iii it, though them may have different views th .t p'onp. Wt f gets chance to look non; t lie a-hes yonder first, '11 git richly t .id f ?r their trcullc." " A greater treasure thnn til the plate of! lhunside llou-c has sl'pped through mv fill g.-rs t-i nigi.c. cunon .vrrowem.iu, wnn, i tr-i'ry r. fra wrl iu the fiend's name, is this One ry.d Saul, f jJXt-fit a&3 f who i Meh a terror to our feller .1! a'ongj CS g S&S the antcc, especially in the neighborhood! rJ-ic vJW CS'S'V -lti were'ii I on tell, Csp'n ; hut 1 GW? f1; vi,jV!f CHARLOTTE: Tuts day, April 20, IS 59. know that he fights i.ke a hurricane, ur.d id never still. First you hear of liiin nt one j lace, then t anoibrr a long way off. lie oes froru p'ic! to p'ii.t like a race-horse, 11, J tiller leaves his maik on the king's nien. He hs a burniu' hatred for Tories, and woe to tlx in that he puts hi eve on for vengeance, for they don I live long arter Jiiu I'o.lard lias got soincthin' (o do, I reek on. I'm giad 11 wasn't '' drew hi I s" rime from tne hat on the night wc crossed j car sabres ever the red blaze, and swore , The we sever to Hand by each other to the; ,our , LfDoir( ll0pe our rc,Jt.r, lt, iu all cases auJ under all cireuiu- , , ... . 1 . . ., ovenock any uiEcurev ti.ey may detect iu Hjncr. "Poor lurk we've hu," Miecred Martin, j '' department. "though we hod the advantage in p'ii.t of numbers. Thcre'a seven on us matched agiu seven; we'll see how it'll end." " A dt n of u seem to be no match for Town Ordinances 11. Rttohed, That.sa Whigs of Norti Carolina, ... , . . j 1 we are determined to know no roRrripliiciil pur- Wc call the attention cf our readers to , f.M no neiinn di,linelifiB,t ,WV!0U.0 rU.h, the town ordinances to be found in another column. It is the duty of every (rood citizen to keep the lawn, and, as far as iu Lis power, to see that they are kept, to do this effectu ally be must know thrin, we therefore re commend their perusal. An Apology. Editor being tieccssatily abcr.t, on ' its column. The New Ycrk Weekly. This periodical ccuies to us this week rrrnntd with its usual smc-unl cf good things. It contains a story entitled "One eyed Saul, or the Tory League of Seven,'1 from the spirited pen of Dr. Robinson. The doctor's productions are no well known that thev need no endorsement from us. We con gratulate the Weekly on having secured so able and popular a writer, as a contributor to der storm accompanied with rain and hail. We are very much afraid that the fruit four, to-Light," returned Arrowsmith, tuo-' rose!y. " I wondrr if any cf our seven get thi ir quit tus ? Satan U0c cure ofLisonn. tit v sa . " ; We V. Irctv, t" t.ig!.t. when we meet nt trees suffered severely, if not f: ll.e cy press lice. 1 got a bicki n skull, and tciiced that mo or luue others bad seme uc''v nark; but it's my cpiniou that the seven ni.i a.l tu-n up at the proper litue. ."( me ol p'jr fiit-L-ts aent under; the bodUa cf a fe wire burnt in the bcu-e. I s'ptre, 1 nl it's the tatc cf wr, and can't be helped. lis Je's e iiiTLticc that wsrries me the .,,- Mr. Everett's Oration. Wo lesrn tht the following sum was ob tained at Chapel 11 ill for the Mount Vernon Cold Wearh-r. ; f,JD(i . We have beeu vi-itcd tbii week aith seve- ; T(.e fw0 ij,or(lrj Societies contributed rul of the coldest snap of the season. Ou g.iio J'JoO a piece, which allowed nil the Friday afltrnoon last, we had quite a thun- students to goiu free, aud with the sum ob- sNJi'MfT, From th Favttttville OUtrvtr. I TtiK U. S. FttlOAT Niaoaba A pri- OKi Tilt Laurel Hill Fttir. examinat.oii ... 7 ' "7 I i' iuu,M)K cIIaKTOTtf April 1st. 18.19. ' th. Brooklyn N.vy .rd on Ih. L... ed Q fr0I11 tlie M Mrstfi. F. J. Halt Jr -It known Mean, tripn.. n.-K-.-, -"- . ,,, fl)r1Br Bjrdj f ( ". pre. to almost every person tlmt we have in i ,f , :irH ,,(ai,,,.d 1 il Oidain.Uh th. mi. iiiinssionori. lliLhrnond Count, 'what is e.ll.d the-Scotch cv led the fae tha th ...j.r... si ... v ( u 'Xf, Fair,' and that persons from all pnrts of by the .hip m Ir.ntty Hy hr 1 o.e ,A i(y v ,h, M), - ,V. i,.,. ...I t,L rther State., make it a '"" ""! ""."'I '"." Wf ")' . IS is dreadfully hacked s our forty ft it of her Tl,.., I. nrtheen W ' 'orwani mm ,., .v , , , ,s no Eaal, no West but our country, our whole country. itrsohf,!. Tint thp chairmnn appuiut a enm. mitlee of llirej Wliips for Hie ("iinly to art incuii. eert with thr Executive ( eniniitK e of the Slute, and have in charge ail nutters pert'timnj to a pro. per rrorfrauiiali.'n of tilt- old Whig parly upi n iia anrtent l.inciiriaika. 13. Kriolrrd, That we heartily approve the eoursr ol tlnaa). J..I111 A. Cilnur and Z. II. V.inrr, the only ltf l!i prrsi 1 t..lii a of i.nr Slute 111 1 lit last National ('.'tien !. nod lliclli h It nmv be a nil that -e are nrstelini: int our jmisdiciion, yii,,.1rry tg niore money thnn all others lory i.a.e ue,n to .L i.ujt.u .u r u, ...... , pc,ner ,,! T,,,,.! ...,.J. l.n'w.ll iritd. a'norov.d'. i the Joul good and fa.tliful rva.,t.. evemuawy run. , ... .... . .tll.,, to the shil. to tell h. r velocitr. The Chairman, at the request of the meet- j Jorei m uetermined to nrc.K . up. .1 satisfaction, ing, appointed the folloning named gentle- M-ve the la. on my side, beside, ever, . e ''J ow ,ol t0 b. ,, mi d,L.(.. ,0 ih, eonrention to he holden pood c.til- n of the countr,. This is to give ' oown. ' ' . . " . ... .. 1.1 iln,. tl.oi 1 !, nnia'-ain. Il l siaicu ov tuuu J"r)' inijs. or nliisr cuiibualilil e mailer 1 ....... . at CAiiroffr on the 1 -th ot a, nex.-f.ie 1 " " , , nur ' .x,; ...... i r ther Teasels afloat could have . ithatood, ffed,.., .I.a.l ...,fuit .,. the . ' Chairman being, on motion to that effect, ' ' ere lor the Vr0" 8,t w;.,,out ,.,;,,,. , llUl!e cak. uch a Ire- f-r th- fir.t oft,. .',, f, , et ' added .0 the dumber : 1 1 'l'.0" r-'.f ' Purpose .,f .,. j P t K ' . Kr u...,;,'." resting all w no snail ne caugnt at any game - n , r w, ,1 minr Untamed, 'rn.it the State, and frem ether State., make it a f"0"8 place of resort for the purpose of gan.bling !. . .1 s - t I... false keel ,n i.ui.r.ou .oa '"""? "7""" Prav crfluH int., .in... or douhl.d over any upon mm . , . ... '"-"- " -" , f;c, ,,m pouW ,ln0 .,,, ,, roll. .. uu .ra.i.ra. .urc ... I-u,,,'t 1. . t.. L ., ,1 'I H,....,.,d a ....1 ..1 li-. : ...... ... ..,..- . J- IO- I . . .,, ,.. .. ' ... 1, . II, as win sev- r uu "iiut 11 , .. 1 r noilicii will ut onen be Irrn til, a will sen r, and they place a temptation before P m u. u" ' oung men which they cannot resist, er.l particle, ol her cht. keel, which h.v veutually ruin many of then.. There- also da magi d ' ''O "V"" ,m b .ir mil r oi'.iiuuMioii man. r. it. any tti Ic .n lire is kepi constantly nr . r c.i n ,,. , pl ,.- peeolwrly . i,. ... ! U;,ill;,., (,,'"' aurT. r the aame to 1 I'll", inly m,,W (J ' "HITlrU, I Ml, 'nun..! Mvc liinl.ra lor end. ami v,...j. and Una l..llnr for each day if lhr ,,',. ed to rnmiim after notice ia nivcn. I't it further OriUinfd, That no psr.n ,. .. ry, nr auric, to he ear ni d, any enii(iKi "1r"- 1 r Ithj III tti.l.n.it a liililrrit, 1 1. to mm v t il,:,- , ' iillu r I. ouse where thrre may r alr..w t,t,', ""' IMl. or otl.sr eombualllil malter; and,,'"'''"' T a t -i-'Tu . C P.ol n W -u.c n. a.,.,., iikmuuiiv. , ... ,vr- snail ne caugnt at any game n r t ,f Mlr untamed, Ti.,t an p . money is staked, and shall P"" ,"r to l'v0 undergone. 1 ho pro- ,. ut1, of ,,, f- Court, to be further dealt " elh-r. too, although in as perfect working cabinet ... smt, car,i ,,e . wr.n ,.,, .tt'n;i Oruer as ever, is ruiimnuu oy many sun- r r. - .....rn, uu nent officers to bo entirely inadequate ' ,' J'' ? r;lub'V" rrm",'d " m the requirements of this noble te.ael, '" j .n" rl.'.'p.'u'mi ah.""' bind them to wilb. Respectfully, JAS. T. liOSTICK TUo Whcnt Crop. The pro'pects of the wbe:.t crop, if not inj .red by th; I -t rain and frost, is Very tained from the citixctis, about SC."0 in all which, with the S.'il given Henry W. Mil ler for l.ia oration, amou.ts to SI, OOH - raised there for the purchase of Mount Vernon." Tiro in Columbia. Oa Saturday morning the residerce of Mr. Thos. llarley, located near Stark's Hill, nu- 1 hp. Tr,tnl, P.i', 1 urn in. Simons, James D. Hoeker, Thos. W. Ken d all, Henry W. lHbcrry, Jan es Dunn, How laud Crump, Walter llnrns, S C. Jones, Tho ms Allen, Col. W. C. Smith, J P. Kit-hard-son, W. M. Pickett, Tovru'y Kedfearn, Mar tin C. Lon2, M. P. Jones, K. l Ingram, JcLs G. bitte'.U . e 1 rr . . ..... I -1 . . tin. sotil.trv tot s a r h li.rnit..r I ul cress Dromisu:.;. lu l;ave tecunts irom aiuc- , aa aemn.lenta v tired and trie dweli'D' 101. v amercr, hfin ea pl nnon. came. J ' ; . . r rent nans rf the eumtrv as to this eron and , with its entire contents consumed. . forward ana delivered one of the mo.-t .111 1'etiton, P. N Ineratn, T. S. Asl.e, Col. W G. Sniilb, C K. Smiih, U. I. Dunlap, W. K. Troy, Dr. Wm. S. Kendall, K. II. Streater, Robert Burns, J. C. Caraway, II. S. Lilly, 11. II. Rattle, Lr .' AI-VnrUT,n!I!Sv' Tub Annual Con or a 0f lelie. tbe .ill .oo0 b. broogU : fr .a. .,.,,' T. !ii Is. N. Refearn. 11. 1. Hall. h. J). 1 1 untie v , ! .... . ,. ... . 1 in ih aiirntion ol the Na DeDartment. I err aneh ..T. nee. J. U. Hargravc, K. V. Caddy, K. U. Liles. , -OMIhI.--I ashingion L men no j m o of WJf ,Urtfol j fu,U..rU,d.,m.J. Th yonsWS,.( Vernon Alien, P. Richardson, J. W. Davis, ! c hanged to the ( ons itut.on j, lb. cffioi.l ; , f p.r-. ,.po,, ,h. ";-.,.. b, .... T. w . ,.. ,, , , t . . I. ortan of President liuchanau, makes the " v ' ' luirndant, ahal. be adjudged umai.., ,iun . U. l.uchan.n, L.L.Polk, John (.radt. ' , , j ,..,,.,.. in ri.Utioi to tho ei- '"n ''''Por,'',' to the Navy Department, ,lpr , lrn,n tli; ,e , , 1,,,,,' St-jrdivant. J. J. Ccx, Willim Crowder, J lolloaing ft.icn.iul in nlatiou to tLo ei ; probal); be assigned to squaurou duty : tU .....d d.ngrr fr..u. fire, ..r f.,rir.t a,,,, KoliinsonV. rlake. James A. I.ues, . l . r e !,i Onoe. "' ",,r " r '", 'ry it may ar.nuin o. 9-- i 1. 1 n-L ii. r.-. .. ...,l.... ..J ... Ilnirnrin i.f nvu, . ,r,l ,,. , T f ,j5f f j .una wlaaa olnmnry or atuva i.ia ao.ii) 1,1,, , iht ! A New Skin or tiik Timis. The New- jr hum, m.ir.. n,c a-.n u t ,.,.,, ,' i,.i. u,..... lri , j j .Mercury rrcorua, wnii a iron " rj " rour u.iun , Hay. .. Hun 1 a--t. Tajaire tie f:e.ing of tr.c yemg girl ! Picture to yourself her in piJatios, her trcm t .ir.g Loir r, at the proximity of villains whose reiij.ion was Passim ar.d TiunJer, a:.d who-? 1( craved instincts hurried them to the commia.-ion of enormities too shoek inj for the mind to dwell upon. She was hse the cove I.MiDC from the hank liie hare .-hr i.king frcin the teeili of ti.e hound. " Ail h. pe of tha al i.-n't i.Tt yci," said AriD.ismilii.hop. fjl.y. " .''.errick and Lung l id tvi.c-nd cui, ou know? ' "How fur could they foiitr 'm through !!..: itiftrna! meshes of wood? "As fur as the fiiglitened little bodies c u'J go. lijw co you think they cci'.d t:ht th. ir way through such d, 2ikilt.es tiiose ! Why, tl.t j 'ii leave some of tneir eiolhes at every sip, an wouldn't have a rag K-ft od iuj by ti.e time they had gone a d ten rvJs. Think how the pretty dears n ust have torn their soft fiesb '. ' Arrow n.ith la-i.l.td, a.- if the id was a very p'.en-!i! one. 1 n-y cnui.iii't co "eat w;.r, ttut'a certain," rcj i. d Martin rcficctive !y. "'Ih'T tnsy be 'thiu i n yards t us!" a s, n.d Ai 10 w luilh, wih cOLd ience. 'IheefJ-ct of this rrmark was anything 1 u! am eat le to Jessie, for the distance was n.'ir'-i irs t'.ar the rrf. in had n.-.ioed. "V n,i;M i.-,-k ast sotae," aoMed Ar rowu.it'n. " 1 tey'd le :pt tofmuggl ii?9 rhe f'j-t hi'lin' p',ce they come to, that's tie v ay rf the critters. When they're f-ic!.! ' d, tl p'it iheir sill? head! unJ' r tj..- l"u-t bu-h thl V filnl." " i ou lorgd tf.fct ioiu Hulter, Paul lia te'iturt, the tall Yat.aie. and the nig.-er, itart.d after c uj the niibate we took to oar bf-! 1 key 'te f uud eni, I 11 warrant, and that arch r lei, Iliz.llurat. is mbi.-p'.ru' f jc th"ns in Jeisie's ears by this time. l ie day- ,1 be ions and bight, restlcsa till I've C 'Vir'd Irrn with the murile of my r.fle. L t;lc sha.l 1 si. ep li'.l he ceasus to stan' ale .u ne abd Jessie LurtfiJe." fivid .1... Ii.f..;,.n lli. mi. nt 11 m I 'n't ' "H'l i.i'r.l,. JJ , ... .it. ' 1 ' u jut""' irnfn, in 1 hi w v 1 . , ,. . . . r .. iauy 01 mo uigneaii ici.Frei.u....y , , , , , Ne- Ut us take this statement of the . , .,, orprk. n . dark L, ... B Ltilun, ami see what ia the annual cost to . ... ,, .n;.... e,, .,.: .- J... I r. with... the h.i.u. of tlx Tu T In re are 00 of thee salaried worihie . . 1 :. ...j .1 1 1:. a n ajt'rei'atc cosi 01 f.j.n?.i.o.'.j everr abrce uia. iuc ,iru . , ,.,.,. t, ,t.. M It... i..np,l . fn, ... Th. fir... of ih n.trlot. ''de Uu live million, eighty lime ttiou j.- ... ., Uh,. . --,,,,. tharaeler ! how I '- ,). nrcnnrin r to' dress her child, an ! ism were rekindled i many bosoms w here "J. five tuudred aud twenty 6ve ilolUrs 1, fi f ' ,,e and tlll!e u.other ! T : ' infant, when tie servant tirl Clara, . the ! they had grown dim. The kindling eye and j ' ' ' b "nunl ,co,t oi J The W!:I3 Convention. I prori;,j cf Dr. T. Rawl'sj who acted as ! glowing cheek attested the power and fervor n.embcr ol Longress. the neat iillio au.u ir reotlers wtil : ereeive that this eon I ri .rr,r,. 1,.1 ih fir tnn i.', I of the orator, as he snake of the hannr and 01 ' . iauy Ol ino lllgneak ic!.Frei.e.....y , J ,u... l, . I, .11 ....etiarj;. an rn, ,., ,,..,, " ! and fair, who was overtaken, on a dark or act fir i..n.l..,ir. .,r .nr any .q j.h 1 niitht walking Irotu one town in ,ew jer- wmmi me i n 1 ii..iiaii 1,,,,,,, . ;rt'"! 'sey to another, and being asked if she was ' 'T, '"' ""J"11'"" i ..it J . . . , .. i.i i l , ' Ifcuuir, it tlir otlrooer oo 'i lue in mi,, - . ' not afraid, replied, " dh.no, I have carried ' . ,.,., list.,. u f. C ,r' ! a pi-tol for two years paat, and I am never j , ,1 ;unar. (..u'.niirj. Th.i jn; r.' vention meols at Charlotte on the '-Oth of when her clothing took 6rc, and communi-1 prosperous times our country once enjoyed hv. f-.r th? purpose of nominal!.." a can- ted with the bedding. So rapid was the under lie guidance of the good and great , . , . i spread of the devouring element, that Mrs. men whose influence and example were wor- Qioate to represent this the . tb congress.ou- ; , . . .biM ,hy of the bi.h po.itions thev were called to a. t'l.-uiei ct .Nortn aroiii.a in lite nexi four doUitrt and Jive cents. Lex. GuZ. A Stanoeb Swindled Yesterday mor- ninir aaa the Italtiiuore sun, a cetiiiciuan 1 Congress of the United Stutes. It is pro The unfortuuate girl lingered until Satur-j till and drew a startling but truthful pic- day aficrtioon, when she uied. fche was 1 j lure 01 Der present conaition umler the nian- per that we should have a meeting, bi fore ! valuable sc.". -nt, although young, and her agemcutj of aprcfessedly ecocomical. but gla . , . , ., I death was deeply deplored by Mr. Harley 's j ringly false and tlliniitably cxtravagaut De that time for the purpo-c cf aprotiittiig dele- . , ., ,11 . r 1, I -,.r.t ..'.lin.ii.i;.. 1 . 11 . family, as well as her masters. bull'ltn. mocratic OuBiiua-tration. fc , 'In the afternoon on the same day, anoth- prcper person will ta.e the matter in hand: . , . . ., . , ' ' ' er firo brcke out in the slab.es attaclied and arpcintaday U the sail meeting - fj IIotc,(Le illlble, cj wo MLigscf Mecklenburg, the cry has gone j ou..Loa,M destr0JeJ. Lo gjoOO. ovr ihe land, the people have been roused up , e-ni ' 1 r i Insuracce SjI'O. everywhfre, tLcy are willing, nay ai x:cu , to tlro.v cf the yoke of lie tyrai!s the d.uiocrats. ItisGowwitlyoutosay, ifoid Meek! nbtrg. that gh rious cradle of liber tv. shall I the la't to come forward in this 11 the IV-di shorn' Argua. 'lift in": in Aiimmi. Kr Vi liij Iu purtur.r.ce of a call published in the Argus, the Whigs of Anson met at the Court llou'e on the Kib inst W. E. Toor. E. U. Ln.ts, A. LITTLE, Chairman. Secie'airirs. Moke CoBEiipTios The Waslinpton cor- II I smb t. fire wuraa, .if rala. "r rlente any i.r throw any lit, h.lU, within , loon, uni-.a by the wrilirn urrmi Pa I I. MortrilV We learn by the last l"'rtn.. "i Lad anu ..bian.,.i. .1 "Spirit of the Times" that the proposed ffi",",' AnVanv Vrt""; 111 testimonial of the York Chess Club lo Paul I u. r r,rr, , ,1,, t.M, . Morphy. on his rrturrt to this country, ( which "ia ..t il.r T will be, it is sanl it. April; has now assumed f. v.il P..ni;. ...k,l il.i. ..;i .n.l this detinue s nape : 1 no turmners 01 tne '.topped at the l'ountaiu Hotel. He mt.'nded Club, (aided by such outside contributions to take the bont for Norfolk io ihe afternoon 1 may be offered.) will Eiv. the Kme of and whiie sittii..' in the hall waiting for the I Less " a putlic dinner, a n.agnincent Ame i time to iro to the wharf, he was approached r.csn f hv a narlv who eni.ai'ed ineonvarsaliou with ! chess men ! him. The intruder said he was from Ala- ' surpassed in the world, with a richly inlaid ' I. ... - ... .t ; J.. ; .1.. '.. eheaa board to match, together with a cold ! r-n. x... Ac. .'. ..fr .t. m..l.l eommimoralive of his K.iror,en tri. ! " -"""d l" . kr.l ...n... t-ift tuii. aiiier taiitiiJ iur cwuic iiuic, lue i r craluilv rurrtl in mfi . , te a- ! k..U.LU.nal IA N hrl. O-Mlll"11 C4f IU"' ",B tin 'I'T a Iik pcnu.iy lr rrn II fnrh il ktfi piv It ir.i . Ii ii , te no ... Kite l ilUr. . ni tl m oUve rrrrivn not ira ....ri , He II fwlk'r thdutmfj, 'J t,M .... Itoiit vtt.ill kcrji, ft utlf l W d-f t n -eld ws.eh. a set of gold and ,iTer ! ' N'" " " '"' "' , ' , ,. i I .mder .1 any tune, unliaa l..arrii ,,, , , , nen, for beauty and costliness tin ,. 4j ,y f, r M .,,, Ki f rls.l . sttfll of 'i'mr ( CI' seem iu many departments, that iher? ia a j deliberate disregard of I ho letter cf the law, ' and what is more slaauefu! Mil!, that there ' ,, ,... !. I be l' authoriid violatives cf the sane- r cf private correspondence. To relieve our institutions from the inf, man, who relieves that the Democratic par- 0" lameneo i-u viuig rauj. n ;lltv cf private e.rrespondenee. tv has Lrcien i.a nroniiae.. ha. been false , M4U "V.S'!ti U 4 f'! To reiiev. our institutions f, J 1 ; iisve we wituessta a more tticutive ana gra- , ...i;,. 1... . . ,0 the Scuih l.s slandered o.r revenue. , tiSed 4i The words of the speakers J Ml ' and ran us head a3J tars i:.to uelt, let eve- were drank in, and the thoughtful, anxious J Tueslia.( SD!j t0,ttJe 0, fr(fm ,Leei,inii ry such maa we s,j, of whatsoever party eout Unance. of tne vast multitude, showed I ja .j, ,he fi of feofn wQuJ iut mi m- ra..n nr w-ri-ua no alt -11 si.: ( In. -r cl.tpa, wim. Ik.1. a, h-.g.i.im... I tliioc (111.1l. (i I l.-r t.uil.:.of ii -...I. !li 1'in.r.li't th, 'rr fiaax.a of tuc 1 w..lka. nr w. I.r in l .e (ul.irs, Iu j .aid atriH.a, walk, ut ulU-.a i"g rigl.l I. our. ..I. ill furli it arid . y I .1 "ft- i,r lhr an... ol 1 wo IUi.r. rv ' 'I mat a. in oU.tii' 1. SicklcB' Trie.l, ! The trial of ti.i entitu.au is drawincto roy an. . ia.ia.11. -.ere appcu.eu -etrB- . . do,u ,ar'f', . , , , ' ments ordered not to le di-tnboted when Uu motion thefohowmg gent.cmen were j fcy c(rUiu bu, ht ,c(eM appointed a Icmniittce on Keaolutiona : , wr(, ;U( ,io,u.j 1. 5. A-tie, u. t. rentou, Dr. v . tioiit-i ... :;,.,i . .. .. 1 nn rhs the who e eot to I s nearlv v..im, aeoua ntsnce to the office o the Utter at rom anoiuer CDrrr.r.inrin 01 .nr aamr 11. it, u H,tSet lhdu,.J, llulmr an ,,, respondent of the 1 bitadelpbia t ress says ' , e corll,.r 0f IVnimore and South streets i per we learn that the hnglih ehes players ii i.w ai.au d. w- 1 in ..v 01 n:c uwi., ... that exposures Bill be made during the next U,9,lfn more than a half hour before intend lo pive Morphy a splendid dinner on ' ".V.V."!" ' i .rJo i" r .Tr ""' " session of Centres., which will demand the . ,ie tmit t0 fr ,0 lLe 0,rf( tllJ ,,fJ Mir .his return from his eomin-ntal triumphs. l,.ff. llf.e ,f 1,.. ., ., f ,' ivn.'r.. .V.'.' ! impeacunieni 01 u.go cmc.ais. 11 wouiu 1 e() for ,,e 0v,ce- ' . . . .i-,a rereitanol la.sili.H In.ny They had gene down Pa'ulinora street A IJeatv Dat AT Till Xiw cbk I'iT. when a third parly approached and touel-j OrricB Wedne'dav lat will Kw rear-m ing the pretended AUbainian on ike ahcul ibered in the .Vr- York po.t offiee. The dcr, told him that he had disappointed lint, foreijn letters di.patehrd were 3",1 7 ; the whereupou the latter apologiVd and said be foreign letlirs received per Ni-ara, Kan bad nliT.tv cf n.onev at hi, ofliec. hut asked 1 it a r 00 and Persia were "S'iA'JO : add to the North Carolinian for the loau of fflU uu ! these !0,tliiO for do.nestia, sent and 'i'.",. til they rot to the office, and be would return ; erived, and we have a total of nearly 2ii0,. ; i,r raiim. irn it. Tho money was banded to him, the ap- 1 OOfl letters, n.akine the lareat and heavie-t f' nv tudtired. 1 hai of ir.., .li.ll h allu.eu luriii i ii t. w .lka, a.i aa lo olaliuct In trvr e .. j aifc, .nil any prra.... or .'- raoi.. .-tl n- i lua u.ili'iai.c.1 aliall lor It'll ami i t , (or . irh ml. ore. II. u f'..r (h.U.n.J. Tint i". :-'f in. I in any sluel or r au r rut ri 1 om tlit'.r preil.lara wittl.n tli limit I hall f . . r I . it and pay fur C ch ar.l r.r Ilia tu in nl K .a ..l.if., .1 a 1.1.", .li.s .n.,11 rri.it n..l Ira. . .a ti .ni .. Hohok. n.l.rr build, r.ly Lord Ht Itlari-iiere, . ' "' "-''. ' " I.., .1.- M...r. Prll.l..,,! .I.in. I'"" I"E-I '""' hui" "'- ' .1 . .1 r 1. .1 .u -f .l- k" "' "' 11 rreiit creditor waa satisfied and the. two ' riav S WOTE ever Known in tne yo.i c.e he a..y pr.vica.ly have belonged to, or co- a , . , . 1 0 froiq every quarter of the world, it is the f,ied, walked down Baltimore .tree, to the i eper.ted aith. U him now obey his coun- fxcr'eise 10 lbe uttero.os, i J "Vfr.eol.n'M f " t'" JU T,'1' ! I'f"CHA Tltc Yaot Amehi.'A.- try's cultfally around the banner, tud ,lcir infiumce. tal-uts and u.c.ns to defeat ' ,? 'l ?. Hi 1 Lin from Nor.h ( arolin. waited at the door The piri, eorrpl,Bjelll 0f ,he New Yo.k tLm "fcm. a Ltit-n fr thv tA of ihe the democratic party .b.eh has trougl it , d crusLing denunciations on the bead, of '.eilul at'th. Sou.l, . tree, door and d ' "V" V v fV v . u, ;,,n " so iracn Oi-K.ate and di.-hooor upon ibis : . e paaaea oui ai ma n.uiii sirtei aoor, an 1 ma. , .. r. L,,td W. Jerome, of New 1 o.s, V ! ...... , ! countr. ,hCnf"" Jmmt ...,., fllrf ., ITP--. Marshal Herring ."formed lt ji fr fh ub;i, of h. C(Ie. , e c..l alt.n.iun to tie .nice ,n .holler of pr w noifie,f!i AleX,n,!er i,e "ZZtfKSt o ,h, ' "l" ' L.Ut ? U Ut' ,he U'd' brated yacht Americ.; the conqueror at th. column, headed : Whig meeting in Anson." 1;iltle, K;1 was called to the chair IV. K. lte: UhVnh " "' K.biMtio. Uj i Ml - tie asu ;cr u a cartiui perusal. 1 ii isn t b-st to ,tt out any secrets, Lap n, been attempting to prove Mr. Sickle's insani ut we asm .now wiiai eara mav near u a close. 'Ihe ccun-el for the defendant has field, J.hu (Jrady Dr. W. G. Jones, Major) l caIUJ witT mell A 5-AHTI.INO Tll"iiY'--A corre.ron- dont of the San Frarci-co National, bis communicated to ihat paper a startling thi buil.l ory. lie latet that gold ha b en found iu 1 (wo njjf C. at North ri'i-t, on the Thames, ,,.,, above (iravesmd. Lord Teinrle- 1 cui.i. P. l.ithardaon, Col W.ti. Smith, W. Allen, forni.iu pro-ess ot formation. In sup OD ,u, k tU ?1.u j,T i(.fffri,i r ,,e 1 . .r .1 . .1 .k... 1.1 .: ... 1 - - - - - ' . . any efO'u..iiy ; . y I'.i.ua, in 11 I ,n 11. lua or I" r rn the either malpractices A twig broke beneath t'tc sii.h: weight of Jessie's per.cn. Th ci; UJirtaucea aJ Ced fresh t-.rrvr to ler situation. " V Lat waa that?" wli-pered ArrowsiLith. ' Il waa a noise'.' said Yantasaiu, sud dtn'y. wl-j-e laJ temp, r made him reck '.'.. " i know il a as a uoise, but it ai.'era t.kes a.n,.'L ii' to make a noi-. V. ht uid I tt-li y jj ? Yviir hearty may le cotiCealcd here i.oit ; p.j.-a iihi-id at.d se."' Jc---i': 1 e.r 1 Vantat.-le parting the inra'.s I. at iii she he'.i.vedif le p.u'ed co.-nlz-d in the first cluss of society, holding he cou d h.'4.r it. l ie crisis of her lat.., it hia.'h cffii-'s. The o.'.e, Mr Key, has attained ty at tie time of Mr. Key 'a death, while the cojnsel for ths prosecution, has attempt ed to prove the contrary. Mrs. Sicklei' con fession Las been admitted as evidence, but defc-nr'ant has dteiiued using it. The cae we exptct, went to the jury y-aerday. ol,j 'arhorse." The general ofinion is that tie verdict be tot g'lilty. Ve c.innct but concur iu were lieu read and unauiujoui-ly adopted ihe jeneral wish of Mr. Sickles' acquittal. , W "l" ' ' fir. nl n We see iu ibis ease two pei.on, both re C"rru?tn r.s-Llol. ... t. t-uiuu, i r t,UU.o...e lDrp.rtIU,ni an ear during the absence of lue committee, , Xwu.Ihrul-l. not the man who poaeases more uuiimiledly ) the confidence of the people of Auson, ad-j Wamiis-cston dreoed the meeting. v. ...... . lie waa .o.iuweu iy ciru. I'utacri of the Po i (ItTee ! ' 0,t of !' 'beory that Hd i continually j j of Mc.r.. I'Vitehard, and il was t" '';' of the IW 'rhc- foru,;,,;. tht region, he states that recent- t. li i,;n in ,k.i -,.;;,; 11 : "" ' " r dav of the otxl 1 1 .1 . l j."'f ,r ,r h'' l,in 10 llit ""outiton , ,, , . 0 ,, ,u, h ;, ,. .un. r.u 1.. ... y aay tne ititj. , c,mlll0 ile . dn up. that had ; ,01Ii(, tintti xittt ,b, ,, boM,lt t ,l(. ,-,..,; .,. the April 20. It is ascer tained, from an 8i il source that the trea . fa,,, v; : The following preamble, and resolutions! '. ' . . tr.rv. w.ih a a ne e unimru.rtant e ,-er,tir,ri iihoald tk.s be rejected by tne President. w.l, aa lul exlr. ,.r.. th. luslrulior fie l lii. v. f l o se-mel t i l r, bad irriv:-d. Siioull she sir. tig up alia a'teu.r.1 U fir, or remain ai a tu iiu'tit longer? Sne ch'i-e the lat-l- r. aLtai.-.e wai Low wnlin three yirds of i. r. l i I". c--r ti'ji-d in ti e New York Weekly tf A;rii -(''th, ani for sale by every News Acrjt ihr.ii-ho'Jt ttie United State" The NKW YOltK WEEKLY i- pulli-hed by A J iVi 'ian son, No. '- lieekman nr . N. Y, and la soid by all respeeir.hie N- ws Ai'-ula iu the United Stiles. 'I he price is K jur Cents, but in some C ise", w here A g'M lave to pay extra freight or posta, a high er j.ric is nece-sariiy chared. V. i eu th- re is a News .Agent in the town, e des re our f'l. i.H- to e-et ti.e WEEKLY thrO'Jgh bi.11. s . , r., tu a i :.. n.p'r tx.M to J .. . . w h' re 1 1 ere ia no oth' r m . 0! g. t I11..' ir Vi In n a-i.t b) mail, the price w.i ii.f ariab-y be ? - a year, iu sorat.c Sub n.'i I ti- i.s .at-ti f- r ll.ree months. Twocj J ies wil. he a- nt f;r a y. ar for ?:i ; f;-r copies f-r ?j ; light pi-, for Po-l n.a.-ter- and o:i.i-ra who o-t up nuns of t. n a:. 1 send u- f 1 at ' t. t.n . wi!; :e n.titlid n 11:11 1 y 11 tl.. ir tr jui. le. 'In- b..i if aii I ar.is takeb at par for t-jb- srr.pl:'.ij- Canada suh-eii'-ri tL'i-t n lr! twenty six CiLts ix ra w.tii ncry aubscr; t.oij, to piepay ti.e Atii-ricau p ust.g-. rtAKItl. MAKIl I M E 1 'Ii MA Mass At IE i.i .it'll Mi.v '1 i.e ."i.-w York Ccurn. r rie" ) !t, I i i. jii.ea a long stateiuii.t of the iw.s of the Krencb ship M Paul, and tie n.a-sii-ie of 'i-.1' persons on board, bulb aai I.r. a.i i pssaei g. rs. The new a waa rccei'.ed I y 'I - i .-t E'.i "j tin i'i iils. J -': I'.ji was making a voyae from ''..1 4 j Au-lra'.ia, with a load ol Chines.. . - r a . t . It 11 as on one of the tiuriicrou i!.e L-.ui'iade Areb.j tlsgo, ao ex t-ni.veg up i f il.i u't Pnc:r:c, that ihe w reck t k J .an on th- I I ' h "f S pleriAer ; the passe. i;cr. r-car.' H from tL:s peril, am an r.t'i.'.u vi ! ha: i d It was t. rOikll 10 Can. away a I 1 i.e Lior'ut.iiti s 1 ii J 3:1) We..- l.fl t il W'jrd 5 taken I 1 d in y . and a' other vessel w sent to tin i , 'l..-f, winch fiund that of 11- t nidais but i.:e a Ch r.r u. ,l h a'J tin all the ethers ha 1 be. l ih. ie n I , tl e 111 ag. s, au-i'l '... n.ost tr.:l,'li. I'.r l .'iS. Theae aie ali th- iisftic-aiar. g.i i I h a tait u.ent iu the C ur-i. r 1. fori t I !.ti,- tioin Caf.sin I'tnaid, cf .i.e. I'au', iiit .ii,'.' lie us u. ts if the if r! ( h -i acia this poitiou Vy the aid of the other, Mr. nl" .Sickles he owes everything to him he is w.:l bis pretended f.iend. Mrs Sickles is in t.oduced into the society in ahich her bus- jkj' hand moves, ale henr this person praised ' on every side si a well educated man of -t I LaLdsdiie rrpraruiee a fii.i-oed gentle- "' n.au. Her Lia-land steps tp, introduces ' 1 ar bin. aa his fritr-d a man in which he his J' " ur.iimitcd confi lir.ee. lie tak-.t him bom . v. 1.1 with I'm. the in con- qta.' r.ce of ali these ciroum-tances fee! perfectly fafu in Lis i re lence. is eff Ler guard. Now, Mr K-y, ti.i. r re ended frlen l, rcsjives and secern- . . . . , , ii" ,n.r,a.. ,..r rum in' pei-, IL: u'W- ,tl a of his. friend vio.at.-s the Sicrtd t.cs of ;t fri.-Ld-iiii, tiigiits t tie fatjre prospects of .nr an it-LoeiLt child, tsy n.ore thn that, he makes his friend, the man to which he is indei t.-d for ererj.thing, the town ta.k the ul"1 sjl '-ct f,r any and every ill-natured gosip, and ihcs forfeit! his rij.Lt to the t i ' j e of an 3. honorable man. liedoea this not ia a mo- )::i, n.ent of pas-ion, but coMy, deliberately, for )r " he says to a frier.. I that warns bin. of the , e-. risi rj-i. i.c a, "I am pit pared for every emergi n-y "' Mr ."tickles becomes aware wu , of the e fe', he ecLsult. iih a fr iend, who '" Ii -,. auv ::- lim Grl to go to l'.urr pe, bi.t on le- j. in? ma le aware that it i- alreadv the town lre ta'.k of Uai-hingtou, lej.s bin. he has "but e.re one cour.-c to pursue, bs an honorah'e man,' t- h. 11 etii.s to cbaiit-nge Mr Key. Willi ..r. thi" ad.it'i- yet ringing in lis tais, with lis Iraio aln.o-t en hie, Le walk, to ti e win- ur... djw, sees lie s'gnais lor another meeting betwieu tie two guiiiy firon, he seea the ntr,. j 1 suljeet of lis r. isfortur.e in the street the " 1 pistol is nesr by and with the wor'a " I j. . can't stand this no longer," grabs the pi.. ir '' -ji rurLt-s into the atrect rhoo.s the vi!- ni. )-..a down and the injured is revenged i, the Iragidr is eiti!te. Now, we as' wish atim 1 ii,re f .tia Ltfore u. tan e e nden n bun for "j t e act ? No in tie language of the ladies 10 f Washington, we nu-t riclaim : "Let ( , h:u. le cotiieled and th- libertine oltains 1 ti-u ,' new li-ence. L. t lliu le vindieatrd at.d tir- " tjo a' piires new g'larae'rci " law. ma as t-uiali- lonrer indif-1 ---- - -- - j i 1 - ", . cai. 1 ne exiiausiion 01 piaoi-rs only is re- nee and i tKcial i ' "UUL" '"" ul m . icai gu in moved to a Ion ' t.triod, aa In le the d. velon- ry ..t the Ure. 1 modify the treaty in accordance sub the , f id in fo ,. of lbe col,)ir;c:ll rca. our;., shea of Ibis Government formations se.m to determine the fact that n 01 .ne v j, . r. atitiulates to k ten the transit : . . . . . . . jlii.K j . If1' 1 V' e e l only a rpiesnoii 01 iinin wneji sen-lice will be the - 1 -1 11 n t to the present rude .,1,.1.U l.i 1,,1 r r fi.a r..r. it, . k. r.l 1 r,,a,.j ... j ... j pri,tiemen. ! earih. that is common to the region 5 and it, j j, j, ,hjt ,,a ,urn p,;, for yr I enure aurfi.ee exhibited una go.d deposited 1 ... jllM,0lC,..nti bt Lord Tfmplcton has' lupontt He says ,t is ....', ted by able nn- ! f,;f ,,;J 0li!lrd ,h, fir.t .,ro0li ' atyucal chemi-t... that gold ear, be obtained , fot p,lrcU,e ,fl,r ,,e t .,,,; bfrn pul the gold bed. The future of Califoi a mineral tountry is n longer probl l.i.i ; Aim servatisc .11 purp'iae i.t . ji irly, and e in repair s.s unon thp repurchate of the lost, and it' i thought he will not, the M. s.rs. Pritchtrd will accept the terms off. r"d by Mr. Je rome If bought by Mr. J. she will le la. ! ken back to the United Slates." tie u futthet frditntd, T' r.,ii .Ii ;i l .k, ..r r unite I ir ...JI.-, ll.rr, .... any . i'S.i, 11 l'i.n tlx li.l" I.rt.nl. I ail it. v a dr., al Fue l..il .. . itr lait'-tt I'rJum.rf. Ii.-l ..III .nl aues.1 llirmii'l' ti re eM-r...ii, rnfl. .1 and ; . . I ' ia tnr ' Ii tml 1 any ft. r. . nil a than lwr.it) !' 1.1 ur 1- r.-ii. I". .hill "i ... a..,r.alk.. nr sli.M lunli route open: and tailing to do which, the United States bare the ri-ht to land troops to protect the persons and property of A- , mcrican citizens. ... ..t i V c.i tie ii 1 i-.iieeral ,t h.J'l of .Juvernili'i, mliiii.iialer public rttl'.i.ra lur the utsnl of the e j-eop e, alio by a wiae and eeo.toinic.il ad !r ilm:i ol tne N-itiuiial taiirernnit .it, re.ture - j ne em. fn.i iiec th.-aiie Lout .'Ur i..ru.rs ; ar:ir .neucite te In r..r., w . . M.e Wii.g.ol Ai.aw, JT.w YfiRK, April VI. ;?r,;eV;v;::y':, T n.--nt ui 11111.11iKt.n1r; a c-n.dui.iie 10 rcpr. aem 1 steamer Harriet Lane arrived i.t rjiiareLtiue the S.t. ntii I oi.trea.ion.il iJi.lnct ..t .ViiHi last liiifht, Motile, ideo, l'itb Match, The : One iMur, ih'l if II. tt fuller O.i.i 1 ... la. r , 11., r.r. Int. Iir.l atrc l W1II10.1I a. line J, 'I ll .t me h-.i , be II It -ngrraa ol the Lni.td M u., t U li jf. lii'.niiiuut ti.e U. strict i.d iippoint iieiati. Iiii.iIu(.i.b 1 ni-i.Hesto ol the pr.i.ciyli a 10 i Ui achere, in tne It-lirllaae (at ; 1 . titttticed, 'I I. .1 ieri.ii a eor.i.al. h;.r,.tu.,i. .e attieiiMK-.il to the I men that ice I.e pdn.dium of oor p i'tical aalety y e will watch fr its priaervi uu. ." X ety th.-.l we will d.tcouil. ever in ay u;-.l, e'.-il a tu.ftrm St. Lawrence tailed the day btfure. The Metacotnet las been condemned as un-ea-wortby. Tie Lri-s Perry, Dolphin and I'.iiiihri Jge remain at the brazil station, un der command of Capain "teedman. The rest of the squadrou are on their return. The Harriet Earc bring", from Pi-roam- CONPI.jNEES PER C IlAlltOTTE At) r. BAIL rAr., FIDl THE 1'TII TO TUB 2"iTtl APH !L. j i.ii.i, r t.l. 11 111 .,t, r'..: 1 11... "' ih MtsjlERI'iLsi ArrAlK AT I'll ! 1 A DEI IM I A ,ir.n 2.". pigrs. .1. II lireeulee 41 pkgsa, j A few days since a man residii.c in New s . ou-toii A Hio 1 I pkifts, J. Ilam-our II, . '.,.. ( Jer-ey pre.ti.ted at tbf counter uf the Ear- (. ;t7 ykct, W. li. Ilaiyburton 1 pkge, " n .11 n mera' and Mechanics' E.n.k three ?l''i b:IIs, j HarjerA Son 11 pkL", J ll.llcbran 4 . '" "' ' "'' " I t.y tnat iu -tMutini., for exchange irk,.,., , lfarnliar.il fi M. 10 pkt-ea, W. M. , ' 1 1 oil a nil I t kc'S, . ii rnclial ij I Kite a, A. , (rrn ..i,ra. alter liaiiiii t re. And any I (J to exchange thtin until the matt r was brought belo.e the Hoard of Directors The methods, and the operations be conducted upon principles thai are positive in their re- j suits. : Ihe nods were so much mutilated and di- ls.Jat;l, iu r-insirpienoo 01 tbeir bavin? Kam-our Ti k;e., J. li. Kallew I pkge, oi en in ai. r, iirii ii.e i alllL' l.-lier r-IU-CU !,.'. .1 V 1 r I .... I'.n'. u 1: X I it I 1 !' man pre-enting th-m was asked to give an, up mill ...y -...g.. n. II l.irl.i. .1.-1 p.y - ..il.ii.l t ,.r l.,l..r a tl. n lwn.tr la.h. i...y first 1 i.ij ot eu.iiry gnaiit y ir.iwii up .n I inpl t-i 4iienl any p-irtt-n r. r. st, or tu into hi. il t otii.l I 1 lopetlia-r In vari-ua p.rt. nlced, 1 hs. we. ti.e VV in of old Anaon, ,rt and luud wi'.ii our brother Wing, an L.iiet. "a ui.ki. Inr loc s.ike ot the buoo, five of Ihe mutineer.- of the crtw of .'' ' " " "' " ' un"K ,1 U'..ii , . r , ,. r. i.,..i niuiiiateu, w men ne was unsi.le to do Ad .ices from feared that tl frm blast. 111 Kt'.niLnL. pari, ol Ilia I 1 I ,.,.'. , ,! so mutilated, which he was unable to do, I "" l.l.a.l lortnt mu cr I"' 1 1" ""' ' li.r Oag.lor trial. , M ,rri..l. on W.dne.day .1 r on.l, ,.,., b, .U l, .am .1 I I1..I1.-.-" . IU Unsuda state that It is . ' i y 1,1 lc;,, ( ,:, (f. r, Mr. J. ill N K Kit It, ami Mn. ! Uu l.kr pm.i.y rli-il h ''"" " . e Potato crop ha, suffered "'",e "," ,ffj'r 1 sup pi-id that ja.nk IjUaDLI.Y, ail ol t .. county. , u, p,M.t,i,.,u( -"'' -"' the money came from the pocketa of a 'fir-. r- LfiUtst, April 21. FttfiM Pike's Peak, Mrxt' Ac The I drowned man. and lie pree.i. itivestigtiiun 1 i is to ascertain to whom it belongs. ! ., 7T , ! MAU I Y. wife nf the lale P, 1-. tDEMMi.iN t.r iie Fabmeks Hank r.sn, .... f i,n m.e n. d. Tint if i-pun ate and iy tne refer of li, r, 1.-. til for, and sick r the ill re 11 e ue.taee ra.ic p. riorniaiict ...'r.d. 1, t r 111..1 n...y I.. it ll.e duty every in me I ..ion, wit), nh.tev-r "f liil in Hie past, now to ne nee In Hi., utti rmn.i Iu d-tea iia,v. ry nyiLtii'i; pur.y, al... In 1 great II., I iOIMl par Iy ll.e .N j. id, 'I I...I ('11 ha, 11 hen lint I.!.. ...j car. be Republican states that a secret movement i, N'n ts We are gratilied to learn that the re.ident of Una pi .r fr 37 years. condemn ' going on among the Pike's Ptakers, for the stockholders at their meeting in 'his place. r, and in organization of an expedition to take poa- 011 Monday la-t, made ample provi-iona for . ... ,ession of ?ocora and tuihuahua. Promi- redeeming their 1 u. a immediately, ll.e unit men are cognizant of the movement. stockholders deserve credit for the prompt-' I'ap Lowry, bearer of despatches from I" wiih which they acted, and confidence the American Consul at Goayama', en route it the Lank will be at once restotcd, and for a-bint'ton City, reports that I'e-ej ji 1 a the community saved from any further lo-s di ft-atcd Col. (iuatico on tha I Ith March, or inconvenience on account of depreciation ' wilb a loss of oOO nien. Pesquir was of the Elizabeth City i-su-s. l'y reference : marching on Maxatlan. Sonora and Sin- lo our advertising columns it will bo seen ' 1h.1t this lank is no ready to furni-h ex-, change on New York for the Elizabeth City hills at one half the premium chargsd at oilier 1'anks in tlm place ( , t e n tlntr o" I'tiiriui. ! II, it fii. . Juia.ii. '1 1 . or J4C k..a .ii .1. be 1 a i.i U.I -I " '" !.. JllANNA 1 .lie linnet ah ill f-r'. it and -1 I II .rty, in the , !...! . raa lor ea. h and . 1 J "' tu a laapeetrd lit it mlari Ihdat d. 'I I"! "' I anna a tin all ill pa. , lo run at l.rj. r .ta I. .11.11 ami Py I" ..I r. 1 H,d, I I -I . naioa were in a con-tant state of r belli- l. I'I. The J.apamse Mimstek'.s Visit to the L'MIEI) iSTATS. We llielitioosd jesterdaiy j that the Japanese Miniater to ratify the 1 treaty recently made with the United .Slates, ' accompanied by a latge suite, is expected at Wa.hii.(.tori in June n. xt The I'nitcd States steamers Mississippi and Powhatan k ' dill ii 11 tne uu.y ui i.'.t. rnrni i,t to ; have gone to Veddo to take th. tu on board, j ' ..,.... Hi. pr..rrly ol a n... ! , fal ,Le. n) ,aj ,0 Hin Kr,cisc0i , a""i Cut' IMHANCH Alter Cases A great fuss waa made s"me months ago by : atory trui.iped up to it jure him, that H ui John A tj.lmer had been congratulated by (jiil. : and more recently the same gentle- UoJr.J, Ti.atir. th. Tn. al.d a I. ..ntution .f the p..b. and all ll.e ui.. Mate, are e Sl.li. and '1 irruortis ur . pp.ised lo i1 rirl ti 1. nr. I la I ion la-A a aln.u . aa Co eate.id li,.- li,, il ; pro-til tlie tinier iia. and d. h.r ail ir-. by the Panama rout to New York, and ' , , (I. ,7 , "r ,r""Klng !jf ; thence by railroad to Washington. On both sides of the continent they are to be received with welcome and with honor. Lieutenant llal.er..'. aui, ia a letter to the Philadelphia Ledger, says lbe Mississippi sailed Irom Hong Kong for Yeddo on the 14th of I'd, ruary, and would be fallowed in a fw days by the Puahatan. 10TT0N I, IN of tl.. beat q I. Illy, J nu ll ii., ne'ir. red at in Itnln j 111 ll.e Mt.,t ut J per siw. r pi with in ad I.1..1. Iteul'ir. 1, whin it became knowrj that Hon II ! I ll Phlllf'IV si.. . I. : l a- . a" a iki.ii ... . njjuru-, iiiii.'iii.iiu .ileum, r oi t.nn. gre.s, was about to retire, a publio dinner was tendered him. Amoug the naiiii-a aign- ed tn lire int itnimn Is that of W . II Seward, a.i. i.e.,. U'e have not isfD any fuss made about this, J. M. ELLIOT. in our North Carolina exchange, Ihou -h . . . , . W manur..', M. C. ....h ,1..:. ...1. , 1 .. . " aJr.n 19, 1 6.-,f. lilt" .i,i..,Mii.K ... ii... ...in ..nen 11 11 1 era are a a- 1.. 1 j.. . .concerned) it is uiiilel.inhie evidence that November la... North Carolina Bonds are aelliog in New Mr Ht. phens is an ab !uionit. l'trt'r. - -- Yoik this e,k at I'X't Virginia t',! ril.'r Wsrtxcr. ; ary ort.r . i. Hie aim ! lit 11 (uitket (hJ. anna aliall aril W.na ur aimnm. ' .lie eorporale Inn. 1. ol Una !. " : I. .a II. an a U rrrl, (eacepl tl'C In' I 1 ml ajM-llirearir..) a.i.ll pay a lai I D..II.I ; and any prr.on a- l.m( '" 1 ! iir.li.i .ne . ah. II torl-.l ami P" '"' ry . tl. nee II.. aim. 1.1 I II. tt lutli'r V,datmtd lieenu-. l.o .hall sell j beer, c.d. r, wn.r, nr apinlnus '"I" '' ', u , I luilh dav ; iir any retailer "I ' ' ... ! r tl'.. ir aim... on lhr H-Lb-I"; ' ' ' af.ei;...r r E"-E"" .', r." or eioer, t.i in) p. .ao... shall " 1 earh nrt. ne. lllf .urn l 'I w.nly I' "' r p.r. hi. arm enler -j or eommii '"" " ,,..' 11 ahull lie decm.d and held pr'J"" Ih. iirt'nee. , . II, ii .Mrr thdumtd. Thai " " ,r ,.. Is. (...... by lbe Town t.....n.ld ' I niglil t or oath aaaori.1 tin. with, an V al ' bl. or lad .rd. h hrii.ivhl l.eien ......... n, ,n Im. lined li". I., a .ml ii.N.n fallur. In V'l 1 iln.ll rreriv not llnir. thn thirty ! unleaa am. I Iter lirjrrn la ll.rr. "n" " aid al.r. t.y the pernnaai. n e- ISahlMlll aot ll.rir own, . 1,i' r"' the I.. lln ,.l In prei.it.i II, tt Jutl, ,,t..Ui,.,J. Thalnops-ra""' slate I'll I r. 1. M. K. I pl, ... lua or her .!... or fr'; . t , !'' r,,.ee,p.ci.y..lcle,ko, re la.le . 1 ,I,UI li.rleit.nE .he sum -l I rCIU ENAK for s.U at thia nlna. I wi.h.iW. frr.l.laa si everv nil. nee. .. .k II nt i, fu,th,rO,d,.,aid. TI- ' .' las all-wed to aril of auyany -- , rf S" mn frum '

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