CONSIGNEES rl, ctlARW'1"1'1 AND 8. O. RAIL RAD, FROM TK 4TH TO ana, it I'll A in it,. t U Gri'hy 1 package, T. R. Gricr 21 ' tl.lM.i.Mnn 90 rib,..,. I V . I I IJ ......,.. P M r.b,.o. 1 PK"' J, K"'0,r Co. pkge( ; j. & J. M. NI 53 p kjje., I .P'TCIlM FBOM UTAH. Additional I hPATl -j , . , ,. tv... 1,-iceS were j " " " J , ..anient from Luh, dated March I . . Sbrmoiiin represented as King 00 the t J ,t annntatizinif from the error of rT0t baa become quite common. Some 5, kov - i ll,eiHorini "'"1 ,i;n of hatred toward the Government. ' i.l.n Youin? kern himself secluded, and '".... i afraid of hi own tvonlo. It I i' o , . . .. , rrport-fU mat j j ;ovinfc, of Meo, -nd aUo iu tWr.l .(lit" ui.E"'-""!' - " incrie, " K" " " " K ulcnici.t, whore ho wi.l be out of rtnnpcr I iay from IjcMiIb inflornce. 1 lie tut- II ...:.! ffin,r nrriiar uiiioh difti..iill t,e of law, .ri,.nK frnui .tc!r placed in their way by llio .Mor- j and it i frrqacot ulji.-ot of com-1 Jut. The army i reprnotited to be in' e,r,iriii. The Indinua in the Southern , r. i n .11 ,rtof th lerr.tory wvre troubleaome. rishington Correspondent o till iV. J . i "I I ?.n A ClDKNT We learn that an Or. -nllrinder, ho ha born about (JoldiiLorO ' f , f,, dy. pat, ... killed on the Hail- ,,i ou Monday night, about 0 o clock -1 t',. via walkio on the tremle work, which ' ,'i ll.ack UreeB, BDOU Ii milfe norm pUee; and w no. a, by the 0Dpi. , J ..r ml the engine m 1.1 or 0 yarda z I him too !' ' chfcH the projre cfj I. train which pacd over him. The L,n w'.toprod about 3 )0 yarJj from the ir l. . , 1 : hriJ w broken to pircra, but hi i t t did not appear to be wangled. The j i .. nf S'J'J') 111. chifflr in rold. waa found body of the unfortunate atraner. ii.o Inhunt. I rnlt.r1Si.pllV tr 1'-.SD'IKKIN0. 1 InC Ot the ...J - .1.1.. ,l,.,i, ' ti't ajoiou ana wuaiiuy ineri'iiarita wai . . .. j i i a jut to tt-it hurope, and anting bta hnue , rd.r before he left, closed a converaa- j I j vim hie on and h'-ir ai fdlowa : "Now, I . ,.t l-on, lok tt (hex four Doti ' i r' . ' . . , , , . - ti h' put into Li. band four notg. of tail of JJ'i.lKKl, til akill Sll'tl.OOO, ilU . . Ii.iii" oo the back. "Ihoae, aai'l be, ' ry raprr.aii.n fr.Mii h f.oi.. wo r lb l.rice paid for eiidoraii. fjr ""' ' i""1' lKrlir .. i lt.:d the (..Mowing a I nl I weekly put my nam ou lliein, , , !,.,-,,, . 1 1 Lad to pay them a. you m. Wbeu-j ' ' " Tl,,,T, Ml- r anyone ak you to indorse, look at,Tij ,,r y ;,liir ,. ull ,n i tiotca before YOU ri-Lly." l'utlt i liior.NTra ilmaaa F .r in f-I IsOnOMI t. iv jera 1 hate Um a ruH.rrr Icom lor dyp.p. j ia. Il. -id. trying ihe p. tienee ol my Ijiinly 1 ' idiv.i. ni.a in ti.r alinoat u lex In .1 of their va. il'imerTIVt FlRES IS Cm IVitruc- ""' pre.rripio.n.. I lnvc tried a ,nat variety of. I a . .'... . :i I .. t ou 1 patrol medirm-a will a aimilur re.u.t. Throiitfb ; (toi.B.prat.oni prevatlrd ou March ,,..,., ,. ,,,.. , .,,, 1 I ri rttee near trden, commrne M ,r, ,, ,,, , ,,OJn tM)lnf ,, oXYt.KNAT-' il ,rj t!it uk'r pl.ilil jIioii of Count lVnii- Kll HI I I l',U. I h zin to ue them without auy T, a ereat pari of whe eaue waa de- j b.. i Mmr ''.ip from iliem. Uiinir drier, a' -i tt c . ii , ,1,. '., miiiKlM ve to. m a lair Iriul I continued Ineir ! lUmin tilantationa of enora l'e- j 4 a M ian do Oarcia. which were ruined ; t,i to the ru.-ar hou-o of tan Joaiiiu, Ji-d ly !r. SJora) Oia lo, oened by Her & i; Sio Aitt'"iio, owned by Hut; and ej'Ttl oi'iera, ail of hic!i were burned () lurid. The Eolith ind, which blew r-al force, rendered all effirta to aave ' frroer.y un.v a.t...c- I be eiuuere ete The eibtlera Mere ""' o ardcliaa. I !'i -an Ahton dl la Au'jftlda there was Iier fir allien deatroved two or three n .n.oi.1 then, the utfar plantation of . . ... mi i i l 9 Ji. , Je Helayo. 1 he dainaj-e, which very rio'J., baa uot becu ejt.uiati-J. ! V Sl PPRIr" A leltrr waa rrerived oiiirb the l'jt Uttice in tin, euy a ie 1 y one of our eiiifn. eontiinin j ' Jt with rrqueet that it abould be ali'l-d 10 a lady whoe oni waa nun. 4 ' I The li ti-r waa anonyruoua, aud aj al-i'e ul.ject i a mystery, aa neither' J gentleman who rceifed the letter, nor lilv menl-eied therein, have the leal '4 i of the writer, or what can be lb re. - of iu, h a eoume. M't. (la) i.uzrlte. 1 4 Mlltlt ZtAI. TII AtH Dla Rf.TIOS. Not tt l . ii , t .l. v.- V,t I i. I. .1.1 . on. nf the New York la J lit insp-fcior. It happened, a few evrn- .(.only after the wharf watch , tn tr that a tilatn lookine countryman 1 ' .. f ii.eetito leave a brir Ivinr at idcr No.1 I :ili a au-pirioui looking buudle in hi '!. It aa. a large package ami a heavy t -, lu l the .tranter tugged along .lowly ine jier miii it, inJ turned the corner, ting uuder hi. load. 1 Ah.! ... rll..a l.ol.l.rl ll. I cjid irifprctcr a .harp i t official, by ay "aha! I've got VJU this t'lue '. " If I proaching Ihe countrman, be aaid : j 'ood evening. Lame relieve jou of I lid, my friend."' f Kb," responded the iu.n nnoa-iily. j ' 1 11 take bundie, if you pli-asc." " I hank you." j It a heavy, im't it said the ofllflcr. j ' a n. Which way jou guiti', nbjr ! " I' Co,,,, aiony ii'a all right; III lake e r f thia em,) on ! " j " Ed", icily ,ucti obliged. Ita tarnal f "v. an 1 ve got to git it up to the How el I 1 1 jue " I'ou, along," continued the officer, know- ! ' " "e H are about thai 1 " and in a few uleaihry reached the Howard ; whenlh tn.'er o! acrved that the in.pcoior bad no ! 'Hall,! which way, friend I I P ? here," aa,,. I the r.iol.lei loan stop- in t,o matter. I've .eiied t!,i prop. T. etui y0q can evplain matters at the '"tn I.iU. to uioirow," continued tho d ii,.p, f,,,jr 1'Lik Lcre, friend! Not tew fast. if. f " p'eaae. I fe pgj, n)l d0O,i on that1 3" lt o' iroods. Jeat you look at this i1. and he drew fortii a bit of paper: Siior. a" ,, Via i, , jou neatrip!" sai l the in'peetor, permit for your goods I hy T"' Ton alio- thi- l.-r... V j" WhJ, in the fust place, you didn't ik T'l'j'i Bd, in the next place, vf I had, j, . 7rn me break my buck afore you ' bro t that bundle cluar up bera fur tn. aitnriw." 1 d ru. Th, . j j.u. i-jr u.owen ins no), and, our., i It lie countryrnsn for t fool, turned, I '" treet iutanter, to retime bis , 1 " J round. The stranRei put hi parcel J ''rg, of the servant, and grinned . f " jfria, as th over ir aluu wttubmin ! I t'M- 1 )"" Pin .tr.el la.l 1,1. A rim! ot thr IIolfK. Oil ART OTTF" IlflTVI t tl U' l t. '' ' April 4 P T Murra. D W Park.-A G Lornn. J F Crawford, W Lilllu, J C WiMiilmir, fl SGiiion, Mm M Tucker, Jt II Smith, I)r H Reevce, Dr S "ee,'. " II'HIIH II, J AUlll, ft IUHlklUI, J BftO. p,,., J M (Wl, A II Boyd and 2 children, J N Mill. J W Mehiiffey. U F Jon. , J C Rcid, A' Me. Reynold, E Hughee, T I, Erwin, VV Mcftwinn, J .VI our e, I llrandim, lvlia .S Brandon, .V r .Vulhera. April 5. Grn W II Neul, Cnl T 1 Gricr, A On. er.J S P,athrr. J Fllarrv and lad, ft W Y..ung, I- Brown, (; 11 Fon.ln, 11 Doda.m, W II McDadc wi hid,, ii ii Alexander, r. a iijm. w it Me. Lean and 3 daughter, VV G llrigga, E II Marab, I'. J B B Adama, Mr Campbell and 3 children. E Arn"'":11'f D .V ',,' ?Ul n' ?"M" Kate Asbury, W McSwaini, 1 Braulon, Dr J M ,.ndereoii. , A,.nl C -f W R.ial, J fftnwe, T I Grh-r. DrGib. I R L Gricr, C t: i7. hdcrann, Alia M Vaiicull. I ?' "V.."'.''". J "'. ' "' f. Jonea, J r (.rein, J II Milluroy, F Gardner, It Siinlli, M Murlin ImZ ""rl C A Durrin, u,r, G M Adunn., It K C.clirnn, J I! April 8 W uiinnp., S L'm,.b. II, J II s,....,ir, Urmvn, r Ili-uman, Dr J II .iIiIk.ii, A r White, Miaa E Nial, II II Plant, H U liullnrk, I) F Jnr, ,vmlth, a III icknrd. MANSION IIOl'sK v. V. Pi.w, rrajni'tor. April 4 Mr hen, F II Mnwell, Mr Mandril. D T .A M, f..d, n ,ai.H Mr. Jolira. a Mif Jonn', Cud J"r, ir, T Wullun, I. 'w wlu.n,JMirr,J Id., K Wultrra, H fUw,,,u v a nv. Y H Kill. F My... April 5 F I". Mitrhell, H VV Kelley and rvt. K 8 Lanier, Mn (,' T Miinn, C. T Winalcal. W II Fnwlrr. ?Va It V. Mia hVll. J N Crif, 6' M II Tate, v I) .vmlu, W ) .svny, P U Tlo , L I .Vinii, KG Perkm. T J .Vmuiirr. ' -: L,' K ' .m"!,';": J 'i 'i','' ... v H ,. .v,,,,,,,. ., ,. s...iii. a..d It Nrii,r..p. -:rii I. J ii i", mra v inwrw., N.-- - . W sn7!. ,ljJ M A.m)ll ( u M M ,)r.r A, M .j It, ill I.un.kina. .f P A'ud, P C Tl.oin.a, P M.tiide. T 11 M-Ai.un, J N A.Un,.. M M.n.i.l H F II .yd. ,S I'ow, J l,,.n.K.i.,i.. ApmI 10 P 'I m .iiih., K A Koaa.Cti l.ti., Myra, W I) Klme. Jprfiitl Smirti. m kl'l I'SI A. n b . 1, (III aeaae .lr. .,r-. n.-ll, ll my wen ie c uico "i.y. dr4 heilrit." I it. tr4ii. I'olluw .i.nfulion, 'uui . ... ... ,, ,, , ,, ... ttumrk. . .irn, Ital'i Xlia, t ua(ir''. j,lltl AnUlly ,,llf,.,nm jltt i;.mnr. JJir, Hiiu!,m-y. Torpor a) Ihr Airer, J'linnii. Ihutii- ly, Prmalt ('mini, A;r. None ol Hm: fi'at "' """"" r.:rl,lic.,tea itUliv to t'.e . un. rtTi'.l.d in I'.eir own I...... (ir o0r,llT,l, tlTT,; ,!,. u.i..nil. - ,, ,,., .olre., rrm..r,...,,n,,i.,n. and ..lunt4. I are averae t ee !y . vrr Ii. Imn -f. ijltly reapei-tble i , Feb 9, IS.'iM. rfir, Sir : Hun twenty. hioeeltic't I li4Vf fr-idu.lly mi.i ,m . nt.rely fce from aridity of liw aunnacn. nd fr.Mi. Ihe roiiaroit.-nt tl itui.neV, and III mil and ..linl dlalrelii.g .1' k hea-larlir, Inch nllen f .r daya l. jrll.ei li. hullv uA"rd n (or atudy and l.r all other .tiimaterial dutiea. and rendered life a burden. I t't-el that I ..we il, aa an t iprea- amn vf gr-lituuet M..r Fuwle & Co. and alo duly lo tl.. pul.lir. to recommend llie.r Oxjfe-'ii Hit ter a. aa in ir. r ratiui illon. a aure A n i.y a m, t ; n ,,,. dieaw, to which po.r l.uoi.n riVah la leir. the ..ia. Il-m,; . tT red Inng. aim tried an I y aitt. rent retneon . will, no re.ult. I can too (),,, denre few ollirra can Mirror are auffem If ai.y .,1 the rradera .,f' 1 beg of them to nuke al ol 111. BilU ra 1 1 boil I ftela f . JMY.' It. ( I SUING. Prep, red .y K W. FltWLEA. . O, u.d aald by E. Nyr, tlutchiaon A. i o., Charlotte, N. C I r Sma va Bctv ! Sunt id Pua ! Smik tKO li; k a ! Thia ta Hie lite of agonr endur. d ine.utt.eer Irom F. v, r and Ague. He wa.ideia like an i..tiow, iiev.r konwing wImI "l,hi:: He la a burilen to hioiarll and a burden to Ilia. nda, who -rc worn out in adiiuninatering lo 1 l nanta. Tn. I the condition ol Ihnu.anda in j an and countrv. Il i no cx .ggeralioo to aav ' lii .1 Fever and Ague killa more -opl tiiall ai.y i twenty other diae.itc in America. For a aurc and I I i rni. nr thia l.n.lile aAli.lio... we t.Lel gre.l ole.aure in recommending UK. Ill SS I E I'. 1,1 Lit S STOMkiH IIITIER lleved a Wl.lo rrpiltatinn f..r i fT- eta in ren.-v-iCng tho aysten pwi - rful atral. "r'ftt't ty'lVuV. ..te--' , aler. gen-rally, rv er wh. r. , ami b E. Ny llutciuaoii At Co., ( Inr. l-t'le, N. C. ; hub: wnisMiRs:: iioistkiies:: t'ae n-y f Bg,anr, arid y.-u can have a hfnvii. ful pair ot It ilrr, and .o..rorAf a, (lirlr tnft I mnd luxuriant, within ix H'rela, ir.-iere thirf weir - aaaff aort anaf trill not mn er injuie the gkin. Price fifiy ri nl per bottle nnt la any parlot the I'l.lled Slatia. Aiiilir. JOHN M. SAUNDERS. I lii Third Sire. I, New York City. "I .Wore 31, X3'I llJ J am for Sale. eohacrthrr, b, ng d, .iroaa to remove i the country, oHVra tor .ale thr Plan, ai-lnrh aim now re.iera, I) mg 4 milea fro I. turn or from Cbarlolle, ou Ihe We. Urn Plank Road, con t'tniog SU rcre.. Ta I.nd la of go.l quality Fur p .rtictilar., enquire ol the auoaoriher on the premiaea. Mrs. A. V. STEVENSON. Apnl 1-3, IP.V). 511 AT pectfully inform thv I'itiJ fal'OE .crib 3. Mi. at a Turn Out. Ih building form r'n, where I I in the iicighlmrloaHl of M .rrow'a they have ,-nrd a Store in the! ly occupied hy ll.-ii. I.e.on At Ah. I y w,l keep a lag, and new ..- aorloirut ot srillNCJ AM)sniMI'.lt Dill (itiial tllillinrrif floods, Uothini;, IWt..C, HlKl,, t'SMI AND a we have I e ight our enlir Stock nl New 1 oik i.d Philu. e'n nu for CASH, wo are able lo sell n..r e,. ml. eoraiMT tli'ivanr oilier store in the leouinry. . e respeciiuny SOIICH a anare oi pi. ru.,ge. A'l kind, of Ontitiy I'ro.l iri taken in exchanae at Ih ' " ' J"' '"J'k;; . vr..,,,.,o j hRa,,LAU & (u a- 18 '6 NK I'EKlhS for sale at this, nflio. ',en"'r' nnll" 3:1 instant, of enneumption, I'M, .bllr.LI,, aged about 14 year. IJUT NOT LEAST! "ttB'Khavo rreeireil our unuaunl fifVe alock ? of DRY GOODS. Iloolo liix'9 IE:im, 4 npo AND Mis.iu anon, t ,,cl hv hern currlulljr pelerted and be r,nld ba cheap oa the ehcniet. Wu hnpe that piriHjna il.iii In buy goo. In will favor ua wilh a cull ht'l'rc buying eUewhere, a we are deter mined not tn he ufiilcraiild. Wa invite the ailnutmn nf whnlcaalv buver. BROWN & S'UTT. April 12, IS ffCf jiotice. IHE Mug iflralri of Mvck l Mburfr eonnfr are I rqn ett'd to meet at April county court, on Tut'Btitiy , lo rlecl Cuuntj St lici tor, bounty A'ur. Vjfurt uud lit lend to other ni'tlrr of iitirmrliiiic. W, K. UEID, Clrr: April 1, IP59. 7 ( ;tfi ii a t 'r'iii raiM c. rhe eleclion of . fiiccra f.r ( lirlolle Section fur - (he r.exl, quarter, will t.iko place Friduy itirht next, A;nl the Mill. Mmlicra are riiieted tn attend. April I Louric'sYlilisTs." c7 XffESSHS. OATKS Jt WILLI AMSnre my iu j.f jl t lion ed agent fur lite ailc ot lumtur at ( d-rlotia, iN. I All orderi delivered to tltrm will inert Willi prompt attention. SOL. LOUIUC. Aptil -3,F50 111 It-viiK liit lli ( ;irtiliu;i. 'IMIIE lim'ta fur aubaeriptinn lotbecp f-Utk B til tint II . nk, waa nprni d, ut the fli:c nl llitlrhion A llruwn, tin tne I1 iil., and will contii.ue open l.r 'ity day. JtlS. 11. ILS'.IN, JNO. K. IIKOWN, VM. J VATKS. Aptil hlh, le.,3. Com. Davenport Female College, AT lllbnrat Annu:il r-XAnnnaiion ot lnatituti'io will euibrce the 4 in Wertn.'.l:.v and Tlmra.iii v HI Wi. A aerinon by liiv. Itev. Win. M.rnn he 4- fore the un.ier a. .ii.tlea will be prc:it li ed the Sal bilh prreedinf. Tlie neieiaea of ihe lollrije will be rtaiiinioi tlie Iro Tiiuraiuv in Julv. II. M. MOOD, l'nsiienl. April S, 18:9. 16 lj Notice. A I A. per. una mdeliUd to u for tiie l.t quir. ter need not upeet to buy (nia from ua , , . crrnl',. We in-i nu lo do a M.rr monA'a bonne., j i y.u .re i.iilel.lrd lo ua lor a l. i.jt' r p.ri.1, rai. and piy, for on the Ut nnv of Anril your credit will atop. We p..iii. 1 1 ml. nil to enloree tl.e ab-ive evn tj'.Vl Aerounta due ft.r yr that are not pud lv toe lat of April, will be handed out for colleen. ,li. ! II. B. WILLIAMS Si CO. t April 5, l"59. 4tl I (oiiiiikmi ( hool .A ii I ice. n v Tl.. II. ...rf ,.f Kiinrinle..drr.t. oT rotnmnn , kre rrno-lf,-. ' to law. i meet at ,(,. ,1ulllF C,irt ( lerk'a tTiee on Vr. 3d Monday , April and elect one of H.eir nilmlM r cluirmati. The Board Cnnai-t nl M. N Hart, R. S. Kenrmond, B .rii. lt, Moa. a A. l ark, and JiioP. K J. 1'. ROSS, Ch m. .UireH, 5?, 1853. t i OT1IMJ A UM! STAND IJOYVX TIIH II ALL! 1' ( II T W DAY y I. V ! innLLbiii hUDtnouHki circus and Am phithcatre! ; 1 I Enibracing all tho grcnt Novelties IN ON 13 VAST rONi'T.ltN The D-nma, Eqoeatti, Opera . Ball, I, Gvmnnat, and Mnlre. ay forming an eiil.-ruin-ment Uillioul (in Equal iiillir World.' A Oil! "d .fli'-enl y2taf U:. U. V Dramatic Tin u pe, e. lecled from the l-.t The- aire in the I'nion.a M.mI. 1 Eque.iriau, liimnut At Acrobatic ( ompany. 5 CLOWNS, I who have no cqml. in li... cunlry. ami wtmae Jokea are neither .tnlr, ha knryeo or vulgar. A Brast Blind lllld Or- rhrslrii, enmpnaed of the ln-al 111 U - I tilent in iliecnuntry A niitchh Sl ud Trained Hon and Mulca. , P .ney. The performance of the great palmitic I'u. ma entitled Thi aplrnHid National Drama la founded on e venta which tran.pircd during Ihe AiiR'rieiin Revolution ! With audi a romhinntioll aa the above, the linn nger fi.l coiilideiil of ineritiiig a liberal patron. age, ami a jilal appreciation ol the piib'ic WILL EXHIBIT AT CHARLOTTE, Plondav & Tuesday, Aptil 13i.h tt 19. h. . , , , . r.rlormnnce at J and 7 o dock. P. M. . Admi.Mon iO cent.. Children and Servants 25 cent. For particulars .re Description liil . B. S. BL'UT, Agent. Fashionable .Millinery. Mrs. IIAWLEY & V7I1VDLE at AVE juat received a fine aelrction of Milli. E nery GOODS, consisting of Straw, fcilk, Crape and Leghorn BOIN'XETS, together wilh a good aaao,ient of Trimmings DRESS GOODS, HOOT Mailt I , (lira Eoiprc. patent.) l.M'ANI'S II Ai .c. All of the latest alylt-e, and which will be wild at mall profile. Rain on Tryon tnel, first door et eit tl.e Cbarb.ito It, ok. , ( AiTiuCr, .Wwre,'. j, ISjJ. I if JJa-.-MrV'lrl mm ATTRACTIVE OPEMXG or Spring & Summer Goods, Attmellvo opening of SfTinf At. Sninnier flood a at Atlrucliva opening ofSpiinp; & Suinmer Gmde at! Altriichve niemng nl ciprina; . Summer (voiHie at Attractive onniii(f of Spring tt Summer Gooda at Attractive iiing of Spring V Summer Good a a( T. II. llrem & Co.'s T. H. Ilrem & Co.' T. II. llrcm & Co.'e T. II. Brem & Coa T. II. Brcm & Co.'. T. II. Brem & Co.'s ("ALL AND EXAMINE TITF. Cll and ex inline the Pull and examine tlie r.ill and exfiniine the Call and i xainine llie ('ill ii nil examine the ; SILK P.OWETS, LU E BUJiSETS, miP BflWETS, Silk Konnetk, T,ace Bonneta, I hip ImniieU, Silk Hoiini ta, !.nee llnnnela, ( hip R.uiiieta,' Bilk lloiinela, Lure D .ni.ela, Chip Konnrt,' Silk ll.innela, I.nce llonnela, Chip Koi netH, Silk IV. no. I., Lice Bonnet, Chip Donneta, STB.1W l:0E NEAPOLITAN lillWI'.TS, i Straw llol.liela, Neu poll tun llonneta, Straw Bonneta, Neapolitan Itoni.elii, Siraw llonneta, Neapolitan Iioiineti., Slr.iw Boniieta, Nelitan Bonneta, Straw Bonneta, Neapolitan Bonneta, Sl'l'EItBSlI.K KOBE, Superb Silk Kohra, Superb Silk Kohea, Superb Klk Kohea, Superb Silk Kohea, Superb Silk Kobe., MAGNIFICENT TISSUE ROBES, M.igniricent Tiaue Rnhea, Mamficeul Tia.ue Knbce, M.Hjmfieent Tiiatie Itolwa, Mnjroiricint Tiaatle Itohea, M ign.ficenl Tiaaue Kobe, Itiavttful Organdie linbt L'nnpinllnl Tltrngt Unbrt, Beautiful Oru'ndir Knbea, lequald lien.;' n4ltea ilitautitul Orn'iwlle Kohea. I'mqiiaid ll r.fe KntM a. Beautiful Org'ndir Hob. a. I'nnqin.ld ll. r.iiri Itol.ea, llciltilolO t'liole Itobea, I'mqu.ili! liernge HoWa, Bu.Utllul Org'li.Me I.oIh a, L lirqui Id ller:.((e l(okcai ( IIANTK.I.Y I.ACE MANTLES, liontilly Lnee Montler, Cbamilly l..iee Mantle, ( li:.ntiily Luce Mui.llea, Clianttlly Lure M .ntlea, Ch.H.iiily Lice Mnnilea, FIIENCII LA( E KJINTS, Freneli L.ce Point, Fn nch I.nce Point, French Lure Point.., Krrnrli I. are Point, French I.:irc Point, LACK SKTTS, COLLARS k SLEEVES, Luce Sett, Collars aud Sleeve, l.ace Sett, Collars and Heeve, Lace Si lt, Collars and Klcevea, Lace Settn, ('ollars and Sleeves, Lace Sett. Collar and Sieirca, BE RAG E SHAWLS, CHAPE SHAWLS, B-rage Slinwla, ( r: r- Sli.,wla, lieragc Shiwl, I S'lanla, li. rageSll.wi, Crape Siluwl., Ilerage Shawi. Cr.pc Shawla, Beiuge Sliawia, Crape Soutt 'a, EMBROIDERIES Embroider iea, Enibrotderiea, Embrotderie, l.'tnbiotderiea, Eiubroiderira, CAMBRIC COLLARS and SLEEVES, Cambric Collars and Sleeve, Cambria Collars aud Sleeves, Cambric Collars and S!ceve, Cambrio Coi'.ars and Sleeve, Cambric Collars aud leevcs, L AC E C A T ES, L ACE BERTHAS. LAI E FI CHU Lace Cape. Luce Bertha., Lace Fue-ini. Lace Capea, Lace Iter th a a, Fuchu, LaeeCa-., Lace llerthaa, Leiee Fueliu, l,aee(;p, Lara Berlhaa, Lace Fuchu, Luce Cape., Lace H.:rthia, L-ce Kurhu, HiLbuBs Brad Hr Jtsrn, Kiblxma, Head Drea.ea, Ribbon, (h ad Dreaaea, Ribbon., Ife.d Dr.aaea, RiblMiiie, Head lireaaca, Idbuona, Head Dieaaea, rrrurh Flowrrv, Fre-,. it Flower.. F'rt i.wii Flow era, F.entu Fiowrr. F enetl Flower. Frei.eii r lower. PARASOLS, Para...,. Paraao!., P.ra.oa, Puraaula, Paraaola, Thirty Spttng Skirt, Tlnrlv Soring Skirt, SANDAL WIKiD FANS, Sandalwood, Sandal. Wood F-ii., S mdal.'Voou Fan., Sandal. Wood Fans, Suuaal-Wuou Falia, l iernty four .vpnne- Khrt, '1' four .".(inng Skirt, Thirty Spring Skirt, Tweuly-lour g .Skirl, Thirty-Spring Skirl, Fweuty-lour spring tsk irt. s;:i: I IWlVITtl1 hairt, ur Spring Skirt, IIONITON SKIRT, lloiiilnn Skirt, Houitou Skirt, lloniton Skirt, lloiiilnn Skirt, (Ionium Skirt, TIIE CELEBRATED M ATTINFL SKIRT. The cclebrulcd Mattinee Stut. The c. Icbratcd Matllnee Shut, The c. lehrated Mattinee Skirt, The celebrated ,l itlinee Sairt, Tl.e celebrated Mattinee Sk.rl, MISSES' HOOP SKIRTS, M,,,,.' nnp Skiita, i.Mo.' ,.op Skirt., I Mi.ara' H mid Skill, Mn.ea' Jloop S.,iru, Mi.ara' Hoop Skirla, , A COMPLETE STOl K OF MOURNING GOODS , A coni,l!ptc ck c, Mourning Gooda, , A cm,,rU. ock ot Mourning G,hJ,, I A Cl,lll(,it..H ,tock of Mourning l.uoda, A rlliplt.,r Kl,1(.k of Mourning Good. I A complete atnek of Muumuig liiaid., cents' fiknisiiing good?, ;Gint Fiirniahlng Good , inula r urni.niiig i.iKida, istn I i ur. ua I r. (ent' Furniahitig (. Pirw Style 11,1., New Slyle II. ta. New Slyle Hat., New Sti le Data, New St vie Hals. (tent hurnialiing (id., Geuta Furniahing Guouv, March 29, Itj9. I Il.tTtI WA V i O., WILMINGTON, X. (' , Offer tor an le: ; .'00 Hnda. I Choice New Crop Cardenas MO. :U Tirrcea, LASSES. BirreU choice New Orle.ina Syrup. tat) Hilda. Fair. to. choice N. O. Sugara. i 2()( Barrel Clarified Sug ; 600 Big Rio, Lie in,.., Wist India, and Java Ce.ree. 15ft ll.irrel. Me. a and Prime Tork. 2 Hhda. Western B.con, naianJ Shouhlera.) j 200 Uarrcla Yellow Planting Potatoes, ,,0, j - J STATE. OF N ) I 111 I-C A UOL IN A , Mti Ki.KMUinn rot:Tv. jy LQVITV, I'all Term, 1?5?. Richard Peopli a and J. B. McLaughiin 1 r. O. B. B. Siirr.S. A Daviaand Mar) Mi-Kinny. T aiiiii-aring to the sati.'l.nlion ul the Court, Ji th I lieln rojt.-r, one of the Defendant in Una caae I not an inhabitant ol thia Stale, ft illlnr. f. OiJirrJ ly tne Court, that publication be inadi for aix week a in the N. ('. W Uv-. a ucwapaper pub. li.he.l in Charlotte, N. C notifying tlie ani B". la Sixer, to be and appear al the neat Court of t. ....a. .. h. I, ..I. I V,r 1 ,...l,- of M.-rklriihaara' al the Court House in Cli.rlotte, on the I lib M..n. I day aflirtbe 4th Monday in February, then and there to anawcr complainant, or pro , ; confeaao will Im- taken aa to him. ' I Witne.s, D. R. Dunlap clerk and m.Mer in E quity Ihr I Ith Mondav after the 4th Monday in Augu.t, A I). H5n. L. R. BUNLAP, c, k m. e. ,fare 15. 1S..9. T,.. fee fi. tC WITNESS TICKETS, for the County aud Superior Court, for sale hare. SCARR k CO. CII.I KI.OI n., .H. -., a trw ir 1.11,1 call, toe) alien, lion ol I'!, v ioi.hi. Planter, Coun. try MerclniiitH, Ac, lo their Inrec and curelully aelecte.l Slock of DIK.'GS. TO PHYSICIANS. Dr. Cliurehill'a New Rcmedira fiircoimumption ilypoplioFphilci of Soda & Polaah. Compound Sjrrup of I ho llypnplioaphitra. U imil'a Il.iii ltrtor.iliTr. A freali eupply of tliia valuable preparation for Hair. LINSEED nil, TRAIN OIL SPERM OIL WINTER LAIil) OIL.1 Af.fO No I Copal VARNISH .. j "3 Fine Daniar " ' Coach " .Tniian ' Iitlher Jtc. GARDEN SEEDS. All the choice variefie .f Garden Sci da. Peai Bean., Iletla, CabbiigC, PjrallipV. &.C. Asparagus PooL, ISIikIi.ii b or Iic ; ti (, WITH I.OVI.R, riU K (.It ASS, OIlf llAKD lt Ac. Jan. 4, 859. . 4tf Tii.i)i:.'s V 1 ii i (1 E xtracts. SCAR It Sl CO. call the attention "I the Medjca Prof. ion to tl.i .e mted for lli elegant prrp:. rably , xtr.nporaneou. preparalmn of Tincturca, Syruj... V ioe, & c, arcuring the de airable object ,f uniformity of alrenglll. Nu Phvaiuiau abuulii he without tin in. For aaleat &CARR A; CO.'S rnca STORK, Uutilottf. Window C Inss, Plllli, Uhiliu, ( hall., Ac, Low for cn.h, at SCARR & CO.'S, Druppiiis. New Watches, Jewelry, 0 PL AT 1. 1) WAUK. V.Bickwith haaj-ji-l rtceived at hi u,re, 11 a "d Hour Ei.t ot Druckir At Ikilbruo'. Sl rc, a new uni'lv of English ai amebic an WATCHES, . with new and improved tyle of cacaj alo 1 Fine Jewelry of all kind., and uUo a aupply ef Plated Ware, of the be.t kind, nil of which h lie at very low pri, ea for cnih. offi ra to the nuh. C.-i'l i.nd t xauiinc my (.coda. R. V. BEKCWITII. ;' Frhmnry , ISoJI. 47tt CiTnTi(niuiJU ITII'.nM'A.XT iMIIH I'. J"E IT KNOWN' gener."y lhat we are ael. logoff ur Slock ..t READY MADEi l.O. THING, l-i l NISIMVG GOODS, Ate, at con-1 aiderably REDICED RATES in order to prepare for the Spring; and Sumim r Trade; an our Fit i i:ds Will rorne frw.ird nntl avail li.rmPrKr of tin rare rpHrluniiy of ruppl) iriff tdrir Whnl out of our PftU fititU muck of I loin, t oblur heM vcr, II ud. ! ai lUr Fur, Trrcot ('upMintTc uitd Sv al-nKin O. ! vrr-Karkii, K 'pliin ;ind Krnckn ; also, nil grntict of S.ltittcl w nd 1 anetiiiiere Iiumocd. C'u-ilr., at J-n pncKB titan you j PAY At any other Hou.e in the State. Our ailvanta. j gea for gi limp GOODS a ud keeping up the alcek are unequalled, a. il i weit-knnwit throughout ! the country, I. once wc derm tl unnrce.eary lo re. i fears, them, but will a. aurc you that you nil' tind it lo ' I Yoru j Intfp'fl to tvi.I and txniiiinc cur M-ck bef-re bnv. in? rlt w here. Ynu will alo find at the Clothing Emporium, quite an exten.ive atock of all quaiitiea of l)l;ick nnil Fiiiifj Casyiniprp Panls, lll.tcl. ilK. Mid ;iliii Vol, Fancy IVrcf ' f ttnimcre ai ao a vaairrv nr FL'KMSIII.X. t.oons, . or.NTS AND LAnits' I Trunks, I'alissff, I orptt tings,' ISouti :iitl Mine, and many tiling, too 1. diou. to lake an AC COUNT of, that are a!wnj found in a enU Furniriiiug , We return our ninerrr thnnka to our frirntla for (heir ktmlnrs nnd pMironiir i FOIt j And we hone hv attention to hn nd keep. State, Ui merit a continuance ol the lor I &6ff. FULLINGS, SPRINGS A CO. January 25, IS5U. 4l".ti Atlantic KUTUAL ard FIRE Insurance Ccmpany, 4 nit, . '., Incorporated by an Art nf the Lepitiataie of orth Carolina. t (MllIS Company bring duly organized, i now JL pnpared to teccive app.ii'atioii. for ni.ur ancc upon BUILDIKGS, BrrHCHAKBISE. I'li.-.iil.i.i', .MilS, .naiiiifiicloi lea, 'ships and -nu in ( it(.or.s and most kinoanl property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed, in the organiTation of thi Cnmpa. ny, tn make a .ale m.oium for lnoeinniiy am-, 'roticlion to the aaaured in cue of Loaa. An honorable and upiigbt course of dealing, and a faithful llllfliuiahl of 1 1 .Olilract, will al all timea j character, le ihe hu.ineaj ol the ( on, piny, j Application for lourance ui'y be maitr at tin I oftVt of the Company, or to it. mitlionecd Agents. ! DIRECTORS. J,.hn A. r.,rr..t. Levi T.Ogl.Nbv W. It. Grant, D. vid S. Jnliea, Geo. W. Dill, Col. Tho.. J. HI Luke Blackmail William S Lor-;;, D.vni W ttil, A. I). Cham,,, Ciin m-1 I.effe- .1.1,1 II Davis D. A !.. rg. lt I. Mallrtt .eley OFFICERS. John A. Parrntt, I Levi T, I W. S. Long, I K. A. Thmupaon. Tr. !rni, Vice Prr.mci Trenaur. Altornr A. B. Cbapin, ivcrrury W. II. Grant. ) W . M. Liing. r A..V e . a . . " ' David W. II. H. Marrk 15. It. 6m-ti: Tiri: JS hereby given tn all Fox huntrra ana! oHier$, who are inhe habit of throwing down my1 tence. riding through my fn lda, or a lhcrwiae tree. paing on my land, th at I will, in every instance, nrosrculc Ihetn for the penalty given hv law. 1 Oil AS. K. REEL. Virr 25, I Si? r , ftf-A Card'.-. Huirbiaon Sl iu., I heartily eoinniend Ihcni aa my i aucr.eora to the cciihdi.nce and piitrotinp;e ol u reneroiia nublic. for whom kind and liberal tin. unit of mya. If hitherto, I urn and ahall ever be truly rrnti liil. II. M. PRITCHARD. Charlvttr, Ociol.rr 10, IP.if. Ir. E. Nic Ilulcliison k Co, j.WING ofSJS Ut. II. Jl. I'nlvlinrd, Ma 1nci' mi entire. lock nt niiri;S,CIIE. VJTil fiLl Mil Af,s, OILS. PAINTS, tg&J -4 Sli... V.c, reaped fully rail the alien lion ul Ho pi, I: lie to the fact, that lliey will crry on a Wliolesiili; k Ileliiil 1 in r Iliisirics, "t Irwin' Comer, where tliey arc rrreirinrr in nd. di!ifn to their prrspnl atock, u lurpi: aaaoi tmei.t of r'r'uttli and euuioc Relief for It tn u in.i I . : in, IE ,l OIL, Sold only by E Nvc llutchiiion Co. OILS. Pure Sperm, Whale, S. El.phanl, L imp, T.n nnu M Tanner'a Oil, I Oil ii'itaclurcr' vakmiii:.-. Coach, No. 1 and 2, lin. Engli.h Fiiii-liin?, Fur. niture. Copal, extra. No I and -J Leatner, Pirtnre and and while Copal, 4.C., .Lipuii, black nd brown. TAINTS. Pue While LEAD in Oil, by the IS nr tnn. Snow white inc. I lirnme Greene, I limine Yel low, Paria Greene, htirnt and raw Cinb r, Paint Brunbe, ir., Ac. WINDOW f IT. ASS. (,:irpe nf pnrtmi nt of I'mirli mhI Ainrnnn, froTl K x 10 to I.y 40, Putty in cmp, Hrc fiurr".i Kluid, Afctiliol and Spta Turpe-ntinr, by j-.tllt rt or bairn I, Krennh, Knp lirti nnd tmiiii TEircTMKI.'V, Ti;,(., (.m(i. mJ Bnl1, ad M nnd Surcirnl rSTRI V ENTS. Pure WINE: nd HR ANDY, (French) for in cal nnrpo. Frrab Cone rc.a Water by the br rure Kerosene je rariely nf Kerosene Lniilps, lor fair by E .V ii CluirehiU'a lirr para 1 1 n " lluklim he llvpo HI A fn .h.,fl,hif 47tf the cure of t UNSl MP1 ION. fthruary I, I S.V.I. TO BE FOUND AT ! iiorsTo.N a iii:Tr,i,, ! A N ASSORTMENT nf WOOD &. WILLOW I x WAKE. Low lor CAtll. I Id.or Ea.t of toe Court 11. uae, HOUSION Jt HUNTER. ( hirlnltr.Or.t. !iC. Ir-ofJ. 33 tf i FIJI Ml AltlilVALtiF c 02. j-t: cti ox a k i i-: & llorSTOA t III 'MKK "S3 AS jlial reeeised tt freali eupply of CAN. M ft 1)1 1.S, ot ali kind. a! Citmn", Curr..nt, lain.. Fig,, and a tv of Nina. Call ul HOUSTON & HUNTER'S, I D ior E.iH of ti c Court II. .uae. Cliarlottr. Of. Kb. 108. 33:1" . I ' (late- Slcven.oii, B.. Ud At Ne.rnitl.) halt uaaocia. ltd with thriii DalxMELAI.ZIMMEI.'aMA.V. formerly ol Lincolnton, N. C, ui.o leinnn , to the L.rgc tore No .',3 North 3rd .t., belw.ei M..n .1 anil Arch, where they wtli continue trie whuleaaie dk (.(sons I3lsi.m:sm with an iiier.Mi.eo atoik. rUhrlr'hia, Irl.. 7, lli-r,iiiF t'iUWUUIUaUal UUlldUj (t RANGE OF PRorniE'l'ORS ) IlltO Al) Si ltl:i.T NEW l!, X. C, JOHN F. JONES, Trrprietcr. rBMIE I'lideraigned r. apeclfully antiriunce. to JL the travelling public, thai be h..a land :harge of tbi. eld and popular i atabli.l ment, and to nc-c- o.inndate tr .leh r. a nd prl- w-iv fiitiltt t w.tii b y or mouth, on the nioal aernn ilnoiln ting l . j ll's l'Alil E will alway. be fuin al. Ith Hie eta Call ' r tii.,t home and 1 nial afford. The Yliilitflii Hole I h... large rooiua, i nearer the depot, tnc onrt houe, imd the hu.inea Hreeta than any oilier in the city. An Onimf.u. mil ;-..- be al loe i , :-t and I : im.ii.o , on the orrivi'! z the ,,Mu .t.-i. inhoat, to convey p,anger. lo tne Hotel free of charge. lie stopping at lllla Holil, p .,., I ger. Will ball ampie liinc In obtain meal.. Having also a l..r'e .-nel conon'o!:. u. l.,bie nnd in (teller, he i t'ullv prenarr il in board linr.ea by the day, week or month ut tin moat rcaaullabic ralea. JOHN. F. JONES. .VnrrA I, ls5!). oltf STATE. OF NOirni-CAKOLLNA, M El'K LE.MIL RG t'OL'NTV. l wny Trim, IsOl). . E. P. Blankinship 1 j r. i Original Attucl. u. j John A. Cooper. .Levied in the hands of S,,i,url I.. I Mid him summoned us Garoiali.e. BT apiH-nrmg to the ...tisfaclioii of the Court that John A. oupcr, tl.e d. f. una nl in tbl rase, is nol an inhabitant ol tin. Slate, but re-ida beyond the lllllttaot lbe a: V is t'ldrrtil Court, that publication be made in the N.C. lug liewsp-i per pub! is lit d .n Ch irl-.tte, N. C, noli'y ing the .aid Jrlin A. I ooper, tu he nlld npnea, the next term of tin. Court, (u he held t'a r Met h-nburg county, .t the court bouse in Chariot on the 4th .Monnay in Aoni next, ami p1- ,d, a awer or demur to piatntiri petition, or th. a.n will be hearu n parte aa l. linn. Witn..., W. K. Reui, clerk ..four said court, ..(Her, in Cbariolie, the 4th Mondav in J ,, u r A. D. ISofl, nnd in Ihe bJd year of "A.nern an I dependence. TV. K. REIP.r.c.c. .V-ire 15. lsCH. P,a . . n. -C i'LiT -Notice. ffXIIIF. fi.m of 111 NDERSON Jt AIIKFNS mi JL aiiaaotird on the 1st ot January, ty mutual cn il. .IAS. P. II EX PI I.'SOX, mil hirei'ler carry on the on lo. . wu acceunt A.l aerson ini:etted wi.l please r nie Torward and Nettle at nr-re, a. l..e bu.inea. must be cios.ed up ninieaiiateiy. 11ENHERSON k Ali REN'S. Jannare ISAil. HAVING K'.Id t entire intcrrat in thr firm of ITEXDERSOX .V Alilal.NS to .Mr. J. P. II E.N DEU.-nN, I .till exptel o rinnm f.r or l..o yet al the .tore bti.1 shnll be b . " l ' a t "O my friend, and ctiai.,iners, narii. iii .rl v en tuo-e , who wouial 'ork a.ver lbe htii chai'gi-, .-ue n.c and the concern. i K. VV. AH HENS. j January Itr.9. 4 Elf j I ! j AX. WIUIABstSOB:, i TTOI.NEY and Cotinaellor at Law, I ken an otlicr, j. lull wilh J. A. Fox upstair next door to the Court II ni.e, be will be constantly present to attend to all on professional buaine.a made for htua.clf, , Mr. Fox. when he i abstul. JUawrr t, 16 .3. (at, E-o rc he Call The .ISiirkrfej. rfiMKECTED BT OATES & '.tlLI.TAM'. ! C II A K I; OTTE, APRIL II, 1" 5!). i nrOX. llama I Sidr , " ''.off rotinc, I ' Sooiilucrs, . Bni'?inp, (Jun'ny, llecf. Butter, I!evv.ix Biun Krnndv, Apple ' reach... Cotton :.. Con-re! Ri " Jav:: Cuidl. a, Adi.liiai.tinc " Sncrni., Tnllow, ..ib..... ......Ill (a,, ...ib... .. v:... ...'lb.... II ( ....Ill ft, hi) ("' ci .... S fn d ....ISJ (, Li On Uj I") fy OU .....00 I'll ....'10 (o Mi ....! II ....!2J (,.. U .....0 (, (Id ....'JW f.r, 33 ....IJ (.; ill ....15 r' do ....: 73 ...i. to in . . . I - i fo 15 ...J.'i ("., 30 .... H (., 10 f ?S ...a .n vf. i'j ......III (.. 3i ,...iaj (. 13 ,. H ('u. ri ..lfi (-. on ..:io0 ( 35 ...liU (t fl ,...10 (:. no 70 (, II" ...4'J (', fu .... 5 fn; 10 5 (ol 6 ....411 f.', 4.$ .... 7 V. ;4 ..7ti (ft ...1J 175 ....;"' f". no Or tl) ....'.4 to. 16 ....Il ( II .... H (.'.. !) ..150 f.t I'D ...-5 l ....ii5 (". .ai (., us to 55 ...40 r... 4a ...V" fo M '" '-'3 .100 to It'5 .'ju.liel, .. e! ,....Jb Ib ib lb , Ib Ih... .. ...bu.p.el... ... Mcl ...yard.... yard.... ....dozen ... hbl b;p Corn Chicken Cl..lh,C"t,i..!r..a " '" y Ego. Hour FeiMi.r. 1 Lard '. MuMon,..- Vackrrei Mnlaaaca.N.O W.I tte Mullet (Wilmington) Nail. Northern I Southern , ; Oata .... , .Mil. No I .. ..If, lis ..-Kill . I . hli-hr!.... ...bbl II Ib .... hllMld... II .... Villain I ... ...b'lahrl... ...bualiel... It. !b ....; a I... ...rack !b ....bushel.... ...Inihhel.... -C'l Pork Pea Potato.... Irian Rin Stigir.Loir.... Brown, Mnne.Wurr.. Pint, Tea ... Wheat, wl.f-, " rti- Whiak. v, No, " N.( V.'ool, (brat (e Yarn REMARhS. COTTON. Vinrc tor arrival of the K'.njarisr., lo.l..,,n..i. have arrived, Ihe (Irt bligng a .ii . chin- with war n.-u .. The a.-c.-nd u .light ad. v .nee, with ,ii u more piei W- tlo h.-avieat rfe. elm tlie low prole. V i- qu ite good fniiitlhl' 11;- in i.t.ihr 2 loj lo inj ; nruniary Pi lo !). I I.OI'I! Il ia dirhiicd in c. na. ou.-nre of largi r)l nt.le. Iiiaf 'or. eil u p. ii t lie Atlantic ro-rkri. We qu-.ti. , xlrn in I.I,!.. 5,' ; auprrflne 5J J tl'ra in b . i' 'J ; .i:ie' fine . C.iNTi.-'re i. ag... d .'c.-vin-l for Corn at qilOl. Uo., 7,1 to 7e. CiiLI'M BIA MARK F.T. Coirvfi. Apr.! 9, 16 !). ( fiT'i'OX. Torre hundred nnd a. vetity buiea ofci.ttou wire ...hi ttfter,.'ay, at an aiiv.'iiea of Jr. M e ,,,.. ii f (-J(.-;a lam y lot would Ir,.,-, . . lo Jc. more. I! ' I IN, hog rruii,,; !9j 0 13J lllll.l, '.HI (. Hi I i.. sc. o '.in C.T ..I o 55 I Li U ri 3l-iJ i." eJ oO f II I. Il-.s'li iN MAKKI-T. ( h i k i r t s. April , !S.-.!. CO'I 'TON. T: fn ...... a mi g-. d il, lor cotton to ...y j tin i.uik of Ho -.,ii . n r, were urn:" a Mi r me rri i ipt or tic. ir,. no r .- aoi icea. Mill tlie in r...l is r. j.o.- Ii .'. to hate i in., d ir. I. vor of purrha.i rs. 'I i,e I, ,,n lion er.iii rist ,s";7 bah nt !) ,3,:. iliree Ladiec n7lIO h.,vc had aoo e,. i,t, V8 i nt n: pi' . vim i I f..r Tin y will leaili He K,;,,a lii..iui, ain: .Vui..c on the Piano Fort.-. A l.:r- ,Islf M. M. nnil C L. i N. in sTfcr. . t nion (V N. C. 4. IS.!). 43 3,ii JT. - .. A. I f4 S1KC.ri.n n.ea.t resm rKntly piin-u..ei to tl.e V( Citizens of Ct nrb He "and nirrollndipaj c.untry. tiiat lie sti'l centiunes the bui nc iii CI. .rt 'te. W, re he is prepared to fur. nisli POORS, BLINDS AND SAS, to the pub. lie on the most rc. .b'e tertes. and on tin- short. e.t notice. .vio n gr, it many sma'.l claims for work done, se .it. red all i.v,-r the rr untry. he i d. ter mined to cli -Hire hi. met'ioil of doiji bi,sn. sa end hrrrnfter vili r,r;uire ; A3k ai rs i a for sli work in Ins Machine Shop, before r Prr. 7. 30 Rm ROW, HAVANA 1.0X1 ILK Y. The pe,t or.'insry drawing of the PoVlI II II na I.-. tti -t i-oii'iicIi-.. bv the Sp a ntsl. Govern nert, une'er il..-" supervision ot the C.ptaih o.-r il of Cub.!, will take 1-l.ue M Havana am Tl I1. V. ,r,iii i SORTEO M MEIJO (i I ' 'R DIN AR IO, 4 till A I. VVl'A'. !?IiO.OOO! ! of I tt (.( I ' pliz.aof 'J.090 ' )! I I" I, COO I :i .(v o i t -i f-Oi I 1 ".000 j 1 13 40".. I IU,(H.O 2d Apr'j'io'a () 4 A..i.r,.sl,,, tl.e i,fl,i I t'- t-i I'll ,.,el ; 4 a,f s. a ,, to f..'l,l'l 11 ; 4 el lllil t-, illll.tM It ; ( t S4"'i lo I5,( t.;i ; 4 ..I Sllid i., 1 1). l.olc Ticket, i'.'d ; lli'v.stl1); Qi,ait.ra5. Prixra cashed ata g' tnt 5 per c. nt. discount. IVI. on all solvent Banks l ,k. al p.r. A drawing will he forwarded as a a li a. the re ..lit bee,, in e. kllnWl,. ! C,-,o,l,anic;,li..n. ...teea.fd to l(N f.CPfel 1 GI 17.. (eare of ('ill P.. st. l e-!. II. S. a.) lin. til l!ie J2lii of A pr.l' ill be all. i.di.: to. I Prraon ordering To-ki t. w.!: please write their n.n.ea plain and give tioir po.l lEce. c unty r, '' 1 SUEl'ENAS lor sale t tbi fl,ce. 1 1

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