J'rmn thr Srw England Farmer, "The eternal 'mJ is thy refuge, and underneath are the everl.iatinj arms. Ikuteo.xoiit. It i not lont vrlirn overwhelmed by care, and sorrow, and disappointment, tbut the oul ceks a refuse, or longs for the support of the. tvcrlafting arms. Out of the dark- lies- there coiuclL to each one of ns from Agricultural. From the Washington (N. C) Dirpatck. MANURING, it. Mr. Fslitor . arious are the opinion ; I in one instance, sixteen pound, and aeven (ounces, and in another, nearly eighteen i pounds of pork. Estimating corn at 00 cents bushel, and pork at eiht cenU a I pound, we have, as the result of one bushel of drv corn. 45 cents worth of pork ; of one I bushel of boiled corn, 116 cents worth of ; pork ; and of one bushel of ground corn, 130 ccuts worth orporK. Kr Conscience is a great ledger book in I .11 ..... nffutinA ira vtrilteu and rer- tiuie to time a great wave upon whoso fear-, f farmers as to the Talue of differeut kinds ' istered, and which time reveals to the sense ful crest oor life bark treuible-a almo.t to 0f ,anures; though all agree that poor land i anj fcci0g 0f the ofleuder. Burton. di.i-oluiiou ; and de.pir would take hold of joc, nDi uive sufficient returns to reward I . .. u hut for the refuge and the everlasting labor of the husbandman, arai. There are sorrows wLich find no so- j jt ; 0f little consequence what may be lace in the heaped treasuries of all the ,j.e primitive Mate of our soils, they are earth scrrowa which rob the aunsbiue of (urc to become impoverished by coutiuued its brbbtneaa, the mountains of their an- cronpiiijz, unless the elements taken away tit-tit glory, lhe wooded hills of their frei-h rB restored iu some form inviting beauty, the bird-aotijza ot their sweetness and these iorrows open a pith- au;0 utatenaW, v. hich may be greatly in- , . ' , lU.re,t payable semi. 1 Mecklenburg Bonds. ftCVDI per rent. r uniimiii. MIKSK HOXDjS ore undoubtedly tl. safest aliueiit that can le wade, uuu un- realty oir i i . i., .,..';! ,..l, nf th nr. i preferable to any ute H.iniie. . -V ," , i , . 'J'he county camiol repudiate gauio uiaienai, uieu way fc""j , lllcv bc,ir T Gas Works. MMHE subscribers respectfully inform the pub. JsL tie, thai they ere prepared lo erect tia Works fur lighting Cities, Towm, VillnKc , Col lege, and lurue llulels. They have erected work in Charlotte and IUIeir.li, N. C, which have (if en entire (attraction to lhe ciliiena nf llmae pluees. As to qualifications, promptness and ability to CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND M ACIIlNi: WOltKS. IIK undersigned begs leave lo cull the alien. tmn ol lhe public lo lhe faci lliai ne nw V i . m'n" ''-" ' ' nndy lo fill any onlcra lur innKing lhe following geulleiix : ' II. Car.;,,, prc.( hnr.r... Work.. Char. N.C. j fcJ lSUfli?P Wm. Johnatoi,, Hrrn. 1'ln.r. A S.'.l. K. " " ft f IVI1 V II.. ?,i,rl!,V",,;,tR"", ' " .Hydraulic 10 ITOiN Presses, Alikuidaol A. (. 8lory, Trei. liua v F. T. Slurv Sunt. i;m t W. S. Sclioener i I Y arl St., New York Addresa ll.e Milenher. nt R.ilf iph. N. t WATKHUOUSK i UUWES. Srpt. 14. IS3S. 7lf Fulla, N. Y. .nd every deacrintien of Mucliinery. TO B12 SOiLB, uuuer creen crops ; but I ,,nl,,.iiv. ith (.'ouuon fur ilc will make them mure current and uaelul lor uo. ta to the Klercal. and entreat with their .v tuminL' aaJ voieea. be ve reconciled to God." n,inrala. we must look to Other1 IV, ure f the dtnoiiiin.ilioii of 100, hicli Such eriefs as these are the hitler fruits krp.s of hiinplv. of i-iu only. We n.i.-s the ab.-ent, aud pine t ;s true ,bat clover, peas or any of the j cp"ur,"l'"wi, ,,ruTe , coi.v.niei.t medium for their precious cotupanion.-hip ; we weep j)Pf p. rooted plants, if used as grecu crops j (at );i).jnB COUiiiv taxes. for the departed whom we call itcatl, but wjH briug a supply of these eleiucuts from ; The eilinna of ilie couniy ahuiild .oea thrm, we iuut be comforted if we permit faith to tlie .ubc-U to the furf.ee, for a time, but1 and they -re nw ottered lo ihem. I'ropoa.la lefi have its perfect work in us, fir are they not ll, Juf ...ppl, wiil.'iu the course of T'" spared the pauirs that sometimes pierce us euc,.eBiVe crops, become exhausted. j II. W.GUION. as with a two edged sword ! These aretri- t becomes every farmer then to make . j.r- (:m k. K. C: als that surget their own consolations, and t tBC mnnure he can at home to collect' Stpt.26. 1658. SU-i' time blunts their cliirpuess ti.l at lenyta u0nes, shells, ashes ana other articles eou-j Willi At UWiUJ A TTOllSE Y A T LA If, tii titLoTi r, r. c, W T ILL practice in the Courls uf Mecklenburg V V and tlit aorruunding counties. Jj'tWirc n--urly opposite lhe Toil Ofllce. Jan. 26. lP5d. PAPER n CASTINGS, A FKW uf ll.nrt superior riauiahed T cm. and our memories of them are tinned with a inning those valuable elements, potath and brigbtnefs sent from the Learcn where they phosphate of lime, aud to collect from the rest after their wearisome journey. bo;:, branches and woods, the mud and The wounds of sin are de; per an J sharp- mouiJ w i ( it which to form the compo.-t er, and the bitter waters of repentauce , ne,pS, Uy coiiilinin: ;iud intermixing the can aione a-suie'e their agony. The bar- m.nure fr0ru the stables aud stock houses, den of a guilty con-cieuce is the heaviest w1;(.u cii'taius a superabundance of animo- that the soul cau bear ; but when the sitiurr ;., wltij the mud aud mould thus colleeted, will cut eff the ri.'ht hand or pluck out the te auinJouia becomes diffuse, and the riflht eye rather than continue iu sin, he will wuoe ass is impregnated with this valua- snd ttiot boa is Lis reiu.'e, ana tuat there le fertilizer is peace and safety with lliin. ) jut Bit, nil the resources at our com It is not enough that the fearful conse- utuJ and the best modes of preparation ) qui nccs of sin to hiuy h be impresed upon alll application of our home-made manure, lhe trangresor's mind. He should be made tne supp y mut, after a time, become hi a J- j tn r....'. il I l.ff f.l,r,fl f:ll! alone hut that '. .- I nf n,.r rnn if i with him co down iuto dirkness hopes that Dave beeu successful farmers and sold larse-! M(vJt!r)ri Tr!l)lH)CI. tllbClOpJ, T ATii: ( OOLEKS, a l..r. m.l- tK. .ri..l,!,w. nf .vn bp.rti l -r I..-., V.,r I. f ein I ' t) ' t J v- I J II S-L-l. " ' M iy oi uur um3. w-uv. f-' , AND 9 T WIMSTOV which now refuse to be comforted. ' sold from the farm, carries away with it j ' i D' Go to the brokenhearted parent, bus- eer,ai n ou.ntitiu. of inorganic matter which ! (.'OLOKEL PAPKU, IAU1, j t H 1ABLE riTI.KHY. r.H,k-a Udle.. Sr,n-, band, wife or child, sad read, if you may u foreVcr lo,t from that farm, aud unless! "" c- be rermi'ed. the blotted ija;es of their dai- :. t ri.wA. mn-i reduce its productive t . . . . ... " U life, them'ves ,trivir,, to fulfill all d- ' .... ..-,r r-.r as tl.ia work f i'!MMIM 31 A 1 I : It 1 A I : ASSER'S Patent IeeCr.am FI! EKZKRS.l! in Iron and Drasa nr oilier inelila made at short nulicc and reduced prices. 1" Particular allenliun given lo the making anil repairing of Thrashing Muehinea, llorac Fow. cia, ('oll"ii lima, Mill Work, and Agricultural works of nil kinda. HI.M KSMlTHINti. JOIUIINU WORK, WA. CON WOK K and IIORSK SIIOFI NO, d.;ne Willi dlapaleli. OLD IKON AND BKASS CASTINGS bought at the Foundry. r taken in eachunge lor Jb Work. Wood and Provitimn uf all kinds taken 'in tjtchange fi.r Hlacksmilliing. I U A 1.1. UOUK must be puid for when deliv. ' lered, as CASH hua to he punl out lor every lliin j i,ie.n...rv lo eurry on lhe enlnhliahm. hi. ir Ai.l. OttDEII lOR WOHK muat be spe. '.eilitd in wnling, ao that the work and sprcinc. Linns in.1 v aprcr. 'IT This is the only foundry irf th Stale that cala call?. CT All ci tracta connected with ths concern lliu.t be made Willi the un iera.gned ahm.. JJA supply of A.NTI1I! Al ITE COAL eon. m?!!. Jaj TLV W Uhi.a lr j. M. HOWIK. Practical Engineer, will at Wholesale or Kela.l, lower than ever, at " ' i' conaNnt altenlion to Hi. buame... All S T M RISTON 'S I '' tu'r un business ill be directed lo ' Ihariottc 7.. .V ?t, irouou.y. j ' 1 S.H.RANS0M.UCS. ' I I 4CIANY. 4l WAIT 101! THE WAOfiOl -mmrllV isil-fm. rwaisa-aa - V f III cause he buyss his6'70J i.A from llo Maiinlaclurera. sell. 8U.v,..,(U J A LAKCKaad COMPLETE ASSOKT.MENT a. of flain and Japaucd Co 1ft s POTS, lo isle by S. T. WRISTON. jVMLET SETS, a superior article, for sale S. T. WHISTOX'S. ASH, Peed, Sp:ce and Dressing IlOXb-S Tor CO.M3I1SSIOX XV AKKHOl'SK,! .,eL AND I S. T. WIUS I I . PRINTERS' DEPOT, I .. ? , , i JRITTANIA TEA SETS, for sale nt tor the sale of , u'rTnv' , first rale article, lor J. A. FOX, J'roprielor. (harlotte. A. C. Aerrmwr 30. leSri. 3atf A- A. if. ill.'- TAYLOR t ffi Gi W E sB Ever offered in North.Csrolins, among which will b fuund the celebratea Would res"-etfu!lr arnrunre to the inhabitant of ( II A II 1.01 1 1 and viriiul) ,ll al l.t l.,,r.,., from their Olu htund, to No. l.tiranile lli.w, vilurr he haa now uu ixhilulion, just itceitiullb UJ Norlli, on oi the most extensive assortments oi aTS5 It V Al J whith has gained such a famous reputation in the M-uthern Country lor tt. U.l tigl.Un, I ThiaSlovs he warrants superior to any t ooking riois in uat.n is sin .ir in u srn,.f,t,, J M WE Confectionery snd family tirocery Store consumes less fuel, and does more work la a given tin. . ll'Sti stiy oth r llovr no in u.r. (, fci of MlHlUY &. NISIiKT has been reim.veu lo put up one beside any oilier Stove of lhe aanie sue in ine I iiimiipid u s. sue n it , nt to i the lUnd opposite the Presnyteriun Church, where work in a given time, lie will forleit the price ot llu Blove, si.a qun aeinng ai.u go Ina drtii lin y are receiving diiect from New York large the belter une. ,dl!,iion..o,i,,r.,u;.k;,f ALSO, ALL K!M)S OF r r.v a r.ni FATIIlaV f.ItM'FIMI, f. Amour Iheir slock may be found everything u j ally k..l carvHciucs. Tear a:ter year, as ties, and to live as thoce viho hhall one day d, !,:,.;;, j;oes on, until the farm becomes a j or ALL kinds. be c; lied into a higher and n -bler sphere fc,m. Waie. I Apent for of action, but whose energies are crj.pled, . Accordinc to the an-ily-is of Indian corn, ; JOIIiiSOK & CO., Type Founders, who-e bea'lh is fbaken, wlnse hopes are the niiDerjl elemeuti con.-Uts in 1 nt) parts, ! HOE CO veiled by the moral declension of one loved 0f pta-h, 4; phuphoric acid, 1? mag- j 1 till, bat honored, trusteJ iu no more; and ue.sjai together wiih others in smaller pro- And other Priming Press makers. then measure, if yon can, the height, and portions. Hence it will be seeu at a glance I'HIvrUU 1 Mi, of Dl l"'J breadth, and depth of the siu often named the intelligent farmer, the absolute tie- ; a Tlanillarltirer's lric-. so lightly- lb? JMug", the hrerla.-ting c.4wjty of boking well to his supply of pot ; lib ttiil phosphates, it Le expects to.grov i train crops suceesifully. lhe q ietiou then ari-.es, snsu we a.iow .p,uc Juj,.-eriber begs to call attention to bis best recurs now in use, for sale by S. T. WRISTON. Arm a'one remain for the heart so sinned a.'aiiii-t, and these only ire sure. Let the pro'p. rous and happy turn not TO MERCHANTS, a atore of Ihia kind. A g'ou nl ol t ake Triuiiuinga, W iliow Ware, & e , al. wars on hand. Thyliave in their employ so eicelUnl BA. 'KElv,and s re prepared to fiirmah Knelhrs and I'jrlics villi Cakes of all kinds at sliorl mtirr. ; MOODY A- NISUKT. NoVfUi!er 16, 1SSS. Wr lis also ownrd a brinrhof our store at ! I.iiicolnloii, where Mr. Moody will sorrinl nd 1 tue business, and bopea to secure a ehare of the public patronage in that section. MOODY A XISHET. ay from the eup port of the Kveriantini : 0r f.irm, t0 dtteriorata by confining our- Arui. Tue fame n.iuu ordains the ebb and fij iu luinau a ff a.i r, u 1 w Lie n the brilit- i. m.v. utock or Le an I sweetness ef life are ours, it is fieieI.cv from a foreign source! It has lone , ,, , . , .tret, :h,,ii .,v r,.tv : itiitly God's moat loving entreaty that ie settled that the tillage of poor lund should confiJe in Him, and leave with Him not p,yi and if we succeed at all, it in perfect trut the unvtilin of the future. ; njut be by the r xpenditure ef some of our C'ou'd we rea!:xf! the ingratitude we uiaui-; means to restore the lost clenicnts. My ex fist heii, rej jiinj in the sun of pros- ! periments in this way have berti satisfacto reritT. h ';ih. friends, comcetencv all ours. ' Tt V.nt tK i.ueepsful ne of concentrated we iorii t (ioi, the deep shame of our spir. manures, depends upou the crop to be grown ' J 4 j) (i'JTK 1 1 0T I'T its would ca-t us in loliest humility at His an,i tiie condition of the soil lo which lit is s 1 1 il 11 laJ 1 1 1j llVliaia-j fcoUtuol. U'e can do uiueh in retu"ii for - ariclied. If t-riin cror.s are to be crown, I i By cur msnifo'd blt.-sinfS. He can do much tl, jut the frequent use of g'latio will exhaust in return fur our Father's luanifvild bles- ai)T toi 0f jt potash aud ph'phates, be-; ingi. Ho bath eomiiianded us to be per- j C3i,e tUo guano does net contaiu a sufficient j feet, and ae ran male perfection our aim, ) qiliutit y of thee eleuients to supply the I aid strive for it. and dsy by day, however ) deEcieuey or the crop i!l fail. I hre ex-1 s.o:y, we -l,i aavance in tr.e teaveniy periuieuied some witu guano upon rr"n nig iiirTr n i -i ilir r public and oihsrs way. wtein set the liht of pure example crop", and touud that its superabundance ' may call on hnn, ana lie flatters himself thai ss before our erring fellow creatures, and by 1 0f mmiouia pave a mo?t luxutianl growth comfortable quarters cai, f- ';uioi witli him ss wiseni title and loving words, we may ty tlie tUnt, but it did not supply the min- ir;...'.;, win tbrrn from the darkness and sorrow of tTu eii'jal to the demands of the graiu. f;, ,,, lt., , ,uU eonlc.t ,fl a,.lf.ble aiu. "t can bring to the mourner's h?art llenCa uiy wheit crop grown upou guano .Htinn. He ha been engaged iu tlie business the bal cf consolation, and roint them in i irei.'hei but 53 lbs., while that grown upon at tins suml nearly eighteen years, and in thai Heir blinding yrief to the lUfafcu an J the MML,' r.ho.pha of iiaie weighed 50 to 01 "e ' ')o,l""',' to ''' "'"' L""rMU- l,U HwWrnUWwllUU-;,,er LUsLfl. ,.,,..Bi,,f,.1,:..l-,..l,,.Vr:!iAVh4 RTHMt'S Scir-Stlii.r FKLIT CANS, n diftcti' D in w to umc thtni,at S. T. WKISTON'3. of all kinds, which be will sell very Low rott cash, or short credit on large sums. j JOSEPH WALKER. ; 120 Mtttiitg St., t'Aariettnn. S. C j Pie. 21. If. it. Kt' .B BEs BsV B-iZ Z Ht , tu AttLorn; . Al) IRONS, lhe best in this market, for ale S. T. WRISTON'. Ass. 16. MjS. t I AYER'S ! CHKRHY ' PKCTOKAL, 'R TIIK RAPIII ei'RE or Cold. 1'oiiuh's, and llonrfii-,s. RpiHrilts. Mi. 2ifh D-., la J C. t. I 4vu" ti Hal. IIk- l.l rnnly 1 U- Smii'l 36lf PjQlRIiOR & BOX STOVES. Ha has. and constantly keep on hand, ap eiUnaive and Varied eloek of ti; AM) siiki:t 1HOX. ;;. .v Ki.in.i.s, v.ist ii:va ; s .im, HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, &c., Alol whirls will he s..ld. V laol. sitlc uh4 lt lull. Lt.it r limit ha, nrr brt ti of f a rt l In ihU Vlrltilly. I would return ml thanks to my friends slid customers f.r the very liberal fU.t, u sJ bealowsit upon us. and they may rest assured, thai I shall enuesvor, by rinse tllri.l.i.a I., t, logellier wilh a determination to please, lo try and in. nl a continuance of the ssu. mi iroTTO u "(jUicr w.lkz & nwLL yawn Ladies mid (Jentlcnii'ii arr paMicularlj nailed lo call and fxamiiic liiSir bllZISM 03? JOB W03E klllSm 20XvI2E virgin X. 11. I ill tell you why I head toy adiertiseine nl W sit roa vn W .n a," it n k.u, we have thfre waggoua cnn.tanlly trsvellii.g thruugt. hs roui.try with Moire. W ,111 rfM- trill bv faithfully uiut pniiilhj ultt mtttl to & A. a. X. 31. TAYLOR. Cl.Rf l'M'tt (it mTltt Uw In Jaw la. H-ti-r ai. I my (-.milt : lie Last fT .n.pUini. KMi.ilT. M. U. I For Florida Direct ; Thrmrngk tm fV'& in 30 lhmt$, mmJ im HA f Sb Iftvmr Lm 'itmu lAm by mmy W4r KU. mi-: i 11 i Kr. nj mii. SAUHS, loltTI.K V. fa., nl. J It, l.h . If i anj . S It tlHt Imm Sj-tftlt t" IIS I a hal r1.l I ah.a.1,1 sramar t Urtlls ttiau sillKut U, tjr riHK Proprietor of this Hotel is , tOXSTAXI 'I.Y on hand a gn.,d .i.r tinrst of JL still at h.s pu.t ready to lul. j ( IIIlK SKIVIIS fi 1 the duties of "mine host " lo tue : winch cannot U t ki ..id in per lorn. a lire, by any oilier Siovra in li.e markit, for sale al lue 1 in and blovc Shop, '2 cuora fcael ol Springs corner, b' S. T. WRISTON. Ckarluttt. Juut H. I sie. 15tf pry and clothe His naked children, and we ; 1',e cereals are composed of 10 or 11 io- ;o can scatu-r many a bltssinj; s we tread the : rediei,t', ai.J nnless thee tleuients are ii appointed paib, blessings that man may not ;, applied in suihciuLt q iantities, and in a nun.lr. b'lt which angels appreciate, and condition to be used as food by pUuts, the for which God'i smile ii abundant recoin- 'crop cannot succeed. Ps"e- With regard to cotlos, I think gumo will Let ua Mrive then for the faith that can be found valuable, and it may poes the pierce the tiouds aud darkness that some- Leee.ary q jantity of miueral eleiuents for t:iues envelop as, and see beyond the clou 1- Jte producti.ju. At any rate, if we e-tiiuate le' blue whieb n earthly storm can reach,!,,., monev value of the rrain aud cottoo anl wheie, inot eonso'.itjj thoupht, the crops by tlicir relative exbau,tiou of the loved and loving gather in holy joy and j, jt l,e 0aui that the value of the ! cotton crop will greatly iirepoii'lerate. J-or front i t in '.enetii by 12 f. el I :ed by irc-s on the piue.a .some I y alk, arfrd:ng a plea. await our f resencc. And let us nver for- aanl pri'intnaue at all hours of tlie Uay. 1'lie II ue ii . it ii thoroushly furnished thro. : out, hiid in ev. ry p.Tt of it i-reaiore cotnl'orls are abunnatit and tangible. especially in the MXIXM IiutJ-M, where the inner man" is "renewed " ; oay ov u.iy. Cr-n'iirtu--' "illi tlii Hole! are Slables affording ' room lor 1U lioraes, abundantly furnished Willi gr.nn and provcnUer, atteiitieu by faithful and v- ' biijir.g h(llert. ! The Proprietor feeie eonful. nt that wilh lile!ong , expTrenee Slid many Dt'W aflvantages aodeo to his , dt-aire lo please, he is prepared t" oder hie fro nia and the a rest of mankind,' ss mai.y comforts and v.7v ;'ar:-7v- pet me wom imporiant trutn ol a I, that a jtjftauce, a bushel of corn weighing 5'j lha , ' as muel, good cheer as v. ill be found anywhere, pure nie is tne ou:y preparation lor a tran- i ordinarily brings sixty cents, w Lite tix lbs. ' perhaps a tiuie more a. q ai! death, the only ground of ticce plane 1 0f ciean cott.i will bring titt .oi n.ot!tit j iJ' At any rale rar the t harloife w.ili IJim frvm vthoin we proceeded, and to 0f U10ncy. If therefore the seeds are re- whoui we tend. He is our Kefuge, or e't.ljr,, t0 i " '" ",, --- .j - i ! eon-iilueut eieinents of the to crops being I nearly the aiii". it folios that 0 lbs. of I Uci,Ur 13, Id.'.S. ;. 1J KERR. 3i!ll' irr..: i in rw-vtii fti (-vr rave none ; ins everiatin, arm is our sup port, or we fail utterly of all the noble pur- f ses ol our Loin? riefc not from this re- , TiljUiIJ!e i-Utinuta ta'.eu from the soil iu the Un-, c-t not awy this support. ..'aturc, f,nm 0f cotton, will brinj as much nnney j our fellow men, our own souls, plead with j ,jr, lbs. of the same e'.i inei.t, ia the form I l, and shall we blinJiy rub on we know J 0f corUi ah ttu 6te.l nud cuiou combined,! net abitLer, till death, witb its tppaliing ouiy make about ha.f th- weight of th tjueli, arrests our heaulon course ? I corn. I k'ariw v. '! that is true and God like j J;tfore c'.o-in?, I will say a word in re-1 within ua! Forbid it, blessed memoriee of ,rj , .trance idea which some persons! thepa-t! Forbid it, Thou who diea that i tuiertii,, tunt certaiu ciops improve tbe I we u.it'ht be reconciled to iod, and whoiuj cl 0ie a.it clu 011 tit'e frotu still, amid the joyi of heaven, pleadeth f,r . tljC oii . crop, al.ich contain, the element, i lis witi a love d-athles as the souls that ( 0f nutrition, and thereby aid to its posers! eahed lute earthward to toil, to weep, to J 0f production! It is true that some crops! sufl.r, that the gcuerafioDs of men as they ,;.,t ,i j , pulverulent condition, and I a; pear and uVupp-ar iu tl,e procession of , ,buu.h the frjar.tity of food for plants be I the c.-!it :ma tiiitfbt become worthier of , j, u ,,atie. Plants cau only obtain : 1 Lee lu heavenly origin, and of the sublime j fod lurou.h the agency of water it must destiny awaiting lb em whe0, their earthly ! fir,t d.eompoed anl ui,,olved before! t-k a 1 ended, thr ehali uo fjrtl, inlo the ,i. . .,. .,! ;r f...,,,., i !loa b:s sou to remain in unrjroken cods, j tbe lender roots of lha plant!- can obtain j j but littic, though tliTO may be an abun- ldan"u An well li.i.'hl lhe fa.'liM-r tint bi ! "I gave her a whipping and a t rarer iu j D,,r.j j on.; stable ,u i t'!ie f,od in another, ! the c!uet." This remark was made by a : and (ip- (t l.iiu to eat, as to tugpo-,o his a'itW-Tr'? roil nRiniM. thc ri.oou. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, KVKi:vitKi:r. i-ei.khua it: Kok TIIK ki.m.iVal i i:i:m v.i:nt i t ki: of ALL lllsKAK'i A1I-1M1 K i: lit IN IMff 1:K oi VM-. "I" un, iil.m.'i. in; ii.mii nl i ill. ..y-rtM. .!., ll- ft-.t l,Hr.,.'uli fill, M. n.in-., ntll In klli.lna. I Ml.il.m. Ii.v , 11, (i.l.-i ,1 la illimitable future. II. J la. Hrmri'isi and it.ayj.ks." Koman Catholic iady conccruir, ber daugh ter I was in a medltaiite mood vibm I beard it, an! while we completed our jour-j ht I thought of the true relation of that ieU up lJ far. I cropv can oi.tnii loot wLeu it l 1 ! in imp'-ru li able cious or eubme , want of ditei.. ?, ! A change of crop- i ad varitageou j how- -ever, different erot's reqiire ditf-fnt pro- jr;.).r to tbe w hipping, and I asked, 1j ail J portion, of the same ieui"lit, and they .,, 'ri.!..tanl parent!, pray when th'-y punish !; also change tbe mechanical condition of.s 1 r n.iii.Kcie J ben aboy in the "old nioun-i the soil. Tl.ia is about tiic amoji.t cf im-. faiu I. am- ' that I reC-iitJ tbe w hipping, j proveiu-nt dtiiw-d livtu c rt aiu crop-. ; L j : I c j 1. 1 1 not r iniinber tie praters. J 1 11 i with every crop ukeii Irom soil are' nd v l bear ij.jd ai-krd to io'glve tbe j tue material elements wmch con-taute its wrong 1 l.ni evinmlltel, a', 1 to aid me to i value, reduced; and unlets thcie elementa roSt by th" pni.iaLuii i.t I bad "the whip tare restored, the former muil btcome liu- ingi," but no' tbe praters in the closet ! poverisbtd. X. j'o tot fathers and luWi-rs rje .'.et to off r ! li.aufort CO , 5. C , Msrch 4, 1"''J. !. latter a. i,ft. ..,;,- .... .. . . I t -, J e Jlj not parent , thti-tijii parents I omy wiinoiu prayer, tut vnthout even CANDyjvACTOKY. ' Fresh ('oiiltciioneries, Fruits, 1 K tjli-cnb r tetpeclfaVy iiifor;ni tins citi B lf-n oi (V-.rlbtl ltd .urr(un.;injy counirj, th.it lie tint mi hand fend in cmUully receiving iVoiu N m Vurk, Ccnfectioaeries, Fruits, FA X( V ClKHFAl 1 1 ClfiAKS TOIJAtC'O, SM FF. TOVS, 1tiii-nl tiixIriniM iito, ruti: ttoitsiv noititv iioicsi:, 1 lii- ! , Vt illuiv iViifii, iliiirs, t k.Wlaiids, X, Itiial ( a;'S of e.try sanely. J. I). I'AI.MKR. A'oramler !, l-.'.K. 4-Jlf Also, lo- iii on U.e of this Piept.-itioiL 'I-'"-" ' an ll Ial I. II l. ! ' II.- .--II. II"". ,. ,.. (SK.r p.-i,t! VESICAL TEIIM1?IY ..!M I-.- . V.. A .t I 1 INT. tt I, I), Sit 1K. II. F. FKKV.s VERMIFLGE OR "DFAD : KOI Croap, houpinf C'onvh, Inllnrnzn. tmbfliui, MiMn t. HavvTHrs Am: I ittit ebr taiiy nrttfy )imr lttrai t lltw l-fwt ri-UtJ JW -s,4-W fi-f () riirasisf Wat.trfC Cumuli rrl. -.. ) Itt rl,( ..-- , hiialrn H vt rrmr li-t'otuit) id H Smith i !-rtsU ytntt killt mu4 ClUUlCbl JW iUtIrtAOtl ls s.lst. ti E H l CONKr.lX, M D. AMi I.KK Kq, MttMt. t, writm, 3d J-iu, IU4: 1 liavl r lv,'tti In It ft-ti. wttt. I, rrfaAiKMi tt In tit wrw.., t...h mis; tIfaJ.iK.lte- lllM-.l rs-lH-f. tttT tf -if ln, rMt by llrt- aitirf of ' Uf ftrrKiitaan. Th ftr -isaM rHirtrl tt iitwai H htf tlir nat tiit-l lui.tfw ; W--w Il.sn CMi lif Uir r. 41 1 mU, turn c-i4ts-H e-. . ur tN-'1 iiwa we tl. tbettjiwitii mm Ot I- 1 mm ' twiy. miw wt ssfrirsptf. , ,lUt i.rur ailj juqr rU--4ft Anthnxtt or Pt.thitiie nud UronrbitU. V"tT iltVHWTll, r t'eHs, 4, fltr Ymr f-'rrif I-ithI m fivrf'sfmiMff mii wveiUti rifivj lit Im ws iM. lh f I t vtvrsl ffrtl aleariu. in; (iipl-Hiia ff nnw o. nj it i' cm me mtt mho ha U6-l Biffe.' n wl-f.o f t limifw r- th iM foily j-tvw. II I. w K V I.. I'AKKS, M-fr..w,t, A. A. UKVW.r, M. D.. itUMl. Nivi -, It, niaa. r.f.t 4.Ki; - tt ri fig rut mv iA tna fmm I hsis f..n-i. noi,,,t s-tnl t. TiKir 'W-r 'rrimitJ ft (f " rw4 Ut wnmmjmvm Ueutm, or urut( ffp iiIiC avl! Ofttmsj of t ta)piiva, hut the it ro vhKiiiK pt--f .if tU nrltii.f Ui rttimW to lWfiftJ ia IU tlrXU UpOtt tllatl. C'otiitfiinpliftfi. Proilily no on feutdw h rrvr lmn kno hka Carr4 tt M14II aVHi t"Jl ftstnerfffAU rsas mm gsrwt ao anwsia aij ran rmti; btt iu to tUum Uh Crry Javrui ft irj rslt--f atfl Witrt. Afl-n ot-t, St Vu CiTT Varrn i, 16 Vnrfrm Mr mm iitl,: I Wi it a ItilT ml j.t-wtr V- iririsrm T" what ymir Chrrrf ir-inrml ham How ft my wife, hh- IishJ Ihq fT nrettMr. U'..r;i4ff uwUr ttt 4a gotiiit at wrl vnta -f t"rtiniiirftn. fn-i trliirfe no ! trill I f-rtM-sirc he-tiua- h rrlW Hhr Wum alMbllly- H a tr iI A y-ir naexiss-in. Has Ammm Ut t'-ur aklli; (-r a Ism rurisri tttrtn U,4t 4a M r u afmriK am mhm tml ( Ua, iti I M frtsni 1,-r ffHilt. aiirl ralbj fcorarlf rlL i.uu wiU.rlti.isU .aHf r,l, VM.ASVO Mlr.l.iJi", or Fnitatnu ntmwjJii, 4, ifif JfMtf till ju Ka,f liVd Ait 1'iiuMr I'',-h.wal It i. m..4r i,a ot.f 44 11 Iss-wt tuMi ri.i-ni.PU in it.- w.i. u r, -II a.-t,,, j lt l-,-- t)it tiu iu iiu 'A tli Tlrltt. J'fUuiHp,ui Lniyr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rpilK si.n'-s nf Ct.afntftry anil tfrirlne lisvs te-m X tai. tli. lr ulwat pixju.re IhU l.t, um ppttWt purm l.l.-li lfcli.'WB 1" mu. InotlHiaraUa ynttM at" .lmn tl.al lll I'lLLs ha. Ilitm I. Mrpsai la sxrall' li'-v tlia ,linare Hi..lhini. stnl 11 uM tlir sin un-l-irr-U-nn-.lir uai Ira- salvia M all Stan, llvj sraws anil !'li--tit I, take, l.ul ta.weirul Uirur. Tlttr e sa tralm pi'iill-.luiu;n- lha nul rl,.iia.,..r t, ,, rni"Va ilia "latriKti4ia if ai wi.nl. lainfr the bi-mt, and . 4iw. Tin fxtrf , tail IlirHail huovjn ai.l. L I. ral auj r . di-lani )', auinaiah. lui:,-li er Uiaue. 4,-i4 "riTMii.inli, tla-lr aaiural ai-llvu, aud isisrt baitbr taia still .trlislli to the tt.4e mtM,-ui. Nirt oulj 4o Ihrjr tut tha tr tj r,aelaliili rvrrr Ualj, rait sla-i r..t"i.ll.l. bikI ilaiismau iliaauMi tlial have lairrlnl II, . U.t n Ituman a. ill. tthlla ll." prialuce -.ril..l i ff la. thi-T sr at tli same Um. Iu ilnnitiiait ilij. the safc-l anil la-at h,iv Hi.l ran I- m.4"fl kr i hililti. tlaiaa "uitar ,ll. tlw-r are plKsasul Ui taka; slni Mh p.nls ,Kalat l.-, sre lias lrii sn ri.a if liai si, tQiaa l" l-s ! siii l. .na lli r nn .ub-lanllat'-d !-r m. II uf au- fa rxallnl nwllutl aial cliaiarlrr aa I-. Pal.i'l lha .iiaikiiB of uatiulli. Many emtiH-QI rl-rirn,... an.i i-hy-it IsnatM, I. nl th.-ir iiainm tn rrrtiry I" 'la- I '"''II' Hi- ri-lialalil "f in rrna.ll., slnlr ..IIW. I,..- i,l in. lli ,.,uMi, . ,,f II.. 1, n.im. u. I. Ih.l ii,, l'ia,arali.ai n.nllli ula ImmaiUKl) U, tila rrlli-l o Sii kfrti lr.1. aiilTiMlnii MU-mni. 1 l.a Ai(Hil I- low iiama 4 la l.-wat l.i fnrnUh era! la SIT Amll'-atl Albiana cmi-itiiin ,iii.a ti. n tit llH-ir nat, si embalm of Uinrruia., i,f II,.- h ll.. lu( ...si.liiil,: C,l,n. . Ihlaats Oa.it.Umia. Illn-iiniillani. Iiri-r. TilOS. Kl'KTIS, COMMA.MifH. IEAVKrs H ARI V..TN,! r . every 1 I f H J DAY AKTKRN'HIN, si 3 o'fl.a. PI I.A l h'A, H.A . in t'LK.AMiINA. J At'K!ON VII. I. K. Hl lil-A IA snu the u.ual i.nJu.r. ni. the Sb John's Kmt. S,, etiiinerts, goif-g and rrluriiine, witi lhe Itailroad si t'rrnaniliiia. and .tn rllafrs liiv above ii.imi-u ilaers for Aliif aim, Oeals, Micl. uy, 7ailahce, fl. Augu.tiiis, Tanis, anu on. i r !.. us in the mu-rlur nl Klnriais ; al t h irh.lon. with lhe New York Strain.liii.s .i J the urtiurn inj V.n rn Uaitroad trams un Tut .days si Saturdays. Mrrci.andiae, rk., e-irimeneil In this A,;tnr will urn fi rwariKHiKKCfc. Dr ( II Allot. V;t freijht nl passaf, Sip'v I" II. L. t.HlSOLM, ft.nthern Wharf, I h-rl. i.n. a. ('. Junnnry 4, lr..,rj. 43-3ni Arrliilrrf and IltiiMtr, II. I. fi.rm.h llr.,(n.,n-r...i.l'-.,-, Jul.l,r l;nu.j,n,a, fn.air t anil Villas. I'arlirkl.r stl. litim a " U fi hull. line M..urn.f liirs. I nrn Mil'.. Ac tr ia 3.1 .lory nf AU aamirrs lluih in;, Hoot t o r I lima Hail. Utlolitt M6, 1 94 3:' Vill i 11-4 II 41 1. 1 f mutual Life lnsuiar.ee Ctn;; ottll t. ltM.hlt.ll. A I T HIS ten .Mutual V) insurts thr hv..a:'it. year, a term ui yti; t IiKcinle, lhe ...arm : . n ( lieinatii.f in tne jirufiis uf lhe t umi'-i-i I ,1 j aih'ii jr.nlra l,.r lK sUa lusi i i Vlhell till .r. imuui II . n in am. uM. la V r,' hall may U IIIS fur unr.ti.ll Un asabala-' i nr,llilUll, he-Jllif llittrrsl a I l fier ciDtsiS -sua. -my. 'lhe .r"lnpt malilier III hirii ail Ii " Inru paid I ) this cnmnai.y , U.t i l i s In I-- tal4Svt pirllllUU. brcsa Ml ( I -I llltiStS.I.S ! sueii as sic uisMwu lu lltsuu. Mavcs sir ibsare.i loi s term ;i t" s. : five y.ars, lor two thirds thru value, j All Ina. a sre paid ltlini 'JO sat. thi e j taeluiv uriMlf Is IiHmsUU. VjlIK aubatritvr basins nurehasrd the Kleain 111 U I I 1 Olff Klnurmi; Miil in li.ia ulaea, is prrnared lo i 11...1.. f..i,...i.. U .., II J.un. s buy VVhcsl, lor which he will jive the bights! i,,ijrn Vt U t 1-ke J It. Ui.ii.b-i.U t ,.r,re m ea.l. II ...1. .1. Uu. iilin. Ilu.Ue. I - l . ' II. M.K.c. k. f. Balllt. herns b. ki. WHKAT WANTJ-l). T It,.,,!. . tl..,l,nl In lb . nark. ,.1 I'. iiianufarturr ( A N 1)1 KS uf iiiil, Irie Imin pnisnitoiis enl.,rinn iin.i...; tue Vof Menu II. tin nl L'ainly. I all and see. ; IIAWKS'S History of North-Carolina. jipiii: a JL hre. I'oit voiniN. .I.Ii.he.l. Item. ; rniriutary j.v. : f jrur , puni.h tut j int of prayei ! Zuu a A h.ulc. "V AM ri . rtii.rui-i and you naturally r.u t nut s of farmlu le ai 1 lr.n fail Of II, I""' tl.it ln.iuri.b- lb ' ty in ti,L n.11,1! n.h the little r-uj.'-r id t ij'iipa. 'i n inaelvea wheo tL 111 in destroyed fcurtee ! or- ik:m; food pju s".vink. j Kmiiucl II. liay, of Kentucky, ba-i been I ipi-riiiw-iifitire in feeding aeieral lota ol I iVy-, -hafvMiir tbtsn fruui raw to couiced, j a '11J fi'iui (louiid to uhrouud food, with lib: fjl'onii.jr fulla: One bu-ihel of dry eijrn ui a lie five pound and Wo ounce of llt.e p'Jik; one bu-hi of boiled corn n.aJi-, piundu and scriu ounces of pork. lo ne lu L-1 of erjuLiJ com, boiled, luade. voiuinc is now iic nir.uu of ti erl-niriil, Ir mi l,l,3lu lli'i. It f ifllia 4 hurif'slne fcvn. volume ef .Vll y. itjrs. ' 'l ue auhai-iiptiun priee use haif I rrnl 1 ( ge; but Hie ,.ri.i nf IS,. Tuliiuii: h-.a.suy l ." in tlnlli binu.i t. 111 Library slurp, anil $1 iU in ; half Calf. Ii alii. II tiil.il UMI run I li. 1 Owiiiir Id In iiitliruity f ...-ut,r,r Amenta iii ' n.any p.r s nf lhe Slate, me sgl hrdarJ it hy Huil i.r olu. r a iae ml usslae, on reennl ui ine Mn; ; nr h ih vuiuints lur I I elnlli, 1 1 i(J sheep, or h.Te.li'. A liin r il rliaioufit mailu t- Ajents, or other., ' who huy t'i si.il agmii. j K.J. WALK & HON. ! 'ayflfrtWif. Ae. Ibirj. 3utf-r i ii. a n. ti !. K. NYF IIUTCIIIaSON A CO., 'M.'ii. I m'al os ra. ISLAM R DLKIjS for tale at this office. n- JV ii ,ni. ami ninrr Blu.lr.-il r .iau,la Siklne fi.w a l a al ,1. ,1 II,.- f otriM-..s f II. fiii,. .k I-. I... I I. ait iat I,, ai..iU,i.W nelr a, Ih aana V I III II" ii.i- tumr l .. A k fi Aia' I III., ami ti.Wa ti..ll.Hijr rl-a. .alir Ih.-y ma si " mnifira. Ill, II.,. , ii. ,.ir,,, i.li, . , n,,MlIS ...rr. Tla, .1. I, a ,l U. l.l atl II,-,, . !!,, sn.1 ll.aj ahiail.l l,vr n. Prcpnrod by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Anslytical Chemist, Lowell, Haas, Paul (:t. rn Ikn. iti ViXu ros I. syi.li II V iiirrciiiscj.N k ;ii:hon, chnrbdie, H A VI LAND, STE VKN'SON Jt CU., L'hxrlnloH, ,V. C. A LAIlflK HUFI'LY OF (-'oils. able Warrants JUST f HINTED. markt f it r ire in camtt. Kiuur. Uraii mint Mfl fof ..! itt lh Mill, or ielitrfid wlierrvir i.rtfC() in luiti. JOILN WILKK3. ( id (!., Aug . 9. IRSb. al.Hf ja.mi: .m. i:i).kv. COMMISSI OX MllllClIAS T, I 17 IIAXIil.IiN HI III I I, . . BI'YS snd forwards every k mil if tnerthan clue lor a, per frnl I eimisie. lieu r. to l.uva. Mwau i Muri hts.1, ,N. W . H .am fin, J. . Oaburue.l . I". Meu.t, nhall, A. M t.-iriliun, K.-(.. md liis.f. V. Ihem., Ili.n. W. A. (.rah.iii, and nlhi lr. I'taltr ia 1'iaiu.s. Mi hull una, ),!. us. Il irpa, l.uitara. Mu.ir. hi a tug Maelulirs, Iron Salts, humpa, fianirn Kr;ine, cVc. A print, u li.l of all tue ill rl. n ii t masi rs, sinus snd pnr, s aef frrt, I'uhiislirr nf an rh-raiil lillmr ,ili uf " Uxrkmj A'al Hop" N. (91,) s li d H " t Hi Bo. ait I'livaii'iaa ; ua, Iiiiik l.uiuE to llaai.TM." I lns lunaluahle Jiimi y aaltlai shuuld bo II, every linusr. Il treats of all ili.i.,.i, has a e- iuiiiis ghmssry snd prescribe the reimiliis frmii na tures huu'ilruus rtnrt s, fur all our Hi nrnitirs anil tuts, furliinea. ti. pniitrduu fine while per, hand somi ly bound fourth ediliuu, 3uU pavis, and is mullr frrt for tut dollar. nrs lioacwoud Fianus, II jtl. ttb. 16, IH.iB. ; S..M.IIOUELL, Kuh'u II. ll-it. )nn.n. Iir. I liarirs J-:. Juiin.un, I'n at W . W . Ilnldela, Vice fre.i.li Ml. K. II. Ilsllle.eucrrlary. 1 liliaii.a II. J,.n, .. I r.-auril. II. W. lis. I.il. Aitoim . Ui. W ui. II. MrKis. ..mal .in"" t jrruliee ( Maillir -W. lluin i. " Ke. I'llallra If. Itia.l. . Airrfie.li n-,4 rsN..f.ra -i JullliB.,1,, M. I'., W llll.U. ii. .V'i". " ' liiel.'il II. lla)oit, M. 1'., I-or further mfomiatmii, tne j-u hue i' red In thr pslnphlels.bnu turn- "I r" I""' nay be ol.lail.ru St the tithe. 1.1 inv'vi1" or any ot lis Agtueira. t i umealmlis aiu.uiu be Si nn""', r paid ) lb. K. li. J5ATTI-K, ."'"' .V.y l.wl.rr 8, .m. IS. (S; ra..f aVebu SS.ea.WS. i ,.r i uuyhs, C..I us, Iuiiu, A r!i lions ol II Oulluri huis , tali utlul filnan I on, (ii a Hi l C. 111. aUU ti 'lit. , ( "n ......In ... . . .. or,i he knin j s uu. I i'-'"' ,el. lb. VH.il.s.W"";'1 umViaiia. r.iv I"'"' it. (.'old Miiie I5a!s;iiiu etUa).-iV J o llyspi J.lie Ililfei.er 1 il.ilun I"1 : A I. ll r from J. li. t alluu., Dmi.1"' I iV I .. Uutt il Aug. 14, 14 i I I Dr.J. kbul 1'e.r ir: ' '""'"I eivei, entire ai.lislui In n in tin. "' Saddle h EarncBi Ranulacturer, llry. I he Ahyssinis flluiuri .." -,. . .... i. i filee tniu"' I east if arils su fsst.lhst I n. I,. i! Its!"" 1 . i-. .i . . j V..., a ill inr. ' THREE I.OHRM Witlll OT THE MARION IfOUffE, ' Z'.u . ,1, ... 1 1 .'. ' ' ' '.T,' n CM . If l.Ot TE .J. J. 11. t AM"-. irAlii.;. r-K in n, . ' AUKNTS.- W V "''' "; ';''(!'-" 2rAllkiiid.rifiadiilissiidllarnesiiiaoesltlio T . ., . i , ,. , I'lnlif 4 ,, liiirlesl nuiiee. !!..' . . n. i a liilmcr.i ,' i.. uien. 3:if IIH'AIKINt; uromi.tlj eat . I!I.MS IIK. II. 11. 4 4IIIII Vr I I.I, be pie in il to r cri III the ill fiarlli IDs M'KC.KKV. I nlraa prntl , v be found sl iiis rrsi'n iii Vnrs Oi.lnet 8. . fr. !l. H.'.f,. I ri.ifi .a .1 Calls .f rVU.HK f and su rislti iih nt. lie l. flilt Mill Dtp.,!. I tf A. Kill .ml J. II. Knniss.Psiisi- ry ,I.elinK Um . TiKll P:lfi1 fnr IliiW ...ui. I niu H'l IllilW'l ,1 k, I1Y !i,M.IIOWl:I.I, l,l.-,.a....ii, Jt il. I mi i.uiN iikii. all li'l' ""'v al" MB Minsim, lli.iiae. ' sa airuMiilioiiaiv rrnis" al CswrlMsr, AfHl 6, lrftf fttf t ..n Wh,f oh,,,

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