v. i re or Coins. The following atati. L . M-. -r .. u III frlt'A BOOJD VI sua ICUUIU IV ihiCII tUO.so " ' ,1 to co in tb graliBoalion of utiiiua ,niu . o . in.. ..u rv. n t P"". 1 n1..n last wank- .t.,1 nr.,,. r'" j 0f the collection of coins, medals and t'Liiiuatio work of Henry lloirert, Esq. jJJureuiberg gold uiedal of 1008, renro ,:nir cm out) aide allegorical figures, and 1 l.e otber a view of tbe city of Nurera- K,U .... el ft. . tit.!. Prim.. ....rial ,, brought 81 A i Uver Crimea medal J Frlhieen Victoria, $9 5 a modal to Simon . f .. r lfl-'S lUllio mod.l of1 XJ0n I ictun., v. "- vi-, - ! j Eagle of 1TU0 broiigot $12 oO, aud one f 1,97 $12,75; a ailver dollnr of ISf.TJ, - -.0- one of ISaG 8rj (l0; a (Jlialmera abil- . fli's of 1783, $13 i Granbj cent, extreme T rare, 81 4 50 WunbiiiRtou oent of 1701, 17.00 ! and another one $10.50; a Carolina ,!( penny 8125 a silver coin of 1700, Ci Tl. ncni of tho collection, was how- 'I't t f Vin AnllnnllAn wn. llAW ' .il . . 1 i j 11 . ., 1 Wr.Uie Washington half dollar of 1702, f,hicb w actually Hold for fifty-veren dol- i.ri A copy of the name brought kiz dol-' I v I' II,, i k"" "---I Sirs- . 1 Fbeaku or an Enqin. A few day o, pt Urge and nearly next engine, Peuni Ujolt, drew the noon express to liostoii. Lficr the paiicn'cra bad lauded, the engine tacked down to take out the cars, hii a , sunder aaid: "You have only three lierli to four tender 1" (Jo examination, I; mn found that oue of the wheel; (four on .,A.. ... niMxintr. and no mirna 01 ita .l,,rcabouU. After time the llimsilig j.ul iound, whole and aound, in Ka.t .nibridge, olo.o by the erong at 1 non IJ'jiirt bridge. Ihua the tram had gone boul a mile, all the way over a dyko and iir.brlilL-e. at full peed, with a whe.il off r" , , '.I,. ;r Th. ..lo ti.d lira. ;,d nobody the wt,er. J he axle bad bro- 4n wtlbin the wneri. wmcu du an iu.iuo 3eriD '," and let it fljf off. Lulicll (Man.) i, j Old Mavui-B1PIb I'rof. G. W. Grr-eDe , preparing a Life of hit grandfather, Gen. I Cruciia of dii-ttDL'uiihed Knvolu- ., V , i i:)nry memory, aa the right-baud man of, JWj.hiDgtoo. lie l auxiour. tu avail liiinseir if any ?perJ, parttculary diarieo, touching JtMo bU pr.ndfather'a Southern e.inpatgn, it J in '"'" , TLer8 ' t,0'ilt' Si many auch letter aod papr-ra, now cov. Crt.1 villi dint and-oblivion, which might Lew ..rong lij-ht "V K1 t li pIKt.-at.d we take pleasure in in - ySriiug l'rof. G.a requeat, that accurate V jpiri of auy aueh documrnu be rnt to ... i ibo rtrm nt Canr.r. I I'otmin K(1 . j.ew York. . v i. I I JtrrxttKort ani hi Fipdi.b The writer i f l!ie Declaration of Indepeudruua u V it'iouately foud of fi'ldlin, aud i. .aid to r irelli-d in pla)iue on that insttument. fla K70, bi family inan.ion burnt. Mr. I, ' , ' ,, . , l lff.ron used to m afur year, with jfe'te, an anecdote eounrctvd with the firu.' "' pic absent from home when it occurred ; m.ii a a'ave arrived out of breath, to inform I n of tbe dir.-ter. After learning the -!,tra! dcatru. tion, he in.ijired : " Hut r none if my book aaved!" "No, "rt-'i'iii the reply, "but we aaved d U!e. ' CONSIGNKKS ICR rllARl.olTX AM . C. KAIL ROAD, FROM TH 'Sin TO Tilt S'.'.HD Htl U. J Y. k V?. W. feerara 8 packagei, A. k K. Mn ra 12 pkga, liou.ton k Bro 1-' pkir, JJ. f IHrgrave 10 pkga, J C. Cohh 3 pkg, l. 1. Ililtrrbraud 1 pkga, J. Frouebargr Co. 0 pkg", IT. SchrocU k Sou 2 pkga, i'-Il, Klrkort k Co. 6 pkga, K. II. Grant 2 k;. D F. Iladen 2 bhda. Sprrial So'.irri. hu: wnisiEEsT; joimniEs:: Cm my I'fife.Nt, anj yoe can have a rtuufi 'a' pair nl W kitkf, and Mtmtfckn, li. mf liiKjiujarit.ii, within Vir MVrla, trhere thttt arr. pwr oriuiw tat tri,i naf traiai r irtiare ue .im. ft ft y rent, per bulllv nl t. any part of the IT i.ilrd State.. Addrr.a JOHN' M. SAUNDKHS. Iti Thud Street, New Y-rk Cily. l ilircktl, li9. a.ilJ J DR. WIUIIS B1LSIV OP WILD (III'.R.U. , Tii. aditor of tha ' FU tf uur Lniuu " ..v. in li'f tinier of Julv 17. IrliH : "'I lia melocrv of Dr. fHiit.r i. tinl.n,.,! .,. I he !.,!. nl ll.ouaal.d. .. have rzuerienced entire cure Irom fefa. ' atdj, Consumption mnd I'ulmnniry Ihtrnte gene. " 7 'f Hie uae ot hi. lialsam. The mv ilid need ! nut fear to riea Ihi. urenaation a carelul Iri.ii,1 t,ieak from rxH'rienre. Mre lh..n ten ''la ,11.,-n (he editor ul till, paper teatol ll. n-i icilrnre l.y iinlir.duil trial 111 hi. finiily, with t'ir ii.o.i .urpripiny re.ulta,aa a curative lor put fu'itury dia. 4.e.' ain or rnxiuurTlon iii noorio colon reazD. i liit f..ll..K.iV. Iron, a luetilv re.necUble irtu. llniun, .jwak. lor it.eif : Kate-oar. N. J.. May V0, 133. . W. Fnwi.a Si Co., limtltmu Thia ferti. "t t:,.,l an for many year, alluded with a "In uf llie tunga until 1 be. anie o weak ll.it it witli d.iliculty I rould walk. My ei.ug'. during liual.fi.a waa Very acvere.eau.llig me freifU illly to ri.r great ijiniililu . uf blood, a llended with pru. :ut. mghl kwaata, AHr ua.ng var.otie rernediea to no pnrpote .c'mi d tu try tnnr'i llalsem of Wild t Aerry. I J'J ao, and Ik lore ua.ug Hie fir. I bottle I in. hfiy reaiored tu perfe. I heallli and etrangth. I ,!.!, I aim mention that tin. Ital...i.i cured a u'lle girl ol nimr of a .. vera attack of Whooping 1 our ii, when hr lifn waa given uver by tha pby. iti.n, aud all albcr rrnituie. had failed. (S,gncd, JOSIAH IKlKF. A'ae gramla niuria aigned "I. lll'TIS" on tl.e ..uler wrapper. frepar,.) hy SETII W. IOWI.E it CO , lin.T.n d i. ,a uy E. fjye Huici;,,,,,, A. (; Char, lutle. I'a. Ill ISTETTER'S justly celebrated and n, v. ''lulling Stovacn UlTiaas, will elf. dually cure Jiaeaai a l,e b,.dy,..f a nn.r'j.d naturr loclor. in calling the allcrilu.n of the public l llos vilualile siwcifie, due. so Willi a feeling of ' utinoat confidence in it. virtue, and adapt... iu ine d..ea.ea lor which it t. reconiiuendid. , II 1 no oiiaek an. el. I...I ih.l I, .. .i,.l II... ' lt'tic, am uf ihe American pre. a and people. The! -oni.my g.sen in it. fivor, by the mo.l eminent "nl well known proaperuua and private in.hvidu. I " all part.ofti,. Uuinn, i. un me iim, and clearly j .... lul virtue, .rrniinv. 1 lie u-e oi ine Xilter, .,, k .,.,.i ,i,.,, " "'"j' de.erving Ihe celebiilv il baa ol, tamed. real. I,. H..7 .....a. I.' I II. ,"jwb. . , b y4 N ,lU.u ,, 4, t 0 CJr. 'u"e, N. i:. HATHA WAV iV t , WILMINGTON, N.C, . 0fller for .., , tSOO MI..I. i,-, . .. . .... It. r' e- rivir irnp i ord.ina mn. 1 ""-'" LASSES. JjJ Jj'rr. I. rhoica New Orlean. Syrup. 'i!! """'laciarin.d Sugar.. 1 n'' -guira, Weat India, and Java .J M,rrel. M.., and Prim. Pork. I H n "aeon, (Mdessna r.ioiiiunr..) I M V iiiow naming l otalnea. ... iojj, tmr I If the mind U not laid out dcI cultiva- .-'...! 1:1.. . : -:n 1.. ted, like a gardeu, it will bo overgrown wiib weed a. Arrivali nl I be Hotels. ' MANSION HOUSE W. W. Eita, Proprietor. Mircli 15 It Tra.iinick.H8 Pw, J Aikin, Mr. Aikin, Mi.. M A Aiki.i, Master J W Aikin. J J icoba, K Joscphio, I, Solumon, I 8 Gerald, F. Myer., C W Hnyle, J I, Griur. A A Itatnsnur, Mr p ; Tii.ma.,W a llom.our. A J Dunn, DC iThuin, I. Kllinjrur, A 8 Luvcth, J S Sickuld. M.rch 16 C II H iiiimer.kold, J II P. Hon, W Dunn. Mr Vanpclt, A L Alston, l W K U.ihiiuy, j tt Ardry. J S Nichols, P A Stockton. March 17. E ll Simeon, W A Stow, CT N Davi., J( L Gilkev, F Cox. I. P Gregg, II Finlcy "?. O II W hitmore, l Kcllcy, J II liarkcr. J II Kniii., W V IVvraiii, '1' Djrlu.L', L II inifMtun, It Lvvi.'iu. March IH V II Bn.wn, TH'T C.ile.. It C ll.ulKLT, C II Tliiiiiiu, Mr. Willi. inn, vlnlil mid nunc, J N llruwn, W A Mmim. J II l.u,il v, Mr. JeAI., Cllllu blltl .I'TVIIIIl, 1 1. 1 lUMIIli., Il liar- m. t Myers. J w idee, c McDowell, M r Cor- belli j,t c c fit Mr . jinckllry. AUrch 19. (J l l.nn, N II Miixlrnliull, (i M il M " A rfc.bbm. Mr. Dubbin, R M Poe, Mr. Brown, (j K M SUrle, J A Mier, II rl. K ii..... j w n,. i: M, i)ui m riv. M Win.inck, S VVui.luik, K B Mi.we, T P Uri. er, J U .Slowi-. T J Suinm r, N W Wet. .M ircli till.- M lli.,ri,; t'on.l.blr,' Murri.mi, C Tubb., M i.iet Hill, J Tuikbtni, D Kipis Ma.. Ur J Mi dm, II Ab I, I ll.nry, FSbulii, l',M mi, C KrrdprickN, Fred Sbulue, J M May, U Mu., A AVul., 1) Kur, A ;in.cuck. March 'l W B Witbtr., Jubn Kun-r.J P Al. dcrn,J 1) M llulingcr.T : It Kudrbck.U V Da. .i.l.on, It It T.mpliloM, W W IV'r.ni, It Itii.l.C J Kcv, J 11 (iricr, ; K lintel, ford, J P Kiowr, I) A I.iiibargBr, DCuieman, II C l'.rmly, II Uroutr. "Ai.i.w ii r. nwi i.i.-j. a nr, ru.nnur, M .rch 13 . " Call.y ,S 1 I owlk., K J )Bkl,. N'w.l. j k,,f j s ll.nn.. K II ..uli, J T Will. f.ml, Wm ,Tr. I..a.. T It..:.:. It K t;.. brUn, II H l.y..n, C A ll. lm.. J G ti..mbk, K Arnold J W MwUlky, P H.xlir, i A Mo.il, J U.r..-. j.; M, Kllll, j j t,a.!wrry. I. C nuk(r T l u(,l,t.rryi y TUBirry, W M St.tt, (,Vti v II Ncal ai.u l.uly, W II .Michail, A II llr.mn, II C Hamilton. J f Jnikio., Mr. Andrrnm, W li llearn, D K Jonta, W II t inch, O SI, trill, S Mm. d ,. b. r, J ll..rh..!.U March 17. ' Caving! r, 1XJ inigby, H'T Iy, Wo. 1,'l.ou.U J Wih yuiid D.ugbt.r, J M ll.itchi-.-.ii, P T .Murr.iv.S Knt.t.y.J J W.-.ioi..(; K.iii.la, A K.tner, C A llelii... It K Hoke, J W Mebaf. A t rVtn. r, C A llelin., It r. Ilokr, J W McLa , K A .m,,,.,. j hl. ; M Allull, i,r K Kll ,., n t,jv, W I. Ilo.niy, J A Mo.. re, I. . Willi. mv.n. It II Smith, J II Wikr.,y, J It.e.c f. WfZJuTvi Onl-V , V M'yer'.'.'c Mc K ir.z..-, j" k", !!. ,'. P C IJ.,. . J ' (' ( i,hU( u V Jonra. W V Hum, K Arno.d, C W Hn.l.n.w, W ,o Tjj l.,r, J C II. i.i, J A Dockery, J I K "a.-P Z rt.xter, J K W.el.. W ,(,...d... l; j JJrUr j M M ulc.on. j i;,i,y. w T r. y. t; Kn.l . C A II. I.n, J -S limn., J G C .m. ble, D I(enn, It II South, T 8 Mtl.auglilin, R E Corhraii, k Uter. J Itie.r. Mrel. aO. E K B.itru... II II C II jleon.b, I' T T Murray, T J Suiim. r. March -M J lll.kelv. DrC A Al I nil. r. WC UI.ecl.r.Col IIO .,,11 P Hr.mii, .M o, M .iiim, M .d M.l,...,, II W Stio-on. A llruwn, T 1 (in. J M 7t-lMM.i, S W Smitli, (. W Sell. D I. Torre., " M k E lug I.e.. M A W Int.-. T S Hrer.. C ...S M.iKeynold., K.o. -h. I K .r- ''' ' U.M lelMig.r. S I! Ilr,. y, li MlulL, J He Xbom ... s J,.l.o...n ' , W I'..,.... J A !'.. Icr. W Ii l.r;.i., L an- J A Fasiiioiiiible Millinerv. Firs. HAVLEY St WINDLE AVI, juat rreeivf-d a fine arhetion of Milli nery I.IMIDS, coliri.lll g of II Straw, Hlk, Crape and Leghorn HONXKTS, t g.tl.fr with a g,d a.rrtnirnt of Trimming., DRESS i00DS IIOUI Ma I It T , (tiie E.npr. .. palrnt.) IM'A.N'I'S HAT. Ac. Alt ,f the l.te.l itylea, and which will be .old at null prohta. it , in on Tryun atuet, tirrl door weat of the Charlotte II nl. larUlr, .Uo.c 1 5, loiU. Itf (CT Notice. tl.I. prr.oii. inHi hted to u. for the la.t quar ter, li. ed not expert to hu r tioo.la Irom u. anv longer n rre.iit We intend to du a 3 month, biiatrieee, tberel'or. it you are iiidiblrel to ua for a long.-r period, call ami pay f'.r on the Nt day of Api.l.'your erdil will riop. We ajmvily int. nd toenturcetbeahovfeven with our very beMt friei.o. .nd b..e no otTeuee will be t-ikrn. All aeco.int. roe lor luat tear that are nol paid by tht 1 .1 uf April, w :il he hand, d out for collection. 11. M. UATKS k CO. Mtiek 1.1. !('!. 13 '1(1111 Oltlill.tlHC. ORDKKED by the Hoard of Comnn.aloner. of the Tuwn of Ch irlolte, that the law uf llie State prohibiting the buying ol Poultry from Nc. gruea. or the buying by a Negro, without a writ, ten permit Irom hi. maaler, be euforcid again. I all p. raon. t .olal.ng II, e ..iinr;and t,i..t tbe Town 1 lerk give public notiee of tlu. Ordinance in tbe lltwpwra "I I 'llarlotle. THUS. W. L.VKY, Toun Ctrrk. Afmr 1... b.,'J. t3 l Hit' I'll Itllt. SEVERAL of the Street I. imp. on Trade .Ireet, aouth ol the Puhlirjiijre, having been bro ken, I I" I" y gic i. ol.ee I lint the law will be en. lore, d aganiat any perx.n. no.n or boy, guilty of commuting aueh d. ,re.l.i I ion.. It la believed that the injury la d ne by Ihouhlleaa hoy.; and it ia Imped that tin ir parent, will endeavor to prevent tii thing of the kind in the future. J. K KKUR, Itrv,hu,t. rrrA is, iar.9. 1.1 CO A XI) SI'.K OHTOX & Ol.DKIl'S t; It F AT SOUTH I. ll N ' I " s AM) WITM A FULL AM) EFFICIENT CORPS OF Riilrri, Cymnatls Arrubsli mid Vaitilcn WILL EXIIII1IT AT CHARLOTTE. Monday & Tuesday, Marfh 21 cV 22l. ON E OF THE LEADING FEATURES OK thi. Model Company i. the introduction of the LION AND LEOPARD, by Piof. TUHHS in the open ring a teal never performed by any other Company. Door, open at half past I and half jia.t C o'clock to commence at 2 and 7 o'clock. Adinis.inn 50 cent.. At the clo.e of the Circua, and under the aame Pavilion. LEWIS & CO.'S SABLE HARMONISTS Will give one of their pleasihg ETHIOPIAN EN TERTA1NMENS. Admission 25 cent.. L 0. HLAKE, Agent. Mink 15,, 18..9. . 'iw ... . M .rrli'.l, in Cat iwba county, on the Ifitli in.t., by Win. I,..nK, K.q, Mr. JOHN A. II ANNA, uf Iredell county, tu .Mi. ItKKKt'CA, the yoi.ng.at douL'littr of Ihu late Win. Little, Kn. The Irrdcll Kxpre.i will plou.e copy. Atlantlc'TinTUAL and FIRE Insurance Company, Csirolimi CM), IX. '., Incoipoiattd liy an Art itf the Ltgitlatart of Karlh Caiolnu. f RUIA Company bcinr; duly orfranizrrt, i. now JL prepared to receive uppiicatione fur in.ur. ance iijiuu BUILDINGS, I(IER:HAWDISE, Furniture, .TIIIN, ?ltiiinlii'li Im, FMIirS AMI 1 lll llt CAKUOKK and mo.t kind, of property, at remunerative rate, of premium. It i. aimed, in the organization of thi. Couipa. ny, to make a .ale medium fur Indemnity aud 'rotcclion to the aarured in tn of I,u... An honon.blf and uptight courae of dealing, and a failhl'ul fulfiliuaiil of it. contract., will atall time, characltr.ze ll.e bualiitna of llie Company. Appli.-ati.nia for Iii.urance may be miide at the office of tbe Company, ur to it. authoried Agent.. DlltECTOHS. John A. Parrot, William S Long Levi T. Ogh .by, David W i eil, n . li. (iralil, David S. Jone., Cer.. W. Dill, Col. Tho.. J. Illakeley I.uke ltlackuian, OFF John A. Parrott, Levi T. tlglcaby, W. rt. Long. K. A. Thomp.on, A. H. Chupi.i, A. u. ( Iispiii, S.iniu, I L. tier., Joel II. Davi., D. A Hurgctt, K. Malielt. Pre.idenl, Vice-Preaideut, Treu.urer, Alton. ey. Secretary. W. U. Uruiit, ) W. S. Long, 5 EXKCtTlVE COMMITTEE. David W. Hell, S Morci 15, lr59. 6ni-ll5S S T A T K oFls'Ol I 'nTAUO L I N' A , MKrKLL.VHUlU) K,L.TV. IX EQUITY, lull Term, 158. Richard People, and J. 11. McLaughlin f H Sizer.S.A.Davi.arid Miirj McKniny. ) T appearing to the aatialaction ol Iho Court, M. "' .t Hula .Siicr, oiieol the Delendanta in thii. eii.e i. not all iulialntaiil of tin. Male, ll it Vint. ' .lit Ordered 6 tut uuil, that publication be lll .il. t lor .ix week, in the iV V. V hig, a newppaper pub I hailed in Charlotte, N. C, notilying the aaiu ila J la Sixer, to be and appear ul the next Court of E. j.juily, to be held for the County of Mecklenburg, I at llie Court Houkf in Charlotte, on the I lib .Mum. I .lay after llie 4th Monday in Fetiruiuy, then and there to ancwer compluiiiaiita, ur ju.igmtnt pro contea.o will be taken a. tu bun. Witne.a, D. It. Dunlap clerk and matter in E quily the 1 1th Monday after the 4th Monday in Auguat, A D. 1?:B. l. ll. DUNLAP, c. k m. . Afrrre l.i, IrJ.'.S. Pr.. fre 6. 16 .STATK OF NOIITII-C A MOLINA, MtlKLEMIUltU COL'.NTV. Court of J'leas and Quailrr Session, Jan- i unry 2 rim, IroO. ! E. P. Itlanklnahip i ra. Original A tt.clilocnt. John A. Coot. j Levied in the hand, of Samuel L. Hoover, and him eummoned a. Uarniai.ee. If T aprnaring to the antinf iclinn of the Court, A that John A. Cooper, the riifend.nt in tin. eaur, ia not an inha'iiUi.t ol tin" Stale, but re.ide. t hey.lid llie liui.t. of the a. me, ia Oidrrtd hy tht I Caurr, that publication be in .de in the N.C. W lug. la newapapvr pubhahed ,n Charlotte, N.C, noiily. ! ing the .aid John A. C.tfu'r, to he and appeal at I the next term of thia Court, to be held for Meek. lenhi.rg cunty. at the conrt hou.e in Charlotte, on the 4:h M .inlay in April mxt, and plead, an- wer or iicmiir to plaintifV'a p. tilion. or the aame will be heard ex parte a. to him. Witiica. W. k. Reid. clerl. uf our .aid court, at ofTiee. in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, A. D. 1B59, aud ia the b'ii year of Aoier.can lo. depii.dence. Y. K. RKID.r.c.c. March 15, lPf,1. I'r Fee K. 16 jJJ-Nolice. ' T M K. Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, in jm. the t harlotte Mu'.ul Fire Ira.iraure Com. pan r will be held in the . fliee of the conipan v, at 1 1 o'clock. A. M , on TL'rDAY, the Dth o'l A pril m xt. An election for Seven Directora will be then held. I harlolle In.. OfT.ra. 0,1 March, IP59. M. JJ TAYLUK, fret. E. NVE Hl'TtltlsON, Sec'y. I WILL aril, on the 31st day of March, at the resilience of G. II. Swariugeii, dee'd , 2 mile. ca.t of Pioneer Mill., in Cabarru., Ceiunty, N. C. VI IJKEEY HEGHOES, consisting of nan, wumcii and children. ALSO Aloul HI W. i CATTLE, 5 hetfl of UOliSLS , :i.') head of SUEEl; St feral JJOOS, f arming i'lensils and other articles loo tedioiin lo mention. j Trans. 9 months' cridit, with approved note , and int. real from date. I J. SWARINGEN, Ei'r. I Marck 8, 1859. t2r ! (j Notice. I FOREWARN any person from trading lor a Note on me, given to W. R. Suns, for tne sum of Sev. nty Dollar., given tho 18th of February, Ifl.VI, due the 25th of December next, tbe pro perly I got wa not l,i own. VM. G. TOWNSKND. .Wmr 8, lf:,0. I'i rriic AdanisKxpress Company. la HIS old established, responsible and reliable fl Company, having Express facilities over tho NORTH CAROLIN A RAIL ROAD, are prepared to receive and forward all descriptions of freight and valuable, to and from all point, on thi. road. The facilities posaea.ed by till, company for the prompt forwarding and quick delivery of matter entrusted to thtin tu all acceaaab.'e point, in the United Stale., and Ihe early delivery of freight, by steamer ripres. Irom New York semi. wee kl y, and daily Inland Expressea from New York, Phi. ludelphu. Mainmort-, Richmond, Norfolk and I'e lerahurg offer great inducement, to lit. : -'hunts In obtain ll.eir aprmg stock quickly. For further patlieul.ua apply lo A. H. Martin, Agent, Chnrlottc, N. C, W. II. TREGO, Superintendent. M;rek )tt, 1859. 14 (jC Notice. VI.L PERSONS .ubj.ct to py a Poll Tax to the Slate ot North Carolina, who result d within the limit, of the town of Charlotte, on the first day of February, 18,"i9, or who had been prin. cipally employed in any profession or vocation in aaiil tuwn, for three month, or more, immedialely preceding the said firat day of February, md all prr.uua who owned or were possessi.l of Taxable Property within said town on the first dayol Fib. ruary, rc hereby notified t.. give in lo the Town Clrik, before Ihe l.aidavof March. H5l. .4 .S7' OF illl tll SAW l'OLl.S ASD TAXABLE VKOI'LHTY. The ...id l.'t .hall stale the num. b. re and local situation of the Lots or part of Lot. given in, Willi the value of which they are aaaese ed for taxation by the Slate, the number of white taxable Poll., of taxable Sl.vcs, and nf Free Ne groea, rending on the firat ol February, en the land, of per. on. giving in .a d list. T. W. PICWKV, 7Vnr-i Clerk.. Narth J, l".r'5. 13 12 LIKELY IiaiOLS I wit ...;. S3-NOTICE.2 GOLD! GOLlF!! GOLD!!! JW1LL k:II at Public Salo,on Tueaday, the 82d of March next, the well-known McLean Gold Mine, with ,14 acre, of well. timbered upland and 2 good apringa of water attached. I have lately opened the Mine and find tl.e proa, pec la very flattering. HCTPcr.onrde.irou. of pur. chii.ing, will do well to call on the .uh.cribcr, in Ga.ton county, N. C, one mile wiat of Ruck I.I and Factory, and examine the iiiine and ecu ape. cimena of the ore, ...me uf which have been left at the Whig office in Charlotte, for the cxaininu. tiou of lliu public. II. W. HUM FELT. Fchruary 8, 1850. t The Yorkville Enquirer will copy 5 week, and torward account to thia offioe. Notice. ALL tho old buaine.a of Drucker &. Sommera ia now in the linnda of J. A. Fx, K.q., for aeltli-in. lit. He ia authorized to rolled and re ceipt for ua. Peraona indebted to u, will make immediate payuieht tu hini. ur they will be .ued by titxt return day. DRUCKER & S0MMKKS. February 1, 1S59. 47tf New Watches, Jewelry, AND FLATI,!) WAKK. 11 W. Beckwilh ha. ju.t received at hi. Store. H. 3d door Et of DrBeker tt, Ilcilbrun'a Si re, a new auppty of E.'L1MI AND A.lintlCA.N Ei WATCHES, O with new and improved Mytuut te; lt j Fine Jewelry ! of all ki ila, and utau a aupply ef j Plated Ware, nf the hot kiinl, U ut'wliicli lie fiflVr to the pub. lie .it very low piicr fur cA. Call uitd tzarniiie my Gcoum. II. W. BE KC WIT II. Ftlruary 1, 1659. 47tl Daveiiport Female College, M'.NOin. N.C. TTNOEU the ou.pice. of the South 7'4r, Carolina Conference, ia now in ui'teijfV aucce.aful operation, undir the Rev. WV Henry M. Mood, A.M. GlJr ThcTru.tee., feeliiig the importance of putting a liberal education within the reach ul those in moderate circumatane.., have put tl.e price, of Tuition and Board at Ihc lowt.t poaai. ble rate., so that, while the College offers more than ordin'ry inducement, in the way uf Scho. la. tic Advantage., there may be a large aaving by patronizing tbl. In.litution. Tne Publio Examination will take place the 3rd Thuraday in April. PRICES PER A NM'M. Preparatory Departmenl - 13 hO Collegiate Department 30 U Aduna..on Fee 2 UU Hoard, including roorna, light., fuel, 4c, l 75 per week, rorly week, make a Term or College Year 70 00 Contingent Expeiiae. 2 0(1 Music, Piono 36 00 L'se of Piano, 5 00 Latin, Greek, German, or French, each 10 00 Drawing or Painting ' 6 00 Embroidery, 12 00 Mu.ic. Guitar, 3C 00 Mu.ic, Vocal, C 00 One hundred and four dollars will cover all the exierise. of a year in the regular course, aud one hundred and I' r'y.hve doiisra with the addition of music. January 18, 1859. 45tf TO THE PLANTERS CF N. CAROLINA. K KTT iTPTTv K LL'S M xMFUL ATED GUANO, ri.Rl VIAN ANI rHO.-ni.TE GI'ANO, A. imported from llie Islands of t hmeha and Ne vase.. ; combined and closely manipulated by inachiuery. No. 1, wnrrantrd to contain 8 per c. rt Ammonia, 45 to 50 per cent Phosphate of Lime. Nu. 2, warranted to contain 5 per cent Ammonia, 55 tn til) per cent Phoaphate of Lime. S'jrparting I'ttvvian Uvono im tht pro.orfioe of a fint ci op, and Iloitt Dutt ia tl.e datable improvement of ouii. ' M v Manipulated Guano having become the ac cepted and successful rival of Permian liui.no, I tru-t I shall be par oned for putting up,n public record w hat i. so universally knov, n in Baltimore, ' that I am solely and exclusively the originator of thi. aitiele by the uae of machinery. .Hmtrn-iin Fainter, Ir57. "MB 7 E have accepted the Agency for the .ale W W of ' Kellieweir. Manipulate.: Guano" at , tin. place, and respectfully call tbe attention of our planting cninmunity to thi. popular and cell, j bratcd Fe.-tilixtr. From Ic.timoi.y received nl bomu and from abroad, we do nol hisitutc to re. commend it as the uioat reliable and economical I manure now off. red to the public fur wheat, corn, cotton, oats, vcgctahlce and gras.es It will com. mend ilself tor the following reasons: j 1st. Decause it is imported Guano, intimately : combined, as. to meet the want, of crop and .oil, and not a manufactured article. j 2d. It. fine and dry condition, making it ready ! fur immediate application, without seiving and grinding. 3d. In production of crop and permanent im- j provement uf land it aiirpa..es all other Fertili- lers, n..t excepting Peruvian Guano 4tli. Its low price, Peruvian Guanu eontaina 16 per rent of Ammo. ! nia and only 25 lo 30 per cent of Phosphate of Lime. By reducing the costly Ammonia one-hall, and doubling the Phosphate of Lime, a far more valuable Fertilizer must be produced. Il baa been demonstrated that 8 per cent of Ammonia is e. noiigh for all erons more i. injurious, hesi.Ua expensive. Indeed, many prefer Ihe No. 2 Maui. , pulalcd Giiiiuo, because it contains a larger -r rentage of Phosphate of Lime. In Maryland and Virginia Ibis article ha. been in use rxteiisivily lor acvcral years on all crop., renovating the old and worn out lands of tho.e Stater. Our ai.ler Stale, South Carolina, is a large patron. Colloti plantera give il the decided preference where it lias been tried. We big that you will at least try thia article if you ure not di. posed lo venture largely, and ail u. in distributing what we believe a public g-ioo. It is very simple in nioue of application, and can be applied broadcast, in lull or drill, in quantity prei is. ly a. Peruvian Guano, say lioni 100 tu 300 ll,s per aire, with the ben fit of improvement to lands Ihe more liberally it i. applied. We ofler it at 5G per ton uf 2,000 lb., fur Nu. 1, and t.il per ton of 2,0110 lb., lor No. 2. Terms, caah or it. equivalent. IC. 71. Oil' & C'tr. Ckarloitr, Fthuary 8. K.'9. 2m 12 j P. S. Pamphlet, giving full account, and lea. i timoniuls will be promptly fiirni.hed when re. j quested. I We call your attention lo ihc certificate of Dr. I J. Al. Strong, who i. one uf our beat known cili. j lens and Planter. : I l'HLPTTr, N. C, Oct. 27, IS58. Mr. John Ketllewell, Dcr Sir: 1 have tried j veral kinriauf fettiliier. Ihe pal Spring, vii! Pe- t ruviau Guanu; Manipulated Guauo, prepared by , yoiir.eh; Tahu, from tne maiiuiaciuring company of New York ; also, stable and eow-hnuse manure i all of which 1 applied lo cotton ; and I will .ay that I prefer Kctll. well'. Manipulated Guano to all of the above-iianud. 1 uacd the M .. nipnlaled in the aame field with ihe Peruvian, and in the aame quantities, about 125 lb. to the acre, and 1 Can ce no difference in ihe 5icld nor ill the quality of the cotton. In the same proportion. 1 believe the Manipulated Guano will make aa great a yield on cotton, and the quality will be equally a. good, aa the Peruvian Gu.no i and it ha. deci d.dl'y the advantage in price and alao in the faeil. ity of applying it to hind. So, at the aame price I would prefer the Manipulated Gu.no. 1 be. lieve the Peruvian Guano i. too high lo ni.xc it pay Hi tin. climate aa the drought of llie auinmcr. bare make our crop, too uncertain to use Co.lly manure. Re.peetfully , J"'6' STRONG. SCARR & CO. CIIEMISTS A A'i7 DRUG (US TS, ESPECTFL'LLY call, the nttcn - tiun ufPhyaiciuna.PI. liter., Cuun. try Merchant., Ac, to tl.eir large and carefully (.elected Stuck of DIU OS. TO PHYSICIANS. Dr. Churchill'. New Rernediea for eonauinption. Hypophoaphili a of Soda &. Pola.h. ALSO Compound Syrup of the Ilypopho.philea. VmxPh ll.iii I'l'itloi'.'ilitr. A frcah .upply of thia valuable preparation for the Hair. LINSEED OIL TRAIN OIL KI'EltM OIL WINTER LARD OIL. ALSO No I Copal VARNISH 2 " 3 Fine I), mar " ' t;uach " " Jupan " " leather " Ac I.ANIIKirili'S m:u' CIIO! GARDEN SEEDS. Alt the choico viirietic. of Garden Seeda. Pena, Beuii., IleelH, 1'abbage, Paranip., dte. Asparagus Roots, ISIiiib:ii b or I'ic I'I;iiim, WITH C l-OVUt, III.I K CltASS, OltCIIAIlI) (jilt A MM Ac. Jan. 4, (e59. 43tf TILDKN'S F 1 u i (1 E x t racts. SCARK 4. CO. call the attention of llie Medical Profci-.ion tu the..) elegant prcpnrutiona ao admi rably suited for tho t'Xli-rufmranentie preparation ni Tincture., Syrup., Wines, etc., accunng the tic. airable object of uniformity uf a trengtlr. No Phymcinii should be without them. SCAKU & CU. S PRUG STORE. Charlotte. 'Window Glass, I'lillv, U liiliitf, ( hall., Ac, Low for cii'h, at SCA11K i C0S, Urufgiits. CLOTHING EMPORIUM.1 i?iroi:T.vr .Ml IK I). BE IT KNOWN generally that we are .el. Img off our Stock uf HEADY MADECI.O. THING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, at con. sidrrahly REDUCED KATES in order to prepare for the Spring and Summer Trade ; so our . FKIFaNDS Will cmne fury. .rd and nvail tlunmrlvrt of the rare opjMirtui.ily of supplying thnr wnnl out ul' our pit-nilid ulnck ot' 1 ltilh, Cuntrir-bfavrr, find on Bay Fur, Trtcot Chibiim re und Seal. akin ( Ter-tMck, Kcl.inuiid Krockt ; nlf... grudve of S-tt.i.L-l und ('aniiinure liumnoa toat, at k price tlun yu PAY ; At nny oilier Ifi-ut-c ia tht St-te. Our advant. 1 gen lor jjt ttitij; GOODS and keeping lip tiio ntcck are uncquulkd, ua it it wcll-kiio it tlirnupnout i the country, l.uuc we detm it uimectifry lo l j heirre tin in, but will uraurc you that you will i 6nd it to YOl'K . Iiitrrri.t to cat and examine our atock before buy ; ing elfct where. J You will alr.n find at the Clothing Knipnrium .quite tin fztenaive atock of ll quwhtita of j UliicL ami Fancy Cassiuiere Pauls, j Itl.icls .ill. aiul S.tlill Yftafa, I i'anry Wlvtt ' iissshmre vfo.; I ii so a VA.ii.Tr or Ft'KMSSHI.NO (.OOUS, I QKSTl AXO LADIES' i Trunks, X'lttissts, i ttritrt lifts, IlltOlta ;iimI Mltlfta, ' and many thing, loo tedious to take an i ACCOUNT of, that are alwaya found in a Geiita' Furniahing We return our aincere llianka to our friends for their kiudiuea and putiomgc for n.$. And wc hope by attention tu business and ., rr. ing the best and cheapest stock o. CLOl'IHNG in the State, tu merit a continuance of the same fur lo9. FELLINGS, SPRINGS ACO. January 25, 1859. 4Glf Last Notice. il &, Son, or Tlioa. Trutter, cither by Note or Account, are requeteti te cuine ftirward by April Court and settle up.aa further indulgence cannot le given. THUS. TROTTER. January 11, 1859. tl Beef! Beef! Beef! ! J 1! K aiihacribcr, loivih; made arrnpeinntn, Jk will cnmim ncc the Ul'TClHuHlSG lilbl A'afe'SaV, in Charlotte, on Tuesday tht 2'2nd in!-, and will take pleanurein funoahinjr the citizens with the choicest BKKF to be had in the innrket 1 will keep in the ccllur at the M maion llniife a regular nmrkt' to be kept ore daily, from day. lyht to 1'J o'clock ami on Sd turtUy until 10 o'clock at night, where all can he Minplicd, Teraona having Drevr, iopa or Slicrp to aril will cull on me as I w it! puy g-md prieea on the hoof. J. L. STOUT. Frhrvary 0th So9. 50 tf. A.. WILLIAMSON. A TTORNEY and Cuuti.ellor at Law, has t l ken an office, jointly with J. A. Fx, Esq upstair, next doeir to the Court House, where he will be conatnntly pre aent to attend to .11 calls on professional business made for himself, or fur Mr. F..x, w hen he i. absunl. J.nuai y 4, 1859. 43lf jfcf'Noticc. fHIIE firm of HENDERSON A. AIIRENS was dis.olved on tbe 1st ot' January, by mutual consult. JAS. P. HENDEIifUN, will hereafter carry on the business on hi. own account. All person, indebted will please cine forward aim settle at once, aa llie buoitics mu.i be closed up .minediately. HENDERSON & AIIRENS. January 1S59. HAVING aol.I mv entire intenat in the firm of HENDERSON A All li ENS lo Mr. J. P. HEN DERON, 1 .nil expect o remain for some tune yet at the atore and .hall be happy to vail on my friends and customers, particularly on those who would fork over tbe little change, due me and the concern. K. W. AIIRENS. January 1959. 41-lf Oats, Oats, Oats! 1,000': III SIIELS of OATS in store ih will be sold LOW fr Cmtk. J. 1' . I3RYCK k CO. lOlf January 35, 1859. A LARGE SUPPLT OF Constable Warrants JUST PH1NT1-D. 129 R 83" A Card. ITYwVlt Ilutehiaon . 1 o.. 1 heartilv cuinmenc tr.em aa mv 1 .ucci.aor. to the confidence and patronagaof a I aeiicrnua public, for whn.e kind aud liberal .up. )0rt myaclf hitherto, I am and ahall ever be trulv L'n.lelul. II. M. PIUTCIIARO. Charluttt, Otialtr 19, IS.iH. NEWlTRM. Dr. E. Nvc Hutchison & Co., IAVI Nf! norcha.ed of, Dr. II. M. Pril. hard. hi. ( l.lTeatoCR ol I'l I .in, I nr.. JTJl MIt ALS. OILS, FAINTS, iS, Ate., i c, reapectluliy call Iheattentionof me pub lic to Ihc fnct, that they will c rry on a Wholesale k Hi'lail Drug Business, at Irwin'. Corn, r, where ll.ey ore receiving in nd. dition to their reaent stock, a large aeaortmeiit of fresh and gn.uii.e direct from the New York market. E. Nye Hutchison M. D., will superintend thia large and well-know n cati.hlishmeiil in person. Phyaicians' prescription, made up with prompt-1 ueaa and c i re. Ori.W.r 19. 1858. 33lf OIL?. Pure Sperm. Whale, tn Kleplmnt, Inp, Kird anu M tchincry, T-tinibi Oil, I.insLcd Oil ul mu nufuclurLr'f prirt ii, VAItNISIIEfS. Coach, No. I and 3, lm. Eugliah Finiahing, Fur - niturc. Copal, extra, Nu 1 and 2 Leather, Picture and Duriiar and w hite Cup.il, etc., J.ipuu, black ud brown. PAINTS. Pure White LEAD in Oil, by the lb or ton. Snow while Kmc, t hronie tirecne, Chrome Y. I - low, Pari, (irenr, burnt and raw L'iub: r, Paint Rruahes. eV WINDOW f.LAS-S. Large assortment of French und Auierirsii, from H x HI In 30 by 40, Putty in cans, Pun burning Fluid, Alcohol and Spin Turpentine, by gallon or burr.1, French, English and German J'ERKL'.MEIi Y, Toilet Comba and Brushes and Genuine Cologne. Med.eal and Surgical INSTRUMENTS. Pure WINES and IlKANDY, (French) for mcdi. cl purposes, Fr. si. Congress Water by the bottle or box. GAKIM'.N SKKPS. : J ii at recciv. d from I.iimlrLth ol I'lnii.diliil.i i und; . Thorburn of New York. I (MfASS SEEDS. I Clever, Red und While. Herd's liras. or lied Top, . Orchard, lllur Grass, (Kentucky) and Mill, t Sud. I a' ' Churchill's pr parstinn of llie lly pophosphit. a fur cure of ( ONSl'MP'l ldN. lrbiua,-j I, 1859. 4 7 If Tt) HE FOUND AT 1 1 0 ST ) 4.V I II I T I : Ii A N ASSfUil MENT of WfioD A. WILLOW WARE. Low far CASH. I Door. E.st of c Court II, ue, HOUSTON & HUNTER. (harloltt, Ort. HC, lS.".B. 33 if Fit IS 1 1 ARRIVAL OF n AV IT Tl AV i I) TPC I 1 I T T I I I U , All I l J V- V a. 1 V- ' al Ps ( IIOl STO. V IIFM'I'K D AS just received a fit.h supply of CAN. al S DIES, ol all kinds, aiso Citron, Currants,; aisins. Figs, and a v; rnty ..I Nuis. Call at HOUSTON & I1UNTKR t, I Door East of ll.e Court House. Ckarlottt, Oct. 26. 18i8. 33tl (late Slevcusou, Hi, win At Nesmitl ) have asaoeia. ted with tlu in DANIEL Jl. ZIMMEII.IIIN. fornu-rly of Lmculnfun, N. I'., and rnnovt d In the Urge atore INo. Nurlli 3rd t., between M.irktt and Arch, where they will continue the whoUaale DUV GOODS IlL'SlNFfSiS with aic nicrcuhtu atuck. Philadelphia. J'cb. 7, ltt3. liS-Cn.r WASHINGTON HOTEL (CI1AN0K OF PBOPBIlTOttS ) HKOAI) Si ItF.tT N1.W III.RX, N.C, JOHN F. JONES, frrprietor. f H1HE Undersigned respectfully i unci to JL the travelling public, that h. taken charge of this old and pdpul.tr estHttlinhnieiit, and in now prepared to nceinmt1.ite trtvelera and pri. viitc fa unlit with h.in1 by ihe day ur month, on ; the niufct croimnoiiriting It'i lii. IhsTAHLB will always be furmslud witli the i bent prtfrimuiia thnt home ind foreign inarketa can iaiford. Tlie Wavliiityfoil Ilolrl hn Urge roouin, is ncurcr tlie drput, the court hoUrc, and . the bufim m streets tlMn any otlier in tin city. An Omnibus will always be nt the depot and ! landing, on the arriv.il of the cam and sieuiubuiit, lo convey p-isaengt-ra to the Hotel fret of elmrce. Uy slopping at thia Hole), passengers will h-ve ample time to obtain ine,iU. M.iving n Uo a hirge ond ctniiiiodi"ua Stable, and an t xcelient (Hlh r, he is fully prepared to board horses by the day, week or month at the most reaaonable rtis. JOHN. F. JONES. Mrc 1, 1859. 5 Itf Steam Engine lor Sale, T power tTEAM KNtilNK. which ia nearly new, and of the ni-l upprovtd make, vuilt u to mi ning and milling purposea. A great bargain ntty be had by making early application. A. WILLIAMS. February tS. IS59. 4.1t2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS COCNTY. IS Eqi'lTV John Fink (o. II. Kiah P. Harris and William Ficw.S IT appearing that William Frew, one of Ihe de frndanta in this case, is not an inh.il. itant of Una State, It il ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the N. C. Whig, a newspaper pub. hahed at Charlotte, notifying said William Friw, lo he and appear at our mxt Court of Equity, to beheld for tlie county of Cabarrus, at the Court House in Concord, on tl.e 12th Monday all. r tho 4th Monday in February A. D. 159, then and there tu answer complainant's bill, en o,th ur judgment will he taken pro contc.su a. to him. Wilms., R. W. Allir,,n, elitk am! maaler in Equity for Cabarrus county, tins 1st day of Feb. ruury A. . ll?59. R. V ALLISON, C. 4- M. E. Fcbcuary t. Ie59. Pra Fee fti. ' tl STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I ALDWLM. Clr NTY. Court of Pleat and Quuiter Stssiant, J'ct. ruary Term, Harper, .lone. .V Cu. I r. A'ttachment on Laud. E. P. Gragg. S ' tT APPEARING to the .ati.faction of the Court that the deteii.innt E. P. Grugg, i. a non r.si. dent of tl.e stale. Ordered thirrt'vit, that pubiic.i. . tiun made in the Norti. Carolina ll lug, l-r six , successive weeks, notifying said .ietitiduit to be and .ppenr at the next term of the Court lo be I held lor nld enuotv at the Court II, .use ill I.e., noir, on the b"th Monday atler the 4tli Momiay ' in March next, then and there lo .how catiae, il he can, why an order of .aleshall not be grunted. tVitl.cs. S. P Pula, Clerk of n.id Conrl, at of. fice in l-noir, the bib Monday after the 4ih Mon. day in December lP-'M. and in the b3d year of American independence. 8. P. DULA, c. c. c. Marck I, 1S59 Pr. Fee ti. 14 aa The efl.irUcI. COItltECTED BV It. M. OATE8 k CO. CHARLOTTE, MARCH 21. 1659. IIACON, Ham " Sides " Hog round, , " Sli.iiildi ia, .. Hugging, Gunny, Hecf. Iliittcr, I). . ni, Ilcaiia Brandy , Apple, " Peach ('ottoii, new Coll'ec, Rio Java Candle., Adamantine Sperm. , " Tallow, ...lb..... , ...lb ....lb ....lb .. va ...'lb ...lb ...lb .bushel... ...gal..... K"' lb lb lb IS ... Hi H 10 (!) ....ii a ...SO aj .... 5 f..) ....I'-i W ....i (.- 00 (n, Oil fy CO ( U (". 124 i'j i'O (. 13 VI IJ0 (10 00 8 15 Hi CO 00 (JO II Ih fiuahe-1.. bu.liel . .... .c .i-h.... . ...yard.... ynrd.... dozen .. Mil b ,g..... Ih lb Ih ....bbl.Nul. Kill..... ?-l l .... bushel.. Corn, old ..C5 (n ..5J Chicken. .... ISi ( is ....12i (.) 15 ....25 (., 30 10 (.i no ....h ;) ....a.,u (,h si Cl.,th,Coppera, I.iuii.ey,. Eire". Feather Lard. ; Mutton Mackerel ...3U (a 11 (" 5 (;, ...16 (. ....i:iO (,., 13 Mola.aei .N.O., W.I.. (' H ....3.5 ....70 5 5 ! M Mullet ( Wilmington) ...bbl Nails, Northern lb ' Southern ih Oats ...hnshel 41) (..;. 1 l'urk, j Pena, . puialm-a, I rial " Sweet,... nice Sugar, Loaf, 1 " Hrotvi Btone-W are lb bushel.. bushel.. buahel.. ....-bushel.. Jb lb.. .. gal sack II htihhcl.., bushel... ! ) washed unwashed . b..l 7 (u. 70 ! ( 50 (; 14 (,.. 14 (.,, 8 Ot. ... 8 ...I51 fa; ('' 1 00 tu- IdO (.,. ... 45 (;, too 16 12j 9 1 CO ft I'O On 55 Salt, Tea Wheat, whit.- red Whiskey, Northern N.Caroli Wool, (heat Georgia .40 (,, ( 3 REMARKS. COTTON Tin re is scarcely a quntnble charge lo notice since our last the market ia slightly fir. tner with mere anxiety on the part of buyer, which ha. prettv generallv in. t by seller.. We quote Good M.d.'KIJ lo IL05 Mid. Ii'g Ordinary 9 lo ll. H.OI It is stilt aiiv iiicirg, with a limited sun ply. We quote bags and barrels at t',j tn Jj CO. C'tlKN serins to havn taken a stand at 68 to 70 cts. p. r .Sii lbs , with a limited supply. OA'l.S Cull, at III lo 45 els. tol.lMlilA MARKET. Coixnaia, March lfl, 1819. f OTTOX. The cotton market wasquil.- brisk i it lei ally rien during tho k. 1 0 bale i,l r, ii. H to JVie. 12 (io li'J B.i hrl t-rt PA. ll.X.lh CtiRN, .. PEAS OATS H.OUU... igrotin.l. ,5 (,, 90 CO (o 3-10 CHARLESTON MARKET. CllHl.t:sT. N, Mnreh ifi, P.'.9. COTTON. There ... a lery i,i live demand for t'.is article io..t.,y, uhirh reulleri in the s,ie of u: Hdrls..i2 ,4iii) ba.'.s. To. in.rket ua. It. vorably i.tl'.el. .1 he I lit- W..s..ipgln'a aiivici , aad pr.cis r.,l,(. In n, ) i.'f.; Three Ladies HO have had some eni eru net is Teach. .9. Th.y Music on ere. Wll. tend, ll Hit Pi .no In A,.uri Mi, . M. M. s.,d C. i.c nrTra, 11 'OlM) most respectfully snn i...ce tu th. V l Citixens of Churl, lto and .urrounding cu-ilry, li.i t he still contiune. Ihe obo? bust, neaa in Cbarh.lte. Were he i. prepared to fur. ni.h DOORS, IU.INDS A N D SASf, to the pub. lie mi the mo.-t reaaonable term., and on the abort, eat notice. iviog a great manr .mull e-laima for work done, scattered all over the country, he t" deter, mined to change his method of doing business and htitufter trill renuite mszjUL. ? r- for all work done in hi. Machine Shop, before re moval Dei. 7. IP59. 39 nm W0AL HAVANA LOTTERY. The next ordinary dr. wing of tl.e Royal Ha t. n Lottery conducted by the Spaniah Government, under the .ni.erviaion of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at IUvana on iSATIUDAY, lUrch 21, 1S5.Q. $324,OCO. SORTEO M M I'RO CI I OKDINAKIO, ( A I'l l A I. VlllV.l. SI 00,000 !! 1 prize nt aMMMt j prize, of 'J.00 1 ." ODD j 1U " I.OOO 1 iiu.ooo 1 cj roo I I'l.COO 143 40it I Itt.Otlij) 20 Apr'xim'. H.SuO 4 Annroximalion. to the $ 1 (KI.0IKI ((,1,0 t,cl ; 4 of 4"" to (..",11(10; 4 of (tl'O t-i (ilH.HliO; 4 of (40O " I5,I nts 4 ol tlOU I' elO ,t"'u. hole Tick. t.(2ll; Halves (HI; Quarters (5. Prizes cashed at sight at 5 per real, discount. 11,1! A in suit b, all solvent Ranks la i.-g will be furwar.ie, lies known. n at par. I. . .oil aa tbe re. Comm.tnicul...ii. addres. GUEZ. (e..re of City Post, til the 2tlh of M..r. b, will Person, ordering '':, kcts names plain al..! gl.e their slate. DON POPRI st, li. S. I .) un. RLANK l'EK.l'S for alc at tbi vfliot.