m hyxiatinz vpor., rushed to th chani-l There' a (core of airtbqualfi shut ii? in erouched to mother earth for yrotection, , a. Ur to close th5 door that had been left open, my bone. 1 " j "tartlcJ partridge Lic'c itself beueath a Jut sank hlludcd and overpowered upoo "Shoot down the rebels shoot eru bou-h or in iho friendly brake, to escape tbe threshold h with difficulty that be ! down ! cried Vantassle, ov.r hose pros-j hurtling shot of tb hunter, could retrac- his steps. He was CapitiB for ' trate form four tou fi-llowa a ere contend j Discovery appeared inevitable, for the lreaul.kea.lioi.ii.itnanhcuhor.joiuedin:. : crackling of the limbs and tho struggling fiiiiiio discharged ma biunuei uuss, auu , un mc w-uanna the ecatteiinj storm of 1-uckt.Iiot wouuiieU ana nearer, the anxious proup below. " I'hat door mut be shot," ssid Podijah, "or we shall be smoked t death, like rut in a Lob 1 I'll s-lipt it, or sulTicate triiu'. Wax my B ix, if 1 don't '. ' The tail f irm of l'odii'ih d j.ir?'ared iu the mavs of smoke that roiled from above 1 and both apjroch'.d like ihumlerclnuds. There wis a moment . girls Gas Works. several. " Seize the gals' scixe the gals '. " ribout ed Latigford. " I'm with you! " exclaimed Nat Ilerrick, the terror-stricken lVrdiiiou seize these brambles I'' ex claimed Vaiitassle. " One can neither staud up uor lay down, go forrard nor go back 1 " Jessie heard the speaker cast himself recklessly upou the ground a tew yards from her. Tho laurel bent and complained Oh, Taul. savo u from these w retches!'' i beneath hia weight, commuuicating shrieked Judith. of motion to tho vines around her. i " Here's for you. Mi.ter ' " said Ilnrrick, I l'y of oaths followed the remark. ' let-elins a pistul st 1'aul. A bullet whis- "You're in a bad t. mper, Cap'n," A vol- said of ii,tei.-o arxifty, then the door was beard to close. Almost aimuitsueously I'ociijah tunihled down the stair, covered with cin-t .la.. PI. fir-. nnJ hands blistered, and some of bis white locks with-red to ashes. t ticl coae. to the young maus lucr, w no, j auomer, nuo proveu w us ciiuwu -niU- Hravely done !" cried Jeaie. ' If vou putting hiu'stlf bctwetu ihe young ladies j smith, hire not saved us, you have at lea.-t gi'veu and the villains, h-ld them at bay. UN " Who wouldn't be iu a bad temper to be a a rerrirve." " per -on was the targtt for a doxen furi .u ! baffled in tliis wsy I" growled auta-l. " Don't prai-e tr.e " returned PoJiiab bloas. which, with Mirrri-ing adroitness, ho j " Twice the gal seemed to be in my power The prai'e of a gal intoxcttes m'e like turned aside and bs fried. ! to bight, and twice have I been defeated by ardent spcrt the pooticr the gal, the drunk-; The four men were now engaged in an j that unknown devil, One-eyed Saul of the er it makes iup. I itovcr sliail cit aw bv from um-'iJiil conflict. ; Swamp. this place aiivcif there- amthuig desperate " r ly to the swamp, i-ir's. while we keep "its the gal there s where the shoe lean do ' ' tbe miorcauts iu check 1" udu.ouUhcd Ila- ' pmehes. 'Ihe loss of tbe n.ver plate is ' Pef-vrite '. .' is desperate !" said Hut- zcihurst. "bat troubles me. "l'was a fool's trick to ter. " U'e might cut oar way through and The maidens ran like frightened Jeer, j set the Louse slue and burn it up, arter all. saTe oarself," perhops, if there wss no- but their defeuders bad the mortificatiou to j There was enough on us to take Laurelwood thiu of a frrnitmis uil'ir' to look arter; but see two Tories iu pursuit of them, w ithout ! by storm, and we ought to done it. I'd the-e c' can't -tan' mu.kct ball", usr they bcin able to go to their assistance. Over- been contiut with the booty, nud them that ,, tiro " roereJ bt numbers, thev irave truiind, but ! preferred it might bad tbe beauty, and wel- . ir. ' ...'.Im.. IN . I Yliii i..rti Ke ii.i-li Ths inre l.mi- d and bleed-! come. Women are well cnou"h to do tbe fhaii we do! " uU for ourclves, but for ing: they begau to de-pair f H1HE sohscritwrs ri'Kpcnlfully inform tlie pub. A lie, that tlity re prepared to urecl lias Works fur lighting lil.f. Tuwrns, Viltng s. Cut. Icea and lurge Hotels. The have erected works in l lisrlotte and Kalviph, N. t:., which have Riven entire sxtilction t.i lli- ciliien nf thone places. I A. to qilulificutiiMif, proinplness ttliJ ability to j pei f- rm all contracts rnlerid ml", they 'Cer tu the following gt:iilleii n : I .'. II. Caraun, Prt s.t'lmr.Oaa Viira,('liar.N.C. i Win. Jolnmtoii. I'r . ( ii..r. A t. I'. U.K. " " Dr. T.I) H"6,Pris.Kjl.'i A... Kalrifh. " Col. (i II. Y. unc Wavetly, .Miss. A. i. Slorv, Vttm. ;.i WorliS, I.illle Fulls, N. Y. K. T. Story Mupl. lias WorUs. Walerl.iw u. .N. Y. W. 8. Sclioencr A. In., '.'SI l'earl .St., New York. Aildreaa thr uUrriler t R.'i' gK N- ,- WATtlUlOL'SK & 1H)VES. Seyl. 14, 18.18. -"If CHARLOTTE FOUNDHY AND ai.ic him: wouks. f BtUK unilrr.i;iied hega leave to call tile atten fl li.m ul Iho public to tho fact that lie is m w ready Iu fill any orders lr making Hydraulic COTTON Presses, mid every description of M.icliiuvry . All kinds of! CASTINGS. iou can tliriuh tha dark- " ;aKe .m aaie. soys; tajie em anvc, that we may have the pleasure of har.iu' cm!" shotiti d YsntaMde. A single rifle shot rang fbnrp and deadly 'through the air. A Tory, who was press ing hard upou 11 utter, threw up his arms and f.'il dead at the feet of his comrades I ' Hounds of hell!'' cried a thundrous thci" po"r !. ; ar.J as fr us u.s. we will trust to tti" mercy of the enemy, and yield ourselves prisoners," answered Jessie, eagerly. ' Yt. we all! trust ourselves to the hu roatiitv of the Tories," said Judith and liuth hurriedlr. ' You w:!l fin! it pmr tra't," returne I voice. " You love blood, and slaughter and Hatter, lok'.nj conipaionately at the three ' carnij.? : yiu shall have it!" jriris. " It'll le tnisersb.e raercy you II git ' Au athletic man, with a black patch over fmn them. No, no ! we cn't think of that." liis left eye, a rifle slung at his back, a pis- 'ijjl blcfs yoj, Tom 11 utter, no! We t ol iu each baud, and a large abro swing em't. in deed, tuiu's of that. We will die, ing at his side, appeared iu the midst of the if it I e 11-aveu's wi'.l, for these dear aud . Tories as if be had suddenly fallen from belpi-'fs one ; but forsake them, never !" (the clouds. He fired bis pistols and un- A load shout sr.-? from without. The sheathed his sabre. Tories w' re exu'ti-.ig iu their success. j Tremble, miscreants, for One eyed Saul i i.t tiiU-l be done!" tuked I'aul, ill is among you '. " at, a--!.v of Mjxitty. j '1'i.u sabre flashed like lightning aroutid " i'. can do two thin ," replied Huttrr tbe stranser's head. The tones of his voice, ilemaia here id be burnt, or ru-h out the fierceness c his couutenance, and the I a'jd be slot.'' jfatalitj of his arm, struck terror and cou-j "We'll neither be burnt nor shot," rs- i stern, lion to the bearta of the Tory renc- t rted l'.J ;a'a stoutiv. I iu bound to live gales. Tbe survivors turned and bod fori ai l jn ' a ut-tiers 'rl uti'iers 11 nim to- ate cookin' aud bou.se work, but as for bavin' one on 'em agiu her will, 1 can't see no sense Continued en i'econd '"i'f. 1 Mecklenburg Bonds. M. VI. p'i rt.nl. m i anittiit. llltK BONUS are ui'iiouSuoly the Mihfl tiivt-ctincisl luut c ii bv made, it. d -.rcre-liT pr tVrable lo any Mute Mvtulr, The county Ciiitnot rrjiu-luitc. Tiu v bear twa ptr cenl ii't.rtt pajblc ttmi. unna i!!y , wiih I'uupons !'tr the namr. Ttiey ure "I" ttie dt'immm .tiii uf $luO, which wnl th ic tlitin mirc current nd bturlul fur do. luetic inirpon-s. '1'tie coujHjn-t wt!) pr.ive a conTeniciit meiiiuin C)T payin,; county tair. Tltt citiif us vi the counlT nhuuld posatat ihent, ninl tttt'V art. nuw oticn-il Lj tin; id. rrpoii;-. i ll uf . 'thtr Bulk in ChurtoUe or will. Cupttiia Julut .i'u'ir wi!i r ccive prtnitpt attention. II. NY. GUION. Vr. IV. C. $ K. R. It. Co. Sry!. its, 18j8. -'tf TO BE SOlzB, in Iron and Urasa or ullier inetala made at shwt mitice and reiioerd prires. iT P.irlieular allentiou given Iu the making anl repairing nf'I'Lranhiiig Maclinirs.IIurse Tow. cm, l otion lima, Mill Wuik, and Ajgrieuiturul vtiiri's ol i.ll knuis. m.ACKSMirinNC jonru.s't; work, va. UO.N WOllKand ttOlitiK SllDEl.NU, uui.c with ill spa tell. UU) IRON AND BISASS CASTlNtSS U.iughl at Hie Fciunilry, or taken in rchdii(u It.,- Job W ork. Wood and Prwv ." "f ull kinUs Ukcii in t-aehaii;a li-r Itlackstiiilliing. iLr ALL UlllilC imi I he paid for when deliv ered, as I A.SII has to be paid nit lor every thing neei'xurv lo cirrv on Ihe ctnlilihimnl. j ij- Al I. OKIifcllS JtJR WUKK must hr ape eifud in wfitmi;, o that the work and apccilica- I lr Thi "e ll n.oiily foundry in the Suit that casts dailr. Ll All'corlracta connected Willi the eunccra LARGE and COMPLETE ASSOItTM KNT ! mn.t be uia.ie with the under. ipiird ah.nr. f S.H.RANSOM.U.CS, THE n A (ill 0.1. IIY is it itrcause I um. m ' H Vm. B .ODII1 .ell. Sl.j, , huyea his S'lV l'.4i Ironi the MannUctururs. .'lV of Main and Jspancd Wholfwttle or Retml, lowrr than f vrr, al S. T. WRISTON S 2 in and &tnve jlo. 4 FKW i'f thoae superior rianiahtd 'l ea and a. Coffee 1'UTS, lo. .nit by S. T. WUISTOX. fHlOILKT ETS. a suptrivr article, for sale S. T. YvlUSTON S. jf tASH, Peed, Spice and Dressing BOXLS for ai'e by S.T. NYRISTON. PAPER C O I M 1 SS 1 W A I i i : 1 1 0 US K, j RITTAMA TEA PETS, forsairat S. T. WUISTON S. ' ATPR COOLERS, a first rale article, f V I aale hy S. T. WKISTON. rHIAM.E rt Tr.ERY, r.ek'a Lad.e., Spfc.n JL Eloli Forks, lie. tot saiis at 3. T. VRISTON'S. W ASSKR'S Palent IceCreum FREKZERS, t! Ji. be! Fieesera bow in use, fur i.ile by S. T. WIU3TO.V. u.t.a o a.i iUh i cut w bile i-tet.ce to It r. I m h i Ihe b 'tarn m load or-shos. I a.u t cr-iii IlV da vs. ' to knock under iu the bv l'Miii ! 1 know that i.-s, l at I d-'ti t want my grass -o rer!i. I il ho'. i ou to el-la.-t ca-p. lswowl Toui Hut- to cat jet about my bigness and poiuling iu the directiou the girls had AND PRINTERS' DEPOT, For tbe sale of fss o: o.: o thi Torit-s, a iei-tli ad o' hav -! r cou.ii' up like race a I 'urio; 2 fli through ckcr'ti you re's a thua- i. ith the vio e, which bad " Cjwards 1 wretches ! cime back, and I I wi'l tnect you single-handed.'" I t)ne eed Saul looked wiUly around and laughed ui ickingly, then turning to Hotter . -Ti i T,!. .(. I ud his panting and bleeding companion-, 1 IU lliq, TlilUliq, l V C Jv.1 JJc , ASD fled, i x.'taiiued : Why do j ou i-tsnd here! After theui after them, 'r t they need jour help. There are .-.hiicks, joudr; away avay ! Ii is Siiil. of Laurel in ainp, that coiiituands vou. 1 nave work to do. 1 niu.-t go this - coLOHEn r,rrj;s, c.auds, AD ! I!lI.TI.N(i 31ATi:HIAIs8 ,A or ALL Kl.NtiS. ! fip$.j Vfi ir A aupplyof ANTIIHAI I I E I UAL. c m- Hiaotlv on hiii.d for s.ile. jr'j. M. HOWIE. Prai-liral F:o("ineer, oi.l (ive l is consiaiit allei.iion lo Iho buinr. All h tiers on busiiuBS will he direcled lo I harlotlc Fuunury. J. A. FOX, 'rvprittor. f ilial. A. C. u;mir 311, ItiS. Sdlf S3:- K 1031 OVA Ba. rtl 1 1 WE ronfertionrrv and F'amily Grocery Sinn JL ot MOIIDY & Ms III-; T Ii.. bet ii reiiio.t 'l to Hi- atalul opxi.ilc I lie Prea'.yleri. n I'l.nrc-h. where ll,. v are receiving uiucl Itoin New York larjf .liuillolis to the.r rloek of (C).M'r.("noM:iiii:s, r.itm.- ;i:o( i i:ii, v. Ainoiit iheir stork mav be lour.d every liiing uu. allv kepi in a attire of tin kind. A nrai ."rl nit ol oi I aks Trimming., Willow Wan, Ac, -I. viiivs mi band. i 'I'ney have 111 Iheir employ on Vleliint U.K. KEIi.and are pn p..rnl to fiirm-h Familira and Par In s llh I ants of all kim t Imii noiirc. MOODY A MsiiEJ'. N..t. u.!,rr 16, 1 s.-e. i Wthave ; Liocoli.t.,!,. l.ie bu.ilic.a. public palroll.igc III ll .erlinn. ! MOODY A NIHET. j .Vu. 16. 1853. 3i.'f WAIT F 0 11 Ull TAIL (111 nounre to the inhi. I ilanu nil ! A Ii I t I'l 1 V ai.d itil-1 1 v . ll l le h, , ,, . . ft mi i Iti r 1 1 Olo .siunn, lo .No. I, (iruiiite Ihv, wlnre he has now on tihililtnii, jet itctixo li.c o. North, one of the umat txtehaiie aaaurtintiila of fill) WlH W'ooli) tespeclfully Evcroffrrrt) in Nor'.h.l'aniiiaa,moiif whie-li will b- -i Cr Cr r 'Jf 'Jc 9 Lt akts w'iii h haa iuined auch a Uinoua reputatim This Stove he warrants anpinor t any lookine; Most n roiiauinea lea fuel, and d..ra more work in a given l.n.i-. ll put up one brauie any other Stove of Ihr aanie ilr in ll r work in a (riven time, he will forfeit the price of I hi Mo' tht hi-ltt r one und the celebrated vet b mx u r; m w in the iSi.atht in Country for the lust t-io 1, ir i, ll is . ii i. If ,i I M. . lion I'l.ili ii Sl l. il It l.d quit at'llilig and .ny , II. . I fu hi. ALSO, A JJ. KINDS OF FAHIiOR & BOX STOVES. hai, and ci.n.untly keep on hand, an e xlcnaiis ami vsntd aUiek at tin axi) siif,i:t 11JOX. ;;. v la. i i r. s, r.vr n:o lii.its i i .ids, HAT HACKS, CIIADLKS, &c, . I u I aali; ml lis lisil. s Ii i it in tills ViritiU). I ca.t..in r lor the vrr lit em .all entieati.r. by ri..c t I I ll H 11 hill of lr I Laureiaood li iem-e cf the OeV ete iLr;o h tc? rot a:ii Dow enveiop-'j way ana that way, ana there is no rest lor , io t.:r ul tifi.r. While the eroup looked up my bead this uight.'' J L J0H?JSO?7 & CO., Typ3 FoUiiJerS, iu a'.arm, a red sword of fcre was thrui-t ' With these words, rapidly and vehement- i nOli" Ai CO And other Printiiii' Press makers. I PRI1TI IJIUS.ul KM UimlUJf ;va t in red sword of fcre was thrui-t ' With these words, rapidly and vehement- j ii iho e-.Kin" ly uttered, Oue-eyvd Saul strode ay, :s tL 9atf.ii- -worJ. it waves u- h'l in au li-itant n lost to vie ur I'ara'i'.a-! ' er.ed Jes-ie. BTMER'S Self Sesling FRUT CANS, directiMia hew to ue theni.at S. T. WIUSTOS'S. ID IliiJNS, the best in thia market, for sal hr S. T. WP.ISTON. til AYER'5 Oil. KR11Y PMCTOHAL, Mi: TttK iitrin ttr.K or t olils. oiiL'tiv. aitil Kvui's.iiiss, pimiuia. Hih..j.iIi l' . l S. "Nay," said 1'ajl, iuipre-sively, "im cf us cmy be going to an eU-rnl Puradi.e." J t.e 5re above growle.1 anjriiy in nufr, 1 Cutit s'.-i the black smoke curled iuto thy room fair fui-i hie tin rs;,'.: Jiui destructive breath ol a in; hoi;,' Cv.ia. ' the I:r' of the red " I. t e'-h msn -:e that his weapon is f ul , th;i. aid. lake care, ila . Maul lici as to escape it. .! up-, win haI p fr a yrj eti irtm t'e fianie aud saaoke. gous an-i active, encouraged ttieui by pre J i. r.- a b irTiiu cinder cn yoar dressf Miss cej tsod exati-pie Hutu Uavilaud, beiiig ll.; it blate '. " , iitt'.e Vt-hiiid her cou.rauiou. heard the " Ii is Ojt,'' sail Po.'ij.b, composediy, foot-ti-pi of pors'iers and aumoLished her ftn-.-therin? tr.e in;:; iet-t "low with his irrea: friends of 'he fa't who ne.-ded no new ;tt .faiuilrn tut t i's TO -MERCHANTS, filAPlEr. IV. IN THE SWAMP. aiiiious loks ht-Liiid them, th s .j the Qitues or their bum- 1 . . ! and eroaps ol men stru.'L'linI iu The Subsciibcr begs to call attentiou to bis ; are. It wss a mourn-I LAIHit sHIlh OF r,f :l: t;htt" Writing& Wrapping Paper ; of all kinds, which be will sell very low I oh CAii, or short credit on large sums. .10SKP1I WALK Mil. 100 .Vf'tmie st , 7,o,rlou, 6'. t'. i-,t rsin 9 2p ;ll lil. launualwn .i .i:u..i. KMiinr. t. n. ' whirls will ! aitlil. lili i vrr b--n af is-ri I would rrlurn my Ihanka In my fritadaaad healuweu upon na, anu liiry may rel a.aured, lii lot-rtiirr Willi a ... rminalinn to p',. a.i , t.i try i I.aJirs and (icntlrmni are luiitiriiliirl) ii.iilt-d lo rail i;nl rxiiuiii.c .Utr . X. U. I will I' ll you wi.y I h.;ad b,v .liinliH h i ul W.iT oa ti. t itS'.s,' -.1 ,. at Ui llinr i.m couaUnlly Iruiti.n g iLioujl. lha rounlry aitiiMuiu. sr" . urttrr trill bt faithfully it ml pi i.tiijilltj allimtn! to A. A. X. .M.TaVI.iiII. Vkarluttt.Jtm If, 1 PO A II M'lllTl.l.V. K ' For Florida Elrtct. -,e'. la I'ualin m .10 llnmt,ai la 21 la Ul, Heart Lrf Timt than ly any lr Kn-tr. 1 1I K I Ml ID Ml A t I si It ill. i V w sauus, thili i I :t t .1 1 1 1 i lil t. i li .. hat. ' A'e uiu-t ru?h eut tio abrca't," nid H.'.l.r. " P.dij-ih and I will ;o Cr-l. !Ia-.- Lar-.t. yoa and tiii.ko tcp near the ladies, l.inko, be brave, and use thoae etiniulu-i to excite ttictn to tiie jrreat-j-t .-Sort of which they were capable. They .-cached the .Samp aLd t-jik shelter in it like fright- j ei.ed birds. The laurr! was wc!l t.ih im- ! penetrable ; itriumeralle vegrtabic arms j iat.e arjus of jours to some purpose were a;rttchod out to oppose theui, a net jife 'eta the contents of the bluodcrbuss work of vines and trsnehes di-puted tbeirl in the faie and eyes, tuco ciab it and break r.-st'e. Their hau ls were laci-rsted bv I Ute. CI, 19.1 1UNSTAXTLY on hand a pood ortiot at of J COOK MOV KS Inch rannnt be i n ciieU in pertormanee, hy any other Stovea in tiie iii.iki I, for ale at the Tin and Slove bhnp, 2 ioota Eaat of pr i Corner, hT S. T. WHI.-TO.V. CLaiUlle. June S3, leifi. lilt' t'ruup, hooping Couch, Inrlurnin. . Ul' . Ian ILtir Le- Us. " Ye-, tir-'r Tom. This cli!: know what be 'b !;5.b-.U fo'it dat ban.;-', J it. Thought I 'a -i.-ne fir dat time. to, g-o.iy, cid'j'l it hurt whtti d.y run tn-i up to de liti.ii ! 'Pvs.rvd to st-.p ti.y br. ff '.ike. Vou r'.'.l ly ii.e, a.s'r 1 osu. li I'.', stand by ; j Lr'l w-.ii't 1 u.ake di !e b'.ondcrbuss spas to 'ci, Hi n..Ljte I bio a chauce to ob'i-iist ;j 'crss ds si-'.t- '. " Tti parties were now driven to the re-i.j-i c-rL-r 'A the ro ota by their tea a n-1 :rri-tih - em ity, whieu was gatuertng s-tresith ti J ercLi-t with fji -htf al rpi li te, lia'-t r utifasieLed the doer, an i the lrei-h icct-s cf tbe air gne adJi'.ional f r VjT to the cot,9agratioD. lie stood mo t..t.t aione in the outpouring smoke, but i. .-: a shot re J from the concealed and watchiti? f e. ' There is co Le'p for it,'' added Tom. ' We Uiust try it now cr never, HoJijih? " " At your side ! " respou ied the Yank -e, ' tt' ' ust try it host or never, Pod .jab ! " " . r "i.'e ! " respond, i th Yar.ke-. tio . ' , ycd hiuiie.f to d ar.jf'rr as if he bad In n accit jiued to it from cniiihooi. The wall. i. L ' v k with the vebeiut nee of th lire, and there was a aaruin creak: and I'isij auiong the frruiuh.in jo.n-.s and tt.tj blinT rafv r. " 1 h rojf '': f'l ia a miru' r.t ' " cr'? 1 Jlar-ihur-t "We are ready. Jj':ck, IUt- 'Ji heart o e a -id li tis ::.um- es .,i..c:-l t, " 'J o tt.e r.'bt, Ine:, Kelp UtJ'icr t-C aUV-ke ii l d slo-iji fcs lou jjo." Tiiy e;ii-JcJ ut-mj't. 'No I. ar an iiionishcu 1 l.d ti.ui rx-. a d aob fast, f. a u, .ii j t:.e Wlhi tao thr.-t ii h In l-r, A d iia anu i . i a , e i. .-.-j. : I;, r pr ir-e !iip' ' t- juu-d a i u: -.- itj.i d i-tai ic'v fuiiiiiiar t'-i Jeseis lijrii-: !r -limn!' ihuudered Jljit.r, s; n-ir, t r 1 him itii a St rvr n, I, in: , , k 1 ,. w at hia head with I.:- iifi-. -i i..rt-d and ;i .n - :.e k I... Vaokte .-d to lh ude mil.. ).,ry f.JI cru h. d t his .' . I. "Hue. at you, you l-riia! rritters '. I' . .li ! ki- i a e did ii I c uie out bereft ..u.l' ''.im uii a doicti cf le at on. e .' con:a;t wnii continually prrjectin points, and shreds cf thrir gari.icnts t-i left upon brake and brier. I rri:i- tbi-ir way uIj:. 1 in tb? Ua-knc-'S sui terrible iuiiicacy, t'ury ; soon and unwillingly Vecsn.e srparatd, while ti.tlr ait-:u.pta lo fu. 1 i.ai.-h other iu- 1 vosved theai in i,n iab) rii.'.hs. Tom, bleed-! itiJ. fainting wilh feat and exhaustion, Jes- j ie Burtiside sank upou the earth. ! For s titue her pbjsif al and nita1 facul tie w here in such a whir! of a tempest, that ihe coinciou-ncss of everything around her steu.ed sllt.piiij away fron.' her. There re-i uraitjed wi'.u b.-r oi.'y a heavy al i z it i jri of i sori.ethinir tearful and rhochi:.. Al length j the ci.iiiiiies, of the ground and the i.i.-ht air coo'.-d bt r f-v-r-d system and retored i her coherency tf i:.o)k-t. She rai-e-l ht-r- -elf and s'jrp'.rtcd her head upon hei hjni.i IJi-r di neic.c'i tresses, h'.r disordered ;ir- 1 l-ji nts, and jtr iaccrate-1 p-ri',n reniindeJ her of the ordeal through which !,e hid passed. 'ihere was a iatiice-Hurk of vines aroun ! and above her. .She thought of the sudcen f-iistiir of her circumstance. When, '.tie rju went down last, she had s comfort- i ah'? at.d beloved bom ; novr ;ho had non: j hat was a hunted, per-.-e'il'Ml tjitivc, cow-! erin iu a uarksou..; sainp, the result of: wild bca-'ts aiid lawless im-n. S:ie could i :,it be -o '.fi-h n' t to think of br co a- pan! -::s. S lure were they? .lie shud Ir- e l at the po.-a.oiilly of w tat miht have be- fa.lcii i'..'. iu. A aintul rec ii.rc'.ivtt of her bravs dt fen 'ers ai :! un.p'.-akabiy to tiie li-lracti iu of her mini. Far ol: in the j swamp -he b.-at J the shriek of th'; patilher, tiie hot of the wolf, and the .ii-iimi notes of the owl Fri.'ht! al ontra-t 1 1 Uie peace mil sno:;!y of J.a jrclwavJ ! I.o-i:it, up ward tLrv.i.-h the teiiaciois fj.ii.-- into the i tu -ky, sl.-e b.-htli a black tlood of eiii'.ke all that remained .yf her f.il'n-r's mansion, ! save a ft-w eharrtd and UiOuld-.-riii brands that sh.i sent up a iiioortfoi iueice froiu : the taitiiy i.i aitii-'oi.e. i.e pt, (ji rowed , . nrayi d f it it is up'-ii 'jod, il last, that the tossed, stricken and dia.ipp jinied mind turns ! j The n.-tlncls aud xpei i..-ncc uf trie alivm i stoop j Luu.au rs'-e rove i-eyon-i thu shadow of, j i alien, ttiat Me ar.:ic tu cotter tns-inj.' ' mil consnUiio'i t; on tt.e tefaved, alhict-d I friin tin: bornini' I and wor'dei Ufhtd j-. Prayer to Jlim up a. it inereaaefl jinade ber calmer. A s'.rarijr--, ha rny i.-ifl j-j n' c'at- upon the lence, unexpected aud awcet, side ioto her prat fr-n n,e In in- SUt would I: .t, she tii-i iiot taite , ot-p-ir. i J h'-re was a sound iu the laurel Lcde. j Si? !i-t ii'.-d with tier) eie ska. l'i-r-j ot were woiaiu th.-ir way thruuh the j i ,..-! ii.si. s iu the uirection of h' r co- j rl 'it. ir prores was siow and ilillieoit. - nt heart! mutt- r. d . ui -. s and l.npreeationa Met f. .rs t re iinf.-i. asiirahly incrcaae'l, for ' ihe !.? '.f .Maitiu Vutas!e was o odiou". ! and n.a iF so many disareeahle impres-ions ujon her u." ii.ory, that she could not but i r.'j;: u. .! il.te.t t- I.. . .Sic abratk and I UIARLO'ITK HOTKIJ 5 i-v tll.VttEDtli; HIE Pronriet jaJrA still at hia pt ! f ! R l the duties of iTl!,,. Hotel ia - ll illiJV to fui. le ho.i" to the : VZSiJnuf tr .e. iling- putlie .ml otliera aii nisy e.ill rm lilin, nod lie tl.ittera hiiostll' th.t 11 ( coir. r.i.li tie u.rlLra can he lound Willi htm aa .ny sriiere in this vicinity. Hi-ins; aitijst'U near- f ly in i:ie centre of t hsrlut, Bu.m' s Men will fin.i tlna II I a loo-t convenient and n.-.inble, location. II? his been engaged in toe hu-u.-.as al i:... staiitl licsrly ellf lilt-en years, and in that, tiu.e. in: nts rn.uie .ever. I aihiittona to In. tortmr iiouse, und it haa b?o (.rea t' y cnlu r(f. A srol mi.' pro v. d . presenting in front a two siory V Eli AX L)A j I'j'i ieet lii lenjt'i hy I 'i f-et in wiotli. Ilaliilaolliply sn.i.-i n oy tre- on ll.e -ide.svulk, htT-iril-n a plea, ant Uf iin.li.ii:e Lt all hour, of the ij-.y. i 'i'l.c 11 iusc lias beeli tfl'.rnUL'lily turn la hr d tl.ro. out, nnd in tvery pirt ot it re-itnre eo.nl. rts sre .buoosiil and tangible, especially -,n the IjIMM; It'ltlM. w i.t r.: toe ' inner iimii' is rcnt td" i i: .y oy d.y. i nonet li i? w th this llotil are SuleVa affording room lor loO liorssa, a bund .nlly furiii.ht d twin s;r,..n .no p.--.v nder, atlended by UitMul and o. Ii'.irui" ioifllera. I oe I'ropnelor f. els confident that with his'oiig e i pneno: nd m.iny new advantages adoeil to !na e...re lo Dl'i.e, he ia nrrps red t.i offer hia frien.ia arid tio: ' ri-.t ol mankind,' aa insny conit'orta and na much eonii cheer aa will be found any win re. 'in , i HsMi. Arts. I a ill lia.fl i:'r rrtirT , I lie.t rm-l. nw.a If lha rur.ul li'-tai. of rl.f'.l')' iu is.mlh B:.t.ilL jvOf skill, ai.. . uiiurul eur ni..lviua to o-ir I.. IIIKAVI OiKt.TX. M I AMOS l.rr T.-u V s-rrair. I. , anl , ll Jan. l-'sl I hat a trli.Ml. I nrt.H-1. . !.a U ..Snel m, h 41 .!-.t , -If '; i I lTl.,L. !.. ..( I.UI 'il)BU. 1U4 HM 'lo. iwl.-vi-d tl.a ft-rsair in h'f llil-Mt '! Imi.i-. si lt.au mi- hall lie- I-..IW- ma t. ma roi.ol-a'l. a, ll Aslhmn or 1'hthislr, nud Itrnnr hills. Wasr is. narta. I' . l.o. a. 1.'.. Si- V air n,,rr, lm,,t I. rloi., u m.i:...i. ins. In llo. s n..n. I t,lia. rll-l ...... d ... .Ur,., IIKMIV L PARKS. M, A A. HtM-I.Y. M Ii . rr Ix r i H. mll.l i sli.rox ris.f ?.:U up.'D t .Id etna .rl.l.nra. at .lis mi ' 1 the Tirtblaof UiiA ttn t U tui.4 la Con.uin ption. ; J'4 ' "a! FOR PI'RIFVIXf; THE DLOOI. THE ORIGINAL A3 GENUINE ARTICLE, r.yr.i:Yrur.:K k'.khi:.;ch Fii: TttK t'.f'M v vi. a:; i. i iiif.i m vi . t r.r ok A!.L i!r.A.-K.s AlllM.,., Si:-,M AN IMri i.K M.iTl-: "I 'i iii iii. -i'i. "I: ii a i-.: i UK 1 !!K -1 - 11 M. .in to tli a. tua rVreji I Ott. Msr.l. S, 1:.. . s .loir aiel a I. s.i.r. ' SintarsiLLa. is. trird Ate. fl--t I Ayer's Cathartic Pills. riM.fc t--,nMr, ., Cl.mt-(r i.d M.tiKii. Iiuti l-s-n 1 Lis-.! it. ir ij;ft i. .f-utr lU'm tswwt, 01 (".Trt arairsiea MS",'saV Til' !S. M IlTLs. CtiMMANM It fEAVKSl IIAlll.KMUN.S I .. evny Tl E.s. J llAV AEI l.liN.M.N, st 3 ,.VI r., M II- I. ATh'A. n.A . .a H:i:.NAMINA. JAl K SON S' I M.K. II' Ml ATA and toe u.aal landuiain II. e frt Jol.b'a llisrr. .-.! ronnert,, 011. and n tun.ii g. wil'" tha Hsiiroad al I eriianuii.s. and w in fst-t.-, . at li.r U.SC I. .nod plsrra for Allifst. r. Oe .la, Mie.i.o. pv, I -.. e, M. Augll.tllir, 1 ali.a. and olli. 1 r I. .. i. in li.r nti nor ol 1 lorn. a ; at I h. r.. .ton, w.tli II. e Ni w York St. .ini-oips at d ll.r Northern und Vtr.tirn li.liroad traioa 0.1 Tu. adaya and S .lurd ill. ,M. reii .ntlise, .Vi . eon-ensi! to this A;-n-y, wil' be lorwir.iedHlEE OF 1 II A kl.E. For fri'.jU or psaai.e.. spp'v In 11 1. 1 i;i." ilm, S iiil.ern V harl, ( ii.rle.ii ii. S. C. J-inuary 4, Is.va, 4't-Jiu WIIKAT .VAMKIh II I. forr-.i. Hr h r f.iblie l, ill... I'altiruial ir ro.or 1e Milo .ri.i. ., I'll in X' - . r, I ,.n. tl.il. Olaon 'ab, IS-U 3j li I 11-4 H I i HutUdl Life lusuiai.ee Cm.: t'ttlt H H M.I 1 I.ll , 1 Mills ( . n ! L ... l -r one 1 il.. Mai... I V. ti e Ik li.. p. , U t. U li t Ihe h. I: 11.. . I at t ill lb. gvllK .,,1, 1,11V Win .1, m.'rs.t pro. K10 nr. Ilr. doit- trtu a I. ilsrr h-tving pun !i.. d tbr : and Me rtitr c.i hmloilt, Aug. 'J, li"jli, e w til r-'lc the hii.s.t for s..!e at tha M.il, 01 JUlljs'wiI.KFS. i!3u II d, II .V. Kwl. ja.ii:s h. i:dm:v. CUMMIS.SIOS MHi;CIt.l. T, I 17 ( II A ..111 I l! Mill I , . V. l YS sod hoi. due tor -.'i f, lie IJ" At an) jalt Tav tlie Chi rlolle Hotel. J. li K lilUi. .1:.'lf li-'tjr aac t. ; h.s f jnu dated .-rf.il i-nr-a - -' :j I. -a Use of this P.".parat:cn. 1 t..- I... t 11.1 - I l. fll.. '. .I. MEDICAL TESTIMONY. I and Kev l.tners. r, a. ,. -.11? ....D lla- a.o.m of . I l-s 1I1.I I Tl..r an- .. H.-iri-n i to the end of the CANDY FACT0UY. ! fresh rontecliunerits, Fruits,1 fir the s iiru'r'erj in the direction s snip I " w hispered IJuttir. spr roactx-s. l'var ymu ia u , wnoe t- J that ' B 1 E a 0 hseri io:r reap-ici fully in forma tli ' t'.-na ol ( oarlotte and surrounding t-o li l i.e li.i. on hand ami ia eoiinlanliy rtceiv eili. v.; 1 1. S... li.i l-.o .S. i .. B .. s.so by l 1 J'.1:. 11. f. VERMIFUGE CH . II. A II. M M.S. FKMi.V - "DEAD l-.lo.ir ,i'.Tti.s..!iiiiiUl. tl.a s.lals. tisillrsof Ifc. I.. in. laUucl...... ..I ii. ,,l,.. I oufj lb. ba.-t, i.d siiH disraM.. TIm-v pur t out lla. frail Imroor. a hi. b l r.. sn l rr..w illslniii-r. Mim.il.la .'.irc'-h rsr .IIt. d -i.S Miffi.11. inlr. Ihclr n.tar.l mrn.., and uui I liaallbv ton. wit!. .UM.Kili W 11 r..le ..atria. only 4u 11.-1 ui. II.. r.-r)i Uy oi..I..ii.la of aifrry lsl, lal aiso f. 111.I l.l le arid lUinsran I.MW Hull l.t l.sflWd Ilia Ual ol IiuiiihI) .'. ll V. 1,11- ll,. r .,r, ,k. r.w.rfi,l rfT.-r -.. ll..-r ... al II... am. Inn". I., ,1a, ,1, ,.l,-.l .!-.. . I,. Sl. l U.I .i.U- lint r., I- nt,p...r.l S.T rtilMren. I1..II1T ..If... . ..sir.). Ih J ... .,.aMlll to laS i Slid lln l.a.. I-ii n.s-1.. wl.i' Ii .uri-aa. lalUl wera lli'-s ma loo- lahllale'l I.T UM-li of s. I, eaallid .ition xii.l tli.ia.n-r 101 t.. t.il.i l It, a a.osi m 11 of ui.trmh. M.l.f .1110,. i.t I 1I1- ..S,iie 11,. i.liaholl; of in. 1.11.-01... al.. I. ll I., i. I...- -i.t rn. th. usui.ii . ..f (loir roii.iiu. .. Iti.l toy Pi. j.rs:i..n. e.-.ilill u.. in.iii.t.wly U IIm relief of p.j III Oil. .off-ill,,! Iall..a I.M 11. II,- A-nt I-I. a 11. in. , I Is f,l. aaer lo foM.I.I, tratll mr Ani'-ri-aa Almanac. rimtalmsK 'linete n. fa l!..-lr usaaod t. rlin. la f th-ir eu.ta. of Iho f..l..itia toui,laiul. : cirnr fciij 1 1 . 11.. FOIt Willi VI L .ti.j ijt th fa.r Le- jj a. k Confectioneries, Fruits, : r. ( v (; itoc 1: ii 1 1 ;s, cic. a ks '1(M1A( CO. S.M I I'. TOYS, T" I. sa I -lllf-ll, niti: uoitkk iio:sisv iioicsus, Vilui'ifs ill , Williitv Ytiignna, . liuirs, H 111 k."si;i ml-, & m, ;;t(- a ' bfevr-ry variety. i J. I). I'ALMFIi. ' Aw.tr 'sr 9. I.,U. Aiif Al.i. he .i.l.loi.lo msiiiir.rtlira ( ANIllKS of ,,ll 1 ..If I,) It. III. .1. al. . Mil 1 VvMl. fl. s . I,- II f - . . Y A llall.i .New Yor. : 5,000:,'. nt it.ionfti ri.,fine uii Wanted, i(I)H OF TAN fKItk- leh tl a e ,., WW ha pi. M li. TAyi.OK. IJtf rry nj-' tf li'a. Jul. s VAN. S.V. I. II. l. M t MW, W ... K NYK I1LTCMI.C k CO., Aor.mtfr 3d, '5fe. 1 is'sl ossrs. FLANK UKKDS for sale at this otTi... . j mua m r. ..al on. A.k f. f Alia I I'm. .1,4 I .fc. ...-ilnoir .Im-. .. 0.1, -r Ih-y ran iva -,". Tha fk asi.l II,. M i.l ll,-,.- 1. (a 11,-u,, aiel II,') Id hs.- 11. Prrpnrcd by T)r. J. C. AYKU, Practical and Analytical Chemiat, Lowell, Kaas Pan a HI i. ras H .s. roa 1. S jl.l) I; If IIFTCinsON' .1 i;iUl!(),r:irtrrrfe. IIAVIL AND.STKVKXSON A, CO., f Vr rrrton, S. ('. A I.AUCK PCI'I'LY OP (vonstahlc. Warrants JUST FK1NTKD. nia rsrrv kio.l of CfMl arttmiaa ION. , I. .N. tv. V.,.if, J. . ( . I'. ,M. ... nl ...II. , M t man, ;..).. I . K. Il l 111., lion M . A. .rail. in, and 'ruler in I'm M, lo..,,.,., Ilfein.. I.uitara, .ln-ic. n, iMo lnii, i, Iron Sana, I'll Ml -, O.ir.Kn Undine., i-C. A printed lut ol nil li e iiitlir.-nl inaki ia, kmna ami prires trill ftrr. I'unli.hi r of 111 eitganl l.lliorr.pll (.1 'Htrkorj Ai.l iap," N '. l.) Slid li. "( liaao. art I'll is leu si ; i,a, I sous. I... jns To II si ..Til." This lot ilu.ible .ion y ililrl alionlc he in 11 ry hou.e. ll IM-..I.I.I ail .1,.. ..1., haa a r..piou. rrloa.ary and preaeniie the rr in.-rie a Ironi nature's boi.i tiona aloria, h.r all our 11, fim, ilita and n,i. forlunra. Ilia piintnloii fm, whit, p . pr r, hn mi s', n.. ly Utuod fourth roition, 3i'U .wj;iat and as moi.rd frr. for nr dullat. N.w lto- ! 1'iam.s, liO. ri. lo, If.'.. y -i, tor t, 1 a are paid K1II11U '.'U .... 1 pro..: ia pn a nl. 1: . IUI.J.I 'I OH r .. f. J I i .l, 1 , ii, 11 J 1. ., W . I) l it kr. J. t. W in ,. Co. l.lllie lii.alar, I I . I Ker., k I. H-ll t l .rlt. I.. I! -1 , It .l.'d 11. Ii .li e. U! HH.KS. Ilr. I h.rie. t. J..hn..,li. I r rl. Nt . W. Il.oo. o, V.te I'l.... .1.1. It. II. llallle.-strr.Ury. t. ,!, a II. Join., 'Ir.saurtf. II H. II,,...,.. A t,-fl, 1. Hr W .... II. M. k.. M .I" 1 I- p iirrulirr I tmniio. -11 iluil-n, . I Ker, I b I.. M l. .lrdirol lluuid Bf . ''!- 1 1 " job,,,. ... m i , w hi 11 y i- ' ll.l l.'o U. Ilainooe, M. I'.. lor lurtiirr intomial.oli, ll" pi.,'oe 1. .1 lo th. p.. nipl.ii may I.. .1-1,. 10, u or any .,) .1. Afe! I oii'i.iui.u siton pal.,) l. H II. liA'l'il.K, Stf lwmhH H. I rs.,7 . I III.. - lid hr .tlllM.VM.. Ul H :'i i.ue ha, t oiua Atle I rrb other I'i , Ihllo. 1.1a. I klolK al... 1-1, II.. VM.lll. S, M. HOW VA v-sasauss.asvsys.' Eaddle k. Harness Planuiactcrer, ninr.r. iiohkn hi.tiTii vr i nr. ma.ns.ion not.m, i 11 KiDiii: . . II l Allkindaof Sailrilraaiid llarnraa tnadi 1 l,ort.-. imlirr. utrrl. 3;tf 3 f-ltKI'AtlMNC promptlvese 7i 19. Idia ; (iuld .Mine iiute 01 Hy ap. pin Hill. 1.. I 'I IM "" 1 ' ' "' i A I. Hi r I10111 J I. s'll' I'n , I. :- " N. r..u,.i..i Aoc. U. I- , I lir.J. kltul I'r.r fir: Voui ' (ivi-11 . nine sulialai In 1. in this ' '" t try. 'I 111 Abyssinia .Mian ) !' ' ;i.pp,.,...:..r. ii,.s..e..-.ih. ; !eia. -II sells... f.t.th.l I " ''""ViVt-r ! supply tin iLuianrJ. Vtu will , ire.uppiy ol itaasool. a. you ' "" I J. It. 1 -" . 1 AliK.NI H.-WW. W. K.i...".. wvTi t tiis ,r. 1. o 1 e, itot-k iny in, 11 i ri.n.iA ,",;,, s 't.j. 11..11..1. hi-' it j-f-'"11""'1 j.i tc Sill anil i. II. r.nia,ai.si.i.. j . ry , f.e 1 ine ton . yaossmoEAJ. taw, IUt. IS. i"l. Ollll I'll.l. hr pleu.ed In rereist I'r. ,(.-.. ,00a I ( alls V? in the .1. p. 1111. Ms if Mf.I.ilt INr.and st lit.UfV. IHIea. prrh nil, ul,.ii,t, hi st in. rr.ioi nee, J-..n M .11 Inpm. ,. y b. font, V'ork ll,.lr,r r. I a. I I If Cash Paid fur Hides, UY fi M. IIOVVKI.I., 1 d.a.r. Hottth of III. Mlimoii lloti.r. I 'sarara, April fi, IH.Sr itf - J M -t C as- J -" .11 k.i'oa Ilk I'll IN TIM tltonalv asartflan a. " llliea , 1 1 ;. N ,f t Uk.g.