"Se itn to dor), To Hour Gir j, ne to -jaoqr Stifi,.' CIIARLiOTTH, KT-.'0.,lLS:ja.3El.OH 3., 1SS9, THOfJAS J. HOLTON, EfilTOK & PROPKItTOk. TERMS. : Tl, North-Carolina Wlii will be c (forded to tub. ...iheri "t TWO DOLLARS in advance i TWO : nuI.LAUS AND Uri'Y CKNTK if payment be 4-lijod lr three month and TDK KE I JLI.AK8 ! line ill" J"r. iiopaper will o aiacon ,ptunol Editor. A.lvertiiement inserted al One Dollar per irjUMre j 4liMr"f l'a,ti liiod type) for the first inacr. J UMi.and 5 centa l.iraa.-h continuance. Court ad. , ,eri,iiiciil m .Mienn e.Joi ena fed US pr j at higher; and deduction of33J pr eent. w.il 1 , . . ib....,, i,r H. . .jgt year. jnertiinma inin'i mommy i imrltrly. at l per aqoarn fur each time. rkim. mni,j 75 uenti per iquare for each lime. Person when lending tn their advertisement ijtn r k the nainterot inaertioni deairod or, k, r will be inserted until forbid and charged ac. jjT,,.linater olhoriied to act aa agent T, II. HUEM & CO., MI!OI.IJ!iALK.V It UTAH, DEALI.IIH IN BRITISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN 1)1! 1' GOODS, l AICl'M II IT, MiOI, AND II.ilSIJWAIMU It h ni uti.o'm;, n.i:. f j A r-ui la. J -': . L.r.Tim Au". j PICKLEDEPOT. j II OI'4 TO 4V him 1:1: AVK on hand and for laic, Piekle. !'.. fl I aerr.. Jim", .Te'liet, Syrups, A 0., Itw for 1 tSN I 't "f ''' ll"uae. j HOUSTON A HUNTER. 1 (iii, IM 86, 8S. 33if Iieiis: m:irs:. i.r.iis::: I rani Oil Ilit.dlll llt'lf Mtl (u II ) . A I .V k ufarHn k t' I 't irrt t t AMI PHH l t '. inch .? rla. per fo.. .15 .17 ,.9-J 12 "4plr - M 17 MAMLKhA lil l.TS manuf-clurrd toordtr n .rl antire. T.v.verr.vff isistnt n ! ittiTw j 1, ai:, itdtrtU itrrel reM Ae .Wai firrrr. ALSO I'll KIU of all df.rriplmr t-'tiri. J. H F W; 31. 1 at f.' rrnte liOONE. latr I'.tpcr, Paper, Paper! 1'Ejr- now raffeinne in 8'nre, eaanrti WW IT I A f lMlT.lt. r M.rrhr.nU and Urucf'"". ar.d can .linrt notice ao-li dt-arrlpli'm of Papr .1 l, I'tililiiif (lllirtaand t'otloll i'C wn'l ji"W lair prife l-r the aim e' J, V. r.KYCK k CO . Aumtjur H'lK'Win Mih. Unf V-i IS. Wanted, Jnn K t i'lil'S UP TAN BAP K, for al F wiuch ti e c.h wil' I- paid. M. U. T AY LOU. kir3i,iH'. ian 1 f IICJIIOI Ilia alllE tnli.ciiber informi hia frirndi and the pirroe genrr.illy, thai he h.a r.niovad hia 6 te ton nl,l at.nd of Mimit A Hvrrly, under J S. W illioua' l..fc, on Tiaila alt.-, t. win n lit jv,iare, oltiiol M all i.r'rt in hia line. Ur :., I a . arurlea on hand audi aa I Men Cook, GoldeP FtarTlanter's and I Premium J (lunisiuvns, f vnrinj of I iMiiiiOH ntovi-:s. j ". i f naaotlinrnt of Tin aiitl IIiIIm nrr, Ac. I h I will tell cheap fi r ( AMI or Coun t r I s D. H. UYEHLY. AM a.i:. Sj8, MOO ACRES OF LAM) I'J) roil s.ii.i:. IOKFP.U fof a.le my Land r-frfSL iii Union ei..inly, lying dj..-"lw3 N . l!a, Jot onClei. Creek and Crooksd 4ar- a. ' rr ii known as the utart i. It hi bten lurvrvrd into Ihret tr-ieta '"H ri.,it.mng 'J HOD arrea, ana SOO acrea ""t 25l acici, ill ootiligooui In aaeli oihtr. i 'nil i wall adaolod !' lo mltitalion or rut. f"m, wheal and other small eruin, and well j oltj l'.,r jr.ninj pnrp,r.ra. It ia nearly all s imj and wtill.liuilwrad, within a convenient ace nf n, i barh.lt and W limine; ton IUi! ad ii aitudrd in h gold region brlwcen d "i 11 and ll.c Howie Mine, (iold haa already ,1 ''''ovrred on that part of Ilit) Land known " l-iti.o Mountain. lo off. r for ..It a Tit fT Of' LAND lying Ur I'utriel. S C, tin ll.g Huar Creek, join. In l.indi of llujier stprings ami othara, con 'ft HHl) rr . Said Land Ims been coiiaillel. ''""l ine heal O.tlon Plantation in York Dia. '.nr i.re j, nobrtter land for corn or wheat. "'aired, I Wll .,,,,l. .,. ifore.nid ! to i ' liia i luit purchnaersj and lh purcliaarr nin wn l,oie to pay Ilia money, provided ha lta il tprure. T?t' J to me in Charlotte. W. F. DAVII'SON. ' IS. IBjfl. 4ltf Notice perionn, wlioae Note and Aeeoiir.tl are . Oarinrr In tllO lin.ler. ,r,n, .l T, . I 'a'nr.tlj. r,.fur,r, , e, ,n() .,,!,, j. ...ui ine tr,. fund ), ninraliallrd at aa " "sya a puaaiblt, Reiiienilirr, iiidulffenci " gis.a. W. II. MYERS, l'""' S3, 1838. Truitce of Leroy Sjirtnwo. I6tf II. B. Williams & Co,, l 1:. 1 Lints in a no ci; Mils, UOIA.SALt: mid KKTAIL, 1 RE now teceiving a large atock aa their lalea may require, 'i'liejr small couunisaion. 1 We occupy th well known itand recently 00. 1 cupied by T. M. Farrow. I HJ-OKDF.KS attended lo promptly and aa ow e it' proaenl. ' U. JJ. WILLIAMS & CO., T Jt Slrr,l,3 Jomirom the Wflferntr fierwti.. JB).9i. 4Jtt Dissolution, fJ1 V firm of BECK WITH & lililTTAlN wai M III 11. day iiioinl In muluiii eonaent. Ail prraona imit bird In .nd lii 111 i.re nqueatid to j the buaiiuva ol the firtn mwil he ctoard. k. w. iiKCKwrni. W.J. IJIUTTAIN. Jum JO, IP58. Utf t H AVING boUL'htttieentirRttnck sn l'nt.lw,o T ..I t - VlUi I 11 Ulllll Jl M llf, lt., ; of Ilrck ith It llnttain. I flail n nlinue the bu. ai'w ae al tlmr old atund, hrrc I ahall be happy j t'. lui'ct ny old frif uu'a and eiiadmitfrs. ! 11. W. LEt'KVm II. i Bnr 10. ia.8. Utf J. A. F.tTr.S. THOMAS PEOR A F FCNRI K!. J. A. ESTES fc. CO., jlMLTOKS AM) (.'()3IM l!SSIO. I('OII ll.c a.le of Cotton, Oram, Hour, and ell hin!a of' ( untry rroOui-r. Orti' e. Ni rlh AlUntic VV h.iivra.f'herleat'in, S. V. I ir Acconimg In Hie trina of the I o.artmr. hip, e will not trrii 11TI. iliririiy or iimiract. ly, 111 any rroouce alnpH!d to our houae. rrrn m O. MiPa. S S. Karrar. Jlmlhira A. ( a., LnniHkii, SumIii St ' l,il, n. Tlu.iima 1. A V. , II. .Mom , ( i.rl.i S. CM ol. I!. Anltron. K : I.,im-, fol.iii.lna, S. C.J Th.imna McLure, St., N. H. Ka-a, A y Uonovant, I.. utrr. B. C; l.l. K. 'Keaiti.l1 i,S C.t'.l. I. 1. Willierapo-n, J. W. Ai-rv, V. A. Latla. Ktq . Col. 8. N. Stow, Dr. J. K. Ilr.i..n, Vnrkailie. Dr. Ilappoldt, ba. I. l.urj, N. J 1. L. Dtion, KiH'Xviiie, '1'cnu. j I. Its-, Jjr I h a i- lot If Tin lua I I'irt Iniir nucc C iiiii:iij. 4 UlMS COMPANY en.itini:r tot.ke riaka a JL painat Umm br fit, on llouaia. Oonda, Pro. Oucr, tAiC, a. uut ra.ea. If (MI11 U iwrrn I'.rk'a ture and Dramlty'a JiuilLIOg. orricicris. M. H TAYLOH, 'r'$lri.t. ('. OVKIl.MAN, Yvr JrrMfiU. K N V K li L'l ( II IS N, Sec y. $ Trtuir. MKIti Tl 'ttrt. M JJ. TAYI.OK, C. OVKIIMAN'. J. L. 1JUOWN, VM JOMNSToN", F. SCAKIi,- S T. WIlIsTUN, A C. STEELE. J' Iin L IShow.v, S. T. Whinton nI A. C. STEKI.K, Ljrruttve Vomtnttlce. Mj IH. IKib. IOtf NEWFIU.M. tit purHe if rarr jr in i FBtllK uml' r.ignrd Imeuig cntrrrii niinCopnrt ; 1 nnaiup fir the pur.at of rarr y.he on he Cuiileetkuiarv.l'akerv, Fruit, Retail Grocery Business, Pip hair local! the attrinion i.f the cititena of j.- loll., and aurrounumr counlrr to ilieir In, St .i.iinn Truer Slreel. b tr, n Urnii'a and prank, ti.lli .ll't, at S-i it A llsnitl'a old St.ni 1, r. hrrc tin y would lit pltaard to arc al! tlieir fn ouia mil arnuitiiitiinrc. MOODY i NISHET. frrt-oirv 2, IMS. 4-tf mi: i.i vi:n . .'. i; o i:a ! .'!;: riiM- u.iii ii v fit s v oho, ( onipoHiided entirely from (.1 MS, Is nil' TM K HKr IM K,HIVK AMI Mill IK 111. INS" .w br fM,r. ,S, nl. 1M1MK 7l'L" t"' '..JZ''.'. W T.i.'.' o'.'lt. r., '.! ,m l'i. I. -lr.1 II. . P.nt.. Hit,. . ll,- .!. .-,.l..-l. i.ta-t .A.SM is fl.!..!.,,,.. ..,p.,-l..a.,,.. 2m "'O -l.H! 'l 1l,r'lt..eA W, nl ,.1 "i,.'l,,' " !'. ' t'f W .1 .nil. .i.d ll . l.. la ,.., lb N w-nhtrac In' : lui, atnMiKtniM,. u. afaif r.i at oi.t ie.rMT.-1, i. ' at i., a..,i p.rn o.-n n-Ht'U, l.lrtr luia- plalol, ,i, , ui ,n rlf li. lilt liloo.l. Ulllon. h, ilrr, l 1.1 1 rr In is r i.l. what I. n .l u-t ,'l Ilia I,... iht .u aark Mghl- r. th bowel. l)-apei,aln r'i - n mw.alKa I, ill.-, -,,'!. i l-. lioleiw ( el tat t',.B."'.-'.lJ ,".'.,"l .1. Krll i.iiiIf lllnr XI. k II. .l,. lit. Sl,,rla, i tr ! ., ii,. ir,, o" i inr.-weiti4 1 , rja7e.is;wi A 'l.w 'u-MO.' ri;,: S! Iropa', bj excttiiit lha l.t.e (,,. I'mr .nl, ., ll all I V. era I Illl- , !" Tl '1. " 11 I All who Me II nrr Qlvlit( th.ir aitwitlreoni Ir.llnionv In Ha lnvur. -Slla t iltr l Hie m.,t,lli .lh lha Inl gui loi . an.l olln.v lt.,1 It nellt, r. THE LIVER INVIGOHATOR tn s. iKVTirie Mvi.irvt. ms.ovKKir. ,.a ii aaiir n r.t.a I.l. '..inr.l.,, SCARU k CO., Charlotte', X.C. CASDY FACTORY. Fresh Conft'clioiicrlcs, Fruits, Ac., Ac. f.4-'rk., '.: la.V. t'f '.!- Jk- lena of ( harloTle and anrroundine; couniry, that he tiaa on tuind and la conalantly receiving from Dew York, Confectioneries, Fruits, I'AXCY (i'U(I(T:I! I KS, C'lfi A US TOBACCO. S. IT Ft TO VS. ISiikical I ttMriitsu'fl , ruti; nfiituk notsuv non.i:, V lM'i d a, Willotv IViiicmik, f 'liiill , Win k-tlH inl, V Itinl ii(j of every arii'tj. J. D. rALMER. Kotrmhtr 9, 18.18. tf Aln, he intend, to inaniifartnrr CANIlM'.S of all kinda, free Irn r'Mfii.ua cil"rin(; nn'iki' the New York Steam Hi rind 1'itny. C'ail and ace. - iw KAHxNWKILKIU- BKOTIIEHiS rVFA Till f.Y mi t'liarh.de and .inn the eituiiii of ng Cdiintry, tlr-"t oi-on tnini T. II titry are nttenuif it- tl.i, t Itrnm A Co.. a li,r;e UntU ol FAX! Y & ST1PI.K nnv r Illl I u IJOA.Mi lA, TS .VI ll,LAK, AND i:ialt .J.'attf tl.VTIll.lfi. For tien'i, Yoiilht and Buyi weir. UTICI.V a ml Pt I. X It 1 . 1 , fl mM,s' i,IO,N HATS, afnrij rfe2 :ai's, nia. We Will be diily re-living the iii,t eztrnaivr and U-at aaaiirtnirlil "I" tit .ibiive nniocil Omida that can be lounil in ilia S-tn , and cheaper Hun any othr IU.u-e. 11 ivmih tx.iiic iu our none alec for CASH, which n.,h!ea lit to tell our ,n '-'U fft ftHt rktaprt. A I li Hloef d tnvt nni .d not Monty in buying Id lieu tn l. rprl to ell i Vh:,U.. biiytr. l'fo i g i-larw here, uid hrur it in k h.- ! tiy.i Illl'l,.. I . h .11.. flttrd up ft I I ( ) I I' S I I' I fl If 1 ll F..r Wi-.l, lavin KaHxwrn ra. J.c. Ki 'Aire, Autv,l.r tl. n.iv. Kanvwin rs. 3ilf i GltOCKRIKS. K L Ar"c!i', a!).. ..ni!! 1!.'"!!'. i.'-k of lilV i; "Ol", full nipplv ol .S1 I HI !. ; J'tnmUr 21. !s c. 4tti j - is .i u io. iTiu irees' von sai.i:. . V7ESTBBCCKS h IICKEKHALL, I Yrnpiut'ts ol the We ft Green Xuisctks j a. d GarHls,neur G,ee xsbro, X C, ' ! V'nV'ihe'e'iulTi.'of'lhr- 1'!' '"i',!''L !!. "o.V-U','.!.r ,'..!-.. '.' ' t Tun, ir me l ull auri W mi, r Tram. ' i,l h 1 n.t. ,u, nl I ! pri.pjpiilfil fiom 1 1 , r 1 II ht.ilini. tr.ea, and w, ' td u ( Hie bt artillii ( Ktneka, w'uch ia a f . guiiralitt'C of Irilil'iilnett null iuiiyt iljr, 'i pre in-lit 1 liara, ter'st.ea 111 oirbarnini; ll.uii a In 1 not tie otetl Jken by rn.jhi jchards inner n,r li,.. 1 1 I in" I ati.ck contisl ol II, e I, .i:.o 1 I 1511.11111 Apple tr. r. ; IDll.i ; IHIli P.-at Ireeaj IJ.OOII April . o.llllll I'llim : .'il't'll Neel:. I The ; in. i If et a : nil Teicli trtca ,,I.J ll.(;l 0 ( I, it : H (iU Aln ..;',! i Jllnil Uhii.ci ; tnuli (Ji-api Vne lie v, ry tine it .i , K..ab.rnes, 11 o ut ef Clirr. llts (rrrlfa, rle., all ol aoniliii tiTioa lor wlnct. will ot sol.i iiii very cialt or approveii p.; per. All pjekegea put lip in aiieerior a'jle, mid u compUte invoice Brut In en cli patron, atoi an ar. ranged that the invnice will Im the r' t'o-ter of the orchard alter Ilie treea are transplanted, if ile-y arc tranaplant) d a eirh one appeera on tiie lial. .Mr. T. J. II., lion will act aa ut.enl for tiie fu' ni.liiec of the people of .M-ek I. i. bu -c end i.-iKli. bertiift cut, tie wi.h toe uliote Prml Treea end will taku pleaaure ill f'., oi,nng orULra lor tiie f)rf. 5ti IP3S. S.'lif. HAWKS'S History of North-Carclina. rililFl 2nd vol,, ll,, published It I of ll. Proprietary tl .fi brae,- the p r crrnient, tr.mi iii,.i to i ,v:i. It forma a ha no me vo. voliin The aohaei iptioll price Was half' M-i 5'Jl par,,-. I Cfllt 11 I'.i' bul the price of this v.tloinu is It-., cloth binding, f.1 in Library alu-t p. 13 ii;, half calf. It w ii.i. at u o iijit roa i ash. Owing to the diHi. ulty of ai-rurnig Agcnla in many part of llie Slate, we Hill f. rwar.lit by nail or olherwisnrfe nl jnairtjr.i, on receipt of ihc price ; or both volume. l.,r $1 cloth, 14 5'J alie. p, or 't boll' call'. A liberal discount niKile to Ajenla, or othura, who buy tn sell again. :. J. II ALE A SON. Fnytllrrille. . IH.'iis. 3.'itl-s (t Notice. fBVIOSK nt my frien.ia wlio are indebted to me .M. by Note or Account, will please obaerve I Im I I have retired lr,iut, llie lrug llasmeaa, it I tin. plare, and immrdiJlt n-niimnits ii fenir.v ft out, til. My Book are in the h ut.ta of Mr. J. P. Smith, on whom peraon Can call, during my absence, ad aettla. ir. m. pritciiahd. Cnoilottt. Oct. 56, 3.'tf Dr. II. M. Frilehard fC- 7 IKLDINtJ totlieiolieilalionnf i M ny friend", respectfully annoon. I ce Iiii dcleriiiinalion to rt auine tho i I'rucMci- Jleilit'luc. lie may be eonaniled at hia i tlice, I fT!ie ror prrarribed for without rl.arq. i4t.e:ai 31, 1S.'. S5f CAPTION . OF I' II Iv L A W S Pasted I tj the Grntr il A semhhi of Korth Carolina, at the &M.n ,.J lr,-.',9, ' CT"i' ' 1. An net entitled Tteniup. Ueal property, witlrtie improvements thereon, (including er.tri ""of land,) twentj etula on eeery huti(lrtl illais of il talue. Erery taxable poll . 'ghi .-.Li-uts: Evrytoll pte on a tun.ni'; l.'A-- every toll "i'nupv.oYe fitr sl.titrtii ''.i oo .y.., and teery gate permitted by the county court to bo erected across a highway, fifteen dollar". Every ferry one per ceut. ou the total receipts of toll. Every otuilborje or jackass, nil dollars. Every dollar of net itsterot, on any bond, note, contract, ac- count or other claim or demand against solvent debtors, four cents. Every dollar of liett dividend or profit, upon money, or capital invested, four cents. Every note shaver, or persona who buys any note or notes, bond or bonds made by individuals, shall list tho profit made and received or secured on H Kjch purchases made by him durine the yer for cas-h or in exchange for other notes ov bonda, and pay a tax of ten per k snt. on the aerepato amount ol such profits, in addition to the tax imposed by this let on the interest tie may receive on such Do'.es or bonds : I'rovi'letf, There shall be no ded action made from the proGta in con- sequence of any loi-ses sustaincil. Every person resident in this State, encaged m the business of buying and 6ellin hlaves, one-half of one per cet.t. on the total amount of all his purchases. Every carriage, tu- gy (,r othe r vehicle kept ror pleasure or for jtho conveyance of persons, of the value of tjlty dollars or upwards, one per cent, on its value. All gold and silver plate, and gold and tilver plated ware, and jewelry, worn I t males, i uclui i i: lT atclt-chains. s;bN, and jkeys, when collectively of .-rcadr valuo ' than twenty -five dollars, one per cent on : their entire valuo. Every wa'ch in u-e oue I per cent, on the value j irwi'icrf, That all watchen worn by ladies khall le exempt front taxation. Every harp in u-r, S2 Till ; every piano in ue. ?1 00. Evrry ci. :, I on ie knife, 'pistol, ord cane, dirk and rifle-cane, used or worn about the person of any one at any time durinj? the ytar. one dollar and twenty- five cents. Arms used for mustering shall be exempt from taxation. Every resident surceonderltit, physician, iswyer, portrait t tuitiature painter, daguerrcau artist, cr olber persons taking liFiKisfi cf the h'l- mn fnre : every coirmtj-.ion rrr-rebaiit. fac- (or prf,rtiici htok"',r."in'saeilOTi,rr ; every C,-. ..,.1 ,r.n. l,,,t,-na r,f the Superior and Suprene I'ourt-) and every or private compsnies, soceti. s, in-tituttous or individuals, and every other pcr-on, (cx- eept niinisters of the goapel.l b-e annual tetal receipts snd income (whether in money or rthrrwi.e) in the way of practice, sala- rr feea !rrr r.ernnUitea and , ivollllliclits. ""' ,n- "r Rr" 'ortb fiv h'"' ''1' dollars or upwarus, one per l-CBl. Oil snen ivm.ii in- eipt and income. Every resident ef the State that brings into On Str.tr, cr burst froin a non-reident, whether 1 y sample or otherwise, si iritnous lienors, wine or cor- 'dials for the purpose of sale, ten percent, on the amont.t of bis: purchases, hvery person that burs to sell aain. ptrilno.s liquors, wines or cordials frcr" " .aker in lllis ll!s C"t. fwlor or commission morel. ar.t, five per cent on !o purchases, Evrr-V 'nT7 of cireui riders ores- hilitors cf collections of animals, seventy- five dollars for each county in v iiich they shall perform or exhibit for reward. Every for the license. The payment to one sbe srparalo exhibition (commonly knwn as riff, and the lieen-e under his band, shall side shows) accompanying such performers protect the subject in this paiagraph taxed, or exhibitor, which casnot be se.-n without in any county of this Sf.te Every such the payment of a separate clur.-e, fif'en stud-horse or jackass shall be considered as dollars for each county in which it is ex- belonging to a non-resident, unless the she hibited for a reward. Every company of riff is furnished with sati-f.ictory evi lence stage or theatrical players, or jerti per- formins feats of stremMh or a-iiitv. erex- r ex- I hilriiiii,' natural or nrtiicial oni rts, except amateur performers, twenty dollar- for each coutity in winch they exhibit for reward. or nostrums, whether such persous travel on i Every company of itinerant singers, er per- foot, with a conveyance, or otherwise-, shall formers od musical instrument, or dancers, first have p roved to the county court, that or itinerant companies, who otherwise ex- he is a eiuz-u of the United State aud is dibit for the public, amusement, ten dollars of a sood moral character, and shall have : for each coutity in which they exhibit for re- obtained from court, (who may in its dis. ward. Every insurance company incorpo- cretion, mako or refuse) an order to the , rated hy Ibis State, except companies for sheriff to graut him peddler's licence, to ex mutual assurance, who take no policy out pira on the 1st of July next ensuing. And of the Siat;, one hundred dollars. Every the sheriff on production "f a copy of such money or exchange, bond, or tint.; broker, order. cert;!ji.d by the clerk of sa d cmirr, private banker or agent ef a foreign broker shall grant such license for bis county, on or banker, three hundred dollar for ench receipt of forty dollars tax : fft irA That county in which be has an office or place of not more than one person shsii p d He un- ' business. Every express company, ten dol- der one license. (2) That any p.-rson who lars for each county in which it proposes temporarily carries on a business as tner to deliver packages. chant in my public place, and then removes Every public billiard table one hundred hi goods, shall be deetne-l a p, .Idler. (H) and twopty-fivo dollars ; every private bil- That nthiue' in thi- net conlaiut d, shall t liard table, twenty five dollars'. Every puh- prevent any person trom freely selling live , lie bowling alley, whether called a nine-pin stock, vegetable, fruits, oysters, fish, books, or ten pin'alley or by any other name, fifty maps, printed music, or the article of his j dollars; every private howling alley, ten own growth or t..aniifu.-tire. (!) That no dollars. Every livery stable, where "horses thing herein contained shall release peddlers , and vehicle arc kept for hire, twenty-live from paying the tax imposed in this net, mi : dollars. Every licensed retailer of spirit- person who d' al in the same species of, ous liquors, wines or cor iiaN, or retailer of inerehaiiult.-, which tax shall be eo.iecte d malt liquors, thirty dollars. In addition to or secured in the same mann r as in c.iso cf j this, such retailer shall list the amount of other mcrehmts or traders. ; liquors, wine and cordials as required in Every itinerant who deals in e: puts up schedule A. of this act. aud pay tho tax lightning rods, or win sell riding vehicles, there imposed. Every itinerant surgeon- or who sells spiritjin liquors, nines or cor- j dentist, portrait or miniature painter, da-! dials, ' q'i"'titin from one quart to on- ; guerrean artist, and other persons taking like- barrel, shall be tinier the same rules and ; nessc of the human face, ten dollars for 1 rest; ictions, and be liable to the same tax . each county in which berarrieson his bu-i as peddlers, except that no order from court ; ness ! I'roritit'l, That such person as shail , shall be required to entitle him to a license. furnish satisfactory evidence to the sheriff; Every company of gipsies, or any str.v- j of the county, in which he proposes to prac-1 ling company of persons who nuko a sup- i tice, that he is a rcsi.lt tit of tho State., and 1 port by telling fortunes, pretending, to ten j has listed the receipts in his profession for the previous year, shall be exempt from the tax imposed in this paragraph. Lvery non resident of the Slate, who, in person or by aoent, shall purchase auv slave or slaves in this State, shall immediately after such pur chase, become liable to pay a tax of one half of one per cent, on the amount of his purchase, and upon hi neglect cr failure to pay such tax, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of one nuudred dollars, which ihall be I I collected hy the sheriff, one-half to Lis own j use, and tba other bull' to the ue of the j State. When the purobiuo was made by I an agent, puch agent tball be equally li- ial,l fr,r fl,., I--, . .,,1 f,..f. i,ra .,.!, l,w pii,lt-iple. , j:fery nin-ri.loct of the State, who, , cither in pel -on or by agent, brings t ilave : or i-lavrs into the State, ami ell, hhall pay one half of one p r cent, on the aniouut of eBCb Bale effected. If he fail to pay thii tax, the purchaser hail be linM for the same, tnj the sb. ntf of the county Tn which the gale ws made, or iu whieh the purcbaer reaide shall collect by Qi'revH or Vtwt?i. w, j, jt ? A- '. ' . . ' ia bin county, and if the feller is hot to he found, out of the buyer. Every person that ells playing cards, a um equal to 35 cents per pack ou all cards sold by him during the year. Every person that, fr himself, or as at't nt for auother at his regular place of bu.-iors.j, neU riding veh'n:le-, niatiul'a.-. turcd out of the State, one per cent on his ales. Every auctioneer, on all goods, wares or merchandize placed in his bands by a merchant resident of the State, (whither owner or not) or by a comniiaMoti merchant, one per cent on the gro-?s amount of sales, and if by itinerant traders, or tueh as are not residents of the State, five per cent, ou grois amount of talcs, subject to all the re- oulations and rxetnption-i it furth in the 10tb chapter of l!evired Code, entitled " Auc- ttois and And tunnrs. ' kvcry niercliaut, merchant tailor, jeweler, jrrocir, drut't'i"t, apothecary, produce dealer, commi.-aion merchant, factor, produce broiler, and every other trader, who, as principal, or aent lor auother carries on tiie business of buying or selling goods, wares or n.erehaudi-e of whatsoever name or description, and who is net taxed on his purchases iu some other paragraph of this schedulo, one hull' of one per cent, ou the total amount of his pur- . chases, whether in or out of the State, fr I cash, or on credit: Jinvir,Tal articles! the erontli or manufacture of this State, if brought in the State and no artici-s the growibor manufacture of adj-dtiing Sr'tats. if brought into this Siat by the grower or manufacturer, shall not be required to be returned iu the amount of purchases, but shall be exempt from taxation. Every tleal- er in ready-made cl'thiu.' (for males) one and one-half per cent, on total amount of purchases. Every person who, for hiius, if, or as agent for auotber, sells patent tncdi- cin's or nostrums, ten per cent on amount of his sales. Every-tion resident bor-e or mule drover, or persou who receives horses or mules 19 sell f:r a lion resident, one per cert, on the atnount ol each sule, aue s soon ns the sale id effeeted ; and upon his negirrt cr failure to pay auc'u tax In every nn.lnfn 1- .-I.:,.!. V.-JIj Via o I. 1 1 f'.rfi. ft and pay the sum of ono hundred do'lars, shall becoliectcd bvtlie Sheriff hv dis- tressor otherwi.-c, one-iiaitto bis own uso anu one hall to the e cf the Sta'e. Keery iiorso or mule drover shall be eon-i Jcred a mn-re- sident, unless the sheriff ha sitisfactory evidence that he is a resident of the Stale ; and the SlierifT shall have noWCr ail ! RUtho- rity to examine, on oath, at any time, every um-u m i.iuio umin, ui ,,w-o,, ,.- ccives bcrcs or mules to sell lor another, a to whether he bas made nnr sale or ex- change or not, and as to whether he is a non resident, or ns'!it of a non-r.idcnt, and on his failure to answer, he .-hall be subject to the same penalty as lor failure or neglect to pay such tax. Every stud horse or jack iss lot to mares for a price, belonging to a not. resident of the Stale, ten iloilnrs, unless the bioh"' t price demanded for the season, for one mare, shall exceed that sum. in which case. the amount thus demanded shall be pai l that the owner is a re-identcf the Mate. f.vcrv ricr-on tint reouiea eo.ins. ware Every person tint peddl or merchandise, not the growth or tnnnufae tur cf this State, or any druir, medicine. fortunes; horse tradlns, tinkering or be ging, one hundred dollars in each county in which they offer to practice any of their craft, recoverable out of any property be longing to any one of the company. Eut nothing bereiu contained shail be o con- trued, at to exempt them from indict- merit, or any ottier pons, ties now impose,! by law. Every freeman that shall arrive at ce after the 1st of July of every year, and before an election, may pay his pou tix year to the sheriff, or to his depti - ro the election, without lifting. If ! for that I " . . ..' . . ,, .-,:'! ! any person hcuna to list taxat'ies in ins u " i 1 " 'ri-ht. or tho right of another, shul! fail to n.arkmir the dividmj Itne between tna States ' lis't the same, or any part thereof, the. she- i of North Carolina and Virginia. Ti, ; ' Jover. i riff shall collect from bini, and of his own nor is to appoint a commissioner to aet with 'pioper tstato, double ti e tax imposed on:b?!c cotmidsaioucr appointed by Ytr.-tma, property or subject not Hated. Every mar-1 thcao to make a survey of the nuc, and mark riagc, license, oue dollar; every ioorlji.ic j '! Ptoitc ntouumeuW. not cx:e-Jnig live decd, marriage contract end deed in trut, . niiiea apart. made to secure debts or liabilities, on dol- j 4 An aot coucorr.mp nn;itrates in On ' Ur, and every deed convex in? title to real i d !her count;, s. 'uvea fo tweive estute where the eoiui.terutioii is tbi ee hull- f 'agisli ates the poucr.4 ot a majority, tx dred dollars or onward, fi.'iv eeuts, t.nyable pt in levey'itj Uxa uud moknif appro- to the clerk of tho oo inly court. No clerk '. . ,m . t r. . ti nro. LatA sTi.di ii..i'rutnei.t. until the tax shall have been nail, and the receipt shall be endorsed cn such Jiceii'-u or in-iruuiiiieui, and be registered with the same. . An act concerning courts of pleas and quarter sessions in the county of llupiin. i. An act to incorporate Shoal Creek Academy in the county of Cherokee. 4. An act to incot potato the Copper Hill Mining Company. fl. An act to incorporate the Guilford ( opper and Gold Mining company. i; r, .,.1 iAir(,rr,-K, liic nrth tsilo'P'' 1,10 otteu-i .itico ct, a net to es.iiiiine on i Horner and Gold Mining Company. ! 7. An act to prevent the Aim of ti-n- Iter iu the waters of Tuckaho, and Trent Irivers. Prohibit the felling of prober! ! in the waters of Tuckaho from Tuckaho ! bridge, in Jones county, to its j .nchou: l.:,i.rT . ...t !..:.. r,. i..,i.n ' Upper (junker Bridge anl the town of l'ol- locksville. l'enaliy not leas than ten ik j imore thau fifty dollars, if a white person ; :if a s'mve or free n'-'gro, 3!J l t'iies at tiu 'public whipping post. j 8. An act to incorporate the towu of Mount riensnrit iu Cabarrus eoui.tv. I fl M i..flrf.rte,.fo V.irf'n Carolina Col!eee in Cal.arrns count r. ! 10 .el . .m-nrt an net t.ra.ed hv' the General Assembly of North Carolina at, Lc remoy, ,1 fnm, c7.ee. the session of 1S5 1-1.-., to incorporate the1 ',:i A" '' r' JurJ t0 t" town of Lenoir, in Caldwell count v. ,0S!'.V ''ul,i of ,''r"1" oni.ly ! 11. An act authoring and .-mr.owerin" ' .'J.'- A'J ' tr?mnte the I ort.s gold the j.i.tiees of the comity of Franklin to ' -"'V ccn.pny in I rai.k,,d coin ty. 'sell certain public lands belonging to said1. Au act to incorporate the ( oweo Mm- county I '"r un ' lau'itacturii g company. 1 1 3.' An act to incorporate Davenport Fe- r'- -)n a,ct t0 ;T ? male College, in Caldwell county. 'S 'J 'nc of A..chafey this An act to enlarge tie powers r.f lit ! -',e'! f a l' " -I"t ' '.comtnis-ioners of the town of Tawloro.tiL 1 "' An a 10 incorporate Lake L.imnng; so as to authorize them toorjanizs and kc i.; up a more efficient fire engine company iu ; said town. 1 1. An act to amend an set entitled an act to incorporate the tiu 'es of Gra ham Institute, a Stminary of learning' in the county of Alamance, passed A.I'. 1 11. An tc? ti est-. :: c-i; " " '1 the town of Kinston, in Let olr co lf. An act fo amend an act entitle.! an act to authorize the consiructioti of a branch of tho Tucka-ce and Keown. Turnpike, in t ie coni. tv of Jackson, pas-ed at the s(-,-k;i of ls-(i-'".j7. 17. An act to nmend an act, entitled an act to incorporate tiie Clieoe Turnpike Com pany, passed at the se-ion of l-lel-M". 1 ". An act to require tho ch rks of the General Assembly to take an oath of office. 19. An net to make busbunds liable for the debts of their deceased wives. 0. An act to incorporate the Orange Guards, at Ilillsboro', Oran je c-om'y. Jl. An act to i:ie"rpr .te the- IJucklioni Iron Company. J'J. An act to nmend the 1 octi-m. O'h riinj.'i.r Revised Code. I'j ovide such com j.ersatio? as a majvirc cf the ju-lice. may allow, to ju.-.'iftj ar pointed to lake the tax lists 1 '! An act to amend an act. pastel ft the se-slon cf 1.V.', ent'Ld an act to pro- vide for the improvement of tho road from Red die's ilvrr to the Tennessee line- 21 A.r. act to incorpornto the Whit-oal; llivei Navigation Company. 2.1. An act to restore jury triuls ir: tlio county court of Ciev. lai, i county. 20. An act to encura -e the planting of oysters and clams. 27. An act to incorporate the Ar!id.-ll Hotel Company, in Mirehcad City. Cnpital stock, $2P(i,(i(Hl. 2M. An act to cede to the United States j'jiis'.iclisn over r tract of land in thu o'ty of Raleigh, to be used for the purpo-e of courthouse and po-t office. 2!. An act to inco-porat? Ui-; Fampli -o Guards, a volunteer c-inpany in tho ton of Washington. 30. An act for the reli. f of such persnr, as ui'y suffer from the destruction of the records of I'i'.t county, occasioned by the burning of the court house. Ml. An act to improve a part of ths pub lic road from Wilkesboro' to Jefferson. .'-'. An act to incorporate Cedar Falls Company in Randolph county. Hi. An act to repeal an not to change the time of holding the courts of please and quarter sessions for Chowan county, pas,, d at tiie session of 1 ."j(i-'.17. HI. An act to iucorporatc the Newborn Gaslight Company. H.l. An fft for the relit f cf the ?'i' -fi of Joshua Sikes, deceased, late shotilT cf Union county. (Ailon s tiie -ureties to . ct the taxes uiipciii for lr.1l-M". llti. An act for the protection of wil 1 fowl in the waters of Currituck county. .'17. An act to amend an act to prevent the ciittiiij; of timber into the rivers of Che rokee county, juissed at the scssiou of 1 -' ti. Applies the law to Nottla liver. lis,. An act to plohibit bttling on elec tions. I'rovi les that any p. r-ou I z on anv election shall be guilty of a .nis leniea nor, and be fined or imprisoned at l.ie ii',4 cretion of the court. Hit. An act to ex'en.l the time for res,. ; terin:- rrar.ts, died and other c oitc, an.-, s. i 1 Kxiends the time two years. l.i. An act to amend an set en:, tied a act to erea'e a Sii.kin g Fun 1. I Aiter tli Uw so as to read " Tim Coniurl'-ionera of the j Sinking Fund, or a tmijtiri'i; them. I 41. An act t a revive' an sot passed at tlx j session of 1 "l--''.', entitle! an act tasutho-j rize Win. R. Abbott to cut a cana'. and make a road thereon. 42. An act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Statesville, in Iredell county, An act la amend the charter of Little River Turnpike Company, in tbs county of 1 HenderOD. rnserta " twenty " instead of " seventy '' fett. . di Ao ,t ... ti,1 f rnnnloff and pnations. i An act t anljoriza tho court . p "fcu 'i"'-' - rf to impose and collect what fag from oil steamboats and other vessels landing or re ceiving pas-engers or produce or 01orci1u.11 dic at, tin: public whaif on the Cu iwrtn liver, near Colerain, i,i said county. 47. An act to provide for tho procuring ot fiutnee asriin.-t keepers, owners and dealers of Faro banks, l'aro tables and gain ing tables, iiives poiver t 3 ju.-tices, mayors' of tow uf. iiil-uiK'iits of police and judjes of tho supr, me and superior courts, to coin- oi;l. an' P"'n or l'cl!!'':is ' ll;,rn reso to believe has l.i,oiedge of any such raro tank, table, e. H. An act to extend the powers of tie J'ver Navigation company. 4f'; An act to incorporate the lUlcti-b (Jakli;ht comtiaiiv. An at-.t to encourfigc the formation of a military uniform cm. pany in the town of Wilmington. 11. An act M :i .-orporat" f' e Cape Ftir and I 'ean iteani Navii-ation emipar.T. .1-. An act to amend the II Oth sreti-n of th! 3 ,ih elfipti-r of llevi-cd t'ad.v ' . " ,p'nP ' I l"rk'i' c,,-r" 1 m i-ter-, th"ri!i's and I "ihcV willoilly n-glectinq their d ;!y neglecting th a n:i demeanor, ,0 le ?ui-'l' -f ftr"J' c -'np uiy Ca An act to air.ri.d au act tl charter the Fairfield Canal eoint anv. I!1. An act to incorporate the Elm City Cadets, of the town of Newbern (tO. An '.ct r Tiirin-T th day of execut- j i ing l-t be noted on ju-tiecs pr-cess. ; ,f; PI. An act lor the re.ief 01 Emily Uocti ier, rf Liberia. I'c.-iuits her to r.-fi'ti to ; slavery. j t'i'i. An n.ct to ai.tliorli,; and eir.f j'tcr So-loi""-n K I lifts, administrator of '.'a'c'-v UI itt, : la'e -I.er:ff of 11 i-e-in county, to cil.'ec. ar- rear cf tuxei due s:.id sheriff, during L 1st term ' f o'lic . ! Olt. An act fo p rotido fir a more speedy , di: tribuiie n of the law and j.-iartials cf the Geiirr:,! Asseti.t'iy. I'rovi'lc that they shall be ti i-ti iloit ed by the S.cr-tary of Stat" in fifty days alter their delivery to hitn. i ill. An act to incorporate the Warrenton S.nio.j- bank, in the tiwn of Warrenton. I t'-l. An net c grant to a company tho l.in i- eovtr'd ly ti.o waters of Hunter's cieek lake, in tiie cv,;iti's of ilr.-.veii, Car t'Ut an i Joies, with p iHerand authority to ,1 rain the same. r.t. An set lo amend an act en'it'el an a ! to incorporate the Na'itauala and Tjcka-!-.: Turnr.tke ccmpanv. Li A1 Lvht I"f.. A" ' n l'u'c' 1 l';tl- 1 ''' special 1,1 " c?;.e stii1 ;ottir t t) lllCj pot to the Newbern .try. incrrorafo tho Wilmirg y. it'apital stock f U'n,- act c inc-i writ of irg jurors s-niiiimcl ttiie in Cat. ret and tv. i Sut h jurors to recc ie tl.o su'nino.i-i o:i an oro.'mi'. vtittre. 7'.'. Am act ti incorporate the Pa-.rson Sreambcat Company. 71. An act t incorporate the MoLen don's Cre- k Navigation Company, in tho rojpty of M lore. 72 An act to incorporate the TLienix Mining Cotnpaiiy. in Guilford county. ;:l. An act. ti incorporate Carthag", I,vi ge, No. V I, Ancient York Masons. 7 t. A ii act to incorp orate the Jones couti ty Male and Foinalo Seminary iu tiie coun ty of J ines. 7.1. An act to incorporate the Trans Mon-t-me tilr;o in the county of Mavdion. 7ii An act to incorporate the t'liri-tian Gobi Mining Company. 77. An act to ineorpor.it j the New hero r.nd llaltimore Steam-Lip Company. 7"1. An act to amend thf charter of Nor mal College, (t'li.iiijes the naino i t T.-ini-nity Colicgo ; to bo a literary instifuiion f ir the N. C. i'oiif-reiice of t!ii Mctho ii-i Epi cpal Ci-utcli, i." u t ii ; to Lave poer to chiller eoliegiale d, gre, s, ie, 7!i. An act to cwmiI an aot to incorpa raf" tl.e tov.n cf Sal, in, in Furtyth county, so. .In act to incorporato tho Raleigh got Company. An act to lie ralo jwn, in the' county of G ai.l e 2. Ati re; to r. act lo ii'Oort ir.ito Cal iv L i . in:v. r.c-.d at llie ton act entitled an I of Ne-Kt'-'U, iu An i-ct in.'ernl:i.' auctions- and aue timet is. jVon,r,.i--i -o .-rs of incorporsted ti.vrs to appoint a'setiMt-vr in counties ii'. rc tli-re is no incorporated town, the c uin'y courts to ap;. ': :.t t ucm 4. An act to aim nd the liiih sectioa cf tho.V'ih ch ipt- r of t'nelUvl-ed Cod-, f . , Miliar;: ta be viade bef, : eh il; .-f too superior Coatt, tustcati ei gi:rat as horc-lofore r. -quirt.--fl. An act to eltcr t;,c t.i i-f or tje courts ot p.er q-rtrt the county ol J.in-s. u . 4h Monday in Mar .h, ,!u and the 1I Monday in I' S;i. An acl fvr t'.i in road iu the r-jt.'i, s of combe, Ma lis oi a id f"T an etiiri. ecr in .-j-'h 1 pointed bv a majority o: n;-,-g , , .incut J. t :i Hon -lers-in, il in ai.cfv. l'roidea co intv, to y ap- l-i-'ioe.l LkU-ii.c.I n 4(' i

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