l":""- ". " " "'"" , ' chew in' tobieco lln.n any i.ili.r, and I1.... : &lM a l.t,,r U1, ket in ihe southern j coui, try. With the eoi.n.ciion bnwe. n j ' re. i.-horo' and Pnnvilie, a very large portion woui'i mreetiy fouin i.y iiaiirouu, and .ii. u l the ititi.cii in . a'l. ii'iiug li e pre sent in. ell- nf L'e'liiig to market ; w hich lint only (it, . i n i 1 1 i.i i,y I ui otic I. si i ious to., troni i.o-ure to .all 'water and ot I l.uie. nil. lining n- i.ni'-i ,) hi a cnii-igi.liiei.t ol lot.aeeo lint -luieu Icr Coiuiui la, C and Augu-taor Atln.ta, G a . i- sent f'i Kirhiuond. New V.rk and Chant-- ton, r. q iirmg air l.n. above n some ti or h wei k-, road it could rcuch lied I, laces in two or mil ty ihi, iill.er i.f tie t' .e day.. No manufacturer in Virini or North Carolina would -a thai ihe -aiing In inn.-, aii-l the ah-olute secuii:) from the baiiids of a fea vovage, ire not more t(lu"' 10 double freight on fine lo bacco. If any article of manufacture w,;l , ,. , , ' . . e . i t hear a 1,1 . li fi. l.'lit it Ik hue tohaCCO. 1 f, ., r.l(., ,,e Danville road would be mUicl iu the way of lotinige by the coo c of P- 'r- '',e wouid g, t by this air hue would probably in. .re I '.m. eon r.rn.ale fnr tha io.s of more imu ioii.pcn.aii. ior nia io.s ui freights I am sati-fi d th .t neither North .. h .. .. .. ' Caiotina or irgiuia ou!d be ii i-.red ma . terisll v by the connection, and eieu if they ". ' faor i', in vi-w of ili nation al character lbs people of ouib (.aro lina. Geor.da. Mi--s-ir.tii. Alabama and , Louisiana are linking i.j it with as much anxiety as tin y are ,.. Virginia or North : ' h J" ma : alio even thong', 1 ili l uot Hunk ould give us pis-engers enough to n.i...r,.-le li.r c.ir lo-s in tonna " . I uu , , ,,j,,k I could eppo-e a work pregnant wuh such b-.u. tj so 1 . ro a number." ' The I'iMif iiATP' Pah r . Ihe di-ci-pline of tlie dcinoeralie t arty grows unci nd stringent. And if Senator l.lingman don I tak gooil care of .iniself Ug u uot- be rebuked only, but reid out. We are tired of this democratic party : it stifles and ci-bioiis evertliing, le-t some " iii'tracling l uc rhoul'l spring up ; ami its organilatiou is so clo-e that no mem ber of Congress can hope to effect anything. ! or originate aclion upon any sutiject, exeepi i "V ,l,u f "l '"'.V' ,"''d f" 1 rati track surre veU and laid down bv the ,, , ' ' P"r' t'e"neer. for example, ,i,ere h Ir ol S""h arolina a very ex c-llent democrat, but be baa hi. own new-, ; v, r '"eculrit ami highly rational vie 'low X'K e0"iitry is to I ved lie i""' a ... r ... ' 'e f lo p.-rdnimi Ihrou.'h xira. a.-anre and cor, iiption, and hi-retolore iu liea'ed u.e way .no , only ue way ,., .urnliig M lae(.j upt) lhe ccffil) ,(( tbe t,de-e.aiu.-Iy. free trade and direct tie fu,,rr,l .eivicrs performed. When, tax., ion; -o (bat we may ail know what .,,,,. lo(1 &f , ,l0re ,., , or w- pay. and therefore h"ld a tighter band ,hr ,10Ijr,f ,,e c(jffl w op..,j t),in. ulo.. iho-" who uiide.-.ake to -pendu for'.,,,, Iliu fril ,i.ts gathered around to look i, . .. ., . ,. l..i. th... though It wout'l suit the. country tery well, wouid never answer the ileiincraiie party In fact, it would total ly ile. tro) any national " party, by inani tion. '1 hereh re Mr Hovce mu-l sit sib i,t, and look nut f.r the approaching sina.li with as unieli eq laiiimiiy a- hp can Free trade and d-r.-et taxation are ' di-tr ieting the d.-lieate eoii-tilutiou of uur ralh.-r jietii'lmjri.u dniinisr atic, party could nol bear tbnii uuthrr,t Cilifn. D.'IOI.A" Fnu-rx The latter of tin ,;e , ii piilili.-ians ha. wr.lt, il.-t- ler in r. -poi,.,, one addr.'ed h. hv iiiiiii'.fr of p ditical fiiiii l. iu ihi- city, defining up . li bi- po itiou II -comment. cha racteristically npi.i Senator D t is' decl ai a lion in favor ol a -epniation of the South rrn from ill. N'.irll.eru States, in the event of the r'.ciiou of a I'd .ck lli'puldic ill lo the Pre-ideiiey. in I "(,, and suggest- as au . xcc-'i. nt mode of " saving thr Union " the election of Ins compatriot, S. A. Douglas ; rein, dy i- worse ihaii tbe di-ea-e winch it is prop i-i I to guard against Mi.ssih ij nun tli mil. nit. ! by lb. Intimate acq i ,i,,Unces of the de- almo.t to crumble at a touch ; one is a H' Ilor.PS, I'AI.SE HAIR, HlOII IIkkI. AMI csased, in rrlaliou In Ilia lialn. s, there is Ito'tiau l.j .nd lb other the Kng!l-h cr"" Maihimunv Aii act wis introduced into doubt that the deceased was a victim of an ; (AVui I'wL J"f J'"1' the Km i. i ainaiueiii, in ' i, " dial all women, of whatever age, rank, profi-s-ion or li.gn:.-, w betht-r virgin-, i,,id, rr wi dow, that ihill. from and after such act.! im,;r umn, t'Uiii.e and betray into matri- , mony, any ,,f bis majesty, male subjects, by the peeiil. paint, rmntttic ua$k, urtt. i . , ,1 imi, J hair, Spanish wool, iron' slays, hoops, biirb heeled shoes, bolstered ; ,ip. ,,, icur the pmaltv of the I. w ! now in force again-t witchcraft and like misdemeanors, and that (he mar.i.g. upon conviction, shall stand mill and ,.i I " - j Sro' K" 8ll',0 H of North Carolina 0 sold in New York ou lb I "lb iustaut. at UI. I aud 87,000 Va. 'MW,. The Suit uf Pasainiire Will Urt Judse ; t A Oiioai, Scevb with an Hu We aee bf tbe Pbiladelphi. ppera that Meadow, .re related of tbe p0P Au -7- ..,,. .,... i.a wlio wero reaouea irom the rlaver If -i ... the ami oi miiiii"-' -k (',,:..f Jmtioe Lewia. .r)Mnj out or J'l'liciul locoed ,CTii. tbeca,eol Col. WI.eeler'a , CT . length, bee,, decidud for the m'". . . ,. , . i ...i..... " ... n. li m t will lie remem j bered. .m v.tv much abated by the aharp I work of tin lVi.ylvatii lwy.T L'in-t llhclate J id e Kane and Juitie LewH. The Tribune, and indeed all tbe Muck Uo- ! puhl.can i -ur,n.l took part for Williannon. ! II, wm nominated f.ir . hi-h eleetive offied, . .- i..,,.l ..minted that the , , ,ii, hi. in the artvrdoni of Paimnore. Ihe h'tlt orpus waa wiileiy iraieu a ipm-i.i Mil wiileiy iraieu a (cm.... .. . . i ' L. : bo .,., pa-pott which anynoiiy iuigu ..iv.c, t f ' , , , ,i.,,nil I V wlllCD rogues aim leiun- - . i ...... i.r.r nf thir own . ne.iiiij; i'i'i"i - - - , K.pectable newspaper l-.-te.l to confine She proc,,- to caacn of ille- " " .r. ..... , j,..trnv .ffieacv writ of right Ti e nropoKt-d to arm ,. i(rcUred ; a , failure to issue it on applica i to, , ,,ot only an offence .gainst the - . J Ur ' T( re1H0ti ,ew , ,,e , l- j rillicu01ja poKj,on that the ju- pstabliH,M ,0 fcre,, ctTndera I -d tit to protect honc.-t people. Thf, ..sailed tbe Democratic paity. it will be reineuibered, on the tame grouuda, for urg , llHor: .J.e,Iueu, of tbe .." declaring that the .ct - ... ,n,.,u, Tba p-. ,'"": ,,..,,. . ' V, IU llliamsoii a ca.-e . ri.. -..,t r,-r h.rinJ all the nlaiu- tifTs evidet.ee,' directed a non -uit. on tbe ground that the h..Uat to,P, act did no. "IT'J --''- y " ' warrants of arrest issued before trul U ,ee...-U0 be settled that a judge has no right to allow writ of half,,, e-opus where it ap- pears, on the applicant's on showing, that ihe prisoner is legally imprisoned under the sent, nee or judgment of a court f competent juri-dicioD,. wa, the c.s. wi h Mr. Wi.li... n. Thu., al'boiigh it is highly probable that Mr William.on will carry t be ca-e .till further, this vex.iiou. case may be said lo be s.Hied on enduring principles Kx Chief Ju-lice Lewi. (1,0. private cil.I-n i.) declined taking advantage of any of Ihe l.chl.icaliiies of ,l,e Ca-e. bu- threw bi..,-elf for vindication upon tbe p.i.-cip! whieh regulated bis oricinal action, and . . r.,' piim.'.j There is a leu. on iii lbi cie which we tru-l will nut be without ffoct, and which is at plicable to both si rtioln of the Union The Aho!iiiolii-M contended that ibe fugi tive slave Uw waa void, beeau-e il vio lated natural rights ; solus of the Soulliern neoide Inaintiiii lb it the cienalti.'S iuiDO-ed upon the foreign slave trade are Void i be same or a leia teuable reason IhgtOlt I MO1. ll'uii Ll.Rt.'uM.llM.NEro AtinntSS.NoNtW. . ... iMi m) v, e a, l-t e.i. iur.er, a notice . . .k . a x ... ,ro"' commeuo.tor, nonce or .... eduor. we cmceived a very favorable opin - loll of It. Ill the fame Caper of la-t week r , "e m l"rge wood cut of the machine, 1 :.l t .: ...,i r....i... ...i..;.r,. litb rxplamtious and further eulogiti remarks. We were favored with a visit, j. t .i.. t .... ...... i. t ....... "Lord, of'pa.iucket, M.-achu'setts. who e'early explained every inovemenl of bis in vention, ni.-e'ing all our objections, and showing c 'ti-lu-irely that il will do what he ; dr-igi.iJ il to do. It prints, in fair type, I as lasi as a person can icew iiirui in, ir. . ' . . i -. t : ,i. quiring oi, ,y one to ten 1 it, bring eminently a self acting machine. Il prints. .1-0. the p.,-1 ,,tT,c addre-a on the wr.pp-ra, and will rrmirinsllv -ell n.mr. ...horwi.h- . . . ... t i . , . ... -. , ..'.''.,,,, a ;,, ic ..." ii,,.. and . .;tfD.I ia ,. 'at . .. end of e,rb aI)lI ,b! COIDnieI,c,m(.Ilt of , n? one, It has been operated by at expert- . need boy at the rale of ninety eigbl paper, i.-r mil. ule I-'nr more nirl mil ilil.i.il :,.r .,;., . ...t... ,.,.i, I ... week's Stientifio American, or to tbe paten- tee. James Lord Pawtucket, Ms5iicbu- aclla lLlIJorJ Timn. Pi.aaT I.Nrn.K.T The pastor ol ins i oiogregaiiiHiai ciiurcn oi .sew snaroii, Maine, coinmuiiicatea th following inei dent of a child' funeral in that place; " Ihe little one, all beautifully robed for ihe grave, was laid in ihe coffin on the morning of ita burial. I he. weeping friends piac-.i in in nine nana a small nouq iet oi .wer.s, among wi.icn was au U'-op' lied ebud, of the ' Kose of fsbaron ' The '-- ' .'"" - upo it fr , ti(,, th.,t b,l hu,l U. come it full blown rotr, while in Ihe cold dedication. The yn,p ithy ou t hand of deah. Il seemed as though . , Lited, in your poliin al slafoii, in f " "f voice came up from tho-o beautifully -ealed ; ,y , niggling counlry. i- ever before nif, lip. saying wt-. p not for me ; though . .i (T,,, with .leligbt ihi-n po't broken from 1 lie parent stem I an, bloom ,ujlw (lf ,king ininr .ij.,, of .-rut. Iui re ing in the I'liradi-e of God ' Millions of n,r,l,raneB." ( Imilrtlon ( ounrr. in! jut soul- con p o-e the family above." FtAKiiii. Fat i r a SuMNAiii.'t.i.r. The Saint Paul Pioneer, published in Mi l tn. oia, rceor 1 the sudden death, under eircum-l.tiee n ry di-lres-ing of John II Kroti-ou. K-q , .if the firm of J. II h W P. ItroAiis'iu, the celebrated editor of liro 'ii-on's lie vie . The Pioneer a) : Mr. Ibownsoti Passed the evetiinc of Feiday in the society of his trieuds, iu li. lull vigor of manhood (In the b. Hosing morning, between the hour, of seven and eight, his mmiUied corp-e was found stretched at ibu bollom of Ihe bluff, near tbe bead of II ill street, under ihe rear wim'o of bis office from which be bad evidently leaped or falleu iu the course of tl.e night. From the evidence given before th. jury ; unlortunate liatnl of somnambulism. II, was kiiownby his fiiends lo be iu the habit ; of w alking in hi- sleep, ami some it we. k. since bad fallen down the stair leading to bis rooms while iu a tit of this ort. As ' be was found wb bi. clothes ol) bis person, ' bi bed remaining undisturbed, it i pro I table that be fill asleep in hi. chair, and i perhaps real.-ed terrible nightmare by: nreriniiaiin l,ii,,...lf .1,.-.. ,l. .1. ! ly height on which bis window opened. ' 1 A circumstanc. w bieh lends a peculiar : .... I , ., I.i. ......1... i. ..... vi. llrownson w.a iu d.il v ixpect.lion of hi. wife, which may, .ven now crown tbe tra- gic horror of the torv with a aad euiuoi. dcice of a rcclio ' at tU trtr.. i, , I., i!,.!...,! !,,. I,,:.. i..i.1: " ' rtur,,. ',,',r f.;!"1!1 P of Clrle!: , '?-' " ' bave k,e0 4 ' ino-t comical rcene : , A.v.ontf tbe hobo . liv,nK car,,0, one of aboin, belt remeini.er,., ,7 , the condition , which they entered ! world, and under no obligation to ti4 , tailor' or mantuaM-iaker,' art, . , who w.a di.-luii-ui-I.ed ,roiu tl,B ,,., . evident natural briibtliena and look.t. Moreover. be wa dren...' ' protianiy, .iter ,ne la.mon ot our I!r0)j --j ..-m irotu . .nun'inin. nn vert helimii ; i..M;i, . n -v " , , " lr0i' k r - , . ..,, in aueh a enndil on . ,. i. . . i --- . - - - nn ail4 evinced her auneriorilv. hbe aein,.l i , ) iiw ; on a pa, ot g oven, w n on ahe wore.,,; hour-, ...h evnlent prid. ,n her C3.,u.( ! and felt that abe waa in full u ... " a j was called par eillence, " the 1( ,er ry getting abroad at Cbarlco, ).),. ladi.a reqe,led and obtained p,ri8ii; ; aiou for her to vi.it tl.e.u. A loo., d,ei) , ws ,coor(lill), flirniN,)e(, ,,er , CuVfr i other dufieienciea of the article of cloth,,,, I and kIic was landed from on. of ,he hou! i and conveyed to tbe bouse of a promt,,.,,, J re.iden, of Charle-tou. There. ,l muu , w as oru. reu f ure in. W'teen n, hwp. broad enough for . d.me of upper trndg. ami a Bauniiut gay dre.s. She n,. astouihed and pleased ailh tha drct, t, mora with the boops, which ahe .oalj deator lo Cstrli as she turned round .r: l roumi, ottering ouiiamu-n cnea. Mlt J'lhihiird aome inclination conM, lc j n,n c '"T W . rre-ent. fbe was prudentiv nr....... j "" "'"J u ., .,, ,U ,', " " ". "" c j 10 fceb by Uuu.ber of h,rca , ,l'r,' . , , , . ' ' MulJ ' 'r !", aud "" 1,,,le d..,,.v o, I'1" ;' H.e g .een shook h, , irnu"J V , .t.-r . ed,e. sur, eyed lb- I I - , j in.t.n. and afier ..v.,.,, a l.-t ,!,, ,a i bo.-ted dress, lumps, umi. rc .., .and all, bku a huge sun lo,le, ,., "J out to ,l,e I 1 ""..! of ll.e purpo-e. of cio.i,, ., '.rlled the apectators and ll,., , u.o-l -uddeu and laughable ru b from iu I beach. Tilt I v VCHM TV. in a tefent circini , . r. .an, conlr iiliciiiig t!,r er i i ex aggerat. d -t ill men! of riot and d i -or i.f 'among the lud. nts r.f the l.'nivi r-.tj, n, sla'ed tiiat llit- fiiroda of Hi r-jlbgr ili 'felicitate tbem-eUcs upon th faet lU: i amongst it. nu inhers ,io death has tier v U-urrrd h. re by violeuoe ; and li ; ir, a for F ' "M'1 ,u"' V 'j 1 wound, (and one nf ih'- t.y aei ii-1 i have bti n recrirrd. Iu uo malur en ;, led with Colleg discipline, do w r ., Our-,Ues ja.,,Sed ....-kingco pe,,,a ihe rstrona of the I ,n v . r.H v . m ore i h i: ' . . , , that connected Willi the n ' I .rin. 1, ihrir rhil.lreu and w .rd. la . V 0 Ul ,r, ; f,.,, ,frc.., ; U ' . ' ., rff.etivo Cie'ir must proceed s 1 I home- D R McUa. K.q. hat t.-. e'.rtsl d.-o.er iha anniisl oration before the ; ! Literary S ic.l.e. of the lliiiver-.'., v llt nexi c in lliv nee tneiii. i ne inairiic .-..ei.ir upon which lb duty of elerting der t ), could out have cho-rn a more laieun i hi or mote grerful speaker. ti'. ... J.. I .1 . .! . t : 1 ... . J tie uiioer-i anil nisi me i rr-tuein -i . . ' at 'ill two members of h. Cal.inet, .'Ir-n , . ', ,. ! Hr" "d 1 """r-"; of the "'. V""' ''. ' l-re-tnet added lo the nch liter... I-..I that n.ay be expected in the ora'h ii of Mr. : Mi -lite, wi.i douhl draw lb' large-t "l S ; ' ' '"UyUnnn. A Ci mPI Imcnt To Kuwakh J'vtt j An Kngli.h Greek lexicon, dedica'rd : c, i f .. L..I...I. l - i .. I . ' .. ' ' ,. , , , . .. j ,rlflf Ki,g!i-h ami Amenean bt. rsurt . jul0 c;rfuU,i,, ,,; ihetire.k ntr, it j order lo tounteraet ftie fla-by and corrapt- l 'ng pul.licaliorn with wbicli the Kr. neb Br? M j,lHB(j, , i ,iie I.,.Taiit; in tK rd of the u'hor, " lo bring the Lng'i- mind lo the door of the Urn k natiou The author ay. iu bis dcdicaiinn : ' It b' comes llie to cotife.a befo'e t'l whole world, that the priueiples and ei'i , i, . I,;-!, I , ;,,.,i n, Uot ri"t .1 ,,,, po.ses., I owe to your b c,llhlr, )Jt j 0,1, 0t u v C'liniiiaii'ts ene lo ne mn nine lo a eniX' ii of the I n'ld Stales of America ; and of the aons ol en lightened worili in that fatored reguu, I prefer your Lieelleiicy for my puipn-e-Vour warm patriot:-m, and the g.-neriji i s.-niimenta aitrinuicu to von ou aiim , rnm ,,, rxtremine, of the ear,!,. WAeulM.riiM 1 Hi -I'll I vs. AT WaaT I'"lsT An iniere-iing ii.ei'leiit rec. nil) irairpi' ed al the Miliiaey Academy al W e-t I' ll This was the tormal recepliuli by l.'ol.I's'-' field of two flags capiur. d al Vorkiosn. f ter the clc-e ol ti e war. llicy were pn-ni ed lo W -Lit.g'oti by Congre.s. ai d rri' a' ed in the posse... ion ol bis familv uulit'i recenl death of (i.o.lee W.-liilmtott l',rke to the Government ; ibe War Depst!;""'1 , lias entrusted tii. iii to the keeping f "'' s autbotities at West I'jiut A p trade M ordered there and ibe Cadels ci lebrati 'I t'1' . arri . al will, due solrliitiiti. s, di-p'"l',S . th.-eu iu I liu library. Arrangements ! however, being made by Col I1"'' j 6,-1,1 for their permanent location in M chapel. I'hrv aro lorn and vtaiiied ; re'1? Parry Cornwall. l" 1 1(1 PlIII.I.PllNAs deal ol fly humor, once said, ' I F"" 1 .: I . .I...I railed I'l"' . obi loj u-nas tbi. finding a double .In""1' abaring it with lady, and then ba.itir1 pay .forfeit h.n licit 'be ewoutiif you. If jou pay il first, lb li' bare such funny ways of gelling oil PJ s! .ill uive v u ! - that' Miiiirthiug ; sometimes lb"? 1 let you bau them to a ball or parly i '"" .1...- :n .... lil men "'1? ut. vitlir.irl.. I r.hilonmoed a -l i 'N ! .cknowledged the debt, .nd promised 1 an annual Th neat dav she sent ni ' I almnau."

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