,s to jcnrs president, in a deliberate report li the directors, which was adopted by them, Anil then by luaiie tin' report of the Fresi i!i iH and directors to the 5tockhoHcri, had -ertcJ thnt th'c. extracts were made , Mure his l.nn ' ftr consequently , fault att-.rhed to liov. Morcbead'. ad- i n.ini-trsticn. Ptd 1 seek to evade in on ac count of ihe it-par. nt probability tbat its result would injure my personal i J politt c..l ftici.d ? J .ci fvprj men ber of the com n is'rr testify. At this slngf of the prceeed ii g. no one could suppose that M r. Fi-her would fcave made tie as.-ertion in this d Ii !r:.te manner, without k-"trii3 that the fncts w;n!d sutain the abortion. We failed f r the rittiii eon'rsct It turned out that a'a the routine! for the ea.-tern cud of the ro:id. which n-e cold find, amount!!!;; to 51,'.. '5, were mad- month-, utter Mr Fish er' term of office commenced at -5 per cord. The two purch.i-es made by the pre ceding ad niliii--ration fir 250.1 ords of wood,' on tie We-tein end, were at ?! 50 per cord. In Mr. 1-Vher's communication he lint qurs'hn a t.n t stt'd tn tie wiijn ri.'i njnrrt as to wc-od. Mow could he : They were tshfii from the contracts and bis report- ; but l.e chang. the issue. He had said the rjurciiuses were muds ifjorr his term of ifc. The d ite of the contracts prcvid t'ie c Jiiirary. In his " commutiice tion '' i.c Mfk- to throw the censure on the chief engineer, s-ays be " found many cases l-tre brps csnfracts had been promised V t no vriften agreement made at the tane." Look to li e rentrnris, table No B, attached fo majority report, from which it will be inf n that no large written contract was tuade be .'on- January, 1 S'lti, some 0 months after Mr. Charles Fisher v made president. . I., t me c num. nd o Mr. Fisher the study of l,- apothem " A cooked psthway re quires circumspect walking.' Aj to 1,1- c-tGU.ciiinr)' on the majority re jr.Tt as to rij-bt cf way ou-t Andrew's. J-t at Rab-i -b, the report shows that Andrews p-arcba-i-.l the lut including the ribt of d Ml. ages for wv over it, viler the rea l was I.-eited, for SMO, and that Mr. Fi-ber bis I : 1 him fjr riibt of way over this lot fTUM in ynrt. This wss done in Nov. and IVc. I ,"j -j , anl no dveil has yet Itc-n ukeo. 'i'i use aro tit" f.e'-i rrr-rted, and tbey stand , sii-.trn i-eted. The report simws tint cn the ih J jly, I5-, liiu. Trol.ini- r under'vok to co ccr- i t;i'n work t and nttr llan- Uivcr, v itii -mt ,!: Jo the n.n.pinv, from which be r--d.allv x: ! tu h-T.ie way ti derive ! it ti bii;ivlf, and tbat on th 1 i':h Ar-iii 1 tip in his appiica'i'n fotbr Board .f l)irv !or, stariu,' t'aattnir w?rk bad cost Lini ?ltl f.hi that be had esDeuded S1U2S : cjiivci::-i iter to the pi tee, building v. at,r st-tich, Ac, tiie L-ard paid him ,- j l-fi. I. 'I'd rpott --t.-i'i'ii tiiat u learned that Vie vs'er was tf little or no value to the c,;i.p:i:i-, being oii!y t.vo milis from lira- 1 iui station and four U:in.s Iro'n the shops, 'i i.i.- passa" he mi (yvjtes, and then, in his i usjai strain of tli-re-pi c: to nie, (it! tliis ca-e j: ir.2 out of tr,e eay ti.-l'ir the Tteasurtr,) j. " tiiat this oMi.'e-i watt r ba, du:itii the dry euuiii:tl beeu our chief dc pniif iiee for tiie rnnniii of all our train." If this s . it eiid t-M eoiuc to our knowl j ir?.-e, and s-ujini it be Irue, it cost the t-ieral. in'-'a iin; the ati-r station. S 1 tCJS. i i .'as the I j',e sum of i !. Oil paid fr II ? or nr..- part ci" i- a d' Lint:.:i ! A- to the fnct- rspoit.-n in relation to the rn'iitr cf tb txrres train, M.-. Fi-her's t''ii.L,'.ur.ie:iiiou f xiiit'iis nothn z worthy of .'.ii eir.ftir.j; evrt.-im r-!iiarka to- the fijrnua, f! aractnuti: cf 'Ir. I iii r t-re t!ii s. i..-f cf liconrtMii in a document ad- r -"1 'a '? S-'prii'u rof tlicSmati. Such as ti.i-. " th- st-.tnif nt b " (the chairinan) " give-, as tbat of the tnnyter mechanie. was rvf pit-en by him as its co.t. but is the chairman own aeeonut turu.'c i'p from . psrste 'piettioui to the nsa-ter mecb'imc. l t e chairman cit:r.'jt c ntiprtbeiid, and this t r. "t bi fault to t-bou" 1 Le at two l'i;r- on a road ere nrt cl:"d to eo-t the coul-le of o-ue train," Ac. " Iji estimate, at.d c'.t-ipiri'ons, a to the pa5r nger traffic, are iu tue ssuie maiiner erroneous." He does rot rer.ture to point Mt wberc'n tb-y r. r- crroiu-an. The aceuraer of the P.-'jiea and fact', are proved by bi own re t -rts J lie occtw:on dcdue'tblc from th"in w irre-'stible that tbat train bis ej;t ititieh rti-rt 'h in it b ccn:o to, indrp. tulrut of the feat wir and far to the riad and ".:i,(-ty. If the finall ii:erae of travel d -.ilr.; . pi,;e tfjt aro-e frotn ibis train, - ti.i,..lnlil,r,,.t i. t Iu 'e-at'l to the majority report ta to t'j. b'p.-. be q lolei ti.:a paisae : " We do I'-'-t find tbat I.'o!;dI G ry. n. cr any oilier F--.iLeer, r coion, faded (bat the town hieh tu-fi sece-r;ly grow up aromr.-l the fh-'p-f -r tlje t- -id. nee of the octr, iff, should L- biii,. by tut- rtiiroad c-virpany." On tki f " rd- to rina-k. I let s a very I ' i r. i-ue. 1 be fet is su- i in uj report t.i .1 !;.! ' town i Ini.t on p'.ai.. on rite appro-.--d, a1. pteJ t.t. i imrifo to ;. He b .a u.y r- '.-tt, j.t he tiak' - th st4'eiinnt ilo.f , w ii.-ti beiither knew or refjiod to k-.o". wbiefc. be jiea.es the fsfta tbst the p. an- and i t!ti,t f'.r ! ry hcilding at the cn pai,y khrps, ejt-pt tno-e fjr lha hotel sl i tun-ter of the roa't. r. I for the ttore bou-e of efr Jfjo. M Worth 4 Co, were r. pared under the eye t f the V f enfi- i --r, Cwl. i wyin. nd adr.j.td." V'c caid foi the-e ali-ged plan?. o:i meh could ie produced VtV c !';.. d f ,x Co! ti-,t,.,'. If port is to stiop, and read ait limt te jij'iteed. No mch pi-it." were s n by u-, but Mr Fi!.er had a- v. i th-r . te sueh p'.S!i, Ac, and tunrjint tue rUmr r- 'tn 1, in or ,r I., l.,,-,u . Jn it, t Mr 1 iLer .-ert i!.t ad that furpiu-ae cf ' " a bought I !-re 1 i. term of office ? Jir. bi-ii r .'' 1 read an-1 tt-j-ij that mo ral. I''Jt I sup ;o-e i, wi.l eiy, why di.iij'i jci a-k i. e I 1 c'iid i,se l-e-t itif.jrtned '"J Jcatise you would tif.t e line, heii ui ked io come, and (.e-in-e y-u would r,rt -. tr j -j-.-ii-jo L t, i:.irrr";'l d U-l .i a p ar, I bi fuf ti.f. tonni.ilv. wh. n .i la pear, aertiun tu-jnh were iud r- ady frir y -m. J'trhap you acted rii-'ref-t y i'i d'. I, in.' t!,i in. S e ir.ij-sire d of (be boi k k' r, ,o vj .bt to have had thee pians, ii lb n hi n t, H it the conin,itt e did not int. mate that Mr F.i,.r plat.ma tJ town, i'-ie- lie i',. to arruuatr 1 he sovef. ;on-t'-'l of tvij ti.in' eoiii.i cle-J with the . '. the hutld.i i cf the ton i.j f oil r, - f .ruicb' d any. fjr It I.e J f "tot n, and if t Mr r,.:., , er-lered Uld see I.i. not He hrn. i r mT it p f ol ,-1,..- l i . I. I V I u e d-n i .1 i,h I,.- : ul r r traet i: i a. Ii tlill g ii ill. ,N oil tl i - " way e'l " eba.rn.an ' ,1 not . tbat the I'ucjry T.d Ash;, v, Lich be n.-'n. i,! i,i. iii.ii, r rm,iret .,el -wn I!.- (it j . 'f J- G.Mure, is),, - : i. ,..-ii . ,. .!... ,,' ad. I r 1 (iwyi t, " 1 know t c.i 1 1 i i.rj ti ii'Jered hi, re- of .' anuary, 1 ir, un lo the J t of June 1S56" by Dudley aud Ashley amount to $1 ,-)!) 00 Work done by day, up to close cf IS50 " ' 4,55,'j 33 f 6,til 5 23 This taken from the ccoout of Dudley and Ashley, placed to their credit by order of Mr. Fisher, on the 21st ItO, 1S."3, i.'Jall the chairman knows, and all be could fiud out. jn exait enpv of tSfff a ret tits as trtlltil iring set Jurth for such inferences To be drawn from tbctn as the facta might warrant, with our commentary only aa to First. The. statement of the Treasurer nod book keeper, "tbat the written eoutrarts, under which this work was done, if any ex ist, ara not Gle. with them." Secondly. .Most of them are without date and cne of them contains items for work done by the day, in the year, 150, atnouut ins to more than Sti KKh Thirdly. The credit for all these V.ilN nro entered on the books. 2 1-1 lec. ln, by Older of the president, who appears to hare pascd on them without any estimate by any rti-ii tere-ted party competent to make it.'' Mr. Fisher's tirade impeaches none of these facts. I suppose the president of the road is nm the custodian of it reeords. We ci quire J for the contrasts of the officers, who t-hotild bate them if any exist. Mr. Fi.-her eonld not appear before us when a-ked to do so, or be would have been asked whether any such contract" existed, and many other questions which be would pro bably have refused to answer. It in not true as slated by Mr. Fisher, that the chairman " boily forget that the chief engineer was in office till Jan. 10th, I ")( " and it ia equally untrue tbat Moore'e j estimates are ''tit forth a enormously ex- I Irava'jant.'' The account is " si t forth and no retnaik made as to its extravagance." , j be facts beinj truly set forth, we left the j tJencral A-sembly and the public to jud.-e. In rtlution to the hotel the report set forth a copy of the resolution of the directors, ordering the erection of a hotel, to co.-t not exceeding ?St0ii. We state that it wis a brick I. ui! it in r and we sit forth a copy of the carpenter's bill for wotk on it, not in cluding lumber, amountinc to SO.Tll.O?. We saw by this resolution of the lirector that a committee, eosiM-tinj of Mr. Fries nd ether, were, by (lie resolution, associated with the president to earry out t'hi resolu Mr. Fries being a member cf the Legisla ture, was asked by us, not what the pre-i-. de -at represents us a n.-kiu. but why a build ir. was erect, d ci4tiz much wore than the umoiiul ttiiiifil t.ii tiir Jiirrctorf. We '. did not undertake to decide whether the ho tel w as t-o lari'C or too small. We found i the Directors had decided h'nr tnin Ii should , Lt eypciulcd in its crecticn : and from what ! we could learn, one had been built costinz. as e believed, full twice a much. If they I had pre-cribed a plan the execution of which reqiirid tiee the amount of their limit, we shouiU blame ttie.ni for the ausurdity. Hi ' said iiutbtiiL' as to its being too iarpc or too 1 stnail, and Mr Fisher therefore had no rea sonable pretext for lu;in before the Gen . eral Assembly the opinion of the excellent ! hostess, as to its not being large enouirh. i His rmark warrant the inference, tbat the ! country frrm Columbia to Goldsboro' is a de-olated desert, with nothing on the way to " reTre-h the physical exhaustiou of the tired . traveler." The rest of bis observations are ' n.er a-xertiocs the s.-me st'ain of yitupc ration which abound every wl.ere. As to station agents, he says "The I chairman states three cases where station I aents ore in default and imt states all of then. The one at (jo'.dsboro' trill be only ' a little over two thousand wot over five thousand a he represent. Will be! Will h,? fciient We jfave the figure furnished us by the proper ofiicer. If he made any mi-taki- which is improbable why imput" it to ii, e ! We r stating then existing facts not what the ba'.auce u ill be at some future period. lie says " The one at PmitbSeld was an appointment of a former frm and the loss nas oaiii; to uncoibeted freights at hi" death." In what is this at yaTtsnee with the report? We did not state when be was app-'i-itcd. It n.ay bo tbat this acent was at pointed during a loi titer trim, I have not the means here of determining. I should not be aurpri-ed if it turn out like the ; wood, bought Mm' bis term of ojTie". As to the third ea-e, he, of course, says " ti.e chairman made an untrue and incor rect statement."' lie bad introduced the at.bj.-ei by -a in the chairman had mis . yt,,i,,l ll'rf iU,-.. lk,i..k. Imprxuxi. and i reiterated when he reached the third one Any one who will take the trouble, will see that he Wiis states the report, and hows nothing wherein the repoit wa iu eorrect, exepfii;f; at to hi own mirecital tod winds up, I m-ither expect nor pro-po-e that the road shall lose this." In the conclu ion of Mr. Fisher's commu nication he says : " I have been arraigned Were this (it-neril A-sembly on :i charge ot ineo'wpeisr.t iHanagf-ment of the work entru-ted !o my band, and a proposal was ui-id by my eirejvies to proev-d upon an investigation. ' Wt.i m the pr'.t osal ' I offered the r,olution sf inquiry. Does be ruean to masri ify me into .Tsei-.'iej "T , If be Hiesii tbat 1 was his enemy, be rs greatly mi-taken. I l ad never had any trau'aetion or correspondence or tn'ercoirrvr with bitu. 1 totirtaii.ed not an unkind thought again-t bim, and be would find it difficult lo imagine any tnoliye I eould have to it jure bin,. lie auii, ' iet it be cartful ly i, t"d, 1-t The charter of this corpora tion giv. no authority to the Legi-lalure to make any tneh inq ji-ition," ka. " I might have said to the pi opoaal to nauiine, nude by ti - whom I uiit.t have upeeted did not mt- nd to examine fully or fairly, Vou are eteeeding your j-irisdiction the charter .yej yoy no sueh authority, look to the re-po-ti of tor. State's men. if yon . i.-h to see it- e... J t. .n." Iti his lefer to Mr.. Drake be says the cha'.rmao "moved in the Senate an inre-ti-ga-ion i ! Jt o-iriatit of la, in bis opin i 'ti." ie. No this is aa untrue aa.-erti'j!i 1 entertained no doult but that the people. thlOJ.h their rej rt set.tatives, hud a riht to invest. gate the mai,a, tnent of a corpora tion, ti.re, -ioijr'h- of the stock of which wan tin irs. J he Legislature abieh adopted mv reso.'uti an unai.i,iiu.-!y uiujit have thought so 1 did not think, and no tin inLi-r of tiie Leg'slafute could bav thotit'lit, this nam tuatioii was a-ked as a )ic;r of the l'rei lent, or they would not Lave unanimously authorized the committee to send for per tons and p: j r, and to c-xauiioe wriinessta on oath. J;j Mr J-tb r r b tier of the '.'2nd D-e.. it i er, be distinctly admits it, without re-'t ii ii on or limitation, in these worda : " a.lL -ugh, as you remark, our charter does not bMihoriite mch an investigation in t in . yet, a a Ktte woik, this right mu-t belong ti the sovereign pier, and mo-t clearly may be and oubt to be exercised at it- p'ea-ure.'' H , tbou,t and hence I u.-i not ftid tbut L at iiotrty to withdraw his book keeper ind booki t 1 0 pleasure, and to answer or rcruaa to answer at pleasure. I felt that this right belong in to the sovereign power, waa for the time vested iu the eonimittee of "which I waa member. Hence the romwittce, or is Mr. Fisher prefers to express it, the chairman, when speaking abont "steps necessary to coerce the attendance of the President," did not know, as Mr. F. says he did, that what bo said was " tionscnt-e," nor did he or the committee feel that thin expression " might do to iuiprcaa aonie with his conse quence." The review of the President- official re ports made by tho committee, proves that if his statements, in his report of July, l!"5(, and iu his memorial to the Legislature in the winter of IS'iO-O", had been true, there ought now to be a surplus in the Trjnsory exceeding $300,1100, iustead of ? 11,205 36 as stated in hi" report of Jan. 2otb, 1S39. This review he does not deem of sufficient importance to warrant a reply. lEWTir ?T H-VA IiVt ffiiTfttnr charlotte: Tnesday, March 29. 1859. Religious Notice. The Krv. Mr. Mcynardie will preach nt the li; .11 n l,.t th. invetirtinn waa C,urt Uouae, on nsxt Sunday, the 3d ot April. couductcd by me only to arraign and cen New Goods. Our merchants are now in the receipt of their New CiMida, and judging frmn the number of box es their supply mast be very large. Messrs. 1 . H. Brcm Al Co. is the only huuse that has spoken through our paper. In entering llieir stixe one may well imagine that they are entering Stewart's New York establishment. sure bis conduct, is without color of truth. The investigation as to the wood, if his state ment had been true, would have brought censure on somebody Itrfure his term of of fice. The remark ia au insult to every member of the committee, including; Mr. Grceu, who frnnkly and bouorably admit ted, on the coming in of hie minority report, evcrytbinc necessary to the vindication of his associates. Speaking of tbe chairman, ne ys : " fie commences by proposing in bis place a pro ceeding not warranted by the act of incor poration, as he states in his Grst letter to me." Now, that letter was signed by each member of tho committee. It did not state thrt the proceeding was not warranted by the act of incorporation, but alluded to the fact that it contained no specific provision to this effect that Mr. P. might raise the issue, if he thought proper, a to the juris diction of the Legislature. I never doubt ed tbe power of the Legislature. Thero mark, pointed at mc only, points also to the whole General Assembly which unanimous ly adopted my resolution, and authorized tbe committee to send for persons and pa pers and examine them on oath. lie savs. I nronosed. in the midst nf mv duties a's a legislator, for a few weeks to ! ci"" would "'"I" undertake tbe Herculean labor of investiga- i gating the affairs of a larcre corporation' Devidson College, through nine years of its existeuce " an j We lem fmm ihe North Csrolm. rrt.byt, rim. absurd impossibility," Sits. i ,h"1 ti,c nxl cowc,iuei.t at D..vi.ton College, If my proposition had contemplated ta- N. l, will lke ptaee on Thursday the 14th July, king up each item each voucher each 1 18."9. On the mnrniagni thstday Mr. J. C. Chum. The Giraffe. Attention is called la lbs advertisement of R. H. Whits ker, kditor of the above paper- w owe him an spologyi Ilia liberal iJTer, to aid in the purchase of Moint Vcniiai escaped our notice or we woa'd must cruinly have inserted it sooner. r- Hon. Wu A. Graham's Letter. Our readers will lind in to-day's paper tiie lette' from lite Hon. Wm. A Graham K lbs Whig Cen. Ira! Committee ul New York. Liout General Scott. Wo learn froui tlw National Intolligencer, of tbe S6 til inatunt, that this veteran had arrived at Wash ington, on his return from his Southern teur, in good health. lie had met with a moat gl'.rious reception at Nalchea. Great Snow Storm in Jefferson Co. Wc learn from the Albany Argus that one of the severest enow storms of the winter occurred in Jerl'emm County, N. A'., mi Saturday l""t- A lurgo quantity of simw fell, which was badly drilled, sod on Monday morning still remained ill immense drill, obstructing Ibc road. Tbe liter iiinineter, on Monday morning, at Tierrepoiit M i nor, was only 14 degrees above l-rn. KOrt Till! NCtRTH CAKOMNA MIIIU. Ma. Kuitou: Public attention is being attracted to thu affair of the N. C. lt. 1! , by tbe investigation of the Legislative com mittee on that subject. I am glad to see it. If the people do not hold these irresponsible state corporations to a strict accountability, they may expect to sen the heavy taxation, by which they are kept up, porpetuated for ever. Ayo worse, we may expect to see them sold out to greedy capitalists for no thing, and the whole investment sunk. I propose that each stockholder and tax payer along the lina keep a sharp look-out, and whenever he hear or sees anything wrong, let bim publish the facts and demand an explanation. I am about to state some thing, which have come to niv ears. I have Letter from the nod. William A. Crohnm, Front the N. Y. Ripre. The following letter was read to tli Gcuer.il Oomnntteo at its session on of dollarialibongh there was an nr..o ' 'log Trossury, whioli it constantly but .e Whitr J besought Congress to reduce, mI , the 4th '"Pl"" ""'n """'' iu higher nuar ' ceive the hearty endorsement, yutive men of the country t "n of - - ,. .,, c iirtcr ..smut. Tho lentimeliU cxpresaru win ie- . of the cotiaer- ""'"is .-. nerventio i we have seen expenditures iKl . I,r IIlLLsnono', N. K'-b. 2"), 1WI. .t.i.,ty millions per year, in a ij,8 , p GlNTl.rMKM I regret that my abienee profuml peace, proves what was i, ? of from home and indi-peiisible eiigagiiincuis ai,0 i)f fhe ,,, j,t,',OHOp,'la 0 l01g have thitaioi,g.l.lnyed tho aekuortlcdgmont ' .. ,te .rt pf oHjin; pow(,r mc, of your letter of the "lb iiftanl, transmit nn,, ;t weu ,ro Optotl fouU(, "tof ling a resolution of lliu Whig tienerai Com-; p(,ri,on, "Jrl . iniitce of tbe city of N York, and re- uut our jtcm of policy is too well questing my vi.tas on the present, aspect of jderstood by the country to need dut affair. I still more regret the want of lei- exposition, and in my opinion the , , sure at present which would enable ma to j re fesy t0 retUrn to it, at to the i, , respond to this request in a befitting manner, j Ir-(, pntlM 0f experience, if ,11 w,! You do me but justice, gentlemen, in ' prove it iq ionliment will co-operate in 'P' classing me iu tho " Old Guard," which was , tjoni -i-,c, wiut not W1 n " war, but peace, except when a revt i;iay aou tieosier, buu m,,",, arms may tie neceasary tor the (Wen ;..,., nr nnhiin einsreeiiev and national dan- .,.,;. i, ..,..,. ... I . .... ncc f r- ., ... . . fu"-r. lb. gcr, has appeared, itself the life-guaid ofaotulltcj by no ust of eonf.Uel tho Constitution and Couatilutional Uuion; ni;ui0o. Tbey are wearied of secti0j whioh, whether in or out of power in Pr- tation, end desire if possible a restnr,t'' or fraternal loeling. Instead of extr,,, ganee, they require retreDchment, Bot sudden efforts, made in dread of popuhrdj, tv sense, has ever been loyal to the Govern uieut and relied upon to extricate it from difficulties and save it from antagonisms of factions end scotions. Most heartily do I concur with your committee that there should be en end of agitation on tbe aubjeot of slavery. Iu tbe Constitution formed by our father they mutually agreed to stipu pleasure, niticu Hires, i n 10 Uenroy 0e. some pnblio institutions, but by a eo ' sidercd reform and correction of abuse h,! ginning mui .nose rac(icea Urnler the ol Uougresa itseil in the d ej lations on this topic, which iu the first half j pu)i0 priming, for t sample. Thev ,1..; lt.,n,,M; .nn rmlf liiinoa. T. - ." "Ml"i .... j ,!'" D,,t " """" national, t,A derstood. I pnn successive enlargements of our borders and tbe institution of new Stalea and Tcrritoriea it gave rise to divia- no kuowlcdge on the subjict but rumor is ious of tbe most serious character, lhese, doing much with the matter, it may be to upon two memorable occasions, were com the unjust prejudice of the chief authority j posed under the au-pices of Henry Clay j of tho lload. and, if tho settlements thus made were not Mr. Jefferson McKibbin, a subordinate at j approved by all, they were acquiesced in, the Concord ttuiion, was lately sick for some j and regarded as final by the great majority time. lie. employed, as was right, another of tie American people. person, a Mr. Ulackwelder, to do his work j Without designing to oeB'ure those enter- for bim during bis liaicss, expecting nil taming and acting on a different opiuiou, 1 agreeing ta pay Mr. 15. out of bis own poc-, more than dcubl the aisdom of re opening ket. Meanwhile Mr, Fisbercame along and ' t,-u controversy since the compromise of out of sheer fctmlness, without being asKeu j 150, t ba been productive of no result Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, Thwrsday last was observed in Columbia, by Ihs a,. I. I In. Tit. n..nr,l mm m da ol thallksciV. ing and prayer. From the proclamation of the i "y .'ICIViooio, ne prom.sea to pj lur. but f 10ient, factious, an'l tliSjrracelUI conten. Mayor wo learn that tins ia lha u.,.ge of Colon.. Kckwelder and, perhaps, has patd htm, . ,iOI), Iri ,j,e distant tcrritoriea and Sectional a bis. It would be well if more of our town, .ml ! " CU"1""US -J'-S ' - ! Iicnition among IDC states, it cxcucu nope.s . tvu oin i saury. , t.e South and fears in the .ortn wbicli healiug influence in the public eouu-eU ami neca ut a union ot Hort on tbe p,rt of all entertaining these sentimen t0 ejetl the object of their wishes. I am, with sincere respect, gentlemen Your obedient servant, WILL. A. t; II A II AM To Messrs. J. P. Phenix, Willi, lliitlc. stone, A. M. IJiuinger, I). I. Levy, tui , K. fmith, Committee. IblVIH Wkuii, K-q, Cor Secretary. CJd Ippnitilmnils pj ihr rrrihirui. James M. Wright, son ef Colonel G'or-, Wright, Oih infantry, hrevetcJ for me ri'ori ou conduct iu Florida, and at Contreru Cherubi-co, and Molino del Ilev. Uenry II. lure, son of lb. la'e Coloiifl Is this so! If t be, it is rcry easy to see ' uaTe ,,, .l.t- dtsapnointed. and which ranees Lee, breveted for g;iai,rry at lv how tho money goes and no dividends eomes . nuTpr cau De realixed. Tbe law of soil aud i treras, t lit rubuseo, aud Molmo del V.rv. Two men riaid to do the wotk of one , If this practice is general, no doubt i ness is very common among the sabordi- nate and very profitable. It maybe that j,,;,,, eS(r cf di-russion en thia vexed heinas ard, son of a soldier ha died eomes: nuTrr cau be re,liXe(. The law of soil aud ,irera, i urrubuaco, aud Molmo dei Key. ' 'climate turns out to be nearly the same in Josiab II. N. Held, son if the Uu i'.s. ! effect with the law penned by Cly. Prae-:'' George P. PieM. killed while . nt,. tordi-1 ticaily, therefore, there is no longer an ex i company at tbe storming of Mov.ry. Mr. Fisher deserves credit for his unsolicited transaction, anl investigating It wnicn It ; or, ot lorKytiie, o.t. , win atiner me o.a.io.i , gin,iDrS, lo , ,, w,0 ,, tot mne, ln BP,i 1(.w f , fouul fjf g,n)e 'pn( did not then It would bave been abstiril ; I belore Hie A'uniin AMocialiun. itn tl neonci nd agitation must die out unless in tbe army, alter a service or thirty jt,n. iroiiei C. I lark, son of Msjor 1 I,tH of it, but I submit tbat tbe credit lo which' political orguii4tiou which way aspire to!'''. Missouri battalion diung'iiUd it this incident, if tru, entitles him, is tbat of etAt the future dcslinie of the nation acrentenlo, grandon of Governor W I.Vi, kl I,, ...Mnin., m. rrnnniilnn ll uirii J,. ,...,!;.. t',..,..nm.hl Ji. Wn. K ; after its unanimous adoption by both branch- Jr., of Warrenioe, N. C, will addres tbe Liters. gtnes for tbe head of some of our numerous ; ,, consequently appeal to publio senti- j f Missouri, a ad grand nephew of 1 5 etx ral es of the Assembly, this epithet applies to , rT s,letie. And on the Tuesday previous the charitable institutions instead r f a Railroad. '. IBeIlt on 0p,c., oye ejpansive awl general George Uogers Clark. every ni'talff of tbe Assembly. Nobody ; Annual Sernran before tins eraduating Cl will I I have heard, again, that Mr Fisher has uu opwoHilion e or fal for tbe establish j Tbotna llowland : father di-l of dit , but Mr. F. ever thought of the course of in- , at-li vrrcd by R. v. Robert L. Dsbn.y, D. D., ordered all money to be paiJ and all ac- t u.t 0f .l,Tery j a Territory which must ertntrseud in the Mxiean war, ane-l.ti vosiignu.i uii.u ue siiocu m "' : t'nion Tnenlegiciil Seminary, v a. j counts to ne renaercu to mm nencetortu, in-; ,oou become a Slate aud regelate it own I "'t'l'guuiiea in the revoluiion. lead of to ?lr. Jlendenhall, as beretotore iutitutions. The period i pawl wbeu t'corge D Uim-ay, Jr., sod of Mi; used. I suppose this order is one of the re. ,1,:, :,,, r.v. .1.. roJ Df Aaron, can ) i George i. IUnisav. orjnauee cort s, brei.t- the committee, the adoption of which be ; knew would accomplish tbe purpose which,! with pnttessions to the contrary, he steadily ; pursued throughout to wit: reudering the I Tntsl. The Next House of Representatives. The New Vork Herald classifies Ibc members investigation futile. Actions sneak louder 1 ,,'""e of Reprc.entat.ves, elected .nd than words. I to be elected, asfollows, Ibose members In be elect. Hear him: " Ti.in-. al'owed bv CiMirfasv ' ed being classi.ied as the y stood in ibt L.I llnuse : of iu authorities to proceed as ho please EUcltd Tt I tUcttd. in this adventure, he rapidly grows arro-1 ""ner..t. 36 6. . , , ' ii,-. Ssojtb Amrric-aas... 2 13 ganf ; take the papers aud books mto pos-: BUck p.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, mi 3 seasiou, and the uieo into custody ; grants ' N .rth Amrnci..... 4 1 leave of absfuce and orders attendance at Fnhy lieinucraw... 11 1 bis pleasure. But, not satisfied with this,! '..,,..,'. , , i n I Tntsl membrr ett ongress ID wuicu lie I. iuuuii;eu as uarui cr. uuuc- , . - , c . . e. . ,. ... ,i , , According to tit elassibeotion, tbe neat Huuse lslung m the way of 'brief authority, he, applies to tbe Senate for still further au-; " """ ! .!r .. ,. , , IVim-crats '"I 104 to send for persons aud papers and examine; Amend under oatKr although he badr ftr, I pray; jner yoa mark, all he required, of both, which could give, freely suhject to his comtnands.'' Now. Mr. K. admits be kept away bis book keeper and books, not deiguing to make bdv " explanatiou " to the committee. suits of tbe quarrel, which has lately broke permitted to swallow up all questions of na- ' ed for g ailantry at Moateray. out between these two geotlemrn. I care; t,0Ill,t policy, to obstr'tct, as lor Jir it has I Jame B Wa-hington, lineal rrr nothing about that. I am only anxious that d0Bei tbe ueDti0n of Congreae to tbe na-1 of George Washington my own little interest and the large inter-.t lion.i interests, and lo Dro-eribe as unwor of ibeState.may notsuffsrby r?aon of Mr.! tbj o( lrUk, , who d, ot ,ub,cribe to the Fi.-b.r s q-mrrels with anybody. And now' of D0ti,ie.l orthodoiv set no hv extre- IS j I if Ty 'uinS pasc into the bands niiit, on e;,b(,r 4jde 101 of tbe President of tbe Road, what check , , , . , , . : .,, , . i l i In nn of this approaching calm ia the ' i we will have uron nun 7 I have a ways un- ''. . . 13 , , i.i , 1 1 r utlie mind I cannot Dut regard the quicK derstood ihst the several agents accounted ' . .; - . . , He admits be did not attend the committee on the two last occasions when asked to do so, and on tbe lost occasion he rrjuvd. to appear. It sceuia to me tbat be ia of non sane memory. He asks, " Ii a single inaccuracy or mis statement shown in my reports? Not one.'' Another evidence of a sad defect of metno- Jamet H Tiler. Kdward Y. Huehanen. WatU l.'SSAT MoirAUTV. A CO-re'ful-vl writing front French' Creek Diphu'jr!i.j.-!, in lad.i, .,,,1,1. in ll.ia Sl.l. ri.. n. t . to Mr. Mendenhall and paid their moneys, " . ,. v ' ,. 1 v ' following partieular. of the rav.- or.-tr. i t . . - . i t i and the very extraordinary tnca.ore recoin-' t-, ra ... . ,e., i,.jui. .;..,,.. r. into tbe 1 reasury, of which he i the keep-1 L,- ,, .... m i ' 10 t"11 tmrn-drale vieieity U e,-.nd tbat be could pay out nothing ' " f , . T f ' d" '; d'b h.ve oeeurred th, . without th, warrantof .be President, which if'Tf.JV l.t J' i f ."k".' "b'V h f J"""T' J FU""' h. retains ss a youcber. This system ere- Jj' rtJ m '"J T?! h" k horn. 1 ,b' L ate. .otne check upon tbee offieer,-.he"boUt '.""f ,V r .h , . ' n.gn, eged 15 year. ,h. ., .? , , r " ' , U,,J tnl tbe extension of their territo i Kehrnare John SI.or.hvrd tlm. .1 u one upon the other Hut suppose our re- . ,M ... of th, oU,c.( faf .bich s TP v , 'J .'; k I- -f.k-1-ni.-JS..,... Jin..'?. " . T ""f I" rinns nll.or rmnlnvlnel.ts snrh VCD.ral . . . .. . "- lirOWer, agCS -I year nd I Inoatal tl . , . . " Urn federal tnion. It is true tbat iu the .. o,(n l- i, ai.iild. i,,-.. (h, supenntecd.Dt.enetneer, agent, seelion mas i - . . . . I nn r, ''atit'ia loa. inl. te , i,, it.t .ho f Tr te -,upPe h. ' T ' ?'6..d d..., . , j,,reki D. F. llvbill, .n.I oo ... :l sei e. the power of the purse and blend, it h"e br "H"'d. 0 March Cn-till. lUrnhill." Ot,, rt,t, with that of the sword which, In spite of' .J e?w.erM and power b. .always drut ,U,.. A lh, .bo,e MniH iuu ez.off,,:,o Uiuls to keep he peace, be ,m. f ""l",e ''? 'tiguou, to our o. .,, rl, . fff .,,rh Wcn , j . i . i .i . i on Ihe mainland Of tbe Continent, by trea- ,,:.- .:-::,. ;, nn,,,Li determined to use on every body tbat cros-'. , .w . , ! ' I racing ta tin vicimty wiin unpr?r,ictit 3 J . Ii... mi, . with too ssMrhi ol lha fair lAla. , ... . I i . uppose this Mr. Kditor. and might . ; , , . , , , ' 'fen,J- '""5' Ttr" V "" -V- i not Mr. Fisher so smuggle up the affairs of. r . . ' . - Oiltoa .j-.it, " this company to bid deS.t.ee hereafler to 'U"''Y" .' .J bttt' j , Frotn this exhibit il .. p!.. that unless th. joy-Mig.tit g commitlee? He could I Ut lm,ieU 0ttr '",?.,',4 " ! Tm lH" TStT f Democrat cia six vote, at the least :n the elee. 1 ".. e. -i '.j ' (1 .,,.,., t, I per.ecv union, csnsu ju-uco, oase 1 he last , ongrs-s was C-U:J ck Kriul,l,en.. ShiII Nth 237 15 3 20j 237 Covmfmj a! the doubtful Drmorr.its f..ith. ful, iticiading oeh mm as ( l ,rkc and ilaskin, of New York,-who were elected by Ulack Uc. publican vutui, sod the rr-uit woulu be is follows : Ileinorrs t.....' 113 Uuno.ition iti ses him He stated that the vast excess of wood purchased Uioie his term of office. Iteinoeratt g,ia six vote. ul Hie lea.t '.n tiie etee. pay pleased and account as be pleased ! - . r. . J ' " . . , h 2 ,' .'"' ...a y. t to beheld for .he II,,,,... th. pari, will j & Me.rl Ash.ll, I beleive. gav. a heavy bond ' "eM," l" ,f"4""l"?. Py..l. for , no, . nodel of l..gl.t, rffi-ieney but n, bt m a minoril, .a Ihat ,.,r. i for t,,e hnhM 'discharge of hi office7 Mr.! lU. , ""V KV lh,f f"'"' i " "'' ,h bu "h"h ,h '- I Fisher give, none. What is to hinder him lbe bl'S !" '-, heap, open ,t ,. nv.r. il I from Mcketin. tbe contents of the Trea- ? our''e ai our r'"J. remain ,,, let charitable erit.ee will affirm. Il aery and visiting Europe, leaving the com-l ,u' re" '"T, i Z V . npH,"," . . . p.ny without an, r.sonrceT l!-.-ide, I would' "f e I do not kb,-that well th, wrath of be.., a. the rf like to know whetbe, the Tre..v.;-. oHiee I "nd" 'i' ''. " h.ncefertb is to be a mere sinecure t ;lbM". thai " to ne tuba forb.ddeo Inexplicable . may isem tb. fr.-.l iTno. Kiror Botte Tl'is gentlrnen -diHierred ntont thrilling speech I New "'ork ok tbe 2Vi,d ult. Me h iuuled Ih'e 1 his was untrue. It was a mi statement by which be excu-ed bit own administra tion, aud slandered that of bis pr.decessor. i His report of 1?.C represented that S-'IjO,-i 1100 would pay tbe debts of tbe ComBauT, ' finish, all Constructions, ic. sotb-j! the fu- ' detnweratic wrtjVitlvglrts ofcT. lie 'o drsws 1 ture earnings would be dividends. Tbe a vivid cooipn risor between the situation if the , SdjOioo was supplied by loans. His sub- i country wadrr Wbij nj under demralic rule. Stqtient reports show net earnings to tbe ! id. remarks relative to the lar,ff come i i good ,' amount of 160,0-1 fiT, and yet there has . ,,., .nst t)M Ic it no ssmoeral who i. not hope. been no dividend. He sets out iu his report, ,., l( nu p,ry, kHimu.t .cki.us.t. K ! extraordinary, tbat tbe net surplus, 1st Jin- l(ulh of hi. .tatemmt.. W b,,, soon lo be abb, :..ary, H5, was 841,20.1.36-aa to bieb u ( tr,ct. fr. uf,. ,ur !.. j we kvvc that 8-T, 6(15.23 consisted of un-' paid stock, worth very little; and as to the! resources and liabilities set forth, be refuse ; ",C"L " I v Ta p . .t. . '"if and passengers base had to pay their to eshikit tl, d.tiU frnmt -l.ii-l, rof,,...l I W e learn from IWNew r ork J.venmg lost, thai , , and bis habitual inaccuracy, credulity itself in February li, aaetHi,i,t oceurr-d le s, uiut draw the inference tbat this report ' '( Al"ff. whicb invdved Ihe life of 3.000 person would not tear scrutiny. JON tbey expeet to pay Mr. Mendenhall, while! ' ' . . ' , J i """e1""'" P' " ma" another perform, bis duties T r nt it iu- J- P!'" nd " " enlarge our of the Admmi.tr.i.oft organ, and ibti . tended, a, in tbe ca-e at Concord station, I 'ou",lr,,t d even to cover I lands of the , lent viluperatton of Iem --. i-r";'-tbat both shall be paid, while one work.? ! "' . But '1 JUcb "en, b ' rnu tative. by a paper tbat profes.e. rog.rd f 15y tbe way, I bear much complaint about ' ' ,,U.'B "'"""J- ud i'l" the intere.i, of the parly, we are at no k Ihe neglect of duty en the part of the Agent! ,,'T"J'.,'?e 0,.,0M , I'ht whatever for an explanation of it. n.oii.'i at Ch.rk.,., Mr. Wel.-b, and I know that! ,,IB,1u,",rt",B of Mr "Kore promptly re-1 and policy. It is an attempt lo proeipsuti several tinie. within ihe last four or six weeks! l'mJ oecrtore of Knglaod and Franc..o i..U9 between a Pemocratie I'rr.ic.rt ! he ba.-. failed to be at the office in tbe morn-1 lor that n.itber of the parties ; and a Democratic delegat.on is 'oi,;r'. woui". c4mre inis isianu, ana at tbe same witla tbe view or shifting th re-p-i ii i time declared tint tbe United Slate would of present embarrassments frmn lb' A'i 'c'n' never consent to it. transfer from Spain lo i.tri.ion to ihe lUnrewntaliie. of tl ' p'' any other F.uropean I'ower and Ihe enforce-! tj. We del. cled the game sevtr.l setk money to the conductor, to be by him ac counted for er appropriated at pleasure. I ow with no check on the I'residrnt or1 ny. ! Ii1.r. ihatwrmSOnOinULitaiiUolTsgai. ic fo,. it j, a.. 0 ,ef wh,t t0! of tbts declaration is all tbat our in- ! ,go, ,0d now that it is re.umed nb ATUAS WOKTII. Hying ;.oa the romi uf fai. wcath.r, made j ,ecnme 0f ti,e ',,, I terest or honor requires. The present liiu- 1 .n chibiiion of energy, and ufrffftt- I by the g.nial stwos) here .sd the cloudle.s sk y, j .nt the.e til;n. l00iej tfter, Mr, Kdi ' '," bf l-'ni,ed 'S,'es comprehend an in j Wush. .St ilts. f'lr Ike Ifiinne. I proceeded lo the . to indolge inil,c., t ,'f.h. j lor Theae 0ct,t, n,,der"lnd that' I"re f ,uaiciljt ruagnitudc to satisfy every) .V C. A-ylum ti . Te -t .i - .-. i ii ' ;.. il. ; . r... 1 .f ,1 I t . - , , .... ; iust a-r,iration fur ntitional riml.,,. . ...1 iBC ecior. 01 tins ineniution oeii ; - r ' vigilant eye 01 a neepies, public is up-, ' " ,.'VV , , " "i T. r,.vtltn lH,vtLt,i-Ften) abU .en u a uti i. L 1 1 1 , t r.e-i. .. L'wuy HaiuE. our 10 nurucn me r,re.ont .--.-n.a (-..n I n .liuvrviiuiiiir.ti, - , . , , r meeting at the Asylum en Saturday last, !"" 1 "n "tmo.pjwe continuing psostHT. Jno. A. Taylor, of New H inovor J . lJ wtre lulled into Iseling, ol ctirity i I). T. Tavloe. of Iieaufort: S K. Williams.! lured further titan boal u:,lhei of Caweil ; and A. M. Lewis, K. P. lntlu1 of ot t-.-ning a g-iod haul. Suiliirnly a brei le I M. A. l5!edoe, W. II. Harriton, and W. K. I sprang up iroin ti East, which growing bolster, j Cox, of S'ake. A. M. Lewis, F.sq , ws ' om by degrees, wkiried the loose .now nd fit,' rurnished by H-nator Iver.ea.ii s, a abort lime sine, it li', caaea to tiie i.nair in the jnar i, wno was pievented by sickness from being present We learn that the members of the JJoarJ examined the building and wards, and found them iu good condition. SSinee the lat meeting of tbe IJoard, in November, 15", H patienta have been admitted and, 15 dis charged. There are now in the in-titatiou 155 patients, '.)'.) male and 50 females. We learn tbat tbe Kxeeutive Committee was ci.-ected to take tbe initiatory stepa to wards erecting a wall arouud thu buildiags. Motes A. l.kdsoe, IV. 11, Cox, and W'.ll. Harrison, K-tjrs , were appointed the Kx eeutive t'otuniittce to act in tbe absence of the Iloard. Jliil'izh standard. i..l.hnn ,.f it.. . . .. -:,l. lha Hon.tr. Lr i..j..j. .1 ...::... ' , , ..... II .-..!.. A I Inn d '"' 03'' .. : noi'oteus oi iuiiiioii. to purcnase more,"""""" y -- .rum Hhlli:l0H. j Ult,Ui to ,u ,od Jl ,.,,, ,,, during the 6r.t se.sioo of lb. Lie I '' Wahimoto.-, March 5-1. extended domain. And when we know of lhn! hundred and forty-five ihei.nt'' Tl,. 1, I. , I . . I :! ' . . , . , . Jl I.J .1 ...,ei utidrr . v.,-..-. uv.j ... m vt ue, inn , ceniiiuv mat tun i. not lor sale, and! "IIU""!U "i" 'r1'" , ..re long . o-t,,' n- ,-, ... ,!,. .:.i.... I.- :T. ' "'""u . . . . s . Tk.s ..limaled atl" lH.re.-i J'- . 7 s -i . V i pr"F'toii :or iu. purcnase are ollen . i vo ,k-, .,,,.,,,.. . ,vi fixed for April lib. p-trticle. of ice iu all direction., snd b. .. sueeeeded in drt.icitiag trie ice frotn th Tne large ice n..ls then broke into nutnerons pte. c i, wbieh, Willi Ibeir terrified sndhelpl... Iinm. ' ' ' " ' ! iug the Aruone movement ; and it has been ' eveut of refusal. ii j s 7 stated thai the Administration is onnosed eive to it proprietors, it is not only idle, j ordinary loiter rates, amounts fr.tntie rel.li.es sod frienri. on shore, snd 1 Much concern ha recently been roani i but mischievous to appropriate moneys for I The envelopes, rnldingAe., would fested by several foreign Ministers, regard- j it. purchase, and therefore seizure in the j thousand dollars mare, and """ '' ut oi reiusal. j inner moiueniai xpeo-e - VI,;., ni;.. : r . j ! solved, it is probable that the p'lbh' r, ;eoi,inieii . lOUU'leq on 1 , within two hour, net the surface of the . (In tiie following i"J a rke shore, uj-on w l,ie, were five of 11 th.ee of tlit in dead, and the other two inrnib!. The two latter to it, oo the surmise that it is connected ! sigaoflnewa. v..ibleo: will) ,,.. Walker; but an assurance ha- no one idea. a temporary excitement, expendin which may form the .ubj.et of j ury baa been taxed twelve tiiou-si I... .. ....J .1.. .I., he. of tint II its ; , . .. .; 7 ' oranie gentleman aioo". ... i. :.. .... .i drifted in ! As a eo,eee. .1,, sniL" ' '"V". "?". .U.P." Kn" " D"w P i ' r.l.if,. r a ... ..I ..j ... a a. I ... . .... . v. t.nv iW ciuiincd that the Administration cannot be I ' T m ' , ' . - f i - ,u. ,r"fa !'"Hr- f , , , M " ".i f Tliai- ... . .,. u,c,cl;, i...iml)., out it levi'ianu iieram recurus .oo .v f-THAM-jg I'll KNttMKS'O.V The Pliilvlel p!ii 1're.s says tbat during the exceedingly hot sun of Sunday, a very curious circutu- stance oecurrcd, A whiky hogshead i wbicb bad beeu lately full of the liquid I standing on tbe pavement at tbe corner of i 'iirard avenue and Vienna street in that, city, suddenly exploded with a report like' the thunder of artillery, and filled the air, with vapor, redolent of tbe eldest ryo. Iti created something of an excitement in the 1 neighborhood, several uf.er-litious. folks im- i agiuioj that the world was about to termi n:it. The tuo.t disappointed of all were! several loafers, who loving whisky "not, wisely but loo well," had been attaetcd by , tbe aroma tbut seenUd tbe air. Tbe ex citemtDt did not last loo. . r - -- - n a lurm. tannin- .n I,, i r r. r., I ., ,1 ;.. J.nT... I . . I . i ... nu sectiona wiin a.nurent ineaiiings ; i,,.n-..,. ,i..d I,. ...... A il,. , i. !', :. A siniH. 1 E-ess lun-ieni. ui ma osiioo uen aeatn : ulianec. ; i,e girl, however, urvir,l but few hour.; the m.,n ritovered, but lost He use of hi. i 'on. (Jell, lleltning-en will probably be in tongue a iii.iii.-no, probably, of the freight Kichinond to llior.ow. ciUMjd by tlic .cene be hsd passed through. Ofbcisl dispatches .how tbat the cmipra- lion frotn Iheii.n, during tbe year 15 I was: lo -ew lork lt, i, in "I ahipaj i tbe entire number to the United States be lt Robert. ;., 03 '-; I 1 N.-,7 il, ..!... tn ...r,.i...i .l. 1 A company ii now forming in Washing-! . "wrBI". .. T .: r eeks to adorn tnem hv t:-. iwim .,,.;, ted to ita power. bilu abstaining from Another Warning. An interesting M oT tbe linn. W r W.iin.hnro. S. C. used about 8 .ear. Miss Smith, daughter of Ceorg' I'- . i. i. .. r ...,.n v,.ir-. r ii.,in V,; h.r oheorfulness and '"?' iltli.i r - -,.....,.,u .i-'iii wiiiiitug uj ue. iuio- . ,g the i xerlion of power denied, it content. ; was in attendance on Monday evem", 1 plates tbe free and beneficent exercine of j ihe singing rehearsal under Mr. llan. '" c,Mii,,reU mr mo puniio good. 1 1 e n-! h a.emen t or St. 1'aul en urr ... dravor. to allay .ectional excitement, and 1 been, during the evening, more ths" to promote aeotiments of harmony and union I rily cheerful and happy the lif" " ..j owing jusuce to ail sections, f.cono.ui-' light of her mate. Muuueoiy -,n, ne,, w.nn.hom, S. ( ., ngrd l,t 8 ye.,., , :i;o ,j lG, 3.VC-S. Huiing the l;it 7 J u an sections. j,0ono,i,i- light or her mate. Sumieoi, w, killed on ibr 6ih innl. by th. .ee,de, 1 y.,r, elioratin.fr01u Grt Britain i I ', . ' T " "" ! """!' ' Teclion of one foot, and in a l.ui" k . d.-ch.rge of. tn. While ,me boy. ,tl. whom ,! Ireland has been 2,5,(ltiO, and from I r fet,,",3l.'" ,le '"' ret,u,red far an cf- tier said her foot wa. asleep. " h. was playing were rmin.g a cm to .ee,f Germany 1 ,a0,IIOI ; from Franco seareel, ! . ,'r K "'"-. appeals to an in-Uold Iter to got up, but ' Jo .los-d..hd while oneof il,e, , a. e,. ), 2(M).(n,o. In 1 -57, while Knoland sent out i T "" "'"i'i-iol ' not, adding, "it i true, altbour 0 j . -, j uuurs uisiinctly , laugh.' hen asH"eu w t evied ano honestly paid on foreign imports. I back unrenseious, and neer revive n. "-'" wncn ntettwaiy to tyor tiled abont I.' o clock, in""" . . k. on the tub-, littlf op ntii fc ,hrd hi. nio-ith to blow i when tho gun e.j.hidid, dirhqrf I.hoI of .hot in hi. ni.tiths k.tSin- I ho. w.rt.itig a'ler w.i y. t parents will U:T r lie ir tlnldr firearms. Kdward le tnu.l the who ';;l:i.0(l. and : numbered otily 1,U0U, including about H or Il.fi'lO to Al-icr. Iu the last 10 .... i . i -o .1 . i. j 01 merictlil a-'ainst loreiirn i,.l, rs.i. 1 .t .1.. . f .1,. h.arsa . at)u. - - , , iu. tn.txi.tlv. one-nan e,i me rreneit em. ration bave I'one vji i . ,w-,e v. -. i V a i:.... .-. .... . .. "A. i "ben last mveted with authority, and... , Mh. l.ni.,0 n csrrl . , n.e. u,, , iiii.- iu not more tunn Itltl.lttlll ; , , . , . .. " , " , - , Ci'" en iob.B:le' reitcli'iieii, have, during i hi, period emi- j . .- ".", .i gave never .pone again. " yj . , ,,,, grated to I be New World. ' ' ! d"e ,"'!"1t'0tt l7 1 tl', ""t',,"'l " tb.t there was enlarge- ft ot au annual cost of less than fifty-two million, 1 and that -he djt d (mm paislyi ,h 1