t I Bride In 6 Wrong Bed i mb Joke. Wo ha tha Uincinnttti Enquirer T0Ucl.er for the following: i ncly ii"'rie'1 Ptt,r Put UP ' ,ho Snoncer IIoie-Uy went out .hopping - turned bril bad ''"u thin. a, n..ieily lipPcd 0;,, evi"!5 ' "P"" i. n found lie r 1 out article, returned 'i,,ook Main for Hroadway-got into the tcad of l li Spenoer it looked ii-ioi little MraUjro twaee. uoj wan in Sneiieur-boy mud yes tiot tuliy un dl,r,uu.liit,' her aho told bun to lead her ,0 partly dinrobed utid jjot into , jixpt'cted her riband momentarily fj.H i.lecp tha oocupunt of 4 Madi.on, ,D Iti'liana merchant, returned from the theatre a lil tiubl quietly went to room to bed to alecp. The account pro ceed" ! How loii).' the two reposed there fide by (jjc with only a foot of .pace between lliei", H uncouciou of each other', pre mc, U uot exactly kuowu, but probably .hunt an hour, when treuieudou. noise ml, hoard iu the apartment, from which fi in ile i-criuim iiuoJ wildly, piercin aud ecc!e9ly. Tim hotel wan in an uproar ; proprietor", fli'iki. wniierx, p irtert, an J uo-ln, dreniied ,, liitlf dreed, were at t'.e door of " forty eiht " iu a ft'W iniuule", blocking I up (lie ehlriiiioe, and akin' euch other en ffty, "What in the nutter !" "For (jo.)' ke, tell u what N the tronbl..." Tbe cnune of tliis outory may be imagined, Xl,f I ri'lu btd w.keiK-d about intUuilit lud putiing her hand, over br buxbaml, il led upon the Indialiian'. lace, aud the .ofi, warm touch aroused bim at once He J .j ant understand it exictly, though lie ii I not ili'iike it. and iu a moment wore Mr. K .aid l " My d-arect hurbaud, where litve )uu bien all thi while!'' Uu-b.iid," echoed the merchant, be C' riti t'it 10 "'.l'ke Lord 'I'ineel, that be had nmJ'J uiall mi-take here;" "I am no buJv' Iiuxlaud. I reckon my dear ma Jjiii. you're in be wronj? bed." j In ihe uroiii bed hwror of horrors, jibou'.lit the bride. What would her liejjo ,r bit would the woild .ay ? And Jvlrv K eereameJ terribly aud eprii) froiu :,. r euueb ju-t a II I couipaiiiou did the f-jn.-- He fully a uiuch alarmed a I i,i ind rulreu'ed her to irive liiiu li;ue and ? . auu'd leave the apartiuelit, although it tlL. one be had engaged he'd make 1 i'l, 10 tllt I tiYniu, eereain. .creatn, wan the ouly :.,(, y to thin kind proportion. 1 -My lioil, madmu, don't yell no ! you'll 1. ,ke tin) bouie. Ha rea-ouablu ; I ear i- - - -i -I.. -' j:,.OIi.J Ulliu. Ii4ic pviiio itiuu'lii 9l coii-ei'enee. I dou't want to hurt i u, tr I don't. You II l nie idol, I'm.) jourelf aell, I won't aay what.'1 tj j.t at llii j-iitture, the throu out lie prennud itself at the door, a, id be i J lr. U coaerinj in cue corner exer- 1,o; litr lui.n luai.iBcently, with a abeet ped oti r head aud firm, and tbe In .h.u in the middle of tbe room envel- "i in coreriet, aud rjaculatiui; : 'My j''., nidimu, dun I !' i He Junior proprietor, lr Cahill, .aw t'i nu-t be ome uii-like, and rt tfoctiui; otber to retire, Called the merchant i aent aiih In ui into another room, and ,rtr i line the whole Mary 'I be Doctor f ,u it lit one of ihe iadira of the hotel to fir I! , Hid tbe entire ntJjir wa expluiued nt!t to her relief, though eh over ii.r uii d ub confu-ioo at a circumstance it u.'ttit bnvc ruined her rrputativo for- l iider the ei-cort of tha Doctor cbe wa i ne)ed to tbe Srnc'r," aLfre tbe laud je (ouud p.ciiij the corridora i in .ramie mien, abd h.lfcra.el with ' tl at lb. i,a.l,.rini rli..i.nr...,. nf . i . ahoiu he believed had been .pint iiiaay I y a illaiu, or uiurdered fur hn t-a.l. in i lu "infernal city," ahere a. he ir.-e! it, "they would kill mau for iol'.tr any lime." A oou he beheld hi. poue he 1 tilil her to lit. bo.om and wept like a j ild lie aaa melted a ith happine. at 1 r ui-otrry and recotrrv. anil toid her -Lad r-courrd the city for iutrlligeuce ol ' a l .iieteabouta IU V.lli 1 1 M ntNTa or Gx. St orT From our I J W'eat corre-poiideiit, we learn that $ a cott and uil arrived in that city ou I - nojlil of tbe aNt in-lent, from Charle. I . an t immediately proceeded lo the V I .'t barrack., where qjartera bad beeu I pared fi,r their accoinmod.tiou by Lieut. I (iy. iu command at that point. Our cot'- -poii-Jeiii .i(: "Tlin General appeared ' feeble from the tftVcl. of hi. late fall 'i the fatigue of the voy.e j but be ba '1 0l.ler In t ilurin., ll, . I.o.r ro.r.n.i I i.4 b.eu here, and were it povtiole for V'.IO r. 111.111 lur ll.. VV l.il.e l.l l.eallli inl!n,.a ull nrnin.d ihelll than allV bOtl V COUnl f 'i.;tu aoald be in a great uicanire re J ri- He i. charmed with the climate ol'. at thi. perijd of iho year, i. uu.ur----ei fr it aaluhritr. The wind, have a fiom tlm iVorthea.t. L'eliuiue trade ami ilia temperature baa beeu perfect , lih P.rliaineul. Mr. Thackeray, for in aiii.ie period of hi. .ojuurn. The vi.il 1 at iuce, told me that bis uii-uecenful con- u ijcneral ia partly of a military nature I te-t for the comptra lively hin.il borough of ! f '"ly ou arcouiit ot hn health. He Oxford co.t htiu over SI ,0'l .teriiiiv'. one ' iii-pixled Foet Taylor, (ibe ea.tlo of 1 item of which lor the hire of " cab. aud i iii ir h eoiiiril. irtl 1 now in rliar.. i Ueiil E ii. Ilui.l C.n.a of En Mino r. . bo doubt .trouk'ly iuiprr.-ed with the -ity of uiiii-biiij at once o fiiportaut a it ai iLii aill be, ahould ho.ii.itie. oouur f i. any of the great power. III. liuiu not i'Jo uf a viit to Furl .li ffcr.oti, f ')' unlet we.t of tbi. pl ice. He .ail. ou "-'"h iu the .teamcr (ialve.tou for New "li". Ilia repotted that be will atop at " and arrange for farri.uu of Uui-htal,- troop, at that point to prevent 1 d-pai turu of any uiore fillibu.tcr expe- I Mi """M i l liiADV I'OK War Il will be ."iubered that Jeff. Davi. reocntly coun f lu .overeijjn Slate of Miei.ippi to S''e fur war. We are iudebled to the I barg Whig fof tb follow iuveutory of ) "c"cuiuatance of war," diacovcred to 'a Laud : ' "'in lock mukit all ru.ty, anJ no T-tbe. to at leant two. i tatiuoti. J JotH.uru.ly, with no point. M'tc of bciu aud acabbard., but 00 ! ' "i-lriilg,, bOXel I ' lie Whig ,,1,1.,. now hv 6 Major General., 10 'j ''erala, and t.0 Colonel., U i voiouei., u,l Major., and Will ''"vtiGliU Captain., I.Stil) Lieutenant., J Scrguu, 4,Nil(l Corporal.. We are 1- I'J o inform them, however, that we have H-r,,,l,'l1!' L"fii-',tr bviD2 Wu Lat uaeie.a portion of the UsoTn.v, Dee. 29 Am Amkiucan Wl Hoaudicd bv tub ... , . ' Hill HSU YAK StKAMKII AjAX I ho Jlrttf A ti I o Su, u errrtved ul thi. port yesterday moruiiiL'. i-oui Port l'r.va. Sim renuriH Hint nil tl,- J7,h nt lnl,.l...r il,- .a J, , , , . . , eed to heave to, and after having done no, wait bom 'Jed by an officer from tier Ma - le.tv . war Mleutuer Ainx. After innuiriliir tue name ot Hie Vea.el, where from and ckiitiap limn I lorionnvu j i , ..., -l.n, Tllr;.ll ir I .1 ..... . ..v,o.. iu. u j.iu- ueeueu kj exiiiume me nipern at bi.i leisure, and the Alielo S.iXOU wa. detained one hour and a hulf, awaiting the action of the British functionary. The papers were then handed to the Onptain of the Anglo S.ixoii and .he proiueiled on her voyage. Tbe Collector of thin Port will procure tbe neci'Hi'aiiy ufE'luvit in connection with thin outrage, and forward tbem to the proper department at Washington without delay. A.MKHICAN VKiHEI.S FlHKb l.NTCr BY M EX CANS Five Auierioiin ve.Mteln hare been tired iato, detained and robbed by Gov. ja ur.ii, on laiiiptco, and tbe carjjo of one wax ordered t-i be di.chared on the beach, while he wax beriing; the city, aud wan then Bent by him into the interior on hid owtl account The vea.el wan then mado a cover to hi. launcliei. in an attack ou a fort, wan perf'oruled with .hot hole., and the chier tu.leabauJ .hot away Her com-1 inulider, C.pt. Trovin, wa. illiprioiied for eleven day, and only released oil the arri- ,.1 of the United State, ...atner Fultotl but uo indemnity wa. exattud. . - - (lEN'TI.KMAVI.V AMjSpicv .Seiii.tor Jonen. ' of Iowa, hat ad.lrMe l a letter to Seii.tor Douglas, whioh conclude, a. follow: I Thi. .ir. ia the third, time von have .....I. .. ;..r,......t. r.i . E&int me, aud th.t t have been compelled to t.-ten the liti upon vou. I bonti you may, at the .acri&ce uf liie Di iiiocratie or fair! iiion, have effected a triumph in your tit.ie, aa vou .y, "over Kxecutive uml (,onjreaii.itjal diotaiijii.-' I nan h'jt liok j with coiHen.pt upon any f una or po-itiou you may have aeqiiircd by a union with ! " white pirit anil black, blue pirit and prey," ithick Kf publican, South AuierioatiK, di.ppoiuted oflioe .eek.-r., Sic. t 1 do upon Ihe uii-erable r. iort to opprobriou- epithet. connected with my name, but civered wilu a coi.tin.'Cnpy. which (fave k .ureecape. Gi;uR(JK WALL AIM JtNliS. CaI'T IUid andths Amkhi' an I'lau It give, uk pleasure to notice tlnit amou the piooeedinj. of the llou-e on Thursday ! I.ktthe IIjii. John Cochrane, ol New Voik. ! introdueed a joint reolutlou fivinij a voleofj tb. hkn to C.pt Sum C. Heid, the hero of the battle uf K.yal, iu the (.'ail. ut 6'lit 1 which he made in command ol the private armed briji Getieral Artutrun, in D?l-I,! for having ni.de and drMned the pre-etit ' fla), of 1 be United States. I he tle.ifc'H of j C.pt. livid waa adopted in committee, and 1 tbe bill pa-ed ( onr.-s- 00 the 1 Jill ofj April, The new flatf, aa designed by j C.pt. Krid. wa. in. !i- at hi. Iioumj, in New j Vork. by hi. wife and a number of youni l.Jie., and wa. fir-l l.oi-tfd over the hall of the llou.e of Ker.re-entative. on tbe 13th of April, 1:15 At. luttl. utl. j A 8A0 0 i L'KltErB A few dayii eit.ee, ! man hy the tiatiie of Ferrand, originally, we understand, of North Carolina, hut moie ; recetitly drunimcr in a wbole.ale hou.e j iu the riiy of New York, came to our city aud txbibitrd of deliiiuui trctuen. nieutal in.anity frota druuketiBfcr or eouie Other ca.e. He al-o exprewd fear, that ! a rrowd from Atlanta were in pur.uit of him with a view to uioli and otherwise in lul ifidrie. Upon bi liefOU. OlltllC lolll be exhibited i-n of drunkenneea 0'ir ci tv M.rehtl i.lae.-'l him in the city cal.tioo.e 1 bim in the city cal.t.oo.e ,M,pperw. -carried to I..,.. ., the Mar-h.l fonnd that . at nightfall. In. but on rnterttiL' tbe unfortunate etranifer had committed icide, by ban .ji ri i or iIiOaIii bituaelf with a .mall bit of rope u-ed a. a noro cuff, or whipping lah. Ilia remain were properly cared for by the citiieu. Miritfu (GVo) Dr. liAUMliAt K iu hi. travel, on tbe cape of Good Hope e.y. : I found very frequent ly among the Dutch lioor. of the bark coun try, Ayrrt Chrrrtj 'n.luru, which they keep bunt' up by a tboi-. arouud tbe tieck of il... Imtlle lo a pe,' over iheir h i m mock-., ludevd, thi. .tenia to be their .ble protec tion again.! the throat and lun disorder, which are quite prevalent biiioiil,' them. I thought it a .peaking coiuuieiit on the prac tical feliiu of the American people, that they .houid furm.li the Nlnple, I believe the only remedy thi. people buy to ue. Ak- !l they u-ed the k.iu luaiiulacturer ':ll. they told me that better purgative. prepare. C.iht or a Skat in Par'.i a m k It i, ll.il.-e.l uo .lli'llt 111. tier. Ol lllli f.'lltihL' tone way to thu unpaid neat of the Ktig- die. amounted toi.liJ.or nearly t Villi I lie county oouiciit are, ol cour.e much more co.lly. One frloud of miue who tood twice in ucce..ioti for a county rep- re.etitatioii, looig the lir.t and winnitiic the second content, .pent more than i. I aT,iHl(i or $ IHl.tltlll. Londu.t t'orrcsjiontience nj tli Timet. l'miTL ltvi; Ct.jauiMATio.s. It i. ru-j mored that the iron Uiatiufaelurera ol , l'ctiUylvatiia are about oraiiimig a va-t protective league, to prouioli. their iulo-1 rc.la iu different Stales of the Union J and with a view toacoiitiol of the next Incidental election. Ki Senator Cooper! will add real a convention ol tbe leader of: this movement during tbe coming week at Philadelphia. They will demand aot ouly j .pecitio ilutiea ou lion, but the adoption of iron building, and .hips by government, aud duciimiuuliou geuerully iu favor of j uou. Three Ladies, 1 a rll have had aom. experience .. Teach. If rr, want einplovuu nt lor IHo'.l. Tiny Wlli lenrlt the Kr;liu llrnlictie., alio Muaie un Hie P n Enrle. A.ioie.a Mi.. M- M. and C. I.. Wi.tHMTaa, Ui i C. N. C. Jhh. 4,13. Hm A.C. "WILLIAMSOK. TIOIi.NEY and C..uu llr nt Law ta. .k ken ail t.Hice. i ..inllv with J. A. I .n, E-rj upalair. ttilawir to Ih. tlua.t lloiiM-, where be will be et.n.l.i.tly preterit toall.iid l" all call no prolt .-ion ,1 buaine.a made for linn.. If, or fur M'- 1 when he ia atiaeul. Jk,iry 4. IbiJ. I O" Thi L'.a or Da. lloaTarrita'a Stomach 'rr"!'."!.1;-" ly",M VTh T'. ll"'"",n:" ol tnu stinnach. or uuy ..iber like anVrliiin, i Bee. ; d t., none in America or nbr.Mil. T . bo -he li, ; .tale continently tint the " Hitter " arc u ierinn ure "r l-a iypep.ii nn.l line iliae.,.,-, u t tl, proprtetur. U ..UfC! of ijn.ll.yc.l .lc.lr., I rcirwivc nil litorbl.l llinllcr Iruiil III. Stoici .eh, pil. rui.-. U.u bl0..,l, n.ipnri. renewed .i..lny t.. u... 1 ytcm. givinK u tn.t ...uk ..mi energy ... mm.. ' ! "le lor me return turn of heillli. The u rou. iickii.iwle,ii(i'ii tit. nf iu mio. n.ir rjc. l. i ii-iio uuu uuni iiuiiii nnunt, nivu Haaurre inc l! T' m" e;'n..l bill ,ir .v Krtut rure ....i.uiuu, uuu imuirv vinniy 10 uu uior. "UK" ytin. . s"1'1 'y I"iriri-t cv. tv where, nn.l hv HO.? li. i i i. p. otii i i ii.niiu rri.prii'inri., n niier mill .rio K.imt Mnrr.., I'uialiiiiii, mm U; Hutelii. mi. Ai (iible.n, Cbull.illc. ,N. I'. Ore. i, lrt.itl. I ill THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR J AMKS CLAKKK S 4 fit hr.-iii'u I'r i.me l'lii. Venule, I rn,,t il r,,-. i,.tin nl ir I ft i ni i . i,i f . Clarke, M. V., i'Utstcian Lxliaout- miry to On x'Juten. 'l'lii. invuluiilile iiieilieine i. unbiiliiijt ill ties cure if nil lli.i.e (iniilul .111. 1 ilunKemu. Uieej.e. In wli.eh Hie lein-ilu ei.n.tiluliiiii 1. eubjiet. ll iii..iler.tte. nil exci... mm re.11n.ven ull nbslruetiim anil a kpeetiy cute muy be rel Ilk II Until II I A III l.'M it i H-culiurly nuiti-n. ll will, in a ihurt time,' bru.tf i.n lliu i, .nil, ,v ,u-r,.,.l tt .ll. r. unl .rilv. li.tli bottle, price One D..llur, be.ir. tile ... ern nl Slani ul liivut IJnl.iin, to prevent cnuii terli iu. ', ',;, tliuuhl mil lit taken by frmalit dutinq t'lliHT TIIULE MOSThS of i'ltgunnry. ia ""V ' ii! i Mitcuruge, M ul any ',' iTeui'.m .1"rn.'v'..o au.1 S,.iniui ArT.-. t I'atm m the II ,. k ,,.i I u, K.iiu i .lielit exiTliuii, H.il.l.ill.,i nl tin- llurt, llytt nee, unit w ''He., n,... Fill, will ffe. t eiire m In ii .ill ..til. " """"" """ -";''." .iwerlnl liiiMiny, r .y ,,,, i,u,tiul to ihe e'.n-niui ""- A. i.t l-r ll..- I'ml. i. St .f . n.l t 11 ..In, A- I ) Jul) MosKs 1. 1 . II il.l It. cl.ikUr. N. Y. .Limp. ein-lt.eii ti N D. - tl.OU ..ml 6 ,..-i.ir ny uutimrix, .1 Al'.-iiI. will buttle ol the Pil:. by rt turn For ..lie liy F- SCARK. k CO. Bir apf-HlM for ( lot tlitite, IIAVILAND f 1K KN.SdN & CO hut etui A tilt, hatteniun. S. C, SCARR & CO, C7L'.V' TS ASD D!l I'd d I STS, Cii iiti.au 11;. ;, p KS'K TFLI.r.Y .di:. the -.ttni. .11 ,ill'liviei,ui..ri.. liter.. I 'i.Ull- try M-rcb;iiit.. A e.. t.i ti.eir I .rye ,,,, c.irtlully i led. .1 .Stock ul 1I(1'US. I n I'll v i i in. 1I1'. N-w ll e'l-i.. t..rc..ii.u .11. ni S-. . At, 'oi ,.h. lr.( lilir llj-C"l AI.M" ('..inpouii't Syrup nt tbe llyHipii..ii,liili'i Wiinil'. II 'ir ir.-iliv . A fri-.b .upp!y of Ibu valu ble prep . ration for ; n,c ,,, .sKK) Ol I. TKAIN oil. SPEI.M OIL W IN I I I! AL.-o N.i I Copal V . MINIMI .. j .. 3 Flue O.lllnr " J . pan Leallit-r 4-c. li-iiiilrtllt'w . ii la;ir!-ii tin All the choice vanrt.ea of Garden S. rda. Pca' Iltaua, B-'ela, Cabbane, I'., r ' II I i. 4.C. Asprigm houis, ICIlt'llb il It ll I'l.'llllw, v mi (i.ovt ii, in i k i.iuss. oiuiivitn .(t t A . Jam. 4. I&A 43n' . ' .lIUllbL PrOplTtV fDl' OtlC. v u...i y. tut iAi'i J.nu.ry ,n. f .1.1. 1, ll lli lllf I'u. a.iay ul i t.urt, ill mil on tin- girriiii.ea the llllll.)- ;.4i I, ul, lately ".ccunieil by VI .j. J A. Ilii.'ein in Char. I.. tie, ..I ii-ti ll mi Try..,, Mr ft. lo Mmrea Ir Ihe tenter t.f ,he town. Thi prmi. rty i. lu one ul I he beat neit; h u-.r li.a.tl. Ill the Viil .(.', baa a i Well of . xerlh-nt w iter upon ll. mill Hie owe ling Iber l.uil.llli..a L;rv,eMF:.;;. Va.uvMe H..l,dd K.eh Jan. 4 IHjll tlij . Hill-b)rough JliliHry Acidemy. o i IV.Vr.AIIY Ut. I8.-.9, tl.e Iti-l.tuli.... a U.ve n .nie. I will l.c npeoril ..t II 1 1 Lb-.rou i; I. N. C. ti. Im- c-niiurleit iu chi. I l.y pt ml. I TEW, now Superinieiii tot the State Mn.i.r; Acail. ill V at Columbia, South Carolina I Ml VV . II. G nil ,rii. a unim left' t'.c S..u'ii Cr-.i in Milit-.ry Aca.leinv. ami an mirui-l..r .1' i prove.l ixi-rii i.ee Tl.e .trill, tli.t lilme, an. .nr. nil late rlv .r . lie able ! I . i.C I.'' Ihe Viriil Cm. in i Si ite M lit irv lii.tiliiiiou. nl tin- rir.t two v.- .ra. or nr. i .r ,1..' be, Arill.lll. I.e. Ale. bra, EuL-ll.li ' n.e. ' ill ! Hi lory til Ihe t'oll.-il St,le. Ili.i.ry nf Km I Ancienl III. lory, M.vllio.ot.v. (1 our H.V, I- ri eh .ill.l Latin. Tl III!, of the a.ivanccd ltilir.t will lie announced nere-n lltrr. The At e oleinir , ear will eon li i,ue iininti rrup t.diy Iron, J.uu.rv Ulh to the lourlh week III I. be Tl.e Ch .r.... will he :Mt . a ii uu in, p y a lolloH. ; ailJII nl I Acidemia y.-r ; 111111 M y la i.i UMi tin ,.,.. AilL-U-l 1.1, for w III' I. Hie A'Milen li.-lruelloii, T II B..k. Sl.iti.ili ll.ar.t, Eu.l. I.inliu. W.,.lnn, cept .bin., tlrawera aim -;k,) n telltlaliei-. No uui.il will be admitted uiui . Q.i (tx- ,1 ,.t 13 In ye.,r uf nje, or wle llllul read nud write with l-.i-oilv. ll" Kir lu Iber iiili.rm ilmn, a.l.lre.a the uud.-r a.jrued.nt t'i. Iu.ul.it, S. C until Jmu.ry I.t, ul tt r that dale at llillab.irtiut'h, N. '. C. C. TKW. January 4, IS.iH. "Jw-r For Fl.Kldt direct. Ttiroui-h l I'll.ilU in 3d on. und in 1 1 lo if, Hum L't 'iunt than ty uny other litiute. I II K IMI Ell S I A I Em M 1 1. m. -z .-vl. k i b . .-m. , TIIOS. Sl KTIS I tlVIMANHEK. I EAVES CII AKLES I'O.N'.S. C. every Tl ES J lAV AEI EI.N ON, ,i 3 o'el.H-u. i.t PI. I.AlKA, I-LA. vi. EEK.NA.NDINA. JAl KSON VTLI.E, PlCOl.A'I'A and the u.unl landinga uu the Sl. j.ilui' liiver. 8u e.oiiiieeta, gwg Hl.d 1 1 turning, With the Kiillruad at Eeriiiilitliun, und witu Singe nl the above iinuied plaeea for All.if.itor, Oc ,1 ., Mieai.... py, rnllaltaa.ee, St. Augustine, Tampa, nini oth. er town in tbe interior ..1 Eh.rida ; nl Charle. tun, with the New York Slcim.hip. und tbe Northern and We-.leru Kaiiruad train, tm Tuc.day. and Saturday.. Merchnndi.e, Sec , rnnaipned to thia Agency, will b. forwarded EKEE OK I IIAKGU. Eur freight or pan .e, app'v i 11. L. CillSOLM, Southern Wharf, IHiarb i..n, S. C. J.iiiaaey 4, IfoS. 4J-3u. iiUUI'LXAS for ale at tLij oiLue. S3 M.rrinl. mi Tl.ur-.l.. v. !"' 3 Ml. iilii,,,.. ; cuu-ity, bv lb- U- II. "II t. H'urty, Mr. tYKK-1 'S'tlF. Binnl o' f)irei-l,.r h.ive rieeluird Divi NIU' Al.l X WIM-.U. .. I.b..r un c-uiiii. m,ri il'iul of TWO lM)I.r,AHS per .luie unmi l Mi- .VI VI; I II A A , )oui l il'itilib( u" Julm hirk, hrq , ul ,Htcklti.burij. In M w. on ill 94'!i u'liim., Mr. liOUERT ii, iiiiliu,iiei m r' jtir Mm M Al( V M. l KYiN AKIHK, wil. ..fMr II p .Ml V..r.ih , im-.l in M. Jul IJu-kcl. v, M. aoin, . Sue "t" o--yer.. nl a in. I I ami ible i: X . xi 1 .,n . ),.v,,. bu-b.ii'l i.ntl ei.il.lr. n, m l ei H'm.uri ur ir. i.lii.. ti pf..iii..iu Hi.-ir w. liiin lei Iti Ik'iiik ull.ci! eli.erl'iil ..imi e-Mit.-iit'-n u mitie In-' li.imv tut a'MHiii ..I' li ij.niee.. Hb.i w , kntii t.i .ill . In wbniii in e n. o to ii", i.n.1 w... ..IIiiwi-u by in.iiy Wee)iiiii lilinJ. t.. tbe fr..vc. My kii.Il,! mutli er, iu her .ru .linn in In", oi-i.fin.il uf iiinij-ui-. t-Mii ruliKiuUK ir.viiear, bill u'ie tm u clirn tun liiiinl.ie, iieet-k .ml tru.fu'. A men, tue nj.iri.-ieh ..I oe..lli ill. I lurm n. r m t,,c UJBl. 'Sl'" I""1' "d "' """eit. ..v to the s..v...r e I tt willinciie.. tu .1. p.t ,f tM! I with llnn. Il.r e.l (f-iillii ... tu BU1, .etli.ii; in the clouill -e. went. M v . In 1m.1t 111 heiivtu oils who iui il un- iniii;,, or me. E.J. .VI Km. ah 11 is. i , , , , I U " e suil orited to .iinnuii.-e K. (. -;,uv in, ml c lir the otilce ul' 'lunu l.uu. c. iiiu.k elvclioii. "1 l-Oic lit i Otc.it, llMf, ri.l'f.' ni'iet re.ie.-i"... unn ..ret.ithe "i- Iflin nl' ('burl.. He anil .n'roiimlinir CLlllltrv. t' nl be .I.H n ntiilirp tl.p a'.ir b.iai. l, . I., l ,lln. WVre lie f r.r-' t UT. ,11. Ii Hon Its. Pr.t.M)'4 ANH PAS, to tbe imh. lie mi the inot re . .ruin tile teru-e, 1111c on the whorl e.i nntire. vin? n great iiinnv mnnll cliiiin. for wnrk tliii.e, .enlli reii nil t.v.-r ll.e e.iu.iirv. be i ilelei niine.l t rb'ii.. I.i ini.thod of d.iinif bu.iue .. heitufter vill r'tjuire i.rk doi.e . HIS. 11 I.i. Machine Mn.p, .el'i 39S.ii f r- AIINW KII.ER X. HIIOI IILIIS h.ve ju.t t a reeeiveo, hi .. .o ll I . .li lo toeir l-i rrje aloek uf ; Urv ; . lull -tini.lv m'dilKX'l It 1 1 N. i Vrcimher il, :tj- 8. 4itl PAPER ! 'COM3IISSIO V A it i: I lO US 1 ! AMJ PRIKTERb' DEPOT, ' For the .ale of ; ffrimwu, j objiopi, i'()Lo:;i:i iwi'kiis, rAisns, AND rKI.VTIN. 31 I'i'I'.IilAI.S VI ALL KILIS. Ajint lor L J0:l SDfJ & CO., Typo Founders, R HO. & i'e , And other l'l inline; I'r. makfra. I'lt J I I 4. M.i. ..I It .1 i.tl.tl, M U;n nl;n Ittt 1 1 ' I'i in v TO AIEJU'IIANTS. 1 be !?uL-cl Iber he, I. mu; lo call atU'i.tiuu to Lis Writing& WrappingPaper1 of kiu(1i B,ich ,,e wU VTS Ll)W Fun t ASII, or abort credit on lart'e utii. I fur i Asll, or nuort credit on iar-e mm.. JOSIiril WALKFR. 130 Merit. ig tt., Ikailntm.. t". Dec. I. IS.,5. 4ii STA'IK OF .NOin il C.UJOLI.XA, ME. KI.K' UL IHl Ci'LM'V. Court oj J 'its un, I (ti ii n iter ctssmn', Oc- fof.ir 'J 1 1 in, l-i I E: Nyc llule is auiiiu,i.lr..l.,r cl E ..belli r: and S..ral. I e fe, and II. nry In 11 li. .. Ii lie- il E-lnlf : lo Ih,- ntif..cti of the ('our!, . Ili.i I s, ii. in I II.. .life a n, I S.1..I1 h nud ; L'. ... It llil.lliU in U,l- ca.e r n.-la ill Hi.. Sllr, , ,,( -id th I pil.lic..l,, be llii.il li. -Charlotte VVlii,a neu.p Town of t liarloin-, noti'yii.); Ih. f. ml -: P.e-a. IV, at ; Monti he aril I..- -.i,.j i..;.,-,,r i.i our i . ji - it rt of i lj.i .Moll to be be., I 1..I ...ni I ..un til. I Hill III, u.e it, Charlotte, o, tha 4 1 ll y in Jjt.u.ry ll.xl, lliillaiitl there plead, or ii. mur lu pi ,.iiiiH"- iH-tiliiiii r it will I i xp rle and judgment pro cuulco laiteu I III. ui. ugal Willi, ., W. K. Kcni, c!t rk of our .aid Cnurt. I ollice. the 4 III M.imlatr III thtob. r A. V. I .". and lu tile b.u vca ' of Ainerie.li lllilepeil.lt-lice. W. K IlKIl), C. C. C. Printer'. Fie tb. 4." Ore. U. I8..S. . u uliiiral !! tin: I luri.l Society ; li.e .'.III S .tur.lay ' Curl ek) i.I I ti I rinii.-.te-.i. i.a Offici i I III he III .11 in I i,..rl 4t.l 111 i January (heint: fuuuM lock, A full uitt nd . nee i. me lo be t li i.t. d and oll.tl , 1 1 1 , 1 '! I. I l.u.me.. Iran. at leu. 1 A. 11. DAVIDSON, J'rcst, j Dec. 'il, Iria. 4 tin ,i,K niitVrti..n. r' mul Kumlv t.i Ji t.i .MtKMYtV NIliKT li. Imt. tilt- (t.tllU trlHlite lilt: lrtet ,y tt n It I'll i llipy ar xt-ci ifiiit iIki cI Irum tV w ntitilllulltt to tliflf tuti-cU cf mrry Siort- Vrk lari-ei I t)XFF,( TIOX FIIIFS, j I V riii.v i.t:oi i.i:ii, Ac. I Aiiiunif then kioe-k uuiy be loiiud every tnini u.u ' ally kepi III n .lore ol llu. kind. A f""! n...rl. ( in. lit ul C..ke Triiiiuii.., Wiiluw Wan , Ac , al. ' way. uu hand. Tli.y have in their employ an eteelleut U.. jREK.un.i n re prepare tt to liirto.il Euullie and l artie w lib lakti ul nil kii.n. M .hurt nol.ee. MOODY & MSUET. Nuvelllber It'i, ISoS. Wehnvo nla.itipeii. il n brant Ii "f our .tore at Liurtilutoii, where Mr. M.ni.iy will mmtii.I' nil the bu.iiii-.a, and li..u- tu .eeuie a .bare ul the pubtlO palroliagd ill that eel."H. MOODV i MSHET. I .V. lu. itkid. JtrU' tf Il.uili ii r 4 lini lolfr, December 27, 159. i il It..ck of mm II ink, (winif t tbe rule i o ('' ernt. per miiiu ii.) u.yi.i.1.. Ui ll i iiu'itern of tinier, nl'ur Hie firt iMnniluy in hinu .ry pmin M. 1'. l'KGKAM, Cush r. I Ollu v C. A ,C, It It. C'oiiipiiii). V' UIVIDKNDnf per elinre h be.;n Je. elureil tin Hie ('.,;. H..I lo. It i.f tl.i C, 11, pB. ny, n i)..ble on ami ..Iti-r tbe m i.I J.mu.iry next, 1.1 tin. I), n.,1. bv lb .1. r. A. II. MAUTIX. A-itnt. Charhllt. Dtcrmi.tr I I, I Siitj. $ AkWWWI Hill fl t LlXj j Prarlicnl WiiUh intikrr k UCU.t'K in WtTlllhS' mill nil kind uf Jnuliy und Silver Uarr, Cll Alll.OI I I , . . MIIK uhteribe. r reapeet fully return, bin .in. 1 ln im.iiy I'nrn.lk unil tlie 1111b. JL etreiliimk.t " " ;' .'"! "t P;"r."'-re herelnliire r - ' vrue.,iy ,. till. Ull llier.;.i.etl t:,.iilniu nice .-I the ..me, would iuliirm In. Inni... mm 1 he public aein-r.lly, Hint In-1. ih.w reet ivii,(r a viry laii diiu varied ."tuck i.t' bv,.utilul .in. 1 nttruetiv nil of f be Inlt.t .tylrn and p.ill.rii., nt In. old .t.mii, tine ti.Hir Nortli ul Mwi. Drucker 6l H1.1l. j briiii". .ti.re ni.u iwu dnur. VVu.t 01 J. ll Kurr'. II. .it I. ilia uli.cU cuii.i.l. 111 purl ul ItMiltl .mi Snv.-r lluntiiii; en. 10 PnU-nl Lerera, t)iii-ii liit:iii Gi.lu mm Snur Patent I.ini., beurhttl I,..er., I vl.11.l1r Kne.iieiut'lit., Onlu l.u .M, y. l ..mi Ve.i Ci.hiih, Mlvt-r do. I Very li..iiiiet.iiie tiolu mid Cirui K.-eKlute. und I llr.ieel. U, nl every .lyle ..nil i.,itrn, j A very i i-.i-t me .i.riuiei,t nl Ciim. Uic-ii.t I'm. j huh ivu It mtre. O..I.1 M..nt . J, It, Jlnt, r...vn, 1'l.iiu und F. aucy I... I.. I)il.,.I 1'nm iii.ii K r liii,,, A v.iritly nl Splt-nili 1 ,sLn. ,,1 1 .,uui., .M.,ni.c, VVliiu I.i t ..l,,rt .1 I, .v ., J. 11, ,,r uu Plain G.ilil Itre .Kl Pin.. l-;.,r Uiiiuk ni.u lir- etk-t., A very Ext.-iikivi- A.n.rliiieiil l,n:yV nm: (it 11. t:.ii...,'. S.-..I. Fu.iy .1.1 P, ., 1-nj.ir King-, L.ivki-1. nnn I...CK.I Id ni; , miu Ureukt Phi. 01 all km. 1., A Inrae A-. iliin nl nl (...in Key., VVuttli Seal., tnliiu t'hnriii. lit line Gob), llil.'v.n .,,. (.u .r.l Mi.i. .. II. i.t. n'. I'rt 111. (...Li Pn,., A ny Urge toek ..I G ntlt iii. n' Plum, F.ney, t iiii.i-.., Op I. Ak.iI, Crnt li .n, tJmx, 'J'u.caii, f.ll.l G .rut l Sleeve nil. I ."lutl lillll.iua, tin i.I, Silver 11111I Slttl Sptctaciee, t"l" nn Silv. t 'I'lun.bit and a variety nl Tea Sella, Si'lver Iher urtielea with lunvy plnted 1.0 Platte Silver .Spoon., Fork., Goblet.. Cup., A.e., .Vc The .la.ve ruiiipri.e. u very lnree .lock of fual ioiiaule Jewelry, tbe wliuie ol which b.i. been it. Inl l.y mo k'uii.t rib. r with care uuu atttntn lo the want, nf In. niiniirou. cu'toint if, ami i which lie luvile. their atltlilioli. Jj' Ali article sold warranted lu U .ucii a. i represent liieni. It W. UFCKWITH. N. II. Pi-r.onnl and klrict attention givi.u tu li l;. i.iirnii. nf Wntclit. mill Jenelry. I'l.uilutle. Ortoiiei li, B;,a. 3ltf CAXDY FACTOR!'. fresh Conrcctioncrics, Fruits, Slc, Si c. 'MIE...h.cr.berre,,H-etluily inf.. Zen. ol luirlnlteiii.il Mirrf.uii. tiiih the citi iirr.on.tinff country. that be III. , from N,-w V liniid and la Constantly receiving j Confecticneries. Fruits, ' FAX! V Glt()(T:i(IFS( IfiAKS I TO H At CO. SX I' F F. T I Y S, j f t H !-.- lt-lla run: wiiKiia iioRKY iii:m, j Ve 'iM U , Ui4tv Wnttmiv , C list it , .i, k.tl.-iml'. A Itii l Citti'. of every variety. ! J. P. J'ALMKR. temhrt !), 15H. 4-itI' A,.o.he,t..n.i V.YoVk's.eamKi - iiianiifiirlnr- l'AMIKS of tilled Ciifinj. (,'dtl iimi i-t,?. ii awks s I History of North-Carolina,! r I Villi.' imi JL hn.ee. .-oluine i. nnv it- n ri.ul of niihll.lieil. It ei lit Proprietary Go ' eii-iueiil, from lfn.3 t.i li'-'ll. III'.. .in. a linnii... me tlvo. volume t-f 591 pige. 'The .ub.ciiptitii. price wa. half a ct nt u p-t;e ; ; but liie price t.i tin v..luiue i. le., ai.y 7.i in chub bindine'. (3 in Library .lie. p. nuu 91 Jj in half call. It w in. be a. i.n iim.y rou asii Owiiit to Ihe uillieuity ol' ..-turnip Ayents in ( llliiny pirl. of Ihe State, vie will forward It by . mail or ..Iht'rwi.e f.re of ootiare, imi reeeiiit of the . rice; or tioih volume. l,.r 1 eioth, $ I jtl aiieep, r f.'l boll calf. A liht ral di. count made to Amenta, ur other, who huy lo cll i.aili E. J II ALE et eSON. FayetUTille. ior ISjrt. 3.it.-e CIIAIiLOlTE FOUiMMY AND 31 AC 11 IX I. U'OltKS. Illb. umierMfriiril beg leiivr to v.:t the nUfn. j tiuii .'1 the j-uMic l tht (..ct luol he is nw rentiy In fiil any timer tor Hoiking Hydraulic COTTOA rresses, nd etry di-Hcripttuii ( .M.ichinery . All kind ul CASTINGS, in Iron utul tr.r. ur ili.er utkUi um-uc at it'iort notice mid rt tuned jrun. LLT p.irtieuUr ulltntmn piven tu the mkinr und rep.nriiip 'f Tlir tliiif .M.ielinn i, lloiit Vu. i rv, C uiiui. (tinn, ,M11 Wuilv, am! Aru ulluretl worK ol all kin. i. isi.ai hvin iiiNt;, joiiiiim; vvokk, wa t.OX VVOlik .nut IHIUsE SIIOEIMl, uonu will -c-ia.awrr y, I I.t I.I eh.rneleriHie III urciinrdl ii wille'll ailt.uld IX AND BRASS CAS'I .S btiuphlj , OVeri...kcu by peratm. wi.iiiiig lu piai." ..r. i.iiry.or taken in tjcb.iit..- In J"li . ,-,,.r.ir. eilm-r lor ma, ketuiK or i.,nuiy u.e. The ml an. I I'rt. vi of ull kind taken ,',,,,.1, ,... .i, ,. ii,e follow me tree : Ol.U II at ti. F,. Wurk. VV in t ichanee fir lllae-k.niiih i r ALL WOliK niil.t be paid for when deliv. ered, aa ASII baa to be pain ..ul lor every thing lieet...rv In rnrrv an the c.tnhli.bllli nt. II r Al.LOKDEIIS FOli VII K inu.t 1m-ape. cllied iu wnluiaT. o thai the w.uk and apecnica. lion in . v .Rree. Il.r Tin ia the only foundry iu tue State that Ca.l. ilaily. iLi" Alt cm tract, connected with the concern inu.t be uiaue with the un.l, r.gned ulolic. ILf A mi.ply of ANTHIt AClTFa COAL con alniitly uu timid liir nie. J. A. FOX, Proprietor. ( hailot.'e. S. ('. Aui rmfVr 30, Ib5tl. 3Slf DONDS lur the Dciwerv uf' frajierty, IXJli SALE IIEKK. A Card. f AVfNG ...I.H mv DHVO and CUBMICAl 111 KM AliUSH VlliNT to M..r. IS. Nye llutehiMiii Sl t o., i lienrtiiy ironnm-nr1 them nnmy mieei-.k.irii ti the c.infitti nee ani pi,trnin.t. ol' u 1;. in 11. 11. imblic. fi.r wiu.ke kimi nud lilwr.l .up. ... l i.C inyx ir liillurto, I bin un.l thall ever be truly crnulul. II. M. MUTCH ARD. CUarluItt, Octoltr 19, 1(958. NEW FIRM, r. K. Njft Hutchison k Co, 3S3t B Il-!V '.'"?. P"r--l..V f C )r.H.M.-riti-h..rl.l entire .tntk "I HKI.'t.S.fHK. Je MlfAL", Olf.S. HaI.V'I'S, I St c. &.C.. renpectlully call tbenlii ntii.u ul t lie tn tl.e lurl, tli.it tin y will crry 011 u WlioieMili! iV Hrlail )ni;' i:sineb,i, t Irvt-in'. t'urner, win-re tiny lire 1 c-i v mi; ,n 111 1I1.111 tn tin ir irrkeut .l,.ck, u Urgn nr.iortii ti I irt..li diitl genuine nun tl.e New Ynrk market. Urge uia , in e.titbliiibiiit nl in rfTkon. Pltvmcitiii.' nreiieriLiiiuiiit made uu ill, pr.niipt. nud c .re. Octtihtr l, 1858. 33lf T. II. IMEM & CO., VV I.OI.IMLK A Kin-All. DF.AI.ritN IN BRIIf H , FRENCH & AMERICAN J)1!V G'OODSs ( AI I'I l, II l oOI. AND II !:i)V Alii'. r. 11. nr. 11 t iti.o 1 1 1:, x. l IK. Ja , l.AFA V f.lTK Al.XXa.VUlCK. PICKLE DEPOT, li Ol ! V II I A I I IS ! B AVK. on band and for ..lie. I'lvkle.. P I C ktrv-. , Jam-., J.-Mie., Syrup., 4 c, low AMI 1 U..or T...I ni '1 hi- ..url lli.ii.t. HOUSTON & IlL'NTKU. Chailuttr., Oil 'JC, leaa. 33lf TO JJK FOUND AT iioi'sto.x a m:.Ti-:icrs tN ASSORTMENT ol' Wool) Sl WILLOW I WAliK, Low lor CASH. 1 1W E..t ufl the Court Home, , HOUSTON i II UNTKll. Charlotte. O. t. 2b. IH.iij. 33tf Fit I SI I A It ll I V A la OF COXFJ-CTIOXAKJKS. IOM I 4.V 111. I I.H llml'k.illibt' a T at- tai t a a I AS ju.t rceiivcd M I HI I S. ol nil km I're.h up ly nl" I'AV. . ni.u Citron, Currant. , Knialll., Fl'. unil . vnriilv til N'lll. Call at I HOUSTON k IIUNTKR S, ' I Door En. t of the Court House. tV.uriwle. Oi-I . 'iH. leB. 33if M'T'i'.Af A e-MM, .iwtwUHN mW m c Jl Ul lTien tin Hllfl tilt' DUblir pflirr.iilv, tlial hc liii hastid li.e A.MKKU AN HVI tL iur - Urm nl yv&r unil hu iiitiUc puch aeci itiary Mnirnvt. nit iittt iu trie iHiUf-t, fiiturti und furniture, tiut It ih ntcniiti tn nolle in liic cilv. 'I'hu lliuc will Ih cintdtif U-J tiri ch iAiti'l, in all iti upp'nUhciiU, .iiiii n u put la wilt be upT'-u to ii i.i he it t'lVoriiL resort. J lie Vrovn t'r inptw, i,y strict . itiM.tion tu the vvi-nm .itKJ ci'inlnrtr. ol tun utjt, tu uicra a lull .ure ludIic putruiu. SoLOX DIKF. t'ulumi.i'i. A'. ('. Aoeimtrr Iti, Id.iS. 3jtf I T Sint-IIV Line of OM.NIbTSES and CAKKI- AGES will be hiund puuctuaily at tile ciirtTLiit Ot'pota lu convey pn... ngera lo the Hotel. K.AIINWKILLKtV DUUTHKKS f E.-PEC1 Fl LEY inform the cit.zei.a uf Ik irlotte and urrtiuinlin ctitintrr, t!i-t lot y are ..K-nitir; iu the Store uuoia i.-tiiu I. 11 Biem A. Co., a lnri;e tnrk of FANCY fc STAPLE nnv ii II li I U SIOAAi: ! -, 11 A. M I l.la A . j AND tlrutiy .Katie 1 iMTill.XO, For Gen'., Youth and Buy. wear. liCIM.Vo ;iiil III. mi: r-w, ea i;ors, MIOI, I1A1S, r IV t Ai-.s, Tlil . Ja', Ac. W'e will be daily receiving the moat extenaive and he. I .a.ortuit-lil of tlie ubuve uaiuetl Ctutid. tli. t t an be foiiuii ill the State, und cheaper than any other ll..ue. H iving bought our entire .luck for I' ASH. which enable, u tu .ell our good. 'JO per ient citeuier. VI peraon wi.hing to nave nullity ui huymt. t .i('.. .boulti bear ui miiiu Dot to lortct to call ou u. before buying eit where. Whoienile buyer, particularly, shouid bear it in n.i...!. lo ad, iiti, .11 tu our la.-S'' "toek vec h.ve a. ... tilled up a ,t pub. I W1I0LESALK ROO.M.'i.Js;;: Eur VV huieaaio Buyer. L'aVIU Kll.'.IL, Da. ILL k.H.NWklLXK, Jaco. KtHNnilLI... Chaihtle, November y, idje. 35if 8:300.000 iNo. 1 Fruit Trees rou nam:. VESTBPOCKS & HEKEIVHALL, j Vroprietors of the M'eti Green Xurteries -ta d Uui ilt iis,)iear G.'teits'iofo, X. C, C1 Ll very ropectiui.y call tue atunliun ul me cii ieii. "I Hie Southern autea to cry larce luek uf native uu.l accliuialeu ll.nr Fruit 1 lor the Fall nud Winter Truer. Tin. large .nd liaiiu.iiue H.irliueiit iia been priipn);nttd li .un thrnly bratin trre, nud work ed Um.ii the be.t uctdiii.g .lock, winch 1. u auie euaralitee' ul' truitllillie. anu luiiee V 1 1 y , uioini. K'iII.OOU Apple tree ; I0U.0O0 I'ench tree. ; 10,. (Kill Pear tree. ; l-'.OOU Apricot; 10.1100 Chti ry j 1-j.ll.lO Plum; AtlOil Nectnriue ; 1000 Ali.iund ; 1000 Quince; 4000 (.rape Vine. Ile.itiea a very tine a..oitiueiit of Curn..it. Strawiierrte., Ka.bcrrie., U..o.eberri ., etc, all ol which will he ul.l un very rea.unaUic term lor c h or approval p.iier. All p..th.ij;ta put up in a.iK rinr ly!c, and a I coiiiptt te iiivtnce aent to e.ich i.alri.n, and u ar-j ranae.l that the invtiice will be the reui.ter ul the : orchard alter the tree. re traii.plauuu. it they are transplanted aa eeh one appear, "n the hat. Mr. T J. lloiton will art aa net ul forth, fur. ni.lm.g of the people ul Alic.li iti.uri: and neigh, bcring etiuntir w.ih Hie above Fruil Tret, and will lake plea.uic iu lutwaruiiig eider, lur the JkK.'. The Tl.trkrlw. CORREITltD BY R. M- OATM At CO. CHAIiLDTTK. JAM'AHY 3, 1859. BACON, Hum., -...lb ,.13 (Sj U tid, ........... lb U'i (.fi III) Hug rouuu, lb Il( (ru 30 Shnelder. .......lb.... III! (v, VI Buirrinfl. Gunny yd ......39 (ut OU lite!'. lb a f.r H lliitltr lb .....13 (u 20 ri.-r.waX lb ii (') 25 H.hii bu.bel 1)0 (m tlO nmiitly, Apple sral 01 ( "9 Pe.ell Ifal DO (a, 110 t r-ifiu. new lb Ill f i) 10 Corlee, Hit lb f.ij (,,; li " Java lb IS (a, 'Hi Candler, Adu.iianliue lb...., -Jj (a, 33 Sperm., lb 15 (u, SU " Tiillow lb (iu no t'tini.old hu.licl 55 (" 56 " miw hu.ht.-l .'HI (.t, Si C!ii;l:rna each ID U, 11 Cli.tii.Cnpperii. yarn I'.'J (a IAJ " Lin.lHey yurtl -' (.j 3D Kt't., '. d'i.7.en 18 n, IS Klnur hW 41 (t) H0 ' b K 1 (, 1 Feather. lb 311 (,r; 35 Lard, lb (. 13 Mil I ton lb 5 (ii, a Mackerel hhl. N., lf, (.., Oj " Km. :lnu tn; 35 Molna.ef.N.O iil 6'J ft, (J() W.l snl 4.i (., 5D MmI, bushel M ) 60 Mullet. (Wiliittiijttur.) ...bid 9 (t, f.l Naiia. Northern il 5 (, 00 " Suiitliern Ih 3 f.i. 6 OnU buni.nl 4.V tt, 50 I'orU ll. 7 (. 7i Pea. huebel W tt, S3 Polnlom. Iri.h,; :..haln1....... .75' HK Sweet bu.bel -ill (-i) 6li Hire -bu.hel J to, 00 Siijr.ir.f..ial', lb 14 (a. 16 " llruivn lb H (a; l3 Stmie-Wnre i;nl H C'C Suit nck lnO (a. 165 I'e. lb '5 ta l Wheut, while hii.hel !" (, 10 " rc bmtliel i-H (.'., (HI Win. key, Northern gut 45 (a, 55 N. Cirr.Flinn,... (,'nl 4.1 ('r) 4S W..nl,(lic.t ienrKin) wnnlieil I'l fi 2H Illiwu.hee ii W 3 Vnrn hnl 110 0 I KL.MAIIh.S. OT'I'ON We h.ve uo clinnce in i.ur market. Owm tu the lli.lniii nud wet wentlier, t).-rp bna been i.i.iliiiit. dointr. W'e .till quote our ctton 11. .rite, fr..ii. !l j fl III cint.. i I.Otli !upi 1 fine, ih I. hi., und L..KI II ill: extra in bbie. i.nd hut- -l till. Jie.l alio White When I 8 CI 9H. I Oli.N'. t urn weilid rtaui.'y briiii i5 ctnta, for huine loiikumptioii. COl.l .M 111 A MAHKET- t i.i.uh.i. January I, J ejf 9 . CC l"i U.N. Tiie Nale.nl ctittoii yeaieiuny v,rre tipht, nuu no change in Ii arkit. About bale, were ai.lo. nt 61 (o, ; cuiuniniitt more. liACO'i, hncruund OUN I'E AS OATS FLol'K air .i tuie would ..111 f.t, l?J 53 'il ( HAIiLESToN MAHKET. 'IIA.I.I..T. , Ui eeinber 3u, IB.'.8. COTTON The aid. . uf tin article l'..r ihe n.e. k i ni unt: lu ila v, uinoiililt d tn S .60(1 bale., at pricea ruiig ng I'rmu r'j o. '2 cent.. Valuable Town Property t o it s.ili:. JjTTr; iluuH, ki'w u as the l'r tl f'- j": lurt-. fur ru!t. 'liie U-Mu-e n pieuituiitiy TiataJL- mtu-ttj -li ihu ctnrr of i'liuirli uiid Hir. t-tc, upiit'Ktit: )n r e-ttit-i.ee ot' Mr. co. t rttMi. Uit tue prtiuives are nil the in ce.. ry nut bmlti iiivw in jtd rrjj.nr. r'ir lurl'tt-r tniuruir-lioti no. drtnutiit uoili rninert at I'lUtvilif, or if!' to J. F. Suiith, Km. nt C'ltiirti.ttr. T-rn." no ti. rntc. JOHN it. DANIKL. OaorT 15. IH..3. 31 tf HAVANA LOTTEIJV. Tl.e next ordinary drawn, e of the Royai Hava i.n Lottery conducted by thcSianii.liGuveriiiuent, under tiic aunervinioii of the Cnutnui General of .Cuba, ill take place i.t Havana u.i SATUIIDAY, Jauu;irj 8, 1S59. $824,000. SORTED NLMEKU 4110 MiUlXAKIO, fa run, ii:izi: $ioo,ooo: 1 urize ill VlOO.OOO I t prueaof Wtl.OOtll 11 " I.OOO US " SOW 143 4 WO iti Apr'xim'a .00 1 " AO.OKO 1 " Ito.OOO 1 " 1 -WOO I 10,OuO 4 Approximation, to tl 1 110,1.00 tbOU each 4 of tOO t.. .iU.(IOU ; 4 of ItllU tn I3O.OU0 : 4 i 400 to i.'.m;(i; 4 ni in liti.tmn. W iuiTiekfti!ii Halve. I0; Quarter 15. l'.ii.a cuaued nt aibt at 5 per cent. Oiacouiil. ltiila on all aulveut Bank, laken at par. A craw.ij will he lur a arucu a aoou a. l!,e re- auit bccoiiiea knu'an. unicatioii ad.ire.acd to DON RODRI. of City Poat, Ci.nrleat..n. S. C.) un- til Ihe btli of January, will be attended to. Peraona urtie-riiir Ticket, wiil ple.e write their name piaiu nuu give t.ieir puat uff.ee, county and alale. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! 25,0H LIIS. ii.nnj B At ON in an.re. which wiil be aedd luw ter J. Y. BftYCK i CO. lutf Wuy IS, lead. lnNotice. rvn; ..i,. a,,d Acroinn. ore r laud nf l tuieittttd .ii lu anve J y. A. Conk for collection Tl hau bett.r pay uu for think, if lnev ,u,i JJ00.NE A CO. .titf 21 ls.1t. i ml for Sale. 'is nun mi w .lien lie now re uic, en I.i i ii i ii if , 19 a ere. aejoiiiiujf Ihe Laud ot' Kb.ui llubiii.ti.., and U. II. I a. lie i ly,-. lid oilier a, Ji unlea uurlh nl Char it. t'.e and one miie we.t t.i Surnr Creek t l.uich. A. U. COCHRAN. Sept. 21, lKtl. Soil' loots & Shoes. JEST received a ery larg-e .lock t.f BOOTS. SHOES aim UhlHiANS. It.r the F'nll am Winter Tru.ie. which will be old at very iUH' price, fur J. . F. UOONE. Sep. SW itsld I KuUL