iniii iinriim 'in urn i im I mm mini i inn pkrt MonpnT Still Triumphant. u, Viri eorrrespoudent of the Now York rosi atntca tlist four mnei of the great ', mutch between Paul Morphy tod ,rr A"decn ba lcu" P'aJc1- 'i'lio le ... -,n hir Auderitsen. the second :ti i..n slid the third and fourth wen .L. Allll! ICBU (linm.reii. . jn Pari 'l I-fondon that Mor ilt caily io ba match. Bets of one aro offered in bia favor, with iro iters. Hie Him gnmo ia iu progress, expedient prospect of Morphy'e Iu the meantime, tbo excitement jfCC!9 utsiJe increase", ud beta aro now of- j that Andorssen will not win four before Morphy will have gained .men. "r Whoever wins the first seven i I1C, i, the v.ctor. ,j jonequenoe of the indisposition of I jr Ay, the game takes plnoe at hie lodg , iintead of at tbo Cafe de la Regence. I,e players meet every day, at the hotel j the game proceeds, the moves are nt atshoi t iutervals to the Cafe near by, i,fre three or four ehcM boards are cou rtly surrouuded by an eager throng roujrliout the duration of each game. An.leroi'n 11 a pleasant looking man, .r,out forty-five year old. He is Professor ,f jUlueinallOi ai me university at urea- ,i, ati l visits l'ana expressly to meet toe 3u'nz American. The only stakes for bich the two play is the honor of wm- f jr!if bas played bis- eiht blindfolded imei. His antagonists were all players f ry inferior rank, the strangest leiug K of the worst who played against Mor- 'r when -he latter performed the mat, ,o united the emu tioo.of. liar united the erjau.letioo.ot Um4" j -irfiwrtiw. waiting ij hi me (j i j t vm , drew one and lost one. They were all iwtch'd. "' 009 brillant move having ,te another opportunity or imitating Jior 'i rumple, bnt it I hard!y probable tbat ' ! 1 V, . . I flll, l.t m AAAffl fllA will -r --. -- , a ...l.,r..n,, liifli-,l liltlo mi:0wiiu ui- - 1 - I will play publicly twenty games of l-i,e.n without seeing the boards. Japane" Skill. The tip tpinnen f.ju'.J proiuoc a senatiou iu New Vork. I'r the amueinont of your children, i;-4 f-pecitlly for the amuxement of the f',. Uilv that wis so indignant at serine 1 ;r.-m- I'.xpoHrd iu the open air, I will i .cn tne ptruriiianee. ; Tbe xiiihitor having puo a top, plaecd ; cd i lioanl, where it revolved with great r.iiij au.l steadiness ; he took it up and it on it aide, where it remaiued witb ;ji uiotbu , he then talked to tbe lop, and Mtuc tcp; and, after uiaking auudry fl )or-rh-j with his fan, be aain placed it up n 'It on the board, aud lot it rpuu away it merrily as ever. Another top, when .!d up by the piudle, made a h 'se ex like your locust when held io the hand. A top was declared to be a ftmalo, asd .'.inui lit it spin awhile he took it up, tok it, and dowu full seven dixtioet tops, :1 of .hich whirled merrily around. Ai -t!.r sudJeuly changed into a lai.t-?m, after whirling tome time, the lamp in Untern was spontniouly lighted. A .. ( ofaewiug thread about five yards loug m li'U extended by two persons tbe ex-i.-.itor rut a top upon this thread, and it n one end to the other, alwavs UD- and eon,iaut!v rcvolvioa. Tbo same .'ti perforiutd on the edge of a sword ; :i.fbprao from hilt to the point, and bacx ipiiu to tbfWlt."- 1 wiH ouly Jenewbw a.ore fvt. In the court yard, where tbe 'ij.t'tion took place, a pole some thirty :Vtl Lifh was lauted in the ground ; from li-r-m Lir at the too of the pole a small h-ix was suspended, (like your martin It '!'.) so J from the door of the houae a ! I :c of twine hunj down to the crouni : :r. rjtiihitor place. top on the j hearing, the news at too late au hour to Prepared jrovx a prescription of i-tr J. I r:,a of his left hanrl, and seiieJ tbe twine proceed immediately to the Northwest, end : Clarke, M. D., l hy$v:iin Lrtroordt , s :h bis right ; then, tossing tbe top up in ferinjr there would be do miss connection tmry to tlie Queen. i;! air, he dexterously e,t turn of the 'of the trains betweoo here and Chicago, U 1 T'... ...valuable medic-,... ,. unimlm, ,.. the :.,nc irounJ tbe lower spindle, and the top , n-tantiy began lo ascend the tw:re, resched : !-.e door, which it forced open, entered the ; brj.e. n l then onietly laid down to rest I ! j In all this rxhiliition there was neither trick i U3r Oecrrition ; It ws tiUlll rlhltiltion OT ; imil. 1fttm Jrenn the American Mi- nurrr. r.rMAR K ADt.E (lor.D Pl()T ERI ES Off 5 'Or. unrth. take.t out in a few hnurt 1 Y ule an eiciteiuent was created in the I ity yesterday by the arrival of James ! n aclt'toue. and of Rusull. Maiors Si Co.'s agio Waiters, with several nnggetl of I'd'l, conesrninj; the discovery of which tbe fallowing account is given i Mr. lilackatone was in charge of a re turn train, with which he arrived in the i eiiniy of Aah Hollow, on or ahout Novem ber 2M. He here indulged iu a buffalo tunt, snd after an exciting chase, went to , "mail Uko ahout six miles from Ash Ha.Iow, on the Platte river, fr the pur-1 P'e ot jetting a drink. Ho was here; urfrnel by discovering deposits of gold . iniiis sann. over ninety s worth o.' , he picked up in a Tnw hours. One the nuggets alone is worth twenty two 4n'lars, ,ud can be aeon at the store i 6f Kimell. M.iors &. WadJcll. ou Main Street. . 'r Hlaekslone was aeootnpanieil by two when the great discovery was made, "id proposes to return in the course of a fornigi,t. Ashe Hallow is distant from harcnworth but four hundred and seventy Svc miles, and if the gold depoiU there hours should turn out to be anything I'ke what is indicated by Mr. Illackstone'a h'coveries, a now inflatus will be given to the glJ fever, that extends throughout ' length and breadth of the land. We think them ia littla dnnht but that 1 ,1 , , ,,, . , 'tie "hole Western portion of Kansas and 'Vbrska will eventually turn out to be Jim lmmene (rild field, unequalled either "JttM.t or richness . ljenvenuorlh I imes, frmtirr '11. NoTrrn To Tra velum. The Harris- Lur)5 (1'ennsylvania) Union says that the fol lowing ru.s nf th, roit, ,re ,i lsfei "po'i lenl decisions and that they ought J ''0 univcrsnlly rnle known. It has "en legally decided that applicants for 'ekets on railroads ean be ejeoted from the tl"1' do ,"oT""' 'he exact amount licir, Conductors are not bound 10 Ve change. Alt railroad tickets are Pod until used, and conditions " of good jr this day only," or otherwise limiting tinie of genuineness, are of no acoount. engers who lose thoir tickets out ' iniimg upon the platform, or otherwise "ln( a rule of the companv. renders P'fon liable t l put from the train. I P'rsr,,, has a ri.rht t manannli.. ainl ata ii,,,, i . i1 . , lefli ln e.t. whilu the owner is t.mnnr.ri. i Unt fDtitlt.s hi,,, to tbe' plaeo upon Rivoluttonart Sword. -A l the De cember meeting of the Tennessee Historical Society, Geo. John Sumner Russworn pre lentod a sword with the following addroxi :- Mil. President f Tbe eword I bold in my baud wa worn ,ty an undo of mine, Gen. Jethro Sumner, through I ho American Involution. I am sorry it has been ao much abused by loaning, and time bas de faced it. The scabbard is gone, and the guard, but the most essential parts Hill re main the blado and the hilt. On exam ining the blade, you will find a nich in it, which was received at the battle of Kutaw : Springs, whiNt contending with a British lofEoer in a single combat. This sword was bequeathed in Gen. Sumner a will to his son Thomas K. Sumner who departed this life in Williamson county, in this State, about forty year ago. Myself being the nearest male relative, be, iu his will, bequeathed it to me, with a request that I would never draw it, except in defence of my conntry'a rights, and never sheath it but with honor. I do not suppoio, Mr. President, that my country will ever call on me aguin to defend ber rights, and if she did, this woald not be the aword for the ocoaxion. I therefore know of no belter way to dispose of it, than to present it to you, and through you to the Sooiety you have the honor to preside over, with the request that you give it a place in the archives of the Ilittorical Society, there to remain a memento of him who wore it with honor to himself and bis country thro' a (even year'a war. A Conspiracy Exposed. A corrc- from Loudon, makes, lays the 8outh Uaro-1 Una " Uullctin tho lollowmg exiraoruina- rv statement. The reader iuy credit just : ... i- r as mucu 01 u as may kuiv uia miicy . King 2 Lad.ea, H .rnaburg, J W Alexander, It is neccsaary, in order to understand J -V-- - A G, cl,,,,,, F LA.exar.uer. E.,. Morn. . . . ain, Matilda Morriaon, l ab . rrua co, feanil e t, aid- the position of things, to po back some wuM Hnpe h,h rex, e n Alexander &. Lady, fourteen years to the days of Mr. Calhoun. I Marietta Ga. At that time the plan of the dissolution of i j. 8.-1) S Sl.ernmn, Uiwell Mi.s E A the Union, and the formation of a great ' Armfield, M I) Caluweli, Grecnaboro, Jaa Camp. .U'eliolJiu power, was presented here by ! A etn.T. P T Murray U A. 8 v R U, J .. ,. . " n ii j ' i W Mehafley. Ilarriaburg, K II iuilb, boldalmru, the friends of Mr. Calhoun, and some I fJ r Diy , rll,rll.,lull) w w art .Monroe, W.I words then attributed to Lord Aberdeen hamaon Wallace &. Lady, Mia Muona, Mrcklcn perhaps incautiously uttered by bim are 1 burg, G I. Moody, Cabarrus. supposed to have given rise 10 the hopes . Jan. 89. J .V Alexander, Mecklenburg G Ober, of British sympathy, in which Southern Hullimnre Md,C A llelma Monroe, J 8 llmna, A politicians have so fluently indulged. ! iIl"ck", ' AC ,k 'J'J, l"r' 'o"- ' , . , '. , r , Mia .N..ncy AndLrsou, Ga. " At various times their pro.icts have been . ' . . , , . . m t ii - - i Jan. 3U. lr E Huntley, John I) Mnw. liicn- broached t members of the linti.b Oov-1 B)oMij N c j MljW , A .stl(lfl,r,, j t: Si.nm., ernmciit, and enpecially iu lb51, when a y v utt, Ga, J J Bruburry,N C H R, W 8 Eaa. atroug deputation of Southern disuiiiouiats ley, Vs. was in London, seeking for aid and com-1 fort from Great liritain. Mr. Abbott Law rence was American Minister, and enjoyed to an unusual degree the eonfliiencc of the Kritiwli Ministry. The projocts of the dis- uuiouiats, preaviited to Lord I'aluierston, then 8cretary for Foreign Affairs, were by bim brought to the knowledge of Mr. Lawrence, aud the Southern embassy, dis- heartened by the cooluess which its dis- . J . , , union acheme encountered, and also by the fate of the I.opi l expeditioa to Cuba, re- turned ditcomfitted to the L'uitcd States." I " - , , ... o , AS HXIRI- WORTH Sr.EI-M A FTIR The Chicago I'rpss says that a young lady now a sewing girl io that city, has received a letter from an utiole iu.Ncw York, stating that heraelf and two oucles in New York bad fallen equal heirs to the comfortable sum oi or bdoui ci,, 000, by tbw death of as ttuele wt Calcutta, Indiawhere be h.d accumulated h,a itu- mene lonuuc iu oicriai uio poiiuin. i The ahov item reached herein tbe pa-1 pcra by the Northern train yesterday after uoon. and ntnetern young gentlemen of our aeijuaintanee parked trunks mstantrr, and hy the return tram, i vriy onr otners sent of telegraphic despatches U.t night requesting the young heiress to ithhold her decision until the second l'etcrsburg de- legation should arrive. Tbe successful man, whoever he may be, walks into about forty- uve million,, .ua u ii.c.' j bionrlf to der pen the Af pomattoi at his I own eipeosc, and build an Academy of . il...: 1- . n.l.l.f anal nnt lli.n ' i ..I'l-ou iu wui - - - $1o,00l I). If the young, heiress should , , , J r . . . j t-r bind and treasuie on the baud- coufur b somest man in the crowd, we shall enlarge again very shortly, for be is a tirm Iricnd I of the Express, and a gentlemsn of mot An.l. L Imtm Mf tT ttlti T f I'mrfSl 1 uu,uuU.... ,. .... " - , U.NPARALLEI.tD II KARTLKSNNKM. An in dividual in this city, says tbe Buffalo Re public of Saturday, held an execution a gainst another, which was plsced in the j bands of the Sheriff, for tho purpose ot col ec,inB claim; but that officer finding no j,roperty, it was relumed unsatisDed. A borl lill)e inco lno creditor duoovered niorjUlcut iu one of the mar . .,r,, ju ,l,e city, wbicli had been order- . b lllB aebUr. to be t ceu over the -ra.eof , iUe cuia he had recently buried. .ortllwith this worthy examplar of Shylock littf(J , ,ho suoriff, and instructed ... . .1.. Tl... ir,- i.iiu &o lew uyumuD bivuo. w.nv vy upon very properly rtmonstrated againi-t an act so barbarous aud unchristian, but without avail. II was also threatened with prose oution uulesa be performed this unpleasant duty", and the atone was accordingly sciaad, and in due time sold. There was uone mean enough to bid upon it but the creditor, and it was acccordingly knocked down to bim. A little monument of a little child, with the names of the parents and their offspring upon it the figure of a dog, the emblem of bdenty, in an attitude ot repoeo . i.....i.. k- ilirillOUllug IV uajii ia ; .u.. ...... j iumu fonn. Aa we looked upon the stone, and listened to tho little history con nected with it, we could not help thinking that he who had done so base a thing against his fellow being, deserved no reprose, either iu this world or the uext. Htuir Matrimonial Correspondence. There is a story told of a gallant who wrote to a general the following brief epis tle " To General Simpson : " Sully has accepted me. Can I have her ! Yours, PATEKSOX." To which the General replied : " Go ahead. Yours, " J. SIMPSON." Ko Alcohol ! That well known remedy for DvsDeDia. Indigestion, and General Po- bilitv. the Oxygenated Hitters which has ef- . . . ' ...L.LI... !. fecteil audi remsraauio im, ....... ..v 5 J" "0l a""K" " ' heU, or winter's cold," and retains its aton irbinj virtues in any climate. CONSIGNEES : PER CHARLOTTE AND 8. C. RAIL ROAD, FROM Till 2UTH TO TUB 318T JAMJAHY. Harper, J. it Co. 8 paelragcs, J. Harper k S , 1 pkge, J. 0. Cobb 3 pkges, J. T . 1 1 a 1 -tebrand 5 pieces, J. A. Dickson I pkge, V. M. Holland lit pkgi-s, D. K. & J. L. Oaithcr 2 pkges, A. & W. Myers 1 pkge. Arrivals al the Iloltls. KF.RR'9 HOTEL. Jan. 25. Wm Treloar, John Wilkcrson, Thos S K'lhnrda, John llinka, Sali.bury, P T Murray, A C Ketncr.C iSOK It. U A Xuaaoll.J N Ale, under, T P AlriHiider, Ur McLean, Genl Neal, Alci (iiicr.T P Uricr, Thus J Uricr.t'lturlue Bill, A II limwn, Meel'.lenburif, N M Cochran, Wm Jiilinnton, llama Depot, K. Kohn, Pliila Pa, T W Spnrrow, G F .SlienherJ, 1 I. Torrencc, Davidaow Cllefe,T l Wmc he.ter, II KiMiratatT, Abel Helms, John U Aihcrull, J W Ko.u l.ruel lluliua, Moil. roe, 8 W McAlilly, I,nc.iater, 8 C, Gurd Fonda, Adaina Uxprcas Co, A U Sutton, U, r II lienw.n C M:Kwiu, K 8 Huntly, Union, Co N C, Julin M Parka. Joieoli N C, II F Mor. row, Ur E l WilliKinaon, Pinev.Je, B F Powell, Fort Mills, Ur C I. Hunter, Lincoln co, D V Green, lit John Allison, Iredell co, Mias F A Itoburda, Thoa Hice, Greensboro, Wm Tuylor, Goldaboro, R C Prestle, York U.l, It W Boyd, Cheater, II A KuabinK, Whiles Store, w 1 ni m Mulbewa, Providence, D Kenno, K Iauhuur, Mrs Lander, Columbia. Jun. S!C. Ur 8 II Pendleton, Aaa Cliilnon, R II Smith, Kowan llurub, 8habury, R II Hamiins N V, U M Conine, I G MeCaebern, I anarrua co, John U MoCally, Hush McCally, Win Anurew., John llurr A. tadv. Miaa Price & it avU, U B Kej. Meckiaoburir co. W II l..ff..iuli, Dillua W A Mullof, Miaa L V, Mullog, M Williama, Mias Craig, t A Graip;, Miaa Craig, Cheater Unil t iana. Aaa'l IL.- fcMra eniia, U South, en,tien(llma,New York, W Tur. uer, Iredell co, Mr Holinalry, W W Molony.N V. Jen. 27 Jcibo Morrow, Tboa Down, Jaa Duvis, J C Flow, Mecklenburg co, John J BraUburrr t'-o Adams, N C It R, W B Mut ruit'tu, churit-s. .hlU Pa c T jjcGaully, Monroe, Wm ll.akw., r. II rogue, Uanur.dge lei.u, k n iaton, ..a. ton co, F Lewn, New York, J. M. Cochran, Eiam Jan. 31. P T Murray, Ja M llutchinn, J r. M Suit. John Gibb. Wm Elier. B M Miller, George Kich.rr.a, Robt J While, II P ('nafimi, U F I I- II.. , I....... I L,n. I.'. .1.1 II jiimtli. ' . Spcrial olirra. Persona filicted w:lh the Fever and Ague ahnuld not spnre either lime, trouble, or rxprnae, to pro- u" ' ' , 7 , " , " ' " " U'liiheent tffwli upon the huniaii .yalem haa been c!rlrly pro,(d , ,i,o.e who have been stricken down in s short of lime by this dreadful curae whose cheeks are wan and meagre, and whnae nights are aleeplc.a and frflful, and whose eye- ar4 (j,in .nd aunken, with death .taring tbem in the far , thi. compound mua. prove a hleaamg j ,n,lrll,g them a. .Vwere frJlhi very mou.h 0r llie fr. Unnt can know na true value on. til they have lealed it. W htu all other, havefml. ed, the.e Bitters have rc.tored the .urTerer. to priaillic neaiin. invir 111 "i. ni . vp. tern and 8oulliern prts should mlroduce them to all Innulie.. 8.. hi bv Driifjiala evervwhere, aod bv HOS TE ITER aV SMITH. Sole Proprietor. .',8 W.ter Z' j ' THE GREAT ENGLISH RFWEDTf. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S -l hrn tt'ii rriiiHlt I'ill. to fur C()ItllutlollB). .ullJ(Ct n, ,u rIct. ad remove. .11 ob.truction. .nd a .peedy cure u.av be r. lied on. ( '.'u""' nVi'iMn ahnrt time l,,,''""!'" ,'.,, wll'h r,gUl..rity. L,ch bottle, price One Dollar, be.ra the i.ov. eminent Sump ol Great Britain, to prevent coun. terfeits. ThfMf Villi ihw.ld nit ie itkm lv frmalti during ., - - - - .-"i ' - ' T "- V ' ""J"?- " iHtu at sure fs 6ung n almatriaee, nut ml any I oM;r tme u f)t Mf ' i 11 e.i.i.of Nervous and Sninial Affections,! .. Hie Hark ana Limb., Fatigue on slight ) exerln.ii, I .Ipilalmo ot tlie Heart, lly.terica, and , "... , rr ,lirj, lu,e a. led, and although a iowerlul powerlul 1 ruuiedy, do not contain iron, tab calomel sntiuioiiy n.t.tulioii. tale, and Canada, lor any tiling hurtful to Ihe enn.tiluln Sole Agent lur the L niled Male, ano v anaoa, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co.) Rochester, N. Y. N B. 11.00 nnd 6 postage stamp, enclosed to! any authorised Agent, w '. in.ure a bottle ol the! rtl.s bv return niuil. For .ale by F. SCARU. k CO. ne ofnli for Charlotte. II A V I L A X D S T K V K N S o N A CO. IVHafr.iiIe Agrnlt, ( hail f ion, S. V. Ollirc lirloll. S.V. R. It Co. Columbia, January 31, 1859. T IHE Annual Meeting of the Stoekhol leis in hi. Company will he held in this city, on WEDNESOAY, the 9th day of February next, at 10 o'clock a. 111, All Stockholders and their families attending the Annaal Meeting, will p... FREE to and from the same, C. UOL'KSIGHT, Secretary. R. IYL OATES & CO, orrras Laaar iSTOCK GROCERIES AT Wholesale or Retail. l.OOO SCKS of SALT, (Tat ssck.,) I I HhJa. N. O. Sl'GAK, (New Crop,) HO Bli,s. Stewart'a C iO " Crushed lOO Bags Rio COFFEE, AO " Javs snd Jamaica 5IO " Laguira, " Mancaho, Hhds.Cuha MOLASSES, T BM.. N. O. (new crop.) Call and examine if you want Goods at Charlea. Inn pricea. It. M. OATKS k CO. FV&riMry I, IB59. 149 Notice. A LL the old business of Drucker Sl Sominera j 1. now in the hands nf J. A. F.x, Eq., for settlement. He is authorised to collect and re ceipt for us. I'cison. indebted lo u., will make immediate payment to him or they will be aued by tie at return d.y. JWUCKER k S0MMERS. Frroary 1, 159. 47lf ULANK DKKD3 for sale at this office. HYMENEAL Married, io Be.uforl. .-n the SRtfc !,.. by the Kev. Romley, JASPER RTOWK. E.q , nr! R....... en.,.. in Mr.. JULIA FliavVia B""n7- 'Vl" 'UArti.r.s PARKS, of the former place. Mirried, ul Rock-Hill, on he Sflth InM., K, U. SI.MPSOr. K.q , Mr. WILLIAM I. MAKK8 and Miaa I.ALIi A XESTLER, formerly of t:Bncord North Curolma. In Alligator, Euat Florida, at thtreaidenct of Mr. Ecclea, on the morning of the llth J.inimry, Mrs. 8ARAI1 II. VOUY, wife of KAHTIN P. DOI1Y. and dauglit-r of tho late Aadrcw Grier, Eq., of Mi-cklcnhorg co., I. C. . -, In Iredell J, on the 30th ult.-,Mr.. JEtlll. 8IIA FEIM8TEU, in the 7Hth yenref her ugc. f6 of which ahe hua beca a eonaiatent member olAhe M. E. Church. New Watches, Jewelry, awn PLAT Ell WAHK. RW. tfrckwirh haaiut received nl his Store, , 2d door Eaat of Drucker A Ifeill-un'a St re, a new .apply of ENGLISH A!U AMEKICM iS WATCHES, with new and improved atyln of enw; alec Fine Jewelry of all kind., and also a aupply ef Plated Ware, . of the best kind, all of which ha nffa to tlia pnb. lie at very law prieea for eaa. -Cal and eianuot m, Vt.rl. - .... w jJL'jTy I' I.. 1. 1 .. Ml II . i vaiuiiuie lowii rropeny t fnllAT HOUSE and LOT aitnate tt on .treet, anu lately oo- iff cupieu .a ine DiHunri i arannage of yy. the M E. Church, PSoiilh, in Char- lolte. 1 ue dwelling and out lie oar. are new and wel$uill. The former con la i in four com Tollable r'oii, .h(1 i. admirably adapted for the residence of a small family. This property will be sold oil reaaonable terms. Apply to the Trostces of tho Paraonage, or to K. J. MEYNARPTE, T.z Officio Chaiiman of Iht Hoard. Frbruaiy I, iaj'J. 4, if For Kent, ' DA V 1 DSO.V roiAA.d E. j illiir. kuoecrioer naa an eioeueot siorc, witn U auil ible r.K.rn, B,el,ed for Ife.iiy-m.oe ( Io. tiling, llni una i iipdt lUnAs ana SiiOfn, Ac., tve , wtntti he will rnt for any number nf yt utt, if, application be made .0011 Pomeraion cin be giv. en immediately. II. P. BELTER. Frhiuan, I.1H59. tVJ ' . ... . ii. Davenport leiimle College, I 0 7 I.ENOIK. N.C. ' yrv 'rTNDER Ihe au.pice of the South 7"N j t'sroliiis Conlerenoe, ia now in aueceatful operation, under the Rev. Henry M. Mod, A..V. The Trualee., feelirj -the importance of putting a liberal education wiiuin the reach ot those in moderate circumstance., have put the prie.. of Tuition and B.. .rd at ti, lowest pos.i. than ord.'n .rv inducements in the wav uf Scho. I, ,.l,i- A.lvantairca. tiiere loa v he a larir aa.inir b 1 tic Advantage., tiiere may be a I. rge saving by patronixiiig Hi ii- Iii.tilutiou. The Puhliu Examinjlion will take pljca the 3rd Thuraday in April. , PHH ESTKIl AX.M M. Preparatory Uepartiiieut,.... Collegiate Oeparliiii't.t I3 00 ..311 00 . Auw.sioti Fee.w, 2 00 Board, including r.x $1 75 per week. n., light;,' fiitf. 'Ac., Forty week. Biake a - Te.-m or College Yeur "0 00 Contingent Expcn.ea 2 00 Mimic. Piano 315 00 C.e of Pian'i, 5 00 Lntin, Greek, Gerutsn, or Frencli, each 10 00 I '.-awing or Painting I 6 Oil Embrniiierv 12 PO, Guitar 36 00 Music, VucjI, 6 00 One hundred and lour dollcr. wii! cover all the expense, of a year in tbe cairae, and one humired and forty. five dollar, the add.tion of music. J Jmunry 18, 1859. 45tf I C LOTH I NG EMPORIUM. mrmtT.t vr aoiici:! K IT KNOWN generally that we are scl. MB hug ..ff our Slock of IiEADY-MA HE CLO i iii.mi. r i ii.iiMii.ii t.iMjnu. ate. ai c THING, FCHNISHING fi(M)l)S, kc, ,.,,.r.blv KEDLCED HATES ,n o ner to pre,, r .. j .f. . for the Spring and Summer rrad k. our h ltIrM)r Will come forward and avail themselves of the nre oiMK.rtumty of aupjilying tin ir want, out of son Bay Fur, Trccot Ca. si more and Seal.i '" v . ' ver-.aek., Kaglan. und Frocks ; also, all grades of iSattinel and Business Coats, at le.a price, than you price, tlian you 1AV t nny nllcr llu, , toe state, Our advaiita. gca lor getting GOODS and keeping up the steck are unequalled, as it ia well. known throughout the country, hence e deem it unneeearnry to rc. hearse them, but will aaatire you tliat you wid find it to YOUR 1 examine our stork Defore buy. Intel st to eII sn it.g elsewhere. You will lo find at the Clothing Emporium quite ao extensive stock uf all qualities of Black and Fancy Cashmere Pauls, III. tel. till. :itil sa.-ilin Vra-tsi, I'ftnct I lrct X i aHHsimere rto. auo a vtairTT or FL'ItMSHIXj (,(IOI)S, ov.nts and l.tDira' Trunks, Jtlihsetty i arpct Has, ItttoU :itl '"rXlMlf' ' and many things too tedious tn take aw ACCOUNT of, that are always found in a Gents' Furnishing llon.e. We return our sincere thanks to our friends for their kindness end patronage FOK IS3S. And we Imp by attention to huinc and keep. n.g tlie beat snd cheapen alocH ol ll.UIHIM. ml tlie M ile, to merit a for id. iiilinuanoe of the same j FULLINGS, STRINGS ACO January U5, 1S.'i9. i ii m iu GOOD CO.MFOKTAHLK IIOISE. Apply lo K. M. OATES k CO. IW9. U8 January 25, K. M. OATES & CO., Ol'I.D remind their cti.tomers that the Grocery business is a CASH trade. We have credited many aa a matter of favor, we now need the money and hope they will come forward immediately and pay up, or evpect no further credit from ua. We neither ejpe ted nor intended to do a long credit bu.ineas. -a K. M. OATKS & CO. January 25, 1833. t8 New Crop Molasses, tffeKfc HHPS, of Choice New Crop Cuba 9 9 1 9 Mnlaa.r. eapecled direct from Cuba during this month. For .air by. HATHAWAY t CO. Wilminftm, .Wary 18. US SCARR & CO. CHEMISTS ASD DRUGGISTS, ilMUKIITI C. f V . , mJ I b ESPECTFIJLLY call, thel alien tiou of Pbyoicinns, Plantcr,('oan- 4ry MrchiintMt Are., tn their larire and cartiullj .elected Stock of DRUGS. TO PHYSICIANS. Dr. Cliureliili'a New Remedies for consumption II jpophoapliilea ofi'w.'.n St Potaah. ALSC Compound Syrup of the ilypnphoapliitt a. lYiMiti'M ll.-iir llrotornf r. A fresh aopply of this valuuMe preparation for the Hair. LINSEED OIL TRAIN OIL sperm orr. WINTER I.AR1) OIL. ALSO No I Copal VARNISH " 3 ' . 3 .. . Fine Din-ar " Japan " leather " Ve. L.V.MtKI I W I.IV f,ROI GARDEN SEEDS. All the choice varieties of Garden Seeds. Pen., Recti", Cabbage, Pjrenipa, Ate, Asparagus Roots, It Initial b of I'iv Plmilai, ' vim t UTI lt, lilJ K GKAKS, OnCIf ARD Jan ulllsKI Ac. 4, toSD. 43tf Tii.nnvs Fluid Extracts. SPARK 4 ( the attenlinn of the Medical Pri'fea.iim to thtae elegant p-epniation. ao adini rubly ati4ed for tho i xteiiipririineou. prepuratinn of Tineldrr-s, Syrup.. Wmea, A-c, .enuring the dc. airnblrt by.ct of uniformity of strength. 2o Ph .nc.ian ahould be without tliein. Kor sale at SC4KK k CO.'S DRUG STORE, i Charlotte. Window Glass, E'i.IIv, Ultiliii, i I1.1IK, Ac, lw for rnh, at SCARR & CO.'S, Druggists. : i c rt a i ' DlSSOllltlOn 01 CO I)a Tt HC rSll 1 1). ! ! 1 'Bill E firsi of Brown, Stitl Sc Co. w. dia.olved ! A on Hit first day of January, I8.ia, by mutu-! ' al con.ent.. We feel very gratel'ul to our friends i ' '"' l',e'r literal patroiuge und hope they may cou. . fer t,,e """e " our "iccessor.. It U very im-j : ("irtiint tii.t we ahould close up our bu.iiieaa. I All person, owin oa by Account will please ie- nd "- "."-;.i.iy..nd .i.ry..,.:..i expect nny farther notice from ua, us we shall I give out all our Accounts on the firat of May for collccticin irre.iiectivc ot peraona. Ii t cannot Ret our account, settled by notes we intend to , have them settled bv judgments. I5KOWN, STITT & CO. ' January 18. Ii"9. 14S J j , j LcLSt NOUC6. ! t I f-' -l,'ose who are indebted to Thos. T.-otter ' 1 " " fon, or 1 no., j rnuer, euncr Dy .ole r ' "ccouiii, are reqic.ien te come torwaru by April Court and settle up, as further indulgence cannot ; S'""'1- THOS. TROTTER. rStHE Mecklenburg Bible Society its last Aniiiver.ury, ordered that notice be given to tl.e CongregalionF, to have collections taken un for the Bible Cause, before the 2nd oi March; and, that the Managers in each Con. gregntion be requested In examine and supply any destitution in tl.e.r retiK-ctive fields, and make a written Report to the Executive Committee one monin previoua to tne next Anniversary, j ne Ex-t'oniinlltee consist, of Messrs. I. M Lee, J. P. Irwin, and liev. J. II. Gnrliih. The Aiinlver sary meeting ia to be at Creek Church, on I lie 2nd Wecneaiiav in March, 1 1 o'clock, A. M. M. 1). JOHNSTON, Cor. Sec'ij. January 25, 1850. t.lll A.. WILUAHSOS. 4 TYORaNEY dncl Couiiiellnr ut Law, has ta I ken un lTicv. juinlly with J. A. Fux, E-q I upathira mxt'.iiwir lo the L otirt ilouce, where he win oe co.isia . iy present to aiienn lo an calls on buainem made for hiin.eli, er fori Mr. fox, when he is abaent. January i, IS jV. 4.1lf fl HIE firm of II FN PERSON &. A II KENS was JL dissolved on the lat of January, by mutual co.... nt. JAS. r. HENDERSON, will hereafter crry on ,,, business on H.r,on. in,(ebted will pi ' ..i, . l' hi. own account. All ease conic forward and settle at once, aa the bunineaa must be closed up ' in February next, then and there to iinr com. , for all work cone in his Machine Shop, before re immediately. I plninsnt's bill, or judgment pro w.ll be mora!. HENDERSON k AMIENS, i taken as to them. : . 7. 1501?. 33-11.11 January 18i9. Witness. D. II. I'unhp, (lcrknd M.iater in . I Equity, the llth Monday after the 4th M neay HAVING ..,1.1 mv entire interest in the firm of' ,n A " IT u "' ' I- lS-. ami in the ci. year of A nrvntoM t'lii; tvj . t i n in-v rncricuii Indepcndt nre. PERSON. 1 mill ciptrt o rt ntnui for mme time yet t tlx itore ind (shall bf happy to wait on my lr ic lids and cutnim r, phrttcuhirly on lhoic who would fork ovtr the litllp change, due me und the concern. F. W. AHRKNS. January 18i9. 44. If SILVEli. 500 OIWCES OF OLD SILVER WANTED J. G. WILKINSON k CO S. . Jar -ary II, 1859. 442 in Watch Repairing, &c. fJvHK aub.cribers hsve fiJV . JL .ecured the .ervicea .Tiit ) of a gentleman who is s 'iCi practical Watch. Maker and l1' '"ft 4! who will give particular at dsA.'fj. ti-ntiou to the repairing of iiJX.rpSsis Watches so ss to give pr. feet satisfaction to all who feel dis posed to give them a trial. They bs a large aa.nttnirnl of Watches, Jewelrv. and I-ancv tiooils, constant, lyon hand lor sale at LOW TKIl ES FOUCASH. J. G. WILKINSON & CO. J,rmr 1 1 , STATE OF NORTH-CAKOLI.NA, CAnARIlL'8 COU.NTV. IX EQUITY, Full To m, 1?5. Henry C How i , Ex'r. of J. Howie, dee'd. I.. B Krimminrer. Adm'r. of Moaea Alexander, dee'd., and Robt. M llrydc and Alfred Alexander. I AtLchnnnl in Equity to subject money in the IT appearing that Robert McBryde and Alfred Alexander, two of tU Pef.nd.nt. in tl.ia ca.e, . . l.i .,,,i. r iu,. ...t. Ft im therrfart or. dtrtd. that publication be made for Six Week, in the N.C., Whig, pubiia.ied in Charlotte North I Carolina, notifying the aa.d Robert .Mcltryd. and Alfred Alexander to ba and .ppcar al the next Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Ca. ! barrua. al th. Court Hou.. in Concord, on the I3th .Monday after the 4th Mond.y in February! next, then and there lo answer complainant, or I Judgmmit pro will be taken aa to them. I Witness, K. W. Allison clerk and ina.ter in To nit v the I'.'th Monday after the 4th Monday n Ai.eoat. A. l. this ?th January, IS59. R. W. ALLISON, c. c. Jsrm.ey It, IfiP Era. f.e 6. 143 , A Card. Iff VvPAKMsm i??. a. ,- I Hutelna.m It ( J., h, A YIXG .old ny DKIO and CHEMICAL 1SII.ME.1T to E. Nve eartily comment4 them as mv suceeHHora to the continence auo putronage or a generous public, for hose kind snd liherul sup. peinf myaelf hither Io, am ann shall ever le truly gratelul. II. M. ITllTCnARD. Ckarlatff, Oetohrr 19, 1958. new"firbi Pr. E. Njc Ilnteliison k , "J m AVI NG purchaecd of. am Vr. II. M. l-ritclianl. In. ba entire. tnck of I)Rl GS.f (IE. L- MH AI.S, OILS, PA15TS, etc., Ac., rraprctfuily call the attention of the pun. lie to the fact, that they will crry on a W'hoJpNiIc tV liflail I'nig l!usincis, 1 at Irwin'a Corner, where tbey are receiving in ad. dilion to their 'p. M?nt stock, a lurge ua.ortinent ef fre.h and gentrine direct from the New York market. (MLS. Pure Pperm, Whale, Sea Elephant, T.amp, I.nril and Machinery, Tanner'a Oil, I.inaceii Oil l ma. Rnlactarcr'. prices. VAKMPIIES. Coach, No. I and S, Im. English FlniahinL', Fur- nitnre, (Jopal, extra. No I and 2. Leather, Picture und Dimar antl white Copal, A.e. I Jnpan Illaek and Drown PAINTS. I Pure White LEAD in Oil. by the IU or ton. I Snow while Zinc, Chrome Greene, Chrome Yel. I low, Paris Greene, burnt and ruw I.'mli:r, Paint I Brqalie, aVr., Ate. WilsDOW (I LAS?. Large aa.ortment of Flench and American, from S a 10 to 30 by 40, Pultv in cans. Pore Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Spts Turpentine, by gallon or barrel, French, En?lih and German PKIIFTMKRV, Toilet Combs and Ilrii.he. mid Genuine Tologne. Meeiral and Surgical INS'I IIL.M ENTS. Pure WINES and UUANUV. (French) for medi cal purpurea, Frencl Congress Wall r by the bottle or box. GARDEN SEEDS. Ju.t received from I, an until of Phihulclphia nnd Thorbnrn of New York. GRASS. SEEDS. Ch rer, lied and White, Herd'aGras. or Red Top, Orchard. Illue Grass, (Kentucky) and Millei Seed. Churchill, pri pnration of the llypophu.phitc. for tlie cure of CONSl'.M PTIi )N. E. Nye Huleliiaon M. It., will superintend tlii large and well-known eaialiliKhinenl 111 pt-rann. PI. vict:i na pre.cnptloiin made up wilii iirompl 1 1 end 0 OetnUr 19, 185S. 3)1 f TO J5E FOUND AT norsTON a iiu.Ti:ir, AN ASSORTMENT of WOOD It WII.LtiW WARE. Lew lor CASH. I Door Ea.t o the Court House, HOUSTON A HUNTER. Charluttt, Oct. 26, Jo58. 33tf Fit I SI I AKItlVAL OF C 0 Xl-'J- C TJ OX A It I K H S AS just received frrah aupply of CAN JIM IIKS, of sli kimla, alo Citron. Currant.,, Fig., and a variety ot Nuta. Call at I HOUSTON i HUNTKR'S, 1 1 Door V. tit oi' the Court IImiiap, Charlotte, On. U6. 6.tS. - 33 tr' LKTJiZdS: Leslie toi l tll'.l t, s. c. fHHIE UNDERSIGNED beg. leave to s.y to M i.l r.;n.i. ii. ...,i.ii ........... it.. i... ,,.ed ,,e AMERICAN HOTEL for' term nt yvtirr, Hud ha in;tn: vucli ntctnitrv itnpruv . meutu in trip hoitm?, Hxturin and furniture, tliot it is itecond to none in the cjtv. The Holier wit) br contiiu U-d hi firnf rl-a otel, in ail itu aiipointiiif nt.i, nnd no nauis will oe p.reci to make it a favorile rrporl. 1 he Tropru tor lio(ef, by htnet ttttrntinn to tlir w:int und ct'iitfnrtp of hi guest1, to nnrit a lu share ot' publit; ji-tronugc. solox.diki:. Colnmhia. S. C. Xorrmhrr 16. If .'(. 3."itl 3T Shifir. Line of OMNI Bl'SES and CARKI AGES will he found punctually at the ditierent depot, to convey passenger to the Hotel. .STATE OF AOirni-CAi:OU'A, MECKLENBURG C'OU.VTV. COVliT OF EtjllTV. pjd Williamson and tv.f. J. D. Lat.hion. j m.s in Ch.irh.tle. Were he 1. pr.-n.ircd to fur. STBpnearingtolhe.ntiHacticnoftlieCourtthntlni."l I"ORS. Pf.lNPS AND SAS, lo the puh. J. It. Cushion is a no... resident of this State. ; 'ir on the inot reasonnb'e terms, ann on the .hort. It thrrtlart Oritrrnt Im Ihe Court. Tbat nill.iica. , e.t iretice. tion be niade fir six weeks in the N. C. Whig. .1 newspaper published in the town of Chi.rh.ue, notifying the aaiil defendant to be and appear al the next Court of Equity, to be held for tlie emin. tv of Meckleiibnrg, al tlie Court Houfc io Char. ' lutte, on tbe llth Monday after tne 4;h Monody I January 18, 1S5U. Priulrr fee S6 tU STATK OK NORTH-CAROLINA, 1E(. RLE.NBUP.Q COUNTY. co car of lqi ity. F. M. Brown J rs. in. Reich ano wife and others. IT appearing to the rati. taction of the C.inrf, that Wm. lieieh and Mary hi. wife and M ir. garet Ample, the defendant, in tin. case, arc n,-n-re.ident. of this State, It is thertjoie Oidtrrd by the Court, That publication be made for in week, in the N. C. Whig, a new.papcpiibli.hed in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendant, ta be and appear at the uext Court of Equitv, to ne nein ,.-r mc coan yr, o.ecKienourg ai .... after the 4 ll. Monday in February next, then and tiiere to anawt-r complainant's bill, or judgment pro eonfes.o will be taken sa to them. Witne.s, I. K. Hunlap, Clerk and M iat.r in Equ.ty.the I It). Munoay after the 4th Monday it. AuguM. A. I). lBo8, and in Ihe 6d year ot Ante, rican Indepcudeuce. I. R. PLNLAr.c. M E. ; January 18, IS5. Fruiter', fee to. l5U New Finn and Xew (ioods. 1. 1 E have ju.t received a large Mock ol t.iM IDS f (New and De.irable) of all kind, which wc are ofti-riug at very low prices. We call .ihci.I ttrnt.on In our EM UKOI 1M Eb. .M A M 1 1.I.A SHAWLS, ic. BROWN i STITT. January 18, l$59. t47 Notice. fl jj EE SONS indebted to me will find mv Book J. and rapera at ti e .tore of R. M. Oate. f Co. and will find me readv to receiv. thin, at .1 time., OrTicer. wanting and I promt- to a papers to collect will l.o ca'i ftcuoinmoo-.te thrui. L. S. WILLIAMS. January 18, If .S3. 1 17 JOB PRHuIXi: "JOB PRINTING of all kino, w.ll b. nratlj mi mng ei.c.iien st th. North Pa. r d-na. 'h g nl,o. cSL UFKNAS for sale at this office. The Markets. roBRICTBD BT B. M. OATM & CO. CHARLOTTE, JAN t AKY 3i mi. ft M BACON, Han 13 Sidea. . Ib. 12J " Hop round lb. .............. I IJ (n " Shoulders, Jb.. '"j (.j Bagging, t! snny, vd. 20 (; Heef, lb 5 ( Butter 1 6f 0 Beeswax ,lb. Si (' Bean bushel, 00 (J) Brandy, Apple zal. 00 (S " Peach,. gal ..l)0 (11) Cotton, new, lb .10 fa1, Coffee, Rio, lb.. .12J (') " Ja,.. lb 20 () Candlca, Adamantine Jb. ......... ..28 (it ' Sperm lb 4.j (', Tallow,. . lb -!j (.,, ('oru, old new I'hickena Mnl rr.:oppr i. " l.imlacv,. Ktrira. - t lour, ..bus iic I ... .-buahel.. ...each.... ...yard.... ....yard.... ...dorm ... bbl CO ...50 ....10 ...I2J ...i: A'Jl ( 00 ..44 (n) 50l ....b.ig. 225 f.i Feathers,.... Lard Mutton, Mackerel,... ,..30 (, ..12, (.,) .... 4 (.5 .16 (a, .$.100 tVr .....'.5 rv ...3.5 Ou ....5.r (, ! .... 5 tn, lb lb I.M. No I . Kill Moll .sea, N.O gal W.I. gal Me.- hr.hel Mullet. (Wilmington) ...bbl Is, Northern,. " , Sni.thern,... Oat. PnrU !..,..... Pot. toes, 1rinh,.M. " Sweet,... Rim Sugar. Iial", " Brown atone-Ware, Salt, !b IiiinIicI .. II , bushel.. bn.hel hn.hel.. biiHhel.. Hi lb.. .. Bal na c k !b bn-hel.. pal unw iiKlieH. .... hal ....fill ...75 ...10 ...4 ...14 8 8 ...H I Tea Wheat, white " red Whik.-v, Norther: tl t'O (S. 00 (; 55 f 4.'. f-i; 2tt Or, 2.1 (i K'5 ...45 ...41 ...22 . I no REMARKS, by teaintr Arabia hare oeea.joned a all our .Mi. nlic marki t, l.ieh has proiiueed s corre. ponding decline in I, sy 1 of a cent. Advice decline i of rnur.i this ui.ir1 COI.I'.MIIIA MARKET i 'o ukria, J.iniiar' 29 169. rather ouil 0 hale, .old lij COTTON. The cofon yeatenlay, Willi hut lllll. at l-J (. 'l 1 j centa. HAfON.Iuiground, . (DU.N, PEA UATS FI.Ol'R t l tz, t-s CHARLESTON MARKET. aouary 2", 1f53. SAl:r.t a ve.tcrcfav em. , ubicli were sold prior to 11.,' adviro, within tlie quoi:. Iiona. We subjoin 11 lium J li Ca 12 centa. Iliargiu ol till tlie prices, w riiinL Three Ladies, 'erienee na Tench. nl lor Ifc.'iil. 'Il.ey eiita, and Muaic on Tl K, I 'lliol! Co. N. C. 43 3iii Wcri.. ,. ec to the W l 1 117.1 n. ol I liarli.tte anu siirr.iunoing Cnuntry, that he .till eentiunes tbe ehnve blisi. , W-viog gre-t main- ....i.ll claim, for rork done, .entered nil over n.e cuMry, mined and l.r, d of buhineaa .)) M HAVANA I.OTTb'IiY. The next or.liimrT rfj-a winjr Rnynl Ifuvi na Lottery conducted by the Spanish ' internment. r ,.ikc 1 , on WEILNKSHAV. February 15, IS59 $824,COO. SOUTEO Nl .MERo CI2 OKDINAKIO, i riT. i. ri:izr.! 1 prm ot 100,000 I ,-ntcrof 'i.OOrt I ' 50,000 Hi " l.OOO l ' :t. I hi 3o 1 I VOOO U3 " I ' 10,OO0 '-'( AprVin'. S.Ot 4 .t.proniin. lions to tin IfO.nCO 6o0 each ; 4 of f 4'U t.. j",t'UUi 4 ..f 4Dli to :tn.(i00 J 4 of t4t'U to jlS.Dtihi 4 of H'h t 1 0,100. Wl.olt Tiekii.JDi Ililv..l!'i Viuarttra J. I'risrs c.htu .1 .ight at it per rt.nt. diecouiit. Fill, ou all rohi "t H.inko UKin at p r. A drawing w.l! oe forwarded as saon aa th. re. u;l beiun ea kliown. C..i-.i..'inicati..n. a.l!rted to PON HOPRI tJl'E. 'care of City Pu.t, Charltaton. S. 0.) un' til the lith of February, will be .Itei did to. Peraons v Jering Tirkela w.ll piea.e w rite their is int. plain and give thou post ollicc, county and state. Oats, Oats, Oats! 1,000 11! Sli EES of OATS in ttnr., winch will be sold LOW for J. Y.BRrCK A CO. I'll" .fioaa t y 3.", I " I " V li've h-.d mine e I W w era, want empl"Hi vs li tench the hi r!ih lir-i ' tor rim,, K. ;!r. I Allures M,,,. M. .11. .....I C. I U I Nell Jan. 4. tr.'!). I i 00 12 13 no H 00 25 00 1)0 00 lui 14 00 33 50 12 i:i 30 04.I 35 13 00 S 6-J 1 65 l()0 60 00 ;g 121 9 ICO l

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