i frnrion Bill for the Soldiers of 1813. Skctio.S 1. That each of I'no surviving ofliccr, noncotuomionctl oflicrra, musician mJ privates h ''"l' bv served ia tlio '' uar army, (Statu troops, volunteers or n,ili(i, for a tsrm of sixty days or more, or who have heeo engaged ia actunl battle iih the enemy, in I bo war declared by iho Unifd States agninRt Great liritainon tlio 8th of June, 1612, be authorized to r.ctive a pension from the United States, !, eonimeiioe from the first day of the pres. ent Congress, and to coutioua during his natural life- ' ' . Se:. 2. And bo it further enacted, That eaeh of the ofliocr, non-eownii.siioned offi c,.rj niusieiao and private, who have serv eil iu the regular army, Stale troops, volun teer or militia, of niy State or Territory for tis .,ice of sixty day or more, against any of tlie Indian tribes during or preceding the nr oi ! ..,u, vi i.n were engiged in any battle fought by the I'uilcd State against any Iudian tribo du rin the aforesaid war with (Jmat Britain, hall he entitled to all the benefits of this ot. - Skc 3. And be it further etiated, That if ativ of the officers, non eomniiniiooed of ficers, musiuinns, or privates, bare died, or shall hereafter die, leaving a widow, such willow shall be entitled to receive the name pi-nsiou to which her husband would have tern entitled under this act, for sod during Ur natural life. Hkc. 4. Aud be it further enacted, Tbat (be ' J allowed by this oot U1I, under the Jiuctioe of the toretar at tba Interior, , paid to such officer, ooq-coiuiniNsioned cfticcrs, musician, private, or his widow, or h.-ir ant horiied attorney, at such times and n'lres as the Secretary of the Interior may j iku'Ct' aud that no officer, non commission ed officer, musician, private, or his widow, t!ii!l receive the same until he furuinh the taid tfeeretarjr of the Interior with satisfac tory eidt :ire that he is entitled to the same, in ncordsnca with the provision of ibis ,,-t ; and that the pay hereby allowed shall ,lt be, in toy way, transferable, or liable , nuehmvnt, levy, or seiaure, by any le I process whatever, butshsll jjo uuencura-rre-l ti the pissession of the o Aider, non enmnii"i'ned officer, mu-iciati, private, or bin ilow. rs An- V it further enacted, Tbat tho officers, noo eoiiiuiiioned ofliners and nun nrs, who served for tba term of sixty djv in the naval service, or were engaged in Utile wiib the ennny, during the war situ (irrat Britain aforesaid, and their i a io", bsll be entitled t the benefits of t' art, in the ssma manner as is provided I fjr the cfSerrs and soldiers of the army of the star of 112. i-V. . And he it further ensrted, That f v. i.-u-ioo provided by this set shall in no ti-s ti'rt l the (ul! sn.ount of nit Iitietv-six 0 ,'.rt per jesr, sod shall bo grsduated aei-nr Jiti to the length of service, aa follows : IT twi-lve mouths' st-rviee or more, ninety. 1 1 dollar ; for sx mouths' service, but lesa can tselve ni(iiitl., seventy five dollars; ' r s'Xty days' service, but lesa than six tth, nity dolnrs j prot ulnf thst the sur t rjr, or surviving widjw of any officer, 1 n ffliiiiiiis-ioned officer, muticiau, or pri '.tv. aba participated in actual battle, in i war af.'l ahall be eiiluicJ to the max ix -m pen-ion given by this act. , 1!RX I'lttNTKt ri.iiiis the fjl!owiiii 'Vir.tfl itituaiion, ft prclieal printer, who ' 1. a.Us,.et.U to taaa elarg. of a.y d.part- r-ut in a prii.utix .no pu.u.mD uouse. , V. ;J; 1 accept a jjrof. asorship in sny or the ; i- 1'. aues. Has no objection to leaf h or- j al painting ani penmanship, peome- j . mN cuiariy sanoa 10 sci at pasior ia m ; -j mv! evsn'i!icl cLureb, or a Iocs, 1 1 ; ii:'j-r. lis souM have ni ohj oti jn to i -,.ii ..,i ).. .t... fe ;i,,.i;,, : l Titig latliea, to instruct iu the highest i i trs'iehei To a dettil or cMnpodist he; u!il he invaluanlij. as h can do almost IS vtl.ii Woul J hoard with family, if ! - Iceeilery yions. ror farther particulars l'.re ot Colonel l'.tiiTilo, at Urown's 8a- i A New Eraitii or HuttBAMRr. Some I '1 tiis farmers of Northern Ohio are breed ! 'z and raising dser, tho ssma ss tbs-y do i iheep, and have leen quite successful t M gl:t not ihit be made a profitable aa well I l a tiieisinff branch nf ririmpatifi ainonotnv . asr. as .ell as Ohio ! Deer are wore hardy, ! i ml oot easily destroyed by dogs, and re- lire less iseu tp.ao Stieep, and venison is .na airth more ia market than mutton. I ( Vrmo (iazelte rSri:enator Puulas made a speech in N' Vork on the 31st, defining bis position "ts the ('la)ton Bulwer treats and the for ti(n r.iliuy 0f ti,0 Cabinet generally, but $ iv-nded recurring to any questiou of a r'oiiai character between himself and the miiii,trtiou. jU,() TIMING KMPOIMUsM 'iimm:''it Aonri:! IIIT kNOWN genersllv that ws are sel. Ik hig fl ,.rSiork ot READY MAPKl LO. lillMi, U K NICHING (;KIS, Air., at con. '"W. ItKDI'l ED HATES in order tn prepare ' " tin- Spring and Summer Trade ; so our fi:ii:.M)s 11 cams forward ami avail Ihemsolvss pf the 'or ae-rsirttinity of supplying their wants out of tr aplrmiul slock of Cloth, Caator. beaver, Mud. n li.y Fur, 'I'recot Caaaimere and Hsal-akin tt 'i -aar'ks, li .glana and Er.ka J also, all grades of " :,oit sed Cass, inrrs liusiucsB Costs, at leas ' Im iii j ou I'AV ''ay oilier House in the Slate. Our advanta. '" '"' g'lin.g C.ooliS and keeping up the steck ' ' hiii..,i( ,m , well known throughout c u iity, l.enee dot m it unnecessary lo re. them, but will assure you that you wnl i1 'ill tn L vorit ",!-"-t U c.,1 I Msrwhsrs ' will , II and eiainme our stock before buy- here so find at Ihe Clothing Emporium f " el' iiaive stock of all (pialilii-a of Wiii'k and Fancy CasMinrre i'ants, j SJlitt h , .tt,H Vrstlst, J miry yl f,f A. assHimcrc 4lo. i r. " vasirTV or H IIXISIMM. .OOIS, 'ri "TI las I.S MBS soolw :iui ash , my things too ttdlotis to taks an . AK'OIJ.NT ra alwaya found in a Urnts' Furnishing that 'n our sincere thanks to our friends for """ss and patronage km 1 , , rClll 1S5M, 4. ,re "V attention lo business and kee i'li Si i ,n'' ci,"P stock of CLO I'III.N , '" u' m"l s continuance of tho san I'Olt 1N5S, keep III.Nli snie 1 j.. P;LUNG8, SPRINGS k CO. WINTAK'S P 1.8 AM OF WILD CIIEIIRY The Editor ol tlie Ronton Poal says -We Imvo nave not, until recently, beun acquainted expert mentally, with tin truu value of Wutur'i Baltam. From this truly valuable preparation ws have re. ecived a present benefit, having recently Oacd it in a case of severe cold and cough, with entire sueccaa, und inoct cheerfully recommend it to those alike alilitstcd. It is (scientific preparation ana wormy 01 commence. Pa. tlstoroao Knurr, of Crown Point, N. V'.,in a letter dated August 3, mvi, " In the course of my practice in this vicinity, I have tested the (food qualities of Wittar't But. tarn of Wild Cherry in Pulmonary coiiijilniiila, and 1 now wish to procure a supply of the meiiicinc. None gcniur.c unless 1. Hulls on the wrpier. Kor silo in I haslotle by K. Nye llulchimn fi Co. O" Tns L'se or Da. S'ststtss's Stomach IJlTTFa," for Dysittpsin, Fi.-.tulsner, Heaviness of the Stomach, ur sny oilier like nnVr turn, is sec ond to ni ne in Anurica or abroad. To be utile to state clifl'li-nll tlml I he " Hitlers " are a certain curs for the dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a eource of unalliyed pleasure. Jl reiuovca all morbid matter from the Stnmnch, pa. rifles the blood, imparte rei.rwed vitality to the system, giving it that lone slid energy so indis pensable fur the restoration of health. The nu inerous scknnwledjfeminls of its superior fuel, ioneu snd benrfieent results, hsve, assured the proprietors thul it cannot but prove a Rreat cure to the utllieteil, and impart vitality tu the thor ough eyftlcin. Sold by DrueE'"'" ever ywhrre, ssd bv IIOS TETTKK A.riMITH,K.le Proprietors, .'.8 Water and 58 r'ront Streets, Pittsburgh, sod by Ilutrlii. mi. A tiibkon. CI, L)rc.rl, IB5H. lm. THE GREAT EWGLISH REHED?. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S i'rU lirn l-i IV mult' I'illw. Prtpaml from a prescription of i-xr J. L'tarkr, M. 1)., I'hyticiun JUxtruuru'i- tiary to the Queen. This insuluable inrdieine is unfailing in the cure f all llinac painful snd dsngeruus diseases to wh.ch the I'cmile const. tution is siihjict It inndrrstes all excess and removes all ob tractions snd a spiedy cure may be rel'.d on. TO Jtl A It II I f l I. A ll I S it ia p'eulurly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on Ills r.-.inthty period nitii regulnnty. I'.Ach bottle, price One Doilsr, bears the linv. ernoii ul Stump of (ireat Uritsin, to prevent Couit. lerl'i its. Thrtr I'ills iliovU nut he lalrn by female I during the HKST 1UHI.E MOM IIS of I'rtfnanry. mi they mre ssrs 19 Anng mn Miucarrwgt, hut at mmy lhet time they tie mtt. In eas of Nervous and Spinial AtTrrtions, Tun in the Hark smi Limbs, stiue on slight eirrii"n, PsliiUlin ol the lli-srt, lly.U-ni-s, sru Whiles, these i'llls willllTi . lj elire ti-n all olh er means lue failed, and allhongh i powerful reuieuy, do not e.mUin iron, calooiel antimony, or any thing hurllul to the constitution. S ile Agri fr the l.'nili A St.les ami C.-.naia. JOll MOKS, (Late 1. C. ilaluam fV to) H- rhester, N. V. N It. SI .00 nnd 6 p-.at ge i.n,.. nu !.... rt t. my sullionxd Atrn, wul inmire a bottle ! ll l'ii a I y r turn m-il. K,.r s.le by F. SCAUH. .1 CO. - a'filt for Charlotte. H A VII.AND STKVKXSON A CD. It ttoletmtf Agent, t hailieton, A. C. I);iU'iijHrt Female College, Vis JTNDMt llif Jiuppiccn nf thf South ft r l trtalmt i'onlrrencr, ia now in "CjT . iircfnatul o mlinii, unutr tho Kc. IWnty M. M-w, A. M. tsiissl The Trutrr, tV-flin the importuncr of pulling i htserai eUuc-slion mttun the rcarli I tii'.mv in tntte-irftttc etrcuml-nrt, htc put pficn of J'uititin inii Roiri t I Inwi-it potai 1,1.. i si. . , 1. el -a. . r.. ... A Wtm pipC'jih-n ur.i.ry inii-irrinci.t. in the w-y ut hrho. 1 Trticmrnt ; 1 I ..uc AdtnUfi, ther nny be ft lit nn.e oy Prnr''"f intitui.on. Jrd , io Aor) ulsee the plll( ,.s vt H A I'M. ptrp,rtr, ),.,J,i11,lt $13 no Coiifgiaia Department, 3u ou Aitmiss r'ee, U Ou lights, furl, Ac., ,., or , lltl,t yr Conimgent i:pnee Music, Piano ' f Pisno, ..70 oo .. 2 00 ..36 00 .. 5 0(1 ..10 tn .. ti Oil ..12 00 'i'j'j. Latin, Greek, German, or French, esch,. ( or I'siBting hi- ry. y.,, M.j.i c, t.uitsr, ..3c; oo 'lu - 'e, c.i, .. 6 00 One hundred and four dollars will cover all ll eiffcnscs of a year lo the r.-gular course, and one Inmoreil and lurty.five d.dlara ailli the addition of music January 18. !&i9. 45tf Dissolution of Copartnership. 'VIE Srm of Drown, Stitt & Co. was dissolved M. on tne first day ol Jinuaty, I H.il, by mutu al coe.aent We feel erv gratt'ul Ul our triinds T. 'l'lIiul'ai h"f! IV Coll. p,tnt that we sh.,u,d elo.e up our bu.i ry iin All persona owing us by Account will please c" ni settle immeoiateiy, ami they mual not evpecl any farmer notice irom us, as we shall , -" ""' """"" "- - ". J -or collectioi irreapective ot peraons. If we cannot get our aceouuta -sttled by notes we intend to have them aetllcd judguienis. BUOWN, STITT .1 CO. Januaiy 18, H.'lt. 14S New Fip and New Goods. n' E hate jusi received a large Mock of GOODS (New snd Drairahle) ol all kinds ahieh we are ofl. ring st very low prices. W e call sx-cial aitentmn lo our J-..M HKOI UUI LS, M AN 1 II.I.A SHAWLS, Ac. BUOWN & STITT. January 18, P5J. 47 IJI.RoNS indebted lo me will find mv lWks snd Papers al the store of. R. M. tlites tt Co. and will And ma ready to receive Uuui at all times. Officers wanting pipers to collect will also call and 1 promise to accommodate thrin. L. 8. WILLIAMS. January 18, 1659. 174 Plantation for Sale. JWII.L sell st public sale, oil 1'uesilsy, Ihe 'i.iih of January, being court week in Chsr lulle N. C, my Plantation fifteen miles west nf aid Town, on the Cntawbt Kiver, known aa the resilience of Ihe lale Uoliert Johnson, Se n, f in. b'acins It) to 1U a.'rrs of eleeileut lueauuw Ijnd and 70 lo 100 of Itm r llottutn, gmiil Peach and Apple Orchards who e plate well wstered. A brick Residence and all mcesssry out-buihlings, including a gin.hnue. A similar pf.ee ut' Still acres csnuot he found in the western part of the state. Possession gtvsn immediately . Ternia nude known on dy of s.ile. KUFUrf M. JOHNSTON. Januaiy 18, I H.V.I. 4i Urn New Crop Molasses. d 4tm ""I)S- "f 'lu"re -Nw Crop Cubs f 9 W Molasses eipei ted direct from Cuba durinit tine mouth. For sale by. HATHAWAY k CO. Wilminjtsn, Januaiy 18, lHi'J. 148 N. 0. Sugar & Molasses, BJ sjse g 1 1 1 1 1 !. of prime tn choice New ww9w Crop Sugar. nskia IlAliKF.LX of choice N.w Crop New fi f 9 Orleans Seriip snd Molasses daily eapeeted from N. w O.lelms. For .sh- bv A HATH AW V k CO. Wi'mingti n,.f:nun-y , IfV.V I IS ytittxeA, in Cnltarrua Cnuntv. on the 3-d ult.. by I he Rev. J. h. I'ressiy, Mr. 11. MALCOLM, of oansoury, to Mrs. . fc. BLACK, or Luburrus. fn Casfnn county, on tl.e 1 3th inst'anf, Mr". HUGH JENKINS, aged 71 yesrs. Cf Notice. rJHE Mecklenburg Bible Society, at its last JL Anniversary, ordered that notica be given to the Congregations, to hove collertions taken up for the liiblr ('suae, before the Slid Wednesday of March; and, that the Managera in each Con. gregation be requested to ejaminrnnd supply any destitution in their respective fields, and makes writUn Kcport to the Executive Committee one month previous to tlie next Anniversarv. The Kx.('ommtlh-e conaiatsof Messrs. I). M Lee, 1. r. irwiu, ami Kev. J. IJ. Orimlli. I he Annlver. snry meeting is to b at Sugar Creek Church, on the 3ud Wednesday in Mnr.-h, II n'elrek, A. M. M. D. JOHNSTON, Cor. Vrc-r. January 25, 1809. tod 1U II t ill LCOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE. Apply to 11. M. OATKS ft CO. January 2.1, 1859. 148 . M. OATES&CO., Tl'OU.D ren.ind their customers that the T f Grocery buaineas is s CASH trade. We nave ercdited many aa a matter ot tavor, we now need the money and hope lb avUl aaisis.soewaraV immeriistely and pay wp, or expect no further! credit from us. We neither Spectei( nor intended i to do s long credit business. i U. M. OATICS ft CO. 1 January Si, 18.59. HQ j STATE OF NOItTII-CAKOLINA, MW KI.BNBl'BO COUNTY. COVHT OF EQUITY. David Williamson and Wife J m. S . n.Csshion. Tsppearing tothe sitisfuctinn of theCourt that M. L R. t.HShion is a non-resident of this Ftate. It it therefoit Ot dried by the Court. That puhlicu. tion be made fr six wreks in the N. C. hie, s ; newspsper pu'iltsbed in the town of Charlotte, notifying the ssid defendant to be snd sppear at j the neit Court of L'quity, to be held tor the roun. j ty of Aleck lenbnrg. st the Court House in Char lotte, on the 1 1 tu Monday alu r the 4lh Monday I in February next, then and there to naaer com. j plainunl's bill, or judgment pro eonfi sso will be j taken ss to thern. j Witness 1). K. Iliinl'p, Clerkjsnd M.i.t.-r in Equity, the llth Monday aftrr the 4th Mnnrsy in A ii( 11st, A. I). Ifcjf, and 111 the c'J.I year of A. I merican Indejicndenee. 1). R. rUNLAP.r.M I. January IS, IS.iS. Printer's fee tG tSU .STATE OF NOimr-CAKOLlNA, Mt( KLdMil h(l COUTY. V.L J. T OF Hi' 1TV. P. M. Il-own j ts. Wm. R.-ich snd wife and others. ST appearing to the sitialartion of the Cnnr', lh4l Win. Reich and M iry his wile and .M ir. jrt Arnold, the defeniiants in thia case, are nun resirlclits ot this Slate, It it therejoie Ordered by the Court, Thst publication be maiic fur six weeks in the N. C. Whig, a newpsperapoblishe in the tonot Chsrlotte, noti'ying the aid riefenilants to be snd appear at the next Court of Kqmtv, 10 be held for the eouoty of Mecklinburg, at the Court-lluuae in Ch irlotle, on ihe llth Monday alter the 4lh Munc'ay in F hro,ry next, then and ihere to ansvier eomoiainant's bi.i, or judgment pro ennfrss-i will ire t-ii.cn is to them. Witness, l K. Duulap, Clerk and Mnatir in I'.q 11 1 1 t.i 1 he I lib M AufU't. A. I. l'8, and in the S2d jear of Anic r 1 c 11 lotir(uticnt:e. D. R. I'UNLAP, r m . January 18, IMU. Printer's lev -. l.'iU itlNotice. T IIF firm of IIPNDF.RSON i A II KENS was olveil on the I nl ot Jamiarv bv tutltual consent. JAS. P. IIP.N DKRMJ.N, will hereafter carry on the business nu his own account. All persons indebted will phase Come forward and settle at once, aa Ihe buimess must be closed up LA IKA, PL A., via FEU.N ANDINA, JACKSON imiiicliately. VII.LK, PICOLATA and the u-u.l landings on HENDKKSON Jt AHKENS. ; the Si. John's River. Jsnuary lbjli. She coun-ets, going and returning, with the . ftailrond at pernondtns, and with Stages at the j IlAVINt; sold mv entire interest in the firm of HKMiLKSON & AllliKNS to .Mr. J P. HEN. DKKSO.N, I wlill raueet o remain for some time i yet st the store and shall be hapny lov.siton my friends and customers, p.n ticui..rly on those who would tork over the little change, due me and Ihe concern. F. W. AHJIENS. January 195. 4Ltf SILVER. 500 Ol'Nl KS OF OLD SILVER WANTH) st J. 0. WILKINSON A CO S. January 1 1, IH.'.II. 441 m Watch Repairing, &c. '1 HE eubscribcra have aecured the services of a gentlenvin ho is a practical Watch. Muker and who will give particular at tention tothe repairing of -Watches so as lo give per. I feet satiafaction to all w ho eel disposed tn give them a trial. They ha e a large assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy tJoods, conststit. Won hand lor ealeatl.OW PI! ICES FOKCASH. J. G. WILKINSON A CO. January II, ISi'J. 44lni STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, CABAItRl'H COUNTY. jy Fqirrr, Fail Term. iw. Henry C Howie, F.x'r. of J. Howie, dee'd. L. B. Krimminger. Ailm'r. of Moses A'eaandrr, dee'd , and Koht. Mi Bryde and Alfred Aleiander. i Attachment in Ktjuity to suhjecl money in the 1 hands of tne administrator. ! IT appearing th.t Robert McBryde and Alfred Alriamler, two of the Ielandnnts in this esse, i re not iuhsbilants of the stile. It it l.t.-irn dereH. thst publication be made lor Sia Weeks in Ihe N. C, W hig, published in Charlotte North Carolina, notifying the a.iio Robert Meltiydc and Alfred Aleiander lo be and appear st the neit tViort of Lqutty, lo be held for the County oft a. bnrrus, al the Court House in Concord, on the litli Monday after the 4th Monday in Fehru.iry next, then and there to auewer rompl.iin.iiiM or Judgment pro ei.nl'esso will he taken as to li.em. Witness, It. W. Allison clerk ami nmsti-r in LiimlV the l .'lh M mi, lav sflcj the 4tn V !v in August, A. U. IS.'iM, II, is 7ih January, r.'.!). It. V. ALLlHt., C, C. C. Januaiy 1 1, lt5:. Prs. fee 16. 149 Valuable Property for Sale. vN Tuesday, the !2Sth January in. I I f ' slant, it being Tuesday ol ( ourt. I .ill irll on the nremises Ihe UJI Honor tisul l,4tl. lately occupied by M ij. J. A. Iluggms in Char lotte, situated on I ryon Mreet, two aquarea I the center nf the town. 1 1 property is in one the N illage, haa a nt the beat neiffhborhonda in the well of excellent wale upon tl. and the dwelling end other huildinga are eommodious and in excel lent repair. At the same lime I will aell a num ber ol excellent Feathei Beds and Matrasses, snd valuable Household and Kitchen Furniture. JNO. A. YOUNG, 7'rustee. Jan. 4, !Sj9. 146 A.C. WILLIASISOH. A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Lsw, has U. ! kin in office, jointly with J. A. fox. Lsq upstairs next coor lo the l ouit House, wncre ne will be constantly present to iteiia i nu cane on professional business msde for himself, or for Mr. F. s. when he is sbasnl. I Jtsrv4.IeV.. .hf i SCAUR & CO, CHEMISTS ASD VllCGGTSTS, V II A IX I i h. v., FTECTKHLLY en III the! atlen. JH ftV tion of Physiciuns.flsnters, Coun try Merchants, dte., to their large and csrefullj' selected Kttck oftlRt'CS. TO PHVSICIANS, iSr.C'htlreliill'a New RenMitws for consumption. Aypophosphites of Sods ft. f olash. AtSO Coniponnd Syrup of the Hypnpliosphitf S. Wood ll.iir ISrHor-jitiVr. A fresh supply of this V-luaHe preparation for the Hair. LIXSEED OIL TRAIN OIL , KPEIIM OIL Wl.fTI.R LARD OIL. ALSO No I Copal VARNISH .. a .. 3 Fine Damar Coach " Japan " leather tc. l-A n I) It KT ll'S i'X TAX VKO V GARDEN SEEDS. All the choice varietur nf Qsitlen Seeds. Peas, Beans, Beets, Cskbsgs, Frrfnips. r ICIiiibarb sir Vim Viut, WITH ' " (I.OVI R, BLl'K. :itts, OIICIl.tKI) sltAHM Ac. Jan. 4, tR-.9. 43tf 1 F 1 u i (I E xtracts, ' 1 BCARK & CO.ca.I the atlcntion of the Medienl Profession to these elegsnt preparations so sdini. j rably suited for tlio xtemporsneona prcnerution of Tinctures, Syrups, W ines, Ae., securing the Ce. ble object of uniformity of strength. No Physician should be without them. For sale at SCAKIl & CO.'S DRUG STORK, Charlotte. Window Ci! hiss, I'lilfv, hiliiiK, ( lialls, Ac, Low rre.h.l SCAR It k CO.'S, Druf gists. Xoticc. IlflSK wishirg to olilam cert ttcatra as Tt achers of Coninw-n Schools in .Mccklcn. hurg county, are requested tu sttend for exarnt. n tion at the Insur-.nee Otfice in Charlotti , on .s.turiHiy the '2!lih of Januai.v. lti.'.O. M. D. JOHXSIOX. Com tee. E. NVK HUTCHISON, JOHN P. HOSS, Ct, n, January 4 1159. 4l.lt Last Notice. A j A. S-n, or Thoa. Trotter, Account, are requealcd te cum Court aim aettiu up, as further ither by Noic or forward by April lOuleuce canui't L E'""' TIIOS. TROTTER January 11, rj9. i-J For Florida Elrect. if to 1'ilatla in 30 ILmt, ana' in It to 26 Jiimrt Lett Time thun hy any otliei Route. I II E I M l Kl h'l .V l I.S M UL SKt3 . -m. H . m. TwY sVL a TIIOS. Pl'RTIS, CO.M.MA.NUKK. FAVES CMAKLESTON.S.C . every TVF.S. Is 1AV ArTI-.K.M at 3 o'clock, h PL above named places lor Alligator, Ornln, .Micbi.o-I py, Tallahassee, St. Auguntinr, Tain, a, and oth. ' er towns in Ihe interior oi k'lonua : .1 Charleston, with the New York Steamshipa ai d tiie Northern nnd Western RuiroaO trains on Tutsuays and Saturdays. Merchandise, etc.. consigned to this Agencr, will be forwarded FKKE OF t IlAlil.K. For freight or passage, apply to II. I,. CHIS0LM, Southern Wharf, Ctasrlestoii, S. C. January 4, lb58. 43-3. i. PAPER IOM 31 ISSIO.V W A Ill-a IIO US I'. AND PRINTERS' DEPOT, For the sale of .M(i'il!illl Prmimn FfllvUV "J1 Se ,,,f,(v1f 'l-'r-i COLORED PAPERS, CARDS, AND Vlll XTI X J 3IATF. Kill tS I cr .tIL KINDS. ! Agent for L. JOHNSON & CO., Type5 Founders, R. HOE ii CO.," I And other Printing Tress Dialers. ; FKl.VrOU l.tliS of BcM imlil. i at Tlaiiulat liirciN I'ri . TO MEKCIIAISTS. Tje Subscriber begs to all attention to his " . I.tltQE fttVCK OF Writing k Wrapping Paper of all kinds, w'.iioh be will sell ery Low fur cash, or short credit on large sums. JOSKPII WALK Kit. 120 Meeting tt , Charlrtton, S. C. l're. I. 18.18. " 41tf ST ATK OF NORTH CAROLINA, M Kt'Kt.EN BC RO Cl'UNTV. Lhurt. of I'teas and tjuartti f'esiimns, Oc- tolx-r Term, .-. E: Nye Iiuteinson, administrator of Kliubeth Ansms, rs: Samuel Hodge sn. I Sarah his mi. snd Henry IOllg. Petiln.n io seii lien I K.slate: IT appearing to the satisfaetien of the Court, that Samuel linden and Sarsh his wife, and ierT .onp, ,lcr,.ndnls in this case reside be. ...,,,i ,, I,,,.,,. , .,,. w,...,. I, i, u,,.i,, n,.r. rti anil decreed that publication be made fur six 1 week tn the Charlotte Whig, a newspaper priu. ted in Ihe Town of Charlotte, notifying said do-! J J" 'litis is the only foundry in the State that fendaiits, lobe and appear at our ntxt Court of casta dally. Pleas snd Ijuarter Session to be hshSfor said Conn. IT" All cortrscts connected with the concern tv, st the Court House in Charlotte, on the 4th1 must be made with the undersigned slonc. Monday in January nexl, then and there plead, IJ A supply of ANTHRACITE COAL con answer or demur tn plaintiff's petition or tt will be ttantly on hand for sale. heard expirle and judgment pro eonfe.so taken, J, A. FOX, Proprietor. against them, CSir.'ette, .V C. Aerrrnner 3ti, lf?58. 3Slf Witness, W, K. Reid, clerk of our said Court, st othce, the 4th Mondsv in vrcmaer a. v. iojo, " o. . -r-- m . u. . v. e.. . 14, I8.18. Printer's lee IS. I4j I c'Ulit ENAS for slc at this office. Three Ladies, 'W'WTIIO have had some experience a Teach. WW era, want employment for 1859. They will teach the Englieh Dranches, and Afa'ia on the Piano Fnrte. Address Misses M. M. and C. t.. Wi.NcHESTxa, rjnion Co. N. C. Jan. 1, Ifir,3. 43 3m juriiilliii': .Tlcc l in; A MT0f the Mecklenburg Agricu.. n s.u". oc,e,7 will be held m Chsrlotte on the 5th Ssturdsy in January (being County Court week) at 1 o'clock, A full attendance is MHim.i, iniUn are 10 ne elected ana oilier tin porta nt business transacted A. B. DAVIDSON, Pres't, Dee.m, m. 4 'tin ftobt. W. Bekwith, K. ir.1-1 1 1 nonr . n . rrariiciu 11 niruiuiin.t r & ur.air.lt in t riflt-S ami oil kinds of Jrwclry nml Silvrr tTarr, CII.4KI.OTTi:, .1. CV fJMlfi subscriber respectfully returns his srrt. lie generally, for the liberal patronsge heretofore tiesliiwrH nn..n hint. i.n.l ,l..l. I.. ..i; cits an increased continuance of the s.une, would inform his friend snd the public generally, that he is now receiving a very large and v.u ii d stock of oeiiuiuui sun euruciive all of the latest st)lis and patterns, st his old stand, one door North of Messrs. Drucker A licit. bruoastore. and two doors West oi J. II. Kerr'a Hotel. Hie stuck consists in purl of Gold and Silver Hunting-cased Patent Levers, ' Open-faceo Uold and Silver Patent Levers, Itetached Levers, Cylinder Escapement (inld Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Silver do. Very handsome Gold and Coral NecMuccs snd Uracelels, of every style snd pattern, A very extensive assortments Csnieo Crcast Tins nil L'ii Kings, Gold Stnna, Jett, Mosaic Lava, Plain and Fancy Gold linn it Pine snd ;r Rings, A variety it' Splcndi I Sells ol Cameo, Mosaic, While and Colored Lava, J. It, Coral and Plain Gold Krenaf.Pine. Lar Itinira and Bracelets. j A very Kxtemive Assortment nf Lady's ai.il Gen- iiiineirs Re-si, r aney and I'lain Gold t mgei Kings, lockets ltd Uxlitt Kings, and Ureaat Pina ol all kincs, A large A.1..11 lnunt of Gulil Keys, Wateh Seals, I'able C harms 111 fine Gold, j Kib'jon and Guard Mules, . Renton'a rremium Gold Perm, A very Urge stui k of Gentlemen'a Plain, F.mcv, Came, Op.il, Agat, Corn-li.in. Oiiix, Tu.ca'u, I snn G iriot Sleeve aim Stud lint tons, Golil, Silver and Strwl Speel..:!es, Gold and Silver Thru. hi. a, j ! and a varictv of otHir articles with henvy nlhted 1 Tea Setta, Silver and Pl..ted Silver Spoons, I-orits, ' : Goblets, Cups, Ac, Ac. j ! The shore comprises very large stock of fssh. j ionuble Jewelry, the whole of winch has been se. I le. l.-d by the suhseribi r with enre and atti ntiou I to the wants oi his numerous customers, --lid to! which he invites their attention. i IT All articles sold warranted to he surh as he represents Ihtui. j R. W. BKCKWITII. j i N. R. Peraenal ami strict sttontion given to the Repairing of Watches anil Jewelry. Chatloite, October 12, lr.1b 31 if CAXI)Y RACTOIiY. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits,' &.C., Ac. r tHh subscriber respectfully informs the eiti. sens ol Charlotte and surrounding country, that he has on hand and is cnnstantl v receiving- from New York, Confectioneries, Fruits, i 1 I UllaJi r. xcy g uocEK i l:s, c k; a us TdllACCO. SXl'FF, TOYS. .1litir;t! IidIi-iiiiimI, rim: mukko noititv nKs.r, VrliM'i M-I a, Willuw Ygoii, Cliiili, H'si li.wliiiifl., Ac Kinl Cii4s of every variety. J. D. PALMER. jYaremner 9, lSfi8. 4lf Also, he intends to msnuf;.cture CANDIES of all kinds, free from poisonous coloring unliKe the New York Steam Itefined Candy. Call and see. I IIAAVKKVS History of North-Carolina.1. fllHE 2nd volume is now published. It em.' JL brares tne period of the Proprietary Gov. 1 ercment. from ICC3 lo 1729. 1 'UWn,,s h.nu,u...e 8v. volume cf 59 1 pages. ; inc PUhurt ipnon price wm halt a cent a p-pc but the price ot this volume is lets, say fi in in cloth binding, f3 in Library sheep, and $ 3 'J5 in half calf. It will se sold oslt for Cash. Owing to the difficulty of securing Agents in many parts of the Slate, wc will forward it by mail or otherwise fee of pos'nge, on receipt of the price; or both volumes fur 94 cloth, $4 50 sheep, or :. hoi f calf. A liberal discount made to Agents, or others, who buy to sell sgain. K. J. HALE k PON. Fayetteville. JW 185. 3."tt'-r AND 31 A (111 XK WO H KS. f HlHE unrieripnpd brn kiare to cell th tstten JL tton of ihe public lo lUt fnct that lie nuir re-niy to fill anj onter tor funking iiyarauuctui'K rrcsses,! and every description of Machinery. Al! kinds of CASTINGS, in Iron ami Brass or other metals made at short notice anil renin ea prices. jy Particular attention given to the making! anil repairing of Thrashing Machines. Horse Pow. j ers, Cotlon liins. Mill Work, and Agricultural I worka of all kinds. BLACKSMITH IXG, JOBBINfJ WORK, WA. , Gt'N SUIKk and 1KKK SlRiLlNeJ, done with i dlsnsleh. I ttl.ll IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS bought at the Foundry, or taken in exchange for Job Work. onit iitwl rrot isiims ot ail kimla taken in exch.-inre for Blacksniilhing. j tJ ALL WtlKK must be paid lor when delis., ered, as CASH has to he paid out lor every thing ! necessnrv to carry on tht (tahiishincnt. I ir ALL OKPKliS b'jR HOHh must be spe-1 etfied in writing, so that the work and siecilica- i 'n'TTTT'T? JOB PR IN TIM. of 9 a-d eioeoilioBsiv . .1.,,.. Wh g 'e. all is will b neiy at tn North Ca S3r HE!OVAIi. J tIT. Confertirrter and Family Grocery Store i. of MOODY A. N'lSBKT has W. n remored to the stand opposite the Pres iy teri. n Clnirch. where they arc receiving alirect from New Tork large adiliiiuns to tlieir stock of vox fixtiox Kit i j:s I.iTJIt-V J It Ol. i:i IN , Ac. Tn a stth, AZrl men! nf C.ke Trimmings, Willow Wire, Ac, si. wnya nn hand. They have in tlieir employ on excellent BA. h EH, and are prepared to furnish Families and 1 of u II Kindr h nhort notice. MOODY k NIsifiET. November IS, H:!. We have 1 braneh nf our store at Moody will superintend to sejurc a share of the Lineolnton, ' "e liusiners, ami lie public p;.trongc tht section. MOODT & NISIJKT. 3Blf Kor. 16, 1 8.18. 8Cf A Card. 1 "1 i ' am H ATINO sold mv DKVii sn.i CMtVICAL FsTA I'LISH M t.Si'V to Messrs. K. Nve iiuteinson a. 1 o., 1 hesriilv commend them as niy sneeessors to the confidence and pattnnage of a generous pohlic, for whose kind and liberal aup. port of myself hitherto. I sm and shall ever be truly gratelul. II. M. rillTCIIAKD. Charlotte, October 19, IHoH. NEV7"FIRM. Ir. . Nyc Hnlchison k To, MA VI NO purchased f &?gt& y-f ja si ir. 11. .11. 1 riienani, nia fy entire stock or 1I( I't.S.CHK. jfefta l$ r M It 'A LS, OILS. PAI.MTS, Ac, Ac.respeitiuliy call theatlriitionof tiiv pub lic to the fact, that tltry will crry on a Wlioleealp & Hclnil Di!i iJasiiiCits, at Ii win's Corner, w here lhy are receiving in ad dmon to their present st"Cs, a large assortment nt' fri sh and genuine direct from the New York market. F.. Nye llntchisoti M. I)., will superintend lhif larg-- nml wi ii-hnown estnblishiiicnt in perron. PI13 sin. ins' pr seriptiuns made ip niih p.-mnpt. ness nnd care. October 19, IKS. 32 if TO UK KUt'XD AT i.orsTo.x v ni:.Tr.i:r, A N ASSOKTMFN'T of WOOD &. WILLOW 1. W A li V., Low lor ( A&Ii 1 II. i L..M ofl Ihe ( uurt l..ufe, I norsTON d nux'ir.R. Charlattt. Oct. 26. 1 b5e. 3-ilt' j ritrsn a ii h i v a is or I C(h';ciio.A:!!:s. norsTo v in .ti:i! I HAS just received a fresh supply i.r CAN. IHIX of all kinds, ai-o Citron. I urr..r,ts.l K -isins, Figs, and s varitv of No's. Cull nt HOUSTON' !i I1U.NTKK S. I D.or K...I of ihe Court H..iisp. Charlotte. Oct. 26. I.'.N. 33 if s,Va-i-.JJl.s;M eT.WaVk0 COI.I .UIII I, is. C, rsIE I'MJKRPIGNKD begs JL his friends anil the public m leave to suy to oerull v . lli.il he has leased the A Mi, 1. 11 A. IIOl K.L lor a term of years, ami has m; uo sueh necessary improve ment in tne h"iise, fixturi s and lui nuure, tuat it ia sreund to none in the city. I The House will be conuueted r.s a firei cl .es i tel, in ail its appointments, nnd no puuis mill ' be spreti lo malic it a favorite resort, l l... IV.nr,. i..r ,..i.. I.c .i..m .n.m... i n.. I wants and comforts of ins guests, lo merit a lu.l j share of public patronage. bULt'N LUKr;. Co'umhi-' r- Arrmw ig. i e.. 3.-.tf II r Sliiells Line ot UM.MliLSEH snd C A K " I -Af'ES will be found punctually at the aitTerciit depot a to convey pftssnengpr to tiic Hotel. KAIlNWElLLIt .t KROTIIEliS RFri;CTHLLY iufnrtu the Charlotte anu surrouiiding ( lliey are npening in the Store '2 oooi citizen of iiMry. tl.i't from T. II Brem At Co., a i-irge stoca ot FANCY & STAI'Ijli mn diiiiiiv iio.vw: r, ua.m ii.i.a , AND Itctidy .IT title 1I.OTItl.y fl, For (ients. Youths and B.iye wear. ki:i:i;i :mi m. mi: i . HOttlS, MIOLN, II ATS, jrrasrw ais, jpxa We will be daily receiving ihe moift fit-nnie and beat amortmcut of the itbove nn.rd Gooc tli t ran h. ft. und in the Mult, and cheaper l.tnn any uthrr Utiii'e. Having bought our tnlne aU.ck for CA$iii which ennblea ut to sell our pnnds ISO per crnt cheaper. Ail per-oin winliing to i.nc moiipy in buying gooc's honhi hear m mind nit to furjjet to Call 1 on u before buying clcwhrre. Wholesale buyer, particulisriy. atniuld b:ar it in '. mind. In addition tu cur lurgt httck we h..ve el. o fittrd up a ! WUOLKSALi: K003I, For Wholesale Buyers. David Kahnwxii ra, PaMn.KanNwrii.rs,1 JaCiiI KtHKWIlLIR, CerMff, Aoermoer 9, lfrj 35tf ;,uy.uuu io. i i-nm irees l'OIS IS.IjI'e WESTSP0CKS & nEIVTKKALL, YroprietPrs of the Iif Greer: Xurseries and Gurfitns.neur Green sooto,?. C, flIMU'l.ll very respeetiully ciil the atlrot:on WW of the citizuna of the Southern Suics lo their verv large stock of Halite aud acclimated Fruit Tries, lor the Kail anu Winter Trace. This Urge and hamisome assorlnunt hrs been propiigsleil irom inriny ncaiing irees, inn wors. ed UK.ii the best seedling stneks, which ;t a sure guarantee of fruitfulness and longevity. 2 promt, nent eharaeleristics in orcharding which should not be overlooked by persons wishing to plant or. : chards either tor nisrketmg or.taniiiy use. Ihe ,ioek consists of the tollowin; trees 150.IIUU Apple trees ; lUD.Wiu l each treea ; 111, 0110 Pear tree. : IV.OtHI Apnculsj 10,000 Cr-ei r? I'J.notl Plum ; SUUO Neet.inue; i(iO A 1 DOG Uuiuce: 4'KIO Gisue Vines. Besides a very fine s.soitnient of Cnrranta 1 Strawberries, KasUerries, Goostberrtrs, etc., ail ol which will be sold on very reasonable terms Or. cish or approred p iper. All p:ckiiges pt:t up in superior sijle. snd a, nun nU te invoice sent to eaeb patrrn, and so er- rsnged thai the invoice will be the r.gisler of the orchard alter the trees are transplanted, if they are transplanted as each one spneurs on tne list. Mr. T. J- Holton will act as agent for the lue. nishing of the people of M.ckl. i.hurg and neigh. bertng eountie 1 wi'h the shove Fruit Trees snd will lake plessurs in forwsrtlmg orcUrs "or the 33tf. I i The J!.n-lotat. CORRECTED BY R. M. OATKS & CO. CHARLOTTE, JANLARY 84, I80S. BACON, llama ..lb '....'..3 (a) 14 ' Sides lb,..,. 12J fjtj, f)U " Hog rounu, lb II, fi ia ' ' ."howlilers lb..... ffi fij 13 Dafging, Gunny, ..... vd fi 00 Heel',.... 'lb 5 8 Putter lb. .....If. ( 00 lleeswax. lb., .2V (n '25 Means,... ,-. bushel, .Ill) (10 Urjindy, Apple, .-. gal..... fill (i TO " Peach...., gal.... ()() (a. HI Cotton, new lb 10 lf! taiffee, IU' !b... (.,) 14 " Java lb.., ill tn Ul) handles, Ailamnntine Ih 2S 33 " rfvcrni -. lb... 15 (.rv 5(1 " Tallow lb., ,.-'5 fai 0(1 Com, old, bushel U (,,, 56 " nfw bushel.., 0 aj 51 ChicUn escii 10 U, Vi Cloth.Opperas yaro I0J tt " Lindsev, vard ..i.i f-rj 30 Kfl-s i rioieli 15 fTij 00 Klonr , bM.. tj (; i)U " b.-.gs f,iv 2 Feathers lb .in f 35 Lar.l.. ib !8J 13 Mutton., !h... 5 fen 6 Mackerel,,. bhl .No I 16 thj Oil " Kills S.IIUI Oi, 35 Moli ases, tf.O til , .'-5 (i. 0 W.I gsl., 40 00 Me.- Iili-hel li.i (.is 611 Mullets (Wilmington) ...hW :i (m .i Nails. Norlbrrn Hi 5 .) 00 " Southern Ib .'1 (, 6 Oats , beh' All (at ! Pork.....-,....,, Lb, 7 U H Pet bushel.. 60 (A 65 Potatoes, I nali bushel... 75 (n l0 SWeet bushel SO (1; 60 Rice,.. bushel 4 fo, to" Siifar.Loaf. Ib 14 ft) Ifi ' fTrowi Ih.. 8 ( 121 iNlnne.Ware,. , gal 8 fi'i 9 Sail, .... saelt I55 (.1: 16") 'lea, Ih -f (.it l Wheal, while bushel 9" 0f, 00 ! " red l.nhel US f) P0 Whiskey, Northern pal 4.". fi, 5S " N. Carolina. ...?a 40 ti ' 4C Wool, (best Georgi..) wss'lieil !27 C:s 'J'i mi..he.' '2 (., 23 Vnrn , 10ti (Vi, i5 RFMPKS. ( OT rr?N The cotton market is more aclive .thai, last week. Good n.hldiin I' (rj II ( Sales for lire pnt week ahout f3.il! bilea. rol.l .MI1IA M A li K KT' irsi"(, J nuary 2J lrj."9. Mas but little eot-on uti'er. COTTON -Tl '.n1 vi-steros Kli ere sold, st from 9 Hi c.nts. I!A. ON, l ( 'l( N , PL AS. .. o.cis,. I'Lt 'L K, II ( 7-i ('i ....hO ....75 ... m (., fO t II WCI.KsTt'N MARK FT. CmsSikst x. Jannaty 2'. U0. COT1'o Thers wr a very fin.'il iiiiiand for 'uaariie.i i.i.n.y, loth r en 1 1- it i n the .ale of jliV 'i h-iii. ..i verv lull priri-s, rouging from 0 l-'i i.t-. i'F.I moM rmvpert fully Piii.nu. .ce to thft 'i tiins f" l'hiir! lie and siirruniine iui:lrj, tli. t lie Mill r nfiunee ihv above bum run it. iiitrl.-ttt- W rr hi- ia prronred to fur- ifh ikio::s. h.:ms and safa to the pub. c mi llu- iiiOe-t re isoMib.r turu-a, nnt. on t'ue fiiort- . f ill cl?iirrs for work eotiMlry, he is Oeler. t'ii of duir.g business i . vs. a as st in hip Machine hop, before re 3.9 fim for all work 4, niovs I. Z)rr. 7, IpJ ROYAL HAVANA I.OTTEKY. The net ordinary drnw.nfif of the Royal Hava m I.oftery ennductrd by thr Sr ninh fi ivcrnrr.enl, tirit.'er thr- utipcrvisiion of the Ceptuin General of C'uf.tt will kc pUrp n t lit vaiih on WKD.NKSItAV, Janimry 2G, IS5J). $824,000. SOKTI'O M'.MLh'O 61 I 'IRPIN ARIt, ri r.r rnizi; i oo.ooo of JlO0.OM I ft().K) I lltl.OOO I 1 5.UOO lO.Ot.O I. prilt'sof '2.0O0 Id " I.OOO 63 ftOO 143 40 20 Apr 'aim's VSOO 1 " 4 Annri.x'nislions to tlie tlUU.W'O $bH0 esch ; 4 of 4W t.. ?Sh,UiiO; 4 of J4DU to 3u,H0l); 4 of to !.'." i-; 4 c.l if'U t.i 1'i.itu. Whole TirltttsfSO; llalvesllO; Quatlers tS. Priies cnehni at sight at 5 per cent, discount. Hills on all solvent Dinks Liken st par. A drawing will be lorwardeJ as s:un as the re. suit becomes known. Coiiiiiiiinicatii.iia arYrep.e.i lo IO.N' I.'OPRl IU F.7.. (eitre of Cilv Post, Charleston, S. C.) un til the tjT.ii ot Junusry. will be uttenued to. I ersnns onierilig Tickets n ill pie -se write their names p .tate. nu give tlieir post otiioe, cuuuty mnj r ' . n. IMI! lirlTP? IIATI ' J 1 l,HiO nt 'HIXSofOATS in store, icli will be old LOW for J. Y. BRYCE A CO. i-.uf Jauntily 35, I?.'.9. Lund tor Sale. JA f UK uridcirgncd offrrs sjss ffilW SL lor Sale the Plunu-etSv!? JJj;. lion ou which he now re. Jri' iaIMaii sides, containing, I J a. t errs sujouitn, ttie t.ands ol .1-101 lobii..-i , sue R. II. Li.fl'erty,nnd othera.Jt mi.es nm ih or Char lotte and one mile wtfl ot Sucsr re-k 1 Imrca. A. II. COCHRAN. SI, If 53. 2crii' 1 ... la.

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