l i i! ,!,. Commissioners, under penalty ot 1 wo Dul. Ir,in l. fH "t I'") """'1 ""d colit". 10 ccive l-"" 0,1,1 ""y P-r"on luJ"n ,., ,,r selling y article alter i. .i.l.nut the per.nieaioi. oi' lite lutiiidanl or ihe Commissioners, ahull lr.rf.it suit Jisy I'Tei'icli "iii! every ofum e Twenty Dollars. -( fu,ther Villained, Thai if "' slave 'hull , ...uii'i " " """" ' B"'K '""P. c'"'" '" " or niulil lime, wiliinui Having a wrtiien per. f,,, hit or her owner, etalng lliut he or M e ' ", , unit for specific purpose, ahull rcceivo fit'. I..'! hashes ' the public whipping post; unless ll",. cwor shall enme forward end pay Two Uol i oath tliul such slave, was . . i I, mi. And lli owner or kicver luvc iimv be en found, shall fortcil Mil pay lor rnrh and every t Hence, F'lve Dollars, I , fuip'tiu' n "I hi lircnee. ;, ii fnilArr Otduined, Tlmt if any person lmll I,,. rniiicied "' 1 1 n f ii 11 y article In .!,,. wiihm the corporate lirn'.a, v illic.nl a verbal r vi rittr-n pt rune. ion from tin' ow her c f such slave, Ilia agrnlor rcprcst ninive oi ms or nrr ., , f , a 'i ,T m,nr, 'Tif'o,! that .t.J,. no, u'law. ' ,.".f".Uvc. on In. or titer lot, !'"r the ,.nr.e f daneinr fmliinr. withi.nl luving firal ob. , ,. ,l Hriiiiaai-n from III Int. ndunt, or Com.nia. J, - and a.ivniKV.olnt.nx tin. ordinance .hall ; I .'...) y twenty 1M,.,.; and if any .lave ; ...el, dunce or frobek ,tl.,.ul perm. I wm. In- own". r the a.,t of hi. owner, hall ii. ,l mure If llitrly. e balira. ;, (I fuiAer Oiaf iii, '1'lial no slave or fir ji .i.all aiuoke pi "f cigar in any alrirt, or v. Ik Willi I tun ii f..., ... j t... pr under a penally, if - fre" negro, of Two llol. I , ii ml nil figure t'l p-y am ll line, ahull receive ,i l.a thin five imr nmre than thirty. lime laah. ..... ... ii. . ...... .......i... ,.r T'l Provided li,.l notice ol tlnanrilinai.ee ahail hr.i Ii.. given ti any prua orn-numg again.! II II, ,1 furlhtr Onlain'd, Thai any per-oti who , i 11 lie guilty "f ti.'hl.ng, in. lulling or c.iiilinl. I . a I. ittery up. 'it any per-nn, or of going about ,i, ,1,0.1a u'-una.orof wlio..pii.g, hullo.. in?, or u.,i,g lon.l an' p""l'-ne awenring, it.iiig my oh. ,ii.. iwii.g. r ie guilty of uaing intpu'ieiil or in. -..ul lin,:UJg or c-mdiict, nr oilier niis'tcllicun. tf w.iliirl me corporate i.mlta, aliull be fined n.l , ,,rr turn Twenty D-dl-re; and if a free negro. .Ii il f"'-l I")' h'tr, ah.'.ll rtcrtve nit , linn thirty im.w l-aiic ; ami if a aiuve, the . . n n'MttWr ol l.ahea. j "lit il ("l-" OrJuia'"', Thut if any al ,ve aliu'1 j,r i.uiil fn.tn h.aor n. r notne alter in Hour ... v rin' l.. P. M., uuie.a by wrilt. n nern.i.ainu n.. or fer owner, a.-ttd alava ahull be put in I r (.uur.l llisua" and ket there until next morn. .. mi.i I'1 owui r or employer ahaM den be no. tifi.V f h-a arreat, and ahall cnu.e forward and , 0 Oi.e li, liar and remove him, olherwiae lit J i. .t....l nre.ve She. n luhea ami b di. charged, llr il fmlA'r Ordaineel, Thul if uny free ... gro ' o- i .' all H r gtva 11 any p. r...n whatever, .. . '...,.,, .nhiiii..r.eillier in Inert" y or rue h t time, , ....II receive IhirtV nine l.'ahee. ;, ii ij.!er (ifilimtd. 'I 'at no free negrn or ,e n..l I'UV any F'.wla for expoi I-. turn uliiu-r . ,...ii. .,f li..rtv nine Uahee f.iri-.ci. and eve helottginv tot1",- 'I'..W1. atiaU s.ror e.i any F wla In ny per. on without a :,,i. a pe nut ir '.ii h,a t In I niua'-i r or nn.tie.-, u .ier a p. n.tty ol ten l ial.. a i'..r e.ich ano ev. ry j ,i . ee ; .u.l any r-on bujing IV. .in au. h !' ' .,i l.. f-.l and piy lor ech and every. flir.ee' l'rfr, a:'ter ii' tiee of tlua . fd.nunee. llr u f.. lfr ('., mid. Thai it .bail nl r law. lot .t,y -wner ..f any hou-c to eret any .tI. ,n u. r .r at. pa t any lo .."e, or coiinue lli..,e a rei.'y tr-ctrd, win re the Jo..r or at. pa ell- "d -'. ,i,f alrert in. ri llln three feel, l:l haa au, ll , r i'.n u leeel w.th ll.e aid. w ilk, on. I. r . n. .'iv of I e n,;i-,ia f.r every ui... i,.'a c.nl.i.u , f .in h ..rl'. i.ee a I. r niililical.i.n by the In j t r.'.nl r Cumtl.. '"n'ra j Hi it (itrikrr OiJuiaeJ, Th ,t any owning -u. .rganyejeilul in-.. U.u ll.e alre.!e,.l..t ah. II .e in,.,,, alter dura ung.i.ir.i.d. r ai'S-.m a l t t ehnw tlic I ,1 ta open, ahull i',.r'Vit and pu y ; r .. l. and every . if, r,e hi' l',.'l ra I .1 Ivlhtt (. J-in-il. Till ll 'lull nol l.e I -.. ' ',i I i nv fir"" " fl- r rwrn,,l li.e.r e-nle . l.i leer r.iuuiii in any of ihe .Ireela at - t, i .,f . ff. r lt ir g'-ta to r.in at l.,rr;e in Ihe . i, e, tih.br a poullyuf 'luei.tj.f.ve Cen'e , ' t 'ii t. und every . fl nee. i' tl -.Iter rJail'd. That any pe'enn who nii .nuiliv Break any of the l-Miu- on the , r .(. .I :i k t'- .1 aed p.y wnally o" i -n III- I j and ,f a at.ve nr free arrm, rree-ae not I. aa : ... i.n nor more than ll '' nine lael.ea. ! ! i,i Ihtr OiJmimJ, Tht " leaon or per. . , . . .,.1 . net a.,y II .i ng A' ey. wit ..nut per. , , . ,,, ir in il.e lf..rd of I ',,n,.,.ieiionera aiK-e.fy. t r r .;.,e of h.tuit.,1,. ui.ci rap. n-lty ol One V .... r. ,: IMt.ra. IU ,1 'u.ia.i (hJtmrJ, Ti.ut no pera..n or per. . ,. .n'.i i uh.i or er.et any l.iv. r y al-nla or II i ,,n Oi ,N..p on either Trade or Try on aireei., . u. -riii.a-i..n fl n Ihe Ibwrdol I ..r..n...aion. .i.r a penalty of t e lluml'ed l II, re. II. II r..'.eT Ordutnr,. Th t no , era.-t. ehell be i . I ... enpv nn.re than one half "f the -Ireet n I. e err. ,.. ol buil.nrga, n-.r or,.lr..ct the paa. a. ge f .'. r in tlie gun. r a wt'i the m .!. r.ul for -...n..g. ui.'lrr t-n.liv of rn'ty Imllure. Hi il l ,i,a,r 'W.itne.1, That no M-r.on al.all i. I uny aUBie turn ll..ne willon fi 'y feel tut .r. a .. . I, un er a p. ,alty nf r iMy Ih.iiura. Hi ,1 S.r., (l,d.,im,t. Thai .1 ul-U n-t be 'aw. ' u I i ...y peraon t.. erect any nuilomg ..H r th.n ' r. nr a,....e oith metal rm.fe, oil a.ll.,rea .Noa. I, 1, .1. I 5, i. II, and ll.m.U.r pn.-Hy of O, e T .. IMiare. tl funk; ttid.nnid. That Ihe .peed of Ihe r. ,, f. .1 Ir .ii.a in aaa.ing ll.roi.gl. tot. n el.all not F ttr mil. a prr In.ur.anu th-l the 111 ah. II i" r ,g al,; I,- ru.,n ng wiiiuit ll,e linnie of a. id rng.n.ir lat.ing to ait.ll I" , I rmr if, I. fly H II , ,.,1 . opntf.g b,a train if t. th.rehy l.it.eer.ng tue free paaang 'any pert'na, al.all I'.rleil and piy I of V. r r u e It i every ..IT. nee Twenty ln.'1-re. tl- il l,l rr (tjintd. Tint th' Inapeelor an ' .I.n, ,.1. r, h-vi. f entered upoi. the d.ll.ea i, ll.e-, il al.i.1) he hi. mily I., have an ' ifle a r.,e r.nv. n ,.!,.., t.wher- he .1, . II re ma n fro. ' I" 'ir r.f !l a. in., I. II 4 p. m., mile. a ri.reaaanl I . IV. and ahall inaneet all F'.r'nr brmiirht I ". I.o ,i,.eel,.m,niiil mark it, an ,.r..ing loquall . w.tl. !.. f.,11..w.'.g l.run.i. : ' Ktra,' 'Super. .' ' I ,, ,.,d M,,l..,ii. .ltd ahull w.ii'h all in ll n l,r,,uifl,l to hint, and .hull leec.le the I, I. ai-.g lee. frun. the wller : i eta. per barrel and e' P' r b.f for it,at.ieting I our, an, I Pj eta. r ,.,le for wetab.ng C .tloli. II' il (...thtr V,d,n.d, Tout the I'peet,,r and , mual.r ahull r..t In, I lor nor buy any notion. l.,r hi .il , vtlul I. nec -oler a i-eiiulty ., Ituiollru 1 "",.c:; IrolU oltiee. il furlAei thjnnid, Th t -,' half ol all luulir). reai I ill - tl fin ' it iu.rVr Orduiard. Tin t be Ih. duly .I p. :.. Uy li, T an l.u ,r.l l patrol the aire. t. I until il iy lie hi neat in. .rtiing, under F.ve Hollma; and ti.ey ah.ul ea.li. ii,. d li.e. ftreel lamtia once every n Ih, a p. n . ly of One I lull r i an. I il any 01 r.il aat.uarrl .hall be louud nit, I C. led it and pay Five 11.,'lurs and be reuiov, . il In.lkrr .). nr., Thu hall be the t uty r, or pall, I lo lit the lolrgnll.f e I0W11 I onal.,1 le andOuiril I 'eli f,,i r. ,...rt all violations .,! t ri n -1 . I- the lulendnnt. Ut It fin the, thd Hinid, Thut (-enul' -..,1 by any of Ihe ....in,.,., i, incurred by a minor, .hall be r. 1 M",t, tdiaii, nr muster (,f an .a of thta .vered ft. .m pprcntic. ) 1 be fiircgning Ordinances were revieJ ".ri I'lopicd at a lilt-cling of tlie ISoartl of "tnitii,,,,,,,,, f j',,, Town of Charlotte, hr"i on tl,, 5th day of April, l.V, ami or ed to bo printed. ! J. IF KF.IUi, Inteudant. T". W. Ilitwgv, Towu Clerk. TAX I .N. r j vn: Tu i,,.i. r,,r yr RW Br. now , sl my hands f..r inspection. 1 hose liuble to y laiea will pleaar eonie forward and scllie. . , K. 0. GUI Kit. Sheriff. nl Ii, 6l Pea .Meal. '.v PEA MEAL for sale sl the mill,' for teeriifttf f.,.w. .na ...1,.- .t.k I I '"'ly Fb.ur Warrauied, F.x'r.i. S iperfmr, c r,c alw.y, 0 ,allrfi ,, (. jMr, ,hu I JOHN WILKES A CO. Ai'l ID, IW. Sprciti I Nutirtn. 1.YS1M I'SIA. Considering (lie various minis In which ll'i Ii. line tievclt.pca Hadf, ll may well b culled "hy. lira headed." In its train liJinw luditgettion, l'ain in Slum-th, IliaiUurn, Hri Itiuth. CuHirrnta, I'ilrt, Acidity. Oyicsiuoi njler Jiatii.g, Jaundice, Hulultmy, 'I'nrpor of the Iwtr, tiiuinitn. Vthili. ly, hnualt l otiifiluiul; ijr. r.. ti e ol ll.f Curt mm in our land liavu givn. llirir urillen crrtificalf rrotinc io tnc ruria t nri u u in uirir uwii pi raona by tlx4 iicr.AHD Jlmiaa; vtliiln lotimMiiiila liom ollur K'Urti r(iilniiilopiiil'iia and volunta ry inprt'tnidiia In in prrn na wlio ere bvitkb lo are llifir ni.nn a in print, arc ptrlci'lly ovrr in-lining. licud Ihn lulm il. In 111 R llljjl ly rrapti'tublc (lirgjmuni Kat Taunton. Maa , Fib. 9, 18.r.8. To llic Kdilor nf I'oitbnu Mirror, Sir: ( 'xioKNATi d llm ma r nr iim re iliuii (wrnly. five U'.ira I lime l.i it ii lufl'i i r from I lt dyrpi p. rut. Jiiauli a trying Ibv pu til lice of iny lumity phynciuna in ti e eiinot uaelefa trial nl llieir va. I ZuZt Vffl'l V","",','" '"' "'y A': '. M' 1)1 1 1 J'-,1S- 1 Kun ''"P oeri..ne help In l'" ' "' bi .H-ul any pi. ,f l1"r "' 1 ''' t""1 Hie kiiiiiniaa ol' my pliyii-iin, 1 n ei'it-d Ui,t Mircli, lull' w ciMcn in. HI. a. ,1 I lit OX VG K.N AT. KU llll IK IIS. I In fan to lire ilitni vtillmuL any hope ot deriving help tri m llicm. Hi in nt li r. ( i..ir Inul I cuntmutu iimri itiLt t.liMe in nr lil till June. uuully itnprovrd in liealtli till I am rnlirrly Iree frnin arimty of the atnniach, d from ll.e co,,,iient ll .tulency. and the awful and uliiinM .li.triictii r? au a headache, which olun f r nai . together haa wholly unhtleii n ,,(, I and for all oil. miniate rni! dutiea, I I. el that I owe it, nu icuilercd . I ll In u hurd. ll. I an.n ut gralitui a an expree. ..Me Fowle &. t'o. and aleo tin' jr t in... end their Oiyge. """"i" e.t.in-lion, aore remciy oat tl v ng, and cruel . dlre.taea, lo alii dyapepaia. II ntunv nirl.rre.it poor no hi. i. Ile.h ia In tr, tl ig pi. tl". red en long, and tried i ncdica w ill. i. gw.il remit, lea the llrygt ll.cra cun. ated Ktn.ro with cm, ft. If any of the na.ler. of deuce f, w the Muror : Inul of llu r a. i It. ring, 1 u. g nl them to make ! liilt. r without lielay. ' j J'MF It. ( l'S!l!N;. ! Prepared l.v H W. FoVM.K t O , U,..in.a.,d is Id l.y V.. Nye, Ilulelnaon t o Charlotte, N. C t 1 )" fii iar asu Ti Aaii Iti an ! Tina ia l.e ,0111 itr Iron, ft Sl.lKr A Ml I'.l! lite ..I i.guny . und Ague. II line i.n ui.eeri'in an now, mver "no it...ii.. it he limy l.e proatr.tie.l, end the. eln.td to give uny eeriou. bit. iitmn I t ha I hu He ia a Imr. In. In luiniilf and a burden In hie fri.nda, who are worn out in adoniiinatc ring l. l.ia anta. Tina ia ll.e eolnlttioli ul !h'Uei.n:e in town an. I country, ll ia no cx.'.ggcrati.H. to ay ln.1 Fever M.d Ague kilie more p. ..pie than any twenty , iln r d'e..e in Aineneu. For a aure and epee.ly cure of tlna terithle alHirtti.n, we take rreit i.le.anr.- in rrein.ending iR. IKIS.S I KT. .TKICS STO.M.Wlt HI'I "I I lis. win. Ii ba STtiM At II HI'I "I I lis. re.'ty p.werf ready aehi. led a mo reput.ilio p.Werfnl . fl. et. in rem Vul.ng tin , rd l.v Una ili.ri.', !'..ra.,le h llrurc ate and ileal, rit where, ami bi K. .y liuli hin I,. iu-, N. ('. I proetrat. penerully.ey. it to, I har. hug: wiiiskcss:: kiiistaikls:: r l.e n,y I ng.-i.r, un.i inn fun h.ve a heuuli (ml pan of H,..if.., and .Wu,fU , ad (.xutoinl. wfhin A',x H.flJ. tlii nvi't L'f?t ord vi t nf4 ei iniwii thick ao'l . ' i .ereirere Price ft My e. ul. p. r bottle at ul to any part of Ih I n, led Slulea. A'tder.a JOHN M SAl'MiEHS. Itit Itiiro Street, New Y'.rk City Murk ii. IS.VI a tlJ I L KfRRI'iW, HEP MAN L. I.EIEI.NQ. Ki-:uit,iM it lkidiMa'. IMPoKIKItS rorefj!ii nrl Drmstlc Dry Goods, llt'I.KSAKF. AND It KT A 1 1,, itaaiL eTar-rr, r.vt iu a raon xino, II It I.I. (11 f. 4 . April OC, ".',!. 7-1 y . inO.I)-QUA!Ti:i!S Tor I'rcllj (locds !; Low I'rircx. T. E l..ve j'urt rerti.e.1 ..ur NEW SlfK K of I I (irlaK tliul faiiiinn.-r IJiimla, con.iatii.g in part of li.e following t.iimla : Rirh Clnrk mid Fanry fiilnrrj SUM, D.'Ul.lc lmjrri..l hOlltS, Rf't r(l II.LE. RIIKE LtS in In-rii'ii, Orgaiiilif, Hualiiu, Kt. We huve received li.e l.i.'get aloek of Lcdles Irimmpd and Uutrlmmed ISONNKTS, i I rpricia. to be f.iiind in Ihe tnark.t and t r have a great many French Hi wets Ribbons acd Ruchcg. We l.aie a rreat niunv new linnea in F.inhroi- der.d J n ll an.' Sita I'm. tnringa, F.riirit.ge anr, Inn rin g, K. IVk N.rk .,, K iThriud K.igmg and lnrl,ng, I l.i, tea p.raaoia. Fan. and ev. ity kind and atylt of ;.. Yttmi sT.ii'i.i: l)l!V (iOODS. We buve r.cmnl 01 MANTILLAS, ; of every kind atyle and quality, varying in puce from One to Twenty iHiliafa. , itrrttfir .! ci V limlillas. I..,, I,. -a, y,,u .houl.l c..!l t,l,, I aec our t..ek of M ntilia. und I nee Pntnt., helorc buying, for we know front ..ur e....i. wiity, we rati ami you it. any th ng you may til, .mil for price, we Will let y. them ut uiir own price. We have a gee OKI., ami T4i:i. ery al!, f..r tr.iiinni.g K-dica Travelling - H e... and llu Ilrixl l)na 1. nil lloi, k ll l of every kind and style. Varying in price from "5 tenia lo F,ve Dollar.. I, A 1)1 !' it-i:T in great var'.iy ami aoin. Ilni'f entirely new. Our stock ol (,.K,,la an .elected wtlM -nil care and w.ll be a..,, I .1 short profit.. You should cull and examine r-ur .lock 1m fore buying elaew litre, ua we vi ill lake greut , lei, . ii re in allowing you out ti. .,., and we will offer y,.u in. iiueen.enia to buy Irom ua, I l,w yu the prellnet stock ol t. lo l.e found III Una mar ket. W e will , rl. r greater inducement. 1-r ( . 1 ' We huve It.ii'le arrangements North su thai we will be r. cciung New (;,u..ls . v, ry week. liKOW.N i STMT, yipui 19. i:.n. 18 $3 Police. a I I. persona in. lei. led tu ua for the laat r)tiar. j ler need (tot I Xt-ett In buy OntHla from ua t.y I, i.ger on i ri,, il. We intend lo do a rarer ini.Hla'a l u.ineaa ; tl i ti fore, if you are mm hi. d lo ua tor a h i. gci pun ,l.i ul, and pay, lor on tiie 1.1 n..v t.f April your rrcciit will atop. We po,il,vlv inn nd lotiitor.e tie sbuve even mill our b.-.t Incline, am! hope no offence will be luk H !'AI Accounts .Hie for last year tnui sie not by Ih. 1st ul Ai.ril.wtll bv- huniiiu out lor ulil Clll II. H. WILLIAMS t CO. , IH.',9. 4'l J A,..t. ( h.u liillr Miilii:il :i !'' 4 I' in p.ui J . JUlIIS (OMTANY coiiliniies total Jk g.nnet h as bj lire, on llou.es. (, I iassk.li Pro. ll r ite 1 i Ollite betwtin I'uik'a Store and Brawley'a Building- orricrim. A. 0. STEELE. i,rrstrnt. C. OVEKM AN, l i' J'rmiiltttt. E.NYK lirTCIllSON,a,'f'i.tJ- Treiu'r. iukkcti-rh. C. STEELE. J. L. IUIOWN. M H TAVl.OU, S. T. Wltl.STON, C. OVEIOI AN. F. SCAUR, W.M. JOHNSTON. Jims L. ItuowN, F. St ABR and S. T. Wkistdn, F.xrtittivr Com mi tier. .ti-iC'tJ, lt.''J. 7tr i i Arrival ll I be llukli. CHARLOTTE HOTEL J. B. Km. Fmprulor. April 18 J J Brsdh.-rv. W M M.illu w. K A McKcc. M A Parke. J M .S. attorn. H F ll.,ff'..t. J i: II Hut ins, K A Mas..,,, J A Torn nee, l)r W L 1) ' McLean, 8 Me Reynold., IV Mckcc, J Mnrrisun, audi duiiht.rs. IV Little, S IV lli.ffiiK.it, I) F Ji.im-k, J lrw..il, Mt KSn-wnrl. K Arnolt, Mira N unnrrmi, IV f( IVilnon, J IV .Miln-IP y, (Jr V T hint, If Nnntli, IV K Cucliran, E M Berry, rt I rinnlllll'lf April 111 l(A N Wrlla.JC Flow.CQ Lem- onda, P T Murray, IV J llkc, M Samplr, 'J' J Orr. J M yutt'liian'n.C It- It d l.idv, M S Merrill, IV IVnllnce, . lid lady, J T DciKiia, I) Sungle, Miaa ,V E )rr. A Frila, C A II, linen, J F .SVigle, K H ALirah, 11 II Tuli , J V Alexander, V. iirjliea, J M ..el:riin, T IV .Vpurri.w. IV It t'ncliran, i Fun. dn,J Uton, IVTuvlnr.J IV Quinn. Mra IVillMma, anil '2 children, Mia IVillimi.a, K IVillir.ma, ll M Mnla. V. .MiIIk, T Kir e. 5 Jolnii-t. n, April an (j L) FuriMfon. &'fJuldwnrih, nnrl la. " " n oonnon, .mi. , i.i,...h. , u,im , 1 " Ki'i.ttt I u' t H dy, 11 A J. .1. union, Mia l( Jolmalnn. )V Turner, Kelehin, II IV Hrice, It ) .Vmllh. IV Clarke, J S Douglara, V M. ft'. I, J IVilleroy. J Monroe. &'umniil, liev A N IVulla, J J lexuuuer, J IV Me In. Hey. -.p.li21 (J Donnell, F. .merer, A C Felner, J J Al. lander, M Mi Ichor, T J finer, U. n IV N.-nl Miaa K Ncl, C Miller, J T 1'urn ll, C A el.nea, 6' ti .Seotl, (i Fomln, C N K'hile ladv , 'unciiif r. J ll jvium.. mm lauy, I unrin, I. Arnolt, I is Mi i..,ugiuii.. K I. I ..ci.ran. l apl I litcc, J A' Dilina, J C It II. yi M Adu I. i ke, J. lie. ae, John S .S'milli, und lady, Mrs Durhu.n. April 22 S .t Riln, A Phillmpa, W K noae.Rev IV... Martin, P T Murray.'!' J IVurren.J C Pan. , I) F J. ...... It II llullnek, J J Alexunder, Vt J F Foard, IV P Uurke, A M. lie vnolda, K iigh... M Martin, t: llur.ieit. A' IV jlforgan. II Smith C C Purilieller, J IV Mel,., ffev, H in l.iltle. Apr.i3 HJ Puimil.-.JM I'.lt. Mr a E tulrlii. ! 1 '. Hurry. 11 u M.naon, J J -. M l. R Sprig.. N McNeil. A a,nton. T '. , . u ... ,..., .. uouu, , n i.ri...., ilinria, Win Taylor, t U., until, IV It Coclir.it, J "eeae, Hunter. April Ul. J J nru.ll.erry, A C F tner, S II " "ik up, I Morrtaoi, J Kigltr, A Aurntent, t Mead i M Iludaou, I MANSION IICU SK-W. W. KLiia, '.eoM'or. I April 13 ft N Munn, (; V Slmaon and .on, I A Uvcre. I)r J l Strong, A It Irwin, .Mr Krw.i . Mr Dixon, l J Idu, llr Sunn. Ii.r.i, I !.. N, K I Newport, II Fnwlrr, W I) lleui.e, Mr 6l Mra Pay. !a..u, .Miaa l uva .u, Mr & Mra II It l.n.Hev, t; ) Kemoi.de, II U Groom r. T line.., It l ar'aon, t. iilrm.be. I. W lircu ka, V W-llacc, W McCvii.be. !J A Tun ant e, T llurn'a. II Kanfo.d, J A Carter, ! II Si ll,.i. !.J It Ii.., l,li.v W A Miller, wife a.-l 1 Staler W J l.unii, IV I. Millv, R S Warren. J M K'rwtn. I April 19. W A Slnwe S P Anth n. and D.mgh. ttr, J Fiaher, J II Pettera. C Aenaina. wife A. I aerva nta, Mra S, V,,oi,. VV G ll.l-on.J S ll'il In.u.a anrl 'V aere .lilr. T F 1).. vnlaoll. W II .Moll. F. llaii.crit.Mr. Ii I,,.,, , Mr l.emon.ia, P C I ho.naa. M li-itihi.-a. Air Mnrr-y,. M C lmonda. J N.,oli C C ll.iriiun,, J M S.u,.ie, K Mier. J 1) IVtl-rm, and I ... v. Henry S IVil.on. II II Irvn.a, J P Itut. f.li.l. M II Call. well. C K. nionua. April DO Prof J M Mutt. S It Clapp. W IV M...I.V.I I. Moahy, ludy .u.l J .erv.il.l., BJ Pal mer.t IJ (nil. api'.bS IMer.. J i: Hlair. J Uuve'a, Mra K B Ul I... M... Ulhb.. ...rt Hio'.her. Anr. I 21 IV Ittinkley. II A Vn.na. J II flr.nk , CM .gaw.t. Kenite.ly J Uraham, IV IV 1-o.ler. P B liil April Si. J H Itoiarria, J Htrltar.la, R M S,n a, Mra Anna, M.aa M IV K .h k. I. I I. w.ou. P I . i Itnherl.. and dang birr, IIS Iilliba.T i5 Anmner. E Newport, F Mycra, U 1 Parrule, K Neel. Ai.r.123 A St. wrJ R Man.). J Fullenear I. M Kiinmund. J J l.ln,.. IV K P-we, II P Hoi liogworth.lt 11 IV,j.,d.,u. I; Kune. 11 "K.vlor, It II Aiim.twell, t A II'.rria.A Powe.Mra Ililea, M P fioby, I II S'tiencer. April 44 V C H .rrinrer. R Barrmrer, J M F Erwii., T l (.tllea.iir.il V ,iiey, IV IV Thdmp. eon, . IV IViJiiuniaon. BUT NOT LEAST! vxE have received our uuuaual large etock III!) lloolo V li) flat, t :is, AND STII.I1Y noon, n,i all kinue of gooda uaually kept in Store, all of which have been car, lull V aele't. ,1 and will be a,. Id aa cheap aa Ihe el.e.iM-.l. W e hope that ptraona w tailing I., buy gnone will favor ua w ith a c-II before buying i la. v lit re, aa ac are deter- mir ed i.ol !, lae un.i. T.uid. W e invite the a i lent, on nf whnl.aale buyer.. 1JK0VVN 4 ST1TT. Apul 12. 'a.'9. 18 i jOaNotiee. ri 'I.'E Maglali.te. of Meckl. Ilhurg I I r.qnrn.,1 t., .met 1, 1 Anrii cou-il nunty an ,,iy curt, 01 Tu. ..)..y. In Itct a County A', lienor, County Anr . vur, attu aid nd tu oll.er niutter. of im-mrtance W, K. RE1U, Clni-. April l', Ie.",9. t7 Lnuric's Mills S. ( " MESSRS. OAl ES 4 WILLIAMS are my au thor ttd ugenla lor Ihe e.le of liiinlier ul ( 1, a. lotte, N. C All ordera delivered to them wil meet wil.i prompt attention. SOL. LOL'RIC. Ar. till, IF. .3 ill It.iitl. nl .Noil Ii I ;i roliii.'i. f 11IF. hooks for subacriplion tnl'.r cap tul at'.ck of tin. Bank, waa opened, al the . flit llulel n 4 Brown, nu the 1st Inal., and continue opt., tor nxlv duv. ill JOS. 11. WILSl'X, ) JNO. E. HKOWN, Ct W.M. J YATES. S .4.1.7 5.A, 1S..3. 16 Davenport Teiiiale College, 1 1I K fir. I Annual Examination of ItiNittulioi. will embrace the 4th Wednesday and Thur.ihiv in April. A .ermixi by Ihe Rev. Win. Martin be f,,rc Ihe under grs.iu-.ies w ill be preui-h. ed the Sal.bilh preceding. The exerci.es of the College will be rceiimc.i ll.e Mr.l Th.irada v in July. II. M. MOOD, J'rcsirletU. Apiil 5, lr?.in. 16 Land tor Sale. riber, In-tng desirous In remove from ll,e country, oilers for sale the Finn. lution on winch she now resides, lying aj mil, from Charlotte, on the Western Plank b id, con tr 50 rcres. Tne land is ut g.M.d quality Fur particulars, enquire of the subacriber on tin premises. , crrrpvcftV IMllH. i. it. oihin.'.-u.i. April 12, IrJM. Stf Fashionable Millinery. Hrs. HAWLLY k WIKELE HAVE just received s fine selection of Milli nery GOODS, cnit.isliug of Straw, tllk, Crape and Leghorn B0XX..TS, together w-ilh s g.,d assorlment of Trimmings, DRESS GOODS, IIOOI' Ii I It TS, (the Empress patent,) INFANVS HAT". Ar. All of the latest styles, and which will he sold at II profits. K m.iii vn I ryc.n sluel, hist uoor tst ..I the Charlotte II ink. ( aertolie, HUieh 15. Ib.MI. I If ULANK PEE1S for sale t this office. ATTKACTIVK OI'KXIXG OF Spring & Summer Goods. Attractive o niri(; of Sprinr; & trimmer Gonda at Allracliva njn mug of Spiinr &. uu.im-r Good at Attractive opetun ol Spring Ac Summer Hna at Attractive opi nin ol'Sprniy &. Suinnn r Ijnoda at Attractive oiemng of Spring Sl Su cr Good, a, T. II. Urcm & Co.'s T. H. J5reui & Co.'g T 1! Uri-rii 4 Q: T. II. Hn m A Co. a T. II. Urcm k Co 'g T. II. lire in & Co. 'a CAM. AM) EXAMINE THE Call and examine the Cull and exiimiue the Cull and l Limine, the Cull and ex.imine the ,11 uj , I;, n,,iie the ' SUS MXJiETS, LACE KOMETS, ( IIIP BpNXETS, Call and ex'imine the S.Ik Komiita, I.are Bonnela, ( Honneta, S,lk Honiieta, Silk K.nntia, S,,k lioi.mta. Silk ll.iiim la, j.ttcc Jtonnetf, ( f :p Ih.nuetM, Kate Iimti cle, ( lap ll,,ni,i ta, I. nee lionuelr, I l ip H.n i.t le, Luce )loi,iieta. Chip h nnel.. ST IliW BOVUTX Siiaw lli.nnele, .Straw Honneta, Straw Honliela, Slraw liouncla. Stiaw Uunuela, .EAMiLiT4 Ell WETS, Neapohl. n llonnt la, Neapnlil.;.. Itniintta, Ne.uH.hl.,n Honneta, Neapolitan liniiiiela, Meu,iit,.n lliinnita. SL'PKCIiSIKK liOllKS, Superb Si k Itobee, Sure-lb Silk Rnbee, Su(HrbStlk Robe., fiupcrb'S Ik Holara, Superb Silk Kobe., MAflNIFIC ENT TI.-frLF ItoBKS, Mugniftcer.t T,.ut Hub. -a, Magutfieenl Tta.ue ti....., Magitilicenl Tioeue Itnbi a, Magl.lfief lit Tl.'UC Itobee, M.gn ficelit '1'iaaue Itolxa, Itiatihfui Oipandie Hlnt L'Htipin'lid Bttagt Role. Beauiilul Org'i.dieniibea, L'ntqiiald Hert.ge Itohea Ilea uti fill Org'lidie l.'i.bea I'm qilnld deluge Itol.ea, Me. utifttl Oig'n.iie lioh'a. I n, u iiu Id lb r. gi Itobee, Ilea till fill Org'... if II, bee, I. in .) llu I.I Cerage Ifob. a, Dcuuttlul Oig'm: te.lt, .a, a, I ntqu.ilu llcragi Itohea, ( IIANTIKI Y I.A( E MANTLES, ( liantillr I. nee MnnfJca, ( hauiilly l.ace .Manilla, I huntiby l uce Muiitlia, Clianti.'ly l ace M.u.ll. a, ( hauiilly Kaee Mu.illee, FRtN( 11 KAt E 1 MINIS, French I.are P., int., Frmeh l.ace Point., French I.uc. Pomla, French Knee Poil la, French Kice Pon t., LACK SII'I l S, COLLARS k SLEEVES, Lace Setts, Collar aDd Sieevea, I. ace Sttta, Collars and Sireven, Lace Seits, C'ollara and Weeyc, Lace Setts, Coll a ra and Sleeves, Lace Setts, Collars and Sleeves, liKHAUE fllAW KS, t RAPE fcHAW KS, II. rage Shaw la, ( rape Shawl., II, rage Shaula, ( rape Sl.au la, Herage Shawl., Cn.pe Si, .wla, llernge Shuwla, ( rape Shawla, Berage Shawla, t rapt hi,:, w la, EMBROIDERIES Emhrnideriea, F.mbrotderic., Fnil.ruioertee. Kmbiotileric., KmbriJideriea, CAM LllIC COLLARS ahd SLEEVES, Canibric Coilara and Sleeves, Can.brtc Coilara aud Sleeves, Can brio Coilara aud Sleeves, Cun. Inc. Collars aud Sieevea, Cambric Coilara am', i-leeves, KAC E CAFES, LAC E BERTHAS, KAt E FL( K'V K.ce Cape.. Kaccllerliiaa, L..ce Fucliu, I.ute ( apea, I.aee Ucrlliua, K..ce Fuchu, KaceCuHa, K-ce Ilet lltaa, Kice 1 u, !u, Kace t una. Late Iterihua, l uce Fucliu, Kuce (ape., Kate Herlhaa, l.ace Fuchu, Ribbons liibhone, Itil iH-na, Ribbon., l(ii,.o. .. lilbhona. llrdd Drruri, Head Dreaaea, Head lireaaea. Head Ureaace, Head Dreaai a, Head ilieaaee, Frriirli Fluwrrs, French Flower., French Floncra. Frentl, Flowera, Fundi Flowera, aaee, Fr in h Flowere, SANDAL WOOD FANS, Sandal-Wo, d F.,na, San.lal Wo..,: Fane, Hundal. W veil lulta, ISundal.W ,h.u Fat,., Sundul Vu, .i Fuiia, 7ira;ryoui .vpunc; A'aiit, Twenly tour Spring Sknt. Twenty. lour S. ut g Skirt, PARASOKS, Puruanla, Para-ul., Puraaula, , TVin'y !Syiirg Mi, I, Thirty Spring Skirl, i I lurty -Spring Pkirt, I hirlv Siuiiiu klrt, Tweniy-tour Si.ru.g Skirt, I'liir'y -Spring skirt, Twenty. t,itir 'iuig Skirt, '1 hirly -Spring Skirl, Twenly -Ii ur Spi u.g Skirt, IIOMTON SKIRT, Ilonilon Skirt, Houtloii Skirt, Ilonilon Sk.rt, Ilonilon 8k. rt, Ho.. i ion Skirt, , 1 TIIE ( F.I.EHIt ATED MAT'I IN F.F. SKIRT, The celibruUd Mattinee Sirt. The celebrated Mainnee Suit, Tor ct lebrated MutliuceS-.irt, The celebrated Mallime Sunt, The celebrated Mailmen a-airl, MISSES' HOOP SKIRTS, Miasea' Hoop Sairla, Misaea' Hoop Skirls, Misses' Hoop Skills, Misses' ll.u.p Shlrta, Mi.sea' Hoop Si. rl.u, A COM n.ETE STOCK OF MOt'RMNO GOODS A complete etock of Mounting Uoooe, A compiler .lock ol -M .urunig (.,,,lu, A comp.ete stuck ol Mouthing (.uoda, I A cumplete stock of Mourning (.untie, A coinpltte stuck ol Mviuititng t.ooila, I GENTS' FURNISHING GOOD-S, fG.nts' Fiiruisliiiig Coud v j Genu' Fuimaiiii.g Gruais, NEW STYLE HATS, I Gents' Furnishing Goons, New Style Hal., (oils' I urili.liiug Goods, New Style II i la. Gents' 1" urnialiing Guuus, Ntw Siylc Hut., Ntw Slyie Hula, Murli 29, 1S59. New Style H-ts. HATHAWAY V O, W II.MING'ION, N. C, OfT.r tor sale: 10W H lids. () Choice N. w Crop Cardenas MO. :i.s Tierces, LAS.ES. tS Barrels choice New Orleans Syrup. t0 Hilda. Fatr-to.tlioice N. O. Sugars. V10O Barrels Clarified Sugars. AOU Bugs Rio, Lnguiru, West India, and Java CitTie. 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Terk. J A Hhds. Western Baton, (Sim s und Shoulders.) tfOO Barrels Yellow Piunling Pulaltare. Aai r 92. IP59. 1 1 Or STATE OF NOUT H-C'AWOLINA, MECKLEXlU Ktl Cl'UMV. JXLQI JI i Fall 'term. 15S. Richard Peuples and J. B. .Mtl.augblin llll 1 o. B. 7'.' B. Sizer.S. A. Davis and MuryMi Kinn T appearing lo the satinuettnn of Ihe Court, jl. li.ut lltla Mitr, oneol lite Delaudanis in tins case is not an inliai.ita.it ul tins Stale, It is (Aeir Jare Ordered if tne I surt, that publication be mude lor six weeks in the N.C. Whig, a tstwapaper pub lished in Charlotte, N. C. noiilytng the sun. Bi. la Sixer, tu be and appear al the next Court of K. quity.lo be held for the County of Mecklenburg, al the ( ourl Douse in Charlotte, nn ll.e" 1 1 Hi Mon day afur Ihe 4th Money in February, then and them to answer complainants, or juug.neut pro eonfeeso will lie luken aa to bun. W itneaa, D. It. Dunlup clerk and master in E. quity the 1 1 Ih Monday atlcr the 4tl. Monday to August, A D. lf."iS. V. li. IUNLAP, c. &u. E. .Vary 15, 1859. Pra. l.e fi. IB WITNESS TICKETS, for tie Count and Superior Court, for aaU her. SCARR & CO. CHEMISTS ASD DRUG GISTS, Clll ElLO I Ti;, . c. F..SPKCTFl'KKY cull, the; att. n. I tun of Phyaiciii nu, Plu nter a, Coun. Iry Merciutiita, oVc, to tneir large anil carefully eelucttid Stock of FKl US. TO PHYSICIANS, Pr.Chureliill'e New Ke.nediea for conauinption. ilypophoapliilee of So.'.n it Pota.h. A I.BO Cutnpunnd Syrup of the Ilypoplin.pl.itrf . Voni' El.'iir l('fa(ii-;ilivr. A fre.h anpply of llna Valnnble preparation for the 11. nr. LINSEED OIL 1 RAIN OIL SPERM OIL W IN I Kit LARD OIL, Al.so No I f opal VARNISH .. 2 .. 3 .. Kino Dimnr " Julian Keulher iAAt:i:i:! ir max n:r GARDEN SEEDS. P'. All the choice vnrietiea of Garden S, Bcane, Beet., Cahhugc, Pdretiipe, rraidgus (dr, IMiub.n h or I'ic I'ltitif , wnn (l.OVHt, III IK tit ASS, OltCIIARD ;IC .ai At:. Jnn. 4, 59. 4.1tf Tii.nr-.vs Fluid Extracts. SCAR It &. ( O.call the attention nf the Medical Prof... i.ui to thtae el. ga ut preparations ao urimi- rahly auitrii for thn t xtemporuiieou. prepurutinn of Tinctures, Syrups. W inc., 4c. securing the dc siruhle object of uniforuiiiy of No PI. v.ician should be without them. For .ale at SCAHU k CO.'S DP.UG STORK, Charlutlt. Window Glass, I'liltv, U liitiii. rhiill., aVr , Low for cialt, at SCARU i CO.'S, Drupgists. New Watches, Jewelry, Ak-n PI ATI I) WAUF W. Beck. lb ha. iuat received nt hi Id door K:,.l of Drucker 4. Iltilbrun's new aitppl y of KM.I.IMI AND A.MFItK'AN St re. WATCHES, th nrw and imprnvtii ntylc tit c.itt; n ! Fine Jewelry of al: kinr1, and nlm h unpty rl Plated Ware, of ihe bert kind, all of which he off, r. to the pub. lie at very low jiiicte fur euth. Cull and ixuminc my Genus. 1:. w. uECKwmr. Ftbrvnry I, l.a.MJ. 47ti ! CLOTIILN BE IT KNOW N grneral'r that we are sel. 1 .1, r off our Stock oi READY MAPEl I.O. IIIING, UR.MMIING GOODS, 4c, at con. ! aiderublv llEDttFD KAlES ,n oru.r to prepare for the Spring and Suiom. r Trade ; so our imtl'VIlk: , . . ' , , - .. Will come forward and avail themselves nf Ihe rare opportunily of supplying their w.,nls nut ol our splendid stnrK of t b ill, Castor lM-uvcr, Hud. ' son Buy Fur, Trrcnt Ci.sa.mere and SeiiUsmn O. ! ver sacks, Rugiuna and Frocks i also, all grades of : Sutttuet und CuNs.mere Bumness Coats, al lees " J " PAY At snynllicr House in theSt.itc Our advanta. ges for gelling GOODS a nd ket ping up Ihe .terk are unt quailed, as it i. well. known throughout the country, l. -nce wc deem il unnecessary lo re. hturse them, but w ill aseure you that you w ill find it tu Yoru Interest In call and examine our stock before buy ing els. w lu re. You will also find at the Clothing Emporium quite an extensive stock of ali qualities nf Hhick and Fiincv ('iisMiiU'ir Tants. Ulat k ifK sii'il o.ilin Vi wlsi, j Maury lvd V f ttsssiimrc .; ALSO A VASIKTr OF 1T11.MMIIXJ i.OODS, ! OriNTS AD LADIES j Trunks, IVii.s4iv, uryrt lirs, ! EttKllw Hllll AliOCM, and ntany things too lediou. to take an i ACCOUNT r.f, that sre always found in a Gents' Furnishing ; Hottae. I H i return our sincere thanks to our friends for . Iheir kinuiiesa and patronage j FOIl 1S..S , And we linjie by atl. ntion to huainesa md keep, mg the btst und cheapest stock ut l 1.0 I 11 IV. in the Stale, lu li.e. , I a continuance of the same tor lft.,9. FULLING S, SPRINGS kCO. January 25. IB J'J. 4tiif Atlantic KUTUAL and FIRE Insurance o mpany. C'iirolina lit, 4'., Inrorpnatrrl ly an Art of the Lrgitiatai e of .Yul4 yBlHIS Company being duly organized, is now JL prepared to receive applications for insur ance upon BUILDINGS, nERCIIAKEISE, I'm it Hurt', ..Tl il!, .Mnniiliii-loi 'Mill's A.M 'I II I IH t Altt.tiES and most kinds of property, at reiiiunerutive rales nf premium. It is aimed, in the organization of tin. Compa. nv.lo .nuke a sate me.iiuiii for It utility aim 'n-ti-cti.in to the assurtd in c.-iae ol" Loss. An honorable and upnghl course of nt uling, and a faithful fulfilment of its tonlrut-tu, ill at ail liiura chariii ler ze Ihe bunnee. of lite Company. Applications for Insurance may be niuile at tht office of Ihe Company, or lo tt. authorised Agenls. DIRECTORS. John A. Parrot, William S Long. Levi T. Ogleshy, W. 11. Grant, Duvi.l S. Jones, bra. W. Dill, CI. Time. J. Illakeley Luke Illuiktnan, OFFI John A. Parrntt, Levi T. Oglesbv, W. S. Long, E. A. Thompson, A II. Clnipi... Da VIA W II. A. B. Chap SantU" I I.r!Vere Joel II. Davis. D. A !!..rg. It E. M .lh u EM President.! v tce-Presiiletil, Altorney , Secretary. W. It. Grunt, ) W.S. Long. fEXEfTTIVE COMMITTEE. I David W. Hell, S I Much K", IboU- 6ni-il.'iS . o i if i: IS hereby given to all r ox hunt, rs and elans, i win. at'e in the habit of throwing Down my Itnces. riding through my fields, nr oii erwise tree. It nces. ruling ihrongn my i.e..,., or o,. rrwtse ir. e. passing on my lunu. thut 1 will, in every instance, orostcute thtiii for ll.e pena'ty given by lw. LllAJv. Jif.Klu. Maie 96, l? 6f S3 XT ii iiiiuujjt- jjLrju-ikjiai V A r1....! "B PAVING nld my DUVd and (HEMIC At, Hi fXIAHLISJIMKNT lo Mtaara. E. Nye I Hut. hi.nri aV ( o., J heiirlily Cimmenc thent aa my aitcceeaora 1.. ihe conA.lt.nec and putrnnnge t.f a generotia piihlit:, for win, at kind and liberal aup. pnrtu! invi, If hillierio. ( unt and ahull ever be truly grnlclui. IF. M. I'lUTCIIARD. Charlotte, Drtol.rr HI, I HSK. NEW FIRM, Pr. K. Nye Iliilchison h To, U BAV1 NO purclia.ed of TaTr al Dr.ll.M.l-ritcliurd, l.ia ra'A enure. t..ck of Hit I OS. Oil E. Lit-. Mil AI.S, OIKS. PAINTS. tV. .. A c, ri pecf lull v call I he a tie lit ion ut tut pub lic to the fact, thnt they will CT.-y on a Wliolcsnlc & Iifl-.iil Prim Diisiiicss. at I CorniT, where Ihey receiving in ad-. tiilinn to their pre.ent .tock, of fre.h aud genu;. Inrg aa.urtint nt It, lief fur l.'heumiit.i.ni, m on.. .Void , ly by F. Nye llutrhi,n A Co. oli.s. Pprrm. Whale, Sea Klt phanl, I. imp. Lard ana M . ry, Tuitner'a Oil, Lluaceu Oil at n:n. uric. a. nufaclurer'i i VARNISUKS. Coach, No. I and 2. I.n. Kngli.l, Finishing. Fur. j min e, I opt I, extra, Nn I ami it Leather, Picture and ),i,ar rind white CoimI, etc., Jupiiu, biuck nd nrin Ture While LEAD in O l, by Ihe II. nr tnn. 5imw while Zinc, ( ',rmc (.ru ne, t l.rnn.e V. I. h.w. Pari. Oreenr, burnt ami raw I'mii-r, Pii,t iiriiah.., ,V.c, &.c. WINDOW ("JLAPS. I Lirge n.a.trlnient of r'renrh and American, from j S i Id t. 3d by 4U, Fully in cum, Pure Burnit g Fluid, Aicolud'aiid Sola Turpentine, by g..l.,n or ! barrel, French, Fngli.li and (.trman JiJ : y ,J J' To,,(., ,.,.,,., , firm-hr. and (,'emiine Tolepi.e. ; Medic:. I und Sureir..i I N ST R I'. VENTS, Pun; WINKS ami liRANDY. (Kr.-n.l-) for mtdi al purpoM ., Fresh Co. greas M ater l.y the Lottie or be Pure Kerosene Urgr Tiirit'ty of Kerosene Liniips, for u le bv E Nit Hutchison 4 Cn. I he Ilvpoplirapliitcs ft r j Churcl.ili'. preparation ol the : the cure nf ( ONsI MPTll'N i leliiuiiry I, IS.'.U. 47tf I TO V.K FOl'NP AT i.orsTo.NtaV nrTi':K.s I A N ASSORTMENT of WOOD A. WII.KOW! x W ARE. Low for ( AMI. 1 Door East fj it..- ( oiirl II, ube, i nors'iux k iitntkr. ; Charlotte, Oct. i.b. I.'.S. 3311 Fill Ml AKItIV AL V cori-cnoNAiiiKs! iioi vi o.v v 111 vrri; ft AS jnn received a frrt.li supply it C.A.N' B DIES, of nil kiiids, uai Ciliuii, Currants KulMlia, Fig., and a furittv of Nil1.. Culiut 110I STON II I.' STEM'S, 1 I)..or K ..I o! ll.e Court House. Charhite. del. Sill. If. f. 33 1 1 'ia.vs: (KteSl.vtu Il.w. i 4 Ne, iih Un lI'VIPl M '111 UPIMI t V I'.liMLIi ill. L I M M K H .11 ii formerly ni Lnieolntoi,, N. C , ai.u r. tnoveti I. lartre store No. o3 North 3rd St., ht tween M enti Arch, w here tin y n continue the w in.;. ., .,. i.,,,.,,. I'I w -aV lslJIJl)r ll fl.i l'. with an inceun.: ii k. I'liiladiljlim, fell. 7, Ir'.'J. US-Cmr AS AKH1 Ivf-r 1 1 INI Hil l K.i. (I IIANGE (F I'lli.l'ltll.IllKS ) ItROAII M KELT M M lll.it.N, N. ( ., JOHN r. J01ES. Proprietor. 1IIK I'ltdere igned respectful. y ai.nounces t he tr. vi lung puhiic, thut he l,:s tuk churpt uf this old anil popuiur tstubhafmeht, a is now prcpartd to tict-ommnili te travelers and pr villi- laiuiliea with b,,aru l,y Ih.- uay or inonti the nu 'I at'Coiniiiututil.g It rilla. HisTAKKK will ulw.iya he lurnishtd with tl beat provisions that home aim I. -reign iio.rkt!. cu Mr 'Ihe va si a i I ll 4; I fill lltilll n- r.H.uie, is he.. rer the depot, Ihe court in the business str. i ts t j . .it uny other in tl, An OmniUa wiil a.s.ti ue i t tin ii.miing, on the urnvul ol the c trs and at lo convey passing! rs to the Hotel free .. By ati-i pn g ul tii," Hotel, nusstngtrs nmp.t- lime to ul.taui u.euis. large 1 pot ..-,1 Having I .r c- iiimoti to le lully pr st.,1,:-, par,, I to i ext-eli. n' ( Isiler. hi m,i .V, bv JOHN. F. JONES. rth 1, -. S'I'ATK OF NO IIT J I-C A 1.1 M. 1 N A . IF, Kl.t'MlLllUUH'MV. Court of J Itus und (Junitrr Xtssimi tin r if Tfiui, li'iil. Jin F.. P. Bhinkinsliij. f Original Attachment. John A. Cor Keviid in tl s t,d. nf S.inii.l K. II. icver, hint suitilliotieU aa Garni. i.i e. BT ap,euring to the satisfaction of the Court, that John A. Cooper, the ,'e It nua nt in tins cue, t. not an inhaSituiit ol tins St.-.tr, hut riaitlta hevoml the limits nf Ihe .lime. ( . Vrdnni I,,, I' e Court, thut publication Ih- mailt- In the N.C. W Inc. s newspaper published in Charlotte, N. ('., liolny. tug the sunt John A. Cooper, tu be and sppir,. ut tlie next term of tin. Court, tn be held for M. ek- h-.-.-u.'g county, ul the court house in lb.. He, i.n tin 4th M ..in lay in April next, and pnud, u wer or demur to pl.uiil tl 's peiition, or the sur will U heard ex p rle u. l.i htm. W itness, W. K. Retd, clerk of our said c urt, office, in Charlollf. the 4th Monday in Julillar A. D. I -.";, ami in lite S.ld yiur ol American 1 "n.. lie p. W. K. UEIlt.c.r.c. PrsFieSli. tij Marrl, 15. !Sh9. r'uotice. IvHE firm'of HI- NDEKSO.N A AHRINSwus illssolM'd on the 1st ol January, t.y mutual i.nstnt. JAS. I'. HENDERSON, w,ii l.t-reultcr urrv on the bnsnit us on b.s own account. All rrsons indebted will phase come forward and eltlc at nnce, as lne business inuel be ciost d up ""'r,"aU'-IIENlKRSON & AI1KENS. Jmur; It-all. HAVING s-'.d .i.v enl.re inteiest in tin- firm nf HENDERSON 4 AHIO NS to Mr. J. P. HEN- DFIisoN, I sltll xpert o remain lor some tune yet sl the stoic snn shall be happy to . ait on my friend, an.l cust. tner.. nurl.t-uiurly i.n llioso wiio would fork over lne liliii i -barge, i.ue me and the concern. F. W. AIIRKNS. January 1SM. 44 if . q -j- ra ,,, TTOKNF.Y and Couns. Ih r at Law, I Mite, Jointly Willi J. A. tox, r. I n r,n ir w nt xt tieor lu li. e v. ouri iiuuse, w here lie j w, .e coiietanilyprtae.il u. all. nd t. all calls I u huamesa made for h, in. elf, or fori Mr F, I. when ha la abrenl JWery t, Irjf9. 4Stf wv ,uv irwstamrAi-Xiittol i mit mMt-xmeut iifaww y . The Jlarlatls. conRKCTr.n ur oates A -william. ( IIAUKOTTE, APRIL 85, 1S'J. PACON, IKirtu, lb..... II J Oh I2J lb II f.. I'i lb 1(4 (,- If lb 10 (10 .... vn :..'M (), OU lb ....3 (rt) Ih I2J IS lb -ivj f.t, 25 ....bushel DO (,,, (JU g-1- Oil (, CO fil DO fVn (ll lb 9 (, lb 124 Uj, I lb .() fnj llt e lb 28 (.,) 33 II. 45 () 50 lb .'. fi (111 ....bushel 73 (u, 75 ....each.-..-. 15 (n - . ...yard.... I2J fx. IS "yard 05 (.,, 3D dovon rVij 10 bbl f.'.J (..: I.'.J b g. 'il.il (, 2J lb 30 (.'., 35 Ih 124 (( 13 lb 5 (i 6 ...1,1,1. No I I6 (:. 00 Iv'ilt. t:iwn (". 35 gal no f,,, to g,l 40 (,',. to ... huah.-l 70 r.u 00 1) ...i.i.i 9 (.,. rj 11, 5 (., 00 II. 5 (.,; S hiiai.rl 40 45 I h 7 (0, 7 4 '..Ileici 70 (r; Oil bui-ricl tlj ( (75 hiil,i-l jo (.,, sir bushel ti rV. l ii- 14 fi ir, lb II (.,1 11 gal H 9 sack.... t!50 f,;j 00 ,'b .Li f-r, l Ini-I, ,1 II5 f.'.i 120 bit.lifl 110 (.,.. 115 irnl -15 f.'l 55 40 (,.1 41 w....i.(d 27 2H lilinaal,...' -iJ f-i 9:i .... bal. .. !"0 fti 105 ; MARKS. our lsl Cullnr l,aa been Hog rnuttn, Should, -ra, ring, fiuuny, ... liutter lie, .-wax It, 'an., lira. .uy, Apple lotlot C..n'..r, Km " Java Cand lee. Ada mull t i " Sperm Tallow Corn Chicken........... ,.. llolii.l.ipperua ' Kllid-ey, ... ' IT1 I Fcther. , l.uru. I Mutton, i Mackerel Ml.. ,N.O , W . I.. Mullet- ( Wilinnigt. Narla, Northern Pork, Pen.,. I'.i'uta a, Ir,-. Sw, Rice Suirur.K.i lir Tea Wheat, white W hi.licy, No W.m.I, ' heal Vnr ( O'l TON S i lirnt at uhnut former rrnnlationa perhaps higher, j ni-l It.-Fj:..-. BM. Kitra 111 Bug. $2.i0 j to 2i.il. ( OKI .Mill A MARKET. 1 oi i MuiA, April 23, 199. f OT l 'ION The c.iion murk. I I1.1. been very duil through. .ut ll.e p.,t wet, and sales light, al a d'cl.i.r. nl l .i. ly je. Tut sale, of the week a. I to 4H ha ill aj 1 12,. 'File war news it- principal euu.t of received front the uecline in BA' ON, h, ground I Oli.s, I'l.AM ( A I .-, .. II oi Ii Ill C, Three Ladies, x,,r Teach. ? .r, want mpl,,vu.i,i l,,r ib.'dl. They v.111 r..,t l, ie Et L'liai. lir.1,,1. .. und Music oil o K.ric. c tn the minding ,e bust. r- b.- ,s premred to fur. AND SA.-7, to the pub. e terms, unci nn the short. DOORS. I'l.IND e. nn the ii,ok rc .'.lilliil .1 notice. ..vii:g a crcat nnnv a',1 claim, for work out, try, he t. lieter i of lining business . r the null,, ,l to rl, .hi- hi llfrr irnl . eqini e IT.aV ?aTy n a irk done in his Machine Simp, before I !-;. 39 fin i;u.L HAVANA I.OTTIT.Y. e next , i-awin-: nfthe Royal Ha i by ihe S,.a ni sl, Govt r. mien t, , of Ihe Captain Gcitersl of nt Havana on Lottery c. liler the' an Curia, will take pi iATlllD.W, Apiil 30, b-5!. SoftTF.O Nl'MFRO 16 OR DIN A RIO, CAPITAL PiriZi: i00.J0! 1 nr.xeof kl0.(( I f prix.suf S'J.OOO 1 RO.O.MI I I ' " I.O0O I ' tt li.tMIO 1 h2 ' .'sOO I 1 .,,MII I I I.I " -lOII I " I0.O0O j 20 Apr'xim's S.lOO 4 Ai'i.roi'no.linns to "' $ I "t'.t It' ttdnj each 4 oi itu" to a.'.n.hiiti; 4 of 4hU lo t3ti,tif'0 ; 4 ol tl " t- i-v 1 4 i i tiho tu ni'.i t u. W hole Tn ket. j.2l; Halv.aHH; Qusrttr.5. Pi iz. a rushed at aiolil at 5 per cent, discount. Hills on all at.Wthl Bank. tuk. n al pur. A uruwi'-g w ill tie torerued as s .on as the re mil he.- mcs , n,,wn. Comit.unic.tions stMres.ed to DON fODKI Gl'F.Z. (care uf City Post. Charleelon, S. C ) un. til ll'i il l" of April will be ultei.ued lo. Fcrs-.ii. ordt ring Tickets will please w rite tiicil , names plum and give their post otl.c. , c. uniy a,,! ' at -te. V7m. A. Ovens, a t to ii si: y AT I. Air, t II I Itl.OT'l'H'a v '.. SB II t.prnrt n the Courts nf Mecklenburg 9? I. ,-".-- la ihe U.,1 CT.ce. I'O'liee tn-aii Jan 55. I5r. I . I u,c I A ',!n aa Miksh M. M. ami t'. I.. V. iM.ii.Mu, I ni..n Co. Jul. . l-. il. 4,t 3, nil zy n Sjyj't:! I.n it n't r, apectlullv snn' u... V Citiio nu of Cliarloll.- 'ut.d surr c c'-untrr. tl at he Oil! rontiunea ihe uU. ll n.-s. in Ch-.r ,. He. W iii.h

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