i? CO 4. Ad act to insorporato t!i Fayette-j il!c branch of tic Wilmington and Weldon, 4i. Resolution in favor of Geo. R. Sledge, j Democratic Nominee in Virginia. 43. Resolution in favor of W. Thompson. ; The Democrats of Virginia have nomiua- jii'road company, nesoiation oi inairuciwu n iuo n- ted a gentleman as their oanaiaaie lor uov- 203, An act lo fix tic times of holding ! urer concerning appropriations and the rev- ; crno ,ga;nst wbom tue bigs make this the Courts ot fleas am uarier ase.SIUU, v. , ... i .l e . , , o I Resolved, That Hon. John Letcher, in y jf -wTTtlUIv declarau willingness to divide this an- nOri!) (LilVOlUUl C.CiUjlO.i c;"nt Commonwealth, for the purpose of ex V' J , teminatine slavery from the Fectiou in which he resided, comniitted an cAence which is without justification, excuse, or palliation, and nroii him we invoke the deliberate s-n vs ... . f : judgment of the people of tins Mate twv. Mstauga. -JOG. An net to amend the charter of Parmer's bank of N. 0. An act for the better regulation of the town of Smithville, in Rrunswick county. OS. An act to establish the Rink ofj Xortli Carolina. Capital stock ?-2,5liO,iU)0. j (If tU'S amount, the Literary JJosru is to take S.jOH,iUO, the University 5200.000, and the remainder by individual. Hook to be opened immediately if. Raleigh and at other points. Capital to be paid in specie. 'J iie Bunk not to issue more than $i for $1, mid u.vsvs to keep specie on hand equal to j one-third its circulation Not to issue any j lote lc'S thati $., atid future Legislatures! may restrict to 510. Al1 note? redeem ibb 1 here issued, tranche to be established j bv stockholders. Suspension to be attended 1 v 12 per cel t, damages to uote boldors, and forfeiture of 4 pi r cmt to lite State un less suspension is ad.iscd by the Governor and Council Hank to keep t lie Treasurer's j .-. . ... i i i.;... conn linn Th- t.. ta ...id to the State Similar to tbat I OCT The Rev. Mr. Liitcl of the Lutheran South who will uphold the former and abuse bow imposed on the Hank of .Cape Fear j denomiuation, delivered ou Sunday last, j lbe latter 209 An act to establish the UsnK ot I.fxitieton. To be located in Lexington, cihics witrfa'bad'grAce from a party which .4T . - V IB rr v V "V aw-- - , .Visas 1 1 A pa i B . n.nn nt flip SniH Venn PI- $&s k$$ ! presses his willingness to divide the State of 2&f j Virginia, so as to abolish slavery in his sec-W-1'h1; A tion- U ,liera y difference between him J$i$W &f9&t&S3 and the abolitionists of the North! We O?ABL0TTE: Tni'sday, M a rcli, 1 1859. ! think there is. One bas beeu raised where slavery existed, and was well acquainted ; w ith the " peculiar iutitutiou of the South, I yet ho wishes to exterminate it, while the (ether is nised at the North, where it docs ; not exist, and was educated to look upon slavery as a sin, yet there are men at the Lavidsou county , with a capital of $50t,(UU uTsUCh to De eslatillsiiea al urauam j RESOLUTIONS. 1. A resolution concerning tbe Executive Binti-ioTi. Piovidcs for selling old furni ture, lij-btirg tie man-iou with gas, repaint iv.; ai d whitewashing. Appropriates 20l'(J ai.d the proceeds of sale of furniture Resolution in favor of E.G. Haywood two excellent discourses, in the Lutheran! 10 na P" ru"" 1,119 cuar fjBUtc!, i the Kiehinoud Eutjuirer remark.-), "(that it The 22nd February Visit of the Rifle- iuaeru, iu the same breath, an abolition men to Newbern. I plank in its very platform." Weil, now, We statid incur last, that the Hornet's ' jjat js ,jiat abolition plank ? here it is: Nest llifii men bad gone on a military ex- j RrSohel, That, in respect to the Terrilo eursiou to Newbcni to take part in the cele- ! ries, we adhere to the principles of the bratien of this dav. They returned home , Compromise measures of 150; we repudi- j , , , i .::. i ate tue uiuueru uucmuca ui siiuauci nisi, nigiiiy ginu.. Editor BEAttn vs. Ik. Hall, on now to Go to Red. Dr. HU instruct his " subject " to undretss in a warm room, heat Tin Interesting frnin lluyli. ; . Boston, February 19. Jacmcl advices, to the 30th ultimo, rush tuto a cold rcoin, pep into ueu wuti ins ; uuie, , V " . A stockings on, cover up head and foot, and revolution had passed by and fau net h.d remain covered until he begins to get warm, revived to tt. former briskness. Uff then poke his nose from the coverlid and i coining m treely from he const and the in- fonsrcsslDnal. Washington, Feb. 18. pu.l olf his stockings Heard, of the Nash- terior. The most euthusiastio demonstra- r n i l .1.:. ..l.oMf il,o ,,m.t tiniio followed the abdication of the I'.mpe cowardly way of going to bed that bo ever ror at.d downfall of the empire. Crowds heard tell of." Our advice , don't hang' went tlitouh the streets .hunting Down .round the fire, unbuttoning, and unhook- with the Lmpcror! 1 1 U . ing, and unlacing, hut go to your cold room, ! (Uffrard 1" '1 he Governor of Jack.nel. o. . with your elotbea all on, all standing," as of the Kmpcror s offica s, had been deposed, .e. .:i... ;,,. nrinf,Nn other important business bail taken glass broken out, so much the better-go to j place. The new Govermt was looked up fc -.i. i.. .i;-,,,l,., vA,.,-lf! on w th mueh favor by the people. One of worn wiiii moiicraie uufve - v , - ,., i . , to the "buff "-stockings and all-putting j tt first acts was to repeal thu exorb. ant every garment just where you can lay your export duty on coJee, tut upon ""-? b-nd oi it in the da'k-draw on your night of the finances, thsy were ouud to be in shirt -(of course, we i re not addressing la- such a d,.sorde,ed cond.t.ou hat the o d du dies upon this very delicate matter, but our ty was .mmtdtately restored lhe old law advice is just as good for them as for any- would continue in iorce until such time as it body )-pop into bed-straighten right dowu could be couvemeutiy taken off. lh.s was -draw the clot.es up around your neck, a serious dappoiutn.ent lo the merchants, t.nt Jnn't Micr im vour rjreCIOUS UOSe BUU WUO rio luna.u l if you don't alee warmer and " Lie nui'(!-r Than uny oilier hnjji'r" who has followol Dr. Hull's instructions, just charge us will a night's lodging. ratutdav morning reigtity " and "alien 6iiffra tquatter ire, and liolu Allows tLe jtT dirm (f u.eu.ber of the' at the manner of tVeir reception and j that, to the inhabitants of the Territories, Lv.-islaturc to Deei mber I kindness thev all received at the bauds of ; ho are lawful citizens of the United States, Never have we ! belongs the right, wheu they come to form ; a Statu Cotistitulion, to fashion their domes- . ,. , j , i . . tue citizens of ctern esecutor. Allows bim It draw the lat t rjuarters salary of Julge --! J w-n intu rturu t "... j tic institutions, accordiug to their own plea- 4. lUsolutiou iu favor of Donald Frazer j their trip and the crportunity of vuitiug i (,urf) witn the privilege of admission iato iil-turi.s hiai tlo, excels ot nore tax paia S0Iue 0f tj.e ea.stvru towns of the Mate. ie- the Uuiou upon equal tortus witfc the citi sides beiug received w't'u distiuguisbed honor by him 1 a. lieso ution author z.r.z fcrtato reran ; i have the rcuuisite toro . , i, ff . - i tbe citizens of Ncwbern gave a dinner and ,"Jt ;u 4U"""- h i to the Hjue oi Com:ions. "e k" fe , Ver of the lioa-.e of 1U C HeSulutiou couceraii.g the Uisinbunou ; ball iu comj imient ol tueir visitors. " niio r l' ... I .V t -,,, r,i;,l viit In More. V U-oiutio, a-rovintr the naval com-l ' ,':. ...A t-..rJj " njthtng like abolition in j .;,;,-, pf the Hid ed Slates aM'ointed to i ... , . . , ' this? If there is we eaiinot see it. The r j' r ,i .Macon, e'uch visits are ca.euia:ea tu oma cximiTiC tie Coal Fields, and for ether " . purposes. the East aud West together in the closest R sn'ution conei rt.ing the Revised : boa 1 cf fraternal regard. We expect to Code liives twenty copies for the of ; c;vc a morc detailed &oticu of the Lit iu Senate tDCimittees, r.ol ifty copies for the 1 r it . i 'our i.;xt. U.-C 01 ilOU'C V.UIUUIIliees j Kcsclutioii in favor of Joseph Mar shall, sheriff of Siauley county. Ajthor-; ines the puliis trea-urer to re-fund to hhu :)" C7, the amount our -.ii ly Liui iu set- j tliriL' his tixe I 10. 11. solution luthjri.I the Gavcrtorj to lurmsa aims to nu.itirv st.r Zens of the other States, wheuever ;bey : have the requisite population for one tueui- prt-.-eutativci. Now, we ask the candid of all parties to truth i, the Democratic party has got into a bad box, and they desire to get out of the dilemma by endeavoring to show that their oppout ntd are do per iu the mire than they are. MAiiRonutVi fi.HE?f. Two yound men, says the KuycttevtlU North Carobuiau. of Saturday, one the mail rider between Klizabcthtown and R'iiikUy'l Depot, and tiie other an accomplice of his, named Wil kinson, were arrested, on the iith instant, at Elizabethtown, charged with robbing the mail, and lodged in jail at that place. We learn that these individuals have been eu gaged in this nefarious practice for soa.e length of time; and as it was kuoirn nicy i xttiix., .rt. had been very lavish in their expenditures i otj of late, and money letters sent by this route bad often failed to reach their destination, suspicion, was awakened, which resulted iu their arrest, hmce tbe young men wore arrested thevbave ooofes.-ed their guilt, Sir Ciuhles Naimek os the Distiured ud takeo the officers to the spot where they ; STATU OF tUKofii Sir Charles Napier had had purloined from the mail. IffrrU nf the Sturm. New York, February 21. A very heavy wind or gale has been pre vailing since yesterday, aud it is supposed considerable injury has .fyeen dou to ship ping along tho coast. Rustun, February 21. A heavy Btorm of wind has prevailed here since yesterday wind blowing almost a bunieane. Some vessels are reported ashore, but their unities are not mentioned. It is feared that scri;is (I a magi has beeu done to the shipping along the coast. 1'iiiLAl'l.U'liIA, February 21. (juito a severe storm ot wiua has pre- Advices by telegraph and Itilitieg. The executive rovernman.' n 15rit..in France, and tl,. . ' ,,rei . ' 'Musitiir tba war uiakinir nu ' r01. In the Senate, today, a communieuuun o or , u prom . ., ' ' l.... ... .lv cmiilov the liecessarv ni,.r,. T r1- is received irom tua rresiuoua .' .- , . . " m u ora neaiaio ruuress jor similar outran b- up. etcutir, ill of wij rriivra iroin mending the passage of u act autnoriaing -" . . .ut ; v , "" "V, """gc. over the various tran-it routes ot l.eutlat j nnii,li,iti...1 . ir . art! for America pee Message in nnoiner ooiumu.; - - - '"K Pirle, Iu he House, a bill v as passed au.boriz- i that In ease of rcfu..! J ing tl sale of the United States Barracks commander car. do no more th,,,, .savsnnal, Crort-ia. for . sun, not cs. f 0u-. . lie can r sort to ho are supposed guests. February 1 U. Iu tho Senate, to day, several amend- Ihtiu $40 0(H). 'J heaiuiy bill aasUiseiisscil -i- - "cu i0 Uij,l0In. """ c ' . . .1 .l . - lev. and in inauv cases adenum. -..j J ' ill Commtlee ot (lie uuie, aim tns vyV- ' . .,- i ..,,. ,'. ,""'-'l silion for the withdrawnl or brevet pay irom -ci!i,,,M Cor Gen. W inlield Scott was voted down. e deprived of tho ,. prot,.etion, A eraud ba , given to L,oru papier iu- ---- - ,u(! nightU now in full blast, at which there . oiL.r u.tzoM enjoy. '1 l0 are supposed to bo at least fifteen hundred - "h- "upplied k, to that body alone thu power to null, Without the authority of Congress tU v' iu iuu ot"""! m j - . i....f..n j: . ' v ,..i,ts to the consular dinlomatio bill were v..uv. u.rect any for j -.,.i .i.. v.;n f,, 11. nssd. However uear it may Da to tbe tcene nf au Mr. Simmons, of Hboda Island, gave notice "-, the territory of Me,i0, ., i i ... .;;,i,i;iv nf caragua, or ?(evr Granada, for the i 1 T "' j of defending tha persons aud pra4; , the vole at au early day. r J y'vnj 0 T .. i... I iniLA 1 1. a rmv I. 1 waa amended v.e..u-, .lu ,i,UUKb aud repotted back for final actiou. It is generally understood that au effort will be made in the Senate early next week to pass the Arizona bill, and the impression prevails that tbe effort will be successful. February 21. In the Senate, the Consular Diplomatic bill was re-considered and the debate ou it coutiuued. Mr. Masou offered a substitute f , , .1.. I,l,. kill in ti n form of a reso lution, that Conuress approves tbe policy ol , --'""b ousti.s Dir. tho Presidents Message and thu ultimate . "B ,u " "vceut ot, Vera -.. r ;.; ,l. of Cuba. l ul ur ou 1 "'uaulepce route. kLJ k. but eontine. itself to the declaration that j -ou.d have no power to rmplo, tLe f.re, the dated States is prepared to receive Cu-1 ou .h.pboard ,u the vic.uu, ,T HlW u;uf ba whenever Spain consents to sell. Further, j rrf"t the p.un.kr of our u. " J passing g peaceful transit over the Tchuiitj,ro carsgua, or Dauania routes. He e,J,' ' witnoul traiisceuniug uis coustitutiuu,! er, uireci a gM uu uicu lino a pj or laud a seamau or marine to protect tW iivt of our couuiryu'tn on shore, ortoobuio redress for a reoeut outrage 0u their m- perty. i ue tiunuitti wnieu itilcnt our wj.,),. hnrin rnublio of Mexiftn ultt-.,. A :. riM Iroin tlii canes, reureseiu me i .i ... . i-. . ,,! Si . i... nn i nn ri main i u u, l torm as very sevirc. Accounu of serious ,lvlllt.. UIlJ,.r anT policy which would tend iu rilerence to couutnes wlier, tU UJ mantle' accidents are anticipated. IIk hmond, February 10. A painful ac cident occurred last evening, at Miss Pan Dill's boarding bouse, on Maiu street, be tweeu 7th and A wedding party was about leaving there for the church, when the dress of one of the bridesmaids, Miss Fileti Fuller, caught fire from a lamp, and , i i. e . . ,i i not, and she may bring the crew of the Tou- ral persous rushed to her assistance, and in . ... , r . i g 0 Cherbourg by ran, but we cau- the e forts to extinguish the Barnes, ?lr. b ' it 'i unuir iuu cms ui me i)-uiierraiirau ...i !. i . i . . i.'..,t . f 11...1 ;.. I uou ahiehhesavs: j Army bill w passed. In the present disturbed state of Kurope, is it right, is it safe, that France, with au army of .1110,0110 lueu, should have the com mand of the channel! IVtweeu Jfrct and Cherbourg there are 1 3 or 14 sail of the hue, (the half of Cherbourg,) either manned or ready to be manned, aud France bas the means of manning a fleet which we have Washington Hotel, Newborn, N. C. Attention is called to the advertisement of this llcu-e. Should any of our ciliz-jiis j have ocea-ion to Tisit Newbern they will j find excellent quartets there, and the gen- 11. Resolution authorizing the Governor , t'cmut.ly proprietor ready to lenuer every to furnish am. a to the Franklin Military ; attention to tuake bis guests eoaiforul'e. S.hool, iu D'ip'.in county. j 12. Kesoiuticn in favor of Ger-rge W. llfiuptou. late sheriff of LuuiO-i.be county .. ' , A Inciid intorms us tbat a man aioppeu slliptOU. f Dcharpes him from lie Detialtv of S.KA'O. ineortt u by a inistaie n.aoe by tLe county a few days ago, in the neighborhood of Ful- j tcurt clcik iu rend.ibg an alitract o; WCod's l'ust-Ofhce, purporting to be from! taxe'.l I r .A r,.f-..-.l tn k Piddle ! e.ai.e-.-ie,u, (""''"" j and Harness maker. On Thursday, the j loll TUE S. C. Whig. ENIGMA. My Srt i.- in the Itivcr but not iu tbe Sea. My second ia in where I should like to be. My third is in Moun.aiu but not in dell. My fourth is iu heaven where I d like to dwell. My fifth is used at the breakfast Table. My sixth is at the end of Fable. My seventh is in the tedest scarlet. Mt whole is a till eatlcr.! au ia Charlotte. Mo. Auswer to the last Enigma. J. E STENHOl'SE. Auswered by Miss. Kettie, Mr. M. C. Alex. Jones, tbe bridegroom, burnt bis hands quite badly. Miss Fuller's injuries were severe, but not considi-red fatal. Her es capo from death was doubtless owing to the flannel with which her person was protected. 'I be incident seriously marred the pleasures of the wedding; the ceremony, however, proceeded, acd the newly married pair It It iu the cars for a Lndal tour fleet io Portsmouth by rail. Under these c!rcu!nta!.ees, I strongly recommend your i.i d the second p.,,. rr... Sr.. in in fiior of my authorities are strong vuouch I ) entree ti freiin power. This resolution is thought j ', ! Scully here ind.c.ted C4U ki. to embody the views of the Administration. ' Wn b"' "here tin. . nottb, c.v, Iu the House, the Post Uffice Appropria- . '' auiuorisiesuo tn,t po,,, lk, bill was uudcr consideratiuu, aud the I K V . 1 ' ' ; j 1J proieee uur enro'i! wnuiii i.'jrir F-I.ruari 22 I 'eeeul cxp-rine ha shou tLit ti,e .1' The Senatt is still in session, and have i 'iu Ki-:cuitva should ils.f he autiu,: under consideration tha legislative, judicial i " 1 '" fr0r,,1'utt'. wh and executive clause, of lhe appropria'int, j authority ii.u,i.i,md in it. t xHnt. cl l.iM Tl.e Houe is enwaj'd on the Fo-t " ju'' c"'0 be "rtf Ufli'ebi'l war maiiiug poer to the l.atcjii.e February 2-'. ul"J " appropuaw ejerci.e ur Sl,it(,i(i III his lutenliou to call up utho Senate, Mr. Slidell gave uou.e ofjtj ' LJ' w horn it exclu-i ,e!y b,,t (.i;. ,. r.M i,r, a I'uban bill ou I 1 r'ul l "anauia in If OH, in u.cti Monday. The legislativi and executive , Krt number of ur oitizi.us let the't i.io, clause, of lhe Apprct riation bill were uti- J brushes a po"uted lilu.tral.en ! Ue t dtr discu-sion. Mr. Hale offered au amend. mcht, r pialiiig tbe rtstrive clause ou Kan- y which Uiay arise f'jr li.e tivaLvtl lh, au'honty. . . a,.a. 31 r. t.ui' isn st.OKe OU tne rui-isci. .li . ' - ,U""T v" "0 ,u ,d CXe,t;Dg debate ensued, and was j It -" l" r.sponst.-i.i.y tit,.,; Uiatiblbg the Navy to make their rpport.l . . i I e r-U t.i t,asa a la Lafjre tl-i ad u-t. . " . ' . , . v i raiticinatcd iu triticipa iy by ! mocra'- ; 'i r'' l F 'w '"'-" "-e" Vs and to urd. r our lir-t reserve to ba uianted ! J. ' ' . ,! . . ,, , , ,.,,',.rtii t i,u tl Pr. .r f... r .-, i . i .-lessr. UOUL-It's ana lugu aurocaiiu i 1 .... r.... rie to be P'epared. : . i- M., .n to protect the lives and propsrt of Atria- 13. Pes iIu'ku Id rtlatiou to the Library. t'u Ives . j l"ih ult., he borrowed a mule ol Jir. ureen j Alexander, and Jobu JJaclc. 14 llteolutii.'U apprrpria:iug the riortU-j p,Pa, irjd a buggy from Mr. Black ; also S-" j . w.st ro in in the galiery of the Senate 1 fr0(JJ Mr . Weddington, au d said he was go- i A CoCMEHf IIT. A merchaut of Fayette tLambcr to rlip use of the covernor. i , , , e .. ' i-5 III s ution in favorof li M Ailri-ht. - ,DP 10 harlotte for the purpose ot gettiog j Tij;0 naa received a counterfeit $1(1 note of Atsuisiic county. Treasurer to riund stuck to commence bu.siuess. He, bowever, 0Q ,j e 0f Caje Fear, which is de- L.u. - TkT ; took it into bis head to decamp, anJ had j .(.r,., ta fellows by the Observer : 10 r.cviut:ou in favor of John C aid. ,., i s ,lie. narti since. Mr. 1 i, :. i. F.v..i!U Hrf-, V Black and auolue-r gentleman started oa ' , letter A. The whole note is pale and Fridav it. pursuit, but had not returned up imperfect as compared with a genuine one ' .... , of that description of plate, which has . to .IOLt:.y morn, i. iue u.u. . -t'-;. ,ir,, a ,m ; .;..,,. n ,!. I,,,, 1 - --t - bim 5-11 -d. ex- "! "X' cutor f II.-f i Css of taxes OV rpai i IT. Il;o'.utioa in favor of E. I). Ni-bil. of Jcbtist in county. Uefuuis bio. ;-', nc-e.-s of tix -a overpaid t.y him. 1 Ilcroiutitio iu favor of L ? W-.-bb. S J. La:bam and I'. W. Mojre, trustees of ij. L. M jore Kefar.d ?12-l J VI. li--Vutlon in favor of H.H H .vi l ton, hetitf of Cherokee couaty. Ktmits the forf, ::ure of Sl,(Mi j 2 l K s u! c'ioc in favor Elia Barnes, lite ati.r.ff or Wilsou couctr. i'.tfunds hun 21 Uesol ution autncriiirj the Guv.rnor cf t!:o tatc to teee-i.o a tz tendered to the M-.te of N rt'n CaroH'.a by Lieut, ljuiu lie. of the Uuited States Navy. 22. llu-solutioti to pay the legal represen tatives of lif.rtitt F. Vi'i;:y, dectssed. the amount due him a 'eaei-er for school cis triet No VJ. f r Uockingharu oat.ty. '-. Keo!-jtion in favr of irah A. John son. IU tu.-La Le-r Sol D I, atncui.t overpaid in in.- j 24. It olutlou in favor cfTbe'j ."chraler Keturns " It. sjli'iou in fivor of James -V Viu-s-iti, former sheriff of Jwbuuou couuty. !ur us him E'llj" 2r. 2 j. Kes.'.iutioO )U favor of J. J. James. fit.-f'iT.ds 515 overrail tai'-s 27. Re-olu:hn in f uor of EX-bn IJ-I- We think it wa", and the Senate was so ful land fit .fjtid. f"t 1'J overpail tx. i j ju,pr..ised with tit impropriety of having a,'u V"?T fVh; r,Iitf ( Sov 00 ' r-ply printed at the ex,en6e of the M W rsv, l.ih shena of tne county cf 1 in-. , - i ,ey. UeUasei bim from the penalty of , s!". t!l9 commuri.catioa was with- U for not netting l.u tax account, drawn jcas 31, nays 7. Mr. Turner be-f-rvvided he fully dincharg the aail tax ae- u i,ig, of course cou'.d expect uo fa ccubt ag-.Im-t Lim. '1 bis re- .u'.ion to apply t0'M fronj U Stacdard, because be was a a'.-o tj Ji ju Stewart, furuier sber.rj of . . . . , , , inorii in tne siiie ot Jeinociaey sua aou.a n. eounty. ' ,!J. U'-'alutloB in favorof t'. couimot, expos': what Le conceived to be wrong in tchve.i ot Hando.f n county. The public their j rvte. Jinga. trta-urt-r t p;.y f 15J to the chairman of, comm'iu M-b'oit ol mux fj-:.rv, am'.-uri tt 1 he mu and the matt i- said to be about 0 feet high. eljJ of tLe jate 41J(j 1(, ali0Vc anj Xhelo with a light complciiou, and weighs al out . on the right end, and t o f. uiaie figures iu I .IU. We hope the people will be oa the tho Centre. All the ie-ae of $10 notes from , , . ,f. -i .1,,. i ,f the I-aye'teviile K.aneh, from this plate, are lc.kout, .nd trv ! r;d ibcitstlves of such , .', ... ' , , .'. dated , Dec. 1 or J Aug. 1 .i.. 1 his vagal ond. I counterfeit is dated Nov. 4tb 1."5. The i vjg,J(.ltc9 shading, lettering, La. of the ge- Messrs. Turner, Leash and the Standard. : nuinc BoU src , deep black, making the W't pave lat week, what tbe Standard cle Ttry promiiieut, whereas in the coun-publi.-hed is the remarks of Messrs. Turiier tei feii they are very pale and imperfect. it t .e ,-.., ,i r,:i , vlf. lhe paper is inferior aud yellow. We un snd Leach in the !enate on the nigul tic-, r r , , . . , der.stand that this is the only counterfeit of ,V ..A;..r,.n...r r.f flip 1 ... 1. 1 at lir ... .... T"'""-"' e Well, we hrive before us a report of the proceedings of that night as furnished by the reporter of the Kaleigh Register, iu which words not exactly as was given by the Standard is o-ed, but what was the caue, why, C. F. Fisher, Esq .bad laid up on the .Kpeak.r' table a reply to the re- i I- , . " , . . ' d Lavis replied, repuu st'titf the views of , cu ' ' ca.es -uicn i an. m Knrnne. and what eombina ions mi f-ike 1 r' I " . , . ..... i i ...... .1 i ,. i.' i. :. . a v . .. .1 1 tha former 1 be idea couve ed ty the r- ui " i""V " - ' , - . I. uu marks of Mr. Lavis was, that Mr. Douglas ! dl' dvi.al,ie. 1U M. : r f' m IT ' . i has cut loos, from th. Imooratio p.r.v? j that such a law cxi.ts .,!d of ,-. of THE L.MTID large fleet in tbe Laltic aiways manned, ami wth Jll0 ,...! ,o far to prevent lh out.sg., wUka. MRUS. I row they are not far from our ea-t.rn coast. Io l.K-nl mud anifiid-I intended to redress, and lo reditu. , 5. ,ue to- not h.rgct my lord, that N.po.eon r formed , of tU luJ i pl.vu.aut of Ut, u....r, i n itnoul l Ll tar 1 lel irnl itsi lit 1 ici Tut Balance or Tbauj States with Fhkeihn C'f October 1, 141, to June tto, t il Hinountof imDorts into th from foreign eouulries, was 5,:il. 1 ,1 -U,i OU ; .e .nj s reiore .-lusina w aware oi it. the total amount of exports during the same Napoleon III. may cms. the Channel before period was $:,3051riU,1i3 ; exhibiting a ; we Xuow what we are about. balance of trade is favor of the United j States during that period or $1,5.,170. LasTAKDLV Act. A worthy citiin of .ince 1"?40, the Uuited titates have export- our (()tl0 pc-J u, i p,,P scssiuu of the ed to foreign eouulries five hundred and particulars of a most fiendish act, perpetra- , fiftv-six millions of dollars of breadstuff aud provuious. 8ir.ee Isji) the United istatcs have exported three hundred and thirty millions of gold to foreign countries. Luring the last seventeen years four differ ent tariffs have been iu operaliuu. ft in iI.k llftuan for finsl action. l-'i-h uarvl t i u a painful pjMUin before the n..f..;il Iu the Senate, the pc.t route .ill is Uing , ,L Congresa. .U tbe pres. ,.t di.ti: dl.cu.sed to dav. Last night, tbe general coumt on cf M.nco, and one or aisr. t appropriation bill was psed. j' '-pnbl.es .ou.h cf , a. rr In the Iloue, the l'ot iJHica Appropria- j tion Hill was rejected ty a ota of eighty- I six to one hundred and nineteen. A mo- i for reconsideration will be made to- i The Naval Invesligaljog Commit-. lion morrow A FIIIC A IM THE F.KI.D It is being as certained. by actual exploration, that there ted by some dim on in human form, as tbe niirhl train from Charleston su leaving ou Tuesday last. Our informant was on the teu nilJe a report. tram. v ben about a iiu.e and a bail or two PYbruarv 2.ri miles from the city, the train tucviug rapid- j yj,, geUe to dsy, pacd the bid ri- ' i,ou!'1 ! pf disa-ttoqs, ul i ly, the passengers in one cl ,Le coaches were : jn(? lhe postage to five cents for all weights b ". unght u! j-ci t startled b? what, at the moment, seemed to ..... k.lf .n .r 1 l.nl.vl.ini. th frMi.U. 1 l( ' ceumre for bating a"un,e i ! can foresee what octurrtcc: t: i; lib I place before that period. Iu e? ft,; gcucy our citicens, eeing thai Ij' V ilo mi njoy the saui prelection with European govcrnmeuu wii! hji-ic com pi I i it. (la the o: b-r hsel, tl.a Lleculive interpo, and t:'e.i.: l-e an explosion some sj; posing it to have1 pfi!KB. The Cuban qasslian was re rr f'ded to biui by ti.e eyirtitJ been cau-ed by the bursting of one of the ' ,,11I1,.Ji lue undrrstai.dinjt that they i ' " t-'u'' against this Coutir,c.-j u is an immense cotton region iu Africa, 'a"1!'"- uiumii.iarjr mi.mnuoii, BClJ,l u,,i ad;ourn ULtil the matter Lad liceu v.nse. which only needs a road lo get to It to aiisueu " preset u.ai a nan nau make it hi.-bly available. According to tho . be-n d into the car from some instrument voted on. ...... fc i . .......... . , 'II,. l0,i. rssmi.Mer.-illLools rei.etin. ea-ure which I d. n i,eC.-,iy suit London press. Dr. Liviuston announces of dsath, in the hands of some one outside. !,! p0l (,1 l,;;). The Naval Appropria-1 I"J" nl f"r ,h im-rest and h,.i r vt a the Zambesi river as a -unable for small- ! sasu or gia-s irsme i'i,loll .J ... up fr .i,.oufiou. I '"), " "u 0 - drau-ht steamers ten months iu the year, shivered and t,m away, and tbe glass bro-; . -..,.... if noi constantly. He also mentions , fact Uu and scattered around Seated in th,.: of creat imr.ortance to the future of African car. ami wm.in a uangerous oi.t.mc o: .--, wi.-dom atid diterrti .u. J A MILS LIIcnAl W Wa.mimiIu?., Feb I, 1 .:. this plate which bas been seen al the Bank here. Put.-KMAHo.N- or Plate. Hubert Kiilg way, Eq , the editor in-chief of the Itich- n.ond Whig, was presented, on Saturday last, with a magnificent service of silver! plate, purchased at a cost of 8-V.iO, The service consisted of au antique pitcher, a, port of the Committee to examine into the pair of goblets, and a tray, each beariag the ' affairs of the North Carolina Railroad, and inscription, denoting the source of the tea- i , , , t ,, t- timonial : " hii; of irginia to Robert i an atti-u-tit was made to br.n;t efotethe Sen- ... , .r,. , - Ridgway, rt-bruarv 10th, leS9. ate informally this r.-ply. Was this not suf- 'I Le ceremony of presentation took place j tcient cau-e for tie Use of strong language ! ; Saturday night, in the parlor of the Ex-1 change Hotel, iu tbe presence of several la-i dies, and a large number uf gentlemen the1 persona! and political friends of Mr. Ridg- j way. The presentation speech was deliv- j ered by John I). Alexander, Esq , of Camp ' bel, County. Extkui-e. J daneerous dit.mc ... .i... .i... ;,..o,... .nl where the ball entered, was bis Excellency.' The following nicssaz" was Iransmitte.l .... ...1 . .e ' ... . ..i hot. liist. Our informant nt.it th i'h from the President of lhe United Slates to ' ne.d-atle,e,on.ue ...noesiuecu - - , KHd... F,.r Lr i VaLIE or S'At.T-lf too little ..It of the seams crop oji ; aim rcmaras ma, --t i - - h - -- - - t ....l k. 1 t ; i .),:,. the dei'Mi of the cowardly asa.iu- ( for ' Tn iIj v,.-, , i taken m lha food instinct forces tier; .a ...r.ir Africa will not alwava be such h must have b'ii, the cireuiiMUnees I llur i.f fi'vrrtrntt.tu: t. I mal to supply the J..-fici-r.rj by .1 ilil n..B'ecud wi:derne "- Wash-' U considered ) He thoiifht il possible that The brief r.eriod which remains f voi.r , "I"" u- XU Utl " ' '"I"' L" f ""I"". 6 I t. t..!t ,..! 1..... . I if u- . , ., . a t lieLs at Nurlhw uu tne crcat urcrny ani ; . . 7 . ,i, , wild animals in 'ion StiiUs. ! startling and monstrous a conclusion, not- t.-niiinct ion, for the pr-.t. tion of A.ri' A!"e are the sure prey of t! e bui.ur - withstanding lhe facts favor it The bail;c, citm-ns and their prrpertr whilst i,,!e"geal, himself beside a sa.t s.ni.?: s entered at the degr.-e of height to sink. ! tr.,it the I-lhmus route, between our ,,ar 4tic ea.ilc run pese--...,y w " ENfiLAM ANIi MiiltO. Iu (JutCO Vic- sp-.ceu Ue.ivere I belurc i urnauieut, hib i nan litis milieu i iiiniseii. e r.re.eiit session, ami the crcat ur can scarcely get our cous.nl. howuver, to so : importance cf legislative action, he-lore its. D.NiKa uy Cats SLCtriva wnu Ciiil Il(BN. A small girl, seven or eight years old, ou the night of the .tU ultimo, came , ,buul tlie br(.t 0 CIJ(J pretty near losing her lite by cat. Jler inotbi-r heard a striture cdif: which awa kened her; she baatcLed to the bed where ; Ulil auulou, ull,lt.r .i,L. the child was lying, atid fouud the cat with her r-oi;th close to the child s Uiouth- At first they took the tiiii thev soou perceived it seemed to catch for breath OCe.isioually bou bas rents cats lo sleep aim mcir ciinureu. uu-i - , . - r .,- huru (UIlJ,u htmocal. ! back) on the Hank of lUmburg, .1. C. are "'-ting nd repelling hostile attacks v i in circulation. We saw ons at th I In re yesterday. It will deceive nino sons out "f t'-n The Kailroad arrh in t:.Q crt.tr. Au.f I piri ot the j.r A il. . ...,l ... .... I . 1, li " ul t ual oner I tn in a la-te oi ii..' i ; It passed through and struck the opposite ! ,',( duty again to recall this subject to your ' ,'r"" ,IU,,! immemorial il U- been Im wa.Ut the coach. It would seem almost ! n,jcc. I ,1T(; beretofure presented it j j 1 hat w.thoi.t sail mau wouid u.i-er.b J p miiaculous under the circum. tanees, and in 1 tnv annual Mm.ii both nf IVci inher is. -.7 I "l ; nd among hurrilie J ui tsbii ' any event, that no one was injured, if the 1 ,,) 1-5- to abi'cb I beg leave to refer ! ,all" certain death, that of fee'ht-.: intent was riersuiia.1. thu ai t imrnU.il ...!. I t.. .1 1 1 ....... .1.. .e. . .. nuts on ssltl-ss fooil is said lo bi F' 1 to be dead, but ,leljl ,trii to others iu tbe itnmedia te vi cit ii- L....r, ,..,, 1 r.f il.i- 1,,. ; i. ;,,., : vailed in bsiharous lirm s i.i-n ' ty, and au-ur. a disregard for human life course with foreign nations. 1. limited lo J , ' . , . . . ,1- ' " .. " """u nieicourse with foreign tialions, is limited to reath oee.,.on ly. After two or three luml CoUl i -bM tLe hvM ()f lU vcfi t o( A . t. Wl ours she was restored to con-ciousnt-ss, but eot nUlll.-.,uml,r M ulch, nun. ,,. fa, . it can proceed no further. It can as been very stupid and unwed since. 1 ; r .dim should beware bow they trust their1 , lf, t not Ieg,,,n,alcl, resort to force without the ats to sleep with their ch.idren.-GVs-! t L'"'K'LT i ( ounterfeit 820 bills (red rect authority of Ungre.s. ejeept in re- Foster landed in Otalnil'i th- J '!' the natives wbo saw th m catu.g " ' i-owdi-r " with evert uiot 1 "f l! ,l every one r member Mm Frtds; s ei;' sive repudiation of salt. Ivil .ue who atn no ' white po -h. ' t- ned ly iL-i.-take for tie asylum of the tlttf. dmit, ai.d the- blind. . i'. evlution in fav .r cf Henry Vuu Cliihee and H linker. Itefund. the for Ii.rr ;2T f", aud lhe lalier tlU taxes over paid. 51. Resolution iu fa 1 or of E. Combes 11 fund - 12 ' 1. !i J Ri slu'.ioo ia for of Lahnsy l.'oshy (It, 'ul.Is f 10 5'J. titj P.e;Iulion iu favor of I). N'. White, of Cabarrus county. Itefuud. i ji. Jit I;, siiuiiou in fjor of V. Watson Pav nil w ouiit ol 87 oij '.! lut, nij iu lesrd to a dredge boat on tbe eld instant, wo find the following Ian- j guire, which is quite significant : The j statu of the R public cf Mexico, distracted ; by civil wars, has induced me to carry my! fjrbt arai.ee to the utmost liunt in regard to 1 the wrongs and indignities to which Kiiti-bj residents have been subjected nt the bands of li.1! c intending parties. They have at . , ..i. .1 a ...1. :.. . .. r rn n in " e lUnk ' "oulil bate m authority to enter the tern- I '"'"" " r-- - , , , I . t . ... . I In nitril ,iaFi nf A tne a men are s". le per-1 lories 01 Nicaragua, even 10 preveut the fle- r- - ii(ir on the 1 struction of the transit and proi.ct the live. 1 ' "" ' C"5'' " '," L it is not nd property of our own citiaeus oa their J V"""'" s cammou,..-.. - it iu an- I Passat-.. It i. true that o a suddm. emer- of hlerr U""e. . .,, of tl.is eharaeliT t he l'ri.l.li.r,t ii il ' u" ne, , .111 ll ' lelr. I ishcr'a Eeply. 'e bavj not si eli Mr. Fi. her s reply to tie; report of the exsiuining comn.ittee, but infr frm ti.e commuLieauon beiow that leugtb been carried to suoli an extent that I bav bcto coinpeiied to give instructions to the comiiiaiider of the naval forces iu thoe seas to demand, and if ueces-ary to enforce reparation.'' 'Ibis is the right spirit. ih, LkaIII OV THE HluToKlAN Hallam. Almost thu same moment tbat tbe announce- ; counterfeit is bold oa the Kcnuioa rnent of the death of the illustrious American so. The counterfeit is not so brie'l l.i-lniuii Wni. 11 1 res;utt. reaenea r.u- in-arancn 11 I m iihim.i 1 i.i iu -I,. .!... vrnrv roie. we received here the intelii et.fe of cutiuu is cood verv. TIih r.lm ami l,.t. 'direct any armed force ia the viriuitv to! having learned tha arl of ui.t. the death of the no less illustrious hng'ish term. on the gi nuine bill can be seeu and ' anarch to their relief, but in doiiie this he , historian, Henry Hallam, He was born in read on the back, while- they do not show1 would set upon his own responsibility. j 1770, and graduated at Ux.ord university through ou the eouiitei f,it uuless you hold " U nder these circunistanees, Iraiiieslly 111 Ii'j:. lu 1-13 ne gave 10 me wor.u it uu to tiie liylit the sea. C.INVEM liN Uf Hl.lHX A1'" I 1. !jlt J li ft e dr-'le to reofe out s t'.raih! "t ilie Atlantic and ct W l! N. A." , J. ff. Rrittsiti, O.K.CUn in r. the t shi.n-.-l f) ii.- .. ,..,, f.. C Hsi re..! .' -i p.-'o mi mi in Ci.adei iR-ltai.ds :i7. It-sol i!iv!. iu f c-f Haywood cvui 'y. cf CI i-rokee bonus to pi IK. HreoliltvJII TO!' ci I I ... 11 of tie l'.evi--.d (Vle l si iu who hate ('.ai.t i. is ril ul i-Jll Ml. It.SIuti"!! ill fall l '. ' I mi. ii i'i- county 4'! P. -dutioii in fsvvf of J J.u IVord , t'ss,,, ,1. SI 1 -ta'.uti -ii in f i ir ui K. Kiddt-r. i.:i. ''.e di'trir.ij r t it to Ma ed..,.ce the foiUier , r of J jf.n W i!onp Mr. Fisher bas beeu over anxious to dcfe..d himself wheu he steps a.-ide to rtfiect up-in otLers. lte-i Mr. Mundeuhali a card : TO 1 HE I-U1H.IC. In a eou-muD'.ation of Charles F. I'i-her, President of the North Carolina Rail Road Company, addiesecd to the Hon. Henry T. Curse, .Speaker of the Senate, there aie in sinuaMns and iateuieiita rei rriri.' tei, and redi eiiiig up4 me, which are incorrect anl untrue. I regret that io atttmptii.g t di-i' nd A ' telf, against the tEposuiea ol the joint select tomu.lt of tha Iigi-lature. Mr Fisher, -iiould have found it iieeai v ft asail tne. Into my who.e oftul condutl a Trea surer of tde North Caro.iua Rail Iliad, I invite the strictest seruli'.y. CVRUSP MKVHKNHALL. Tiea-urer X. C. R Co. ClLv.sluro', Feb. 21, I-.Oii. the fiit. and perhaps tbe greatest of hi works, tlie View of tbe State of Kurope du ririL' the Middle Ages Ibj waited nine ytars, and then gave to the w-,r.d bis (.'uu Mitutiunal History of Kngiand, from the Ac.ssion of Henry YH, to the death of George H. to tii: careless 1 luuthiille (Ala.) Adv. New ash Cheap Wav or AiQtiiuvi Ccla We clip the following paragraph from the Louisville Journal ; There are foolish rumors that Mr. Preston will not be received at Madrid. Let Queen Lanelia once get a glimpse of the uob.e look ing and accomplished Kuntuckian aud be can obtain Cuba as a love gilt from ber as easily as i. can purchase il for one bundled aud tiUy millions. tnrougli ou the eouiitei d u unless you bold l,nuer these circumstance, I earnestly 1 v uu s-s 1 ms. VI . n )( I il up to the light The signatures are ap j recommend to Congress the passaie of an ' 1 i:K FussHYTaiilAS ( iil ik II ,t.(, 11.0-t perfect. It is a tery dangerous fraud 1 ot authorixing tbe President, under such ' lio" of Fiders and pcaiou- f Adv. j restrictions as they may deem proper, to em- ! nyienaii l.uureu or .. . - ( ( ploy the land and naval force, of the United , 'he Presbyterian Church in ,i''"F States in preventing tha transit from being mencing ou Tunsdty night Lie " " jP! I obstructed or closed by lawluss violence, ! About suty delegates were in f s dca't'h" ' n'' rr0,e,-t'n!5 the livas aud pmperty of Rulus Lai ringer, Lq , Ieacoii, ast" It! A""'riciin ci'ixeus travflling thereupon, re-i cuk'. ho-n President, an ' t I ' (iiring at the same time tbat these forces ! of Ureensborough and Mr. I ' i A Ft tend in J'e7. I'r. Wistar's Rilsain of Wild Cherry is a friend in drtl . Who has not found it such in curing all diseases of tbe lungs and throat, coulIis, cold-, and pulmonary (flections, and ''tart, not Ie.i.-t,'' Consumption ? I A IISTUt.ss,lMi Ad ILKNT ed to leaiu liisl a little son of Mr. Jam N ieliol-ion, of this district, came to his 1 by a singular accident, on Sunday 1 I nt.rii-ar. llmt llii-rn ... ...I I a.. .1...:. 'tu i ther riiimiii,, t,l ;,; ,i . .. !! I shall be withdrawn tbe moment tho dancer I ''rauvilie, wru appoint of each other, Ac. Whilst this was 1 '""n rl""1 ' "bout such a j emmii.ee 01 six, r... ..s,..r j . .. ... r.f .1... l a. . s . i r . ' nrovision our cilisena wi 1 ha ,natai,t!a ... each 1 reshyterv, auu u'" , , . ""' "u 'argeanue lu tils I ' . . " " y,,. ' V..ft,.i,,d to .rP 11 ., , ,; ted .Swretaties- of l. i ... . .11... , r,npil In llm i,,l.rr..r,lwii in 11 .... .,. ClieniierU. Was SI'I'UHi" ' ,.. , ....... g am. nau jus, placed Lis i , 7 '"r ' . , , r ... (;0..n..' llllli'l Li'Ial.iU blin tths'll 1 ! (Is.nnis.s..i ... i "w w " ,f B a... .-. - - inns aU "vhii .hiW for lU pas-ion Wednesday nighl this comm.. pr..fee-i ,u of;.' Thai, man n.ad an interesti . Il.;..l. -ul. .anim resulution il , . Vai.i i r r a Vjhoima Stahi.e The ; P.icl.mond Dispatch says, tbat il has it from , good auib itity thai tha Messrs. Dosaeli have bcfti cT-red the sum of 5is,0j'J for' their fiiiy, Fannie Washiui'ton, and their' . i i ccl brsted brood male, Nina, and ber three w-r ( . . e .1 .:.. ,.1. f Ii '1 Revenue culls, Planet, Kxcbeiiiier, and a sr I i,e attention of the Ir'ends of J.aiiiei . i , wsilmg Planet is estimated at f.l.DU, jM lUiU.. . man ' caiied U tba advert a- 'Ktehn,,.t kt 3 o;.l, tb old mare and the ' . iueiit of i-trf lison i LueU, iu another jear'in at Jt 'iii'i, and Paunie Washington fwiumu. t i,'0- The sale bas not bctu made. round a bouse, and jumped on him not see- ! similar neces.ity exists ! mil' lhe knife, which enleeed hi. .,!. I '"".' f ""- "Ct for til 4 i pie.c d bis heart, causing I -death iiisuntly. j ,lie.' -" I eliuantepio routes wuicn, wun so.,. " llli')11,l, What it GT to Lie in Cuba. A I Liter aw Vuittre. j Aiio.ncr aunject, epiiy important, eom- n.jt uiscus-r-, i msnded tho attention cf tbe Senate at tho doptad. , v dur con.. -pendent of tbe St. Lou.s hepubi.can, , ! last session of C.ii,r... The best ain.it pervaded the bHd, .1..,., 1. .f . I .. ' - -"- . .. ' . " .. l ... . na.'.!'"". A Laiij Wit A says : If you die on the Island it wii! cost your frieiiiis shoi. lieftira vour remains ean he Kween a certain K.-r.rai.i.iuti.. c t . I 1 ,,T,li. . . , , ..- .. .1 ..set i . i- , i ii ' ,e" i war sver since Miey achieved their iidemni- interspersed Willi ocvouou ' ., ., takeu asay. If you die poor, and those ex- nessec, and tne Huu. Mr. Rufj u of North 1 i i , , v i f i. .1 . u i.i, -lu -"" 3 . -x . , .. I.. , .... nuuiii,o. xortli dtnci). As one or the other nan U r,r. ijuurnsdou cduesday uilUi. I i i V i K , 01 Tb republics south of tl.e United Sun-. 0D, aud a nuuitier o. -- I l. ly w,t who dined at the President s the on iU. JMi.nt h, ufortunatel bea : i-Urrst lo the Church -re r, other day, and was seated at . ul.Jc be- frequently in a state of revolution and civil , Convention, alter a -0-1 V'"'" e iwecu a eertatn Represctntlva from T.t.. ' . . . .. . . . 7 . ' ! i .i :.i. .l.,.ni;,.iul He'1'"' ' li . a " ' f .1 i . V "', J. , r fuu.K,,,,u ou' ' i vailed and obtained p ,ssessiou of the liorts publie desd cart and Litched into a ditch dear tnadam ! ' aked the bi i r.aeh.U. ,.( ... v . me .una .i i , . e ... i . ii I.. 1 1 ' "s"' i open to lorfciiju Biiioug me remains ui j'uiersi Bn'i mose ine n uu. iiouse. - . tli as itould be ex who have beeu executed. 'I he $1100 is made ' pcclud, with a Sanae ou or.o snU, aud a up as toiiows : i.ornn, enipsitning liuttiiam ou tne other, was the instant re. f''l; ehgrcb tax, 17:1 ; hotel for bedding, spon.e. I do uot bear that Mr. tv aupeetl abcui ?ll. , lbs lady junsUr of " twining upon facts." tun tl rnri-ii.ii rnii.iii.ii.. I , I .... . .........1 i I'liieTlit Ml hANMY l."' ., and confiscated American vesn-lii at.d their j cracking jukes with Fanny ','rlji( i cargoea in au arbitrary anil lawless man. ; having a.-erieu ... .,rf,v liar, aud eiset. H mnn.. frn..i S : .,, nf tl.n nr.si nl liav are t iona by forced loans, and other violent realn s that "they mul bu fst 'J c'" proceedings, toanabla tbera to carry ou bos- womeu."

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