gjgs-asgnr sitas. r I'lM wrstrrrai CARRIER'S ADDRESS. Kind rlrnns, nn tlii festive day. Pray bn!h toil and careuwnr, And linen to cn imp of evil In other words, ti.f Pri"ler lcvil, Vt, mint 'il aimling I'hil to greet The ilriiii of "ur weekly sheet. Am.il.er yc.ir of m:.ei and lean. O;' joys and a-errows, smiles nd tcn.-i, II. a hurried t" tlii- nitrUly pust, And here l'"' rV'M eme' '"' " Ilapi.y Cliristinis " '. T nil, la the rry if lar;e ind small, A n1 1 hope, no sipn ufevil. It" it mo I'ri.ni the Fruiter's Prvil, J,., Happy Christmas, Patrons dor. May you enjoy 'ne mniing yer; M.,y run always yonr business find In.:, eased, nd flushed to your miudj M.iy huppim ' your step at'end, Whether Miss, Matron or Mm! May yonr Printer's bill be alwiyi paid, To wise nu n, a word, is cnntigh said. Miny changes have been mide, Since last, my yearly call I paid. The balmy gain of Spfng went by And Summer flowcis bloomed to die Tho Autumn wind swept over the lull And winter's breath comes cold ind chill, But through it al! in rain or vapor. Punctually I '" brought your paper. The news, the latest and the lst, I've brought you in the year that' past. If !y Goods you would find. Wo have told you ill about that lino. Without throwing any slum. There1. T. II. Brcm or Fisher & Burroughs. IKnders..n & Ahroin is in that line loo. They will tell you anything thal'su'W. Fat the pewest, latcsl of all other!, Js at the new store, says Kahnweiler It brother!. It" you want Clothes lint's good and neat, We told you to go to Spring! eV Heath. To B-Kin't you go fur Boot! and Shoes, That'll wear, while in use. Il' you want watches that'll do to show, You can find tlicin at Wilkinson it Co. But if you want them nf the latest fashion, Ii.vcl.vith h it them, g.-od as in the nation. II. B. Williami 4V Co. are in the Grocery line, Or at Steven'! or Crvce the nine you'll find. Hutchinson hat uie.octuei of every description. And Scarr i. rcdy for any prescription. A. A. N. M. Taylor keeps a Tinware Hore, Where you'll be ned as in dayi of yore. S. T. Wrist., u keeps Tin and Hardware new, IL'.i Co anything in In! power to pica.e you, 1). H. Byir'y h.vs Stoics, Tin A- Ha'.lowware, He'il su.lyou, if yru can be suited anywhere. Ir. cur paper you'il alio find Carriage maker! and of the Carpenter'! liue. ti' i anuien, Cakes and Eruit thal'll do, At I'.lii.cr you'll find them always ne. B it if yon want to please the laoies fair, lio to II. .union Jc IIu:iter'i for Caw-le rare. Moody & Nesiiitt hare f t them too, Ji you g there they will t-y to please you. If you veanl ooJ iod(jiiig aod fare. Toe Charlotte Hotel keeps U-d and divan! rare. i)r if to the Mansion House you'd rather go, You'll fied the nine thing! there alio. There i ..iry ether frinJ! I'd niiuj, If in the paper I them could find For iuaUnce, Kits St ( ol.tn m the Dry Gooi line Kerr- eeiry th:n that'a cood and fine. Or Iirucl.er Jc Hn.l.jru dry goods nre. In fct err v t'o.ii;. lo p.ea-e tiie laoti! fair. Many perie- .a fmin u pased, Ao.ong whtcii i Q jitman and our Njs'u. T.iey lay Ki glmd wants waragam, If so, siie'it pet winfueu on land or main. In iliort, in year that's past, We have told the mwe, the lalist, the lat. Ti.m ail ye that wants the latest news, Take our papr and front it choose Tiie articles t! it mil you btt, Tue ' Itiii " claiu.s the rest. And now trie Carrier has done bis pait, May you do your'n with hand and heart. And greet hi:n study at ail time", Wi'h welcome auiiit-s and rn-rofui oinis. C1IAULE.S II. HOLTO.V, Corner uf t t HV.i A.N Kx pRESiritNT MALK TO Va-'ATE joha.n Ex Kna.-A corre-p indeM of the Nawark Advertiser writes from Horetice, Italy, ubde-r ciVe of tlie "th u.t., as fol lows: The Kx Kiiig and Queen of Prunsig made t'aeir graiid eiiirauee Lre a d3j or two eince, and took po-p'js-ivu of tie fine Hot! de la il'.e, turned ino a paiace for the royal pair and suite. The coitg- com prised tw'.tity carriage kud waou, from tue last of wi.kli murrpii.i aud tin kctrl" lunr daiiitlin', a iJ luockiD with tinir di-eordatit rattle the pomp aud circuui ttvjCB of tLat roaity of whicb they LrcuLt up tie rear, lijt kind's must take tleir cu'iriue, as well aa their diaiuonds about with them. Kx-I'reniJcLl ritrce happened tu be lonr-ed at toe hotel tieuiabded for old I'tederitk Wiiliain, wheu the order eatue to vacate it. The extatic landlord uade La-t t) acajaaitjdt Li.t guei'ta of the honor intPbdcJ him, hiritin alike to ot;e atjd ail the iii'ccf-itjr of Kikin other qiarteri which Liiat wa differr-utljr received bv dif- J feront teii.peraiiient., but hj do one eo a'lii- j ably as by the ex Preid..nt, who conceded 1 in the Handset rnai.ner ihe ri-ht of an ex- King to turn biui, a I)eii.ocratic ex 1'reti- j 4tLl out of doors. I C'1HMjLIE Sl'lLI. LtVEd. A letter from tig French court circle at Goujeiiine, says : The hoop an 3 crinoline, instead of beinj; fjuhibited ic the couit circle, is was re ported, are ssra of enormous amplitude. a'he niornii.g co-tume adapted by the Km-pres.-, and oblljratorv with her attendant ladies and the visitor.', is picturefej'te and convenii rit for ex, re;-e in the park, 'i he V fader eiirt. wrapp'-r p t'.icoat. ia tf searkt or blue tiL.tit v.-iJyij, (a de-crip:iou of JCntiVb flannel.) stiipi-d willi Llaes, u.ade fO short as to display above the ankle, ti.owii),; the top of the hij'li ln e'ed boot, whic h i bordered wiih a fringe The rot e ia I n p'?d up at interval" above the kuee, forming f. -t-joL', and leaviDg visille the L: c! t c.l jred petticoat. - ' An Inmais lliK Po'ik-II'yLSIS IN- i ' J .nim wnat : ate-J the stranger, CO RP likL. James I5-,on, afc'ed about s'5 jear, 1 deavoiiiij; in valu to aj pear calm, an iuiuati: of our p'.r Lou e, with Lis' " Wi, jour cofiiii, to Le nerc ! You laui.ly eotiM-ilnir of a wile and three cbil j kee I am the city undertaker, and the drcu, it ii aid, La inheii'.ed a hand-cine people are dying here no fi-t that I can fatale, amountinc to one h'ni li- 1 and fj'iy baldly nup iy tlie demand ',,r uoir.ni. Vou tW.j-.and ' ir-, at. i 1.0 mi'tak:. It sp-: vviil have to a.t until your turn comet, -r that Mr. lt-.on hi l 6ier-- tbat reid j wh:cL niil be to uioirow tnoriaiug ay d in liellf. td county, lu t,,i5 ,-jute, by ihe I, ame of Mrs. IU-an, who was po-vfa(r of an in, ui' lire, fortune, and died a few years ao i:,tetate, and Mr. IJ heit.o the i.. arot of lin and the on'y heir, w.ll in-l.t-r.t the t ntire estate. Mr li-uu and fajiiiy I. an1 l oeu inmates of I.eLoir ciunty p'.or 1 1 -e hr the last I. B ysure. -ljtnvxr fur .V 1 ' ."' Counting-House Almanac rot 1859: Bring tilt Third alrr Bitttitile ar L tur. m iS H JANUARY 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 J 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 21 23 20 27 29 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2-1 MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 21 23 26 27 2-5 29 30 31 ; APRIL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 j 17 li 19 20 21 22 23- 24 23 2u 27 2d 29 30 j MAY 12 3 4 5 6 7! 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 ; 22 23 21 25 26 27 25 . 29 30 31 i i JUNE 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 ; 12 13 14 15 10 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 29 30 I JULY 1 a' 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 H 1!) 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 25 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13; 1 1 l,-i 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 j 26 29 30 31 ; I SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 ! 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 ; 13 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 1 j 2 3 4 5 6 7 r-; 9 10 1112 13 14 13 ; 15 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 2'. 29 3'J 31 NOVEMBER -- 1 2 3 4 5: 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 1 ' 17 19 19; 80 21 22 23 24 23 20: 27 25 29 CO j DECEMBER 12 3; 4 3 0 7 9 J 1U 11 12 13 11 io 10 17 1h ID 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 -J7 29 29 3D 31 : 1 Hard Jukr. The Mii.ile A-Jverti-cr, of the 1 'Jtb u'.tiiiiO, t-ils tho fuHowiu good storj of a ijo:orioui praiiiica'. jok-.r ia tLat citv,i yii'-pi'l " 5:ra!t lia'; iJick.'' L'ick was at the wharf, one day last ' welt, when ore of the uj, river boat.1, ar-i rin-rl. lookiiiir, doubtle-a, for -oiiie unwary! indivi iu il u!',n whoui to exercise hi talent. I He watched closely the couLtetiit.ee of each (.a--eiier as be stepped from the plank up. ou the wharf, ami at Ktu!lh li-tei.ed hij i;azi upon iiu iiidiv iiiuj!, who, from his ap pearance an I P aimiTJ, was coiiiiaeraoiy nearer Mobil th.iu ho had erer been le- fjre. lie was eideuliv iii at ea?e, audi had probably heard tue reports, whiclt were rife id the country relative to the I hundred who were dyirj in Mobile every' hour from veliow fuver. The- luau itarteJ off tow ard Dauphiu street, carpet saik in ; hand, but had not proceeded far wh-u a ; heavy hand wa. laid upon Ida shoulder, j and he kud lei.lv stojped. L'pou turning arojnd, he unt tlie co!d, scrioun counte- nance of l'ick, and il seemed t, aerjd I thrill of terror throughout bu wholo frame. 'Aft. r looking at hitu etcadily for about a inmate, lick aloivlj ejacu.ated : " Vt-. j'0-i are the mm. SianJ ctraiht." Wiih fear viitie in his countenance, the poor f.-iiow essayed to do a he was com manded. " straihtf r tt,'' laid l'ick. "There, that will do," and taking from hi pocket a small tap: meaxure, he stooped doaQ and , n,e:i-ured hiiu froiu the top of Lis Loots to the croan of Li.a hat, took a pencil and j can fully uo'ed the height iu bu pocket- book, to the utter amazement of the atraiigcr, j sft.-r whieh he uiea-jred Liui aur the j shoul ler and aaiu noted the dimension, i He then looked the Hrarijrur fiiuiij ia the I fac,-, and said : j '.Sir, I a.u very sarry that it is hj, but I j rial.) wnl not be able to finish it lor J0J I nelore mornirj. I : about t) o tlr.ck." "Rut wLat the d 1 do I want with a coffin? I have no idea oi djiuyi'1 I "You haven't eh? .v;r, you will not live two hours and a half. I ie it in your vmtenai.ee. 'Ah even now you have a pain a e'iht pain in Jj'jt Lack.'' ', " Y yes, I L have,' repilcd the treut- iII.l- W..i " Exactly," said Dick, " and in jour Htubri, too I" " Yea, strarjger, you're right, and I be gin to feel it iu the baek of niy neck ard bead." nr ,t .,,! 1ca vnn An ,. , .V, , jj :., T ,nr.!ntii satisfaction to the eililen. f those pi. .!. somethtug for it, you .1 be dead tu j. short , A ( lBeil,ii1(i pmpllll,, ,d abil.ty to time, I assure JOU. 1 ke Uiy advise, liov?,- nerf(rlll Cllllirul;l, eutrretl into, they refer to rtn tmrk nl.oard the bout, swallow dowu a! the t'ollowinir s-enllenieu : fill of braudy, pet itito your Stateroom, j nd cover up with blankets. Stay there till you perspire freely, then leave here like lightning 1" Hoosier hurried on board that boat, aud followed Iick's iu.nructions to the letter. Ou Monday bo was wet by a gentleman at fitronclle, to whom he related his wonder ful escape from death by yellow fever, eveu after preparations were being made to pro cure his coffin. He says he will never for get tho kiuduess of the tall man iu Mobile who gave hitu such good advice. Tub Law op End rsement. A "lew and importaut legal principle ou the com mercial usage of eudorsiug bills for corpo ration account by the cashier or secreta ry was ptonounced in the Supreme Court of New York a few days sinco. The ruling of the Court, James, justice, is that an action againet a bank on a protested bill cannot hold on the simple cudorsemeut of A 15., caebier, without the avowed purpose of negoeiatiug the bill or the specification of the uame nud authority of the batik sup posed to be represented hhall accompany such endorsement. The case made is a peculiar one in this, that the bill was nego tiated or sold by the Ohio Trust Company iu New York, while the purpose for which it was remitted by A. R , cashier of the Salemn (Ohio) Bank, was simply for col httion. Workiso tP SAW-Busr. The ingeuity of Parisian cabinet makers, in the Fiu bourg St. Antonie, has found a use fcr eouiniou saw dust, which raise the value of that commodity far above the worth of solid timber. Ry a new application of intense heat, these wooded particles are niade to re-form themselves into a solid mass, capable of being moulded iuto any shape and presenting a brilliant surface, a durabi'ity and beauty of appearance not found iu ebony rosewood or mahogny. The Spanish expedition cow fitting out a gaint Mexico, is to be on a greater scale of importance than was at first supposed. WHEAT WASTED. II K subscriber having purcli I the Steam prepured lo M- liourinj; Mill in this place buv Whe.it, lor which I 1 give tot hi!icat market price cosh. Flour. Uran and Meal for sMc at the Mill, or deiiveri.d wherever Utsired in town. JO HA WILKES. VUilMr. Az. 0, 1 M.-.S. 23tf ri'i ri viTllVP 1" I llC LliU UlLMr hlllpOnillll I'dllisiffv, inuvi V o., I DOOa ABOVI THE MANSION Hub'sK, ES now stocked with one of the lare st, nd bnnd lon.est Stock! of OENTS' and i Ul Tils' Cloihiiig Furiibliing Good,: ivts i vrrai D i.n the static. We iii en. it unnecessary to rehearre to the pub l:c ihe i,lvjii'i:ii we possess, in being coi,n.eU-d with a .Vaiiitt'iirisi: llm.-.ait must he appariht to all who buy ot us, thai they lave al least per eei.t. snd get neater snd better made g-MK is than elsewhere. We would tail the attention of the people to our larje and elegant aloek of Illaek and Urow D gtun op after ti c luteal Broadway styles. FULLINGS, SPRINGS CO. October 2, IpoS. 31 tf j tilSH I LAIN AND FANCY CASH ! Kill SLITS. I i.n eioiles var ety ot I grade! of t asMincre l.'oala, 11-cK una uncy .,r.,i,er.- pants, bl .ck Suk ana S..l,n Vests; l as. mere, Vclv t a ..I Piiish 0o., ali of which are of rcU al exc-eitinglv .ow prices. KI LLINGS, SPRINGS i CO. OrU,!.er VI. Silt' I I I:nJ!I A .OOI. C1UNSIS I IN'i iii pirl of I. men, w hile and f,n- j J ry Marseiiit-s Si. iris ; Merino l'o'er-hirta ; J Jeans sno M- nr.o lr.i-.vi rs ; C'rivats, Cl-jvei, Ho- j " Cr,i "l-l LMNGS, SPRINGS it CO. Vrl'iljrr li, 3nf 1 II ITS AM) 1 ' WS. KI.AKi 'S lil.i k Silk mrarvr. HA'IS. Ulaek ami Fan. v t asaiinere HATS; Ulaek a-oil It row ii Cloth, Navy, this, Cotto . Oil (lulu A at pines Ho FILLINGS, SPRINGS A: CO. Vilvel Slid I . . f.. . e,.i, f,. l, I Octnhtr I UOOTsS, SIHH-lSaTItL'Ks;,,, VAL.SMS, j V1 "R ' have also iddded to f,"ySiTi Also, a viri.lv- oi t A it PET BAt.S and 1',1,'m, ., iiit lllas. ' I'LL LINGS, SPRINGS A CO. !,... Oc.,oer IJ. lbo5. 31 1 r ;iIAl!I.OTTi: H0TKL, K; .b a its saW m-imn tast t iiAiti.on i . WW. Proprietor of this Hotel is TA Ilia pwl rr.au j vi , fi! the dutiei of" iniue host " lo the ML 3 .raveiiu.? public and others who him. ami l,e fl iivrs himsell thai aa : 'i-jfM'.ra ean be found with hi. 11 1. 7 any where in this v.em.ty. Ii'-inir situated riear. 1 ! in the centre of ChariotK., IJus.iuss .Men mil ii,,o lois ll".' i a nu.hl eoiivkiii.-nt ami oinraoie io-.t ,,1,. If- hi L-.t-n n.jiaed 111 toe busui, ss , at the i.':irn; nearly e, i. ui.n yeir., and 111 lo.il ; tune he has iiinile several uiid.tions tu his former j iiwn-e, and it h.-ia hitu irestiy enlarpcl and ioi- , nroved, nr. si ncrj.' in rn.nt a two story VIJiAMJA j ;! feet 111 leiijrt 1 hy 1 H it in w,dl 1, hunlsoiiiely ! .na'-e hy tres on 'he iiii -wals, .ifloruir.g s toe. ! saot (iro.n. lia.le al all lii.ur. of the C.y. i Ti.e House has ui n iri. ruul.iy furnished ihro'. 1 out, and .0 evi ry part of it err .lure eoinforls are , i.nt i.d lai.ij.'.le.esiial'y in the DIMM. K'li'M. wn-ri the "inner man" is " re;. -wed " j -lay by day. t onnxi. d with this H.ttl arc .Suhies sr7 .rdmu , room j.,r lnO horses, abundantly loin.. In u witn: train ami provender, atie-ided hy laitl.iul and o-J u.,i7i.r h-.sihrrs. j The Pro.rietr f.els confine nt that Willi hi. h.hg ! x;i.rii it.' loaiiv 111 w suvant'it'i s a.Itii.d I,, li,s ! s,re to piease, he 1. pre ,.i tne r, .t of ... ni, nd 2 i' Al any ra'e TfcV tlo OrHt.er I'J. 1 ri to 1 1 .forls and iiyiih. re, ;. 15. KLKK. 3Jif A LAUGH Kl'M'LY JF (onstahle Warrants KK eALK IILIIK. Gas Worl f flHE subscribers respectfully mrorin the put). X lio, that they are prepared In ereel tins Work! for ligtoing Cities, Towni, Village!, Col. leges arm Urge Hnte-ls. They have creeled worka in Charlotte and Kiileiirli, w. i-., which nave k"c" Jus. II, Carson, Prc. Char, fill! Works, Char. N.ti Wm. Johnatoh, Pre Ch S.C.K. It. Dr. T. D Hoeir.Pri Col. U. II. Ynuuif, R ,1. G ii Asa. Iialeic.li. ' averlv, .Miss. A. G. Suiry, I'res t Works, tittle Falls, N. V. T. Story Su;it. lias Works, Waterlown. N. Y. W. S. Selioener A i:..3SI l'ei.rl St., New aorU. Address the subscriber nt K-ileifh. N. C WATKRUOUK 4 ROWKS. Srpl. 14, 1H5H. Sill' TO BE SOIjB, A LARGE and COMPLETE ASSOKT.MENT of Plain snd Jupuned rjzr Pl'TEsT "'QaW' H ELBLO at W holsls or lu tuil, lower thsn ever, st S. T. WRISTON'S 2 in unil Htuve Shop. FEW of thnss superior Planished 1'ea and tlit POTS, to' ule by S. T. WR1STO.V. fglOILET SETS, a superior article, for sale JL at S. T.WR1ST0N S. C1 ASH, Deed, Spice snd Dressing BOXES for mis by 5. T. W RISTON. 15r!TTAMA TEA PETS, for tale at S. T. WRISTON 'S. T AT:il COOLERS, a firit rate article, for W salt y 6. T. WRISTON. r HI ABLE ri'TLF.RY, Cook's Ladles, Spoons, i f'.oU Forks, 4c. lor sale at S. T. W RISTON'S. B ASSF.R'S Patent lecCrc-ini FK l.EZ EltS, the llA bt Freeitra r.ow in u, for sale by S. T. WRISTON. RTMFU'S Self Sealing FRl IT CANS, with directions how to u them.al ; S. T. WRISTON'S. J : AD IRONS, the best in this iiisrket, for sale S. T. WRISTON. Stills lONSTANTI.Yon hand a assortment of ; j (iok si (iv i:s which cannot lie enelied in perl. .nuance, by any other Stoves in the markit, for sale st the Tin, and Move Shop, 2 doors East of Springs' corner, ly . T. WRISTON. j CkmrU.lt: June 2!, Ir.-.K. loll I CM ,-Y--.-.:-.-4.. vS ft 'VJ'ih i 1 1 V tor prniniMi the blooi. THE ORIGINAL ANJ GENUINE ARTICLE, ET.lcyVll: l!K : 1:1 r.l.ll I ID) tot: THE V.KUi'ViW. .(Ml I'KIIMaSKST CI UK i,r Al.r. IHK.M .vl:t-l'.'i Cll'i'i W IM'-: i:t. fcTATK i,r' lit e: J -..is. ul: IUl;ir UK T,lr -1 -l I.M. Us of this Pi-3rp.ni.io3. ' tai. : I ll, lorfc- a.! ;l r. . ! I, ,(T. -I..I. MEDICAL TESTIKOHY a-'i.-,' .-iin li. n.'.rr li.- y t , .r. s ...-,. ,0. !",!' """""""l;!''':!,;) .1 li.l.M. Mil. P..- I an'l -.11 I" . It. I. VAN JIN, W, SV- I '.'.'. ,,1. l' I.i.o.,, I U ,. N' a l. I'r-..- " . -i f ----- ..j.j.-j.y. VERMIFUGE CR "DEAD SHOT,' roit woiins. Is Irl,.i( v 1 1.. 5, il. a ii.- ... JnllN V.M KV, M I). M A. It. aV l. I t w ..,,. I . I a, ,-r. 1. .',r.'i ..I Wo .an., , Vrk, i,.i I II. NYK HUTCH Is-'f'X i CO., Aorsm.er 3n, Iswin'sI uimi. U"D.S f'ir thr Jtrhvtrv rtt YrnpeTty, KOK aLli HbKK. i i-. v -.71 a Jt; I . i i j Joy to the Admirers of A FINE H1SD or j RICH GLOSSY HAIR. ivie r i..,...ie ii cannot exist without a fine he..d of hair, Ihen rend tho followinir, and if you tiak more, m e cireulur around each botllc, and no oof Ci.n doubt. ..,.-. . Wf jRnKKS -Oil WOOD'S IIA1K lir.MiniA. T TlVli. cull tlie iitteo'lou ol nil, olii ami V. .Ililir, Kl tins woniiir u. j.iep. i... ...... 0i.ek i.. its oncni.l eoi..r, Sr.,y hair covers the l.e.,ii of the h..io witn " luxiin .nt Rn will ro- - il, .Lmdriift'. itehniL'. nil all cuLilleous rnption- u eoiitmu il flow of the naiural M.i. .I. ami heliue. It used as a reeular ureaniig fur the hiur will preserve its color, una Keep it from IjIIimi; to iilretnc old uju, iu nil its nalural t.ei.uty. We sail then upon Urn balJ, the jrty, or inscased ill scalp, to use it; and surely tfs youni; will not, as they value the flowing locks, or tho witchinif curl, ever bo without it. lis praise is upon the-loiifjlie of Ihoiis nidi. The Agent for Prol. Wood's Hair restorative in New H..ven, received the following letter in re. pant lo the Restorative, a few weeks since : Dfif Kivks, Cim., July, 'Si, ItM. Mr. I.esveoworth Sir : 1 have been troubled with dandruff or seurl on my head for moro thli s year, my hair began to cnu.o out, scurf and hair together. 1 saw in a New Haven p-ipt r about " Wood's Hair Kestorative " aa a cure. 1 called st your store on Ihs 1st of April last, nud pur chased one buttle to try it, snd 1 found lo my S4t isl'action il was the tiling ; it remould the scurf and n.w hair bciriii toi-iow; it n now two or three inrl.es in Wi.rl'i vhut il vit aUufr. 1 have great luith in it. I '' )ou tn send me two bot llei more by .Mr. Post, the bearer ul llni. 1 dou't know at any of the kind is uaeii in this pluee, you nmy have a uiurkt l lor many bottles alter it is known here. Yours wiiii respect, liLFIS PRATT. Pnii AUr.i.riiu. Sipt. 3, I806, Pros. Wood Hear Sir : Your Ilur Ite.toralne is p.ovini; itself lienerieinl lo me. 1 he front, and ulso the iek p.rt of my head alnio.t lost ita cov er.i i; in l'..cl si i. I have u.eti but two half pint hollies of your !! .toralive, and now the ti p ol my loan is well siuoucu wiuis proiius.i.K of vouiic hair, and lite fr front i- also receiving Hs il,. r preparations without 1 ih.nk from my own pel. bill", rit. I have Irieii aliv hem fit w h.itever son.,1 u. uniiiieiiualii.il, I can niduec many olhen to try it. Your! respi ct I'hil v. 1). It. TIIOM X, M. I, No. 401 Vine street. VlNfESM:' lTiUF.O. J. WUOIJ: A. u!'ii lure and vend ,,ui n , I June i'J, !."3. vou are shout to mi ered Hair lit tolat.Ve, I Will Stale, lor WIIOIIIWM.V1 r it insy concern, thai I hive used it and known other lo H that. 1 li-iv i-r sever. I ye.irs, been in the hub,! ot uii other lljir E slorativn, and that 1 riml yours vastly superior to ny othei 1 know. It entirely eieao.is the lua.i ..I d..n.lrull'. and wiih one nionlli'" proper lo-e rill reafc.re any perioii'i hair to tlie ..rii'lllil ) .illlilul color anj tillure, fivn.e it a heiiihy. solt ond ylossy appearance ; ai.J all this, aillioul discoloring tne hands that apply il.or the dreas mi which it .Ir. ps. 1 would, tn. refore, r commend il '! in every one dia roui i of having fiuu color snd n-iture to l.uir. Kespeell'lllv Voura, V II.SON K I Mi. It. J. WOOD A. CO., Pro,,ri. I.,r, 3li bma.l. w .y, N. Y.. (in the pnat N Y Wire It ,ilmu Es. tabiis inllaod IM.il-.rsrtst, rt. M I.ouis,.vi 5 And sold bv al! I tr n im' , I s in ll.e I E. NYE UL'Tl'llISiiN, i CO i:y I'.luu lutlt , y. C. AYER'S Cathartic IMls, (sn. in vtiATUt.) AH. viaos to CIEA5SE THE BLOOD AND CUBE THE SICK, luvallila, Islhrr., .Vlulliera, I'hy.lilaos, l'lillai.Iliropl.ls, r.J Ihele l ir.rls, uet juile of their Virtues. r,H TMB tTKK Ot Ilendnehf, Sick lleadix-he. Foul Stonm. h. In jr .i 1 La., ..I, ri W I'llKIM K. tlrrk " ltrt,. .nd l.iver ( oinlxiuts. ....l ,1 Till IMISI. S. I .,,.Ts. U C . T -!. . Ik. i '111. Ill lt f,,,l " I I. -, H.I .... II,. in uj .,w u Uiltous Disorders D antery. fst.sru. II." bs. Ana V..r l'i Helm, mid W nrma. ll.a.l J h.r. OK.. J. 111!! K IN. I'.t-,ait.r. Iniliee-tion nnd Impmity u1 Ihe llluod. fi '-m ,r. J. I'. Hi an. Iiw.,r Mrrnl , cA. O- m. I.e. Alia- I In.- 0"-1 .-ir I'.llt ll. elr...li,,arjr II HI 14. . SI. I'M "' " ' ' iba Ik-. . i , lilt t ,ir'.i. . . ( l,e- I I.-I J. .il .X ... .vr.vi HAM, M D. Frsipel, Scrofula, kimc's Fvil, Tetter, I iiinors, nnd hII Kheiim. from m -.awiruo.; n.,mf .. ft .-. , f-0 4. 1.'C. ni V..IIF I'ill. ar He- .sis..n of sll t'.al W SII in nw.llrm.- Tin, l.s.a eio-l ..IS llllle rlanjl.l-r of ,i,....u. u.,a I. a I, ..ml. .1 I 1-1 ll.sl l.s.1 Moo.al il,- II. l aril, l-l I tal-.t.-l.,- I M I. Is. and ll-') l,-f i,i,.. li-r. A'A Molli.lll I", t. Jtlieuninlisin, Nt-iiriil;iH, nnd I. out. im IM yrt fr. r.al'j, uj li,r .K-l.W.sI t.yt ILurcK, Pi La. S. Il"l-I '.I . Jan. S. !A. ..a.tl I sli ..ui.l V u. !... :, fu. ll,..e!-l )..U II l, la.ai.l.t n.- Il I d.. ..... sa ... II.) O, J'.v. .v III... I.'li Iu. rials. IIM I.M SI.I1.I.U. I'..r lliopsr, I'lelhorw, or kindred Coma ,l"O.I, rr.4,.o.i, a, i 11 il.- ... .u .,.. t-i.i .u..ly. t or f o'livenrna nr f i,iili,mtion, nnd aa IIUll.Ce fill. II,.., 10. ti..,.l,lr .., ,1,. ,ual. fits, taiit.presal.in, I'Hrnlvsis, lunnmmn lion. i,l Ileal, . a,, I I'ntllal l.ili.'l- VI, i .4 h. I'.ll. m 1 AVI-R'S ( IILIIKV I' ECTOR AL roK TIIK KAMIl Ct KK Of COI filiw, Ol.l. , IMl AIl'l-J aa, .!. K.., KIIOM 1111 l, WIKKll'IKU tOlt.ll. tllOII', AkUI.VIA, ll'IK.M (O.Mll.vipi IOW, sn.1 f',r It', r.lkr 'rf lilisusil.li.s )lk.,it tu ad.snr.d .t tl,s 1 i.l.lle if In I .ln..-l ... I,n. I..I uoi ol I'liloiia ...,. .I.'.ia ., .1 ..1 ...si. ,1 ro "."I. is s ... II, r.,a-K,-. It l.r I.. ,-.'.r.l I. .rry ttrt.-ol sa.s I III. ii lt -i ai...l l.l I, . or skill , fuiei.l, f.n II,' 11 rim 1'K':i'..ehii by dr. j. r. atpr. Practical sod Analytical Cten.ist, Lowsll, Kass. at .VaO SUI.lt UY HUTCHISON k GII5I50N, ChirUte. HAVILA.NU.STEVilNSON L CO., CKurUSon, i'. C WAIT FOR II V i. it -m. sell., 6lo.es si, tke Le.use be buyos bis H W I'W fruirt the Mannf.cturers. A.1LI.3I.TAYL0R. ... ..ii ....'.,11 ai.noiiiicr to the inhrbila hrbilaMs ,i...i. in.. Kinri. t.i No. I.Granile l!eW, whii North, oiis of the most citensiie assoi tments of mi Fvrr otTerrd in Nortli-C'srolms. au.oiic which will . . h h je,2 ,Uch a fauiuui reputation in ihs ... .f tleR, .arranla superior to any ix kmp r(J , u Ul., ,IM does more work in i eiv.ii put up one lK-si.le any other Move ol tne same work in s p.ven tunc, hs will forle.t the price the better one. ALSO, ALL lie has, snd constantly keep en hand, an ritensive snd varied .tick of TIN AM) KIIHKT IHOXt HAT HACKS, CltADLKS, &c., &c, All of vlii li will ! slil, lisl-nli taaasl Its-mil. lint er limn hai v r bi i ii ollen d in llii" Vlrlnll). I would return my thanks tn my friends and eu.lom.rs lor the very liberal paln nrr tl,r, k be. towed upon u, and they may real aaiured, that I shall snde.vor, by close allrnlioi, !..,, together with a deter..,. nalion to please, to Iry and n.ef.t s continuance of ll.e same. Ladies aiid (Ii-utl nieii are pailicuIarU li SIS SiJ OS JOB ?05E N. II. I will tell you why I head n.y advertise!. we have three waggons constantly travelin g -nroug.. me country c-o.... W .1 order trill be faithfully ami jmtilly allnnlnl lo & CAarlolo, June 16, IH57. J A 31 IIS M. .-al)N I .V. COMM1SS10S ME II CUA S T, 117 t II A l Ul. HS l Itl-s-.T, N.Y. Ul VS and forwards every k.od of merchaa "o.iafirij t rr rem! t s.s.issios. Hel. ralo .,... T. all. ana M .rel.ead. . v . S i.alnii, J. W . O'fc'.ri.e, t:. P. M. i.oenlnll. A. M. Uurnian. t.s. and Itev. . F. Deems, lion. W. A. (iraham, and others. I'raler tn Pianos. Melo.ioiis, Organs. Harps, Guitars. Muic. hewing Mailnnea, Iron Sales, Pumps, t.aroen Fhk""-. A.'. A printeu l..t of sll tne il.irirnil makers, kino, and pr.ies ., fr,l. I'uMi.ber of an eleeflnt .tl..,rsph of ir'.rv A' I p." N I '!,) sn.1 ti e Tntso. Ill I'llTSH I.x; o, I-.I.U!! I. till,! To Mii'.th "- 'I'nia imaluahle usiny .irii'r should r in esery huusc. It Ire.tl of all diseases. ,sa s Copious glossary anil presenile ihs reinroies from nature's Ixiuottous St., res, I'.ir sll our infirmities snd mis. fortunes. It ll printed ou fine white paper, band, ..ii.elv hound fourih ..mi, ,,n, 3UU p's, aud is miiied free for lint dUUt . N.w Kosewood Pianos, tli'l. ttk. If.. I rod. ly M. HOWELL f rv.V, Saddle & Harness flanutactorer, Tllftr.r I0Bt HOCTII oriUEMA.salON HoL'nl, 1 II .tltl.O'l 1 V .'. 1 I A" rids of Saddl II;, rue. sin. iii it the i,o 1 st Holier. II EPA I KIN . I'J. lend uroiontly iiccnted. 37tf lK. II. M. 4 Ollll II I. he ..leased I of Ml I H INK sne ,sot,allv a I,.. 1. 1. I, e e. Fort Mill U pot. I tf SlI.I.EIty. Inles. insv he found at bis re y,.rk Hi. met .. frh. 1 a. im:,s Cash Paid for Hides, Y ti M.lloWELL, 3 d,ors Jioutli of J M l..u.e. Charlotte, April 6, hM, Stf 1SC ill, OAlilal.V Xiily (Late I-ain.er, b'acs A Co.,) J'ujhihcri, llimkicllcrt ami tulionertt r.'o. 21 IHuirdy i. treut, n tut. 1 O A. CO , off. r al low priers for cash snd lib. rul ternis lor approv.d eren.l. 1 t -ri-e -lor k of HANK un.l OrH" K K I A'l I' I.N EH V , III A.N K snd ACCOLNI' HOOKS, liiceipls and Meiooramiiii.. llisika, I'At'Ek OK ALL hl.Mi.S. I Cards, Cireul .rs, Hill .'iia.la. Ac, I'r.iiliiif and J Lilhoeraphiiiir i. ci.ie:i to order. 11iL.Ii w, Miri I l-iliei.ua an. 1 Selna.l HooUs. I'. IJ. &l Co. publish llullioii's series of l.ram. . rnsrs; Couiatoek's series on the Sciences ; llnok. j cr's ri. vaioh.gi s : llrof kleshy's Aslronoim. s ; Ol. n. y's (Moiripiiy, newly reused; Southern Class I lieaileisj I'aluier's Ihaik h.epmK ; ai d the "cheap. est and best" Spelling Ihsu ever Uaed. At. H. H-..8 C.n ClOMsI'MrTIONThe Kev. loet. Burnett' j several years a Missionary in .Vimfism Alia, liscnv.red a s.mir and rerlom eure lor t ontump. linn, Atthma, Bionrhuu, tierofitU, Caught. Co.s, cirni Her tout lieliihlt; also on easy snd eflVetunl mode of inhaling 1 1. 11 litn.eey a uii'lhid hy wlueh the euialire pn p r;n a of the Mulleins, mm (inert lu adilri'ssaij Iii tlie diseaae.l ortfsr,! iintl the Mite.?. 011,11,1. Aelual- d l.y a desire lu benefit bis sill. f.rn,(( fellows, lis will cheerfully send Ihe Kenyt (:r, .'i to all who di sire it, will, full snilVlplieil dir. I'tio.is tiir pr. paring snd sneeissluily uani; Ihe Medicine. Apply lo or address . KEV. C. K. lit RNEIT. til llioadway, iew York. Julj'll), IS.r.rl. Km. bl-Ll'llN AS for aalu at iLiw 0H00. I S.B.RANSOMUCS. 'S'!'JV I ( A LI A NY. the wmn. ol ( HABI OTI K ai d virinily, that he fcti lie bus now ou exhibition, just received In n, m lis) bo found the celebrate,, Soulhi rn c untry for tl.s last e.ehleit, ,,!,,. Move now in use it is ,!r in its ..,,,, tin,., than ny other Move now in use. Il, , iie u ol th the l i.it. il Sli.les. anu il II do Move, and ijuil sillinj and go lm KLNDN OF iuilt-cl lo fall hiid rxauiinr Jiw ltt'lru 10 IS uMViLM, Y sit roa TBS Waoo. Il IS btCI. A.A.X.3I.TAV101!. .trtiiilrt l nml Ituilil r, ILL furnish Ilriifni. Plans snd Dr.s i l..r Pniille liullninira, Pr.sa.r I!,.i,im lis.. Particular attention ,' I.H bull ire Moor, i, Milla,( ..rn Mills, ir it, hi 3d story or Alesander'a Hj.liiine. fr- al t over Chins 11,11. OrtmU, 2C, I4ai 33tf .XllC'I 11-CAItfsI.I i Eliatual life Insurance Ccmrarj vtm l. Kil t il it a ( T VlllS I 1 11 pany inaures Ihs lives of ,ai Is t"f one year, s term of yesrs, al Mutual i'rii.eip!r, ins assured f, r ,,a 1 g in Ihe proms of Ihe I 011. 1-1, . 1 vl.litiil ftr lie whole I. mi f I.e. pa wl.lll Ihe pr.l.llUltl I.t.rsior anioonis In V' I note may 1st given lor 001. hall i.c sinail prMliiun., tealltig interest at ti il 1.1.1. a go iranty. I j l,c p.i .i.pt manner in wl ich sll I ' ' Wen (laid by tlos ci.ru pa ny , Ue tHu I Willi U ' rates i.l l. Ii.lllll., pr.s. 1.1 great lliiiUCia.;, uih ss are dis'.ai.eil to insure. Slaves are insured ..r alerincf l. w u" five y.ars, l..r tw.. tlnros thr.r value. All I. . s lie p. id w 1 thin 110 nays altir " faetory prool is prcss Men. HI U Ei 'loliS- I li.Ho .. Jol Il, Wl... II. Jones. " II ,. u. W . I) t 1 , J. I. W ilio.ni.. II II...1..1. (Ju. mine rio-h.., I' I. I 'i u. . ' II M, her, k. I'. H.iil, t h.rn a B. I;.a.t, l. lo. I, , liieh'd II. I.-Hle. olHIU:.-'. Dr. Charhs K. John.on, I'rci.;. nl. v . W . .i.n. Vice fr.ai.ienl. H. II. Uatile.S. ei. ury. VV Hi. . 11. s II. J.O.. s, ! re-surer. II. W. Il.i-i.u. Aita.m. ) lr Wm. II. Mek.r. M. oie. hirtuttor I emm.dee U. ISu ker. Co .ries It. iioot. .U'dirul' II of ( ontuilnt J.hn.oi., M K, Will 11- Ituii'u II. ll-iywwH., M. If., Ir l iitixr informal.. hi, Ihe M, h ,.ubhr r d lo Hie pan. phi. Is, slid forms ol pr. I" " may be ohtallied at III Ofhc of tLsl'"'!" or any of lla Ageuciea. C oiniiiutiieations should tc !ne ;, ' 0 pa ill) to. It II. UAVTUa, re-inry. Srptrmker rj, Inj'i. af" A la, fivWI . slJw sA-ai-VWs- i A 111 IM A .11 1 VI I ''' I-or Coughs, ( old, Allc' lioiis ul ti l.iniiirr'ias, tali . lullu k eTh ll..u I, ll.e bile oil,, r t cinale ( 01 Cellla alld It at j. i.piainls. I'rict I Gold Aline Dalsnm, or IysH pl.e .tillers er TiJ.clur. 'o.,.' "' A teller from J. K. I'allui.., !'",' M N. C,. diite.1 Aug. 14, IHi I I.r.J. Khul Dc.r Pu : Your iiieilum" ' given enliri aatistnclii ii i this s.ctiei." Iry. Tin- Abyssiiiia m.aiurc II haiuever fallen lorn" "'" ty approved ul ease lllellslo fust, that I never 11 supply the dellialid. Veu will nlesse large supply of it s. .-on a. yu J AdE.NTS -Win. W. Ssnoers. "lr,l;.'.'"K: T. Em, p. liocliini.liai.ii I'biler A '"' :, T. J. ii.Mion ..rn Ur. J. I. I.iui.er.l bar.' (i At Sill and J. II. El Salisbury ; ry , Lcs.ngton. JOB I'K I .N II NH of sll s.nos "'"y'ui' j s..fl e 1 oro.lionsl y eiecuiee s i.,u4 '"h.Clhrs

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