F,on thr Xrw i:igltiml l'armrr. S .rrow 'ul t I :; rejoicing. ' orditiiuns. Few rerYous have reached middle life without beii.j able to respond unreservedly to tbistrinaik of Paul a, "sorrowtul, jet; - .1 ,e plat.ee toward a review ,u. ra;.u- ; ot tne pft, and the onamuus ui tut? f aspect of na.ure i a Inch belong to d into wbieh.he ;Dd, catch en! j rofeiit, we ri uiize ho"v this tvteuVs tlst world witliin. oamcUes iuJ (ijd only, and n-trr!.t and nret of frit Occa.-ional L-lanrrs. If tin-re arc in tiol- in o ir live when the .-rroful pre'louiiii'ittJ, when the whole landscape U iu cljadotv,God mercifully aets bounds to i; eontiuuauee, and the pntieut waiting of the ?ouS that trusts in Uim i re-ware-l by the suD'hiue of Ilia iiie, which, it" not conutiii:ij; all the darkness in it great light, affords welcome relief to the over-fraught sjiri.. And when all is liht and gladness, and the shaiows move afar off, nnd the heart is crowded with the eieea.i of its happiness, aaU the fonj of lifts is more joyous than the carol of the bird", it i- wisdom to cherUb t'uia tl dnes, ti- r fa I plcrcin glances into the TC'leJ fkiturc, vtilu in 1 know God 9 r urr ofcs in that uiitoru time. lie child cJer. iuw all he deli-bts of to day ni'.si""jt. a f jr. I and thus r proves it.- .iii, of the morrow, ;ldera for wastin- the pearlsoftli' prec;t ia restless gra-; iug ot the unittain-.'jle-. Perhaps the h:.':f ci" life's burdens proceed from this recal.'ss wa-te of the pre.-ent in an ticipa'.ioai of fioii or evil, a3 the case may te. From i.ii caket of jjeu:-, tbe augtl of lime drop- the brief moments at our teet, and e Leitaer rather tor u-e tt.ctn, l-ut ran; S:. " 'Hydraulic COTTON Presses, experience, on, ana joy 8 ' J V , , , r-n.not be ' iiny other grass. It i.i worthy of a trial in A. . S.orv. Pre. C. .. W.rh. Little Fall., N. Y. .d every description of .l..c),in..,y. Allk.nd.of A. in tbouobiful mood we look ou upon 0 may b L "'''P'J' V ,hrrvrr I o? climate tnd .oil. Cannot Some of our j k. T. PturJ' Sup.. ... w.,k.. W.ierh..,. N Y, CTIVMC 2?" more information on thiaj W. 8. Sch.iener & l'";'';''7itk 7r ' OAS! IlGia .,; r..l sLltlow. and il.j ocean i. iu our ears, and the waves be- ruhj'-ct. v 1 ri.-wiuiI'SK 1KIWH8. I in Iron and Br.ii. or oilier imtnl. niad t ali..rt watch ill- llrehss hand 10 i.lie wailmj for'e"J,a' ' , ... . . . , , . ;ood that is ti:t in his pro nLce ti bcStOW.l lie rrr.; :r ulc snu we iave tneiu ; v Ui: reckle. fxtravtas.-e atrown a.ong I cur I sek-Tard path, aticocnud, uotreas'jred. . While the heait ;ros sorrowful over the ev:i thtr is i:i the zorii, the vice, the foi- t Iv. the trejeherv of teeming friends, the 1 w.t of n!-liV. ro.rt.rs. the moral r1 ;so-' aUXdrptin-meoU of those dVarlrew mould in tbe trcucUs, which ehou;.d ! own well beir., b t us not forget to i d'eP (or dep.m: that .eri,..- , la?; in ati (.Udlun at ibe toh'er and bttt:r prospects thst await Luaiauitj. A liht is dawning 1 . rAr l " hi. r jl'landsto tbe pouto fcraiiog Mat, again by !ice to the reality, and virtue s-hall en ihroi.e here'.f more uw rally iu tbo souls . - : . .e.l. . A .1 CI IICO. Wi-cny'itE'eoi tue u j. aii'i J j thai! be- jitMi f)t tta tti-r Bon 1 iunn loan- tji-.'U-d proftr;.'.s5, h'-ti truth thall be hvea aracc; men, ud the hypocrite shall ieel himeli card iu his hypocrisy. There is even now a demand that men ahoulJ to aouivtbiog tuir-' fwr Christ's kiug donj on the earth, than to ftiud in God s tem:.le. crtlii? Lord! Lord! There is a Wiri: to he doue.aud be is the acknowledged ho iuh uot his haod from bis 1 uiecil -e wuu ; tto. i. , ri'lufiii share, lie Lbnstian is eaued to " ' -"t-"' J y ... r. , a,:.,, bv d.i'v lit. mat his discinlesbi?'"' Bior-' Pour la l''- wL'f ' 8'ou'd i- iiA iu tu.t v vaunt, foi he who doitL h , r- t ; i.t;., , ,,,r,i,j f u;m i . Tl..,:-,, l.-t tl- tro. lei ever '. r j-ice even amid Li regretful sorrow for . the' e.il widely rpread. that tbe true ! I :,:;-::jn Diiti :; cue ila? ive tue ru.c -r, i oiie Ij ie tLc ru. LJt the excpti.n. V, -ti.lraain our :ie from the broad a-euj of the w,t!j, arid glsLcing inward Lp'n home and frieudahip'a circle, bo cf t u I'aul a pregnant word eoanuend them siv a to our experieuc. " Scrrofu'.. yet r v.uYiog 1 "' Vi'n welcome into being a bud of tea jty, whose smiles and awakening en- tciuurUv-s re i well spring cf joy, ami we ; turn from its g!adueni!ir pr;euce to fiy , L:;?!ll Hl5maL'it lJ..aro all attributed to i' ii.Bjence; ti Uie thcoiiiL'down"o.Bourlife-refull.'er,tl7,:," ,-fe-;d. the harvt-t reaped aun. We rejoice in the beautiful utfuluiiigl of one be! a-- d spirit, and we u; jum in co:a- j fort!. so.tow over the mora! dcc'eltsioo ' of a:.viLcr e( isily dtar; and whi,o ou & baud cisuj poiLtment tracks our foot-! st- p, oa the other, Lope juii:st;er her j est.s'.'l'itin'' ; and more than ali, and far j a'jorc all, (Jo! te iierltes in our i,rt tbe promise o: a., imui ,r: a.ity wita 11. m, ere ha n.'.jved cai u.-vtr wuj'jJ us, r.htrel -..c- i. eUM.a:. II J. L. V. ti A T A L-ViNGwMA.V SAID 10 III.-; ; M Arao, who demoLstrated th..t, so f.r I aIIi-M). j as actual oh.-erratioii has hitherto afforded Luster n.f LitioL the !a-t visit he jaid to ground fr rca'otiin, there ii no di-cov. Li ti.ost intituate frieu U All prescLt hav- j erahle eorrespotidence between the lunar iny left the room, ti e d;ibg ma:, Siid, " 1-et c'u mes lnd the vici-siudes of rain aiid we teli you, ia a f..w word, that I bave drought, Lib can j.itify. or iu any decree L.t bn a t.Lriitian. eouLtetiiiice, tlu popular belief so (."-s'.-ral'y "I bave ben a hypocrite not what the !t Lt; r:a'n.e 1. world a ea'in bj pwrite j but I bate not beet, 'Ihe opinien that t' in1-, r -hould oi,l v be Christian. As-i I trut you will thank me I fei.ed during the d.ciii.e of the ii. jou. is io the next world for this wound I must in- j acted upon wi:h ut, lout tins couti ii.e ir; t ct oo your heart. 1 various countries, and is ev.u mads the We he not been CLiiMiau f.-ieuds. The ground of legislation in Frunce, with tti t be lose of Jsu Las not dvre!t in us. Ojrjlief i,a; its ii:r:e-e cao-es the sap to as frie:,.j-i. p was Lot fo'inded ori ts i -ti . Ifow I cen d, and. if cut durii tbe l itter peri ,J, it n.a: y hun ire i bouts of our short . ife have j contain more sat , at, 1 will, therefore, we k..'.tl by u '. conversation, wi.b p.ai.a ! r e u.ore st.urjv, more lihjly ti te attack! bi au.hitivu? WLat the wurld csi.s notie ; Lv aorn.s. u. te ciiLealt to a-ou, and ml:t.-n is atitisble in .Le sight of Ood .!.', reau.v su.it a.,1 warned bv ch.u -es an i ver d ,r . . it, bate to all vl.-tu ; ere it, it, w ii' 0 le,-'ii to te ,i, il t! Christ's i.i:'.' 'i r frier '. 11.31 f .i--, r-at.d f.'ai ',f tnwiti lly law 1 Int. al c f that moi'-ri r. te tterr.ity! Oh, ho , i r i of bit 'viot p-,i,on to tt, soui ; a a he'., to ILt Li art w bic'u , ti.fr jatta of death, it : of ihe etern'ly of 'i. i. al le Lon.iiily. ) Uiy i a- ci i-'d ir e a thou -L'e i;ri. f Unf e: aa 1 : d by ttery io p .1 ; Ion. '.a ihe LriLk of j V'-ry ti jg are tho-t ' ! ' " h e v . r dirt!', ex I tit biuisflf stall te baed. Jeu Cbn-t . a L u-ni'i'y itseif. It i enough that the tiisc p'e t as bis Lord. O fnnei ! heat 'i and eirih aha ! pa awrjy, but not the word ef Cbii-t. Hi my test att.-os dii,i,e way on the hi io'k of t he pr a t e ! Ho ter lit ) are my fou ls ai,d fuihles, L.tb I for liier.t t.ou-M I, ale, totterit-i.' up! Aias ! bow !;tt,e d , we kl.ow ourselves, tho-nrh ihe l u tie of l 'e be n,f so pet.t.e ! O tow dn-a -i i-t.,, t iii.i... o! death ! IJoWter rule tl.e I -aw ios ! of oJr oo heart! Create! It:!,ii: VVL.-t name shail I ;iv tv thy li . rev bit .i !.. f.riie fvtever ' thee srroi.eji.i ct , ti-oo. L' iesnes. j 1 1 and de.-'roy, thrcj'U J -. . li.r, I, a,, tte fi tal cobsttsui-licet they re ! je lo -ui ami j cbira! 'ittoj ill yes! 'i uoj art Lose'' u.tl HI I f. Il.LtH H l l.the'. Upon d I.ur. - i ii.j., ' r no In l.ieweil t lu.'.n : ,'. bt are us co i-Le tbe air- am of . ri vt r (ur boat first go do u th ihaniitl ihioi.' iJe playful mul s u. toe i.n.. aLd tlac i.iow.,Lsy aud for ,;r upon iu p'.as.j borders Tbo tree shed their blossoms over our young dj, m n.iwr on tha brink soem to otter men- i eUes to our hands; we ire bippy in hope, ,'sn pTAfT) eagerly it (lie beauties around 1 u ; the stream hurries on, mid till our : band are empty, Our course in youthand manhood, i lonj; a decpor and wider flood, unci amid oijeeis more hik" .1 t . 1 ,1 ,l. flnn.l. im iltcd un nc.m u u. . .... - - rilrl , ' arouui u, ai.u -.- ... . ,ud it iububit.ut. until of our further voy. ; ... there is no niins, save the IuDnite ; ,Sd Ktern.l." . l'rotri the Southern I'lan'rr. CULTL'llK OF SWKMT li)TATt)KS. IIenuk'i), I'ch'y l'Jib, IsOU. !1d SormsnN Plan tek : Dfur $is I hive delayed rru.'h lender than I intendtd, to fulfill the prumUc made '"'c "ei'" a fsrtr, Its 1- cr who was suecessiui in f 1 '""""S Due "7e,,;. . ! P' f !5r3'J"d tl!l Lls .U'a,l,' l,!,r1'J ' uianunti,; ami Utep p.oaiu ; auu .nuunuti twellbaviLp tecu ouie potatoes raided by j him, a year cr two befure his Utatu tiicu j were the larpe-i I ever saw. 1 L: -ht sa:iiy, loamy lauds, rich, or well tilled with vegetable, arc bt.st adapted to the croath of thi favorite ctculeiit. Deep ploaiuir, and ptrk-ct pulverizatiu, are es- . -"Vcr Hie grouuu whli lene- 01 tayj, scatter nine t.roailrast. (! DUMiei" o tue aere.'i and then turu tium in. This tujs be done in February or March. A wei tefoie SeUinti out pl.mti. the ground should be draL'ied, it peatcdly, till it is pulverized ; lay off ro'.va three fett apart, the distance! ' '" au.p.e rccm to wort lue potamee should he from I to 1 fett bi-b. I have j 00 doubt that Mr. G. G. M. w?;i lr!r.s his ! I adopting the method above mentioned. ! I A to prci-cmu;? sweet p . tatoes : Colonel l'ivi ttjone is id ctctiitui ou.!, luuugu n;i , .... - . , t. i-,d as fo'.lowh : Make a pit iu the j;iouiid, 2 ftet belo.v the surface, 1- fed lour aiid 7 wide: place refused plauk on the bottom and walls; then build a structure over the p;t, lorue'hing like an ice house; cover it witb straw and earth expressly to prevent : the admision of cold air. ' A lire should be -r . . made ia th pit, previous to placing th planks ou the bottom, till everything tuereiu , , , j ra rread Hi v ta-S on diy or to before, a:id cover tr.etn wun iry ta-s. .in wiimj ai.j he made iu the South, ru i le iu the Southi ru eido. Iarte enough to aff-,rd access to thepMafoe. Mverop, f - iiaf". " "l " " 0 .V( ter open our mode of itiuteiiu,; root Repecl.'uily, X Y. Z LUNAR I.NTLUi:NCM3. AcconiiD- to popular belief, ihe moon DOl Obit MlMir UUI li.tu.u ui - ., like comets, is u.aue n-tp'-nsihie for a vast variety of ititerferccce. upon the weather, si well as uloii ornanued nature. '1 he ci r- ... iu:c.a of vegetable, the ja;i,;UJ 0f rraij, the fate of the vit.ta.re, and Katiiereo in, auu . ytire q th pressed at tiii:es and under ci. retaliated Ly the t-y cts of our exfehence be heped for in the grape ex- --,1'jDCes tel. ite, ir P' of the sod. If tbe-c op to particular countries, i ioua were limited pr WO'.IJ De less entitled to serious consideration ; tut it is a curious fact tLat many of th- m prevail, and have preTai'pil, in fe;tious of the i a so Li - .,, ,,i ,., ,., ,.,, it u .l-.iRr.i.tf to hive proceeded from a single so iree. At ail ever.'-, the elte" of Its prevalence alone i rer. iireJ it a fit Mjl i' ct f'.r itivcsti,;a:i.,u by of temp arat ure. IleiiCe, it WOold fo.low, that the proper time fjt fellii.g trees would be at a us tuooa. I'ulnit Of,e Uryurt. fciMiivii.e the Caulk YAP.r,s In re- I i:rd to li.e i.eces-ity for such division of; eatlle yard, as ai.i j;ive fjual opportunities . to the a liimals coi tit J ti.i lein. for progress i and ill prov mti.t, tne 1'rairit farmer a t s : " L.r'C and miah aniu.als me lorned in : proit.i-c -'y tojrt ther, and every far tier . sr,,s ibst t tie lar."r ones are terj fero- ' eiojs and domineering towards th )c tnucb ii.f. 'ior, lot cartful not to provoke the i wrath of such as are neariy eiiial, Turu those t-..'H:nr that ere of a similar size',: and they will he more ej it -1. Cahei g'-n- eraily are too inutii n. tiette 1, and come' Out m-al! an J p .ny i:; li.e prin A good biai.agcr . spae.ous .tabie for esl.es in one i.i a: shed. L. -ui ei at- !y lighted, and we, I j slielttred from an currtntsoi wind. I h.s spaitiiient la kepi clean, the cans f-.l en eoo'l hay, and suppln-J with good water. y pi t-enl Very G.ii.rent aj pearaiiee u otoer calves iu the jri.,0'. I - o, I ., Ilu-al C, U' try ;. i I,. o..n IlLW'iAl.lAN A.NLt KVi; t;itAM.S. Mtt. Ki ll U; Tbe people of (he .South must turo ti.i ir site ntion to otter things Le si . c ,U ii, if tliejr wouid te a thrifty inde pendent ; ; is. We hould laise not only our euru, a heat, and oats, tut a shou.d , put do a ii a poi'i ,u 01 our iai.d iu (il.s for it.i.j;, if de,ir to raise IjlUUUUUll the Mock necessary to supply our wants. ' t' - j - ana wo muss supply our mww -mi nue nnd li. or wo mii.'t ho contented with poor hulf-starred stoek. Will not some of our enterprising farmer try the Uye Gram and the Hungarian brass T incvwiici uaa utiu toi.. .. (iraa fueofeds wc . ana will mane excellent : .u, ,be tiikn bo aeeeed.i in diecof . . , emitf the i,eO.ry grasses for grazing ami j Iny, that will euceeed well to our c liuiatc., njonu.rent more to be ti " ,n'rbkV, e oFe .o.ne of our correa-1 poi'.deuts i!l give u the result of thurex-l reiitiient T'c would be pleased to hear from any and all our leaders, on the above subject. lviitor Mecklenburg ltomls. si:Vi: per reitl. lr 11 11 11 11 ill. rRvllF.SK PONDS are uiuloubli d!y the .atV.t EL invt .iineiil lh..tcn he nmuc.unu are really prett ruble 10 ny State Uuntlr. The county cannot rrpuuialr. T.it v hear tere e' ceot mlere.t payable $emi anuuaiiv, wiih l'ouiohfc for the ian.e. 'I'l.t-y are ul' tne denomination of 1100, which vt lit inaite them more current and useful for do. me-'.ic purpose. 'I he coupons wid prove a convenient medium ff r y in 1; ccunty tuxes. 'I'iie'eitin ns of the county fliould po.r.j them, Jlol tliev nre row offered lo lliem. 1'roponaU lell :it nihe'r 1'mik in I'hurlnlte or with t apUin Jidin Wjiki r t i.l r. ceive prompt atteiilion. II. W. Gl lOX. i'r. IV. C. ij ft. K It. C. ft.S, IHoS. i-'i'tf PAPER 1 o 1 3 n s s 1 u x v a 1 i k 1 1 o u s 1 : , A.N D FRIIJTERS' DEPOT For the cale of Jrliioi), giibciopc, lOl.OUKU PAPERS, GUDS, IIS I TI' .MATI'alSIAIaN t.r ALL KIM'S. Af ul 'jr L JOHWSOltf fc CO., Type Founders, R. HOE & CO., other Printing Press ma'.era. ,. -g-i t)i j l U-l iiiulit y, v, . . ,,..,. i. 1 TO MERCHANTS. ! The Subscriber beis to call attention to Lis ! Vriting& WrappingPaper , of all kinds, whicb be will sell very LOW: fott CAfiIli or Bbort credit on large sums. JOSKPH WALKKR. lit) it f ting U , ChmrUnan, S. C. l),e. 21. 18:,. CIIAKLOTTK I10T1-L, ciiAtti.ori i N. C. IHE Proprietor of this lb. lei in at hi post ready l !ul Q. fil the duties of "mine host to the travelling pubhe ai,d others who ', in. and he rliller himself lhat a j iriur. em be found wilh him as1 y Cdil on hi uforUhle qi any where in tins vicinity. Ii ing sitti-tt'-d near- i ly in the centre of t 'n:.r lot'.e, Uu,.nesa Men will ' h'uj tins II. -ui a moat cuiirtini.nl and tie.irablo ; loc t on, lie has been engaged in Ihe bu.iiira at tin. stand nearly eighteen years, snd in tliati tune he lias mane everal sdnillons to hi. former hou..e. fnd il hi. i,eeu vreaCy e'llarsfd n. im- i preved, presenting in fron t a two story VERANDA j ;i;0 u-et in Iei'gth by li feet in width, hsndnouieiy h.n.'rd bv Ire. s on me .ide-walk, afording a plea, s-.-m-naoe st all h.. or. f li.e daf. ; The ll ,ur ,i,..P,f l.l, fri, d thro'. out ev-ry (,srt or it ....irt romfori. -ire ', nd tuiig:ble.epcci.illy in tne tiSJr; 1 KtJOM. whre tiie "inner man" is "renewed "j d-.y by d .y. , iJo'ii.eeied w.tii this Hotel are Fuble, arTording room lor l'l'l horsra, abnndsnlly funuihed Kill, e r-i in nod provender, aUemled by ftilutul and u- T..e Proprietor f, els confident thai with hii riuenenee and manv new advaniasre. adi'ed to hi .nirr to please, he is pr'pired toofl'.rh,. friend ' re.t of mank d eni-er ss will be found le more so. i." Al i r ile Tv the t'li rlolle I. i'. Kiii'tit. 3iin ()r'.,t,,r ID. I.i.'. ('ANI)V rA(T01!V. p., I (',.,-.4 !,,,,,, ,.!,,-. lH5t . ! I ItMi L UJIII I llUlH I IO, f IUIl. A, 11 E. oriber rcsfteclfnily inforni. the eiti- I ( biir'otte snd surrounding country, : on hand anJ is C'-nsUof y receiving run. Srw Y Confectioneries, Fruits, r. m v a i: i:i:ii 1 1 :s, cm; a us toi;a( CO, SM I I'. TOVS, lf(s.ic;i Sw(rilUM'lli, run; huiik iioii;:. iiiutwi.-, Vt lt-i ! , illistv Yv.-iC'ina, C'liaii , s.i Is.wlii ml., dk Ills l 1 iia-a of e,ry sanely, J. D. I'ALMHU. Asrsm'.e, K, l::.H. -Jif Al.o, he inUriiisto insriiirueiiire CANDIES of in, I,, f,. V.,r .- ing a, lh N.-i It, fined I andy. -.11 i IJAWKS'sS History of North-Carolina.' rniiih u to'u fl. hr.e.s tie ow puhli.h'd It nf the Proprietary (j , ume of ill l p ,ge.. If a ci 1,1 a p ,ge le.s, s.,y ti , I ' p. s f I i ill Library ui.y 'of -v m mg A; Ma by oj y,tluiie, on reeeiut of llie s lor tl clolii.tl oil soeeo, made lo Agent., or other., w ttv fcuv to zt E. J. IIALK & SON. r, ,.;.. J . Tl. II. inA in ihn ir la- . l. II. C.r.nn. fres. Chlir. I.us ".nil, l iiiir.et.i-. , IKJi kA H I it l important iv uui BLumii" , (Jas Work?. rBlHK suhacriher respectfully inform tl.e pub. JL lie, that they r prepared to erect ( IV..,!,. f l,i; Cities. TciVIII. Village, Col. lege and larice Hotels. They ' erected works , in Charlotte .ml K.ileigb.N.C.. winch have given) entir satisfaction to the cilinns of Unite plsec. A In qnaliftunlinn, promptness and ability 10 pcrinrm nil contracts emirtu ' unc luiiownif eiiiieitiir : Stpt. 14, 1S5H. TO BS SOLD, 4 LARGKand rOMFIXTE ASSORTMENT of Flam nd Japuned rJT,JIIr'TiVL-r .E :eg2 at VYholoale or Retail, lower than ever, at S. T. WUIS I ON S 1 in and Move zfiop. A FEW of thotr auperior Flnniihi-d Tea and i Coffie I'OTS, lo ialt bv S. T. WUISTOX. T lOItET SETS, a .uperior article, h.r tale S. T. WIUSTOX S. sASH, Deed, Sp:e and Dressing UOXES for i-!e by S. T. W RIaTOX. I5rITTANIA TEA SETS, for sale at S. T. WIUSTOX S. ' ATSR COOLERS, a firat rale wtitle, In saU by S. T. WRISTUX. 1' 1A6LE CLTI.EHY, fnok's Ladles, Sp.n. I'le.h Turks, Jt.c. ror sale at 3. T. WIUSTOX S. ASSER'S Patent IceCream FliEEZERS.thi beat Freeiera now in u.e, for sale by S. T. WRISTOX. mm x - A RTHER'S Self Sealing FRl'IT CANS, with tk directions hew to ue them, at , S. T. WRISTOX S. ! SAD IRONS, Ihe best id this market, for !e , ?9 by S. T. WRISTOX. Cla-Mrro. AT KINSTANT1.Y hard. e' J COOK STOVUS ch eannol ke nn perio , other Stove, in ihe ! and Slove Shop, 8 t by st tin .ngs'e. t ot Spi S. T. WRISTOX. Charlultt.Juut 22. Ie.,8. 15tf 0 Ti -v-.i'a. for pi Kinnr; thj: blood. THE ORIGINAL AMD GENUINE ARTICLE, eyeu r ir ;.? jf ( tnn.i rr.n im: tiik KKMi.VAi. an-ii rf'.::-.( vni.n r i t nr. ? A 1. 1. l'tK !' .::!!. -:"M IN IM' I l.t Use of thts Prpprttion. V DIC A I. TESTIMOHT .r, I I INT. M II II. A l. S t Mis, A Ml. II. V. 1'I.KUV s VE?...1FUCE OR "DEAD SHOT,' Kill UOIIVIH. VAMi I V. M II. A R. A II. SO tt, ,, ,tI,rU (. , i, ' ''' " 1 I K. X VI! II UTCII IS N k CM., , A'oe,i.,r 3o, '.',. la win's! oa mi. ULAXK I'KEDS for sale at thia oflie. 1 f,NY IT. i T S- ---"C'a''l sa0 MB mm "j CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND MACII1M. WOHKS. ,,,i,r.i,.,.,l ,rB, ,-;,ve to call the alien. ,,,, ,,f th, ,,uhlic to tho fact lhat lie is now feud lo fill any orders for iiiaMng . - . . . ... .. ..tif .,.! riutoeed uricrs, Uj P4rliciiUr altriuion piven lo the linking aiic1 repairing of Thri.hing Machine, llorae I ow. er., l ullon U111., .Mill Work, and Agricultural n orli of all knot.. IH.ACKSMITIIIXO. JORHING WOltk.wA. t;O.N WOUKand HOUSE Mt)ElXti, done wilh '"o'l'u'iltON AND IIHASS CASTINGS buCht t the Foundry, or taken 111 eiehang. f. r Job Work. Wond and FroviMoim of all kinit.taktn iu lachnnee for Klacksmilhii'K- ILr- AI.I. WOUK niu.t he pud for when drliv. ered, as t'ASII ha to be paid out for every Ihinj i:ere:ry In enrrv 011 Ihe e.liihli.hnient. IT Al.l. OltKEItS FOR WOUK mu-f be ape. cifi. d in writuiK, o that the work and speciiica. tiot' may gree. .... , IT This is the only foundry in the State that caul daily. , . , , Jj" All cortiactn cnnneelid with the concern niu.t ha made wilh tt'e iinder.ined alone. j IT A supply of ANTIIItAClTE t O.tl, con. Unlit on hnd for .ale. 11 J. M. HOWIE. Practieal Eofine.r, wid givcl ia cornlaiil atteiilion to tlie buioei-. All I letter, on buune.s will be directed to ' Charlotte foundry. J. A. FOX, Proprietor. . Charloltr. X. C. timer 'M. It5s'. 3blf ! 53? I031OVAIi.aex I a i) lit". Confeeiioner sod Family tiroccry Sloro i X ot Mill H)Y 4- N'lBET haa brio removed to llie .t.nd oppe.iie Hie I're.' y ten n t:hureh, wher llhev are receiving dueet from .-New i or. urge addiuoiis to their .lock o , CO.NFIK TIOX Kill IIS. family ;uo r.i:n, v. Among their stock may be found etery thing uu. i ally k pl 111 a .lor of lli: kind. A good ..urt. ' mini ot t ake Trimming., W illuw W art, ie , al. ; wav. on hand. They h iv in their employ n eirellent BA. KEIi.and .re prepared la furm.h Fannin, and Tarliea illi C sat a of ll kino, at .hm t notice. MOODY & XIaLKT. 1 Novmiber 18, 1858. ) We hare alt npen-d branch of our .tort at ' Lioeoloton, where Mr. Momiy will .uperinttnd (the bimn. s., and hope, to ..cur a .liar of the public patronaee in th-'l section. i JIUODY i SISHET. , ; .Vo. 16. IMS. W-f AYEE'S r..lliMrtii Pills. li i.Mo.ia (OATHO.t Alia M tllB T'l CLEANSE THE EL0OD ASD pTJP.E THE fICK. Ilienllilt, .'tli,r., .Ilolker., FNj.lt laws, l'bllitlltroisl.. rend Ihele KIV,cl, ad JU. of their Virtue.. rmi tiik ci'kk or llendnrhe,wiek He;iduchf,FouMomiicli. t'mvwiiM). I'. Wat I, .. t, J. f i,. S.i : I ! w l-li'l r..r. ui. ir i Mill Y -.bis ,lb rt ll t,. I'D W. Pltr.Bl.lT. Onk .. ItaM. Ililioua Disorders Rittt l.ivrr t omphiints. lltitrosiT or lus ln . I .,a....t.., 0 C, t . Ia ( Si, . I I.... W.-I vi fill. l l-"l Iritu-utaot J"i Dysenlpvy, , lil';.'l hsi.i. m P. IteloL, nnd Iternis. i,rl brr, i. ,lill.lrra iH.i-S rnml Itrr i i i ' ,. k ,-i i,. t.SJ) J. UKII'IIX, rmaturr. Indigestion nnd Impurity of Ihe lllood. P.. l:T. J. V. Iftm'l, lnlfW s A trrt l",.-t. H tlim. Ils. Arts I lit" I .li.i-i VI I H.I- rt n t.i .. iih-t t ..... .U l 1 CS units. Wtsstw. w r..f-t rv w T , (Vt. :i. li.v Tl.. IS I am i-ii.S ni I lliani, I1IU lo si . pov tl. . .l-.i n. lli-in n esrrll'i.1 ! ',n. lo rl.aiux li.. ...on. ul. l ,r. IU (. .il , on. ..I II.' 1 1 .i-l JOHN i,. Mr.ti II a If. V 0. r.rrsipehi", Semfiin,, Kim: F.vil, Teller, I nmof , lilid .oll It hen in. rri . ' miiliif H,rf.. of . m I, i, l1.'-. II tl- r .i.il,l r I... i.l. IW I l.t U . I hail I i n ,l . h ie! I i.,.l.-l i bn .S.i nd I h-r luir. IU on, 1I11M M .1. rt., ln.,1 ,,m ... Jlnlli.Klls.K. roK.n-l Hi' J l.a.r C.I.J Ithenmnlism, N Pom 1. I,': I'r. (.,..., rHlcin, nnd (.out. f IU H.U.i-l,H lliim. si Mm w. S. ,.. C.t .J.u. a. I .houl.! b, inirHlrriil Oa III, ,,!!,( T"ttr .1 n. .( I did im rr.n o.j t. n. o.y llnih. snd l.ii.i,tl.l ,trriKilini ,, Mhn-li ,l..l,d In .hril, rl.,i,m.lt.D. . I had III, t .I,j.1. i.t.. II.S di-w. If. Hi, .! r fill u 'I lltii, 1 . MM l r el.ibKI.I. Ilrousy, I'll thorn, nr kindred ( om- ..l.!l.i I l or ( osllvrm-s. nr ( onslipHlion. nnd n. lilMticr I'lll, ll..-t , Ml.t.4,1, ,1,-t ,fl..ll,Ml. t its, Niippressitiii, rnritlyi., lunimimn tloi.. 1 ..- l,irn,.a. .! I'.HI.I .l,,,. Iwb rutrd b) IU, .ki. Itl.'i. Klloli (.1 lhM f..i. ,4 . I'i'U i . II,,.- . l... h .1- ii 1 ! cubUsil AYEirS CUEIIKV i'ECTOKAL iuh tiik iiAi'ib ( t'KK or COI (.IIH, l.l, IIOAII-.I-!S as, lS l. . l-.Nt, I'llOM lllll, IKMIPIMJ III t. II, I HIM I', Ak I II.SIA, I ,. ( ll'II- T i.l SIH I IOM, .l f.f i t'li. latimu It, IffeiK-d Il , ..,U1 nf II, .Inn... .Iiin.l I..n,l.l ..f Hi, tl t n'.t ..S lo II., IID- HIKPIRFII BY I! Ft. J. r. HVF.E. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kais A.SUIfUlllHr HUTCHISON A (illtllO.V, ChitUte. IIAVILAND.STKVKXSON k CO., f'AarrsiMi, i'. f, A LARCK SUFI'LV OP Constable Warrants JUST PRINTED. 7TD WAIT FOR THE -.WAGGOL II y i, U jlk. J. IK "W B -m. W B B. sell Sto.e. , tl,,,.' becau.e he buyi a lu S IV US from the Mminfarlurrra. iLUJLTiWLOH Would rr.pecirullv antionnee m toe iiioiivh.pif 01 from their Olo Sla'nti. to ro. I.Kranile lit w, where North, ons of lh mo.t eteini a.wirtuicnls of F.er offered in Norlh.Csruliiu , smong which will which hat gained aucla a famous repulutit haa gained aucli a lamou. reputation 10 love he warrant, aupenor to any t ookn.g I in. lova n consume, less fuel, snd dee. more worn in a gut n put upon he, lie sny olln r Stove of the ..me sis work in aiei. lime, he will forfeit the price of tl,e better one. ALSO, AIJ PiHIiOB. & He haa, si.il con.taiitly keep on hand, o ealci tin and siiKirr io?; All ID HJJi'JU'AinnA W&di'&j nr.iss ni.TTi.i s, t .tsT ino.y m ns i t.ws, HAT HACKS, CRADLES, &c, &c, Alof whlrll will b.'ltl. V lsl.-il'? iMd l( lull. Tin upsr IIihii hat ,lrr br. ..lit rt l lit Ihis s ictiill). I.ootdreturn n.v-nk. I t f'lend. and be.t..w.d ui,n us. sod they n.-y ret se.nr.d. together wilh a dt lern.in.Hon to plea.,, lo t.y l i!ii niul Cftiili'mrn nrp Diirlif ularh N. B I will tell vou why I head my we has three wsggon. constantly travelling lireeg! me c. ui iry win, i Hr .1 oritrr iritl br faithfully mul pictuplly allnu!i i! to& Ckmrltf.Junt 16, 1?57. For Florida Elrect. ! Tartitig : rVaia t Vi ., ad 31 5 1. Jioiirf lt 7'ime lAaa 6y any Mtr Hi" It. Ill K I MIHI KT.VTIJI MAIL 1 "3 . II MM U. m XX s TIMS. rlRTIS, roMMANHEK. ' W E A V EH ('II VI! I.11S1 ON,S. ('., reef y Tl'F.. M.J I'AV An'EKNn.N. si 3 o'ehk.l..r PI- I.ATKA. H.A.. .s EERNAND1.SA. JAi kSO.N I VII. I.E. I'li tll.A'l A and the ususl landing, on I the Su J ihn's Riser. I Sit conn'-ris, goir g and retoroii g. wilh the R.iilroad at Krm unliii., and with Slij'i .1 thr ' atKise nsni'd plan . fi r Alligator, Olalu, Micsl.o. I py. lallaharsre, M. Augylme, I'snips, and otli ! er lowus in Ihe interior of Klnnea i al ( h,l,sten, i With 'he New York Sit snisnip. sn.l the N..:tu,in snd We.Urn Railroad train, on Tut.u.y. .od .S.lurd s. .Merchrtiidtse, as, consign, H to Ihi. Agency, wilt Im forward' d KliE E UK t HAItGE. F'jf freight or pas. sg,, sppW ' 11, L. CHISOLM, f. o'hern Wharf, l lwrh sion. S. C. JaMuavy 4, If.',8. (J-3m wiii-Ai w..ii:i). f 1 II K pulWnrw r litnrn parch. rd the Ktrim M Fl'urtny Mt.l in ttti IjC, ii prrprvd to tt-iy Wht.t, ,w t icli hr g.ve the higlirtt inirkt-l jirire in c.iI. Kiour. itrjn and lrl furnl at lite Mul, or ilvii.rcd wherever catrel in d wii, JUH.N WILKK.S. Co. alls, Aug. 9, lNi8. iJif ja.miis m. ni.i:v. ci si ox Mt:n cjia s t, 117 ( 1 1 A .12 II E II si VI KELT, J. V. nl VS and forwards every kind of merehan due lor p,r ren(. CeniMfSfisit. Rci'rst,. t...v.. Swam and .Mreio sd, N. M . VS.KHirin, J. W. Usborne, C. P. .Mi iidcnhall, A. M t.urman, E.iia. snd Itev.C. K. lVem., Hon. W. A. I.i. nam, .od others. Pmltr in Pish. is. . ei.'r.ms, (Irfsns, If. 'p., Uuitar., .Mo.ir, Srwing Mschioe., Iron lafe., I diruis, (irden Engine,, Ae. A printed j list of sii llie ditferriil makers, kind, .bd price. I seat ,. Puuhsher of an elegant lithograph of " Ittrknj Nut Uui," N.C. (l,) .ml th " ( rao j a as I'll r ,n is s i oa, I muss l.uins lo Hssi.vii." I 'I his insslushle ami y adrtarr .hould be in t ti ry j heu.e. It treat, of ail ilistaats, lis. c-pion. I gIo..ry .nd pres' iihe ihe mucins from nature', j Ixiuiitrou storra, for all our iiifir eiiie. sod nu.. I fortune. Il ia punted i.n fine while pser, h.rid omrly bound fourth cdilion, 3UU pagt., and ia .milled fret for n UnlUr. New Ko.ewoou Pianos, 1 1, ill. lib. 16, IBj(t. 1, S. M HOWELL, Saddle It Harness nanutucturer, TIIRlt IXKIRH KdlTII iJg TIIK MANHION UOUHI, ( ictKMi'i ti; .:. IT A II kind. of Paddle, and Ilarne.t made al th ahorte.l li'itice, II I REPAIRING prouiptl, eaetuled. J.i. I'J. IM5K j-if IMt. It. ?l. CO II It Br M.I. he uleiiard fnr.r.it, l',.,r... -Il-.ll. " m th deparinunts of MI'TlK INEsnd am rL'..t,r, v , me. prole.aioliallv P,e.t,ht may O. found at hia re.io. in ,, port Mill IVpot York ll .t irt K. . fv. i a. m.-.. i ,f Cash aid for Hides, IPV H. M. HOW EEL, 3 ihwr. Isonth of the W Mansion Hou.e. (Wimis, Ayr' 6, l&sj Sif l S.fl. RANSOM. "fj I 1 A CUNY. " . nr 1.1 1 1 r.. .1. nnv he hi. now nu rihil-ilion, just rteic (., u be found the eelebr.t.o . C...I1....I .U.I,. (.,. 11.. l-.i ,,.i... ...,.,., Slots i w in u.e.Il 1. .111 .e 11. 11. .ri ro inoe, 11 so nj mi , t-u.,r now n, u. i, , in lit I mten Mate, and tl it dor. bi,,b, Hit fefev. and quit .ell, ng and tg h ,; , - KINDS OF BOX STOES. r.l .toe's of eu.iotner. for Ihe v.ry ..ber.I f.lr. t.,, li a. that I .hall .mle.vor, by slow .11. etion 1. aM and merit eootmuaiie. of lh. ..me. in.iK-tl 1o rail slid mmhe Lis Sierk sdverli.enei.l " W air roa vor vt see. s, .li. v-t.j A. A. X. 3I.TAYI.0I!. sir " 1 sAuns, Art liili t nnd Unilil r, ' II I. furnish Dr. g n. Pl.ns J f ? f. r I'ubhe HuiLiio.. Pr.t.t. and Villas, particular .luntion w.i-b,s builemg Mooring Mill., I o Miti, '' ,u 3.1 sinry of Alraandrr". II oil' .r ( , 'r-si o,r ( bins Hill. Oelahrr 9ft, IH.'. 31 OIt I l(OI 1 t nntaal Life Insntance Ccn'if ul int.. H ill ;k.ii. . fMllllr ( i n par y in. ure. Ihe list, si " s- ' at. for cos t ear, a Irrm 1 1 years, a - on li e .Mutual Priseiple, II., sstui,-: i- : f liripatitg in lh pr-.f t. of lie i..m-ij f poiieie grsnt,d lot the w 1. ,e t. it ml'fll the prt hiiun. the, lor all" liels ' l-M holeVmy U lor ini i.;" ii" .n.'-n pnroi .iiM, ot.iiog iiitertsl at a , r t,M- ?orm . II , mt'l rooiit r ii wineli i ii.-i b.ro psio Oy lots eon psey ,t tti., tt-; i ' raiis ..I .Minuin, pr. s. p jii.i meu'i'- 1 ui ii ss sre ui.p,u to insu.-.. Nuvt. ( in.urtd for a Into i t !' 6 Se y.srs. lor two third, tht ir tsii e. AH !" re paiu within 'Jil t'; factory proof is prcstnl'C. piurnoits. Charles E. Ji hnsion, V in. H Jo...., ll.lu.n. V.. D Co. ke, J. (.. n" ' " " llnsiril, Qutiiiiitc, ISin.otr, I'. t. I'.,.-. II.MeKe,, k, P. Ilallle. tl..rl.s li. I"t, U- KowU, Kiel.' II. II. ins. til l IKEB!. Dr. ( hsrles E. John..n. Preso enl. U . tt , Hohien. Vie. Pre.,, .. It. II. tt-tlle,. en l.ry. illi.m II. Jones. Tre-.surer. II. W. Ilust,d. AUoror y. Dr. W,o. II. M.h.-..M, .-Ilia! f "-' a-trcsliee ( on.miftse U- tusla,, K. Cliarles It. lioot. , Shiiirul Itmii ui VunUtu 1 '' , -John...... -M D, Willi.... H- ..h-. M " Itich'd II. Ilayw.wd. M. !., E.,r further inlorii.alion, the l,ui i'c ' ! ' rtd lo Ihe pau phli l.,snd lorn-, ot V ' f, y he ol-LHIied at the (Iftie. el lh ' or oy of . Aenci. s. t ( ' it n ir l.i,n . .hould h. .ucrtstc, i paid) lo. R. It. UATTLK, .-eirr'"") S..uml tr H, Ifji. it, trw.l- satsJsr9 ... ' W AltV iM t .1111 1 1:1 ror Coughs. ("Ids, Infliirnas. I 1 ",,! Art. eu. i.s ol toe h.iini j" '" '' ' l,.,n..ril,aa, (.Ieel, lh WluUs,"'-' olher lem.ile I omi'lainls. 1 ru, ' ctnli and tl Gold Mine Vatem orliy .peptic Jiltei.er Tint Ion A lellcr from J . It . C.llui... I1'"! N. C.. ilauu Aug. 14. IfCi s Dr. J. hhul De.r ir: Y"" """ gisru entire ... li. laetion m this sn Iri. " lie Abys.ima Mialure "I-' '" ly spprosed ol. Il ha. never lane.' tvlU(t ta.e lis. IIS ... fa.l.lhal 1 ""V ''r ,n.o s. supply tiie iltinant;. will ." ' , large aupply ol il a soon as J f j y J. ' " . ,U',I ai;i;sth-i.. w . H.-er..'" ;,.. T. Long. Rock. righ.mi Ph.l. r ,11 T.J. Iloii... and Dr. J. I..ilm. "",, I" rjt(enriglit . JOB FHIIITIITG. h. Sou phin i im; f ' :h, ,,r' . .,.n,ni.ai s,"'" ' ?'?ST ; - af !?,... jt Sf:i 4.--. 6 iLZ4! -- t 'I'd W' Altsiw