Cot. Ellis'i lnau?nrnl idilim t,.i. u ii,i ii.. rmitA from At-! New PrUtV, lot lo Richmond, by Danville, is fiU miles ! We have this week given a letter to tli j Cititvs .horter than the route by Knoxville, and Ridimoud Wbijr, written from Washington ' nf t;ie rnif an,l JJnuse of Connnons: 133 miles shorter than by tbe route by y some person, who we suppose ottended j Th0 ceremony in which we re about V Pm.n,.ton , ' consultation of prominent mm from 13 to engage, presets a filtini oce.siou to So ihat ihe rout-- Tro'ii Atlanta t-y l h .r- t render our humble aeknow edements to lo'.e, Gr,.,...or- -,! IWille to Kiel.- ft...-, w hose object was to f.,m. National fjr , ,. cU ,nd mon.1 wiill, ii'...t a rival ; Oppo.-ition Parly. Sueee. to the nderta. .J- l)lessjns!, tiut ve hat8 enjoyed nd ho-i:! tl. e.ans.fotion t ctw en Lynch- j.i)Jt Bj although the Ptmocraiic partj j aader ItU rroridcuee. bur -.- ,,.4. Lie .S.ort.- tbat route, f ,0 bc n(ltioniil. vrt we believe bat This day we have assembled as a free a oomnc "i hrt.ti'Mi jjyrH h 'iir' and Dm- I r(.ppi t,r01l!,h our representatives, to ". t ''. .a ..) r" ' . , ' fl.,, conft-M I ueM a ucceion in the office of Chief ron.c n.e. h w a , illit) 8nv ptJi ,llo8, 1 Kxecutivc Ma.Utrate of tl.e Male: sue- leaf us ni.hoi.t rival ll.c .moan of e J I I ( . ik, ,ike tbw prcce(,jn,5 it, te- trade aloin? tins route wil be as surpris- prinupi's wi r ft . , . , ,....,. .,- .,f ,i. to the triind of the Norlh-l arolina " .- " .' It is ! i"p affected by tho free action of the pop- Gdcnec, by maintaining the publio honor and advancing the publio welfare, as far as my ability will admit. And I will feel strengthened and encouraged in the dis charge of duty, by a perfect nssurauce de rived from an intimate acquaintance aitb thi people of North Carolina, that honesty of purpose aud rectitude of intetition in a public officer arc more prized by them than -.1i., I ...l.... 1 .1.. .,raat nil. porta to their 'eoi.8Uiicc and esteem. 1 ; rigid eeoitomy in all appropriations for . . r ,,-ni anlendid power and Humphrey, Lane; Lanltford, Martin. T.. al eoantnea, ,Ua wmcu .n. . " .nation, and expectation of lor Turn.r and Wu.t.ker-H. eiievineiu aguU .u "., "h, trilinlDha that yet await thia re- J ne mil re..;iun? 10 1..101 vent debtor, wnnilcrtul orocreas in hib '" "i , . i ik.m m i u I mil on tlni lul. e. .Tim hi ... r, .... !,( .t. nut, Me gMtltneWS inai niu u . . . . ." W nnit no ilieal conniiion ui unn- -, , - ,. inrv rm k ill rout H on d, t. ,,t,..l 1. r. ... ... .i... t.: r !. -orl.l .. and hreaata ot all Anieu- v. - ' ' j at any time, imni And yet, 1 would not counsel nn mean tioua expeudiltirc of tLe publio money, by embarking in new entt rprisea " not urjent Iy called for by the iicce!iiira of the public. jnnceci, upon iuo pmu.v - come, centlenien. to the di-charea of thee high dutiea, at a most i::-ri-niiig period of our history. In the exiraordiunrv aoeial proreaa that chumcterizea the age, North-Carolina has in loioe imnua oi .rin- ,. . . h thf ni(.,Minc was to f..rm uUr will, presents to the world a renewed borno her part, in a manner pratilymg to K?ad a. it Las been to the fuc-nds of the c.i s ; , priwiplc of the lie- ! evidence, that, with us, all politieil pow- her citirena, who ever take pleasure in her and I enness.e Road and will p. F r,TPPf Nrt!l. If ihi proves er i, vested in, and derived from the peo- and physical .dr.noen.ent. thro.,?h the Mate at leas. t. '. miles. we P 1 LvV n .thin-to do with it. 'ploonly." A well directed system of public educa. rWiennj. . redn.tli bestintercatcf ."-it, e j Ued upon ihi preat principle, our tion, established by law, fumUhea primary the State ill be subserved by the palace political oraaniiation, formed though it waa achoola in all parts of our territory ; ao f the bill, e beg leave to d.ff.r fr. tho . Uign l.Ui ..i - h dou)jt. ,hB Rt . fWM of tlie Sute majority cf the eommutee and ean.e.:y ; en tie man wl.o was at . . ,. m a l f,a rcvo!ll, UU(1-r Divine aupcrin-I has the means cf eduen.ion placed within retoniineo'l tiie passre of the Int. !divsa?o. informed us that while there he l j,.:..,i ,,i ,.A 1 :(J ..!. ti i. .i, t v,il..tii rni.T. .I'M. MOIIKHKAD N. F 11 LI. A. CUSI'NKlt Jlort!;(Larclina acilMd'. preacrv j was present at a a;?c of five neprne?, which d.rouh almost an entire century ; securing I prise of individuals, achools and colleges broiipht the following prices, vi : one boy 1 to our people tha blessings of peace, and j for instruction in the higher branches of 'a rou.-h blacksmith $lTi."i ; one boy, "a i presenting at stated periods, as prescribed learning have been established in altnoit . . '.' , , by law, tho epectacle we arc allowed to look every county. The unfortunate and the ,rou-h carpenter 1 .; one boy.a j Upn tod;ly. Fr0, ,llB inauguration of afilicted, too, have been cared for ; and the hand, ?l, -'); a woman and el.iid CI .4l ; government tt the present time, one j Institution for the deaf and dumb, and tbe ami in otlier ecnein oi me couuiry r t. niei ..taisiraie iiuer aniiuier una q iiei- diiuq, biki ine Asylum lor nie ih-"-, "hi CAS., H-s the same euormo.js pti.-e? are paid for b' d. pmted from office, upon tbe expiration . ;oi ii i s isrui, anu nn succesfor nas nceu " arC1'' 'duly installed, without disturbance or com- iinoiMn, at.-i -s-i- w- . j -..,t..vvv Th? Eiflo. . uuited people. Mr Kendall, of the N. 0. Pica-,u:ii writes During the same period almost .11 the from Texas, that in tent rertly .k'.int ' ""'"' of,""' p"rth. bp;"ndf ,he cir.c,e of T...i;.... nfil,-m ... L-ilt! "" --'."i l'J "-"- the Nevaj ! by a Minnie rifle !t the distance (if 40 'yards, an) another was wonuded. New Senaio Hall. The I". S Scoate took possession of its N'ew Hall, on the 4th ins'ant, ith appro priate ceremoi.ies. Vice-I'residtiit liree!;- eminent similar to our own, have been con vulsed by international violence and dis- cord. In many of them revolution has rapid ly succeeded revolution, and war has fol- lowed fait iu the footsteps of war, devouring with rapacity the blood and t,ubitanc8 of their distracted people prove endurinc nionuniruM of the Christian charity aud virtuous wisdom of your pre decessors, i, to the ftate of religitfa and morals among publio purposes, more than upon any one circumstance, ncpenns me successmi piw secution of works already eoiinneuced. A careful consideration of ihc subject, confirms ma in the belief that, by the ob servance uf a prudent economy, our public works may be gradually prosecuted to completion, without ehlier embarrassing the public treasury or materially increasing the burdens of taxation. A more detailed treatment of this sub. ject would be incompatible with the general remarks which I proposo to employ upon this occasion. Specific recommendations will be reserved for a more appropriate time. I'pon a Bubject enlisting the hopes of so tnanv thousands of our people, and in which is involved the material progress of the State, may not the expectation be enter tained that a conciliatory policy will be adopted, which will command the approba tion of our citizen generally! There is peculiar propriety in harntoniiing the ris.u. of the public upon thi question, siuce our system oi imuiut Aa. hopeful anticipations, of tin. permanence A.jour nea and durability of one political systriii. I . HOlSh 01 ( OMMONS. - n.. ......a . this 8V n - 1 11. t. 1 . . I .... .1 . l.r n ,n llllllO I . 1 . . ... . " XIV ,mli it, eairu aien v.n'u i loo nv. uni lune oi n nf .... i... ..,.i.u ,, tin. iiistorv oi tun . ., ii . - r-- (he history of tha country a day now fil'yevfn years past, (-(iortis niti.(f other bills, were wiicu I'ir. iiei-F", - - uueeti i j.j .-n iiitiisiu, oiUeriliv t.. tood before Ins .s-emi.iea country .. cnunfy clerks to post up in several nh ,nd declared iih solemn emphaai.: " i0 plilCes all special laws for couiiti., i?" ititro. and believe this the -iront v'veri.meiit ou Mr jln,0Wt bill to create the l!l,7f rlh." Ilia prophctie, a men uaa Noftb C,roiD,. Mr F , - o often proved . beacon lijjht to the people eM ,ho emancipation of a.vCs bv .ill of this country, guidiug them in time, of of tntam(,llt. ' w,l imminent peril to a secure haven, is well Among the many bills which passed l calculated lo inspire us with encourage. , MrA ren(lingi bul fow were of interesi ' ment and hopo in our present embarrass- . ny b(t prjvf0 individuals i Three rel.u ment. to Duplin county A bill to allow . n,V There is a strong common senae among jorify of ct ,;, C0)n -the American people which is not q-nok to uppoilll nn ejUr(l lcrw A w J desert them, and which triumphs over ob- cbar(f f of ,Le ,own of K)ln,tili "9 staelea and solves intricate political ques- bi l0 eb,r,cr Keoausville l'cin.le I,,., lions tb.t perplex the mere theorist in t(j,e " governmental t-cience. I'pon this good , A bj)j cjisrt(,r ,10 Nw R.r sense, under Heaven, may we not securely ion Colllpsny . vl- rely for the preservation of our present A l)iU , ciarfor ll)0 Qoldshoro Mui.,.1 n!;ii,.l nnranilation. dl-petisiliff to : r n j ...... "J,U1 ..i.rii. thit same D es nira wo o i ... j " iru,.,.r .-j -. , several petty nisctissiona spran un I,., i !..t .....Ur it. and fu fillillB that' ... . . UP l ua.o " , . DUiuiiig oi any inivreai iraD"tired. hivh destinr anionir men which Heaven baa j Jannuary 5. our people. We maywithout self exaltiou, j signed to obliterate section.! distinctions, turn our thankful hearts toward the Su-! and rroduoc a unity of interests and feel- prcme Heine that theircrowtb has so signally ing among the people A compromise policy, Power tor wis.iom ana si prospered in our midst. Wo are now in upon a fixed and medium ground, would me to discharge properly the full enjoyment of tin rich fruit of that , inlu-c vigor, into the prosecution of these ' gatinua they impose ; an day SKXATK. Little bu-iuesa of general interest t). freo and uuirersal religious toleration which forms a diatioguisled feature of our ordained it ? I will now, gentlemen, in obedience to the constitution, subseritti, in your preaenee, the oaths of office, relying upon an Infinite j Power for wi.silom and strength to enal.le th polifin ohli- d for a beiiipiiant M"'e Mutual Insurance Company m,iiin' ...'. nr, .oIH iiisnire ; , the indulpence of a eenerous people. Al ine conclusion oi ma hum--, ..u. The bill to incorporate the Atlantic l'i . . I t..... I f r r.-i, nvii, , tliem t nticv front the arena of Liflictin aect. we havethe barmouioua'ac-; party politics, and placing them above1 Kllis was greeted witb the warmest aP tion of all denominations of Christians, in '; mere sectional jealousies and the niachi- j plause. CHARLOTTE : TlieSlldV, JailliarV 11. I S "50- enride is snid to bare made a splendid K,e Supreme Uuler of the Universe, tb.t He j .mong the people, which is .11 of ,.11 thv public engagements, I know I ' oratorical tC'ort. Mr. Ciiitenden followed. . has so controlled tbe affairs of men as to ! preparation to theiij exercising properly , but utter a sentiment that .itimates every While these obviojs truths of history teaching tbe great truthi of practieul re!i- naiioi.s ot political tactions. with pratitudo towards gion, and introducing tnat moral trainnii' ! In c meiiriing a punctilious ot.- incliue cur hearts It is greatlv 8th of January. avert from this people the calamities that have befallen others, they induce, pleas ; in contemplation of those principles of our goverumeut that have been made the in- Municipal Election. fin ye-terdav the following gentlemeu ere electcJ lutenrtant and tomniissioncrs This fav was elebrated bv the Hornets tument. : th hands of Providence, of , has now within her Imits a line of two 'ease of a Sate, wtere the public honor for tbe Town of Charlotte, for the year ;e5, Uifl,.nuP by a parade. We are f leas- ,cff-.-ctiu'' fr us so di.-tinjuibing . happi- j thousand miles of safu inland cavitation, ha lei n accepted as . bond, 11 becomes . the functions of aelf eovernmeut. bosom within the wtde domain of our State. The material progtcss of the State has ; A violation of ftith, under ary cireum been fully in unison with our intellectual ! stances, is among the mo-t melancholy in- j and moral improvement. .orltt t. arolina 1 siaucs 01 nuiiuiii iiiurmuy ; aim, 111 tue rtrcip'.iiiience of Die Wilmington llsralil. Aoi lli ( jiroliii.i l. Kil;liur, Rai.rion, Jan. 3, l-i.'iO. SKNATK. A resolution w.a adopted relative i flections held 111 the to.nof tvilmingtoi,. a phi was introuucru by Mr. Leach tj increase the revenue on railrondi, pr, hibiling dead heads from tiding on thvtn The Wilmington, Charlotte aud limber I ford Itailroad bill, being ti e spteul ord?r (occupied the greater part of this sM1i3n J Numerous amendments wrre adoptc jatnongt them one to prohibit the pul.;,' irrasuicr ifym i uiut; noons utilisi te bti vii: IMtM'AST. 1 JKNNINGS U KKKU. j rt'MMISS'.ONEKS. i j. l i;nnwN, a. c stkki.e, ! J. H. CALDWELL, J. McK J AMISON, i W. A. OWKNS, JUI1N IIAHTi'. j The Miro-ify Kcport. J Vi'e have given this week the Minority I Hport of the committee of the House of; ed that the Companv litis n:t tiibanded al- .(.nted to the uses ot either steam or sail- : erniti' .ilioot mt'i-alion tl.ouj'ii we heard .-ueh t.t'.k. The C 'lnpniiy jt government of the p-puiariin" vessels, which, ay'tli six hundred miles j Fir-t among the li-h iiibcritances, for is a handsome one, and the young men ot as aseei tainod through the medium of i of railway, in actual oper.tion, affords 1 whiel d pns 1 lie M.'i.e t orn 111 ons on Internal lmproveuivnts cn tbe ; tl, ,,,c n,inrify r. port of th Cotumitt bill to charter a railroad from 'ircenboro i i,e 1'anville Connection. This is written to Danville. It is well writt.o and shews' bv the 11 hi 11 M. Saunders. ho i a lh- , , . i.i , irceti in the N. C. ll.iii lload. eonciU'lveiv to our nnnd the impr-i'1 , , , , , e i Irom the to we have hau from tanctf to Nrih Caroiiaa of this conneetiou. ; tbe j.j,. r, cemVi ou Ka, j.,ldl)( he (jH, Gov Mirehcs 1 i supposed to bc the .uth- : manifestly mistaken his calling. He has or of tbe report, and if he can so strongly given us scarcely a single fact in either ar- r . . r .1 .l. t,. 1 tide. lie says tins 1 uariotri" ire tra'i let ted to . virtuous an- tiiis community ou.'bt to have military spirit ,(, majority, that has secured to us this ' convenient market facilities to three fourths cestry, are those just and honorable sen eucu-'h to aid in keeping it up. unint-rrunted reac. this unbroken repose, I of her population, spread over two-thirds limenu pl inted deeply in the minds am with all their attendant and domestic J of her territory. Otier public enterpris- ; heart of our people, whieh hold in ar, FT" North Carolina 6 per cer.t -tocfc sold blessings. Indeed, it is difficult to perceive I es, embracing in tlfir desijfu the entire , horreneo the very idea of a bleach of the Y k 01 tb-l'tu't at '"ltil'J I'10 ,uc!l govirnment, so long as the ; State are now in sucressfu! progress. And public fmili. 01 L ' v 'people themselves continue virtuous and ! after all the publie 'jipenditure from tbe j J h it thi may pa-s nnim- ' ;int.-I!igent. can ever be sb iken by iutt rnal ! public treasury, nciessary to the accom- paired to posterity. I am envinced, will ruR THE X. c. WH1.1. vio'enc?. ' j pli-bmcnt of those Ejects, it is . fact, . j ever be an ol j.-ct of soli. itu le with the v, r.;,w . t Uv. r!.,,l r. Founded in natural reason, the will of ; cratifvintr as it is rue, that there exists , Legi-btture. I.'ei.reiiiig. yon do, th I "11 M S " in reply the majority ecii.m.'nrt itseit to the judg-; amongst us, lo aay,;more iniiviauai snu , st-muiiem m tut p.-'.n.: upon uns sui'ject, . meiits ot Iti'-n, atel receives a unitcQ sup-: put uc wentu tnau nj luiuiet junu'i. . i a "' sit...h; ...... ii;(.ir j.hf.i.,..., . , , -1-..- .1 . T -I .1. t V,. I -ill .a . ik tmlnu. 1 h .. . ' . r-.i j .1 :u::.. .1. 1.- was niected. VICtlOn 01 Its J'lStlC" tlie qiilCl aef'llC-Crn;0 CU Willi power oeiqicn mo 1 v.-jenniuiinj n-j; imi nj mr iii.-,i-i. itnn wjmmi hit of 1 he? minority. There is amoral frcc i of fostering and protecting these, the most, '. debt of the State; and that the sinking; 1 ne speci derived from the well ascertained judgment i vital interests of fie State. II aprily for lund, created for the liq ndation of .jjrity of intelligent freemen, be-, the public wellareppon yourselves, witu principal upon maturity, wi:i be care Among a few bills of . privata nature money to meet tbe interest without borrow, th folU-ing were passed upon : A ?OIJ re doublleea aware, b hill The bill to prevent fraudulent bidding al , proposes no additional burthens on t! judicial sales passed, and w.a ordered to .Mam, ami no greater rtK. It 11 ,.!! he engrossed. 1 lo issue Statu bonds instead of end rvr,' The bill to authoriie a majority of the j the Company's bonds, and to 00 mr magistrates of Ous!ow countv to transact .mount than tn? ."tate 11 now pledged for. all business except laying county taxes and j The bill lo amend the clause, aee. 3, 0f marina appropriations of money, was I tl" Amended Constitution ; wmdti amended by mending its proviions to the p rial order for Tuesday next, county of Carteret, and pased, and was Adjourned. sent to the II tu e for its eoucurrenee in tb j 1 1 f UF COMMONS. amendment. , N0 bu.inea. of .nT general itnnortir.M to for spec, terms of;,,,,,,, ou.e. bl), , bi of the county courts of C umberland and ,.., ;,,. j;,,. ,,... . Duplin also pa-.ed and was ordered to be ,,.,.,.,,, it ,onUl i,n,b. j ., h'e k,. ' ' ! In rfa a)Uli( nf f .illitifvfnn Ti a .. The bill relative to deeds of frmf cmrrts , ju ,., ...j:-. C,r ,, , vored the bill. He thoueht it was due to lu,kin.-! , ' ?-; order the bi.I to amend the ,e f ,lioB of Nfw of the i cl""s of the Atlantic North (.arolina j W,P riw founti w,rs bro , fr.,r4 refully! n'1 Wf1"" N.0r,.h. ! ":', ""i"' "g'ner.lly .n argument for their 01 s I'K.uruv 01 luieiiiL'eni i ree me 11. ue , too iiuinio weiuic ....w,. ... i , t,.i, i' fore which no reitmce of faction can prove ' whom is .11 legislate power, this burthen protected and cherished. P'TC ' uc nn"'ua' "oc.nomeri , lion tht he ai.t.ooe to the Coart- dan"erous. an 1 over which no cause of re- principally rests n)where can the jrreat It is perhsps proper that I should make ' ro,Jor"7 ' ,ue ooaraa 01 irector , a bou?e mtit attendance on Court incoc belli on em ever triumph. And if. i . case ! interests of the Stae be so safely repoed 1 aoine rtereiice, uimju thia ;eaioij, to the l",rn UP- ,nr que"u netn oa na in icu- fenient lnj ,lprniv. n n0 eii was tlitt ii so deeply interested iu building up More lead City, wc are fored to believe that the treasure is one cf prime importune and .hould meet tbe approbation of the Legisla ture. Hit it is to be rc-retied that the jealousy of some per-ons are so great that they will prevent others from enjoying . success which they cannot tbemelves re-orive. 1 carry ail ttie tra.Ie to irgtma. not 10 ne surpeo, ... a., e.iu.-nt-ne, ulc ---- ....... , - , . bi .. . ..- .. .-.,,.,.--. be at war with the inter-t of people wou. I. at anv tune, resort to the tr- bencver r.xecuire .euon may oe prop- reaerai i.iimn; am. iu tne Teiations sue . - : ' - . - stacies exi'en in mat seetien equal u M reat'v it;ureher n'osreri- 'regular me:tn i force to effect de-ired cr in connection wih these or ny of the ' su-tains towards hr asoeiatea i the Ton-! 1 "rrell .ntl Leaeti, aupp-orted 1. .ny rootjntatin. ; large .nd in Hornets'" 11 E'vai . iijuir nrr ii.'j-i-ii - .... .....,....(., IVn.iiiif tli .nnaiilf.rtion of thn-istion I. ' r , n.tts It wood t'ee .M the wheat chaiu-e in eovernment, when Ine same might i farted interest nf tl State, it aliall De ai-. lenersry. ; 1 . i iniptssable swamps. I he till did . ... n,e nff" . .....J- L.j L.l r 1 l-j. 1- I--..j :. u -v.;., .1.. ..kii.! It i. . t ,.t. i .k.t the adjourned, it 2 o clock, till JO 1 , neundrr- o'clock to morrow. HOUSK OF COMMONS. Tbe House began ou-mes a.i. w lotte in warori" Data or; th3 C"r;. The Alton Democrat notices a touching ioeidenf, which took p'ace on the down trait on the Chicago, Alt'.u and St. Louis Railroad. A poor woman was on the cars with a young infant in her arm. She had a tirket to St. Louis. ud when htif way down . lady passenger di-covered that tbe infant was dead died in its motor's ar.'ut , .nd she had kept the fact u"kr.onlest .-he abtu'd be put off tbe cars. Th; cii-e exi ted muci. .ttention and fetling among the pas-engers. A handsome purse was rai-ed for her .nd tie conductor telegraphed to Alton for a coEn at his own expense. J'c ing thu i relieved the woman pss-vd cn to St. Louis tj meet ber busl.ud. Messrs. I'ledaoe, Steel road, woul' This would Charlotte an ty, if true. i v,..rl-.f. that th rr.t ,U..o tirelv at their discretion. cood. and according to thoe principles al- the samo tranquility .nd repose hich of the N C 11. U. Then this road would i Well aured, then, are w of th- solid ready .nnoooeed fcj me to the people upon have so contunilt attended our domesiie( ,. , , r .1..: i.:.L ..... a .:. : . ...... nr. 1 eoneerna. .nu nnaer woicn our Tarie'iio-; j ne iioue uerau -mc. w ,, ..k., get mueti treignt wniea n n.uiea to K aar- ..u..u. ,., ur,u . a ""-.'"V" I "V. , e, 1 k., ..n,,H and ,rown. haf' Wai, a n.torum nreaeut .t th. .tart, .nd i Mr. Ilndgrr. spoke .gainst u. hit can never ct tranquilly. Aud this peace at Home is the 1 inuutge m (nn rnmurnrem f . , ' . , , . . .,,.:. t.ii;ii,., if,,,J I . .p" .' .i:.i.l ..t'rA ..;. ,k .ff. of mino to adl to tbe efficiencf nd not .0 uniformly cbaracter.i-d our as.oeia- , be b.hest vole given was .bout 2-. A ; sufficient f.cil.tie. were ottered I 8 dangers to which nalions are liable, increase the useful, of our sy-tem of j tion among the States .f the I'nion. Ar number of bill, -ere introduced .mong j road. .... , sine- under it. r-nt'e inflienee. prosper ' public education wil be sustained hy the gres-ons upon our ....... ...u ,.r- nirm tnc "'"""Ii ' 'j j ,l ; A, nd nnanmons approval 01 our , vate itnere-, in rutin -o . ivrt j.... .-, ....... j , , -( I with ' otlier Boutliern ."tares, fy a cass 01 your county, a 01.1 10 iuruu .u.i .11 1 . . - j the northern of the Hank of Wilmington. iIr Htuith, ter ran uejwcen a very inu-ij ive given . bill 10 mend the charter of the Farmer s; settled portion 01 the proposed rouni; - ell known to Ii.nk, its chief protl-ion is that the ehtef, All that section bad to go to Miij-mf T'non the aubieet of internal improve- all, and engendered animo-ities destructive !nk shall hereafter be at (.reen-boro, , by private conveyance, aoo it was very ..r. .L : .. J. .r ' of tLat mutual frirndshin. which fliould ax.d the Krane 1 at Kliiabeth titr. M r. 1 pensive. stood i, left it to tbe fo" of P,01"' " Aueust next. He brought torwaru a. a ay ly the rii- land l-ial-igh. 1 th J'jdg, trs"j to s-v, csnfrs ; diets the statement made iu the minority report, that the b'gheM rates of freizht are charged to C reeu-t oro'. Is be a Direetor in the N. C. K it. and does not know this fictT D'cs he tl.i-.k that tbo N. C. Road ment cf the majority is not only lite errrrt' t-, . l-e terminates at Palpi . h' cdbvourown successful example, or the His remarks aKo-it the Danville ryvl and example of tho-e States associated with us : ment mot the ercat material intTests of the 'cordial n.orln .tiet, .nn!i t n thst weilili In ! rtpon.c ; ao dee nl v ire the y i ni pressed which lie. the strength of the State. But the benefits we derie from it. Upon this fellow citixen.' in the the superiority over others of . govern- j subject there is bit one wi.-h, .nd one I portion of the Confederacy, hi ment of the majority is not only manifest- i de-ire. I ri,e t0 "'"i''3'""' ' r" ."'1! Mr. Moore, of Ntw Ilatover, aiada mbh knowledge 'f ihe tariff cf the NC It R . of' m.nkin" furtiiehe, a ,-imony in' ' to give riU .0 the expectation that I will Indeed so det ir.ed and percent have Railroad Company-, railroad from remark- I ;.Le friends f the N. , 0 behalf of popular E.,a,en.. WeoccMp, ' make known, upon .his occasion, the view, - been these ,g,re,.,ons, that the eatreme Ch,pel 11,11 to the N C. I It .0 be run b, Mr I-. Ig a , ed pan - lU .... Lt deVire ,0 force the farmers of Dm river , at the preL t time a sfl,d-poin, in bi-to. that I entertain, rek.ive to a further pro- remedy of . dtion of, Lmon h.v or. or steam I "1 t "'VS till" Why from wt.oh looking bact upon events tb.t j secution ot onr pu iic worts. '. , . I .'1 3 fc . " M l.fl'.,. .kill . ' The bill ... bv lh UXK eb.rter tlia ILaufort Steam tVrrw Com- ' vote : Yraa 6.. Naya 4"s. ,,... i (If the billa introduced, one of mtifb in- ..' number of ratified bills were an- r.rtanco I t Mr. Sparrow, to treale a u nonneed, the only ones among them of ' for limiltrd partnerUp By Mr J! any pos.ible interest to your immediate sec- of ('hath. in, a bill to incorporate sCst . . .11 . 1. . . I..II ;...nn,.,. il. U l.i,.. ...A Iron Cnmn.nv nn Pern iltr. E tuis solemn occasion, iiuum !-- ""'" r'l". ,lu "'" ' r"1 ' . ... . A .) n, rr.-. l thn try to force the 'Jbo!e tflc of the ha-e passed, and around us upon those questions where tbe peop.e re oivioea in , lam.iisrj ... west tAsleib and Wilmington hydenyin, that .re transpirine in the pre-Mtt, w, are ! opinion .bove .11 dhcrs, that they h.vel Gr.evou. .. are these e,uses of duconteat the Dsnviile Connection D North Car a'- enabled to mea.-iro" the triumphant march ! reason to expect ai unreserved avowal of we are not prepared for tl.o ackuowledg- liiiansa. much i i-tice as ir,ii. The of democratic principle, in every land, and th, sentiments ent-rtained by the public j ment that wa cannot enjoy all of our co-t-! .J . . . .... : .. ... t. .t..l 1...A......;M.0. atitinonii rii.Msm tre I. 11 ion. noul'I t.ok- effVt of his article is to -how mw anion;' ev-ry people wher trie iignta 01 . servants. 11 "" -.''. ... - . . .... v ,s..,- .. Uc .t;.,A;.f h.!a.!fnf this dutf wii . directness and ex-1 that day untort.inattly come, but lift'. ship to certain and 30 c aruoiei.t resolfes itself into thi you N. C. farmers would have too cood market, if we wojid let yoj build thi Danviile Connection. Vou eprits more per bu-h- l for your wheat add this Increase pi ice to the L'OOiihl bu cf wt.e.t y.n sirppcd on the road l-t year and it -i'tld pit in your packets 4'),tilii more than y u r.c ived for your wheal cr .p. Yo'J would cet rich too f i't His pro.-ress, those mists that have bng around I plicitness becoming the human intellect in the trong bonds of! ration. "n '''"" prejudice, and iilu-fratin th-j beautiful The views which I recently expre sed j ot the p:i pi . Hon sts Oak ii-i wiib the sacred memories encourage That the minds of men, enchaining, for long ages, land tbe important pestion under conside- will art a-I, e -mpori, ,th their interests Oak Kiver .Navigation tympany -; a li.l to Mr. Laldweii 01 uu. ioro. . o. ' "HJ M Tho Fayettevillo Coalfields Itnil.-oad. Wc re gratified t le.rn that tbe bill to .id in tSy; erti.-t ruction and equipment f the Faycltoville Co:ila :'.Js K.iilr jid pas-td its weond reading in the Senate on th 1th instant, by a vote of " to I i Thi-. fate le ids us to !.". that the bill .ill finally pass the Senate. This is . ruo-t import. n t other sa; ort town of N riad not only to that section of country bar through which it will run, but to tl.e whole Stat.-, acd mo'e epecia iy eo. sii,re there is a greit probability that ti.e Oeuerrl Gov -trnnieLt wili erect . Naval Depot on D.ep llivcr. military eoin , ia-tiect whatever result it may panics in Wilmington; and . bill to en-1 of barrat and tbe quality A. mf f 'CJ o.,!l get 2' con-i-uncy of the Creator's wi.dom, who. 'relative to these interprise., upon fre- j lead. . . courage the planting 01 oystera ani cam. , ...r ..te.ra ,.re-n..u . r - He holds men aecoimtaVp;e for th"ir a--; qucnt occasions to .be public, were sucn , in me ..c.i.i (nrj i,,,.,,, . ...,-,,..,,...,,,..), , , ... f .r ' 11s hid been mature'y couidered after due ' Lonf. deraey should ne in aecoroance witn up to il ay 01. O1I1S 01 no intereat. ,me , Aniong inn i.ti.s p"-s ny -- hi Is iion, 11 as nst nenieo iii-ni rue capacity tor . a" nau uceu in.uic t v - j , ' ' . , , .,, , , , ,. v . .,, ,,,, . U-t sell -overnment and control. reflection upon tl.e wants of the State, the eot.,iMehl and .ligmGed character of ,.eme,lt was bad upon a bi.I to abolish . reading. a bill concerning; .uei o..e r . 1 . ai", r .v. .,..1, ... .Liliti in .on.tri.ct such works os the State, and such aa becomes . ju-l and so much of the Criminal Code as provides . hill in ftfor of D ; . bi,l to "' I bein; widely fell and .cknowle.ld ; and , are indipensable to . dev elopement of bri-'ian peopi. eu.uvaung an.icanie re-, lor pre.elit.nenM lor aar.ya ami ..sauna, j ute .orio v..roi..w ...... 7 --- - 0 current of our natural resource j ana alter a earenu . " ..s-, . oonit on pns .imii.. ; n Vm i .i .1 ... - it is plain to be seen that tbe low aititens of North Carolina eombe. V, It. .', .1... ,..f,.., ,.r l.,.., -r,..,.- ,.r.! .1 r. forms at le t in r r ' :T . A ': re VI o of tlieUI 1 aave OOreaSOO DOW 10 1 Bl proci itl'J 'nil - l )! " ' a li crw between Wilu.b-.tcn aud lLU-h and countries, is democratic in it. tendencies : 1 off r for their modiication. ; fri. n.l-h'p. al the s,e time that we mani- i0 fight in peace, free, gratis and for nothing. Ti.ov n....t and in a'l States like our own. where the Much as has bsen ione towards the t-t J-aiou. rt garu tor our own pon.icai ,'ir. Djn oi i.mcj .1 inipn upon Januirj 8 Ti.e Yacht "Wtridere:-. It app'-ars that the crew of this vcd lan led un the eva-t of (jeor.ia, a -lirirt lim", .go several buudred Afiiearm, which were Fpread in vatious sections of the State Tl.e Federal authorities have taken tl.e matter in band sal the erew Las been ar- ' . .. . . . . . ., . c I,.rl....r .... (r..r. I. tl.n.. . 1 1, . .r.m t. I. ...,n, I., .T. v ill. I cr..t - 1 f' . e their eommi-sioMs and r. r-C t or, your mind has freedom oi action, and men are nhy-ical develf-ptntni oi me .-Mate, sume ,.(.... . -. - .. Y..Y.,. . 3 ..... , ..r.-te '. . J , r. . i, . .i . . r ., ! . e -t t .. f . .i.i. l,--. n.i km nn' -soeiHted ill the Ino-t e elated A n una her tl luii.itii. and maiiufact urinp The f,. lowing bi Is. A . sof re rbe.t. otberwue we cat.t.c-t tave lir com- leii to inn couvicn .tis oi nf iini'- oi our cmei .vrs v, w...... .... - ; - ... . ,, .... I .erci.i cites. If we are to have, rhce m-nt, these tendencies are more d.-eid-d yet been reached. It may admit of doubt pur-uit- i'.,.t eat. e., the attention of company bill-, with baid names, j favorably on : A bill to l"rr'"P . .. t .... ... i .. : .-I : ,i...:. i .... i.u...i.. ir,.n i...t for exmnnle. men. the niaiiitciiance of thai i pasaed thvir d rcadinir. i he bill to make i in? fund : bill to amend the ebati ' yo-r'ex-tVe We Kai-iti a-,d lUi-vn.- tl.e de-tnocratic to be the capable a. it certainly is of expansion, is 1 equlity w iibout w Inch any association would ' the county of Uragg wa. indefinitely post- the Wilmington and Weldot. ton helped to build 'the N . C. road on tins true theory of "Ofernnient, I shall ever re- in a more flourishinx eo.iditio-i now that. be a l.vv bad of shame j tolerant in poned. p.ny ; . bill to anthonxi Nota-i- expreas a -re-ni-M. Vour w e-t. m farmer. rrd sn exfen-ion of its teaching .mong-t! when the fo-mdrie. of Lineoln forged e.n-; others of .hose difference, of opinion which minister oaths in certain s - .nd merchants sold out vour ti-bt to build u as a public bl-sing. Convinced of the! non ball that were employed in the battles , result from education,, climate,, t.,.v- ,.rl. J"' 1 M'"" ibe Morg.nton term of the.. .- . ., r .- -. i . 1...: . .t.:i. .... ........ ma nf koi nd t be in a n v e a uses w h c tend to in. 1 cri.i.iu.. I'mirt Ami Hit. lollowitip unla Ota.' ' - roau without our express citnent. in iruin ( 1115 nriueipic ir involves 1 uo no: : 01 in rt.on.uuii, wiimo . J . . " . .. . . - a- ,i r-.i it, I,,,,,. I !.,. 1 ..i.i fv,i f..if i.. nooWeation and f.. 'low. ' mineral coal a U.dins areiole in the : Huenee rbaractcr in Its lorniation, j.-t; Mr. 1 homas introduced a bill tr mend the T he bill to amend tbn entry )t principle a.e l.o.ii. i hau l and foot f. ar it-nniver-al application : and. follow-1 mineral coal, a leading article in the : nuenee .11 ... ...rn.a.ion, ye ..!. to l.i.i'd . l!a:trA,rf 10 t r.rincirile. si.iiil.l .iliirU ... .k. ! .nr,r. .nmue-rcn have only been s-.ffi.i ! lielditur t otl itw of the cot.ictons of bartrr of b Charleston. Blue ltidi;a .nd ! State ; the bill to amend the chapter ion fr.ain u. V our tin-in I. -rs ular wiil broiiit to bear dincrly and entty exp'ored to manifest our ncgl-cted own judgment ; atit.imi.g Ironi hasty aiiJ , battaiioog. Railroad tompany. Jbis is , Kevised t oil, entitled Marriace; i'" " An agricultural region, too, ol on- intemperate tnreata, a ineotis.sien-. win. tbe only bill 01 ny interest introduced 1 Iu Now this is p'ain Kiijli-h of t'ie rested .nd witnes-ts are Vein? luuirooned learned J-id.-e'. arnrn'T t. And it i. tl b- tur cpn.ion that ti.i- .Ju'l-.'i:.i i -ine-li iiiiy has descended fi oil. h s position .roi-re-Mi, from various s.ciions of t'n Mute to fy in tbe ea-e, which has been p at SavnOBab. The it.t accj-n,' states that Judge Henry st-ited tint the evidence b" f jre him was sufficient to warrant tM'-r eom witial and he houli do o unhesitatingly. to':. the legis u.' Intern sitionof merely phy-ical causes. Ji. ti rtfiti'itf these sentiments, I can, with entire ;;on conr itulate you upon a r- -ei.t mad.! in popular govern- in the p o.iiie! areim .nd cantroi tii.-n in 0'ir ."!ttc. At t'.i la'o tit cfions tlie I'ure of the State on tin Sulject people 1 .re, for the fir-t time, permitted , provenn-nt in relattoi. f) whieh. to ex- rei-e the p-ivileg of free and univer-; lution relative to Prison charges; t!"J to amend the I in see. 31th chsp Tbe bill to give individuals . controlling 1 Code. Rills introduced : To prevrnt bn Sunday j to .uthorize tbe IVlcr-d-i'i! '' 1 puna . ranroau iron, u.-'j1 on. 0 voto by whib ibf ari cn ln"''1' . il , Charlotte .nd K'ttberford l-nl ' I Th the Wil Issiir::r,tion of Gov. Ellis. Tl.e itt-4 u ."ir atiorj ef 'Jov. Klli', took place on the I t in-tant, before both Iraueh- of tbe Legislature. Tl.e f.ovemor elect was .tteuded by Kx for Hragj, Kx flov. Swain, the Judges of ihe Supreme Curt has, for trpia nd tbe Comn.itttc of A'rat nt. t.ts. I! any ood and iijve without r ,.( ,i, 1.. i.'atMr t it. .nint. nf t. without the int-rverition of atrents. unon .11- ric when the N C road was chartered, sold to n.tions touching the practical operations doubted capabilities, and embracing, per- the dignity of a sovereien Stale, yet not; today ... ,!l .,.r ri-Lt. lo build Railroad ant. of our for rnment. where the same may hap', a fourth part ef our territory, has slow to prot-r, nrmiy n.i oenr.erateiy ont h ren.'ereil irr.noss.-, e l,v lie interno thus lar male nut, llirineu profreis, ue-i)t "1 ruin 111 ccttaii. rai.ruau ii.isr.1. ins llH- eausn nf its exclusion irorn ine marKets 01 ucraie.g pu rn..-ij .ne.-rtr.-nj. re- j nmsiieri tiusiiiess 01 yesterday was iiiriner th-woild o'vi.i? with !ecid-n and exciting lho-e di-cu'cd by Msm. McDonald, Leach, ; (', to build . railroad from Grsjr D ie reflection upon farts like the-e, can re-oives with certainty, boldness, vigor .nd J'.auisay, (iorrell, Worth and Turner, for Weldon. leave hut iittl. doubt or tbe policy w Inch court-." .l ieu . course wi.i, at lea-.t,it, and .slessrs. J.ane, Asbo and Kdney our true internals dictate. great work gain ns tho high reward of our own self. I t The vote resulted : for tho inde- has been more than bait accomplished ; "'P"", a in may tent, to tn-iuce a return- j Imite postponemeiil Sll, .gainst , . . tl e U) Ttear" a vat ent-rarise, wisely projected with j ing sen-e of justice on the part of such as' The Coalfields bill ha. paed its aeeond I ? ' ' rr1'"rlnf 1 ' m..iM K. .... r tobe Bbnliv ut.i..f.rued. He artl seffr.-'e : an I crt.-iiinv the reu!t baa fCrc-ly advmici d . fsct in 111-hes u 0 circuu.sta nee calculated to create ; years of toil, and tbe expenditure of sev- in w i.icn, nowevcr, 11 win lortiiy us t.eloro . ed by Mr. Hledsoe, so as to secure the pay- . , nill.i to be recor."-'" ...1 r 1 . ..;..!,.. I!, t,. ...... .n,...l..,l .n,.l,M,.:,.. far il, .elf-.n. ,.f o,.r ,.oliti ' eral million, of motief. been forwarded linn in whatever po-ition we may think I ment of the interest on the State's bonds. . ''H 111 . V B . ... . ... f "' ....... - -1 -- r , i .1. .,.. ..,.. ; .1.. u... . . .' but its further consider. una ' . unyle pos.ti'.-ti taken in tl.o very hi.1.-K-pott ot the Mlii'.iity. What say ti.e fai iiiii and in-rehab'" of the wt to thi logic of .Jule": S..i.dra '." Are j .,a -mtes to an ta-tctu lyronny w ith partial trench cry in the we-t, er are you f'.-e miu ! (Jid Mvckli-nburg stands where she always nd pi if ueges A FARM Kit. whatever po-ition we may think ment of the interest on the State's bonds, ! 7 . T ;o occupy in the eventa that may 1 by ren liring bonds by individuals to tbe ',U V j IS,...,' whicl. will be forfeited by the Hr.t ; P"'"d to Monday next. c 1. in-t-Mfinaa. ! well msb to completioo ; an., ine ciriiena propr 11 I.. f r.i srit. bef i-s vo l to dsv "cntie. of this ffeneration are called upon to per-, lollo .. . 1 .!.. : . .e .! . f..rn. t'n.-ir lure of this labor, ill whicl. is! It would subserve 110 ii'efnl tinrnoi-B In' failure of tha eomn.nv to nict th int.. n.i. 11 ...1!'. . n 1 1 .. ,,.,...! il, mo't cherishail boriea of tho 1 i.k. ,..r,re mrtieiiUr r. trun .1 il.i. ! r..t Tl,!. .m.n,l,i.i it.. .... i forsity w a now proceeded W lii.'n taiion n "men 1 nave tj"en cane .. 1 ( - " ' - ,, , ' - - , - - . - , , . . . non.!"1" ,,! ,n iu. lulled in a-i expression of my !"te, and for which we will have our chief; to the uuhappy dissensions that exist be- port of Messrs. Bledaoe, tjuythor, W.lkup,! " hundred person bring m m eiaim upon niniioiia w.. turns i.ei u-, tweeu tin iwo classes 01 aiave noiuing and .iiuer, .nu ieacn, anu secures the bill. 1 ,rr" " " t f.r tl.air smtilude .nil thanks. non sUleholilinu Slates: or to anne,itll A motion to tl. a r..!,.. Ir.... ,1.. 1 I'.ll. r....,A i.Knn.1 readin ' t f The stern rrq.Jiremeiits of . progres.. ve upon tho disastrous cont icnccs to which bill on its third readin, was objected to acrihe the duties of executors siei profound gratitude towards my f.iluw citi i nt for the si.Tial mark of their c.nfi deno in selecting tne lo fill the first offi. Tl,,n i.t 1-2 Trustees o( tW ,,(,, sornv--' i. til" fore taking lite ai lilt-red q lite a 1 - , be fojiiJ in to iat h .1 (y !J. nry 1 rd e .1 ft the S lift ult, a in ' ' (1. u. uiot.s t fill tl.e h-itti J'. n w'-.a si iii'iib!'. 1 of 1 1,. F.lis de- t.i-b wli " ;T Mr George M-ii-is, ti.e Manag'r of the. Louis-ii!j Theatre, suggest, that tbe inanagi is of all 'lie Tl.tatr is rlrei.d the couuiry jhoil act spirt ll. Ilou-e of tu:.rj, f xifiio, f.f the benefit of tho Mount. Il .jwojd. Win -ti A-s ..:i-4li'n A goa l id '3, whttil. v i. "e -is'il I,..;- li-liver' 'y 1 'oDf-'d. iu th' tr gift a"complitu..-nt rendered the ' eiviltx-ttion impel us to prosecute steadily they way lead. At no in ,ie Buttering bec.u-e- of the eireumstar.e. enterprises like these, which are but such ' aerviee, I would epccia ....: .. i. :.. ii. .i i, ,. 1. v. r t is of their intimate ae .:iint;inci: with t-i to note the term cf execute If refrain from oh- enthcinir reo'iired as have been accomplished by other en- j tending them up .n four reflections, this dir.! tdiK (in C OAl.ri ri.n.H a ill. ! rroeesses ; to make husbands rcip1- aeqijred through years of publie serviee ligntenea otarea, aou ai mij ""n enter, to a ay, upon . new year in . AVr.a Slessrs. Ashe, Itledsoe, l'avidson, for tho debts of their necraeii ' j on try part in an impor's.nt ofEee, tbe duties ' gar-led csseniial to the social advance-, brilliant career of self-government, .nd i Davis, Kdrey, Tl.nner, Oilmore, Gorrtll, riuire an osth of ofliee foa'"'"' throughout of which b'ou-ht me iti almost djily a.-o "'''t of a people. tsoding, as we do, full; Americans, everywhere, may well devote Guyther, Houston, Leach, McDonald, Me-! Assembly. 2d of Feb- eiatioo with them. Distrustful of my own , in the noonday .un of the citilizatio. of it to felicitating each other upon the many j Powell, MrKoy, Miller, Mill-, Titehford,! The engrossed bill, to punish eap.a'ty to i.:schtrire to their sa'i,I iction tue niiie;ceiiiu wuimj, ....s,s. nappy eireun.suncea mat aurrouDU our , llams.y, lielunardt, npeiglil, Steele, it orth, ing with whipping, branuiii(: 0,- the heaty d jti.-a appertaining to this posi-! tetitly with the diguity of our own high condition. i Strauyhton, Thomas, and Walkup V! . j was indefiuitt Iy postponed by a fi'-- tioa. I shall, tieverih' -le-a, ende.,or to ' position, abandon woiks such .s have; And out of .acred memories of past iuf. Navs Measrs. Rattle, Rlount, Crown, to 1. ti il-. : fir th ; er, r-ictive. I t'ie approval of intelligent iu ferities .nd toils in a eomuion cause, . eoti-' Cowper, Cunnithatj-. li.l'.ard. pjuthitt, ' Adj.urucJ. Ii