J 4 aaHBttiianilia iliaHwaf i iiiiai HOUSE OF COMMONS. " , portion of th time of the ,'trken up in voin for amino. e for University. , No ill".? ' .i 'I't.ora URSA ol.mit AD ,i0Bp'O6'. " "linlo buninoHii vraa donn. The bill cryn;h the count of Lillington wt ..noni other bille pas-ed their third . ,. a bill W inu" "'Vln-mrance Companjj a bill to in '" . .1.. KWrn tin Light Coinoa- '("bill ' ,uc"d cn,rtf f Bank M t rr,.a a bill conceruiiiir imirui. jjy y nf your county, a hill to charter Howard Fire Kngine Company, The tilioiirne". penuing a uiscuaaion on a l0 muke a urvey upon a railroad h Ihyoo'i, .lacwaon, .uacon, ana lee t) i'cutiosece line. fiam thr Kichmani Whip. v !,TK POLITICAL CONSULT A. '' ........ i? it' t a 1 1 1 Kin i v IJ ll ftOlllimiu.i. WAStiiNfJTON, Dee. 10th, 1809. rt,nf (lie VMiig : jtudetiien, You have tloubtlcs cen irv newspaper acnounL of a meeting of rrrotive t-enlluinen, from all part of I'ni.in, kell io (hi city, on the evening h, l'jih itint,, and an your reactor would billy d,"ir to bo correctly informed a '-'tractcr ano purprj.c oi sum wnviu- I hate takeu pmn to ascertain it ,,jpct, "! wi" D0'' Pr0CfcJ t 't0 ofenaionul Utter-writer and Dew. ,if the Mctropolia litre represented r 'jt a a meeting of tin peculiar friend i. (Viitcnden, and liit-nded to advance . feiu of that diritirts-uialie'l gentleman Vjeminaiion for the Presidency. J5ut, lutborited to lay, aucu was cot tbe i Tb object eoutettiplated were far '. er and nobler than the promotion of the ,ncl inlt'rcata 01 any particular inuivirj i t wii an .einbla,je of gentlemen ' ,; .coiioni of the country, both in and : of office, for the purpose of mutual " i.iMin and comr-arison sf opinion. a o . rnetiebi',ity f allajin anu a!-" j ,, , rnnturimr barman? t ih r"iitry, I trreMin" tbe obitou WnA-J . ..... :.. n.t t re'iuenlia .rtton. , , , Anira'.er of Senator. - ,e,"u ' !, h-" no 0'lma, pwtiwn-- Vitir re rrpit'iuvu, and iot. l" '. . i-. from leadinj "rntlf awn. in I ,4 otber Mntrn, eipremj aeon f 1 ,n the objet of tbe im-riing. t"- L .1 ..J !.. .1.. . t Iv1". uc u vuttb iu6 mo ,rrii .., ubirb now control the political de- i tbe country areeentilly tret tonal. ""I etm to bae lost eight of the creal 1 1 .1.. IT... -J -II .u I in...... v.. .... . Bliu .11 IHI ir ..,rt are reJineu-u u ine a.'fery ijue. r. Drinoeratie parly ie oorhinj; mor", at . lime, tbo a 'itfirrn frrion,;! pnrly. fcid.np inva ik elurf ry proptindiatn. Iit policy i ahaped with reference to (end. llcnce we bare teen It, in riola of n arowed principle of non inerren- I, fon-tct!y flailing on the fuderal ijnr ; (t?t.t to intrrrne netirclr, for tbe en- , racnl of the area of alirr ry ; forpetlini ' it tht mine nrocenK of reaaoutnir whioh ! nld rtabliKb ita ripht to intcrpoau to rz- , ii,il'l jiintify its lutertentton to rettrict. prrtaa of (Isrery. In illuntritioa of, . rf.po.nion. I ne only refer to theef-i rt hr the Kaeeutire and v-'rjre, to force i !rry Iecopton Cormtitutioo up- j h I r'iortant people. (If a kir.dred char-1 !r are the hl'cutire reconiniend.tlinn to i nnr a d C'hibnahaa, dobtlr to ) .'it trim, alare State. Tbe aame mar be nut of the bint from the President that ill iij b I'fuiirf to bring the principle of tl-teiil tnmlefo to bear on the Ulind jjrtf Cua and of tbe effort, in eert'iio o iar-! , to opjn the African lave trade, and bring Ntcragu under filiibuicr infiu- Ai fr the antigrnit ptrty at the North, !:ivwcd!y a tfctionnl, nn'i $!trery party, ' ;t ordinal do-ma i rlarery retrictinn. lln end, it proclaim that there nball be .iniir !i re tale, and aomcof it leader ; je 5-...0'ind tho "t a rt linn dortrinr, that ;j're i an irreponeilaldi? aniaeoni-in f in , "', and an irrrpremible fi-eini of ho-til- ijf Iclr-cn ih Northern and Southern r-' trm of labor, and that a war mut enue kft(fn them which ean onlr be terminal- i j J I'J the dfeided ascendancy of one or tbe ' ncr ; Mi l t h it in tbe end, tbe what and , I rve fi.-lde rf New Vork and Mnacbuitl j nnt he enltivatcd by alave labor, or the I fitiori ,,,, rioe of the Carolina and , (ior.-i niut be worked by free lahor. I j Tim it aeem that each I ittnrt ha it' pr'j;, but the Country baa no party. ' iU.p t j ii?tional prtii- hre be'n or riiniirii: th-ir forces for tbe great ftru'lo 'fl-Cll. All the important inuuMrial in-! t-r-.i. of the nation hare been neglected or f'f,"i".u, and the two houe of Coheres ' a kt been converted into ampiibeatre, for pamaitiriui coilirKiK oi me cuampion cf fi-tioiiH. V'n of national and conerratice cnti- 'it' ee nnd feel, that if thi condition of "i t," "hall eotitiii'ii much longer, tbe daya r-fli.e I'nion will be numbered. Tliey nee ' "i't die country i about to be prccipitatud j a eetional iiue of tln mot cxnetmg nl '.artuin; cbiraeter. They aee that tho ploopiy foreboding of the Father of Li ."ititry wb warned hi countrymen a-pm-t the danT likely t, aricn from par tin organized with reference to geographic f.l line, ,r likely to b fulfilled. Tbey lint all hough by possibility, the I'uion' B' -r b t mrrii-e one aueh conte,t, it certainly ' c'uid not out-lirc a eeeond. 'J'hc only b-1 i on which the Union can aafely rcti th reeojniied cq-iaiity of the State. lea- j "I that, aud the gloriou, atructurc will at, i.ct fall into ruin Ictroy tbo ieiitiment af fraternity and equality, and you rend er-j "rJ lie thai Linda tliu confederated State ' fofther. Irft one cction understand that j it u ovtraeincd that it ia to be deuied it' j"'t participation in the administration ofi flie gorernment, and yoo drire it at oucel into rerolutian. Hie Wbi and American tiartir are F""trlc lo arreattbeae fearful tendenc:e. 1 1"! bare both almo.t urrendred the con 't in depir. They have been eruah ' by tho larger acctional organiaatioo, as ''"een tiie upper and the nctber millatonea. "r bare bcto auffcring gradual but Pr"greaaive diaintegration, and the great "''t-'er i, that they will bo gradually ah orbed by tbe aectional partiea the South j'ti J big! and American being conatraincd l'J tl bii co of oircuni-.lance reluctantly to operate with tbe party of their aeetion -'i'tt t'.elr t rciLrtaof tbe North will, by aiinilar ootaio'e ffefflure, bd forced into un willing alliance with thu republican party. tl i trtre in tbe roiitifiif, a in tbe phyaicnl world, that the larger bo'diea attract,- nnd, a it rrere, nl.aorb the amalk-r. Conaidcratio-'tiR fiki thee bsrtf iryduOed thoughtful, rntionol and patriotic men, from all quarter, to mccl together in informal council, at tbe national metropolis. They claimed no repreaentatire charaeter. 'J'heJ aaaumcd to act for nobody but (heinelves. They Fought, by free conreranCiorr, to ac quire and impart information, aa to tho tone of publio feeding in the different quartern of tbe country. 1 bey anxioualy desired to a certain whether tho calamities, above point ed at, liiight not be averted by the timely appeal and action of tboae who ajnipa tliiie with neither of the aectional orginin tiona, nnd whether there wai not a large mac of aound, conf-erratire, national men, North and South, who could be recnlled, and rallied beneath tbe star and stripe of the Union. Of auch men wa the meeting of the loth in'tant compoxed, aud auch were tbe objecta of ita anaetublage. I am gratified to iufortn you, that the re ault of the conference were eminently aat iafactory. Many earueat. and patriotic id dreaaea were made. Tho mot fraternal and conciliatory tpirit wa manifested. The mo.t aatiafaclory nxanrancea, a to the conditionof public opinion, North and South, were given, and entire con6dence wa ei preaaed, iu tbe practicability of uniting all the conservative element of opposition, to the present enfeebled and diatracted Ad ministration, in tbe conteat of 1400. Tbe name of no atao-t,J l. even auggetted ; but I learn that all the gentle men from the North ripreied their decided conviction, that, a the party to be ouated waa tbe Southern aectional party, the can didate aelectcd to accomplish that great and heneficieiit -rork should bj taken from the South. Uy o doing, they eaw they would give a atrong a,iiriice to the South, thai tliey were noi war""K '-uiu-i u iu atitutiona, but onlr neeking lo restore lb equilibrium tf ,tie government. It wn aeen at a j-'tice that if the candidate were! taken A0,u ln North, it would be imposai ,. to diveat the conteat of an apparently! aectional aspect. The object i, uoi to bare i a candidate fleeted by Northern vote alone,! but hy the auftrage of the people of both, eeiion, With n aeeptnl.e Sonthein' candiilite, it i, believed we enn carry aome j five or ail Southern State,, ami thu induct our new President into office, as the reprc-1 aentalive of tbe National Union aenliinent, which, in apite of tbe prpent unfavorable appeamncea, i, known lo posse a etrong bold on the popular heart I The union of the Oppo-ifion fir the nke of the Union, will be the buttle cry. All! feel Hint the union oTtho Stalei i an object dear to the affection' of every patriot. All feci, that mnid the din of contending fac tion, it baa of late been left too much out of view. Partie are the off.pring of public aen-timt-lit. Tbey are not the creature of pub lic nien, but their creator. No and then a great ma-ter epiril may arise, who cani mould and guide public opinion, andatampj upon it the impre-a of hi ch-iraeter 15ut lbee are rire ce. lo (!l c out of! 1 (Mi, the.se publio men are tbe mere repre j aentatirea of tho publio opinion of the day,' and are borne into power on the bo-ioin olj it rc!ling wave. llepi-nd upon it, the eign of the time, a'.l j indicate an up heaving of public opinion,! aimilar to that of 1 .. The water have! been moved and the next occupant of the While iiouso will be floated into it on thej topmost erret of tbe Union sentiment of the American ptopl. Heing aati-lied that there is a common ground wo which ail conservative men cau atand, the work of conciliation Mill go brave-1 ly on. A more numerous and formal meet-1 ing will, in proper lime, be held, to give fall and authoritative expression to the princi- ' pic of the new organization, aud to iniitej all who love their country more than their! party, to unite to arret the torrent of sec-1 tional excitement, and to avert the dao-j per of a merely aeitionnl v-entet. NV consideration, of a mi re p.i.j:ia! vbaracter will be permitted lo disturb the b irmonyofj the party. It will be time enough a year; or more hence, to aurvey the wholi held,' and select the men who shall, io view of all i the aurrounding eirenmtanee, be best 6:-: ted to become the stmlard bearer, of tlie great " party of thi1 Union. " The aicn ot the lime are all aiipieiou. 1 he J tenia-1 cratic narty i, disorganiied and demoraiiied j It i lo'o by fiction. There is neither vig-' cr nor unity in the Kxeeutive department! and n "pirit of disafT-ction and revolt! pei"?adei both house of Congres. Now,! then, i the lime for bold, decisive, cner-j getio action. A long pull a strong pull ( and a pull altogether is all thit is nereai-l ry to enure a glorio.j- victory. Hang,1 then, the banner on tbe outer wall, with the thriiling aentiment emblatoned on it ample fold, " Liberty and Union now and forever one anil inseparable. " UNION. ! T iin;rrm ri!KNni:isiN v aiikkns -olrrd no llie. t itt J.iniiiry, hr mutual Client. JS. V. HKMKliM., will hrrci.irr cfry tn Unmrmm nn Im own rc.imit. All ptuftoti in.d ltrd will plr.in- ciiiik fftrwurij inl tile tit nnrn, a 4 I h buan p mu-t ho cIomliI up lintiiffiMtily. IIKNPKKSON .1 A 1 1 15 EN'S. Jintnry If-.ill. IKVIN't; -dd mv entire intereal in the firm nf l!EN'lESON A Allli ENS to Mr. J. P. HEN. DEIiSON, I Mil! eH-el n remain for e.ime tune ytl st the .tore ,nd .ball be happy to watt on my friend, and cu,iouier,, particularly nn those who would for, r.vi r thv little change, it tie me and the concern. F. W. AIIIIKN'S. Jnui iry lrl.Vl. 41-lf SILVEH. "gi DI'NCES OF Ot.II SILVER Olf IF W ANTEI at .1. (.. V.'IEKIXSON .1 CO S JutHuy It, ' 4l2in Notice. rilTflSH wiahing to oiilain certi fie.itt a aa 1 Teaohrra nf Common Schoola in Mecklcn. burg county, arc rcqueated lo attend for eiatni nnti.m at the Insurance Oll'.ce ... Charlotte, on Silnrdny tbe 2!Mh of Januany, IM.VI. M D JOHNS T IN, Com tee K NVK llliiCHISON, JDIIN V. KOSS, Cli n, Jmnary i. Ir.MI. 4 111 Last Notice, a 1.1, tboae who are meehtad In Tho. Trotter A "on, or Thoa. Trotter, either by Note or Account, are ren.ieeted te come forward by April Court an.l aetlle up, further indulgence cuiiiot hr"n- TIIOS. TROTTER. n-.. y i I . lr03. - KDITOR'S -ErtTfFICATE. A CERE BY OXYGENATED BlTTEftS. Biai.icrroV, Vt., Ntov. 13, , Grntlrtiirti. I aiilH-riil tnr nlmiita year previ. nil, to lnul ir tig, I'rom a ill r ingi-uient til I lie no of ilm heirt, Which like tt other, einiilar ly adtie.U-it, I Uipi'tl in be mi nrgunie rtitu.e, ami liuvinif aem tlie Oxyntnatni Hitltrt hislily re. CiiiiMiieniietl liir use in eucli cuaea, 1 prticuicU unH uaerf a ample bottle, with rntire atieceaa. The iljeiiKreciible ,r riiptoin, ieei)i!y liaiiipenr. eti,'antf 1 Inive never bail any recurre.nce til' them, Reing really of or'riiirv tlml tin, ineilietrte ia of Ulliiestiniiiilrie Value a cure nl' D'ysjM pain, (in which ooininn I am e.ejl to ki.nw tiiut 1 kgioe with mwny intelliireaf pliyareniiis,) I have no heiit.ititm in permittinc thia eettil'ciie to be need in any way tiiat will prnmntn He mure eencrnl u.e. K. A. STANSIll-'IJ V. Editor of the IlirrlingUm i'amlrr FtTU W. Fowle & (.. f W Waat11111ftt.il Street, Boston, PropMeit.ra. K.1I1I by their ngeiitu every ' wbcre, ami hy K. Nyc llutchiaon At Cn.j Cliaf. hitte, N. li. IfT Thi! I'n nr Da. H-mTr.TTi'a' Ptomaii Itirrraa," for Dyapt pu. l-'lutuleiiee. ileanncsai of the Stonmeh. or niiy oilier like till- etioii, la ec. , nnd to nimr iu America or abro.irt. To be iihle lo j atntu oonli.lently tlt.it the" Hitlera" lire n lertiun j core for Hie dysiepsij and line diac.iaea, is to the proprietor, a enure, of iiitili iyeil pleuaure. ll remove, nil morbid mutter from tlie Ktuninrli, pti rifiea the liloml, imparta renewed vitality to lite aystuni, citrine it thst ttt and energy t itulis. peiianble liir the restoration of heillh. Tho nu tiii rona aeknowletleiiii:nta of it auperior excel, lenee bihI beneficent results, have imeiired the proprietor. Hint it cannot but prtivu.a preat cure lo the atnicted, and impart viUltly to tbe thor. ottgh aysleut. Sold by Driipgiate everywhere, aH hy DOS TETTER &SMI J 'II, Sole Hmprirtnra, .'.IS W..ier and S Ktont Slreels, rnt,btireh, and by lliitehi ton, . (iihbon, Charlolle. N. V. lire. !s H5d. I m. Ttici crnxsAT errousn hejiedJ. SIU JAMK.S CLARKK'S ' l !-; t-l IVmalr l"lll. I'rrparnt Jrrrm a prescription of Sir J, Clarke, M, !., I'liysician llxtraonli- ttriri In the i litem. 1'tiia invaluable inedieiiie ia tinfat linjr in the cure il' all lho.e pamliii and iluneertitii. diseaat a lo wh.eh the female con. Ululion ia aubjecl. ll inoiivrate. ail etct raantl remove, all obstruction. ana a apt-ciiy cure mav he rrli.d mi. M .HAItltllli INDIES it ia peculiariv suiten. Il will, in 1 abort time, on Ihe monthly nernnl Willi rt ;ti irilv. Eith bottle, price tine Dollar, hear, the U..v. erniio nl Slatup of Gresl Britain, to privmt conn, lerfi-ils. Thtur t'ilis t'imilil not hr inlru iy frrwlrt Jming tht I IKST THU UK MO.STIISnl i'rrgnanty. ol Ih. p nt turt in 6tifl; im Mwciii rwgt, tiut at any last lime they art $iift. In all cast s of Me.-vnti nlH Smlii.il A ffeetione, I'jin in the Hick uml l.ui.h., Kaligne nn tlielit eierlmn, Palpilalinii nl tlo: heart, Hysterics, and While,. Un a. Pill, will 1 nVi t a 1 lire is In n all nth. er mean, have and alllioiieh c poiverliil reiiitny, do not contain iron, calomel antimony, or ant 1 1 1 1 ri j lnirti.il to llie c nslitiition. Sole Aa.nt for tin I'ntti-il Sl.l-s and t'an.lHa, Jull MOSES. (I.atr I. 1 . Il.ilflwin Ac ( .) II. .il, ester. jN. Y. N II. -$1,00 and ft p..st .ee atamp, enclosed to a it v aulhoril. d Aifetil, will insure a botllt til t) hv rttoro Ir. hy F. SCARU. & CO. tnle o. tr fnr ( liartoltt. II AVILAND STKVKNfON k CO. Who, unit .tf.nl, Chmtttlon, .V. C. Watch Repairing, &c. !l 'a utiHcribrrii It . 1 tiir nric nil. 11 I Vteli..M-iranil ! g vi parueiiiar nl. - pairing tit III g.Vl pet. Wslil.es feel fad ill who feel .li- d t. Iheoi a trial. Tliey e s l,re ass.,rlinenl el Wstehes Jewilry. and Ftncv ti'tt"1,, ennttanl. Iron bai'd lor .a'e .1 l. V 'Rt ES K Hit ASH. J 1;. WILKINSON k CO. January 11, !K',n. 4lm STATKOF MWn'H-CAI.Ol.INA, ( An.IIRt:K cufM V. IS r.tJUTY. i'ii" Term, 1 Il.nrv Mown-, El'r. of J. liowie, oci'd. ra. Krintmingrr, Adn sun llohl M. Hn .inent ... E.i-ii.y hands ol Ine . nf M-se, A'. and Ailn d Al .llhjc strator. rA iie-.iriug tit t Hubert Melbyde and A I .li.ll r, two ol the l.iMeo.lKiits in lion . are not inhabitant- ol thia .tate. ll it Utirfm dtit,l. tint p N. C, 1 II.. Carolina, notifying Ihe ,-.u. Rolarl M.-lltyi.e am Allre.l Ah inidi-i lo be and Musarat the nn Court i.f EiUity, lo be he'd for the Cnuntr ot Ca htrru. at llie i t'l.rt lloii-e hi I i.nconl, nu the I -Jilt M mdav after ihe 4thM,n.li y in February nef, then and there to nnawcr eouipl a itiant, or Jil lgoient pro cnfeiso will be taken as to Ihciii. S iiness, I!. W. A'lisno clerk auo m .-ter n Fain. tv Ihe 1 2th 1 nidi v flej Ihc4t'i Mon.l.y 1. 1 August. A. I) l"-i-. !'" 7th J .nu.ry. t-5'.l. 11. W. ALLKSdN, r. c. r. ; Janaiiy It. IC59. I rs. fee !. H9 ! Valuable Property for S;ile.; . af N Tne. he S.ith Janiiarv in. lT 1 W .la. I Ill, It heihg Tuesday ol l ourt, a a , ,,- on llie prennaea Hie iiil lli.u.i- .-mil Lot. Iit-iy oeciimeii by M .j. J. A. Ilugfins nt f nor- j lolte, situ .teil on Try on S'r.ct, two equsres from the center of the town. This property i m one ! of the hrst neighborhood, in Ihe Village, has , well til t x.-eilt nt water upon it, and the cwe.lmg and olher bmhling, are cuininndioiis and in exe.- lent rep nr. Al the ...nie tune 1 ml! .ell a num. her il' excellent Feather H.'da and Matra-se., ami valuable o-jsi-liold nt.d Kitchen Furniture. JNO. A. YOl'N'ti, Tuisire. Jan. I, IS.".". "u Hillsb.irongh lMilit. ,ry Academy. lANt'AIIV IJth H..9, the In-tiluiioii . iv- nsuied will be nnroed at llillsliornngh, N.t:., lo he colli! urtc.i Hi emef hy Cipl.ln C. I . TEW, now Superintend, nl of the Slate M.iit.ry Acad, my ut Columbia, South I nri.llli.l. and Mr. W. l liaill ir.l, a gra.itl .le of tie Soittli Camli. ill Military Academy, and an it.slrticlor of up proved e Xicr.cnee. The itnll, tlieciplmc, uml enure, si' .tudlea, will assttntlnte a. nearly a, praclicihle t tuo.e of the Virginia and South Carolina Slate Military Institutions. The stnnie, ol Ihe fir, I two year,. .T preparatory emirse, will be. Arithmetic, Alg.bra, English tir ninnar. Mis. lory of the I'oiteil Stilts, History of England, Ancient History, My tllulogy . (iengra pity, French and Ellin. Tbe ilela.laof III, aUv.i need course will he annulment h.-realli r. The Accideinic year w.ll e mlinne iinintrrrnp. tedly liiiiti January 10th to the fourth week in Nov.- i, her. The Charge will be $.100 per annum, pay hie a. follow.: t'JH) at tbu eotnineiicenienl ol the Academic year; tlOOnnM.y 1st. and llllil on A l.i, list 1st, for which the Academy will provide Instruction, Tilt R inks, Stationery, Uuailera. Hoard, Fuel. Eight,, W i.hing, Cio'iiing (rt cept thirt., drawers and locks,) and Mriltc.l at tendance. No pupil will be admitted under 13 er over IH year, nf age, nr who cannot read and write with facility. 1J Fir further infnrmatinn, a Idreee the nnder- ed, at Ctilutnhia, M. C., unlil January 1st, af. i ter tint date ut liillahornugh, N. ' ('. C. TKW. January 4, Iflo!. - w-r A.C. 'WILLIAHSOK. T I'OKNEY and t'onnarllor ut Law, hsa ta. ken an office, jointly wilh J. A, Fn. E-cj. upatair neit floor tn the Court House, where be w.ll be ennatantly present to attend tn all call, nn professional h.isineaa made for himself, or for Mr. Fm, when he ia abtant. ,'inutv I. !-'-. li" SCARR & CO. , CHEMISTS ASP f)IlL'GC;TSTS,WV' ,,"VC !"d T"' """"JZ T"ph-i I.' rr, etiener nd Family Omccry Store ril"llMTTi:. . C, . "'u"V r"'T"tn f"' 'f -""''lU Mf)()l)YANlstKT Its. Wt. rented to 1 of I'h v aims tie, Pl..iili-r,, I '1 Irv .MeieSiuiile. Ve to tnetr hirie nnd, c.i'relully "elected MovH nl MiLtiS. 1 'I'ii lMiii;iiiai. nr.t'horeliill'a New Retnedit a h'r cnn.nn.pt. on. I llypophoaplntea nl K11. 1 &. I'otith. ALSO Cnnipnuod Syrup of Ibe llynopbi-aphiiea. Wniiil's Sl:s iw- ISi aitrtrittivr-. ! A fr-ah anppty of tin valuator) preparation n the Hair. f.fNVEF.D Ot!. TRAIN OV. HP Eli M OIT, VV INTEK I.MJII Oil,. A MO $n ! ropal tAHNISH Pi mar 'nCl Japan Ee cf I,:iiitlrctV ,' w (Hp I'i!l!i'ii -f . All the choice varieties of Onrden S.-e.'s. Tv is. Urans, P,. els, t i.hh.ilfe, P.irsn'p. c. Asparagus Koola. Kltciibai str li" I'laulf, WITH CUIVI R, II I.I 'K I. It ASS, OlttllU!" . (.It a I'- Jan. 4, te53 -l.f For PlnrMi I'ireCt.- . Through lo I'ihilkn in .111 Hnort,unit in 2 it f. Hour Lrn 'Unit linn hy uey uther Kittle, TIIE I Ml El ST A I i:s .11 til. 13 -m - T1IOS. Kl'KTIS CI )M M ANHEK. y; VES I II ARI.E TON, K. I'., ev, ity TL EH Ij ,Ay AFlKKNUtiN. at 3 i.'.L. 1,1 11 , . vt . t'i:i:VAMilVt Jii KSON VII.I.E, l'l''i)I.A'l A the Si. J'iIiii's lim r. till Inc u.ual i,. inga uri with the stage llie le. U, Mic.n.j .,,,, ain rah. I al l harjcslon. I',. Northern I u. aos-. and Agency, On.O inosl r--m ellnfy i-lii...w..ec to tlie t'ttiit'-ns nf Charlotte and aurroiiiniing ?try. that he .till eoriliunca ll.c iltnvt hnsi. to h .rlotte. Were h i, rrei--td In f nr. rxni;s. PMXIW AM) SASf, to the pub. n the mo.t re.itonah e lerois, e lit. nn li e short. ing , great m.mv snmll clt.im, fnr wnrk i-e, sealtrred all over the cnuntrv, he t. iteter. ned In change bis nietlMitl of tl-eng business , hrrtnftrr vill rtipiitt for all work dom mora I. I.t. 7. in:,a. in hie M tcl.l S'i -., bcfor- re- PAPER com 31 issio.x w a ur.nors r.. AM PRUITERvj' DEPOT, For the aale of ((..;i:., sin; .ijq, xnmii x.'Jopc, III AM) roLoiii'D pAPKiis, cakds, ' I AN" 1 1M.TI.CS .II A'M'.HIAI.S Vr ALL. KIM'S, Acent for L JCiL'.'SOrj & CO., Type Fcunder3, R. HOE & CO., Ami other Printing Pre maicr. r.tivri":. nu. ei u..i tttmiiij. ill Tl.iuui.'ta lilt l , . T()liKiiriiAyfs. Tlie nli-crihrr l et to cal! nttei.tin to liia I. Ksi; 1 4 u f Writing & Wrapping Paper of all kiti'ls, wliirb he will h 11 very l,tw FOR cash, nr short ereilit on large Mini. .JOSEPH WALK Kit. :n Mtttng tl , C'.urlriton. S. C. ec. SI, 4'tf STATK OK NOUTI1 ('AI.'i)LI.NA, VF.'Kt.KNBl HH l i'l VTV. Court of J'e.is tivil 'Jii'irtir mission, Oi- tn!, Term, s,i. E: Nve Ilutet str.ilor nf El.lahrlh Samuel llmlge tfe, .-ml Henry Petiti , I, li. al E.imc: ..iti.f.u-tirf. nf the Court, I1 T appe-irtng lo the I that Samuel Hodge irah hi wife, an.l He. try Enng. ileti-n,l.mts in tins c.te resoic uc. yond the Im. ts nl Ibis Slate, l tnrrrfoii onlrr. til anJ d'trrri ih.it ptil.lic.ili. n Im- ntanc for am week to the Charlotte Ing. a ncwapaper prin ted in Ihe T.iwn ol Charlotte, m iilymg aaitl tie. fendwnte, lo he and appear al mir nexl Court of Fie aa and U usrter Scion to he hid for .md I'otin- ; tv, al the Conn House in Chnrlotte, on the 4th Monday in Janiiarv mil. then tn.1 there plead .newer nr th mur lo plamtttT- tion or it will he coni'esao taken ' ouraald Court. I heard exparle and ludgt.ient pri against then. itnets, W, h. lieid, th rh at nQicr, the 4ih .M.md ay and in the ?'Jd vear of A October A. I. I8.it. Independence. W. K. KIIID, c Die 14,1858. rnnur'a Fi $R. C .-, j ! JOB PR I.N II Mi of all k.ni.awill b nra'iy anfl eitwaitli.iislv eieenleo at th, Norih Ca. ; r-bn?. ., .wa,,. j Son conniets, going aud p-ttir; ; I.'ailroul oi E.-rn inilltta, ami ,lii above named pl..c.-i I. r Alligator, I py, I'al! ihas.ee. St. A tljj 11-tine. '!' er towns 111 the .11 tenor . Florid .1 j i with the ,. w y-nk Steam. hip. a!.. and Western ll .llroad trams nil Salurd iv.. I Mercl'iandi'e, A.e , ennlieH lo !! ' wii. he for-.vi;r.-.i I1JKK F I IIAIMit.. ; For freight or passage, ap;nv 1.1 I II. I.. cillSiLM. i R.iithern W barf, fli-.rl. aton. 5 J J:n;rv 4, If..-. -l.'l-.'liii Three Ladies. AO.Irr,. .Mies,, M. M. anil C. f V ivrni srea, I'tiinn Co, ?f. V. Jm. 4, I "VI. 3m . . i Kill ' llll III" I Jlt'tlllltf. w " MEF.TINt, of the Mrrklenhnrg Aerieul tiJ Html ty will he held in fbarlotte 011 t.iu Alh Hsttidiay in January (heing (Vuinlv t'tmrt wttli) nt I oYlt.es, A lull ntti mlanee la r tt, etrti, u, nriieer are lo he 1 leeted mill oilier liliortanl hupinese trnnsneled. a. H n.wmsoN, first, Pre. 01. 4. tot Rott. W. Eeckvith PratMfiil Vlrhin:iIif r & IIKU-ER in W TI llCS ami nil kimls nf J ,Mr!ry nnd Silvrr Wiirr, II 4 It l. I II, V . iihseri'-r re, nt cl'"uti 1 r.-'iirn, h ci-re lh..nke to hi, 11111 y lni nilt nd tl niiersllj, for llielilHr.il palr.maee her. pllll ties I.. .we.! upon him; uml wl.ih- hr earnestly s..ll. 1 ih. an loereast tl cnlitili .111; il tin- saon . wxtjlii inlorut his Irii ties noil the pnl.lic (em-rally. Unit be is n. receiving very lait- ami iried .it-t-k nf j beaulllul niol Hllr .elive 1 ill of the I..H sli.tt.1, on. line sljht wild p.lternt. nl hi, old N..nh t.l Mi -ssre. lirueker llt il. hrtiu'a sli.rr unti llei. I. Ilia slocl o do.,ra We.i ot J. II Kerr's osiiilii 111 psrt nt' li.iltl and Stlit-r Hinting eased Patent I.evcre, I hien.tnt en l.olit an.l Hilvi r Patent la-vera, Detached Irf ver., I'vlinih r Eicapt nu nts, 1 ;"la tMiard. ',ib umi Vest I'loiius, Silver do. 1 liiiniiHime t.oin atai Coral NecSlacta and llrsecirta, nl every aiy)e nun pattern, A Very i ivosive assortment nl t 'atlil u liri ast Pins .10.1 E.r I.'ings. (ioln Sh.nc. Jet), M,.,ic. I.1V.-I, PI (ioln llr.s.t Cms aid Eir Kings I A vanity ol .. lentil 1 .a,t ot t and Fa eo, M, i W lute and I 11. on ll l. i- , I . dd lire ..I. Pins. F ar li I A Very EltlllSlVe .l.M.!t, , 1. tl,t or :i,i..i E.tl in H.io Ma l .-men's s. ,1, j- an y in itings, Isirket, mid Eoe Pin. oi all kind.. ,hl I n iml Hr A l.ir;;e A-snrtment of (...l.i K J s. Watch feals, I ( 'aide t 'harm in fine (. l !, I liiiion inn Uu irn siiot s, ' r II. 1. Ion's I'rtioiuiot.ol.i P. ns. a ry large ,,ck of t ,.. , () , A,ril,f . ,;,r. , S!,.1(. M, Col.!, Silser i.i.rl Sl.-el S t,.,,, , s ,,, i , varo-tv "' ' t'icr .tie i,'. Ph.ip, F 11 eh 11. Unix, Til sum Hotlons, at-lee vv plated is, Forks, Tea Setts, S lv. r :,. .1 p, (iohl. t,, ( tip,, ,V e , A e ; T.eah. pri.e, a l-ry t-re etoefc of f;,h. I lonahle Jewelrv. tl.. t'l.ole nl which lo let fit hy the snbs.-rilar w:th In toe wants of h's i.titof rno which he invite, tneir aiti i.in. IT All art-cl. , ,!d v, arrant rt presents tin 111. 'il lo he Mich a l.e IIKCKWITII. fiiiin gnvu Iti the relry. 3!tf II. W I strict 1 ! N.n. r.-aon-il coairine of Watches at 'haitullr. Ortol.tr 1 2. I 1 v-- ;-yrrrf .vV : CA.NDYJACTOIiV. Frs'-li f oiili-flimif rk'S, Fruil. f2 I.V anbscrilier Ten. o Charlo sm-cifnllT irf.irnis the eiti. s snl snrroonc.ing country, and Is Constantly receiving tint from Nw y-r. Ccnfectioneries, Fruits, FAX V fa' It Or VAl I KSi cir.' AltS TOD A C( ). S M V V, TOYS. 1Cni-:il lirs.-iiiiM'iil. ruci: wiiiiii noititv nriti. Ve orlt-li-. H low YVisiia, C linii, U kvt;nd, .V Hi al t'ii,i'i. of every variety. j J. I. I'AI.MKR. ! yoTtmhtr . . I5sl. 42lf j Also, hr intends to manufacture CANDIES of ali sums, free Iroin (intsonnii. col-inn unlike ft.e New Von. Si cam l. lined Candy. all and eee. I I IIAWKS'N Itt.'.i ST J 1. r M i nisiory ci iMonn-iaroima.i T ,nr. Ill volt, piihlinlhH. 1 1 em. ! t rrnprictjr y tint, j e:, - . 'io .v It form a hannvoiue Pvo. v. liiine ef ;i0 page,, j The sohsetiplinti price was but the price of .l, ,ot,ne cloth .undine, ' I-tnr.irv half a cent a p .g. ; ' is less, say '2 "J.a III sheep, unit $.1 ii.a in i half calf. It w I tiwing to the I many (i .rla of il. i. nr. sol n umi pna t asm. tlitlii-uily of seritnng Agents in the Stale, we will l. rwurd it hy e fitt ot potliiQr , on receipt of Ihe illumes Ini 4 chilli, f I 5tl sheep,! jail or otht rwn rice : or both v r $.i holf e , If. A liberal disr rli,. buy to sell tut m .ile lo Agent,, nr other, S",nK. J. IIAI.K SOX. e. IrV.rv 3.".t!-r f'nvttttrillf. HIAPiMTTK FOILNUUV AND M At in m; WORKS. f BlHE untie i-gncd hi gs lesvr i- pltlilie In the f 1 tiniers for ntak to call tu.e alien, i t ihal he la now Hydraulic COTFOX Tresses, and rvrry dcncrtptiim of ..ichucrT. AM kinds t CASTINGS. in Iron and Rrass or other nutal ass or other nutala niaue at at orl n. iluc and r.iiiiced prices. 1T t irlictll.tr ntleniinn given to llie musing j im.' rep.irii.gof Thrashing Maehinta, Hor.e I',. ; cot, lotion (im. Mill Work, nd Agricultural, wnra.ofall hm.le. j III l KSMITIilXf!. JDM'tlVr. WOUK. WA. t;iN WOIJK and IIUKSE SIIUEEMi, none Willi , dispatch. OI.lt IR'N ANP rtllASS CASTINGS bought at I,... F do or taken in llchance f, r Job ' IV ... L H I P..,..... .. ail L.n.ta li.., ill vellsnge l.'l III .ck.niltl'.eg. j j All, WOUK must he y ered nrce , CASH ha, to he pa r every thing, fce.snrv lo carrv en Ibe eslah i.hinint. lr Al.E OlipEliS lOli WOHK must be.pe. ifii-,1 iu writing, ao that the work ami .pccitict. turns may agree, I T Tin. ia the only foundry in the State that ca.la daily. ill All "eortract, enneeclt d with Ihe n-ncern must be made with the undi r, gncl ah.ni . 17 A autiply of AMIIIiAl lib I UAI con. ttdiitly on hand tor asle. J. A. TOW rrrrir-or. Chattel, y. C A'orrriVr 311, I84K. 3ti" A LAUGK SITN.Y OF Constable Warrants Ft K. SAl.K HEKK. they are receiving drrtel Irom Nr York large I , minion to llieir stock of i cox ri: tio.v vai i ks. rA,m v ,ui. f, I. . . . . t . . 1 Amnrig their atoek nmv be (oeiiid rverylhing nm. iiv L..t , ., ,, ile kind. A e-tmti assort. m,.'i (i fnlie Triinnnepa, Willow Ware, Ac. ,aK vvy on ItHlid. Tin J h ive ift tSeif employ an ejet llenl BA. Kf ll. ind nre prcpa rid In Inrturh f'.ii.ili.s aim 1 I'lirttt'e v. ith t 11K1 a ot u 1 1 kind, rt slmrt notice. I MUODY NISHFT. 1 mher We hate ulao open-11 Eiiieolnton, wiiire Mr. I l.i- h'lamt ,a, ami lion- it hrnneh nf one etore at Moody will siiprrinlettd t to set ore 11 slitre ! lb-! pot lie palroiiajFc MOODY A Nisi;ir. 3;tt iVi-s. IB. Ifc.-.K. iKr A Cai'cf. jaJAVINt; ."Id in, DUVli anJ VltfiVffAt, SB ESTAllElSMViK.VI lo Al.aera. E. Nje Ilulthison ,V t o., I be.trltly Rnnimenr1 tiieni aa iny atiect saor- in the confidi nee mid p,l.nn-ipe nf a I g. iierotl. put. lie, liir whose kind and hhcral .tip. 1 poil of niVM-lf hllherto, 1 sin and shall ever he I l.l. r..iVi..;. I n. m. i'iUTrn.r.i. lit. 1 ei.Ses. f'- . Or 10I1 NEW FIRM, lr. K. Nr IliitrliiMin tt i o, AVI N li porilinsed of sJv rll tollr. -lock ol J)l fJS.t'llE A. A .Mil Es, OILS, PAINTS, ., .Vc.respeellully C 1 1I Ibcnltt-nlioll of Hit r c to Ihe ."iii-t, that Ihev will tirty on a Wholesale it lielnil )n Hasinef , I orner, v re they nre receiving in ad. j ll i lt present si a nil r.rl-tniie 1BC C I friw et r,om the e, .. N ve Hutehis.1 r at',,1 e. kit. I i- York tnarl;rt. 11 M II . will siip'-rtntcm! t)i in tsiuhli.liineiit in rf-rson,-'itiona made tip wild profnp .t?t f ' n. ss and ere. Ti I I'F. F I"ND AT I iioi ston v in ri:;i". j tN ASSOin .ME.S'T nf WoiiD A. WII.I.OW: WAUK, law lor CASH. I l..r East of I ihe Court Hon, nOfSTdN ,1 Ill'NTFn. Clar'aut. O-t. 5i. iH.it 33 if I'KI Sit A KHIVA i. nr COX FK I'll OX Alt IKS. IMH STON t 1 1 IN I B A ju"t ri eiid a frc-h enpply of TAN Jl I I IS. ol ail kinds, ai... (itri.n, turr nils, It.isn.s, Figs, and 1, laroti ol Nut., tail nt JlorsioN i llfMKIi S. I ).mr l:,,t ol thtl ourl House. Ci.nr'.allr. C'tt. ;(, Is ,. 33tl efiT liiil i.i .inn . . fBMir: fNDERSIG.V;-.:) beg, lc.-e to any to fi his Ineiins alio the public generally, th.l h. has I a sell ihe AM El; Il AN lln'lEEtor a t.ini nl lears.ann has .unite siieh tiecta.ary iniprovi. minis in tne hnu.e, fixtures anil fui t.itnre, ti.sl il ts si cnn.1 lo nniu in the cily. The House will be conn n. I. d at a first cl i fniel, tn all its appointment. ' no pa n will he ,p. ren lo niase it a f.vnntc risi.il. I oe Prru.ni tor hope., hv .Incl attention 'n the w-riie snn conifort of hi. gue.is, to ..ert a t.nl ahare of public patronage .SOU IN PIKR. Cn.,ni.i'i, A'. C. .Vorem'er 16. If.al. 3..U rr Smell', Line ol U.MNIIU'SES and C'ARIII. At.ES will lie found punctual1- at Ine ditl'irint moot. te. convey pas singers to the Motel. k.iinwi;iIiI;uIdi;otni;ks 1V1 PE TFI.'LEY in:'nn, e cititrna of couiilrv, th .1 i. from T. II il fiiircun the St.-v .lock nf FANCY STAPIJ: Hi!) lillllllV : HOX.M-: ! -. illsA, I ANP Itt atUj .ft nth l I.OTtli.y ti, For Ken'., Youth ami Boy wear. iki:iti:v ami hi. hi: I, HtMflS, M1DI.S, II ATS, If l VPS. II he d..tlw n et n ine li e ninat i vtent y rictiving a-ul best assmtnielil ot the uhnve nanieu I. on tint can be I'-tll.il in the Stale, and cheaper ll, any nlber ll.iu-e. Having hi utl.t our entire ate. lor CASH, which t liable, us l i si li mir gomt. ptr rtnt thraytr. A.I pefsona wishil.J innni v in huving g-Mi.i. .honl.1 h. .r 'n to forget to call on ns betore bu v irg Who'.c.ale buyers, partienlar'y, aiintini nitnd. In ailiiil oll 4i cur Urge .t. I k v. mo not . here. i..r .1 in il- fitted up WHOIJ'SALK 1100)1, For h Psvtn Ksnvwrii r a, Jiroa Cia httt, Xnrtmhti oiiaaie Hiljcrs. PsisirL Kiitswi.ti va, KaiiNW-rit.s.a . (i. Ip.'iH. 3.1tf $300,000 'o. 1 Fruit Trees l-H IK SAM. WESTBPOCKS & PIEKDNHALL. i . II". . t.'rttn urrrifl i rnrinni i ; af, t;ri.''S, "far Grrev ili.T0, A. C, Ol 1.0 very re spicttol'y . f f of in, r inn., ot in their Tt large stn-k of ntle Fn.,1 Tr.es. l-r the Fall -nu We I the attention i.ern Stale, to inter I rue. nrtmenl I. ia been I Ins I propagat el ,,,,.,0 n r , lit, .t h .. r .. I. r , vtie. III orcha rC Ine which .hoiil.l -!ti,-a 111 orcharding w ,cit hV persons wishing l..r nurai lu g or lalnll notheoVr'i use. 1 he ,uck consist. nt li.c .''nfo ing tree : ir tree, ; I IHl.lM'O I'r.eli tree, ; 1 ; I 2,011.1 Xprtcot. ; I H.lMh) t brf r 7 .".ll.lll Neetarme ; 1111111 .Mo.oiiu tntlll lira p' V in. ,. . rv line a. so Inn nt of ( nr. ant l.ili.i'tll. Ai' (lllll l'er tret. l-'.ilttii rinri Itl'iii Iviimee; Sir a w berries, l!..shi rrit ,, l.o.-.t ft ,m . !c.. .'Is which Mil be aold on MTV r...,iu.','i t-.tn -- f- ,.l, nr approve., p. i,r. 1 M p..ckt.gi ).it up tn auia-rtor . ;..-t. ompMe invw.ee .tot to a.eh pa'r -n. a-.d to at , inged that the invdict w ll bo the ngt.trr efthi I comp range I orchard alter Ihn Iret arc traii-p'a I are Iranspi.intt-d at each I Mr. T. J. Iloit in w.l' iith bcrn ng of the peop 1-OU'itH ,th tin abe.r I (,Ke plcsaur 111 fi.rwMdn I i I The llarUrlx. CORRBl'TKD BY R. M. DATES & CO. CIIAHEOTTE, JANUARY 1. 1859. RACO.V, flam. ' Pitied, . .... lb. 13 (n K lb 124 f't, I"! lb ll (o) 13 lb HO (,. IS vfl 20 f 00 ,...'lb. 5 ta rt .......lb.. ....Mi () Ot) ,.....ib -i (i a.v ....buahel, 00 (, OIT gal. 01) (oi Off ......gal ..00 t,C 00 lb... 10 (; I0 lb I2J fro, 14 lb..... 21 (,xj nw h,.-....lb....v tW (4 39 Ih 45 (0, 5tl lb... -5 fn; 'dl htiehei jj (a, Aft btiahcl oil ('', 5.i each 10 (.e, li yarn l'J Iu yard V"i (m 3d diieii , IS fn; iH hid..-.. 8rJ O'i) "0 ftt.ga.v. Si W l Ih 30 IV 3.i Ih I2J tV 13 Ih...- - 5 (-', . ...bbl.rtti f -....r (,A 0(1 Kiila......HO0 (... 3.1 gal...... AS (i, (10 gal ,..40 tV 00 .... buahel 55 ty, 611 1 )... hl.l..,..- 9 (it, t:. II)...,.. 5 (-rt no Ih 5 ("' S birrhel 50 (. fiO II 7 (, 7, buahel SO (, 65 bushel 75 (e. Il0 h 11 a I. el 50 Or 60 bn.hel 14 (o. 00 Ih 14 ('.', In lb B 121 gnl H (' 9 sac; 1IG0 (n, lfi5, lb -5 f-'rt" tf-i bushel Sri rV. in ' bushel M! Oi- "0 gnl 45 (ii. 55 ......gnl 40 (.,: 4 washed 27 ( '-'8 unwashed. 22 (n S3 .... hnle H0 (a; H'5 ' Irui? rounti, . Shoulders, .. ft iirjinjr, (iunny, Beef, Mntler P. t avrax Henna Uriiiiiv, Apnle, .. ' Peael ('uttoii. new CnlTe, rio , Java, ....... Cimnlfn, AilitiiMiitiiic ' P r Taltow, . rtn,M.- new rhtekena Cloth.t'opperaa... l.in.l.ey Eees, K1::,";::::::::::::::::: Feather.. f.anl, Mutton Mackerel ' " Voir sse,, N.O ' VV.I M-s- Miillets(Wilmiiipl .Nails. Northern,... ' Southern,... Onta. Tork Pen. Pot alo,-,. Hie. Sngar.!.., Br tv i.e.Wi i.h... i-eet,. Tea. Whe: t. white, . red...... hialie K EM ARKS, j ffl'TOH ince last wcok'a report thert? ha In-ill a alight anraiire in cotton, with but little j coning in. Fewer e.-ndea not in mnch deinantt. I We quote ordinary Iff (u 0J j gund middling ID) I fi I It J eel. la. (ll f.l MP. I A .M A It K ET- Coi.uMaiA, Jiiiiuary 8, 18'9. COT'l ON. We have no change lo notice in the price ot enltoo rtsti iday. 'I he tales were email, reach-tig n.ily n biles extreme, 9 (. 11 ela. I! A" ON.hngronnil IIJ ("t' I2J IOKN, hi (; 70 PEAS 75 tn OO IIA'IS 75 (.',. HO I li Jj (,t Cll AliEESTnN M APKET. t'mit rsT- , January .VfletSO. I f tTTON" The trsiis.it I to-d.y reaeherl tnw-ins ot k'.IMi hat. s, nl firm and very full pri rt. Tin price, r .lieiil Imm 9J (, 12 cent. Valuable Tcwn Property rot: s.i 1. 1.. iIIE subsi-nh. r offer, hi. dwelling II. intc, known aa Ihe Cr) atal Pa. Pttlu: l-'ee. OT saie. 1 III- imo.e is ,.,ea.a....j ibi-Iia! ntn ile. i mi 1 lie- comer nl Church and Hth streets, nppoMte the resinei re of Mr. (Jen. Croat. Iu the premise, are all the nrce.rary nut build ing in g's.d repiir. For further information ad. .ire., the ii'iiici-ipiicd at Pllicville, or apply lo J. P. Noith, E-q. at Charlotte. Tt nn. ni. di rale. JOHN R. DANIEL. OrnW 12, 1R.r.8. 31 if IvrrjU1 "avax. lotteky. ! The ncit ordinary drawing of the Royal Hava j m Lottery conducted by thc."panieh'iov riinient, . tinder the supervision of the Captain (tenrrnl of : Cuba, will take place at Havana on V i:iNi:I),V, Jiinnarj- 2G. 185.0. $324,000. sfiKTEO NTMEKO Cll OliDINAKIO, 4 AI'lTAIs IMilZi: $100,000!! 1 priit of tilOO.OOO I t. priac.of fJ'i.OOO 1 5t.040 I 11! " I.OOO I ' :tU.U hi " AOtt 1 I-VIIOI) 113 " 400 I ' I.U0 V!0 Apr'iim'a .00 4 Ai.pro.iii, linns m the 1 11(1,(1(1(1 f UllO each ; 4 of tllll' to $.i,lil)i; 4 of 4'hl to .1(I,IK)0; 4 of ti"l lo $15,1, ltd; 4 of $lhO ta f l(i,tMiO. WheleTieki I.IJ0; IlalveallO; Quarlenfj. Pnrea ea.lied i.t.ightst 5 per cent. dl. count. Polls nu all soivent (lank, taken at par. A drawing wtll he forwarded aa toon a the re sult ix.-on.t. known. Con.iiiunicationa addressed to DON riOPKI 01 EZ. (care of Citv Post, C harleston, S. C.) un. til Ihe 'Jbth of January, will be uiltnded to. Per. -a ordering Tirkela will pleate write their .... a plain and g,ve their post odice, county an.l Bacon, Bcon. Bacon ! 25,000 I. US. good BA( 0 in atore, which will be told low for J Y BRYCE Ac CO. loif V I I Hi. fCf" Notice. I'R Not., and A '. A . Conk for count, are in the handt ef ollcellon. Those initrettrd ban bvitcr p.y u p fartbirith, if they with lo tire I300NE k CO. tf. A,igZ If and tor Sale, HE uniler,ignrdotfirt lor Sale H.i I lanla on Inch Iu c..w rt- il.tng. ItfJ ,. nf f I.'lihl II. II I. loll, an ,...ti mile north of t har lot Sugar Crerh iburch. A. H. COCHRAN Sdtf Boots So Shoes. JJK'Z??Z,.V f hV I s. SHOES M lur thv Fall an-t Win fpi, will b .old at wry ved a eery large atock of and BKOUANK. inter 1 raoe, w Inch LOW pritta for J. ft. F. BOONK. y9if S-yt. -? ltt.8 J lU'VPS I" Kr l.'r'i rt H -.I.K erv ot I' ll K K K ,;icr, I & il a al . '