uwjslji mutr Iffit.MisoTo. Charlotte and Rutuer- iKP KAlt.ttOAD ') lern that It Wetftil.g I tlie- PireotoTS oi "ii-..8.vu, v,u... I . .nd Rutherford Railroad Company, was I week in Wilmington, the report of , ....ilinf the utilavovoraulu stata or ma '' i fr i ho lact I h res month the eoa- ?' 3(lll hove pushed forward tbeir work f'J, unu.ual energy under tho oirtum. I 'further learn thai, at the. urgent fa 1 (1 0f ihe director from Uuion, contract niil county were oiaercu io dc :i oat at I )j,.r day as. practicable, provided said V wr M d iho Chairman, of the County I rCi"r I u,t of L'l inn dituied It .ipa.Jl.Ut. I U'a ai "I1,0 prwl'linl to learn, that the .... i i. , il, rrrj Ior a liwi.cn u. u,..m.u ..urn ...e ....iu . to tliia place Waa ordered, t h n bring- Ii lB ; ,. ., ry I . tl.a roaa aim me iip mi t , J rviiUt!. n(1 j;vlli aotirt aaliafaction to ir people. ' . I Iron aufliclent for ilia road to Rocking- t.... haa tieen purcliaaed. 4 track Uyinc, 1, ,1,0,1-l.t. will bc.il teit moi.lbi and! n liio.i , , , . ,, , i.h ia the aiaieor ine wora mai mere win; i no ('eterition to that place hoooniotivea, ! I. kin nnrKliKcrl anrl it i t T . Il f'"i :!. . I.. ...I.- !,. .I.l.il. .J tl.. I ti ItT-c will e hnrn Irom the talley ol , I I'uiJ !).'. Wrt'rs'ioro AigW. . . I I i tl . i.l I fine H THE " OOPR tn 1 hnraday laat ( 1 i,f , roVe out near tlie Steam Saw Mill cn I 1 pa' etteeille and Albemarle I'lauk Hoad, 1 i ii n ilea from town abicll ra.'ed with ,. ot I. li ne" irom town, auic i rm , uu i i fairy inl about I A.M.uii I li-Jaj, When j, arrcrli d, liiug del roved about Jl,- a it Tirpetitit" bnxta, a larpe talent of 1 limber, c0., on neveral plantationa. ' ' , . , i .k., i I,.,. . J P in J ' high "! h droupbt had ao ; ;,,! Ihe leavia at to "' &re apread , . i V in town all il.e afternoon, aeeming to 1 ,. i I, ,t a abort distances off. I lie acene re- i . A the memorable "Jl'lh Of April I'sATi, . n aiib a aimilar droucbt and hi.'b winda, I . . ,u.. ...... e.,1. t i,r worth of prop:iy, i:.c!u'iiD) dai ! I . apd in oiho iiiatancea every boue up. i' II. i.tatioil were aepi away. in inn . j ,.,,.r we uuderatanJ tbat no hoote baa tan : I -n 1-L.iijt. (, J tf utr.-rcr re Minn Mel'lirraon, Mr. ! I l'inr.oii. Mr. Owen and prol.ably otbera. i. . 'I vi.'e O'lt'rvrr, April 25. i 1 f I I.ATl.t rni'M CAI.iriiM.MA Tb ateamer i , ....a Irnm Apiiiwall brinja Iroru Call 5 ma 81 " jn.lKMI in ap-cin. J V lr.ii.ii e artl.qufke bad dettrojed a great 1 1 i of lb- nt v o! U in.), lo-a ctimated at il ,(i ; fi,i 00 In ia are auppon d lo bare f iTk of lb .American Consulate at Jipar--. baa been lorribly tu'ered by a , an 1 trie lot.sui nnprinne.i. :tri!;;iiiis,IJ.ii.iiiis.lJ:ir(ir:iiiis! .i.-k of MILLINERY GOOD-! a I ft. c.i.ai.ti.r of Il.e l.le.l al ' lln't. inf.inl lliii. Iliinp Skiilt, Hrfti li.iu:i.ihf. 5i I . i inra tl kr rr h i t f, ( l iliir If., i Mra. ( I A U LKY it WIN! I.K. ; ,,3, fit l j Xi licc to C';u pcr.tci r l'llAl ill I- neil I.l Tu J Sut t mg i leia I'l.oae ii :. irtre n.e I . oil II ..nllael l..r the Job c. II ..ctle i. ..f tie (.nail r.orl.tlerk. Pr. .eft with Mr. i.e.,1 W.M. MAXWELL, Chum. l.) 1E1V 1IARBLE YABI1. II, ('.MALCOLM Tl Al. M AIilU Kl t l I PH. re.prclf.,1 .of rfina (e put. .e, I ii.. I he Laa , lied a .i a it iti.i: v v if i) : l ie l n Itol.1, a here he ia rte"red .ii. ...ee. ail'. de..a.en lor MoNl MI..S I S, l.MI MllNI.V. I API E TOP.-, and all l.ia'1 I "f n I... Mirkl, I. .i.e. of e.lo.r IMI'DK I'. t ' II Al lN or AMERICAN l W! I IE, .uinrnl. bl hi. Ii he r.. n IMPOST. I - H..O e r-i. .. I II. ..iiltl be h.pi y to lveaT', In c.l nd j-, roc.e in the III-., al all. nimn Is put. i M .i.un.enla. tc, 'a.y, ,!. 3, If.'i 'J' Ve VVV. ...v; V Y'5' (U'lVotUM. 1 S Artni m.lr.tor .if Ihe EsU tc of A J Aleun. t. .ir, ,i,e'd, I will .ell in the Town nf Cbsr- S..iur.iay 21.1 M .y I he pi it la l. lie. .rihChar!. It In h II" ie ia and all oil.. , 1 a vie made knoa i.ng 2-11 . i.l I. a'.. iv II... k Dacinng If. ary Building all in good r. d a .l.r in the yarn Ter Hi.td.y. v'v5, itJ.".ri. DAN ALEX ANI'KU. tin i Ilenl Itale fur Sale. I kN 'I u.Ml .jr nf the rnann.g Superior Court I ' H I" the hlvheat bidder, the r. m il g i I Uliai.h 1 nortion ol Ihe Aa llotii la.la. j A er..i,i j tears will given. 1 '"a aiUw.ll take place al William's t orncr be. wn i and 9 P. M I UUH'S IIARlUMiKR. i '"y 3. 18..J. ,IUr I To riantcrs, d I'TTON GINS, nf the best qualiiy. with 10 ""h ftel.vered al any Railroad Ln- iaui B f' aw- For parliculara j J. M. ELLIOT. W inaboro", 8. C. Clf s 1 I llrna a warded a( lb Sifna., Mn I r. "ber it in K. L'W'KXAS for aaJ at tbia office. CONSIGNEES riB CHARLOTTE AND 8. C. BAIL ROAD, FROM THE 2-TH APRIL TO THE 2D MAY. ""P" . Don,I P J. Harper Si Son 8 packages, J. YV McEN Michel 1 pkge, Craiga Infer 1 plta. -e-- - - Sprctul Nuiiiti. iVf ri I'si.i, Considering the vuiinue forms in which lliii Hi. inn ill vctnpi s Mai If, il may wi ll Le calico "by. lirn Ili-Hllid." Ill ils train follow lndiaveation. I'uin. ia titimmn, Hraiu urn, Hni-i limiti, l oitxvem m, I'drt, Aiidity Oiimicn -Jttr baling, Jovndice, ' "'"'"'V. n "J bittin.,. 1,M. ,,''' t imixidla, Aa. Some ot the toret nun !, our land hate give,? th. ir writic, cn tlicU a r.laiuo t.i ti i........ i.;i i..u - v . .............. Irufii i In r iuict-, i uiWii ti. I ipimtn knn volunta rxirrau.na In mi pi m n wi.u ure avrrrc In are , irl Mr),.,,lv ,.VPr hilmn g. Krad ttm luliowmg Ir. in a l i i.ly n aprrinble ( l.rr)man : EaaT Taukton, Him , F. H. 9, 1858. Tn I'-'l't"' " I'mili nu M.rrnr, Sir : tiiiamawD Bmia - Knr ,n,.re il,,n tw.nty- n ve rra I lime turn a .u(l. n r from the dyp p. jj, fir, uvm He natunce ol my tmniiy pi.yniciuna in li.e i.ln...a uailri-a Irinl nt ilxirvii. n.l.a nre. i....na, I h Irieil a great auric ty of eim-a w.iii a aimili.r remit. Tliroujli I'a'eni Ol .... L ... ........ ... .u ..l.u.....n I f..pM.t.f a.l M.,rclli i.jIC d. a. n l.nlca..l ll.a OXYGEN AT. :i HITTEItS. I b. gan !.. u.e Dun. willmul any l....e ol iirna.ng I.. lp fr.-io ihrm. H. n.j deler. Mimed :o giv ti.eni a fuir trial I eonlinu.d their bul ,.,,, p,r,,i,bl. benefit till Jane. A...r ti.vn I h.ae gradually img.iutrd in he. Ho liil I m i nlirely fire In ni -rinily of the u,incl., "ml '',r ennnqnent fl .lolrnry, and Ihe awlnl i ,,,,.,,,,..,., g r ,.a1,r,e. wlnel. H. n f f ()m llutli,rl illlU) u.fiucd n e for aiu.y ,,( (r lt ,,, mi,,,,!, rlu dull, a, and rcndeivl ' lu bur.l. n. I f l thai I e it, "a an tinrea- ' aion ol graiitude Mc-a.ia. Fi.wie ill . and Uo I a du'y lo lla public, to h cuinim nu their t ayje. I n.llr,(t. , ,.,.. . .ui. reme... ,, ,., (r1g, .i x,.g, and cruel ..fail If. n d ao long, and tried to I I Willi horouil rceult, I Can I ' '" rer..ii.r.i. n.l Hi.- Ojyc l)lore u w .,. r1, .nii d lliii. ia ill. a coofi. Il any of Iht readcra of , Mr..r an: autt. r.nc. I b.g of litem l tn.l of tin ac IlilUra vnhout ntuy. JAMKSU (I'SIIIXG Pi.p.red l T H W .. Iu by E. N)i, flu FilrtI.Ei chia.n. ii . o. O , lloaloi hari.-lle. rrfn.rr Pro! fn.K i Pi.n!Hiir i:ured by ( waliHrra ; ng l...t , and Agl lit l.ke a .i..er.t he n.y I prr-aimt.-ei, and llien f. r.- diaiii. ' bed ti. gie any er...ii- ill. m.on l. buu.ia. , - i a l u-.l. ii I" l.'i. -elf end a h.n.len to l.:a .nd., who .rr worn oil in ...... n-'ermg to a a.i.l.. Tl. a in.i,.. i, ..f ll.ou.mo a in ei. .n. runniry. It ia no . I iff .l...i. to aay i.l Fe.er Mi l A-ne kil.i n-.re jM.-pIr Ili.b i y ' etily oil., r .. .e-.r in An rtin. p. r a aure and n. y e. f ii... lemhie i-ill i et '.in, we la k e '. ,.I ,.ie..f.. i.i n-...i no i. g M! IH ISS I ET. 1 'I I. US Ml'M ( II HIT! r lis. bare rap.d a , pr-atl rrall. reiiul.. il l.y li.l Era. t.y Uruggi an., bt k. : m.d d.tl Hot. h. A f, I. iic, N. . bus: wiiissi.ex:: miiunth nrs: : l"ac my I kcuhiI. al.il ) ran have a hteuti ful (.iir of llM,ieil. a no Mnurlmrlf. Ih,tk ao m-d Uttriunt, nith'n Six Wtttt. uhtir Ottt vti ix r.'.eli, arrre lr areie ' t-f a. ilvtn oi it'jmu tlt aim if ly ri 1. 1 p. r lie at nl tu any p.rt of the SI.. I. a. Ad.tre.l I JOHN M. KAL'NDKP.S. 1 If.J Third Sire. I, Neat Y..ra Cily. "1 k-2), leil 2 UJ J E I. KKKKIM.V, lltKMAS L. LEIIIQ KI.CIMXIN A. 1,1.11)1 I M PUR I EltS Foreign end Lrmestlc Dry Goods, MHuLESaLE AND RETAIL, na.ri mm, iki no .a raoB kiso, II tit 1.1 ll a April".'-, 59. 7-1 iii:i)-(H'AiiTi;ns Fer Ficlh Coeds ;;1 Low 1'iiccs. E I. .. ve jut i )ll. I cn.d our NEW ST! K K of: ll S Hill III - r .iill, i ll.a lo!l.. n. g oe...a i j """ at f Eirh Clark m:d latiry fnlitrtd SILK'S. Double i iiiipTini mu, kUK lrll 11.1 1, KULT us iu B:fii:r, Orsii'ilir, lulnis ac. We have lec.ind ti.e large. t .lock of Ladles 1 limned ar.d Unliinimed 150XXKTS, lo I e found in Ihe mark. I and at loaer prices. W e h.ve a great no.ny French Fit. wets Ribbons and Ruches. We l.sie a g.eal many new ti inga in Eo broi dei.d Jack it ai.e S..a F oiu.fii.g., E.ljjings ami In., il.og, l.'eal 'l bread E.lg.ngao.i In., ilil.g. Pick N-ca am. d.dlii. t.a Paia.ia. Fai.a and ev ery kind aod style of f .l.Vt' Yuiul st.ivi.i: IUV (iOUDS. We Inve r e-ived 301 MANTILLAS, ,-lc an.l qU i.tv D.iii.r alily, v.ryn g in puce i On. I.. T. ffi i,,t shairls A' .yjnulilliis. L.i e., v, u sl.oiii. nil ..nd ie our stuck buying. I..r i M .l.liii-a ao.l l.aee Pi.ir.le, be n.i know fr.lll.U :.-ieaa v.ricly. n. any thing you m w.ll nt you have II , f..r prn i at youi W. have a great Variety ol OHIlw ii ml T lkM I t in very alyle, for trinm.i.g L dies I'raveiiiug lheaaca anu Dusters. lie. Ml lliixi. it sail llooi fVklrla of cvrrjr kind and style, varying in price fiom 75 r. nla to r .ve Dollars. I. AIM I.H' 4KaI'.T in great inri.lv snd somrll.iog eniicely new. Our slock ot Goods aa acleetca ailli great care aud mil he a.od at al.oit profila. You sin old call and t i-.u. me c-ur atock before Inlying claea hcrc.aa we will lake great plcaaare In alum .0:' you our G.mhis, aud we w ill oiler V"ii in duceinenis U buy fnnn ua, and show you Iht pr.it. (si atoi-Iv ol GihiiIb to be h v.nd iu Una mar. kit We will orT. r gicil.r imlucciiunta ..r tA. 1 I We h.ve inane a rrangemi l-la North ao thai we lil bo r Celling New ti.i'ala .very week. EUOWN Si ST ITT. A;ri. I!). H.-,D. IS t liai lulu- MiiIii.iI l ii f I Ms.ur. jut i'ini:iit. j . HIS COM TAN Y c.utii.u.s to take risks a. gainst loss b) fire, nil llouai S, (iood Pro- uuce, A c , al usual rati a. 1 r Oilier l lbs Drug St of E. Ny. Hulclii- a. in A Co orricEns. A. 0. ST K ELK, I'rrudtut. C. OVERMAN, !' J'rni.lrtit. E. N VE II UTCI 1 1 SON , .Vc'y. 4 T, eat't . I) I UK. TtUtrl. A. C. STEELE, J. L. EROWN', M. H TAVLOR, S. T. WHLSI'ON", C. OVERMAN. I'- SCARR, W.M. JOHNSTON. JuHN L Hin'WN, F. ScAita and 8. T. Whiston, l'jrtutive Coinmitltt. Apitl 26, IM.'3. 7tf TAMS. rpJIIIE Tax I.iats for Ihe )esr I85rlar now in i my henna for inspection. Those lishle to a.v Taxes will please eonir forward and seitl. i 7 K.C. GUIEll, Sheriff. JfrUlt.lSM. M ArriTili at the Dob ft. MANSION HOUSE VV. W. Elm. rrnpii'lor. April 25 J P Lee. R C Dell, T J Caldwell. J Poll.. I Richards, 8 E Wallace, J Kohinanii, J W Pi - .m Tobisch, E Hawser. J Tally. J Kc iv. ll. J D.x. n. J A WiIm.ii. A Wils. A M'hvic, J D..i. t: f irim ntfr, W C Muini-i, 1 T Mi rry wisithi r, U Ciilrinan, T J Hunmer, M A Wallurr, K II llilluiiri, I) A Ciliiwrll J D Itobrrl. ln, U W Il.uika.G W Walker, K Everill, N Kuiiili, Miaa K(-nlt. April 6. J I, Urirr. Dr S J..lin1nn, W W Pe. trnm, I ii I.. mr, J (' Snipp. I CuIlIwcII, K A Mi Kre. K I Uuvtuaiiii, U K U W illiuinaori, Alita Emilia, Mia Caroline ifi'ii l.nniaa, I.a IMilv l.ilaa, and Hi I in, Mr U Vul:.cu, b ltr..wn, Mr Ambroa, Mr J hitii!(r,W A r linn.Ur J .lii.aimi.M S..iu. plr. G Grn, Mr and Mra S Iiic"ka anil pr'y, J W M.H.re, W C J.ilinaU.u, T J C. (T.-y, P t: Tim. lima, i: It Fuinia, W Mfmlnra, W 10 Puwir. 15 I'aiiiiion, J II r n imth, mr . ii',i. , j p.jl;1(nrl , r Wriulit.Mi ijjht.Mr Ulunkinaliip, Mra U Anil. miy. Dr A Al Al.nl 2" J P PalUrmn. G W ptinn.n, J Sen. fii:l.l,li W Walker, J H' Murrnw, A M. w.ird. J llo..in.i.n,J H Kii'i, Mr IViia.m. H'ni T Slitt. Ir (J Sun S ll..rri, K U'..lura, Mr titrphen, I) M Lei, A II Pi.i.!. p, Mr ll..r.i, P '1'if. Mr Kin.pnn, S II Kin a, C Dnnnrur and wife, Miaa ( leain, l A U. i. n. II )..rlinr, and l.idy, f..n ('..linian. I) A Dinia, M Mytra.lt M O.Ua.J It (i.hri, nr il 38. M P D..l.y, I. J j!ricr. J G Fl G W Annrcwa, I) 8 C". IT. y. J A IV lute J P Pat. fr,n. II P ll,,l.ini...rlli.'Lt H"('rnland, T Ml, i r i.... I.' !...,. U M 11 , ,-p. IV II Wuhera. N Jm.ra, Jl.m W A Grul.om.J Ptur..n, s K I'laylnn, J En.iry. Dr Mina-n, P A Stockton, g ct, ton, AT K i'milli. Mra Lurance and P,re f Myrra. A, jjij Lp Cnrr, Ii Gi.dd, A Byera.J II D..i.. p A rn J W II. J M tSirong, L Dinkii.a, N (,fi h m, (r, I) M.Ghce, A llarria, I. L Craw. Cy 'i,oina, ,W Murd.ick, i Ulinr. K K Chap. ,, W G n, .V Myera. J A. lcllin. H' .il.b. il. April 30 W A Slo.e, J J El.nr., Mr Alin.on, J N Alrr.r.d. r, M A Eownnia J S Tlnjir. and wlr- u (, ,,,,, v p M'uria, W llinton, S C Kaok.n, (' J Taylor, and 3 wivanle, f- llrmgic, J (h..d. J R Dmiel, anil Iniiv.S A' P.e. J I tiark, A i..wki, ...n.i Ind v, (i.V. ndli.nl, M r C.rbMt, I) J, i,ii,, A K ."ey, N Nea.:e, D Kabn. May I. J Rannrker, V C Thomaa, SilWr, J P C lurk, Y My.ra. CHARLOTTE IIOTEI J B Kxaa. Proprietor. April 25 J Mend, J M II .nderaon. M MGraae., J Wail. n. G M Aoan.a. J IV J. Ii. If. f , II H Smiih.J II Wnh. r.p.n, W Anglin. P T Murray, II M Allie-n. II N Fin.aon, J K Gill.ap.c, T E Poiia. E P Hall, It A Km i. I!, Mra E II uteliiann. It I) M.Kiie. B A Rn.a.J N Alexander. G W ( n.ii, A Aleiano, r, W W H it. C T Al. x .nder, T Itox. fell, S J Iiar.e, VV T Ah Hinder, M Aitx .tlo. r, It B Maitm, W K Iteid, A H llrnwn. J M lllll. l.l. mn. T It Tale, and faniilt.K I) XI. r. m LlUV, I, Sh.nipoc k, S .Mi.Kcyn.il.'a. I'r I, A Alexander, ) y Jon. a, E Amoli, W II W.ller.iy, M Albright, w A II..urh, K P llama. H Fvln.a. C Uurnitt, ; ; Howard, J K CI J.J II Q.iary. Ann! 26 A W ( h.ek. E II A... H. J M Wallace, y M M .ll.ea, Mr. P Ro... S A D.ti, T Ivaeli. ,,, T J Gr.er. I) U'lnte I. It Knmmia-er, A t: .sv. tl, A G .V ol, W Calnwel , l I. T-rreece, IV L -J ,,,,,, , ; f hephe.d. J .V In n, J Mornaon, T Rue. R A !! -. F M J..l.i.ai..n. and .v.al. r, H' It ('... er.n, IV Kn. x, IV A CMie.p .c, IV Vull..c , an i La.ly, J N Ro.a. .M.aa, J IVil-on C mic, U l(ia.. ll. II K Held. Gen IV N. al, A Grier, J Walker, II IV Stn.aon, T P (Jrier. J It Pti .rr, J M .Hri.,M,n S A f rria. J V .try. P C Ahuford. A M. Kinley.G L H Hi. T La.aiu r. M A !iy, P Vii.derl.org. i T MrC..ii y, A It ll. nicaley, J ' Ka!:a.(- A . In. a, G I . nda. B IV .Vi. ana, C llnngle, J M 'J ehran. J IV Melo.ff. v. A Fowlka, M E Al. lander. E nel....lt E( oehran.J Haw. k.na, J It.eae, Mra B L Bill, and 2 chntien, It II &mith. A pnl 27 J J Braoberrr. Sl.ariv.ro. IV IV Pun., T iunler, A C Fin er. J B Gille.pie. V T All x .nd. r, J J Alixniu'er. J M Molt. F I) Fur giK.n, J M Poite, A A Kennedy, W Gray, IV Lit. He, J 1. Gladden, end L .dy.S ,McR. ynolde, J F I. II. IVin Tavlor. U F J .ne., T It T-te, J M Stah..r A;.nl 2 C Taylor, IV Evana, Summit, r I Miirrav, N Hoyden. J T K Be!k, and daughter, J M lluUlnaon, A J l.wrie. F A Erwin. Ir K D H illian.p. n, .. 1 M Pnlia.G il Fonda. J &' Lt.una, ' Ap.lh. R A 1 ooalaii, J S Hick.. A MePoUglr. G ,M Adam.. .S Mrera. CA llelma, P A Br. wo. K lliijfhra. M M .tn . J K .I'len. R II Smith, Rt .? Lander, IV r I num. B F FraN-y.'l WA.nr ro,f; F St phiro, U G iexand.r, J IV Miliaf. fey. W II M-.-L.an. and April 2'J J F Abrrnnthe, J M .1 leu nder. J A Luini, ai d lade. Mi. a Shu'. Y I. WU.I I. T..r. r. nee, Miaa N ' Torrei.ee, A' ' l orrenee, J Fro n. h.rger, Be W Martin. A Ctulaon. H'R Merw.n, Il F Jon... J H U'llleroy. 4 Graf, nd la.iy, Wm TayVr, IV l.ntle. A'MeRevr ..Id.. IV II rnialroi.g, J C II lid.J P M. berry, l If ll-.k.r, All A'.i.ilii. I o! J M Potta, A Grier, IV K Reid, J Pheii.n, A II Mi. an. I ml )(). G II Cardie, J ("Wo., Mr. M Owcna, A (;. on. J P .V ' n I, M K f. ke, E m 7miU 7 lo-'r: jr,,u. ' M v I I' T M jrrav. J V. At. It, aim lady, C C II. ...ier son, J C Li.lc, M Liale. and son, Jl.n E Biown. HUT iNOT LKaST! Tf. a E have rrceived our unuaual large slock 1 1 i.r ii nri. aj (, k,""f"f,,' III!) I,llllll. asfcl V.. 'w J i-. LSI U ., It I lloolw V ln , llnla, ( ii, AM) STK.IW (iOOl)S, and all kind, of gooda uauallv kept in Store, all of ahich lure been carefully acle'tcd nl.d Mill be ...Id aa cheap a. the rl'Capest. We hope thai peraoila wiahlt.g to bliv goods will favor ua Willi a c.l! before buying e . ml. ere, as we aie ditir niin.d not to be undersold. We invite tin- attention of wlml.aale buvera. 15ROVVN i STMT. April 10, K.19. t Louric's Mills, S, C, 1 ESSliS. OATES & W 1I.I.IA.MS are my su. Afl ll.or.ird ligima lor Il.e sale ot lumln-r at l nariolle, N. C All orders delitercd to tl.etu w ill meet will, prompt attention. SOL. LOURIC. April 12, Ic59. Ill Land lor Sale. MIE suhaciihcr, biing deairous to remove from Ihe euunlry, oilers for ante the I'hin. utu.n on wlueli she now r ai.iea, lung 4 miles Irom Charlotte, on l lie W estern Plana Road, cm (ainll.g 50 rerea. Tne laud IS of good quality F..r p-irticuLra, enquire of llie subscriber ou the premiaes. Mrs. A. W. STEVENSON. April 12, 185. 4tf Notice. a LL er.oi.a indebted to us for Ihe last quar. 2. ler need not expect lo buy Goods from us any longer on a ereml. We intend lo do a lAree ,mi.' business ; therefore, if you are nidi bu d lo ua for a longer period, cel. and pay,t.,r on the I.l iav of April your credit will atop. 'e positively intend lo enforce the above even W illi our beat Irirnds, and hope no crVence will be taken. UTAH Accounts due for Ins! year tliut sre not paid by tlie Ial of April, will be handed out for eolleelioii. . II. B. WILLIAMS k CO. April 5, 1659. " Pea Meal, 7 E have PEA MEAL for sale st Ihe mill, lor feeding c.ws and other stock. Family Flour Warranted, EHra, Superfine, and eoarae slways on hand, also torn Meal and (""" JOHN WILKES k CO. April 19. IBbO. ATTRACTIVE OPENING OP Spring & Summer Goods, Attractive opening nf Spring- A. Summer Goods it A t(rnc(ivc opining of Spring &. Summer Goods Ht AKraciive opening nt Spring & Summer Goods nf A (tractive npi ning of Spring A. Summer Goods Altruclivc nui-iiihif of Hurinir Fiiinairr Uwxla a. T. II. I5rcm& ( Ws T. II. Brem & Co.'a T. II. I5rcm A Co.'s T. II. Jinni i Co.'a T. II. Krcni 4 Co.'a T. H. 15rem & Co.'a t ALfc AND EXAMINE THE ( all and examine tlie Call and examine the Call and examine the Call and examine tlx ( .11 end examine the SII.K RONSETS, LAI E BOXXETS, fBir BONNETS, ISilk II.. inula, Luce Dnnntle, Chip Ronneta, Silk p.ii.ni ta, Laie lini.nele, I h.p It nil l. Silk ll. i.neia, Late B'-i.i.tl, hip Ih.nni la. Silk l!. i nrla, I. ace llonnele, ( hip Hoi nda, Silk lionnitr, Lice Iioi ncta. Chip D' linrte, MBAW ROWETX SKAPOLITAN BONNETS, Sl.ai Doiincla, Noapolilun llonniU, Siruw IJ.ii.neta, Kei.polilnn Bonnla, Siraw Bonncta, Neapolitan Bonmta, " Straw B-.ni.ete. Neapolitan Knnncte, Sltaw ll. nnc.1", Neapolil. r Bonncta, SI' PER n SII.K POISES. Superb Silk llohea. Superb Silk liobea, Su.erb Silk ttobta, Superb Silk Jd,hea, Supeib blU llobca, MAGNIFICENT TISSUE KOBES, Mag nifiecnt Tieaue Roliea, M .gnifirriil Tutur liottea, M .gnifieint Tiae lioi.ea, Magi.ifie.nl Tieme Itobct, M gmfiwi.l Tiaaue Itobea, Drautiful Otgavdit Unlet Curuallnt Itrragt Rbr, Beauiitul Ore'idie liohea, I m ouald Ik race Robe' Beautiful Org'niiic l.ol.ee. I'm quale Beri.gr Hiihca Beautiful Org nine liobt a. I n-qua Id B. rage Robe Ilea nti ful O l 'iii ie Itobea. L in nu..lil IU raer Hob. Uc.utilul O.g'nnie Itobea, I niqualr Eerngc Itobea t HANTILI Y LAC E MANTLE!, ( liannlly Lace Manlita, ( l.ai.liily Lace .M-l.ili a, ( bantilly Lace Manttra, Chunlilly Luce Mantlia, Chaiililly Lace Manlita, Fr.ENt II LA( E I C1NTS, French I. ce Pointa, Fri neh Li.ee Puinta, 1-renih Lace PmnU, French Lane Poii.la. French Lrc I'on tf. LACE SKITS, COLLARS 4 SLEKVES, Lace Setta, Collars add Sieevel, Lace Sitta, Collar and iSkeve., Lace Setta, Collar and Sleeve, Lace Sitli", Collara and fclteves, .Lace Sena, v-ouare anu c.eeve?, HFKAGF. SHAW l, l RAPE SHAWLS, Bernge Shawle, t'rape ShaWia, B. rage Shawla, I rtpe Shaw!, . Ber-gr Sh.wla, ( rape S.iawle, Bemge Sh .wia, (roSh..l, Beiage Shawla, ( i ai Si. a a EMBROIDERIES Eu.broiderua, EmbrouUriea, Embruiuiric a, Eh. hi older ica, Eiobroj.feritp, CAMBRIC COLLARS and SLEEVES, Cau-bric Collari and Sieevea, Can. brie Collars aud Sleevea, Cambiie Collars and Sleevea, Can.bric Coliara and Sleeve., Cambric Collars and Sleerea, LAI F.CAri,LA( EEERTHAS,LA EITCHL' Li.ce Capca. Lace Bertha., La,ce Fuehu, Lace Capes, Lace Bertliaa, Lace Fuchu, Ld.'eCapia, Lace lie.MI.ae, Lace lucl u, Iace Capes, Laie Berihaa, Late Fuei.u, Lacet apca. Lui-c Bclthaa, Lace Fuihu, IBitbuns Ilrnd Drmrs, Frrr.rb Flowers, : Rihhone. Head Dtcaaes. French lluwers j idi.bons, Iliad Dresaes, Fri neii Mua ere, i It lhlx.li. Head Dr. ss s, h unci. Flowers, i ltil.b.,iis, Iliad Diesaca, En m h Flowers, ! Ribbons, Head Dreasea, I- rei.el, Flowers, PARASOLS, Parasols, Puraola, Paraaola, Para.ola, Parasols, Thirty Spiing ikirt, Thirty Spring Skirt, Thirty. Spring Skirt, Thirty-Spring skirt, Tlnr'y.&vnsg Skirt, I liiriv-Surmg Skill, SANDAL WOOD FANS, Sandal W nofl Fans, Sandal. W'lKiil Fans, (vandal. Wood h-lis, Sand-I AVm Fans, Sandal . W ucd Fai.a, 7'urrety er Spiing Aiirl, 'I'wcnly-luur Spring Skirl, Twenty. luur.Spnng Skirl, , 1 weniy-uiur spring Skirt, Twenty. Inui (niug Skirl, Twenty-four Spring Skirt, L'ONITON SKIRT, Iloniion Skit t, Huiiiloii Skirt, ll.-nili-ii Skirt, Hoiiiloii Skirl, lloniton Skirl, THE CELEBRATED MATTINF.E SKIRT, I he celebrated .Mallincc Sit, The ci lebratrd Mnltin. e Sai.-t, Ti e c. icbrated Matlin.e Sirt, 'I he celebrated Matlmcc Skill, Tlie celebraled MalUnet- Skill, MISSES' HOOP SKIRTS, M.sses' Hoop Skirls, Misses' (loop Si.irts, M. sacs' lb Hip Skills, Miaaea' Hoop Sairts, Misses' Hoop Skirls, A COMTLETESTOl K OF MOVRN1NG GOODS A complete stock of Mourning Goons, A coinniele atock of Mourning Good., A coin p. etc atocit of Mourning Gooes, A complete aloes of Mourning lioods, A cuiiipl.-ie atock ot Mourning G.mus, GENTS' FL liNISIIING GOOD?, ti. nla' Furnishing Good , Gent.' furnishing G.kmjs, NEW STYLE HATS, Gents' Furnishing Goona, New Style Hals, Gents' I urinshiiig Goods, New Sly.e Hals, Gents' Furnishing Gooes, New Mile Hats, New Si ile Hats, March 20, le5!. New St'vle Hats. II li II AWAY V O., W ILMINGION, N. I" , Offer for sale: .'.00 llbda. I Choice New Crop Cardenas MO. . Pierces, LAS5.ES. B..rr.ls choice New Oilcans Syrup. HO Utuis. r uir-lo. choice N. O. Sugara. SiOO Barrela Clarified Sug .ra. otIU H.iga Rio, Laguira, ie( India, and Java I offer. 1.10 K.rrela M. aa and Prime Pork. 'ii llh.ia. W'e.l. rn Bacon, iSi.ies and Shoulder.) aiOU liarrcl. Yellow Plant. ng Potatoes. JIuirA 2i, IS5U. HOr STATE OK NOimi-CAPiOLINA, MKl KLKMH Kll COUNTY. INLiJl Ji y, Call Torn. 1;58. Richard l eoi.lra ami J. B. McLaughlin 1 r JO. B. D.Siser.S.A Duvis nd M ir) M Kiuny. IT apieriug to the aalisiaeiion ol the Court, Hut Bela Sixer, cne of Ihe Defendants in this caae la not an inhabitant ol this Slate, lalArif m Oi dried bf tne ( oaif, thai publication be made lor aix weeks in Ihe N.C. W big. a newspaper pub. Iisliud in Charlotte, N. C, notifying Ibe aaio B. la Sixer, lo be and appear al Ihe next Court of E. quily, lo be held for the County of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the litis Moo. day after lha 4tli Monday in February, llien and there lo answer eompla inants, ur judgment pro conlrsao will be taken aa tu him. W itness, D. R. Dunlap clerk and master in E. quily Hie II Hi .Monday alter the 4 Hi Monday iu August, A D. IK '- I). II. PUN LAP, c. Si m. t. .Ware 15. 1859. Pre. f.e $6. 16 WITNESS TICKETS, for the County and Superior Court, for aale bera. SCARR & COr CHEMISTS ASD DRVGaiWJlZ ClIilKlaOE ri., il. C, liuiclnann A. o., I lieurlily commend lliein ae my 'pj it ESPEl rLLLY eall, the attun.awcceea..r to the confidence and pationage of a 19 to.n of Phyiciuns, Planter., C'nun. n. nerona nnhhe, for wlir.ae kind and liberal aAp. try Mcrchanfs. Ae., to t'.eir large and curefally ee fee ted Stock ofDKlGS. TO PHYSICIANS. Ht. Churchill's New Remedies for e.inauiiiptiai lly pophosfihitea of Soda ol Pot.iah. A I.80 Compound Syrup of the Hy poplinaphites. Wfimt' Hair Ilolorttiivr. A freali aupply of tliia valuable preparation for the Hair. LINSEFO OIL TRAIN OIL pi.'iir nir. WINTER LARD OIL. ALKO No I Copnl VARNISH .. a .. 3 Fine Damar Conch " ' Jupan Leather " Are. GARDEN SEEDS. AH tlie choice varielie. of Garden Seeds. Peaa Bennv. Beeta, C ahbage. Parsnips, &c. Asparagus H, liliitb.-tib or Viv I'I.iiiIm, WITH CLOVMt, lll.lr: Git ASS, M!CIIAni) Ult lM Ar. Jan. 4, 859. 43lf TILI)K'S Fluid Extracts. Sf'ARR & CO. call tl-e atlenlion of tlie Medical Pri.feraii.n to these elegant preparations ao ai:nn rahlv emleil for Iho exteinporaiie.ria preparation ol Tini iures, Syrups, inea, Ac. accuring the dc. air ible object ol uniformity nf strength. No Pliyicmi. should be without them. SCARU & CO.'S DRUG STORE, Charlotte. Window Glass, I'M if, U liilin?, ( hall., Ac, Low for caah, at SCAR It k CO.', Drifgiits. New Watches, Jewelry, PLATI D H A It F. nf...k H W. Beck ill lias in-l received al Ins Slore, j Erj. St re, Id d..or East ol Driicker 4 Ileilbrun'a . new siipplv of i:GI.IMl AND A.HiniCA.N WATCHES, wilh nrw and tfnjirivtd ijtcut cuoet-; ! Fine Jewelry of ail kinds, snd also a supply el Plated Ware, of the TH-it kmH, fill of whirl, l.e cflVr-. to tlt ptil tic ot vrry low prices for cash, ( lid txniune in y Gruds. K. W. BECK WITH. Ftbinary I, 18;'.!). 47ll CLOTHING EMPOHIUM. i u roitTA vr xi'i'Cii-:. gjElT KNOWN generally llial we are eel. MP ling off our Siock ol READY MADE I LO. IHING, H RNTSIIING GOODS, Ac., at con ai.ierahly REUl't ED KATES in order to prepare for the Spring and Sun. no r Truce; bo our l'ISIE.VDS Will c. me forward snd avail themselves of Ihe rare op"irtnnily of supplying their wania out of our spleiniid slock nf I loih, Csator beaver, Hud son Bay Fur, Tiecot Casaunere and S.-ai-skin O. ver-sacks, Kaglaua and Pricks ; also.all grades of Saltil.el and C.m.ii.cie Business Coats, at lias prices ll all you PAY At onjroth.r !Io,.i.f in tle Stntt?. Otir dv;inla fur f Ititigr Gi'OPS aud Keep! 05 up the utt-ck arc utn qtitiilt'd, nit it in well. know it tlirouphout the rouiilry, Unict e tirt-ni it uniifcr pnary to rr. icre thtni, but will insure jou lint juu wil 1- tu youi: Inter.-. I to call and examine our stuck before l-n v ing elsewhere. You will a ho find at the Clothing Emporium quite su extensive stock of all qualities of liliick iind Fancy (.'asHinerc Pauls, ISIai'L Mil. :u:il i:itiii Vol-, I'iiury W lvrt i ttsssiuure tlo ; ai so a vasiftt or rUUMMII.M. (-OOI)S, Or.KTS AND LADIES' Trunks, Iisf s, 1 arint Hags, lioiit. Mini liot', and muny thing, too tedioua lo take an ACCOUNT ( f, that are ilwayi fuund in a Grntu Farnisliing tloilMe. We relurn our ninrrre lh;nki to our friends frr tlicir kiatinrci nnd jitjlron igt- 1H)K ISoH , Anj WP hope by att.nliou to business and keep. u.g H e best and cheapest .lock ol CLOTHING in lbs Suie, lo nieril a cm. In, u nice ol Ihe same lor l-wir. FULLING S, SPRINGS &C0. umiary 25, IS5D. 4Btf Atlantic EiUTDAL and FIRE Insurance Company, iliolimi il), "., Incorporated iy an Art vf the Legit'mtait of Xorth CmiuUnii. f BlIIIS Company being duly organized, is now Ja prtparod to receive appiiciiiona for inaur. ance upon EUILDINGS, HERCHAKEISE, I'm I ;i I.-, .Mi IN, .11 ii ii ii Li-1 oi It-a, 'Mill's AMI IIII1K t AltGOES and most kinJa of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed, in the orgnnit..tion of this Con. pa. ny.to make a sale medium for Indi mniij am: '"rotccli.iu to the ussured in c-iae of L..sa. Ao honorable and upright Couise ol uealing, and s t'.. 1 1 1. In I lullilmsni nf its contracts, ill at ail linn a characterise tlie buaineaa of the Company. Applications for Insurance nmy b.- made al Ihe oflice ol (In Company, or lo it autlio.-lsed Agents. DlKECTOltS. A. Parrot, T. Ogh by, William S Long. Divia W lell, A. B. Chapm, Sallill. 1 L-ft'.rs. J.nl II. Davis. D. A 'largelt, E. M Jill (I. VV . It. G I) vid S Jones, (ie... W. Dill, Col. TLos. J. Blaktley l.uka Bmckuian, OFFICERS. John A. ParroK, Prrsid.-nl. Levi T. Ogle.by, Vice Presidenl, W.S. Long, Treasurer, E. A. Thompson, Attorney. A. B. Chapm. Sccrelary. W . 11. G r.io I, 1 W. S. la.ng. EXEl I'TIVE COMMITTEE. Hand W. 11,11, S Mi(h 15, IC53. 6m-ll5S .oiiii: 13 hereby given to all F..X huntera saaf tthtrt, who are in (be habi( nf (hrowing down my lences. riding Ihrough my licl.ls, or otherwise Ires- passing on my lan.i, i w e. 17 .u.iance, proaicule (heiii for lha penally given by law. CH AS. E- BELL. Muri 95, r30 tr (t A Card. I ot in vc 1 1 hilhirlo, I am and ahull ever be truly eriilclul. II. M. PKlTCIIARD. Charlo'tt, Octohtr 19, IS5et. NEVFIRIVI. Pr. K. Nu Ilulchiscn k i'oy iwflRI 1 piircha.e.l ol iaae.1 ofgf&tojf Df.ILM.Priti-hard.il S.CIIE. Wfl ALM'IS, 4&JJi entire-t"ck of DRI C-S, Mil AI.S. tt-I lis. PALM'l' &c. n-..ee eiifnlly call tlicatt. nlionof ti.epub. he lo Ihe fa it, tfrat lirey will erry Who!'t;tU' & Rrtiiil lrn? Bnsiiipss. 1 at Irwin'. Corner, wliero nicy ure receiving in an. to their i-rcaent atock, ft largo aaaorimeni of fresh snd gci uine Relief for Itl.eun.at.i iii, !A(iI( on. , Sold only by E Nye Hniehiaon . Co, OILS. Pure Sperm. Whale, Sea EL r.hnnt, ?. Lnrd ; anu Machinery. Tanner'. Oil, l.inacec Oil at ma. nu'uctnri r's prices. VARNISHED. Coach, No. I and 2, lin. Enghh K.niahin?, Fur niture, ( opal, extra. No I nnd 2. I. PI el ure and m.ir and while Copal, Ate, Japan, black nd brown. PAINTS. Pure White LEAD in Oil, by Ihe lb or Ion. Snow while Zinc, I limine Gre. nc, t hroine Yi 1 low, Puns Grrene, burnt and raw L'mb.-i, Paint Brual'ea, & c, & e. WINDOW (.LASS. Largs casmtnient of French and American, from x Id to 3D by 40, Putty in cans, Pure Ilurning Fluid, Alcohol and Spta Turpentine, by gallon or hrri, French, Eiifiish and German PEKFTMEKY. Toihl C. n.l.a and Brushes and tter nine gne. Medical and Surgical IN ST It I'M F.N TS, Pure W INES and BRANDY, (French) for inedi c.l .urp,..e., Fnal Coi jr. -a. Water by Ihe bollli or b x. I'll re Kerosene .,nd a large vnriety of KeroFcr.e Lrn p, for aile by E Nye llutihia. n A Cn. al-SO Churchill's prcparati. n "I the II ri i l'cv hitrs for ! il.e cure nf t ( "iNSl'.V.PTK 'N. I Feoruarv 1. Ic5. 47 tf 'J O RE FOUND AT j:m vi a m .M i'U's N ASSORTMENT of WOOD A. WILLOW W ARE, Low lor CASH. I Door Ei.( of Ihe Cour( House, HOUSTON k HUNTER. (hailotte, Orf. i6. le;if. 33tf I KI HI AKIilYAI. ?!' COSFKCTIOKAUIKS. iiorsi on lV iu'Mfi? IHA! j"" received a fresh aupplj i f CAN- ill DIES, ol all kinds, uiso Citron, (iirranls, kaisins, F.gs. and s varutv f Nuis. Call at HOUSTON cV 111 NTER'S, I D.'or East ot the Court House. Charlotte, Oct. 16 33lf I vi i.yi:m. iV iiovi;, (lutt Slrvtnin, Bnwrn V Nrvnntl ) hnvr a'ciu Icd iih thrni IUNII'L M. ZIMMi;UMX, formerly ol' Linrolnion, N. t'.. ur.ti rrinovrd t llit argv rlorr fso dJ Nurth 3rd ot., b' lwcti. M rh anu Arch. tirre ll.vy will coiitn.ut- liw tviiolt n DR. (.00 i:tIMS Willi an increased stock. rkiladelplna, Itb. 7, Icitf. tlS-Cinr WASHINGTON HOTEL (CHANGE or PROPHUTOHS ) BltO.VDS'l ItEI T M.MIIEKN, N.C, JOHN F. JOKES, Proprietor. rBtllE Vniiersigned ri sp.-etfuhy ui.n. unces to JL the travelling pul.lie, thai l.e haa take, chaige of tins old aim popular esluhliahmci.t, aud is now prepared to accou.iiiniiatc tra.cicrsand pri vate l.miilies wilh board by Il.e uay or iimi.ll., on the most aceomirodalilig la l Ills. Ilia TABLE will aiw..va bt- fuiiiisind wuh (lie beat provisions tl.at home anu foreign markila can afford. The Wliallillgtnil Ilnli-I has large r.Hiiiia, is ne;.rer Ihe uea.t, Ihe Courl-l.ouse, anil the business uncla than any other in the city. An Onmiius will alwava be u( thu depot and lanuilig, on the arrival ol Ihe cars ami steamboat, in convey passengers to the Hotel tree of charge. Ky Slopping ai ...is 1....C, pa.se..gi. w... an. pie time (o ohUtn ineah Having sleo a large and coniinoeious Stable, aud an excellent Osiier, he is luily pn pareu lo board horses by the day, week or niontu at the must reasonable ralea. JOHN. I'. JONES. ,1nrcA 1, 1859. 61 li STATE OF NOUTI1-CAUOL1NA, ME0KLKM11BG COVNTV. Court of J lens and (Jiiuitcr &tssionl J.in- unry Termt l;5t). E. P. Blankinalnp J t. n Original Atlacl nici t. John A. Cooper. S Levied in the hnnds of Samuel I.. IJ.wvrr, and lliui summoned aa Garnish, e. ST appesring (o the satisfaction of the Court, that John A.Cca..er, the iii 'endan( in this cai-e, is not an in ha Sua lit oi this Stale, bill rcaiees beyond llie limits of the .allic. is Onrrerf ly ti t Court, that publication be made lo the N.C. W nig, a newspnper published .n Charlotte, N. C, noiily. ing (lie said John A. Cooper, lo be and api-i.i at (be pix( (crm of llns Cuuri, (o be lulu for M.ck. lenburg counly. al (lie conr( house in (. iiallotte, on die 4th Monday in April mxt.and plead, an. swir or demur to plmnliH 'a ovuliuii, or Il.e same will be heard ex parte as lo him. Widieea, W. K. Keid, clerk of our said court, s( offic", in Charh.tie, tl.a -ttli Monday in J .nuary, A. D. IH59, no in the 63u year ol American In dependence. W. K. REID.c.r.c. .VereA 15. l?f.9. Prs Fee d. if. &3Piotice. f a II E ri rm "of H I N DEISSi N A AIIIiEN-S w as JL mssolvcd on Ihe 1st ol J.nuary, by mutu-.l coii.eiit. JAS. P. HEMiEKSON, will 'hereafter carrv ou (he business on Ina vw n account. Ail iietsons intiebl. d w ill pli rd snd vsl up ttlr Ihe buMIirtial lltul in lunif tu tt HENDERSON A AH REN S. January lt;.0. HAVING a-lil mv entire interest in lb. firm n HENDERSON A A II K ENS (o Mr. J. P. HEN DEItsON. I siiil ciiec( o remain for a. me tun. yet at (lie sloie and shall be happy to ail or mv friends and customer., partieui. rly n ihoai wito would lork ovi r llie tittle coange. Hue lin and (he concern. F. W. AHRKNS. January 18-9. A.C. "WILLIAMS OH. a TTORNEY and Ccunselinr a( L..w, haata ft a, a an i ffiee, jointly with J. A. Fox, F.-n Bitstaira next door to (baCouit ll iuae, whera ha Will be constantly preaeni 10 a.ieoo 10 an cane professional business mads for hnneelf, ar far Mr. Fo, whan h. la sbseal. JanvMn) 4, 1955 3if TIe iTInrWflta. rdRRKCTKD BY OA TIM i WILLIAM. CHARLOTTE. MAY 3, o59. I'.ACON. Mama " .-.des . Jlog roune, . Snmildera, ... Butjging, Gunny Beef.. Mutter, Beeawnx Hel.... ... liriinov, Apple, ' ' Pfiich . Coi ton Coffee. Kib " Java Candles, Adamantine SjH-rm,, " Tnl low Com, Chickens Cloth .Copperas " Lindscy F.ggs, Flour , ...lb... ...lb ,...lb ....lb ) ...lb ,...lb ...lb..; ..bushel ....trill..;.;.:. lb......;. lb lb ,.....lb........ lb..:;;... ..Ill ,. 1 1 f - ...in fa; ...10 (, ..20' (it, I2J 12 ir oo: A Yi 25 f-r, (" ("J (" () ...ou ...no Ml II 14 ou 3J SO' H . ..a (o ...!2J fT.J ...80 (iv ...28 ;.45 lb......... ....bushel.... eucli , . ...yurri yard dozen .... bbl b. gs lb lb lb ....bbl. No I.. Kills ,-ilI "i! .... bushel, .. i ... t.bl lb lb bushel... lb bushel... bushel... bushel... bualiol... lb lb ei sack I.ushel... ....bu.lu-l... Sl ...73 (t ...15 ...l-'J f.u ...25 ) .... ' ...5 J H ...Uull (.) ,..JI) ? ...Mi ri. ,. i f'j ..tlfi On ..f.lUO , ....CO (... ...40 (' ....70 .r. ....til f.) ! '2 15 30 10 S n 35 13 S 00' 35 on Fe.itln-ra, Lnrd M .itt. n Mack -r--; Molasses, N.O W.I Mea Milllcta Williiinglo Nails, Northern Soutiiern Oils ''orl1 n CO I7S 60 i) Hi II 9 00 l 120 115 ri-.i ! PoUtiHia, Il ial. 8wi-et i Ric-,. f Sugar, faiaf', Brown rlni. e. Ware, i Sail, I Tea 7il f-e. ...50 fl ...M C; ....14 ('., ....II Cn. .... 8 . 150 (., (.1! 1 15 (, ....110 () ....45 ,...4H M Wheal, while Whiskey, Noi " N.i Wool, (heal G Varn 55 45 23 S3 it) waelieii, llllivaali. ...27 .1(0 (n,. 105 REMARKS, otice Ih.a waek. No change to COl.l MI;IA MAUKET. Coi.cMBi. April 30, IS..0. ( OTTTON Our ci.lion market ha been rath er null tl.ioiiehout the past wtea,aud i.nees have II a lillllllll i.iinile.l In .1 I j feuta. II Al ON, ( Oli.N, PI'A, OATS, .. rl.tH'li, K 1. 1 ,17 h. '1 i.i SJlesuf tl.c week t-s, a( prices vvrying frnm 9 ogrolilul, , ...lfia a UJ 10. . yil (.n 95 ...55 (n 60 ....3 (i- 3-27 CIIARI.L.s'InX MARKET. CiuRi r.iT. n, April 29, 1859. ff iTIC'VwTlie trans, eli. i.s in coitoii lo dsy "..eht-.i uowarcs of i .it' 'J t.aies t li.e prices car. nl tl lot i lose of :i. wuk were well Maintain. ed, vi7 : tl f-r R'i its. Three Ladies l -I'D l.i,ve had t retiecttnlly ,nn i, .ceto (ha Citn-na of Charlotte and surrounding; , thut he i-t i i I enntiunes ti.e above bust. ; t ! , e iii Charloitc. Were he is nr.-nared to fur .h DOORS, PL1NDS A NT I S.AS, lo the pub. f on the most reasonable terms, am, on (lie short- is! f.vmg a greit m.inv sinall claims for work me. semtered nil over ll.ecoui.trv.be is deter. mrro , r,.,ner i,;, ,m.,ou 0f doing buainesa ani h(rtfltr .,; riqi,e 3 -'Ja. awrjaj H 1 for 11 work dou 1 in Ii i i Machine Simp, before rc-39-Crn val. P,e. 7. IS5S. 111). AL HAVANA LOTTERY. TUv nrxt nr linTiry d awinz i.t'tlie Royitl H. n I.fitfrry cnnducleti by tlie Sniunh Government, under the iirrvii!on nf the I'tipUm Geuerl of (uh, will tflkr inif nl Havana, on WKI'NESIiAV, May IS, IS 59. $324,000. SOUH:0 NL'MKKO C17 DKl'INAKIO, t rn Ai, n:i.i: $1 ; 0,000 I priieof"s(O.0 I nprnesofwa.OOO 1 " 5 OOOO I III I. WOO I " rt;.OI)0 I t. " ftOO I " I ..0 143 " " 40W I " li,00 i'd Apr'xini'a .i00 4 Ai...fx.m..oiis(.. ti e 1 00,1 1 -0 ftdiO i.cl.. 4 of 4no I.. ..( ..0C ; 4 of 4'iU (.. 930,000 ; 4 ot Siliu iu i.,i:i.i. ; 4 oi rii'O ta $IO,inil. WhoieTi.;..ts-'i'; Halv.sflO; Quartir$5 ri.zes Cain e a I Sij i. I a I 5 per Cent, discount. BiMs on all a ,H nl li .l.ks taken al par. A orawiog will be foiwatded aa soon aa the r suit bieoii.es i.nown. Com nun. Call.. na redressed l CON RODR Gl'EZ. ii are ol t'lly Post, Charleston. S. C.) un. Iii tin 1-u. of May will be attended .0 ' Persona ordering Ticket, will please rile (hell names plain and give llieir posl olhci, county anj state. Wm. A. Owens, A TTOIISEY AT LA ( ll tiuoi n:, ti. ... axr-ja yILL prsetice in the I ourtsof .vtecklenburf ana (ha urrouuaing eounliea. trOffca n.srly opposite me I oat Office. Jbw.28. 16i8. 4Mf 1 "HO t..ve had some exoffi. n.e as Teach. V 7 ir, w..nl emp.niii.i.1 f..r ib.'.K. Tin y I wiii tear-n the Ei.gl.-sn In ,. in In . anu Music on tin Piano rtf. Aouress Mi.... M. M. mi! f. L. M I.M 'laaTSS, Lnir.n Co. N. C. J,.a. 4, 1.D. 43 Jin . -W sJ'C.JT.D n

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