yOll TUB NORTH CAltOtlM WMQ.' TUB FOP. - A tclf oonooitcil chap is Lo Kullof pri'lo and vauity, Stacking 'bout with haughty mien, AJ tbinkn his fellows crj green ;tCaiis8 they do not act an ho '. In showing off th.iir f'anily. I sports a heavy black mustache Scented with a brandy smash And should it fail to please hit. eye le uses something called Hair dye : The glossy hue this e'er imparts ud eets this hero storming hearts. Ili booU must pinoh his ugly feet N'beu he shows in hall or struct Jiroa.'cloth and cfinvsns must have ou Jo give him stauding with the ton, Aud aid him drive to fell Jet jiair Every wily heeded fuir. T!iO street he walk at evening (shade And tuiuks hi fortune nearly made Y t he pus.cd the windo by H caught a glimpse of ilulun ' eye, lie feel, a tremor grows quite faint And lo)k as meek aa any saint. At length be grows quite c!m and cool And lays ta love's to act the fool N wend his way to a rumy-Lole To roue again hi puny tout lie takes a sling of gin or rum Full lour largo buyers and a thumb lie now begins to think hu nitty And esiay to inj a ditty, When lo ! in steps a friend quite brisk And ssjs " Lets tn'is a pauie of xekut Tj drive away all melanvhully Si cili ft of furluer folly. lie hoses all the change bo Lad And rulie homeward raving mad Meeting lampposts ories " no go " And wonder why ho staggers so. The police hear him sadly groaning And gently ! put him up till morning 1 ,U is the blnssom of a man Sketch him Painters if you can. ANTIIlt OI'OS. A Mas without Joint1. A most re irkaV Ie itixtsuea of ihu o.niticatiou of all le p'uiU iu tho body of a man, has come to ur kvjaleJe withiu a fswdajs. A'aleu .at Perkins, of Mantua, Portage County, t,;!o, is the perfco who baa been thus sin jljrly sfiiicU'd. lie reides with his moth, r, Mr Mary Alvoid. He ws. born iu ritUa, I utrto county, N. Y , It March, lli, and i coiieiiUcDtiT 45 years of si'e ,i. it . ,.r ... ; .r., i. i ii . c .i u of ttis riiht shnulder, one joint of the . i i.i i u.iud motion of one or two toe, every iiit in his body is completely o.sified, and 1 trm and immovable aa if one boue con ;l:jtej Lis whulc fraUie. luti! he was eleven years old he enjoyed ! j-t health. At that time the family had ituored ta Kirtlsnd, Lake county, in tin if" k'.e. Iu June nf the year he via eleven, a thrown fr ui a r jre an 1 Lurt ml t).,-n ,-n!n.. U,m 1 1., ri.. r In L.lha i ! took cM in the injured part. iiiBitiima-' t j0 n.'itetl ami the. eartilaea and li,.n:uta 're dt.ttiyerl, and ossification took place. K'Ut thi bad trauspireJ. the uuiuiure.l i j -.i a j .tr-twal attacks With lalsaroislMa.ud Wc.n.e completely os.itied. Tb.-n ; .l after joitil pa.J tbruogh the ordeal, lil n l, ia in tha oMi.litinn In.. I, t ! 011 A row lie ia ia tl e condition ui. ntioiied T!.e same lieke eotuiurnceti at tin- roots i1' lis bner a ml tie tiaii.i. The nails came 11 i tela new aul'Stance reseiiifini; nails r out, at right anle-t from Lis Cti'-ers i ri t ie., full half au locb. Iiit iiss Lava been set anJ motionless r thirty y'ars, aJ Lis .runt leetlj hsve ei,.' 1 at,i eame out, forming au aper lire tlriitj.li wliioll . talks ami receives 1 li t-jti. Wis food ia all prepared for Litu 1 1 S jiU'iIe. In inner, and he a, Neva lias , , . . i . ' i-taiusj a g-jod aj.potiu-, tluuli b is not UltJhuUa. 1 atiity fur years siuce lie lecatuo llitid waoesje, acd Ut tweuiy-tdree je.r. lie , . .. i , . , f i i - 4' lntn lutii j biliirl. Ail Ins otbtr aeusrl i 'ruiiti arKct aud acuta as those ulanj ?;.rnn. J 1 " liuits rouiaio Dear the ixe tliev er i , i i ... . i j i'ti. t. Iio w,. hurt. Ilia .-ad, neca and j. )!) Lsvs attained full aiie. Ilia beek is j'-'-r!y ss larjje as liis Lead, and measures 5 ti- teeo inches ia cirmjmferfi.ee. while his n5 meaaures only four oJ a half iuchet. li "eight is about One blindred pounds. H' tidy ia iu a Semi reclining position, : I Le in not affected V.y be or cold as ueL rer,o. ordinarily II, i. always1 terful, and Very fond of lalllitij. "'S ii 'return powers ar lairly ilcvelopeU Inr !. in bis condition, and bin memory is ex-' " !!". It ia s,id of bin. tli.t ho can t-11 ,1 . , , , . , Mi.wea ud of a Urge proportion ol 'as per,,jrj, in the town of Mantua wi'.b ae- ' ir u-y. lie tlocs not sleep morn than per-1 a'i in good health, and be is not trouhlrd . ''Ii i'kt)es, asiilii from the dieac which, ' takea posse.asiou of him. Vino I'itrr. ! A M.lllCIlN MUNCIIAfiitN. We fitnl ths i.ui story in an eiuliaup. Of course j "i rettler is expectud to beiiuva it iu eliri ; (.Miicmar : "hen a jonng Uisu I was traveling iDiip an I was traveling in,,.,. . , ., and lat of a Morn,, I il C A tla HIS K X p TCSS Cul 1) pUl! V . o eabir. for ldPi , J1S oM r.lul)l,.he.l. re.1.n.,le.drel,."ble 'tern Nt i ork, tMt 1,1 am,!iwl .1 I 'ue oit insnt. m woman, refused it. aavina' '8 r I, ii.l,..,. I . ...I ....... I,, i ...in.. ..,.1 : f t!.tv fiiund inn tlisra tbay would murder ' "l pteferretl tlifl fhancrt to tlis slorm, '. h.,1.1 .1 i . i i ii 'It !. vuiLLntsJ to It me he . own before ; '"! hie. In tlie iiif,'lit I beard theiii eonniig "id Scrambled Up llio cbitonny. Tbinltitli : 1 s safe, wlieli at tlie ton. I atelinsd 0e-riur if,. .rt..f i . i . .i i i c ' r f, ,d juu.p.ntr down at tbe back of t eauiu, atruolt plutup into a won Irap, , srcrn of pain from Hie brought tbe Uiall b0V out. and tbev duclartd I deseryod aneVniore ..vure put.isbmont tban deatb, ! "y k.,,1 , both iu tb. trap aud in si.n,.,.. ...J si.' I 1.... ! "p.-tue unt.1 morniDL', aud tbeo beaded up to a hoirshead. with no litrht or air f" the bunirbole. then cuttinir me on a ' lo drovn an.,.. fn, ....... oi, . hill ..,,1 lilt foiled me off to ataro. Tbis I un- j "oubirdl, sbould bate done, but for avery' ; ';ui.r ecerree,. Tbe wolyes .mello.l out ami cubered around my pr.sou.l "Hetl nt.o of tbeiu. iu turniuj; round, tbrust t 'il inti the bun,' holo. It was myouly ; r anoe, I tl..,hi . ., 1,-1,1 ,,.,1 hl.l An S ks d,...k . ii r "" tu a utcro, wbtcli friKbtfiiied tbe; P nl, Of eonr.. ....I I.. ....... .1 A .......I.. Lilt iJ!iued by tbe hogshead aud lue. It was very uo.i. .A.. . l . i ' ul"Pi but 1 had no Llo. he.- I.,n., ii ... Ihritil .1.. 1. ., ..... . s ... ', l. u ui;uea striking alone lairly, r worn fcy loii( lrael, were bro- f in, and I jumped out and found myself I V towii ill tha I,,... ....J nf I .,,. , 1 f ""''r, sotue tbiity miles from tits sceoa pl DaHINO FltAT AT NIAGARA CROSSING on Stidtu Above the Falls. A corres. pondent of the Chicago Press and Tribune gives the following particulars of the recent insane hazard at Niagara Fulls, of Signor Caspa Morelli alias Andrew Grccnleuf, a dare devil Yankee boy, who, for a wager of 8 1,000, on Monday week, actually cros sed Niagara river, walking upon stilts, be tween Goat Island and the Falls. This writer says : Punctually at 7 o'clock, Morelli appeared in fine spirits aud condition. He had with him a pair of stilts about feet long, made of wrought iron, flat, sharp-edged and poiut ed shaped, in fact, almost precisely like a double-edged dagger. These were firmly lashed to his legs, and he walked towards the terrible river with a confident smile, The inoniii.g was clear aud cold, but he was attired very lightly, in a dress not unlike that usually worn by nrofcssionul gyinua.sU At tea minutes pant seven be stepped iuto the water, whieu in another moment was boiling surging, and roishing beneath his feet. The boldest of the lookers on held his breath in suspense, aa the daring man receded from shore. He aloue seemed un moved, and passed on, slowly and carefully, avoiding the larger rooks which were made apparent by the eddying current. His steps at Cist were very short and carefully made, but afterwarda btcauie bolder and longer. Tho stilts of course, were so placed thut the eurrent struck euly against their' sharp edges, and produced but little effect j but the danger from the sunken rocks, and the coucicliou that a single false ati p would send hi mi to death, nroduned a. feeiinn thut wan 1 K.,,,;M ...;f.,l ., , k. .,,.,! 1 , i t i ' j i ii to looae his balance, and a sickening shud- der ran through each One of the beholders, lUcoveting bimstlf he Still kept on Still r. ctded, uwtil to our straining eyes he could , , ,. . , i . c scarcely be di.tinpuinhcd ffom the foaming waters. The middle of the river was attained ut lant; hours neeui to have fled, but it was i I , t i , r. i shore. As he approached the deepest aud UiOkt dsngerous part of hi.i route, the sus- prnmi became more ft-arfullv inteuse. No'"r'i reaidinj; on the fiistoi hehruary. r.r.1 ... sm.W il,:.t .... nf. fered another five dollars for a moment's use of his lorgnette, which oflVr pas.cd un heeded. Justus Morelli reached the saift eat and deepest portion of the current, he sicuitd to totter ."ink Ih threw up his aruj ' 1 closed my eyes. Opening them a moment after, I saw that Le wan still stand, iug. A few moments mora and he reached the L'anadiau batik and fell exhau.ted in- , .. Bn..ie At this hour (3 I. M.) he has nearly re- covered, atiil lhini;h still in hi d, tecciv , . , , , coiiprutulstions of dozens of visitors the coiigrutuislions of dozens of visitors who cmt pouring iu. He left tie American shore Mil) d t ahnve ihu fall, st.u came out about l.UHtl fett al ova the Canadian. The money has already been handed over to him, and all will agree that it was fairly won. CONSl'iNKKS PEH CIIAUl.ul 1 1 AM) s). C. HAIL UOAt), i'HdM Til -Isr TO Tlil '-'Ilt 1KB. J V "I'.U rl.ranJ a package. E. 1. Ha t 1 tli!r" "i A. k M. J. Uruuifield ; l'mb"t " ' VhB narny u I kjres. J. M. NuJaou 3 pkges, J. W. Ausliu IU t-kies tl W. Loi-an G t'njtt M I. M 'l " kl ll.ii .Ivor A-' I"! VI .k i,' , , , , ,'. Vkiu, ; Kb""oi 3 Fge. tar- olJ P fh , A. U UI' JUT 1 t kC. irrital. al the DjIiI.. February 20. S llolun.l. W F I.. eali.il suU ladv. X ( Vt l.alei lHrv I. I a E A M. lite. A I. limners.. n, C.en. .V N. el. J M j i. T liui.n. J A Wiuifuru1, J ll I wo, J j M M iiihew.. Mrs J M ingrain .ml son, J Mass. y, I (. K STinh.l, ll !mi... ; Ei.ii.la. J Hit sens, J I.Migberiy, II J Woil, II Wi.son, II Y St.it, J 1 " J i '!-. A C M -lnto.i,, J !! Il..us. ; .. . ..-'.. ""'.'. " " n liiack-ru, A II irr ... .Mis. I. M,,pp, .Mrs J ti Uy. uum , , jr. w p !vllim., j- (pf.P. Feb. '.!.! U 7 ..Mori, l II Maawell, I I 3 I-.weini.ali, A '1 M or, J t J. w Mt ""'.'m r'"0' i.'""' ' "S!'i.U " So. itli. J M l - lir:,, A ii tsn.uliloll, J V Me- jM,., M,. il, F .Mu II. Feb. vt P T Mjrr llryanlsiid iiaugi te F .M.r.n . Aa Tl.-.. F .x, A C F.t.v Mis. M K .ii, J Can .... 11 F Msi.ii. T ll 1. snl I .ni y. M l.relier, J I. (....utile. i Eeb US. 7. Mohh v K Keus. J H hb, W Tur. I i..t, J E Hint., T l:ii,n,T I l.ner, Ii lliaekwell, ! N M Seag.f, D F J..es, J I) .ughertv, S H Hu.-k' j ;" 14 ""'. J w Mehatr.y. M V Seagle. J F i 'ritl'TllXk T kirk,, .tr.rk, W II ' rJrr,r. W li Coehran, E Arnold, J M utelnoii, M M .run, W Mn,,o W Turner. J lUnb. S E .d. 1 l' "ughrs. J not, J A ll.ui.a. T P 'I'M array. M I. Ihek. K 'I nornhurjn. Miss M I. i Asl.ury, I ..I Sinilo, T J ttarren. H 1 Fnner, T Iiunn, I F. Ilay.i.n, f. (' "'h fn":! 'i KT'i " 1. o.i. iv, IW ,Me( . r hi, , (, I. U Steth J F Jun, j u itw..t, .4 A I.ai.r,. H,.. I.mic. ' .Hit tttion. Hi It an it .' I 'rul' are in rel.y onn red to uttimi an film J meeting ol your t'ont.sny to inht, at hull' st 7 o'e.oes. 1 1 j. uriii r ol t Hiiee. W. A. tlWK.V.S, (. .S. Such eiliiena as were srlici"inis in tne trip lo ewbern, sre invited also tu attend. MurrA I. IfbO. ... ...t'.i ....... , s. . i. . J. ....... , I t" receive and forward nil descriptions of ireiehl "'Ul,u" '" ""d 8,1 ' " "" lhi" r""'1' I tic lacihtiei possep..fd by tins company lor tne ,,fo , ,,.,',,, 81,u q,ck ,uJf ; ,,,.. ,lllru,,eii tu tiien, to ail accessahiu points in the I niteJ ftale, and the csrly .leliv. iy of Ireichls steamer raprr.a Ironi New . .., k .emi.wwekly, and dntly Inland r.iprrs.e. Irom IN Ud( U1 rp Hicl,m(ni) N i w ork, I'lii. j ortolk and I e. I .,.r.0iirf oiler ere.l inuueeinmita U ii.l rei.ants lo 0I11..111 their spring .lock quickly. for turtner paitieumrs apply to a. ii. .wurtiii, AHe'"' V.'.K,l'.'"":ro v . 1 "' , Uhu0 ' .V-rIsl, !... i titleuaent. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, rALPWSI.I. CUUMV. Court f 'Uat a'"1 W'fr Unions, lib. r"ll"J Tl,m P. 1 lud , un Un)1. K. 1'. Graeir. S T AI'TKAKlNlJ to the satisfaction of the Court M ' ,h' deleiid .nl K. P. limee.ia a mm. r.ai. dent of the ataln, OruVrsJ thcrrjoit, Ihsl public.. lion be nude in the nrlli t arolina It lug, lor aix .c,ve w,.ek, 0t,fyiK ..,.d deieudanf u. bo . . .i.. .1 . i. held tor s.id county l the Court House in I.e. n...r. on the 6th Munda after the till Monday M-rchnext, tin and llu re In show rsuse, if j he em, why .'- -ahall not be graiited. H ilii. s-i f Hula, Clerk nl said Court, al nl- , fine day in Lenoir, the bib Monday after th 4th .Moll- : , , ... i . ii.. i.i ......r American indupeuuenee. i P. DULA, c. n. . a l ue 16. 14 Married, in Gaston county, on tlin 17lli Mil., hy Ihe Itrv. J. It. Pol.rwui, Mr. MICItA F.I, LINK BAliUKK to Miss MAIiGARF.!' U. FINLY.eld cut daughter of the lule Alex. Finly. In Union county, on the 1st ult., J. F. II. I.HE, infant nun of ). F. Lee, M. U aged 2 yean 2 mo and 2 days, lie was bnriod near his ialcr, 'i,.,.id und Catharine. Sleep, Henry Avar, in silence hrrr. For near yuu lie two Kilters dear i Hoon Heeling time will pass uwiy, Wi.en C'lirikl will animate your clay. Com. In Lincoln rnnntv.on the 16th F'ebruary, Mr. ELIZA W. ANPLUSON, wile of Mr. Jariie. An. demon, and youngest daughter ul Col. Kobert I3iir. ton, decerned, ull formerly of Crunville, in the (ittii venr of her uin. She was struck with uura. ,7 . .., , . . lU(,k camed oil' in lr than two day, tint remain were ta ken to the liimily burying ground at Montpelier, near William. burougli, where she deep beside her parent. C'm. Itiltle MM-it-l.v. The Annual Meeting of the liihlo Society of tlin county i to be held on n ednei-diy, the Ulh instant, nt Sugar C'reek t'hurcii. It ia iii-sirulile that the Maiiarerii in the ('oii)realiuiia tiirouch. out the county, endi avur tu be reirernteil. It m hoped tnat, bcaidef A t ttnit inif to the legulr bfini mil. the meetinc will be fnvoicd by Luteal indi. Vlduula with ahort addree. blank 1. lBiU. Notice. IX rLHMJN auhject to puy a Toll Tai to the Slale ol North Carolina, who resided within the limits of t n uf Lharlultc, on the firt day of February, 1B5U, or hu had been oriii. Wjy , Sliy Prol,,on ur vocation m i ,a,o town, lor three months ur more, immediately ' preetdmif the said firat day of February, .ndali ! !;';"""" were poi,-.aed of 'Iaiable 1 1 roperty within said tu n on the first iluy of ri b- 1 , htfeby l)tjfll!d t(, Kie , to TowIl Clerk, before the la.i day of M.ireh, Ih.o, A y,;Ay 'OP Tlll.lH SAW i'OLLS AMJ lAXAHH: i I'HUl'LKU Y. The ..lU li.t shall Ktate tha imm. ( Imtb and lo-ul situation of the l.ols or part ol Lola i,d fr tSm,on bvlhe Slate, tl.e number of white uxsble Foils, of taih,u fiuven, and of Free Kv "d. vt persons K t said list. T. V. DEW KF, Tuun Clerk.. Marrh I, leiil. (l..tc Siereuson, liowen & N. mili ) have assi.cia. I A M K I AI Z I M .i E t . M A N, (unite rly of Iiiiro!tifiti(. S. ('., mwl r niovcd lo tht? fftrgt- bUr? So. 03 .V-rtti 3ro hi., brtweeii M.irktl uiiu Arch, wlu-ri.' Ou-y wiJl coiilinue tite wliuimiilL drv (.'nous !ji;sim:ss witri on nirreasud stock. I LxUdrlpfiui, I'tli. 7, le.'.y. tlS-6oir WASHINGTON HOTEL (fllANOE OF PRCl'KIkTOUS ) II It OA II M ItlXT MvliLlt, .V., JOHN F. JONES, Proprietor. ,ne. i iioersiijiieo r spec i . ui.y sni ouncrs to , av ine travelling puma, mat ne nas taken harpe of this old and popuiar estabiishinrnt, and il liu prepared to areuloilootaU: Irateier find pit uile huiiilies witii board by I lie day or muiith, on the moot see ilatin; III I.Ik. I His TA IlLK will slwsys be furnished with the ' Ik st proi isions that liuine tnu foreign markets can I afford. Tiic 'lal.i.lUtoll Iloll-I h.S l.,rL-.- rooms rer the depot, the Coiirl-house, hint ; tn. bu.meas atr.et. thai, any otnrr in the city. ' An Owmtos ill alaaya be st the depvt and llandmr. on Hie arrival ol the cars sini ateambuat, (u convey pas. neer. to il.r llutrl free of enarge! I B, ,t.,pp,j ,h II.4.-I, pa.KI,ge,. will n.ve lanipie tune lo ubtaill tneil.. I lljvug aiso a large and c miuo.li 'Us Sub!.', land an rxclient Ostirr, ne is tully f.repare.i to heard horses hy t l.c Hay, week or 111' '.I t ll at l! e ) most reasonable rates. j JOHN. E. JONES. I .WurrA I, If.'.ll. illf M, i,.in I llt ll )( I VllM i a (. Tl as . IIVWI'll v a hi... itii V li ,..r..r.il puioic gener.liv. lost i.oy are selling tne i,,, , tp.yY ; OuOI'.S at gre .nv r. du.ed pr.ee., lo make r.si.m lor Ii ,,,. I '. sons i.iar rimft bargains who buy' The I. suits are purlieu. Cy in.ileU to' ail. KA1INWEILEK 4- IIKOS intf lK'.i. lietf! Been IJetl'M JL win cnmint nee u.r mnm uiMi MSI. ShSS in ( hitriolte, on Tuttday tne 'nd iitnt .aiHl ifl line plt-nftire iti fiirtiiiiiiiij,' In cit.z n witii Oir rttnict-t Xd.i.Y X i tu; hNii HI ll.t- ll.nrkrt J wiit ui'Ky m (lie Cbiiiir ut iiit" ALiitniun IIourc a rtulur inHrkt., lo Uc fc pi oprn ttmy, t lieht ti. V. rs, Kill va hoot'. U u'ci lit nihl i until 111 . suofln fine. Ihr J. L. STOUT. id tf. hilnuaiy I'.Uk It Steam Knine for Sale. IT Jll K sub.erih. r ofl'. rs r.,r sulra l .re 4i horse r STLAM I:.1.;1M:, which is nearly new, and of the luosl approved make, sil ted lo mi. nil g and uitllino; purposes. A grrul bargain iu..y be had by making early siipiicatiun. A. WILLIAMS. February 1.1, lbWJ. 4:H',' 1 .L M ll .'I'll t-" I WW 1 v "i"""1"- Inured, many prefer tne No. a Mam ilt .NlMi 1 II CAIit M.IAA, : pululed tiiisuo. because it contains a larger per STATK t AHAUht !i 1'HUMV. ix EQcrrr John Fink O. II. Kii.li F. Ilsrns snd William Ki.w T appi arnij,' that W illiuni Frew M. fendunts 111 tins case, ia not h .i V, ..... I, .. ..!...! .1... 1.1. of the de- luliiit.itaiit of lion be m.ide w. paper pllii. for six weeks in the .V t . W liir, a i hslied at I'hiirlotte, iiotifyintr said Willi .mi Frew, to be ..ii.l appear al cur nt xi Court of Fijuitv. to he held lor the county of t Hl.arrus, al Ine Court House in CoueorH, on the I'Jlli Monday alter Ihr till Monday in February A. I). If.'iU, then snu tlicre to answer cou.pia :uaiil's bill, on osth or jungiiifiit will be taken pro confe.so us I.i bun. IV. ........ U W llli.m rL,L ...... ... j,. , ,-ir i'v,;,rru, counly. this 1st day of Feb. ...... . i. , - li. 'V. ALLISON, C. .j- M. E. t'ehcuaty , Ifcja. I'ra Fei li. tl STATK OF NOUTII-CAUOLINA,' rAMAHRUtt COUNTY. Court of J'leos nriil Quarter .essionfl Jan uary 'linn, 1!;50. Mary Mct.acharn Alfred II. W.-K, II. I. jernet and and I.ydia C. Kb 1'etitioii for I'ower. KT appearu.p; lo the .aliafsrtiiin rf the Court, that Alfred II. McKacharn, one nf the dclen. danta in this caae, ie not an inhsbitant uf thia Mate, but resides beyond the limits of the wamc' It itOrdirtd hyiltt Court, that publicniion be made in the Charlotte Whig, s newspaper published in Charlotte, N. ., nolilving the aaid A. II. Me. F-aclmrn, to appear at the nevt term of Una Court, to be held for Ihr county alnrr.aid, at he Court llouae ia Concord, on the 3d Monday iu April nrxt ,d plead, answer, or demur to pisiiiiirt''a petition, or ti,. ssme will be heard sud trunled , bim. Witness, Nelson cS'loitgh, cler'r ef our ."id court . ... i .t. -.1 . . jj, ibjII. NKLSON SLOUOII.r.r.c. fi. li, I riolcr'a l.c $b. Ui KNOTICE.2 GOLD! - GOLD!' COLD!!! SWIM, sell ut PuWieSale.on Tuesday, the 22d of March next, the well-known McLean Gold Mine, with 54 oerea of well-timbered upland and 'J good pringa of water attached. 1 bii.e lately ojx-ried the Mine and find the proa, pecta very flatlerinj. D Tersons desirous ol pnr. ehnsiriK, will do well to call on the subscriber, in Gustoii county, N. C, one mile west of Itock il. and Factory, and examine the mine und see pe. cimcna of the ore, some uf whieh huve been left at thu Whig office in CbarlotU, for the exaiinna. lion of the public. . II. W. HUMFKLT. Fcfouary 8, 1859. tl The Yurkvil.'e Enqnircr will copy 5 weeks and forward account to ll -s urlice Notice. 4I.L the old business of Inick-r 4. Soinmer ia now in the hands of J. A. Kox, fci., for aettleiiiint. He ia authorifd Iu colli et un.t re. ceipt lor ua. feisuna indebted Iu i:s, will make imineilihle psyinetil to him. or they mil bo anei! by ntxt return dny. DllUCKEIt Si SOMMKKS. Ftbruuy 1, leSS. 47lf Nev Watches, Jewelry, AND I I'LATjj.yWAiti:. II. W. Deckwiih has just received at hia Store, i!d dor K ist of Urucker i. Ileillirun'i a new supply or & " WATCHES, Willi new unci unproved ulyic of clnls; nl Fine Jewelry of all kinds, and also a supply ef Plated Ware of the bint kintl, nit ot'whicli he ofTcra to the iub lie at wry iuw inces lor cash, CiJ ami tAauunc R. V 13EKCWII1I. Frlnuary I, IH.'.S. 47tf Davenport lni;tlc Collfgi', L.:.NUIK NDI1R tin. auspice of the South I on terriir-e. is now in ui ' J' sucei.sHii npfratior., unuer tne Kcv. WV Henry M. Mood, A. .M. The Trustees, feeling the importance of putting a lioernl education within the reach ol those in moderate circurnsUni n, hive put tne prices of Tuition and L'uaro st the iowi st possi. ble rales, so that, while the College otRrs more ,1;: patroiiir.ii.jr tins InHitotioii. 1'he I'obho Exsnunalinii will take place the 3rd Thursday in April. PHICLS PKK ANM II. Preparatory JK-partmeiit. $ ! 3 10 liirgiate Isrpartme.it 3d l"l Adiiiisaiim Fee, (0 Hoard, ineludiiic rooms, lights, lue!. 4c, tl 75 iM.r week, rorly irt( inati Term or t'oilege Year, (ulitllirnt KxM!Use, HI,,.,,. l,.n n no .. a no ..3fi oo .. 5 mi ..io bo ..iti oo V uf p, I. aim, Greek, German, or r'rei Drawing or r'ainting, Knibroiiirry, I M usic, liuitar I .Music, Vocal, Cue hundred and four dolla I exienses of a year in the rej-t I honor. l and loily-fiiu dol.ar I of music. j January 18, lfeod. :h, each,.. c.) oo 3fi 00 6 00 i will cover all the ar course, and one Willi the auuilion 45lf j T01HE PLANTERS OF K-CAROLINA. I KKTTLlTVKIaIaS ! MANIPULATED GUANO, ri:ni w . a.m riiorn 1 1; .t wmk A iii.wrh d irom I he lUiuU of . und Nf. j Vaiu j cofiibturtj aud etiniT in'- .nii.tU-u hy iiiucliiiitry . i No. 1, wrr;mld t.icofiUm t cr-r r-ft Ammonia, j 4.i lo 5(J per ccui I'nonttii.itc t.i Lime, j iV. , m-rranttti to cjiitaiu it ; r en t Annirniit, j .1.5 to fcU j.rr crnt Plinn'h.. t- ! I.imr. ; &urf'a$in J'eiuvww (ritanu in t'ic .M .lur'mn of a j Jittt cnp, a till front Dust in the uuiaUe imptooemtnt uf tuii. ! My M iiiinuiJiti d Guriuu tisv.itr ! ri.:np the ac njitfn and u en I u I riVil ui V r.iv.-iit (-ii.tii", I t r it t I hIihI! be pdn.oni'd tor put!ir,: u;mii, puMic r'cord Ktut i so untt rkUy ktm n in Irillum rt , li t I urn muU y und xcluiv Iv t : . rini lr ol" tntp nriii ! Uy tiie uai i niAciuiury American Fatmrr, lfej". F. huve accepted the A;:ri"'i ot " hetiu well's Manipiih.!. Ih. this place, and respecttull J rail Hi. our pluiitinir coiniuuiiity tu this pop' brntcd Fertilizer. From lesuinon. home and Iron, abroad, we no not i commend it as the most reliable jo iiinnure now oilVrcd to the public toi cutton, .wis, y( cetabit. and nrsM .-. Iiielni Itself tor the luilowiuj; r .no l. 1st. Ileeause ills iniporl.d Uuu .ittl tilloll ol .ir mid eel'. received lit it.,te lo re 1 eellOIIUC.i! 1 1 iv ill ceiu- . ii.tiM'iu : v I cnliiiiined, ao ss lo meet the w.ints isuM, aii.i not a iiiunutar tured nrlicie d. Its ft lie .1 11 nry condition, no. ii ; it ready j lor lionieilmle application, without sunny aim gru.diiii,.. 3d. In production of crop nnd m rni'ioent im. I proveiiieiil of land it aurpssses nil other Furlili j 1 rs, not excepting Peruvian Uuam. I 4t.i. I la low price. 1 i'eruvtun (.imno eo.ituina 16 per cent uf Ammo. I nia and on'y to 3.1 per cet.i 1 ; I. line. Ity lenueuig the cosily An rii'iaphatr of .una one. hall, I and uouhlintf the rhosphate of I. line, n f..r more I valuable Fei tihxer niu.t be produi . J. It has been j dcmoiisir.ttcd that 8 per ceul of Ammonia is f 1 noui'ii for all crops more ia ininrious, bcsnita rrntagrnl I'liosphnte i,f Lime. In Maryland und Virginia tins article ha. been iu use ixtensivt .y l..r several year, on all erups, renovating the old and worn out iaiuls of those Stales. Our si-ter ht.te. South t stolins, j . l.rce pilron. Cotton planter, j-ive it the uecideu preterenco where it has been tried. We beg Hist you will nl least try this article if you are not dicposr.l lt venturo largely, snd assist us iu .iistiibutiug what we n.'lieve a public, good, lt is very simple in iiioor of application, and can le applied broadcast, in lull or drill, in n'uintity precisely a. IVruvmn linsno, say from I Oil tu 3HH lbs. per acre, with the Im nlit of improvement to lands the more liberally it is spoiled. We oil, r lint ..h )K;r ton ol J.hiMI lb. for No I, and 31 per ton of S.lmu lbs. for No. S. Teriua, cash or ila .quivalent. It. 11. tinls'a Ar Ckarlvtle. Ftkiuaty b, It'o'J. Sin 12 P. S. r.imphleta giving full accottuta and tea. titiioiiiiila will he prompiiy furiusiied when rc i nested. We call your alt.ntinii to the certificate of Pr. J. M. Strong, who ia one of our beat knowu eiti. lens and Haulers : rH.ai.PTTC. N. C , Oct. 127, lt-38. Mr. John Krttiewell. Ih sr Sir: I have tried ae. vral kinos of fertilizers the pnst Spring, vn ; I'e. ruvian t.uano ; Manipulated l.utino, prepared by yourself; Tsteu, from the Lodi man I'acluriiig company of New York : also, st.bleand cow-hou manure ; all of which 1 applied lo cotton ; and I will say that I prefer Kcttlewell'. Manipulated Guano lo all of the above-nsined. I used tne Ma nipulated in the esnie Held with tbe Peruvian, and in tbe eame quantities, about 123 Iba. to the acrr, and I can aee no difference in the yield nor in the quality of the cotton. In the same proportions i believe the Mnnipulstee: t.uano will make aa great yield on cotton, and Die quality will be eqnal'y aa gnod.aa tbe Peruvian l.uano ; and it bae drci. .ledly the a.tvuntage in price and also in the f.eil. ity of applying 11 lo land. So, st the same price I would prefer the Manipulated Uusnr. I be lieve the Prruv:'H Guano ia lis. high to make it pay in this cliio.lo ae the drought of the lummrr. here make eur cropa too uncertain tw uae coaily manures. Kcsin-tlfullY, yours. J. M. STRONG. SCARR & CO. CHEMISTS AM) 1)11 I'd GISTS, 1 11 titi.oi ri; x. c. f mm K.SI'Kf TKI I.I.Y call, lhej attcn- psr-: JwaS tion ol rnysiciuria,f lantern, t oun. c.ircl'ully select. o Stuck ot'llltl'GS. TO PHYSICIANS. Pr. Churehill'a New Remedies for consumption liypnphosphites of Soda & I'oU h. ALSO Compound Syrup of the llypnphcspliitcs. 1VimI'i Hair lftoi':iliv'. A fresh supply of this v.ilu:.b!e preparation for he Hair. LJXsKKD (HI, TltAI.V Off. M'KliM Off, WIN 1 Kf! LAU!) Oil, ALSO No 1 Copal VAKXIMI a " 3 Fine Diinar " loaeh Jnfsn leather " Ai. GARDEN SEEDS. - All the ehoice varictie. of Garden Seeds. I'eaa, Ileans, lietls. Cabbage, Parkiiips, iSlc. Asparagus Roots, IC It it l;i 1 1 or Kir I'l.-inl, WITH i.ovi it, in ri: .it ass, oit(M.it) .EC 4! A-. Juh. 4, IMII. -iritf 'III.DK.N'S F 1 ii i (1 Ext r a c t s . SCAIifi i (O.call the attention nl the Medical I'rofesyion to these eletfant preparations so hiiiiii. rably suited for thu i teiopor.n,eou prepi ration of Tinctures, Syrnpa, ines, securmj; the de. sirJihle objeel ol uiiifurmity of strength. Mu I'll v.ieiuii should be without theiii. I or sale st SCAKIl & CU.'S WiL'G STORE, ChurliAtr, Window Glass, I'iiIIv, U hilin-. hall., Ac, Low for o-i-h, st SCAl'Il Si Clt.'S, Druggists. CLOTlIhXGEMPOlUUM. j ' I II I'O IJT A M' iOTfl i). I . K j j. KNOWN generally that we res- . J I,,,-..tl ,.nr Stoi k uf II KA Ii V M. 1K t l t). l i 1 1 Nti. Kl i.'MSI i INi; (it lOLLS, it., at con. ier.it,!y UKDl't KL KATES in oreer to prepare . fur the Sprmc and Summer Traee ; ao our I p Ji I Jv PS Will enme forward and avail themselves of the rare opportunity ol supplying their wanla out ol' plelidld stock ot Cloth, I'astor-beaver, 11 liay Fur, 'J'recot ( ussinierc and Seal. akin (.)- ver.si.cks. l;.ij;lans und Frocks ; ulm, ull prudes of iMttincl arid Cassiuiere ilusiness Cuuls, at li.s prices tiian you r.w At niiy ulhtT !Jmpe in t!ie Stutc. Our m: v.n,!.t -gets fur Retime OUOuS amJ kctping- up the Mtek arc uiitrquullcd. sif it in ftrjl.kiiuttu Ittrouhuut the CuUnlrv, i.cnce e tiftiii it uiiiiec-Biry to re icarMt' tltcut, but will tibhUiti you tl.ut yuu wi I tiliti ll lo ! YOIK j lot t t t call anil ex tauiu.e our itock bcfnre buy injf tisu lit re. , You will ulso find at tilt? Clothinfr Kiiiponuiu quite an extriiuve toe it ol' ail quaiitic ol Jjliick and Fancy Casimerc J'asls, 1 Itlat I. silL iil s.ilm Vt-s.li., i'mirij IVIvrt . oshsimtrc tio.; Fl'KN IsTliWi ! V.OODS, cents ami ladies' ! Trunks. 1 V.'i ust , tirptt Slugs, (tools, illltl .aioe, nnd ninny tliii.j:. loo tedious to take an j At 'COUNT j of, that are uiways found iu a Ucnta' Furnishine House. W e return our sincere tii u.ks tu our friends for tht.r UllKiness and piitro.iij.e i FOR 1S5S. I And we hope by attention to husiness nnd keep, llif Hie best alio cheapest stock of C 1.0 I 1 1 . I i iu the Mm.-, to merit a continuance of the same for I FL'I.LI.NOS.t-TRJXGS i.C0. Jonviry .'j, Isii). 4 .1 1 1" Last Notic tl.I. those w ho arc in. ebltd lo '1 hos. Tlotter A. Soil, or Tho.. Trotter, cither hy Note or iecoiinl, are requested te cmie forward by April . ourt sud nettle up, as turtiier ntuule. ncc cuiim t be given. TI10S. TliOT'J'j: K. J.aiV 11. IW9. u' otiee. T lfli: Mecl.h nbnro liilile Society, .it its last Anniversary, ordered that notice lie given' to tne Congreg.tioiis, to have collections taken , up hr the Ilittle Cause, before the 2nd Weonesilay of M'iri-h; anil, that the Malingers in each I'nn. grrgiition be r. qiiesten to examine und supply any , ut-.tiliilioii 111 their respective tieids, and tuuke a i written iveport to tne r.xeculive t oinuiittee one) month pr. vioua to tlie next Anniversary. The F.x. Committee consists of JI-i-ii, 1). .M Lee, J.l P. Irwin, and Hey. J. 11. Gnllith. The Annlver s..ry iiirrliiig is to be at Migur Creek Church. 01: the 2ud WeoiieKiiiv 111 M in h, 11 o'clock, A. M. M. D. JOUN'tfToN, Cor. ,rc-i. January 25, lbjil. t.itl A.C. WILUAHS05. TTOR.NtiY and ''ounsellor nt I hns I.i A. Fox, K0 ic. w here he I to all cslia upstairs n.xt .toor to will be const.iiitiy pi on p'.tfes.le-li: 1 hu-tu Mr. F. X, wiirn he 1. . Jou.l.y 4. 1M..1I. n.i.tll', or lor 4;uf 'fr Notice. T firm olTIKNPKKsoN' A AllKKNS wa iniieo 1. 11 the 1.1 ot January, hy inutiia JA. I". HE.NPFKfON, will h.rc.it. csrry on t' ill come forward uli.l . must be closed up eltle at 1 lii.iedialt-iy. HKNbEUSON i All KENS. January KuU. j M.VI.Ni; s-.ld my entire iliteust in the firm of ! IIKMH USO.N A AtlKL.NS lo Mr. J. IV HK.N. 1 UKUSO.N, 1 .iiil expect o rt-inntti for some linn ! vet at the store and shuli be happy to wail on y trie 11 oa and customers, particularly on llio.e wlio would lork over the lillle change, due me and the concern. F. W. AHRKNS. 4 4. if January 16''9. SILVEI!. OINCFS OK OLD S1LVI 500 WA.NTFP si J. C. WILKINSON A CO'S. Januaty 11, 1839. 442m u'OjD m fVB rKI.NTING . sue Hl.f-Oltio.l.iy rd.aa. Wn.g (ifhe. ill kini.s will be nea.ly ceui'o at tne .N..tih Ca. (fci-A Card. g AV'lXfi sold my PUVO and CHEMICAL M 1 KSTAlif lMl.MKN'l to Me-nra. E. Nye iliiU hison A. t o., I lleartiiy ciiiiimeiirl theiii aa my at.ccessors lo the ci nfiiii nee und p.Hronnge. of a geiiciniiN public, for whose kind mid liberal sup poit ol myself hitherto, I am and shall ever be truly grateful. II. M. 1'RITCIIAIiD. Charlalle, Octjktr 19, IfSH. new'hrm. l)r. K. Nve llulfiliison & 'o, fjifl eiitirl.loek.il I'R I'fJS, CI I E dL 4 MICA I... OlES. I'AlNTri, iVc, respect fully call the a ll.l: t.ou of tin pub lie tu tne fuel, thut lin y v. ill cr . -ry on a Wholesale k llelail Onij; Hnsiiiess. t tru inn I'onier, w In re ihey re i (' i vine in al iitltnn to Hit ir ift t nt hli.clt. u lurgc ;a.ioi li.irnt uf frtll uiiti genuine direct from the New Yoik inarlitt. E. Nyi Ilijtehinin M. I .. will superintend this large and Well-known establishment ill perm.u. Ph sicians' prt Sci Inli'lis untile up with prompt, less a nd ci it', Orr..rr IU. IgjS. 3Jlf Oif.S. Pure Sperm, Whale, Sen Eiepliant, Lamp, I.anl j tiiin Maelunery, TaSner's Oil, J.msccu U.I at ma I niitaeluri r's prim:.. I VARNISHES. j Coach, No. I I 2, tin. Kngln.li Finishing. Fur. I nitu i . I opa I, extra, Nu 1 and Lci'her, Pirtiiro laud Lunar unu nlote Copal, Sir., Japan, In .l-Ii nd brown. I'AINTS. Pure Wlut. I.EAH in hl, hy the Ih or t m. Snow white Zmc, t hron.e l.r. en.-, hron.e Vel. low. Pari, th'fiir, burnt and raw I'uiii r, Paint lirusins, 4-e., r. WINDOW CLASS. I.arg nssorlnient of Ff neh and Anierieun, from S x II) to 3(1 by 411, Putty in cans, Pure Homing Fluid, Aleohol and Sits Turpentine, by g-ih.n ur barrel, French, Eoeli-h no iwermaii J'EI.'IT.MEia', Toilet ('uniha and Brushes oed Genuine "olognc. Me.ne.il and Surgical INSTHI'M ENTS, Pure W INKS and DltANDY, (French) for me.li rai piirpo.eK. Fn sii Co. ;rea W.ter by the botlie or beX. CAKDKN SEEDS. J ii st r ci iv ti tn-n. in.r( tn ut ut Ipi.irt ant! Ti.urburn ul Nt w VurK. (;i;.ss seeds. Ch.ver. I!.-.l and While, Hern's Urass or lied Top, I irehani, Blue Grass, ( K. nl ueky ) am: Milli t Se. n. ( I. urcl.i'.i's I the en re of pri parstion o: Hie Ii v o.NsOiP I lcN. I. ill I t.iuory I, Ifr.'iH. TO JiE FOUND AT -IKM'S'f 0. A IIIMF.F!. ! N ASS l!T.Mi;.T of Wot )D A. W II.UiU . X W'Al.'i:. Low lor ( AMI. 1 Door Last of Ine Court House, ' IKH'STUN & II UN i'FK. I hirlMr. Oct. EG, le5S. 3.1 r I j I'li I SI I A It 1! I V A Is t.l' i C OX F E C'Tl OX Ali 1 K S. 1 iinr.vro. .v iir.vrr.ii tf K AS jn; received a fre.h supply ..I I'A.V i I 1HI.S. ol nil kimis. ,'l!-o ( It .aisilis, i'l's, and I. T.'Tl.tv of nl IKU'STdN i II UN" I floor -...sl oi'll.e t'ourt 1 1 I t.ailaite. Oct. WC. 1 0. rs. oJ, rsjtllE I'.N Ptli.-lti.N 1.1) JL his tricll.is .. no tiie public hns .:,s.d the A.MU.ll A.N lluTFLfo of years, and iias lem.e sueh litees.ary incuts in H e hou.r, fixtures mid llirui, ll 18 seLolid lo none in the vilv. Tne House will be conduct, d aa a fi 7ntel, in all its appointment be spared '1 he Proprietor hopes, w iinis anu coiufoi l of I share of publie natiunae. SOLi'N MKK. Culutiiiui, S (". XuctmUr Itj, Jt.VS. .'i.jtt ir l.u ir. I.iiM- t.l u.MMblsKS aim ('aKNI AKS wili btj luun.i 1 uu r l n il tit iKitt tu cuiivt y i1 statj: of .Noirni-LAi.'oLiNA, MEl'h ! KNUI'RiJ I'tH'NTV. COI IIT OF EyllTV. lh.vid Wllliainsoi. and w.li j 3. 11. I'ashion. S 5rappe;inni! to J. II.!'., a. ..on T if i Ion . tion be ui.e ncw.pi.per pul.itslmi 111 ti'f town nolitvilig the sam I'cten.P'iil to lie tiie next Court. it" I'.lUltV, to be held Iv ot Meekl.-i.bnr". at tne Court I louse in i n..r. b'.tte, on tne 1 1 lu Monday after the 4th Monday in February next, Hu n ami tin re to nnsw.r com. piaiiitnl's 'toil, or judgmtnl pro confess.) will be . lo t Witness 1. !t. Punlip, ( I K.j uilv . the I 1th Motidsy inter in Aueiisl, A. P. lb..f, and ill ill merican Inucpcndm. e. 1). H. DUNLAP.c.M u. J.inumy IS, 1?.'!J. PriliUi's fee Jli t3U rjTATK OK NORTH-CA UOLINA, JE. hl.KNHl.U.1 I l.l.M Y. t'lsfWi" uf e.h n r. P. M. Uiuv.il Ke h a 11.1 wil'. other.. S " T app. inng to t ii. that Wm. It. un tis:aelioil Mary In. garet Arnoid. tne residents of this rr I 0t.1l, That i. in tne .N. C. V in tow 11 of t bar otl. to h. he held f r ll.e county Court. House in t h r ot after the 4'.h Monoa y in there lo answer e.-iiHo ' 1 oroeontesso wi.l b. l.s. tlieil W line,,, p. li. Puiilap, l'o rK 1 Fq llitv.lt lie 1 lib M..li,. i) after Hie 4(1 A.iu'lsl. A. P. lf.?,anu in In. c.'d y riun llint'peuot 11 e. D. n. pu.NLxr Jonuoiy 16, lioJ Printer's lie to. 1 . M E. toll S.TAT1-; OK NOUTIU'AKOl.lNA, l AHAKlll'S rnl'M'V. IX EQlllV, Full Trim. 1-5-. Ikniy C liowie, F.'r. ol" J. Howie, oee'n. L. II. kriinniiiigi of M"SfS 1 11.1 Ailri.i lUt-JlCt me .. n.ler 'a .and Kohl. M. Urvoe Alueiiliieiil 111 Kquily to hi. mis of tne ac iT appearing th t Hubert Mtl!ry.i and Allied Ai. xatiner, two o! ine PtfenuaRt. m t-is ease, are not lllhabllanta ol this state. is t . 'or. or. ae.ed, ti.st publication be 111...I1. u the N C, Whig, published in I Carolina, notifying llie saio Rol-.i Allied A I. xan'uer to be and apl Court of Krjuity, to b. he d for Ih. b rru. si the Court House ml 12th M n.day after the 4th Mond next, then and there to answer c r . W e. . in 'harlotte Norlii t McHry.ir aud .ur al tne neal 1 County oft a- j 'olicord, on Ihe .y in February ! plsinanla or 1 Judgment pro cenfesso will be t.sen aa lo ttiem Witness, K. W. A.lison cisrs and Waaler in II.IlM' l,V 'SI. , i.i.Miii.ta, iiin-in 11..V.1. hi salisla. lion of ti.el ourt tllat ,,,K.t ,s a nnn. resic nt of this Slate. y.Vig'a great many s U claims for work t (hiifrril t-y 1A (b.. i I1.1t tibuc-.. .ione, s.-in.reu all nv, r In.: country, i.r i e.etcr. e ur mi week, mine Nl'. W l.ig, ,.,.) 1,, ,. e his no to. i.i ,.f doii.ir businesa tU iu ..nt- in ttns c.ip, nrr in n- '" 41 1 ' 1 , ' ' . II. LollerV Colltiuctl ,, nrw-.i.iper.publi.l.eo in toe ,.,;,., ; ..: notitying the sain ,.e '.-iioaii l .. , , M. i-1, leiiburg. at toe .il the Ulii M-iu;.iy rn 1 r V next, then u:. Fqti'ty the 12th Monday aftej Ihe 4tn Monday 111 Auj'uit, A. D. Isiv. this :th January. irj;,9. R. A ALLISON, c. c. . . y.Haarv U, 1S;3. Tra. fee 6. U9 The N;ir!.rt. (.ORHKCTED BY B. M. OATF.8 CO. CMAIII.OTTE, FIBULA!! Y 2j, Jc:9. I1AC0N, Hums, .; lb.... 13 fV, 4 Siues, : ih I-'j uu Hof round, .....lb II j ( 1 Shnilfler :...lb 110 (-.y 1 Rugging, I'iunny " 20 .j t0', lieei, .'. Ih (j 1 Ilu'.ler Ih (a, 0U Beeswax, Ih 2 (o, l!5 H. ul.s Buehsl OH (, 0U t)r ....y, Apple..... al 0 1 (. 0U Pe-.cl frul 00 (.., 00. Cotton, new....... lb H lb I. i.llec, Kiu Ih... 1J ('. 14 1 ' Java Ih WO (a, 0U ''.indies, A.i.iiiiaiitine lb.. i'l ("'. 33 I Sperm., ih Ir Or, iU ! "I allow lb '. (.. "ll Corn, old b.islie' 63 l.c 70 ' new bushel .'.0 a; irj, Chl.-I.rns i.'.el 10 (i 14' Cloth Copn.jr.i- var.l l-'l (l, 15 ' l.imUey van! Ui ( 30 Keys :..e 1 4 (. 00 ' r'lour hid ;' (', il 1 " I.es Jlil (..-, .(. Feathers lb :.0 (,, 2!, ! I.ar.i, In UJ (o, J3 ! Mutton Ih a (,i. 1 Vlackerei 1, 1. 1 . No I 1B ( ., (!( i Kills f:in0 (,' 35 ! Motaasea.N.O gnl .'5 (.: du ' W.I j,','! 35 (.,; 4i) ' Mea h.i- iiel 10 (a) (1(1 Mullets ( Wiiu.ii.glonj ...hbl 'i (.1, Co ' Nmls, Northern Ih 5 (.', 00 ! " Sontlitin, Ih 5 (.,; 5 iOals hu.oe: ".() (o, Oil ! Pork ih.. 7 f... H Peas bushel fill (.5 Potatoes, Irish, uushel ta, I7j ' Sweet, bushel :'.0 till" ..'if. hualiel ( $"0 Siiaur, I.o.i !b 14 ('. If, 1 llrown Hi (.., jo, r.t.nic.Ware al 8 f Sail, sacl tlSJ ", lfO T. !!. -;- $1 Wheat, while h(ihc' Vt (; i " re, I bnshi! hi (., 0(1 .Whiskey, Ni.tther. tr I... 45 (.., 55 I " ' N. Carolina a' -t t (.' ii ! Wool, (best (.,,, ,l.,( - (.,; UH IIIHM.s.le. il! 21 V -.rn b.il 100 (.i, ll 5 l.l:.M.!!hS. riiTTl.lV 'V, In o .Jlll.tl; 111 our hs.l that the H e Jl.utl S nl. niters to I HI e.-nt El.. K i; quote lo COL'S is OATS !s ot hril.p It to maiktl. hri-!i i limiled supp'y. i, a. to i,i.,I,ty. i. in i. ciii, i iiti 6." Iu 70 eruts. :l il ill c. lit;.. IIIIA MAIJKET. .1 kiiiia, February 26, IS69. eotio.i market ke. ns quite ( CI "I . 'N 1 I. 1. 1 11 i.rti u) t c (- ll 12J 1)0 i'j ( II IH.I'!('. MAKKKT. I iiAKi.:tl'. N , i'tbruary -'i, IrTil. N 'then i.s a itry u.-tive ii mnnd lie,e lu-.lay. Mill ft ..lis huve loiclied . '1 ii' in ti.. ;n . in I. lo r i bi.ls hiiVtf a 11.11 j C I'lll-Cr- '!, to i lj Oilit.. loyal H.va il by IheSpniHslii.ioveriiiiiel:!, on .if the Captain General of r nt IUvjii. o.'l jjATUl.lUV, March 5,lSj). $824,000. SOUl Id Nl .MFllli l:l .UaUNAlili), A rri Ai. i'i:iv.i; shio.ooo!! 1 prili.it f. I 110, )( I t.pi ieio).(.o I " AJ.III.O I Id l.tlUO 1 :tti 000 1 1 ,-ot I l .i.l.Ov. I H.I 40U '. " H.It; 2(1 Apr'jiio's .OU 4 j,-r mm. . ... the f)i !il,C.0ii,,iO t.ttc, ; if r4 I'' ; 4 ' 4...i lo ;:lti,iiuO ; 4 ot" '" le til.'.." f i I ol 441.U 1-. il',HMi. W hoie T ts ri i tl -1 v. sill), Qua, t, 5. at 1 IH . per cent uiscouut. Htli at 1. i.r. nt II eased to PON l(lPRI t, Coai lestou , S. C.) UQ. I.I t; ical III tile 3lil 1 Persons, e of C.ly P, t .Marcn. will he stt.ndcd to rder-ng Ticket, wil! i.!er writ, their ana jut their posl oilici, county and 11.11,1. slate. Cats. Oats, Cats! 1 LU siiKl of OATS in .tor., be .old I OW fr bicu wn . ... T'llt-fvn T o.'Urr. 011, t urrants. lilllU aJUU.OLi .-. Call t VW'lin oiven.o ...,,.,, per, ui..- as Teach. IT.r.-S. ! V e,,, ,.. .,p.. v t for ,r.VI. They use. V.-il, team Hit K ejiMi 1,. ..i.i net, ,.i..i .Music on i in. I'luiio K. rte. A.iur.ss .Mi-.-,. M M. sr.! ('. L. I v.. ..... x- ,. ri- "! mwim T4'M I.I) most r.-.p. rt.'ulty ai.i,..u..'e to the WW Citi.. in of Char!, tie and surrounding countrv.th.it lift st:!l r. r.tiunes the shove busi. : n. s. in I I... riot... W. re he . nreoare.l to fur. n.sli PtiOlJS. HUN PS AND SAS,, to il.e pub. lie on n e most re .M.ii.b.i t, rn.a. uud on lie short. and appear al ' ' "" u.r tne conn. " .-IS. P SU. for a!' work done 111 his Machine Shop, before re in, 'i. T, I .-... 30 foil ,,e7nuMar:: Kti AL HAVANA LOTTEI.Y. j , J"a " '' 1 ' ' ' J V PUYCK CO. PHI - iaasef. tatn lt ID.'.