uuMmn.1 J (" . . f , v ! TlflVth 0 IirOiinn ((lihl(f.!niedeabytbe?rntOT, s o. arown ""'' ! CHARLOTTE: Tacsdav, Janaarv IS. -- A rnv PrKt nain i We haveteral'uffr post .. Tuesday morning and did rot reach heme until Saturday nis;ht la.-t. We have there foia had no time to prepare matter for our e 'iiOMal columiiS ; and our friends will it n xi w ek. ' Tho Dauvil!9 Connection. The bill for charterisij the IUil Read fQ' 1K I Senate, and a different lii-t proposed, Ict- I tone of color is much subdued. T ;., ?fr iiV fPf. & -3? ling out a few names presented and passed 0f the floor is feet by 48 feet SSui- -5 9 tVv ' I by ti e lleu-e, without any Wasotis gircu. loe roof 112 by HI feet, the diffen Wr' S?'&VtV h 'A l&'siv (n the cieusion irveral keen things : occupied bt continuous caller? Vi-V- V"fr- -i tt were said by members. Mr. Tr.rt.er made j tne faur ,jdM of the apartni 'aa;WjL 1 F.-X-&i seme sharp cut- and wHty retorts and sar- .Ke 0f teatina 1,210 persons. 'II C&u&m'iit& Icam tpon Messrs. i.u.thcr. F.dmy and r r or ceiling, of iron, is flat w j I I ple5eexeu5e any errcisrnev um, U15tu.... . i.ni.i,i. The i.k.htii. : ;.. I -;.h fl.,,.l .A .k .,..!. entertained by others, the ueceaseu a . , u-eldoii road from this provi " ; T""-, t , I was cold but i here was a good turn out and laments in bit-h relief, and all of iron. I fir'"ly convinced that at the Nationallloti T)iU ws ,rC(.p,,.j by Mr. Ashe. y nc came hcmM oo late Iat tatard3y.I Mrpo?- a(iout Si0U Joilars was realized. , Tllc floor of tU chamber ia covered with ""8 kindlfd the 6te which ultimately cou- ( Mr Li,!ie ,ll0Ved to prohibit a connection eight, to attend to the sui:e"ticn made by j (.iu la-t even'nii; a horril.le murder w as : x ...ltjli 0( tapestry carpeting, having umed hiJ existence. 1 h Prr ,nVn ' with the N. C. road west of Morrisville. j :.. t:.i... v... :m .fi,l ..,1 In r... rlic t the hotel of Mr I ' .r a.l ' . i. leave an elaborate biography of Mr. yuit-: n.,.,1,;,, luc,Ved lo atriko out Mor- from Irecnsboroui.'b, N C. to Danville, a., hu lin Vtrlh to;, UtVp tll8t j.e could ;a , ,no,!Cs, tsble of mahosny, as unlike ai 'violation of tho neutrality laws, on an al was taksu up on the HHh instant, and Gov. ; ,,ot come to the table unless he paid his Mil ; possible to the marble bar on which the 'leged charge of organism a military ex Morehead -pckc in its favor and in replv to! and Hogg swore he would or die. or kill honorable Speaker pounds. The places of pedition against the island of tuba, lo .'i r ,1-. nf tb. rei,ter which -tated sUie oue' "d "l"'n leli ra"' tor taf ' Senators are arranged in three rows. ; this case, as in many others liencral Vut- tie rem, k, of the Letter -h,c- .ta.et t, .ed (0 p0 . ml , , are ho!sterH jm.n showed that he feared to make no that (.nf. Mor.head had pledged that no dopr u i!irj,b, bere a d.fficultj aro-e in drab Jiamask. rather too blue in tone for Wriftoe eompanhle with personal integrity, other rilroad would be erested evon t." . b.-twei u tl.cm and Ha slabbed I'arisli in 00j ffl",.ct. Ample aceomruoditions isnd that of his State, and that with him ii. . i:,.j V. ...,) u.n,.1.l..P il. mi " Arltnlto . . is j -i- . . . . .j... ..t ....l.lhnn v.a subservient to honor. I lie i.,, rr.M 1 in t. v.. i a letttr published in the Stand iuaru UJu..gr Sanders, io reply to the Minority Heport publiabcd last week. The discussion has been continued, eeveral gentlemen speak ing n;aint and obers fir the measure, but Hi vote hs" ret beea tak'-n. ' Bill for the A.quisitt Of Cuba. A few days .51. Mr. S.idel! introduced i, to the Senate of the United States, a bill t, facilitate the aca .Isition of Cub.. This ti fjciiitate tbe acqr.-ition ot UCi. 1 Ms , will leapt to stir up the cmns of Cuba ' ren wor than tne President s Messaee. ! i Le o. stance o! me 0..1 may .ou.ri ,u , V be found in the following par-graph: j Whereas Cuba gr ogrsp' really psf .ses a cjumanding infijeiee over the iar;e a:;d annually ineres.it. g trade, foreign an I coast-wi-e. rf the Mississippi vn'ioy ; and where as the Is'.snd i:i it- present colonial cendi ti - u tn ist c-f.tit.i-o 3 ' i:'ree ofii j.iry and nn'.o;' c, r-ndan.-erli.g the fiieti-liy ri'a t'oi.s t-etwen Spaiu and the Uriited Statts by the ai-eies-ioLS of 1U local authority upon An:erican comtutrce aLd citizens, for wLich lardy redrc.-s can oiily he had by a cirr'iitovs ertiat:d upon Spain ; and where as, in the opiuiou of Congress and in ac cordance with the views" o the r.-e-idetit, a th. last n:cr.n of sei-ling ti.i- eiStinj a'l l rvnic-v:.rc fat:ire ' Hi -ti ".;.-, it is ex pedient that r.eg.-ti-.,:otjs for the r urehsse of the I-' nd b.u'.d be renewed ; therefore reo!vd. that 5:M.0iH),ikhi be placed in ;. .'..-id.nt' hard" fur expetidi'u'es. eitlic-r from ca.-h iu tbe treasury or tint it be borrowed on per cet.t bonds of ;; .(! earh. redeemable iu from twelve to twenty years. V-J"., -r. l- ,.-.-,.; l'.:",-s,. 1. KaI . inn. .January llth.lr'O. Mil. KltT(iK: Tbe Lcgi-lature baf ih'jc'u SsGbished Lu-iiiPrs befcrt th"n. and wj'.l pot p-et thtousjU before th iu!'"" . 01 la-t cf Febr'jary. 'J !i' y have in tbe Senate just vste I down tbe '.val Fit- d's. and Faycttetille I. U. an; have 10 day reCOL-i-iert d tiie vol" aud tuad it tie apet-isl order for Wedne-day. Tlie vo' was Ti for to 21 og iin-t th-. road and the Si.-ibcr roted agaibst it. which cau-td li.e b, i on yt-t.-id-iy to faii. The bill t'uards ?o wcii tbe it.tr r'-st cf th? .""".:.!'.', by ri'riiri';.' the c"'nipafj to tire a;.. 1 'e bond in double tt. auiootjt, with g.oi eternity fir the pavmeiit cf tho int-test arcnally, ai.d tie r-ad pr-tui-es o w-ii, to be a pavtrig rsal and nver to re (j-jirc the State to pay ati'.;l,;r.g but actu al prc3:i.c3. rea'onal.ly ai.d probably to bcCD.o a source of profit, it'tead cf on eiiC Jiiibra jee ; aud f-rtb'-r, the t'li.'-ra! gov. i ..lueiit is now ofisi'-ering the pro priety of c'tablisi.i'!' a naiionii Fout.-'ry. which . juid according to reports of scien tific rni-c , be worth half a riiiilion of dol lars iimuaiiy to N. 0 i to forLish all our Tu. .I.,....-!.,.! s 1 ,.;..! .,. to.... ...d ere.t . divisio,. of t.b..r' ...d ari t; of ibor r.d home tiiarke' f,r rot), a u.'npii'ji. of attie..-- mad- srjd n.a'.'jfar: taii'i in .V. C and in addition to dt-veb p our I uiiil!e-s resotirces of mineral w.-.lili, co.il and black band iron ore, the ia-t of which is found no where else on tni con-tit.'- it scarc-.ly anywhere else in the aor' !, exe.--.in Scotland and therefore this ere is inva'tislie ; with nil the-e facts beiote it, it i vi ry surjri-tng that ibe lid f 'r i;. II K i. l Lt pi.--, or t'-at t!.v 'p aktr. (Mr f.'larkj, of K igec.u.Le,; di! i..t r.te for it, "t decline to vole ut ail, for Le s .urriwd to five two votes to .J,.f. at tl.- i,'.! : but as it is rr'-o "idered and made ll.e fpeciil tr i r for W, Jt.e day Lilt, it i Lopeij tbe -i:l ':.! rriiail. 'j he Ibiim le f'..,t cti-jD i-s tow ut.der dii-oo.s oti in lie lli is. . i;-y- M jrel.i-ad, V. Caldwell and Mr. Spe- lr a:.d T S ttle b)y advoeaiinL' ani .Mi-.--r-. 15. i-.'.-r.. Ireen t.f Frank in, 1'orHli aiito'ie rs op posing it. It is d-.ul.tfil whether ti. l.ill .ill f revail, I t!.l' s ir :!: Hi,i-tl.,r it cwht It or t.''t I will not .ay bi.t ii a 1 y g od reasi,. have It: a t!.vt why i; m. -ii.! ai. 'I day Mr. "ed-o.ii anieri-liiiet:', to s ir : t conatitutioti lo i f atlieloiej, so ti,-t t.- ,-r .. 11. ay be tux-d t i, l,ir thuu white !:.s-, a p-ojerty acenre'ifig to va'ue, U uijd. 1 eoi siil, riiion. '.r. I, rrcii j.ra p ae 1 11 it,,, r.t , to esli uo cpen eon- vebiltfU n. t l.;i t j 11,. k,; a; tut- eoiistit'j- .i-tisl eh: l.e c at V li fi J r: ), ve d rt.li.'igiK .1 1 ' j.:ideriiig f ti" j tj positions tor p' t titirri'l ti.e con-tiit I... ihvd. tj lite a stir was .. in (he S' ;;(, tt ' Mit'istral s. Mr 'ui i an r Cji s.-d l.e J.iti.. anv annoimments. unless tliev were recom respectability ami worth. j fpspf ctabililT sua Some names wore proposed ol men uo' j were proven to be of bad character, ami) the list laid urcn tho table. Some names ' iroru iwecKiiniurg tnumj m. mi h:l-dne and on Moiidav tiron lloiuton also, , . ...-'i. t. I,.on ne turner, ioi iiiimnr nni jsmi-.-.i iuc un eul.emau wiui unp"rui? ""n'j. The report in the Standard has made uP cc au.Hin,t Mr. Turner ami has rot iv-n hi;U iusico and he and Mesi. Mi'.- lusiice and lie ami .Messrs. .nil- ; .. i n.... i. i .1... :.. .i.. "T, v.owper aii'i jjai.ie naic m aj iu iuc Enounced ther.-port .-uu.air and declared it to be false u far as they are eoiuerncd. Mr. II. W. Miller delivered a very good ..1.lr in th ('n.,,.,.on"s Mall lat tiLt. Winters, by a man named Uog, vi ,o jstabbtd a man named Taii.-h. v. ho was the 'clerk at Winter s, heeause I'arisli upon m th .unt.rr table, until he. llotrS. Daid W;.,..,"- nrA,.r r..fn...u l.s 1. t Uni-" pf llie t. brpsst nnd shni.l. Ur witli an " Arkansas tooth nick " which killed him in five min- r ;.;i uir. not-; nii"." f. j-" snd was afterwards, a I learn admitted to bail in the sum of P.ii'O. Ihe American Whi party will shortly have a meeting and organize and put at tiiiir head ou.e tr ie man ho wii! cot he- it.r tl.om f.-r iliirir r.ii ers of silver, as .1 .,.'!. T o.-t nr 'fir rffl.-s 15. tiediet '.luias 1 cariot. or tor ctiue as livtieaiet , Arncl(1c.r f,r Jk .s f0me later , ,a(1 niaU..r . have done, and when the, ! do .0 determine, the glorious old Whig and ! AnKticau Uur.ion flag will av. trium - " 7.. ... f ? " 'r 1 .. 11 : . n..,Vit mI Pmbr. i - u 1. , wuic. P r' '" ; """ fo-d K II.. which proposes only an exchange '"7" ut ur' ' i doubtful ; though there can be no earthly ob- j 'C'ion but perversity to its passage, as wo-.lo not involve tne Mate one ceut teyotiu . l.i'-t it i no in for, and would save ibc S'.ato ot.d ihe coiiipatiy revel al hundred tb-odsaiid li jl'.ars, w t, i e 11 the buyer" and "ha vers ot Wall stittt would olberwi.se petket It is hoped t'lat it will pa-s. The aestern fi'ei.sion wi!i be an abor tiDti, as the state cannot raise means to carry it on. The Deep river navigation seheme will again le u;i It pa-sage is very doubtiui I th:rik it ti e H. R. 10 Fayet-cviile fails that wi". be i.'tm ious of a like ad fate for il: it. i llivtr pr j-tt. OCCASICNAL. A I'lrur.t: i, the I'Tlif.-iii:it Wttli'i li Ail.Bi.iiJ IXri heihD m Kikis N 4.I.R- W I'.-CAl-E OF A 1'asss.sOKR JhAIs. We leru from tbe I'-tersburg Kxpress that cu lueJay nieht last, tlu bridge across til's i I". rdam Creek, on the Peters 'nary and We.don Pi.road about J miles frolt Petersburg, cau.'i.t on tire from aome unkriowu ca-ie.' and was burnt down. Mr. Theodore Li. Bari.aui, who lived m ar bv. Lavitii b'eu apt,tied of the Circ.;u.-tut:ec. and kco.ins thai the pa-ei,-..r iruiu from V. , ,000 1.. 1'etersl i.rr would s.v.d be doe, b-.d a lar.-e lire bin ton the IMirovl trat-k one di.-fjr.ee ii.i tide ot the creek, by hirh is tins he c.iu-ed the stctpage of 'the train, and thus saved the lives"of probably every f ..,. r. ;." r on boat I. Mr. li then in vhed .be p-is-en-ers tj his hoiue and off-red theu. the ho-'ii:aiiiit s thereof. 'J Le ncM morning, ot, ti.e arrival of the train from J'et -isb-rg. a fifv was aff.-cvd across the ere. k. and the in-'d.-.i. It u, tacl, (A tl,-- tri.:t.s trat!f..-rre'l. 1 u tie urriv al of the pis-eni'-rs from the ' -iiit 'n in IVter-huri a n,...rii,. was hi.'ol 91 1 Jarmt's Ho?!, sild re-o',ulioni of '.banks ' j H--ed to Mr Hat bam for hi" noble con- duct in .'veiling what would have doubt- h . resulted iu a tno't deplorable citai ' .rof.be, Lad !, not taken the precaution ahich he adept' d to step the ttain. It was also resolved to present him with ailver p'tcher, a a token of the gratitude of the passengers, for which purpose S "" ..ie r-:.-. 1 en the Mot, which the I'.ail- 0I"! "' ii.crea-ing to S 1 Uo. . t. notice .111,01.2 ti -- ii-t o! r '-'-r. the r.ii.1. L.tiits of otviri fi jiu North t. Ill; Li.Kf iion tF SksaToP. Di.i;l.is.s 1 'hi Hon S'lpLf-n A . Douiass was re-elect- ed to tbe .Vtuk of the L nited .Sratts li e Leei-idtiire of ll.ib'us, on the ah itist The v lie 'ti joint bai.ot stee d, li uyla. .11, Liiico'u l' J'.g!a- s iui jotiiy ". Thus It will be tern li.t a change of four Iiiem I 1 r wou 11 have d. feat' d Judge Douglass ileet'or. ; and slihouh he Las -iiccei-dt-d iu j roc ut it; g his re election to Senate, after a thorough tri'l titiiiiiatvd tersonal cai.va of li.e .-:.,t.', ti"- popular vote t.,own by 11.- e.icti'-n ol llep-esentstivi s to (,'ou-t-ri-s, is i.'iln."t i'ii, renderiric his rec-ivini; the el.e:o:al vo e f the State douliihi., si .oi. Id Le be a tji.uiuate !of toe Prtsi- detcy. S' A- I. '.I.' M.M.-In had of ihe s '.'isr,tK or iiiK Pi pi.p ord-r that sr.n.e id r-n.-sy he jst of th' J'a'eLl Otllct fancy will 'lte a f e ot ti.e else, li li e report (f !.") In the a I .r-e ,fc,t 1(1 .0', lj r,.J; a ! ii.'ti 0 " 1 ; a "t.eeji ?1 'J,i', li ;.V '7 01. F'.r the Sen at, in: pietjres co-t $(i,U7!i 17 of the-e hiiuiiiiatiriL' disclo- :t.-d II tll.vU tl" fa res, wio. n were lot smject of g-btral ifbli', in nr.'! o':t of IV.tgre,", the perron cfii-rce f pp patir.a tbe A.-ncuit jral ,' rt I -t puhiicr.lioii, u ,'l ad ti"; ai.'.j-i't- in b. power ft hat, a seeonJi":i 1 of a L'.r-e, a tea plant and a m.ip i. id io poiors, in tin- r. port just put, i-lieil, I' h, at t'.e price stated by a Mr. Sinclair 1 ... r x ('iion, in Lie lomi.tari card, ii-i.-.' 1., the I 1 1011 a few 1! ay siucc, ,1. i. 1? j at r ar d iiis..-'f,'t.g plts.i 't t . ci'-t fy-.',li:j V).- U'uJtiii,: . : 01 lue ..lObtn- tied a triumf h .1.. 1 litil ithnn tin tl U m IAI ... . I......... es ....... tnt in IhA f! ' mt tl.u .ut..Kl r.t tl.f. j, IP. nf ILlI Pli'll lor ... F . .An.A. .Itifn.lA The w Senate Halt. The general aspect of tbe new hull U light end graceful. Jn snape nu oiuiei. pious it is similar to the new nun ot. no prcsciitstivcs, but to tbe eye appears moro finelv nronortioned. Tbe style and cha- ridiToi urcoriHoi. pre wmj .... -n.l nf "" . erence he- arouna i att, and cap- ie inner ith deep Iwent. one of which are fitted with l!' . . ... .l. t n"VI"? " '"e "U"L " ' i ralie-colorea inou anion rrnresriiiiii print IT) ' press, Meam eiifiiue, eoi nueejun, 0i otm.r' FVmbols of progress and plenty, Tlle j; llt j-s Bur.plieJ holly through ti.is Lindow in the roof and the effect is pood- .li.U. in the raof and t be cfteet is cooil I . . ii. . .i. j , fjooil 01 ilL'lil lainnp on me revereiin lnorj the galleries re- ,.uceA sbove tbe ceilinc. so that t.i. liuht Istreamh throueh the pais may seem ' ; ,iU R po.tl.m il tffl.ct 0f sunlight. The ceil- ' I:.... .!,;,... f... fro, it,. flr !,! i ?round. Its ff. ct is tint unpleasing. ,jine permitted, a carpet would hav i manufactured of color and design I Ujj ave been to har- ! .. i..,ir ,'.i TK. Vi.l l...i.l...'. J.-V e .r j ! .,,;,., . ., n ,i.. r . i...i,'a ,.,v. i ';., rnn, a, m ihi ,ll.ri. i. nb. ! r ,7 7, . tamed iDrnnen floor o maple, inlaid wiiii : br0r.re. The gallery set apart for the pres 1 U fitlcJ Fith desks for about twenty per- ; ,.n, n(i :s lir,orstor,rl that no one will . bo adn.itted within it unless snpriallv . ! nreditod bv the Vice President ; in .1.. .1..,. .f . e t.il t . . . .u. -I... .. :. .-j'.'i.l t,.e t&la-a the ploss of it and tho J, had Lll L"t. th be litt!e dou,.t ,hi n c,mb-r wi!1 yt foud in every way more fitting than , the 0;d. !,oe 0,a" The win,., of ,1. Capitol b.irg of the 1 v aiuiii nuic, iu orintmau oracrot architecture, the ; course, in haimony there. itb. The hall I ' " . , L Til , , i,f.lf ; (prroacb(.d by two grand stair ways the east, of Tennessee marble ; the we-t. entirelv of . hi'e marble, of extreme pur.ty Ne.tner is yet completed, but ; eiioujtl, shown t y the broad marble steps, the massive b.Hustrades cf the same mate- , rial, and the superb columns vtith their: capital, heightened with bro.le, to indi- cale the ,agnl6eeree of the desi -n. Hotl. is.airwsjs are li.hud from the roof, with pecial adaptation to the wall being covered with historical paintings. This situation is coiisidt red the most favorable iu tbe build ing for the execution of some work of art recording the deed- of history. The Senator's re tiling room and ante chsuiler are the most highly finished rootn in the Cf.it.ol. ' iiry wre in lofal'.y differcn; styles. 'J he retiring room is en- , 'ir.ly f ui.ri.Ie, ibo roof supported by to desire anv eft, er. more chaste than this fpartment pre-, Ms. willi the cold glitter of us wi.lls oi, ! roof " r.r..il ir,l ...lnrr,...l the most." Three terrors, inserted .span- " ;d t! e ra !- l"C!1 of tl,c dimen io(ls of inthe., 111 height by l inches wide. ai,!e-ro s excessive iti oruamenta- !'"' '" J"'1 'it. finished. Tbe wails are divided, by gi'ded work in relievo, into p-"'v-- b-r fre.-ea paintings. The dome Ceil- ", r0"';- Is pa"'ltd. each part! be- u ,(d with a rosette of burnished gold. 1 io"r 'pandr.. il and the centie of the doM' ! ailtaoricai paintings excuted i) M.peiior tnanior, and fortnitiz a con- tra"' cer,'" ndailions in another por- ''J" of the building. l,. re ose rer.re-ents a c-lc-tial bvi.iwitb a dislocated hip, and ano'htr, the 'ioUdtas if Mclabdoly, dancing ti;e bolero. The President's and Vice President'. p. partii.ents and the eominiteee rooms enter from .be level of the S,-r..,t. finnr AM s decorated. Some few are finished, but the greater number are incomplete, in corisc- oenee of the aeri-nof Congress in with holding t-jp'i-s. 'Ihe orriilors and pa", - aie likewi-e ia progress cf embellish, Hj. r.t AM are lain with encausMe til. s. The arched roofs are, generally si.eakint.', fininhed in geometric de-ign, inclo-ing landrc;.pe snd heraldic df vices. The wall aie t'.v;-r..d with trellis wotk of Rowers ami foliage, on which cupids and native American lirtl", b'.-a-t.-, and creei'ini' thir.". Luini' and de-.cen.iii .'. with .1. 1,.. or less resetnllai.ee to nature. Some of frankly wrote her if the circumstances the Cower and fiu't pieces aregeu.s. '1 hey which detained biui, and enclosed a regu might he cut from the wall and framed as ' larly executed power of attorney, which1 originals 'l i e heatlns- ar.d r-r tii! i':i,". arrano... of the bridcurooui, and tor bun enter imo t rn.i.t- are sa'd t, be the latest in ibe matritnooial tow.. Tbe papers being exe worl i, tbo.e cf the Kutilish ilou-e cf Par- cute,i in tli Suited States, it was thought iiam. Dt 11 .t excepted, l.very portion of the '. necessary to have the ceremony pe rformed Capitol, that mountainous oiass of marble eg , ind jn r ar us F 'ht oiler er.'v'1'1 1 T lef"C attd th" lady became the legal wife ' .oner, aid that "he had been charged 1 -..ed. ha, rccei red ii.tellitce fro,,, U, ah 1 dnstruation nf :! r: Ui,; t TZ : 1 o.tr CalifL lor.!, wi. a.H for her - with the murder of Fnget.e Anderson. V of alarming character. It i,.d,c.," thet ) "f V"'" ' suppiiiv anv r-oiired .'. "r-e o' l.eit 1'.mI ' l'-riEo home, about the 5ih of February, had endeavored to arrest hi... fro,,, the prevalence of great eXcMteinetil tu the T.-r- . " '' 'f" t-ehddre.. t t he same fin..' ...ofite rTower 'to two fa " there join her proxy husband, or committal of a felony, that the , ie, had ) ri-ory, and of settled hostility between tho " rei-.a.ke'l the he it d.y, ,n th. pre- . ir, eif One rf , f , , , I ae-k him in Mexico.-."'-''" J" ""' ; 'heir ve.dict, declared that he was the Mormon, and (iomile, Ureal outrage had ' " pa-engers, who, will. conlii.ual In-.Y of in Id c't".d ' a'ir'tl ro" l" "bo 'J''tled the crime, and been eoiumiit.d by Mormons, and a violent ."'If. "ure 'VBd" "" tbe wrec ai if . ,),.'', 1 . ', , ' ' ,. ,. that sueii verdict placed his i"iilt bevond outbreak was uppiebeiidud before Sb, ir, "liracle, for none of theto could tell n) fLr'iei';;; : J;:i:z rr h-d jt-1' ltr ' prnf,a - r ; r,,: :trvK (hauler 'r l . j I ., ,1.1 i . , u t u v ., gunty of murd.r, hut through the ah e to occupy Sail Lake) ( ily. he bid lost all Ins money, it hvii .ti amber, i lie air is gtaduated according ate residence of the lion John Forsyth, . , .. ' . , h .. ', ' ' I ,;..,i :,, t, i, f. . ' l hui . . ' totL.al,no.!,heri.;t..,per.,t,ir" without and Kx-American Minister to Mexico, and there ' .o..s of h.s councel those terltet. had j j P J J1 for ' UM J , itJ the politic .l..,cit,;.i.nt with,,, -during a discovered large depo-it, of siltfir bar, e.t a,d '. RtJ ". h.w So.n n Carolina am. rn Slav-Thai.. j "fV'' , " Ci-na, d. h'to .-ver to exceed d . buried iu the harden, and in . small est..!,. "" l"1 , '' ')"";' fr"" W " fact, and as honorable a '. th" ".1 Z'lU ary occa-ions to range between li-hmet.t coinmonly found iu gaidens be de". Thirty thou, ..ml eiibie I,-,,,..;,.. , ..... ,..;,I.,i.m tin . I. ,. 1 "7 1 1. oJ f.M "f air are circulated throueh the eh.m'erper minute, which ry4,,tit, may b, incr- o-. d to eighty thou-and. The ... ,. ..i. .. i . , vuuipn i-ijr uuuer control Any t roponin, of iiio.-ture may be in. parted, froi'i tl." delie.,,,!. freshness of morning to Hie f-e.i g that preclude, a thunder shower, or even ti.l the atino-pii. re "'I'"" "'" r..4. i., li into . dew." It m .; he pigjiletit to add that as each ro.m i. lurtnshed with flue and register, enator.s, on t (imt yritptot,a of aphynxia, can proteer tj,, in-elves fioin the indiscretion of opi-rators. As regards t'.e ext. rior of th edirV-e the ground it ;,"i j p os-c-.-ion of ihe work- i."-u. 'Ihe appioaerh are incumbered with ton t'.'j fail'-n c .luiuns and re bent tej.'one stive (with no rcpeet to the able . fTee r in charge) cf M.'jj aiw . p ts,ii, nl f Cen. Qailmsn. Tbe death of Hen. Quitman was an nounced, on the ftth instant, to the .sena.e I ll.... v..l,,;., worn nronouiiced on .q tbe' cn'te by Senators Davis, j 1 , hr.. i ...i n., In the House. b Messrs. McUao, lionuaui, I liompson or .",'. . ... , .... iIIou.se nror-eeditie. we extract uie to.iu- . . n" . , '. , f th. rumrli. n i ina at'iircviaieu nr"i' - .. hri.viur.Ml rrron Mr. MeRae and Ocn. Koiihara : Cttroi- i Mr. of Mississippi, announced ; Uentlt of M t . ... : nn.1 nronniineed a tUlOL'V Oil tne me aim U.-rviee, of ,1,.. deer.sed. To annont.Oe the ' . . . death of such a man was to him a melan- - -...tuiii j choly duty ; but it had bee ll.t ouaioin aniong all nations, and in allays, o pay "J Iributo to the memory of tbe Jc- " """ ' 1 nartHil re"t ... . , ,i , j Mr -tate ,h. '. lla lu0 deceased traced the cause of the disease, which tein.inatcu so lai residence at the National llotel, late fatal epidemic at that bouse Whatever may have been the impression nian, d 'jr his extraordinary success as lawynw.. f legislator, and his lau.e as i" "b'e g"l- . , , , , . . Mr. JlcK. eulojiileu me couuui-i 'deceased in conncciion with his trial for a i deceased waa a great and a good roan. ti.. v.... him well. He enter- I " I ' . ' tained the'loftiest ideas of honor anrt in- i tcgrity, but what should have made hnu ' immortal as that be was an honest man. If be had fault, be had sufficient virtues ! t0 over: hidow it or, at least, to cover it from common ob'ervation Rmipril Ouitmnn died amoni. bis fi irtid Uenera VJuitman nicu ainou). ins .nd amid the tear of his co,,,i.uents. Al ' though it was sad, it was. at th. same time ect to se auch a man die. His voice was still, and hi, tones would no more be . . .V. .K.n.K.M f th. nation . ' , iwt ,,1,1 never be ; .he meriran neoplc. Mr. McU.e submitted the usual rcsolu- linn, nf re.lseet Mr I?onhamof South Carolina, remarked meneed from S 3,nn0,0iiU to 3 2nO,(iO i that it was fitting that the State of South ', Mr. Hula reintroduced Mr. Caldwell a lte i i- .1.. 1.1 ,u. . iir nwpr the me. 'lief bill Mr llrvau of Craven, a bill to deceased. The speaker had 7 . f divislioil j,, J h ruck witb hU ,!, , i ,or1n,' ua uohle ., ,Ueh j ,. ,f :t".r e, WS nne'h." " ",! 1 1':""-;- .J1 "V." 3 renee for the truth. Whether as a lawyer, soldier, judte or legislator, this same characterisric marked him out from other men. Mr. 13 especially eulogii"d the couduct of the de 'ceased in tbe Mexican war, aud detailed ihe circum'tances which particularly en , tiilea iiiiu to horor and remembrance. 1 , . t -rm ,1 the spring of o7, the fr-r Sometime -tesmer St. Nicholas "epenc1 at Mc 1 'rieans with a Caliope -the fir-t ever heard thoe parts-Causing lion among the servant rcat consterna most of whom ! -opposed tbey must now give ar. account of the:r aius sure eu,.uE . ..... . them, 1 in, nooo .. . . ..... linn, jna.1 v..ioe""- '";".- .... 1 ,. .r,-..,l her otinion thus :" .Missus ' "'" .' , .. , . , . don't believe dat the a.,L" I abriel, caue I siut afearcd a bit", " ' it is hit,,, hfS pi-iijiH " ttic j'" (!'! - y,u're lot n." M.sRRIAOE bv Proxy. Iter. Dr. Hre porv , tormerlv of this city, pronouueed et He Ve in Coliei-e. Su-p-ti-iou Bridge, the niarriae cernnoi.v -between parties who were not at the tunc within li.u'JO miles ot each other. It was done by proxy, the hdv's father .cling as proxy for tho bride- ! eroom. The affair took piace on the ."Sew Year, under the fo.io nig circumstances : Tl, bride, for seven vears a, iel(leut Ol '' California, after the death of a former hu.-hand, became engag. d to a gentleman 'residing in that state, but bavin;: a large landed property in Mexico Hy .line ar ran-ement between parties, the lady re- turned to her no me, at .-1. vyjnnin.es, ..u. ' da West, where her intended was to 1111 her about tin. time, ami claim tier as nisi bride, 'The rectnl trouhli-s in Mexico, how- I ever, being i. th vinnity of bis planta- I tions, demanded his immediate presence iu j that country, and forbade-his coming North i f.s fn!fii hi tticiL't uitut. He, therefore, authoni' d tbe laily a lather to -tan'i instead ; 'n '- "'de tbe ."Niagara, aim la.ner ami t. lined iu the pare: and l-th the police were busy in excavating and clea.,-i,J these bars, and iu taking them lo the city of Mexico fro.,, Tacubaya. ... . . .... , , ' . i be discovery na erearea tne iiveiie-i se andal all through the city th. more o as these bars are by all the world beli-ved to be of tb' which were- made from the silver ornament sacked from the cathedral of Moreiia. liefore Mr. Forsyth, el.par- ''.re, be was accused by the Uovernineut with having had something to do with these) har of silver, aud now, to have found them after his departure , the charge seems tole- rahly well substantiated. It wiil be for M r. For-yth to eacuse bim-eif if he can. TtT IU eitia-r. of Pittsboro'. Cre.1 a s''ite ou Wednesday ni-ht, on the reeep. ttor, of ihe new of the psssaje of the Kavett-viile Coal Field Li.l il second mg in i tit .ate. Corrcsuonclence of the Wilmington flontlil. Xovih aioliii:i lit'Khlaluic. lUt.Kiaii, Jan. 1 1. SKN'.VTE. No b.il of geiitr.1 imereat inrouo.u . i ,t, t. eliarter nf tho the .-peoia! order tomorrow. order tomorrow. The L'oalnelils bill w njocijj on us third reading. An amend metit was offered ny Mr. low- per to provide for a tax of 1 of one per ' J, provi to capitation tax. Rejected 42 to 1 Mr Cowper's also defeated to It. inr. I uenior.i, n r '.... ..n nri rf ilm nrnreeds from sales of r; . . j ,0ulJ lo U1,d to pBy .. interest. Jr Af,)c n nnlpn,inipnt proltil.i tint; the extension of the road across any now built or in course oi consiruciien, nui auuuur.i.us - t ... i the comranv to counect with any. Mr. W nrd moved to exoi ft ihu liming' -ion ille and insert Lexington. K.-jecied 3d to 11. Mr. Lane's amendment was rejected 27 to 10. .11 ... . .. .i... - ,i. .:n r ..!'. . ,1 L ' svs" risiltm .1JC -., .isjs .i. The speaker voleil against the lull b - cause he vas unfiling lo ir.cri-aae the S-s-e's Labilities I'L i m lo .mend the con-titution so as to establish an ad.olorrm syste.,, of taxi- tion waa made the special order for to- morrow v.r.,....,-.t i , A lltlf'SE OP CdMMON.S. -- -- discussion upon the Danviile Connre- Hon occupied about three rounds oi tne , time of the sesion. .nr. t.aimeit oi Umi ; ford delivered a lengthy speech in its favor l....r. K,.1lnoL- nf i:..nr,ll. .,,.1 1 1 ror. i of Franklin, replied against it, and after . --r o . then Mr. N. tie ro;f - floor when . t wss , 1 up ,0 morrow. I he , Hou-e 1. comm ttee of the v. ho!., : 1 he among other b.l.s .ere : iotro.lu.-ed i By Mr. Sha bill to aninnd 1 he charter I granted last session to the ( Ik tiie Cheraw an I ; to 1 1 le.us ivanroac. 11 an rs u, c amount to be subscribed before work can be com .e-iaUisb t'.e county of lCohlind. Mr. ; Shaw, a bill to navigate the Lower Lit-lc J Hirer in Cumberland County, KaI.KKIH, Jau-iary 12. SKNATK. Several private bill' were introduced tririj nutne.'O is bills, ,c , were report, d on. A motion for afi.rnoon .ssintu was laid oer. The tnesss-'e of the t'overnor on ih re- port cf the literary fund w.i referred io' ; eomnnitee ou aaucc, ou muiioii of M.. 1 iMcDownl ; I A Resolution was introduce, tnstruc'ing I the i'ldiei irv committee t consider ihe pi I J pcdiency ot alt.rin" the laws relative to Ii cen-es to siil spirituous liiuors Also a bill, by Mr F.dtiey, for the pro t.'Ctiin of mechanic' labor. he vote ot yesterday, r-j-cung the coai as recoiisidercd. on motion of Me-srs IIIecKoe, Thomas, Kd- , j,i;;, M.IIer, Cherry and McDonald '"I port .:,he recori-i.leration, aud Me-srs. Cow per 1 . 1 ami Pouihitt o.potea It. ihe vuto waa 4i f .( ri ' ' -p""iii o"lsr lor lbi'l3fi'lit iiett Mr lhcdsoc, addressed the Senate for nearly two hours on hi- bill to amend the con-titutioti to establish the adval r. 111 js s m ef taxstion. j Mr. liorrell moved to nni'-nd by f riking out a, I tne enacting c:ai.e ami m-frtin. provi-tou fur a free and op.-n convention to amend the constitution. No action was ta j tKU Up t the hour of adjouru'iietit. j IKtUSK OF COMMONS. j The Danville Connection was again to-1 day tho measure of uh-orl.irig interest ! The House waa in com mi t tee of tli and Mr. Settle delivered an able spe-ech in it- favor. Mr Doilch lollowed him at con siderable I'-ngth. The committee then roe and l..j House .oiounied. 11 is po.-sit t t : that it will he eontiuued through to morrow, i.niyiwo fins 01 any intere-i 10 day ; ily Mr. Leak, to require a bond from slier - iff- for collecting taxes for county suh - crip - 110ns to rai.ro 1. is. ,.ir. iMcaery. a hill to ai.ow counties iiinkiiig 'ib-ci iptions to rail - roads to lax other property than they are allo.ved to tax. ! j A I'.KM 'KKAlil,. TltlAI.. The trial of.' Cacti mi, at New Vork, for murder is pro 1 bablv the most remarkable of any trial of) the k'lnl known to criminal ju.i-pi udeuce When called np for sentence 01. Friday, the; whole laie was told by th: Judge, iu a lew words as follows ; .ther cause found him emit, of ....-... ie,,.,., ,,, .neural uegree, iiuiiougb je evidence a'luuceil was ijuite aunicteut le ; "' s'iia.ed Ihe charge of u.urder. h.) W''8P"" L,! had Used and the method ,.. which it was loaded showed that he hail lft! a.Ieiice adduced was ijuite; auflicieut le . . ........ ... T.,ve ,-reparee, ,o lea. the lite ; of any persou who might endeavor to. rre.t: the eomniital of the felony ; that h.d'lhe Ust ury found for the same crime that the others' nan none, inn me would have b'e'n for f.-iied. but alihouL'h his life had nn. b...,J . ,, spire.l, the I ourt could uot see any excuse why th. -,.,,,t of the Hctetic. allowed by law saould not be Pas-ed unon k ' The .e.itence nf lU C,r, ,1 'f.. ... ,i,i , ,. . ' ""'i that lie be ronf.ned in tno . . r,r r.. ! , , , , f . w ,u, hi natural life. v . i. ii T ul-d at F.Ik Shoal .... n , . t r i' f.s .(,ae t.een esfab-t and New Sn-rUn. Ir'e.l.ll . v ''i w S belli (if, Ir re si vad will The. .r. ... ..d -. ... .:t ....! J. .' I Statu-! I'l.iB t'.e ry ILur-Jay Uiojbi,. C1U,W "' ' r ' There is scaicely one ill a liumliv.l lamilies uis.ani aoou u muca, ior coa,auJl . londs to bo issueii. ,., ... i i .ii.,, ii,iu to 1 but anain nut baeK with diinairn in .... ,.' Mr. Hiedsoe moved to amend thU by , c W of (uorj, mJ teV iom rJ. She is expected here ,r, ,10,r Juiitataxoi ,o. if.r cm. ! j , . , f iu joyful mem-- Ingato St. Laurence and sloop of.WJr p a of property except nacroes subject prtci pis in mi j J.,.irn ... t,: The Causes of Crime. ' . Noticing several frightful crimes in three, of our principal cities, the Louisville Jour lial remarks that nil those deeds of horror It might linvo ail dm, , - - - . ,. We believe that our contemporary luis oorrccliy dicated Iho rource ol tlie. - , n.ifa,.i.. no iruui iinn nh i-, mat a pervades the mux ili Ami.- i . . , rili.,,..i .,,.,' i ,,t I, f . ,,,,.,:, ,,.i nd elariiiL' do r , . . j'1' fects the dimmest and most obscure perceptions of their obligations towards society and their Maker. They are iutructcU to some cxtint iu vaiious branches of merely tinman knowledge, and in tho cours.t of their edu cation they obtain pasi g and evauescent ,.);.. nf liolier and more iiuport.iiil fc S' '. . . ..i. ...I . irnt n init rare v. inueeii, is .-.uiuui. . - . . o.,.1 r...r...rin.r effort IIISllo to CTfatO their understanding and their will lhoe fundamental conviction of right and wrong by tho rigid observance of wii-cli they can alone expect pence of mind and happiness here and hereafter. Their intellects, indeed, are enlarged, but their hearts are ahau- doned to all the iscious and impure pasions of our fallen and grovelling uatuie. Ileuce, American children too frequently grow up with few faint ideas of duty and virtue, and are left in their conduct through life to the guidance of unchastenfd desire e nf .,. 1 rainer man io mr su;.-... . ! k.-f.,l at.d enlightened conscience. I I at all surpri.-im; that so faulty a sj -teiu ol .r.iuin g sLld eventuate in folly . WP.- Hon. and frivolous pursuits, or darken into i horrid vice ami revoltintf crime Over indulgence is a potent auxiliary to iinprrffet trainine. Our boys and girls are I scarcely out u. .V" .. I they are treateil as young geniieiiien ano i jicj , la,i;r,. While yet, under thn dis . f ; ;jlie of b, teacher's ferrule they c m - i - i thcni-clves competent to take their ! , oe etc. lliva ot sixiein ia. polities, frequent publio "inu-eiiieiit, smoiie ciL'nrs and inil idr intexicating fluids, liirl. nf fouiteen or fifteen chatter scandal, arc fastiuioua and rlegstit ill their toilet, play the woman prate of marriage, and con.ersj an on" th m- lvea about their beaux Lung 1 before the jesrs of discretion have arrived both ex"s know loo .unci). in-aru.ess lira leae i nun iie. h- . - i - i uui. i hers. jovs ami tins nr nio - i; it , 1 youths are converted into rakish men of and desired the litllo boy P) show the j wi the world and sin. r.rriiic misses who ought mend. She ro-es softly from her bed. f.i. ' still to wear pnlitalett'-s, are thoroughly ..rounded in the art of flirtation and e "'iet rv. To antieirale modesty, proprn t ) moral rcc'itt.de and a sense of reli.'ious re ' sji iti.-il iiity funi such iiiateiiaU would be atom as t. a-onthlo as to expect to Qtid ' humanity it. a tiger, courage 111 a bare, or j : genius in an idot. I I Seven-eighths of tho crimes which the . I press is constantly conipellcd to record pro i , ceed from thee two sources of misery and ' vio. As long as parent and guardian shrink from the performance of their duty,. ' so lonu will the evil continue unchecked, It is iriipsssible to plant brimbles aud gather ros-s. No one cm bbiiuily wwaiiow poi.on with impunity. Childreii, if s.irreiidered to the anaichial government i.f their own bad passions, will nece-s.-itiiy beeemc vicious iu youth, and ilepraved in i.iaiihood If untaught the essential r'strain'.s of morality and rligioi. they must inevitably lapse int-j the wort of h ii.it", and at any af parent conformity to ti e e xc-pti-d eau'ions of life wil! arie less from coiivictioti than from the fear of liie law. If a boy ah t iin Iroin avcngirit; a fancied riD.' by tbe bowie: kulfe or pistol, 1,,.,. heads the prison or the "call old, .t is evident that if that terror were, re moved he wou'd ru-h headlong into murd er; but if be r.fra.iis from t'.e inddlgerer of a'urious animal w nth. b- cause he k uows it t ) be an infringement of eliviue and moral law, be is protected from crime by a pan oply a milli m times more impregnable Hi in any which th- lis csti furni-li. If a )oii.'g ,.idy who indulge- in (ios ij,, scandal, and back l i in ; is simply told ilitt the pr ictic: is unbee-ninii ai i vulgar, sin; may abandon tin; habil for fear tf en sure ; hut if she il well iudoetri.iated ill the belief that slander and evil speaking are violations of divine precept., hcrrefoi't. will be a-si.i edly lasting, beeiusn ground ed iu conscience. And thus tve might illu strate at any length the ihoacy of moral training and the eert.iu an 1 miserable c n - ) e lence ensui'ig upon its total neglect Until parents take to heart these prima j ry truths and apply them diligently in the culture of their children s mind and hearts j wo can see no pro.p.'et of milked improve- i intnt. The jail and the penitentiary are institutions ot human weakness and wii - kitd , nes. I't m, ti I. an. to amend their lives, and these hideous embli iri of an imperfect civiliiation will disappear. M jral refiriii must proceed from within tint outwardly Make men be'ter, and the prisons will fail to ruins from diliapi latioii and t!bue. Teach the ri-ing generation to fear (iod aud obey bis commandments, and crime wi.l progrcs-itely diminish .V ir Orients lice. it wai unexneeted. that the. nullifvimr Si. ot oiitli Carolina hi rpokeli out again-.! ; the slave trade the slave trade with an tmphasi, that Las marked th. expression of opinio,, iuno!" " other Southern State. Dor press, so far !' . t ...... . . that h m v .... r.-m, ...n.uv a senuary ti - ception, h.v. protested with the gre.lut energy and warmth .g.in-t the infringe. m.nt of tie law and the introduction ot Afrioat.. ;.. .K.;.' it e have aires had nen . ... . " ' ... ' wei pubiist, this morning in at lielc Iron, ; (b Vii...l 1. ; . . .i . . lHrni, ot to u unle ... -i . ... ., ..' .!'.' ,B 1 conn, ctiou, mat the r.li gious societie. of that State are taking up , ' ,c r,,ter. and gmt," th Illicit commerce .... ? ' t .. .. me-ir un'a.iliue II COIl'lelllbatlOn nth l;rit',l:lit. . f oiit.-iilimi (.f Hide, s and Deaeom . . . of No,l' Carolib. held ill lUi, ill be l.'xh & on Tue-dy the Fell ae, y. i ; Mnvements of the hrngnny Fltct. - v U. 8. Steamer Fultom, ) V Pernambueo, liraail, Not. ii."),!, l3-3 j Woariived m this harbor on ila .'a inst., making the run from M, t m ay Meeting with adverse wi,..i. ' "luai, toaming hard to c.uitPiid ith i0ln f ' - u. to put into .M.iranham for i . . o i com, nenij: luiirieen uays nom ' i " "iirtii a the 1 Jili insi , w l. lt MartiUBl whon about M miles to seavtrd, ft!';" I with and .-pok" the steamer '"Harriet Ljl ' j - 'under sail ami slnuiiii' for tbe im.i i . ' ,;, f C0II. The ' Water Wil.-i, i... ! , to sail tne same uay to me river L, p)( ! At far as I ean asoertaui, tho o8ie...rs t crews oi uie unci ru enjuyuig xclUo health. e are coaling, and will pr, bly leave for St. Catherines on the y.j,, ' It is the general opiuiju of miuj inuj jjent and well informed natives of tUis eS, I hav l.Ailral ..i.l. .1... t . .r pRr.u.s. ,, , j ... ,Ml ... ! - .11 to entail upon tho United States , ,auCa fl peine, as possible in hU power, hy allow",, , the fleet to arrive on the ground hefort will coma to terms. There was current yesterday iu the city tiat J, had captured tho kniall surveying stem,., sent out by our government, but it is credited by those informed on the ttbjt(, There is a fiuespirit manifest anion,. (,(,,. officers and men, and my Baltimore fri, may rel assured, that if it cot. es to , the old Fulton, alias the Terror of tl C.'f. " Kill ,'nu a t-oo.l aermn.l f I of tb -c o ,' "r'1' , Wauu. - - - . I Sh.rt T-l f lrW,lr 11. I tho month of June, a P.ddlar .U.J .. preseme.. .se , ,es al (..elow tho lj..r of a lutia farm bou.e at lJ?,ic, ; I'rauce, and r i iestd permi-i.ioii of i, , " : , " .. . """" eon-i-iiro io Hum, as the tarinsi 1 was confined lo her bed. The nut d - was Sunday and the Isim-r an I i1!t i vants went to church. J redil.st , surtcu io eo, alio mere rem iiin-u in 1, j boue, the wifo of tile farmer, a uvw lor: infant, the peddlar' wife, tahi feign-! ilii,.,, j and child six years of age. Scan-ili bv , the people gono Out, when the p 'd i.i: 1 wife, armed with a knife, presented Ikim ' at t!,e bed of the sick woman, an 1 dea,c4 1 eu her mouey or her life. Ihe pxr t in in, aieK aim wcaa, uciiverej up Ilt . lowed the peddlar' ife without Irs; heard, aud bating beckotud me rbi.j , ' of the room locked tint door. Sin-then - sired the child to ruu for Lis fitu-r desire him to bring assistance. The ft, did notloe an instaot, but, by a surpn: fatality met the peddlar on the road 1 had tolen from the ehurch lo as-i.t I a tie in tbe precouctrted robbery. 1 tic p dlar asked th. child where he wa jt mii r . answered that bo was going lo p. rki father, as an attempt was mid to roo b The peddlar said 11 waa now uonee. ! at tie him'-lf would ci and rroitn ; mother ; and, liking the child by the bin they returned lo the lariu. 'I hey k'ie.kt at tlic door, but ihe farnirr'. wilen tr.s- nuing th voire of her husband, rrfat1 opru ; th prdd:ar limda in ttfjru ti duce b't, aud lioally thr'nen -'i w e r : child throat and break it open I'jm, at being unable to prevail upon her, he tt ceiled his horrible threat and kn.-d t chiid. & - (. A fier comBiil tin g ibi qsr1rs criu..1 tried to ct into the house to . I.;i lie, a li. u 1 11110 pca arl t e firm mght return liom church. Ili.al!"i; Ui.tbic he mounted th ri.of and .le-e- ui' the cliimnvy. 'Ihe fartner's wife, :,. laititing, boar saw tinlhiiig to deiivvr t. Ir.mi certain ilralli the wrctc'i j 111 .-I down the chimney and it to r her chamber, when collecting ail strength, she by sitdcrijjit al i.i, il the psli! -fee (straw brijwe-ug of hearth and as ijviiek'y ' - smoke iu a few minute enveloped 1!." a-.-iii, h not being able to .:. i, ""J soon teii Iu ihu liru hwif s-ilfuc-ite !. It' f irmer courageous wife lot not In-r p. sence ot u.iod ; but, lb hi" b.iii hd n truck hnn several severe blo 01 hevd with fr p.lter. wile', pit hnn He Vood the chance of immediately re 1... I ' 1. ,.l,.,l with 1st! a I'J ' mental a'-ny, he here!f f, II ense-'e 11 , the carnet ol the chamber, aud reina:D ' in this situatiori li.l the I'sinnT and " jnta returned fr..m church. 'I lis de 1 J,0,y of ll.e child, at the! gat of IM , f.,rm bouse, was the first horrible P' rl;c ' that met iho nnhappy fat titer. 'I ii'y 1 Pud opeu the doors, and ufi"r Inrit J " - nor. red to life thn farmer s il, aetzed the two culprit am! ueiivire-l 'h ovtr tr ju liee Ihe peeidlar survivru i wo iiris and burns, b.u both he smI parti. or ruceivtd tke putiishroei.t 'Ij1, trine. Fximniii'ivAur Cass of I'hiiavu' W beard of' an iti-tsnco of moral t tdde, a e!ay or two since, which, " h '1"' stand aione. In the Ht terrihle ui""1 on tho Mu-eogee Kail Itojd, iu wliiih ' ears were nreeinated into . olkn t ir- win remained in thee m i "hbothood wreck, pot.itiieneiid a aenrrl. for the '' bodies The bo.lv of the Ulv alluded lJ ... i,,,,,l .1 . ..!.. I. the rr pon examination it was ascertain er dross I.A.I been torn nlnll Hid ,u9 i , . , , r . , . ,,.,e "V" 'C , C, ,.'. hundred dollar.. 1 rcsh Ira,. d.-covered in lh. mud, Jeadinf nlf fr'" ' bony, w tiiei, tlie scarcliilig pariy n -' .1 until tin y cainei upon one of their e"1 number who bad iu.st nut with so miracii . , , , , ... . t Iu an escape from death, at.d wl" present when his fellow passenger to, storv of his oss. lie wss unmreliar ., , , . ,.,e eattf ' , , ' ' .ur :0. am. unit fnn.,.1 ,..n, Lis arfWii. lur i" .iron his , . fortuatit added that the itntrif for 111 Hilt lidded hul the W Lit 'fie Columbus ;,i, awaiting hi M" for dl iboiic act. '. Vttinmk RipitO l 't"- v.. a, v. . .. It. lbs rt i.u ,'liiWW .-IMI I, ,"1IS ' Jit of the I -H 1. Match. I .. bo bank ''" lessee is allowed lo issue or pJ 'u " ol a . d -,i initTsli U lb T 6 ed.dl.n