?nntan Iu." rnv pi! v yi-.u AS A DUTY.IC.iPc Fear and Drp River Navigation tympany. , :, - .,. nr. ! 1 According to notice advertised iu tae pa- l.ivmi to riuuiu, v jv- .... . . ,s l. I... ...:,! rtF -. . . n-.v-rl,.,, sect who I i uk Ptrs t J alms ..asM.icy. too, , i h,., urc ot me ticn...i.i .......... o. lhe lullowm; riil.eii I or are you vl I t p w" 1 ' of C ' Fer and De.-p Kivi-r Navtgat.oi. will ...k. the... mure current and u.c.ul lo, d. , . Prc,.CI.ar.C.. Work..Ch.r.N ,t almost if not q.nu-, ncl. m "' ,be Stockholders of this Company con-, i...t.e purposes. . Wlll. .,,... pr. , Nr. A 8. C. K. K. - ' t-r.c-! Wuiinia-it.atioii! All our spirit-tUo t-tocknoi.ier oiiui t j coupon, wi'l prove a convenient medium ,j, p , ,. A R.clgll, Ll l.!,,.!,,,, arc ii, an-vrrr to fcrve.it vemd at the Court lour in thi. town, tnw M,,r,tMlll, t. U Ul Y W ml.Jh... i.raver to the Civer of all food. H-arkc-i. ; woruine, t 10 o clo-k. t..r II e purport o. .,,.,,, , ,h e.,u...y sl.ou.i jossc. nrn.. , p; W(rh j-.,,,, n. y. prayer to u.c uiver oi ai go , provisions of the Act cf the ,, t,.y ru n..w orJerid to them. I'r..p.al lei. K ... s, s t; Wnrk,. Wmcriown. N. Y. to the fc.v.our He tencbe tba ,l.: ' V,Mll,t, y of iLi State, ped ilu. ' at . ..I.c? Bank in r uile or with I ...Lin J-I.u ?V. Wohu'e,,.,' Co.,321 P.arl St., New York. the Father in hi ntime that be (the t t.er) 0 .,1 ( Wallur Wlll rtC,lve , AduTcaa . -uWr.l It.l.if... N. r. i a LMve t ieiu unto us. Our llcavnilv ra-, "s ritl " , .. , v ,, II. U . U I " ,., , lmnsi,' i. mnVI'N U er arte t.rce, chan,-. of heart upon protect the .Merest of the but. of North c . K. C(1. VA 1 LUIOUSL i JIOJ l!.S. u, A hoalh he fc, !,i and ' C.roliua iu the Ope 1 ear J leep R.r , 58. ,1: il'l :.-,. Jtnriu'nice. ca.hi wooea, exhorts and ad. nouibeS, yet )t does: . , ,, . . i. .. .,,..r.,....- Lave u saved, that we have nothing t, do A. Loudon and Donald khae, 1'.,., iu the matter. If ire desire a chanpe of : aj po.uted ocretar..!. heart e must apply tho healthful bairn to Ot. mol.ou of Co I JoLu McR.e , ..e o the moral diaeiao. If ouM have God retar.e, were 7dlI'UV'0'" " . mount uf to hear u we u.ut call. If we desire to ty pro.e-, aud a.certa.u the amount oi . . . .i. . . i. r... i.;. : aloik renroentcd. Tf :., .h. d.wr of merev oDeo ! ed to us, wc must kuock These are the reaioDa' le reo'iirenieoti of him vvho hath aid, "Seek, aud ye shail find, kuock, aud it shall be opi ned unto you." Suppose we do not ULderand why it is - 1 ... J .- .. - I ...M ..f.... .-. cau.e there has not Wen a Palp,Uc re.aou apr.cuded to the command I As an l.umbic, : faithful su' ji-ct. we shuuid not Jtop to rea ;X"Tui."tU,T".r. ivehi nttu e'ud ..plicauti-u. h is not f.r. to ay whether God cud hies u jat as .sisten.iy without prayer or not. To cavil . .-,i ,l,,t i dnr.ri..ht pre- ROD its Us to consistent: aumption, and cauuot le otherwise than hateful to God. It is tho prerogative of our Creator to toil. Ill UU , aBU.aM-l',u.c-i,i'.-.-.- oar dutv to obev. llow inconsi.-tently we . 1 . l: ... ;,. nn. tion the autburitv or ri-.it of hi ..nerai to command. He io-ild 'die iu the discharge of in. dutv imposed on him. Instead of d.rin. tbe'rre.umntion to demand area- on why he was ordere red to discbarge such i.ptly obey. a duty, he wouid proi: Must e, then, in sj the reason why we are commanded t) pray We. who have belred lo wait the fame of the d.tila! soldier, refuse to obey God, be- ,,.. K.r- a r.oii or a ca,i-.e. ! f.r every effect .tamped by infinite wisdom upon our fiuite minds 1 Dare we refuse, aud then -alter ourselves that God will not ,Uu.ceucUhIe(-.u.ercifullJeii..Uor the uiinptrf.niuai.ee of. dut we eouid not ac the reasonableness of : Such a suhler- I f ue wiil fail to avert the storm iu the day of accounts, t'-ci. Heaven daring cou- duct i uothir. more or Us thaa a species cf j. uiijsot hicai Tiie'io;i, properlj tetwed fefined ILtieUty. l.r a i;e put Ose, no doubt, there it Lid- deu from our understanding iu nature a thoiisaad ciu s for as many uiaui:ct ef- , .. ,.-L..j r t - .. . ... Jcc;. ny i.o w j not la.i oui Vrr 'Vr eausii '. us lo See sec not fa. I out with our .'u- throu-b a , ....,".!.. .i ; These ti.iiir- are overlooked in our eaer haste to stra-.u our viaie.ii to the poiat where we in.gintf the de.p ihii.gi of eternity can le seeor t nd not lo be, aud in our vani-, ty we o.icn im-.ine we have solved a prob- letu before unknoau tl the moral part of tie world. Gad has said tu the research cf man, as he did to the wide waste of wattr. " Hitherto .-I.a't tiiou com.', and uo further. ' If e wi:h t live contented ar.d happy to have a clear eonsciecc-e toward God and lean, we xuu-t take Christ, the Patriarchs ti-c P'jpbs', the Apoatles1, and every other t i iu Christian that ever breathed the pure "'..-. tual atmosphere of Heaven, for our Couutoiuee was adopted, all piesent koting teacher". TLey prayed to God a a ?uty, ia the armalive, except J. H Haugbtou, ad at a necessity. '" Let us pray " iaitb-; L. J Hauhtou, ane, J. U. Haugl.ton, proxy fui'y, honestly aDd fervently, and then, for Peter U. Evan, aud Johu . Scott, Ly whin the dial points us to ibe lermiiiotion J. C. Smith, j. roxy. tf cur earthly ixittence, v.o v.i.1, ii God ; The second lesolutton was unanimously jcru.it, be able to ny, "Thank be unto ad: pied. God wbo giv.tn us the victory through our. Ou tuition, Lord Jesus CLrist." 1'. J i.fst.'iec, 1 bat the mino.ity report of the i coaitniltee tc filed and recorded with the tie ccedic.t of this meeting. F NTH UilASM IN RELIGION. , , , olfou of u A Wr.ht, E.-(J , the fol Vi"e need more of it, a hundred foid more 'ljwinw rta-uluiiou was unauiuieusiy adopted : tnau se have. Enthasiaiiu iu science. iu po.,t,c-, we cave plenty ol, ana that is doae fur trie advance of bu-i..eas and learning U done by entha-ia-itic mea The mord Leeds to be guarded, but the pra'ueLt rraur knows tint enthusiasm oif.Latici.ru The grandest uvj?ct in all 'ttst entitled " Aa Act u amend an Act the iiL.ive.-se of Gol taiin-r full pusies-ion tnti.ied au Act to improve the Cape Fear of the soul oujht to full it with inten se tmo- J aud Deep Rivers above Fayettevilie," rati ti ju. It shall profit man not!.i.i to e'0 ' fiei the 1 Sth day of December, l, may the whole worl i aud lc.se his oa sou! ; and Le made by said Trustee, upon a notice of if we pi aisp hita who p 'jr-us business with thirt v da s any thing contained in said e.eed f?o n.ucb ind u-try and tact as to gain a ruil- ( 10 the contrary nolwitnatanuiug ; aJ n-atice lion before he ci'.s, shall we t.ot much more of the time and place such sa.e, tluiy ad kdmite the tiilhusiariu of him who gam ', erued in two newspaper p'lhi.ahed iu the heaven. i city ol llaieicb, and two in the town ol V ..- The nor'J is to be saved, le earnest 1 out saving it. We ousht ta Uur inends, ; cLil-Jrtn, n i.'hbot.-,, ti.e heathen and the j '.-r i h i 1 . Wc cau do something lo save t.e m If tt.ey we-e ou a st. f wrecked a sL.re. or iu a tumio:: bouie. we would be enthusiastic to deliver them from death. : May we not be enthusiastic in delivering thi iu from bell. 'i be apostles were enthusiastic. The Sa viour biiuixif wa hiltd w lib xeil. All the lest tutu who have been mighty in pulling l un error or buiUing up truth have teen eninu-iastic Gad prat.t that the church may use and snake heiaelf from the .u-t It it time to be up and ciaing. La t us work w Liie it ia da v. A LEAL"! IFL'L INCIDENT. Iu the public sthoil in Coate street', , .r 1 in 1 - anote awe.au, iu r ui.autipoia, one uay late-y while the aehoo! a. iu session, transom window fell ct with a crash. Dy aotne mean, the cry of "lice'' was raised, nil a terrible panic ensued. ILu ch-uiars la-bed into the street thritkin? in wi:-J dis- 1 mas. me .. arm exitneeu w toe .eacu r. , .lso, one of w ho..,, a young lady, actu.ay , ' un-Lf d (i-.iu the window. Amouj: the bun i Toe a, arm extended to luc teachers: ' -ump. d !i-.iii the window. Among cr.utoi ei.M.nn, with ahom ti.e building vsa eiowaed, was one Jiirl, anionj; the best in the sei.00'1, wi.j tbr-uu.-h all the frightful ei.e is.aair.i. 1.. d ttuliie coi-pusure. i be pojure. ibe, t j.or, in aee . . 1 ji a i . a uer e :ieea. iler npa ii lea:. Mtd in her tvt. i' laut she u.o. d not. Alter or i.r bad te.u te-lored, and her: cuii'paniona bad beeu brouiit back to their. I cam U s.i sua wm.'.ji art. .rent alarm sU everybody .Le ,. in .U a fri.ht . 'Mvfath.-r, saiu she, "is a bleu. all, said sb hat t Sj i" .-ill. and be . , if there . at. alarm of hie i'u th--1 I must tit st:.: ' V hat a beautiful i .u ef faith ' dM v father toid n.e and lot fatlur sljij. Jbat la ti.e hi . f ti.e matter 'in. J ill it, Ulifaiter .' .a e .T ht .VCL' t '. ...ef. Jlcfcvvcii Articles, From the Wilmington J If rail. Cape Fear and Drp River Nuvigali'in furapany. According to notice advertised iu te f- aiweunug io me ..m.. t in luotion of James Laiaey, l'.-.l , ur. 1 he committee naving per r ned thi, du ir ,n,-,. (...! tl.ira were -'.7-1 tharta retie-1 aented, by person and proxy, eutiiled to 37'J votes. His Kxcel.enoy tjoveruor Kill represented the Stale inte.eit of l.tiUJl share s. Col. Jno. MeTtae then introduced the fol- lowing preamble aud reflation, vhich w.re auoi.ieu . Whereas, tlii.-i meeting i called t-j p . - PontLercWntactof the General Wu,-' bly "to protect the l tne Cape K-ar and Deep l.ner N.uga no, Company," with . to accept or reject . tho same, and whereas, before cou.in,; to any decion, the m.erests of .11 concerned deuiauds the utmost cure aud Ueiiberutiou, therefore, Hesu'i-iit, lhat a couin.ittce ot tn.io ne . ... ; applied by the chu.r to wnom suall be , rete relerred the said act and all tu alters bear- '? upon or conutc.e- laerew.tu, . . .u-. . s"'d comm.t.ee bo instructed to center u j the Executive of the State, tnJ report to, this tueet.u. the resu.t of the.r deUberai.ou. ubeCbuir th .n a; pomu-u tue louowing , peiitiem... as said n.miUee : ( oL Johu . L - ouuou, . .-.laou, ouu. ... .'.vj, Dr. A. J PcUosset, jr Ou motion, the me. Ou motion, the meeting then adjourned ' Ubtil 4 o cioca t.s -utrnoou. o i Lm K . . . ; Meeting met accord, i.g to ..your anient. ; The Couuuuii.ee appointed at the u.onuug f.ion r. porud the fodow.ng resolution.:) Rts,Uc.i, That the act of the Ijetieral Assembly of the State, entitled " au act to protect the interest of the State of .North; Carolina iu the Cape Fear and De- p Hirer . ISavigattou Company," ratified the loth teLruary, A. -a asscuieu s --' ; accepted. i l.etQi'ud, That in giving our asseut to thia act, we are nut unmindful ol tne great . ;.; l,. i.t I... horiia bv ' ii.iury ai.i loss wnieu must ne uorue vj thoe person, who, before the lien of tt,e t r. i.,.,.t,,..i i.Ran.M sureties to curtain baud issued by thia Com- pany, and certaiu oiher persons who are creditor of this Company for work done and material and eupphea furnished for the heneUt of this Company, and ue ou.d declares our uecided optuiuD, iu view of the contemplated purchase by tue cute of the entire property aud franchises of thi Company, tbal the debt so due fcy ttuis C jinpany, shou ,.. :.. i r.:.. l. r...;.l v.. tu Stale of orib Laroana. John II. Haoghloii, Er.p, one of the Coai- u.i.tee, u,ade a minority report, The first resolution of the majority of the ;.t.iafi, That any saie by !iei,rj A. Lou- do.i by virtue of the jro. iiLs oi the deed tLueie to Lau as Trustee, ty tt.is Cvmpany, to secure the pay meLt ot tun 'is to the amount of cWjUo.i, i.-sued undsr the pr'oviaiou.-, of the Act ot the Ijeueral A'stuit.'.y ot lis Uiingtoo, sha.l be deemed sutE'-ien' not.ee. , cf W. A. WiiL-ht. Esu . tne! following reOiUt.ou w as aueip'.td . j H-.,....a ! .,,.,. l- ie. a Ti Hill ..il-a.., a v.e. ........ a . ... I.aac Giej.-g, John A. Haughton, hiias Dry- iu' and Laarence, J. lloui;L.' on, during tne ' years lsiil and - OU, became bound a.- sun- , lies to tertaiu bonds of tne Cape Fear and ! Deep li.ver Navigation Company, issued fur ' the purpose of ollainaig means necessary t for the consti uctio n ot the voik of said Company, e,f which said debt there is now ; due about the sum df S-Jl ,i--Oli..s eiudiug iu- ; teit.-t ; and wbertas, the fui. A',fo obtained 1 have been applied fur the general benetit of, a. I the stotktio. de-rs in s .ru Cuin. any, it is therefore, UttuUtd, l hat the rtokhu'.dtrs in g faith should contribute, pro rata, accoreiin , ' , . , ,, . ,. . , ,' to relieve said auriues to in Cel,t relerred lo in the preamble here to, and tne Directors of lias Company a.e requested ti digest some mode Ly which the principle embodied iu this resoiuiou cau be carr.cd into effect, tin n.oi.ou, Ixaijlxtd, That the tbanai cf this meet- . Ufeb tcLd,.rcdt.u Uu t Jn W. hi,i, for bis personal . . . . . 'per aud liberal cuaise pursued by hiiu as the representative of the staea held by tne 1 Slate of Nor'.i. Carolina iu thin Cr.inp..uy. il..,jvt,i. That coties of the nrai e..uiti , . V ,l ..I 1 11 , .. . . , ... ' .11... I J 1 Uia i e - j.aa.nM. ' 'n l..rrh.r busiiie sr.r,.-arin . on l tion the Duelling adjourned. FlihD. J. HILL, Cii ia ! If. A. JajsV'js, Do.ALll .i'.KAl . T,,..lV a . . .'. ' Secrttarig. ULU M'- i I'ni.i'oai ki. rs l!c omimi Piuvj.vai. i tie , Washingtob Mates is informed that several V-pte ot a r!.tgi'u"4 tract were recently 1 1 ii i. d up at the Cat itol, entitled " Air y ntf 'Jhv were distributed fur the Lit of ii.. uiber ju". bifate the 'Ij-'uru- j I icLt of Cot.gre ; I lid .vianou 1.UII.I.UI.J, -0 Mecklenburg Bonds. ICTE -r -iil. ir mi in. JL investment Dial run le made, d are really I preferable lu any Statu Hone! n..n.i, r..n.n.i r.-uui.ii.le. Tli. v bear r per cent ii.lrreat payable j lUJiiy, win. .uiii. . . ..... . . , Vim. A. Owens, i t run v 'J' 7 1 ( li Atii-OT I i:, .n. t. H r I I.I. pi artire in the t our m of MrrkienburK V V ami tlit surroundine 1 i i Drtie m arly opposite tl. Jjk. Md. fjB. dUl.tlt'S. Post Ullice. if if PAPER COM 31 SU)N WARUIIOL'Sl-'. and p.1i:jJEX 1 DEPOT, For the sale of llJnh.K!, iJriiti)cj, Ii)lvlopc, C0L0UEI rAl'KUS, C. i I.Nt, MA 1 I. OF ALL KINDS. COLOIIKH rATi-l-S, L'AKD, UIALS Agent for L. JOHN GIJ & CO., Type Founder, R. HOE & CO., Aud other Printing Press maker. e'ailV-aXs nUSl B't l ' .-it .3.t5nil;ii len t r' IM irt s. TO MERCHANTS. i'ulscrilcr l e;s to call attcntiou to his L4liUI; a,,fK OF !of all kinds, which be will sell very low roll L'Aili, or short credit on large sums. JOSKPH WALKKU. 12U itttttne $t . Auii.W m. A'. V. l)rt. '-'I. lejs. 4. It CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY gMssiiy3 AND 3IAC111NI: WOKKS. r - , i-1: unJ.r.igne t,u uf the i u! r,:Jdy u n.i any oru leave to Ci. II t!ie att. li. the fact li.at tit IS I.uW j.s,s f ,, J,VS,"Y';.J . -N -N K - - - , - f J Uli:ilIllC lUi 1 li.l l'lt'-.CS and . err description of Machinery . All ainds of. CASTINGS, j i Iron and lit .ss or other nieUia .ue.e at alo rt ulire and r'iueed Jinee. If P.rtieular all.nliun given to tl.e making r. ;....ri..g ..t l nr-.l'..o Macnuies, llor.e Pw. ... i oil. Hi ti...., M.i. VVork, sou Africa. tural ULAi hSMl'l iilVC. JOEB1NU WOfiK, W A. j Gus v.u. e .1. uwist miolho, ueut .m OLD IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS bought ti.e I'".inury, or Uken in tuiniife le.- J..b ..rs. v j& and Provisions of ail kmu. in echan? for lii icasmitl.iiig. IT ALL. Ui;.1 niun IK pi... o.r w-.en ue,... . 1.1 f.r w'.en del. v. ered. a. I All ii be p;.ld out fur every tainj , i.e'-tss.ry to carrv on ihe eiatii.tiir,'ni. lJ- ALL OIJUKKS rUlt WORK niu.t be s. cif.i-d 111 anlin;, so that the work auu spccniea. Ii it.s m.i v -r;r-e- i 'lii.s is the only fuuudry .11 liie Stale lhat c..,ts i..ily. iT A.! corlr irt eo.iiieeled wit!, the concern n.-.'.t lie u.M wilii Hie anriersicned alone. I.--A su-..,.iy f ANTUliACiTK O.vL con. t..nt V -.1. louirt f..r t ii.'. I , 'J. M. IIOVMK. Practical E ;-'iecr, will ve- I ia emiat tlit att.-.-tion to t!. bu:nt. All I. tl.-r. on busmen w .il be uir.et. d to Charlotte Finery. ,T. A. FOX, Proprietor, d.ur'.uftr, .V. C. ?ittmUr 3n. leOS. 3"if 23- li s:movai,. 1 1 111'. Cr.nf. -rt:..ner and Family t.rwery Store MUOLll ot MUI Has te.. reu.uveu 10 1 oivniiie in.- Freiivletii nC.liiireli, win re ny are rceeivu. e.recl truin New Ye. a ire lu.lion ti t'oe.r .ii'C-k of com ii( th).m:kii:s, E-'Vlill.V UlUH liUJI , .Vr. 1.1.112 then atoea lusy tC louod every llnr.g uaU. ;y s-;.l li. a stor, el. I ol Ca Le 1 rill tin. kind. A if.mu iK-'rl. .Willow N aie, A C , -1. 'j 1 ey have in their employ .a n-tllti.t EA- K Kit, .lid are prepared to fur.i.sil FiOilliea al.tl Par l.c will. V....I. oi all kil.Os i.t si.orl riotire. moody i nilet. November 16, 1J. We ha alao Opeile s branch of our store at Mijocy wiil aniK-rinieiid to secure Sila.e of ti.e etio... iit'.n. wlie-re M .in. s. and h"i putroioige in tl WOODY k NISI5ET. i.'iiAiii.oni: wkwmgmm ,m re. m -s- z m c bc 11 titi.01 1 1, .. c. MI1E Proprietor of this Hotel is L still at hi post ready to ful. I fil the Hutie of " u.me no, t " lo llie 1 trave'.lin pi.bhc and otiie.. who no he rialtcia In il lb. I. hi. irters II.: .tlla ..I.... Mel. will t an., .ieairabie in the ba.in. sa .rs, and in tln.1 -is to his forrnr-r : a.t C') c t .,n. He ha b- t tin taii 1 ne-ar!y and H l.i.s l.er grealy enlari-. ri not in... v.rt. presenting 111 fr-i.a also story VEI1 AN I A tetl III le-i. tl, by 1 (l et in Wldlli, handsomely j .ej hy trit a ol. loe pi.le-w.ilk, afl ir-i. rig a piea. i I pi .0..-I.....K a. !l liours ol ti.e day 'I lie il . .ti... h.-d thro'. ry p..rt ol it ere-.tuie t angil.ie.eaikECialiy in t 11. M. Sort-new ed " .t M. y by lote! are t-ta L. -.!: u.i.iul.i:y fur nisiied '-ei.Ucii ly la.tl.lul , a.., ..r I'.o 1. r...n ami p. , .oll.g I. '111. fe. I ue- Pr-pri.- r f. els eonfi.i. nt that with hi many new . ofn r Ins fr,.n... ' I' at of ifialikiri.t,4 .riy comforts and I s. will be found ii " Al ar.y rate tut ll. i Chari .tte Hotel. J. Ii. K Kit It. 32if ((ilir l i, I sjjd. A LA1UJK HI.TI'LY Of ('onstabh H arrnnts .JX'ST 1'RINTID. lias Works. lllE .uu.criber. respectfully inform llie pub. T he, thai the a.e prepared to erect ia . r..r i,h., r.i..... Towns. Villarra, Col. . d , i.olr. They ha erected work. in Charlotte and Uuleieli.N.l'-. whieh have given r..,i. .. i. in-citurnii of tliosa ulaera. A lu qull,fictiona, prumpme. and ability to . perionii an eonirsci. en.eicu .. j - BE SOLD, A LAKGK and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT . 4 of Plmn snd Jjparicd Tar j.5r 'xlw tiSk. 'jn mhi at SMiole.uie or Retail, lower than ever, at S. T. M KISTON S 7i ami ituve Zhop. VFEYV of tliure superior Planished Tea and Cofftc POTS, lo. .ale by S. T. WRISTON'. T lOILET SETS, a superior article, for sale S. T. WRISTOX'S. ASH, Deed, Spie and Dressing LOXEs fur sale by S. T. WRISTON. SSniTTAMA TEA SETS, for sale at S. T. W RISTON S. T KTK.il rOOLEKS, a firat rale article, lor ?I .alsby S. T. WRISTON. rgiAELE (X'TLEBY, fnok'. Ladle., Spoon.. L Flash Eoraa, dec. tor sale al S. T. WRISTON'S. ASTER'S Patent let , ream FREEZERS, the xluaL bust F.etaeu nuw ia use, for sale by 8. T. WRISTON. RTHER'S Self Sesling FRITT CANS, with direction, i.uw to use them, at S. T. WRISTON'S. J AO AD IKONS, the be.t in this market, for sale ; b S. T. WRISTON. j I gum- ' COIIK S IOVES : wllc, cannot be eirelied in performance, by ny 0,1,., Sieves in the murs.l. for sale st the Tin ' and Stove Shop, 3 doore East ol Springs' corner, S. T. WRISTON. ChavlMt.JuntXi. I Sit;. I5lf "r t? -"A o -SI'' Ah hmm ro:t rrRimvc the blooh. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, 'Kll Y WUKI:K 1 Kl.KllIt 4 7fll FOIt TIIK KKUoVAI. 1NII I'KIIMANK.N'T t t KK of ALL llK.-K Alti-IMi SU.'M AN- IMI-lliti si All. "K Tm; ni.iH.li. nii 11 A ill l' i.F i.'H sisrhM. si. . II..- flr-t ...i-l . i-r. k i M..le.e. r.mii. r.. .a Mn Use of thi Preparation, ....kfll'.a It-"' lli.("-.lant OH't MEDICAL TESTIMONY. .1 H.INT. M I. IS. M in. n ,. ,. .. I. eo.aw -if W.ii.au ..I -I.t I r A. . 11:. II. F. I'ELUY'S VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT fOII Oil VII. .'."n't)'''..?. I. i.e. i-lj ..I r. .i i :. m .ier. '.'"I'j' ,', 7,",'""' ''' J...IN VAN. KV, M r. "-I' l.v tl. A . . I !, W lenl ImLta, '.. 1,1..,,,.,,.. ,.,., ,1 N, l...k. and ,f V.. NYK HUTCHISON A CO., Suriml.tr 30. '..M. lawin'st ossaa. SULI'ENAS for tale ml thi office. JsajEr" mm j Joy to the Admirers of RICH GLOSSY HAIR. f ..ii. ..r k..i. it r:.i..i.'t nit wMl.out a fine head of hair, then read the following, aud if tou ,k nior,,( e eiIcular around tacli ollle, and no oll8 can nooi.i. ii..kt.iII 457 TIVK. We call the attention of all, old and i y..ui.B,to thi.woiiderl'bl preparation, whieh turn. ! back lo ila original color, gray hair ever, the ; head of the bald will, a luiuriant gruwth r.. move, the dandruff, itching, and all euUneoua rai.tions cauae. a contii.u... now o. fluids; and Ileum, if uaed a. a regular drewing fur the hair will preserve Ha color, ami seep . from fallmi to extreme old age, In an n. oaiu... W. ull then uuon the buhl, the rrry, or diaeased in acalp, to ue iti ami surely th. yuung will not, a. they value the flowing lock., or the wiiciiuig con, - - ..raise is upon the tongue of thousand.. The Agu.t for Prof. Wood". Hair reatoraliv. in New Haven, received the following It tier lu r. vard lo the Restorative, a lew weeks since : Dasr Itivxa, t oas , July, 88, IH- S. Mr. Leaveoworth S.r ! I have been troubled with dandruff or scurf on u.y ld for more thsn a year.my hair began to con.e out. scurf and hair together. I asw iu a Nw llav. n psp.r about Wood'. Hair B.-.torative " as a cure. I Called at your .lore on the 1st of April last, aud pur chased olio buttle lo try it, and I found lo my sat. isfaetion it was the thing; it rnnoved the .curf and new huir began to grow ; it is now two or ll.rre inches in Ungt'i Ker M " sr- great f .ilh in it. I wish you to send me two but ties more by Mr. Post, lhe bearer of this. I don't know at any of the ktnd is ustu in ibis plarr, y..u may have a niarkel for many bt.ltlr. after it ta known here. ( Yours with respect, Rl'J Lo TRATj . riiiuDfi run, Si pl. 9, 1856, Psor. Wood le.r Sir : Your Hair Rrstoratur is proving itself ben. -fieiul lo mc. Tl.c fronl, and also the b..ck pari of my head almost lot its eov. enng in fact ld. 1 have used but two half, pint bottles of your Restoialivc, and now the top of ,, hea.l we.. ..uooeu w " r , of y hair, and the front it al ung bsni lit I hi.ve tri; otlur preparat.ou. ill.o jl nv benefit whatever. I think from my own per. .,,( recou..uenual.on, 1 can induce many oloert lu try it. 1 uu.s respc.iuiiy, li. K.THOMAS. M. I. No. 4et Viue slrecU V.NctsNas, Ia Jun S'J, I8i3. PliOF.O. J. WUOU : As you sre about lo uisn. ufstlure and vtud y.-ut recently discoserrd Hair Restorative, 1 will iUlr, for whomsoever il u.sy concern, thai I have used it aud known others to u, ,t that. I hate, for several years, been in ll.e l.nb.tol using other Hair Rral. iativre, and thai I find y..ur vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely ele iuse tlw head of dumirurT, ud with one month's proper ase will restore .ny parson's h.ir to the original youthful color and I. jlurs, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearsnc. ; and all this, without discoloring the hinds that .....I.., , I,. irr nn which It ilroDS. I Would. therefore, recommend iu as to every one de.ir.u. of haiiig a fine color and teiturr U. hair. R"fi,f"TJk",v',. WII.SO.N KINO. w.;.ii.T..fh.t?;;.W' 3Zt Andthi' o;,:'1r,uV.tn,:!,., V!-"."-d -S' ' ' ' ' 1 AYER'S Cathartic Pills (SCUAR COATED.) aax Hai.a Tti CLEA5SE TH BLOOD AHO CTJBE THI HCX. lxvalida, r.ksra, Matkac. l'l..cU, rbllaolhroplsls. r.sl Ikelr ICrreci, anal Jnss their Vlrtwe. uB T.IX ltB Of llendnrkr.Siek Hen.larhe.FiMit Nlosnaek. Hnr.a, ku. fa. I. I. Da. J. C. Ana. Stf: I k. Uaa rvllr .air UK .-.! kaK'lx mmy l.tl ra Lata l.f s as, u la rfoor niU. !.,. u.ke.-lr.. atooltUi k.sa.a ll,.r !. al on'.. II uv, a umia Ul a, Ual . t!oo7!U"'iat rV: ID. W. r-RT.M.K. Cl'rk uf Jbaaiar rlarttaa. ISilious Disorder and Liver C'ompla.Hla. rur.a.kast ur VSS la-riai.-v I W inotus, I C . i i-te, l.a. ( r: t baaa ami yw filk. .a mjr 'U.. aiel l.aul prB,'ik-v a.ar a.ft-S fa, aaa'S, IIkbosu.4 nuiaju. haw. an- lo ... tb.y .a Uk I rh-lk- a arl"- TI-. " la.'ltig w-IHMI OB .na. Ifar n qui-1 aU rtsW., eia-,iiit-1 ttM-f an a. aUmtraWw ra.lr !o ri.nt.xsaeti.aol that eto. In.l eJ. I Ua'S ia.li.ia le-lli-t .a.a t.lw f mu ao .kllial' tbat .1 M MS nw.ile k.14 to is.we tisrilij J Ma, ALW' llLI. M 0, lM O- IS.rik. Drsretery, Relai, aad Mortws, Fmuiihi. I!.an..s, U. Co, llaii. l. t. TIb. ia: liaie Pilla sr. Us vs.IWn.-a ttt bm-os-iim. Tla, hate ma Bay aifa SBoeo ".as, 1 es. tail &iw tu.1 l-.au Bh-a an. I pk.. "f s B.'rtt'ba. WVB. e lo W it-U I ea ssbo. l P4 Bo Wllee. Sb Ihmn.BiBHilienl t klB( J"r I'llla. l.k-a a.o e.r bee, t., .,hn taras, NMilKk. tA o,ia ,.k-Bdi .oi baa half. Tltr) a(V.a..l, fere hr Baal uur laoCiiurr of U."lj o. ot'ry. iks.i.1 onr ..libls. kaU it .Bal.au D.. nir.d km will, (bo Uiava uf )oaf lllla Bl.il. eaiiB afBtaa aw paa .btbtiI, AVUlara Oka lora" bill.. aa Uaa .rn i.bbb. .ll, Unit '"e-1 ,.l.rlr .v,' lla n. Soeh a B...I. I... a. ,.aira, alikb It tctmmtil rx.1 BOai k'niBki, Bill U rr'."l I'ae bail. J. OIHOIM. VBaOr. ladigettioa aad Imparity of tae Itlood. tnm Hit. J Ihmtl, Jlijtoe aldacu fAareA, 1. l.a. ,ra: I hara n-st J.aae I II., allk eili.nllBa.f nr. Ib bM.ls bb I ak It,.. I am eallr lai.a In .!,.! To r iBlale .1 ontana dwaalks taa pur. tr Ilia W-..I llwj ar Ila "J I I l-umi, I bo.a tsar hni.Bn, au I can r.B,aUrBllj iboju,h. Ibea. lo laf (rB.U. V.rs i. V. Ill Ml . W.as.B WruanM) C, j T , rwi. 14. la in, t Sat: I an Baffie J.air CBi.uvIk IMS, I. tar tlrs, kJi't ftn Uan B aSB.tl.Bt Bo.tkO.. lu clia.na U.B ttaBU bun. lb pan.a.n. of II,. bl.aal. JOHN li. Mb.t. I.AM. VI. Erytipelnis rofiiln, Kisr'a Kv.l, Teller, J usnnra, and Mnlt Itkeaat. JSroaa bewaeo-nn K.r..l . . iak.,1. J t. W. Ds Arts- Your I'llla at. O park.. a. of all lhat la rraBl la aaa.lb-1 . TbaT ba a e,( as. Hob aanthlBt .r Blckrr.ua anr-a aana bee bafia ao bat ...a. bad bo,. tarura-'la t.r j.r. ll.-e atotbwr bk.l baun lout t'e-.iaia-It ama-Ukl Bill. oM'bea an ptfupb OB bar abtft ami 1 b-r batr. Atbe owr cbtld aa eur.-t. aha aj .rkd rout I11K an I U,a; cured lirt. ASA Mok.ialbuK. Kkrinnntiaan, MenralKia, aad Cowl. W (At Htt, In. Ik.-mlu.nj V JWrAaJi. mi. Car-A. ri lao-ti lloeat. Saraaa.M. Ua , JkB. lf ILaoBHI. SU, : 1 .,i. . ui.ai.l.ful I. a lbs ' "u kill baa bouiirbt saa if I del not rap.a1 .17 ease 10 vow. A add svtUeu IB lu J llaslki abd beottttil oa rtrr-lkll.it beuraltlc baJUB. al.krb bihSu. i rba...lc lba.iBB(ifna. Bi,4wit,i,,M.i.irit I bad the bvat of eby,.riia. lb diMass r ar aueari-l aiaae. ualil, l-r U ad.W .4 r.nr,i.4 kill st'iil II. tk. Ilim-B-B. Irr. Maakenan. I triad r.aur Pllla. Tb.il all.wui B-fr .bibi. but auea. li, paraavaliug la lbs aaa of tbcm, I a as bow rnlirety wail. Se.iati CaaMat. Dat-ib Roe... I.a., t rbe. is.'.l. Tn. Alas : I hate -B anliral, rnr-l hy f.r I'llla if Klieusualic boot tBuut.ll dun. dial l-Bd arSiefM. a k.r ,a. 1IM S.NT Sl.ini.l.l. For l)rom, I'lrlborn, or kindred f om- ela.Mt. irulfiua Bu aetoe saua. Um-ji bib mm asia. nt raouaiy. fr c-tWenetsB ttt f fsaallnattow, aad a. a Ukiat, Pill, Ui-, are kieeal. aud .nralaal. Fit, HupprrBBina, I'aralf bIb, I n flnisim. Slow, aud ea Ucadieaa. ana I'arl.al HI.Mal. ateaa, I a bacu cueed l.j tba BlbiaU.a Be Ik uf ibaaa l-ilia. M.ad of rba F-illa Ib eisrkat contain Marruey. bl. I., al tbaaiiib a akluabl. reBiedr la eltilll bauila. W Bntr-a in a Mil. Ik- pill, ft.tu lha dnaklful cataajurSHkB Oval fra. qtumO full, a lu tneaBtpa.. I. -a. Tbsaa cutltsaa BO Sf t LO ur Snueral aubatsac BtiBtB.Bff. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL tOK THE HAflD CI KM OV COIOHI, COLD-t, IOA Jll,K.ll-.H, IRKLt y7,A, KliOftCIIITI. WH(M)PINO COIGII, CltUlP. Akl llMA. ISH atrvt) Cnr th rctif of C4MUHis.it HMtrUU In tUftUKVti UtC4 vf U tsmM. Xm nr4 tv 4 qwrnk to fh rulllc of lu rtar. Tl.r.N.Ji.-.it wrr U.wtt. Kiirl lftvl tj hmmtM 4 lh ArtiTt4ain ltam. Ml ViMrtflvrfMl rr- wf itinMU1 M piHtmm hut hmkW H iklis-n.lT hto'r-n. U-m turn Xh ImiimIM m r,T.l.-d rwintf y t) to utilinttl .trV uut m' pi-w.til it.rHriir ui M a-Wt, mn4 tf jH th rotumunMi'' ny h-i vhtrt httt i.4 .imouc i(-m rfiisw IMIIIR troyhj laf iu tt lory ? Ill ).Jrli itf4 inn pru -st- f IKt Ihr.aM nil lung!. W hil il It tl. u. t .w-Hi.l uiiijV,'is yH ki-.-n (o b.i. Uu Uf..ru. (4 Mi- lidns-rrsu . I tras 4 hm fiiiliiMsiiary $mt, II C.jft (sf tuffuit ftn4 ymnff s-rtit rintt lioul4 II 111 MOTD BC-HisA 'lif ItMt'lMilM -ltt4i llsat Dealt tufsfHi Il.s-Mi ai.-')rs-l, hw nlnii.4ant graniU to tw-ii lb fVnj tMrwal nt'irm li 1 th - intititiM M Rwri.tt tKti (Imimi It rutrm. k-p M try f m, -ml i ur ymi r4l wlitl- lb.f f i i.r-t-4, im hrn -t tl,-,,, tintlf w btima r.ti nift-itr tl lrH-itAi 1 nks tlml. (Mfftif.) uu th H. yum 1ifrr Ail kwm lire- i,r!fti fcUlilf irf luti Jltw-y.lrf. mi4 M li y U-n fh tirfu at llna rnij. l-tl lH to to.'st lhD iu ..Hrr th m It t trtllt mwlr lis bf H tmm l-T. Ur srsv t' ftst, IM Lft ( tastl tf M1ttr M lb lU'-af (MffajM) ps-ti)'lr. ami thtt Rr1 thtaar ml,n rl ii ll, Ism.1 mg t.t -I... fc..i ltiltcrb ftiri.Ub l llfU t ur. rBKPtnED BT DE. J. C. AYES, Fraetieal aad Analytitsl Chto.ut, Low.ll, . and Hum ur HUTCHISON V GIBBON, Charlotte. IIAVILAND.STlaVKNSON A CO., CKwlttt on, 8. C. Willi ' FOR the mm. tY i. it Because hi bu)es his -7XJ from UISL U' r..n.rti'ult si.nounee to the ii.hsbilsuts he ii.l.sbilsuts ol anite Ri.w, wher ortn.cuU of B i from their Old Mtonii, to No. I, (irsnite Row, wher North, one of the must t xt.ns.ve ssoilii.tiits el Ever offered ia North l'arol.na, among which will , : , , ..... . , .. in lh, This love he warranta superior to sot eon.urue. les. fuel, and d.. mor. work in . g . pBt up ou. be.id. any other Stove of the same work ia given lime, lie will lorien me ." in j i . I t j the better one. ALSO, ALL F&HLOR So BOX STOVES ha aud eou.uully k"p hand, an eatrusite and v-nd stock at TIN AM) SIIKKT IIIOX. itn.iss ki:ttm,i.s, cist uui.y iu ns 1 i.ids, HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, .411 Wll.cll Will be laid, H liolcitlnund Urtiill. U m per lltan bai j rver fcuT M nllrr.d III IliU l-lnll. I would return my ll.snk. o my friend, and euslomers for the very liberal pair..,.., , tij ' bestowed upon ti.. and they may rest as.ured. th.l I shall rod.. .or. by elo.e atUnt.pa u ,.,. 1 together will, a dctern.instion to please, lo try and merit a continuance of lhe hs... ! His iho'H'O !s 44 win mm & imih w&m." , Ladies and Gculli mea are parlir ularl) imiicd lo rail and naiuiur i I .N. B. I will tell you why I head any sdssrlisenin.l W jit oa v,.i W ...," a u.. we have three waggons Constantly travelling .brougl. the country with htosta. tor .11 unlera trill In- faithfully aini piuuipllff olHtnlul to & Ckarlt4,J 16, I8o7. For Florida Direct. Ttrwi, I r'lal 30 H.mrt. tmj in H ft 3b Hmmrg Ltu Tim I A a ay xArr itsait. THE l.MTEU riAIKl MAIL ,, TIlt)S. St RTIM, rOMMANDER. W KAVES CHABI.fTOM.S.C, .very TIM- Ld DAY AnfcK.MK.N. at 3 o'eloeli. n r I 1 1. A IK A, rLA. vis EK.N A.N DIN A. J At KtsON. 'VII.I.K. riCUl.Al'A snd lhe usual Uneii.js oa the ML John . River. HI, connrets, (o.o and return. rr, with the Ka.lfoael at Irru-ndlba, aud with lt( al the above Malliad place lor All.rslor, Ocsis, Mieal.o. .y, Tsllahsssa , fst. Aufueline, Tsnua, snd oth er towns in th inlarmr ul Honda ; .1 Charleston, with the Niw York l. amsl.ipt and tb. Northern tnd Wetlcra Railroad Irai... oo Tuetdsjs ..Ml Saterdayt. Merciiandiae, aVc . eornifned In lli.s Ageney, will las forwarded t-'RE- UK tllAKUi;. Kor frtieht or passsge, apply , II. L. CHISOLM, Kouthcra Vhtrf, t b.r.aioB,. C. Jmmumtf 4, I Bid. 4 3-3 a, WIIEATWASTEJ). f 111 E uberther b.vtn; purchased lb 8lem JL Moar.n( Mill in lb. place. prepared n kuy Mhl, lor which be will apt the ki(ht mar kit price .a caah. Klour. Una and Meal for sale st tb. Mill, or delivered wherever uc.irtd in town. JOHN WILKES. ( , (. Aug. D. HjB. S3tf J.VMK M. V.ltS F.Y. COMMISSI OS ME II CI IAS T, 117 Clli a BUI nlKtl T, . V. nl Y8 sod iorvard every kind of ii.ircb.n. due for H fair ttaf. (sswuiks, li. st t.ov.. bwsiu bii.i More In ad, N. W . Mouofin, J. tV . Osborne, C, I'. Mendeulisll, A. M. (iurn.an, r.sqa. and Uev.C. K. Il.enia, Hon. W. A. tJraliam, and then. I'tuirr rum,, Mel.-iec-,,., Orf.i.a, Harps, Guitars, Muair, Hewing Mschinea, Iron Sse, I'uinps, liar. ten f'.in.ea, Ac. A print, d list of all tl.e oitl.'r.ait inab. ra, k.net and pr.res serif ret. I'tlhliaher ot su ele(Jut lithograph ul " hit kory A'al ('p," N.C. (tl,) .nd lh "Cmo. at. I'lirsK ias. ; oa, lai.u I. not To llraLTH." Tina intaluable ra-it.y aee.ttr should be in every house. Il Ircala of all ifiaestes, haa . cop. '...a rlosaary end presenU lhe rein, dii from nature' boui.t.-ou store, for all our n,6ri..i.ia snd nns. fortiiTie. It ia printed ..n fine- white psMtr, hand. onM:ly bound fourth edition, 3tU pat, and . as lied r't ' .as dulUr. New Rosewood r.nw, $120. Ac. 16. IfcuO. ly S. ,M. HOWELL, BBBTaB - ST a a.tiV Saddle k. Harnett Blannfactnrer, TURII DOOR iOLTH OF Till MAMMON BOUSE, Cll .tKlaOTTIa .C. K r All kinds of Saddles and liar neat ma.lr st th ahortest notice. II r REPAIRING promptly executed. .... 1'J. IMSd 37tf ISGIBIIIOHitl Ca2iD. ik. it. n. omt WILL be pleaaed to receive I'rnfi bsioi, I Calls in the oeprtii.entf of Ml- lilt INK and SL Itt.KKY. I nles proli ssioi.all v sbat hl, he may b found s I In rtsioeoee. Fort Mill Depot. York Dialrict h. . '. 1 8. leliK. I tf Cash Paid fur Hides, WY H. M. HoWF;LL,3 door Sooth of th M 9 Mtaatoalloo. aeirw. r v CAorbrte, AftC. , J6a if I S.B.rTANSOM.U.e&. "ilk I I a.tANY. k k' H.laB II. . to cr , the Maunlaclurers. TAYLOR ol ( II A hi ('TIE smI u mil) . Hal he ) r. ..t. f II A hi Oil K smI I.c bs. now uu rihiluli U S3 he bs. now uu exhibition, jo.t nct.ou Ir. be found the eeltbratea -,, , CountrT for the la I,...., , . ..... .... r arm ,,,, n !..... tl sn sny otl.i r M... ..,. , u. j,, , sits ... tl.. I nil..t MM... snri if .1 H. . ,., e,n . . -", - s "! an unl .... . . . . KIM)sS OF A.A.X. JI.TAYI.01L Art liilt-tl mikI Ilnilitrr, m r I.t. furnish IV,ro, Pl-ns and l..a ,,i II for fnkiie Boiiu.nrs, lin a st.a.anoi nd Villas, farlirular att.nti.a miliues.ua bu.Limr Huorinr .Vlilie.tmrn Mills, Ac. tirn to 3d B.iiry of Aleianuer's bulla. t-e, frnnt rat. over China II ,11- Orlsstr lib. lcS 3Jti V)K1 ll-' Mill. I Ilutnal Lift Iciurantt Comftrj orm li. KALhlt.H s i f mMl IH t oaopaaj .a. ere. th lite, i e ., l for on r, a Icrts. of tars. r i-t nt n the Mutual Fr. triple, tl.e aaturn) I r . a' lic.psl.i f ia the proMs of tl.c t ea.p-sr faalicir frald lor Ike wi.t,,e term e' v atl.en the pren.iuna Ihersl. r iu.iui.li I- t" I note n.sa b giv.n for ona.iiall ll.r an.- ust.'tN prtn.tutb, beaftn inlertst st ( per ctbt. e.u- FUaraaily. Th. p-on.pl a,.anr.r wl.icl. all ht, km Wen psiu by I ...a toeipany , lojeli e- a au I . at rate ot pitHi.ui.., prts, nt r,at ..n.aecusu s weh sr u.aak.sad I, 1bore. biatrt are inaured lor tarui .-I Ir. a. tr 6ve y.r, lot Iwo-third their taiue. All lot at a are paid within 110 dan ail.r hI fatn.ry prool . prttntc. MBKCToRsi I h.rle. E. John. t.-n. ,. II Jm-s. - lloldtu. W. V t ook.. J. .. Vtiiii..t. llusl.d. Cju Mine busote, I. l'...u.. w II. MtKee. K. I'. Ilslllt, t hk.i.a t. l.uvt, l lewis, kich'd II. Ilslllt. 'jn-iurt. Ir. ChariiB E. Johnaon. rV i.-tbt. W . W.ilolden, ice fresiuxil. It. li. Ilaltle,cr.-lary . M illiao, II. Jimrt, I'reasurcr. II. W. Ilualrd, AHofi.cy. III. Wu.. II. Mek... Medical .ItM..f l Aa-arel.tt t tn.rn.lttt. 1. huaier, W- II- tvee. I l.arlea I). Root. .. .Wcd.tai iisaird mf t'M.ail. - ' ' j Johnaon. M. I., Wi.li.n. II Jih... M " Rich'd U. Ilayaoo.:, M. 1., For further .nlor.i.Bliofi, tl.e pukbe rtd In the p mpl.lt la. u nil toru s l pr"!""" " n.sy let obUimd st tl.e l'rl.rt.l 1 "" r si.y of ila A'eiici. s. ( Comiiiun. cations rhould b di.nst, J- p.d) lo. It. H. HATTLK, .-"""? or Con,. I,., Hold, Influensa, I u.nt. ..." 1 Arttel.ooB ol llk K.01..V. k..u liisot.tfi ;onorrbu a, Ulicl, lhe U hil" s. Vt c'S"'" , other Female Complaints. Fries !' ' cent, alio 1 lid. Gold Mine lJalsi.ni, oi Dyspeptic III Hi 's i r Tine I" A letter from J.lt.Calluna, liu .B N. C. daleU Au(. U, let. : lr. J. KUul Dear K.r . Yr ,'",'''",..i five., cnl.re atislartii.n it ll" " " ' ,,a Iry. Th. Abymi.it Mialure t,i" V a, ly approved of. It ht. never (tiled to ra . etM-.ll tell. M. fa.t.lh.l I "ever l" ' ' , apply th. d.nund. Y.w will V'"'r , l.rg. supply el .1 1. .o aj y- tj , AC. EN T8 - W .n . W . H. ..Hera. T. l.uKg, Rockuijhs.il ; Flat.! '," ,;,.,u.N T.J. Holloa mm Dr. J. F . t.il.i"'-' ' " t , A. H.ll and J. H. Enni.s, b.lishuii . ry , cxing-tob . 'xs2i i- l- JOB PHIin'HiC-. f'H PRIJil INt of til '" tf i. (luaoituiualt afoeiwis ' ,.li. r. a

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