..tonishment, tbst jour chairman bad pro- service and call, ainoe tbe 4tb inst , the dsy rosed in the Senate resolution to autbo- of jour requisition. I offered you my aid rise, the sending for felons nd papers, in tbe beginning, and repeatedly since. .1 ..i .,!...;..,. r,., .l..t v. far from the J" have titvrr yet proposed to me one en- fact, that lb. re .listed any difficulty in ob- quiryfof information ; slthough as io. this taining either or both. Upon tins follows case, asa.ng irom n.y fuooraui.it. !" l!io letter inclosed, which, in tone and tera of which I could bave best informed you. chnracter seem to me to lick loth courtesy 1 have mane to ins fcxcellency.tneuovcr and pood lemp.r. j nor. r"Prt for ,be information of the Le- i Mr Worth no reason to ad- gislature, tot for the purpose of affording dress me in this way. but on the contrary, ! to jou matter for jour report; because it bad cousid.red myself to have observed an was your manliest amy loooinu an ins extreme measure of liberality and respect from your own full investigations. You towards bim. He moved in the Senate an1 gave a written formal discharge to the office investigation without warrant or law in bis men, their papers, and books, on the 3 2d opinion, and I should have been entirely instant. I have last w-ek stated to your ritht in requiring it, at any rate, to be made committee, my conviction, that this discharge in the most full and complete manner, if j was premature, because the examination was made at all. But I bare allowed a desulto- imperfect j and that not accepting it, I should ry enquiry to proceed without plan or order hold them still subject to your use. 1 now S.UCU as m!ght do the road prejudice, and say here, that if you desire lo t'jrn jour at- could result in no full under-lauding of its tuition from an exmninatiou of the eondi history and condition, for the reason that I tion and affairs of the company, to a direct well know hat the committee at once per- enquiry as to the statements of my report, frn.eHtlir impossibiiiHi of what the chair- I again, for the third time, Under to jour man bad proposed. " use all my papers, and books my own aid It would have given me great satisfaction and that of the office corps, to begin, tak- to bare remained in Raleigh in attendance 1 ing my report as a basis of examination, on every meeting of your body, but I am , and see whether or not it is correct, sure, a moment s reflection would satisfy any J I sin, Ac, CI1AS F. FISHER one of the impessibility of my doing so. A j The next day the cbairmau addres.-ed me railroad is always in need of the vigilant 1 ti,;s : personal attettiou of whoever is in charge, Raieigfi, February 1st, 1S50, V .....;ll. n In t1, first davs of the I'md V Vmihi V.sa .... Li,.... .Vln, !,. m he re-arranged i l)...r x..- . Tl, eommiife. investi -atinff undertook the work, and proceeded to do, promptly, or highly dangerous coufu-iou re- ,ho affairs of the North Carolina R.ilroad j the chairman who censures their act, iults. Company instruct mc to saj to jou, the Iroa-1 '" not done, to examine with labor, for It is quite impossible I could have neg- ' taTvr a( ,u9 company, Mr. Meudenhall. and days, the whole account of the contractors lected to attend your bodj ; my respect for lr. Mills., the-book keeper, to appe.-fy and to consult with the President, Chief rnl!rmrn composing it. as well as mj;fore th. m st your office, in Haleigh.WI and assistant engineers, so aa if possible to self respect, would have forbidden tbis. o'clock, 1'. M , on Thursday next, then and adjust a very dfficult matter. Tbey report Another bii.drsuce has occurred to me, ,uere i3 exhibit lo us a detailed statement j t last the term of a settlement, and fio too. just at this juncture, in the labor of 0f tic Uihla duo to the North Carolina dissenting voice disapproved lUse ttrmt, Dial-ins np a report, in detail, for the use Kaitroad Company, specifying the name of so that briefly it was thus: cfthi-I Mature. 1 could make no pro- ; ,), individual or corporation owing each A large contract exists, involvme; an cress io it before the secounts of the fir-t rl. l t, and producing the evidence of such amount of $5oO,3Dl.lrt, it was concluded six months were closed early in January, ' d(.,t ; ,l,0 a list of the debts which the finally, and the contractors claim a balance; and so all these heavy eiigac'cni'Lts have ' company owe, and to whom each debt is , the administrative authorities are not on act fallen together. due, hi inging up the statements to the same j tiing terms with these men, who refuse to I write tbis to explain to you, for the in- prri0d to a hitb these accounts were brought, surrcnuer tue roaa op, or to mass couce. ally let tho facta show, every transaction and everv statement which be makes. The contract of John C McKae J- Co. is his first subject. This was a work of con siderable extent, reaebine from Goldsboro' to six miles above Raleigh, fifty-six miles of road, tho earliest begun and in active prose cution for some three year or longer, en tirely during the administration of my pre decessor. The chairman finds rotliiug worthy of comment, and nothing whatever to censure in the period of years during its whole pro gress up to the close, when he actually pro ceeds lo make me responsible for the whole character of the work, hit first notice being of the trail taction tehich closed it, and upon which 1 happened to have a port in the board. 1 be brief facts as to this settlement are a very plain tale : After the conclusion of the work, repeated applications were made to the board by the contractor for a Gnal settlement. Not once or twice, but in ;iny times, it had been represented to the board, as no doubt any member of that day can attest, the difficulty of effecting this set tlement, because there was no personal in tercourse between the President, Chief Ku ginecr and contractors. The board, seeing there was no other mode of settlement, ap pointed a committee, as was their duty, to inquire into l be facts aud report bow to ef fect what otherwise seemed likely to remain undone. This committee very reluctantly formaiiou of the committee, how 1 have ' ; jour report to the Governor, of the 2ltb been occupied ; and to express roj regret 1 January 1S;9. that your chairman seems to have fallen! Ye further wish to be furnished, at the into hi- misapprehension in respect to niy j salie liuic, wiih a list of all the debts of b.enee and that of the secretary, aud that UaiJ company, contracted pri r to the 13ih be has so entirely c:iscocceived my desire 0f July, 1SV, and !ich bnve been paid to do whatever could promote your enquiry. ..jacc the 1st of December, 15-06, the exis Very respectively jour obedient servant, 1 fence of which was not known to yoa at the CH AS. F. FISHER, i latter date, with the narrauts under which E D Dkakk. Esq (said payments were made. On Saturday the ciiairman baa propoeu lours, respectfully, in the Ptnate a resolution to authorise him to send for p.r-ons and papers and to ex ?ti ine under oa'h. li.riiii the next week, I was wholly oc cupied in urgent engagements, and in re-vi-inz :nv report, i he Monday following I wen! to lUlriili. and eiq lired as to th t nil mil i-e ainl its proceedings, the chairman baring giren a written (ii-charge on the ii, to all its attendance. Seeing one of the committee in the Iliue, I begred he would do me the firor ti a-k the chair man when and where I could agaiti see the committee. He saw the chair-jian and stat ed to me in reply from bim, that I can only rxp anatiou 1 desired to JONATHAN WOKTII, Chairman. Y. S. If the statement eaunot be made ready by the time specified, please have the books and papers here, from which tbey can be made out. To tbis my reply was: Omra NoaTH-CASOLim RAHTt-n Co., rtup-sny. Shops. Feb. 2, I "S3. Jonathan tVortiI, E.-q , Chairman : " : I received this morning, just at my 'tartinz from Raleigh, your letter of yester day. In my la-t note to you, in reply to your communication to the Secretary asking for statement io reference to my report, I sid that I again tendered to your use all sions upon their demands, deemed by them just. bat next! The authorities to whom it properly belonged to settle the matter, state to the board their inability to do so The suggestion is made, as a final resort, that a committee of the boaid see what is best to be done : they unwillingly undertake the labor, trouble, and vexation of review ing this long tran-action, but finally as a matter, equally of duty and of necessity, content to do so; examine ncccuLU a a court of reference, consult all parties fully aud freely, and recommend a basis of settle ment, not satisfactory to the contractors, but unanimously approved by the authori ties and board, making no gratuitous allow ance, but an equitable settlement. For tbis 5S BV B1 . 1. jaw tr . Mart. g--vh.fS7- 7 CH1RL0TTE: Tuesday, March 15, 1859. To our Headers. With tbis number commences the 8th vol. of tbe North Carolina Whig and very near 30 years since we commenced a paper in Charlotte. Many changes have taken place siuca that time and although age has crept on apace, yet e feel almost ss tealous io our business, as wo did when we first com menced, but we find that we are not quite able to go through tho same hardship, yet our determination is to stick to our Flag, let what may come. In all our vicissitude. nothing baa weakened our faith io the stabi lity of many i tose bow man forsake their principles, and endeavor to get on tbe strong side, and ntiny friends of Henry Clay, who! TOted for Jimes Buchanan to give peace to the country, have no doubt seen by this time that tbey bare put their faith in a broken read. But tiuth is strong and will finally prevail over I1.', opposition. . - .. .--,!.. . tt . . .1 BlIIlK Of HuflU lUroilUR. nuuw .v .u nnmuineni lde k. XV from th. Standard the follow. Bale to tb postage bill. ri,iff ,i' ,....4 deliberate murder ing notice concerning the opening oi nooao '.-'""" nuk Deliberate Murder, While at our Depot on Fridy night last, rl: had beeojierpetratod in Granville a deaf and dumb man on a nan There was some misunderstanding them relative to some hen's nests the deaf and dumb man wanting them uear tbe gran ary, aud bis half brother wanting them somewhere else had pulled them down twice. The deaf ond dumb man then by sii-ns told his half brolher that he would shoot bim. He tried by signs lo di-su.ide bim from this, but when be went to the house he got his rifle and loaded it, and as soon as his brother came io he shot him in the left breast, killing him immediately. He then took his double barrelled gun and rifle aud provisions for some days and pro- eeaded to a little bouse, lie bad built and refuse to be taken. Knowing his deter mination, the coroner with hi posse were afraid to attempt to take him. We under stand the lawyers about llillsboro' gave it as their opinion that he was not amenable to the law. Is this o! i count, by w North Carotin, r - ' V' ,o;o',00 "' -f.ed b, ' 1 brother.- Noic9 U bereb, given, thai i pursu- niajonty. Another amendment .J'1 g between ,oce of an act rs-cd at ihe lute session of thor.s.ng the e,te,,.,o 0f lh, Tf the General Assembly, eiitiileir, An Act - J"". - own, t,Br . to ctablisl. th. Bank of North Carolina,1' , discussion, .s finally agr,.ed lo , ..... . ii. ..l ..- maioiitv. ' "'i we have appointed Hie louowmg iiamt-u p..- - , I.,..tui.winiier lo receive silbsoiip- I r,ou New Plough. The attention of our agricultural friends is called to the trail of a new plough, which will take place on Wendcsday next, near Mr. Rudisill's machiie shou. Mr. Worth's Report. We have received Mr. Worth's Reply to Mr. Fisher whick we shall publish as soon as we finish Mr. Fisher's article. The Weather. More rain, and that has beet tbe cry for tbe last two months, and still cotinues. Last week Spring opened and ve bad sere- they are arraigned and censured five years . "I 'o'j days but tbe prospect has chsng- afttnrardt by the chairman who does not j ed.aad it is uncertain what will eome next, pretend to have investigated Ibis contract The rosds, not in the recollection of tbc to see whether its .transactions i were right i oWm il)baliunt t,te beeD itt lld , as a whole, including tbe settlement, but . , icho tk;s the closing act, in uhich alone '"" " MJ " '", od tbe he finds my name and co operation. j effect is that Tery little product i brought "Comment upon this, aa he say, " wo mar set t, wagon unnecessary. maa-canyvxp ananon i ue.irta io i.ia.e iii , , , ,. ,. iM .ritinj-v. hereupon I addressed the chair- j you w beg-0 m.iU , fM n.an this note : j exarajnati0D) a, vou nr,t proposed. P.At.EKJil. Wednesday, Jan.SO, 1539. I 'n ,tnilv,, , . wre that voor nro- Junatiias "okth. Ksu., j ceedins in January roust, of necessity, have Sir: On Monday I came here for tfco int-rru'pted greatly the whole business of purpose of attending meeting of your com- tUe office and of ihe road throughout this n.it'ee. U ing unahie to hear anything of1 ml)Uih, This was a serins hindrance at a jour time an I place of meeting, I lo day j ,ea,on Bl,,jS the most busy, and one which requested Mr. (Jreen to do me tbe favor to i lt rqjrc some lin.e. io amend. r.qu.rr -.,en .uu - u.-. c Euu,u .g..u Altliojgn you Formally niscnargeo. mi , '. -..j () Fridav latt a rent'e lie inerjuom bad stated to a.ttee, and your reply in substance was, bo!d the vouchers and nam rs subject to t'ust if I desired to make any explanation, J j0ur examination; but before removing tbe it coold be made is writing, atul that you ; ,0reIits of the effice again to Raleigh, (a did not propose ta hold ny further meet- j aor Iuj trouble, as you know, of no small ing of the committee. As my engsjrments : ,)..., I desire to have tour assurance , . ... - ,. , , J mcn nd P0"' Bd diM1f" ed man arrived at Rochester, from New York, VLord i'rVteehecom I " V ' e', I inquiring for him, and furnishing the infor-' you n.y desire to see tbe com- iave f?dfred lCm t0 your nW Bnd ,tll, tQ p7 A friend suggest to us the proprie- A Cheat Wishfaix On the third of . 7 of publisbing entire Word's Report on February a man named Albert Davij, a j the affairs of the N. C. Railroad. We would Russian and formerly a resident of Albsny, be pva.e(i to gr.tify bim, but there is so waa committed to the penitentiary of Ro- . . . , ... v . v ii t n f .- r.i. i, many interesting articles claiming our at Chester by H. J. IJurr, Justice of the reaee, 1 jo & for thirty days, as a vagrant. He came to ention at tbis time that it will be entirely the Station House and requested to be taken ' out of our power; but if there is any por care of, as he was without money, friends or; tion that be would lik t n epcillj lll employment. In t""qnce of hi requeat:. , i w, ,a .odeaTOr ,0 oblige biro, if be fill draw our attention to it- mense fortune in Russia, valued at over two million of dollars. The father and brother of David have died within the last four Spartanbtng Femsle College. As reports injurims lo tbis institution bave been in circulation in this place, we bave aJ::. ",; T . ,0Ur, Pf-?-'"" P" di-e.se in Russia. The gentleman who gave think mu-t ..tisfy.verT nnpreiudieed man .bi. to enqrVVr you Aether" I ! rbbr h .r't y.t b.X.pd I bkirnf:rDa:-.sVa"ttdr and'thrne"..1 f ,b hM f ,U ror... u to understand that jon decline to give ; bjf vou. Tbij cin ouy be made by taking q tU of tLg fafbe'r tnJ brotlier hlJ j We learn that lie rigid and just adroicis- nionths-the brother by bein2 thrown from S'Ten ,n 10,1 lne eira or ' lieT- a horse in England, tbe father dying from ; rant, tho agent ol the College, which we lu: the opportunity of seeing the committee aain, and I Kate, that I bave nothing of wiist is under-tood by the term " expla nation "' to make, but I have to say, what in my op uion, tbe committee should bear. Reipectfully, ic. CIIAS. r. liSIILK. earn warrant and transaction from tbe be . f relebed Lim Ho stated, moreover, that tration of dieiplir npon tbe part of tbs justice to my predecessor, the chief engineer, nrcj 'during ,he pin;Cf tn(J hlt'he fCKt , ' involving the moral eb.r.cter of a gentle and my seif. squandered. David is now lying sick in the ! n " distinguished for learning, elo- If ilii. io rrtiir niirnoin nnw I will t flnp . . . . . . I .. . . . . V . ' . r.cDitentiarv. A petition ta 10 circulation ri'icnce aou devotion to the eao or Lhrut. ... :i!!:dvjri:r Kr: ,n,p ottn i n a. i.ti6.ti.. of th. . . ., . i 7 . ! l ouucil lllil ci uiug. mutiny oiuwi'irn. of it, members of the time and place, 1 i device to .- carry tbem from their proper pres-nted myself and enq-iired whether I ; place, where they are constantly required was to V-e admitted. Iking invned to do ir u-e anu reiercnce. SillI'HClI.DtN(l is KM. It is said that difficulties and allegations, it will be seen, bave unanimously x-quitted tbe president of all blaniA, and hate not seen proper to re so. I appeared before the committee sn j . A to the statement, and lists enumerate l grfat is iurp!u,of American tonnage, 1 mote their ow dBi:bter. from tbe Uollegi,. found ali present, one of the few time this ' m jour letter, I bsve given in my report , tLat ;f , B,jp waH 00t buit in country , . . . . . . - . " ... , fc had been tbe case. After statirg to tbe ' such as was deemed necessary. Your ex- (or three JKWf and lbe ava,e anooal h,l This should be highly gratifying not only to committee ttv views of the extraordinary auiinatio.i, if it had been fully made, would v7 .i.;,,,...!,,. t, . 0-.Ilrr.d drin that I member of tbe cbnreh with which Dr. eaurse adopted by the el airman in this have furni-hed all of these in detail, and ; tme tD tb(.n we ,lI0ld bare tonnage Cross is immediately identified, bot also to all the friend of aur eomraon Christianity. whole proeeedins, and mentioning whv. on nJ examination liertatter mny do so. i enou?a for the business of the United States aecount of pressing eniagrm'-nts cf iiupor- j ba!l give m the next annual report to the. an(i oT tb fore;gfl crrying trade. tanee, much to n. v reirret, I had been un- j stockholders a more detailed statement of gb;pS 0oW 8re the poorest property a man able to be persotislly present with thetn : old dbt paid, from erh wsrrant. ca owri) f-,T tbej ,ajj al an erjorlnou, ex. more, 1 c.-.uied ly tijUu t!.-t I hid t;t ' -MJ engagemefits '- not sneh s to allow . nsei auJ w)itn notmak;ng money, are los allowed the papers and book's to be yet re- i to give you such au one Dow, even if I ;n(f it Terjf f, Assessments, instead of moved, an-J unless then notified of their dis- j cons.Jered it necessary snd proper to do so. j dividends, are tbe pre-ent results of ship charge tl.ey should still remain there. After! l'espectfu.ly, Ae., owning, and Ihe prospects io the future are sotr.e eotiversstion. bein" about to retire. I ! t. H AS. 1". HSIIKR. rerv unfavorable. Our own norts. north s.iJ if I am now to understand that you TV,U ,1oed th. eorresnondenee of tbe ; and south, are full of shins, also the Pacific 1 lr,in t oc fcot tbe time be was dee ine to make any furtln-r explanation, I '. ehkirn.an and ujjsi If, not much, I dare say, and India snd China ports. Our markets ; missed, nnperccived by person at tbe d. will oot trouble the committee again but t0 ,,e repret of either. J are full of goods, and we should not suffer I pot, as he aid he had no money snd th shall send u,y pPers and books, where they i I :nust L,,re carrcrt at.!lPr ,;,, m;,takc I if , did not receive an K.-t India eargoj eonductor lold him b, cou)d rjd j . lat'jug and are much needed. J he ebsir j0 bis report He does not furni-b my last for one year ; neither would San Franci-co ! ' man and gentlemen of the eommittee ob- ieor ir,ove, bat ssys : j suffer if treated in the same way. Let ourl ,t"'Pt'ng 10 'testis work it is served i: would be impossible to reeom-' At the time app'jinted, having received ship-builders cease then ; let not low wages, I supposed be fell into the creek and was induce the er.'piry. I then retired, snd ; n, grower (roui Mr. Vher, thrr members ebesp timber, snd a want of something to I drowned. He edited the Yorkville Citizen Lave not .ii.ee seen the eomiuit e. fJf the committee a't;nded at the place ap-i do, tempt them to build this year. We had I for , tbort me then one of the Columbia Iheiiirht of ttie 31st January, the se- pointed wh'-n Mr Fi-her told one of them, ! better be idle than lose what we bave made, , 1 ,. , en-tary banded me the folloaina letter to ir Miil. ,,.t he refused anv farther in-! as all shipbuilders will tbL season. If thev i PPer. lnd well-known correspondent vestigsitioo on the subject. ISemg sati.-fied have nothing of their own, they will lose that we should te uuahlc to report before ' the property of those who credit them. Mv. R W. Mills : the end of the sesfiou, if we took the step . vv ait lor newer times. ijosron j ravetrr. In,r Sir: Tbe committee on the affsirs necessary to coerce tue atter.d anre ol th W. B. McCreia-ht, Esq. Tbc body of this gerj.itBian, which ha been missed since tbe 11th ult,was found io Fishing Creek, 4 miles south of Uock Hill, on tbe 6tb instant He got off tbe mail him ii jiu tbe e'uairman RaLcjuii, Jan. 20, 1 -0' of the North Carolina Rjilroad, all the tnem- Preida and book keper, we ro-olved to . ben of the cmn.itiee btinZ present, unani- "V ,l,e Ucln hd obtained." I 10.ATI f COM XT. A mou-ly dir. ct .r.c to a-k to. to furnish them ! --" stsfement positively not correct ';"!-' ? with a detailed statement of the debts due I did not t,ll Mr Mills "that I refused any ; rocior of the (Jb.ervator letter has brcn re nd from Mr. Maclear, tbe Di- from Washington City and Columbia, for many of tbe paper in the Southern States. He was a volunteer io the Palmetto Regi ment and was wounded in tbe Mexican War, and after escaping the dangers of that contest he comes home lo be drowned. to the No'th Carolina Railroad Co , specify ing tbe taaie of the iniividuil or corpora tion owing such del t Also a li-t of the debts oiri(r by the corporation, specifying lo whom and hcu such debt is due, brit; nory at idi vape 01 , p. ri, j..,u . ..... . futiher inve-tigaiion on the sul iectj" but I "o-i nope, oaiea j-cemoer J-tn. winch, as v., , u- i ' ,..k..,i ';....;, ,.t m, v ii ' .v.. i 1 astronomer bere will be clad to learn, wives ! one- remain were taken to U mnsboro bad written and sent to the chairman what'. f-'00'1 f observations of Io- by ois father, and interred with milita- I hid to say, which wa that I should d- ciine to re-convey the office to Raleigh, ex- ing up this statement t.. the same period to c,Mon the conditiori mentioned in my letter which the.se sreounts were brought in lr. me cruirain mis ai oui aiepi iece Fi-ber's report to the Governor ol th-; State, "r r -''e attei.aanee ol the presi- of tbe - 'th mt. nsti's Comet. They extend from (Jet. 1 1 th rv honors by tbe Fairfield Riflemen, of to Dec. 1 lib, and are S3 in number. Tbe i .b;cb bc waa , member. instrumental places in R. A. and X. P. D. 1 are given, corrected for refraction, but tbe i results will not be available for the eorree- RusweU for March. tio.i of the orbit till tbe stars of comparison I Tlie March number of Ku-sell was duly 1 ours respectfully, JONATHAN WfiRTII, Cl. . To w i.ieh this was my rep'y : saiiian WoltTFI, Ksi , Chatrniwi : Sir . I.a-t flight, Mr. Mills, seeretar sense, but which may du to impress some lPen onservea witu the l ransit circle. , receiveu, but we ooiiiieu io nonce it sooner, as to his consequence. Notwithstanding tbe moonlight in tbe middle' We give its table of contents : 1 Li statement furnishes, according to my "f December, the Comet was still an observ I Go,.,,je.( Faust ; Tbermopylse j Actress in best reeolieeVion, a correct and full account '"e " J'"1 Maclear remembers the , nj . uh SoDne, t0 Winfield ticotf, Ma- of what ha-occurred between the chairman omet of 1BII, and considers that neither, - ,, i ... Uu. of Kcol... d n. ,. if. It is a dull detail, but neces. " nnt "onati s is comparahle to the (omet; ,, .... f-i,,;, . I . Corruption in the Nayy Yards. We have th reports of the speeial com niiltee on Nsvsl contracts, in which there are brought to light some gross frauds on ibe (rovernment, and by men io bigLrVs. Read a letter in another colomnr Mr. Patterson to the President aud then read tbe endorsement of the President to the Secre tary of tbe Navy. And yet with ibis infor mation before them the attempt was made in the Senate to increase the expenditures. When this eame up Mr. Crittenden said : He took occasion, alien the Naval Ap propriation bill was under consideration, and was proposed to increase the expenditures for the Navy Yards, lo express bis astonish ment at the late development of corruption that have been shown to exist in the; yards ; for which reason he was opposed to tbc pro position Mr. C. said that the allowing of the patronage of tho Navy Yards to be n ereised by members of Congress, giing to them the sppointment of master work men, mere political toola of their own, aud permitting these master workmen to em ploy just such laborer and mechanics a they please tbrse also being the tools f members of Congress, wa monstrous snd unheard of. Such gross corruptions as had been shown lo exist in our Navy Yards, de manded tbe most prompt and decisive action of Ccferess. It was a hydra-headed mon ster, every bead of w hie ti should be exor cised and cauterised to prevent its ever again springing up. sons a uumiiiisMoiier.! m iw... lions to the capital stock of sl 1 bank, un ' arioua rence on reports of committee, 0f .lisagrecin,. ,0les i ,i . ' ... i. k..i,. .ill l. ......ed ' appropriation bills rr ucr wnose um-cwu -r " n . . , .,: u,'eo . f,,, il.nt nnrnose on the 1st day of April '"T""" '" mil w. 7.7. . . . '" w Di.,i next, at the fullowing named place-, and re- i ' " : the C.pi,,, , ing bills, eto. The Hous failed" mai'l ?pcu sixty day iherenturi Kriim the sViuthrrn Cliri.tiaii Adv.-eale. The XpirtnBborf Frmalc follrtr. Lately, while tra"relling in the lower part of the Slate, as Agent for the Spartanburg Female College, I was met at several places, and especially in Ihe city of Charleston, by varions rumors seriously injurious to th In-tit'ilion. As ihe reports were all vagne, and often conflicting, I found it impossible to ascertain truly all the fact in the ease, and therefore thought it best to hasten horn and la invcsligite them as beat I nii''ht for nication to make, and informis. .""l Congress was ready to adjouro8 n i lenu ot both House were deme, '' to witness the elosiuv '"""i Many member left tliis',,, their homes. , The President has delcrmiu, i Robeit M. McLane of MaryiB, to Mexico. ' ' Ai Ii;il.h..r..' J..I.H I'. Kirkland. Prid.. Joiiea, ! . .. .. '"", '"S::!.. II. W.I.n.J B. Browurking whether he had .,"; Wot. J. Valea. At t niieiird Caleb Phifer, Rob'l K. I s-rd, Rn. fus Usrringar. ' ' At Sjli.biiry RichM A.Caldwe.l, John I llia vcr, S .m'l Rc.-vvs. At LincolMtoii John II"B, Henry Canaler, L. E. Tliini"in. At t..ldh..ro' Win. K. I.ane, Wm. T. Dorch, Richard Waahingtun. At Wilmington Juhn llawson, . " A. WnKht. , Al K.yetievillt Go. McNsill, Win. McL. Me. Kay, Jnhn M. K'ise. At Wuntworlli John II. Pillard, Wm. Kllmj . ..... I) .,. At Ash.ville N. W. Wooiifin, Jjiucs Paltow.J. At Lexington Ram'l I.. lljrgrave.V. hi. is. Holt. Andrew Hum. Al irenboio' Jesaa II. Lindsay, Knot. r. P.ek, Ja.. R. .Mi Irfisn. Al M'lriuiitiiii tt. C. Pearson, N. C. Avery Tha. ti. Waltun. Al Wilkaboro' Ja. B. Cordon, Andcraan Mil- clivll, M. 8. IsiuUea. Al Watlrsborn' II. . Ilimmnad, J intra A. Alex. Little. At Ni-wnrrn Alea. Mitchell. W. II. Oliver. CIl... Krllv. At Washington U.S. Diinncll. Jjinea K. II" I, TIm.mi.. Sorrow. At KitniLin William K. Aloorc, J.dia C. U.d. ham, KicliM fsz'nn. At Windsor J...rph B. Cherry, P. II- Win.tc.ii, D..,d Outlaw. At Tl.r'-Rbt. R. Dridjrrs, Henry T. Clarke, J"hn S. Dnev. Al Ot-ofd Kulil. Ii. Uillisni.T. I.. Ilirgroy. , J. b l.ittl.ji.l.n. At Win. inn A. J fslaffird, J. W. Alsf.agh, Tlimn.. Wil.nn. At Y"errt,l!e Sjii.'I P. 11,11, John I John tun. J,. J. Lswinn, At the Office of tbe Publie Treasurer in Raleigh, ouder Ihe direction of the under signed, as directed by the said Act. JOHN W. Kl.MS. D W. COURTS, C. II. HROODKN. The Latest Dodge. We rnVli.l, I..I ....k ... .rliele ihe latest dodge, which went ahead of "ooden fleUmfDt ,h nutmegs it was stated that io Now Hsmp. eornaian;IT hcn I arrived : but a re action shire ihey hatched crows' eggs so as to get ' hd already commenced, favorable to the I finally he Thirty Sixth rcnsrru F.ilr. WASll.fT0 V , On moliooof Mr. Mallorv.il. i M lion was adopted, directing th Stern'" ........... ... UsCa DJr , , whether they have been found serviceable in the field j whelhtr tbe'' .. ,,......... , ,U(.B llm baa not been filed, and if ,0) whom made and their number. ' Tbe following are the mo-t i,,, ebangi-a made in the Standin. of lbe Senate for the present f.i,,, On Commerce Mcs-rs. I'owrii '' Saul-bury (Del ) in place of Re.d ,' and Allen (II. I ) i On Publie Lands Mr. RinAi ill plscerf Stuart (Mich ) v ' Ou Naval Affjira. Mtr. AooiW I ) and Ik 11 (Tenn ) On Peliaiows. Mr Crimes flo.,;..' of Jones (low ) ' (he benata went into Kxecatire g,. PEun of rosTimciscuiu tun It i ith onfeigned rerrei ilt ,.), snnoene the death of Hon Aaron V h, Postmaster tieneral, who txnired .t ... siaence in inn city yesierday moruir.,,. nine o'clock. The violene of k .' that dangerous malady, poeuioti, nji which he gradually sunk, had for i two prepared bis friend, and tbe r,ai:a iiiiicipaie us latai termination j buiil,,.;, now that il has fallen, is none tlis l. ver lo bi family snd friend., tor Li.-, less felt hy the publie. Mr. llro.o . the rixty fourth year of . , . been aa conspicuous in pul lie lift u ki exemplary aid e-liinahle in hi. prim, He was a native of Yirginii, hut m, eated at tbe 1'niver.ity of North Ci4 and then removing lo Tennr.r U soon roe to eminence, and in lorn i''A highest otiicea in the gift of hie adopted i-u a called by I'mn s premium for killing " the varmints." 15ut ('ollege and its admioislration. Buchanan to Iske a plar in hi. riiw, North Carolina will, we think, bear the palm ; . '-"n,,a1 ,u" . wara oi I rasie.s -- "' "' " " , , , ... , , , bad held sevsral nieetinjra: had patiently, I 'his reiponsihle po-t b rti-eliared i for the latest dodge. A merchant bought rirf tn impartially examined th whole iduily and rmeienry, and .ith.a.r some beeswax the other day from a country. ' ;t 0f complaints : had visited tbe Collece ''y gra'ifyinr; to hi oei.tes mi in- man, and upon examining a ball abich in person, in order to learn every thing they ! dinates in office. .Vio .ifi f.:' would weigh two or three pound., Is found i eould, both from teachers and pnpils. and j TiT- TsU I at.': Am c( Ii '- -- i.t. ' "'.ltolbe procured, they had wit?i. I ... ... . . J . I ...I . V. I,... L .r..i.L. :-. ' .u ... publish in to pvuuu iw -vu w- TriHMnrj aiurmen me muwrnci vi i.. j,.ri,,j tA, niinorif e t. t ),r.rd of nt.tinir rood cotton with bad. but aceud. and that the eh.rze. were false 7:." "1"'" r r ' C O a i rrt i WI KKI'JIirS pound to a pouud and a half. W e bave mUily affirmed t he innocence of tbe parti. j . K . ' Jii( lU mi cotton with ban, lot aeeul, ana thai me enare were lane - - i - ' , r jj .l-.-- . " -v contract, an I r irk-r.4 we never beard before of plating rocks with on,oon"",11 'n'7 1BV r .. .u 11 wi" h" ,rra ' n.J'"-r , . , . . , to sustain tha President and Faculty in the ' . ' J . T neeswax. i nis goes aneau oi sootcq tui- . . . . , , ..i,-i "j in, n mv 'im,n"- megs and erows, too. Concort. We are rrqnested to give notice tbst Dr. Eekbard, aud his pupils, will giv a Musi- administration ot the school, mee my r , aii, -. , . . , . , . , auegia i,a ' glarinr ah use rioliit: lurn. 1 nave man irr. iiMiuirT. un.e " '"- -,.,.. ... n 11 v V. , , , , ... . nJ ... . , "nt?p,'nt of the Mrooklvn "j lr ed all I eould, both in the College and out l:ia .i.at , . . -, ,. ' , . """" ,n" nl. minority niskesd.is'w ef the College, from the Faculty snd ru-, wlirh Mtirt li.. .nd Wl pn., anu .mr.x , rm.en. . n-.r - of ,j ,f ,he MMlii. free and full eoni.srsvioo wilb ihe Tru-tee., , wouM jjyll em ,ht ?t w", ,rft . Coneer, ate Female CoUe.e.on ne,, of .... 3, Ind.y night. Tickets one doHor. The ob-i jb. mMt mtVtr A ,h. re.qlt is a ..rong to,;on prr;Ut ,U th immn p ject of the Concert is to make improvement; eonvitlioo that lbe allegations are not sus. j ronae 0f , (qTpri,nient i but in it in tbe scboc : room. It i expected (bat lb j tained. i ment in tbe hand of the Pre-i4t3t u t building by ibat time will be lighted by gas. Tb Tru-tees .re good snd ro. men true j eompVit ,h, ,n, parpr, 0f hi, parti r We besreak for the youne ladies s liberal "r. "7 ' " " . e . 7.L u ' " i ' 1 1C. tor P"""" ',,f '""""n ' r " , ..... "lu""n'' norr". "Pon WDD'" at th villainies wbieh bow di.re t cneoaragemcni, as tne use lor wuicn me fr,ends and the patrons or lb College abroad money is to be expended is certainly a! may with safety rely. They regard tbe pre praiseworthy on. Tbe young men ought! sent Faculty of lbe S. F. College a able, The Trostees sre determined to sotain lbe Institution. Six of them hav daughter in it. They tbink tha discipline of the school ha been more thorough nd the progress of the pupils more gratifying during the Ial, than in any former sesaion; and now thai by all means to aid io so commendable an undertaking. An Aged Horse. A friend inform as that Mr. Seaborn, of Cabarroa County, ba in ber possesion a horse now in his 3v!d ytsr. Ii has been io active service more tbau a quarter of a cen- lege, and lbe member" of the Choreh abroad e; i il villainies eountry, we refer lo tbe noe i-a" pw letUr, which will let tb people of th W try S" Ihe manner in which lht-ir m1". oed lo buy np votes for Jiemncritie " tiaM : rmiiorirHU. p'. IJ, IS I. .r Hir ! I vei.iMr. lo ogf' imwl.nre of awardn-g Ihe noirx-i. tn chinrry f ll.e .Im.n. a..w bmlairg ! ll Vir.l .1 this time, and. if II rm " ' ... ! nrrlnilie I.. I lie nuhlir -rie.l.. Mef'" a new session bs just eommeneed, I do j -,-,,;., h, n,T r.,.Ml.hm,B, ,. i., most ernsly hop tbe friend of the col-1 i,,r whieh employ, a l.rge nnwiir . lime. 3WII xli.n In lull tury. He began to show signs of age and its infirmities last year. We are happy to learn that thia faithful old servant has not been turned out to die of starvation in the barren Geld, but i well provided for. lias any of our readers heard of a horse a old ! not forsake us, in thia lime of our trial. The 6th District. T.. ... ... Mr. V .Sr. t... MI L .! . . . inarnl IM Did II.TIIII mr mil ni rn-T,.,- i.u. ... n.,p us now wnen w neen yoorPrr ,. , ., (,w-m.- syropathie,yourpryrndyourptrong j pr, n. and. In - o r.r a. I I n-' Never have we been so largely pitronixed ir. f ivflm-i in lutivi st borne a now. i tm f l r. eiii.a CW. Flor," W. have eighty-four young l.die. i lUJX in.tilulioo. A German teacher of very u-, drmtju, jmm, fnw tt. perior talent has been engged for Ihe no- j -Tli Br.i di.tnet aill, I hope, l sical department. And w think there i '" "'', bm. -ii Uml U irwi. ( no ground of .pprehen.ion whatever, as to ' J" ! "V' lU pece and prosperity, if our brethren, rm w .Thaws, fc t..i-ei. .w.f.rsnw" M. Q. WddJI, K.q.of Chatham, ba.i .nd the Church will pray, earneatly and fro- declared himself a candidate lo represent quenlly prsy, for lh ir ( olleje. this District which has been so ably repre enled by tbe Hon Jobo A. Gilmer in the Congress just closed. If Mr. Gilmer desire to be a candidate we hope be may be re elected. Rut in these days of gross corrup tion we have no doubt " the post of honor " is a private statiou. II. II. DURA NT, Jig'. F. ColUg New Millinery. Attention is called to the advertisement of Mrs. Ilawley & Wiodle. Tbe Ladies are informed that they have received a new supply of Millinery. Auan , Mich , March 8. Re oveby ot Tin Itour or a Ijobt M it i in act. The remains of Thurston, tbe mronaut, who ascended from Toledo, Ohio, last September, by accident, clinging only to a cross pieci at tbe bottom of the bal loon, were found near Toledo last Sunday and fully identified. .. . , ii" . ' - ' 1 r ""'".auai.ig. i iu:n ' Hla,ery in Kugland i Scpuleral Laii.ps j My " ' ':U of. ,l"d'-l" d 19 ,0 report of the chairman, whi, h ".'. 'trM to the Comet of 1 13. . ,,rid Mi (fr.ubrook ; A Flying Trip to I he V K if-vcn .u my report w:,(, feat eando. call, .be re.-u.t of an ' ' ;d College ;,,; KLe j, N Madonna dell. 8edi. , j 'o. Tr''':, .1 t f "'''' Observ.eor, about October 20,h In the l)lj(.t Kii,bett, giriJli .Household Hook I lou were appo.nted as thairinan cf a -j hia document is so very hvs, that, 1 "es of February 1st, there is a ; of Vtry again La Piuta and J'ar.gu.y ""i "I"" y-iro.o propyl- warned by its example, I shall endeavor to eommu.iic.tion from Don.ti. wherein h Honnet ; Kditor.Table ; Literary None. Ii.l; to c .jn'jct t.i- . nm. -nation. 1 ot mak,.),,,. review of it as brief as possible . states he mskes the periodic time only fOO ..,,, , . . . ! I,s.e h.d .1 the ,,p.r-. hoks, and of and . .f,.,, BJif to show that be ha' ". "d not VOUO, as other a-trouomer. N ,he Kd,tr tU" "nd a tl,e I hav deduced. ruary number wbicA we did not receive. A Yr. kit able CoLi'LK. There is now residing in Wardsboro', ermont, a venera ble couple Captain John Rice and his wife who were married Nov. Iff, 17DU, a peri od nearly approximating to seventy years, or dating back lo the yar succeeding the " T.a fas'iiHtirr,' Instead of acting lik so honest n sharply rebuking Patterson for b oronoaition. 1r. Ioebsno. s it ' tiined by tbe Investigating Comwiiw . elosed it lo the Secretary of the Nry, ti the following endorsement upon it : Th. nelo.eH Irllef from C0I0...I T "'" Ph.l.drh.1.1., i. nkailW Is ' '"""" J I Curif rranf dfihI. Wahimnoto.v, Match 4. All the generl appropriation bills which passed both House received the President signature. The pod olliie snnroririation and tne post route bills laileil to become law. , "'""J ' " Th. form. .,,;.,.. .1..... o-i 1. n t. it .... ond,r that til Goternorti Whether an extra session will be called in ! debt ? Is it surprising lht the fV . !.. I . . .. ... I L.J .1.. .nnrmnnH Om cuiise.ueiii-c 01 11. ios, is a matter lor r,x eeutive consideration. So fr, no reliance i to be placed on rumors to that efTuot. Amid tbe confusion in tbe clerk's offices itcannotyetbe definitely ascertained wheth er aoy private bills, which passed both Houses, failed lo receive the President's ap proval. Tbe miscellaneous bill contains a section for the extension of the Treasury note law for two years; aud appropriate 8-'j2,0(MI. lor the t oast hurvey, which was agreed to with singular unanimity ; lo sppropria tion for light-homes, survey of publie land and for the next ceusu.i, rte. Tbe Ocean mail steamer bill wa killed, but there is appended to tbe bill to carry into efl'ect a treaty with Ibe Dicotah and Tonawanda Indiana, ppropri'tion(for eoin plying with lbe existing contriets or car rying tho mails via Paiicina .nd T.hu.nte- lure nave reacnea inv rn"."- . h,...,lr. n.ilHo.. of dollar. ? l'sill'!j S Ituchanan and hi. rotten adniiiiistratios r enougb to breed a political yellow ineir tencn 1 rnx umu kna.i.h orono.ilinn of Plterson, by Mr. liucbaoan, wa. in the sequel " out. The contract wa awarded to ' . . i n & fson. and men were enipij'- workshop for two weeks prior to lbe in Pennsylvania, and lo their fi .. :...i-i...J (... I.u eleCtie-a I W;.t.... .k 1.. k. would h' bly been defeated. This contract swarded to Merrick A. Sons, b.eai ' were the lowe.t bJers, but becsa-J 1.1 1.-11 .1.. ....r. in their sF Ihe poll fur Florence. (Kr An sbsolute oertuinty ' f,!,,,j r T...; ik.i Vranee will help ' ' S0UT mis stated whether inorantly or intention auopuou 01 me eonsiuuiion 01 the Cmted , pec or California. ,... KusjU t Mate., in 17mJ, or W.sh.(,,:lon'. first visit lt ould k. . , ..... .. . 1 "- ?'"!". "TV 1 a.hl to the New Kna and Htatea aa tl,. fi. . j 7 , , , , f " oe passive 11 ioiria 00 -n President nnderl same Ca . e lZZ alu' ""V Ti" "I ' if 'A! born October 9, 1771, aud hi. P,fe in I76 I Tri.n ,T '7 "h "'fl ' A-"rU' Kn"A ,D 1 "