14 Tirqe io Sod, fo Jjoq. omthj, id to ijour Suit;.' CX-2.DE.21jiO'X,B2?E3, 1ST. C, FjSBR.XJAR.'V S2, 1359. IXTTJEBEIFL SO, III THOHAS J. HOLTON, TEKMss: . 'rlli. Carolina Whig will benfTordcd In nub. T t I WO HII,,AKB III 0UVu,IIU j i u i a If. -J AND F1FTV" CKNTrt if payment ! .1 , cl i t llirw niuullia ; and Tllll F.F. DOLLAR'S A UU end of till) year. Nui.ipir will be diacuu. i nii.-d until all urroaragea are uaid,tcrpl at ll:t ,,,, ,.l tho Editor. A,j,,:rl,.eii.nta inserted at One Dullar per qu:ir Hii line. r Iea, li'i" ' lJV-) '"' luu I"1 "'.er. ,n uiid 25 cents lur each continuance. Court ad .'..rtiaitiienla and SlicrilTe Sales charged per higher J and a deduction M'33J per cent, will b-mado fniiii llie regular prices, fur advertiser, by , y.ar. AuvertiaoiiiciiU inserted mouthly ir ka.rUirly. .1 l Pf a.Ur. ""' c '" Bum- ,Iu.:y H F" I""' for "ch "me .i ....,,.;.. in their a.iverliaiinri.t. ''I'li'I,. rlie number ol ..ac-i-iona wt' tM f ''",' will be ""-'leiJ u"''1 fr"''"1 ''""i""1 c c'.r".ly. j -l-.i.tiim'" are aulbo.iacd to a.t agenta T, II. HI. EM & CO., IIOLIA ALL a iii.taildlaliks IS EF1TISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN MY GOODS, i u:i'i;ts n .it, hoi, AND li vimw t H n-.. J ii iiii uin:, vc. J. A Sui.. -. I .r.tura Ai.Mra. PICKLE DEPOT. - AVL or. band and f. r a-k Pickle.. I're- j 2 '& I ..... Jlica. !truin. Ate. low fwr , vll I Il.f K.at nf Hm- t jiUll lloaae. 1 UUl'STON A. HUNTEIt. J mi.'-I(, Oft. ifi. Itil. 33lf J'l'ITS! 1IKLTSI! 1!1III!!! Iron. ! ISI Ua'll t'mpiHIJ. j At .Vanni'l"."' l'"" ( AMI I'ltK 1I .'iJ cla. ;vt foot. "'" li " M 17 iM " " 'J imb U - ' " li " 4 ply M 1 "Sr AMI.t.-S BhLTS maruiaclurrd Uoro r .1 ... rl ....tire. , ( (J.SSf.CTlX! HOSi: of all ... .!, . .(. a.ui. , ordritd dutet jrm A JlJai.. '''' : Al.ao a a ... f pui.'. U, 31. ri. J. li V. UOONE. I a if . . i- ..o !"" . . f . ..v.' lVIl'lf . ' ' . ' ' Merchant, and Drurr. . . ......I.. anoM imliee auh de.Mipti.in ol I .per , ,.aU bv r'ria'.ii.g llllir.a ami Coltou hae.. wil allow a fur o.,i. fr the waaie o' j J. V. HKYCK & t., jgmt Jot U'ucviiu Mtli'i. V-y l, iPii. Wanted. , tf(J 1 afWk M CORDS OF TAN HA! 1 r7W whieli li.e ea.h w: . paid. 7 M. U. TAYI.OH. .v.ni, is. im 0 Ueinoval. rilllt: .oi.-enl.rr uiiorma hi'a fiienda and the I public generally, that hr h-. removed l.ia s. p in iba I al.i.rt of M A Hyer!y, under I. . Wiliiain.' !lor.-, on T.a.t. altrel. w lu re be i. i.riMind to attend to all nr.lera oi hia line, lie atill a I. w arlirlta on band au. h a. G .Idon Cock. Golden Star.Planter's and Premium COOK STOYI.N, n J a snetjr of I'ARI.OK STOVl. A. a... g.i,H aaaortllK.it uf Tin ai.l llolliM-ttni', V'. A i .1... I, 1 w ill .. II chtan for ( AMI or Coon r. Pr.iuuce. D. H. HYKKLY. 46 It Ji 1 1, lf5M. MOO ACHES OF LAM) xv: s.i 1st:. f3? ff OFFK.II f.raile my Land ? 'ys-vA I' n cuu. ty, lying lifS-l Y w on Clear t reek and Crooked i-tP 'nig. J..,a been aofveyed Hilo Hire" truela "i.t trait . ..ulaiuing 'J UOO acrea, on. SOW acrea i J i...r J.IO acrea, all eu.itiguoua to eacli oilier, j Kl I Land la well adapt, d to U . ullivalloll nfe.it- ' e-irii, wheat and other amall (rain, and well ililaled ,,r grnail.g .utM.a. a. It la lici.riy all 1 "xl land and w. ll.llllllsf red, within a convenient ' :t-ier ol- i,r t barlotlo and W iluiiiigloii Kail-; '"'d, ami i, aitu..l"d Hi Ihe gold n eion between ti.il and tne lluwie Mine. ( Id hn already 1"'ii e.a.overed on lh.it part of the Land known l" l.ilila M.niniain. 1 I ..ll r lor ail. a TU M T OF LAND lying '"Y.ii. lli.in. i. S (:., on ll.g tug r I .. k, j.un- ' ob l.i.ina of Hut. r Sprioga and olheta, eon- I '"ling ll.lll .urea. Said Laud has been ronaider. I u une u,t brat Cotton rian' .lioiia in Yrk Dia. 1 "".nd tin r ia nn halter hind li.r cor., or win at. If ane.l, 1 w, divide any of the afore.al.C loauit purchaacra; and the purrliaaer r..n ,U i'-i ",U"' r""lt',1 1,0 j "Ilan'urc. I AI'F y tu me in Charloll W. K. DAVIDSON. Ju' 15. lo.'.sl. 4ltl Notice k I L tiera.iia, whnaa Not.- and Awnniiuj are a, due, owing ta the undcraignad aaTruatae.l " 'ariie.tly r. u.u.iale.1 1. 1 o.ll and ailllr, a. it ia j 'rt ii.l i,,,t tru,, (.uut !,. i u, ,p a di.ya m rmaailili , Keitiembcr, ll.d uli;eiic , '"it ta gir.ii. W. It. MYKKS, , Trualer ul la n.f Mprn.i.a. II. R Williams '& Co., u iioi,i;mm; u ni ic i:t.. i ia, A UK now r.-criving t lurire atuck and will have weekly auditinna ' ua lluir -tie may require. 1 licy j will aell tu lbs wliulisulv trad at. a amall comiiiinainn. Our 2rn art CASH or COUTH Y VKODVCE. i W e occupy the well kuowi. aland recently oe- j copied by 'J'. M. Farrow. ( iTO..DKIitJ ulU'liUcii tu jjroni j.tljf and ua low i aa if prcacnt. I II. B. WILLIAMS & CO., Tiadi Street, 3 doors fiom Ihe lltil Comer. Charlotte, Jan. UC, ISi. , 4.lf Dissolution. V rnnnrBKl hWITII A HKITTAI.VwHa Ihia il.iy dii!vcd br muluul coiiacnt. All nrana iixubini to aaitl linn ure rtqu.atrd tu come lorwuitl mmtdiattly and make payment, aa tlx lunu.ua ul tiv firm ( be clort u. n. w. uKCKwn u. W.J. JilUTTAIN. Juar 111, IbJS. 14lf Notice. j"? V C AVINo Uiujililllietiitircalock m fkflof Vj Waif lies Jew dry. &c, f Hi tk n ill. & liiillain, I rball r. nlinur li e bu anrra at tli.ir old at.liu, K III re I (ball be hoj'l'y to meet my old Iritnua and cualmrra. K. W. BECK WITH. Jum 10. 1.8. 1411" A (MM. TIIOMAH liKi.HAIITMUlD. J. A. ESTES k CO., I'ACTOItS AM COjmiSSKhN' I 'III! ti.e ,r ..f Cuttuii, tir.iin, Hour, and all kni'ia ol ( ountry I'ro.ime. ( tlTur. Nor lb AtUnt.c VlMrea.rli:irlrton,S.C. 1 Ac.ordn.g to Jne tiruia ol tne t:o-.rt.irr. aini. will i...t n.Lij.Tr, d.rertijp or inuirevl- '" ""J J'ruuutc aliiiid to our liou.t. !;,., .(. M.lia. S. S. Krrar. Hrotlura . I e . I... in., .'ii, Sn ub & Vl.il.iui, I linmaa J. A. I . I II. .M.na. , ( li..rictou. S. C; ( ol. It. AmJeroii, K. IIoh-, Columbia, I. C.J Tboinaa Mcl.ure, fcr., N. ! K. A . lo.,t.i t, I l.r.u r, . C.J CI. K. ISrarrt, I'nion. S. C , C.l. I. I. Will..-riKii, J, W. lAver). VV. A. L.IU, KJ.. tl.!. N. Muwe, Dr. J. it. iiratton, Y. fkll.e,.N. C, Dr. MIMH.idt, Sal. . ..bury, N. C j J. L. Dn.'ii, Km.nlie, 'IVnn. ! JuPt 1. 1 ij. 'y rii:trlilU".12iiti:il l ire lumtr-aiii-r Coni j.i n y. ' i li II l- ( I IMI'A T n.l.lii.ura in l .ae riaaa a. 1L r..o-t i.a y lire. ..u tlouaea. Ooooa, Fro- cTrr'r... .1 u-u-l rate.. tU; between F-ra' Store aud Brawl, j'a llu.liiii.t. (.rrirKHK. .M. H TAYLOIt. l'rrti,Ul. I O. t V EKMAN, J muUnjL . . .u r. I KNYKllUIClHSluW i ..ail-llU, C. OVEKMAN. ,' J. h. l!KiVN, WM. JlHI.NSTdN, I". SCAKK, H. T. WUIsTON, j A. C. S'l EEI.K. I Ji.nr.- L. :;;ov.-n, S. T. Wbiston and A. C. STr.Kl.I, Kittutite Cutnnittlce. ,0 jcjB. lOif A "H2 P U' itLlt! 1 lllilll rilllK .inHrrtii(i liifinf entrcl into Cop-irt-JL r;rp.n) f..f ii.e puf;nit of rart yM.g "ii Hie ConfcctioiiarvJ'aktiT, Fruit, I AND lietail Grocery Business, 1'i-v 1, ,vc to call the attention of toe ciliznia nl Cliail'.tu and surr..i,n.i.i.g country to tl.eir New Stand on Trade Sir. .1, b. Iw.-.n Ursm'a and Frank eiilh.ili'a, at fij-ral A Daniel'a old Sii.n.1, where tl.ey would be pleased tu sea all lb. ir Iricii.ia ami acquaintances. MOODY Si MSBET. Isfouary 2, IM. 4P II Tia:: iaivi:i: J V ! (i 0 K A T 0 It ! PI.,.rK' n I.V UK INS..M. (unipouuJ.il ciilirciy from (.HIS, j, onk; ..r til.' ii.t riB.uvivs: a.M i.ivkr uk ...ir l... Ihe ni....i ll.llol.a all., i I., a.- c.n .-I a... I, aali.l I. hi I.e. , lirrtriil. !. s 1,1. rr ... Ia...l... . at.'' I I tba l.-l tn ,...va lb. a' .iuaeti ir p" MKut- ln...-r.a Ih. li., I. .,1. .... I) aH'1ln l. e. t I1..II. . -S.la l . ..... li.ilr.a , ol ( l.iii. a. !.,i,imtl. e ..t..!.'i'Il.".al ll,a ..'n. -Mnf pl.a. . a. I.1..1 le llii- ,S,,, al. l a 1". - "',"' "" '' -' - "" ' , ... ...,n al ' trna)'. 'T.' .I.- I. r. . l l7,,,rj.r'li,,'.l,,,!!jJ'1"; ,.i n, ,n. i. ' ... a.iu.a i ia-"'. w "a ""ha'Zr II are K,;i.. .hrle .......... tr. ,.,,,,, , I., IU !...... THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS 1 fcill-MII'i: IIIHHII. Ills, i .1 . I; V. i 1 a rta.lv I.I i.-n...a-A, 11 a UK It a.r iK. F .NIIIKII 1 I . F. SO. Mill A CO., L'li'rliit f, S C. CANDY JACTOlir. . Fresh Coiifccliouerie?, Fruits, &.C., 4c. f Bl K auWribcr reapectfully infnrnia the eiti. M. tuna ul t barlotle and eurrouuiiing eouutry, Unit lie Im a on baud and la conataotly receiving fruiu New York, Confectioneries, Fruits, iwxrv citocKKi i:s,c u: a us toijacl'o, sxt rr. toys, liii-ul linalrniiM-i(, 1'IRi: MOItK. IIOHHV IIOIt.I, VlM'li'l-, i 1 1 w M'ufc-oii., Chain, Wi k-hla ihI, V Kit at Cit(j' of every Variety. J. D. PALMER. Suvtmhtr 9, I8..8. 4Utf AU., be inti iida t manufacture CANDIES of all kindn, free from (M.ia.in.iua culnrinjr unlike tbe New York hlejm liifincil I'nnu'y. t .11 and ace. vfcw KAlLNWI'lLIMiT'LUO'llIEliS BrPKC'IrLI.l.Y inform riPKC'l HI.l.Y inform tiie citizena of Jit. t'liarlntln and ainrouuiln.ir country, tli .1 they are opeiuni; in tl-e Store 2 uuoia from T. 11 Ijrrlil v o., a large ai uk of liAX4.'Y fc ST.VI'lil 'DRY HOODS. I'OA . HTs , N A E 2.I.A X, AND For lienia, Youll.a aud Uyi ill.i IJI. .Mti;T!, grofif HOOTS MIOKS, I1AIS, JIOOIS, MIOKS II. VIS, grim s. l a-ti-J--i rrpl;ll- ,v Jlll.lshS, Ac, and b. .1 asanrlineiit of the above uamed Gom.a that can be found in the Male, and cheaper Iran anv oliier liouae. Haviur Ik.ul lit our entire atoek ; lor CASH, whi. h cl.ahie. u. to aell our goous i'O pet etnt ckiiiprr. AH piraona wiaun.g w ,.j , ihuuij ia fjjiiia fi.s. m ! to fi.rgrl to call on ua before buying cla. rwliere. Whuleaule buysra. part rularl) , a'h.iuld l-ar u m In audition to our Urge .lit. we itava ai- al- i fitu-d up a Wllfll I'Q II'1 II HOW II Jl vJal-0' - itVV t Jij X'JZ'&mi- Jaf... KaiiNwanr.a. thai h'lt. Aotvmt. l. lci.ia. 3jti ...... ..iuii- , I t I ! I 1 1 . I' I . I I' S " ...vu-FH Vl aV. nroTIIE"! I v i lV rlc.,,eu, i 'audition iu a, t t;.-.da, a !'!;! aup,.:. of Ci:o(l i:t::?i. J,erml,tr u. !d. B. ' 41U' - ( ( linn "o 1 KYllit j,.n.,.1dl',10ut'"'u tll doctorteca5.ealittlepro-: '.n'uivuu av. i xi uit in'ilii. fine of the luuatidj coild hold iu uo '()K S.llJ.'a ( looker ; he arose in the ooigr.Htion, aud shouted :" hurry, Doctor, f.r mercy's sake WESTBPOfKS & nEKEMHAlL, hurry! They'll haug the mau before you Vinprirlois oj the II est lurtn uisrrnt ai'd Gariuitt, lifur (lietHs'ioTu,'. C, Ol'LD very rcaMctliillv c.iil the i.tu-nli ..f ti.e c.uaeiia ul Ine SoulMirn Mutea cry largo at.u k nf native and acclimated Fr.nl Tr.ea. for the fa,l aud Winter I r.:e. i.ia i. h , . i j pr.oigat.-u lioin inritly liealmg tret a, and work.l ed uihi.i Ihe beat .red ling atocka, which .a a aure guarantee of truitiulueaa and longevity, 8 pn.iiii. nrnt characteristic ii. orcharding winch abould no I ue oiernaiacii oy piiauna aian.K .o in. oharu. either tor mars. In. g or tuii.ily use. The atuek constats of liie li.ilooiiig Ire 7m Pe.rl, iree- 10 ' : I .','1.0(10 Apple tr.-ea J IUII. (it..! Tear treea j l-'.ui'ii Auricula; lu.uuu i.eiry ; laVHM) Plum; 51100 N".ci..riue; 1000 Almoud luiiug.ii..ce;4ui.u(;r..e V.i.e.. ll.-ai.ica a very fine a .aui tinrnt nf ( urrntita Pear treea J l-'.OI'll A. aW'b. rries, U irr.ea. t;...cberriea, etc., all of winch will be mi verv reaaouuble tin. .a fur caasi or approved (...tier. Ail packages put up in auperior aiyle, and a eonipl. I invoice n.t to eaeh patron, and a.) sr. ranged that Ihe invoice will be tho register ot the orchard atter tho Ire. a are transplanted, if ll. cy are ttanaptauted aa each one apiieara on the list. Mr. T. J. Ilolt.m will art aa ae.'nl for t.ie fur. mailing of the people of ,M. csl. i.i.iug and m-igli. bering eoitntiea w.'U the above Fruit Tree, and will iko pleaaure hi furwarding ordi ra lor the Vtt. 56 IS5. 33tf. HAWKS'S History of North-Carolina. nv MllF. 2nd volume ia n. nbliahcl It JL braeea the p. nod of Ihe Propri. tary Uuv. rrrmetit, frum K.ti3 to It forma a batiuaoiiic Bvo. volume el .iU I page.. The uhaciiiiiin price waa half a tint a p. no; but the price of Una volume is lra, aay f J ' j in cloth binunn;, $'t in l.ibr.iry h. . p, ami i.i ili in ball c . II. It wii.i. aa a. i n nsi.v roa Cash. Owing to the ilitlii ulty of aeiiiriug Agents in many part, nf the State, wo will lrwrd it by mail or otherwise ftee of aafaga, on receipt of the prior; or both volumes for l cloth, ti oU ahei p, ,.r .i lu.ll c-lf. A liberal diaeotint made to Ageuta, ur othcra, who buy to aell again. K. J. HALEJt SON. t'uyrtltftlir. ?m. lf.iH 3..I.-P Notice. f aIOS ol my fiicnds who are indebted lo me M. by Noic or Account, a ill please observe thai I l.avo" r. tired fr..iu tile Drug lluaine.a, at Ihia place, and wnairdiule arKiimrnla i ulfduteiy re n ui red. My llouka are in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, on whom .claims cm call, dining my absence, and at ttlc. 11. M. PKITCHAUD. CAaiotlr, Orl. d, Mf Dr. I. W. Fiitcliaril ' IKLDIM. tu the solicitation ufma. ny Irieinia, reai.ecltully aiinunu. r. a hia deuriniiiatioii lo riauuir the I'l ill-lice ol l.Mll. i.H'. He y be enuaulled at Ilia i lliee. 3 'Ton p-a.r prrarribi d for w.iln.ul el,nrg-r. A iu.-tM. I";H. -'-if Naval LntblUdkm The chief en-l o'tieer of the ny-ydlr. Kiog, ha ju.it obtained penuiasioo frou) tho autlioritic to l teat ou the engine of tbU, S. frigate Nia- ' liara, when tbe ia ready for tea, the prac-j tical value of a. new atisiu reveroiug ma-1 ebiue. principally iovent. by Liuiielf. Na val officer are tireuVof tLcold )ttin of re-( versing by hand, aDd 1 lmgh aereral per-, noun Lave introduced Mlniilutca for it, do. : tbiuj; baa been found t-yiutAtr all the de aired enda. lMr. King' oo'elty, however, prouiiaea 19 become Uulvur.ally applied in the navy, ehould iU ai-vits be uch aa id . expected. 1 be work eri th atcatu-frigate Suu Jacinto baa been liui ud vigoroualy of ( late. Her boilera wul bneady ia a few ( weeks, and will von. Le (not two, as ; prcvioucN o'at i) . fVtaijjkV patt, wbiclc will measure VI feet 3 iuehea iu width, 11 . feet 3 inches in height, and contain 0 fur- j nacea aud 1,740 uprijjat cuuipontiou tubes,: 0 ii.chea ill diatueler and 3- iLcLcs long. ; Tbe other will be a horizontal cue, of the aaine external diuieLabu.-, containing 4141 couipoattiou tubes, 3 itiiaea iu iltaim tar aud 7 feet long. Loth aru tube made of J inch! iron, exct pt water bottom ; bottom of fur-1 nacp, 7-10 of iucb, tube leads half an inch ' thick, brace for a pre.ieira of 00 lbs. per square inch. Kffects of Negro Kmam'H'ation. The New l'ork: Courier u J Etiquirer says that at the time of the iusirrtctiou in Hayti,' there was exported actually from the is land 911, 3,300 pouud of sugar, about; 77,000,0'JO of cotton. LlJl, there was' txporteJ lti,.')tO,U00 pomds of auar, 43,-1 4'JO,'J70 pounds of coti'e, ind 2,360,340. i 0f co.tOD, In 120, tui aucar crop ha l j f-ii.... ia ji Hjr. r.niimi. ,.r.(r..., tn :t- i-n . fnd cotton to V,2n,'J2. In lfc3lJ, the' export of cmleo waa iitl.-TJ - ,.j irf, ami cotton ."40,1-0. fc'uar, it wil thus be seen, bad j disappeared from the ariuics of expori, the! laet beibg. tuai w.,atsM..r ,s u.eu ou tne . inland is imported frou Jamaica auu the United States. The tot.l vs'ua of ihu ex iporu iu 1769 aoSKl Om. francs, and - i furly years later it was bJt.),ot)(t,(ilKI. pmu- lr results bavc atundcl British W.-t In- 0,a -u.ancipai.on. .giu.n a ,.o ail paav eapeiii-uce, iuui . ma vei v ouiu in I ; abolished in Cuba .udthe United States, I .the world would have, do vuhout sugar Syi hc ttr. Dr. , of Georgia, has a ; TBller sow livery, tUieh M the occa- nou oi an amusing acae iu mtimmiui ..t ...... r.:.. I... . tuc r.uuauc jisjiuiu ,ii iu n.-i .r f...ii.i- me6t be was prescbing Lpen the abscluie ,l nis last arfoint- ,1( cls,,ilv ef troeting ii turtet. Uewasil-' lustraliLg his subject by the cas of a tnau 1 coudriimed to be budg, aud reprieved un- ,0e pam- cut ua to rt.;rjLe i0i.t srbvi'ifu "Vof' h" lf,n.!J of u work." I tl.n r,,nl! ' Ll rcnr Ulider tlw .... ... . ' I' . ot the x- " ' thu aUiustmetit ot tbe Mt.., .ue prrpara- itiouto let fall (he plaform, and just then t""e "I'Pelnc iu thedistauce of the dust horse, the wa- !'"? handkerchief, tbj ooiiiiu-jtiou iu tho crowd. At this thrillilg point, beu every , one was lialeuing iu bretthle silence ta the get mere I An Il'tM Fdrt DAauKltRKiTVI Ks. A gay ( 1 young gcLlleman in S. Loui eiiti ted a da- o and I guemall establlelillicnta few OH) nroruaed to b d.-in i,,il, ,i..l,t atvle r,f art. 1 ending the rrehtintry arrsDeinent.", . j , 1 "u ."ggeaieu ma. ue nqjLiu laos uiuer n in .bad a gold chaiu on, vt-sreupou the opera tor kindly took out his jattu and accumpa r.. i ... . , i ., uj.t.g piau.il., wn.cu taoanueu over wim Thfljikeness waa taken, -' removed fronthe instrument and '.!..!.. ... .u i i-. i - -.1 . .-.- i . laaeu iu me uui a,r.ieu mau.fer, ueie err- tain mysterious euchsukjients are supposed . ! to be pronounced. Atllas critical mome.it ' I . v ,.,,. irnnllc.a. ml- bi I, a. an. I i l.'r f'J eeui.e.aa loot . nai inn departed, forgetting leave behind bitn the watch and chaiu. .v;i:' r.ii.is nut ii'i.v'rr.i; UK Subscriber, havoavceiv.d from ih- North apply of Faynd Winter tiOODS. 1 Tinir stock i lull MY OODS, ISarriictnu' tuit t rvrkcry, i:al-iu:ulr II, II Till ,1.., Dools k Short;, Hals k Caps, i u a t , ' J u iri.ti lil(H, which will he ott'. ri.l f..r (17 at unuauallj low pric. a. An enaiiiiiialiun i our Block ia respect tuSly auliciled. W r i.ave HI.. ek and . Cloth, Silkand Caall- mere CLOAKS ud MANILLAS truni 1 50 to i-j ;u. , I..IU... ..t..muis, nr.. ra.e .r.irir., at till eenla; ineu'a call. If and otliir kin. is of: sii.ii ai.i- ..... i... Ala,,, a ........ at.,. L . i liliOOANS at 61 'U to 1 I. ALSO- Ch.thing, SI, in.. Cravats. Cara, Sock a. Drawer a. L ndi ralnrts, a good araortlii.t. Jen Ll.'Zrii la. n tlunen'a Imrd.r.d cauihrie andhercbiela, al 10 cenla. Alan, linen and a. lUiidkereliu 1, a large variety. AISl- fJi-nla Shawls, R.iglana.Coierls. Ac., fine Wa trli es and Jewelry, Pock, t kv. s, Ptrlumery am: Fancy Ai ticlea. ALSC- Jackonet ami Swiaa F.lgn uml Inacrting. Col. lata. Sic. vi a, Lai-, s, Fl. uu. g , Mur.eillca, corded aud a variety of lluops Sku, Iron. "5 cla lo l.'ij. awaa, l:d UJ K TWaa Si. II on baud the favorite 4 brand (La K.lulia) at 3 per box ul lljl , aiao liana fcgaraol choice qu .lilies. 117 Call ul our Store, at Spiga" corner, and ant. iiy jouraell-Ibal our prie. are, if nut the luw eal, amolia the loiil. HF.NDEKSO & AH KENS. 1r lJ.tr 19, lf..f . W'l lilllHS. Words for Music. bt oimat r. aoitn. i. fare thee well we part forever, All rejrrvta aru now in v.un ! Fulr- dcerera that we tiiuat aever, Ne'er to meet on earil. ajin. Other akiua will bond above thee. Other lieuru. may auek thy ahrui.., Itut no otiirr e'er will love the ' Witi. the eonafaney of l.mie Yet, larawell we p..rt forever ! All refrcta are now in vjin ! 1'itle Uccrt-ea Unit we muat aever, NuVr to intet on earth agaiu. fare tiieo well'. Like the ali.idow on the di..l, J.iiifrera atiil our purting kiaa I Life h.:a no aeverer trial, Drutll no pang to equal Ihia. All the world ia now before thee, Kv.tv clime to ro:ua nt will. But within the l.ili.l tlt.it bore thee. One fond heart will love thee atill. Y et, I'.rewell we part forever ! All regrela are now in v.uu ! Fate iltcrt-ca that wo muat aever, Nt'tr tu meet on earth Kg. .in. Fare tliuc well ! Ulisccllaneous. l'rum J't-trrson's Miigtiziiie. BY A NEW CO.NTBIUUTUK. " Well, this is comfortable '" exclaimed Wyndham. throwing bime!f into the , . .. .u.-. i r .i? -t,:..,. ..,,. lare:e, easy-chair before the glowing grate .. 1 1. ..,.. ...... . Cru f..r thru.. ,r. r doeg d tQ from boum 0U(je , i.,, , i, : , nr..,.intnrl y f ; j of bandfome brother, eh sis !" ,, i 1 ii. Going abroad U not. d ;f your ;,;,." Bat Jaae he! the iuatruiueut to preclude .uy further con- add V..,;' . V0UnL. woman who sat Ur,.,(ion. sewing in tue cornur, pring some more coal : and, Jane, do eet tny work-box as you come down stairs. It is awfully stupid here ! with notbtng to rio." I i usiia. vuu, uui nu-, wi un iuwuhuiiu. . but who is Janul . . i. . : . t ... . . i. l v.. ; oui w no is o auu i luateeu.eij retu uo before." - " Don t you know J ane t eston T " bat ; cousiu Jcnuy I U it possible i g0 he is exalted to the rank of an upper servant in her uncle's family. A sort of; ."o " " Ah, let me sec, coal is apt to soil de-: lieate fingers. I suppose Jenny does uot play on the piaoo. and is not invited into the parlor. Perhaps my memory is at fault, but I believe her father was a wealthy law-, yer, while ours was a poor cabin boy , who made his fortune by '' Carrie's facecrimsoued, and she was about leavimj the room iu ludignaut astoutshmeut, j wheu Jane returned with the coal and box. j Excuse me, Jenny," said Harry, tak- j inr; them from her. "Excuse me for not knowtug you, but thru, yers make great changes. I am sorry, however, that vou! still tl'ink me such a scape grace, thut you have not spoKen to me Bince l came. Here Hurry playfully put his arm around her, and kissed her cheek. The tears rose to her eyes, and her voice treiiil.le.l aa she endeavored to answer, hut Harry continued, i 1 1 am very sorry to see this, Jenny. I i.H.rrt ot vnur latner a unsiortuues ana ueatn. ...... . 7. ...u , 1 uv 1 ulu uul lu,Bo"": Juu "uum tr'!,tIed in tbi,9. '"'b'-" " Dou t sav anvthniff. please. II arry; you ' l i ca" o uothiujr to help " by have you remained here ! Jenny Jon have you must have bortie a grea you must have bortie a great deal. You used to be afiuo musician. It would have been better l-'' j " Yes, Harry," she answered, interrupt-', iug him, " I should have gone long ago but for little Edie. She clung to me and seems to depend ou me more thau any one else." i " Uicss you, Jeuuy, for your kindness to j ber," said the realty affcetiouute brother, 1 ," tho poor child has uot had too much sym-j path)- Muce 1 lelt. Here tbe ringing ot the door bell an- juouueed the entrauce of viaiiors, and Jaue the doctor, "I called to see if she would , proach of the ears. As they passed him, j hastily retreated. g0 with me lo visit a sick woman near by. oue of the aide doors being open, he. threw When Harry next saw her slio was pa- j jhe is sadly in need of ouie cheering words, j his sack of beeswax iuto the car. Thu laet jtietitly standing by tbo table, ironing a de-iauch as ouly oue of ber own six can give jwe heard of bitn, he said be had not re ! licate ruffle of bis own. Ho had often won-1 jjrr j!De l4!t 0tery neoessary comfort for ceived the scratch of a pen from Savauuab, ! dered who fluted these so beautifully, but ho' the body, but is extremely depressed and j and would send no more beeswax to those j had yet to learn bow necessary Jaue was in nervous. My horse is waiting for mc, and fellows doau there. Handei svtlte Ctor- household onairs. " You shall not do this for me," said he, ) attempting to withdraw it from her baud. Suppose I say it gives me pleasure to work for you," she answered, with a gentle k'nile. " In that case, I shall say I do not de serve such kindness. But, Jenny, it pro okcs wo to see you take everything so I,.,L1,. f rnn am. i lilstallenk Out linlli- . ... ,.- , rA .ulll .,, het- ,l,ev V. j J wiu!d not Ur to treat vou so. 1 am as- touished that my father can suffer his si.-tcr's child to become a menial iu bis house." Jane laid her hanJ on his arm, a. id re plied, very gentiy, " Como with me, Har ry; I have somcthiug to show you." 11c followed her up stairs, aud she stopped at the door of a small room which she soft ly opened. Un a low bed Dear the Ere, lay a feeble sickly child, whose wan face was eveu moie pale aud worn thau be had ever seen it Oue thin hand was under her cheek, while the other was throwu over the pillow. She was asleep. " Harry, I think EfTiu is sinking, no one seems to UJtico it but myself. Sbas has seemed to eare for nothing for several days, aud has hardly tasted food." " Dr. Gordou rtut come aud see her. He is to be here tu-ni;'Vit, and I will ask Li in to ooni up " Harry watched Jaue as alio ntored noise lenaly about the room, putting everything iu iu place, aud preparing aotuetbing to tetupt the child's delicate appetite, aud thought bow little tbe world knew of the beautiful life of patient goodness in that up per room, of tbe scenes of gentle kindness and unwearying devotedness daily enacted around the bod-iide of that little sufferer Kffie had lone been bopeleaMy deformed, and tier lower linils were shrunken aud Tj uute now maturing and to reduce tba wasted. Acute paiu often ktptber inoau- expenses of the Goveruuiont within the re inuj hour after hour. Jane was for days . yeIiUu, Xhe I'enusylvania Demoorats held the only one uear her. In fact tbn child would seldom let Jane leave her, and no one aeemud to think that anything could be done for her ; ao, in time, all became ac cubtomed to ber illucas, and it was deemed hardly .worth while to inquire about her. Her moTlier was dead, and her faiher be lieved that iu askinp Dr. Gordon ta come rouud sometimes and see her, he . pcr loruiinjr all a pareut's duty, aud could do no more. Carrie complained that a sick room made her head-ache, aud iu conse quence seldom honored it by ber presence Harry was really atfeotiouate aud kiud,jng it0 the expediency of abrogating the auu uau Ulieu uiuuni. a niuno v ui ' little face, that nothitii; elso could. Dut with Jane's arrival, there had come peace aud happiness lo the child's heart, that had nev er before found plaee there. Jaue felt that ber misi-iou ou earth, though through sor row and tests, was one of the deepest uud purest joy. That evening, the parlor resounded with laughter aud soin;. Harry came up once or twice to see Effie, and, finding her quiet, went back again to the parlor. Iu the course of the evening, Dr. Gordon asked Carrie for a Bong, which she told him the bad forgotten. " Why, Jenny cau sing that," exclaimed Harry. I New York; reduced the appropriations for " Oh ! a cousin of ours, who nurses Kffie." J ,njn,8i at ew York and San Francisco, ' A couaiu ' I did not know " $15O,0Ull ; aud added 81C7,0()U for the " Certainly not," interrupted Carrie," few jpriijUp hill deficiencies. It was then passed, know Jaue, because she will never come j lr. JJrxneh reported back from the for into the parlor." jeigu cowiuittra thu bill appropriating S30,- " She is very rctiriug indeed," said Har- , 000,0(10 to urgotiato for the purchase of ry, sigtiificautly. "I will go and see if I(Juba. Ileferred to Committee of the Whole, cannot persuade her, fur one night, to over-j yir Lav;Si 0f Mississippi, gave notice come this relactance to society." ! that ha ehould substitute the word lake for Carrie bit her lip with mortifieation, and rapidly passed her fiugers over the keys of ;n a tew moments, a servant came in wnn g message from Harry, that the doctor wouhl please walk up stairs. "Harry was always so ridiculous about rouih miiijja, auiu v.ai i ic, i ui uiug .u j uuuH ,i i i..:. ....I I, .1 ...I iUH wro leiuiu uicr urr iu.ii, .u down lauguidly iuto her faeo. Ashadedlamp was Dumiitg in r.tue s room, and Jane was holding the child in ber arms, Harry held oue of tbe little cold hands, so sadly attenua'ed, and she looked affection- - i .4oiVei,Dupiui?, .it'? ,CaTh-J5.hilw 11 fai"1 sU,il8 Jane," aaid the child softly, pressing1 . K,.l thai u.. r,l b.uu the hand thai was round her. " vou have heeu verv irood to me. aud God will bless 'you. I am going home, and I will ask Him." : The thin fingers relaxed their hold, they were growing weaker. ' Tbe doctor looked ou silently, he felt that ! a creater Dhvsieiau than be was leiieviD' Eflie'.i sufferings. When the morning light stole into that little chamber, it felt on'the face of a still white figure, with hands crossed upou its breast and whose better nart " had "one te be an angel." A mouth after this. Dr. Gordon was shown into the sittiug-room at Mr. Wyndham's. Carrie was very beautiful iu her mourning eiik, for it set off her fair complexion to rrreat advantage : Jstie was uuietlv working. I i her usual dress, for it had been thought, i inn ..nnatn fa. V-. tn Lam. t,U..l.- " Sl. 1 wa8 ouly Eflie's nurse," said Harry sarca.ti- Cally. You ought to be ashamed, Harry, you " V care more now lor d ane, ttian lor your owu i sister, replied Carrie with tears of auger au,l mortification. ' ll is well that some one does care for I Jane," he answered, taking bis seat by the 1 latter as he spoke. You know, Harry," she said, looking up quietl,, ,s alwaya did, " that tbe dress makes uo differ, nee to me. Nothing could make her memory dearer." A smile of peace rested on her sallow features as she spoke, a gentle, patient smile, that seemed to light up the soul within, and made ber almost beautiful. She looked a laomeut at Harry, and then her eyes went hack q.ii. tly lo her work. jf Miss Weston will oblige me, said if you will get tu the carriage ami go witu njei he greatly obliged." J:lDe ,M k, teA or th ti,lo. The doctor baudud her iu, and stepping in after her, they were soou far from Carrie and all thoso little petty cares, from which . bines some of the features of both the Jaue bad kuon no respite for many a weary ' D.blgreen " and " Columbian " guus, and week. jis calculated to do execution at four milts. The fresh air seemed to impart a glow to ( Jt ;s to be of fifteen iueh calibre, with a dia ller cheek, and a lihl sparkled iu hir eye meter of twenty-eight and a half iuchea at that made her seem another creature. tl10 njuzilc, fortj-seveu inches at the breech. When they returned home, before getting . glJ(j BU extreme length of fiftce u feet. The out of the carriage-, the doctor said, ; bail will niih between four hundred and " I wauled to tell you this a long time (our hundred and fifty pounds, requiring an ago, Jaue, but I kuew she could not spire j enormous charge of powder. Ttio eitima you ; but my bouse is sadly in need of iu j .cd weight of the guu is between twenty-five uiistrise, and you will uut maku me wait;HU(l (Liny tons, long." j . " Carrie," said Iiarry. about a year after j v ...... r,,.,., r. -n i. . , . ' , lit.; . , im r.Asrr.R Comes. It will be tote- thts, " iruesJ where I dined to day. hut: , , ,, .. , -., , ' .,, , ii- restui.' to learu that busier, which wt 1 be vou never Mill. ith Dr. Gordon and his t . i ,t ' , - ., , . . u i .ft tl.. '0D -tn of April this vear, last feil on wife ; aud Jouuv is actuilly beautiful. Hap-:, . i-.,, j ' , ,, , it' . ii .,, ,'i, i 'hat day in 1 1 01 , and will not fall on the tnncss. and foreuu travel, have so much , ,.. " improved her, and thiir home is so charm iu,;, that I have made up my mind to gi aud get ur.irried myself.' A good story is told of Mrs. Douglas, when asked recently regarding her poli tics. Her reply was. "I im an old-lice Whig, wi'h strtTj P"":iT.AS rfc-V tlVITTLK. fnngrmiuiial. WasuingTON, February 7. The Senate on Saturday was engageJ with buiiue counected with the District of Columbia. In the House tbe private calen dar was taken up; a Democratic caucus, wai. held by the menibera of the Houi-e on Saturday ni'ht, which, wassliinly attended. A resolution was diacussed that Dieaus ought to be provided to redeem the Treasu- j a aepsrate tiieetiagaDd repudiated thejjrouud of too cauous resolution. February 3. Iu tbe Senate, the joint resolution for re gulatiug the Tobacco Trade (foreign) waa paAed. Tbe resolution for etjiialiiiu tbo rcvetue, aud the appropriu'.iou Cor Consu lar and Diplomatic accouuta were discussed. Iu the iioue, the debate was chiefly di rected to tbe Kxecutivc, Legislative aud Judiciary appropriations. February 0. The Senate adopted a resolution iiiiiufr- Canadian reciprocity treaty. The revenue resolutions were taken up; Mr. Toombs made a lengthy speech iu reply to Mr. Dialer's on yesterday. Mr. Siidell's Cubau bill wai taken up after a louc parliamentary strusgle. Mr. Doolittle introduced a substitute, the pubstaitce of which is to purchase Central America for the residence of free negroes, aud (00,000,(100 to be appropriated fur that purpose. 'J'he Hou'o struck from the legislative aud judicial bill, the item of ?00,OUO for mileage for members of Congress; also, the S0,000 for the purchase of a site aud the , erection of a buildina for court purposes at 1 ,,..up. j Mi. Docoek introduc-d a bill to iticreaso the tiuuiber of surgeons and pursuers iu the Dav v. February 10. j Iu the Senate, Mr. Yule- reported a, bill ; for continuing the transportation of the mails hetweeD Charleston aud Havana, via Savau- niQ uu(1 n est. 1 ue tariu nut was ' . .... j,., ttlscussiou ; ami U0 iir. rjllOell a I Cuban bill. It is uow believed this bill will riass the Senate b it will not Dass the House. j In the House, the Oregou admission bill was dii-euased. The Admiuistraiioa is engaged iu ir.qui- r-i.i l.rij ILul"- tioule, winch was seiz-.'d,( ciipd and liurn. c,l r,T the Iiriti.h war steamer Viper, on the . .' , . , . , 1 coin oi Airica, as a slaver. i ; Tint IVm-Off... Bill. It U stated that ; the bill to abolish franking, wbioh wa3 re- ported from the ll.'use postal committee few dava ao. trot.oe to denriva Con. gressuu u of the privilege, giving each mem- ber 100 per anuum iu stamps as an ofaet, but it retains the privilege for thu Presi- dent, ex Presidents, President's widows, Po-tmattur General and denuties Vuditor aud Chief Cierk, aud for tho.,o p-jstmasters whose annual nav is less thau SJOO. Tho bill deprives uewspaper of the privilege they now, etjoy of having exchanges ad their county circulation free. AbsX.n. s of Mind. The latest jase of ; ,";" of u''"J e- PhiUdelphia.oa iflur DOtiu(r' ,Le sUt f tbe weather, pre- , . , . . . . . . . " ; . . : ' . , . V i --".a luuul mormug, ' ' "3 F'c-m...., w0 m- foruu,d 1",".that s &M wfu ' wfs h,n?,nS ", . . .,.u.u.ni) mm .u I u, ",- , ." "aa P'"8,", lue '"-'-"V j tcr un'1tr 1,u P"low- aod buuS oul of "oc"''- ! K" A msn living ou the line of the Cen- tral Kuilroad as we are informed, not long j siu.-e concluded that he would send a lot of beeswax to Savannah for sale. Not beiu ; acquainted with the manner of shipping uruelea tor market, he stationed himself by . tue side ot the tract anil waited: the ap- (.'.. j Mo.KI. Cas.no.n. The construction of . u,onster piece of ordnance has been pro- ietod Iv tho Secretary of War. It com same date aain till ".'Oil. Since the intro duction of theGregoriu Almanac, this has only been the cine iu the years Iti3', 17 07 and 1701. The period iu whifb Easter can fail, reaches frjiu the of March (earliest date,) to the 5th of April (latest dale,) leaving thirty five diff.rcM days ftr tbe celebratiou of this festival. In tbia coun try Easter will fall only once (l-s'M on the. latest da'v, th .'."th f April.

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