ricultnal. FE1SKUAKY. MARCH.. COMMUNION WITH GOD'S WORD. "Thy word, have 1 Nid iu my heart." Men mat weary of the BiUe who ' to it a. thev would to non.cr or ITorodo- j From the Xortk Carolina Planter. tux i but it U CT-r frer-h to those ha come ! SOWING CLOVER AND GRAFS SEED to it as to tlie Urim uJ Tbuniwin light j Experience lias iktiionMratea', wo think auJ perfection tL oracle of redeeming ' tlut Jgimarj is tlie test time for sowing i Go... Tlie life boat rosy bavd tisteful , ansa and clover teed selecting, of course I curvature and lenutiful decoration; lut , that particular time !ieii the severe frosts J ASUARY tbeso arc not lie qualities for w Licb 1 prize ! .re out of the ground, and the earth pre-1 it; it mi niv falvalion from the boiin? ci-nts cracks and Sssurts denoting this fact. sea ! So the interest which a regenerate ' When this is tie case, the fir.t raiu that soul lutes iu the RiMo U founded ou a per- t falls, covers up the feeds, aud they are then , onal application of heart to it iavii)g truth. : protected from the riitl weather that may; If there is no tatc for this truth I We can follow, and is readj to receive the genial Id no relich for the scripture. We do not; warmth of cpriu;; to briur it up. Wl.eu wonder that to carnal iaiud it is a dull ! sown in March or even in February, a warm book. Tbey have do eves tu discern its'" spell " m-iy cause them to sprout up, and beauties ; just as they have n eyes to dis- j it ;( nv known that the most critical stage cern the beauties of its chief theme the 1 0f tue youug plant U while it is in the Lord Jesus Chi ist. Totally destitute of any sprout. But if ihe seed sowu iu January relish f- spiritual oljucis, they naturally , have a suflicietit covering to protect the turn aside from that which is all spiritual. ! gcrtus, a they generally have, they are tx- The nearer any preaching approaches the t empt from danger by frost. i Scriptural lone aud strain the more dull is I The Southern Farmer cities the follow-- it iu theirjapprehensioa. Having never rie- ing, to prove tLe safety and superior ad-, en high enough to catch a fiiuipje of the vantages of early sowing : One ha only to AI'JIIL.. sublime realities of the spiritual domain, j observe tLe course of nature iu the case of they are utterly unexercised in that whale joluutcer clover. After a clover follow, the I class of operations which proceed from the !oet near ;he suif:ice will com up during' higher reason; and in their palty imagin- the fall, but in eouscquence of the alteruate 1 ings, they deem these discussions not iotcl- freezing and thawing, the young plant are lectual euoagh for their wonderful capaci- throwu out of the ground, aud few of them MAY tics; as if they had evor attained a title to survive till spring. Other seed, with a lit pronounce on a question of intellect! Rut f;e deeper covering of earth, will have their stupidly blind as to their own condition aud vegctatioL retardud till the warm weather the remedy of the Gospel, they regard e- 0f February and Match. Volunteer clover, vangelieal preaching as vapid and umnter- fro,u aced that has lain in the ground all esting for the very qualities which rep. 1 wi,,tt r, is scarcely ever kuown tJ -fail. It thorn in the Dihle, but which to the CLligh- ; proof against late fro-ts, aud the parch- teud are full of charms. St. Augustine, af. ing droughts cf samuicr. Should not this ter roving for fourteen year, amoig all the f,lct teact farmers a lesson iu a matter, the sjeets of Greek and Rjmau litters, had his .ucce3g 0f -,l,iCu depends on so many coo- iigeueies ' The sanie general rules hold good iu re gard to grass seed, such as tituo.Lv, herds cra, oichard erass, &c. when disijncd for traiiiig. To lav down a meadow re- Counting-House Almanac FOR 185!): Dri" the Third after BittritiU at Iap Year, V i-9 r- H Gas Works. fill IE subscribers respectfully in form the pub B. that they are prepared to erect l.aa W.fki for liulill,,., I'iliea. 'i'Pi, Vllli'Cl-". lege, and largs Hotels. TU'J h-v erected works j in t'harlollc mid lialtiyli, N. C, which have given entire satisfnclion to the eili.ens of those places. As to qualifications, , roiiiilness and ahiiny tu . j perform all contract entered into, tlicy refer to , ,nMtl. Joy to the Admirers of a tine had or RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of hcauly.il cannot uist w'1 thou t a fine he-ail nt hail, then read itie following, und if you sk more, see circular nround each ollie, anu no JUNE JULY.. Al'Gl'ST not to be con-iilered in the presetit coiinec- We have succeeded vcrvwell i.i sow ing cras sceus wnu tue earliest seeUing ot wheat, say no later than the middle of Uc- tobvr. The plants being of the structure a wheat, vi.l then have time to acquire strength of root sufficient ti withstand the ulteruation of freezing and thawing. But gKP'i EM1JEU.. when early fall seeding cannot be effected, the best time is January with clover. If eyes opeued ts see the loveliness of the word; and be straightway preferred it to a'l ilie multitude of classic productions. To reader can come too soon to the dis covery that it is a want of iuterel iu Gol aud Christ which prevents his interest in uiiea altogether different treatment, ai;d is the Sculptures ! Let thut bun fail from tbr eye, and bat a new world shall he live in ! toa Let the Lord Jesus CLriit become to you, as he is to Li. saints, the exemplar and iiu persenatiou of i that is fair, and Lobie and ravishing, the chiefut among ten thou and and altogether lovely, and 70U will, rout away fiom the common herd of books to this Go-pel as you corae from the cro.vd of the boisterous, du.-ty streets to tLe pii- vate cbamt.er where you gaxe on tr.c coun- , done at a j,.er pcrj0ji noin, but disap tenance which yon value abeve all on earth. ! p0ialIcerjt be the reuil iu this climate. Other books may gr itify shallow tartes, ' we Lav ofien Lad occasion to wonder that scienuac, uierary, arusuc , nui mis sua 1 . v;niotuy aLd Unids gra-s are not more fre- Of'TdLKR wake up profouader harmonies and cal. ech- (llfn:j fti?A ou Jjr highland. Tbey af. es from the resounding caverns, of iuti- fjrJ fi.,e herbage for cattle. One of the mat nature; this shall strike the chords I fiue(it pa,!urt;4 e eTcr ftw was a sod 0f whlcli are to survive aid be vocal in ear- he! iU grsrJ on ttlio hh ground, which Ia. nity : this shall opes the springs of sacr.J j tt.d for Jears. Tbi gra-s thrives much bet- passion wtaeii are to now lorevermore; tiis hall Lrin; your wript oul into the Lo'i!, where serijh wateli aud wor-h;p, there to hearken for the b!pcr of God and fe l pjles of jour aviors bosom. Would to God, reader, yon bid eyes to see and ears to ber the spiritual tliin,--whicb are iu the Scripture ! Like the mer chant in the parable you would sell aiM 1 m this feld and secure this goodly far!. You would come away from, the branch- s of learning to hear Gol giving utt. rat.ce to his oQ subluing words. If thuie are de light i": the works of gified ear:hlr writers tlere are bone Lich can be compared for a moment to the delight a renewed mind j takes in holy Scripture. It is this which Las led o many of the first intellects in ev ery age to bestow ou it thvir matured, pro- : fouaJeat aud !ate-t spp'icatiou. Ttiese cius- ( tcrs do not yield their choicest juices uu a ' first gentle pressure. These thief barino- j uies of the word, ara n.-ver educed by 1!, . 1 j 2 3 4 5 0 7 8j 9 10 11 12 13 11 l.-! 16 17 19 19 20 21 221 2a 24 23 20 27 23 21) 30 31 j .. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 19 19 JO 21 22 23 24 23 20 27 29 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 SO 31 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 0 10 11 12 13 14 lo 10 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 23 20 27 29 29 30 .. 1 23436" 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 20 27 29 29 30 31 12 3 4 5 0 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 21 23 2G 27 29 29 30 3 4 3 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 i:i 14 13 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 : 1 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2s7 2'J 30 31 1 ... 12 3! 4 5 6 7 8 9 IU ! 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 15 19 20 21 C2 23 24 25 20 27 29 29 30 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 ! 10 11 12 13 14 15j 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 J3 21 'J5 2G 27 29 29 j 30 31 the followini; ffcolleu .! 1.. It. Cuft.011, Pres. Char Cat Work , Char. N. Wm. Jnhpston, Frei.. Char. & S. V. It. I!. " " Or.T.U llnpu. Pres. I!:il. Can Am. Huhieli. " Col. ti. II. Young, Waverly, Jims. A. i. f""y, '' Works. I.nth" Fulls, N. . K. T. Slory Supt. Gas Works, Wsterlown, N. V . W. S. Schooner &. Co., 221 l'e'l St. New York. Address Ihr vnl..rriher at Raleigh. N. C WATKRIIUUSK k UOWE8. Srpt. 14, 1S.18. 47lf tiHtlKKs!.-OU Jr tivi-. Wi I S.H.RANSOM.UCft. "yaV II 4L11NY. ' assist T E Willi B 01. A LARGE and rOMPI.FTE ASSORTMENT j know a any of the kind i nsru in f.m- ol. itn and Japaura WOOD'S II.MK lIKSl tlltA nil Its attention of nil, olo and young, 10 litis wolioeriui oepir.ii , baek lo iU original color, gry hair covers Ihe head of ihe Imlil with a luxuriant crewlli re moves Ihe ilnndrull', ilehin;, and all ciiluiieoiis f ruplioii onuses s cuiiliuu.il flow of Ilie 11nur.1l lluid; ami henee, if used as a regular dre.iing lor tlin hir will preserve lis color, an. I keep it from falliin. lo 1 ilrrme old , in nil il natural I..0.1H. Wo ill then Illioo th hald, the iTey. or ilisenM'd in sriilp, to use it; and surely the yomif will not. u lliey value the flowing locks, or the viilehinir curl,' ever bu wilhoul it. Its p.-ie is UM'li the tongue of llioua .lids. The Aeiil lir 1'roi. WmkI's Hair restorative in New 'l.'ten, received the following letter 111 re. iraril lo the Reatoralivc, a lew weeks sinee 1 )K.r Kivra, Cons , July, 23, liB. Sir. Leavenworth Sir 1 1 have lo-en troubled Willi ilanilrutr or sriirfon my head for nmrr than year, my hair began lo come out, neurfaud hinr together. I saw in a N. w llavui papir about Woou's Hair Restorative " a eure. I called at your store on tho 1st if April lust, and pur. ehaxed one bottle 10 try it, and 1 found to my sat isfaeltoii il wsm the thing; it reioovrd llio scurf and in w hair began to grow ; il is now two or tl.r.e inel.e 111 lengfi ulttit 11 iros uli 1 an p n v . a ;i . il ,.! 1 . 1 . rreat t-ith in it. I wish you to send me two hot- Would rrtw ctl'ullv miiminec to the nili.iti.ii in iini. . fie. more by .Mr. Post. Urn bearer of t I don't ft.'.hSr W rtnuni. to No. 1, tJranilc Rew. wh. re li. ha. now 0,. . ah.b.l...... just reu.ved fnm piae.r, v ..1. unc r u,e most extensive assorunrni. 01 V A I T P 0 It II Y is it Ileeause he buy m mr Sl .B. .ells Plove. io liiiMDIB from the Manufacturers. thi. at Wholesale or Retail, lower than ever, at J S. T. U KIS I'ON S 7 m and btuvt shop. A FEW of those superior Planished Tea am i.ffee POTS, to .ale hy S. T. WUISTON. rjpoILET SETS, a superior article, for sal S. T. WMSTON'S. id Dressing HONES S. T. WKISTON. you niiy have a market lot many bottle, alter It 1. known here. Your, with resect, UIFL'S PRATT. T'iML.uiri run. S. pi. 9, I80G, i Pros. W 000 De.ir Sir : Your Il.nr Rcstor. tue i i. pionog itself heiielieial lo inc. The front, and 1 1 also Ihe b..i k part of my head alnlii.t lost it. COV. i rrms in larl sun. I hive used out two half ! puit"h..llle. of" your Restorative, and now the top ! of my head i well .tudiied w itlia prom g erop '' I of young h iir, and the Iron! is .1 I heneht. I I .my benefit A.A.I. SI. TAYLOR t O JIM Ever oflerrd in North-C.roliiis, among wi.ich will Ke found the elcbr.tcd siKa.w y-ltSIt II..1I B. .:, n. Hre.c oir I I )X KS ui soil" I I eeommenu. u . J - .... ., , a .ir, and the Iron! i also receiving its h ,,1P, , fallll,u, rrputntion in the Southern Ce h.ve lrie.1 other preparation, wilhoul s;u,tBKlc .,, .uper.or to any fokii.g Slow n- w . whatever. 1 ilnok from m, own per. ' ,,,,. dm. more work in . giv.n I n e II ... ale by ! to tiy it. 1 GUI I T RirrAMA TEA SETS, for sale at S. T. WK1STON S. r ATCR COCiI.EIiS, a first rate artu le, for Is by S. T. VIUSTON. IAIHE CX'TLER Y, Cool.'. Ladle., Spoons. 1 iesh rora., ie. rorsaleat S. T.WKISTHN S. 5 ASIKR'S Patent Ice Cream FKKEZKIIS.the IjM. bet Freixcra How in u.e. 6m sale by S. T. WRISTO.W icti'ullv, ll. R. THDM Asl. No. 101 Vi m. n, le street. put up one he.ide any ctlirr Mve ot t! work in a given lime, he w ill forfeit tls the belter Olfe. rn Country for the ll eighteen woiitU-. II is ninplr in its .rriiir.ena.it. nv otntr pii v in w m ur. Head I'nited Male., .nil il il ilia, nit i!n mor prier of the Stove, and q,uit .elluig and gu In. dtstli fu ATjSO, ALT- KINDS OF mm I mmm VieKrs. I June 22, 195.1. ' l'RliK.O. J. Wtiul) : A. you are about to mn. j ui'aeture and vend yiii reeenlly discovered Hair , Reatoralive. I will .tale, lor whom-never it may , coucrrn, thai 1 hnve i' d it and know n nlhcri to ' , it tiiat. I have, lor .everul year., bien in the I h.b.t ol u-inf oilier Hair id.torstivea, and that 1 I find yours vastly .uperior lo any othrr 1 know. It 1 nlin ly eleaii.e. tlie head of daniiriitf, and wilh one iii'Hilh'. proper ne will restore any pi ruii'i ; ,h'ir to Hie original yniithlul rolor anu ti xture, : giving it a healthy, soil aud gl.jr appt.rancr ; and .11 t!n, without oiacoloring the hand, tli-t apply il, or the rirea. no winch it drop. I woulo, j therefore, rerouiniciid it. u.r to every one di.ir iu. 1 ot havine fine color and textuff lo hair. Kr.peel luMv Tour., w ii.sOn' king. ' O.J. WOOD A CO., Proprietor., 313 Ilroad. way, N. Y., (in the great N Y Wire Railing E. I lahli.l.iutnt) ..nd I l-l Market M, rl. M Iaui.,M i. And sold hv sll lrn?L"' in the t' 11 and by 'i;. NYK HUTCHISON. A: CO. I t52 Chiflottc. iV. C. I He has and eon.iaiitly keep n hand, an eai. n.ive .1.0 Varied .t..ek of tix AM) siu:i:t ikon, A'Ait AilJD UJiiAitilUA lA'JiLa itic.iss ui:nt,rs, list utif.y s;i itn.ii, HAT HACKS, Cl.ADLKS, &c., &c., Allot which wilt b.- ...I.I, M lil.i.l.- U.lHll.li.iir Mm 11 hut v. r biin l I -i l iu 1 1 - iclnllt. I a...,,!,. ,.i n,v th.nks to in? friend, am! eii.lomcr. for the very lilrl .atrnagf thsy k.vc h.t..ired ui.011 us. iid thev may re-t 1 togrther W illi S tlell riolUalloll nre 1 pUs.e, to li y (t or. bv 1 lillouaner of lii. l.liell to buillj.M 4 RTMER'S Sclf Sealing FRUIT CANS, . direction, how to ue them, at S. T. WRISTOX S it). fcAD ?5 hy 1 AD IRON'S, the beat 111 this market, fur .ale ' 1 S. T. WKISTUN. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOP. TtIK KAPID CIKE Of Colli. Couclis, and llourviik. Binfi, M.a.. )lh Da- . 161. II..J r. ATK.: l.e,uocfaa-ltaU-Ua.f Iba UrM r.-ro.-ir I l.a.a -tar t,-..D.I a l -ii.'Ik. Il -rvi-a InlliiMia U,. -lillt.iil avBtjlouia .laU, laraair r.m.f ff.T.at.1. It. miMt.nl mm. la In? i-cikw al my buuliji Sir tu. Uai 1 II to im tor cu cold moi-t ioi!i ibn anv otLer, wheth er ii'jiiisijJ or lowiainl. Timothy grow wi !!, even in cur e!iniat, oa anv good im-j-rov-d Unil. Orei'ir-l gras onlv auceeeJj in er) rieb s-i'., and tLjii it afford, an icundaiiCe of ti.e let graziua. It is tlie beat gra.-.-i for rtai.iiing lots, ou wLiuh it will hoid itj os, under the -evere.-t prei-aure of the pros'", for a lorj periaJ. NOVKMUKR L'LCKMtKR.. G 7 8 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 11 Ij 16 17 19 1 20 in 22 2.J 21 25 20 30 lO.'STANTLYon hand a good .orlioent of ' ' C)tK S'I'OV I-.S which cannot be excelled in perr-.rm.nre, by anv 'other Stove, in the mark'!, fm aa'e st the Tin r I and Slove Shop, 3 doors Ea.t of Spring.' corner. hy JO la! VS.. mV- !vr.". at 1 .'hall d nieiil a r run t.,: rnr'tVTi -n ttllfV '.'?. I V V it. V1'4.s. V' t " xiisj 2i'.vi iV 2l i-iii-a uaj it j..a-iaj .iu4i Indies and lii iillnnni air pailit ii!ur!y inili'ii lo rail BAft-uniitc l Slcrk X II I Kill till you win I head a,f advrrlisrn.t ni W .:T t a nir n,u..,"-it it li. wr h..v'e three waggon, eem.unlly traicllmg Hiioiigl. the cm.Uy with ftovr.. rr .Hi orilrt H trill hr fnilhullv ami iri . ullt tnlnl Io.ju A.A.X..M.TAYI.01!. C..r.JIr, Juut 1, IrljT. JA31i:s 31. I'D.M'.V. COM Ml S M t: 1! CI I A S T, I JT t II 1. Vltl.lt S SI Kill, V. Cha,Ut, Juat 22, lc'.S. T. WRISTON. IjII 23 IFAUijU.E ClI'.E YOU IIolJ Cilnl.EISA ' 'hi of the n.O' t inteliigent nnii reliable far-ui'.-r. io tit i" country, .av the iloliv Sprius ( 1 :.a ) IVui rr:) t,-)U ui of a remedy for hog cholera, whieu he says we may give t'j or readers as infallible. 1 li" remedy U Mibp'y arrviic, iu the pro j orrim of a common tea.-pootiful t twenty hi.--, muted with a little douh and giveu to them. He saj that aft.-r trjin every remedy of which he could hoar, and lo.-in' '.'nil ho.a.he happened to think of tbi., and . , . , another ho aft.-r c jii.iTieuc'nc' to u.e it; al- ' , . . - h " ihou.-h he had ii.reot over the worn 01 'aol, cmparin Scripture with 6'cripturc : tracing, takin" up, anl Cirry j,g forward the thread of -poollc argumeht ; listening to the pr-nb. t ic lyre burst of prophetic aon, anticipatiu the sanctities of paridis-e, and cl.iij.iiii; hv faith and love to every rerealed trait of the face of Jcsas, which walls itself from the cartleel lut shines with radiant lore cn those who prtis il.to gate more eij.ely. How do we treat the letter of a friend! We open it witU treu-blin,; eae-eruet. ; we read it agaiu aud ajjaiu. Which of us thus reada a letter of I'au! or J ji.n 1 Yet th- v uay l e s read, and they in i-t h- (.o read if we would le siueerely iuti re. ted and fully profited. .No o:,e cau fully appre ciate the Scriptures, their rich spiritual viu tsge, till he can say, " Thy norj Oh L .rd bare I Uiil in tmne Ifrnt.'' 4 5 0 7 11 12 13 U 1 l-j 19 21) 21 2 2 3 a 10 10 17 23 21 :.j 20 27 23 2'J 30 31 The CLOTHING Emporium I'll 1 1 i 1: S. pi ill), tl Co., 1 IKiOS ASOVC T11L MAN.-IQN IIOUGE, ill. one of the largest ..mi hand, of GK.NTS' and YOLTHV r .ticked 1 i-.t Stocks py isv b (lulhiii.u: Furnishing Goods. I pod many very bad off when he Lc.-an to u,e it. It i' ea-iily tri- d, and we rtcoinrueud it to oir reades. WHEAT WA.XTKlT e 111 it II Mil irrsi U IS TIIK STATE. ry to rehearse t.. tl. ob. : in e led . in bring c. a .11 a II II 111 4 I II r i lilt 1 1 ! an it mual jipareht to ail V. i.o i.U V ot Ua, that they .; Ve ...I Jo -r eeut. anti j;-t neater and betienuaJc th. 1 U c.ll the attention of the r"''.pie I' no .It .nit .iocs ot Luck ai.a Ilrown ail.i tor rt nr. vi; the blooh. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, ever ywnr.r.K rihiwA 1 n TOR TUK KKMOVAL AMI ITl'.vl VNKX I- I I l!K l.K iLL I!K AIM-IS'i n;.iJ N l .ll-i l;l fTATE hf tiiv ni.. .!!. ni: n.w.,1' r llll. iv-rn-i. t.i .. tha If-1 intn.li.. 1 a una VI, -H i.- ii.. ii. m lJiHr:.ub...ri.er il. Il.yriiii; .Miil ng purchased the Me am Ilia pl.ee. I. urepareil lo lor which lie ill give the highest in cjmi. j 1( 0 a.,o Meal for .:, le n t th Mill, Of C erevr oi.ire.J 111 t..i. J'JII.N WILKK3. Il'- 5. I'iS. V3 if CIIAHI.OTTl' IIOTI-L. . m OK. Bfh. mm. mm. t II iUl.lll 1 1 . golieii opfler 11 e h i. .t Hroniw.y slyiei. FL'LLINGS, sI'KINGS k CO. Vril i, lejo. 31 tf SllAl MIX A.l KXCY'AS.-TMEnr. iUU Mils, h. -.id... an mole., variety ol I gr .o. o! ( am r tul, I. lark and laliey ainere Caul., bl.-eii Silk ami Satin Veil.; ('a. in. re. Velvet .ml I'lush do., all of w Inch sre ol. rtd at exe. eilinjrly low price. ,j FL'LLlNGc,SrilLVJS k CO. i OctoUr 13, 31lf ! Inn r KusW-rf it ftm ftl. 1 i i:miii.x (.oouv tONSI.-iTl.Si; m M.r of i.ioen, while and fan. Us of th: Preparation. VJ, U-fe4t. avlM. fc"ll ihl ..II.- miy ! o. f XE3ICAL 11.. 1. M i . 11. 1 l-.n.vl: l.allrifn-i. M. 1 .1 .1 ..... Switossv T' y rv .M r-illr. Mnr'.; M. run Jean, ann .vl'-rtnn lir.wer.; I'rav 1. ry, V e , Ae. 1 1 l Li.vi;.-i, sruixos k CO OritJ.'r U. ie.,n. am I'n.ler.lnrt.; " -I " " .la, (;iov,t. Ho. j .uh,'.''.' 'il'. mvj.kloj-; ;:' Dodiy sorrow, like nerpiuj ."lary, eks j'"-1 i.ri. t ; saving faith, like wri:litj Jaeuh, ti ,0 lii. la sin iiwld. Christ hcaveijly love, like "' ih sffitti'.ntifr ff"ue, .iweli. with Christ: t it i !.n t ie: , i or,e , Lord, thou, art the ' ''"t desire of ir.y .0 .1. ti ,ilit cou!d Keik V',',, thee, fibJ and lore tLte, that I msy forev cr enjoy thee I'.stal.li qn .rti-r t. If...,,, nt i. hu ea-ij eihieen ye ' e,i by tri. . t proinr naiie I life II lory H:A.Ml.t 'HI.. I.., -I... .T..r.l.i,j a ,lr.. awakmm:; ; m,i salvaiiox. An awak.utd soul i- nr.i a ,ou; Yj are ijot saved tulUal -hji- , Christ it i. u t 1 l jitjjh ti,.,t yt 9, r , Ijiuil fiee lo Chti.t. I lit II11.. I,u. wen lli.r-111 hi liiroirlie.i l',r.,' ., ...4... e,rI)1.r,r1!.",e..t,....er,r Jijfl -"d'V-1 to rrrTT) ..h.iiMl.nt and l..i,7,l,l.e..Rri.,lT 111 the i.. f (11 our.t.oll lot ,i,n-, fA r ial h'V(. where the - inner .o.i." ,. .,,,.., I ' ,''1 -H h" - 1 -LkJJ II ITS AM) 1AIN. j A I! V'S llliek Silk trr-? ! TS. Illaek airtt Vn.-3;? ey t ...norre IIAT-i; lli.rk & n1 Hrown f..lh, N,vy. S.ls . ( Vl tl I V-lvet anl Silk OaC.'oli. : t !, at pii.. that .;.te.tol..(H-'l I-l lJalNG.-,( f-I'KI.VGS it CO. ! iioo i n. siioi:s,Ti.L'aKs! am ; v.iais:.s. ii.,.-fit,,:iv ..!.'. i i ' t. i I.. reuir... .let 4..M to . IS. IS. IS, Wli..l, - Iir.c....i. N. . u.i. ... . . li-, ..I V ,liui, N- V...1.. -,.N! .h. h) lirnKk-.-i 1. ( . y. in:. 11. k. i i:i;i;vs VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT,' Kill WOII MS. Tm ' ,.. rn ,-r.-. .., . f,. , fiil-lr,,, ,.,,.. 'i.. ll.l.- II." .Ionia, li .!,.! !... i:i.gi;m:i! 1 1. 1 'Ihe" H'l'i'keui'fcjr ot il.e lead a fieattr miracle iLan r.i ,' u aii ui j ,'i 1 21 ' u 1 it 1 i.e . t. I. ad L, I tia.rl. lta- li t. I. 1 li kih;;: ty o! lAKII.r B ViaS ami CM. IlKf.I.AS. 1 I 'I.LLVGS, .-I'llINGS ,V CO. ticiukri l. I an, A LA WW. f-l'Pl'LV OP ('onstahle Warrants KOU SAI.K IIK'IK. M"MlS or Ihr llmrrry of mirr ly f KOR 8AI.K HKf:K ' ' .v . II. A . ....li s V , Nl l.v. v , it MIS. l,..s. .. NYK IlLTCIHFON 4 Co., A'oemni 3D, 'i8. lawis'.l on. in hji.UiiI. t.llKN kMi.lir, U. 1. a h vioK n.e.r. r-(i,"f rne, s. y..wi;tM: "lia.i aal ,.mr ISfinral uiaalf .nl to Zi; blAll HW Mficai .au lii.abt.Hl II. and iwllr.a II .b. LmI iullelna lt II. pari-aai scr .ul imL Wilk . tafel lotj I wb'liU SMwr ly twaoly bla .Kfllara Uj S latU. iltma du IUm1 II, wr uk. Jijf uttiar maaly ." Cruup, Whooping Coagh, Inflnearn. -rsiK.iriiLu, Jlua , I.o. 5, H: i. Btlll ATS.T I HI rhifully trrllfy y.aif IWtarat i Ilia Ism.1 rraMUy r-'--a Sr lUa eui '4 lenai.t ( iuh. ci aiv.u.l th. ebnl dinw .4 cliU-lraa H. ..I y..iir trai.-imiy in Uia .ailh .(ajra. ii jour sjill, uJ ra.uil.-ul v.aif iitaKlu. lumit p-la. HIKAW OlNKLl. SM B. AMo t I'.f. F.OJ. AlinTa.t. t.wrlt.UJ.. IIU4: "I bail M-lsau InSoanu. winch aailm ! t In a. all w.ak. ; t.k many noa1i-M. wnb-at llMt, finaily irlf.l .nr 1sO-nil lr III- ilrur a! our -irrityaua. Th. Srt il,. riavad Hi. snaw In toy IlirraU an.l lunira ; k-aa Ui.n en. half III. labial ma-la aa cnipl-l-ly .ll. V ar in.-H.in-a sra lb. rb S w-ll sa tha lat H I a J .ii-l w s.t-.m vuo, llxlvr, and J jr n-oaUsrV, m III. taT Bi.o' hialMl." A.thmn or Phthisic, nod Itronehlfi-i. Wmt Huhuutu. Fa., a. . HIM. .:a: 1 ir fV.-ry l4ur.li ia parf.irimti naat-l.a. r.ur In th.a -!ii. It hH rvllava. wrr.l fnan alarm Ifte trmpl"tita of evoamttiosi. at.it U Dow euiln. . man IK- ha l.b.l me let .a .(TkIi'.ii r tha lorn.. Sa- ttaj Mai lurty jraui. HKNHY I- FAKKM, M.rcbaot. A. A. BAWSKV, X li.. Aunn, M..KS.S ().. Ie. wrttaa, rWot. S, 1H.': m ,ui,ik my orotic of many yaa.a 1 b.f. Sanui ootliinit -.aal I., y.ajr IVwrry JtebM-ul U mois aaa .u.i r.h-f ui Guuauuiiiia naliccla, or mrioa; Wa mlicbt a.J.1 folniBMi 4 eri.laas., but tb. UK I a.a vlnrlnic prjf of th. tutaeauf Una raua.ly it ruuba la iu ad-ata opun tiul. Con.amption. PrntmMy BO o ramly baa vvrr laa knnWD which f nrH an many Wat turh dsbsaffou rmttm S. till. Bomm no human .14 can raar'a ; but arau lo tboK laa 0n-y Aciorul aff -etla rallat su.l eonSt. Aaro. Iha;.., Mrw Ynai Citt. M.r'h 5, IS6S. TKv-rom am. Ii.tu.: I Iral II . fluty mi.i . ptasaur. I', lliftain K wbal .air CAairy IHnrai rk,D foe Biy wtfa. J"ha hs.1 ba n Afe mnollia tsl.irlBa Bfi'lar lbs (taw. Kari.iN ay infttufna of C.nauoiptsw. frrai whiok DO a . mul l Dr a-nta yaia b. r miKli rall- f. Mi, aaa tafulhi f-.l-ini. nnill llr. Slmnf. of Una rlty. lv-ra wa haia ma Sir (al.ira, rac.anmen.la.1 . trial trf Jmt tuaHW-ina W. bUw. lua .iti.loaa., aa r 4i, T,,ur ,mi; f..r .ba ba. fannaead fr.-m llial dsv. M.a la wA yi aa fttrorig aa al.a Ofd lo ia, tail I. fir- fr.an liar ro.iffli. ai,. ralla Urxll Ball. Vuur. .lib rratltada ao.1 rK.rt, (iliLAMxj eULI.hk.gr tuiamui fVaifumyatW., do nni Srapsir lilt yoa Usv. IrM An.', r.aa.l I'r- Tiraas. Il la ira.w by ma of lb. Krai tuMval rb-mi.ta In tbf...al.l. luid lla mr-ai all vaibd ua ta-avA iir bi.b BlIU of IU vlrlora. fhtUukiyhm Lfigtr. Ayei-'s Cathartic Pills. '1'i.K Mm of ChMilrtrjr mutt Wi,,iM b. tn 1 tx-l Itidr alBt'! to prMtiM thl Utt, Bv-t fm1t I-v-rtlv l IHi it ktwwn tu niu. I uou rin pro. -Is mi tltown Uiat thM 1'IUJ haw TlniM ahtsrli rarpsMt In xell.tM th. oritimry miU in, mru xLml thmj wio mm-.rrisfii.-lis; of.ni ths mumm nf tvll ma. Tby mrtmim mn-l plrMint to ts tm, liut pnwarful lo core. Thlr pi IfaUifiK pmnl.a-xiniuUU thm riud artlTitkwf Um budy. rxiMi lUt nbsitrsctis-M of u orj;mna, ymntj tbt tUmlt and aipel 4iM. Tim; purnuX tb-d ol bujour wiitcb IrrMM bu4 ir f1.sjtiTtpr, limiiUU tluMlvb or di-r 4t4irtitiuUilMt anhiml scUoq, tod lBJltui bocUUij Umm wiib ttminto la ih h"U ytttm. 1HH emj do thttjrnrn llm sT-fw rH totnr.UliiU ol f try budy, hut mm sVrnil(Utt um) iictrtrtu diiwin ttiAi hut bffll llm ht of bum nil tklll. VkliiU Dm. pr1uc powerftil eltWu, ILmf mrm ml Ibw nim tint, Id dimluUlwl frmm, 0 mmI mod but ibyic Ihsit run be oj.tojel tvr vblldrva. IW.o ut(r-csitMl, titx mim p,.u,t u uk; ma Ulnc portly Te-ps-tsit-l, um Urm frH mny rtk of hkua. Cmf islst 1-iNrfi Oiavisj which inr-M bwlWf c lUsty liottub t4i.(UUw1 t.y men of nu- U 'lilM piwltKio ud LbAiMtrr m to trMd thsj ut'lrkn of mitrath. Many eutvnt rtrirva suM tbyrt mm hmm liit (Mr iiime u tuty tu ttw paMie Ui inlMbility f my rviwHlVs, wlill oUtrrv mdI m Um ntaarM" A Utrir OrtivicUm that my FrssfMsAtisstlH ffwtBlfltula iwtittuiKi V lb tttiat id luj kfflrM, tiff. llrttC (ll..ll-lllrll. lb Ajrnl l-ss-Uiw nnvxi w pU ws) to fi.rr.ih fratia mf Amrricnn Atins.nc.eniiUiOlUt 4lrrUnn fur their ns mini csrttltkstlt of tliHr turn, of tb UAUitig coniUtnU: VmMumm. Btllmui 0t-lMf.t. KhMiniilttflD, lt(par, llmrtbtirii. H-M'Whst ari.ir.tf b"in a foul Uv.m.b, tta-sw-wa. lu.v-a.t.u, Hssr Irt4 lisBs Uom M (li H,-..-it m,d ftua ariiM thi. fr..in, yiariilwy, '"f I'j111"' mU t?Kr. m-rl(. ,m- r-.r-4.H- "T Klis A ktlt. lh-f pu'ul'y. msy ilifr lsK-rl and Miinul-tuntr lb nvis-rM, rut Btany .uilaiiit whtsb It aould h.rt f-r. .l.a1 lUy isvuid r" ti, mi h - l.fu.-, fitial IllilnJ-i.-a. .N.-ml,fU Narvrjtn IrHut-itltT. lKiirs-nitiUi 'it rba Llrand Kid fy. (iH-ut. ai.d oih-r Hiu.ii.--I .nM.U.i. miim fiuia a low stsitAw ol lis UhJ or uUu uttivu ut Iu fmiasoiksn l p'4 bi ut tiff by uo(tlu-;l.J t-als-rt wllb mm ohr p.ll tbs-y n.k. mora pn,M u. A-k f. Arts I'lUJ. and takv a-ldlfiu m4m. K othut th-f tmu fiKa ym rtrmmrmm Hh thin Iu Iu Intrinalt vaJna i-r mraftva Tli kk nt th bHt aid tbrra la ft tltfn. M.d Uty altuuld b It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYKR, PrutiMl and AB.l7.ic. CUmUt, Low ill, Xn. rici a 3 or. r riTi iwjug ru $ 1. boi.u ur inm ill.SON ijHUiON, CUarUte. n.VVIL SUt ST.KVKNSON k Co., CVsVir .V, C'. r '2 fr nt- l'ftfiiisi. SAIHS, 1 liit i t I licit Ititil.lcr, w m 1 11.1. lun.iah In .-en., I I.. i, J. w. I. C.q.. I. I,ae .111 ml Ifev f. r j other., 'ran li ,ro., tiuiui ! .r, .. I'uio,... I...r len i ll.t ol all lor il.fler. l,t 11 I ar-r (,. I'u!..liel of t " Hickory Nmi Oip," N. I I Himeitvi oa, liiiu t. ! I'lu. iov. 'u.l.e . er.r, I l, use. Il tre .la ..f H uia. j rlosanrv ..no i.iesinN llir rin l.lllltf.JUa .to. a, lor .11 our follliora. It I. "Milieu on fill' .oni.-ly neiuno loiirth rtiiti..n m.llfl Urt far nlliar. New Kriarwoud I'laim., .. 16. iB.-.sl. orilileo j -n VV . A. I.r.n . .Me,H'.ell, ewi. Maemn Htnw-, 4... A -a. r., kinfl. .n 1 eleijalll lithograph o! (II ,) anil n " lll.o. I t.UIIIK TO llU'.Ilt iirr tiinllli. b in every I., I I'llloie l,,....,i. liiaa. r.llil olaf atl I. ,.!., v.ia Kloorine M.:t..t III 3.1 story ol' AN Sanger's over t Inn i II .h. )r.o Vo. I '.K. cml ll ..U K.i ro M,l!.. Ac. I'll U'liloiniT. flout : a.llf Milt I ll-I t Kill. I M ri.i'.'jiil life lutct.nce Coniiany tnnt 1: ha Lt.it. 11. . t . -'IS, h. . on . Ir'.in I 1 nneltte. w bite p.. be 3;U J- i-e., tl i. Cipo I.. hv. uf .no 1 tl of year., or im li i, . a.uir.l , r lilt r.r. lie lMMi.y. i low t.riit ol 1 1 s, m. now ial.,.. t asll ( 1 1. i man JL II. t. r ol.e J.af. a 1,0 il. Matoal I r .1. r .l. til Ijialil J in III. roiiui -..HKa efaiilr.l l.rf Wi.en In. .rtio'um tiul i.. ti 10.. v ti jriv. 11 lor 1,1 .r. iiiiuin, U.lil ( inlire euar -nty. ; I lie .r . m-. I't! o wl ieli l) Imki (en 11..10 I.J li 1. r.alrfaS v.l..e.tl.ii willill r t.a ol l- rin uii', I ( I'l gri.t lll.iuciintl ..hall' tin am. Ul,l al l' t ul 6 'ir cu t. iUi..i in-o. of ir.. 1 ci,t It five,, a,., All I'.ra. I l-clory ore "a- Ca. W-tVi Fadt!le & Harnefs Kannlactiirer, TIlKtE tiOfiKs rifiVTII Of THE MAVSIiMKit ME, ci 1 11 1. oil 1: y.v. II. run Il'Mlr-illosof ?aili!i .hort'st notier. 1 ; lift'.. I HIM. .r..ii.llv rseeutert. J,m. Ift. Hit ' 37tf mt. 1:. .n. (din: - Mi.., l-e Fir. I tin rli.I, I, tl it i;;f i:v. v he Ion 11 Y"r ll.alricl S. t'k 12. lifi d to reeeivr rrofe.siot,. 1 a Hi itnni. of .Ml.DK l.M. .,n. I 1,1. .a rl, a. ,. 1,1,1,1 .1... 1,1, 1,1 it lua re. 1111 nee, Kort Mill h w.t I tf li.lliJa tl.l 11 I lue. IK .aiil Bill. ill UU o.l. arte i-l.- I. jiHH fill b. IMKKt '1 Oltf . rhrrh. I!. J. l i st. 1.. Wm. II. J.inr., W',11 . II l,n-,, W. I) t i..ki, J. li. tillini, II lliiti.-ii. yii.niii.e ItoslMr. I'. If. r.arad, II. Mi Ke. . K I'. 11-ll.c, t h.rli. II. llol, tl. 0 toiah, h.el.'i. II. II.M.t. Ul VI i I. Its. III. ril.ll.a K. J.lir .011, 'r aloe 111. VV. W II. ill. n, Vite I re.ioilil. It. II. ! .ttle.S. r.el .ry. VV iliia,,.. II. Join a, 'I'reu.urir. II. VV . II u.l.J. AUvrnev. l)t. VV .. II. ,V. hee. M.anc.l I. a hxteutlM I ummillrr laj. I K.r, Cliarl.-a B k'M't. Mf.heui H,U f f...i.i CUrV. l. J..,l,a..... M. II. VVill.., II. Al.hii. M- " Kirl. H II. ilitwooai, M. Il, For 1'u .-l her inform., I. on, lh . is 'tft'- iu ie...li .li.. I.. alio I..10 .0I pi..-l. .11. J la .,.!. U at tl,.- Illlivvot tin t'aall'P1' or ..nv of H AL'enrn .. r,',.,oiio,e..loi,. slioul.1 l.e ii.l lr.MHl, ir1 imii.) lo. r.. n. la.vn i.K. ..-rfy. Sr.trmlci H, w . II. Me- atStl Cash Paid for Hides, Y K. M. HOW 1:1,1., 3 .I.N.r S.iilli of tin 1 M:..,.,,.ll.,l... X,aWo;l, .tii u, li-iS. Stf I'K If, (Itltl.lV .1:4 O, (I, ate Farmer. ISfacc Sl t'o.,) J'uLltsUtrs, L'Kikstthi i und Stationers, Wo, 21 Kuuay Strofit, IB 1.1 trV.f.lMSI. ' V AltVltvM A tll.H ittt or l-.iugliB, Col.1., liilluenlu, l oatnrliess. In" AHcetion. 01 toe ki.int v. .no lli.ner, '" l...o..rro.. ... 1.1. ..I. Il.e U lutes. VV rn.Wl' ther In en I alio VI -I... a II t a . 1'lHe jl - Ii.itlil,. (.old Mine Balsam, r Iiy-,ti. HiILi., 1 Tin. tore 1 i,n A I, tie. Ir.,,,, J. i: Callui... llrH.Ji.t. JhiM t .. .1.. n o AnC. M, lt-47 : Dr. J. hliol llear Sin Your intlifin '"' l.fl Ol P".a- I he An..., ma M.iturr . .1,. i lai.J ij( O A. ill.olt'.r at i"W jiricr. for taah noil B IiIh fal linns lor -ipitirnve.l er. oil. a larije .,....L ..r 1: 1 1. ,.,..1 11I lli 1- K'l a'i ii 1st 1 v 111 air ....1 Ji nilAT liiMik-. l(......i '1 eiven .-iilir. - .iili.Mrlmn in tin. net MiiMorallililill B,.ll,rAI'l,KlJr All, K I.M.-i. ' " ""7" V 1 . . in ! f t arda, ( ireolar., Hill i!.l.. A.C, I'rim,... ami ' t'l"i'' ' Imsuuv.r f.ilru "r"' , B l..i..oSr., rer.,...Ut...,r,.. Il.bks. .VI isecl i -.l ..II. .0 f.al.th.l I never h.d t I .... .S. l.o.,1 H00K,. --t'l'.jr the He,,,.,,.:. Vu will !Hw V. O. .t t!o. ,iulil,.l. Itnllio..'. .. ti.. of Cram U'V -"IT1 "'' ' " """ " '"u ' 1 , ' . '., mar.; tJom.to. k's .-rue on for Seience. ; .,ok. .1. H. CM''1 . ,-r'. I'livaiolo-.a. : llrocklesl.v '. Asironoimes ; Ol. VOKNTS Wm. V. H 11 r. VV ail, ' in. 11I1 jr. newly r. vi.e.l j Month. rn t i t.. T, j,i,rr, Korkineh.in i I'liif. r A Voik. ' '" k ;aa tli "ihe a ).. T, J. M0I11.11 ..no lr. J. . t.ilmer.t t "eil. .v M and J. II. Kuiii.s.fsli.l'ury '" rj, I.' 'SllltaTlll. railer. ; I'lio.r'. tl'Hik k't t .nil Ib-.I " Sm lliiig It,, Aug. 17. IfjH a. telle' ; andh I"' (lONrl'MITION. Ti.b I.. J ...vMl y.ai- 1 .Misamnar rllM;nv..refl .1 .imji.uti.i rrilaiw turn. 4aAm, It.tmrl.uit. &fin, ud Arreoos .ro'iy j tl'.y 11 ,1,.., I.-., I nilialn e II, e li. in. .'y ihe ruro'.e. pr.,(M r.o . 01 toe .V llf loor. aaen lo tin Ono-awil ort Olio lit. A. tUal.ll II V S .( .aire fell.,., lie will cri,, (Ire. ) lo 'l who u.sire it, I lirCCtlOna lor i'illlir in.al Dm Medicine. A,iy I-, ,,r ,..,i HKV. t :. f Kll llroiuv Juiv 2i, lejS. II, Ho. t. I! ire tor f Ontrlmi. . I ;,.. t ultf . 1". I 11. 1 .1 . It) .1 M H- Cl 1. I llll the iiri.'N'eiiT. .ij, N.w Y01 . ' i-4 ' ," . .- a!'' i j'.' Sl ... a, . y w, 'a ia,i,..-iaf. .i: ar a 1 in nt in 1 i.m; 01 II k.nn. will "'" ro.-fl a' h ilJUl'UNAS lor sale t this o.T.ce.

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