Stff Torft CoTremffnte. I Curiositim rnoM Euitop.;. Mr. Sm rAn'i'M"" Nf' Yar'fitnkt- Citi and Walt , U1 Meyer, of the lngcr beer saloon, No. B! ifinmni Mr fillet Milttii-Srhor,lti:mi. Mulberry attract, who returned home bv tho -.' , ' , , brings with him r, dozen pears, picked from The ""'F """" J a tre. in Switterlaml. .ixteen day. oo to- Jfar" erecting hare oil passed, utl joy- d Uctober t). The,e , ,lnlika va, UKU..I, though not u the tu9 eg. American' specimens of that fruit, iu tot, .s on new years morning unii noon, Bjle, color .ml appearance. They arc lar.-e, of ro poured dawn, cutting the LJ(1 0D ,.icl;, ICrte,i, 'treasures a foot festivities " half in two, but the remain- ; cjrcuinfcterice oue w, alld 011) nilf i0 ,l,r of the day and cre.Dg were diligent- ilich ,he otlir w ;t u WI iu y employed in the mu.I call. ; ind m6 ,,, j ,lt JolorH . wei , ft donation than heretofore was witnessed, , ounccs , fr,cl;on. TllC!iC pear, j,. ibatol did not get an early Mart ljkc(.Pi Mr. M iftJ, for , year, I(J als0 ilu wine bottlts. bring a musical clock which plays twelve The N-l ork bank- for 180 show .n u cos, bim jt , t,iar. lo"" ' 'J"6. ".'T- r? ,81', 01-; -'?' gc,includ,d.-7,7i-, Time. deposit, 8 4,374,H5j,BU7. In IrtoS tltel" J join' were f'J.I.OOO,!!'.'; and the deposits I ... , ' , D .. . ... I Ir 1 mk I r. r i. lltwTKT'rra a Stomach f.l.l.IMI.leJI. I- l!lTTa," ll,r lV.HII.I.I,Kl..llli.M, Ikavii.u Tlio new Common Council and heads of ; r t stnMch, r uny ..itiur like tiileciion, in see. departments Were SWOru ill and organized !ond to m nr in America or abroad. Tu bo ublo lo n week, and the Mayor's message sent in, j u, confidently that the " llittcra " arc a trrtain reeoiumei.tling ruriou measures for ihe ! f,irc f,,r tl,r ''."C'l-i,' -J like disc,,.,-, i. to the r r i i -n c ' proprietor, a urcc ul i) n . II y:l pleasure. It Lfoilit of tho eity, fw of which will be ;r,.lote, lllruld ,,., ,,,, , stomach. Pu. I ot..rrrcd. J lie permanent debt of the city ia ahout ten milllun ; the lm ley for I ."i y ill be fi-ht million; the publio achooN 7 t , r . , overdrawn their allowance one hu.ul- tel and twenty liittiimiul ihllun; there r -'53 miles of croton pipe in tho city, and 178 miles of sewert. 1 lie cleaiiing of the itrfcts cost the city last year S'JOO.OO'.I. Tim Li-(.'iiUturu convened on Mouday, ind (Jovcruor Morgan sent in a ery en ijt.lf menage, nhicli coinmcnced with tho, and ended as it should with Homer M'Hgait. Tho founded debt of the state ii tbiny one million. Two million one Lund rd thousand dollars are recomineuded to j,il tho c.iujIs in proprr order. The whole Iokk by the banks of the Jiuie llio put year was hut S'j.tUlil. There are thirty-eight railroad compa u'let in the Sute, with a capital of seven ty four millions, sixty eight of which has l.fen paid in. $:i,T'. i,!Mt.7'J hare been piid to public i.hoiN. two thirds pf it to teachers. The State has 3!ia,0u0 militia nipn. The en.igraliou fell off last year 41 per cnt. Tli, ii irrrnor has disbanded the oldiers it uran'iue, and broken up tnirlial law, x'.wt un t.ienc 01 tyiu,iiuii 10 i tie p.opie ; r,f tl..t ll! r. !-. WW. I. , o , i Mephen. X Iljuglas. Speaker Orr anil Sun llin-toti have all been the li-in of t!ie citv llm nut week, and thev hd. in l.'iii.' hauled round, lo see the many of thel" r iv otmiiietits and tity Viorcs, as a matter of njiitiml nt'cesity. ILiulas was tht b,:'?'St ion. A very elegant snow fell on Monday ui;,t, and the merry juiglo of the sleigh k are heard on all ide. Th ihaaters the fSl year were lc. than Liif '.he D'imber of thne the tear before, so tint no the whole, tiie people Ii ive cause tj r"j'j'ce, and have a n'n'ht to hope for Let lir tluug iu days to come. California, by every strainer, poors her lr .ure into our lap. Al'it all e litoi t grt thtne. Tours, J. M. K. Jinuary fl. frn bilum in llir frjrr MnnJs and ill Tun thnitnK 1li 1'. S. ship Vaudalia, Commander ::.c!nr, frmn a cruise throj"L the South IV.-.S-, i at 'an Krauei-ro. Lt. Uo,fanblc l;own j:ive infirnntion of a deed of canni-' ,.u"" i il "ii and its puiiiabment. While the a.!jlia mi at Uvelaiin the Fejee Is-I iini-, information wat couimutiieiiied to , 1 . :n m an ler Sinclir, by the Consul at I.e- I "it, tint the inhabitants of Lon.rli, on the i iui of Ways a tribe of ferocious canni- ! I,,- hid surnrid a aiuall ve--ul, and tsi'dereil. eooked and eaten the rrew. I lUreupjri, an expedition, coti-i-tine of sit- 1 ' , I , , . , , t) lie u, was fitted out, placed ID charge of l.'fjt Caidnell, with Lieut. lUtusay, of tho : M'iiit. As.t:snt Hurp;nn Tiist and Ma- 1 t f i M .t- lUrticll and rrt agaili-t thrm. j ri . . i . i ' lie inlivet refu-in ligtre up the mo'- ; H'ftra, i,d taking advantage cf their atrcug ' pi'i ioii a town situfSwJ on the of a, ( (.a I" uiitiiti, 1000 f?ei above the level of i ! ,. ,, Jtfy the paat-Bt against them slatditig ws' effected at daylight on the j nn'tiiir; after rearhin? the I din.! : and af- ' '"t fatiguing march of several hours S 'r d.ehvitie.; precipices, rock, and thro' j '." V'K " PP'"'-- f . mni; nan a as inane to relrean tne ""n. who were a':tut protrjtod by their 'frl:n,. After rf-titjr, the town was aaultcd and cirtied ,y a flank movement, the natives 8 ' f0' to the rocks and fatticnes ; the in ua nearly destroyed, 1 1 5 houcs ba Tir,k.! been fired an! couauinrd. (In tho re ''in of the expedition, they were attacked i" 'lie tnnal fmimit miiis., in nnr nf tho r. by ao.1 warriors, aho were) repul-ed ,ih a heavy loss, aflir a severe action of 'li'il hiif an hour, the naiives lo.inf; near- j Ij Cfy in killed and wounded, including , l" o( their nnncmal r nef. The Americans had six wounded, one man ! "7 severely. The srnnien and marines e'Lst.J in the rno't pallant msnner. 'J'he 'Dm, ly 0f aiiustioii, sttarkinr a Powerful and courageous niountain tribe) in '"-r fss(nesrs. uot movitikT them, except, rrln,i tf, more strady and daring cou- I J1"'' The tiihe has been taught a severe n, and one that will not be lost on thei . . . ... ., . . I "'I' in their vicinity. 1 b Americans j tiiuidered and eaten u, re Louis Drower , a l'r'i"iian, naturalix'd, and Henry Iloiucr i oi.,w 'i,r. I Kit.irn u a Fox Ciiasx A young n'n named Rhodes was in.taiitly killed "i llottiony crnk, in this eoutity, last ltnlny ,,)( under rather singular cir- " Jtii-t aticcs. Ue and some companions V" t"SK'd in a fox chase, and bad run llitt. rs.1 into . l.oU ... . l.'o.T of raslt ' i'ae-5 ii out otncrwisr, tney nuui. Ere at ih, . :,v. ,i.. ; ! bra " inter s anguage. of "smoking it out.'-! the. lBt f t,e fire, or some other the lodi'B nf rock ahove the hole) i seen in in..1 .,,.1 ..;. ..... l.n : r to save themselves fiom the descend-1 ticks, tht whole party, consisting of ."? nr four young uun, sprani; Iro-ii lei- prril im poitioti on the ladgu to the r'nd helow, soma 25 nr M fc-.t. Mr. "''ties, unfortunately, did uot spring .quick "'mo'li, or fr enough, for a buoo stone " 1 nnon him as he atrnek tho mimil ,rliiint him t .i vVi r r. - 'em ii iiistaiiii, inner, ui , Pt'y were considerably bruised, but , w-'"usly injured. Mr. R., ws learn, "a worthv .j l: i... Uly ncstli created niuslt svumathv 1"i'i'i;( j-..t j -ii. Wll.lT'a iw .V f . c. . ,uti ma ot. J.ouia le ' '." is tl,, organ of the Rcputdicsn par- j -l '" ;ll""uri, ,l tLe St. Louis Republican P'l'iCi is D;mocra;ic. jritica the blond, impart renewed vitality tu tiie nyi-trin. Kiting it tlil t- iib mid cni rgy m indin- I Pe'"-hl" ' r.t,.n.i,..n of l.t-.lti,. The u iiiifuu) Bcknnwli iIl' mi nu i.t its vupurior t-acrl ' C( ,., f,,,, .,,, ,,, urlA ,i ,mprn i..r ihi it ei.nimt but prnvu o j;ri .t t , t' Hie fctJlirtiil, nnl imusrt titiliiy to tlio tliur- "u"" '"'" H .1,1 l,v lriiiri!il evfrvlnm, sad hv IIOH TFTTKU . SMITH, K..I.; Hrupm t.,r. .' Wnirr mid .18 Finnt Mrerl, I'llUlim jfh, mid b) II,U ,I. mi, & Uibbmi, t'liailulle, N. I'. Pre. S", I Si". Im. THE GREAT ENGLISH REHEDTf. Sill JAMKS CLAKKK'S ( i l In .1 l l I'cmalt' Prepared from a prewrijilioti ol Sir J. Viurkf, M. J-, J liytii itin Extnwrili imry to the (item. 11,1. i I, v .. I ,j .1,1, ,; ICII.L- II llllfllillir ill the cure it all lli-e p-niilul dud timiurnu iln,ejm-i tu I, rh thr l. iii , li c,,iililulinn i ,,1'j'(t It Hi", I, rutea nil nun and (mii' V-i nil ul Ir uctloni, Mnd pi.eiiy cure may be rtlfd ,,n. Ill H It It! I l l.l)ll S il in pi-r ,iii.,ilj uiteil. It in a Imrt liini , tiring nn the in,,nthly pen, id ttilh r'iiUnt j . t.tli buttle, pruc One IMUr, In mil I Ii r ,v rrnnrnt Sump id tJriul Brit,un, In prevent cntin. tirlcil.. 'i'lietr I'ilU ivd nt r tairn ly frmtttf tlutinp l t IliST lllhHI-; MOM IIS 0J i'.reri.Bry. at """i; "?""''"''' I" "t ,Nrmu nd Spiiiin' AffertiMiiv. ,., i( ,, k ,, t..,h., r"miru. Iitl.t fM. rinn,, l'l.nir.i 1,1 ti.e llt.,ri. Htm, r,r, i:,: w bin tin.. IMI. ill i (le t .1 ure mn ml "" r Imiril, a 11 'I mliuu'-h t p, r 11-, ly, 00 lint cntmn imn,"iitel milini, ii, tnee buitiul In ih eiitilulmn Atfrnl fur il t, tl Sl ilt . M,t t", ,te I. I . II.Mwill H1.1 hrtttr. Jul) M KS. (I. A. t . V. N ll.-l.l'll mid C p..t.icr Ull, n 1 1,1 1,,-eii v .u riiul Ajm iiI, will inttlrc tx.llji ol II i. hv r tun, F.r .'me t,y k. scar::, a co. nn' arM for Chuttttlte. UAVII,AN .STKVK.NSHX A CO. II Snlnuii Ag'nlt, I katlftnn. S C. Davenport Vmale College, I.KVOIIt. .'. y "v f TMlKR Ihe auvpi 'T. fsroliii. Cnfer, HI ' JV V nrC'-"lul n-rali,ll. MlKIt Ihe ii(iir, of tlw Sontl, r tin. Hi ll, nry M. M,. Jif TheTiupt.i. If till, g the linpot t.M'C, !' pintiiip 1 tlio.c in in prire. uf T i liiral euuctioit will, in ihe rtaeli of iier.,1 eireimiit.iiief., fiive put tin iiitioli ami ll..r,l at ttte lnw--t ,'s. tu,l. while Ihe College off. rs inon ry indiin meiila in tb, w ay , Seho. i,lat""B. there n-ay be a I .ree saving by p.,irnniM.g i Tne Pni.l,,, T''urily f, -III, III,,:,. Etao.iu -tioti w,H take place lilt n vpnl. j ','", a.iiim.. ll.nrd. run i:s ri:n t i. t'.ry IK piftioelil ,te iep.irtiueiii , ...n r. , Iiiritl.llng rieoxs, lights, lil'-f. I3 on; ...3:1 mi 1 per w I rlv week. m. ,. 'l'r',n "' '"- v ( nl.neeiil t n.i Mus.e, Piano l'.ot pun-. L1I111, Grr. s. t nn i '- " '' l itibronir r ,,.. i;;Ur Music', Vocal,.'. One liimdfd and I 7,w, i no! :iti O'l 1 A nil I III IUI I, nn I I-.' I'U j ri;. J red and l. i-V IH, IH.,9. d'dia nh tin t.itf . , , , ., , l)SM)i(ll)I (l ( 0 J)i I Tl II C r.s Willi; f,r f I!,wu.Si,tt AC, on the ,-l day of J . I e feel very I p .Iron ,ee a lor tneir ii nr the a, i ,M tin V may cei It is very in our hllsilie.l .Hint will plrai id they must Ii' i port mt Dial we .h ull, j All persons owing c.,11 and settle iniiiic' I etjH-et any farther n ' gi nut all our Aeeoii C'dlet lion irresiiteiite M. ,t K illlni by imUs yv inlriifi In, Dili iVN, SI HI' k CO. Jni'y 1 , H. 9. t Id pj. ;,,( CW (i()0(IS, 1 j'"' " '"' ! I .rge.t... k f t;oil ;ons i sreofliring at v rv low pro. .. Wee. II spec tiei,ti,.ii lo our EM IHtO I DM Es, M AN I II. I sll LS, A.e. DROWN A STMT. January IH, H.,!I. ilT? ' i(l let1 i n.w j , i . i. n t i n , B JLKSO.VS indebted l inr will find niV Hook. and PafH-rs al the store nf' H. M. tiates A l . n,l will find nit ready to receive tin in al all tunes. Ofli'-ers w inling p,p, r I, i collect will al.o rail and 1 promise to accoinin,.cale theoi. L. S. ILL! A MS. y IH, I ft.'.tl. I7t rinndtlion lor Sale. WILL s. II at public sale, on Tuesday, Hie fl 'iSh of January, bung court week in Char lollo N. C., Inv Plaotalioll fill, ell lull, seal nf said Town, no' Il C it-wbi Kiver, known aa the aiileiiee of the late Kohrrt Johnauli, Sen. Fin. 10 lo 14 acres of elecllenl mesduw laud ..-.i :n ... 111,1 ..( II .lion, enoil I't.iell and ..,..i n.-.i,,.,! ,,,i. . . ie.. w.H w.,tered. A frirk Hesidence and all nrc.ssaiy out .buildings. inrhidi lllar pi ,C III SOU estem part of the arrrs eannot be foinnl in the ' stale. Possession given immediately. lerni m ule known on d ,v or sain. HUKU8 M. JOHNSTON. JtiMtini y 1 (?, 18.VI 4.'i .Jw New Crop Molasses, ;oo 1II1D uf Choice New Crop Cuba i s ripeetcd direct from Cuba F.r sale bv. II ATI! A WAY k CO. Mdas uuriug month. HVmingfaa, Jaiimny lH, I "! i, 0. Sugar & Molasses 250 1 1 1 1 1 IS of piiuie tu clmira Ne Crop Sugar. ... ty II K KIM.-S ol Clion-e ;vew t rop .sew Ftis Orleans Sj. up and MoUs.ea daily especie.1 from N. w ( .cans, r or ..Ir b v ' A H ATI I AW Y CO. TV, 'hub -.', Jinvfy IS, ln.,J. lib juiiiwjji mmmnw Murrieal, t llie resirft tier f fnpt. N. M. Still, nn Ihe llth in. Ini.l, bv llm R. . J. I!iini.le, J. I'. It OSS, K,q.,to M,.. SAKAII Ol.lVKIt, yoiiiiCciit Inugliter of llie Lite Tims. Oliver, of I'ruvniciieu. Died, i,n the I2ili inM inl. IDA KMZAIiETII. Hb (r l,l, r uf J. M. and I.eiiiinrn I". W il 'J'luii j prrcmui ciiii, l li.iil nlnnt rnti rtd upon in third yrnr when il win culled ui limlier by Iniu li.i said "SoflVr li'.lle elnldien to come unto me, and rmbiil them not: for of sueli in the kingdom of lic.iveii." " Frmn ailverni! Iiliiiitu, :in,l Inweiitijf lorin, Jltr i'jvur, ,! mi I He linn ; And willi ynn brijjht, micelle forms, She live, to die no mure. Why uhi.iilil I vex my lii-nrl, or fjft ? Nil in, ire sat'f vinit me ; My soul will nioiii.t In lirr at And tlieie my child I'll e." Cum. STATE OF XORTII-CAKOLI.NA, WEI KI.KMiUltO t'OUNTV. COI HT OF EllTV. Duvid Willi.miiiun and Wife I J. U.l'unliiiin. IT ,ieurii,; in Hie .itikfi lioii of Ihe Cnr.rl llmt J. II. ('.isiiinn in . nun remiient of tltiv Slt'e. Il i therrfaie Oitlrrrtl by Ihe Court. Thai pub'.Ci. lion be made I, r m weeks in the N. ('. big, a iicwp:.per pulllhed in the Inwn of 'liurlutie, nutifyiiiff the niiid detemlant to he and appear l the id xt Cuit nf Kqmtr, to be held inr the couii. ty of .Mrckleiiliiirr;, hI ihe Cnurt ll'iuse in ( Inr. lutte, mi the lllli Monday nlior llie 4tli .Moiui iy in February lint, then and there to amaer emu. pluinuiii'a bill, r juiigini nl pro rnnfi s wili be taken ua tn tin in. H'lUirn I). K. Uiinl .p, Clcrkjand M i-t, rin Fiiity, the lllli .Mi.nrtay all, r Un 4ih M ,n, ay in A iiL-u i-l, A. D. Ihj'', and in the tiid yenr uf A liter lean Imlrpi'iideiire. i) n i)i'NLAr,c.M e. Jmuitry I, lH.i9. t'nnti r'a fie IjO STATK OF .N'OFtTII-CAJfOLI.NA, ME' KLEMJUItft I'OUXlT. COL'HT UF JXiVlTV. r. m. iiiowii j Win. Keieti ami wife nnd i.thera. I' uppr.rin,, i the aatiaiaetirn nf the Court, J. ihat Win. Kli. Ii ami M iry hi. mf. and .Mar. gmtl Aifold. ll,t de:'e:i" .111. in thia ease, are nn. rr.iiienla nl mil Stale, ( i lhmJo,t Oidtrrd l.y the Comt, Tint publication be inaile I r ix we, i,a 111 the N. C. Whif, a m pa.i r.piibiisned in the town of Charlotte, notifying Hie a,ni iiefeiidanU to he and p,,tar at Ihe next l oiirl ,,l Kijuity, 10 be held f.r Ihe eountj of .M, t..lei,t,urf, ai the Ci.nrl llauir in t h ,rltle, mi ihe ll;)i Mmiuay a fur tin - 1 li Mnnnay in Fcbiu ,ry in si, tnen mid Un ret, 1 au.w, r 10, .111,, m'. hi!l, i,r jungiiitnt ,rornf, ,; he liken :i lo llieln. Uiine.., ). t. iunli.p, ( h rk ..11,1 M iat r in l.quily (Hi, I hi, M,, in. ay fu r il., Un .M,,iiu.,y iii Aut'u.l. A. I. Ipjo, and in the P.'d jc-r ol Ame. ri' n Iiititjieudint'e. 1). It. I'L'NLAP.c.M e. J'lnviry 1, K9. I'riiiU r'a Ue t ,. l.'iO if J -Aotice. rslli; fi.m 1 f IIKMF.I!SON 4. aiikkns JL ,ii..,,vni ,,n t I'mc I.i ot Jam,. IIEN.'iFltSON, by mutual 1 hereafter ,nt. J.S p r on the bnsi on his own account. Ail please C'liuc forward ami pel inrlt bted ttle at once, a. bu.inr inu.t lie closed mineoiaU-iy. IIKNDKKSON k All HEN'S. January IHjM. IIUTNG sold ,T Inle HENDERSON A Afll.E.VS i I'EKStlN, Ishll expert rem yi I at the store aim .ha! be ! my friend and customers, pirl who would fork and the concern. the i.ltle V. w. ry 11. SILVEIi. Ol N't ES OF OLD SH.VEI H ANTED at 500 J. :. WILKINSON A CCCS uiry 1 1, Ip.'iJ. 4 .'. .Notice. CTt.he t ola Hi AI, 1 burg n .no T.ael, ul Co Scln ty. i,ete,l t.l attend fur i il the l-i.ilr.,nee Oilier in t ll.irlille, ,; V the '.'Hth of 1 ,ll,.,;,V, I- H. .M l JOHNSTON". Cma Lre . N 'K HL"l'(TIsi N, .JOHN P. ROSS, f.Vi', iy I l.Vl. 4 lit tiiro Last Notice. A'l-s": im hle.1 to 'I'll. r Tho. Troll, r, quisled t come li up, aa turlhi r i TIIOS. TROTTrJR. r? iy II. D-j9. Watch Repairing, &c, HE of s ge trh-M .Urand who will give p.-.rlieill .r at. t. ntion lo the repairing of 'atehrs to aa to give mt. feet satial'actioll to all who feel dlsKised to g Vi- iheiii a trial. Tin y ha e a large assortment of Watches, Jewelrv. and Fancy (.nnd. I von hand lr snl'e ni LOW - It ES Ei HI CASH. J (.. WILKINSON A Co. J,mum'u II, lti.'ill. Oil" stat r. of Noin ii-('.ia)i.iNA, CAnAKIU'ei roiiXTV. ;.v luji rrr. Full yvw. is.-js. Ilmry C Howie, Kl'r. of J. Howie, dee'd. I.. B. Krimniiuger, Adm'r. of A'ex -md.-r, .hc'd.and llohl M, Wry tie a no Alfred Ahiiiiu.r. Allacliiiieiil ill l.iinty lo auhjeet inoiiey in the hand, of tne aihnilii.trator. appearing Hi t Kohrrt MeHrnle and Alfred Alexander, two of the Deieinlaiits in tins case. are not inhalntnit. ol tin. slate, ft is ftrrjme nr. drifil, that publication be mane tor S,a Wiehs in the S C., Whig, pnblis'iid in Charlotte North Carolina, notifying the aiii Itolcrt Mi HiyUe and Alfred Alexander to be and ..pHr at Ihe nrit Court of Fiiiity, to be he'd for the V oiinly ol Ca. barius, al the Court House in l'i,nc,,r,', on the U'th Monday after the 4th Monday in I'ehru iry next, then and thero to answer cm il 1 1 ii a ii I or Judgment pro ronl'esso will be taken as to Un m. Witness, li. W. Ailiaon cltrk and master in Kqnily the IJih Mond.v afle the 4tli Monday i in Aui'iist, A. I. 1H.,H. this 7th January, b.'ii). R. W. ALLISON, c. c. c. Jinanry II, I ..!. I'r. fee tfi. 09 j Valuable Properly lor Sale.! -:mi. Tuesday, the S.illi January in. lifi f slant, it being Tuesday of Court, I I will .ill on the premises the loiic anil littl, ! laieiv occiimed bv Mai. J. A. Hiu'ins in Char, i lolle, situated on Trvoii Street, lau squares from j the e-enter of the town. This properly is in one of the bet neighborhood in the Village, has a j irrll ol excellent water upon it, ami llie uweiuug and olher buildings are commodious and in excel h ut ri At the same tune I w ill sell a num. ber ol excellent Fralllcl Beds and Matrasso, and valuable Ho ist hold and Kitchen Kuriiilure. JNO. A. YOUNG, T'Uitte. Jan. 4, lfii'.l. I4ti A. C. " W ILLI A H S 0 re , 4 TTOP.NKV and Counsellor at Law. has fa. . ken an e llice, jointly with J. A. K.,s, K-n up.tair. next Hour to the Court House, where he will he constantly present lo attend U all eslls on professional hiisiiic made for himself, or fur Mr. F 1, when ha la a lis I, I. Jas.i 4, I?;. 4fn' SCARR & CO, CHEMISTS AM) DHCflG'lS'tS, i ii uii.i'i ii,, .1, t&k WT F.sPK(-TFri.r,Y call, il,. niton. "y lioiiofPliyiciiiii,piinters.CiiBB.! 11 try ftlerciiniHH, ate., in I !,-, r lore mid t curtl'ully aeli eted Stuck of IlKt'C'K, 'I'o I'ln siti:ii. Dr.f'huri'liiirs New Uriiii d'u i, ff,rcinunirtion. Ii j 'piiliospliitcs ofSinla A I'otiah. ALSO Coiiipnund Syrup of llie. I ' J' I"-I'liorp!.i tr p. VMii' Sliiir K'()riiliv4'. A freiih upply of this v..lii ,Me prcp.-i ration for the H .ir. I.IXSKFD Oil. tkain oir. spkiim rur. WINTKIl LAIIU on, ALSO No I Cnpnl VARNISH Fine II una r Coach Japan " Leather Ate. I.niilrt'(ir , iv ij O.trtlt'ii All the clioice vurirtiea of Garden Su4ds. I'eua, Ileana, Iti.-eia, ('ubbace, Paranips, A.c. 'v Asparagus BootV 7 i:ii ithai l or Pic I'lauf, 1 1 11 TI.OVI It, lll.l l. I.KASS, OittHAItO OU ASS) At:. on. 4, IfsiS. 43tf For Florida Tirect. Wrnugk In I'tlalLa iu .'1(1 ll-n, IS il lo if, Jluun List 'lull' Ihun l y uny ,,rr,.r Monte. I in; I M U D .VI A II S 31 VI I. aT.'IV Has m .m Ja.' , TIIO.S. SL'ltTIS. ( DMMAMiKR. L RAVES CIIARLESToN.S.t;.. ,-verv TI ES. DAV A FT EK.Vi it ., ai 3 oVIock. Ir PI. I.Al'KA, H.A., via FEKNA.NM.VA, Jai'KSON. VII. LE, PK'OI.AT A and the urU'H las'tiiiga on the SU'a Itivi r. Siie nniineeta, going nn.l rrturiiii'jr, with the Uaiirnad at Fern ill.iina, and mltii Siars at the above liainid pi..c, a tor Alligator , Oc ia, MlCai.o. py, I', St. A iigii.n ne, T.nnpa, -a nd utli. er lowna iu the mleripr ot riorxiu ; at I'H irleaton, with the Niw York St- aiu.l,i, and the Northern ami We. Urn Jf.ilrnnJ Iran,, on 'linsiava and S..lurd ,a. M, rch.nidi.e, Ac., consigiied l tin. Agrnee, wii; he !i.rani.-dU(i:i; of i HAiu;ii, F,.r freight or paa.,j;, nuplv II. h. CIIISOLM, Southern W barf, Charl, .ton. S. C. J.tnuavy 4, Ic53. 4 3 3 in rOT'L!) inn. I resrM-eltullv nn CiMn of Char!,.!!,- .-ml oir trv. tii-t he sti'il r,ritiuns lieafaivr e.s ill I harh tte. Were he is prma'cd to i.h IXiOlfS. PLIMVs AND -ll, 'o the e on the mo.t re.,.on..b'e ti rms, .,n,: on the. t nolice. .vnig a grent ni-inv snui'l el. ln a for ii e. .fullered all over the country, lie is d noeii to rliuif,' his I'irtlioi; nl c.irg lm. a, httcaUer Vlll requite SX 2 jaaa E 13 a ,r all work don ...v.. I. Ihe. 7. I.... Ins Machin . op, btfn 1.1 fiut PAPER (O.M 31 ISSIOX XV A R !M JOl'S I! AND PRINTERS' DEPOT, For the sale of ilJr. ?ni)ilrg, Eibciop:, AND QILUIIK!) IMI'KUS, C.AKDS, AW 111 i.vri.( 31 A I 1. 1 1 1 A I S OF ALL KI.MIS. Agent for L. & CO., Type Founders, R. HOE et CO., And other Prititinj: Presa mtiliers. IMtl l lC; 1 of lEi .t tjtlilllly, i :il Ti.iDiilfit lm t t s'l iccts. i i:iiT I i anT. i The Subscriber begs to call attention to his j i. tit.i: tot u or Writing & Wrapping Papar of all kinds, which he v.i'1 sell very Low HiR t'ASii, or short croilit on large sums. .io.i:rii WALKER. I'.'O .V.iIki il , Cl.adrttim, H. C. Ac. ;i. 8.iri. 4 Ill- STATE OF .NORTH CAROLINA, .MbH'kLEMItjHit tl'tiNTV. Court of i'ras atu tjunttrr Sessions, Oc tober Term, lSr9. K: Nye Hutchison, administrator of Eliiabttli Siimiel I lodge and Sarah hi ifc, and IKiiry P tilion i I, F.tate: tT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai Samuel llo.lge and S,ih his wife, and Henry la ng. iletenilantt in tins case reside he. yond the Inn ts of this Stale, It is tSerrfeie order, eel and d-nrrd that puhlic.ite.-i be mailt? for sn weeks III Ihu C harlotte W hig, u newspaper prill led ill llie Town of Charlotte, notifying .aid de. fi ndaote, lo be and appear si our next Court of Pleas and Quart, r Scum to he lie Id for said Conn. l .t llie Court House ill Charlotte , on the 4tli Monday in January next, then and there plead, answer or iitinur to plaintiff- petition or it ill iw heard eapatte jnd judgment p ralw'R agaiusl llielil, W itnos, W , K. IJeid, rlrrk of our sid taiirt, at ofiicr, tor 4lll MondaV 111 October A. D. 1S58. and ill the H2d year of American Independence. W. K Ki:il c. c. c. Ore. 14, IS.a.. Printer's lie Jo'. 145 job pruning. OK PRI.N I'l.Nti of ", 1 rxornillou.'v rl Wbi sH,- Will be neatly I Inr ,N..rib t'a. Three Ladies, 1711" hnve had some rsperienee ss Tenrh. T era, aunt employment for I8.i!. Thi y will tench the Knglish I'ranches, and .Music on the Piano Frlc. A'ddresa .Misies AI. .M. and C. t. WiNcnra-rxK, t'nion Co. K. C. Jnn. 4, IWn. 43 3m itgiMiilfiit-nl .TlfMf in important bomneaa trnnaneted A. B. DAVIDSON, Pres t, P.21. ICS.1. 4it, Rcbt. W, Beckwith, Prarliciil Vf rli niiikrr S ftf.UKR in WITI IICS siiil nil kinds uf Jcwtlrj uml Silvrr W'arr, t ii Ait rT 1 1:. .. :. rg'Hi: aub.cribcr respectfully reiiirna liia sin. SL cere thanka to lua many fiiemls and Ihe pub lic generolly, f,,r ihe liberal patroiii,e hcrt tnlbre heat.ue,l npii linn; and while he ean.t.tly ali. eil. an increased continuance nf the aame, would inloriii I, if friends and the public irenernlly, that he ia now receiving a very la rje and vuriril atock of beautiful and attractive '4ll 4 all of Hie latest stales and patterns, at his nh! .land, one door North of Mes.ra. Urueker A lleil. bruu'a store alio two doors West of J. B. h'rrr's Hon I. His stock i.ousi.ts in part of (Void and Silvrr Hunting-cased Patent Levers, Oocli.fattnl Onlil .111,1 Silver Patent Levers, Ib-lachcd Levers, Cylinder Escapeiiu nls, 1. l,i, F.b and Vest Chains, Silvrr do. Very haliilMiuie tiold and Coral Neeklacea alid Itraeeli la, of every style uno pattern, A very sli nsive usForllneiit of I anno llreast Pins and Kir Itllipa, Cold St,, ne, J, tl, .Mosaic, Lava, Plain sin: Fancy (iolu llreaat Pins anu E.r KuieB, A variety of Splenili 1 Sells ol Cameo, Moasic, White and I oinreii Lava, Jett, t ami Plain (i.iiil Hreual l'iiia. Ear Knn's ami llr.ieeid.. A very Et, nsive Assortment o: L illy's am: (Jen. j's Seal, Fancy anu Pl.-iu (J, il Finger j tjini;.. i.oeki Is ami Locket limga, and Bicaat Pin. 01 nil kllir.., A Urge A.aoitiiirnt of Ool.i K, v, Watrh Seals, Cubit Charms ill tine Gold, fiihbr.ii nn" Guard Slides, Kenton'. I'remi. nn Gnlo Pens, A wry iarae .toeli of G ntii iiun'a Plain, Fancy, Cameo, Op. I,, Cornell. ,11, Onix, T'usCall, and (i -riiet sleeve and Slud Kiittolls, Gob:, Silver line Sliel Speet..c.i, (.old ami Sim 'll.iii.l,;,.. and a variety of other articles w -ith heavy plated Tea Setts, Silver and Pi.,ttu Silvi r Spoei.s, Forks, (tnbli Is. ( up., Ac, Ac. The above comprises a very large stuck of f.isli. I tollable J. wi Iry, the whole ol which has been se. j lei led by I lie suhsenbir ith ere and attention to the wants of hi. numerous eu.toiuer, and to I which iie invites thi ir attention I t' All artichs sold arranted to be sueli as hi rrpreaejils Iheill. R. W. BIX'KWITH. N. H. Personal and strict i.tlei.tion given to the Kfiwirini! of Wall he. ami .l.-walry. t urloite, U, lb;,S. 3ltf CANDY FACT0K V. Fresh roiili'Ctioncrics.Fniit. Ac, A c. rgSHi; subscriber respeetl'ti!!y informs tl. fi. sen ! ( harli.ltr uml surroiiiniihg co rjf. that he has on bam from New Vori;, constantly receiving Confectioneries, Fruits, I-'.. (''(i'i!()Ci;iti i;s, t'lfa'.v us TOI, ( CO, SMT F, TOYS, 1fiiit;tl lulrtiiiiciilw, run: uoitii iioitm ikii:m;, i v t.vipt tit , U ion M n'nii, h:tii, t t It-will i)tl. A Itirtl Cast' of every variety. I J. D. PALMER. I .nremh,r 9, l?;,8. 4Jlf I I A!s all S. , he intends to manufacture CANDIES, of is, tree from poisonous coloring unlike the rk Sle.,111 K fined ( 'l,i:v. Call alid see. llAWKS'S History of North-Carolina, faAHi: 2nd volume is now piibl bed. It braces lue ik r:od of II Propnt liry Oov. erruieiit, from :fi(i3 lo 1'.'!). It foims s hano.eine 8vo. volume ef 5'Jl piges. The suhsci iption price was half a cent a p.gc; but the price of llns volume i iess, aay $i in cloth binding, $3 in Library sheep, and $3 25 in half calf. It will si: sold only for ( ash. Owing to the ditliculty of securing Agents in many parts nl the State, we will forward it by mail or otherwiseire of aisitfgs, on receipt of the price ; or both volutin for St cloth, H 51) shtep, r l l.oil talf. A liberal ill lio buy to st ie to Agents, or other, E. J. HALE i SON. ln.'is'-r Fayrttfiilli. CNAIILOTTK FOlLNnnV AND 31ACHIXK WOIIKS. r BIlIE unilersigiird Legs leave to cull the alien. JtL lion of the public lo the fact that he is now reaeiy lo fill any orricra lor making llydraulicl'OTTOM'resses. and every drscrijition nf Machinery. All kinds.of CASTINGS, in Iron and llrass or other me'.ais 111 n ti i at short notice and rn'uced prices. 1LT Particular attention ijivtn to the making and ri pairing of Thrashing Machine, Hore Pow. er, Cotton tiins, Miil Work, and Agricultural wor.s ol all knuia. lil.Al hS.Ml l HINC. JOBItlNC WORK, WA (iO.N WOiihand HOItfll SIIOKlNli, done with d.s. II 11 IIJllS' IN I I?I ASS ( AS 1 I.M.S bollL'ht at toe Fuundrv,' nr taken iii.ichangt f..r Job W ork. W ood and ProviMoiisof all kinda lake n in . xrhanpe I k.uiithie". i iLC ALL WORK must be for when del ere.!, a CASH has lo be paid out lor every Hung neeeasnry to carrv on Ihe e-tahushim nl. JC ALL OUHLUS LOU WORK must hrspe. eilied in writing, o that the work and speciricu. tioiis may egree. IT This is liic on'y foundiy in the Stale that casts daily. HJ- All coi tracts ronnccted with the ronrrrn mu.t be ma.'c with the nnd, rsigmd alonr. IT A .ueply of A NTIIK ACITK C OAL con. atautly on hand lo.- sale. I. A. FOX, Proprietor. Charlotte, N. C. Aermlr 3U, IS5S. otSlf A LARGE SUITLY OF Constable Warrants FOR 8LK IlLRK. S- I rv Mf FTINr: r nl. at 1. 1 l .i 7- V ., , , ... . , " .'.,'' V' oily Sept III n atnre ol tin. kind. A pood aaaorU O, 1 h R uS.' V 1 "'i.mntof Cake,.,K.. Willow Ware, Ac. a. the 5th Saturday in January Ping Coonly -,v nn ha nil ,'Uri r,Ck n!r' n'el"Vk' u '"f"' " They have 'in their employ an csccllenl BA. n quested, a a Officers are to be e ected and other ' t,-to .i ..,-.' i. , . , UK Cnnfeetienerv anil Family Grocery Slore JL of ,MOOl)Y A .N'Hr Bi:T baa b. en remnvid to thei-l.. lid ,i,p,,nlc the Presbyterian Church, where liny ore receiving direct from New York largo additions to their sto.-k of toy VVX Tl() 11 1 KS tAMii.v -iicM i;i:ii, Ac. Amoni; Ihetr stock rr!iy be found everything oau. nil kind at rhnrt nntiee. MOODY 4 MS BET. November IP, 1M(. We have alan njieneil s brr.hrh of nnr etorc at Lincoln!, in, where Mr. Yood will anpel iliteild the biiaii.oa, mm hope a lo aecure a abate of the public pl.trOnagO ill that aectintl. moody i nisi;i:t. JVor. 16, 1859. 3(itf A Card. 1 , ! AVINO n y HRUG and CHEMICAL K.STAI1LISH.MKNT to Messrs. F.. Itiitthi.nn A Co., I heartily commend lliein as my successors to the confidence and pa Iron.' gv of a i;enemiis public, lor whose kind and liberal s,ip. purl nf in i" .i If liiihcrtn, I am and shall ever b truly grati ml. II. M. V1UTCHAUD. Charlottr, Octo'er 19, I8JH. NEW FIRM. I'r, K. Nic llulcliison k i'o. A V I X G purcha.ed of-jg Dr. II. M. Pritchard. his enliri -stock ol IHit (IS.fllK. fcjiii MICALS, OILS. PAINTS, 1l- 'Jtr , Ac, re. pei ttnllj -call the attention ol tin pub lic to the fact, Hint they will cury on a Wliolcsiilr. k lU'tail Drug IJiisiitoss, t Irw 1 1 jai Cnrnt r, wheri they irr receiving' in ad iliiinn to tl mt jrt eii t hlck, u urge unurtninit i of tre i hiU yiiiuilie I direct from tl New Y'nrk market. I E. Nve Hulel M. II., will M,pf riliti nd thia laru-c and v.cll-ktion n ealnlilisiimriil in nerson. Piiysiciaria' prescriptions made up with prompt, j nil care. Ofi.',rr 19, 1858. 3jtf TO BV. FOUND AT ItOrSTO.XA' 1 1 1'. VI' I'll'. S I 1 N ASSORTMENT of WOOD A WILLOW W A If K, Low for t".4.WI. I U.a.r E.elof: tin- Court IIuse, I IIOrSTON k HUNT KR. Chmloitf. Pet. S6. IH58. 331 f Vll SH AKKIVAL OF I ! C ON FKCTIOX Alt IKS. I IIOI'STOM ; v in :.ti;k I 1 9 B AS just received a fn.h supply of CAN. j & I DIES, of all kinds, al.o Citron, I'nrraiits, 1 Itaisins, Figs, ami a v.iruty ut Nuts. ( .ill at : IIOl'STON & IIUNTKIVS, ' I Door East uf the I onrt House. j Charlotte, Oct. 26. I Sib. 33u U aaC1. CWaai.t) C OI.I .Hill A, c. fflHE I'NDERSIGNED beg IV to M. his friends iinu the puMi gen ally, tiial he has K.ised the r.l. If A 1 1 O'l EI. tor a ttim ol years, and ha made sir h necessary imprevt. meuta in tne house, fixtures and furniture, that it is second to none in the ciiy. The House will be eoiiilui ti d as a first c.,s. olel, III all its appnulioents, and no p.nna will I a- .n no lo make it a l,v, rile n .oil. 'I he I roprntor hopes, by strict attention to the wants and comforts of' his guests, tu merit a lull share of public patronage. SOLON DIKE. Columhi.,, S. C. A'orrmerr 1C, I8;'m. 3,itf UT Sinell's I.inrnf OMMPl'sES and CAKKI. At.ES will be found punclually at the diftererit nepots to convey passengers lo the Hotel. 4sJ Sm -tits 'Fmu dsxV at ..i. Ul kaiinwkilkkTbrothkus RKSPKCTFl I.I.Y inform the citm ii of Charlolle and surrounding ci try, that tiiejr are opening in the Store U dooia from T. II j B'em A Co., a large stock of j FANCY & STAPL.K! V i noin". iti .m.vriiijA, j AND I.'cttfhf ,lTa!e t IM Tlli.Xfi, I i For Ocn's, Youth and Boys wtar. j iii:i:i.Y uml hi. a. Mil, tm, It".! HOOT. MIOFS, HATS, rfej caps I Til f'.IJtf-S sIT. ; I Vie will be daily receiving the most extensive and best assortment of the above named (.oo., tint can be found in the Slate, and cheaper than i any other House. Having bought our entire slock j lor CASH, which enables us to sell cur goods i'U ij,r criif cseiip.r. AH p-r.nns wishing lo save , iiiurcy in buying good shr.uli! bear in mu d not to lorget lo call on us before buying elsewhere, i W hulesale buyers, particularly, should bear It III mind, lo addition to cur large we have ul. i so ntieu up a WHOLKSAI.K 1100)1, For Wholesale Puyera. David K.tH.NWKii ra, FanitL K', Jat-os Kaiinw Cha:Ltti, Aorrm.'n U, lcic. 35ti" s;00,000 No. 1 Fruit Trees ron sAi.i-:. i WESTBPCCKS fe PIEKDNHAIL, : Yrnprirtors of the Wat Giern yurteries nd Gardens, ear G, y. C, of the el'.., ... of the 'Sot. then. Slafe. lo tlieir verv laigv stink ot native ami scciunattd Krnit Trees, for the Kail ami W inter Trace. I This large ami handsome assortment lias been oroiiaeatid Mom thriltv heating licet, and work. eit Ul.oll llie ue.l ee nog ..ov . s, i.iui , .sure; guarantee of fruitiiilne-s and longevity. 'J pro,,,,, j nent eoara. l. ri.lic. in orcharomg w hich sin ui.. I not he oterlooKcu oy K.r.on. ni.iiing 10 piam hards either tor insrketing or family u.e I-he stock consist ol the follow ing tre. s : IMl.mhl A tude tree? : lOO.UO'J Peach trees ClOll IVar trees; la.imil Apricots; I n.liOd Chei ry ; IJ.OIIll Plum : 5IHHI Ntctanue ; limfl Almond ; 1 UJM Quince; I'hIO (irape Vines. Beside a v. ry fine tiin nt of Currant Slruw btrrics, Kaaherru s, Ooo.eU rri. s. etc., all ol which will lie sold on very reasonable ternn for e-,h or approved pTper. All package, put up in superior s'yle, and complete invoice s, nl to racl Iron, and soar ranged th.t the invoice will be the ol tli. o-ctiiird alter the trees are transplanted, if they sre transplanted as each one appear "li Die lis: Mr. T- J- Holton will act aa agent for the fu ni.iiing of ihe people of Mcekleiii.ti.-g and iirigl aering counties wi'h the above Fruit Trees am j,.,!! take pleasure tu forwaioing order for Ih. .13 if. f.ii'lin ith t akes ol I The .Tlnrkctis'. I 1 . CORREl'TRD BY R. M. 0ATE8 & CO. CHAKLOTTE. JANUARY 17, 18S9. HAt'ON, Hame lb..:. 13 fi 11 Sides. lb (i) 00 Hog round lb II ia Shoulders, lb 0U -A Yi Bulging. Gunny, .'....... vo...; 20 (r, 0(1 Itrrf....'. -'lb 5 fri) nutter lb... ( 00 Hu swss, lb.... ..i-J Ci US Den n ;. bushel Oil (.!, 00 lira ml r. Apple, 00 fi 00 ' Peach gal 1)0 ii, 00 Cotton, new 10 i .1J Cotfee, Kio II 12 Oj 14 ' Java lb... U0 fi) 00 ; Ciii illrs. Adiuiiniitinn. 28 33 ! " Spern lb 15 f,rt .HI i Talliiw, . .,lb...... "JS St 00 Corn, old bushel.:.:. ...S3 Co) G I " new bushel SO (fr) Sh (liie.ketir, each.: 10 li ('Intli.Copperas ..yard , IS, " r.niilrrv, ......... ..:..vnrd.. 35 (ii 30 ' F'"s,. I dozen 15 Oi) 00 I Flour hlil 4) Oi) 00 I , b,g ( '2 Featrier lb 3U (.'A 35 Lard, : lb... 12J Cv, 13 Mutton ...... lb 5 () 6 Mackerel,... bbl.Nol 16 Or, 00 Kilts :im) Or 35 i Moll aaes, N. O gul.. .15 (a, 00 I W.I ga! .!0 (a-. 00 Me.' bushel S5 f i) 60 1 Mullets(Wiliniiigton) ...Md... 9 () CJ i Nail., Northern ..... 5 Of, 00 j fniitliern,.:.: '! 5 (.; fi Oafs bn. I.t! SO ft, 60 : l'ora,... v. lb 7 fj 7, I'ens bushel 60 ft; t5 . Potatoes, Irish, bushel 75 Of, 100 Sweet bushel 50 f.r) 60 Itice bushel 4 Or, 00 Sugar, Loaf, Ih...;. 14 0$ 16 " Hrown lb.. 8 Of, Vl s.a lie. Ware za! 8 (".; 8 Sail, sack lf0 Of. 165 Tea lb "5 (, 1 Wheat, white, hiiMhel Of, 00 red bushel fo rt, 00 Whiskey, Northern gal -....45 fji, 55 j ' N. Carolina, 40 f,i 45 Woo!, (best Georgia) washed..; 2T (', 88 niiwa.l,e.i......22 Or, 23 j Yarn bait mo (o, 105 REMARKS. FeatS COTTON. S,nre U.l ,nl.'. report there has been a slight decline ill entton, with but little j coming in. Lewer grades n,.t in ninch demand. We qm te ordinary 10 Qf ,10J ; good undo hug 10 i Oij III cents. chli-mima makkkt- tWtstu, January 15. 1869. COTTON The e.,ttn market was quiet yes lenlav. 13, 1 bales were ;,! at 9 (.i, IU cts i I fancy' lot would tn ua i cent more. HAI ON, hoground, ( OlfN IE AS OATS kloli: ...11 ..70 (Tn 12 5J4i'fV. i'TO ell m. STUN MAKKF.T. Ciuiu riT'is, January .21659. COTTON Tiir.ieiiu.iiu to-d.y continued good; mi a nolnei ,,ppe.,rr( willing to i fleet sales, nee. , since the reported i:reline yesteiday, ran. ii in favor of buyers. The a-l.s of the day a. i. .iii.l., il.. -JJiil bales, at puces ranging Iruin il i 1113 lb eenta. Valuable Tcvn Property t ! 1 F. subscriber offers In Dwelling House, known as the t ri stal Ta. jLl s:tuated on the corner ol Church and felli strict., opposite the reaidt-i.ce of Mr. (.m-o. Crosa. On the premises are all the necessary nut build, logs iu good repair, tor further inlorntt'tion ad dre the nodi r.igtn d at Pinevillr, or spply lo J. V. Smith, E.-q. at Charlottr. Tirni derate. JOHN 11. DANIEL. Orfe'sr li, IH.'8. 3ltf l0M HAVANA LOTTEUY. The next ordinary drawing of the Koyal Hava ua Lottery coiiduettd by theSpanisliCiovernment, under the supervision of the Captain Cviieral of Cuba, will take place at Havana on WK!.NESIAV, J;imi;iry 26,18-59. $324,000. SORTKO NT M FRO 611 OltDINARIO, ( Al l I VI, i'KIZi: $100,000!'. 1 priieol 8!00,00O Kprizctof 3.000 I " &O.OO0 1(1 1,000 i ;. ftoo 1 " 1-1,000 143 400 1 " 10.000 -JO Apr'xim'a 8,00 4 Apnr, .violations to the toO.COU iMO each ; 4 of 400 t 50.11(111 ; 4 of 400 to 3o,00(J j 4 of 110 lo l5.t.'l)ll; 4 ot, 1(111 la 10,1)110. W holt Tickets t'-'U; Il.lvt.JIO; Quarters 15. Priies cashed at sight at 5 per cent, diicount. Itills on all solvent Bank taken at par. A Drawing will be forwarded as snou ss the rs. suit becomes kuow n. iimeiitiona addressed to DON KODRI- of City Post, Charleston, S. C.) UD- Otis of January, wiil be attended to. Persona nrd. nnr Tickets will oletse write their iiiimus plain anc give their post othec, county snj stste. Baccn, Bacon, Bacon ! 25,000 1.11S. id BACON in stors. hicfi will be sold low for BRYCE A CO. lutf ,Vy I , l-.',sj. C" Notice. I'R Note, and A. i W. A. I ook for co ire iu the bsncs sf Those latrrrsftst ''ad belter pay up.fai. they wish lo sava L'OONE & CO. f. .lug ' f,and fur Sale. fl f jMIEundiraii tiir.itrncd ofiV Ti! !- ra,e ' lion on whicn ht in i ut-tininff, 19'2 ijominjj the I.itndk of Kluut Huhiiifun, nnd K. II I HlTcrty, jim! otht',.1; nnte north of Thar folic and one mile wtt ot Sun-Creik I htircr., A. U. COCHRAN. .Vrpf. 51, 1S5S. 2,-tf Boots & Shoes. .1 I'ST reeened a Very large stork ef littOTS, SlIOKS and HKlH.ANS. tor tiie Fill ami V inter, winch will U, . .r .OH prices for B. F. BOOXK. S9U" .V;aJ. 28 I s5 S M'ttl'FN'AS for aa'r at this cffiew i lit &$-4m