CHRIST'S ?IIF.EP. John a. 26-30: Mr I"P hcr my voice, and know them, and they follow nie. Canst'" fb.-rp bive three distinguishing eu.raclfristi,s : but while I guieJ, their lustra faded. Me delight in moist Lett. Neror use There is nothing here that can give rue ter at lower temperature than the hot rest; but when I behold thee, O, Go J, I bed ; if 5 degree higher, 10 much the bet shall be satisfied, ter. -V. C. Ylantcr. And what an opportunity, Eternity will rEAS), Of the earliest kind, when the ground is i furoibb, for ettiinating the lose of ueh a friend I There will be so dimness of the ! mental rje. No worldly cares or pleasure; in a fit state, tnajr be fowd, throwing up a 1. Thj believe ia him ; they are beilie-v- , will prevent intcusity of thought upon that! ridge of earth one foot in height, to protect era. He Ye believe not because ye dreadful theme. ilh wlia. t.rnllfl vivid-1 tbe young plants from the north winds. are not of rpy sheep. They who do not ho- ness will all tbe expressions of the lot:Sow ou the south aide, and protect with lieve are not hi sheep ; they are not known : Friend's kindness, recur to the uiind I His! bushes in frosty weather. It is best to sow and recojniieJ as such; they are not yet ' power uuii willingness to fate, his tender I the very earliest and the next earliest at brought into his fold and numbered with j sympathy, his invitations and his promises ; , the same time, as they make olose suoccs his sheep. For this is one thing distinguish- I what topics of thought, as life's unfolded sion at the time most needed. ib. injj tbena from others. They have failh in; map receives the terrific brightness of the j Christ; they are believers. teams cf truth as the' hhine in eternity J J POTATOES. 2. Aud bis sheep heir his voice. This Beware that you do not encounter in eter-j The ash leaved kidney is the most relia- is another thiag by which they are distin- j t,ity the dreadful fact, that your Friend is ble and prolific early variety. This potato guielied. Tbey hear the voice of their shep- a hit lYieml. herd. Th-y hear it as they reed his wotq ; ( 1 they know it as they listan to the Gospel i preaohed ; and they so hear as t. obey, and thus show their failh by their works. Tbey j were wanderers ence, and he called them"; , they heard and obeyed the call ; they con- j tiuiie to hear and obey his truth ; and this also distinguishes tbrro from others their obedience : they hear and obey. 3. Ileuee tbey not only hear his voice, tut tbey follow him. They do not follow the world ; they do not follow their own in- Gas Works j Joy to the 'Admirers of THE subscriber! respectfully miorm ine puo. lio, that llicy preparud to erect Gas Works for lighting Cities. Towni, Village, Col. Iets and large Hotels. They have erected works in Clierlott. and Raleigh, N. C, which have Riven entire satisfaction to tho citirene of those pluces. Aa to qualifications, promptness and ability to perform ail wontracts entered into, they refer to the lollowlssguulleiiicn A TIKE HBD OP RICH GLOSSY HAIR. Talk of beauty, it cannot txisl without a fine head of hair, then road the following-, and if you ask more, see circular around each otlle, and no otie cun dnuhl, ' lMHFKSStri WOOD'S HAIR RKSTORA. Joa. H. Carson, Pres. Chr. Gas Works, Char. N.C. . ig TIVK. We call the nlintin uf all, old und Wni. Johnston, Pres. Chnr. A 8.C. It. It. " " j y.mng. to this wonderful preparation, which turns Dr.T.D Hogg, Pr.Rl..J Asa. Rnleigh, " j back to it original color, 'gray limr covers the Col. G. II. Young, Wavcrly, Miss. hind of the bald with a lujiuriaiit growth re. A. fi Rinr-m Ir. n. Works. I.iltlc Falls, N. Y. ,,. the dandruH'. I Icli i n i'. and all culanuous F.T.Story Sunt. Gas Work. Walertown, N. Y. ruptiona cautee a continual flow of tho uinuril W. S. Schoeuer V Co., 221 Tearl St., New York. Addreas th snuscribera st Raleigh, N. C. WATE1U10USE & BOWES. Stpt. U, 1858. 87lf to be soira, may be found in a moderately warm bed toj have potatoes fit for table in April and May fll.lHLOTTE FOUNDRY ! AND I IvlAClllXK WORKS. f JIIK unrlersignod begs leave to call the attcn. JLL tion nf the public to the fact that he ia now rom the Republican Intelligencer, Si diaries, ,edy to fill sny orders for inakina; PREFECTION OF SORGHUM. 1 te - ?- i 9 In proof that cane which produces ripe 1 1 V Ila III iC COTTON PlTSSCS. cliualions ; they do not follow imaginations, ofei) J,, sweetness and juice, and be- .nd every description of.Mochiiiery. All kiiids-fi nor impulses, nor lying spirits, whether of eonics dry and pithy, I weuld simply say j i Q rti T T p p this world or the invisfble ; but tbey follow that I made it my particular business, while ! L A U 1 1 i U O. Chriat ; tbey follow bis W rd ; they follow n,y carle Kas growing, to deterrcino its pe- in Iron and Bras or nthtr mcttla made t ahort Lisfisrtrrle; havin; put on Christ, thev walk cuiiaritii-s so far as I could that I miht n"i' V"1 redVc'd . 1 1 1 , ..' ," suiiaritua, ao lar as i cou.u, mai i niifrai JJ- P.rinnlar attention given to th msking as be walked; Laving lis pn it, they fol- tuow how to cultivate it profitably. I C'Jt am repairing of Thrashing Machines, I'orse Tow. i,j l;. . f , f. . , cr. Cotton (Jins, .Mill Work, and Airicaitural lowtrl 10 ci step'. etii.ks every few days, after it tasseled out, wr,r,0f , Here, then, are the marks by which until dead ripe, and found that before the ULACKSMITIl'lNG. JOBBING WORK, WA- ChrUt's sheep are distinguished; fey these feed , fuU in the milk, the juice had ,01iK and s"tING. don. th tvi tr.av know them anywhere. Tbey are greeukb ucpleasaut taste, and tbe inner! ui-D IRON AXD BRASS CASTINGS bought Lark-din the heart, they believe; they are rortioo 'o tbe !ti!k WM about ,weet dnd Vron" o7 .U d" raarked in the ear, they hear; they are 6uar candy aud the stalk perfect. When in exch.-.nge fur Blacksmitliing. r,arkcd in the foot, tbey WW. They run t;,eeed fcc.',n t0 tura dark on lbe lip of .SrVM in iho way of bis commandments. J hete t!,c ids I f011ud a small hollow forming neers.orv to cany on the establishment, n-arks you cannot see; they are internal; th, CCBtre of lhe sU;k nXt t0 tU hMd i .TtU.? D-3t you en see me outwara mauiiesiauoa j &8 t)je see(J of tbrtu. If one has faith, and so is mirk el in his heart, he will show it by his works LARGK and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Sm. f Plain and Jajuned at WbalwaJsf Retail lower than ever, at r - S. T. VRIST0N'S 'i ln and Stove Shop. A FEW f those superior Planished Tea and il oflce fOTS, (or iale by i S. T. WRISTON. fluids: and henee, if uacd aa a regular dressing for th linir will preserve its color, and keep it from falling to extreme old age, in all lU natural beauty. We sail theu upon Ilia bald, the grey, or diaeased in scalp, to use it; and surely the Voung will nut, aa they value the. flowing looks, or tho wilehinir curl- ever be without it. Ita praise is upon the tongue of thousands. The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair restorativo in New IUen, received the following letter in re gsrd to the Restorative, a few wk since : Due Rivia, Conn., July, S3, 156. Mr. Leavenworth Sir: I have been troubled with dandruff or scurf on my head fur more than a year, my hair began to come out, scurf and hair together. I aaw in a New Haven paper about " Wood's Hair Restorative " as a cure, I called at your store on tha 1st of April last, and pur chased one bottle to try it, and 1 found to my sat. iafuetion it was the thing) it removed the scurf and new hair began to grow ; it is now two or three inches in lengll irons if vaiauoff. I nave great faith in it. I wiah you to eud me two hot. Ilea more by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. I don't know at any of the kind ia used in this place, you limy have a market fur many bottles after it is known here. Yours with respeet, ItL'Fl'3 TRATT. r-vi i -4 S.H. RAN S0M.U.CS. AUtANT. Puii Dr.rniA, fVpt. 9, 16.56, Paor. Wood Dear Sir : Ynur Hsir Restorative ia proving itself beneficial to mo. Tbe ft-tt,i, mm4 also the hack part of my head almost lost its cov ering in fact bsld. I hare uacd but two half pint bottlea of your Restorative, and now tbe top of in v head is well studded with a proiniaing crop flJlOILET SETS, a superior article, for ealujf young hair, and the front is also receiving its A at benefit. I have tried other preparations without win run (nr. wiiiiioi. -r!IY is it 's Ts ."ssi" ."-. sed 8loeala V Because ho buyea his. from the Maiinl'acturera. ? US. M.TAYL0R. WniilH r.sneet.'ullv annnnnce to the inliabitaht. of (II A I! I Oil E and t ... from their Old Stand, to No. 1, Granite Row, where lie bua now on eahibilion, just rrcritcd Irvsj. J j rnorin, one oi me inoai exutiiioe huiohc vi CASH, Deed, sale by Tin-npil tbis pvfrndpd down tions may agree. the stalk from ono-hall to two-third its ea-1 ca,t, daily. tire lensth, and the stalk bad a pithy ap IJ" All cortracts connected with the concern mut.t he marie with the undersigned alone. IT A supply of ANTHRACITE COAL con. if one has tie ear-mark, he will show it by ccaranCe. The juice about this hollow be t.kins the Word of God for h guide, and ca,ue flit iUh:,ij) ana tasted very much suntly on hand fur sale. tr3bg, live a, it directs; and if one ha, 1;ke lhe ,t ruQ of miple p, after the j s c. ZJrZfs'llT' tl.e foot mark, you wi.l see bmi fo..oing bud., have started. Tbe lower joints of this hard after Christ,. nit only toin forth in san:e stalk usually remain sound and very; SyfT IClIvitl .jLis-SS the fcotater. of the flock, bul i keeping close ,WMt wLile tLe upper portioD a, tLa Med I ( . i;i tto fcDtrteps of the g3od Sbepherd. and ripCIICdT became nearly dry, and very much ' JL, of MOODY A. .N'lsr.tT ha. been removed to feedin? bis ii-ls bi-- ones beside tho ' n lj ,hd :.ide of a rice corn stalk thetai.ct opposite tne PreeoyterianCLnrch. where c c,o i-oa- reaemfc.ea ta- in.ioe oi a corn aia.a.. (h(j Hr( receivitl)f filtct om Ke. Yo,k illgt s.:-pner- s ti its bol. .n I : i, -. -V f rom these observations I came to the con- aduitiona to their stock of '. i'lirrtcr. ; elusion that when the seed is fully formed j CON FfXTIOXKRII-'S, ; and about to turn dark, then the stalk is at' 1111,1' till Oil l: I Il, & V. THE OTHER LIl'E. the highest state of perfection for use, and Among their atock may be lound everything uu. a, I .r,:. ,Ur .n.-i oo nparcr ta .111 .!,. ,;,U ar r,m is van na. i "T ",p goou sssom. 1 " """ j fi J . mrnt o take Iriinmin S. T. WRISTON'S lire and Dressing BOXES for S. T. WRISTON. KrITTANIA TEA PETS, for sale at S. T. WRISTOX S. any benefit whstever. I think Iroiu my own per. anual leeouinicndation, 1 can induce many others to try it. Yours respe ctfullv, P. H. THOM AS, M. P. Mo. 4(il Vine street. Ever offered In North.Carolina, among wbieh will be found the celebrated aar -am -si wVJIJ-'D',Hfijair, which has gained such a fsmous reputation in the Southern C,untry for the last tighirtn n,,i, This Stove he wsrrsnls superior to any Cooking fiKe . w in uee.ll is ilii!t ii, it sri.i f rn.f," rnnsumrs less fuel, snd does more work in a gucn t.n.r, ihhn sny other n.i in u.r. J,, put up one beside any other Stove of the same tiae in the I'ntled S'l.l.s, in.) if it dor. n,i ct work in a given time, he will forfeit the pme of alia. Hove, and unit selling tnd go l, Bt4l ji the better one. ALSO, A LI- KINDS OF ViNcKHNra, I June E2, 1 953. lS'Ai'Jl t-iAJLtllS, a hrst rale article, lor , A . .,. ..,i j,.,..,,h II. .r f salaby .-,,,.., i Reatnrative, I will stale, for whomsoever it may He has, snd constantly keep on band D. x . 1VI'T1U.v. J concern, that I have used it and known others to ffABLE CCTI.EHY, Cook'a Ladles, Spoons,1 use it that, I have, for seteral year., been in Hie JL Fiesh Forks, etc. For sale at ; habit of using other flair R elorativea, and that ' 8 T WRISTON'S ' ' T""r" vaatly superior to sny other I know, j one month's proper u.e will restore any person's ( luir to the original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glussy appearance; and all tins, withuut discoloring toe hands that apply il, or the dress on which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use to every one desirous i ef hiving a fine color and texture to hair. I Respectful! v yonre, WILSON KI.SG. MASSER'S Patent Ice Cream FREEZERS.the best Frceaers now in use, for sale by S. T. WRISTON. i PARLOR & BOX STOVES. xlriiiifo ind f-irifd tnek of TIX AM) siii:irr 1KOX, itit.iw Kiinx v, n:.i wz-wv'.zm, HAT HACKS , HADLKS, &c.. &c., Allot which will b aoll. VholHl) nitd lCrlull. Ii.i.m r lliimkai rvt-r bri-u olleri d In thi Vicinity. I wonld return my thanks to my friends snd em lome-a Ur the very nt.eral pairosfrr ti n I O. J WOOD sV CO., Proprietors, 313 Broad. ' way, N. Y.. (in the great N Y Wire Railing Ks. 1 Hhhshmenl) and I U Market ati el. St Louis, Mo. And sold by all Pruggisia in the Union and by j E. NYE HUTCHISON, 4 CO. i to 2 Charlotte, .V. C. A RTHER'SReirSaalir.g FRl'IT CANS, with ia directions how to use them, at S. T. WRISTON'S. j I AD IRONS, the beat in this market, for sals by death, I luvk upon it with placect joy, and sire that after the seed ripens it becomes w iys on hand cut of every loading I hear God ssy, ' Oh rjuCt for syrup or sugar. th;rtioj, hjtveing one, come to me." i V.'bat the other lif will brin I know nit, oi.y that I shall awake m God's likeness, j ii.d see him as be is. If a child had been . S. E. Chapman. KIX Tilt GARDEN FOR WINTER. Go through tbe whole county at this sea- rrimmings, Willow Wu, ic , al. They have in their employ an e.'Lil.-.t IlA. KKR, and are prepared to fnrnin Families snd Parlies with Cukes of sll kinns at short notice. MOODY MSDET. Noitmlxr 16, 1633. S. T. WRISTON. We have 4.o opened a fcraneh of our ntore tt Linnlntrtn ;hsri Mr. tnnii will annswrintfcn.. Ivra and epent all hh Ufa in the Mauin:olh and jou will fijd ciucty-uii.e gardens i the btiiineit, and hopes to acura a ili-fo of th at prctinn. MOODY i N IS RET. 3titf to comprehend the upper world ! His pa-'spots on the farm and about the village Aoe. 16. 18S8 rents might tell him of its light, ana beau- 'dwellings and so they will be all through , tv. and its sounds of iov : thev raicht heap tS Wir.ter. Hire are staudicr mutilated I " .. j-. - , , . i Through to I'llulla in 30 Hitnri,tnd opUis sand into mourns.., aud try to ebowj6.aik, of plane too mauy of them weed. Ho L,. T,m than by any ott ct to ty f 5in log to staiact:tes, how grass, I stains tbcre is a uiais of potato vines, lit-J For Florida Eirect. in Hi It 96 I ot ter liovtt. THE UNITED STAT Kg MAIL and Sswcrs, aad trees grow out of the grouLd, till at length, with laboriiss thiuk it?, tbe chi'd would fancy he had gained a true idea of the unkcowu laud. And yet, though he looked to behold it, when the day earns that Le was to gi forth, it would be with regret from tbe faruiiiar crystals, aud the rock hewa rooms, and tea q iiet that reigned tuereia. Hut when he came tp, some MaT inorDing, with tea tbouiand eral'.y " Ijing around loose." Here are. cabtage-Isaves, corn stubs, onion tops, etc ; j there are bills and roouuds of earth, pro- i duced ia digging beets, carrots, and other roots. Only a deep snow will cover the garbage, aud give a pleasant look to tbe -rot wi.icb was so attractive duricg the re- tjv. n m. m. u : TIIOS. SIKTI3, COMMANDER. IFAVKS Cl'ARI.nSTOX.S.C. every TL'F.3. J DAY AFTKRNOOS. at 3 o'clock, tor fl. i.A'I'KA, FLA., via FKR.NAND1NA, JACKSON. VII. LK, Hl'Ul.A'i A snd the usual landings oo cent crowinsr sea.'on. In tbe Spring all ' the St. John's River. this tra,h will he gathered, tbe ground lev-! .7.-?. d t elea aad raked, and the garden will looif above named places for Alligatt r, Oc .iu, Micai.o. bird, singly in the tree., and tbe heavens j cbecrfal ....!, though ot a plant or leaf . 'rrfS.VuhXtcn; d the Northern Taesaaya and bnLt, snd, and fj.l of suohzht, nrid ; lg, vet appeared. with the New York Su-anuinps the wind blowing soft'y through the ycungj Uut wby not do the cleaniug-up ' i SordlVi? Ri'l''"i leaves, a.l a g'itter w'.th dew, and the laud- now ? It wi.l take co more time tban in' M-rein.ndiae, Ate. conaigned to this Agency, . . , ... ,:r.i', - - , , , . j i will b forwarded FRtE OK CHARGE. etc swuiug -.y t' ""-""".spring, ai)Q now mucn r,eer wie garueu , For freijht or p.s.aBe. apply W to ta; nar.i.a, svnat rapture wouia ne ppear all through tbe cheerless win really gar.e about him, and see how poor ; ter, just try the effect of gathering tbe were all tLe fancyiLgs ar;d interpretations rubbi!i and puttlug it in a heap in an out w:e3 were iiiade witb.n tbe care, of tbe 0f tLe way eorner ; or laying it evenly over II L. CHISOLM, Southern Wharf, Charleston. S. C. January i, l:ji. 4 1-3 in things which grew and lired without ; and strawberry or a'paragus plots ; rake off the j l.sw wo ild he winder that be could have ' surfaee of the beds smooth and level, unless ; f Will-AT -WANTED. C lONSTANTLY on har.d. a good assortment of j cook sTovns which cannot be eae.eiitd in performance, by sny other Stovea in the market, for sale st the Tin and Stove Shop, 8 doors Fsat of springs' corner, bj S. T. WRISTON. Crje, June 82. 18SH. I5tf i fell 5 m mm m V mm m3 AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, TOR TIIE BAriD CCRI 09 ColtI, oii(rhv and llonrseiieiit Bunniu, Mam., 9Dtb !-, 1&66. ! J C Atcb: I do txx rwluu u my th Kratt rwnr-djr I b r sbqod tar Ombtv H nmutm, InlltiBntm, twid th ADa3rtn)tMt tymtommot OulJ. to fun Ciituti Pictoiuj. Iu coniunt u Ib tav proLxtm nd mj fiunUy It tha iMt Uu ymn bft ffcow H W pMm rnpsv rvaf Tlrluosl for the trttmnt of thtM Ootn,.U.oU. KHKN K.MOMT, H. D. A. fi. MORTLKT. ati,, of Ctic, J. TwrttMi wm ynur tvcvwul m nd la my umur vx kiac tnrnbl It, and Witov it It hi tmt ntkvl.t ftr IM It'iTf"'. bv pot out ' With tul Ad I tbotibl aooasr I-t twoiy K . (toil'- tVr a tutU Utaa du wiUMNt ll, tiki o ctKt,! trwmdy. Croapt Whoopinr Cooffh. InflaoiA. cruwnrrnn, Um Vmb, 1, 1k64. Hrnm Arm: I chmrlully mfUfj yont Itoml la lb bt noM-iv puaia i Um cur of "boiwini wunh. sanHip, and tha fhm diaM rrf caisdit. w o7 roar fntUruliy la tha ftouth tirrriU joos ktll. and (Xttuaira J your mt"Au to onr psnita. U I HAM COVKLDf, U. D. AMOS I.HI Rfj, Morrmr. vr.ta,Brt Jn " 1 bad a taMlsMia Itiflutftv wtmb corjftiH-d rm la Wtx MS wmU; tuuk tMOj msxlK'rvaVi w)tbaC MlUt; tamif I'leol rjur fkctarxU by tha adriM our elarsymao. Tb ftrat vnm riaed tha rnmsnn tu b.r lhn( and lono la than twir tha twttla MawU . cotjpetrlr maaUfioai ar tn rbrapt aa wil aa Ua taMil wa ud famr rrmxlioa, 'Ikara nd ind rut htrne Sfftsoweti DKn u. nd they my rct imrd, thai I alitll vneot, or Meiili'i. ts fsbitn together with drtf rminrnt'ion tn plir, to try td niM.I coitino.iicr of the mt. his mm'YQ n "mz uiw & shall mm.n Ladks and (ientlemcn are particularly iinitftJ to rail act) exaniine ii ft, X, B. I will tell yon why 1 head my derlienienl " Vit rra Tna VN .!.,, it is atnia we have three waggous conataiilly travelhrE ihrotijr. the coui.try with Stoves. R" . order trill be fit Hit fully and promptly ttttt tulal to a A.A.N.3I.TAV1.01! raroit, Jont 1 8. 1 W7 JA.MI1S 31. IMi:V. comm issjos m:i en a .v r. I IT t HAJIlil US ttl It HI, . V. P, SAUHS, Arcliilt i I mill Ilnililt'r, can boy. aad iitn too, aa tha pour aiaa i trmod. lUK ubicrtf'fT having purchsred the Fteam rajretted to leave silence aud the dreary vou ri,,e the prouud.a, recouimcuded el.e-1 b '112 ZWinl Z'Z darkness of Lis old aLa'le '. Co, when ws (,ere tix up tb waiks or ai!;j a little, aud 1 mf k; ' pr'" in cah. emerge from this cave of earth into that -,aTe ti)e whole with the appearance of hav J Jdwh oenn" " i:;2 been recently prepared and planted. ; JOHN WILKK3. a f K,. .r.l.fii;, Vt1 l!fr, rv. , a,a,lotte, Aug. 9. 1;8. 2Jtf :d where .cpriD2 erowtLs art, aud where is, and Lot that miserable travestj call Hun.mer lere, bow ehall we wonder that w could have ciuuj so fondlv to this dark and barren hfe. JK?US YOUR EKST FRIKXD. IF 4 I)T ATTi: TIATTT cround will d.-v out earlier, than if car- j 11 ; 1 1 lj J 1 1 Jj IIUIJjIj tiiilj covered up with leaves and rubbii-h ; I BY and tie cultivated look will, even in Win-j 'B VT: . ,. , . , ( II A H l.O I '1 F, . C. ter, corsiauiij auora s siua oi pietiare, ri' i x- FOR PTRIl'YIVf. T3IC BL0OI. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, BYERtviisnr. cr.i.EnnATF.D rOB THE BKMTAL ASI) i-EKMANCST t'I'Btt OF ALL DIhKASES AKlSIN'i Fl:iM AS IMI'l Illi BTATK Of THI H1..XH). HP. HABIT OF TIIK SVCTKM. 'nas ih lit Intro leal-., "f M-"rtn. sisnerxua nnltailnira hae. apruna Int., -Tl l. p-.'e. f.iri.llng 1 1, - ir 'U'lua ti IU nnrl'tene. ut l6 i i"'ty un emalie fxiwtra entlned in rtarHU r('.'.t (rrft r;.-itli..ri aii'l tml um f wliifh hit. !.-n mainly attntUU,,. Uf til. many ualerf:l enra IT- -ik! r.y Us3 of th:8 Preparation. Tb!!p Ssni-psrll'a I'.'.t f..-TM tn lrr.p.runt r'lrt ,t 1u o-i:ii, 11,11!.. n. II ia. al tl.a miiip llr- e. euinp.iuD'Ir't w'lh tilUfr es-u le re:ned1'-a 'tt .! (Hjwr. anH it la vn th. trulia ri.rnf.lnalii 7 1 Ui.n. lu rem.rhnt.l4 I (K.nda Othr rrlMiratlm. In t u. anil In heartns tlie nwiif ! h-ra on.l- rxmH.ns t. I avl pur.rter Ilk. are rf.( I f-ee miata. snt In innlrr,r Drit ta taka s'tf rtt D'tl Uat i n tli 'ure of ii-.u i It In the il.le ,.f tuttllff nr ul fu litirre'llcnu. an.l in a rr-merlir lier.: Ll,l. .Ul. B-ware, then, that your bett Fiiend does sin.iiar to that experienced when one has I -jr. f Prpr.e-tr of tin. Hotel is ie. 4 .nr.. u -:uk1. , , i j , j .i w J!?ftrA J. still at his post Mady to lul. K8I1L IESIIM05Y. b-ci.-.e a hit Intnl. sour prevent fioiabtd rrakm-garden m tbe hprmg, and . OTjjj Cl thedutie. of -n.ine host " loth. . On.-,,., m... .k m tourte f gui'it in UhAh$ to alienate hiiu ia looking fwr the coining crop. Ameri-, 'iJ travelling public and others who airta-'s1 u'ti"?7i:s"s 5 for aver from you. His p:,'.ieLce hai bet.i en Agriculturist. i -ihaustir j it. It should startle joa to think ' that vou it.ow not, the bout Jary of his f.r- 1101 BhbS bearance, ar.d know not, of course, bow The manure for this purpose, if not al-' rt.i. maveallon him, and he natters himaeir that i comtnrUMe quarters can be found with him as I any wtiere in this vicinity. Being situsted near, j I, in the "it-eof t;iiarl'tlc, liuainess .Men will! fiiit tlua M'.tul a rnnat convenient snd fieairaltie . He has been tncared in tiie buain'ss M.r tha, limit vou mav this moment be.- ready prepared, should be got in readiness ; 'ZXZ'lrT, A few rnoie repuiisea of iLCniie love, pir- a i-oou as potnibie. Half leavea aud ba.f ,,ue, nn it has teen crentiv euiarved mi- ' L.P, but one, ,,a, tt!. this great ,ue.- stable ..auure ia beat, .ell mixed up toge.h-, Vi tico, caufcirg Lis a.crcv to Le citan gone er ""-" " urrl ""i' "J "'""S eijuaiij , msced uy trees on the aide.waia, anurung a il fsrever. ' for, leaving it when finished id tbe Our at.fuiah at the lo,a of a frietd it in f'-'rro of a ridge. When Cui.hed turning, ' I ut promenade, at all hours of th. day. The ll'iuae has b.en thoroughly furnished thro', it, and in every part of it r.r'-jtijre coiril'.rla are , ,i . .!.,...... t . ,t tnrut i ii;cn id tue tLiiitiie cl the tine or - v.. ' ' ' aarwselil u part. ariarina. taunt; Ctllfl lo t.. -e- tir. Ilnv 1 UMtWt Ita eS7, I now enl. IrMiy r. or.lnil' i.n in any rti!i-r pr-snrtlu ; al t I An t' I r. ail l:ie. It, l'.jV-triiMy JOT'S. S. H.!N" lrf.l r,.l -o,, It A. II. l. IM, I-iKin.ila S... V Jn!t..:i-t,.-l. r. ., ,,. f .,( Wllilaiu, VoiV. h'.ld 4a lv llrnKil S' '' y. A 11 In f-r n.cb I r, m ii. I DR. II. F. VKUiY'S VERMIFUGE OB "DEAD SHOT,' POII WOK. VIM. T.- Is tie'har rn Wa roinnn and falal I re the inner the value of his frlendsi.ip. Look, then, the purpose ol ascertaining tb heat, lbe tt the value of Christ's fneudahip ia tbe manure abiuid be turned at leant twice be- j rot)'"y li.'t.t nf h's ii.finiia attribute, anil ti, h'ea. fore makiliS tbe bed. It is beat to diif a rrtimi.i iBS be ie nVi to Wtow. TU lost is great lo'-e hape of the frame, about three to Le ii, . ,n snii a.lrar. rrr tn snnli a feet deep J IU this Put tLe manure, whiCU I expenrli'.e and many new advantapes ad'led Vi hit t,lrr,A in ,'am wu, w;ll briri the frame ea a level with th. j Vi'.'S''r'. he ' ""f:: to " h'? "."""I ! nraa his frii u'Jat.ip cau ti.r jw over tbe dark grour"' acnes of a lerty 1 vYhal cheerless mid- bKltr reltl, auU Cots not make any ud Btcbt iu that,,, tl.,1 M.;.,,. nut .f ttl i'h:!j sppoaratce. A bed of manure three and a ball net uiu at II tacit and three feet in front, will give heat enough, and a very att sdy beat, t foraard any of our nort esteemed teyitables. For growing cu- nyi.yd.y. cd with Una M'.lel are Stables affordinj i'JO huraes, abundunl!y furnished with provender, attended by failhlol snd o- Ifflltg liostit.TS. 1 lie rr(ipri&n,r frets cunbdert that with Fusions; i lid the " real ol fnnfiaind." as liianv comfilrla a:id i n . fiy this means the heat i .a n.o'h enwl rlw as will be fuund snywrnre, i , aaatli beams of til. b iu of Ku-'Mcou'-Uf i! 1 II iooroy, without him, tbe vai.ey of tLe sha dow of dea'b 1 Jkat on, ih.-n, O heart, and y?arr f dy. in; I havo urank at many a fountain, bul thirst cue ain; I bare fed at many a htt.steo'ie table, but burger returned; I kt i rai.ginjr from ',' to 6') decree"; sow j La. sxiU U..O Ifllt aiiJ love'j tliiis, ,l frjin al.o, et'e- plant. Ihii vtjeta- i II T At an j rale iki the Char!lte J. Ii. KKKR. Ottlr I". l'A. 3iHf c jin': rr ur,d-r g!aii, a frame should be k-pt txclu:ve!y for the purpose, the heat' A LAUOK SI'PPLY OP ( o n! t a b I c Warr:in ts etiK HAl.K IIKKK. H"N'1'S I'rr the lriicr-ry of V FOR SALK IIKKK uftl.e i: k Ae. " ' " -.r.t-ils a-e alrw't tnily tv li-.rtPK wltnens nf it" e ! ia fr .m sn in 1 1 r.srs: I Ukt K'al ''' I hats l-a-n pfaanl.ini' 1 1 1,, I avl tn wK'f-ri n'i riis fijjii't aa'l Uftjr won U m nt.ail TANfT.V, M f. It. ft . ,"IS, Wi hmrUtu E N7K HUTCUIaSON k CO., n'.0t 30, '58. Jkwia'kC uh LLANK LKKD5 for calif at this Ajthma or Phthisic, nnd flroncbltifi. West rirTia, P.. Feu Sr : TotiT Kbtrry y-Trni prijrvriM marvall'jot eara Id thii wt:m. 9$ rate vd avwaral trtm aiansV lug trm p4oma of Qonauuipfann. and la tmm earing a ata ho hm labr-fwl od itf an mtttym of th laaca tv tha lat tony ymn. HKSKX L. fAHKA Metrliaiit. 1. A. RAM.aRT, M Tt Auitfn. MM f, WTHast, Bi-pi. 6, Vtt ; " DarlDt mj pprartira erf start y jr I haa liind nothing a-inal to ymr Oirry lYftorai f11n( aaaa and rviud lo cutuuaiptiva patient, or caring afa aa ara earaMa-' Vt Might add To.nmt of itTidaMKW, tml tha m-t arm finatDf proof of tba tu-tuaaoC Uiii rwaat. b food ia tU tflaata apoa trial. CofiROmpUon. PrabaUy no on maady baa tvar Ymn kaovn which care. ao naof and rarb daoptrrmg aaaaa aa thta. Bum do btnan aid can raaeb ; bnt araa lo thorn tb Omry IXeUffol aiTorda raitof ud antiifbrt. Attot Horaa. Nw Tom Crrr, Marrb I, I..'! Donns Am, Iiwnx: I tW tt a duty and a plnasara to tnJbrrn yon hat ymr Cherry Jdorai baa dm tar toy wlfa. Hb had tMn At morithi Utnrtnir undwr tha daa irarcro aympUana of Cunaamptloo. frura hlch no aid wa en a Id pr-rarn brmorh rIf ba wae mmAHy fait' Inn. antll in f(mrn, of thii dry, wbn haTxmia slwira, rtontnmB1wd a trial of your oMV-in. W bum bit k l nl nsM, a wa do your ah HI : 1W iba ha rrorrd ffutn that day. Hh ft'-t jrt aa ttrotif M ha esad U Is, hut la frar trnrn hr ir,h, ai.d ailla ttmrmJ well. Y juni Wltb cratltiKlo strwi rnj-d, fjHLAMXJ - M feiliY, Of BilXUfTTTUX ChmtumfHrfs, do nc4 drpalr till yon hava trVd Atm'o Cmwr Fmowl It to Ditvl by on of tha t"at tuMUml rtf mru in thewnrWt. and t rur all ap-tind di bsaaaJt Uia bih mriuof lU virtuaa. ybdmUbyftv Ltd ft r. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rpil. seUncaa of Chralttrj and iMidna ban baas X taxad lhAi ntsaoat to prodqr. this btat, mat rarfaet psr;iUTs wl.ieh la koowa to mail. InotnDsrmtl. peoora sr. ahown that tnaa. Plus liaea vtrttH. wbieh sarsaw I. KMlleac. th ar4nawT vatlaaa, and that they la aa nreeaaaatedlr ntin. trja aatavoa of sll SBaa. Tbafsr.aaJb an4 pleaaatit t. Inks, tot awsrfwl In ears, flaw 1 r i IrMISf enarllaliiialaUth. tlUI aeUrltla i th. bud, raanov. th. otatrsctioo. at Us orgra, fmrifjf Um bVxal, snd njll 41aaaa. ThVpura-aoat laaSnlbaSKirB wlilrh laraad and mr otstaanpar, sUoaalat. slosxlsk or 4laa An4 orsana laU Ibatr natural acuoD,ao4 Impart tMaltbv tun. wltb atremtUi to tha wtrtl. ayrtetn. titA 00 If do tb.r ear. Uia .yerv-4aj eoniplaloU of seerj bilv, bat also ruroMahla and danMaria diasasas Uist bars baffle h bast or oilman W I.U. they srutac pnasrtbl eir-na, lhv are at tha same time, la ftlmlnUhed Suva, tb. anaVet aad beat phjtie that eaii ba emplirrcd in- cbil-Jrea. loans aoa-ar-enld, thjr are pNauauit tn take; aad tains, parslj ves;atalle, sr. frw frovi any rlak of bawn. Cnras baea nnen aude wblcb aurpaaa bollvf aws the? net aub atantuuiMl by ma of ui h "raited pnaltluo and cbaraetav aa to Sirtild tb. suspicion of antrath. Manf soiloetit dnrs7ao and pliTa iaaa baaa laut their naisea to oertlr to tha pntlle ui. reLaraultj of toy reraadiaa, whlla otnars ba. sent ins tb. saaaranna of their euqvktioft that my Preparatlona e.itrl!mt. tnimuaaly to tb. rsiicf of It 7 sfllietail, siiRaririlt 64knen. lb. Arot bek.a Lamed hi ylaaard to rarolah sratla B17 A m-rtii aimanae.ofntainlnsdiearti.ifiaKirtlielr nan and cartifl'-.tas nf their enres. of Uia foHoartEK compbunta : ryatlenann, llilioaa LVmiplalnta, flhenmatism, Iirnpay, llaarthurn. Ilaula. Iia arlnll.s hiin a il abanarh, Nau-a-a. llKll.-alvm. SI. rl.Hl Inai Um of the lli.arla ai.,1 I'aia arnlns Ih.r-ln.n.. flatubney. l-a . apfMlle. all IW nna and CntaiiMma liwawa alilch nimre as, evaniant rawall. M. a. rnfula or Kin( . KIL Tbey alas, hy purify. Iris th blrwin and sttBauUUns th. ayaleni, cur BMny amiplalnu whlh It wuifd rwrf la ata.d tliry er.uld reai h. anch a. lafiia, Farllal Blindm-ia. Nefiralla and Nartitie Irrlul.illly, IMransrtnenta.d tlie l.,.ar and Kid aaya, ami other kli.-l.l nanplali.U ariwns fr a h atale of !) nr nlatrm tl..n "f iu functions, llo tint ha put r.s bf anprlnrl.M dealers with aana nthar pill tbey BaaJt. mors prflt nn. Aak tvt Afas's fiuj. sad tsk. anthlna elaa. No nlliar they ess (iv. jom aoorparas with tin In Ha Intrlnst Tain, ar enratl. Dover. TIk al a aaat Uia bnt ai.1 tbera la a Uiesa, aod tliey slmuld hav. H. Prepared by Dr. J. O. AYER, Praatieal and Analytical Clem is t, Lowall, Haas. Fai"S US LTs. m Fits Dntas ria I. BY HUTCHISON & GIBBON', fhnrhttt. HAVIL AND, STKVKXSON' L CO., Charlrston, S. C. l YS and forwarda every bind of merchan dize. ff Ji pel cettl. a anmtaaioa. litter u in.t. Ewsin snd M .rehead, N. W. W xartfin, 1. W. O.oorne, f. V. Meu.lenlmll, A. M. (Joriuan, Ksqs. snd Rev.C. Y. Ilrema, Hon. W. A.t.rali.m, ar.d others. Vaisr ta Pianos, MeMeons, Urna. Ilarpa, tiuitira, Muir, Sea 11, Machines, J r..n S-aiVs, Puinpa, tJar.Irn Knyi'iea, 4r. A printed li.t of all the different makers, kinds and prices seitl frtt. I'uliliaher of an eirpant ith irrapli of Hicktrj Nut Gap," S.C. (l.) and to ( sno ut I'Hr'icias; oa, lMiut tJi'inavo " This ins!oable ami y aorner .hould be in every hooae. It tresis of all diseases, has a copious (loaaary and preseril lite remedies (rum nstofe's liuiiteuus stores, for sll our infirmities and mis. fortunes, ll.s priuwdon fine white ppcr,riand. sunicly Ix und f.utth edition, SV p'J-a, and is mailed free far aws Jttlar. New R.ew-d I'lanos, !50. A6. 16, iua. y ILL furnish lies, tnt, rians snd lirasi, for Fillilir lloililinas, frisste .i.,iii" and Villas, rarlirul.r alierlmo ailiaa.Mi boil.ilnt lUiin.f Mill., t urn Mill.. sSs. lira 111 3d alnry nf Aleiaader's Buijuinj, froai ras over Mm Mill. t.f Sn, i'&. 33:f i(iiirn- t hoi n 1 Hutua! Life Insurance Con.rar p S. M. HOWELL Saddle tt Earnets Manufacturer, THRU DOOR "I'LTII CP Tilt MANSION H,.oM, rn a kmitti: y.v. 7 "All kinda of Saddles and llarneaa niade at the ahorteat nnlire. J r'H ETA 5 K INC; promptly rieeuted. Jam. 19. Ii0 3tf !k. 11. 71. 111:1: fl I.L Le pleased to receite rrnfessmfia C.lll th. departments I'RtiKR Y. I tiie.a or.MV may be found st ins rssiorn York Ui.tnet H. . Frh. 12. IrtSfi. of r.lil( IM. an. onaKy ahei,i, he run Mill Ihpot. Ciisli YM foe Hides, V S. M. HOWELL, 3 d.eif. S.uth of the J B Man.l.llouae. ChaHtttt, April B, 185B. 5tf I'KAT i, O tlal.lV ,V(), (l.ale Karmer, Brace & Co.,) PuMithert, liitokttlUtt ani Stationers, Wo. 21 Clurray Street, a e w v a a s . 1J O. A. f'fj, oiler st low prices for cash and . liberal terms lor approved credit, a largie iflVMS Company inaures ' J I11.1 of aoi.i JB. si lir one year, a term of y. ara, w 'w ..a 011 Ine Mutual Principle, the atsurrd M an ticipatin m the profiia of the Comnr. ft B..IICIIS grted fo lb. Whaie tMm f : srhen the premium tb.retor a ti 1 tn '' 1 note may be gtfen for one half ti,e aniuht'ai premium, beating interest at I per cent. e.i'H. glialnnty. Tha pron pt manner in wineh sll ! . km hern paid I y tins company . tt jeti i ub l ' rati of pieiiiiiim, prei lit ( inuo'e'iiti.,J a aueh a. are disposed lo inauie. Mmra are iraureil tint a leita cl :r. " (it yi ala, ftt two llilllis lilt it ta.ue. Ail l re pud a ill. in !)U Ea ts a lrr factory pr.S is presl titer. U1UH Tdlif. fl,ar!.s K. Johnston. Win II, Jones. II. .Intl., VS. !. li'ike, J. .. W mums. II Hull. d, Ciiel. line lubee, f. V. I'.srgil, a II. M. ker, K . I'. Halite, Charles B. I. tuwie, Kitl.'ll II. Lillie. omrui. I)r. Charles E. Jobnaon, i'rtsidtnl. W. W. Ilolitnti, Vi.e I'realiHIit. K. II. Mittle.M'-crili.ry. V .limn,. II. Ji.i , Trnsur.'.'. II V. linaltd. Aitornev Iir. Wm. II. Mrkre. M'iesl Inn" ktttutttr ummillrt b. IJuab-1-, W. I! ":' K :e. t'liarles ll, lluol. Mie.l iiaara of raos(i Join, a,, n. M. !.. Uiilian. II. Mi Kich'd II. Ilsy wood, M. I'., for further ii.foni.ilion, lhe public s n: ri d lo the la, and fiumaol l'"l' ' may be i.l.l el at lbe t lViee of lo 1 ""'f' ur any of lis Ajreneies. (.,,'olilUliiratn.ns iiou:d b aiidn""'. pan!) lo. K. H. IIATTJ.K, .""-' i.r,J,Mhtr fl, IM.1,-. '""" Islij IStsilWir aWasVVa aUkaaJVa aw ba AIlVl-'w.M.. TI I !k 1 1 K Kor t'oucl.s, Colds, lnfluenia, ( o.i,f"( Arlrrliooa of tl.o huineys fciid liiaio.". lionorrhwa, Uler 1, the Whiles, Wl'lk"" other Keiuaic ouiplmnt. I'ncv l" cent, .ml $1 'Ji. Cold Mine Balsam, or llyapi ptie Ilil'eisrf Tinctute 'I onr MS F. I,u.. W sioekofliANK and OKKK K H TATIO.NKRY, IILANK Mem A lelter from J. R . f 'as lias N. C. dati n Aug. U, lc47 1 .. . .,L 1 .. . a.... V..r nied'tioes lr.J. nnui i'ear en . - l(. Hilt ud A'XOL'NT 1M)K, Receipts and f 7. , , , u I. . PIPtUIlL' aft LIVI, I " " . n this alure espec.ail) 1(1 , II I ( ard., t, liill ilea l., Vc, I rintin. and x' "I'l"""" ' ' . B frt ha0 .nourii" l.ilhographiiifr eiecuiej bo oro.t. llinles, Misecl. " ,, i ,v ' l.iieou. and rTcl Hooks. i "!' th. demand. "''' , ,,,.. 1. II. Co. publish Bullion', series of Cm j U' ,uMl " " " J (' AI.1.I mura ; Coniatock'a earn s nn the Sriences ; Hook. u lii s11" '" er's rhysioloiiiea i Ilroekletby'a Aalronomies ; Ol. I A'rliNTS. Win. W. Handera, (-f ney's tJeoirraphy, newly reViaed; Houthern Class ' T, Long-, Kocli ins ha m i I'hifer j(,si keaiiersiruliner'a Ibnik Ktepii.gjsnd the "cheap. T. J. Ilolton snn lr. J. . t.ilnier.l n . Xa. "cheap eat and beat" Sielling Book ever uacd. Aug. 17, 1H..H 6,n g 1f)N'aVl.irTIO.V-Th Rev. IWl. Ilurnell, v seveni I years a Misemnary in tuiilLtrn Aw, diaeoiered siine snd rrrem'rure lor ( mnumn. fn.n, Ankmn, Htonrlntu. -rn,'u!, ( nunht. ( Mi, end" Aereoos Irlnlily; ilw in sail trh-riu ij mode of inhaling the ll, mrdy a meihud by winch the i-iirir pr.,p. r;,. a of tlii Midicmc nn- dirtcl lv aililn , d to the diaeaa, d (,rj;ao and the li.trg. iiinent. Aetiinlid by a d-airn lo benefit In. sitl. lermg fellows, he. will chri rloi'y send li e Hrcxyr (Iree) to sll who ilisire it, Willi I' ill and rt,!, ,1 direnlions f,r preparing ami ai,-..,, salully using the Modicane. Aply l 1,' m u-. RKV. '. ei i rilNHTT. h3l llrnidwiy. New York. Jj'y S", ;8.".8. tlll eV Hill and J. II. Knnisa.hnlishui ry, l.eiington. v -'?e -V .: !' ,-a- ,1 V - fill PR I NIT Nti of all km! ."' C e I oro 1 1,011.1 f teeulen f I Ili. Wh.g- tllTir..

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